Chr tm - Atchison Chamber of Commerce
Chr tm - Atchison Chamber of Commerce
DECEMBER 3-9, 2013 This Week In 200 S. 10th, PO Box 126 Atchison, KS, 66002 (913) 367-2427 UPCOMING CHAMBER MEETINGS & COMMUNITY EVENTS: TUESDAY DEC. 3 • #GivingTuesday WEDNESDAY DEC. 4 • Created Equal Film Series @ Noon – “The Freedom Riders”, Atchison Public Library THURSDAY DEC. 5 • Created Equal Film Series @ Noon – “Slavery by Another Name”, Library • Swedish Nights @ The Artist Box, 5-8 • Shop Late, Shop Local, win $25, 5-8pm FRIDAY DEC. 6 • Retail Mtg, 8:15am @ Pepper Mill & Co. • Members Show Reception @ Muchnic Art Gallery, 6pm • It’s a Wonderful Life, Theatre Atchison SATURDAY DEC. 7 • Mistletoe Market, 10am3pm, Atchison Middle School • Methodist Church Soup and Chili, 10am-6:30pm • Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony, 12noon, Riverfront • Sights & Sounds of Christmas, 10am-7pm, Commercial Street • It’s a Wonderful Life, Theatre Atchison SUNDAY DEC. 8 • It’s a Wonderful Life, Theatre Atchison, 2pm SIGHTS & SOUNDS Chr�tm� of A Beautiful Day Filled with Christmas Spirit for the Entire Family! Atchison, Kansas Saturday Dec. 7, 2013 10am - 7pm The Santa House 10am – 3:30pm | 500 Block Commercial Santa’s Workshop (Ages 3-10) 12noon-4:30pm | 500 Block of Commercial Sponsored by Bl�h-M�e Little Christmas Train 12pm – 4:30pm | 600 Block Commercial Sponsored by Wells Fargo,L&L Construction, & Bell Construction Live Nativity by Celebration Church 12noon-5pm | 400 Block Commercial Story Time on the Atchison Trolley 12noon-4pm | 6th & Commercial Sponsored by Atch�on Eye Special�ts Gingerbread House Contest 12:15pm | 515 Commercial (Cottage of the Se�ons) Baking Contest & Bake Sale 12:30pm | 600 Commercial Sponsored by Exchange National Bank Dance with Me Performers 1:30pm | 524 Commercial Atchison Shopped Small & Supported Small Business Saturday Based on the numbers, we can say that Small Business Saturday was a success! Many local businesses donated gift certificates to giveaway this past Saturday on the Commercial Street Puppet Shows 2:30 & 3:45pm | 524 Commercial Sponsored by MGP Ingredients Little Mr. & Miss Wonderland Pageant 4pm | 819 Commercial – Sponsored by �e Atch�on Globe Cinderella Carriage Rides - $1 per person 12noon-4:30pm | 5th & Commercial Sponsored byAtch�on Globe Horse-drawn Sleigh Rides - $1 per person 12noon – 3:45pm | 7th & Commercial Sponsored by Citadel Caverns & Extreme Underground Parade of Lights 5:30pm | Downtown Atch�on Parade float winners’ ribbons Donated by Pepper Mill & Co. Candy for the parade route Sponsored by River Citi� Credit Union Sights & Sounds Program Handouts Sponsored by Str�s-Crete PLUS Food & Drink Vendors! Mall. Shoppers who were the first to purchase at least $10 worth of items from a small, independent local business on Saturday were eligible to win one of the donated gift certificates worth up to $25! Chamber Ambassadors who worked the booth on Saturday reported that they were able to give away all of the gift certificates (over 70) in less than one hour. Shoppers were excited to show their support for our local independent businesses - which is great news as we head into what is largest shopping season, and therefore most critical time, for these businesses. A national push to support independent merchants during the holiday shopping season ap- NOTES FROM THE PRESIDENT It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It is definitely MY favorite time of the year, and we will celebrate in grand style this weekend. We have a wonderful event planned for Saturday and hope you will plan to be a part of it. The Sights and Sounds of Christmas will begin at noon with a variety of activities downtown. Bring the kids to make some Christmas crafts at Santa’s Workshop. I’m sure they’ll want to ride the Christmas train, and see the puppet shows, and ride with Miss Cindy on the trolley for story time! Experience a Live Nativity! There