Autumn Term 2014 - Oasis Academy Coulsdon


Autumn Term 2014 - Oasis Academy Coulsdon
Year 7
Autumn Term 2014
Design Technology
Food Technology
Maths, Bands 1-3
Maths, Bands 2-4
Maths, Bands 3-5
Maths, Bands 4-7
Physical Education
Religious Education
A rt
Formal Elements
The Formal Elements of Art are the parts used to make a piece of
artwork. The main art elements are line, shape, form, tone,
texture, pattern, colour and composition. They are often used
together, and how they are organised in a piece of art determines
what the finished piece will look like. In this project you will learn
the definition of the formal elements and how to use them. You
will also learn how to work with a range of media, draw accurately
from observation and research an artist. All this will form a good
foundation for you to create exciting artworks!
I can make simple line drawings of objects, and simple sketches to show my ideas.
I can collect images from the internet and magazines that will help me with my ideas.
I can make artworks that show the correct shape of objects.
I can use tone to add detail and depth to my artwork.
I can use texture to add detail to my artwork.
I can present my art work and ideas imaginatively and creatively.
I can create detailed and accurate observational drawings, paintings or 3D artworks.
I can research the work of others and collect relevant information and images.
I can create artworks in the style of other artists.
I can develop my ideas using other artist's work as inspiration.
I can use art vocabulary correctly to describe and analyse artworks.
I can look at the work of others and communicate mature, in-depth and personal opinions about their work.
I can use my knowledge of other artists and cultures to help me come up with my own new and original
I can mix and use colours correctly using a range of media.
I can use a range of media, techniques and processes to make artworks.
I can experiment with a range of media, materials and techniques in order to learn how to get the best
I can select and use with skill the right media for the task I am doing and the outcome I want.
I can review and reflect on my artwork so that I can refine and improve my creative work and ideas.
I can show through my artwork that I have improved my skills, confidence and understanding in using a
range of media and techniques.
I have used new skills to make artworks that are relevant to the project I am studying.
I can make artworks that are clearly inspired by, or make links with, the work of others.
I can create an artwork that shows I've really practised and learnt how and to use the media I have chosen.
I can make artworks that have been inspired by my own personal research, experiments and development.
I can develop and create artworks that relates to the project title and that demonstrates that I have the
ability to work independently and stay focused on my work.
I can develop unique ideas, and create artworks that are creative, original and imaginative.
A rt
Due Date
Complete an artist research presentation. You will given an artist to research. It
is up to you how you present your work, but as part of the project you must:
Write a short paragraph about the artist and what has inspired their work. This
must not be copied. It should be in your own words.
Do a minimum of one study (a drawing of all or part of an artwork) by you artist.
Label the drawing with the name of he artwork, the year it was produced and the
media the artist used.
Week 3 or
Write a short analysis of the artwork you have chosen. This should be your
opinion. Describe the artwork. What can you se? How does it make you feel?
What do you think inspired the artist? Do you like the artwork? Why?
Be neat, imaginative and creative with your presentation. You may use ICT.
Bring in a piece of “junk” to draw in the next lesson. This could be something
that’s broken, a (clean) piece of rubbish, an old shoe for example.
Collect images from the internet and magazines and make a moodboard on ONE
of the following themes: “Food and Drink”, “Machinery”, “Nature”, “Toys and
Week 6 or
Games” or “Architecture”. Take care to cut out your images neatly and to arrange 7
them in an imaginative and creative way.
Week 4 or
All tasks may be handed in by the weeks stated above. It will vary depending on when you
have your art lessons. Please check in your planner or you can contact me via email.
If you have any questions at all please speak to your teacher.
Miss N Zuberi, Head of Art:
Useful websites:
Student Art Guide:
TATE Museum Art Galleries:
The Artist’s Toolkit:
After school art homework clubs are 3.15-4.15pm, week one Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and week
two Friday only. Students may use any of the art materials, equipment and the computers in the Mac
Design Technology
Topic: Trees to wood
Create a booklet where you will show how trees are
converted into wood that can be used.
