My Rememberer - Ellipse Communications, Inc


My Rememberer - Ellipse Communications, Inc
My Rememberer
My forgetter’s getting better
But my rememberer is broke.
To you that may seem funny,
But to me, that is no joke.
At times I put something away
Where it is safe, but, Gee!
The person it is safest from
Is generally me!
For when I’m ‘here’ I’m wondering
If I really should be ‘there.’
And when I try to think it through,
I haven’t got a prayer!
When shopping I may see someone,
Say “Hi” and have a chat.
Then when the person walks away,
I ask myself, “who was that?”
Often times I walk into a room,
Say “what am I here for?”
I rack my brain, but all in vain.
A zero is my score.
Yes, my forgetter’s getting better
While my rememberer is broke.
And it’s driving me plumb crazy,
And that isn’t any joke.
Oak Wood Place Senior Living
603 Wood Street
Athens, Texas 75751
(903) 675-2002
Oak Wood Place
Senior Living
603 Wood Street
February 2015
Executive Director..............Debra Cremers
Marketing Director.................DeAnn Baker
Social Director..................Jana Thompson
Wellness Director.............Tammy Edwards
Wellness Center................Phyllis Williams
Wellness Center...................Mary Williams
Business Manager.................Tracy French
Resident Services.......Vivian Montgomery
Chef..........................................Alan Golden
Housekeeping Manager........Leona Sadler
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
Athens, TX 75751
(903) 675-2002
The new year is in full swing and so are the events at Oak Wood
Place Senior Living. Living life to the fullest has become the motto
for our residents at Oak Wood, and they are doing just that!
Between resident-led musical performances, many shopping events,
and our out-to-lunch bunch, our community is really hopping. Please
join us for our newest exercise class, yoga!
Our senior dance groups, The Southern Belles and The Oak Wood
Grannies, are kicking up their heels to get ready for their next
performance debuting this month. A Trinity Valley Home Health will
be presenting a short seminar on Fall Risk and Prevention, and we
encourage everyone to attend.
Please check out our highlighted
events on page two of the newsletter
and on our Facebook page. We
would love your feedback and input
on our event calendar. To contact the
activity department, please email the
Jana Thompson
Oscar, the Academy Award
statuette, was named for Texan
Oscar Pierce, whose niece worked
in Hollywood for the Academy of
Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.
When she saw the gold statuette,
she reportedly said, “Why, that looks
just like my Uncle Oscar.”
Our resident beautician, Tabitha, will be
offering a free cut and style to one lucky
resident per month.
Drop your name in the
suggestion box for a
chance to win!
Please drop your name in the Activity
Department’s suggestion box to qualify.
One winner per month.
Upcoming Events
February 6th
National Wear Red Day
Cotton Patch Cafe - 10:45 AM
February 11th
Fall Prevention Class
Oak Wood Place - 9:30 AM
February 13th
Wear a Heart Day
Valentine’s Dance - 2:00 PM
February 17th
Podiatrist Visit - Sign Up To Be Seen
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Health Tip
Happy Birthday!
February is American Heart Month, a time to show yourself love.
We would like to
wish all of our February
babies a wonderful
Birthday! Please join us as
we celebrate all of you at
our birthday celebration.
Work with your health care team. Get a checkup at least once
each year, even if you feel healthy.
Monitor your blood pressure. High blood
pressure often has no symptoms, so be sure to
have it checked on a regular basis.
2/2 Marian Elledge
2/7 Matthew McArthur
2/10 Wendy Whitehead
2/12 Mace Moorhead
2/18 Debra Cremers
Get your cholesterol checked. Your health
care team should test your cholesterol levels at
least once every five years.
Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthful meal
and snack options can help you avoid CVD
and its complications. Limiting sodium in your
diet can lower your blood pressure.
“It does not matter how slowly you go
as long as you do not stop.”
- Confucius
Lucille Brooks
Tayler Bowman
Robert Chapman
Matt Shea
Frances Wall
Chef’s Corner
If you are missing all of the sweets from the holidays, look
no further! The month of all things candy is finally here. From
roses to delicious chocolate and all things in between, you are
sure to find something to satisfy that
sweet tooth.
February 20th
Wear Pink Day
Athens Thrift Shop - 10:30 AM
Athens Thrift Shop
Wear Purple Day
Ramblings of a Retiree
I thought about making a fitness
movie for folks my age and call it
‘Pumping Rust.’
Picture One: Our Ladies
Club traveled to Lago Del
Pino for a delicious lunch
and the beautiful Christmas
When people see a cat’s litter box
they always say, ‘Oh, have you got a
cat?’ Just once I want to say, ‘No, it’s
for company!’
I was thinking about how a status
symbol of today is those cell phones
that everyone has clipped onto their
belt or purse. I can’t afford one. So
I’m wearing my garage door opener.
Wit & Wisdom
Picture Two: The out-tolunch bunch sure knows how
to pick great restaurants!
Pictured is the group at
Jalapeno Tree for some
festive Mexican food.
In keeping with this tradition, be on the
look out for surprise chocolate desserts
made with love from our amazing dietary
staff. As always, please feel free to share
a special family Valentine’s recipe to be
enjoyed by all.
-Chef Alan
“You are never too old to set another
goal or to dream a new dream.”
- C.S. Lewis
“Optimism is the faith that leads to
achievement. Nothing can be done
without hope and confidence.”
- Helen Keller
“Always do your best. What you plant
now, you will harvest later.”
- Og Mandino
“I attribute my success to this - I never
gave or took any excuse.”
- Florence Nightingale
“Either I will find a way or I will make
- Philip Sidney
“You have to learn the rules of the
game. And then you have to play better
than anyone else.”
- Albert Einstein
“I can’t change the direction of the
wind, but I can adjust my sails to
always reach my destination.”
-Jimmy Dean