She is clothed and she laughs when she speaks and she gives


She is clothed and she laughs when she speaks and she gives
Opportunities this week
Opportunities next week
Prayer Warriors:
AM: Amy VB, Rena C
PM: Les B, john H
Prayer Warriors:
AM: Galen VM, Herlan DJ
PM: Eleanor V, Helen DJ
AM: Wes Cannegieter
PM: Steve Cannegieter
AM: Floyd Davelaar
PM: Darwin De Jager
Coffee Servers:
Galen & Marlene Van Maanen
Bryan & Barb Pollema
Coffee Servers:
Keith & Carol Pollema
Paul & Nancy Van Noort
AM: Dennis VZ, Nathan BV, Mason DV
PM: Dennis VZ, Nathan BV, Mason DV
AM: Matt VH, Kevin DB, Nate BV
PM: Dan VB, Kevin DB, Bryce VM
AM: Nanci G, Lisa V,
Mckenna DW
PM: Alex VB, Tessa DV
AM: Mandi H, Jeaneen DJ,
Shaylei K
PM: Dawn S, Mikayla K
AM: Missions,
Christian Ed. Chapter
PM: Christian Schools International
AM: Bethel Ministries International (Jordan & Alex
Van Beek), Classical Fund
PM: Bethany Christian Services
Evening Praise Team
Lisa VB, Mackenzie K, Evy DK,
Bryan P, Dennis & Diane VZ
May Praise Team
Agnes W, Gary & Barb B,
Howie & Vonnie VG
AM: Vonnie
PM: Lois
AM: Linda
PM: Alyssa
This Week
9:10 AM
9:30 AM
5:40 PM
6:00 PM
Prayer Warriors
Worship Service
Profession of Faith Class
Prayer Warriors
Worship Service
2013-2014 Council Members
Elders: Galen Van Maanen, Jeff Santema,
Howie Van Ginkel, Jim Vande Kerk, Dennis Wynia,
Bryan Pollema , and Corwin Harthoorn
Deacons: Gary De Jager, Ben Van Der Brink,
Dave Ver Burg, Herlan De Jager, Grant Kooima,
Brian De Weerd, and Bob Gilman
If you would like a pastoral visit please contact an
Elder or Reverend Wamala.
We would be happy to minister to you!
Coming Soon...
Sunday, May 18
Graduation Sunday
Monday, May 19
Worship Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 21
Quilting for a Cause
Thursday, May 22
Rock Valley Christian School 8th Grade Graduation
at Calvin Church
Calvin Christian Reformed Church
Re v e r e n d G i d e o n Wa m a l a
M a y 1 1, 2 0 1 4
She is clothed
and she laughs
when she speaks
and she gives
Proverbs 31:25-26
Morning Worship - 9:30 AM
Welcome & Announcements
*Call to Worship: Psalm 100:4-5
*Opening Prayer
*Hymn: 237 “We Praise You, O God”
(Grey Psalter, Power Point)
*God’s Greeting
*Mutual Greetings
Community and School Announcements
Evening Worship - 6:00PM
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship: Psalm 117
Silent Prayer
Praise Time
"Power of Your Love"
Western Christian High School will hold its 92nd Commencement on Tuesday,
May 20 at 7:00PM in the gymnasium. Everyone is cordially invited.
On Wednesday, May 14, the Western Christian High School music department
will present their final concert of the school year at 7:30PM at Western. Groups
that will be performing include the Senior and Sophomore Choirs, Senior Band,
and Orchestra. On Friday, May 16 at 6:30PM at Western, the Freshman Choir,
and Freshman Band will present their final concerts of the year.
(Geoff Bullock, Power Point)
Western Christian High School is conducting their annual spring drive. We would
like to conclude this drive by May 15. Thank you in advance for your
generous support of Western Christian.
