31st ANNUAL HAHIRA HONEY BEE PAGEANT Sponsored by Hahira Lions Club • Saturday September 29th at 10:00 A.M. Hahira Middle School Cafetorium Hahira Lions Club c/o Citizens Community Bank-Joyce P.O. Box 338 Hahira, GA 31632 For more information or any questions please contact: Harriet Crum (229) 794-2155 Jodie Norman (229) 560-5194 Tondra Larson (229) 563-6588 For additional applications, please visit Tillman Insurance Agency, Inc.'s website: www.tia-ins.com PAGEANT INFORMATION Categories: I) .Wee Miss Ages 4-6 Presented 10:00 A.M. Y) Miss HHB Queen Ages 16-23 Interviews 12:15 P.M. II) Tiny Miss Ages 7-9 III) Little Miss Ages 10-12 V) Miss HHB Queen Ages 16-23 IV) Junior Miss Ages 13-15 V) Miss HHB Queen Ages 16-23 ***Please be ready for your age group. Start times will depend on number of entrants*** Sponsorship/Fee: For all categories is $100.00 cumulative. Minimum individual sponsorship is $10.00. Sponsorship Fees are non-refundable. Checks made payable to Hahira Lions Club. A $30 fee will be added to all returned checks. Top three contestants to raise most sponsorship money will be presented cash award of$150.00, $75.00, and $50.00. Awards: Categories I-IV: Queens receive $75, a trophy, sash, crown and flowers. 1strunner up receives $50, a trophy, and flowers. 2nd runner up receives $40, a trophy, and flowers. 3rd and 4th runners up receive flowers. CategoryV: Queen receives a $500 college scholarship, $250 cash,a trophy, sash, crown and flowers. Scholarship funded by Citizens Community Bank. 1strunner up receives $150, a trophy, and flowers. 2nd runner up receives $100, a trophy, and flowers. 3rd and 4th runners up receive flowers. A wards will be presented to the top five contestants in each category unless there are fewer than ten contestants in the category; then 50% of contestants will be awarded. Application Deadline: Admissions: * All funds -All applications and sponsor lists and monies must be turned in by 6:00PM on Friday September 14th 2012 atCitizens Community Bank in Hahira or mailed to: Hahira Lions Club P.o. Box 338 Hahira, GA 31632 -Late Applications will be accepted until 4 P.M., Monday, September 1ih 2012. A $50 late fee will apply. Late applications will be ineligible for sponsorship awards and name will not be printed in program. $5.00 for everyone except for mother's of contestants. $2.00 for all children 6 and under. raised by this pageant support those who are in need. Some include: GA Lions Lighthouse Foundation; GA Sheriff Boys Ranch; Camp for the Blind; Eye Bank; HMS Severe and Profound Class; and many more. For additional applications, please visit Tillman Insurance Agency, Inc. 's website: www.tia-ins.corn REHEARSAL INFORMATION Rehearsals will be Thursday, September 27,2012 at Hahira Middle School Cafetorium. Contestants may dress casual. Rehearsal schedule as follows: Wee Miss II} Tiny Miss Ill} Little Miss IV} Junior Miss V} Miss HHB Queen I) Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-23 5:30 6:30 7:15 8:00 8:30 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. St age Layout Enter/Exit X 1" stop X 3rd stop X 2nd stop Judges Table Dress: -Contestants in ages groups 4-6,7-9,10-12, and 13-15 will be presented in formal wear (i.e. pageant dresses, prom dresses, tea length). -Contestants in age group 16-23 will be presented in both casual wear and formal wear. Interview: Only contestants in age group 16-23 will be interviewed. Interviews begin at 12:15 PM in Casual Attire There will be no "on stage" questions to any contestants. Dressing Area Rules: -Dressing area will open at 09:00 AM -Each contestant will be allowed only one helper in dressing room. * All funds raised by this pageant support those who are in need. Some include: GA Lions Lighthouse Foundation; GA Sheriff Boys