Taking shape - Atchison Chamber of Commerce


Taking shape - Atchison Chamber of Commerce
Sept. 1, 2009 - Sept. 8, 2009
200 S. 10th
P.O. Box 126
Atchison, KS 66002
Sept. 4
Sept. 9
Sept. 10
Sept. 15
Sept. 19
Sept. 23
Sept. 24
Sept. 25
Oct. 3
Retail meeting, Depot —8 a.m.
Chamber Board, Depot — 4 p.m.
Leadership Council, Depot —noon
Workforce Development Council,
Depot, noon
Fall Clean-up, Depot —8 a.m.
Ambassadors, Mall Towers —noon
Non-Profit After Hours,
AHCC —5-7 p.m.
“A Taste of Atchison,” 500 block of
Commercial —5-8 p.m.
Taking shape
Notes from the
Photo by Robert Morrow
The new Atchison Hospital facility is beginning to take shape. The hospital campus, located
on Raven Hill Rd. in the south part of Atchison, is being constructed by JE Dunn Construction
Company. Hospital officials hope to be up and running in the new facility in early 2010.
Look around at all that
is happening in Atchison!
The hospital is rapidly taking shape...we can hear the
work on the bridge…CVS
is progressing daily…our
new Dairy Queen will be
open soon…It is a great
day in Atchison!
Our haunted activity
tickets are selling rapidly!
We have added some additional events…encourage
family and friends to visit
the most haunted town in
We’re gearing up for
“A Taste of Atchison” on
September 25th…check
our website for updated
details…it will be a fun
MGPI Board of Directors announces changes
Ladd Seaberg retires and is
succeeded by wife, Karen; Speirs
to serve as Board Chairman
Ladd Seaberg on Friday announced
his retirement as a Member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MGP
Ingredients effective immediately.
However, he will remain available in
a consulting capacity to the board and
company management for a period of
approximately two years. Seaberg, 63,
a director for 30 years and chairman
since October 2006, said his decision to
stepdown from board service was based
on his desire “to focus additional time
on other nonbusinessrelated activities
and priorities” and was “partially influenced by healthrelated reasons.”
Ladd’s wife, Karen, local business
entrepreneur and community leader,
was appointed by Directors to fill his
vacancy on the Board, and has been
nominated to complete his current term,
which expires in October 2011. Directors also selected longtime business
executive and consultant John Speirs, a
Member of MGPI’s Board since 2004,
to succeed Ladd as Board Chairman.
John becomes the fourth individual and
first non relative of the Cray family to
hold this position. The late Cloud L.
Cray, Sr., who founded the Company
in 1941, served as the first Chairman.
He was followed by his son, Cloud L.
“Bud” Cray, and then Ladd, Bud Cray’s
“As I exit the Board, I do so with
the utmost confidence in Karen’s and
John’s abilities, as well as those of our
other Directors, to help lead this Company forward during these extremely
challenging times that our entire
economy faces,” Ladd said. “With the
support and dedication of the outstanding personnel we have throughout the
organization, they and MGP Ingredients
will succeed in carrying on the proud
and progressive legacy that began here
68 years ago.”
Ladd, who spent 37 years in active
management with the Company, served
as President of MGPI from 1980 to
2006, as well as Chief Executive Officer during the last 20 of those years.
“I have been associated with MGP
Ingredients throughout my entire professional career and have participated
in numerous significant changes over
the course of the Company’s evolvement, including several major expansion projects, plant and technological
upgrades, product diversifications and,
more recently, an extensive internal
restructuring process,” Ladd noted. “It
certainly has been a very exciting and
rewarding experience and I am deeply
grateful to everyone for the hard work
and support they have provided during
my many years in leadership positions
at the Company.”
Karen Seaberg, who, like her husband and father, has a longstanding
attachment to the Company, said she is
“deeply honored and grateful” to be chosen for membership on the Board. “I
look forward to my new responsibilities
and the opportunity to serve this outstanding Company in such a capacity,”
she said. “I have gained an in depth
understanding of MGPI’s business
operations, markets and strategic initiatives through the years and am enthusiastic about performing a key role as a
Director for the good of all who have a
stake in our Company’s future.”
In stepping into the Chairman’s role,
John stated that “it gives us great pleasure to welcome Karen as the newest
member of the Board, where we know
she will add tremendous insight and
value to our decision making functions
and processes.” He also expressed
gratitude on behalf of fellow Directors
for “Ladd’s countless contributions to
the Company and his exemplary leadership and management style, both as
an executive and in his capacity at the
helm of the Board.” John added that he
feels “highly honored and privileged”
to be selected by his Board peers to
succeed Ladd as Chairman. “Having
the Board’s full confidence and support as I transition to the role of Board
Chairman is an inspiring experience,”
he said. “I am eager to further demonstrate my deep commitment to this
Company through the opportunity to
play a larger role in helping create
greater value for our customers, stockholders and employees.”
evening on our renovated
Mall…we want you all to
be there!
Welcome our newest
member TS Conard form
St. Joseph. They specialize
in computer networking
and managed services.
Look for more about their
business in an upcoming
Visitor’s Center Showcase
There are still a few spaces available in the Visitor
Center Showcase. For a yearly fee of only $25 per space
($2.88 per month) you can advertise your business to approximately 30,000 people that stop by the visitor center.
Contact Sally Webb to reserve your space.
A Taste of Atchison
Atchison’s vibrant downtown scene will be on display
Friday, Sept. 25, when the Atchison Area Chamber of
Commerce hosts the first of what it hopes will be an annual “Taste of Atchison” festival.
The event will be held from 5-8 p.m. in the 500 block
of Commercial Street in downtown Atchison and includes
food provided by local dining establishments, a live band
and information about local specialty shops and attractions.