will be food and drink vendors of all kinds. And, of course, Santa will be in his house taking those important Christmas lists. (Don’t forget your camera!) Carriage rides and Horse-drawn Sleigh rides will be available for only $1. Be sure to make it to the Little Mr. and Miss Wonderland Pageant at Memorial Hall at 4 pm. Those kids are adorable! Stop by the Chamber booth to pick up a pair of 3D Holiday Specs for the parade…free for the asking as long as the supply lasts, thanks to our great sponsors! We’ll also have some fun flashing hats for sale…because we know you’ll want to watch the Lighted Christmas Parade wearing your flashing, lighted hat! You still have time to enter the Gingerbread House contest and the Baking Contest! Links to both entry forms are located on our website Both contests have great prizes!! The baking contest items will be for sale beginning at 12:30 on Saturday in front of Exchange Bank. Proceeds help us fund the Sights and Sounds of Christmas so be sure to stop by and pick up some delicious baked goods! Our 3rd Annual Parade of Lights begins at 5:30! We hope to see you all there!! Have a great week! Jacque Pregont, President Page 2 | Dec.3, 2013 CHAMBER NEWS (continued from page 1) pears to be gaining traction as Small Business Saturday experienced a 3.6 percent year-overyear increase in spending. “In an uncertain economy, America’s small businesses have remained a beacon — creating good jobs and supporting the families they employ and the communities around them,” said Dan Danner, chief executive officer of the National Federation of Independent Business, in a prepared statement. The 2013 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey released Monday indicates consumers aware of the one-day push to support homegrown retailers and artisans spent $5.7 billion in 2013 with independent merchants, compared with $5.5 billion in 2012. The survey, a joint project between the federation and American Express, also indicates awareness of Small Business Saturday increased from 67 percent in 2012 to 71 percent in 2013. Be sure to continue to shop local this holiday season. And don’t forget you can enter to win a $25 Chamber gift certificate if you shop late on Thursday nights between 5 and 8pm! Pearl Harbor Remembrance Riverfront Ceremony Sat. Dec 7 USS Arizona Remembrance on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7th at noon on the Riverfront. Sponsored by the VFW Post 1175, and the Military Officers Association Pershing Chapter of St. Joseph Missouri. Everyone is welcome to attend. National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, which is observed annually on December 7, is to remember and honor all those who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. On August 23, 1994, United States Congress, by Pub.L. 103–308, designated December 7 of each year as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It is a tradition to fly the Flag of the United States at half-staff until sunset in honor of dead patriots. Memorials have been built to remember the day and its events. The USS Arizona memorial in Pearl Harbor is a marble memorial over the sunken battleship USS Arizona, which was dedicated in 1962. The memorial remembers all military personnel who were killed in the Pearl Harbor attack. Another memorial is that of the USS Utah, a battleship that was attacked and sunk in the attack. A memorial to honor the crew of the USS Utah was dedicated on the northwest shore of Ford Island, near the ship’s wreck, in 1972. The ship was added to the National Register of Historic Places and declared a National Historic Landmark in 1989. In 1990, leading up to the 50th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Congress established the Pearl Harbor Commemorative Medal. This is also known as the Pearl Harbor Survivor’s medal and was awarded to anyone who was in the U.S. Armed Forces and who was present in Hawaii