- Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
- Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
Fish Counting Technology for Sustainable Fisheries Management. Report of a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship to Norway, Iceland, Alaska and Canada in 2005. By Jim Gregory Historical distribution of the Atlantic Salmon, Salmon salar. Introduction The Atlantic Salmon, a mighty fish and a mighty symbol. It’s momentous migratory life cycle inspires awe and respect. It’s mere presence can give a river an almost iconic status with an association of a clean and pristine environment. Equally its absence or decline can signal quite the opposite. No other freshwater fish in Britain has such a strong connection with the environment in the consciousness of the public. There is no better symbol of the health of a river system. Protecting its habitat and encouraging its distribution through cleaner water, improved farming practises, over coming barriers to migration and managing historical spawning areas is very good news for all river life. But more than this, it can give people that connection with their environment, inspiring more active participation in outdoor activities. Maybe even inspire them to take up fishing and get outdoors in the first place. Angling participation programs, though not for salmon, have helped get vulnerable young people off crime, out of trouble, and away from play stations. But it is also a mighty symbol of the ability of an ecosystem to recover. The salmon has had a rough time over the years. The Industrial Revolution was bad news for a species that suddenly found itself migrating through conduits for the effluent produced by the great industrial processes. By the start of the 1980s, the Thames, Tyne, Mersey, Taff and other once great salmon rivers had been devoid of salmon for over a hundred years. But with the decline of industry, better water quality and an improving environment, these rivers and many like them have seen the return of this great fish. The salmon can be seen as a beacon of hope for an environmentally troubled generation. So, there is a lot riding on the back of the salmon. New threats, same dangers. But times are changing. Though the decline of industry has let salmon back in on some rivers, its legacy of climate change is felt acutely by the king of fish. The thirst for water for agriculture, potable supply and other demands on water intensify. Exploitation is still an issue. Salmon are just clinging on in many of our once great rivers with populations well below their potential. The number of salmon eggs being laid in many of our famous salmon rivers is barely enough to maintain the current populations. These therefore remain perilously vulnerable and as a consequence exploiting this resource through the recreational rod fishery and commercial fishing interests is something that has to be done very carefully. Fundamental to this careful approach is accurate and comparable knowledge of fish numbers. How Many Salmon? The number of adult salmon coming back to a river system is therefore a very important indicator of the health of that population. Not just as an indicator of the number of eggs deposited, but also the timing of those movements, the response to environmental cues like flow and temperature. The size of fish is also important since the bigger the fish the more eggs they will both lay and fertilise. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Counting fish in a river is difficult. Salmon at least make it easier by actively migrating and therefore have to pass a fixed point on the lower reaches of a river in order to spawn. But it is not a precise art. There are problems. These are: 1. Downtime 2. Efficiency 3. Species Apportionment 4. Reporting Many other countries face problems with counting fish, whether that is atlantic salmon or the 6 species of pacific salmon, and my Churchill Fellowship set out to visit four of them. Sites visited in Norway, Iceland, Alaska and Canada. The Fellowship had the following aims: Aims and Objectives 1. To examine the techniques and Technology used to automatically count migratory salmon in rivers, specifically sonar, infra-red, resistivity and video counters. 2. To see how data is analysed from counting systems to produce a consistent output. 3. How is this data used to manage fisheries sustainably 4. Look for opportunities that could benefit UK fishery management. Only the first of these aims is reported here. The others have been reported separately through my role as Senior Technical Specialist with the Environment Agency in technical reports, presentations and video diary. Fish Counting On the Edge! Alaska and the Pacific Salmon My story starts in Alaska, a state of gigantic proportions, over a fifth the size of the entire US, with the highest mountain in North America and salmon runs that are measured in the millions. The economic importance of salmon commercially means that managing it is vital and the resources available to monitor it dwarfs anything in the UK. But the range of methods employed to count salmon goes from edge to edge on the technology spectrum. The Salcha River, in Central