"Shine on Us" (1, 2, 3)
(Michael W Smith, Deborah D Smith, Power Point)
"Speak, O Lord" (1, 2, 3)
(Lift Up Your Hearts Hymnal, Power Point)
Confession & Pardon: Exodus 20:1-20
God’s Greeting
Hymn of Response: 551 (1, 2, 3) “Oh, for a Mutual Greetings
Closer Walk with God”
(Grey Psalter, Power Point)
Special music: “A Mother’s Love”
*Apostles’ Creed: (Power Point)
- Bailey Van Holland
*Hymn of Response: 427 “Dwell in Me, O
Congregational Prayer
Offering(s): Missions, Christian Ed. Chapter
(Grey Psalter, Power Point)
Offertory music:
Congregational Prayer
Mission Video: Bethel International Ministries
Offering: Christian Schools International
- Jordan and Alex Van Beek
Offertory Music:
Praise Song: “A Christian Home”
(Jean Sibelius, Power Point)
Sermon Text: Numbers 11:31-34 (Page 152)
Sermon Title: “Too Much Quail”
Closing Prayer
Closing Hymn: 489 (1, 3, 4) “When Peace like a
(Grey Psalter, Power Point)
*Doxology: 288 “My Friends May You Grow in
(Sing a New Creation Hymnal, Power Point)
Accompanist: Vonnie Van Ginkel
You are invited to an open house at Western Christian to thank Alden Altena,
Loren Bouma, Betty Pollema, and Marion Van Soelen in their retirement from and
for their many years of service to Western Christian High School. The open
house will be held at WCHS on Tuesday, May 13 from 7-8PM in the cafeteria.
The Rock Valley Christian School Annual Society Meeting will be held on
Monday evening, May 12, 2014 at 6:30PM, in the school gym. Many important
topics will be discussed including classroom breakdowns, proposed budget,
proposed tuition rates for 2014-2015, and the election of new board members
from the following nominees: First CRC Evan Altena, Mike Pollema (vote for 1),
Calvin CRC: Brad Grevengoed, Todd Visser (vote for 1), Trinity CRC: Jason De
Weerd, Jared Kooima (vote for 1)
RVCS annual Jog-a-thon will be Thursday, May 15. The band will have a concert
in the bus barn to kick it off at 5:15. Food will be available for sale at 5PM. We
will be serving: Hotdogs, walking tacos, nachos, ice cream and other goodies.
Running will begin at 6PM. The inflatables, games, and prizes will be open from
6-8. Come on out for an evening of fun and fellowship...don’t forget your lawn
chairs!! (in case of rain, we will have a “jog-less” jog-a-thon in the bus barn with
the band, food, and as many games as possible.)
*Hymn of Preparation: 209 “Seek Ye First the
(Grey Psalter, Power Point)
Sermon Text: Matthew 6:11 (Page 1012)
Sermon Title: “Daily Bread Given”
Closing Prayer
*Closing Song: 169 “I Will Sing of the Mercies
of the LORD”
(Grey Psalter, Power Point)
*Doxology: 632 ’ “To God Be the Glory”
(Grey Psalter, Power Point)
Accompanist: Lois Klarenbeek
Come out to show your support for Ted & Rhonda Triezenberg and family as Ted
battles lung cancer. Ted has been in the bakery business for 25 years and his
baked goods are greatly missed! There will be a supper June 2 from 5-7:30PM at
Faith Reformed church with an auction to follow. All proceeds will go to the
Triezenberg family.
Ora Et
The Ora Et Labora Annual Meeting is Monday, May 19 at 7:00iPM in the RVCS
music room.
Partners in Faith, a chapter of Rock Valley Christian School, will be hosting a 4man best ball tournament at the RV Golf Course on May 30. We will start at
3:00PM, with supper starting at 6:00PM. Cost is $50 for golf and supper, $30 for
supper only. To register, call Jeff Veldman at 476-5917 or 712-451-8225 or email
Calvin Church Family
Morning Listening Guide – May 4, 2014
Text: Numbers 11:31-34
Title: “Too Much Quail”
Calvin Church welcomes all of you to worship today!
Happy Birthday to Jim Vande Kerk on Monday, Daryl Kruid on Wednesday, Kadee
Klarenbeek on Saturday.
Happy Anniversary to Dennis & Diane Van Zee and Todd & Lisa Visser on Monday,
Introduction: A billionaire interviewed
Theme: Accept God’s provision for you.
A. No one gathers less than _____________ of quail.
B. The people ______ God’s provision for them (Philip. 3:19).
Please remember Vi Engbers (Care Group 4) in your prayers as she is in Avera Hospital in
Sioux Falls after suffering a slight stroke.
Pray for those effected by severe weather.
