Communication Tools - Davidson County Community College
Communication Tools - Davidson County Community College
Davidson County Community College presents Getting Started What is the WYSIWYG editing tool? Quickmail v 2.5 Messaging Course Announcements eMail list Getting Started Always Step One It is recommended the use of Mozilla Firefox as your browser in order to have access to the Moodle editing and formatting tools. DCCC link: N E X T Moodle enables you to edit your content using a number of different tools, most notably the Moodle editor toolbar and the editing icons. If your browser allows you to use the HTML editor’s WYSIWYG editing tools, you have at your disposal all the features you’re use to with your word processing software, including capabilities to toggle between HTML source modes. The previous figure shows the editor toolbar with all the tools you can use within Moodle. The Quickmail block adds a link to a tool that has a checkbox list of all students in the course, and a mail composition text area. You can check the students you like, and email those and only those. This enhances the existing communications systems of messaging (one user) and subscribed forums (all subscribers) by allowing teachers to select a specific subset of students. N E X T This feature is very similar to the messaging feature in Blackboard. Once you click on the “Compose Email” link in Moodlerooms, it takes you to this area to add the students you would like to notify. You can also remove them just as easy from the list as well. N E X T “Role Filter” helps you to choose whether students or teachers will appear on the list of Recipients Attachments are sent the same way you would upload and send an attachment through Bb. Fill in the “Subject” area as normal. The “Message” area has displayed above its text box the WYSIWYG editing tool in order to conveniently format your message. Send your message! N E X T Moodlerooms Messaging is a great way to send another user a private message in realtime (synchronous). Each user has a message button at the bottom of their profile page. You can access this by clicking on the person’s name you want to send the message to, then scroll down to click on this button. The next slide will help you see what the Message box looks like once you’re in. The Message block allows the user to send messages to their students in the form of a CHAT box. Similar chats are seen on famous profile pages such as Facebook, MySpace or AOL. The profile picture of the recipient is seen in the upper left hand corner of the chat box. All you need to do is type and send the message. N E X T Note: If you have a browser set with a pop-up blocker there can be difficulties in receiving a message. Make sure to fix your settings before you start using the Message block. As soon as the message is sent, the recipient will see a letter icon in their Messages block. Tip: It might be a good idea to have both your Online Users block close to your Messages. This way you can send a message once you see the person is available within your Moodlerooms course if and when is needed. Note: Example shown uses a test student’s view N E X T Once you click on the icon, you will see the contact. You must add them if it is the first time you have received a message from them. Click on the Add contact icon to add them to your list. Note: Example shown uses a test student’s view As soon as you add them to your messenger list, then you can see the messages sent to you by clicking on the person’s name. A window will open up for you to reply to the sender. Remove contact & Block contact should not be used within the course. Please communicate this with your students for if they do remove a contact from their list, they would have to add them again to see any messages. N E X T The Course Announcement Forum is the only forum where your students cannot reply. This is set up as a default forum at the top of your course. We encourage you to use this option to send out mass email announcements within your course to all of your students. Moodlerooms sends each announcement to all of your learners’ email accounts, eliminating the probability of excuses that they did not receive your notification. Whether you click on Turn Editing on or not, Moodlerooms gives you the ability to click Course Announcement and add your notification. N E X T Once you have clicked in the Course Announcements area, you can click on Add a new topic and start your announcement. N E X T In Subscription you decide whether or not you want to send your email account a notice about the post. N E X T Add an Attachment if you wish and click on Mail now to send to all recipients the post, including other teachers, supervisors and non-editing teachers within your course. Post to forum when done. When you post, it will take you to the main window for the announcements. You can see the title in the Discussion column, the user in the Started by column, how many replies and when the user last posted to the announcement. In a shared course, any one of the teachers that are in it can post an announcement unless they are a non-editing teacher. Add a new topic will just take you through the previous process all over again. To delete an announcement, click on the title and then hit the Delete option below the announcement. This is another way to email your students. Although eMail List notifies your student, they would still have to go directly into Moodlerooms to access their messages. As an instructor, your eMail List organizes your courses mail in folders viewed to the left hand side of your course. Students can use it to email you and others within the course as well. N E X T The eMail list block doesn’t appear in the course. This means you will need to add it to your course using the Add a block tool The eMail list has an Inbox and a Compose icon within the block. It also lets you know if you have any messages and how many are pending. This is a great option if you want your messages to be organized within one location N E X T The image displays what your eMail list will look like once you click on Inbox. Most of your tools are very similar to those you would find in your private email Inbox. Identifies the folder you are in Sort by DATE Folders N E X T Emails Your course folders are displayed at the bottom left corner. These are only active when adding eMail list to all your courses If you do not have the eMail list block active within all of your courses, and accidentally click on an inactive course folder, you will get an ERROR message from Moodlerooms. Click Continue and go to your Profile by clicking on your name at the top. To fix this problem, go to the course your having trouble with and ADD the eMail list block. You should no longer see this message and your course will be ready to use the eMail list tool. N E X T To compose an email, click on Compose on your eMail list block. Then, click on Contacts N E X T You will see a window that allows you to either look the name up alphabetically or hit the To, Cc or Bcc next to the name located by pages to send it within that area. Another feature is the Current role. This allows you to choose the group of contacts narrowed down by role: Teacher or Student Clicking on To all will select them all within that page only. All users in course is an easy way to select everyone at one time. By clicking Remove all, you de-select everyone in your list After selecting the recipients, close the window. There are no additional buttons to use. Once the window is closed you will see the contacts’ names. Create your message and send or save as usual. For more information please contact: Dori Stanfield Coordinator, Distance Learning and Instructional Technology School of Foundational Studies and Academic Support Office: LRC 203A Office ext 6264 Elizabeth Irizarry (Liz) Instructional Designer School of Foundational Studies and Academic Support Davidson County Community College 297 DCCC Rd Thomasville, NC 27360 Office: LRC 203A Contact by email