Monday, February 26, 2007 C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference


Monday, February 26, 2007 C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
Monday, February 26, 2007
12:00 p.m.
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
GOLF TOURNAMENT, Woodcreek Golf Course
3:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom East Lobby
3:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
TRADE SHOW SET-UP, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
EARLY BIRD RECEPTION, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom East Lobby
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. -
11:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:15 p.m. -
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
REGISTRATION OPEN, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom East Lobby
SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION 101/201 WORKSHOP, Convention Center, Rooms 306/307
Center, Rooms 311/312
STATE AGENCIES, Convention Center, Rooms 311/312
TRADE SHOW OPEN, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS, Convention Center, Rooms 308/309/310
STATE AGENCY RESOURCE ROOM, Convention Center, Rooms 301, 302, 303, 304, 305
(closed from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
C.A.S.H. ARCHITECTS COMMITTEE MEETING, Convention Center, Room 314
Break - Vendor Drawing, Exhibit Hall A
Hotel, Ventura Room
12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. OPENING GENERAL SESSION & LUNCH, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Regency Ballroom
12:15 p.m. Opening Remarks, Pamela T. Johnson, C.A.S.H. Chair, Montebello Unified School District
12:20 p.m. Remarks and Welcome, Ted Rozzi, Annual Conference Chair & C.A.S.H. Vice Chair, Corona-Norco Unified School
1:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Greg Lucas, San Francisco Chronicle
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
TRADE SHOW OPEN, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A
Dessert Service, Exhibit Hall A
WORKSHOPS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom, Rooms 308/309/310
WORKSHOPS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
RECEPTION & TRADE SHOW, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
7:30-11:30 a.m.
Sacramento Convention Center
School Construction 101/201
Don Lussier
Mark Kelley
Mike Sattley
Greg Chapman
Steve Rogers
Mark Mardock
David Goldin
Ron Lebs
William Savidge
David Umstot
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
The State School
Facility Program – A
District’s Perspective
Cathy Allen
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
The State Agencies’ Top
Tips for Getting Your
Project Approved – An
Overview of the State
Patricia Penn
Dave Hawke
Howard “Chip” Smith
Nikki Yee
2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
T.J. Rapozo
David Stevenson
Lynne Murray
Ron Kuehl
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
10:30 11:30 a.m.
Committee Meeting
What Do You Mean I
Have No Cash?
Cash Flow Planning
When Can I Spend 10:30– 11:30 a.m
CSFC Membership
My Money?
10:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.
Legal Advisory
Legislative Update
Implications for
Ralph Roesling
Nina Boyd
Paul Andersen
Eric Hall
James Watts
Tom Duffy
Ernest Silva
Ian Padilla
Jerry Skaff
Bill Nance
Sharon Bolle
Tim Lopez
Marnie Rosenstein
Margie Brown
Cecile Nunley
Stephanie Gonos
The High
Affordable, Green
and a Great
Environment, Too!
Rob Samish
Gene Wheatley
Richard Flood
Mark Miller
The 99 Cent
Principals Can
Save You Money
Alice Grundman
Denise Clendening
Small, Quirky &
Inaccessible: You
Can Make that Site
Small School
David Walrath
Sacramento Convention Center
John Gordon
Building Quality
Project Team
Relationships The Fine Art of
Herding Cats
Ron Lebs
Michael O’Neill
Douglas Wolf
Paul Speed
Greg Branch
Site Near a
Pipeline and/or
Power Lines What Do You
Do Now?
9:00–10:30 a.m.
Sacramento Convention Center
Updates to the
Repair Program
(AB 607)
Masha Lutsuk
Melissa Ley
9:00 –10:30 a.m.
Fiscal Management
Hot Topics
Fit or Fat –
Incorporating the
New Wellness
Architectural Design
Unique Projects
Require a Unique
Selection Process
Dan Santo
Julie Barrett
Lyle Smoot
David Casnocha
Mays Kakish
Lynne Cooper
Lisa Ryker
Eric Hall
John Fisher
Kent Brown
Ming Fung
Piggybacks and High Performance
Public Works— Schools are More
Where the Rubber Cost Effective
than Ever
Meets the Road
Patrick Kennedy
Jack Vombaur
Josie Ripoly
Joshie Cox
Terry Tao
Charles Eley
Strand Key: FM – Fiscal Management, HP – High Performance, M&O - Maintenance Operations, P – Planning, RT – Round Table, SA – School Architecture, SC – School Construction, STA – State Agency
Roundtable Matrix
Please see Conference Program for roundtable descriptions.
Beyond Green: The Waste Stream
Jim Conger, Mondo U.S.A.
How to Get Through
LAFCO/Annexation of School Sites
Louis Cunningham, Oxnard Un. HSD
How Districts Can Make the Best Use
of Their Division of the State Architect
Paul Rivas, William S. Hart Un. HSD
What is an Estimate Good For?
Gerry Hughes, Murray & Downs AIA
Architects Inc.
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (2 sessions of 45 minutes)
CHPS: Not Just a Pile of Forms; but a Bond Tax Rate Structuring Concepts
Tool for Good Planning
John Baracy, RBC Capital Markets
Randy Horn, gkkworks
Certified Access Specialist Program
Rod Higgins, Division of the State
Proposition 1D Program Updates
Fred Yeager, CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Piggybacking 2007
Glenn Gould, Miller Brown & Dannis
Updates to the State Relocatable
Classroom Program Phase-Out Plan
Liz Cheyne & Freda Stathopoulos,
Office of Public School Construction
2:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (3 sessions of 45 minutes)
The Contractor Made a Mistake on Its
Energy Issues in California
Coming Full Circle with Access
Bid. Can I Ignore It?
Compliance – Completing the
Michael Rochman, SPURR
Americans with Disabilities Act
Cheri Love, PubliConstructionLaw
Sally Swanson, Sally Swanson
Architects Inc.
How to Prepare a Successful School
Environmental Assessments and
Plan and Site Submittal Issues
Facility Program Cost Estimate
Cleanups; What's Working for School
Kent Van Gelder & Tom Tooker,
Engel Navea & Jack Myers, Office of
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
Public School Construction
Department of Toxic Substances
Control Representative
Tuesday Workshop Schedule
Fiscal Management
High Performance
Maintenance & Operations
School Architecture
State Agency
7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
School Construction 101/201 (SC)
Don Lussier, Corona-Norco USD &
Mark Kelley, Miller Brown & Dannis
School Construction 101 will offer a
comprehensive overview of each step in
the school construction process including selecting the district team and
consultants, design issues, bidding the
construction phase, close out, and claims.
School Construction 201will provide
advanced level training in key issues
affecting school construction including
budgeting and payment, selection of
delivery method, scheduling, change
orders and claim avoidance, management concepts, and preventative measures.
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
The State School Facility Program
– A District’s Perspective (P)
Cathy Allen, Western Placer USD
This workshop will provide an overview from the school district’s perspective on how to work the School Facility
Program. Whether your schools need
maintenance, modernization or new
construction, this workshop will begin
with the basics of building your school
facilities program.
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
What Do You Mean I Have No
Cash? Cash Flow Planning
Techniques. When Can I Spend
My Money? (FM)
Marnie Rosenstein, Elk Grove USD
Business officers of school districts
will often ask their facility directors for
a draw down schedule for cash flow.
This workshop will focus on how to
accommodate this need.
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
The State Agencies’ Top Tips for
Getting Your Project Approved –
An Overview of the State Agencies
Patricia Penn, CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division
The California Department of Education/School Facilities Planning Division,
Division of the State Architect, and
Office of Public School Construction
are joining forces to present a workshop
that will focus on providing participants
with helpful tips and pointers to assist
you and your district devise a winning
strategy for a smoother, more successful
project approval process.
2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Legislative Update
Nina Boyd, Orange Co. Dept. of Educ.
2007 marks the beginning of a new twoyear legislative session and with it
opportunities for C.A.S.H. to vigorously
pursue new and continuing legislative
objectives. This workshop, through
presentations by the C.A.S.H. legislative
advocates and State agency representatives who may be available for the
discussion, will highlight the 2007-2008
C.A.S.H. Legislative and Regulatory
Platform adopted by the Board of
Directors, newly introduced legislation
and regulatory changes affecting the
school facilities community.
The High Performance Relocatable
– Affordable, Green and a Great
Learning Environment, Too! (HP)
Rob Samish, Lionakis Beaumont Design
Group, Inc.
Creating attractive and affordable
modular buildings is a growing trend in
architecture that has huge application
for schools. CHPS is raising the bar
with its new High Performance
Relocatable Best Practices Manual
to create great learning environments
with enhanced daylighting, improved
acoustics, interior materials for better
air quality and energy savings 20%
better than Title 24. Attendees will
obtain a copy of CHPS High Performance Relocatable model specifications, hear the results of PG&E’s
statewide relocatable demonstration
projects and explore the high performance relocatable features that have
been used most successfully.
District Standards - Implications
for Maintenance (M&O)
Paul Andersen, Riverside Co. Ofc.
of Educ.
This workshop will discuss setting
district standards: a cohesiveness
between facilities and maintenance.
Topics will include: warehousing of
materials, saving time and money,
and ensuring that district standards
are adhered to.
The 99 Cent Solution:
Understanding Risk Management
Principles Can Save You Money
Alice Grundman, Colton Jt. USD
This workshop will provide factors to
consider when determining how much
cleanup is necessary at sites where
contamination is detected. Attendees
will gain an understanding of risk
management principles used in environmental assessment of school sites,
including public relations.
Small, Quirky & Inaccessible: You
Can Make that Site Work! (SA)
Ralph Roesling, Roesling Nakamura
Terada Architects
As land continues to become less
available and more expensive, districts
need new options designing new school
Tuesday Workshop Schedule
facilities on land they already own. This
workshop will focus on fostering
creative solutions for designing and
building on existing campus sites,
specifically focusing on sites considered
too small, quirky or inaccessible.
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Fiscal Management Hot Topics (FM)
Dan Santo, California Financial Services
This workshop will focus on the most
current issues in facilities financing
facing facilities administrators today.
Building Agency Relationships (SC)
David Stevenson, Yucaipa-Calimesa
Joint USD
It is a challenge to get your plans
approved through all of the agencies
that are required before you can construct your project. This workshop
provides the attendees with tools and
tricks of the trade from experts in the
field to make the process as smooth and
painless as possible.
Updates to the Emergency Repair
Program (AB 607) (STA)
T.J. Rapozo, Office of Public School
Discuss the Emergency Repair Program
(ERP) Regulations which were
amended by Assembly Bill 607. The
bill added a grant provision to the ERP
to allow school districts to seek funding
prior to completion of the repair work.
The amended regulations include
several provisions aimed at streamlining
the application process, which will
encourage more participation in the
ERP and increase the distribution of
funds to schools in need of repair.
Small School District School
Facilities Issues (P)
David Walrath, Murdoch, Walrath &
This workshop will be a discussion
among small school districts regarding
school facility program issues affecting
them. The workshop will present the
current small school district exemptions
and benefits in the School Facility
Program and discuss new legislation
and administrative actions intended to
address small school district issues. The
workshop is intended for school districts with 5,000 or fewer students.
High Performance Schools are
More Cost Effective than Ever (HP)
Charles Eley, Collaborative for High
Performance Schools (CHPS)
With the passage of the school bond bill
in November 2006, high performance
schools that meet the CHPS (Collaborative for High Performance Schools)
Criteria can qualify for supplemental
funding from the State Allocation
Board. High performance schools have
always been cost effective when long
term benefits are considered and the
new state funding program makes them
even more cost effective. This workshop
will review the 2006 CHPS Criteria, the
formulas for supplemental funding, and
the associated eligibility and administration requirements.
Piggybacks and Public Works –
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Patrick Kennedy, Glendale USD
This workshop will discuss maintenance and operations procurement of
contracts related to a facilities or
maintenance department. Overviews of
contract law, procurement, bidding, and
facilities involvement with maintenance
will also be included.
Fit or Fat - Incorporating the New
Wellness Program (P)
Julie Barrett, WWCOT
This workshop is intended to open the
eyes of school administrators, students,
teachers and planners to think beyond
physical education programs and to
encourage the use of facilities that
support these programs.
Architectural Design
Competitions: Unique Projects
Require a Unique Selection
Process (SA)
Lisa Ryker, WLC Architects Inc.
Recently two public high school
districts in California chose to use a
design competition selection process to
determine the best teams and designs
for their respective district’s new high
school performing arts centers. San
Dieguito Union High School District
and Sequoia Union High School
District representatives will discuss the
pros and cons and why this program
was best for them.
Building Quality Project Team
Relationships - The Fine Art of
Herding Cats (SC)
Ronald Lebs, Sylvan Un. SD
Maintaining open lines of communication and developing quality working
relationships are essential to the successful completion of a school construction project. This workshop presents
some simple strategies aimed at
strengthening team relationships and
getting everyone focused on the same
goals in an effort to minimize delays
and keep costs under control.
Site Near a Pipeline and/or Power
Lines - What Do You Do Now?
John Gordon, CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division
Find out what CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division now recommends
when considering new school sites near
power lines and pipelines. CDE/School
Facilities Planning Division will explain
the Power Line Setback Exemption
Guidance and the Updated Pipeline
Risk Assessment Protocol. Learn
everything you always wanted to know
about approval of sites with these
potential Title 5 hazards but were afraid
to ask.
Tuesday Roundtable Discussions
Piggybacking 2007 (SC)
Fiscal Management
High Performance
Maintenance & Operations
School Architecture
State Agency
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Beyond Green: The Waste Stream
Jim Conger, Mondo U.S.A.
How building products can directly or
indirectly lead to reducing the waste stream
once the facility is operational, including
gray water reduction, reduction of cleaning
chemicals, paper waste reduction, waterless
urinals, low maintenance paints, graffiti
coatings, carpet requiring only water for
cleaning, electric hand dryers, smaller unit
HVAC rather than zoned large units, etc…
CHPS: Not Just a Pile of Forms
but a Tool for Good Planning (P)
Randy Horn, gkkworks
The environmental efficiency and its
financial impact of building new and
modernized schools continues to be a
concern in the dynamic world of construction. The presentation will be geared toward
understanding how districts plan and design
for CHPS, how districts can maximize their
eligibility for increased funding, and how to
coordinate CHPS and Title 24 issues.
Bond Tax Rate Structuring
Concepts (FM)
John Baracy, RBC Capital Markets
How a district’s personnel approached a
bond election in their community and the
approach they took in determining the
necessary tax rate.
Glenn Gould, Miller Brown & Dannis
What is the current law on piggybacks? Are
incidental services part of school district
piggybacks? Can a piggybacking district
contract directly with a vendor? These
questions and more with the most up-todate information from the Attorney
General, Office of Public School Construction, county offices and others.
Coming Full Circle with Access
Compliance – Completing the
Americans with Disabilities Act
Puzzle (SA)
Sally Swanson, Sally Swanson Architects, Inc.
An interactive roundtable on accessibility
with a focus on ensuring the final product
of new construction and modernization
projects comply with access standards.
How to Get Through LAFCO/
Annexation of School Sites (P)
The Contractor Made a Mistake on
Its Bid. Can I Ignore It? (SC)
Louis Cunningham, Oxnard Un. HSD
Go through the steps needed to get a site
through the annexation process.
Cheri Love, PubliConstructionLaw
Learning what irregularities are waivable
and why.
Certified Access Specialist
Program (STA)
Energy Issues in California (HP)
Rod Higgins, Division of the State Architect
Status of the Certified Access Specialist
Program implementation.
Proposition 1D Program Updates
Fred Yeager, CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division
Updates to the State Relocatable
Classroom Program Phase-Out
Plan (STA)
Liz Cheyne & Freda Stathopoulos, Office of
Public School Construction
Updates and questions answered about the
State Relocatable Classroom Program
Phase-Out Plan.
2:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
How Districts Can Make the Best
Use of Their Division of the State
Architect Inspectors (SC)
Paul Rivas, William S. Hart Un. HSD
Often inspectors are blamed for delays by
contractors, construction managers, and
architects. How to make the most of the
district/IOR relationship in order to ensure
a better built school and cost savings.
Michael Rochman, SPURR
Energy supply, electricity, and natural gas
issues that affect school operations and
What is an Estimate Good For? (P)
Gerry Hughes, Murray & Downs AIA
Architects, Inc.
Functions and limitations of cost estimates
as they relate to the needs of school districts
in the planning, design and construction of
school facilities, including types of estimates, estimate pitfalls, functions of
estimates, and case study.
How to Prepare a Successful
School Facility Program Cost
Estimate (STA)
Engel Navea & Jack Myers, Office of Public
School Construction
Gain knowledge on how to maximize your
Additional Grant for Site Development
Environmental Assessments and
Cleanups; What’s Working for
School Districts? (STA)
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Plan and Site Submittal Issues
Kent Van Gelder & Thomas Tooker, CDE/
School Facilities Planning Division
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
7:15 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
MAINTENANCE NETWORK BREAKFAST, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Capitol View 15th Floor
7:15 a.m.
7:45 a.m.
GENERAL SESSION & BREAKFAST, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Regency Ballroom
7:45 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
CEREMONY, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Regency Ballroom
8:15 a.m.
REGISTRATION OPEN, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom East Lobby
8:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
4:00 p.m. STATE AGENCY RESOURCE ROOM, Convention Center, Rooms 301, 302, 303, 304, 305
(closed from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
10:30 a.m. WORKSHOPS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
10:30 a.m. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom, Rooms 308, 309, 310
10:45 a.m. Break
12:15 p.m. WORKSHOPS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
12:15 p.m. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom, Rooms 308, 309, 310
12:30 p.m. Break
12:30 p.m. -
1:45 p.m.
