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1 - NZQA
L _j lllllllllllllllllll 90911 ., NZ~A SUPERVISOR'S USE ONLY NEW ZEALAND QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY MANA TOHU MATAURANGA 0 AOTEAROA Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five Achievement Achievement with Merit Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance. Demonstrate clear understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance. Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate thorough understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance. Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. Pull out Resource Booklet 90911 R from the centre of this booklet. You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet. Answer each question in your choice of English, te reo Maori, and/or Spanish. If you need more room for any answer, use the extra space provided at the back of this booklet. Check that this booklet has pages 2-8 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. High Excellence TOTAL © New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2013. All rights reserved. 31 ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. 2 You are advised to spend one hour answering the questions in this booklet. ASSESSORUSE ONU' FIRST TEXT: La rutina diaria Read the text on page 2 of the Resource Booklet. Use it to answer Question One. QUESTION ONE Lee los blogs de los amigos Paco y Teresa durante un dfa normal para ellos. Rellena Ia tabla con detalles de los textos sobre sus rutinas diarias. Read the blogs of friends Paco and Teresa describing what a normal day is like for them. Complete the table below with details of their daily routines. Actividades Paco I Activities Teresa Describe los cambios en sus rutinas diarias, usando informacion de los textos. Describe the changes in their daily routines, using information from the texts. Paco: 2_ ~-Q,U\~ ~0 ~-'(_~ ~ 'f'6~~ \C\_\.Q~~ C\Y_OU--V\c\ __ ~ o' c\oc~ ~-zlCA~ ~~,Q_~ \\\J-ec\ tLos~_\oJ~e_ "SL~CJ\ _ 0--\r\~ 'v¥2_ ~ !5~e_ O~QCX\uV\~~ '(~l~-~~'(Q _\-e_o.\J\~~ _ ?\\-so ""\-".J . ~'{ J.0.c\~\ ~ 'o-~-e ~~_i:WY\\~_., .---------~=-~--~-- Teresa ~\c'(-QI sW \~~v~ cA~ CA.\ CA -5'\)-e.\1\" \\llwL t;:,'G ~\ c}u_~ w\\\.r- 'IAQ~ Y~S~\R\G\\1\\ rA~ \CA__\--e_~ ~~e. 0~\r\~ 4\~_~N\\~ ~-ex ~\~\N:\~~ \-\~'( 0\-Y~~~~\~-~ \m~ 'S,\rtQ. ~S ~ ~().., '\V\o'<£ \'<V\..e~5~\'ii~ C'A.Y\c\ VIDW __ ~~'( '[\\~~~ (AY-Q.._\~ULhl'V\GV'£_~\8\_ . t/1. _ Spanish 90911 , 2013 _ _ __ _ 3 GPaco y Teresa estan mas contentos con sus vidas ahora o no? Justifica su respuesta utilizando Ia informacion del texto . Are Paco and Teresa happier with their life now or not? Support your opinion with information from the text. Paco esta mas feliz ahora/Paco is happier now: Sf I ~ (Marque uno)/ (Circle one) Razones I Reasons: \\~ ~(JQj~'\_}~\\~~ w\-e\~'L ~ \~ \~9\~V 9Y \f'5k ~ ~~i\~ ~<i~ ~'¥\£_1~\ \(\~\10 ~-~'S \o ~ _\Af> cA \s.o\ eJA:'i\Qx ~AJ\\,c.,~ '{'(\CA!.