on December 7, 1941 and participated in combat operations that day against the attack. The medal was also awarded to civilians who were killed or injured in the attack. A few years later, Congress amended the law to allow any person who was present in Hawaii on December 7, 1941 and was involved in combat operations against Japanese military forces attacking Hawaii to receive the award. RETAILERS - Get Your Information Included in Kansas Sampler’s Online Holiday Directory Every year, Kansas Sampler does a Christmas online shopping list featuring Kansas-made products. They send it out as an e-blast and on social media feeds. Check it out at o9fo65y. Or people can find the link on www. They will probably do one or two more iterations of it which they will send out on Sundays. If you know of Kansas products in your area that sell online, do let them know. The criteria is listed below. Eligibility requirements to be listed in this shopping list: 1. Kansas-made product 2. It must be possible to purchase (order and pay) the product online, not just via e-mail. Get Your Entry Forms in Today!!! Events Take Place this Saturday PARADE OF LIGHTS CLICK HERE for entry form HOLIDAY BAKING CONTEST Sponsored by Exchange National click here for entry form GINGERBREAD HOUSE CONTEST Sponsored by Cottage of the Seasons click here for entry form Questions? Call Mary Jane Sowers, Projects Coordinator, at (913) 367-2427 Page 3 | Dec. 3, 2013 NEWS ATCHISON CHAMBER GIFT CERTIFICATES make great gifts! Easy to buy. Easy to use. Good for use at over 50 Atchison businesses! shopping, dining, utilities, healthcare, ... and more! Stop by the Chamber or call 367-2427 to order yours today! PLEASE NOTE that orders over qty. of 25 may take up to (3) business days for processing. If you are eligible, please send the following: • Name of product • One or two sentence description of product • Web site or Facebook page for product • Link to order and payment page • Name, mailing address and e-mail address. There is no cost to be on the site but a donation to the Kansas Sampler Foundation is appreciated (978 Arapaho Road, Inman, KS 67546). Or, make donation online. Send information to Marci at #GivingTuesday - Today, Dec. 3 How do you top Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday? How about a day of giving? #GivingTuesday is a day dedicated to giving when charities, families, businesses, community centers, students, retailers, and more come together to celebrate giving and encourage more, better, and smarter giving during the Holiday Season. It’s a simple idea. Just find a way for your family, your community, your company or your organization to come together to give something more. Then tell everyone you can about how you are giving. Be a part of a national celebration of our great tradition of generosity. New York’s 92nd Street Y was the catalyst and incubator for #GivingTuesday, bringing the expertise of 139 years of community-management to the project and providing #GivingTuesday a home. The United Nations Foundation joined as partners, bringing their strategic and communications clout to the project. An amazing team of influencers then offered their ideas, contacts and wisdom to help shape and improve the concept. A powerful list of corporations and non-profits agreed to be founding partners, helping spread the word and committing to their own #GivingTuesday initiatives. Since then, countless organizations, friends and leaders have all added their support and talents to make #GivingTuesday a reality. Swedish Delights @ THE ARTIST BOX THU DEC. 5TH 5PM-8PM Reservations suggested - $20.00 Enjoy a 10 Minute Massage, Swedish Treats, Drinks, & and Create A Beautiful Votive Holder 731 Commercial 913-367-1037 Celebrate the Holidays in Atch�on CASH FOR CHRISTMAS! Shop local for your chance to win $500! Runs Nov. 29 - Dec. 18 SIGHTS & SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS