April Vette Visions - Northern Illinois Corvette Club
April Vette Visions - Northern Illinois Corvette Club
The official Newsletter of the Award Winning April 2016 Northern Illinois Corvette Club Happy April It is Official Now Baseball opening day has come and gone so spring is officially here. The cars will be coming out of hibernation very soon and I for one am looking forward to a spring, summer and fall of fun. Special Thanks To Don and Barb Johnson for hosting the wine tasting party. We had a nice turnout and a very enjoyable evening. Club Shirts. This is a repeat but for those that may have missed it I am including this again. A big thanks to Don Johnson and his committee for pulling together the “shirt initiative”. (A picture of the chosen shirt can be seen in this newsletter). The group did a very commendable job and has chosen garments that we should all be proud to wear. The final selection (and program) was approved at the March meeting and will be conducted as follows: 1) All members are encouraged to attend a meeting in the near future where they will be able to view and try on shirts to determine the optimal shirt size. 2) Inform Don Johnson of the size (and quantity desired). 3) The club will pay for ½ the cost of a shirt for each member. 4) Submit a check to the club for the balance owed. 5) Don will then submit the order along with the payment to the shirt supplier. 6) Shirts will be available at the next scheduled meeting. Managing the program in this fashion will ensure that all folks will get a properly sized garment and will not put undue administrative requirements on the Quartermaster and Treasurer. Reminder April 23rd is our Perryville Road cleanup. Please plan on attending this community service event and help us to help keep Rockford looking good. Again this is your club. If you have any comments, suggestions, criticisms, or complaints please contact either me or one of the other board members. Be Safe. We Welcome: Baseball Tap To our family of Supporters! Brick Logan NICC President Contents Advertisers: http://nicccorvette.com/index.cfm/nicc-advertisers/ Flyers: http://nicccorvette.com/index.cfm/news-events/2016-event-flyers/ Love ‘Vettes, Have Fun, Give Back! Schedules .................................. 2 Birthdays & Anniversaries ....... 3 Meeting Minutes (shirt pics) ..4-5 Social Director’s Message ........ 6 From the Editor ........................ 7 About NICC & VetteVisions ..... 8 Classifieds ................................ 9 April 2016 2016 Schedule of Membership and Board Meetings May* 1st 5:00 PM - Board Meeting 6:00 PM - Social Hour. Jun 5th 6:00 PM - Social Hour. Jul 10th 6:00 PM - Social Hour. Aug 7th 6:00 PM - Social Hour Aug* 28th 6:00 PM - Social Hour 7:00 PM - Meeting 7:00 PM - Meeting 7:00 PM - Meeting 7:00 PM - Meeting 7:00 PM - Meeting* * May starts the Summer Meeting schedule. * Sep meeting will be on Aug.28th because of Labor Day. Unless otherwise posted, all Membership and Board meetings are held on Sundays at: Sam’s Ristorante 6075 E. Riverside Blvd. Rockford, IL 61114 Members are welcome to attend the Board Meetings. Guests are welcome to attend the Social Hour and Membership Meetings. Click here to open the website’s events folder 2016 Schedule of NICC Events—See website Calendar for updates. Apr Saturday 23rd 10:00 AM Perryville Cleanup CherryVale across from Menards May Saturday 28th 8:00 AM Parade, Loves Park Young at Heart Monday 1:00 PM Parade, Pecatonica Memorial Day Jun Sunday Sunday 30th 5th 12th Saturday 18th Jul Monday Parade, Leaf River Summer Daze 3:00 PM Mini-Run, Hanger Party Meet at Farm&Fleet 11:00 AM Parade, Rockton flyer Old Settlers Day TBA Parade, Cherry Valley New this year! More info will follow. Sat-Sun 9,10 TBA Low Speed Event Badger State & NICC Sunday 17th TBA Car Show HH Gregg 7th TBA Low Speed Event Rockford Speedway, NICC host. Saturday 27th TBA Car Show Farm & Fleet Sep Saturday 10th TBA Bocker Car Show Saturday 17th TBA Wiener Roast Aug Sunday Sunday 4th Noon 25th Leon & Louise Gorsch 11:00 AM Parade, Stillman Valley Candy, candy, candy! Other Events of Interest - 2016 Jun. 9th - 11th Corvette Adventures http://www.corvetteadventures.com/ Jun. 23rd - 25th Bloomington Gold Jul. 18th - 22nd NCCC National Convention, Omaha, Nebraska Jul. 30th Turning Back Time Car Show, Sycamore Il. Aug. 13th Freeport Cruise Night http://www.freeportcruisenight.org Sep. 15th—18th Mid America Corvette Funfest http://corvettefunfest.com/ http://www.bloomingtongold.com/ http://www.corvettesnccc.org/Convention2016.html