SRTRC Event Reports - Show Racism the Red Card


SRTRC Event Reports - Show Racism the Red Card
Show Racism the RED Card
Annual Review o6
Major sponsors
Tel: 0191 291 0160
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Contact Details
UK Head Office:
PO Box 141
Whitley Bay
NE26 3YH
Tel: 0191 291 0160
Fax: 0191 297 1555
If you live in Scotland please contact:
Show Racism the Red Card Scotland
GMB Union
Fountain House
1-3 Woodside Crescent
G3 7UJ
Tel: 0141 332 8566
If you live in Wales please contact:
Show Racism the Red Card Wales
Sunil Patel
FAW Trust
Indoor Arena
Vale Resort
Hensol Park
CF72 8JY
Tel: 01443 228 873 ext. 19
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Patrons: John Aldridge; Sam Allardyce; Darren Ambrose; Shola Ameobi; Viv Anderson; John Barnes;
Earl Barrett; Warren Barton; Dave Bassett; Brendon Batson; Gary Bennett; John Beresford;
Kenny Cunningham; Eugene Dadi; Jason De Vos; Robbie Earle; Paul Elliot; Jason Euell; Rio Ferdinand;
Curtis Fleming; Howard Gayle; Alain Goma; John Hendrie; Colin Hendry; Shaka Hislop;
Gerard Houllier; Mark Hughes; Chris Hughton; Andrew Impey; Chris Kamara; David Kelly; Jeff Kenna;
Ledley King; Gary Lineker; Lomana Lua Lua; Brian McClair; Jon Newsome; David O'Leary;
Martin O'Neill; Gavin Peacock; David Platt; Chris Powell; Hope Powell; Spencer Prior; Niall Quinn;
Peter Reid; Laurent Robert; Bryan Robson; Sir Bobby Robson; Trevor Sinclair; Frank Sinclair; Jim Smith;
Walter Smith; Graham
Taylor; Stan Ternent; David Wetherall; Bobby Williamson; Danny Wilson.
Scottish Patrons: Marvin Andrews; Craig Beattie; Rainer Bonhof; Gerry Britton; Craig Brown;
Richie Byrne; Mo Camara; Jason de Vos; Xander Diamond; Stuart Duff ; Paul Elliott; Derek Ferguson;
Craig Gordon; James Grady; Michael Hart; Mark Hateley; Colin Hendry; Tony Higgins; Jim Jefferies;
Jim Leishman; Neil Lennon; Craig Levein; David Marshall; Gordon Marshall; Jamie McAllister;
Stuart McCaffrey; Derek McIness; Alex McLeish Jackie McNamara (Sr.); Tony Mowbary; Ian Murray;
Hamed Namouchi; Robbie Neilson; Pat Nevin; Barry Nicholson; Colin Nish; Phil O'Donnell;
Martin O'Neill; Steven Pressley; Nigel Quashie; Mark Reynolds; Colin Samuei; Brent Sancho;
Jason Scotland; Gary Smith; Jamie Smith; Walter Smith; Michael Stewart; Andy Walker; Mark Walters;
Derek Whyte. Endorsements: "Here at Bolton Wanderers FC we have a team of players which includes
18 different nationalities and has a mixture of ages, colours, religions and beliefs. However, we all work
together with the same aim, and that is to win games of football. We oppose any form of discrimination
here and fully support all efforts made to stop it, not just for a 12 day period but all through the year."
Sam Allardyce, Bolton Wanderers FC. "As an Honorary Patron and one of the first people to get involved
on the footballing side of Show Racism the Red Card, I am amazed at how the organisation has gone
from strength to strength in the ten years since its birth. In those days it literally was 'one man and his
dog' working away to get the message across, unlike today where we have not only an Honorary Patrons
list reading like a Who's Who of the footballing world, but also Premiership and Football League players
and ex-pro's giving up their valuable time for this worthwhile cause. Going into schools to educate
youngsters on changing racist attitudes gives us much satisfaction and in the privileged world we live in
it helps us to give something back. Show Racism the Red Card has done as much for changing attitude
as the government in this country - that in itself is a tribute. Well done to Ged Grebby and his hard
working staff - and here's to another 10 years!" Chris Kamara, SRTRC Honorary Patron.
Contact details
page 1
Report by Paul Kearns,
UK Office Manager
Shaka Hislop
page 4
Report by Ged Grebby
Project Coordinator
page 6
Campaign work in Wales
page 14
Sales & resources report
page 18
Education Scheme
page 22
page 30
page 32
I have finally come to the end of my footballing
career here in England. A statement I make with
some sadness and very little regret. It’s a career that
lasted some 14 years, 4 clubs, great friends and even
better memories. Even now as I sit in the quiet of my
room here in the States my mind very rarely drifts to
my footballing exploits, not so much to what I have
achieved or what might have been, but to the life long
friends and accomplishments that I can call my own.
There are team-mates, fans and staff at Reading FC,
just as at Newcastle, West Ham and Portsmouth,
that I proudly regard as lifelong friends…but my
mind keeps drifting to SRTRC and what we’ve
managed to accomplish over the years.
I think back to those early days of travelling the
North-East with my good friends Warren Barton and
John Beresford, and smile as I then consider
SRTRC’s presence in Germany for the World Cup
conversation with Ben, one of our volunteers
with an extensive and highly successful poster
working with me for the very first time, where he tells
campaign, and a new-look magazine on the shelves
me that after a particularly enjoyable evening in East
of thousands of school libraries across the country.
London he feels he may have stumbled upon his
My smile beams with pride. It’s a pride that words
calling- he’s sure he wants to be a teacher and work
dare not express, but many people will understand
with kids. It’s days like these, it’s the thousands of
and are very much a part-of. Not only the hundreds
curious minds, it’s the moments when kids realise
of footballers who are now an integral part of the
that they too can make a difference that makes it all
campaign, but also the countless volunteers who
worthwhile. The days I’ll never forget.
give of their time willingly, and thousands of kids
So after 14 years of playing the game I love there
who proudly show off their ‘Red Cards’.
are hundreds of games we could talk about. But after
Long after the game has passed me by, long after
just over 10 years with SRTRC my proudest
the hurt of that Steven Gerrard goal (sorry I had to
achievements are on the pages to follow…I hope you
put that in!) has faded I will remember my
enjoy them as much as I have…
Shaka Hislop.
Pictured above: Shaka Hislop recieving the PFA Special Merit Award, photo reproduced by the Players’ Club by
kind permission of the Professional Footballers’ Association.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Endorsements: "It is testimony to the commitment and drive of all the staff at SRTRC that so much
excellent work has been achieved in the past 10 years. I have no doubt that the scope and diversity of
the work undertaken has had a positive impact on affecting racist attitudes. Good luck for the next 10
years". Brendon Batson, SRTRC Honorary Patron. “I would like to congratulate Show Racism the Red
Card for the achievements of the past ten years. I am glad that players and coaches have been so
wholeheartedly behind the campaign, and been able to make a difference. There has been a marked
change in behaviour at football games, and where once racist abuse and chanting was commonplace,
it is now almost non-existent. The racists have nowhere to hide, and have been forced to confront
their actions and attitudes. Fans who once stood by and did nothing, will now make it clear that this
kind of behaviour is unacceptable. SRTRC is a shining example of what can be achieved, and football
in Scotland and elsewhere is all the better for their efforts. Their work is not finished yet, and a new
generation of children will benefit from their educational campaigns, but I think that football can be
proud of this progress. Best wishes”. Walter Smith, Scotland National Team Manager. "It is great to
see SRTRC go from strength to strength. In these days of real challenge for those of us who really
believe in a multi cultural society, Red Card’s genuine grass roots work is an example which many
could follow". Dave Anderson MP, Blaydon Constituency. "The National Union of Journalists 100 per
cent supports Show Racism the Red Card. There is no place for racism in football, just as there must
be no room for it in the rest of society. But with the prominence that football assumes in our national
(and international) life, we should be especially concerned that the ugly pollution of racism does not
infect the minds of the young. Football stadiums are also a workplace for many NUJ members and as
such our members should not have to put up with being presented such attitudes in the course of
their work. Red Card has achieved so much over the years in helping to purge intimidating racist
atmospheres from matches. Yet there is still more to do and we wish the campaign's future efforts
well". Chris Morley, NUJ President. “UNISON is proud to continue its support for Show Racism the
Red Card. Only through teamwork, unity and education can we build a society free from racism and
xenophobia. Ignorance of the issues is the real enemy and the campaign remains at the forefront of
anti-racist education”. Dave Prentis, UNISON, General Secretary. "The FA has been a long-term
supporter of Show Racism The Red Card and recognise the value of the work they do. It also
complements our own efforts to address racism and other inappropriate behaviour, both on-and offthe-field. It is a credit to SRTRC that they have made such inroads over the last10 years in tackling this
issue and we wish them continued success in the future with their campaign." Simon Johnson,
Director of Corporate Affairs, The Football Association.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Report from UK Project Coordinator
Ged Grebby
we are undertaking has grown to such an extent that we
are unable to cover all aspects of the work in this
Annual Review without it looking like an encyclopaedia.
Whilst our organisation has grown and the impact
we have made has been greater; the need for our
resources and campaigning is also on the increase.
Racism has been on the increase in the UK and we are
trying to address some of the key growth areas:
Islamophobia being the main one. Our main Show
Racism the Red Card video was updated in October
2005 and we were privileged that Frederic Kanoute was
able to share some of his experiences as a Muslim
playing in top-flight football. The DVD has proven to be
extremely popular and has been a great addition to our
resources. The fact that every school in Scotland
(3,500) has a copy of our Scottish video and every
school in Wales (2,000) has a copy of our DVD, has
been a huge achievement for our organisation.
Demand for all of our resources remains high,
Since our last Annual Review was printed in July
reflecting their accessibility and popularity.
One of the reasons we did not produce an Annual
2005 we have been through an extremely busy period
Review in 2006 was due to the fact that we wanted to
for our organisation. Back then we had a staff team of 5
put our limited resources into printing England World
workers in the North East and 2 in Scotland; now we
Cup posters and producing a high quality magazine.
have grown to 6 workers in the North East of England, 3
In the end we printed and distributed 300,000 England
in Scotland and one in Wales. In addition we have been
posters in 2006, bringing our total number of posters
working with five ex-professional footballers in
and magazines distributed in one year to over one
Scotland, who are helping us to deliver anti-racist
million. The new magazine was twice the size of
education and football training. The scope of the work
previous magazines at 64 pages and this allowed us to
Pictured above: Ged Grebby, UK Project Coordinator photo reproduced by kind permission of NDS
show racism the red card annual review 2006
cover more issues and interviews than ever before. It
2006 saw our 10th anniversary and we celebrated it
has proven to be a great asset to our public work
in style at the Hilton in Newcastle, thanks to the
and profile.
financial support of Coutts Bank. One hundred and
seventy five guests joined us to mark the occasion and
We have expanded our direct schools work in the last
it was a great way of saying THANK YOU to all the
18 months and this has given us a great bonus to our
organisations and individuals who have made our
educational work. The campaign harnesses the high
campaign so successful.
profile of professional footballers to combat racism in
society, but it is not just the current footballers that are
Although we are continually striving to improve on
role models to young people. The ex-players we work
what we do, we also need to restate that our original
with are able to have a great impact and the football
“Big Idea” in December 1995 to “use our contacts in
training has been a great way of making our campaign
professional football to produce anti-racist materials
an exciting addition to the school curriculum wherever
directly accessible to young people”, remains the key to
we have been. The direct work in schools also allows us
our organisation’s development today. In the last ten
to assess how good our resources are and what
years the status of professional footballers as role
improvements and additional resources are required.
models has if anything increased.
All of the above advances in our work have been
My thanks go to all the staff, management
made possible thanks to an increase in funding and we
committee, Scottish and Welsh advisory committees
now have more sponsors than ever before. See the back
and volunteers who have been the driving force of
page for details of our major sponsors.
making this a successful year for our charity.
