Newspapers April 9, 2015
Newspapers April 9, 2015
The Acorn Aj#il 9, 1015 Are city streets too.soggy? Thousand Oaks Boulevard is a main artery through th~ communities of Agoura Hills, Westlake Village and Thousand Oaks. But why haven't we stopped the overwatering of the grass islands that run through our towns? The new YMCA project ~t T.O. BQulevl\_rd and l,.,indere Canyon Ro~ · watel's· the ·mangroomed natural hillside during the heat of the day. This is not acceptable any longer. We are in a' serious drought ~ Let us aU be responsible in our .tiomes, in our yards, when we are out to eat and at our workplace. Make every drop count. Diane Miraglia Westlake Village » Thursday, April 9, 2015 )I Haggen reveals opening dates • Food chain · converting 9,local stores By SUphan .. Hoops 805·417·0265 The Washington statebased supermarket chain Haggen, which bought and is in the ~rocess of con· verting wne local Vo!!s and Albertsons stores to its name, has released a list of dates for the changeover. The company earlier reported the Albertsons on· Telegraph Road in Ventura would be the fir.;t local store. converting to Hnggco (pro· oounccd hay-gm\) an.d that it would happen :April 13. That bas since changed. The first St.o!'Cs to trans· form wfilbelheAlbertsons at 17-36 Avenida De ·Los Arboles in Thousand Oaks and the Albertsons at Lindero Canyon Road in Westinkc Yillsge.· Both stores will change Apdl 21. The plan is for sto.i:es to close two days before reopening under Haggen nnme. Both Albcrtsons 5tor~s will dose at 6 P·D!· Apdl 19. At 12:01 :i.m. Apnl 20 Haggen willlake owncrshlp and begin makini; ~ts changes. The · stores ;will mo SM HA6G!M. IA CONVERSIONS • AlbcrtsOllS. 5770 Uitdero canyon Rollll, 11/estlake vmaoe :.. Apr1121• • A1btrtsons. 1736 twen\da DeLos Alboles. Thousaofl.Q.1ks - April 21" • A111«tsons. Sll5 E.Los AngelesAYe .• SlmlV11lle\' APrll1.l" • Albertsons. 2801l, Slml V61ley, - Aprll1.l' • Albertsons. 2~00 Las PoSilS Road. camartlio Aprll24 • vons,660E.LM Angeles Ave., SlmlV&UeyApr\l 2S' • Albcrtsons,920 N. Ventura Road, OXfl,\rd Jime6 • Albertsons, 7BOO Telegraph Road, ventura 'Jilile16 • Vons, 2100 Newbury Road, Newtiury Parll June 28 '510m!lll•t wlllrt o111ft01>rodilflog1ilo corivt<sloo HAGGEN from BA ~reopen the afternoon of / April 21. Phar.maclcs at thosetwostoreswill·mnain opendurlrigtheconversion. Haggen l'a.cific South· wes.1 .GE.O BUl.$.llllner in- dicated that ·;cbedullng for store conversions Is In a state ofllux. He said the company has 146 stores to hMdle and "we may.need to ad· just the time line or chnnge store conversion dlltes to address any Issues that arlse, includlnl! licensing or permitting; city, county, state regulations; systems issues; 11.11d so on. Our goal T HE s TAR is to have as smooth a trllD· sitlon us possible." Haggen has begun In· stalling Its b11Dners and • merchandise at some of the other stores it ac· qulred In December, which are in Arizona, Cali· fornia, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. An Albemons in Monroe, Washington; on Feb. 12 became the .lint store to change. · Jntcrlor and exte.rior signage will change et all locations.' · Hagg•m prides itsel( on being a leader In the movement to buy from local sources and plans to =ounce regional ond local distributors. c.otlT -.ato·no~ Haggen. wlllch Is based In Bellingham, Washington. Is acqulr· Ing 14& stores. lncludlnu several Vons and Albertsons stores In venlura county. The plan Is for stores to close two days before rnopenln9 under the Haggen name. Interior and el<hlrlor iJgnage wUI change at aU locations. YHSTLAKI VILLAGI Teens can learn Chinese calltlraphy The Westlake Village Library will present a class on Chinese ·calligraphy from 11 a.m. to noon at 31220 08.k Crest Driv;e. · Youths· 12_.17 are.invited to the free class led by artist Barbara WQng. Visit http://www. colapublib org 'o r call 818-865-9230 for . i,nformation. ages . ,..f.he-Acorn Librar.y book sale • On Sat, April 11, the County of Los Angeles Public Library system will have a used book sale at all its branches that are open on Saturdays, including Agoura Hills at 2990 I Ladyface Court and Westlake Village, 312-20 Oak Crest Drive. All proceed~ will be used to benefit the community libraries of the CLAPL. This "Bo.oks! Books! Bo_oks!" ev~nt coincides-with National Library Week, April 12 thr,Q1,1gb 19. --For more ~information, visit www, or call (562) 940-8403. · Sund:~y; April 1'2: · · 10 a.m .. to 4 p.-m. Proceeds from the Street Festival will benefit local chari~ies~ Thank ·you to our generous sponsors· ·· Jw. . ~· · • • • • ... . • .• Craft Beer Tasting . Classic Car Display Entertainment Vendors Galore Kids' Zone Free Parking · Free Admission WARNERPACIFIC ~~ .the ' ·•f • PTS Furniture •