Alaska is a typical example of how counting has been carried out on over 30 rivers. A tributary of the Tanana, which in turn runs into Yukon, the Salcha has a run of chum and Chinook salmon and a recreational fishery. A view upstream and downstream on the River Salcha, Alaska. A human fish counter takes up her vigil of Salcha river salmon at an Alaskan fish counting tower. The drive for technology. Many Alaskan rivers are glacial fed. These carry the fine particles, and sediment eroded by the ice fields of Alaska and this gives the rivers a distinctive blue tint. Fish are counted here with the piece of technical equipment pictured below. The Kenai River, Alaska. The common Tallywhacker. A white canvas sheet is stretched across a 40 metre width of the river to silhouette fish as they pass over it. A string of lights suspended from a wire above it provide lighting during darkness. For 10 to 15 minutes every hour, 24 hours a day for up to 2 months, a person ascend the counting tower, dons a pair of polarising glasses, takes hold of a tallywhacker and counts off each fish that passes. The glacial river Kenai on the Kenai Peninsular South West of Anchorage, is a massive draw for Anglers in search of coho, sockeye and Chinook salmon. The two important species to count here are the sockeye, which are the major commercial species with catches measured in the millions, and Chinook, which brings in the headlines for the river as having the biggest specimens in the world. Counting these visually in the high sediment load of a glacial river is impossible. But listening for salmon is not. Sonar Sonar systems transmit pulses of sound into the water column and “listen” for the returning echoes from, amongst other things, fish. Since the 1970’s, sonar counting systems have been used on many Alaskan rivers and on the Kenai to count sockeye salmon. The system can not discriminate between species, but a behavioural trait is utilised to distinguish sockeye from other species; their spatial distribution across the river. Chinook are large powerful fish, with the energy and strength to easily swim against the flow of the Kenai. Sockeye are much smaller and conserve energy by migrating close to the banks of the river, in the slower flowing water. The sonar operators can concentrate their counting effort on the first six metres from both banks of the river. The salmon travel so close that they build a small weir to force the fish out from the bank by at least a few metres and count them as they move back to shore. A fish deflection weir on the river Kenai, built to force fish out from the shore and make them easier to detect using sonar. This equipment has provided an estimate of the sockeye run size for over 30 years. The big issue though is that the hardware is slowly dieing. Alaska had over 30 sites using this single beam Bendix system. It is no longer produced and, increasingly, existing systems have to be cannibalised in order to keep others operational. The Bendix sonar fish counting system; A 1970’s original that’s still in use in Alaska. So, the search has been on for over 8 years to find a replacement system. But this search had some strict parameters: Everything the existing counter said was the truth and any new system that said something different was incorrect. Fish counting is never an absolute. In the UK we have been storing up many problems for our selves by reporting figures in a form which effectively says; “in 2004, 567 salmon entered the river”. Not 568 or 560, but 567. The notion that a counter can count all the fish and nothing but the fish is ridiculous. But that’s exactly what we have been training people to expect. As we improve things by giving an appraisal of errors and presenting confidence interval around figures, so it looks as if we are suddenly very uncertain. But this problem is nothing compared to the Alaskan problem. For the last 30 years, the sonar counter on the Kenai has given THE definitive run size of sockeye. Commercial fishing operations have opened and closed as a consequence and profits have been made or lost. So, if a different technique was used that came up with radically different figures from the existing system and therefore cast doubt on the figures from previous years, then it is feared that this could undermine credibility and call into question previous management decisions. Most people now except that the existing sonar is fine as an index from year to year. But other methods are less likely to suffer from the same faults. The previous pictures were obtained from a high frequency acoustic system which gives almost video quality images for inspection and identification of objects underwater. This is being trialled along side the Bendix system. But in the land where the tallywhacker roams free, the images seen are still counted by eye. However, these systems are not made or supported anymore and contain obsolete components that make keeping them operational evermore difficult. Hence they are looking again for alternative technology. Sonar is still the answer but much has changed since the 1970’s. Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON). Sonar image of salmon detected by DIDSON. The solid objects at 5 to 6 metres are the fish. This can be played like a video image to observe fish behaviour. In contrast to the sockeye counting system, the Chinook counter, which is operated by a different division of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, have always gone for the best information/technology available for its results. They have embraced split beam acoustics when that was developed in the early 1990’s, and have adopted the newer technology. Alternative High Resolution Systems The success of DIDSON has encouraged other companies to market their high resolution sonar systems. Blueview Technologies produce multibeam sonar systems for mounting on Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and were looking at breaking into the fisheries market. I attended a trial of their system which is still in the development stage for fisheries applications. Hey! It even looks like a fish! Imaging with sound using the DIDSON system. Edge of Innovation/simplicity Norway and the Atlantic Salmon. With approximately 667 Atlantic salmon rivers, several of the world’s largest individual populations, and some of the world’s largest specimens of wild Atlantic salmon, Norway remains the world’s leading producer of the species. Endangered Categorisation of Norway’s salmon rivers. (23 %) In Norway, fish are counted a little differently. By far the most ubiquitous tool for counting fish in Norway is the mechanical fish counter. A mechanical fish counter from Norway, out of water (top) and under water (bottom) with provision for camera mounts. Typically this is installed on fish passes or fish ladders built to enable fish to ascend an obstruction on the river. The metal bars are forced aside as a fish pushes through, causing a mechanical count of fish to be made. This has won a Norwegian award for innovation and is installed on over 60 sites throughout Norway. Many are linked to a camera to give video or still images from each fish passing through the pass. This works very well in areas that have little debris and weed to collect on and block the machine. So the northern rivers of Norway are ideally suited to this type of counting system. More Innovation – Video! Counting adult salmon as they return to the river to spawn is easy compared with trying to count the young salmon (smolt) as they leave the river. Counting these 10 to 15 cm fish as they migrate in tightly packed shoals has proved near impossible with conventional counting techniques. So in many cases, smolt monitoring is carried out by trapping and physically handling fish. The clear waters and light nights of Northern Norway allow smolts to be counted by sight using underwater video cameras, saving the fish from the stress and potential damage of trapping. A private consultancy in Norway has taken to deploying up to 60 underwater cameras across a width of the River Orkla and connecting a motion detector unit to each one. The output of that motion detection process is then watched by (several) temporary workers with our old friend the (atlantic) tallywhacker in hand. I was introduced to an excellent motion detector for fisheries application and have subsequently introduced it into the UK. The Digital Video Motion Detector (DVMD), produced by Radiant is now used all over the UK in Fisheries applications as a consequence. This air tight box contains cameras and lighting to illuminate fish that pass within a metre of it. Edge of Crisis Canada, Horsefly River. The mighty River Fraser, at 850 miles long, is one of the biggest in North America. It flows into the Strait of Georgia in the South West of Canada and five species of pacific salmon make their spawning migration up it. That little black box. Digital Video Motion Detection. More Video! South East Alaska Video is being increasingly used In Alaska too. Alaska is remote, so many fish counting sites require crews to camp out. Remote cameras are could in some cases provide an answer to this labour intensive monitoring. On smaller streams, some sites use a reflective white board on the riverbed to silhouette fish, and a temporary weir structure to guide them over it. Cameras then either record this on site or rely it back to a fixed location and out comes the tallywhacker. The sockeye salmon fishery is worth a fortune. This fishery is managed by a series of models which predicts the run size based on smolt output and previous years run size. This run size is measured each year by a combination of fish counters, creel surveys and mark/recapture studies. Sockeye spawn in lakes or rivers off lakes and one of the most productive rivers in the Fraser system is the Horsefly River that runs into Horsefly lake. Every year on this site a study is undertaken to capture adult sockeye, weigh, measure and tag them. They spawn and die several weeks later and the catchment is walked repeatedly to establish the proportions of tagged and untagged fish. From this, a total run size can be calculated. Some sites use fish weirs to push fish past a temporary viewing window. The Horsefly River and fish tagging crew. Prefabricated camera and lighting box. The DIDSON was attached to the base of the