12:40 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
1:45 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
Time TBD
5:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
GENERAL SESSION & LUNCH, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Regency Ballroom
Remarks and Welcome
Induction of New Chair and Board Members
C.A.S.H. Membership Awards
James L. Murdoch Lifetime Achievement Award
SCHOOL TOUR, Twelve Bridges Elementary School and Twelve Bridges Middle School, Western Placer
Unified School District
WORKSHOPS, Sacramento Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS, Sacramento Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom, Rooms 308, 309, 310
State Allocation Board Meeting, TBD
MAINTENANCE NETWORK RECEPTION, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Vines Lobby Level
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
Wednesday, February, 28, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. WORKSHOPS
Up, Up and
Career Technical
Education – Plan Now
Dealing with
for This Growing 21
Cost Escalations
Century Academic
in School
Kathleen Moore
Patrick Ainsworth
Sacramento Convention Center
Julie Arthur
Len Metcalf
Ed Mireau
Brian Cahill
Julius Conway
Joe Dixon
Tom Rayburn
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. WORKSHOPS
What is New at DSA
David Thorman
Things That Go
Bump With Your
Project –
Unforeseens and
How to Work With
Environmental Concerns
District and
at Existing Schools;
Modified Phase I
Process (All Appropriate
Developer Built
Inquiry) and
Environmental Success
Stories - Case Studies
Hamid Saebfar
Sharon Fair
Rebecca Chou
Mark Malinowski
Javier Hinojosa
Academy Predictive
Program—Part II
Vinceena Kelly
Joe Dixon
Tom Rayburn
2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. WORKSHOPS
Margaret Brown
Kevin Pohlson
Phil Henderson
Paul Andersen
The Absolute
School Site
Selection and
(SA )
The Ambassador
Hotel Site: Designing
a Dense K-12
Campus for LAUSD
Jerry Suich
Harry Drake
Jeremy Brust
Mike Bailey
Eugene Aguirre
Thomas Sabol
Lynn Johnson
Ride the High
The Times They
Are a Changing - Workshop
Learning Curve, Facilities Budget
They Did the
Planning in
Work, Now Use Volatile Economic
Their Experience
John Zinner
Scott Koppel Gary Rainwater
J. William Naish
Ying Wang
Leigh Coop
Jay Davison
Chris Flores
Bob Canavan
(SA )
Design Awards
Case Studies
Finance 101
11:00– 12:00
Tom Calhoun
James Watts
Dawn Vincent
Bill Orr
Guy Mehula
Louis Joseph
Russell Watson
Richard Nowiki
Alexis Persinger
Julie Arthur
Donald Field
Ying Wang
Bruce Hart
Sacramento Convention Center
Dan Levernier
Gregory Bowers
Howard “Chip” Smith Harold Freiman
Deborah Furlow
Steven Shields
Jill Jones
Gary Gidcumb
Academy Predictive
Program - Part I
Urban School
Solutions – A Case
Study in Developing
New Schools in High
Density Urbanized
Got Mods?
Your School
Can Be High
Sacramento Convention Center
Declining Enrollment –
Evaluating Alternative
School Facility Use
Gregory Davis
John Palmer
Office of Public
School Construction
“I’m Not Talking to
You!” “That’s All
Right – I’m Not
Really Listening!”:
Tools for Successful
Energy Wise
Schools Are
Business Wise
Planning Model
to Maximize
Money at the
Ballot Box
Land Weismehl
David Gilmore
James Watts
Michael Roth
Jim Maclay
Michael Bishop
Bill Dos Santos
Rosanna Lerma
Ariane Lehew
Brad Senden
Thomas Clark
Strand Key: FM – Fiscal Management, HP – High Performance, M&O - Maintenance Operations, P – Planning, RT – Round Table, SA – School Architecture, SC – School Construction, STA – State Agency
Roundtable Matrix
Please see Conference Program for roundtable descriptions.
New Design Concepts for “Factory
Built” Modular School Facilities
Joe Sublett, School Facility
Manufacturers’ Association
Education Benefits of the Williams
Enrique Medina Jr., Pomona USD
C.A.S.H. School Facilities Leadership
Bob Blattner, Blattner & Associates
Disposal of Surplus School District
Andreas Chialtas, Atkinson-AndelsonLoya-Ruud & Romo
DSA Approval Process from an
Architect's Perspective
Mark Bartos, CSS Architecture
Eliminate Litigation Through the
"Partial Agreement Change Order"
Gregory Bergman & John Dacey,
Bergman & Dacey Inc.
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (2 sessions of 45 minutes)
Streamlining the DTSC Clearance
Community Engagement for School
Building Programs
Lorena Padilla-Melendez, Los Angeles Jackie House, J House Environmental,
School Facility Program - Financial
Keep Your Friends Close, Keep Your
Architects Closer!
Amalia Sanchez, Office
Charles Higueras, VBN Architects
of Public School Construction
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Meeting the Audit Requirements of Your
55% General Obligation Bond
David Burke, Capital Program
Management, Inc.
E-plan Review
Mehendra Mehta, Division of the State
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. (2 sessions of 45 minutes)
Is It 10% per Change Order or 10%
Emergency Preparedness
Over the Total Project?
Steve Turner, Ukiah USD
David Huff, Orbach Huff & Suarez LLP
Charting a Course with Charter School
Facilities: Navigating Proposition 39
Facility Requirements
Leigh Coop, Vacaville USD & Janet
Mueller, Miller Brown & Dannis
Thinking Ahead with Your Facilities School Facility Program - Modernization Parking and Drop-off Design Best Practices
Accessibility Funding
Diane Waters & Bedelia Honeycutt,
Master Plan
Karen Sims, Office of Public School
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
Henry Petrino, Total School Solutions
Construction & Aaron Noble, Division of
the State Architect
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (2 sessions of 45 minutes)
Cellular Phone Towers - Friends or
Juggling Consultant Agreements
Hugh Lee, Atkinson-Andelson-LoyaFoe?
Ruud & Romo
Fred Diamond, Rowland USD
Healthy Children: Planning for Food
Strategies for Establishing New
Service & Physical Education
Construction Eligibility During Declining
George Shaw, CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division
Matthew Pettler, School Facility
Consultants & Lyle Smoot, Los Angles
Securing Funding for Sustainability
Kristen Heinen, CHPS
Inspector Testing & Laboratory
Eric France & John Baca, Division of the
State Architect
Wednesday Workshop Schedule
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
The Times They Are a Changing –
Facilities Budget Planning in
Volatile Economic Times (FM)
Scott Koppel, Koppel & Gruber Public
This workshop will offer budget planning techniques to cope with the
uncertainty of a volatile construction
Ride the High Performance
Learning Curve, They Did the Work,
Now Use Their Experience (HP)
John Zinner, Zinner Consultants
Starting a CHPS program can be
daunting. Learn from school districts
that have already successfully (and
sometimes unsuccessfully) climbed the
learning curve. District representatives
will convey what works and what
doesn’t; the true short and long term
costs and benefits; the most beneficial
and the easiest credits; and how to
ensure results.
Maintenance Academy – Predictive
Maintenance Program – Part I (M&O)
Tom Rayburn, Capistrano USD
The C.A.S.H. Maintenance Network
will be releasing its program for school
site facilities property management.
This cooperative was developed to
promote the Maintenance and Operations function by providing software to
calculate ROI’s for predictive maintenance, track work orders, and provide a
standardized reporting method to
highlight known best practices.
The Absolute Essentials: School
Site Selection and Acquisition (P)
Jerry Suich, Oxbridge Development, Inc.
This workshop will provide an overview
of the essential elements associated
with school site selection and acquisition, including planning, negotiating
purchase agreements, and the eminent
domain process.
The Ambassador Hotel Site:
Designing a Dense K-12 Campus
for LAUSD (SA)
Harry Drake, Gonzalez|Goodale
This workshop will address the design
opportunities and challenges that
transformed the Ambassador Hotel site
into a three-school K-12 single campus
learning center, and will compare
stakeholder interests reflected in the
Environmental Impact Report with
design solutions. The panelists will
explore the forces that generated the
school design including: Small Learning Communities, the site’s architectural/cultural history, LAUSD’s sustainable design initiatives, and urban
Up, Up and Away!!! Dealing with
Cost Escalations in School
Construction (SC)
Julie Arthur, California Financial
World and national events impact
school construction dollars. Material
supplies and their availability affect
your construction budget. This workshop will focus on positive ways to
lessen these impacts and minimize
availability problems from the district,
architect, and construction industry
perspectives. Learn from past experiences and participate in ideas for future
Career Technical Education –
Plan Now for This Growing 21st
Century Academic Program (STA)
Kathleen Moore, CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division
Career Technical Education (CTE) is a
program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates
core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to
provide students with a pathway to
post-secondary education and careers.
It encompasses 15 content area standards in current or emerging professions
– from Agriculture, Building Trades,
Business, Engineering, Health Careers,
Transportation and more! CDE/School
Facilities Planning Division experts will
present facilities design implications,
including case studies to support the
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division content standards.
Californians for School Facilities
Workshop and Meeting (P)
Gary Rainwater, Los Angeles USD,
Chris Flores, Office of Congresswoman
Matsui & Bob Canavan, Federal
Management Strategies, Inc.
Hear the latest information from
Washington D.C. on federal actions
impacting state education and facility
funding for schools and school districts.
Membership changes in the House and
Senate could mean a re-focus of schools
and schools’ housing. Learn more about
how your school district or county
office of education can access the
federal funds that have already been
made available. Updates on federal
programs such as E-Rate, and Qualified
Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB), and the
implementation of federal legislation
such as the No Child Left Behind Act
and the Americans with Disabilities Act
will be discussed. Californians for
School Facilities (CSF) Washington
lobbyist Bob Canavan will be briefing
the group. After the update, please join
the CSF group as they meet to discuss
their 2007-08 action plan and spring trip
to Washington D.C.
Wednesday Workshop Schedule
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Finance 101 (FM)
Dawn Vincent, Stone & Youngberg LLC
This is a beginning debt issuance
workshop. The workshop will include a
discussion of three of the more commonly used vehicles for financing
school district improvements with taxexempt funds: general obligation bonds,
Mello-Roos/Community Facilities
District special tax bonds and certificates of participation (COPs). Additional topics to be covered will include:
roles and responsibilities of the school
district, as well as other members of the
financing team, and the mechanics of a
bond sale. The panelists will include a
school district representative along with
a bond attorney and financial advisor
active in the K-12 school district debt
Got Mods? Your School
Renovations Can Be High
Performance Too! (HP)
Bill Orr, Collaborative for High
Performance Schools (CHPS)
The Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Best Practices
Criteria Manual (CHPS Criteria) was
recently updated to include modernization projects. This workshop will
discuss the changes to the CHPS
Criteria as they apply to major modernization projects and new buildings on an
existing campus. Learn how to apply
the prerequisites and credits depending
on the scope of the project. Share in the
experiences of other school districts
whose construction programs consist
primarily of modernizations. Benefit
from receiving the latest information
straight from CHPS.
Maintenance Academy – Predictive Things That Go Bump with Your
Maintenance Program – Part II (M&O) Construction Project – Unforeseens
Joe Dixon, Capistrano USD
and How to Work With Them (SC)
This is the hands-on portion of the
Maintenance Academy. This workshop
will delve into the practitioner aspect of
how to organize and manage your
Maintenance and Operations department using this program. Lessons
include an in-service on how the
program works, completing related
State Allocation Board forms, DM
forms, calculating and budgeting
planned obsolescence of equipment.
Attendees who complete the course will
be provided an “Annual Report to
Stakeholders” generated from the
Vinceena Kelly, Los Angeles Co. Ofc.
of Educ.
School districts are often hit with
surprise expenditures during the course
of a construction project. Examples
include major utility start-up/connection
fees; requirements for traffic lights, turn
lanes, and remote landscaping. Sometimes these are jurisdictional turf wars
as to which agency benefits, and
sometimes these can be anticipated with
the correct advance work. This workshop focuses on dealing with the
What’s New at DSA (STA)
Urban School Solutions – A Case
David Thorman, Division of the State
Study in Developing New Schools Architect
in High Density Urbanized Areas (P) This session is for all participants
Tom Calhoun, DMJM Management
Urban solutions require creative use of
existing property and in some cases
districts can redevelop existing schools
to provide more beneficial use of their
property for new schools using multistory redevelopment. This case study
goes beyond the AB 801 traditional
addition and describes a high school
development on an existing elementary
school site with a replacement elementary school on an adult education site.
Community engagement is a key factor
for success in any urban environment.
Design Awards Case Studies (SA)
James Watts, San Diego USD
This workshop will be an in-depth
analysis of three projects selected by the
Leroy F. Greene Design Awards Jury.
The case studies will present examples
of current and innovative K-12 educational programs and design trends.
Members of the district/architectural
teams will be conducting the presentations.
interested in learning about the new and
improved programs and processes at the
Division of the State Architect. Topics
will include staffing, satellite offices,
collaborative process, project close out,
and certification.
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Comprehensive Planning Model
to Maximize Money at the Ballot
Box (FM)
James Watts, San Diego USD
This workshop will discuss integrating
facilities wish list with capacity to issue
bonds along with attractive, yet realistic
options to voters.
New SAB Funding Opportunities
Office of Public School Construction
The Office of Public School Construction will provide an update on the latest
State Allocation Board funding opportunities for new and existing programs.
Wednesday Workshop Schedule
Energy Wise Schools Are
Business Wise Investments (HP)
David Gilmore, LPA Inc.
The increasing price volatility and
environmental impact associated with
energy use is forcing broad societal
response to this accelerating threat.
One solution is to shift our reliance
toward renewable energy sources.
Schools with their long lifecycles will
benefit from the savings associated with
solar photovoltaic renewable energy
installations. Added benefits beyond
cost savings are education of the
students who will have to address this
issue on a global scale, lower environmental signature of California schools
and compliance with increasingly
stringent building codes and
California’s sustainability goals.
“I’m Not Talking to You!” “That’s
All Right – I’m Not Really
Listening!”: Communication Tools
for Successful Projects (SA)
Land Weismehl, DES Architects &
This workshop will stress listening
skills that work and habits that don’t;
confrontation that encourages cooperation and patterns that cause anger;
problem solving that creates allies and
traditions that create combatants.
Presenters will offer communication
skills that respond to everyone’s needs,
create healthy and vibrant interactions,
and satisfy effective planning and
construction solutions. Attendees will
experience what works and what
doesn’t (and why) in a supportive and
lively setting.
Declining Enrollment – Evaluating
Alternative School Facility Use (P)
District and Builder Beware!
Developer Built Schools (SC)
Gregory Davis, Davis Demographics &
Learn more about demographic trends
and the implications for a district
regarding future enrollment and the
impact on facility use including restructuring a district with declining enrollment including a successful community
process for site closures.
Margaret Brown, San Ramon Valley USD
School districts and developers working
together ensuring new schools in new
communities is the norm for many
California communities. However, the
emerging strategy of developers constructing those schools or fully funding
the construction of schools can place
both school district and developer in
unknown territory when it comes to
bidding, district standards, substitutions,
cost overruns, change orders, changes
based on district wants, and state
funding. Learn from the experiences of
San Ramon Valley Unified School
District and developers in the
Dougherty Valley that have constructed
elementary, middle, and high schools.
Environmental Concerns at Existing
Schools; Modified Phase I Process
(All Appropriate Inquiry) and Regulations; Environmental Success
Stories - Case Studies (STA)
Hamid Saebfar, Department of Toxic
Substances Control
Wednesday Roundtable Discussions
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
New Design Concepts for “Factory
Built” Modular School Facilities (SC)
C.A.S.H. School Facilities Leadership
Academy (P)
Joe Sublett, School Facility Manufacturers’
Bob Blattner, Blattner & Associates
The range and scope of “factory built” modular
school facilities from classrooms to libraries to
administrative office buildings.
Community Engagement for School
Building Programs (SC)
Lorena Padilla-Melendez, Los Angeles USD
The value and benefits of a proactive community
engagement program associated with school
building programs.
Streamlining the DTSC Clearance
Process (P)
Jackie House, J House Environmental, Inc.
Steps that can be taken to streamline the
Department of Toxic Substances Control site
clearance process while striving for a safe
school environment.
Meeting the Audit Requirements of
Your 55% General Obligation Bond (FM)
David Burke, Capital Program
Management, Inc.
Discussion regarding audits to help districts
provide meaningful data to their Oversight
Committees and meet the requirements of
Proposition 39.
Education Benefits from the Williams
Settlement (MO)
Enrique Medina Jr., Pomona USD
The Williams Settlement has been the catalyst
the state was looking for to improve school
facilities. Learn what facilities funding is
available under this law.
Keep Your Friends Close, Keep Your
Architects Closer! (SA)
Learn more about the C.A.S.H. Academy;
how to apply as a participant or mentor, what
you will gain by going through the academy,
and how the first cohort is progressing.
Emergency Preparedness (P)
Steve Turner, Ukiah USD
On New Years Day 2006, Hopland Elementary
School in the Ukiah USD suffered severe
flooding. Damage estimates approached $3
million for structures and $750,000 for contents.
Planning emergency preparedness and response
from an experienced point of view.
Is It 10% per Change Order or 10%
Over the Total Project? (SC)
David Huff, Orbach Huff & Suarez LLP
Debate still exists over whether change order
limitations apply to each change order or an
aggregate of all change orders. Discussion will
focus on Attorney General comments, case law,
public policy concerns, and how to approach this
issue on a case-by-case basis.
Charting a Course with Charter School
Facilities: Navigating Proposition 39
Facility Requirements (P)
Leigh Coop, Vacaville USD & Janet
Mueller, Miller Brown & Dannis
From master planning to construction, charter
facilities issues are emerging rapidly; get the
facts from recognized experts.
Disposal of Surplus School District
Property (FM)
Andreas Chialtas, Atkinson-Andelson-LoyaRuud & Romo
Charles Higueras, VBN Architects
The procedures and timelines school districts must
follow in order to sell surplus property, with an
emphasis on avoiding common mistakes.