Pictured above: Charlie Hardwick and Kevin Miles at SRTRC's 10th anniversary held at The Hilton Hotel,
Newcastle upon Tyne, photo reproduced by kind permission of NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Summary of our main areas of work:
d) Websites and downloadable resources
Development of anti-racist educational resources.
Tommy Breslin has been working on improving our
website and set up a new Scottish website. The
a) DVD
websites are the easiest way to update our resources
and we are looking at ways to improve them. For
The DVD has been a great addition to our resources
example, Zoobia Aslam has been working on
having on it not only our main video, but also two of
downloadable anti-racist worksheets. The idea of
our previous videos. The DVD has also allowed us to
these worksheets is to challenge growing forms of
display some of the winning videos from the school
racism and we have developed three to start with:
competition and the animations from the young
• Islamophobia
prizewinners have become a feature of our public
• Racism towards travellers
events. The main video from our DVD has been shown
• Migrant workers from Eastern Europe.
several times on the Community Channel.
e) Guides on how to work with the Show Racism
b) A Safe Place
The A Safe Place video, which combats racist myths
the Red Card campaign and their resources
We have also been working on best practice guides,
against asylum seekers, has proven to be an
designed to increase the number of organisations
invaluable addition to our resources. The “Coaching
working with our campaign and improve the way we
with a Conscience” scheme in Scotland is built around
work with other bodies. Sarah Soyei has produced a
using this video, and the report by Gerry Britton
guide for councils and a separate guide for football
shows that this video has been a great way of turning
clubs. The aim is to increase the number of
negative attitudes towards asylum seekers around.
partnership councils and football clubs working with
Of the children who took part in the workshop and
our charity over the next five years.
football training, 92% felt that their awareness of
issues relating to racism had been increased through
their involvement. The A Safe Place video has been
shown on Teachers TV a number of times.
c) Scottish video
In Scotland we have also produced a Scottish
version of the main video with a Scottish education
pack. Thanks to the Scottish Executive this resource
was sent to every school in Scotland.
Pictured above: Sarah Soyei at the launch of launch of our SRTRC publication ‘A Guide for Councils’
photograph reproduced by kind permission of NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Zoobia Aslam the Campaign Worker. In July however
we suffered a setback when Roddy McNulty left our
The organisation in Scotland has gone from
staff. The development of our campaign in Scotland
strength to strength with the help of our Scottish
owes a lot both Roddy and Imran Alam and we thank
Advisory Committee and the Scottish Executive. The
them both and wish them all the best in their
Scottish Advisory Committee is made up of
respective careers.
representatives from the Scottish Football Association
(SFA), the Education Institute of Scotland (EIS) and
As you can see from the detailed reports of the work
Unison and the Scottish Professional Footballers
in Scotland in this Annual Review, both Zoobia and
Tommy have done an outstanding job holding our
organisation together along with Gerry Britton. For
The Scottish Executive has increased our funding
example, during the Fortnight of Action (17th-30th of
year on year and backed our Business Plan 2006-9 to
October) this year the number of actions taking place
the tune of £275,000. They have also been extremely
actually increased to over 300.
flexible with our organisation and allowed us extra
funding when initiatives have presented themselves
like for example the Coaching with a Conscience.
The other highlight of the Show Racism the Red
Card calendar is our annual prize giving ceremony
organised by the EIS at Hampden and this year was
Thanks to this funding we were able to increase our
staff by taking two further full-time members of staff in
June 2006: Tommy Breslin the Admin Worker and
again exceptional.
Finally, in December we were able to announce our
new Scottish Coordinator: Billy Singh.
Pictured above: City of Edinburgh Council partnership launch with Gerry Britton of the Scottish Professional
Footballers Association and SPL players Jose Goncalves, Andy Driver and Michael Stewart.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
We are currently working on a three-year business
plan for Wales and hope to see a real transformation of
our work in this country.
My thanks go to all the WAC members for their time
and support and in particular Dawn Hayes the
secretary and Unison her trade union.
The School Competition
The Schools Competition is a great way of engaging
young people in our campaign and the work produced
by the young people (posters, poetry, short stories,
videos, songs, etc.) has been a fantastic addition to
our resources. The Football Clubs again gave us great
prizes for the competition in 2006 and we had a great
turnout of players to hand over the prizes including for
the third year in a row Thierry Henry.
We have secured funding for the competition from
the Hilton Foundation, the National Union of
The Welsh Advisory Committee (WAC) has been
Teachers, the EIS and the Scottish Executive and the
running well throughout 2006 and we have secured
competition is a major priority for our campaign. We
funding from all the major partners in Wales: The
will again be having the Scottish Prize giving ceremony
Football Association of Wales (FAW); the Sports
at Hampden and are aiming to have our first ever prize
Council for Wales; the Welsh Assembly and Unison.
giving ceremony in Wales at the Millennium Stadium.
The FAW Trust have also provided us with office space
and admin support for our new Coordinator for Wales
The winning entries will also be made into display
Sunil Patel.
stands, which will tour libraries, schools, football clubs
and other public venues in 2007. These stands have
Sunil started with us in October 2006 and has hit
proven to be very popular in Scotland and we will now
the ground running organising a whole series of
be producing around 50 stands with this year’s
events and initiatives. As you can see from Sunil’s
winning work.
report we are now running the schools competition
Wales with the support of the Welsh Assembly, who
paid for every school in the country to get our DVD
and education pack.
Pictured above: Thierry Henry at our SRTRC prize giving ceromony.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Events at Football Clubs and Posters
The events at Football Clubs with the players
present remain one of the highlights of our campaign
Another priority for 2007 is to increase the number
and as you can see from the Events reports, we held 24
of Football Clubs working with our campaign. The
of these in 2006. The impact of these events both in
posters of first team squads holding up our red cards
terms of the press and publicity they receive and the
have proven very popular over the years and since 1997
direct impact on the people who attend has been
we have printed and distributed over 6 million posters.
fantastic and we aim to increase the number of events
These posters advertise our educational resources,
in 2007.
schools competition and website. Groups in several
other European countries have also taken up this idea
North East schools work
from us, as it is a simple way of getting the Football
Clubs and players to support an anti-racist message.
The direct work in schools in the North East of
This year we have produced posters with a number of
England has now been running since June 2004 and
new clubs including: Plymouth Argyle, Colchester
has made a major impact. In this time we have run
United and Dagenham and Redbridge FC and we aim
sessions with 13,407 pupils. These pupils have
to build on this in 2007/8.
received both football training from Gary Bennett and
anti-racist education from Kieron Brady and Gary.
As detailed in our last Annual Review we had two
partnership councils funding this work: Sunderland
and South Tyneside; but this has now increased with
North Tyneside Council becoming the third partner in
this work.
The development of this work has allowed us to
increase our contacts with a whole range of
organisations in the region and consequently improve
the way we operate as an organisation.
In August 2006 we held our first ever Community
Day event, organised in conjunction with Walker
Football Club. “Walker United” was in response to a
rise of racism against asylum seekers in this part of
Newcastle and was a great success with over 2,000
people attending during the day. We are looking to use
this model to see if we can run similar events with
community football clubs in 2007.
Pictured above: young fans attending a SRTRC event at St. James Park photo reproduced by kind permission 0f
NDS & Lee Dobson Photography.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Partnership Councils
that make up these committees have also been great
in delivering either funding or funding in kind.
One of the key aspects of our educational work is
making links with Councils. In Scotland and the North
We also have a partnership agreement with
East of England we have a number of excellent
Newcastle City Council to harness the skills of their
partnerships with Councils where we are working
design team. We would like to thanks: Judith Hinitt,
closely to deliver the best service that we can. Through
Pat Dale, Paul Burgess, Lee Dobson and Margaret
using our guide for Councils we aim to increase the
Baird at Newcastle City Council.
number of partnership councils in 2007.
We have also managed to build up a team of
Volunteers and Secondees
entertainers who are volunteers and include: Elliot
Joseph our poet in Residence; Richard Braithwaite
Volunteers remain very important to our campaign
and they are involved at every level of our organisation
who demonstrates football skills; Ian Solomon and
his rappers from the Nu-Mcs.
from the management committee to our schools
work. We have had too many volunteers to thank
them all individually, but they have been a great asset
to our work, allowing us to reach a far greater
2006 was a good year for our organisation and we
audience than our staffing alone would allow.
are now on a far stronger footing in terms of staffing
and finance at the start of 2007. We aim to increase
In Scotland and Wales the work has developed on a
sound footing thanks to the Advisory Committees and
both the quality of our educational resources and our
impact geographically this year.
the invaluable time and support the individual
members have put into the work. The organisations
Pictured above: Richard Braithwaite performs his Silky Skills at our ’Walker United’ event. Photograph
reproduced by kind permission of NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Endorsements: “Racism has no place in football so it is great to see football leading the way in helping
to rid it from society. Show Racism the Red Card has helped to do this very effectively over the last ten
years and I am delighted the Football Foundation supports that work. Professional players and clubs
that are engaged in the scheme deserve credit for giving up their time to such an important cause.”
Sir David Richards, Chairman of the Football Foundation. "The CWU are extremely pleased to offer its
support to the 'Show Racism the Red Card' campaign. Their work is of exceptional value to society and
Billy Hayes, CWU, General Secretary. “Sheffield United are delighted to be included in this review and
confirm our continued support for Show Racism the Red Card. The Blades applaud the work of the
initiative and wish it continuing success in changing racist attitudes in our great game. It provides the
conscience and prompting needed to ensure that we in football don't forget our responsibilities with
regard to social change.” Andy Pack, Sheffield United FC. “Over the past decade Show Racism the Red
Card has had a huge impact on changing racist attitudes. Having been involved, initially in Scotland,
and latterly south of the border, I can confirm that the work of Project Coordinator, Ged Grebby, and
the many illustrious Honorary Patrons has had considerable impact. Surely long before the end of the
next 10 years there will be no need for a continuation of the Project!” Craig Brown, SRTRC Honorary
Patron. “Coventry City Council has been delighted to support 'Show Racism the Red Card' through
sponsorship of posters featuring both Coventry City Football Club and also the England team during
the World Cup.
Coventry has a wonderfully diverse population with a range of cultures and
experiences, and we are proud to support 'Show Racism the Red Card’ as part of our commitment to
challenging racism and promoting good relations between people of different ethnic groups in
Coventry.” Jaspal Mann, Coventry City Council. “Everybody at Oxford United would like to
congratulate you on the 10th Anniversary of Show Racism the Red Card, and wish you all continued
success in your great work.” Jim Smith, SRTRC Honorary Patron. “UNITED for Intercultural Action
admires and supports the work done by 'Show Racism the Red Card' to respond to the difficult
situation of racism in football and to promote the values of multiculturalism and minority rights
through football and its personalities. The work of 'Show Racism the Red Card' has been presented at
UNITED international conferences and very much appreciated by the other participating
organisations from all over Europe.” UNITED for Intercultural Action. "Show Racism the Red Card"
has made a real difference in the last 10 years in genuinely changing attitudes and challenging racism.
Can I offer on behalf of my constituents a sincere thanks for your decade of achievement.”
Fraser Kemp MP.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Campaign work in Wales
Report by Sunil Patel, Wales Coordinator
Since becoming the Co-ordinator for Wales in October 2006, our work in
Wales has seen great support from various groups, organisations and from
the people of Wales. I am proud to be part of the campaign and look forward
to developing the work throughout Wales in the year ahead.
With the support I have received from our Wales Advisory Committee, the
campaign in Wales has made great strides in the past few months and will
continue to gather momentum in the coming months ahead.
We have produced posters with the 3 Welsh football teams playing in the
English leagues and printed 20,000 posters between them. The posters have
started to be distributed free to the people of Wales and the clubs have
distributed them directly to their supporters carrying our anti-racist message.
