SPIRMADBOIS project Use of NIRS for a sustainable
SPIRMADBOIS project Use of NIRS for a sustainable
+ SPIRMADBOIS project Use of NIRS for a sustainable management of forest resource in Madagascar Tahiana Ramananantoandro, Marie-France Thévenon, Christophe Belloncle, Mario Tomazello Filho, Herintsitohaina Razakamanarivo, Radonirina Razafimahatratra, Ravo Razafinarivo, Zo Mevanarivo, Herizo Rakotovololonalimanana, Andraina Rajemison, Riana Andrisoa, Gilles Chaix 1 + 2 http://www.saintemarie-events-travels.com + 3 Estimates of forest cover over years Source : MEFT (2009) + 4 Some research objectives of the lab n The search for alternative species previously considered as secondary, to avoid total extinction of preciousw wood species such as rosewood (Dalbergia sp.) n Knowledge of wood properties to choose species adapted for different uses, and ensure the sustainability (both biological and strength) + 5 Objectives of SPIRMADBOIS project n Establish a NIRS calibration model to estimate the Malagasy wood properties: Density (x-ray), lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, extractives, natural durability, energetic properties n n n Establish a NIRS calibration model to determine the geographical origin of a species n n Native natural species Eucalypts Eucalypts Establish a xylarium + 6 Wood sampling Native species n Radial variation : n 60 native species * >6 trees + 7 n Longitudinal variation: n 3 native species * 3 sites * 9 trees + 8 Eucalypts n 1 specie from plantaion (Eucalyptus robusta) * 12 sites * 3 ages * 3 trees/age class n Multispecies Eucalypts from Congo, Senegal, Madagascar, Brazil (3000 samples) + 9 NIRS n Acquisition Viavi MicroNIR + 10 Xylarium n 900 species (collaboration with FOFIFA) + 11 Some preliminary results n Chemical compounds/ Eucalyptus robusta (with MicroNIR / ESSA) Klason lignin, RPD = 2.7 Extractives, RPD = 2.9 + 12 Chemical compounds/ Multiple eucalypts species (with Brucker Tango/ ESALQ) 40 Predicted Kalson lignin (%) 20 R² = 0,92 RMSEP = 1.07 % RPD = 3.6 35 30 25 20 20 25 30 35 Measured Klason lignin (%) 40 Predicted total extractives (%) n R² = 0,90 RMSEP = 1.27 % RPD = 3.2 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 Measured total extractives (%) 20 + n Hyperspectral analysis (Camera SWIR 1000-2500 nm / IRSTEA Montpellier) + 14 Perspectives n Project still ongoing n New opportunity for a new research project about identification of precious wood (rosewood and ebony) funded by FED/EU: n Wood anatomy (Faculty of Science) DNA barcoding (University of Zurich) n NIR, FR-IR techniques? n French research group on Wood science (GDR 3544) http://www6.inra.fr/gdr-sciences-du-bois/ - - - - - Started 2012 - supported by CNRS, Ministry of Culture, INRA Coordination of wood research and education in France, Promotion of exchanges between French groups Relay for international networks (COST actions, IUFRO...) Annual meetings: Montpellier 2012, Paris 2013, Nancy 2014, Clermont-Fd 2015, Bordeaux 2016... + thematic meetings - Training schools: Nantes 2014, Egletons 2015, Nantes 2016, Mont-de-Marsan 2017 ! Communication mostly in French (little overlap with other networks & traceability use as archive use for energy 3%$ 10%$ 9%$ 30%$ 22%$ 21%$ 17%$ modification & reconstitution x y$ g f$ r t$ formation & mthe functions in tree r$ u s$ chemistry xylology 5%$ 32%$ use in structures humanities [+ paleo-, archeo-] integrative approaches activities) harvest & transformation biology 9%$ 17%$ 24%$ C P B engineering [+physics] 49%$ S 1/2016 1/2016 based obased n 715 on 715 diffusion list dlist ata diffusion d ata Research themes and disciplinary domains Participation to GDR3544 Members of the diffusion list, incl. students, technical staff, ‘for info’ ... + 37/25 EU + 39/26 other countries In 2015: 5/1 2/2 14/3 24/7 88/22 22/2 136/18 nb scientists / nb groups Data 1/2016 n 40% in 9 groups of 20+ (LERMaB, BioWooEB, FCBA, PIAF, I2M, LERFoB, Pascal, AGPF, LMGC) n ½ groups of 1-2 28/5 88/10 128/18 730 scientists in 100 groups + 75 abroad 158/13 17/5 Oversea territories n 22/8 + Thank you Tahiana Ramananantoandro ramananantoandro@gmail.com 17