Maximize the value of your architect while
strengthening the relationship and enhancing
quality and completeness.
Thinking Ahead with Your Facilities
Master Plan (P)
E-plan Review (STA)
Henry Petrino, Total School Solutions
The Division of State Architect’s plan for
electronic plan review and electronic document
Learn how to isolate the needs in your facilities
program, work with your community to establish
a vision for where the program is going, project
funding, and synthesize this information into a
facilities master plan.
School Facility Program – Financial
Hardship (STA)
School Facility Program – Modernization Accessibility Funding (STA)
Mahendra Mehta, Division of the State Architect
Jason Hernandez & Amalia Sanchez, Office
of Public School Construction
Discussion on the Financial Hardship Process.
Karen Sims, Office of Public School
Construction & Aaron Noble, Division of
the State Architect
Information on regulation changes and calculation, including the Division of the State
Architect and Office of Public School Construction processes for modernization projects that
include a request for an additional grant for
access and fire code requirements.
Parking and Drop-off Design Best
Practices (STA)
Diane Waters & Bedelia Honeycutt, CDE/
School Facilities Planning Division
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
DSA Approval Process from an
Architect’s Perspective (SA)
Mark Bartos, CSS Architecture
The basic Division of the State Architect process
from an architect’s perspective including the
approval process, application submittal,
comments, back-check, approval, and addenda.
Cellular Phone Towers - Friends or
Foes? (P)
Fred Diamond, Rowland USD
The inherent benefits and challenges the
emergence of cellular telephone towers on
district property presents.
Juggling Consultant Agreements (P)
Hugh Lee, Atkinson-Andelson-Loya-Ruud
& Romo
Discussion of various consultant agreements
school districts will need to negotiate to ensure a
successful project, including coordinating the
roles and responsibilities of the various
consultants and critical contract provisions.
Securing Funding for Sustainability (FM)
Kristin Heinen, Collaborative for High
Performance Schools (CHPS)
How to obtain funding from the State Allocation
Board for sustainability.
Eliminate Litigation Through the
“Partial Agreement Change Order” (SC)
Gregory Bergman & John Dacey, Bergman
& Dacey, Inc.
How the Partial Agreement Change Order
practically eliminated lawsuits on a $19 billion
construction program and eliminated over 600
disputed change orders.
Healthy Children: Planning for Food
Service & Physical Education (STA)
George Shaw, CDE/School Facilities
Planning Division
Inspector Testing & Laboratory
Accreditation (STA)
Eric France & John Baca, Division of the
State Architect
Changes in the Inspector Testing and Laboratory
Accreditation programs.
Strategies for Establishing New
Construction Eligibility During
Declining Enrollment (P)
Matthew Pettler, School Facility Consultants
& Lyle Smoot, Los Angeles USD
Thursday, March 1, 2007
7:30 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
GENERAL SESSION & BREAKFAST, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Regency Ballroom
Remarks and Welcome
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:50 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Assemblymember Gene Mullin
8:15 a.m.
REGISTRATION OPEN, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom East Lobby
8:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. C.A.S.H. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE, Convention Center, Rooms 317/318
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. WORKSHOPS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. CLINICS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
10:00 a.m. -
10:15 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m. -
11:15 a.m. WORKSHOPS, Convention Center, Third Floor Ballroom
11:15 a.m. -
11:30 a.m. BREAK
11:30 a.m. -
1:00 p.m.
CLOSING GENERAL SESSION & LUNCH, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Regency Ballroom
Remarks and Welcome
12:00 p.m. -
12:20 p.m. Guest Speaker: Anne Sheehan, California Department of Finance, Chief Deputy Director for Policy (invited)
12:20 p.m. -
12:45 p.m. Closing Comments
12:45 p.m.
12:45 p.m. 1:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
POST CONFERENCE DEBRIEFING, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Regency Ballroom
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference
Thursday, March 1, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Clinics and Workshops
DSA Academy
Sacramento Convention Center
Deborah Furlow
10:15 - 11:15
Fiscal Hot Topics
Lisa Silverman
Jason Hernandez
Julie Ennis
Joel Ryan
Closeouts, Claims, Buzzword Bingo:
and Classrooms:
The Architectural
How to Deal With a
Response to
Non-Performing Educational Reform
Contractor With or
Without the Surety
Karl Bradley
Laura Knauss
Mary Beth Coburn
Jay Bell
Susan Wolff
Kathleen Moore
Matt Perry
The Convenient
Truth: Delivering
Design On Time
and On Budget
Training &
Planning 101
Facilities Feud
Kelvin Lee
Kip Grubb
David Kaneda
Teri Jamison
Tom Duval
Alex Malfavon
Lynn OwashiTambara
Jim Conger
Brad Fife
Rick Kramer
Adam Bauer
Lettie Boggs
Mamie Starr
Strand Key: FM – Fiscal Management, HP – High Performance, M&O - Maintenance Operations, P – Planning, RT – Round Table, SA – School Architecture, SC – School Construction, STA – State Agency
Thursday Workshop & Clinic Schedule
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
DSA Academy (STA)
Fiscal Hot Topics (STA)
Deborah Furlow, Division of the State
This workshop will offer an in-depth
look at the DSA Academy program and
course offerings.
Lisa Silverman, Office of Public School
The School Facilities Program Audit
Process and how it affects you.
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Facilities Feud (FM)
Adam Bauer, Fieldman Rolapp &
Have fun while you learn and laugh
along with your facilities colleagues!
Watch and participate on the teams
as they take on the Facilities Feud
challenge! Questions will be lighthearted and fun and cover issues that
you experience every day: planning,
design, State funding, site acquisition, legal and finance issues,
construction, audits, and close-outs.
Don’t be shy! Come have fun on the
last day of the conference.
The Convenient Truth:
Delivering Sustainable Design
On Time and On Budget (HP)
Kelvin Lee, Kelvin K. Lee
The goal for this clinic is to present
sustainable or high performance
design ideas from design concept
through project completion using
common sense techniques and ideas,
the latest in user friendly mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems
with the technical follow through to
make sure you get what you thought
you were paying for. The best
sustainable or high performance design
concepts can be accomplished
affordably and on schedule.
• What do we know from the past?
• Do I need to learn an all-new way of
• Does it cost more?
• Will it take more time?
• How will I know if I’ve done it right?
• How will I know if I’m getting my
monies worth?
Operation Tsunami…Custodial
Management, Training &
Standards (M&O)
Alex Malfavon, Capistrano USD
A broad look at the “how and when” of
training, standards and uniformity or
consistency of workload, and responsibilities; and the necessity of holding
staff accountable through the use of
assertive management practices and the
utilization of a thorough inspection
Planning 101 (P)
Rick Kramer, Kramer Project
Development Company, Inc.
This in-depth workshop covers the key
areas of master planning from the
district’s perspective, from analyzing
the plan through implementation.
Buzzword Bingo: The
Architectural Response to
Educational Reform (SA)
Laura Knauss, Lionakis Beaumont
Design Group, Inc.
Small, themed, project based and
relevant: what is the architectural
buzz around school reform? The
panelists will bring the perspective of
educator and researcher, practitioner
and policy maker to the
dialogue. Using real-world examples,
positive and negative, of the architecture of reform they will answer the
practical question: “If we can only do
one thing, what should it be?” Bring
an inquiring mind along with stories
of challenge and success to a fun,
interactive and inspiring morning.
Closeouts, Claims, and
Classrooms: How to Deal With a
Non-Performing Contractor With
or Without the Surety (SC)
Karl Bradley, Vista USD
Topics will include: when it is
appropriate to bring in the surety
rather than using retention to complete work; legal obligations of the
district; methodology and documentation of incomplete or unacceptable
work; insolvent contractors versus
adversarial contractors; and case
Ted Rozzi, Annual Conference Planning Committee
Chair,Corona-Norco USD
Lianne Akaki, CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
Lisa Allred, Atkinson-Andelson-Loya-Ruud & Romo
John Baracy, RBC Capital Markets
Jeff Baratta, UBS Securities, LLC
Julie Barrett, WWCOT
Adam Bauer, Fieldman Rolapp & Associates
Chris Bittner, Roesling Nakamura Terada Architects
Sharon Bolle, Lundgren Management Corp.
Lee Ann Bonn, Golden State Labor Compliance
Karl Bradley, Vista USD
Margaret Brown, San Ramon Valley USD
David Burke, Capital Program Management, Inc.
Todd Butcher, Val Verde USD
Roger Chang, Los Angeles Co. Ofc. of Educ.
Denise Clendening, The Planning Center
Alan Colombo, Dry Creek Jt. Elem. SD
Julius Conway, Fontana USD
Leigh Coop, Vacaville USD
Celeste Davis, Morgan Stanley
Fred Diamond, Rowland USD
Joe Dixon, Capistrano USD
Mary Margaret Donnelly, Parsons - 3D/I
Bob Fletcher, Vanir Construction Management, Inc.
Gaylene Givens, DLR Group
Kip Grubb, Stafford King Wiese Architects
Lyn Gruber, Koppel & Gruber Public Finance
Alice Grundman, Colton Jt. USD
Juan Guerrero, Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
Lynn Halfhide, Capital Program Management, Inc.
Maggie Harmon, Total School Solutions
Robert Hartung, Alternative Delivery Solutions, LLC
Sima Hassani, Westgroup Designs, Inc.
Philip Henderson, Miller Brown & Dannis
Randy Horn, gkkworks
Lisa Jones, Office of Public School Construction
Mark Kelley, Miller Brown & Dannis
Vinceena Kelly, Los Angeles Co. Ofc. of Educ.
Laura Knauss, Lionakis Beaumont Design Group, Inc.
Scott Koppel, Koppel & Gruber Public Finance
Sevda Koraltan, Parsons - 3D/I
Katie Koster, UBS Securities, LLC
Rick Kramer, Kramer Project Development Company, Inc.
Bill Lacher, Vanir Construction Management, Inc.
Harry Lawrence, RGA Environmental, Inc.
June Lindsey, Beaumont USD
Cheri Love, PubliConstructionLaw
Don Lussier, Corona-Norco USD
Steven McGuckin, Capital Program Management, Inc.
Len Metcalf, Nadel Architects, Inc.
Ed Mierau, Neff Construction, Inc.
Tom Millman, Kitchell CEM
Mary Morris, HMC Architects
J. William Naish, San Diego USD
Steve Newsom, LPA, Inc.
Cecile Nunley, Capital Program Management, Inc.
Liese Olukoya, CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
Claudia Orlando, Calif. Energy Commission
Judy Otis, Office of Public School Construction
Alexandra Parslow, School Advisors
Lupe Perez, DMJM Management
Henry Petrino, Total School Solutions
Ron Pregmon, WLC Architects, Inc.
Marnie Rosenstein, Elk Grove USD
Mark Rosson, Capital Program Management, Inc.
Lisa Ryker, WLC Architects, Inc.
Rob Samish, Lionakis Beaumont Design Group,Inc.
Liz Shirakh, Calif. Energy Commission
Tom Silva, San Diego Co. Ofc. of Educ.
Margie Sullivan, Bowie Arneson Wiles & Giannone
Terry Tao, Atkinson-Andelson-Loya-Ruud & Romo
Elena Tarailo, Division of the State Architect
Jeff Thorne, CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
Jack Vombaur, Collins & Aikman
Myrna Wagner, Swinerton Management & Consulting, Inc.
Jennifer Walsh, Capital Program Management, Inc.
James Watts, San Diego USD
Land Weismehl, DES Architects & Engineers
Brian Wiese, Stafford King Wiese Architects
MimiDene Williams, Williams & Associates
Mike Willis, Calif. Financial Services
Kathy Witherow, Murray & Downs AIA Architects, Inc.
Paul Woods, Economic & Planning Systems
Steve Worley, Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc.
Gerald Yarbrough, Los Angeles Co. Ofc. of Educ.
Erik Zavas, ImageWorks Architecture, Inc.
Gretchen Zeagler, LPA, Inc.
Annual Conference
Trade Show, Exhibit Hall A
Tuesday, February 27
Open from 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.— 11:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
Complimentary Mochas and Lattés
11:45 a.m.
Raffle Drawings
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Hall Closed
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Dessert Service
4:30 p.m.
Raffle Drawings
4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Trade Show
Tuesday, February 27
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall A
Thank You C.A.S.H. Trade Show Exhibitors – By Category
** New Exhibitor This Year
Affiliated Organizations
CMAA (513)
Concrete Promotion Council of Northern California
Golden State Builders Exchanges (715)**
Modular Building Institute (134)**
ATI Architects and Engineers (238)
beals alliance (430)
BFGC Architecture (236)**
DLR Group (331)
gkkworks/LHA (611)
HMR Architects, Inc. (413)
JCJ Architecture (212)**
LPA, Inc. (Island 1)**
Murray & Downs, AIA-Architects, Inc. (117)
MVE Institutional, Inc. (105)**
Nacht & Lewis Architects (306)
NTDSTICHLER Architecture (617/716)
Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects (137)
Lozano Smith (527)
Miller Brown & Dannis (207)
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP (626)
Construction Managers
Barnhart, Inc. (638)
Bernards (125)
Bovis Lend Lease, Inc. (124)
Clark & Sullivan (601)
Cumming LLC (225)
DMJM Management (239)
EDGE Development, Inc. (405/407)
Flintco, Inc. (612)
Gilbane Building Company (725)**
Harris & Associates (614/616)
J.R. Conkey & Associates, Inc. (DVBE) (512)
Kitchell CEM (516)
Kleinfelder (107)
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. (224)
Parsons 3D/International (315/317)
Parsons Brinckerhoff Construction Services (505)
PCCI CM Services (537)
PHASEOne Construction Group (215)
Premier Management Group (414)
Roebbelen Contracting (324)
SGI Construction Management (116/118)
Skanska USA Building, Inc. (529)**
Suffolk Construction Co., Inc. (732)**
Sundt Construction, Inc. (211)
Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc. (114)**
Turner Construction Company (525)
URS Corporation (624)
Waltman McDowell Group (104)**
Consultants & Planners
Colbi Technologies, Inc. (Island 1)
Davis Demographics & Planning (625/724)
DecisionInsite (Island 1)
Gale Associates, Inc. (602)
MuniFinancial (216)
NBS (108)**
Planware Systems LLC (210)**
School Facilities Planning & Management (230)
School Facility Consultants (126)
School Site Solutions, Inc. (539)
The Facilities Consortium (400)
The Planning Center (615)
Total School Solutions (307)
Energy Consultants
3rd Rock Systems & Technologies, Inc. (235)
Advanced Energy Systems, Inc. (700/702)
Powersmiths International Corporation (127)**
Engineers/Licensed Professionals
Allana, Buick & Bers, Inc. (206)
Axiom Engineers, Inc. (730)**
Capital Engineering (403)**
MK2 Engineering, Inc. (532)**
Neil O. Anderson & Assoicates, Inc. (636)**
Environmental Consultants
American Technologies, Inc. (534)
Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. (507)
LFR Levine Fricke (515)
Quad Knopf, Inc. (411)
RGA Environmental, Inc. (701)
Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure (703)**
Tetra Tech, Inc. (536)
Wallace-Kuhl & Associates, Inc. (136)**
Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers (628)
Financial Consultants/Institutions
UBS Securities, LLC (113)**
Floorcovering Consultants
Advanced Moisture Control (326)
Compass Flooring, Inc. (733)
Floor Seal Technology (502/503)
FloorTec, Inc. (438)
Forbo Linoleum (436)
Interface FLOR Commercial (610)
Mondo U.S.A. (129)
SINAK Corporation (437)
Tandus/C & A Floorcoverings (435)
Windsor Industries (202)**
Virco Mfg., Corporation (314)
VS America, Inc. (609/708)**
Wausau Tile, Inc. (530)
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K St., Suite 210 ♦ Sacramento ♦ CA 95814 ♦ Phone (916) 448-8577 ♦ Fax: (916) 448-7495 ♦
Thank You C.A.S.H. Trade Show Exhibitors – By Category
** New Exhibitor This Year
Handicap Access
LIFT-U (234)**
REDD Team Manufacturing, An Alcoa Co. (138)**
T.L. Shield & Associates, Inc. (231)
TMP Services, Inc. (531)
Other (cont.)