In conjunction with the Football Association of Wales, our campaign will
also be working with the clubs from the Welsh Premier League arranging
events around the grounds. We will also be working with grassroots football
organisations in Wales and BME organisations with the aim of reaching all
areas of the game.
Pictured above: Wrexham FC players from left to right: Matt Crowell, Lee Roche, Shaun Pejic pictured here with
Sunil Patel, Wales Coordinator. Photograph reproduced by kind permission of Wrexham Football Club.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
The campaign also recognises the importance of
other sports in Wales such as Rugby and will be
producing posters with Welsh Rugby clubs in the
The website gets updated regularly with the
months ahead, we will also look to work with other
campaign in Wales and our supporters are kept aware
areas such as Women’s football.
of the developments on a regular basis.
Working with other groups
My first SRTRC anti-racism event was at Cardiff City
There has been great interest from other groups in
which was attended by school children from 2 local
Wales and we will be looking to build relationships that
schools. It was great to see children at such a young
will enable us to promote our anti-racism message
age quiz the players with testing questions on their
through a variety of ways. An example was when I was
experiences of racism and then listening to the
approached by a student at one of the top Universities
answers with interest. The events are an integral part
in the UK who wanted to promote our message
of our work and we will be holding regular events with
through the University Football teams, we arranged an
clubs around Wales in the year ahead.
event prior to kick off and an article was published in
the student paper that got distributed free to over
Schools Competition 2007
23,000 students.
Our annual schools competition will be the most
successful yet with the backing we have had in Wales
from the Education Minister, Jane Davidson. The
National Assembly have helped promote the
competition in Wales by sending out our DVD and
Education pack to nearly 2000 school throughout
Our launch of the competition was held at the
National Assembly for Wales in December ’06, it
highlighted the backing we are getting from
organisations in Wales which included the teaching
unions, sporting authorities and Local Councils. The
launch was also attended by Wales International Rugby
players from Cardiff Blues Rugby club and showed our
commitment to work with other areas in sport.
Pictured above: Wales International footballers: Jason Brown, Steve Evans, Lewin Nyatanga and Ryan Giggs
photograph reproduced by kind permission of the Football Association of Wales.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
The way ahead
The campaign in Wales has a long way to go in
Joint events with other organisations.
I am looking forward to the year ahead and with the
reaching its goal, but it will continue to grow in the
backing and support from the people of Wales, to
times ahead. We will be looking to form and build
make a positive impact through our campaign.
partnerships with organisations around Wales, in
particular the Football Clubs, Local Councils, Sporting
Authorities and the National Assembly for Wales. We
will be looking for support that will enable the
campaign to make an impact in Wales long term.
The coming year will see: -
More schools than ever enter our schools
Regular events held at clubs throughout
Campaign work with grassroots football
Other areas in sport being covered by the
More activities than ever in Wales during the
FARE (Fortnight of Action).
Pictured above left: Richard Braithwaite with young people practicing silky skills. Above right Earl Barrett and
Frank Sinclair with young supporters. Photograph reproduced by kind permission of the Bury Times
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Endorsements: "It is very pleasing to see the campaign going from strength to strength and to be
involved in developments here in Wales. In today's world it is more important than ever to tackle the
evils of racism and build understanding and tolerance between people from different backgrounds".
John Griffiths. “The Football Association of Wales has been pleased to support Show Racism the Red
Card to extend their excellent work into the Principality, which will culminate with the appointment of
as Project Worker for Wales in the near future. The enthusiasm and commitment of those involved in
SRTRC is outstanding and the progress made in eradicating racism and other forms of discrimination
in football is due to significantly to the organisations initiatives that have gained the admiration of
those involved in football in the United Kingdom. The FAW looks forward to supporting SRTRC in
future to ensure the continued success of this vital work.” John Deakin, The Football Association of
Wales. "UNISON Cymru/Wales is proud to be associated with Show Racism the Red Card. We know
only too well, because of problems we deal with in the workplace, that tackling racism is a vitally
important area of work. What better way to start than by addressing the issue directly with children at
a very early age - and what better way to do that than to use their footballing heroes as role models to
get the message across. Congratulations to Show Racism celebrating your 10th anniversary."
Dawn Hayes, Senior Regional Officer, UNISON, Wales. "I am pleased that the "Show Racism the Red
Card" organised schools competition is coming to Wales. The competition is a great way to
demonstrate that there is no place for racism in football and that racism will not be tolerated on or off
the pitch. The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to tackling the issue of racism and to
promoting an anti racist message to all areas of society." Alan Pugh, The Culture and Sports Minister.
"It is important that children are made aware of the anti-racism message as early as possible and our
work helps to promote this message in an enjoyable and influential way, it's great to have the full
backing from all areas of our society and I look forward to taking the campaign to all parts of Wales".
Sunil Patel, Wales Co-ordinator.
“In January 2006 two hundred Newcastle University Secondary
PGCE students attended the "Learning in the Diverse City" conference at St James' Park. Show
Racism the Red Card were instrumental in the planning of the day and leading sessions. The delegate
student teachers benefited from the inspiration, knowledge and skills of all involved. The day was a
huge success, and participants left feeling more confident that they could deal with racism and
prejudice in the schools they will work in, promote equal opportunities and celebrate the diversity of
multi-cultural Britain. We would like to thank SRTRC for their significant contribution to the event.”
Rachel Lofthouse, DPD M.Ed Practitioner Enquiry, School of Education, Communication and
Language Sciences, Newcastle University.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Sales and Resources Report
April 2005-March 2006
Report by Gavin Sutherland, Campaign Worker for England
It has been another successful financial year saleswise for the organisation. During the period April
2005-March 2006, Show Racism the Red Card’s
North-East office received a total of 837 orders for
resources. 253 of these orders have been for multiple
resources, either multiple copies of a particular
resource or offer (such as the 200 magazines offer),
or for a combination of our resources. Through direct
sales of our resources we have generated an income
of £94,449.52
We handle hundreds of requests each year for
information, free materials or assistance with external
events. SRTRC have always tried, wherever possible,
to provide free materials for distribution on stalls, at
other organisations events and to those who contact
us for information about the campaign, whether for a
During this period, Show Racism the Red Card has
developed structurally and expanded its range of
resources. The organisation has continued to be
fortunate enough to receive much publicity, due to the
school or college project, interest in being a volunteer
or simply curiosity. The distribution of free materials
is a great way to involve people in the campaign and
publicise our other, saleable, resources.
work undertaken and events held, using professional
footballers to promote our message. There is no
doubt that this high media profile constantly
motivates people to find out about Show Racism the
Red Card, its resources and activities. The North-East
office has continued to manage a high volume of
The chart above shows the numbers of resources
distributed from the North East Office over this
period. Some items are shown in batches of 100 in
order for all figures to be represented on the
same graph.
orders and enquiries, distribution of free resources
and participation in, or providing materials for, other
organisations events
Pictured above winning artwork from our 2006 Schools Competition by Nina Haveron and Emily Pollock.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
The posters for the 2005-06 season were extremely
popular, as we can see from the distribution figures.
In England and Wales, we printed 360,000 posters
with 40 different football teams, 3 rugby teams and
the Newcastle Eagles basketball team.
So far, during the 2005-06 season we produced
posters with 36 teams in England, as well as two
Rugby teams and the Newcastle Eagles basketball
team. In total so far this season we have printed
325,000 posters and have absorbed the cost of
production through the sponsorship of posters from
Pictured above: from the left to right John Beresford and Peter Beardsley signing the new season’s football
posters photograph reproduced by kind permission of NDS and Lee Dobson Photography.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
organised at Charlton Athletic FC and Newcastle
Civic Centre for the winners in the South and North of
England respectively. Winners again received framed
certificates, signed shirts and balls, match tickets and
Show Racism the Red Card goody-bags. My thanks to
the Football clubs who donated prizes, all who took
part, the teachers who organised participation in their
school, and those at the partnership councils,
Charlton Athletic FC and Newcastle City Council who
helped to organise the competition in their areas and
make such memorable Prize-giving events. Reports
on these events are available in the Event Reports
section of this Review.
The organisation for the schools competition 2007
has gone extremely well so far. Schools are currently
Competition 2006
The competition in England and Wales was not
promoted as extensively this year. This was because
we did not have the people-power to run a
competition of the size of last year’s without other
areas of our work suffering. The competition was
promoted on our website, however a flyer advertising
it was not produced and enquiries about the
competition from formerly participating schools were
registering with us for this and as the Project Worker
role has changed to that of Campaign Worker, now
responsible for Event Organisation, the School
Competition and posters only, since October 2006. I
have been able to devote more time to the
competition and aim to have school participation up
to 2005 levels by the end of registration in February. It
is our aim to have organised a prize giving ceremony
in early May at a Nationally renowned venue.
referred to the website.
This said, we had some great entries submitted
and retained interest from many schools who had
taken part before. We have also managed to forge
links and strengthen existing ties to partnership
councils, who have run a local level competition in
I would like to thank the following people for all
their efforts during 2005 and 2006, making my work
in the office easier:
Imran Alam, Paul Benzie, Kate Blackwell, Tommy
their schools, these councils are Milton Keynes
Breslin, Kim Burns, Don Cowper, David Foster, Derek
Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Bury CLAS
Gardner, David Harris, Sheila Harris, Judith Hinitt,
and Derby City Council.
Mags, Fiona McCarthy, Ashleigh Rutherford,
162 schools took part in England and Wales this
Joe Smart, Sarah Soyei.
year and successful Prize-giving ceremonies were
Pictured above: Prize winning artwork by our Schools Competition Prize Winner Sophie Whitehead.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Endorsements: “We are all determined to ensure that football and society as a whole is racism free
and I am sure that the work carried out by SRTRC has been successful in promoting this ideal through
the unique power that is football. Keep up the good work” Alan Johnson, Everton FC. "The Norwegian
Show Racism the Red Card campaign is built on the solid experiences of Ged Grebby and his team. We
would never have achieved so much since our launch in 2000 without their vital and continuous
support. Racism is an evil to be fought day in, day out. The achievements of the British campaign is a
role model to the rest of the national SRTRC campaigns." Morten Stenseng Gulbrandsen,
Show Racism the Red Card, Norway. “Many congratulations on 10 successful years. Middlesbrough
FC fully endorses the aims of Show Racism the Red Card and actively supports its good work in
highlighting the need for vigilance and awareness.” Graham Bell, MFC Media. “Aston Villa are
pleased to congratulate "Show Racism the Red Card" in attaining the significant milestone of ten
years of unstinting efforts to achieve racial equality for all. Dave Ismay, Aston Villa FC. “No one has
worked harder in the fight against racism that Show The Racism the Red Card. I am proud to be a
supporter of their work. Like many, I remember only too well the days when racism was rife at football
grounds across the country. We're winning the battle thanks to Show Racism the Red Card and a lot of
hard graft but we have to keep on with the work on the ground and there is never any room for
complacency." Geoff Martin, Glastonbury Left Field, Hope Not Hate. “As a country with a great love
of sport, and one fast becoming a multi-cultural society, it is important that the great opportunities for
personal and community development offered through participation in sport are not marred by
racism. The Red Card campaign is a very positive move to heighten awareness of this undesirable
aspect of life, which if left unchecked can demean people, communities and destroy sport. Louth
Local Authorities support the Show Racism the Red Card campaign in Ireland.” Noel G. Redmond,
County Sports and Recreation Officer, Louth County Council. "Newcastle United wishes to underline
the fact that racism, in whatever form, will not be tolerated. Newcastle United's work with the 'Show
Racism the Red Card' campaign is well recognised and many of our players are heavily involved in this
excellent initiative. The club is firmly committed to stamping out racism and sending out the message
that racist behaviour has no place on or off the field." Mark Hannen, Newcastle United FC.