Saturday, December 7 - Noon to 7 CRAY HISTORICAL MUSEUM Holiday Lights on d�play starting Nov. 29 SANTA’S HOUSE Dec. 7 (10am-3:30pm), Dec. 14 & 21 (10am-1pm) IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE �eatre Atch�on, Dec. 6-8 & 13-15 MISTLETOE MARKET Saturday, December 7, 10am-3pm, Atch�on Middle School LADIES NIGHT OUT �ursday, December 12, 5-8, Downtown Atch�on NEW YEAR’S EVE MURDER MYSTERY DINNER Dec. 31 6-8pm at Pepper Mill & Co. THE PEACEMAKERS IN CONCERT Sunday, December 15, 4pm, First Chr�tian Church THE MEMBER SHOW AT THE MUCHNIC November 27 through December 29 Thanks for Visiting! Get More Information About ��e Exciting Events And More At WWW.ATCHISONKANSAS.NET OR CALL (800) 234-1854 V�it and “Like Us” On Facebook At FACEBOOK.COM/VISITATCHISON Page 4 | Dec. 3, 2013 NEWS Artists see Tinker Mural as Investment in NEK town SIGHTS & SOUNDS of Chr�tm� A Beautiful Day Filled with Christmas Spirit for the Entire Family! Posted at, Saturday, Nov. 30, 2013. By Ann Marie Bush Two Lucas artists recently completed a mural that features baseball images on the concession stand in Joe Tinker Field in Muscotah. Tinker, a native of Muscotah, played for the Chicago Cubs. He was part of the famous double-play combination of Tinker, Johnny Evers and Frank Chance. Helping rural communities thrive is in artist Erika Nelson’s blood. Her artist friend Matthew Farley has a love of baseball. So spending a month in the small northeast Kansas town of Muscotah painting a mural of Chicago Cub Hall of Fame shortstop and Muscotah native Joe Tinker on a concession stand near a baseball field was a great fit. Tinker, who was born July, 27, 1880, and died July 27, 1948, and teammates Johnny Evers and Frank Chance are known for the most famous double-play combination of their day. They were on the field when the Chicago Cubs last won a World Series in 1908. Nelson, of Lucas, learned about Muscotah and Tinker while on a rural leaders retreat with the Kansas Sampler Foundation, a nonprofit organization that seeks to preserve and sustain Kansas’ rural culture. “At one point, there was a community meeting about how to kick-start Muscotah,” Nelson said. “We wanted to utilize the history of the town and the chutzpah of the people. We came up with the whole idea of Joe Tinker Day.” In mid-May, about 50 Muscotah residents and volunteers took part in a work weekend to convert the city’s old water tower tank into a baseball-looking museum. Joe Tinker Day was celebrated July 27. On a visit to Muscotah, Nelson saw a concession stand near Joe Tinker Field. “It was a beautiful blank canvas,” she said. Nelson and Farley, also of Lucas, spent Saturday Dec. 7, 2013 Atchison, Kansas Experience All of the Activities! mm un ity Th e At ch iso n co n us for joi to u in vit es yo ild re n’ s ch of on no ter af an ch ee r ay lid ho ac tiv iti es , en t em cit ex of ty en pl an d r ou th wi g - cu lm in at in ra de . Pa as tm ris Ch lig ht ed to vis it An d do n’ t for ge t Sa nt a! Santa’s Workshop Children’s Chr�tm� Train Baking Cont�t & Bake Sale Gingerbread House Cont�t Dance Performanc� Story �me on the Atch�on Trolley Live Nativity Scene Puppet Shows Little Mr & Ms Wonderland Pageant Cinderella Carriage Rid� Horse-drawn Sleigh Rid� Food & Drink Vendors Live Entertainment Holiday Treats Shopping Specials Museum Open Hous� Parade of Lights ...and more! Brought To You By The Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce ATCHISONKANSAS.NET 800-234-1854 | 200 S. 10TH STREET, ATCHISON, KANSAS history. shopping. dining. entertainment. Page 5 | Dec. 3, 2013 NEWS weeks researching baseball and Tinker. During the May work day, volunteers spent time cleaning, scraping and brushing sealer on the cinder-block concession stand in Muscotah’s city park. “Two months out, Matthew and I started a Kickstarter campaign so it wouldn’t tax the resources of Muscotah,” Nelson said. The $3,190 raised through the funding