Shade Structures (Island 2)
Sharepoint 360 (233)
SyTech Solutions, Inc. (200)
Valley Carports (634)
Airedale (709)
Geary Pacific Corporation (101/103)
Outdoor Recreation Equpment Dealers/Suppliers
Dave Bang Associates, Inc. (201/203)
Innovative Playgrounds Co., LLC (710)**
Ross Recreation Equipment (228)**
Tot Turf by Robertson Industries, Inc. (115)
California State Inspection Services (CSIS) (129)
Stephen Payte DSA Inspecting, Inc. (302)
TYR, Inc. (112)**
Labor Compliance
Alliant Consulting (204)
Contractor Compliance & Monitoring, Inc. (120)
Gafcon, Inc. (135)**
Golden State Labor Compliance (600)**
Kern County Superintendent of Schools, Labor
Compliance Program (714)
Perceptive Enterprises (711)**
WCS/Ca (313)
Lighting/Daylighting Consultants
CPI Daylighting, Inc. (140)
Integrated Design Associates, Inc. (IDeAs) (403)**
Musco Lighting, Inc. (300)
Modular Building Manufacturers/Dealers/Suppliers
American Modular Systems, Inc. (330/332)
Class Leasing, Inc. (334)
Current Enterprises (205)
Designed Mobile Systems Ind. (DMSI) (316)
Enviroplex, Inc. (122)
Gary Doupnik Manufacturing, Inc. (417)
Meehleis Modular Buildings, Inc. (416)
Mobile Modular Management Corp. (431/433)
Modtech Holdings, Inc. (301)
Modular Structures International (517)
Modular Technology, Inc. (704)
Modus Systems (132)**
PreFast Buildings (310/312)
Project FROG™ (139)**
Resun Corporation (717)**
Saramark, Inc. (627)
Silver Creek Industries, Inc. (339)**
Williams Scotsman (401)
American Blinds & Draperies (226)**
Eagle Aerial Imaging (338)
Interior Wall Systems, Inc. (504/506)
ISEC, Inc. (727)**
Keenan & Associates (415)
McGraw - Hill Construction/DODGE (214)
Myrtha Pools USA (434)**
National Carport Industries (130)
National Gypsum Company (213)**
RWP Fiber Fall (404/406) (631)
Program Managers
PinnacleOne (335)
Vanir Construction Management, Inc. (217)
Restroom Equipment Suppliers
Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. (410)
Bradley Corporation (726)
Service Oriented Sales (100/102)
Stipher & Associates (633)**
APOC (510)
Duro-Last Roofing (731)**
Epic Metals Corporation (511)**
Garland Company (237)
Henry Company (500)
Steelrock Roof Products (333)**
Tremco, Inc. (111)
Security/Fire Detection Consultants
Bay Alarm Company, Inc. (311)
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies (439)
Opening Technologies, Inc. (639)
Sports Field Equipmement and Surfacing
Athletic Facility Consulting, Inc. (603)
Brock USA (630)
California Track & Engineering, Inc. (604)
DOMO Sports Grass/West Pac Sports Systems (304)**
Fieldturf/Sportech (303)
Southern Bleacher Company (402)
Sports Field Design (301)
Sportexe (432)**
SportsField Specialties, Inc. (336)
Sprinturf (131)
State Agencies
Division of the State Architect (412)
Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. (501)**
Troxell Communications (535)**
Windows & Doors
Safety-Screens (606)
Silverado Sales/Special-Lite, Inc. (538)
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K St., Suite 210 ♦ Sacramento ♦ CA 95814 ♦ Phone (916) 448-8577 ♦ Fax: (916) 448-7495 ♦
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
3rd Rock Systems & Technologies, Inc. (235)
Elliot Jaramillo
111 Anza Blvd., Suite 412
Burlingame, CA 94010
(650) 579-7174
(650) 579-7562 fax
Renewable Energy Services, California Solar
Advanced Energy Systems, Inc. (700/702)
Jim Quan
1350 F St.
Fresno, CA 93706
(559) 237-1044
(559) 237-2867 fax
Turn-key Cogeneration
Advanced Moisture Control, Inc. (326)**
Hank Bruflodt
6765 Westminster Ave., Suite C308
Westminster, CA 92683-3769
(949) 748-6469
(949) 502-6320 fax
Concrete moisture control for flooring and roofing
systems, high performance industrial coatings, lead
paint encapsulation and concrete curing and
sealing systems. Vapor-Guard products are made
in California and tested by independent
laboratories for ASTM performance claims and
environmental safety. For over 25 years, VaporGuard synthetic polymer formulas have been used
on millions of square feet of projects and is
specified by top architectural firms as a costeffective and environmentally responsible solution
to floor moisture-related failure.
Airedale (709)
Dan Noone
2159 Central Ave.
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 769-0700
(510) 769-0702 fax
Manufacturer of Heating and Air Conditioning
Equipment for K-12 Classrooms.
Allana Buick & Bers, Inc. (206)
Bob Whitehair
990 Commercial St.
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(650) 543-5600
(650) 354-8828 fax
Architectural engineering services
Alliant Consulting (204)
Christa Marasco
P.O. Box 8940
Redlands, CA 92375-2140
(909) 792-8812
(909) 798-7368 fax
Labor Compliance Monitoring Services
American Blinds & Draperies (226)**
Paul Russo
1168 San Luis Obispo Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544-7932
(510) 487-3500
(510) 489-4717 fax
Wholesale Manufacturer of Window Coverings
American Modular Systems, Inc. (330/332)
Rick Torres
787 Spreckels Ave.
Manteca, CA 95336
(209) 825-1921
(209) 825-7018 fax
Complete manufacturer for all your modular school
building needs including classrooms,
administration, multi-purpose, restroom, childcare,
adult education and Two Story Classrooms. Lease
and purchase available with piggybacks.
American Technologies, Inc. (534)
George Platt
8440 Elder Creek Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95828
(916) 388-2440
(916) 388-2445 fax
Fire and water property restoration contractor
during emergencies. Full service, start to finish.
Asbestos, lead and mold removal. Water extraction
and dry outs. Over 15 years experience.
APOC (510)
Marie Sorensen
P.O. Box 5248
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-6471
(562) 423-9597 fax
With 60 + years experience, APOC is the leading
manufacturer for energy efficient, cool flooring
systems for new construction, roof restoration and
maintenance applications. Our high performance
restoration systems provide a dependable asset,
with extendable warranties and lower life cycle
costs, affording us with the industry reputation as
"The Roof Restoration Experts."
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Athletic Facility Consulting, Inc. (603)
Robert Turner
5256 South Mission Rd., Suite 406
Bonsall, CA 92544
(760) 880-8873
(888) 838-9104 fax
AFCI is a professional design engineering and
consulting firm with extensive knowledge and
experience in the area of athletic facilities. Our
hands on experience and knowledge of design,
engineering and construction management of
California public works construction as well as
direct experience as school administrator, coach,
and athlete are unsurpassed in the industry. AFCI
is the firm most qualified to manage your next
project and no other firm can offer you an
equivalent scope of services at a lower cost.
ATI Architects and Engineers (238)
Phillip Caires
3860 Blackhawk Rd.
Danville, CA 94506-4617
(925) 648-8800
(925) 648-8811 fax
Architecture & Engineering
Axiom Engineers, Inc. (730)**
Raymond Cole
2511 Garden Rd., Suite A-140
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 649-8000
(831) 648-8038 fax
Consulting Mechanical Engineers
Barnhart, Inc. (638)
Steve Scogin
10760 Thornmint Rd.
San Diego, CA 92127-2700
(858) 385-8200
(858) 385-8201 fax
Barnhart, Inc. is Engineering News Record's 5th
Largest Educational Builder in the nation, and
among the top 90 contractors nationwide. Locally,
the construction company has been building
California since 1983, specializing in K-12
educational facilities. This year, Barnhart ranked
as the largest locally headquartered construction
firm by the San Diego Business Journal. Barnhart
is a Construction and Program Manager as well as
general contractor for school districts up and down
the state.
Bay Alarm Company, Inc. (311)
Shane Clary
60 Berry Dr.
Pacheco, CA 94553-5601
(800) 410-4100
(925) 808-4365 fax
Bay Alarm Company is the premier electronic
security provider for commercial and residential
systems throughout California since 1946.
beals alliance (430)
Ron Edwards
3400 Bradshaw Rd., Suite B
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 366-8350
(916) 366-8354 fax
Landscape Architecture and Sports Design and
Bernards (125)
Builders + Management Services
Steven Riggs
23461 South Pointe Dr., Suite 300
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 461-3650
(949) 461-3965 fax
Carefully blending our founding principles of
quality, service and innovation, Bernards provides
Construction & Program Management, General
Contracting, Design-Build and Distressed Project
Takeover services for both new and modernization
projects in Southern and Central California. As a
nationally ranked builder of education facilities, the
firm draws on over 30 years of technical expertise
and personnel resources to deliver countless
projects, always with a steady focus on the end
user. Bernards maintains an unyielding
commitment to partnerships and communication.
Early planning, clearly defined roles, and a teamfocused approach streamline the construction
process, delivering the highest level of service from
design through closeout.
BFGC Architecture (236)**
Jon Jaeger
4115 Broad St., Suite B6
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 546-0433
(805) 546-0504 fax
School-In-A-Box - Pre Approved - Site Adaptable Permanent Construction - Flexible Design
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. (410)
Joanne Laxamana
11611 Hart St.
North Hollywood, CA 91605-5802
(818) 503-1628
(818) 503-1930 fax
Bobrick features the Sierra Series™ Solid Color
Reinforced Composite (SCRC) Toilet Partition
System for superior durability and washroom
accessories including warm air hand-dryers to
meet the requirements of all school washrooms.
Bovis Lend Lease, Inc. (124)
Barry Willett
950 West D St.
Ontario, CA 91762
(909) 986-6211
(909) 988-5521 fax
Bovis Lend Lease Provides Professional
Construction Management/Project
Management/Program Management/General
Contracting/Design-Build and Technical Services
Bradley Corporation (726)
Brandon Lankford
5556 Ontario Mills Parkway
Ontario, CA 91764
(888) 830-0013
(888) 830-0014 fax
Commercial plumbing fixtures and plumbing
Brock USA (630)
David Brown
2840 Wilderness Place
Boulder, CO 80301-5414
(805) 689-0736
(805) 683-0306 fax
Engineered composite underlayments to improve
drainage, playability and safety performance of
synthetic turf fields and playgrounds.
California State Inspection Services (CSIS)
Zoe Egar
22943 Keswick St.
West Hills, CA 91304-4514
(818) 425-4954
(818) 704-4711 fax
CSIS is staffed with DSA certified Inspectors. We
provide qualified, experienced, and trained Project
Inspectors for your next construction project. We
are fingerprinted (livescan®) by the DOJ. We
understand quality control, proper documentation,
and resolving issues before they become
problems. On-site, we use cameras and laptop
computers to generate clean and clear records.
CSIS maintains a 100% satisfaction record on all
represented districts. We look forward to making
you our next satisfied customer.
California Track & Engineering, Inc. (604)
Jeb Burgess
4668 N. Sonora Ave., Suite 101
Fresno, CA 93722-0000
(559) 237-2590
(559) 237-2431 fax
Supplier and installer of polyurethane synthetic
running track surfacing.
Capital Engineering (403)**
Chuck Shinneman
11020 Sun Center Dr., Suite 100
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6114
(916) 851-3500
(916) 631-4424 fax
Capital Engineering provides mechanical
and plumbing design for schools with specialties in
sustainable mechanical design including green
HVAC, energy modeling and commissioning
Clark & Sullivan (601)
Dick Cowan
3612 Madison Ave., Suite 25
North Highlands, CA 95660-5068
(916) 339-8188 ext. 3202
(916) 338-7701 fax
General Contractor, Construction Management,
Design-Build, Lease/Leaseback, Value
Class Leasing, Inc. (334)
Jeremy Goldenetz
P.O. Box 51150
Riverside, CA 92517-2150
(951) 943-1908
(951) 943-5768 fax
Modular Building Dealer/Supplier
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
CMAA (513)
7918 Jones Branch Rd., Suite 540
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 356-2622
(703) 356-6388 fax
CMAA is North America's only organization
dedicated exclusively to the interests of
professional construction and program
management. The association's website is
Colbi Technologies, Inc. (Island 1)
Lettie Boggs
17791 Orange Tree Lane
Tustin, CA 92780-2121
(714) 505-9544
(714) 838-8113 fax
Account-Ability: A software solution specifically
designed to provide a comprehensive solution to K14 school building program funding and
expenditure management.
Compass Flooring, Inc. (733)
Grecia Perez
467 Forbes Blvd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 583-4244 ext. 120
(650) 583-9564 fax
Commercial Flooring Distributor
Concrete Promotion Council of Northern
California (128)**
Robert Wallace
4021 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. #156205
Roseville, CA 95747
(888) 633-0393
(831) 302-7330 fax
The mission of the Concrete Promotion Council of
Northern California, also known as the CPCNC, is
to bring a wider knowledge to private and public
designers of the many environmentally friendly
(green) and practical solutions this most used of
building materials has to offer. Our council is
composed of companies from all parts of the
Northern Californian Concrete Construction
Industry. Our members provide quality concrete
and related products for all construction needs and
can help you find the contacts of your local readymix concrete producers, contractors and other
companies providing products or support to the
concrete construction industry. We look forward to
assisting you with your concrete construction
queries at the CPCNC, "Your Concrete Resource".
Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. (507)
Alex Dewitt
188 Frank West Circle, Suite I
Stockton, CA 95206-4010
(209) 234-0518
(209) 234-0538 fax
Environmental Consultants
Contractor Compliance & Monitoring, Inc. (120)
Deborah Wilder
1200 6th Ave., Suite 200
Belmont, CA 94002-3839
(650) 551-5583
(650) 551-5584 fax
Labor compliance program services
CPI Daylighting, Inc. (140)
Brian Cain
28662 N. Ballard Dr.
Lake Forrest, IL 60045
(847) 816-1060
(847) 816-0425 fax
CPI can be your sole source for translucent
daylighting. We offer custom and standard
systems - providing design, fabrication and
installation of skylights and wall-lights.
Jim Christie
3981 E. Miraloma Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92806-6201
(800) 278-4273
(714) 993-1840 fax
Raising the standards of the concrete industry with
product performance and business integrity, taking
a proactive innovative approach to enhance the
quality of concrete and solve floor covering
problems, controlling moisture vapor transmission
& alkalinity from damaging sensitive floor covering.
Through educating & implementing our products,
maintaining long term relationships with
professional Architects, Engineers, Builders, and
Owners to insure cost effective protection of floor
Cumming LLC (225)
Jerry Piersall
27201 Puerto Real, Suite 370
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
(949) 900-0440
(949) 900-0450 fax
Cost Estimating
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Current Enterprises (205)
Nicole Rivera
300 Kansas St.
Redlands, CA 92373-8151
(909) 792-9207
(909) 792-9608 fax
Modular Building Manufacturing Company
Dave Bang Associates, Inc. (201/203)
John Wormell
P.O. Box 1088
Tustin, CA 92781-1088
(800) 669-2585
(714) 729-2483 fax
Specialists in equipping parks, playgrounds, site
furnishings, DSA approved shade shelters,
backstops, bleachers and athletic equipment.
Davis Demographics & Planning (625/724)
Gregory Davis
11850 Pierce St., Suite 200
Riverside, CA 92505
(951) 270-5211
(951) 270-5212 fax
DDP provides demographic/facility consulting
services and SchoolSiteTM GIS mapping software
including enrollment forecasting, boundary
redistricting, facility location and need studies, and
customized demographic reporting analysis.
DecisionInsite (Island 1)
Michael Regele
7700 Irvine Center Dr., Suite 800
Irvine, CA 92618
(877) 204.-392 ext 112
(714) 473-7478 cell:
(877) 204-1392 fax
In an easy-to-use web-based application,
DecisionInsite integrates enrollment forecasts with
updated community demographics. DecisionInsite
better prepares your facilities, budget, and human
resources staff to quickly hone in on trends,
patterns and opportunities critical to success.
Designed Mobile Systems Ind. (DMSI) (316)
Carmen O'Campo
P.O. Box 367
Patterson, CA 95363-0367
(209) 892-6298
(209) 892-7924 fax
DMSI is a manufacturer of Innovative DSA
Approved Modular Buildings since 1973. Offering a
wide range of designs to include 2-story, Slab-ongrade, Custom Campus Configurations, Special
Use Buildings, and high quality standard
classrooms. Our commitment to outstanding
service and excellence has established DMSI as a
leading provider of premium modular facilities in
Division of the State Architect (412)
Peri Rogers
1102 Q St., Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95814-6548
(916) 324-7101
(916) 449-5711 fax
The Division of the State Architects acts as policy
leader for building design and construction of K-12
schools and community colleges. We maintain
standards and codes and provide plan review and
construction oversight.
DLR Group (331)
Eon Smith
1931 H St.
Sacramento, CA 95814-3107
(916) 446-0206
(916) 446-0894 fax
Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Design,
DMJM Management (239)
Lupe Perez
515 S. Flower St., 9th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071-2201
(213) 593-8468
(213) 593-8175 fax
With more than 20 offices and 5,400 professionals
worldwide, DMJM is at once a local, national, and
international resource for program management
and construction management (PM/CM) services.
We are unique in our ability to provide the
education community with best-in-class services
and specialists nationwide. DMJM, an AECOM
company, represents a strategic alliance that has
served to form one of the most powerful fullservices design companies in the world. As such,
DMJM is able to incorporate its strategic and
operational planning and programming, design,
engineering, construction, and management
expertise throughout all phases of an owner’s
project, from pre-design to post construction.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
DOMO Sports Grass / West Pac Sports
Systems (304)**
Mark Carr
27101 Manzano Circle
Mission Viejo, CA 92692-3500
(949) 226-7199
(949) 340-7706 fax
Manufacturer of Synthetic Sports Turf for Football,
Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse, Field Hockey
& Tennis
Duro-Last Roofing (731)**
Bob Hemphill
3739 Park Blvd. Way
Oakland, CA 94610
(800) 248-0280
(800) 432-9331 fax
The Worlds Best Roof
Eagle Aerial Imaging (338)
Bob Groos
3198-K Airport Loop Dr.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-3407
(714) 754-7670
(714) 641-7593 fax
Eagle Aerial Imaging specializes in high-resolution
off-the-shelf digital aerial photography of school
districts. Includes custom data overlays packaged
in a productivity tool for making business decisions
that rely on GIS information. Updated regularly.
EDGE Development, Inc. (405/407)
Steve Prophet
27368 Via Industria #101
Temecula, CA 92590-4852
(951) 296-0776
(951) 296-0775 fax
EDGE Development, Inc. specializes in
Construction Management, General Contracting,
Design-Build and Lease-Leaseback services. A
team of approximately 500 people currently
represents EDGE with offices in Temecula and
Auburn, California. EDGE is currently ranked #223
of the Nation’s Top 500 fastest growing companies,
#199 of the Nation’s Top 400 Contractors and is
#64 of the Nation’s Top Design-Build Firms. With
over $1 Billion in completed projects, EDGE
remains committed to “Raising the Standards of
Construction Excellence”.
Enviroplex (122)
Joe Sublett
4777 E. Carpenter Rd.
Stockton, CA 95215-8106
(209) 466-8000
(209) 461-6555 fax
Modular School Facilities
Epic Metals Corporation (511)**
John Heinly
2302 Martin St., Suite 220
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 679-9400
(949) 679-9595 fax
EPIC Metals Corporation is the architectural choice
for structural roof and floor deck ceiling systems.