"Blackburn Rovers fully supports the work being led by "Show Racism The Red Card" to combat
racism through the production of educational materials and the use of professional footballers as
anti-racist role models. We continue to wish the organisation the greatest success in bringing
communities together using the power of football to encourage belonging across divisions and
differences." Gill Kinloch, Blackburn Rovers FC.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
North East Community Anti-Racism
Education Scheme
Report by Sarah Soyei, Regional Community Education Coordinator
We have been running a programme of
community anti-racist education in the North East of
England since June 2004. This work is delivered by
our staff team of ex-Sunderland stars Gary Bennett
and Kieron Brady and aided by a team of volunteers.
Gary Bennett was one of the first black footballers in
the North East, he played for the Black Cats for 11
years and was their captain for 5, before moving on to
become themanager of Darlington FC for 2 years.
Kieron was said to be a truly exciting natural talent
before injury sadly caused his early retirement from
football when he was only 21.
Gary runs football training sessions with the
youngpeople, which are always extremely popular;
eventhose who say that they hate playing football are
converted by the end of the session due to Gary’s
natural enthusiasm and skill in involving everybody.
Kieron delivers the classroom workshops, he is
unable to participate in the football training due to an
I was on maternity leave from September 2005March 2006. During this time Joe Smart coordinated
the community work throughout the North east and
oversaw such events as the “Teaching in a Diverse
City Conference” and the “Soccerama” football
tournament. My thanks go to Joe for all of his hard
injury, which forced his early retirement from
professional football. We have discovered that the
football training and presence of ex-professional
players add an extra dimension to the work and
increase the enjoyment and participation of the
young people.
work during this period.
Pictured above: Pictured above: Sarah Soyei, SRTRC Regional Community Education Coordinator Competition at
‘Walker United’ photograph reproduced by kind permission of NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Whilst the main focus of our work is delivering antiracism workshops to young people in schools and
youth groups across the North East, we have been
working in the community on other more high profile
events. Amongst other things since April 2005 we
have organised
Stalls at several community events
throughout North East England
Events at premier and football league clubs in
the North East
An anti-racist community day entitled
“Walker United” in conjunction with Walker
United Football Club and other local
community organisations
stalls at 32 conferences, festivals and other events
We deliver anti-racist workshops around the “Show
Racism the Red Card” DVD and we also run
workshops aimed at dispelling the myths surrounding
A teacher training conference entitled
“Teaching in a Diverse City” in conjunction
with Newcastle University and other smaller
teacher training events
Asylum Seekers and Refugees using the “A Safe
Place” video. These workshops are extremely
important in today’s climate where newspapers and
politicians help to feed the misunderstandings and
resentment that many people have towards asylum
A “Gold Standard for Race Equality” scheme
in conjunction with South Tyneside Council
seekers and refugees. It is not surprising that many of
the young people we meet are very confused about
the issue.
The production of a guide to working with
Show Racism the Red Card’s resources for
councils and football clubs
Previously we only delivered the A Safe Place
workshop to secondary schools. However the success
of the scheme in Glasgow, where they have been
A schools anti-racist football tournament
delivering this workshop to 10 and 11 year olds with
great success has inspired us to open the workshop
Since the start of the project we have run
workshops with over 10000 young people in the
North East. We have visited 53 Primary Schools, 18
secondary schools and 17 youth groups, and had
to these ages in the North East. It will also be a good
way to follow up the original workshop and build
upon the work that we have already delivered.
We have often been asked whether girls and those
not interested in football engage with our resources,
Pictured above: Joe Smart at a SRTRC community event photograph reproduced by kind permission of NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
in order to answer this question we have started to ask
and increasing equality. We are working with local
the child’s gender on the feedback form. We have
councils to produce a guide to advise schools of the
collected feedback for 300 young people and so far
criteria they need to meet and how they can evidence
there is no indication of any difference in the levels of
this work and will be piloting the scheme in 2007.
enjoyment or participation between the sexes and
99% of both boys and girls asked have said that they
enjoyed the session overall.
Breakdown of work by Area
Show Racism the Red Card Gold
Standard for Schools
Partnership working and information
By working in partnership with other organisations
we are able to offer a much more in depth and valuable
experience to the young people we work with. In the
current format, on our own, we spend a maximum of
In a partnership meeting representatives from
two hours in the classroom with each class. When
South Tyneside council mentioned the difficulty they
working in partnership we are able to persuade
were having in getting schools to work with them to
schools to take whole year groups off timetable,
report racial incidents, release staff for training and
teachers become involved in the organisation of the
devise and put into use relevant race equality policies
day and have more ownership of the event and we can
so we came up with the idea of working together to put
ensure that each group works around the issues for a
in place a Gold Standard for schools who are prepared
whole day.
to commit themselves to the task of reducing racism
Pictured above: Kieron Brady with 7 volunteers and Maggie Fisher from CSV at George Stephenson School in
Killingworth, 1st December 2006. Photograph reproduced by kind permission of NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
During 2006 we worked in partnership with the
young people around the issue. We visited
following organisations:
our first school in partnership on the 1st
December 2006, and worked with 160 young
CSV – Community Connections
people over an entire day. Show Racism the
This project finds volunteering positions and
Red Card provided 2 workshops whilst
supports volunteers from an asylum seeking
volunteers from CSV provided 4 more. The
background and they had already realised the
volunteers worked across the curriculum
potential these volunteers could have in
telling their stories and providing workshops
dispelling racist myths and had taken a group
in Drama, Home Economics, Geography and
History and the day was a great success. We
then visited St Bedes in Peterlee together,
working with 90 young people over the course
of the afternoon and we hope to work in
partnership regularly throughout 2007
London ant-racist rappers Ian Solomon and
“Serocee” came up and worked with us to
deliver two workshops in South Tyneside and
Sunderland. They taught the young people
how to rap, alongside delivering an antiracism and anti-gangster lesson. It was an
excellent workshop. The young people were
completely engaged and thoroughly enjoyed
the session. 67% of those who took part
described the workshop as excellent and the
other 33% as very good. We are currently
looking at ways to build upon the initial
success of this partnership and to work
together on a larger scale in the new
school year.
of volunteers to work in a school in South
Tyneside. After discussing the issues in some
length we realised the best outcomes would
“The Word”
be achieved by working in partnership as CSV
An anti-racist hip-hop group who were set up
were already equipped to recruit and support
in Thornhill School in Sunderland. They have
the volunteers whilst we had the access to
run several large-scale community events in
schools and we equipped to educate the
which we have taken part with Gary and
Pictured above: young supporter at our ‘Walker United’ event. Photograph reproduced by kind permission of
NDS and Lee Dobson Photograpy.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Kieron helping to comprise a panel taking
Sharing Good Practice
questions on racism from the audience. We
provided them with resources to distribute
and invited them to participate in our events
and hope to extend this partnership in
the future.
Our work in the North East and partnerships with
local councils has attracted interest from all over the
UK; Glasgow, Edinburgh and Nottingham Councils
have already begun their own projects and QPR,
Carlisle and Milton Keynes football in the community
“L’Afrique a Newcastle”
We worked with the festival organisers to
deliver a series of workshops in Newcastle as
schemes have expressed an interest in developing a
similar scheme in their areas.
We have also developed guides advising
part of the week long festival. We are currently
organisations of the ways in which they can best engage
developing a partnership with Newcastle
with Show Racism the Red Card’s resources. There are
Football Development Service to visit schools
two guides; one for football teams and one for councils
together in 2007.
in which we will be able to share the experience that we
have had in the North East in order for them to set up
Justice First
similar schemes in their own areas. To our great
We worked together to deliver a weeklong
pleasure, the model of the schools work developed
programme of work in Stockton on Tees. The
here has been successfully adopted and used to run
posters that the young people produced
workshops in Glasgow where ex-old firm players have
during these workshops were made into a
been delivering “A Safe Place” Workshops in
booklet to be given out at a charity football
conjunction with football training. Representatives
match that was held at part of the FARE week
from Notts County football club have been to observe
of action on the 22nd October 2006.
workshops and receive advice on how to set up a similar
Pictured above: Supporters of our campaign.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
scheme in their area and Gary and Kieron have visited
Looking to hold anti-racist soccer schools,
which will be run by ex-professional footballers
Carlisle United to share good practice with them.
and contain a strong element of anti-racist
Looking Forward
Aiming to build upon the Gold Standard for
The project has been extremely successful in its
Race Equality Scheme.
first two and a half years, and we are ever looking to
expand and improve the work. In 2007 we are:
Planning to run annual regional anti-racist
football tournaments.
Aiming to run a series of workshops in
conjunction with Newcastle Football
Planning to run regular events at all of the high
profile sporting clubs in the North East.
Development Service.
Planning to work in partnership with other
Planning to build upon the success of Walker
organisations working in the field of anti-racism
United to work in conjunction with other grass
and myth busting around asylum issues. We
roots football clubs to work in partnership to
have already set up events to be delivered in
hold further community events in 2007. We are
partnership with Save the Children, The Word,
also on the steering committee for a large
North East Refugee Service and Community
music based community event, in partnership
Service Volunteers.
with UNISON and other local groups, which
will be held in Sunderland in the Summer.
Planning to run monitoring events with young
Pictured above: Young supporters at South Tyneside Town Hall for launch of 'Working with SRTRC and their
resources: A Guide For Councils. Photograph reproduced by kind permission of NDS
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Going to distribute the guides that we have
Ellis (TWAFA), Julian Simpson (L’Afrique a Newcastle)
produced to councils and football clubs and
(Newcastle United Academy), The Lord Mayor of
meet with them to help them to set up
Newcastle, Kim Burns, Judith Duffy, Lewis Duffy, Bev
anti-racism education schemes in their areas.
Hutchinson, Iftikhar Hussain, Joe Smart, Walker
Central Football Club, Newcastle Street Wardens,
Foundation, Government Office North East, NUT,
Service, Ian Solomon (KMC/FURIOUS), Amer Sheikh
Nancy Rios, Jacqueline Campbell, Les Platt, Steve
(Darlington FC), Mark Hannen (Newcastle FC
Owen,Pam Vedhara, June Horne, John Braithwaite
Academy) Louise Wanless (Sunderland FC) Martin
(South Tyneside Council), Ron Nicholson, Jane Burn,
Lightfoot, Anne Wood, Debra Lagun, Richard
Cllr David Faulkner (Newcastle City Council) Dave
Rutherford, Gavin Sutherland, David Foster and all the
(Newcastle University), Angela Killoran, Alan Gate
Newcastle, Sunderland and Darlington players who
(Walker Boys Club), Jane Davies (Sunderland
have attended events and helped to make them
University), Viki Angel and Neil Denton (ARCH), Mark
special for the young people involved.
Pictured above: The grand finale of ‘Walker United’ a SRTRC event photograph reproduced by kind permission
of NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
Endorsements: “Enfield Council fully supports the work that Show Racism the Red Card does to combat
racism in a way that appeals directly to young people. The use of positive role models is especially
effective” Martin Garnar, Enfield Council, Education. "It is great to see SRTRC go from strength to
strength. In these days of real challenge for those of us who really believe in a multi cultural society, Red
Cards genuine grass roots work is an example which many could follow" Dave Anderson MP, Blaydon
Constituency. "Show Racism The Red Card has played a leading role in making the North East and the
rest of the UK a more tolerant place. We are delighted that SRTRC was able to contribute to this year's
Festival and bring a sporting dimension to our message of inclusion through the arts." Julian Simpson,
Event manager, L'afrique a Newcastle. 2006 saw the first local SRTRC competition for schools to be held
in Milton Keynes ahead of the national competition. The project involved 41 MK schools, engaged more
than 13,000 young people, and attracted over 5,000 entries. Supported by MK Dons, MK Council, MK
Youth Service, MK REC, and MK Dons Supporters Assn. the campaign was a huge success. Milton
Keynes Football First Project together with partners would like to express thanks to the SRTRC team for
their very generous support for our project and wish SRTRC very best wishes for the annual review.