This project is to be completed in the first 5 weeks of the carousel in Design and Technology . It
will then be handed in so that I can mark it and give you feed back before you move onto the
next carousel.
Step 1
You answer the questions using simple sentences.
Step 2
You may have some grammatical and spelling errors but you use full
Step 3
You use full sentences to answer the questions and have a good grasp of
grammar and spellings.
Step 4
Your work is more structured and detailed, making use of some technical
Step 5
You use just one source of information to enhance your work, your work is
neatly presented.
Step 6
You use a variety of sources of information to enhance your work, your
work is clearly presented.
Step 7
You organise relevant information to produce very well structured work,
with good presentation skills.
Step 8
You consistently organise and use relevant information . You answer the
extension work questions fully and in your own words.
Step 9
You use technical words confidently and have a sound understanding of
how nutrients work. Your answers are fully explained in detail and have
good communication skills. Your presentation skills are of a high standard.
Week Number
Create a title page for your booklet with the Title; Trees to wood. It must
have your name on it.
Page 1 of your booklet.
Trees are divided into two main groups, Coniferous and Deciduous. Get a
picture of a deciduous tree and a coniferous tree and describe the
difference between the two.
Extension Task
Give six examples of each type and find out facts about the largest tree in
the world, the great Canadian Redwood tree.
Design Technology
Week Number
Page 2 of your booklet.
Trees have to be cut down and converted into usable planks or boards. Get pictures
and describe how the trees are cut down made into logs and then sawn up into boards
or planks.
Extension Task.
Find out how many acres of trees are being cut down in the Amazon Forest in an hour.
Page 3 of your booklet
In order that wood can be used effectively it has to be dried (seasoned). Get pictures
and describe this process.
Extension Task
Explain why it is important that wood is dried (seasoned).
Page 4 of your booklet.
Because we are cutting down trees (felling) at an alarming rate, wooden materials have
been developed which are made from the waste products when the logs are sawn up.
Two of these products are called MDF and Chipboard.
Get pictures of these two materials and describe what they are made from and how they
are made.
Extension Task.
Give examples of products, (things), that are made from these two materials.
Page 5 of your booklet.
Managed forests are now essential, find out information about them and describe
what they are.
Extension task.
Describe why it is important to have managed forests
Your Project must be handed in to your teacher. If you are doing your project on the
computer it must be printed off before the lesson.
All tasks must be completed and the project handed after you have done 5 weeks in Design and
If you are absent you will still need to catch up on all the work.
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
Heroes & Villains
In this project you are to explore and research a variety of different heroes (protagonists) and villains
(antagonists) in literature, in order to examine their purpose and compare the similarities between them.
You will need to use this information to create your own character which you can present in a manner of
your choosing (story, presentation, film etc.).
Step 1
I can research the topic and locate the required information.
Step 2
I can identify the features of a character and present my findings in some detail.
Step 3
I am able to compare different texts, exploring the similarities and differences and present
my findings in a clear manner.
Step 4
I am able to summarise information in a clear manner.
Step 5
I am able to use a variety of complex vocabulary to help make my work interesting.
Step 6
I am able to use a wide variety of sentence starters, sentence types and paragraphs in my
work to show that I can use a variety of structural elements to create an interesting piece.
Step 7
I can plan my work effectively in order to aid my final piece.
Step 8
I can fully sustain the quality of my written work in order to keep a high standard
Step 9
I am able to proof-read and re-draft my work when necessary in order to improve the final
piece further.
Make sure you finish the tasks set for each week to ensure your project is ready in time.
Select your favourite hero or villain from your favourite novel/film. Create a poster of the
character and highlight the elements (things) which make the character a hero or a
Research character types. What do all heroes have in common? What do all villains
have in common? Find two examples of each and compare them to see if your research
is correct. You should present this in a way you deem fit (PowerPoint, chart etc.).
Find an extract from a famous novel which shows either a villain, a hero or both and,
around that extract, note down how the writer has made the character appear a hero or
a villain. You should think about: what the character does, the language the writer uses
and any other information you think appropriate.