http://www.turningbacktimecarshow.com/ For additions or corrections please contact: Editor@NICCCorvette.com Flyer Check the Website for updates; http://nicccorvette.com 2 April 2016 Important Club Member Dates Birthdays Louise Gorsch Anne Vosberg John Ray Mark Grace Doug Billups Keith Nordorf Jon Stroberg Stephen Jackson Doris Hicks William Crull Jack Wilson Darren Foulker Tracy Wagaman Heather Lamping Richard Woessner Jeri Elliott Brent Smith Barb Johnson Chuck Kruse Dave Landwehr Mary Raymoure Micki Stern Dale Samuelson 04-21 04-23 04-25 04-26 05-02 05-03 05-07 05-10 05-20 05-27 05-28 06-08 06-10 06-20 06-21 07-01 07-01 07-02 07-03 07-04 07-04 07-04 07-05 If you just need a reason to celebrate: Apr 15 National That Sucks Day Apr 17 Blah Blah Blah Day Apr 22 National Jelly Bean Day Apr 23 Talk Like Shakespeare Day Apr 26 Hug an Australian Day Apr 27 Babe Ruth Day Apr 30 National Honesty Day May 01 Mother Goose Day May 03 Lumpy Rug Day May 04 Star Wars Day May 06 No Diet Day May 08 No Socks Day May 11 Eat What You Want Day May 12 Limerick Day May 13 Frog Jumping Day May 14 National Chicken Dance Day May 15 National Chocolate Chip Day May 16 National Sea Monkey Day Everyday - Give Back, Have Fun, Love ‘Vettes Day Courtesy of: http://www.holidayscalendar.com And your Vette Visions Editor Is your Birthday or Anniversary incorrect or missing? Please let us know! editor@nicccorvette.com Anniversaries Tom & Millie Peck Doug & Tauna Billups John & Rosanne McCallion Dan & Lisa Smith Brick & Kris Logan Tom & Micki Stern Jack & Janet Wilson Gene & Karin Alfors Don & Barb Johnson Gary & Anne Vosberg Ken & Cindy Starzyk Paul & Lisa Cannon Royce & Janet Piefer 04-15 04-16 05-04 05-12 05-17 05-18 06-06 06-10 06-24 06-28 06-30 07-10 07-14 NICC Sunshine Club Club Members: If you know of someone who needs to be remembered by our club, via a card or a note, please notify: Janet Piefer, Sunshine Club Chair, at r-jpiefer@comcast.net 815 -232- 4850 Perryville Road Cleanup - April 23, 2016 - 10:00 am 3 April 2016 NICC MEETING MINUTES April 3, 2016 The NICC Monthly Membership meeting was called to order by President, Brick Logan, at 6:00p.m. With 47 members. Introduction of Guests: No Guest Opening Comments: Good evening… Minutes: Brick asked for a motion to review, object, correct and approve the minutes from the March club meeting. Motion was made, seconded and approved. Introduction of Officers: President – Brick Logan Social Director - Tauna Billups, reminded everyone of Perryville Clean up 4/23 10:00 am Need host and hostess for future runs. May 14 Girls Run. Barb Jackson reminded the ladies to make sure their car has a full tank of gas. Progressive Dinner Host Homes volunteered Membership – Leon Gorsch, one new member, reports 125 members Governor – Arnie Bailey, absent Treasurer – Doug Billups, Went over March’s Budget. Parade Director – Dennis Mathews, Parades season is coming upon us. See web site for dates and times. The Mathews are trying to set up a run around Lake Michigan in August. (18,19,20,21,22) Editor – Doug Phillips, Everything by F riday. Parliamentarian – Doris Hicks, no report Sergeant-at-Arms – Gene Stimart, no report Advertising - Susie Coleman, signed new sponsors. Public Relations – Ken Starzyk, no report Quartermaster – Don Johnson, brought several sizes of the new club shirts, for members to try on and order. 36 were purchased. Will get XXXl for both men and ladies for May meeting. Webmaster - Linda Stimart, absent Historians - Nancy Bailey & Carolyn Samuelson, no report NCM Ambassador - Louise Gorsch, no report Old Business: - Brick thanked the Johnson’s for the Wine Tasting Party. New Business: Shirt Update – see Quartermaster above. Beating A Dead Horse – RUNS – NEED HOST/HOSTESSES On the survey the runs was chosen as the favorite of the activities. Next Board Meeting – May 1st at 5:00 pm. Time Change – May 1st meeting – social hour 6:00 and meeting at 7:00 pm. (Continued on page 5) 4 April 2016 (Continued from page 4) NEW Cars- none Collection of Fines: – $6.00 Raffles: 1st winner, Janet Pifer - selected Gift Card 2nd winner, Karin Alfors selected the Chair Membership drawing: $70.00, J oel Miner not pr esent, $80.00 next month Next club meeting- May 1st - as stated above Board Meeting at 5:00 pm 6pm Social Hour & 7pm Meeting Meeting adjourned 6:30 pm. Submitted by Barb Johnson. NICC Shirts, selected by the committee and approved at the March 2016 monthly meeting. Perryville Road Cleanup April 23, 2016 - 10:00 am Meet in the CherryVale Mall parking lot across from Menards. 