Dennis Woolford, Football First. ”Prejudice is universal and different forms of bigotry often fuel one
another so Nil By Mouth applauds the positive actions of Show Racism the Red Card. Racism, like
sectarianism, divides communities and individuals alike. Therefore we believe that a unified approach is
the most effective way to tackle hatred and abuse. SRTRC has achieved huge progress through this and
Nil By Mouth will continue to work in partnership with the campaign to further fan the flames of hope
and understanding”. Richard Benjamin, Nil by Mouth. “The City of Edinburgh Council sees SRTRC as a
best practice model to tackle racism. The partnership work over the last two years has grown
siginificantly and during 06/07 we have undertaken to deliver a more expansive range of anti racist
activities. Many of these activities will be delivered through existing services and it is this
"mainstreaming" approach, which will lay the foundations for future work between the two
organisations”. Nick Croft, Senior Policy Officer, City of Edinburgh Council. Last season staff and
players alike joined in various campaigns to help support SRTRC. Kilmarnock FC were proud to support
this campaign last season and will do all we can in the coming season. Getting out into the community
and educating children at an early age is very important and in conjunction with our community coach
and SRTRC hopefully we can make a real difference. Angela Burnett, Kilmarnock FC. SQA is delighted to
continue to support Show Racism The Red Card. This innovative approach to tackling racism from a
young age is the right way forward. Anton Colella, Chief Executive, SQA.
Report by Paul Kearns
UK Office Manager
been a great support, gradually handing over tasks as
I started to establish myself and get my feet under the
table. I am now starting to feel more at home within
the organisation and hope that my role will have a big
impact on the efficiency and capacity of SRtRC to do
what the organisation does best, using professional
footballers as role models to deliver a very important
message to young people.
In my short time with the organisation, I have
attended events at Huddersfield Town FC and the
National Assembly of Wales. At both events it was
inspiring to see the effect that our message can have
upon young people and refreshing to see the energy
and passion that someone like Jane Davidson,
(Education and Lifelong learning Minister for Wales)
has for our campaign. I will also have the opportunity
I spotted a small advertisement in the local paper
in coming weeks to attend events at Sunderland AFC,
at the beginning of October 2006 that immediately
Newcastle United and as a Liverpudlian born and
drew my attention. UK Office Manager for Show
bred, am immensely proud to be part of the team
Racism the Red Card, combining my passion for
taking SRtRC to Anfield for an event with Liverpool FC
social equality and lifelong love of football. I am very
in February 2007. I am hoping to introduce my North
proud to say that my application was successful and I
East colleagues to a new concept, a trophy room full
joined the organisation in mid November. After an
of trophies!
induction that left my head spinning I have to say that
so far it has been everything I expected and much,
much more.
I have now had chance to appraise the Office set up
and accounting systems. We will shortly be filing
accounts for the year 2005-2006 with the Charities
SRtRC is a small, close knit team and all members
Commission and are completely up to date and on
of staff have gone out of their way to help me settle in
schedule to file accounts for year 2006-2007 ahead of
and learn the ropes, Ged has been particularly helpful
deadline. I intend to introduce a new accounting
helping to fill my in-tray on a hourly basis! Gavin has
system for the financial year 2007-2008 and have
Pictured above: Possible stars of the future at a SRTRC event, photo reproduced by kind permission of Unison.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
recently acquired the necessary software. This will
have already forged good relations with colleagues in
grant us the facility to accept Credit and Debit Card
the Scottish and Welsh Offices and will seek to
payments online, which I expect will increase sales of
improve coordination between the three offices in the
coming year.
We have sourced new Office space and are
Show Racism the Red Card is a charity that makes a
currently in negotiations with the backing of North
huge difference to the lives of children in England,
Tyneside Council to relocate in or around June 2007.
Scotland and Wales and I am exceptionally grateful
and proud to have the chance to make my
In my short time with the organisation I have also
contribution to such a worthwhile cause.
started to build a database of key Council contacts for
the distribution of the Best Practice Guide with a long-
Although I haven’t been in post for very long I have
term view to increasing the number of Partnership
to express my sincere thanks to all the staff, Fiona
Councils we work with. I intend to undertake a similar
McCarthy, Derek Gardner and Don Cowper for all
project to establish and build relationships with
their support helping me to settle in and to Simone
football clubs, to increase the number of posters that
Doyle, Kevin Miles and Sue Abbott for placing their
we produce and the number of events held at clubs. I
faith in me.
Pictured above: Group of young supporters at one of 0ur SRTRC events.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports
July 2005 - December 2006
12th July 2005
29th September 2005
Show Racism the Red Card
football match:
ex-players v MPs
Bristol City FC poster launch
The ex-professional footballers included Bobby
Barnes, Luther Blissett, Bob Bolder, Warren Barton,
The event was organised by Mandy Thorpe and
attended by Bristol City players Clayton Fortune and
Jamie Smith, who answered questions from local
school students.
Garth Crooks, Gary Bennett, Paul Davis and John
Beresford and they took on the Parliamentary team
1st October 2005
lead by the sports minister Richard Caborn. The
Soccerama Tournament
players won the game!
This was followed by the Parliamentary preview of
On Saturday 1st October over 150 pupils from across
our new DVD.
the North East took part in the inaugural SRTRC 6 a
side football tournament. Year 6 pupils from
Our thanks go to Stephen Hepburn MP for
organising the room in the House of Commons.
Middlesbrough, Sunderland and South Tyneside
converged on Soccearena in Durham for a great
Pictured above: Ex-players supporting our campaign at our Walker United event Photograph reproduced by
kind permission of Lee Dobson Photography.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
afternoon of football and fun played against a
Also present were footballers Neil Cox and Tariq
backdrop of Show Racism the Red Card message.
Khalil of Cardiff City and Roberto Martinez, Izzy
Thanks have to go to David Foster and Gary Bennett
Iriekpen, Leon Britton and Garry Monk of Swansea
whose hard work made the event possible.
City. Attending from the Welsh Football Assoication
were: John Toshack, Wales Manager, and Wales
10th October 2005
Internationals Ryan Giggs of Manchester United
SRTRC Launch of the SRTRC
Campaign in Wales
and Jason Brown of Gillingham.
The guest speaker at the launch was John Griffiths,
Welsh Assembly Member for Newport East who has
The SRTRC Wales Steering Group arranged a launch
given his wholehearted support to the campaign on
of the Welsh Campaign to take place at the Vale of
behalf of the Assembly Government.The new Welsh
Glamorgan Hotel on 10th October 2005. Guests
version of the SRTRC DVD was played to the
from partner organisations UNISON, NUT, FAW,
audience, following which questions to the
FAW Trust, Sports Council for Wales and the Welsh
footballers were invited from the schoolchildren
Assembly Government, were invited to attend, as
were two local schools.
A number of children asked the players what their
Pictured above: Ryan Giggs with young supporters at launch of SRTRC Campaign in Wales.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
experience of racism had been as children, adults
Tranmere Rovers, David Weir the club captain of
and footballers. Ryan Giggs, in particular, gave an
Everton, Frank Sinclair and Graham Branch of
insight into the difficulties he had experienced. This
Burnley, Jason Roberts and Andreas Johansson of
surprised a number of people present as Ryan, whilst
Wigan and ex –players Howard Gayle and Earl
being of mixed race, is not obviously black. Other
Barrett. Our thanks go to Alan Johnson of EFC for
players were also very open and honest about their
organising the event.
experiences and how they dealt with them.Following
“We are all determined to ensure that football and
the Q&A session, children were invited to come
society as a whole is racism free and I am sure that
forward to get autographs.
the work carried out by SRTRC has been successful in
The event and, in particular, the impact of the DVD
promoting this ideal through the unique power that
received very favourable feedback with the partner
is football. Keep up the good work”
organisations even more committed to ensure that
Alan Johnson, Everton FC
SRTRC in Wales becomes as successful as it is in
parts of England and Scotland.Report by Dawn
18th October 2005
Hayes, Unison.
London DVD Launch Tottenham
Hotspur FC
13th October 2005
North West DVD Launch
Everton FC
This event was attended by around 100 young
people, who enjoyed the opportunity to meet some
of their favourite THFC players. Robbie Keane, Aaron
Everton FC again hosted the North West launch of
Lennon and Ledley King ably fielded questions from
our DVD. Attending the event were Calvin Zola of
the young people in the audience on racism and had
Pictured above: Featured from left to right are Robbie Keane, Aaron Lennon and Ledley King of Tottenham
Hotspur at White Hart Lane for launch of SRTRC DVD.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
time to stay and give autographs for all afterwards.
the DVD’s extras were shown throughout the event
Several members of the THFC women’s’ team also
and were very well received.
attended the event.. Geoff Mason from Unison
The event was well attended by young people, their
chaired the event.
families and players from both Nottingham Forest FC
Thanks are due to all the staff at Tottenham Hotspur
and Notts County FC. Rune Pederson, Eugene Dadi,
for their brilliant assistance on the day and in the
Spencer Weir-Daley and Justyn Roberts attended from
organisation of the event and to Kim Burns for the
Nottingham Forest, Rob Ullathorne and Kelvin
same reasons.
Wilson attended from Notts County FC. Dave Bennett
also attended, as did Gary Bennett. All the players
19th October 2005
answered questions on racism from the floor and
Midlands DVD Launch
Nottingham Forest FC
happily posed for photographs and signed
This event combined a prize-giving presentation for
magazines, posters, bags and stickers.
young people who entered a SRTRC themed
competition organised by Nottinghamshire County
Council over the last year, with the first screening of
the new SRTRC video/DVD in the Midlands. Much of
autographs at the end. The young people, as always,
were able to take away copies of all our free resources,
Our thanks go to Nottingham Forest FC and
Nottinghamshire County Council, particularly Raj
Sharma and his team from the Regeneration Dept for
organising an excellent event.
Pictured above: Young supporters. Photographs reproduced by Lee Dobson Photography
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
24th October 2005
Poster Launch Chelsea FC
this they received resources and watched our new
DVD, before asking questions of the assembled
panel. Carlton Cole of Chelsea FC, Shaka Hislop,
Show Racism the Red Card’s first ever event at
Gary Bennett, Bobby Barnes of the PFA and Elliot
Chelsea FC was a great success. As it was half term,
Joseph, who performed some of his poetry. Gary had
the young people who attended were from local
the unenviable task of picking the best question, with
youth groups and football teams, and they
the young person judged to have asked the best
thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon at Stamford
question receiving an authenticated Chelsea
Bridge. Firstly, a ground tour was available to
FC shirt, signed by the whole squad.
everyone and the audience got to see the media
Our thanks go to Kim Burns who chaired and helped
room, dressing room, tunnel and dugout area. The
to organise the event, all of our volunteers and to all
young people displayed an encyclopaedic knowledge
the staff at Chelsea FC who made sure that the day
of the Nationalities of all of Chelsea’s players in the
went flawlessly.
dressing room, when quizzed by the tour guide. After
Pictured above: Chelsea FC's Geremi presens a ball signed by the 2006 Premiership Champions to our
Schools Competition Prize Winner Sophie Whitehead.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
November 2005
SRTRC Norway’s John Carew
wins anti-racism award
"The Norwegian Show Racism the Red Card
campaign is built on the solid experiences of Ged
Grebby and his team. We would never have achieved
so much since our launch in 2000 without their vital
John Carew was presented with this year's anti-racism
and continueous support. Racism is an evil to be
award by SRTRC (Norway) at the Norwegian Players
fought day in, day out. The achievements of the
Union 'Player of the Year' ceremony. Carew has been
British campaign is a role model to the rest of the
the main star of the campaign in Norway since its
national SRTRC campaigns."
start in year 2000. He is always willing to lend his
Morten Stenseng Gulbrandsen, Show Racism the Red
name, autograph and photo to our work and also
Card – Norway
using his position to get massive media attention to
the problem of racism in football.