Week Number
Focus on at least one hero or villain from a film of your choice. Compare these
characters to the characters in the novel you have researched by answering the
following questions? What things are similar about the characters? What are different?
Are newer heroes and villains different in any way to older characters (such as before
the year 1900)?
Write-up your research in a way you choose (poster, essay, spider diagram, power
point etc.).
Note: Remember that this must include all of the homework tasks so far.
Create your own hero or villain and explain what elements from other characters you
have used and which you have created. You can complete this task in any way you
deem fit (create model and explain your choices on video, create an animation, poster,
spider-diagram etc.)
Complete your final piece making sure you have included all required weekly tasks.
Your project should have two completed elements: 1. Your research presented in
a manner you deem fit 2. Your final character.
All tasks must be completed and the completed project handed in during your last lesson before October
half term.
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
Useful links:
Food Technology
Balanced diet & Testing
It is important that you understand how nutrients can help you eat
healthily. How different testing methods can be used to describe a
range of products that you have made in Food Technology.
This project is to be completed in the first 5 weeks of the carousel in Food Technology. It will
then be handed in so that we can mark it and give you feed back before you move onto the next
Step 1
You answer the questions using simple sentences.
Step 2
You may have some grammatical and spelling errors but you use full
Step 3
You use full sentences to answer the questions and have a good grasp
of grammar and spellings.
Step 4
Your work is more structured, making use of some technical terms.
Step 5
You use just one source of information to enhance your work.
Step 6
You use a variety of sources of information to enhance your work.
Step 7
You organise relevant information to produce very well structured work.
Step 8
You consistently organise and use relevant information . You answer
the extension work questions.
Step 9
You use technical words confidently and have a sound understanding of
how nutrients work. Your answers are fully explained in detail and have
a good communication skills.
Week Number
Read through page 1 then complete your own balanced diet diagram on
pages 2.
Complete pages 3 & 4 using the information you have learnt so far.
Food Technology
Project should be handed in to your teacher.
Complete the front page explaining how you feel you did on the project.
All tasks must be completed and the completed project handed in after you have completed 5 weeks in
Food Technology.
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
Map Skills
Outlined on this double page are your homework's for this half term. They are designed to test your map
skills and direction skills. In Geography we are keen to see evidence of independent working, attention to
detail and presentation, colour and dedication to your projects.
You will need to learn keywords and geographical facts each half term for tests in lesson (these can
happen anytime so always be prepared).
In week 5 you should be revising all the work you have done over the half term in preparation for
the end of half term test.
Step 1
I can complete each task.
Step 2
I can identify key terms and use a map to identify different countries.
Step 3
I can draw a simple map contain 4 geographical elements (e.g a key).
Step 4
I can explain key terms with examples and can use a map to confidently identify
continents, countries and cities.
Step 5
I can use 4 figure grid references.
Step 6
I can accurately use a scale to show distance.
Step 7
I can use 6 figure grid references confidently.
Step 8
I can evaluate work that I produce.
Step 9
My evaluations contain detailed suggestions for improvement.
Week Number
Keywords and definitions
Make a poster of all your keywords for this half term and their
definitions. You will be given the keywords in class.
Due Date
Week 2
Know your world
Learn the capital cities, countries and continents . You will be
given your list and map to learn in lesson. You will be tested
during a variety of quizzes in lesson.
Week 3
Week Number
My route to school
Write down directions for your route to school.
They should be so accurate that anyone could
follow the route to get from your house to
school. What distances do you travel in each
section, what do you pass, can you create
symbols for your journey?
Continued into week 4
Continued form week 3:
You should aim to write at least 3 paragraphs and
include photographs and maps if you can.
Things to think about:
What number bus do you get?
Which compass direction do you travel in?
Due Date
Due in week 5 lesson
Bedroom map
Draw a ‘birds eye view’ map of either:
Your bedroom.
A pirate map with a code to some hidden
Or your local area.
