OAK WOOD Place March 2012 No Bake Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies 1SFQ5JNFNJOVUFT $PPL5JNFNJOVUFT 5PUBM5JNFNJOVUFT :JFMEJODIDPPLJFT t t t t t t t PVODFTCVUUFSPSNBSHBSJOF UBCMFTQPPOT DVQNJML DVQTTVHBS DVQTFNJTXFFUDIPDPMBUFDIJQT UPUBCMFTQPPOTQFBOVUCVUUFS PQUJPOBM DVQTRVJDLPBUNFBMPSSPMMFEPBUT UFBTQPPOWBOJMMBFYUSBDU 1MBDFDIPDPMBUFDIJQTQFBOVUCVUUFSJG VTFE PBUTBOEWBOJMMBJOBMBSHFNJYJOH CPXM$PNCJOFUIFNBSHBSJOFNJMLBOE TVHBSJOBTBVDFQBOCSJOHUPBGVMMSPMMJOH CPJM#PJMGPSGVMMNJOVUF$PNCJOFUIF IPUNJYUVSFXJUIUIFPBUNFBMBOEDIPDPMBUF DIJQNJYUVSFTUJSXFMM8PSLJOHRVJDLMZ ESPQCZTQPPOGVMTPOUPXBYFEQBQFSPS QBSDINFOUQBQFS Senior Living 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/13 3/15 3/25 3/28 SimplyGroundbreaking! David Cox Lurline Jones Mary Lee Diane Ruddock Teddy Adam Irma Valdez John Weatherly On Tuesday, February 28, 2012, Oak Wood Place celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony for our new addition! The new wing will allow us a more enhanced offering of services available to residents. Our 16 independent living cottages will allow Seniors to live in luxury, design with upscale amenities will also allow the residents to relax while enjoying a home-like atmosphere. Each cottage is built with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a 2-car garage. These cottages will offer many of the amenities available at the assisted living facility, making life’s daily pleasures more enjoyable. March is a busy month! Be sure to join us on March 7, 2012, as we celebrate our residents! Cottage Features Important Dates 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/16 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/27 3/28 Tea Party Resident Council Resident Birthday Party Out to Lunch Bunch Cricket Performing Dog Show Arts and Crafts St. Patrick’s Day Party National Chocolate Day Price is Right Gardening Club Mens’ Club (Darts) Movie Day t 'VMMZGVODUJPOBMLJUDIFOFUUF t 'VMMTJ[FSFGSJHFSBUPSBOE NJDSPXBWF t 8BMLJODMPTFU t #BUIXJUISPMMJOTIPXFS t $FJMJOHGBOT t 8PPEMBNJOBUFĘPPSJOHJOGPZFS t .BSCMFDPVOUFSUPQTJOCBUISPPN t $FSBNJDUJMFJOCBUISPPNTVUJMJUZ SPPNBOELJUDIFO t $BSQFUĘPPSJOHJOCFESPPNT t (SBOJUFDPVOUFSUPQTJOLJUDIFO t "UUJDTQBDF t 5XPDPWFSFEQPSDIFT t "%"SPPNTBWBJMBCMF t 1SJWBUFUFMFQIPOFPQUJPO Pictured from left to right: Brett Lucksinger - SLI Architect Group; Pam Burton - Athens City Manager; Eddie Lick - Regional President Prosperity Bank; Lance Gooden - State Representative; Blake Daniels - Oak Wood Place Partners; David Daniels - Oak Wood Place Partners; Pat Daniels - Oak Wood Place Partners; Robert Nichols - State Senator; Randy Daniel - Athens Mayor; Bob Gould - Athens Economic Development Council Oak Wood Place Assisted Living 603 Wood Street - Athens, TX 75751 www.oakwoodplace.com Riddle Nut 8IBUJTSPVOEBTBEJTIQBOEFFQBTBUVCBOETUJMMUIFPDFBOTDPVMEOU ĕMMJUVQ ć FNPSFZPVUBLFUIFNPSFZPVMFBWFCFIJOE 8IBUBSFUIFZ *CJOEJUBOEJUXBMLT*MPPTFJUBOEJUTUPQT 8IBUCFMPOHTUPZPVCVUPUIFSTVTFJUNPSF UIBOZPVEP *TUBOEPOPOFMFHXJUINZIFBSUJONZIFBE Get Get Your Your Plate Plate In In Shape Shape National NationalNutrition NutritionMonth Month- -Eating EatingRight RightTips Tips Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Eating a variets of vegetables is essential toto any diet. onon vegetables that Eating a variets of vegetables is essential any diet.Focusing Focusing vegetables that are dark-green, red, or orange will enhance personal health. You can evern grab aa are dark-green, red, or orange will enhance personal health. You can evern grab bag of dried fruits to snack on throughout the day! bag of dried fruits to snack on throughout the day! Protein is is essential. Protein essential. Eat a variety ofof foods frmo teh protein food group week, such asas seafood, nuts, Eat a variety foods frmo teh protein food groupeach each week, such seafood, nuts, lean meat, poultry, and eggs. lean meat, poultry, and eggs. Resident of the Month Our Resident of the Month here at Oak Wood Place is Ruth Elaine Ary. Ruth was born and raised in Anna, Texas. Coming from a large family, she grew up with nine siblings of her own. Recognizing the importance of family, Ruth says her proudest accomplishments are her three daughters. Employee of the Month This month our Employee of the Month is our very own attendant Peggy she was born and raised in