structure on the left and aimed across the weir gap. Tagging sockeye salmon This is very labour intensive and expensive (c. $500K). So, in 2005 a trial of everybody in fisheries current flavour of the month, DIDSON was being tested. Weir across the Horsefly A 10 metre gap in the weir was left for fish to pass through and be counted by DIDSON. Around 500,000 sockeye were estimated to have run the river according to the DIDSON, but this was a more difficult tallywhacking job. Each video clip was watched three time; once to count fish in the range 0 to 5 metres going up stream, then again in the 5 to 10 metres range upstream, then a third time 0 to 10 metres counting all the downstream movement. At time of writing, the comparison with the mark/recapture estimate was still undergoing work. But not everything revolves around Tallywhackers Edge of memory The first automatic fish counters to gain a wide use in Britain were the resistivity counters. No chance of tallywhacking from these as they worked by creating a small electric field between three stainless steel electrode strips placed in a water filled tube. As a fish swam through, the electrical resistance of the water showed a characteristic change. Then some one took this idea and put it on the face of a weir, so removing the requirement to get fish to swim through a narrow tube. These resistivity or conductivity counters are now the most ubiquitous counters in the UK with over 40 sites. The efficiency of this system depends on fish swimming very close to the electrodes, which is why they are placed on weir faces. Tube counters have not been used in England and Wales for about fifteen years. The resistivity counting strips are under the bridge on the right hand side This has been validated for a summer in 1998 and it was found to have an upstream efficiency of over 90%. The white heat of fish counting technology. A 1960’s resistivity fish counting unit from the UK. There is something quintessentially British about Resistivity counters. The UK must have over 40 resistivity sites and Ireland a further 30. But they are rare to find away from here. However, I did come across one in Norway on the River Orkla. This was different to the deployments in the UK as it was based on a flat bed with over a metre of water over it. Resistivity counters have also migrated to the west coast of Canada, carried by Don McCubbing, a Brit who had worked with the system in the UK. Through him, several flat-bed resistivity sites have been commissioned such as these pictured here on the Merret River. Flat bed resistivity counter, Canada. The River Orkla, Norway, immediately upstream of the counting site. These are deployed to count steel head trout as they migrate up these smaller streams to spawn in April time. At this time of year the depth of water here can be 0.5 metres. A camera is used in conjunction with the counting system in side aspect to attempt some validation and the clarity of water is such that fish can be seen across almost the entire width of the stream. The cameras have been found to be necessary to interpret some of the graphical outputs of the counters. Fish behaviour and water depths at this site make camera work essential to fully understand the fish run. beam pattern and forms an outline of the objects shape. Picture of vaki stuff from the poster A more traditional resistivity couting weir on the Merret River, Canada. The resistivity tube counter is proving it still has a place in fishery management after all these years. They have been deployed at the fish exit of passes on a number of spawning tributaries, mainly to monitor Chinook salmon like this one on the Bonepart river, a tributary of the Fraser system. It was great to see resistivity counters alive and well in Canada. Counting on the Edge of the World. Iceland. Like Norway, the pristine water of low productivity means little organic debris load and therefore little to block in river grids and sluices. A type of fish counter has developed here which takes advantage of that. The infra-red counters used here are all produced by a company called Vaki Dng and many are operated by them for the Icelandic Institute of Freshwater. The system uses a series of infrared beams to create an unbroken grid between transmitter and receiver. When an object does pass through this infrared grid it breaks the Due to attenuation of infrared in water, there is a limitation on the distance between transmitting and receiving diodes of about 0.5 metres. This separation distance makes the system ideally suited to small fish passes such as this one in Northern Iceland near the town of Akureyi. Infrared counting frame installed on at the top of two rivers in Iceland. But where such a pass does not exist, fish have to be persuaded to swim through the narrow aperture of the infrared system. In many UK rivers, this would create a serious maintenance problem, possible flood risk and be a magnate for curious members of the public and petty vandals. But in these high latitudes, it is a perfectly manageable deployment. An Icelandic river, outside of Reykjavik, with grids leading fish into an Infrared counting system. Camera system can be deployed