Try to make it as colourful and no bigger than A3
Continued in week 6
Continued from week 5
Your map must have:
A title
A North arrow/compass
A scale bar
A key
Grid squares
Due in week 6 lesson
Once complete you need to write an evaluation of
your map. What is good about it? What could be
improved and how?
If you have any queries about your homework please email your teacher;
Board Game Design
Mtel is a new company that is seeking ideas for a new board game design
that can be designed and manufactured to be sold to the public later in the
This project is to be completed in the first 5 weeks of the carousel in Graphic Technology. It will then be
handed in so that we can mark it and give you feed back before you move onto the next part of the
Step 1
You are able to use the computer to research existing games.
Step 2
You may have some grammatical and spelling errors but you must use full
sentences when describing your ideas.
Step 3
You are able to draw creative ideas.
Step 4
Your work is more structured, making use of some technical terms.
Step 5
You can use colouring pencils confidently and with skill.
Step 6
You can draw 3 dimensional images.
Step 7
You organise relevant information to produce very well structured work.
Step 8
Students have develop a sound understanding of key terms for this project.
Step 9
You are able to reflect on your work and suggest valid improvements.
Week Number
Investigate and research different board games on the market.
Create four ideas for your new board game design.
Week Number
Develop the idea that you wish to create to a final design.
Develop the name of your board game considering font style and colour.
Develop an instruction booklet on how to play the game. This is an ICT homework
so please use Publisher for this.
Complete the Personal evaluation of your homework task and your time in Graphic
Project should be handed in to your teacher.
Complete the front page saying how you feel you did on the project.
All tasks must be completed and handed in after you have completed 5 weeks in Graphic Technology.
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
Topic: Castles in Norman
Castles were first brought to England with the Norman Invasion. They
became an important method of control for the new rulers of England
and were a key feature of life during the Middle Ages.
You are going to investigate the arrival of castles in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066.
You will examine how they changed, what they were like to live in, how they could be defended or
attacked and you will profile a famous example of a castle in England.
Step 1
I find some information about castles and use this to answer some of the questions asked.
Step 2
I find and use information on castles to answer the questions and say something about
castle life.
Step 3
I find and use information on castles to answer the questions in more detail and I mention
something about most of the aspects of castle life asked of me.
Step 4
I attempt all the tasks and present most of my findings in full sentences. I make use of
dates and words related to the subject of castles.
Step 5
I produce structured work using full sentences and my findings contain relevant
information and some historical keywords.
Step 6
I use and organise the information I have found to produce well structured written work,
which includes historical terms and describes the topic.
Step 7
I organise relevant information to produce very well structured written work, which includes
relevant historical terms and describes the topics studied well.
Step 8
I organise and use relevant information to produce very well organised work using
accurate historical terms to describe my work.
Step 9
I use historical terminology confidently, reflectively and critically. I consistently produce
precise and coherent narratives, descriptions and explanations.
Make sure you finish the tasks set for each week to ensure your project is ready in time.
What is a castle?
When did castles come to England? Why?
What were they for?
How did castles change?
What were the first types of castles?
Why were these castles not good enough?
You might want to use words such as; Motte and Bailey, shell keep, circular tower, curtain
wall, concentric castle and barbican.
Week Number
The following topics are optional. You do not have to do all of the following but you
must complete 2 of the following 4 tasks.
What was it like to live in a castle?
What did it look like inside a castle?
What kind of people lived there?
What kind of jobs were there inside a castle?
As with Week 3
How were castles defended?
What kind of features did a castle have that made it hard to attack?
You might want to mention the following things; draw bridge, portcullis, curtain wall,
hoarding, machicolation, merlon, crenel and moat.
How would you attack a castle?
What kind of weaponry could be used to lay siege to a castle?
You might want to mention the following things; sappers, Greek fire, battering ram,
mangonel, trebuchet, siege tower and latrine shaft.
Investigate a specific castle of your choice.
Where is your castle?
Who built it and why?
What type of castle is it?
Did anything famous happen there?
Why did people stop living in it?