The Chamber web site has all the information about
“A Taste of Atchison,” including a listing of all participating dining and shopping destinations at www.atchisonkansas.net. Businesses that would like to get involved are
urged to contact Jane Paolucci at 367-2427 or by email at
Haunted Atchison
Tickets for the Haunted Atchison Tours and other special events are going quickly. The local Haunted season
begins on Sept. 5 and runs through Oct. 31.
The Chamber is also announcing two new dates for
tours of Sallie’s House. Atchison’s most famous haunted
location will be open for self-guided tours from 2-8 p.m.
on Saturday, Oct. 24 and Saturday, Oct. 31. Tickets are
$10 and can be purchased at the Santa Fe Depot.
Welcome back, teachers!
The Atchison community welcomed area teachers back to school
with a Back-to-School Safari on Aug. 26. The event was hosted by
Maur Hill-Mount Academy and sponsored by Atchison Dental Associates. Those in attendence were treated to an ice cream sundae
buffet (top photo), along with dozens of prizes donated by area
businesses and individuals. Atchison Dental Associates and Dr.
Allen Reavis (left photo) gave away three $100 gift certificates for
teachers to use in their classrooms.
Non-Profit After Hours
scheduled for Sept. 24
The Chamber has added a new twist to its After Hours
In an effort to provide support to the many organizations that serve the Atchison area, the Chamber will host
an After Hours showcasing non-profit organizations. The
event is scheduled from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 24 at
the Atchison Heritage Conference Center.
Because of limited budgets, non-profit businesses and
organizations often struggle to get the word out about
the services they offer and the volunteer opportunities
available. The Chamber hopes to aid the organizations by
giving them a forum to educate the community, increase
their volunteer bases and to recruit new members and
donors. It is also a way for the Chamber and its membership to show support for organizations that increase the
quality of life in Atchison
Atchison to announce new city
manager tonight
John (Trey) Cocking will be announced
as the newest member of Atchison city
government tonight. The city commission
will make the formal announcement following a 5 p.m. executive session tonight
in the City Hall commission room.
Cocking comes to Atchison from Cherryvale, Kan., with his wife, Jen.
Free behavior management
program coming to Atchison
1-2-3 Magic, a program for managing
diffiuclt behavior in children ages 2-12,
will be offered free of charge in Atchison,
beginning later this month.
The program is offered in four parts,
scheduled for Tuesday nights, Sept. 22
and 29, and October 6 and 13 at Atchison
Elementary School. Each session will run
from 6-8 p.m.
The humorous, yet series look at discipline, will teach caregivers:
■ How to discipline without arguing,
yelling or spanking
■ How to control obnoxious behavior
in all times and places
■ How to handle the six kinds of testing and manipulation
■ Five tactics for encouraging good
■ What to do about bedtime, messy
rooms, lying, chores, homework, practicing and more
■ How to strengthen your relationship
with your child
The facilitators include counselor
Marilyn Albright, Parents as Teachers
educator Janet Settich and Atchison parents Calley Hampton and Jackie Harris.
Class size is limited. Please call Janet
Settich at 913-367-9419 or Calley Hampton at 913-367-1260 to reserve your place.
There is no fee for the program and
babysitting is also available at the school
for no charge.
Life Lessons: Loving Your
Child with a Firm Foundation
Raising a child is hard with the
demands of today’s world. The “Life
Lessons: Loving Your Child with a Firm
Foundation” course will help you to teach
your children of all ages core values that
will last them a lifetime and be passed on
to future generations.
The goal is to teach your children these
seven virtues: Conscience, tolerance,
respect, fairness, empathy, self-control
and kindness.
This informative and helpful event will
take place on Sept. 3, from 6-7:30 p.m. at
Atchison Elementary School.
Please register early, as space is limited. Everyone who attends the seminar will
receive a book that is appropriate to their
child’s age and instructions for working
on a chosen topic, such as truthfullness.
There will be drawings for prizes, including a $250 Wal-Mart gift card.
Free childcare is available.
For more information, contact Bekki
Parsons at 913-367-7114 or email bparsons@nekcap.org.
An Evening of Jazz, Blues
and BBQ
Recording artists Ida McBeth and Max
Groove will be on hand for “An Evening
of Jazz, Blues and BBQ” on Saturday,
Sept. 5 at Theatre Atchison, 401 Santa Fe.
The event, a benefit for the Atchison
Musical Arts Society, Juneteenth Committee and Theatre Atchison, kicks off with a
free pre-show at 5 p.m. featuring Atchison’s own Thomas Brothers Blues Band.
The main show begins at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at
the door. The meal is being catered by
Iron Horse BBQ. VIP tickets are $75 and
include meals, beverages, front row seats
and meet-the-artists passes for two.
Tickets are available at Theatre Atchison and Snow Ball Ice Cream Shop. For
more information, call 913-367-6530.
Poker Run for Kids and Polio Plus
Saturday, October 3, 2009
9:00 am Registration
10:00 am Depart
$25.00 Rider
$10.00 Passenger
Pre-Registratio n: Ashley @ Atchiso n Automotiv e Gro up
RIDE FOR CHARITY!! Predetermined route
approximately 120 miles through scenic eastern Kansas.
! "##$## %&' ( )* +&,
Return to Atchison
River Front - Show
your Poker Hand &
Bike Show
Depart: Atchison
Automotive Group
314 Woodlawn Ave
Atchison, KS 66002
! 1#$## 2 /0 %&' (
Let’s Put a Stop to Polio and
Help our Youth!!
Perry Lake
Questions? Please call Carrie
Sowers at (913)367-6441
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am
Poker Run
Oct. 3rd 9am