3rd November 2005
Carew was presented with the award by the former
South Tyneside Event: The
Customs House, South Shields
Sunderland captain and SRTRC worker, Gary Bennett.
Two of the young winners of our latest schools
competition were on the podium displaying their
South Tyneside Council worked closely with us to
winning banner. Carew also won the prestigious
organise this event. Players from Sunderland and
"Player of the Year".
Newcastle and our patrons were invited to attend.
John Beresford [ex-Newcastle] Nyron Nosworthy
At the press conference Carew asserted that he was
even more proud of winning the anti-racism award as
racism is a problem in society and more important
than football. The Norwegian Show Racism The Red
Card campaign is run by the Norwegian Players Union
[Sunderland] and Justin Hoyte, [Sunderland] attended
alongside Gary and Kieron which provided an
excellent panel. The occasion was a great success.
The teachers gave a lot of positive feedback and
expressed an interest in organising workshops at their
and Norwegian People's Aid.
Pictured above: Supporters in Scotland.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
schools in the near future. 110 children attended and
of Leeds United AFC, Nick Montgomery of Sheffield
all received free promotional material. The event
United FC, Stephen McPhail of Barnsley FC and
was well covered by the local press. Our thanks go to
SRTRC Honorary Patron and former Sheffield
the Customs House for providing a great venue.
Wednesday player, Earl Barrett. Also in attendance
were long-standing supporter and Emmerdale
This event was attended by 130 guests and had an
actress Charlie Hardwick.
excellent Q and A led by Ex-Newcastle players and
SRTRC Patron John Bersford and Nyron Nosworthy
Our thanks go to all the guests,, and all the Staff at
and Justin Hoyte from Sunderland AFC
Leeds United Study Support Centre and at Leeds
United FC, especially Steve Smith, Linda Farnhill and
24th November 2005
Stix Lockwood.
Yorkshire DVD Launch: Leeds
United FC
5th December 2005
Leeds United’s excellent Study Support Centre was
the venue for the Yorkshire launch of the new Show
Racism the Red Card DVD. The video was very well
Annual Launch of the North
East schools work: Newcastle
United FC
received by the audience of around 60 young people
We re-launched the Schools work programme for
from local Primary and High Schools. Players from
North East regions and screened the new DVD for
several Yorkshire based clubs attended to help
an invited audience of local young people in the
launch the video/DVD, David Healy and Ian Moore
Kielder Suite of the St James’ Park stadium. Around
Pictured above: Pictured above: Left to right Carlos Logan, Titus Bramble, Matt Clarke and John Beresford
meet young supporters at 2006 launch of North East schools work programme. Photograph by NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
80 young people attended and had the opportunity to
ex-Hull City player Billy Whitehurst. Who fielded
put questions to the panel, comprised of players from
questions on racism from an audience of 150 local
clubs around the region. Titus Bramble attended from
young people
Newcastle FC, Matt Clarke and Carlos Logan from
Darlington and Ex-Newcastle United star and
10th January 2006
honorary patron, John Beresford also attended. This
Teaching in a Diverse City:
Newcastle United FC
event provided us with the opportunity to finally
present John Beresford with his well-deserved ‘Hall of
Fame’ award.
Our thanks to all at Newcastle United FC for all their
help with the event, particularly to Mark Hannen for
liasing with the players and Dave Pattison for
organising the ground tour for guests before the start
of the event, which everyone seemed enjoyed
very much.
The aim of the conference was to raise awareness of
multiculturalism among student teachers and to
prepare them for teaching children from a range of
ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Rachel Lofthouse:
PGCE coordinator at Newcastle University, was
concerned this important issue was not being given
the attention and time it deserved. Rachel had heard
of Show Racism the Red card and wanted to use our
7th December 2005
workshops as a basis for the groundbreaking daylong
conference. 200 bags containing an annual review,
DVD Launch: Hull City
Attending the event to help launch the DVD in Hull
were Hull City duo, Craig Fagan and Kevin Ellison and
our old education packs, a flyer for our new DVD and a
magazine were given to the students on their arrival.
We ran two workshops through out the day centred on
our Show Racism the Red Card and A Safe Place
Pictured above: Young people at a SRTRC event.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
videos. The students were divided into groups of 50
three London boroughs, delivering over a hundred
and all experienced both workshops. Rachel
sessions in the past eighteen months. Kim was very
Lofthouse said this after the event: ‘we were very
impressed with this and immediately suggested that
pleased with the event - students had enjoyed the
the contribution of the QPR Community
range of workshops / lectures and were enthused by
Department be recognised by induction into the
the working with people who have such genuine
Show Racism the Red Card Hall of Fame.
passion and commitment for such significant
The event was attended by three QPR players, Danny
issues. We are very grateful for the work of SRTRC
Shittu, Marc Nygaard and Steve Lomas along with
and the key note speakers who provided their inputs
Club Chairman, Mr Gianni Paladini; former QPR
for free’
player and Show Racism the Red Card Patron Gavin
16th January 2006
Peacock; Show Racism the Red Card founding
Patron, Shaka Hislop; and the campaign’s Ged
Hall of Fame Award: Queens
Park Rangers FC
Grebby and Gary Bennett. In the audience were
representatives of many organisations showing their
support for Show Racism the Red Card, including
Towards the end of 2005, Show Racism the Red Card
the Fire Brigades Union, Football First Milton
was contacted by Queens Park Rangers FC, inviting
Keynes; the Khalsa Football Academy; the local
us to hold an event there. London volunteer, Kim
Member of Parliament; as well as local and national
Burns, popped-down to Loftus Road for a chat with
press. We were also delighted to be joined by
staff from the QPR Community department, and
representatives of the Trinidad & Tobago Football
was amazed to discover that they had been taking
Association (Shaka Hislop’s international side),
the Show Racism the Red Card anti-racism
who were visiting QPR to arrange a pre-World Cup
resources into schools, libraries and youth groups in
friendly international against Iceland at Loftus Road.
Pictured above: Young prize winners from our schools competition
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
Two classes of local schoolchildren were invited and
Queens Park Rangers FC for an excellent event, for
enjoyed watching the DVD, collecting their goody-
their wonderful hospitality and for all their hard work
bags, and meeting the players. They also came up with
in their local community in support of the campaign.
some terrific questions for the panel, which the QPR
We look forward to working with you for many years
players dealt with very well, bringing in their own
to come.
experiences of discrimination and displaying a
genuine commitment to the objectives of the Show
24th January 2006
Racism the Red Card campaign. The players were
Ghyllgrove schools event
particularly generous with their time, which was
appreciated by everyone. The highlight of the event
was undoubtedly the presentation of the Show Racism
the Red Card Hall of Fame Award by Show Racism the
Red Card’s Gary Bennett and the former QPR player
Gavin Peacock to Chairman, Mr Gianni Paladini,
Community Scheme Manager Andy Evans and
Community Department staff member
Martino Chevannes.
The morning was spent in a class watching the Show
Racism The Red Card DVD. This was followed by a
class discussion. The pupils showed a very good
understanding of the issues surrounding racism in
society and asked some very testing questions! After a
quick kick-about in the playground the class divided
into groups - some writing short poems, others
designing posters. One group acted out a play,
which they will film and send in to SRTRC
We would like to take this opportunity to thank
schools competition.
Pictured above: Shaka Hislop at a SRTRC event.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
After lunch Shaka arrived and signed hundreds of
players from Darlington took their places at the top
posters, shirts and shin-pads then bravely went into
table along with Ex-Middlesbrough player and
the school assembly hall were he was 'grilled' by the
SRTRC patron Curtis Fleming. They were Matthew
Ghyllgrove infant and junior school. The pupils
Clarke, Carlos Logan, Akpo Sodje and Joey
asked Shaka some very interesting questions about
Hutchinson. Darlington provided a signed shirt, a
racism, bullying and his career. Shaka was then
signed football and 2 signed calendars as prizes for
happy to play some football with the after school
the best questions. After the main event the children
football club. All of the young footballers were
were taken on the ground tour.
determined to tackle or take the ball past Shaka so
Darlington showed exceptional hospitality and
he was very lucky to come out unscathed! All in all
made us, and the children, feel very welcome.
the school staff were very helpful and the pupils
Thanks to Eleanor Ryall, the marketing manager for
keen to learn and Shaka made the whole event
Darlington for all her hard work and to the
really special.
Darlington players for their support of the campaign
31st January 2006
DVD Launch: Darlington FC
180 young people from 3 local schools attended this
15th February 2006
Poster Launch: Newcastle
Falcons RFC
event. Upon arrival the club provided them all with
hot food, and they were also given a goodie bag of
Show Racism the Red Card resources. Kieron Brady
chaired the event. After screening the new DVD
As part of our on going objectives of tackling racism
in the community, we have started to branch out
from football to other sports including ice hockey,
Pictured above: Poster launch at Newcastle Falcons. Photographs reproduced by NDS
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
basketball and rugby. This event saw the presentation
David Wilson. The children then asked the players
of the second poster we have produced with the
questions about racism, which the player answered
Newcastle Falcons.
with good will and humour. The girl who asked the
best question won two tickets to a Newcastle Falcons
The launch took place at Kingston Park, the home of
home game.
the Newcastle Falcons. All in all 60 children attended
aged from 12 to 17. They were invited to go to the event
We were very pleased with the event and the children
as a reward for their good attendance records.
and teachers gave us some very positive feedback.
Our thanks go to the players who gave up their teme
Kieron Brady was the chair for the event and after
and particular thanks to Mark Foster who organised
watching the DVD the young people were then
the event and arranged the match day tickets.
entertained by the Word who are an educational rap
group started by a science teacher at Thornhill School
16 February 2006
called Amer Sheikh and involving a group of current
Poster and DVD launch:
Cardiff City
and ex students. The group had been around several
schools performing and talking about anti racism and
mutual respect. We had invited them to perform two
Children from Trelai primary school in Cardiff attended
songs at the event.
the launch. Posing questions on racism to a panel
After the Word had finished the Newcastle Falcons
players were introduced and took their seats at the top
table. They were Joe Shaw, Mark Mayerholfer and
made up of former Cardiff City players Gary and Dave
Bennett and current players, captain Darren Purse and
defender Neil Cox . Also present at the event was Luke
Clements who was the Welsh regional winner of
Pictured above: Newcastle Falcons RFC players. Picture by Lee Dobson Photography.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
SRTRC poster competition. Luke won a Manchester
success. Outside the hall packed with school
United shirt and a visit to Old Trafford for a training
students and others were large numbers of press
session with Rio Ferdinand on 14 March.
taking pictures of football legends Niall Quinn,
After the formalities, all the children who had asked
Curtis Fleming and Dessie Farrell.
questions came up and had their photos taken with
Students came from schools with more than 40%
the players and just before a tour of Ninian Park,
non-Irish national composition. So it was pertinent
players signed copies of the new poster for the
that in questions young people put to the panel
children to take away with them.
some of the young people referred to their own
27th March 2006
Dublin event: Shelbourne FC
experience of racism within Dublin.
There was a lively questions and answers session at
the event following presentation of the Irish website,
The Show Racism the Red Card launch at Tolka Park -
DVD and poster. Awards were given to the students
the home of Shelbourne FC - was an outstanding
who asked the best questions. As the event drew to a
Pictured above: Niall Quinn with young supporters.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
close thousands of posters were taken from the tables
Members and Staff who were present to lend their
and autographs were sought and signed. The launch
support to the anti-racism campaign.
was covered in major tabloids and broadsheets as well
Eagle players Aki Rihilahti and Tom Soares the
as the television news.
midfielder along with ex-England international Chris
Shelbourne FC was a magnificent host for the event. It
Powell, who plays for Charlton Athletic were present to
was entirely appropriate to hold the launch of Show
answer questions on racism from the young people
Racism the Red Card Ireland at one of the country's
and signed autographs. Also present were, Mary
leading clubs. We have met with Galway United and
Lawmann from Croydon Council. The Mayor of
officials from Shamrock Rovers and FAI cup winners
Croydon, Councillor Maggie Mansell and Councillor
Drogheda United about developing a pilot public
Mark Watson spoke about the ills of racism and other
awareness project with these clubs as the pioneers.
hate crimes and why we should all work together to
We are delighted with the reaction so far.
kick racism out of society. The Nu-Mcs , gave a rapid
17th March 2006
rendition of positive rap with audience participation
which animated and excited the children and other
2006 Crystal Palace
guests and left the audience wanting more.