All tasks must be completed and the completed project handed in during your last lesson before October
half term .
If you have any questions at all – please speak to your teacher.
Useful links:
C’est parti! Autumn 1
Vocabulary learning is an essential part of learning any language. You will be given a French vocabulary
booklet from which your homework will be set. Please check this schedule carefully and use techniques
taught in lessons to help you learn the words. Vocabulary will be tested in class every week.
Week Number
Due Date
Decorate your book using French words, pictures etc.
19th September
and cover in plastic.
w/b 8th September
Learn Week 1 vocabulary from booklet.
Learn Week 2 vocabulary from booklet.
w/b 15th September
Learn Week 3 vocabulary from booklet.
w/b 22nd September
Learn Week 4 vocabulary from booklet.
w/b 29th September
Learn Week 5 vocabulary from booklet.
w/b 6th October
Learn Week 6 vocabulary from booklet.
w/b 13th October
Learn Week 7 vocabulary from booklet.
w/b 3rd November
There is also a booklet to reinforce this vocabulary for you to complete as an extension. You should also
consolidate the vocabulary by using
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
The Elements of Music
This project will help you understand all the elements or ingredients that all pieces of music have to make
them complete.
Each element of music is in every piece of music ever created or performed so it is important to know
what they all are and how they help to make each piece and style of music sound different.
Step 1
Paragraph about you musical experiences (week 1)
Step 2
Research Tempo—
Step 3
Research Dynamics—
Step 4
Research Pitch
Step 5
Research Durations
Step 6
Research Instruments of The Orchestra—Strings
Step 7
Research Instruments of The Orchestra— Brass
Step 8
Research Instruments of The Orchestra—Woodwind
Step 9
Research Instruments of The Orchestra— Percussion
Week Number
Write a paragraph detailing what you have done in
the past at school (and outside of school) in music.
Is there anything you would like to do if you had the
Create a dictionary in your book that translates the
musical words for 10 different tempos into
Expand your dictionary in your book to translate the
musical words for 8 different words relating to
Due Date
Week Number
Due Date
Write a paragraph explaining what pitch is in music.
Research and find out which instruments have low
pitches, high pitches or a wide range. Draw or find
images of these pictures to stick in your books.
Print out the worksheet emailed to you—complete the
table for note durations with their lengths and names.
Complete the musical maths sums. Stick the worksheet
into you books.
Use the website
Find out what instruments are in the String and Brass
family. Make a poster in your book with information and
images about these instruments.
Use the website
Find out what instruments are in the woodwind and
percussion family.
Made a poster in your book with information and images
about these instruments
All tasks must be completed and the completed project handed in during your last lesson before October
half term. You may choose to do this earlier and make the last two weeks revision (but please provide
links to resources etc. that parents can use to support one another).
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
Room for other guidance / resources that could be useful / homework club availability etc
Physical Education
Topic: Invasion Games
There are any different roles with sport and understanding all of them
can help you become a better player/athlete.
You are going to investigate the sport you are doing with your lessons. This will include rules, sporting
personalities and fitness based around your sport.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
I can make brief comments related to what I am learning.
I can find information from a range of sources.
I can identify relevant information and express it in my own words.
I can give a relevant opinion.
I begin to produce structured work.
I can work independently with focus.
Step 5
I extend my learning in my own time using my own initiative.
Step 6
I can use and organise information to produce well structured written work.
Step 7
I consistently organise and use relevant information to produce very well
organised work using accurate sporting key words and terms.
I can present my work professionally.
Step 8
I can justify my answers with relevant information backed up with
Step 9
I use sporting terminology confidently, reflectively and critically.
Week Number
Make sure you finish the tasks set for each week to ensure your project is ready in time.
Think about the sport you are currently doing in your lessons and create a title
Find out 5 rules about your sport.
Why do we have rules in sport?
What is Fair Play?
Create a profile on a professional sports person (based on the sport you are doing in your lesson). You must include the following:
Picture / age / who do they play for / sporting history /
what position they play in / how often they train.
What components of fitness do you need for your sport?