~ ~ . D\ \0£ ~o_tc\. \-\~ u__\so -~CJS ~ \~~ Q;v.,\: (\ \o\ w~\\'\\~s \'v.Q"Dy:e~\-- ~~ \\)\_~~- ~'< \r\\'2 u~ - £x \o'{~~ ~ ~a -Teresa esta mas feliz ahora!Teresa is happier now: Sf I® (Marque uno)/ (Circle one) Razones I Reasons: ~~e sCA~~- \~\ \~_VY\~'<'f\\V\~S (\v--.e_ ---\~ wox'2>-t _:_ "'5\.r-.~ C\\so ~\~ ~"'o_\ ·~~ ~'(Q;\..e.\"") \-6 9-,o b':::) co..y \)\A\_~\re_ ~\S !m _W(J~~ ~u.s.e_ - ~v:: \Q)YU2\t1\s _:56\\d\_ \~CA.\ )'v\~ ~~cks ~~e -~-e\c\~~ ·_~h-€_ ill~ -~~-e_L\_~ eJ() -\Q a r"G-\uu_vu,\f\-\ OV\ W\~"b~~j- v~Dl~ :Sk _ JV\_s\ c_e>o""--s 50Y'v\.-Q\~\n~ - ~ \~e 'M\.cyo~\<e ~ Sh~ 0\\so 'SLA.\c.\ -\~\ \f\~~ V\\C'J~\~ c~Y..e rv\\A.L~ V'v\OV~ C(fA.~*- 'i\ow .~~-e. ~'~ ~N-Q \1\n....o_ \'vx \""'rye;,-;:,\ · ~~ \'S V\D\ Y"\G\'Q~\-eY · ~ Span ish 909 11, 2013 ASSESSOR ' ~ USE ONLY 4 SECOND TEXT: Como ganar el dinero ASSES SOl USE ONL Read the text on page 3 of the Resource Booklet. Use it to answer Question Two and Question Three. QUESTION TWO Rellena Ia tabla abajo sabre sus puestos de trabajo de tiempo parcial usando Ia informacion del texto. Fill in the table below about the part-time jobs of the three teenagers, using information from the text. Nombre/ Name l,Cuimto ganan? I How much do they earn? Trabajo/Job Pilar Jaime GQue piensa cada persona de su puesto? Justifica su respuesta utilizando Ia informacion del texto. What does each person think of their job? Give reasons from the text to support your answer. E.'0j~'7 _-\\-i\Y ,jCl'n 'oec~use- \\_j'<\~o\v-es £-)(.-Q '\G\~ _ ~""d\ \~~~- ~~-Q \--e.v _\o_~ \'r\ _$~~t ~~\C~VV\«A""-S __ Pilar: ~ \~ ~'\~c_~ -~o\ ~v- ~- P. Jaime: \\~ ~~~09-~'-~ - ~ ~LCA~ \2_ ~cJ_ ~_€_'(\~We, I I ~'< ~s ~~v~ o.~ ~e ~'<\~ ~ ~~\\\~MV\ v~\-uv.Y<A'v\-\ ' ~ \~~~'i:_~. \\~ cA~ \~S'N\QQ,~~ 'fv\tAY\V:J 'f/20'{]\~t/ _ Juan Carlos: ~\\-e_ V\.Ja~cb_ \~ W ~e_,\ _Q_ 'RfA'(~~'vV\~- kc_~\A'SQ ~l:') chl_Y\\_ .~~ 1\1\UL'Irt \JV\CO~C\'-"~ hQ '~ ~ ~lA\\Y\C\-~~~\ ~ ~YV\S \V"\ \~ \;u_'v\\A. fox ~ ~\vs-.e. \N~ Y\ W!: ~oe~ \-o u Y\\\f,e.x-:s~. /1 'fX"e~¥'2<:> \Rf.0~%\-6; ~~s a_,~\,'4:J 1 c\eiA\1\S 1~ .(AV\.CA 50~~\v\..e;) v.J~V\ \\AD_vQ_ \S ~-€ \ ~ \:.ey. (A VJ(.A 0- "S~C),CA~ O(LU.~'S\ 6~ i1 f1 Spanish 90911 , 2013 5 QUESTION THREE ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY ~Que hace cada persona en su tiempo libre? What does each person do in their spare time? ~~~ 'ruL~"'- Y\c\\~v,J\\.~:\;W..\v k\JOv-'1~ ho'D\J~~ ~ \~\'( -~Q~~~ \ou_~~~~~Y \h~_:_}j_ Pilar Jaime: ~\e_-~ou-.\ CI\J\~-~~\£~5 b~~~~ ~\I~ V ~o ~\)..,_\- \-o ecf.