platform was used to cover the cost of paint and other supplies. Farley and Nelson began painting in August. “If it was daylight, we were painting,” Nelson said. “We spent about 10 to 12 hours each day painting.” Nelson said she and Farley loved seeing “what public art can do in a small community.” “You can feel the actual impact as it happens,” she said. “It brought new eyes to their community. Sometimes, people can feel forgotten in a rural community.” It took Nelson and Farley all of August to complete the colorful mural, which wraps around the stand. “I think the most impressive thing about the mural is the detail,” said Marci Penner, executive director of the Kansas Sampler Foundation. “Obviously, there was a lot of research done to develop all those layers of detail, of intrigue. It’s colorful. It’s historic. It’s a true attraction.” The city’s residents are hoping the museum and mural will help draw people to the town, which had decreased in population from 200 people in 2000 to 176 people in 2010. Penner said Joe Tinker Day drew a lot of attention and media buzz. “You can’t expect anyone to come in and save you, save your small community,” she said. “If citizens don’t show they care, why should anyone else? Community members have to generate their own enthusiasm and forward movement in a small town. It’s surprising what can be done with a small group of passionate people. Sometimes small towns need a boost from the outside, and that certainly helped pick up the doers in Muscotah.” Nelson and Farley intend to stay involved in the rural Kansas community. The two are planning art pieces that will be incorporated into the baseball museum. “It is a project that feeds your soul,” Nelson said. Specially-Made Atchison Holiday Ornaments by Hestia™ Available Now at the Santa Fe Depot Warming Hut Gift Shop! Ornaments include: The Mount, Amelia House, Santa Fe Depot, Muchnic Art Gallery and more! On Sale for $18.95 Get Yours Today! Pinterest Party at Gateway to Kansas Shops - Sat. Dec 7 Don’t Just Pin It- Make It Your Own At Our Pinterest Party. The Holiday creative season is upon us. • Wrapping ideas with what you havemaking it personal, December 7th, 11am2pm All supplies will be available to purchase according to projects. Call your friends and get yourself registered! 913-367-1533 or email EXCITING EVENTS AT THE MUCHNIC ART GALLERY THIS SEASON! Music at the Muchnic | Dec. 6, 2013 5pm-9pm Join the Atchison Art Association for a holiday celebration of community, artistic expression and joy. The AAA presents the Member Show during Music at the Muchnic, a holiday gala. This is an exhibit and award show providing a platform for our community to show and communicate ideas and experience an event that warms both body and soul. Hosted at 5pm on December 6th in the Muchnic Art Gallery, a gorgeous, lamp-lit, 14 room Victorian Mansion. A jazzy holiday mix will fill the air as Justin Harris strums his six string acoustic guitar in merriment of the season. Enjoy an eclectic buffet featuring smoked beef brisket, a variety of delectable appetizers and deserts that will inspire. At 8 we will open the Mic up for those in the community who would share their talents with us all. The Member Show | Nov. 27 - Dec. 29, Opening Reception December 6th, 5pm-9pm This is truly a multi media exhibit where all types of works are encouraged. Local artist, both professional and armature, share their works, ideas and experiences through art. This exhibit fosters social unity and diversity for the entire community and gallery visitors. $1000.00 in cash prizes will be given at Music at the Muchnic. Atchison Art Association The Muchnic Gallery 704 North 4th Street Atchison, Kansas, 66002 Page 6 | Dec. 3, 2013 NEWS Upcoming Classes at The Artist Box Visit The Artist Box at 731 Commercial for an exciting variety of classes this month! For more information, call 913-367-1037 or visit Here’s what’s on tap: Thursday, Dec. 5 • Swedish Delights, 5pm-8pm (18+), $20 enjoy a massage, Swedish treats, drinks, and friends all while you make a votive holder Saturday, Dec. 7 • Sights & Sounds of Christmas puzzle, get your picture taken then bring it to The Artist Box and for $5.00 get your puzzle made! All December Long • Paint and take ceramic ornaments $5.00 per ornament. Saturday December 7th • angels any time 9am-3pm $5.00 Saturday December 14th • felt Santa pins any time 9am-3pm $5.00 Saturday December 21st • wooden angels any time 9am-3pm $5.00 Saturday December 28th • New Years eve party hats any time 9am-3pm $5.00 the ages of 8-13 on April 1, 2014. The contest location is at Benedictine College at 1:00 PM. Participants will need a certified copy of their Birth Certificate. Winners advance through district, state and regional Hoop Shoot contests. Regional Winners qualify for a trip to compete at the Hoop Shoot National Finals Held April 10-13, 2014, in Springfield, Mass. National champions will have their names permanently inscribed on a plaque in the Basketball Hall of Fame. Learn more at or contact the Lodge Hoop Shoot Director Tina Sawyers at 816-863-0791. Make Your Reservations for It’s a Wonderful Life Theatre Atchison presents It’s a Wonderful Life to welcome the holiday season with entertainment for audience members from 9 to 99! Over 50 men, women and children of Atchison and surrounding areas are part of the cast. This faithful, fast-moving stage adaptation of the classic film features scores of great roles that Atchison audiences are sure to enjoy. It’s not only a joyful Christmas tale - it’s the gorgeous love story of George and Mary Bailey, a vivid portrait of the Greatest Generation, a descent into the darkest hour of a man trapped by circumstance, and a powerful meditation on what makes a meaningful life. Show times: December 6, 7, 13 & 14 at 8:00 PM; December 8 and 15 at 2:00 PM. Adult tickets - $12.00, Youth tickets - $8.00. For reservations, call Theatre Atchison’s Box Office: (913) 367-SHOW (7469) Make Your Reservations Today! Atchison Middle School 3rd Annual Mistletoe Market Holiday Fair - Dec. 7 The Atchison Middle School Parent Club is excited to announce the The 3rd Annual Mistletoe Market Holiday Fair. This Holiday fair NEW YEAR’S EVE This Week at the Atchison Public Library Tuesday, December 3rd • Twisted Stitchers Needle Craft @ 6:00 p.m. – beginner to expert Wednesday, December 4th • Created Equal Film Series @ Noon – “The Freedom Riders” Thursday, December 5th • Pre-school Story Time @ 10:30 a.m. – stories and crafts • Created Equal Film Series @ Noon – “Slavery by Another Name” • KHC T.A.L.K. Book Series @ 6:00 p.m. – “Miriam’s Kitchen” Atchison Elks Lodge 647 Elks National Hoop Shoot Free-Throw Contest Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Atchison Elks Lodge 647 is pleased to announce the hosting of the upcoming National Hoop Shoot Free-Throw Contest. This is a free event and is open to all children between Tuesday, December 31 | 6-8pm Interactive Murder Mystery Dinner @Pepper Mill & Co. Restaurant 101 Commercial | $35 per person Fried Chicken Buffet Meal (country green beans, homemade mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, and croissants with honey butter) Limited space! Order your tickets online at or call (800) 234-1854 Page 7 | Dec. 3, 2013 NEWS (continued) will feature vendors of every kind from bake sale, crafts, jewelry, candles, books, toys, purses, kitchenware and even a Santa Photo Booth! The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Atchison Middle School Gymnasium, 301 N. 5th. Please enter on the 6th street side (back of the school)QUESTIONS? Contact the Holiday Fair Vendor Coordinator, Kim Bottorff, at 913-370-0775,, or Atchison Community Blood Drive Scheduled for December 23rd Please plan to donate life saving blood at the Atchison Community Blood Drive on December 23rd from 12:00 Pm – 6:00 