Ranch; Camp tor the Blind; Eye Bank; HMS Severe and Profound Class; and many more. For additional applications, please visit Tillman Insurance Agency, Inc.'s website: www.tia-ins.com HONEY BEE PAGEANT OFFICAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 BY 6:00 P. M. CITIZENS COMMUNITY BANK AT HAHIRA (Late applications will be accepted until four, Monday, September 17,2012. A $50 late application fee will apply and contestants are ineligible to receive sponsorship awards & name will not be printed in program.) PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY: NAME: ADDRESS:STREET/PO PARENTS' ADDRESS: ___ BOX: CITY ZIP __ (IF SAME, ENTER SAME) _ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _ HOME PHONE: CELL: _ DATE OF BIRTH: ---------- DRESS COLOR IF KNOWN: -------- I)All Applicants must enclose a copy of their birth certificate OR complete the notarized certification below. 2)Parents/Guardians signature is required if applicant is under 18 years of age. 3)Contestant must compete in the aged group they are the day of the pageant. 4)Applicant must be a U.S. Citizen, have been born a female, be single and never married, never pregnant nor have given birth to a child, and never been convicted of a . felony crime. ' 5)Queens agree to attend Honeybee Festival Parade and return for following year's crowning. 6)Any unruly, unsportsmanlike, or unbecoming conduct by an applicant, parent, guardian or any member of the applicant's entourage will result in immediate dismissal from the pageant and the facility and forfeiture of any and all titles and awards. . 7)Applicants agree to hold harmless and blameless the Hahira Lions Club, Inc., the Honey Bee Pageant system, and/or any director, person, pageant facility used during all phases of the pageant from damages incurred through loss, theft, or injury caused by or during applicant's participation in the pageant or related activities. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. " NOTARY PUBLIC * All funds PARENT OR GUARDIAN raised by this pageant support those who are in need. Some include: GA Lions Lighthouse Foundation; GA Sheriff Boys Ranch; Camp for the Blind; Eye Bank; HMS Severeand Profound Class; and many more. For , additional applications, please visit Tillman Insurance Agency, Inc.'s website: www.tia-ins.com *RETURN THIS PAGE* THIS FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS TO BE USED IN PAGEANT. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY IN LARGE AND DARK LETTERS. DO NOT INCLUDE PREVIOUS BEAUTY CONTEST RESULTS. NAME(First, Middle, Last): _ AGE(On Oct. 1st):__ PARENTS: CITY: ------- _ SCHOOL: ----------- GRADE: ---- HOBBIES & INTERESTS: CLUBS & ACTIVITIES: * All funds raised by this pageant support those who are in need. Some include: GA Lions Lighthouse Foundation; GA Sheriff Boys Ranch; Camp for the Blind; Eye Bank; HMS Severe and Profound Class; and many more. For additional applications, please visit Tillman Insurance Agency, Inc.'s website: www.tia-ins.com *RETURN THIS PAGE* SPONSORSHIP LIST CONTESTANTNAME _ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO HAHIRA LIONS CLUB, INC . . $10.00 MINUMUM PER SPONSOR(if individual please put first and last name) PRINT LEGIBLY SPONSOR SPONSOR _ CITY/ST ATE CITY/ST ATE AMOUNT AMOUNT_· SPONSOR / _ _ _ CITY 1ST ATE AMOUNT AMOUNT _ SPONSOR --------------------- CITY/ST ATE AMOUNT AMOUNT _ _ _ CITY ISTATE SPONSOR ,--_ SPONSOR~ CITY 1ST ATE SPONSOR _ _ _ SPONSOR~ _ CITY/STATE CITY/STATE __ AMOUNT AMOUNT _ SPONSOR _ SPONSOR _ CITY IS TAT E CITY 1ST ATE _ AMOUNT AMOUNT _ * All funds raised by this pageant support those who are in need. Some include: GA Lions Lighthouse Foundation; GA Sheriff Boys Ranch; Camp for the Blind; Eye Bank; HMS Severe and Profound Class; and many more.