Our product lines address various appearance
options, uncluttered long spans up to 65 feet,
interior acoustical control, and green building
features. Epicore®, Archdeck®, Wideck®, and
Envista™ offer architectural features to fit any
project needs.
Fieldturf / Sportech (303)
C.J. Collins
5236 Pressley Rd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 586-8873
(707) 313-0167 fax
The Best Synthetic Grass in the World!
Flintco, Inc. (612)
David Parkes
400 Plaza Dr., Suite 205
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 858-8377
(916) 858-8285 fax
Commercial General Contractor
Floor Seal Technology (502/503)
Jamie Henderson
1005 Ames Ave
Milpitas, CA 95035
(800) 572-2344
(408) 436-8254 fax
Flooring Services/Moisture Control
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
FloorTec, Inc. (438)
Steven Homan
538-F Stone Rd.
Benicia, CA 94510-1174
(707) 747-0770 ext. 201
(707) 747-0700 fax
We offer floor covering solutions for educational
facilities. We promote products based on life cycle
costs, indoor air quality, reduced maintenance, and
environmental responsibilities.
Forbo Linoleum (436)
Scott Day
17332 Von Karman Ave. #130
Irvine, CA 92614-6242
(949) 852-2444
(949) 852-2450 fax
Linoleum Floorcovering
Gafcon, Inc. (135)**
Marty Glaske
701 B St., Suite 1600
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 231-6100
(619) 231-6995 fax
Gafcon, Inc. is a full-service construction consulting
firm offering construction management, program
management, labor compliance, real estate
economics and consulting services.
Gale Associates, Inc. (602)
Alan Burnett
444 Castro St., Suite 318
Mountain View, CA 94041
(650) 691-1113
(650) 691-1069 fax
Gale Associates, Inc. is a consulting engineering
firm specializing in building envelope (e.g., roofs,
waterproofing, exterior walls, below-grade).
Services include evaluation, forensic investigation,
design, and construction administration.
Garland Company, Inc. (237)
Brandy Freechack
3800 East 91st St.
Cleveland, OH 44105
(800) 321-9336
(216) 641-0633 fax
High Performance Roofing Systems and Roofing
Maintenance Products
Gary Doupnik Manufacturing, Inc. (417)
Kirtus Doupnik
P.O. Box 527
Loomis, CA 95650-0527
(916) 652-9291
(916) 652-9021 fax
Modular Buildings
Geary Pacific Corporation (101/103)
Maury Tiernan
1908 N. Enterprise St.
Orange, CA 92865-4102
(714) 279-2950 ext. 132
(714) 279-2940 fax
HVAC Distributor - Bard Manufacturing Equipment
Gilbane Building Company (725)**
Henry Amigable
224 Airport Parkway, Suite 630
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 660-4400
(408) 660-4402 fax
As a leading builder of K-12 schools, Gilbane
works in tandem with educational leaders across
the country to improve academic facilities that
could otherwise impede a student’s ability to learn.
We build schools that enrich the educational
experience and support the delivery of sound
educational practices by providing:
• A clear understanding of school administrators'
daunting problems and concerns
• National expertise in the K-12 market
• Accurate budget estimates and cost control
• Help with securing financing from traditional
and alternative sources
• Construction in coordination with the school
calendar to make work unobtrusive
gkkworks/LHA (611)
Guillermo Aguilar
2355 Main St., Suite 220
Irvine, CA 92614
(949) 250-1500
(949) 955-2708 fax
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Golden State Builders Exchanges (715)**
Claire Donnenwirth
2386 Fair Oaks Blvd., #215
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 486-9881
(916) 486-9884 fax
Statewide Association of Builders Exchanges is
dedicated to providing information and services to
the construction industry.
Golden State Labor Compliance (600)**
LeeAnn Bonn
38733 9th St. E, Suite W
Palmdale, CA 93550-2910
(800) 834-7144
(661) 270-1045 fax
The Golden State Companies; leaders in the
fields of Labor Compliance and Emergency Repair
Program support, can make the critical difference
for your district whether it’s as a member of a
construction project team or increasing the ERP
reimbursement dollars. Discover what you’ve been
missing – it’s the people. California
Construction Management provides Construction
Management, Multiple Prime CM, General
Consulting and Project Recovery. We give your
Results not Rhetoric – it’s just that Simple.
Harris & Associates (614/616)
Louise McGinnis
4600 Northgate Blvd., Ste. 100
Sacramento, CA 95834-1121
(916) 928-9600
(916) 928-9605 fax
Harris & Associates provides program
management and construction management to
California school districts and other public
Henry Company (500)
Judy Holleran
2911 East Slauson Ave.
Huntington Park, CA 90255-3135
(323) 908-5287
(323) 583-4557 fax
Cold Applied Roofing Materials for Low Slope
HMR Architects, Inc. (413)
Eric Mifkovic
2130 21st St.
Sacramento, CA 95818-1708
(916) 736-2724
(916) 736-0610 fax
School Architecture: New Schools, Modernizations,
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies (439)
Charlie Sasso
9015 E. Conquistadores Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(480) 419-2668
(480) 419-8148 fax
Security and safety solutions for educational
facilities: ADA compliance; Safe Schools Perimeter
Security Program; keying systems design and
management; on-site security and safety
assessments; networked, wireless and biometric
security solutions.
Innovative Playgrounds Co., LLC (710)**
Alvino Larios
12407 E. Slauson Ave., Unit-D
Whittier, CA 90606
(877) 693-5200 Toll Free
(562) 693-5199 fax
Commercial Playground Sales, Design and
Integrated Design Associates, Inc. (IDeAs)
Mark Fisher
3140 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite. 110
Santa Clara, CA 95054-2435
(408) 562-3560
(408) 562-3561 fax
Integrated Design Associates, Inc. (IDeAs) does
electrical engineering, communications and lighting
design for schools with specialties in daylighting,
sustainable electrical and lighting systems and
design of high performance schools.
Interface FLOR Commercial (610)
Renee Boggus
1503 Orchard Hill Rd.
LaGrange, GA 30240-5709
(706) 812-6185
(706) 812-0908 fax
Modular Carpet
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Interior Wall Systems, Inc. (504/506)
Greg Tucker
220 Bingham Dr., Suite 100
San Marcos, CA 92069-1482
(760) 744-4998 / (800) 213-8640
(760) 471-2048 fax
Our company offers a money-saving demountable
wall system exclusively for the California public
school system. The state of California recognizes
our product as DSA approved.
ISEC, Inc. (727)**
Harold Richards
41734 Christy St.
Fremont, CA 94536
(510) 490-1333
(510) 656-8764 fax
Laboratory Casework and Equipment
J.R. Conkey & Associates, Inc. (DVBE) (512)
James Conkey
735 Sunrise Ave. #200
Roseville, CA 95661-4596
(916) 783-3277
(916) 783-8820 fax
DVBE Construction Management Services
JCJ Architecture (212)**
Richard A. Blackman
3838 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 361
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 282-9922
(619) 282-6678 fax
Keenan & Associates (415)
Tim Keenan
2355 Crenshaw Blvd. #200
Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 212-0363 ext. 2000
(310) 787-8838 fax
We offer Labor Compliance Program Services
(LCP). LCP is in place to ensure that all
contractors are adhering to public works project
prevailing wage labor laws and regulations. This
includes auditing certified payroll records to insure
employers are paying their employees the correct
prevailing wage rate for the hours worked and the
classification of work being performed as
determined by the Director of the Department of
Industrial Relations.
Kern County Superintendent of Schools
Labor Compliance Program (714)
Nick Hernandez
1300 17th St.
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 636-4895
(661) 636-4597 fax
Labor Compliance Program
Kitchell CEM (516)
Jennifer Davlin
2750 Gateway Oaks Dr. #300
Sacramento, CA 95833-3501
(916) 648-9700
(916) 648-6534 fax
Kitchell provides program, project and construction
management services as well as engineering and
architectural support for K–12 and higher education
districts. Through our local and regional offices,
Kitchell supports our clients in southern, central
and northern California, to improve student
learning environments. You may also contact
Maria Leyva at
Kleinfelder (107)
Marjorie Nishizaki
3077 Fite Circle
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 366-1701
(916) 366-7013 fax
Kleinfelder is a leading employee-owned
professional services firm with the capacity of
qualified staff to provide comprehensive
engineering services in geotechnical engineering,
environmental science, engineering and planning,
program and construction management and
materials testing. In addition to having 22 local
offices located throughout California, Kleinfelder
has grown to more than 2,000 professionals and
personnel located in 65 offices and laboratories
across the United States.
LFR Levine Fricke (515)
Alan Gibbs
4190 Douglas Blvd., Suite 200
Granite Bay, CA 95746-5964
(916) 786-8129
(916) 786-0366 fax
Environmental services for new school assessment
or renovation.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
LIFT-U (234)**
John Fusco
P.O. Box 398
Escalon, CA 95320-0398
(209) 838-2400
(209) 838-8648 fax
Handicap Access Consultant/Manufacturer
Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. (501)**
Ron Sams
11509 SW Herman Rd.
Tualatin, OR 97062
(888) 380-7042
(503) 684-3197 fax
Research is conclusive...gains in academic
achievement occur when a teacher’s voice is heard
clearly throughout the classroom. Classroom
Amplification Technology allows every student to
hear every word, every time!
Lozano Smith (527)
Harold M. Freiman
2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 200
San Ramon, CA 94583-1108
(925) 302-2000
(925) 302-2010 fax
Lozano Smith is a full-service education law firm
representing more than 250 California school
districts. Our facilities and business attorneys
focus on the complex array of issues involved with
acquiring properties; financing, building and
modernizing facilities; school closures; selling and
leasing surplus properties; use of facilities; CEQA
Compliance; and the myriad of other property and
facility issues faced by school districts. In addition,
Lozano Smith has long been a leader in the areas
of developer fees and developer built schools.
LPA, Inc. (Island 1)**
Jim Kisel
5161 California Ave., Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92617-8002
(949) 261-1001 ext. 4150
(949) 701-4350 fax
LPA, Inc. is a multi-disciplinary organization
providing professional services in the fields of
architecture, landscape, interiors, graphics and
sustainable design solutions for K-12, Higher
Education, Civic, Corporate, Targeted Developer,
and Housing clients. Since its establishment in
1965, LPA, Inc. has been known for its design
solutions, strong project management, and for
exceeding client expectations. Over the years, the
firm and its principals have been repeatedly
recognized for their leadership in providing
innovative solutions in all aspects of the built
environment, receiving more than 200 awards for
design excellence. You may also contact Steve
Newsom, in our Roseville office located at 1548
Eureka Rd., #101, Roseville, CA 95661, (916) 7724300.
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. (224)
Lori Winsor
2241 Douglas Blvd. Ste. 200
Roseville, CA 95661-3831
(916) 786-3833
(916) 786-3234 fax
General Contracting, Construction Management,
Program Management, Project Management,
Design-Build, Distressed Project Assistance
McGraw - Hill Construction/DODGE (214)
Candice Rogers
1333 S. Mayflower Ave., Suite 300
Monrovia, CA 91016-5267
(626) 932-6134
(626) 932-6106 fax
Construction Information Services
Meehleis Modular Buildings, Inc. (416)
Bill Meehleis
1303 E. Lodi Ave.
Lodi, CA 95240-0840
(209) 334-4637
(209) 334-4726 fax
Modular Construction – With Integrity, Fair Pricing
And A Dedication To Excellence
Miller Brown & Dannis (207)
Mark W. Kelley
71 Stevenson St., 19th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105-2934
(415) 543-4111 ext. 5628
(415) 543-4384 fax
Miller Brown & Dannis brings clarity to complex
legal issues. We provide prompt and accurate legal
services to districts throughout California in all
areas related to facilities, including: construction
issues, revenue raising, site acquisitions and sales,
asset management, infrastructure finance and
development impacts, and bond counsel services.
Our lawyers' depth and breadth of experience in
school facilities matters is unmatched in the state.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
MK2 Engineering, Inc. (532)**
Jason Mueller
1428 Second St.
Napa, CA 94559
(707) 307-1500
(707) 265-0818 fax
Consulting Engineers, Mechanical, Electrical,
Plumbing, and Fire Protection
Mobile Modular Management Corp. (431/433)
Alison Leung
5700 Las Positas Rd.
Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 606-9000
(925) 453-3201 fax
Provides Modular Buildings for Rent, Lease, or
Modtech Holdings, Inc. (301)
Suzanne Willis
2830 Barrett Ave.
Perris, CA 92571-0000
(951) 436-4106
(951) 443-3642 fax
The leading national designer and manufacturer of
modular buildings, both permanent and
Modular Building Institute (134)
Tom Hardiman
944 Glenwood Station Lane, Suite 204
Charlottesville, VA 22901
(888) 811-3288
(434) 296-3288 fax
Modular Industry Trade Association representing
manufacturers, dealers, and suppliers of
commercial factory built structures.
Modular Structures International (517)
Dean Owens
920 Citrus Ave.
Riverside, CA 92507-1711
(951) 788-3035
(951) 788-1523 fax
MSI is a manufacturer of permanent and portable
modular buildings. Uses include classrooms,
daycare, healthcare, administrative offices, libraries
and others.
Modular Technology, Inc. (704)
Bob Snider
22425 N. 16th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85024-6403
(602) 272-2000
(623) 298-2000 fax
Modular Technology provides an innovative system
of accelerated commercial construction and site
development that's identical in quality & materials
to site built. Buildings feature steel framing, slab on
grade, energy efficiency, and meet seismic &
commercial building codes.
Modus Systems (132)**
Greg Cox
109 Vine Hill School Rd.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066-3250
(831) 438-2763
(831) 430-0119 fax
Pre-engineered Gymnasium Builder
Mondo U.S.A. (227)
Bryan Hanna
2720 Commodore Dr., Suite 120
Carrollton, TX 75007
(817) 421-7861
(800) 361-3747 Toll-Free
(817) 251-1074 fax
Contract and Sport Rubber Surfaces
MuniFinancial (216)
Mark Risco
27368 Via Industria #110
Temecula, CA 92590
(951) 587-1542
(951) 587-3510 fax
MuniFinancial is a nationally recognized public
finance consulting firm. We specialize in special
financing district formation, ongoing special district
administration and Federal Compliance and Bond
Administration Services. Specific services include:
Mello-Roos Community Facilities District Formation
and Administration; Arbitrage Rebate and
Municipal Disclosure.
Murray & Downs AIA - Architects, Inc. (117)
Kathy Witherow
3025 Sacramento St.
Placerville, CA 95667
(530) 626-1810
(530) 626-1931 fax
Architectural Services
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Musco Lighting, Inc. (300)
Brent Marchetti
15311 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92618-2216
(949) 754-0503
(949) 754-0637 fax
Manufacturer of athletic/recreational lighting
systems with special emphasis on glare/spill light
control and energy efficiency.
National Carport Industries (130)
Greg Jones
680 Hunter Place
Reno, NV 89509-2926
(775) 787-8845
(775) 787-8846 fax
DSA-Approved Shade Structures and Walkway
MVE Institutional, Inc. (105)**
Robert Simons
1900 Main St., 8th Floor
Irvine, CA 92614-7318
(949) 809-3380
(949) 809-3381 fax
MVE Institutional, Inc., a Planning + Architecture +
Interiors firm with over 160 design professionals,
has over 30 years of expertise in educational and
institutional work. We have an impressive list of
educational projects throughout California. Our
experience includes master planning and new
construction, as well as expansion and renovation
projects. MVEI provides a focused studio aimed at
delivering results on time and on budget, and is
responsive to program criteria, land utilization and
construction costs.
National Gypsum Company (213)**
Cynthia Belisle
1821 Glen Aerie Lane
Corinth, TX 76210
(940) 269-3086
(940) 269-3084 fax
National Gypsum Company produces a complete
line of wallboard products that fight fire, mold,
mildew, moisture, abuse, and impact.
Myrtha Pools USA (434)**
Mike Mintenko
2 N. Tamiami Trail, Suite 102
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 955-2591
(941) 955-0862 fax
Myrtha is simply the most advanced technology in
the swimming pool industry. Its patented preengineered modular system, based on the use of
laminated steel panels and buttress system,
enables a perfect waterproofing system. Myrtha’s
technology is able to adapt to fit every type of pool
project. Markets include athletic clubs,
championship venues, institutional, high rise,
hotel/resorts, municipal, private, therapy, water
parks, and YMCA.
Nacht & Lewis Architects (306)
Brian Maytum
600 Q St., Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814-6311
(916) 329-4000
(916) 329-7474 fax
NBS (108)**
Pablo Perez
32605 Highway 79 South, Suite 100
Temecula, CA 92592
(800) 676-7516
(951) 296-1998 fax
NBS supports local governments with consulting
and expertise in the area of special assessments,
special taxes and related financing mechanisms.
Our goal is to expand and enhance our clients'
ability to serve their communities.
Neil O. Anderson & Associates, Inc. (636)**
Larry Mathews
902 Industrial Way
Lodi, CA 95240-3106
(209) 367-3701
(209) 369-4228 fax
Consulting Engineers, Environmental,
Geotechnical, Material Testing
NTDSTICHLER Architecture (617/716)
Jay Tittle
9655 Granite Ridge Dr., Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92123-2676
(858) 565-4440
(858) 569-3433 fax
NTDSTICHLER Architecture is a 300-person
award winning design firm specializing in
educational facilities; providing full-service
architecture, engineering, interior design and
funding services for California schools. Great
design comes from discussion, visit our booth, let's
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Opening Technologies, Inc. (639)
Martin Burkhardt
2050 Commerce Ave.
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 674-6900
(925) 674-6995 fax
Premier door hardware, life safety & security
solutions: supplied, installed, serviced. ADA
operators & solutions; access control: key
management systems; door replacements
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP (626)
Lee Sutherland
405 Howard St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 773-5496
(415) 773-5759 fax
California's top Bond Counsel firm, providing
School Districts complete Bond and Disclosure
Counsel services: Proposition 39 and General
Obligation Bonds; Mello-Roos; bridge financings;
Parsons 3D/I (315/317)
Katie Drake
12100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1950
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 447-7895
(310) 447-8201 fax
Parsons 3D/I has provided program, project and
construction management services to educational
clients in California for the past 20 years. Well
over 100 of our educational clients are in California
where we have worked for 28 K-12 school districts
managing new construction and modernization
projects valued at over $21 billion. We understand
the unique requirements of educational clients and
have current experience with all of the State
regulatory agencies that have authority over design
and construction.