~_'rerav:;,e_ '\\,-a_~~\~ ~-€£ ~~ "'\-J _\JCAY\Q.~ {~\-o.__y._vGAul\ · Juan carlos: ~\~o~Y'(\aV\e~k_(J.).,~V\\~ \?~G\.~ v·\J._'£f;L9;JCA'«'f?--S _CA~_ \NA.\:c~ _\ .\j ~(- ~Piensan que el dinero es importante? Explica sus respuestas usando informacion del texto. Do they think money is important? Explain your answer using information from the text. Pilar: WI No M~~~~lh._ -\~~\ w\]~t)~\, \[V\CJY'Q':] ~Ov\ LC)}f\YV::J\ ~C6,_\J-e ~V\ \1 Jaime: G:i)/ No , L. l 'oe,\,-€,'\/-12 'w2.. -\"vv\Y\.\A.'S \\ \S '\V'v-.f\J' \V\.V...\ \-£C.I.A\A.S-e \_ V\2_ ' A -\~~~ ~CA¥15\-:::, ..f.JO ~Cl(.y ; 1'\ etr "SnAW~ v~ 0 C\V\(,~ h~ €.CA_~ o,.\ W~ _pO.NllA.t-'s f-e6~\A)O."vU, W~\c\.JL .Q V~~ foocl_Pf Juan Carlos: 0 _ No fuel\J.Se_ 34aJ,Q~\ ~\J!) Y\1\~"' l:v\~~ \"" \~ ~CU.S£., Q,v,o\. he_ , to ~L \-o t~'V\N~ I ~~~bvt. t' . I? J t'f' .. , t'l' d I E0JGV\~ n su op1n1on, ~qu1en cree 1ene e meJ~;'tra aJO a 1empo parc1a . us 11ca su op1n1on u 11zan o a informacion del texto. In your opinion, who do you think has the best part-time job? Justify your opinion using information from the text. ' _\ -\V\\'f\\A_.~~'{\.1\~ ~~\~e_ ~\ QU-.Y\-~~~ ~&_:_ \ J~\VLk \\-\\S~LU~ ~ f:J.).VV\~ ~10 QV\ ~CAA'r_ 1 ~e_ ~~fr~ {ocx}_ ~v-0-. ~~\-sv<\ S\u.c~ ~~\~-~\.6\ 0\r\-e_ \~\'~0\e _e~~U.V\""':> 1 _Q¥-<2~u...v--es_fc:>od. -e\-t. J~\V\,V\'vL ~\r\9 \"'b \\:e_ \:cl \,elQ._\U' _~~~'-\ \'S _~~v-.\ cADe~Vl'\ ~~- \:o ~Cl~_~v ~~ C\\\ -~~· S'MQ. C\.'v\cJ \~-e_ WQY{t ~~-t _ ~'(~~ ~0\Y\~ ~v\_~\ C'n-e ~\-\\YV()- 0 Spanish 90911 , 2013 6 THIRD TEXT: Una vida sana ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY Read the text and look at the photos, on page 4 and page 5 of the Resource Booklet. Use them to answer Question Four. QUESTION FOUR En Ia tabla abajo, empareja cada consejo con una foto y explica por que ha elegido esa foto. Utiliza solo una vez cada foto. El consejo 4 esta complete como un ejemplo. In the table below, match each tip with one photo, and explain why you have chosen that photo. Use each photo once only. Tip 4 has been completed as an example. Consejo/ Tip 1 2 3 Foto/ Photo '(: 'ri D Explicaci6n I Explanation s~ -,-s 0-eo.'f\\'l\~ \\Q_ ~o~ v3v"\0~ \s \~-e. X&:.\\c~\r\ I\A\---.Q_'\\':>\\~ ~ c\-ro'v\\"5 ~-.c~ ~"'"=> u.. C...'\"~"S ~'\0~~ 0-\co\to\. ")""'-ow~ ~~ ~au_\~~\ ~'<W\\A_ ~-a ~ 'MUC"" \\ 1 ~~ \~ a_ '\<\O,W~~- cA 'o~ C\~ K\~WJ..\\,~~) \~\":) ~~QW~ \~ \o~ CX ~-')\\)\':J\)\.(A\~ \-6 <)L~(jp \· The children are jumping, which is physical activity. 4 I 5 \= '"\oVV'LI..~.;oes o-.Y-e ~~V\.~w u;~, "~""'\"> "'l'-"t>w') \\r-.J<.~ l\YQ V\.U.~\\w·~ ~ \x -tc~~ cA'v\_iA ve~e. f/ 6 Cx 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 \3 F\ ~ L l J ~~ -\'::> ~-\-c"'-.\n~ 1\1 , \~\.., -':JV-C::Pf"~ ~"' SU.