pm at First Baptist Church - Riley street(next to high school). This event is sponsored by the Atchison Hospital Auxiliary. Community Blood Center is the sole provider of blood and blood products to the Atchison Community Hospital. Please go online today to sign up to save a life. Go to and use sponsor code “atchisoncom”. Also, register to win Spirit Of Giving Getaway. LADIES NIGHT OUT DowntownAtchison thursday dec. 12 Shop on Ladies Night Out and DOUBLE the Cash for Christmas tickets (2 tickets) you earn for every $10 you spend! join us immediately following at Jerry’s Again for the Ugly Sweater Contest! Prizes, Special Ladies night Drinks for Purchase, Complimentary Appetizers SHOP, WINE, DINE, WIN ... AND HAVE FUN! Ladies, shop Atchison Area businesses between 5pm to 8pm on Thursday, December 12th and be treated to a host of Ladies Night Out only specials, drawings and tastings!* more information at Atchison Middle School Parent Club presents The Peacemakers Present Holiday Fair Saturday December 7, 2013 10am - 3pm Atchison Middle School Gymnasium 301 N. 5th Street, Atchison, KS A UNIQUE ONE-STOP SHOPPING EXPERIENCE! Independent crafters, Cookie lee jewelery, glassical designs, tastefully simple, celebrating home, brookes blocks, tupperware, silpada, origami owl, thirty-one, it works, mary kay, xyngular, paparazzi, miche, personalizations, scents from home, younique, cupcake haven, l.a. bows, just jewelry, scentsy, damsel in defense, velata, jewelry bee, grace adele, pink zebra, pure romance, face painting, and lots more! Carols of Christmas Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:00 p.m. First Christian Church Page 8 | Dec. 3, 2013 NEWS Breakfast with Santa @ the Atchison Public Library Saturday, December 14 9:30am-11:30am Join us for breakfast and storytime with our special guest Santa. There will be crafts, face-painting, and entertainment. SHOP LATE, SHOP LOCAL, on Thursdays! Electrifying Elf Start tapping your merry ‘mistle-toes’ as we charge up your holiday celebration with the elf boogie and sing about Santa, his helpers, reindeer, toys, and the season of giving. Professional Entertainer, Cynthia Ziesman, delivers a theme performance with pizzazz! This versatile Queen of Theme captivates young audiences with a compelling stage personality as her brightly costumed characters come to life and get everyone involved in the singing and dancing fun. (You may remember Cynthia from Summer Reading in 2012 with Disney Dreams.) This event is FREE to the Public Breakfast is guaranteed for only the first 100 patrons. Hi Nails NEW LOCATION! Several Downtown Atchison stores are now open late on Thursdays after 5pm. Shop on Thursday evenings between 5-8pm and enter to win in a weekly $25 Chamber Gift Certificate drawing! For list of participating stores and more details, visit 118 N. 4th Street (NE Corner of 4th & Kansas) (913) 367-1088 WEEKLY $10 HOMEMADE SPECIALS AT RUBY’S LANDING! Comes with mashed potatoes & gravy, your choice of corn, green beans, or mac n’ cheese, plus coffee, tea or water. Tax included. Monday - Homemade Meatloaf Wednesday - Open-Face Beef Friday - Salisbury Steak WHOLE-FISH DINNERS on Friday, 6-8, served with fried potatoes and coleslaw Catfish $15, Carp $12 SUNDAY BREAKFAST, 8am-12noon, Choose 3 items, $6 Chez les Amis French Bistro NOW OPEN! Located inside Gallery Five Seventeen 517 Commercial St. Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 11:30am -2:30pm Menu changes weekly. Check menu at restaurant or call (913) 302-6376. Page 9 | Dec. 3, 2013 NEWS (continued) LAKEFEST 2014 Gift Certificates on sale NOW! CALL (800) 234-1854 7.18.14 justinMOORE thomas RHETT danielle BRADBERY NEW! Sunday Breakfast Menu 7:30am - 2pm Save the Date 2014 Chamber Banquet Saturday, February 8, 2014 Join Us for the Grand Re-Opening of the Heritage Conference Center Stay Tuned for More Details!
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