The event jointly organised with Croydon Council was
A very exciting day was had by all and our huge thanks
attended by local schoolchildren, their teachers and
go to the Palace staff and everyone who participated,
representatives from some community organisations.
but particularly to the players who took time out to
The Mayor of Croydon attended, as did some Council
make the day an enjoyable one for all.
Pictured above: Young people showing their support for SRTRC.
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SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
4th April 2006
DVD Launch: Sunderland Civic
young people received a goody bag of Show Racism
the Red Card's resources and had the opportunity to
get autographs at the end of the event.
“We have been working with Show Racism the Red
Nyron Nosworthy from Sunderland AFC was on
hand to answer questions on racism from local
youngsters at the Sunderland Launch of our new
educational DVD. The launch took place in
Sunderland Council Chamber on Tuesday 4th April.
Local schoolchildren, group leaders and council
members attended the event jointly organised by
Sunderland City Council.The event concluded with a
question and answer session between the young
people, Nyron and ex-Sunderland stars Gary Bennett
and Kieron Brady. The Show Racism the Red Card
team were greatly impressed by the thoughtful
questions posed by the young people and the best
two questions were awarded tickets for
Card since June 2004 to deliver anti-racism training
to schools in Sunderland. It has proved to be one of
the most successful programmes the Sunderland
Partnership and the City Council has ever been
involved with. The feedback from students and their
teachers has been overwhelmingly positive and we
hope this innovative programme will be able to
continue in the city for many years to come.
The Sunderland Partnership enthusiastically
supports the aims and objectives of the Show
Racism The Red Card project and wish the venture
further success as it celebrates its 10th anniversary.”
Canon Stephen Taylor, Chair, Sunderland
Sunderland's home match with Fulham. All the
Pictured above: Young prize winners with Charles N'Zogbia and Kieron Dyer at Newcastle United FC. Picture
by NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
5th April 2006
26th April 2006
Launch of Newcastle Eagles
Poster: Ashington High School
Prize Giving Ceremony (South):
Charlton Athletic FC
Five of the Newcastle Eagles Basketball team visited
Ashington Community High School Sports College;
Ashington is a town fifteen miles north of Newcastle,
to launch the 2005-06 team poster. The huge impact
of the five six feet plus players arrived at school sent
an excited buzz around school generating mass
interest in the event. The two hundred students who
attended the event were treated to excerpts from the
new (06) dvd and followed up with a Q & A session
with the players and a photo shoot with the whole
group. The school and the students wished the
players all the best for their up and coming league and
The first of two Prize Giving Ceremonies recognising
the overall winners of the Show Racism the Red Card
anti-racist schools competition 2006; was brilliantly
hosted by Charlton Athletic FC. An audience of over
100 young people, teachers and invited guests were in
attendance to see the winners receive their prizes
from Chris Powell of Charlton Athletic FC, former
professional players – Paul Elliot, Gavin Peacock, Bob
Bolder, Bobby Barnes and Dave Bassett, and actors
Tracy Wilkinson (Bad Girls) and Patrick Miller
(Byker Grove).
cup matches and presented them with an Ashington
The winners were from schools in Milton Keynes,
High School commemorative plaque.
Solihull, Winchester, Essex and Andover. Young
people from local schools also came to the event for a
Pictured above: SRTRC Prize Giving Ceremony at Charlton FC: VIPs with 2006 winner Sophie Whitehead.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
chance to ask the panel questions on racism during a
hosted by Bury NUT Equal Opportunities officer, Lyn
Q&A session and get some autographs.
Grant, through her role with the Ethnic Minorities
Achievement Grant funded, Curriculum and
All of the winning entries were on display around the
Language Access Service (CLAS). The service has
room prior and during the event. The winners were
coordinated the competition locally for three years.
fortunate enough to be awarded prizes such as
Show Racism the Red Card co-ordinator Ged Grebby
signed shirts and footballs and match tickets. In
and staff member, Kieron Brady also compered the
addition to a ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ goody bag
and a framed certificate. Some of the winners were
Pupils were thrilled to receive their prizes from
also awarded VIP trips to the training grounds of
football heroes, Earl Barrett (ex England, Villa and
some clubs. All the signed shirts, balls and match
Oldham player), Gary Bennett (ex Sunderland
tickets were donated by various professional football
captain), Frank Sinclair (from Burnley FC) and Bury
clubs; to Show Racism the Red Card, for this
players, John Daly and Lewis Coburn. Other guests
purpose. Our thanks go to all the clubs for their
included, Alan Johnson (Football in the Community
officer from Everton FC), Richard Jobson
Charlton Athletic FC were also able to offer all in
(Professional Footballers Association) and Dave Mc
attendance the opportunity of a tour of the stadium..
Our thanks to all of the winners for their work, the
teachers for facilitating their schools’ involvement in
the competition, the players and actors who attended
and to Charlton Athletic FC for hosting a great event.
27th April 2006
Schools’ Competition Prize
Giving: Bury FC
On Thursday 27th April, nearly 200 pupils, family
members and teachers packed into the Allen suite at
Gigg Lane, home of Bury Football Club, to celebrate
the achievements of the young contributors to the
Show Racism the Red Card competition. Other
members of the audience included, Richard
Palframan (NUT North West regional officer) and
Helen Andrews (Bury NUT divisional secretary and
North West executive member).The event was
Pictured above: A supporter at Walker United picture by NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
Dermott from the Football Foundation, who in
racism and how panel members had responded to
response to a question from a pupil, was pleased to
racism themselves.
discuss his desire to encourage more participation
Lyn Grant said, “I am proud that my union sponsors
from British Asian players at a professional level. Bury
such a productive and effective charity. SRTRC seeks
Director of Learning and Culture, David Pritchard,
to eliminate racism not only from sport, but within
praised the young people for their contributions and
society as a whole. The quality of their materials
talked about the importance and success of work in
means that teachers can really explore the causes and
Bury schools to counteract racism and promote racial
impact of racism as well as ways of empowering
young people to counteract racism. This years Bury
Pupils received certificates, posters of their favourite
competition has been the most successful to date.
teams, badges and finalists received SRTRC t-shirts.
Sixteen Primary and six Secondary schools have
Bury FC kindly donated family match tickets and a
participated. In all, two thousand Bury pupils have
signed football that, along with an England shirt, were
used the Show Racism the Red Card materials in
used as ‘best question’ prizes when pupils were given
lessons and assemblies in 2006. I am delighted to say
the opportunity to ask the panel questions relating to
that in recognition of this success, the CLAS have
racism and racial harmony. The quality of the
been asked to contribute to a good practice guide
questions from Bury pupils was impressive, with
being compiled by Show Racism the Red Card.”
questions such as, how best to support a victim of
Pictured above: Young people showing their support for SRTRC at our Crystal Palace event.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
2nd May 2006
Prize Giving Ceremony (North):
Newcastle Civic Centre
and he made an excellent impromptu speech on the
importance of fighting racism. Charlie Hardwick
from Emmerdale presented Kieron with his award
and also made a fantastic speech. 50 young people
The second of the Prize Giving Ceremonies to
from 12 different Newcastle schools were present
celebrate the efforts of the overall winners in the
as well as the prize-winners. Gillian Sanders from
Show Racism the Red Card Schools Competition,
the council invited these young people due to their
was held in the Council Chamber of the Civic
excellent school attendance records. Thanks go to
Centre, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Winners were
Gillian, Ron Nicholson, Mark Hannen and Hazel
from schools in County Durham, Liverpool,
Green, all the winners and guests who attended, the
Middlesbrough, Oldham and Spilsby. Councillor
teachers who ran the competition in their schools
David Faulkner made the introductory address and
and also to Newcastle City Council for hosting
Kieron Dyer and Shola Ameobi attended from
the event.
Newcastle FC. As well as giving out the prizes to the
winners, which included signed shirts, balls and
match tickets as well as a Show Racism the Red
Card goody bag and framed certificate, there was a
surprise for Kieron Dyer. Kieron was presented with
a Show Racism the Red Card Hall of Fame award
"Newcastle United wishes to underline the fact that
racism, in whatever form, will not be tolerated.
Newcastle United's work with the 'Show Racism the
Red Card' campaign is well recognised and many of
our players are heavily involved in this excellent
initiative. The club is firmly committed to stamping
Pictured above: Walker United enjoyed by all
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
out racism and sending out the message that racist
reception in the local community and large numbers
behaviour has no place on or off the field."
of people came on board to ensure the success of
Mark Hannen, Newcastle United FC
the day.
13th August 2006
In the lead up to the event Show Racism the Red
Card ran anti-racist workshops and football training
Walker United Community Day:
Walker Central FC
over two weekends with youngsters from the
football club. Ian Solomon came up from London to
run anti-racist hip-hop workshops with the young
This event was the result of collaboration between
people and he ran his first workshop the night
Show Racism the Red Card, Walker Central Football
before the event.
Club and the local leisure centre. There had been an
Over 30 organisations provided stalls and there
increase in racial tension in the Walker Area, a
were plenty of activities and entertainment for
relatively deprived borough of Newcastle that is a
young and old alike, most had an anti-racist or
dispersal area for Asylum Seekers. The tension had
multicultural theme and companies specialising in
culminated in incidents such as a vicious attack on
international cuisine provided the catering. A local
an Iranian Asylum Seeker. The football club
councillor opened the event and a celebrity football
approached Show Racism the Red Card about the
match between a Show Racism the Red Card team
problems in the area and together we came up with
of ex-professionals and a Walker Best 11 followed.
the idea of a community day for the borough. The
One of the most moving and thought provoking
aim of the day was to provide an enjoyable day for
parts of the day came next; A celebrity panel took
the people of Walker whilst educating people in antiquestions from young people on racism, a young
racism and celebrating the things that diversity has
Newcastle Academy player spoke about how he had
brought to the region. The idea was met with a great
Pictured above: SRTRC Walker United event. Photographs reproduced by NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
come over from Holland to play at the academy and
Richard Oswald, Pc Stoker, George Welch, Councillor
was living in Walker. He explained that he has had
Woods, Simon Smith, John Anderson, Curtis
stones thrown at him and abuse hurled whilst waiting
Fleming, Ian Bogie, Derek Forrest, Richard
for the bus to go to training and he told them how
Braithwaite, Insp Ronnie Lowes,, Newcastle Street
hurt he was by this. People were visibly affected by
Wardens, all the stall holders and volunteers
what was being said. The two young people who
asked the best questions won tickets to St James’s
19th September 2006
Park to watch Newcastle United play in the UEFA cup.
Start of the New Season:
Chelsea FC
A team of show Racism the Red Card volunteers had
been working tirelessly inflating balloons all day and
over 1000 red Show Racism the Red Card balloons
The first Show Racism the Red Card event of the new
were released as part of a balloon race, which was a
football season; was hosted by Chelsea FC at
great statement with which to finish the day.
Stamford Bridge. 116 school children from local
Thanks to Angela Killoran, Alan Walker, Debra Lagun,
schools attended to ask questions of a stellar panel.
