Energie voor burgers Bürger für Energie


Energie voor burgers Bürger für Energie
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements
to accelerate local
production of renewable
energy by citizens
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Goal project
Our energy supply is more and more from renewable sources. Production moves from centralized industry
towards decentralized small-scale installations. Energy will be produced in our backyard as it was centuries ago.
Citizens have organized themselves in many places and created companies in recent years. They met each other
discussing their roles and responsibilities and actions on energy reduction strategies and on local production
of renewable energy by themselves. These initiatives support climate and energy goals of local governments.
Balancing and cooperation between citizens, private companies and governments on policies, concrete projects
and joint investments is a hot topic.
You are invited to join the first international meeting and contribute actively in one of the workshops.
Goal international meeting
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Goal project
Goal international meeting
10.15 Master speeches:
- energetic society by Thijs de la Court
(alderman municipality Lochem)
- Results of interviews (by Tonnie Tekelenburg)
11.00 Panel with key stakeholders on new roles of
citizens versus governments and private
11.30 Workshops: 1 Energy Initiatives
2 Wind Energy
3 Waterpower, biomass energy
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Master speeches:
- Participatory process for citizens and
formulation of governance deals by Thea
van Kemenade (University Nijmegen)
- Possibilities from a People to People project
into planning of an Interreg V program
by Herr Alexander Jaegers (Euregio office)
14.15 Workshops continued: planning and focus
15.00 Closing drinks
15.20 Optional: Excursion on sustainability
measures in the City Hall
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Workshop 1, Energy Initiatives
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Goal project
Goal international meeting
Chairman: Wil Philipsen
Technical assistance: Nick Verkade
Topic: Workshop 1 will be introduced by a speech on a common vision of the development of renewable energy and
the contribution of citizen initiatives in the energy transition. Number, location and type of initiatives and potential of
local production of sustainable energy in the border crossing project area are reviewed. Technically the focus is on a
smart mix of renewable energy sources.
Goal of the workshop: to set the boundaries for successful cooperation between organized citizens,
private companies and local governments. Role of energy network companies will be discussed here in relation with
smart grid development and reducing transport losses. Issues will be raised to discuss further in three follow-up
sessions aiming at proposals for accelerating local production of renewable energy by local citizens.
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Workshop 2, Wind Energy
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Goal project
Goal international meeting
Chairman: Siward Zomer
Technical assistance: Rik Olde Loohuis
Topic: Workshop 2 will be introduced by Siward Zomer on new arrangements for cooperation between
citizens (organizations), private companies and local governments for wind energy development. He will
provide an overview of existing arrangements and expectations for citizen organizations to participate in the
development of wind energy. LochemEnergie developed a toolbox for a participatery approach of bottom-up
and local wind energy.
Goal of the workshop: to identify key topics that enhance wind energy development such as local
government procedures, changes to land use planning, research requirements, and possibilities to increase
confidence between citizens, private companies and governments. Question is what new roles and
responsibilities for each stakeholder must be? Issues will be raised to discuss further in three follow-up
sessions aiming at proposals for accelerating local production of renewable energy by citizens.
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Workshop 3, Water Power /Biomass Energy
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Goal project
Goal international meeting
Chairman: Thea Van Kemenade
Technical assistance: Tonnie Tekelenburg
Topic: Workshop 3 will be introduced by Thea van Kemenade on new arrangements for cooperation between citizens
(organizations), private companies and local governments for water power. Traditional stakeholders like the body of
surveyors of the dikes moved from water management for agricultural purposes and water risk management towards
nature development, tourism, alternative use of water resources like energy supply and landscape development.
What are new roles and responsibilities for stakeholders, especially local citizen organizations?
Goal of the workshop: to make an inventory on energy production initiatives by citizens and other stakeholders on
waterpower and to carry out a SWOT analysis and to select best practices. Issues will be raised to discuss further in three
follow-up sessions aiming at proposals for accelerating local production of renewable energy by citizens.
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Goals of the project
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Goal project
Goal international meeting
This people to people project will connect several actors, policies and innovative aspects of the energy transition
from the Dutch and German side. The focus is on gathering experience how the initiatives arise and can be
strengthened by involved stakeholders in order to accelerate the local production of renewable energy by or with
citizen organizations. The project will provide facts, knowledge and starting points for new arrangements among
stakeholders on social and economic innovation in the region. Our pre-assumption is that knowledge and experience
on the technical economic side is well-known, but that social/organizational aspects need further development.
The following questions will be answered in the project:
1. What are differences and similarities in basic assumptions in the border area?
2. Which conceptual working processes can be distinguished by the creation of citizen initiatives,
and how are process steps passed through?
3. What new roles and responsibilities and innovative arrangements are required in the energy transition?
4.How could key stakeholders cooperate better and how can development be supported best?
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Goal of the first international meeting
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Goal project
Goal international meeting
The first international meeting: New Roles, Responsibilities and Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of sustainable energy by citizens aims at bringing together stakeholders, to inform them about the main
topic, to challenge them to participate in one of the three bordercrossing working groups in order to find innovative
arrangements to speed up the local production and consumption of renewable energy.
The topics are:
- formulation of a common view on the importance of the development of decentralized renewable
energy production and the contribution of citizens the such a transition;
- identification of innovative arrangements between stakeholders.
Working groups will be established among the participants. Results of the working groups will be presented and
discussed in the second international meeting in Osnabrück in june 2014.
First international meeting
March 27, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem
Energie voor burgers
Bürger für Energie
Innovative Arrangements to accelerate local
production of renewable energy by citizens
Workshop 1 Energy Initiatives
Workshop 2 Wind Energy
Workshop 3 Water Power/Biomass Energy
Invitations: LochemEnergie is inviting all interested local governments, knowledge institutes, business enterprises,
civil society and energy cooperation’s from Landkreis Osnabruck and regions Twente, Achterhoek and Stedendriehoek
in the Netherlands.
Information and application: tonnie.tekelenburg@LochemEnergie.net
For Dutch speaking partners contact: Tonnie Tekelenburg: +31 6 5247 6832
For German speaking partners contact: Wil Philipsen +31 6 8190 9845
Goal international meeting
Venue and date: LochemEnergie invite stakeholders to meet each other on March 27th 2014.
The venue of the first international meeting is the new local city hall of Lochem.
The address is: Gemeentehuis Lochem - Hanzeweg 8 - 7241 CR Lochem - tel. city hall: +31 573 289 222
Route to City Hall Lochem: via Google maps >>>
Goal project
First international meeting
March 27th, 2014 ~ 9.30 - 16.00
City Hall, Lochem, the Netherlands
People to people project, in cooperation with:
Provincie Gelderland
Landkreis Osnabrück
Universiteit Nijmegen
Gemeente Lochem