Declaratia de independenta energetica
Declaratia de independenta energetica
Sun-E Initiative: “Energy Independence Declaration” Declaratia de independenta energetica - DIE concept emergent si sustenabil asumat de SUNE Prof. dr. ing. Nicolae OLARIU Universitatea Valahia din Târgovişte Departament de Cercetare Energie Mediu Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Content About Sun-E Romanian Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Framework RES Potential in Romania National Renewable Energy Action Plan RES Legislation Electricity from RES (E-RES) Market development & Business Opportunities Romanian Structural Instruments Romanian National Programs Black Sea Regional Centre of Excellence on RES Building Integration of PV systems Conclusions Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 About Sun-E BIG PICTURE 20092009-2011 DIGITECH ELECTRIC EOLIAN POWER HORIZON ENERGY Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 About Sun-E: general objectives Sun-E recognized from 2009, is the first Romanian Industry Association devoted to RES and Energy Efficiency (EE); Sun-E have 41 members representing Companies and Individual Experts on RES&EE, market development, financing mechanisms, legislation, education and research; Sun-E promotes RES&EE at national levels and assist its members in their business development; Sun-E analyses, formulates and establishes policy positions for the RES by Industrial Initiatives; Sun-E represent a communication platform between Industry, Government, Local Authorities and development structures like Research Institutions or Universities; Sun-E is involved in monitoring, gathering and supplying information for the national report on RES development according to the National Action Plan; Sun-E participate to the implementation of the European Industry Initiatives; Sun-E develop strategic partnership with large number of Industrial and Professional Associations, Chambers of Commerce, EU structures, Universities, Research Organizations. Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 About Sun-E: permanent activities Anticipating Romanian Legislation having a potential impact on the sector; Advising key decision-makers on the most adequate policies to sustainable develop of a RES industry in Romania; Mobilizing the sector via working groups and workshops to define clear positions on political, technical and economic issues; Promoting a higher penetration of the most efficient technology; Accompanying industrial Programs or Initiatives; development through National Supporting national organizations in achieving their local objectives; Dissemination by organizing workshops, seminars conferences, training and information events; and Networking activities for promoting the legislation and trend of RES market. Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Romanian RES framework: European Context 20-20-20 European targets to 2020 20% reduction in emissions, 20% of total consumption from renewable energies sources 20% improvement in energy efficiency Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC Directive 2010/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings nearly zero- energy buildings Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Romanian RES framework: EU 27 Engagements 60,0 49 50,0 40 38 40,0 30,0 20,0 13 16 17 5,8 15 15,0 6,9 3,1 14 15 14 10 7,2 5,2 0,9 20 17,8 0,0 1,3 6,7 16,0 13 8,7 4,3 2,4 str B e ia l B u gia lg a ri Ce a hi a C Da ne ipru m a E s r ca to F i n ia nl an d Fr a Ge a n ţ rm a an Gr ia ec Ir l ia an da It a Le lia to Lit nia Lu uan xe ia m bu rg M ar ea Mal Br ta it a Ol nie an P o da P o lon i rtu a g R o a lia m â S l n ia ov a S l cia ov en S p ia ain Su a e U n dia ga r ia 2,9 20,5 11 10,3 6,1 2,2 18 13 9,4 10,0 18 25 24 23 23 17,0 18,0 16 13 31 28,5 25 23,3 - 32,6 30 Au [% ] 34 39,8 Procentul SRE din consumul total de energie la nivelul anului 2005 [%] Ţinte privind procentul SRE din consumul total de energie la nivelul anului 2020 [%] Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Romanian RES framework: National Action Plan Directive 2009/28/EC on RES National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP): June 2010 plan_en.htm Directive 2010/31/EC on Building performances National Action Plan: will bee published in 2011 Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 RES Potential in Romania (1) *From Strategy for Using Renewable Energy Sources approved by GD 1535/2003. **New evaluation in National Renewable Energy Action Plan-2010 Renewable energy source Annual energy potential Economic energy equivalent (thousand toe) Application thermal * 60x106GJ 1.433,00 Thermal energy photovoltaic* 1.200GWh 103,00 Electrical energy Wind energy 23.000GWh 1.978,00 Electrical energy Hydro energy, out of which**: 40.000GWh 3.440,00 Electrical energy 6.000GWH 516,00 Electrical energy 318x106GJ 7.597,00 Thermal energy / (Electrical energy) 7x106GJ 167,00 Thermal energy Solar Energy under 10MW** Biomass* Geothermal energy * Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 RES Potential in Romania (2) Solar Energy Wind Energy Biomass Energy Hydro Energy Geothermal Energy Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 National Renewable Energy Action Plan (1) National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) for Romania is available at the address: NREAP represent official position for RES development. Energy Strategy in Romania for the period 2007-2020 was drafted and approved by the government by GD 1069/2007 Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 National Renewable Energy Action Plan (2) RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGETS AND TRAJECTORIES National overall target: A. Share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy in 2005 (S2005) (%) 17,00 B. Target of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy in 2020 (S2020) (%) 24,00 C. Expected total adjusted energy consumption in 2020 (ktoe) 30.278,00 D. Expected amount of energy from renewable sources corresponding to the 2020 target (calculated as B x C) (ktoe) 7.267,00 Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 National Renewable Energy Action Plan (3) RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGETS AND TRAJECTORIES National 2020 target and estimated trajectory of energy from renewable sources in heating and cooling, electricity and transport ? Is possible to bee changed ! Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 National Renewable Energy Action Plan (4) Who Does What? • • • • • How is horizontal coordination facilitated between different administrative bodies, responsible for the different parts of the permit? How many procedural steps are needed to receive the final authorisation/licence/permit? Is there a one-stop shop for coordinating all steps? Are timetables for processing applications communicated in advance? What is the average time for obtaining a decision for the application? Local Authority Network Operator Environment Authority ANRE: National Regulatory Authority on Energy Guidelines for the Producer of Electricity From Renewable Energy Sources (E-RES) Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 RES Legislation (1) Legislative Incompleteness • HG 443 / 2003, HG 958 / 2005 • Law no. 220/2008 • Law no. 139/2010 • • Law no. 213/1998 (public property) Orders no. 22/2006 and no. 38/2006 (monitoring GC) Promotion System for the Production of RES-Electricity: Green Certificate (GC) and Quota Obligations for the period 2008 -2014, the value of a GC to be traded on the GCs market is calculated from a minimum trading value of 27 €/GC per certificate up to a maximum trading value of 55 €/GC per certificate the failure of any electricity supplier to fulfill the annual quota obligations requires payment of an penalization of 110 Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E €/GC for each not purchased certificate RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 RES Legislation (2) 3 GC for 1 MWh E-SRE supplied to the grid by a new hydro plant with installed power < 10 MW; 2 GC for 1 MWh E-SRE supplied to the grid by a updated hydro plant with installed power < 10 MW; 1GC is issued for 1MWh supplied to the public grid by E-RES producer (dependent on used technology) 1 GC for 2 MWh E-SRE supplied to the grid by a old hydro plant with installed power < 10 MW; 2 GC for 1 MWh E-SRE supplied to the grid by a wind turbine till the year 2017 and 1 GC starting with the year 2018; 1 GC for 1 MWh E-SRE supplied to the grid by the biomass, waste, geothermal, electrical power plant; 6 GC for 1 MWh E-SRE supplied to the grid by the photovoltaic producer. Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 RES Legislation (3) Price for the trade of the RES electricity (P_E-RES): P_E-RES=PEM+PGCS PEM- Price on Electricity Market PGCS- Price from Green Certificate Scheme Electricity Market Operator (SC.OPCOM SA): OPCOM website: Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 E-RES: up to date situation 2010 Energy Production from RES 90.000 80.000 Energy [MWh] 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 TOTAL GC 10.000 - 290.045 274.439 7 112.115 wind microhydro photovoltaic biomass 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.538 1.396 2.334 2.133 2.077 2.113 162 23.068 15.392 21.736 2.671 8 9 10 22.139 39.775 62.364 11 12 6.768 84.876 28.036 27.206 24.591 18.718 20.878 21.004 15.305 31.795 0 0 0 2 0 2.926 4.407 4.189 4.393 509 1 0 11.958 10.095 2 8.981 1 0 0 1 17.103 13.593 14.444 14.936 Month Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 E-RES: trends in market development Green Certificates Market Operator (SC.OPCOM SA): OPCOM website: Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Market development & Business Opportunities (1) Romanian Structural Instruments X X X X X X X X X general X specific RES applications Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E X special RES developments (mas. 4.2) RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Market development & Business Opportunities (2) Romanian National Programs Environmental Funds Administration (Adminstratia Fondului de Mediu) Green House Program (Program Casa Verde) RES Program (Programului privind producerea energiei din surse regenerabile ) Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism Thermal Rehabilitation Rural infrastructure Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment (Ministerul Economiei, Comertului si Mediului de Afaceri) International Cooperation Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Market development & Business Opportunities (3) Black Sea Regional Centre of Excellence on Renewable Energy Romanian Initiative Main Issues RES developments in the Black Sea region; Stimulating regional cooperation on renewables in economic, research and development domains; Stimulating a strategic partnership on RES at both economic and political level in the Black Sea countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine); Financial solutions and regulations Membership Representatives of the national and international renewable energy agencies or associations representing renewable power producers, employers federations; Managers of renewable energy companies and organizations operating or interested to invest in the Black Sea region Representatives of Utilities, Universities, Research Centers, environmental nongovernmental organizations and