Palestine, Texas. Peggy married the love of her life over 20 years ago, and together they have eight beautiful children. They were blessed with four boys and four girls. sit outside enjoying the weather and great company of the other residents here at Oak Wood. She loves to talk about her pride and the joy of her daughters. Dancing is one of her favorite past times, and can be constantly found listening to music. She loves to spend time outdoors enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Ruth is the type of a person that loves life and enjoys every day to the fullest. She says that being here at Oak Wood Place is the only place she could imagine herself being. If we had to describe Ruth with adjectives we would describe her as follows: R - Radiant U - Uplifting T - Talented H - Helpful grandchildren. She says that one of her favorite hobbies is spending time with her family and those that she loves. Not a day goes by that at least two grandkids aren’t at her house. Before coming to Oak Wood Place, Peggy was an LVN for the prison system. Peggy has said she feels like Oak Wood Place is her second home where she can feel constantly comfortable. If we had to describe Peggy with adjectives we would describe her as follows: P - Patient E - Energetic G - Gentle G - Genuine Y - Yielding Make atat least half your grains whole! Make least half your grains whole! Choose 100% whole grain cereals, crackers, pasta, and brown rice. forfor Choose 100% whole grain cereals, crackers, pasta, and brown rice.Looking Looking Cut back onon sodium and empty calories from solid fats and added sugars. Cut back sodium and empty calories from solid fats and added sugars. Look out for salt in the foods you buy. Add spices or herbs to season food without Look out for salt in the foods you buy. Add spices or herbs to season food without adding salt. Make major sources of saturated fats such as desserts, pizza, cheese, adding salt. Make major sources of saturated fats such as desserts, pizza, cheese, sausages and hot dogs occasional choices - not everyday foods. solid fats toto sausages and hot dogs occasional choices - not everyday foods.Switch Switch solid fats oils when preparing food. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Select fruit for desoils when preparing food. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Select fruit for dessert. sugary desserts less often. sert.Eat Eat sugary desserts less often. Make the switch toto far-free oror low-fat yogurt and cheese. Make the switch far-free low-fat yogurt and cheese. Include three servings of fat-free or low-fat milk, yougurt, and cheese each day. Include three servings of fat-free or low-fat milk, yougurt, and cheese each day. Older adults need more calcium and vitamin D to keep bones strong and healthy. Older adults need more calcium and vitamin D to keep bones strong and healthy. Enjoy your food - but eat less. Enjoy your food - but eat less. Most adults need fewer calories than what they actually consume. avoid overMost adults need fewer calories than what they actually consume.ToTo avoid oversized portions, use a smaller plate, bowl and glass. Cook more often at home, where sized portions, use a smaller plate, bowl and glass. Cook more often at home, where you are in control of what’s in our food. When portions are large, share a meal oror you are in control of what’s in our food. When portions are large, share a meal take half home forfor later. take half home later. BeBe physically active your way. physically active your way. Pick activities you like and start byby doing what you can. bitbit adds upup and health Pick activities you like and start doing what you can.Every Every adds and health start with a few minutes ofof activites such asas walking. start with a few minutes activites such walking. Gradually increase the minutes as you become Gradually increase the minutes as you become stronger. stronger. Consult a registered dietician. Consult a registered dietician. If you have special dietary needs consulting with aa If you have special dietary needs consulting with dieticians can create a customized eating plan forfor you. dieticians can create a customized eating plan you. Visit www.eatright.org Visit www.eatright.org near you. near you.
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