August 2015
August 2015
The Star Newsletter August 2015 It's the month of August but it isn't too late to make fun summertime plans in Michigan. Thanks to our library volunteer, Susan Kiel—a self-proclaimed Michigan fan—^we now offer free Michigan maps, vacation brochures, leaflets, and flyers. Sue acquired these up-to-date resources for the Lois Wagner Memorial Library. Why? Because she loves the State of Michigan, her community of Richmond...and happily, our library! ¥ Sue also donated Michigan activity sheets, posters, and factual literature for our young library patrons. These items are available in the Juvenile Section. In addition, she generously provided us with gift subscriptions for two Michigan periodicals entitled: "Michigan History" and "The Great Lakes Pilot." Thanks, Sue! <^ You can also discover Michigan by using your Library Card. Check out a free Activity Pass for one of Michigan's cultural attractions, state parks, and recreation areas. For more information, and to see a list of participants access our library's website and click on the hot air balloon icon. It's August in Michigan! Have fun enjoying summer sights, sounds, and activities in our great State! Discover Michigan "Thank You, Thank You!" On behalf of the Staff of the Lois Wagner Memorial Library and the children of our community, "Thank you" Friends of the Library for sponsoring the library's 2015 Summer Reading Program and activities. Our Summer Reading Program theme was "Every Hero Has a Story" with a focus on everyday heroes. The Friends of the Lois Wagner Memorial Library regularly perform heroic deeds for the benefit of the library! "Escape the Ordinary!" Teens & Adult Readers: Escape the Ordinary this summer! The Friends of the Lois Wagner Memorial Library are sponsoring a teen and adult reading program that will have one lucky teen (ages 13-17) winning a $25 Amazon gift card and one lucky adult (18+) winning a $50 Amazon gift card! Simply fill out an entry form for each book you've read and turn it in at the library display, or visit our website: library to fill out a form online. Town Clock Coloring Contest Winners! Joy V a r g a , Pre-School Brynn Saffert, Pre-School Jordyn Jones, Kindergarten Russell Bolen, Kindergarten Charles Allen, 1st G r a d e Aubrie Frink, 1st G r a d e Katlynn W i s n e r , 2nd G r a d e Calahan Bolen, 2nd G r a d e Ella Hill, 3rd G r a d e Lainee W a g n e r , 3rd G r a d e Pedro Dixon, 4th G r a d e Annabelle Bugay, 4th G r a d e Megan C o n d o n , 5th G r a d e Daisi Dixon, 5th G r a d e Noelle Hetrick, 6th G r a d e Collin Boyd, 6th G r a d e Parents & Caregivers: All "Escape the Ordinary" entry forms are due by Friday, August 28th You can also read 5 children's books to or with a child to complete an entry form as well! Erin Coliins, 7th G r a d e Madison Bugay, 7th G r a d e T h a n k you to all those who wished the T o w n C l o c k a "Happy 91st Birthday!" Lois Wagner Memorial Library 35200 Division Richmond, Michigan 48062 5 8 6 - 7 2 7 - 2 6 6 5 / 5 8 6 - 7 2 7 - 3 7 7 4 (fax) E m a i l : Website: Facebook: I w m l i b r a r y Library Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: 1 lam-7pm 2015 Calendar Thursday & Friday: 9 am-5pm Saturday: 10am-2pm Tue. Wed. Thu. Sun. Mon. Summeireading i N^^^reat! 7 August is the perfect time to schedule a Computer Class with Walt! 2 4 3 Senior Exercise 10-1 l a m Summer k\ Reading 5 Senior Exercise 10-llam 6 12 Senior Exercise 10-llam 13 14 19 Senior Exercise 10-llam 20 21 , [0* 11 Card Class l-2:30pm (Sign-up required) 17 Senior Exercise 10-1 l a m 16 18 Richmond Readers 3:305pm (Please contact the library for details) / 24&31 Senior Exercise 10-llam 23 / 30 8 THE WORLE)'S LARGEST NEWSSTAN D of digital magazines available at our library! (Invitation Only) 10 Senior Exercise 10-11am 9 Sat. 1 7 Program Party 1pm Fri. 25 26 Senior Exercise 10-llam " 4b 15 Writers Group 11am w 28 "Escape the Ordinary" Adult 85 Teen Reading Contest Deadline (g. 5pm 22 29