~\\1\_~ \~\ <jOV,_ ~~0\R 6-.v{\ ~~""\co Vv\Ut.\.~'- o~ \\ f ~"~ \<S ~o,os~ \~Y~ c\x\.l~~ 0\i\.~e-s\\W6 'i\o~ "S~ou\.~v- \ ~Wl. ~ · tJ ct ~x--e \~ ~i.Y\ c)"'.oD5('-i~ ~~Y\ ~ CA '\u.\.e_ CA.. ~~cA.\..€ ve~\"U'o\D' \)0\.A ~"vlou.\cA \1\,7\cl~ ~'A~VlA. \\ ~t-:, \\Q_C-\.\.\\tw G\\0\U? . I! \\Nl,ye ll\-r<~<_ ~\U.y,'(\, "'-'-\ 1 1\Ae_':) Cl''t Jo i V\.5 -.9- .q ~~~sc~~c~~ , "".eu.\\~ \ml"':>o\/\ -\~ w~Aoe\ 1 -\\A_\-s. 5~\J~~ (}.. ~C-\\~~ ~~. JA \W«e "\'(.Q tA.\\ ~oQ:e'(i\:1\; <;\A';)~es~\"<j k_ ~~ CjfO\\;';) CA." \.Q.Ll<)-\- ~ ~0\A' ~ ~~'{)· l1 \'NL"(-e__ \ "S CA ~\Y\ w~o \oo~ \\~ s~l~ go\ 0\ ~-e.wtczt-~ ~ \~~G\r\..\ o\ -\\;\..Q.. l()W\~u\~v -\\;\\~ 'S'v\-r:ff-St-5 -5W. ~cv.tc \'1 'MIAY\ _, , r> J~'-'v _{\ 'V'- \~..C.. .___, _, . _\,.:,\1"\ ,, v r, ...___ I \1"\ , \ vv'-' · ·'"'" ' ""-- ' Spanish 90911 , 2013 ~ A\/\ ·v --. \~ /__4 7 Explica como ha cambiado Ia dieta mediterranea durante los anos. Justifica su opinion con informacion del texto. Explain how the Mediterranean diet has changed over time. Justify your opinion with information from the text. _SI(LA.c\*'0\_~\\~ ,-,'r\ \~~ ~\--0NCA\f\eC\\l\_(Ov\V\~\~ \~cl\_~~ G~~CA\C\<G~\\~ ~~\~'6 c&_~\ \oemu_~-e \\ \<) \ \C~ \~ B-~~ ~~ C\~ \o'v~ \V\ ~CA~Yu-beJ. fu~\-s QV\_4_ S'(_'£u~ ~d.~ ~1J ow \~ ~QA.\1\_~ u\-\,\ckr.QV\ cxv-e_ Qu!\ \[\_~ o.'0. \.AY\~QA\\~~~\~\- . l\ --sfuc\~ _\V\ d.obl6,_/ G ~o~) .\~\QA\-e~ j_~~ _~ l~~~V~\(1 CA~ \€~'S ~-eC.\\~ totJcis _co" \\~ ~-s~ ~'-A\\J \[~CQe_\u"'D\~s OY\c1 ~Vttb~~~~b~\~)-~-e\.A 'f\eJ\;0 ~\fe_\:-ey ~ex\ -\W>-\ o.v-.Q \-es~ ~G\\\\~_~ \wuc v--e~ ~ \fY\eLA~ '1 ""u.s \'r;6 ~"'-"J \~ ~\.Q\ l~C\VS-t>cl.. ffoVVt ~\V\3 \JQ.{~ "'-~o..\'IM.'-:J '1-o "'UN w'v-.e\r\ G~~""<2Y\ o,y-e -eu_\-\.."'3 \[V\OV~ 0~ ~~ \-\.\!\~~~\\-~\) \Do~ ·fo \V\\<S ,\~ '(-e_~\QC\-~ ~LA-\\ Q_YO\.AV'--tl \\r-_-e_ V00v\.c\ ~ 9\-e O..."& -QJ:J...\0 V\~ f:tA.sl.; teo~ (.)._~ \o. tJ.A~~ ~"-f-.~c\)~ w~\C~ \~ CCAV---S(\~~ ~'xo'vi~Vv-b 0--:, VV'G\1-k \~ ()~~\~- ~ -------,.,----- ~ - --- ----- Spanish 90911,2013 ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY Excellence Q1 – The candidate has demonstrated thorough understanding of the text, including the information that went beyond the immediate context. Q2 – The candidate has demonstrated thorough understanding of the text, and has given detailed answers that refer to the text. Q3 – The candidate has demonstrated thorough understanding of the text, and has given detailed responses with reference to the text. Q4 – The candidate has matched up the pictures and texts, as well as correctly detailing the advice given. In the second part of the question, the candidate has shown thorough understanding, with a developed answer and supporting information from the text.