5 April 2016 FROM YOUR SOCIAL DIRECTOR Hello Everyone, We need some help filling up our social calendar and we want to get some scheduled dates as soon as possible. If it would be your first event, feel free to ask questions. We are all here to help. We love cruising, so please pick a date and a place and let's get it on the books! Below are the dates we are trying to fill: Saturday, May 7th Sunday, June 19th Saturday, July 30th Saturday, August 6th Perryville Road Cleanup is Saturday, April 23rd at 10 a.m. Please meet in the Cherryvale parking lot across from Menard's. We will have lunch at Baseball Tap, 202 Walnut Street, Cherry Valley, IL 61016, after we are done. Remember, the more members we have show up to help, the faster we are done. It's time to start having warm and happy thoughts about upcoming events. Tauna Billups 815-654-9584 Almost There? 6 April 2016 From the editor: Save the Wave! More ‘Vettes will be on the road, more Waves will be in the air. After the long months of waveless driving or oops-waving from our non-Vette, it’s time to refresh our memories and maybe introduce some new folks to one Corvette feature that isn’t in the owner’s manual. Rather than try to explain The Wave (again) in this newsletter I’ll post a website link: http://www.savethewave.net/stw/TheWave.asp There is one dilemma that I haven’t found discussed in any of the many ‘Wave’ articles: At what point does the Wave Rule get suspended? What do you do at places like Funfest, Bloomington Gold, Carlisle, etc.? Where there are Corvettes everywhere on every road and every street; everywhere, coming, going, beside you, in front and behind you! Do you Wave at every one of them? Grip the wheel at the top with your fingers raised or drive with your hand out the window? (accepted methods when you unexpectedly meet a line of ‘Vettes) Be a bobble-head and use The Nod instead? Make sure you’ve darkened your windows enough so you can roll them up and no one can see whether you’re waving or not? Ignore them all and risk being ostracized by the ‘Vette Nation? Does having a foam hand attached to your car remove the requirement to actually wave? Or, does it advertise the fact that you understand The Wave so now you’re obligated? I haven’t bought one so maybe it’s in the instructions? If it isn’t, it should be. Here’s what I think: When coming into or leaving the area or away from the crowd and you just meet an occasional Corvette, you should wave. When they’re everyplace, don’t wave first but try to pay attention and if someone waves, wave back. What do you think? What about waving at Corvettes when you’re not in your Corvette? If a pedestrian or someone in a Brand-X vehicle waves at me I wave back. My assumption is either they know me, they think I’m someone else, they forgot they’re not in their Corvette, or they’re saying “I like your car!” and waving back seems appropriate. If I see a ‘special car’ that’s really, really nice I might flash them a little wave with a ‘thumbs-up’ regardless of whether I’m walking or in a car. At the first anniversary of the NCM, Zora Arkus-Duntov and his wife Elfi stood on Corvette Circle and waved at all of the ‘Vettes as they entered. Getting one of those waves would have been special indeed! This year, April 21st, marks the 25th anniversary of Zora’s passing. His story is definitely worth a read and here is one place to start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zora_Arkus-Duntov Speaking of giving back (just in case you missed it on pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6), April 23rd is the semi-annual NICC Give Back, Have Fun day on Perryville Road! This is the day when strangers wave at you when you’re not in your Corvette and you might even find treasure amongst the roadside clutter. Last year I found a $20 bill. Afterwards, we go to lunch at one of our supporter’s fine establishments and last year the waitress got an extra $20 tip. This spring we’ll go to The Baseball Tap in Cherry Valley. Come on out and enjoy the adventure. An extend-a-grip gadget and a bucket are handy things to bring with you but if you don’t have them, that’s OK. Just dress for the weather. Bags and glow-color vests will be provided. If you only pick up one thing it’s one thing that someone else doesn’t have to pick up. Well, I’ve reached the bottom of the page so, see you on the road and don’t forget to wave! Doug Phillips NICC Editor 7 April 2016 NICC Vette Visions Newsletter & Website Contributions Northern Illinois Corvette