Pray for safety for all taking part in Ag related activities.
Praise God for the graduates as they prepare for the next step in life.
Pray for those struggling both morally and spiritually.
A. The LORD God strikes the people with a ___________.
B. Sin’s reward is __________ (Rom.6:23; Gal. 6:7-8).
What to Do
A. Be _____________ (Philip. 4:12-13).
B. _________ God to provide for your needs (Matt. 7:9-11)
God knows what is good for you. Therefore, accept God’s provision for you.
Join us as we take a journey through the book of Romans. Each week a new group of verses will be
printed in the bulletin. Take some time and reflect on what Paul has written for us and
what that means for our lives.
Is this blessedness only for the circumcised, or also for the uncircumcised? We have been
saying that Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness. 10 Under what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised, or before? It was not after, but before! 11 And he received circumcision as a sign, a seal of the righteousness that he had by
faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the father of all who believe but have
not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them.12 And he is then
also the father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also follow in the
footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.
Romans 4: 9-14
Calvin Announcements
Jordan and Alex Van Beek will be going on a mission trip to Guatemala from
May 23-May 29 with a group of 11 people from Rock Valley. They will be working with Bethel Ministries International. Calvin will be holding an offering during
the morning worship service on May 18 to help purchase the supplies needed
for the trip. An informational video will be shown during the morning worship
service today. Please prayerfully consider giving to this mission trip.
The busy summer season is coming and what’s for supper? How about Pizza?
The families with children in the Christian Schools are selling Papa Murphy’s
pizzas for $13.00 each to help fund the Christian Ed. Fund. If you are interested in purchasing a pizza to help support Christian education and to provide
your family with pizza, contact one of the young families at Calvin. If you aren’t
sure who to contact, please contact a CEC member: Brad & Nanci
Grevengoed, Todd & Lisa Visser, Jason & Robbi Kooima, Pat & Misty Van’t Hul
or Kevin & Cheryl Den Boer
From the
The congregation is asked for their continued prayerful consideration in giving
to the needs of the church. Consistent contributions to the general fund,
through the use of the budget envelopes, allows for weekly offering opportunities to be used for other ministries. -In His Service, the Deacons
of Faith
The first session of the profession of faith class will be today following the morning worship service in the council room at 11:00AM.
We would like to give kids ages K-12th grade an opportunity to be part of the
praise teams. If interested, please sign your child’s name, age, and email address where you can be contacted and the weeks where your child would be
available to sing/practice on the sign-up sheet located on the information center
in the fellowship hall. Practices are scheduled from 9-10AM Saturday, May
31—singing June 2 and June 9 and the other practice will be Saturday, June
14—singing June 16, 23, and 30. If you have any questions, please contact
Evy De Kam at 476-9660 or Deadline to sign up
Graduation is Sunday, May 18. This is a great opportunity for our church family
to congratulate the 2014 graduates on their accomplishments. There will be
refreshments served and a basket for cards and well wishes. Graduations
please send your pictures to the church office by Friday, May 16. Also, remember to bring a framed picture and a basket to church by Saturday, May 17.
High School Graduates: Abby Pollema, Alissa Pollema, Candra Timmerman,
8th Grade Graduates: Shayla Klarenbeek, Trent Van Maanen, Joshua Ver
Burg, Jace Cannegieter, Kindergarten Graduates: Landen Groeneweg, Preschool Graduates: Damon Eshuis, Carson Grevengoed, Kase Hoekstra,
Breslyn Kooima, Hanna Suter, Grady Van Zee, Ezra Boer Vis, Brynn
De Weerd, Abby Kooima.
If a name has been missed, please contact Becky Kooima or Nancy Van Noort
as soon as possible.
Evening Listening Guide – May 4, 2014
Text: Matthew 6:11
Title: “Daily Bread Given”
Introduction: A child’s take on the ATM
Theme: God will take care of you.
A. Bread is the ____ by which God sustains creaturely life.
B. Bread is ours only because ________ gives it to us (Gen. 2:15; Deut. 8:3)
A. We ask God to take care of ________ our needs.
B. The bread given is sufficient for _______ (Acts 14:17).
A. _______ on God (Luke 11:11-13).
B. ________ not! (Mat. 6:31-32).
Be assured and thereby encouraged to know that God will take care of you!