Parsons Brinckerhoff Construction Services
Bruce Rich
3840 Rosin Ct., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 567-2576
(916) 924-9764 fax
PB, founded in 1885, is recognized as a leader in
consulting, planning, engineering, program
management, construction management, and
operations and maintenance for all types of
facilities and infrastructure. PB provides our public
sector clients with responsive and personalized
service from six full-service California offices as
well as several project and construction field
PCCI CM Services (537)
Steve Reinero
3083 Gold Canal Dr., Suite 100
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 837-1860
(916) 638-5124 fax
Construction Management
Perceptive Enterprises (711)**
Joseph Adams
844 Colorado Blvd., Suite 204
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 254-5000
(323) 254-5111 fax
Labor Compliance Consultant Services; Small
Business Program Administration; and
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DBES
Program Consulting
PHASEOne Construction Group (215)
Jack Moore
2335 Plaza Del Amo
Torrance, CA 90501-3420
(310) 782-9114
(310) 782-9115 fax
Program and Construction Management Services.
We manage construction while you manage
education. PHASEOne has been providing quality
CM services to California school districts for 33
Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects
Alan Kroeker
1233 Vine St.
Paso Robles, CA 93446
(805) 227-4540
(805) 564-8582 fax
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
PinnacleOne (335)
Bruce Risley
445 South Figueroa St., Suite 3650
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 486-9884
(213) 486-9894 fax
PinnacleOne is a team of construction consulting
experts uniquely qualified to serve both public and
private educational institutions and other public
and private clients with solid program, project and
construction management services. Our team of
specialized experts also offers coordination and
constructability reviews, cost estimating and
construction claims services for those challenging
projects. PinnacleOne gives you the confidence
you need in managing your expectations
regardless of the type, size, or budget of the
Planware Systems LLC (210)**
Kimberly Adams
15850 Concord Circle, Suite C
Morgan Hill, CA 95037-7143
(888) 532-4424 ext. 107
(408) 799-4227 fax
Planware Systems provides a fully integrated
school district planning system.
Powersmiths International Corporation (127)**
George Dennis
4450 California Place, Suite 125
Long Beach, CA 90807
(888) 306-9222
(562) 427-6426 fax
Energy Efficient Transformer
PreFast Buildings (310/312)
Brian Gaunce
181 2nd St., Suite 200
San Mateo, CA 94401-3816
(650) 375-5840 ext. 123
(650) 347-3186 fax
Supply and installation of DSA PC Number (preapproved) precast concrete modular school
Premier Management Group (414)
Wayne Sjolund
2995 Prospect Park Dr., Suite 100
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6022
(916) 616-4344
(916) 616-2436 fax
Construction Management
Project FROG™ (139)**
Joe Hess
Roundhouse One
1500 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 814-8510
(415) 814-8501 fax
Project FROG™ offers educational institutions a
high-performance, quick-deploy and affordable
alternative to modular trailers and permanent
construction. Project FROG™ learning
environments are effective, inspirational and
environmentally friendly - we offer a range of
layouts to accommodate the diverse needs of
today's schools. To learn more about Project
FROG™ you can visit or call
us at (415) 288-3387.
Quad Knopf, Inc. (411)
Nick Strait
5110 W. Cypress
Visalia, CA 93277-8303
(559) 733-0440
(559) 733-7821 fax
Great Communities. Healthy Environments. By
Design. With a full complement of engineering,
planning, environmental and architectural services,
Quad Knopf has the necessary tools to complete
your school project from the ground up. From site
selection and initial documents to the final nail in
the wall, the professionals at Quad Knopf can
guide your project from concept to reality.
REDD Team Manufacturing, An Alcoa Co.
Andrew Schermer
6599 SR 21 North
Keystone, FL 32656
(800) 648-3696
(352) 473-0219 fax
REDD Team Manufacturing produces all aluminum
access products. REDD Teams' access products
consist of ADA and DSA compliant handicapped
ramps, stairs, and custom products, used with
modular and permanent buildings.
Resun Corporation (717)**
Rudy Lopez
29611 Nightcrest Circle
Temecula, CA 92591
(951) 551-7763
(951) 346-9263 fax
Provider of Modular and Mobile Space Solutions.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
RGA Environmental, Inc. (701)
Harry Lawrence
1466 66th St.
Emeryville, CA 94608-1014
(510) 547-7771 ext. 7031
(510) 547-1983 fax
Hazardous Materials and Industrial Hygiene
Consulting and Engineering Services
Roebbelen Contracting (324)
Robert McLean
1241 Hawks Flight Court
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762-9648
(916) 939-4000
(916) 939-4028 fax
Construction Management
Ross Recreation Equipment (228)**
Chris Tait
100 Brush Creek Rd. #101
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 538-3800
(707) 538-3826 fax
Provider of quality play equipment, site furnishings,
shade structures, outdoor athletic equipment and
no-cost design services.
RWP Fiber Fall (404/406)
Hank Egigian
1313 E. Phillips Blvd.
Pomona, CA 91766-5431
(909) 868-6882 ext. 228
(909) 868-1162 fax
Original, factory direct manufacturer (lost cost, no
middleman) of authentic impact attenuating and
wheelchair accessible engineered wood fibers for
K-6 playground safety surfacing.
Safety-Screens (606)
Bob Celaya
P.O. Box 681
Claremont, CA 91711-0681
(909) 621-5814
(909) 621-0745 fax
We are a manufacturer and distributor of security
window guards that feature quick egress panels
that open easily in case of emergency.
Saramark, Inc. (627)
Markus deLeeuw
P.O. Box 611896
San Jose, CA 95161-1896
(408) 971-3881 ext. 133
(408) 294-4586 fax
Pre-engineered panelized school facilities.
School Facilities Planning & Management (230)
Ray Bickel
718 Sutter St., Suite. 50
Folsom, CA 95630-2561
(916) 339-2802
(916) 351-0511 fax
All facility related services, applications, GIS
computerized master plans, developer fee and
information studies. Over 1 1/4 million students in
new or modernized classrooms due to SFPM
School Facility Consultants (126)
Alex Murdoch
1130 K St., Suite. LL-12
Sacramento, CA 95814-3927
(916) 441-5063
(916) 441-2848 fax
Consulting firm, which assists school district, local
agencies, architects, and developers in all aspects
of school facility planning and financing.
School Site Solutions, Inc. (539)
Jim Bush
428 J St., Suite 370
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 930–0736
(916) 930–0788 fax
Professional planning consulting firm specializing
in school site approvals, DTSC and CDE issues
and joint-use projects.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year (631)
Jason Hudson
113 Edinburgh South, Ste. 200
Cary, NC 27511
(877) 868-3833
(919) 816-8346 fax
SchoolDude is the nation’s #1 provider of online
tools designed exclusively for the unique
needs of educational operations professionals.
Backed by the industry’s only Legendary Service
Program, our bRd. suite of web-native applications
is revolutionizing the business of managing
educational facilities. SchoolDude’s online tools for
facility management offer easy to use, affordable
solutions to help both small and large educational
institutions save money, increase efficiency and
improve services.
Service Oriented Sales (100/102)
Patrick Comerford
1339 Lawrence Dr.
Newbury Park, CA 91320-1308
(877) 767-4636
(877) 767-3227 fax
Consultant and Supplier for Public Restroom
SGI Construction Management (116/118)
Antoinette Wright
199 S. Hudson Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101-2917
(626) 395-7474
(626) 395-9494 fax
Construction Managers
Shade Structures (Island 2)
Jay Mostert
350 Kalmus Dr.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 427-6981
(800) 507-4233 Toll Free
(714) 427-6982 fax
Shade Structures Screen the Sun, Keep the Fun!
As one of the premier brands of USA SHADE,
Shade Structures is a design/build firm specializing
in modular and custom shade structures. Our
structures provide UV and weather protection for
parks, playgrounds, schools or any outdoor area.
Our custom designs can meet or exceed all site
specific, fire-code or other specialized
requirements. We can add names and logos to our
fabrics which come in over 30 colors. The aesthetic
appeal our structures provide adds distinction and
value to any community.
Sharepoint 360 (233)**
Skip Andrews
701 B St., Suite 1600
San Diego, CA 92101
(877) 819-6360
(619) 819-6366 fax
Web-based document management
Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure (703)**
Curtis Lindskog
4005 Port Chicago Hwy.
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 288-2324
(925) 288-0888 fax
Environmental Consultants
Silver Creek Industries, Inc. (339)**
Tanya Prokopin-Gill
195 East Morgan St.
Perris, CA 92571-3112
(951) 943-5393
(951) 943-2211 fax
Manufacturers of DSA & DOH Modular Buildings
Silverado Sales / Special-Lite, Inc. (538)
Ted Smith
1755 Industrial Way #23
Napa, CA 94558-3301
(707) 224-2232
(707) 224-2821 fax
Entrance Doors for Schools
SINAK Corporation (437)
Carl Bredl
1949 W. Walnut Ave.
San Diego, CA 92101
(800) 523-3147
(619) 295-0227 fax
Specialists in correcting moisture vapor and
alkalinity floor problems.
Skanska USA Building, Inc. (529)**
John Maloblocki
1999 Harrison St. #1950
Oakland, CA 94612-4717
(510) 285-1800
(510) 285-1801 fax
Program/Project/Construction Management
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Southern Bleacher Company (402)
Garrett Pettus
P. O. Box One
Graham, TX 76450-0001
(800) 433-0912
(940) 549-1365 fax
Sportexe (432)**
Marc Belluomini
1 Chisholm Trail, Suite 400
Round Rock, TX 78681-5039
(512) 744-0303
(512) 246-7122 fax
Synthetic Turf Surfaces
SportsField Specialties, Inc. (336)
Brian Oliver
41155 State Highway 10 / PO Box 231
Delhi, NY 13753
(888) 975-3343
(607) 746-8481 fax
Outdoor Sports Equipment - Track & Field, Soccer,
Sprinturf (131)
Randy Bright
9736 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, CA 96003-7992
(530) 221-4498
(530) 221-8485 fax
Synthetic Turf Surfaces
Steelrock Roof Products (333)**
Kelli LaBrado
7824 E. Woodsboro Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 357-1312
(714) 693-7447 fax
Beautiful, lightweight and durable, 50-year stone
coated steel roofing tiles and shake designs
offered in a wide range of colors to enhance any
architectural style.
Stephen Payte DSA Inspecting, Inc. (302)
Dori Burnett
6540 Manzanita Dr.
Palmdale, CA 93551-2890
(661) 718-2893
(661) 793-7272 fax
DSA Inspection
Stipher & Associates (633)**
Steve Stipher
26462 Ganiza
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
(949) 582-5755
(949) 367-1987 fax
Solid Plastic and Phenolic Toilet Compartments
and Warm Air Hand Dryers
Suffolk Construction Co., Inc. (732)**
Greg Hescock
38 Discovery, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 453-9400
(949) 585-3033 fax
Nationally recognized firm providing professional
general contracting/pre-construction, design-build,
and construction management services to clients.
Sundt Construction, Inc. (211)
Anna R. Cisneros
2860 Gateway Oaks Dr., Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95833-4334
(916) 830-8030
(916) 830-8100 fax
Sundt Construction, Inc. provides general
contracting, construction management at risk, and
design-build services faster, of higher quality, and
greater value than our competition. Sundt is an
employee-owned firm in business since 1890,
and has built Educational Facilities in California for
over 30 years. Sundt is consistently ranked
among the top 70 firms on the Engineering News
Record Top 400 list of General Contractors each
SyTech Solutions (200)
Bryan Golden
6001 Midway St.
Sacramento, CA 95828-0923
(916) 381-3010
(916) 381-3350 fax
SyTech Solutions, Inc. is a leading document
management company that specializes in scanning
school records and large format drawings.
Through unique business methodologies and
commitment to success, we deliver results-oriented
solutions that help our customers realize their
goals. SyTech is MSA and CMAS certified.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
T.L. Shield & Associates, Inc. (231)
Tom Shield
PO Box 6845
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359
(818) 509-8228
(818) 509-8596 fax
Handicap Access Installer/Consultant
Tandus/C&A Floorcoverings (435)
Mike Milhous
4218 Rimini Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(800) 241-4902
(916) 673-3446 fax
Vinyl cushion tufted textile flooring material
Tetra Tech, Inc. (536)
Randy Griffith
4213 State St., Suite 100
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
(805) 681-3100 ext. 130
(805) 681-3108 fax
Environmental, Engineering, and Geotechnical
The Facilities Consortium (400)
Rex Despain
13201 Meacham Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 93314-8802
(661) 587-2727
(661) 587-2772 fax
The Facilities Consortium is a group of five
California firms devoted to school facility needs.
TFC members are able to assist school districts
through the complete process of planning, funding,
modernizing and constructing school facilities.
The Planning Center (615)
Dwayne Mears
1580 Metro Dr.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1427
(714) 966-9220 ext. 316
(714) 966-9221 fax
Comprehensive consulting services for educational
facilities, including CEQA/NEPA; Site
Assessment/DTSC Compliance; CCR Title 5 Risk
Assessments (Rail Rd., Pipeline, Tanks, EMF, Air
Toxics); Lead and Asbestos Assessment;
California Department of Education, SFPD Forms
(including Self Certification using Title 5
standards); School Site Selection and Planning;
Constraints Mapping; Surplus Site Feasibility
Studies. Please contact the staff person in your
area: Dwayne Mears, AICP, Costa Mesa: 1580
Metro Dr., CA 92626, (714) 966-9220; William
Hass, PE, Los Angeles: 9841 Airport Boulevard,
Suite 1010, Los Angeles, CA, (310) 670-9221;
Denise Clendening, Ph.D., REA II, Ontario: 2131
Grove Ave., Suite A, Ontario, CA 91761, (909)
930-1380; Cathy Fitzgerald, PE, D.Env., Northern
California/Reno: 695 Oak Creek, Reno, NV 89511,
(775) 853-8503; Jerry Ogburn, Coachella Valley,
69930 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270,
(760) 324-4996
Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc. (114)**
Brian Jaramillo
3612 Mission Inn Ave.
Riverside, CA 92501-3388
(951) 684-5901
(951) 684-0725 fax
Construction Management
TMP Services, Inc. (531)
Kimberly Tyhurst
425 S. Rancho Ave.
Colton, CA 92324-3238
(909) 777-3140
(909) 777-3149 fax
Relocatable Ramps & Steps - Steel & Aluminum
Tot Turf by Robertson Industries, Inc. (115)
Alex Tsitovich
150 Mason Circle, Units E and F
Concord, CA 94520
(800) 858-0519
(602) 340-0402 fax
Tot Turf is the leader in poured-in-place safety
surfacing. Our product is IPEMA certified and ADA
and CPSC compliant and has been tested for and
passed ASTM F1292. It is also compliant with and
follows guidelines set by the ADA and CPSC.
Total School Solutions (307)
Maggie Harmon
2969 Vista Grande
Fairfield, CA 94534-1741
(707) 422-6393
(707) 422-6494 fax
TSS provides consulting services in the areas of
fiscal and facilities planning, enrollment projections,
facilities master plan development, developer fee
justification studies, construction and project
management, policy development and review, and
legal training.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Tremco, Inc. (111)
Claudia Diaz
3060 E. 44th St.
Vernon, CA 90058-0000
(800) 282-4343
(949) 583-1921 fax
Roofing Products & Services
URS Corporation (624)
Kara Ostrowski
100 California St., Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94111-4510
(415) 281-2687
(415) 777-3023 fax
Design/Engineering and
Program/Project/Construction Management
Troxell Communications (535)**
Bill Pitzner
11230 Gold Express Dr. #331
Gold River, CA 95670
(916) 253-3323
(916) 253-3353 fax
(800) 578-8858 Toll Free
(800) 589-5939 Toll Free Fax
Troxell Communications is an audio visual
products supplier and integrator. We have
partnered with the industries top A/V
manufacturers to produce the best prices and A/V
Valley Carports (634)
Mike Messerschmidt
23829 Rd. 68
Tulare, CA 93274-9605
(559) 686-3867
(559) 686-1393 fax
Installation of carports and school lunch
shelters/walkway covers.
Turner Construction Company (525)
Ken Harms
2484 Natomas Park Dr., Suite 101
Sacramento, CA 95833
(916) 614-9311
(916) 568-1617 fax
Turner Construction is one of California’s leading
Construction Management firms specializing in
alternative delivery methods including CM @ Risk
and Lease-Leaseback.
Vanir Construction Management, Inc. (217)
Bob Fletcher
980 Ninth St. Ste. 900
Sacramento, CA 95814-2719
(916) 444-3700 ext. 1207
(916) 448-6548 fax
Vanir provides the highest quality program, project
and construction management services to both
public and private sector clients to help them
achieve the goals of their construction program in
an ethical, creative and cost-efficient manner.
Through planning, design, construction & move-in,
we focus on achieving the owner's goals for cost,
schedule and quality.