Ann Wood, Jimmy Nelson, Cllr David Faulkener,
Including Chelsea’s newest signing, Ashley Cole, Paul
Pictured above: NUFC Women's team with Peter Beardsley. Photograph by NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
Canoville (the first black player to play for Chelsea),
by some freestyle rap from Ian Solomon.This event
Dave Bassett (SRTRC Honorary Patron), Sue
was a great way to start SRTRC’s tenth season of
Dawson (MK Dons Exec), Michael Cole (Chelsea
activity and our thanks go to all the guests and in
FITC), Dave McDermott (Football Foundation) and
particular to Chelsea FC, Pippa Hancock and Michael
Colleen Harris (Freelance journalist). The question
Cole, for their help in organising the event.
and answer session was superb, with questions
ranging from the England vs Spain racist incidents to
10th October 2006
Paul Canoville’s experiences playing in the 80s and
10th Anniversary Celebration:
Newcastle Gateshead Hilton
being abused by his own fans. The young person
selected for asking the most thought provoking
question won two tickets for a Chelsea FC game and
We celebrated our 10th anniversary with a lunch at
a signed England shirt (by Ashley Cole). The young
the Newcastle/Gateshead Hilton.
people all had the opportunity of a tour of the ground
The event was very kindly sponsored by Coutts Bank.
before or after the event. During the event the
Organisations and individuals who have shown
audience saw the SRTRC DVD and were entertained
support for the campaign were invited with 175
Pictured above: SRTRC Patrons at 10th anniversary celebrations. Picture by NDS.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
people attended travelling from all over the UK. The
Thanks to Coutts Bank, Don Cowper, Sandre Singh
afternoon was chaired by Show Racism the Red Card
(Hilton Hotels), John Beresford Charlie Hardwick,
Chair, Kevin Miles and Emmerdale Actress and long
Azeem and Sameera Ahmed, Richard Oswald and
standing Show Racism the Red card supporter
everyone else who contributed to the great success
Charlie Hardwick. A phone message from our first
of the event.
Patron, Shaka Hislop, was broadcast from the USA
and a video message of congratulations was shown
17th October 2006
from England captain, John Terry as we were sitting
Poster Launch Everton FC
for lunch. The assembled crowd was then given the
opportunity to preview the new Show Racism the
Everton again hosted a Show Racism the Red Card
Red Card campaign video. Once the lunch had
event at Goodison Park and as with previous
finished, the crowd were entertained by local anti-
seasons, it was very successful. A great panel was
racist hip hop group “The Word” before John
assembled to answer questions from an audience of
Beresford, one of our founding Patrons, spoke on
young people from local schools. Featuring; Tim
behalf of all of our guests by congratulating us on
Howard, Nuno Valente (+ interpreter), Calvin Zola
our achievements in the past and wishing us well in
(Tranmere Rovers FC) and Honorary Patrons
the next 10 years.
Howard Gayle & Earl Barrett. The event saw the
Pictured above: Tranmere Rovers' Calvin Zola at Everton FC. Photo reproduced by kind permission of Unison.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
unveiling of the new Everton FC/SRTRC poster,
“Liverpool UNISON has given full support to the
copies of which were distributed with magazines,
campaign during the last 10years.We have organised
bags and stickers. After the main event the audience
a soccer tournament each year to promote the
had an opportunity to get autographs from the
campaign, over 200 young people attend this event
assembled VIPs and go on a tour of the Goodison
each year from various racial and social
Park ground, including dressing rooms and the
backgrounds.Liverpool UNISON held a stall at this
dug-outs. An under 7’s team from the area also
years Liverpool carnival and we distributed hundreds
attended to be presented with their trophy by the
of copies of the latest "show racism the red card
Everton players. The team are sponsored by Unison
magazine and hundreds wore our "show racism the
and have been wearing SRTRC sweatshirts to all their
red card " stickers. Keep up the good work”
games, at time of writing they are undefeated!
Raph Parkinson, Branch Chair, Liverpool UNISON
17-30 October 2006 Fortnight of Action in Wales,
Show Racism the Red Card would like to thank
Before kick-off on the 27th / 28th October 2006,
Everton FC and in particular Alan Johnson for
players from every Principality Building Society Welsh
organising the event and the involvement of Everton
Premier league in Wales united in calling for a
players, the players and patrons who attended, Gary
racism-free football and society. Players and referees
Simcock of Skillsforce for inviting the young people
held up 'Show Racism the Red Cards' prior to kick
and all who attended for making it another occasion
offWith 17 clubs in the Welsh Premier league, the
to remember.
message was conveyed throughout Wales as the
Pictured above: Entertainment at a SRTRC event.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
teams are from all corners of the country. This
event assemble to see the DVD and take part in a
included the match between Bangor City (blue) and
question and answer session with, six first team
Aberystwth Town (green), Bangor City captain Paul
players, the manager and the chairman! In total 325
O'Neil is seen holding up the red cardShow Racism
schoolchildren attended from local schools and
the Red Card would like to thank the Football
were treated to a great afternoon with a well re-
Association of Wales (FAW) for their support during
enforced anti-racism message. On arrival the young
the Fortnight of Action.
people were presented with a goody bag and sticker
each, the bag containing our magazine, the MK
18th October 2006
Dons/SRTRC poster (produced by the club), the
Poster Launch
Milton Keynes Dons
SRTRC England poster, an MK Dons FITC brochure
A new benchmark for events at football clubs was
and bookmark. The school children were then
set at this event, co-organised by Football First – MK
whisked off on a tour of the National Hockey
Council and Milton Keynes Dons FC. The event saw
Stadium, before returning for refreshments prior to
one of the largest audiences we have ever had at any
the event.
and some specifically produced, by the club, Show
Racism the Red Card resources – a ‘gonk’, pencil
Pictured above: SRTRC Volunteer Kim Burns with Thierry Henry.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
Kim Burns chaired the event on behalf of SRTRC and
where the audience had the opportunity to get items
did a great job. The audience was very excited to see
signed by all those present. Media interest was high
the players and manager there and got a tremendous
on the day too, with players and the chairman
reception. After a viewing of the DVD, on two
interviewed by MK Tv as well as radio stations.
screens simultaneously, the audience had the
Our thanks go to Dennis Woolford at Football First,
opportunity to ask questions of the panel. Martin
for all his help in organising the day and promoting
Allen, manager of MK Dons, selected who asked the
the campaign locally, Sue Dawson, MK Dons Chief
questions. Everyone who asked a question received a
Executive, for the same reasons, Pete Winkelman,
SRTRC wristband and a pair of tickets for an MK
Martin Allen and the players for attending, MK Dons
Dons game of their choice. The three questions that
for hosting the event, the football in the community
were judged to have been the most interesting by
staff and Matt from the club shop for helping us stuff
Martin Allen were also given a bonus prize of signed
the goody bags and to Kim Burns and the other
shirt, signed ball or signed hats. The message was
volunteers from MK who helped run the event.
presented well to the audience and should have left a
lasting impression reinforced by activities at that
16th November 2006
weekend’s fixture, which was MK Dons designated
Poster Launch: Cardiff City FC
anti-racism match.
An appearance from one of the MK dons mascots
Cardiff City hosted a Show Racism the Red Card
‘Mooie’ came in advance of the autograph session
event at Ninian Park and as with previous seasons, it
Pictured above: SRTRC young supporters
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
was very successful. Dawn Hayes chaired the event
and the panel assembled to answer questions from
the young people included Cardiff City players Willo
Flood and Malvin Kamara. Ex- Cardiff city player Dave
19 November 2006
Cardiff University Shows Racism
the Red Card
Bennett was also in attendance. The young person
Cardiff University's IMG Group D teams Euros
who asked the best question received a football
showed 'Racism the Red Card' before their match
signed by all the Cardiff City players.
against Cardiff Crusaders. In an initiative organised
by the Captain Dan Tennant-Ralphs and Show
The anti-racist message was reinforced by activities
Racism the Red Card, the team all wore t-shirts Dan
at the Cardiff City home match against QPR the
designed with the words 'One Game For All, Without
following day. Players from both clubs warmed up
Racism' and also held up cards with those words.
wearing the Show Racism the Red Card t-shirts prior
to kick off.
Wales Co-ordinator Sunil Patel said "It's great to see
that one of the top Universities in the UK is showing
We would like to thank Cardiff City FC and in
their support for the campaign and just re-iterates
particular Nick Alford for organising the event and
that football is a universal game and should be
the involvement of Cardiff City players, Scott Young
enjoyed by all, this was reflected in the team spirit of
for inviting the local schools, Dave Bennett, one of
Euros which had players from eight nationalities
our Patrons who participated on the panel and Dawn
playing alongside each other".
Hayes who chaired the event.
Pictured above: SRTRC supporters with Gary Bennett.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
21st November 2006
22nd November 2006
Poster Launch: Portsmouth FC
Anti-Bullying Week:
Huddersfield Town AFC
Schoolchildren joined forces with players past and
present to show their support and to raise the red
Show Racism the Red Card took part in this event
card. 150 pupils from primary and secondary
organised by Kirklees Council, to combat bullying in
schools around the city, were invited to the Milan
all forms. As with most SRTRC events, we had some
Mandric suite at Fratton Park, for an afternoon
great support from players of the region. Matt
Glennon attended on behalf of Huddersfield Town
A huge cheer echoed around the room as
AFC, from Bradford City AFC Steven Schumacher &
Portsmouth Football players Lomana Lua Lua
Mark Bower attended, Leigh Bromby came from
(making his fourth appearance at the annual event)
Sheffield United FC and John Hendrie, one of
and Noe Pamarot entered the room. Prizes were
SRTRC’s Honorary Patrons were on hand to take
awarded to those asking the best questions.
part in two different Question and Answer sessions.
70 young people attended and they all took a very
positive message back to their schools.Our thanks
to all the players who attended the event. To Qaisar
Mahmood and Sinead Boyle from Kirklees Council
for organising the event and the other staff from the
council for their help on the day and Huddersfield
Town AFC for hosting the event
4th December 2006
Launch of the Welsh Schools
competition: National
Assembly of Wales
Sport and Politics came together to launch the
Show Racism the Red Card Schools competition at
the National Assembly for Wales on the
4th December 2006.
The event and was headed by the Minister for
Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills Jane
Davidson who addressed the audience and
Pictured above: Young people having fun at one of our events.
show racism the red card annual review 2006
SRTRC Event Reports SRTRC Event Reports
reiterated the importance of schools to enter the
competition in Wales.
The Culture and Sports Minister Alan Pugh who
was one of the guest speakers also backed the
campaign and was delighted the competition was
coming to Wales. The Minister also outlined the
Welsh Assembly Governments’ commitment to
tackling the issue of racism and to promoting an anti
racist message to all areas of society.
Local school children from Kitchener Primary
school attended the launch and were delighted to see
Welsh Rugby International’s Rhys Williams, Robert
Sidoli and Robin Sowden Taylor from Cardiff Blues
along with Wales under 21 and Swansea City FC
midfielder Owain Tudor Jones at the event.
All the players showed their support for the
schools competition and the campaign by
participating in a Q & A session taking questions
from the school children. They also spent time
talking to the children and guests after the event as
well as holding an autograph and photo session
which proved very popular.
Show Racism the Red Card patron and ex-
Also in attendance were members of our Wales
footballer Gary Bennett was also in attendance, Gary
committee which includes The Sports Council for
spoke about the school work he does in the North
Wales, Welsh Assembly Government, UNISON, FAW
East of England holding anti-racist workshops
and FAW Football in the Community, along with
accompanied by football training and the importance
Teaching Unions, Local Councils and Schools, WCVA
of educating young children at an early age on the
and the Commission for Racial Equality.
issue of racism.
The launch was well attended and included the
FAW Secretary General David Collins and Vice
President Phil Pritchard, along with the Welsh
Premier league Secretary John Deakin and the head
of the Sports Council for Wales Phil Carling.
Show Racism the Red Card would like to thank the
Ministers and the players who helped us launch our
competition. We would also like to thank everyone
who attended and we look forward to working
together, to ‘show racism the red card.’
Pictured above: Young pepole attend our SRTRC workshops
show racism the red card annual review 2006