here to aid interpretation of the silhouettes and this system is by far the easiest and quickest to verify and produce a count. Species apportionment is carried out on a sizing basis and there is little overlap in size distribution between the 5 species of freshwater fish present! Video counting developments A number of companies in Iceland manufacture underwater lighting and camera equipment. There are others who deal exclusively with fisheries operation and others with image analysis. I talked through our aims in England and Wales to develop a new type of fish counter using these skills and knowledge and established an informal collaboration. This is reported in a later Environment Agency R&D report. On the Edge of the World Alaska This place seemed like the edge of the world. Close to Fairbanks deep in Alaska’s interior, on the Tanana river, a tributary of the Yukon, an hours fast boat ride down river took me to a fish wheel. Alaskan fish wheel on the Tanana River. Fish wheels are ancient and very effective fish capture devises that use the river flow to power a fish basket to “scoop” fish out of the water. These fish wheels were a common sight on the river 20 years ago when a thriving fishery for the chum salmon existed, mainly to harvest the roe. But the fishery has since collapsed and many people blame that on the fish hatchery at Valdez in Prince William. I went to see the hatchery but they were too busy to talk to me as the team were shovelling dead pink and chum salmon off the beaches and harbour. The hatchery regularly over produces fish to avoid leaving the fishery short during a poor salmon year. But in a good year there are far too many fish for both the fishery and for the spawning streams of Prince William Sound. It was this vast number of wasted, rotting fish that gave the town of Valdez such a distinctive aroma. The town’s people had got them to do something about it, hence the shovelling of dead fish. Their routine over production has led to the state law on banning roe harvest in PrinceWilliam Sound being lifted, leading to huge amounts of roe saturating the Japanese market. It was this that forced the closure of the Tanana fishery and now the only fish wheels are turning for subsistence fishing. Or to cold smoke for sled dog winter feed which amounts to the same thing. targets are automatically selected by the system and stored for a user to review later that day. The tags on the fish can clearly be seen and the proportion of marked to unmarked fish used to give an estimation of the run size. An image grabbed from the fish wheel counting system, Alaska. A live chum salmon, unsmoked. Slow smoked chum salmon on in a smoke house on the banks of the Tanana. But a few wheels have been used for fishery monitoring purposes. The site I visited was identical to a site 30kms further down stream where fish were captured and tagged. This site was the recapture site, but instead of trapping and handling the fish, video cameras were placed above fish channel and this was connected to a computer and image analysis software. Still images of fish Products and benefits To examine the techniques and Technology used to automatically count migratory salmon in rivers, specifically sonar, infra-red, resistivity and video counters. The stars of the show were sonar and video applications. There were two stars of the show for considering application in the UK. These were video applications and the Didson sonar acoustic camera. Underwater video is used extensively in the UK to validate existing fish counters. The range in hardware observed during the fellowship has direct relevance to UK use and many of the camera type, motion detection systems and lighting arrangements have been adopted here. The chance to meet and speak with manufacturers and software developers has proved valuable both as it has helped to learn from and inform the development process we are undergoing here, but we are also working with some companies met during the Fellowship. This is reported in Environment Agency report. The DIDSON is a new and emerging technique. It is also a very expensive tool to buy. So the opportunity to see it operating at three different sites was unique. The high numbers of fish passing per hour, the river widths and huge resources defined the limitations of the system in a way that we would not have been able to do. A full report on this is available in Environment Agency report. The key analysis of accounting for downtime, counter efficiency and species apportionment, so important to UK fish counting is dealt with in a subsequent report. Personal Development The whole Fellowship year has been such a landmark event in my life. The trip itself was fantastic for me personally and enabled me to make contact with people and see techniques that I would never have the opportunity to do. And I have implemented many of the techniques and hardware tricks discovered. But beyond that, it has given me a status within my rather specialised job that I did not foresee and has given me enormous confidence. I will be eternally grateful to all at the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust for giving me this opportunity.