TYR, Inc. (112)**
Youssef Sobhi
PO Box 90095
Long Beach, CA 90809
(562) 426-1965
(562) 426-6424 fax
DSA I.O.R. and OSHPD Inspection
Virco Mfg. Corporation (314)
Kathy Virtue
2027 Harpers Way
Torrance, CA 90501-1524
(310) 533-0474 ext. 481
(310) 212-0996 fax
Furniture for educators
UBS Securities, LLC (113)**
Jeff Baratta
One California St. #2700
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 954-6899
(415) 954-6778 fax
A leader in school finance: general obligations
bonds, certificates of participation, lease revenue
bonds, Mello-Roos bonds, community facility
district bonds, interim/bridge financing, qualified
zone academy bonds, short term notes (trans &
VS America, Inc. (609/708)**
Carmen Braun
1940 Abbott St. #501
Charlotte, NC 28203
(704) 378-6500
(704) 378-6005 fax
VS stands for high quality educational furniture
combined with modern design. Our commitment to
an ergonomic project with longevity supports not
only the student but also the environment.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors
** New Exhibitor This Year
Wallace-Kuhl & Associates, Inc. (136)**
Barbara Schott
3410 W. Hammer Lane, Suite F
Stockton, CA 95219
(209) 234-7722
(209) 234-7727 fax
Environmental Consulting, Construction Materials
Testing & Inspection, Earthwork Testing &
Waltman McDowell Group (104)**
Philip McDowell
23232 Peralta Dr., Suite 223
Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1438
(949) 597-1498
(949) 583-1921 fax
Construction Management
Wausau Tile, Inc. (530)
Fran Hamele
921 N Harbor Blvd #606
La Habra, CA 90631-3103
(562) 716-8677
(562) 690-9005 fax
Manufacturer of precast concrete and metal site
furnishings, precast concrete pavers and pedestal
systems for installation, single layer terrazzo tile,
and precast terrazzo and concrete custom
designed products. Recycled glass can be added
to all concrete products for LEED credits.
Windsor Industries (202)**
Leean Bradburn
1351 W. Stanford Ave.
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 762-1800
(303) 865-2807 fax
Manufacturer of floor cleaning equipment and
chemicals related to the custodial department. To
solve your specific problems, Windsor offers floor
cleaning solutions that include the latest
equipment, maintenance and support.
Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers (628)
Abbey Ransom
4180 Ruffin Rd. #115
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 244-0440
(858) 244-0441 fax
Hazardous materials consulting. Engineering
design - civil, mechanical, electrical, structural.
WCS/Ca (313)
Dane Ruddell
10670 White Rock Rd., Suite 300
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6032
(916) 638-7070 ext. 228
(916) 638-0770 fax
Facility management and labor compliance
program specialists.
Williams Scotsman (401)
Robert Gebhard
8211 Town Center Dr.
Baltimore, MD 21236
(800) 782-1500
(410) 931-6047 fax
Williams Scotsman provides mobile offices,
classrooms and storage units. We can provide
everything from a simple construction trailer to
complex, multi-story buildings such as schools and
medical facilities.
California’s Coalition for Adequate School Housing
1130 K Street, Suite 210 Œ Sacramento Œ CA 95814 Œ Phone (916) 448-8577 Œ Fax (916) 448-7495 Œ
Thank You, C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Sponsors
Break Service
• California State Inspection Services
• Gonzalez Goodale Architects
• HMC Architects
• Murray & Downs AIA-Architects, Inc.
Conference Tote Bag
• American Modular Systems, Inc.
• Barnhart, Inc.
• BRJ & Associates, LLC
• Heery International
• Lundgren Management
• PJHM Architects
Deluxe Coffee Cart
• BCA Architects
• Beverly Prior Architects
• EDGE Development, Inc.
• Harris & Associates
• Henry Woo Architects, Inc.
• Hibser Yamauchi Architects, Inc.
• Miller Brown & Dannis
• Vanir Construction Management
Golf Tournament Shirts
• UBS Securities, LLC
Internet Café
• AEDIS Architecture & Planning
Internet Café (cont.)
• Higginson + Cartozian Architects, Inc.
• KBZ Architects
• Lionakis Beaumont Design Group
• Modular Building Institute
• NTDSTICHLER Architecture
• Parsons 3D/I
• PinnacleOne, Inc.
Maintenance Network Breakfast
• Advanced Moisture Control, Inc.
• PCM3, Inc.
• Williams Scotsman, Inc.
Maintenance Network Reception
• Chevron Energy Solutions
• Connor Sport Court International
Reception Trays
• Bernards
• Dougherty + Dougherty Architects, LLP
Room Key Cards
• RBC Capital Markets
Trade Show Continental Breakfast
• Modtech Holdings, Inc.
• Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc.
Trade Show Dessert Service
• Bay Alarm Company, Inc.
Thank You, C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Sponsors
Advanced Moisture
Control, Inc.
Hank Bruflodt
6765 Westminster Blvd., Suite C308
Westminster, CA 92683
Tel: (949) 748-6460• Fax: (949) 502-6320
Environmentally safe, concrete moisture control products for
flooring and roofing systems, high performance industrial
coatings, lead paint encapsulation, concrete curing. Vapor-Guard
products are made in California and tested by independent
laboratories for ASTM performance claims and environmental
safety. For over 25 years, Vapor-Guard synthetic polymer formulas
have been used on millions of square feet of projects and is
specified by top architectural firms.
Barnhart, Inc.
William Sharp
10760 Thornmint Road
San Diego, CA 92127
Tel: (858) 385-8200 • Fax: (858) 385-8201
Barnhart, Inc. is Engineering News Record’s 5th Largest Educational
Builder in the nation and among the top 90 contractors
nationwide. Locally, the construction company has been building
California since 1983, specializing in K-12 educational facilities. This year, Barnhart ranked as the largest locally headquartered
construction firm by the San Diego Business Journal. Barnhart is a
Construction and Program Manager as well as general contractor
for school districts up and down the state.
Bay Alarm Company, Inc.
AEDIS Architecture & Planning
Dan Hunsaker
1494 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125
Tel: (408) 264-2000 • Fax: (408) 264-2500
AEDIS Architecture & Planning is a full-service architectural firm
with strong experience in educational and recreational facilities. Our clients include leading public and private educational
institutions, municipalities, and community organizations. The
overwhelming majority of our work is generated through the
successful relationships we have developed with existing clients. AEDIS is capable of providing a full range of services relating to
facility planning and construction, including master planning,
architecture, and project management.
Shane Clary
60 Berry Drive
Pacheco, CA 94553-5601
Tel: (800) 410-4100 • Fax: (925) 808-4365
Since 1946, Bay Alarm Company is the premier electronic security
and fire alarm provider for commercial systems throughout
California. Let us show you the Bay Alarm difference.
BCA Architects
Rachel Del Fierro
210 Hammond Avenue
Fremont, CA 94539
Tel: (510) 353-4108 • Fax: (510) 445-1005
Bunton Clifford Associates, Inc. is an award-wining architecture
firm delivering professional expertise to Public School Districts
throughout California. We believe that the most successful
projects are those in which the architect truly becomes a partner
with clients to create an excellent design that responds to all of
the established criteria.
American Modular Systems
Rick Torres
787 Spreckles Avenue
Manteca, CA 95336
Tel: (209) 825-1921 • Fax: (209) 825-7018
American Modular Systems is the California leader of complete
custom modular school facilities, including two-story buildings,
classrooms, administration, multipurpose, restroom, childcare,
science, library, adult education, and special programs like
concession/stadium buildings and special education. You
may purchase or lease our complete line through available
piggybackable contracts.
Steven Riggs
618 San Fernando Road
San Fernando, CA 91340
Tel: (818) 898-1521 • Fax: (818) 839-7956
Headquartered in Southern California, Bernards is a leading
builder of complex projects in diverse markets and industries. Bernards provides a complete range of professional services,
including General Contracting, Construction/Program
Management and Design-Build.
Thank You, C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Sponsors
Beverly Prior Architects
Chevron Energy Solutions
Beverly Prior
222 Sutter Street, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
Tel: (415) 777-9422 • Fax: (415) 777-2755
Beverly Prior Architects in an architectural
firm specializing in public and community-based projects that
contribute to the livability and sustainability of communities. We focus on the K-12 schools, higher education, justice, and civic
markets. With over 50 educational projects completed, Beverly
Prior Architects prides itself on designing learning facilities that
function well, are efficient, and inspire those whom they serve.
Alana O. Ruegg
345 California Street, 18th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
Tel: (415) 733-4668 • Fax: (415) 733-4961
Chevron Energy Solutions (CES) is the energy services division of
Chevron Corporation. CES is a vendor independent company that
provides schools with services such as performance contracting,
energy auditing, design engineering, project and construction
management, training, project financing, commissioning,
monitoring, measurement and verification as well as designbuild consulting and professional services. CES delivers solutions
designed to address each customer’s particular needs, including
alternative power solutions such as solar and fuel cell generation
BRJ & Associates, LLC
Bonnie R. James
3452 East Foothill Boulevard,
Suite 710
Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 578-7277 • Fax: (626) 578-7377
BRJ & Associates is a professional planning, program
management and construction management firm focusing
primarily in the education field. Managing members Dr. Bonnie
R. James and Mark Edwards, AIA, each have more than 30 years
experience. Together they offer the skills and leadership to
protect and promote the best interests of their clients. The
difference is in the details.
California State Inspection
Zo Egar
22943 Keswick Street
West Hills, CA 91304
Tel: (818) 425-4954 • Fax: (818) 704-4711
CSIS is staffed with DSA certified Inspectors. We provide
qualified, experienced, and trained Project Inspectors for your
next construction project. We are fingerprinted (livescan®) by
the DOJ. We understand quality control, proper documentation,
and resolving issues before they become problems. On-site,
we use cameras and laptop computers to generate clean and
clear records. CSIS maintains a 100% satisfaction record on all
represented districts. We look forward to making you our next
satisfied customer.
Connor Sport Court
Gary Gray
4517 Valley Quail Way
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Tel: (702) 396-3033 • Fax: (702) 396-6944
We manufacture sports flooring surfaces from wood to synthetic,
indoors and outdoors. We are the market leader and the
official surface for the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Basketball and
Volleyball Championships.
Jim Christie
Concrete Waterproofing Products, Inc.
P. O. Box 18598
Anaheim, CA 92817
Tel: (800) 278-4273 • Fax: (714) 993-1840
Raising the standards of the concrete industry with product
performance and business integrity, taking a proactive approach
to enhance the quality of concrete and solve floor covering
problems, controlling moisture vapor transmission and alkalinity
from damaging sensitive floor covering, through educating
and implementing Creteseal CS2000, maintaining long-term
relationships with professional Architects, Engineers, Builders and
Owners to insure cost-effective protection of floor covering.
Thank You, C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Sponsors
Dougherty + Dougherty
Architects, LLP
Brian Paul Dougherty, FAIA
Laura Sottile Rose
3194 D Airport Loop Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 427-0277 • Fax: (714) 427-0288
Email: •
Dougherty + Dougherty Architects LLP specializes in the design
of innovative environments for educational and institutional
clients. During the past 27 years, the principals of the firm, Betsey
Olenick Dougherty, FAIA, and Brian Paul Dougherty, FAIA, have
worked continuously with school districts throughout Southern
California in realizing award-winning solutions to a full variety of
client needs.
EDGE Development, Inc.
Steve Cowles
27368 Via Industria, Suite 101
Temecula, CA 92590
Tel: (951) 296-0776• Fax: (951) 296-0775
EDGE Development, Inc. specializes in Construction Management,
General Contracting, Design-Build and Lease-Leaseback services. A team of over 400 people currently represents EDGE with offices
in Temecula and Auburn, California. EDGE is currently ranked
#223 of the Nation’s Top 500 fastest growing companies, #199
of the Nation’s Top 400 Contractors and is #64 of the Nation’s
Top Design-Build Firms. With over $1 Billion in completed
projects, EDGE remains committed to “Raising the Standards of
Construction Excellence.”
Gonzalez Goodale
Harry Drake, AIA
135 West Green Street, #200
Pasadena, CA 91105
Tel: (626) 568-1428 • Fax: (626) 568-8026
Gonzalez|Goodale Architects was established in 1979 on the
principle of improving the public environment through design
excellence and sensitive client service. Today, with a staff of 45,
the firm maintains a unique team-based working culture and a
commitment to the positive impact that architecture can have on
Located in Old Pasadena, Gonzalez|Goodale Architects occupies
a building of its own design. Through its integration into
Pasadena’s pedestrian alleyways, its usable urban landscaping,
public art, and daylit studios, the building reflects the firm’s
philosophy of design for the enrichment of public life.
Since its founding, Gonzalez|Goodale Architects has served
diverse public, non-profit, and institutional clients with an
interactive, creative design process. As a result, the firm has
received numerous design awards and maintains an extensive list
of built quality projects across a wide range of building types.
Harris & Associates
Louise McGinnis
4600 Northgate Blvd., Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel: (916) 928-9600 • Fax: (916) 928-9605
Founded in 1974, Harris & Associates specializes in serving the
professional service needs of school districts and other public
agencies. Our four service areas provide expertise from project
conception through occupancy:
• Program Management
• Project and construction management
• Civil design
• Municipal services
Our staff of over 450 employee-owners include licensed engineers
and architects, certified construction managers and inspectors
and experienced public works professionals.
Heery International
Cheryl Camilleri
1180 Iron Point Road,
Suite 160
Folsom, CA 95630
Tel: (916) 608-2303 • Fax: (916) 608-2307
As a leading Program Management firm with the experience
of more than $20 billion in K-12 projects within 165 school
districts worldwide, Heery International has helped both public
and private institutions improve their learning environments
for more than 1.5 million students. Heery has assisted public
school districts in renovating and upgrading existing facilities and
constructing new educational facilities for grades K-12 since the
Henry Woo Architects, Inc.
Henry Woo
1210 Brea Canyon Road
Diamond Bar, CA 91789
Henry Woo Architects Inc
Tel: (909) 594-8193 • Fax: (909) 594-8726
Henry Woo Architects, Inc., established in 1986, is a full-service
architectural firm with practices specifically dedicated to the
educational, municipal, and institutional sectors in California. Our
knowledge and proven experience afford us the opportunity in
developing our unparalleled approaches to solve facility-related
problems. Our goal is to provide the greatest reliability through
responsive services in today’s challenging environment to help
our clients succeed.
Thank You, C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Sponsors
Hibser Yamauchi
Architects, Inc.
Marcus Hibser
300 27th Street, 2nd Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Tel: (510) 446-2222 • Fax: (510) 446-2211
Hibser Yamauchi Architects, Inc. is a multifaceted architectural
design firm founded in 1977, providing comprehensive services
ranging from feasibility studies and master planning to building
design, interior design, construction documentation and project
coordination for a variety of building types. The firm has special
expertise in Health Care and Educational facilities and presently
has 3 offices located in Oakland, Davis, and Los Angeles, California.
KBZ Architects
Joe S. Wilcox
30 West Arrellaga Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: (805) 963-1726 • Fax: (805) 963-2951
KBZ Architects has provided Architectural master planning and
design services to the educational community for over forty
years. The firm currently has its home office in Santa Barbara
with satellite offices in Ventura and Lompoc. Firm President Joe
Wilcox heads up the K-12 design division and has over 30 years of
experience in all educational design services. The firm also works
at the University level as well as the Community College market.
Lionakis Beaumont Design Group
Higginson + Cartozian
Architects, Inc.
Darryl K. Cartozian
1455 Park Avenue
Redlands, CA 92373
Tel: (909) 793-3100 • Fax: (909) 793-3140
Higginson + Cartozian Architects, Inc. is a full-service Architectural
firm. Our past and current experience is in K-12 Education, Special
Education, Civic, Commercial, and Religious Design. The principals
have completed a wide variety of projects ranging from small
to comprehensive elementary and intermediate schools, as well
as numerous community college facilities. It is always our goal
to give the client what they want in terms of quality, value, and
Laura Knauss
Lionakis Beaumont
1919 19th Street
Design Group
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 558-1900 • Fax: (916) 558-1919
Lionakis Beaumont Design Group (LBDG) believes in quality
learning environments for all kids! We apply our sustainable
design expertise, educational planning skills, and creative
problem-solving to every school project. We compliment our
architectural services with in-house structural engineering
and interior design, because we know these disciplines have
enormous impact on the quality of the final product--your school. LBDG...Shaping the Design!
Lundgren Management
HMC Architects
Glenn Massengale
3270 Inland Empire Boulevard
Ontario, CA 91764
Tel: (909) 989-9979 • Fax: (909) 483-1400
We create inspirational learning environments. As a leader in
educational facility design, HMC Architects/School Advisors
offers a full range of services, including school bond consultation,
entitlements, master planning, architecture, interior design,
educational programming, labor compliance services, and
consultation for oversight committees. HMC Architects. Designing schools that inspire future leaders.
Sharon Bolle
27220 Turnberry Lane,
Suite 150
Valencia, CA 91355
Tel: (909) 434-3221 • Fax: (661) 257-1806
Lundgren Management is a full-service construction and facilities
management firm providing a wide range of benefits to school
districts for over 20 years. Lundgren constructs and manages
new construction and modernization projects throughout
the state from concept to occupancy. Facility Management
Services include facility needs assessments, emergency repair
reimbursements and computerized maintenance management
program implementation. Lundgren Management’s offices serve
the Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, San Diego,
Bakersfield, Ventura, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties.
Thank You, C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Sponsors
Miller Brown & Dannis
Mark W. Kelley
71 Stevenson Street, 19th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Tel: (415) 543-4111 • Fax: (415) 543-4384
Miller Brown & Dannis brings clarity to complex legal issues. We
are a leading provider of construction, business and property
legal services to school districts and county offices of education
throughout California. We seek and obtain exceptional results
for our clients. Our service is unparalleled in a broad range of
practice areas, including: Construction Issues, Revenue Raising,
Site Acquisitions and Sales, Asset Management, and Bond
Counsel. Visit us online today at
Murray & Downs
AIA-Architects, Inc.