consumer groups, consultants, financial institutions. Liaisons with other Bodies European Commission, European Parliament, European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), IRENA, National Regulatory Authorities in the region, other bodies or programs where appropriate. Contact: Gimi Rambu at Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 Market development & Business Opportunities (4) Building Integration of PV systems PD- distributed energy production E2B - efficient energy building PD Customer Oriented Electricity Market Potential for CO2 mitigation E2B 20-40 t/kWp E2B Multifunctional [1] Building Security of Supply Components [1] B. Gaiddon, M. Jedliczka, COMPARED ASSESSMENT OF SELECTED ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS OF PHOTOVOLTAIC ELECTRICITY IN OECD CITIES IEA PVPS Task 10, Activity .4,Report IEA-PVPS T10-01:2006, May 2006 Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (1) New Energy Sources Laboratory – NESL 1974 Research Institute for Electrical Engineering ICPE 1976 First generation of solar cells: Si mono, 2” and 3” 1980 Industrial production 1982 6.5-10 Wp PV modules PVB laminate Small stand-alone application: • water pumping • cathodic protection • telecommunication • lighting and signalization … 1982 1986 Starting the Romanian PV program Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (2) Starting Concentrating PVT Program Combined heat & power (ICPE) 1984 1985 1986 Linear Fresnel Lens GaAs solar cells Parabolic trough mono Si solar cells Industrial utilization in thermal applications Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (3) 1987 Solar Home System (ICPE) 1kWp Stand Alone Application 48/220V, 50Hz Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (4) 1989 Starting the Power Plant Program (ICPE): • 10kWp Off-grid PV PP •10kWp On-grid PV PP 1998 Starting the Rural Electrification Program “100 Households Supplied by Renewables” Dr. Dan Teodoreanu, ICPE SA , Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (5) Starting Building Integration Program at “Valahia” University 1995 1999 Solar Amphitheatre from Targoviste: First BIPV application in Romania 10kWp grid-connect. Operating since may 2001 2002 “Intelligent and ecological house” at ICPE-NESL Agigea Black See Test Site Facility Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (6) Starting Building Integration Program at “Valahia” University 1995 2005 30kWp grid-connected PV plant at “Politehnica” University PV enlargement project Co-authors: Dr. Mihai Predescu, Dr.Virgil Racicovschi ICPE SA 2007 40kWp, roof-top, grid-connected PV plant at ICEMENERG-Bucharest Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (7) 2008 10kWp grid connected PV system at “Transilvania” University of Braşov in cooperation with ICPE Bucureşti & UVT-DCEM 2011 2MWp (total) grid connected BIPV system at “Transilvania” University of Braşov distributed into the different buildings of the university campus Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 PV development in Romania (8) 2013 RES Research Institute at Valahia University of Târgovişte 100 kWp roof-top an façade grid connected PV system Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 CONCLUSIONS (1) RES Industry have a strapping development since 2008; Romania have not problems to achieve the 2020 EU targets on RES; Romania have a good natural potential for all renewable sources: solar, wind, biomass, geothermal; To reach at economic practicability of RES, Romania needs to accelerate the development of the national RES industry; to remove several legal and administrative barriers; E-RES market is dominated by wind energy (from 2010) and microhidro. Big investments on wind energy: wind farm project from CEZ (started in 2010) and wind farm project from IBERDOLA in Dobrogea E-RES (CHP) from waste wood was developed based on carbon credits. Biomass have a big economic potential. Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 CONCLUSIONS (2) The investor in RES have good opportunities to apply for different structural funds or national programs; Romanian RES Industry have important Initiatives to develop regional and international cooperation; Integrating RES (especially PV, Solar Thermal, Heat Pumps, Biomass) Building sector is stimulated by specific national programs; BIPV represent an Interdisciplinary domain with high R&D potential regarding: Conversion technologies; Specific materials; System components; Storage technologies; Distributed energy production and smart grids. BIPV has a high impact in economical and social development; generating of new business opportunities; increasing of the global energy efficiency of the buildings- active buildings. Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 CONCLUSIONS (3) The RES and EE technologies are offered in Romania by a large number of organization or companies Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011 CONCLUSIONS (4) Integrated Energy Concepts for Buildings and Communities heating Thermal Energy Electricity cooling Combined Heat and Power Photovoltaic Micro-generation etc… Biomass Waste PVT … Transport Solar Thermal Heat pumps Biomass … Program Development Bio fuel Electric Hydrogen … Research Sun-E Initiative: Energy Technologies Economic Impact “Energy Independence Declaration- DIE” National Program on Building integration of RES technologies INDEPENDENT but INTERCONNECTED Buildings Storage Networking Smart Grid DIE Initiative: Communities Asociaţia Patronală Surse Noi de Energie: Sun-E New and Renewable Energy Sources Industry Association: Sun-E Demonstrations Zero Energy Building Zero Energy Community Education and Training Financial Mechanisms RETS Seminar Bucharest, 14-15 June 2011