How can these help you in your sport?
Physical Education
Week Number
Plan a 4 phase warm up for your partner based on your sport.
Make a glossary of key words for your sport and their meanings.
Create a drill for your sport—you need to think about what you would
like to improve on*.
E.g. Passing, shooting, attack / defend
* You may wish to adapt a drill we do within lessons.
Create a pitch / court for your sport and label where the players
positions start.
Create a table explaining what the players jobs are within a match.
Evaluate how you have found your sport—include the following:
What have you done well at within your sport? - WHY?
What could you improve on? - HOW?
How has knowing the rules improved your performance?
All tasks must be completed and the completed project handed in during your last lesson before October
half term.
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
Useful websites:
Topic: Who am I?
Each persons is unique. We have our own personalities with which we
can make a mark on the world.
You will understand why and how human life is celebrated in different cultures and religious beliefs. You
will investigate how a person becomes a member of a community and how religion shapes values and
Step 1
I can retell the history of my life so far.
Step 2
I can recall an interesting story about something that has happened to me and reflect on
how that has shaped me.
Step 3
I will be able to summarise my values (what’s important in life and what matters from my
point for view—for example family, pets or school etc.)
I will be able to speak about my beliefs about God (agnostic/atheist/theist).
Step 4
I will be able to state whether people have souls.
I will be able to attempt to answer an ultimate question (What is the purpose of my life?).
Step 5
I will be able to make plans and predictions for the future—How do I see myself at
Step 6
I use and organise the information I have found to produce well structured written work,
which includes beliefs and values.
Step 7
I organise relevant information to produce very well structured work.
Step 8
I organise and use relevant information to produce very well organised work using
accurate historical terms to describe my work.
Step 9
I use Religious terminology confidently, reflectively and critically.
Make sure you finish the tasks set for each week to ensure your project is ready in time.
Complete the “All about me” worksheet.
Set yourself some realistic goals.
Find out the meaning of your name—Do you know the inspiration behind it?
Complete initial collage. What symbols or images best describe me?
Create a baptism certificate.
Complete the first assessment task for RE—”Who am I” project.
Space Lander Project
The picture to the left is of the Apollo 16 Moon Lander.
Astronauts have discovered a lot about the Moon because
they have been able to land on it. However, humans are yet
to set foot on another planet.
You are going to design and build a Space Lander capable
of landing on another planet. During this project, you will
learn about how Astronomers study our Solar System and
the Universe. You will also learn about how Space Landers
are designed to cope with the forces that act upon them
during their mission.
Step 1
List the planets in the Solar System and source items to make a Space Lander.
Step 2
Provide the average temperatures of some planets. Draw a Space Lander design, list some
materials and build a model.
Step 3
Give the average temperatures of all planets. All materials provided in the design. Force
Diagram includes two forces that will act on the Space Lander.
Step 4
Description of the chosen planet provided. Force diagram shows two opposing forces acting
upon the Space Lander. Description of how the Space Lander has been designed to reduce air
resistance at take-off. Model is streamlined.
Step 5
Description and facts about all the planets. Explanation of how air resistance has been
reduced during take off and increased during landing. Arrows on force diagram accurately
represent size and direction of forces.
Step 6
Description of the Sun and Moon included in Mission brief. Force diagram explains what is
meant by balanced and unbalanced forces. The Space Lander model capable of flight.
Step 7
Description of Asteroids and comets included in Mission brief. Force Diagram includes
resultant force calculations.
Step 8
Explanation of the Solar System. Comprehensive design of fully functioning Space Lander
model with accurate force diagrams of different stages of the mission. Fully functional Space
Lander built.
Week Number
Mission briefing - Make a poster that gives a detailed
description of our Solar System and the planets within it. State
which planet you are landing on and give some extra
information about that planet.
Tips; Research the size, temperature, length of year (orbits)
and length of day for each planet. Provide information about
the Sun and Moon.