Jeff Thoma
3025 Sacramento Street
Placerville, CA 95667
Tel: (530) 626-1810 • Fax: (530) 626-1931
Murray & Downs AIA-Architects, Inc. opened its doors in
Placerville back in 1985. Since then, the firm has grown to
a professional staff of fifty, specializing in comprehensive
educational and medical projects throughout California. The
firm’s passion for “Projects that Contribute to the Good of
the Community” is evident in their many satisfied clients and
successful projects. Highlighted educational projects include
Pioneer HS in Woodland, McCaffrey MS in Galt, and Oak Meadow
ES in El Dorado Hills.
NTDSTICHLER Architecture
Modtech Holdings, Inc.
Rick Bartolotti, SVP Sales & Marketing
2830 Barrett Avenue
Perris, CA 92571
Tel: (951) 943-4014 • Fax: (951) 443-3642
For nearly 25 years, Modtech has been designing and
manufacturing modular schools and relocatable classrooms, both
as expansions of existing schools and as entire new campuses. Modtech school buildings and classrooms are available for either
temporary or permanent use with a variety of options. Our
buildings are available in single- or two-story configuration and
can emulate existing site-built structures.
Modular Building Institute
Tom Hardiman
944 Glenwood Station Lane, Suite 204
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Tel: (888) 811-3288 • Fax: (434) 296-3288
The Modular Building Institute (MBI) is the international nonprofit trade association representing over 250 companies in
fourteen countries engaged in the manufacturing, leasing, and
selling of commerical modular buildings in the educational,
health care, retail, restaurant, hospitality, construction, industrial,
government, and religious markets. MBI is the largest commercial
modular construction association offering premier training and
networking opportunities, issue advocacy, and resources to
its members and their customers. For more information, go to
Jay Tittle, AIA, Partner
2025 Financial Way, Suite 106
Glendora, CA 91741
Tel: (626) 963-1401 • Fax: (626) 963-5771
NTDSTICHLER Architecture is a 300-person award-winning design
firm specializing in educational facilities, providing full-service
architecture, engineering, interior design, and funding services for
California schools. Great design comes from discussion; visit our
booth, let’s talk! Parsons 3D/I
12100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1950
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Southern California Region Contact: Jim Choate
Tel: (951) 514-7066 • Email:
Northern California Region Contact: Kevin Wagner
Tel: (415) 282-8204 • Email:
Parsons-3D/I has provided program, project and construction
management services to educational clients in California for the
past 20 years.
Well over 100 of our educational clients are in California,
where we have worked for 28 K-12 school districts managing
new construction and modernization projects valued at
over $19 billion. We understand the unique requirements of
educational clients and have current experience with all of the
State regulatory agencies that have authority over design and
PCM3, Inc.
Gene Irestone
10440 Trademark Street
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: (909) 980-6716 • Fax: (909) 980-9856
Professional Construction Management for California’s
educational system.
Thank You, C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Sponsors
PinnacleOne, Inc.
UBS Securities, LLC
Bruce P. Risley, AIA
445 South Figueroa Street,
Suite 3650
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 486-9884 • Fax: (213) 486-9894
PinnacleOne is a team of construction consulting experts
uniquely qualified to serve both public and private educational
institutions and other public and private clients with solid
program, project and construction management services. Our team of specialized experts also offers coordination and
constructability reviews, cost estimating and construction claims
services for those challenging projects. PinnacleOne gives
you the confidence you need in managing your expectations
regardless of the type, size, or budget of the project.
Jeff Baratta
One California Street,
Suite 2700
San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415) 954-6899 • Fax: (415) 954-6778
UBS Securities, LLC, a leader in Public Education Finance, provides
investment banking services to schools throughout California. UBS provides capital facility funding through general obligation
bonds, lease revenue bonds, certificates of participation, and
community facility districts. Other services include refinancings,
interim financings, and QZABs.
PJHM Architects
Charlene Yarnall
647 Camino de los Mares, #201
San Clemente, CA 92673
Tel: (949) 496-6191 • Fax: (949) 496-0269
PJHM is a full-service planning and design firm, specializing in
K-12 public educational facilities. PJHM has designed literally
thousands of carefully conceived, innovative and cost-effective
facilities for public school district clients. These projects include
elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, theaters,
special education centers, science, art and technology centers,
community-use facilities, athletic facilities, administration and
maintenance facilities.
Vanir Construction
Management, Inc.
Bob Fletcher
980 Ninth Street, Suite 900
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 444-3700 • Fax: (916) 448-6548
Vanir Construction Management, Inc. (Vanir) is one of the
nation’s leading program/project/construction management
firms. Headquartered in Sacramento, California, and with offices
throughout California, as well as Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Texas,
Virginia, and Washington. Engineering News-Record has listed
Vanir among the Top 100 CM Firms in the nation.
RBC Capital Markets
Rod Carter
777 South Figueroa Street, Suite 850
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 362-4133 • Fax: (213) 362-4110
RBC provides Bond Underwriting and Financial Advisory services
to K-12 school districts.
Williams Scotsman, Inc.
Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc.
Dayne Brassard
3612 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, CA 92501
Tel: (951) 684-5901 • Fax: (951) 684-0769
CM services
Jill Prevatt
8211 Town Center Drive
Baltimore, MD 21236
Tel: (410) 933-5947 • Fax: (410) 931-6047
Leading provider of mobile and modular space, including
temporary and permanent classrooms. DSA-approved units
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Eugene Aguirre
Los Angeles USD
(213) 480-8863
Patrick Ainsworth
Calif. Dept. of Education
(916) 445-2652
Cathy Allen
Western Placer USD
(916) 645-5100
Paul Andersen
Riverside Co. Ofc. of Educ.
(951) 826-6364
Julie Arthur
California Financial Services
(760) 831-3738
John Baca
Division of the State Architect
(916) 323-3013
Mike Bailey
Placentia-Yorba Linda USD
(714) 996-2550
John Baracy
RBC Capital Markets
(213) 362-4126
Julie Barrett
(310) 828-0040
Mark Bartos
CSS Architecture
(650) 696-1200
Adam Bauer
Fieldman Rolapp & Associates
(949) 660-7300
Jay Bell
Telacu Construction Management
(714) 541-2390
Gregory Bergman
Bergman & Dacey Inc.
(310) 470-6110
Michael Bishop
Paramount USD
(562) 602-6025
Bob Blattner
Blattner & Associates
(916) 606-7129
Lettie Boggs
Colbi Technologies Inc.
(714) 505-9544
Sharon Bolle
Lundgren Management Corp.
(661) 257-1805
Gregory Bowers
Beaumont USD
(951) 845-1631
Nina Boyd
Orange Co. Dept. of Educ.
(714) 966-4050
Karl Bradley
Vista USD
(760) 726-2170
Greg Branch
CT Brayton & Sons Inc.
(209) 838-7388
Margaret Brown
San Ramon Valley USD
(925) 552-2960
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Kent Brown
Representing Sequoia Un. HSD
(650) 815-1350
Jeremy Brust
Atkinson-Andelson-Loya-Ruud & Romo
(562) 653-3200
David Burke
Capital Program Management Inc.
(916) 553-4400
Brian Cahill
Douglas E. Barnhart Inc.
(858) 385-8200
Thomas Calhoun
DMJM Management
(213) 593-8599
Bob Canavan
Federal Management Strategies Inc.
(202) 462-5911
David Casnocha
Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth
(415) 283-2241
Greg Chapman
PCH Architects
(909) 792-7397
Liz Cheyne
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
Andreas Chialtas
Atkinson-Andelson-Loya-Ruud & Romo
(562) 653-3200
Rebecca Chou
Department of Toxic Substances Control
(916) 255-3545
Thomas Clark
HMC Architects
(619) 744-4077
Denise Clendening
The Planning Center
(909) 930-1380
Mary Beth Coburn
Best Best & Krieger LLP
(619) 525-1300
Jim Conger
Mondo U.S.A.
(949) 888-5411
Julius Conway
Fontana USD
(909) 357-5000
Leigh Coop
Vacaville USD
(707) 453-6138
Lynne Cooper
(951) 300-0227
Joshie Cox
(562) 926-5566
Louis Cunningham
Oxnard Un. HSD
(805) 385-2562
John Dacey
Bergman & Dacey Inc.
(310) 470-6110
Gregory Davis
Davis Demographics & Planning
(951) 270-5211
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Jay Davison
Capital Program Management Inc.
(916) 553-4400
Fred Diamond
Rowland USD
(626) 912-0665
Joe Dixon
Capistrano USD
(949) 234-9524
Bill Dos Santos
San Diego USD
(858) 627-7121
Harry Drake
Gonzalez | Goodale Architects
(626) 568-1428
Tom Duval
Capital Engineering Consultants Inc.
(916) 851-3500
Charles Eley
Collaborative for High Performance Schs. (CHPS)
(877) 642-2477
Julie Ennis
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-0019
Sharon Fair
Department of Toxic Substances Control
(818) 551-2821
Donald Field
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe
(213) 612-2287
Brad Fife
Lake Elsinore USD
(951) 830-7849
John Fisher
John Sergio Fisher & Associates Inc.
(818) 344-3045
Richard Flood
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
(415) 973-2347
Eric France
Division of the State Architect
(916) 445-8100
Harold Freiman
Lozano Smith
(925) 302-2000
Ming Fung
Hodgetts & Fung Design Associates
(323) 937-2150
Deborah Furlow
Division of the State Architect
(916) 445-8100
Gary Gidcumb
HMC Architects
(626) 535-0500
David Gilmore
LPA Inc.
(949) 261-1001
David Goldin
San Francisco USD
(415) 355-7314
Stephanie Gonos
Hancock & Gonos Inc.
(916) 443-4101
John Gordon
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(916) 322-2470
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Glenn Gould
Miller Brown & Dannis
(415) 543-4111
Kip Grubb
Stafford King Wiese Architects
(916) 930-5900
Alice Grundman
Colton Jt. USD
(909) 580-6640
Eric Hall
Eric Hall & Associates
(760) 602-9352
Bruce Hart
Parsons - 3D/I
(415) 433-4590
Dave Hawke
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(916) 322-1459
Kristin Heinen
Collaborative for High Performance Schs. (CHPS)
(415) 957-1977
Philip Henderson
Miller Brown & Dannis
(415) 543-4111
Jason Hernandez
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
Rod Higgins
Division of the State Architect
(916) 445-8100
Charles Higueras
VBN Architects
(510) 763-1313
Javier Hinojosa
Department of Toxic Substances Control
(818) 551-2172
Bedelia Honeycutt
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(562) 597-0099
Randy Horn
(310) 592-7776
Jackie House
J House Environmental Inc.
(530) 885-7801
David Huff
Orbach Huff & Suarez LLP
(310) 788-9200
Gerry Hughes
Murray & Downs AIA Architects Inc.
(530) 626-1810
Teri Jamison
Rainforth Grau Architects
(916) 368-7990
Lynn Johnson
Tetra Design Inc.
(213) 250-7440
Jill Jones
Division of the State Architect
(916) 324-7183
Louis Joseph
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(213) 633-8022
Mays Kakish
Beaumont USD
(951) 845-1631
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
David Kaneda
Integrated Design Associates Inc. (IDeAs)
(408) 562-3560
Mark Kelley
Miller Brown & Dannis
(415) 543-4111
Vinceena Kelly
Los Angeles Co. Ofc. of Educ.
(562) 922-8872
Laura Knauss
Lionakis Beaumont Design Group Inc.
(916) 558-1900
Scott Koppel
Koppel & Gruber Public Finance
(760) 510-0290
Rick Kramer
Kramer Project Development Company Inc.
(408) 626-0209
Ron Kuehl
Neff Construction Inc.
(909) 947-3768
Ronald Lebs
Sylvan Un. SD
(209) 574-5000
Kelvin Lee
Kelvin K. Lee
(916) 782-8962
Hugh Lee
Atkinson-Andelson-Loya-Ruud & Romo
(562) 653-3200
Ariane Lehew
School Advisors
(909) 945-6890
Rosanna Lerma
Salas O'Brien Engineers Inc.
(408) 282-1500
Dan Levernier
Division of the State Architect
(916) 323-3013
Melissa Ley
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
Tim Lopez
Riverside Co. Ofc. of Educ.
(951) 826-6306
Cheri Love
(831) 656-1220
Don Lussier
Corona-Norco USD
(951) 736-5048
Masha Lutsuk
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-8921
Jim Maclay
LPA Inc.
(949) 261-1001
Alex Malfavon
Capistrano USD
(949) 234-9531
Mark Malinowski
Department of Toxic Substances Control
(916) 255-3717
Mark Mardock
McCarthy Building Companies Inc.
(949) 851-8383
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Enrique Medina Jr.
Pomona USD
(909) 397-4800
Mahendra Mehta
Division of the State Architect
(858) 674-5413
Guy Mehula
Los Angeles USD
(213) 633-7728
Len Metcalf
Nadel Architects Inc.
(310) 826-2100
Ed Mierau
Neff Construction Inc.
(909) 947-3768
Mark Miller
(415) 402-0888
Kathleen Moore
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(916) 445-2144
Janet Mueller
Miller Brown & Dannis
(619) 595-0202
Lynne Murray
Corona-Norco USD
(951) 736-5045
Jack Myers
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
J. William Naish
San Diego USD
(858) 627-7217
Bill Nance
Fullerton Jt. Un. HSD
(714) 680-5603
Engel Navea
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 323-6911
Aaron Noble
Division of the State Architect
(916) 445-8100
Richard Nowicki
NTDStichler Architecture
(858) 565-4440
Cecile Nunley
Capital Program Management Inc.
(916) 553-4400
Michael O'Neill
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(916) 322-1463
Bill Orr
Collaborative for High Performance Schs. (CHPS)
(916) 341-6472
Lynn Owashi-Tambara
K-12 Specialties
(714) 562-6702
Ian Padilla
Murdoch Walrath & Holmes
(916) 441-3300
Lorena Padilla-Melendez
Los Angeles USD
(213) 633-8444
John Palmer
San Juan USD
(916) 971-5720
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Patricia Penn
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(916) 324-8989
Matt Perry
Health Professions High School
(916) 643-9180
Alexis Persinger
Quattrocchi / Kwok Architects
(707) 576-0829
Henry Petrino
Total School Solutions
(707) 422-6393
Kevin Pohlson
Brookfield Homes
Gary Rainwater
Los Angeles USD
(213) 633-8901
T.J. Rapozo
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 324-2557
Tom Rayburn
Capistrano USD
(949) 234-9532
Josie Ripoly
Chino Valley USD
(909) 628-1201
Paul Rivas
William S. Hart Un. HSD
(661) 753-5740
Michael Rochman
(925) 743-1292
Ralph Roesling
Roesling Nakamura Terada Architects
(619) 233-1023
Steve Rogers
EDGE Development Inc.
(951) 296-0776
Marnie Rosenstein
Elk Grove USD
(916) 686-7711
Michael Roth
John Swett USD
(510) 787-1141
Joel Ryan
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
Lisa Ryker
WLC Architects Inc.
(510) 450-1999
Thomas Sabol
Englekirk & Sabol Structural Engineers
(323) 733-2640
Hamid Saebfar
Department of Toxic Substances Control
(818) 551-2876
Rob Samish
Lionakis Beaumont Design Group Inc.
(916) 558-1900
Amalia Sanchez
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
Dan Santo
Calif. Financial Services
(916) 733-0400
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Mike Sattley
Lake Elsinore USD
(951) 253-7015
William Savidge
West Contra Costa USD
(510) 412-4363
Brad Senden
Center for Community Opinion
(800) 827-1466
George Shaw
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(805) 692-9913
Steven Shields
Merced City Elem. SD
(209) 385-6300
Ernest Silva
Murdoch Walrath & Holmes
(916) 441-3300
Lisa Silverman
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
Karen Sims
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
Jerry Skaff
Fullerton Jt. Un. HSD
(714) 870-2811
Howard "Chip" Smith
Division of the State Architect
(916) 323-1687
Lyle Smoot
Los Angeles USD
(213) 633-8077
Paul Speed
Sylvan Un. SD
(209) 574-5000
Mamie Starr
San Joaquin Co. Ofc. of Educ.
(209) 468-9073
Freda Stathopoulos
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 445-3160
David Stevenson
Yucaipa-Calimesa Jt. USD
(909) 797-0174
Joe Sublett
Enviroplex Inc.
(209) 466-8000
Jerry Suich
Oxbridge Development Inc.
(415) 931-1920
Sally Swanson
Sally Swanson Architects Inc.
(415) 445-3045
Terry Tao
Atkinson-Andelson-Loya-Ruud & Romo
(562) 653-3200
David Thorman
Division of the State Architect
(916) 445-8100
Tom Tooker
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(951) 296-1854
Steve Turner
Ukiah USD
(707) 463-5233
Thank You C.A.S.H. 28th Annual Conference Presenters
Dave Umstot
San Diego USD
(858) 637-3686
Kent Van Gelder
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(909) 433-4726
Dawn Vincent
Stone & Youngberg LLC
(213) 443-5006
Jack Vombaur
Collins & Aikman
(800) 669-1997
Ying Wang
Los Angeles USD
(213) 972-3976
Diane Waters
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(916) 322-2470
Russell Watson
Sprotte + Watson Architecture & Planning
(760) 639-4120
James Watts
San Diego USD
(858) 627-7241
Land Weismehl
DES Architects & Engineers
(650) 364-6453
Gene Wheatley
Fremont USD
(510) 657-0761
Douglas Wolf
LFR Inc.
(510) 596-9629
Dr. Susan Wolff
Columbia Gorge Community College
(541) 506-6030
Fred Yeager
CDE/School Facilities Planning Division
(916) 327-7148
Nikki Yee
Office of Public School Construction
(916) 323-7314
John Zinner
Zinner Consultants
(310) 319-1131
Find the Answers on the
Visit Leroy and Dianne Small at the
FRC Table on the 3rd Floor Lobby Level