Due Date
Week Number
Space Lander Design - Draw a design of your Space
Lander. Label each part of the design to show what it is
made out of so you know the equipment you will need to
build the model. Provide a short paragraph stating which
forces will act on the Space Lander during take off and
another short paragraph stating the forces during landing.
Due Date
Tip: You will need to explain how your Lander is designed to
be streamlined at take off and how it is designed to slow
down for a safe landing.
Force Diagrams -Draw force diagrams for take off, flight
and landing phases of the mission.
Tips; Diagrams should show the direction and size of the
forces acting on the Space Lander. If the forces are
balanced then the Space Lander will remain stationary or at
a constant speed. If the forces are unbalanced then the
Space Lander is speeding up or slowing down.
Build your model Space Lander - Use your design (task
2) to help you get all the equipment you need and build your
Tip: Recycled materials can be very useful e.g. Plastic milk
bottles, boxes, cartons etc.
Revision for Space Physics and Forces test.
Revision for Space Physics and Forces test.
All tasks must be completed and handed in during your Science lessons on 2nd and 3rd of October.
You may choose to do this earlier and make the last two weeks revision (but please provide links to
resources etc. that parents can use to support one another).
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.
Topic: Fabric and fibres
Create a booklet where you will show different Fabrics and fibres, where
they come from and what their properties are.
This project is to be completed in the first 5 weeks of the carousel in Textiles . It will then be handed in so
that I can mark it and give you feed back before you move onto the next carousel.
Step 1
You answer the questions using simple sentences
Step 2
You may have some grammatical and spelling errors but you use full sentences.
Step 3
You use full sentences to answer the questions and have a good grasp of
grammar and spellings.
Step 4
Your work is more structured, and detailed, making use of some technical terms.
Step 5
You use just one source of information to enhance your work, your work is neatly
Step 6
You use a variety of sources of information to enhance your work, your work is
clearly presented.
Step 7
You organise relevant information to produce very well structured work, with good
presentation skills.
Step 8
You consistently organise and use relevant information. You answer the
extension work questions fully and in your own words
Step 9
You use technical words confidently and have a sound understanding of how
nutrients work. Your answers are fully explained in detail and have a good
communication skills. Your presentation skills are a high standard.
Week Number
Create a title page for a booklet with the Title; Natural Fibres. It must have your
name on it.
Page 1 of your booklet.
Natural fibres come from two sources vegetable and animal. On your first page
find out the source of the following natural fibres; silk, cotton, wool and linen.
Write the answer down and draw or stick a picture in to represent it. E.g. wool is
an animal fibre that comes from sheep (picture of a sheep).
Extension; Research which countries these four fibres are mainly produced in.
Week Number
Page 2 of your booklet.
Find out the following facts about cotton and write up your findings neatly on an A4
sheet. This can be done on the computer or by hand, and should include
diagrams if relevant. It must not be copy and pasted.
3 properties of cotton (how cotton feels, reacts behaves).
The names of 3 different cotton fabrics. With a simple description.
Extension. Find out how cotton can be cared for showing the symbols.
Page 3 of your booklet
Design a child's summer shirt or dress in cotton fabric on a theme of animals. It
must be coloured in, labelled and all the fastenings and details clearly shown.
Extension: Design a range of clothing a child could take on weekend to the beach
in the summer (you can use your own theme).
Page 4 of your booklet.
Write 3 paragraphs about how cotton can affect the environment. Include diagrams
where relevant and do not copy and paste from the internet write it in your own
Extension: Research facts about Organic cotton.
Page 5 of your booklet.
Find out the following facts about silk and write up your findings neatly on an A4
sheet. This can be done on the computer or by hand, and should include
diagrams if relevant.
3 properties of silk (how silk feels, reacts behaves).
The names of 3 different silk fabrics with a simple description.
Extension. Research how silk can be cared for showing the symbols.
Project must be handed in to your teacher. If you are doing your project on the
computer it must be printed off before the lesson.
All tasks must be completed and the project handed after you have done 5 weeks in Textiles.
If you are absent you will still need to catch up on all the work.
If you have any questions at all, please speak to your teacher.