Club, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the promotion of Corvette ownership and operation. The club provides Corvette information and encourages others to participate in its ownership and enjoyment by holding meetings, events (concours, parades, races, rallies, runs, shows) and socials. Through the magnetism of the Corvette, the club raises funds and supports various local and national non-profit organizations. NICC is a 100% member club of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). Membership is limited to owners of Corvettes. New PRIMARY MEMBER $50 CO-MEMBER* $10 Renew Late Renew Fee $50 $50 + $10 $10 Vette Visions is your newsletter. Your contributions are welcome. Corvette related pictures, stories, editorials, ads, or other appropriate materials are welcome. Please email items to editor@nicccorvette.com Text file formats are best in .rtf, .doc, .txt, and photos in .pub .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .bmp files. Thank you. DEADLINE for all Reports, Items, Advertising, and Articles in EACH issue is the FRIDAY following the monthly meeting. Vette Visions & Website Advertising Need help developing your ads? Design assistance is free with half or full page 12-issue ads. For multiple issues, new copy can be submitted monthly. Your ads will appear on our Website. (If not postmarked by Oct. 15th) *(spouse, dependent, companion) NCCC Lifetime members are only required to pay NICC dues. For more information on the NICC and NCCC go to their websites at the links below. VETTE VISIONS, NICC’s newsletter, is published monthly on our website and a publication notice is e-mailed to all members, advertisers and Corvette enthusiasts who have provided us with their email address and have expressed an interest in our publication. Materials submitted and published in VETTE VISIONS are believed to be accurate and NICC assumes no legal responsibilities of correctness. The club’s mailing address is: Northern Illinois Corvette Club, Inc. P.O. Box 573 Rockford, Illinois 61105-0573 Corvette Links Northern Illinois Corvette Club www.nicccorvette.com Midwest Region (of NCCC) www.mwregion.com National Council of Corvette Clubs www.corvettesnccc.org National Corvette Museum www.corvettemuseum.com NOTE When sending emails to NICC members, ALWAYS put “NICC” in the subject. Most of us do not open messages we do not recognize. All copyrighted images, trademarks and other materials appearing in the VetteVisions newsletter and NICCCorvette.com website that are not the property of NICC are the property of their respective owners and are used here with the expressed or implied consent of their owners for the sole purpose of identifying or publicizing the owner’s product or service and not for any intended profit or gain by NICC. All Corvette Trademarks and Logos on this site are used under license granted to NCCC by Chevrolet Motor Division. Corvette is a registered trademark of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Neither NICC nor NCCC shall be held liable for any opinions or statements expressed in this newsletter. 8 Size of Ad Rate / 12 Months Full Page $300 Half Page $150 Business Card $50 (other options are possible) 2016 NICC Officers / Board of Directors President Brick Logan 815-234-4247 Governor Arnie Bailey 815-547-5942 Secretary Barb Johnson Treasurer Doug Billups Parliamentarian Doris Hicks Sgt.-at-Arms Gene Stimart Membership Leon Gorsch 815-291-5357 Social Director Tauna Billups 815-654-9584 Editor Doug Phillips Advisory Committee Chairs Webmaster Linda Stimart 815-298-8415 Advertising Susie Coleman 815-543-9955 Historians Nancy Bailey Carolyn Samuelson 815-547-5942 815-234-7273 Parade Director Dennis Mathews 815-282-3138 Quartermaster Don Johnson Nat’l. Corvette Museum Ambassador Louise Gorsch Public Relations Ken Starzyk 815-291-6357 April 2016 Classifieds NOTICE: Members should contact the NICC Webmaster to place their classified ad on the NICC Web Page webmaster@nicccorvette.com Keep your C7 (2014-2016) front end protected with a Speed Lingerie Nose Cover. Used once in Sept. Perfect new condition. Black. All hardware & instructions included. Paid $650 new. Firm $550. Call or text 815-289-4623. for ‘65 small block Corvette New in Original Packing, $400 or Best Offer (call for details) Year Round Storage Available for your Corvette in an attached, heated garage in Rochelle, IL call Phyllis Dyer, (815) 535-3558 1986 (C4) Convertible, White-onWhite w/Red interior, 38k miles, Stored Winters, 5.7 TPI-V8, 4-Speed Manual w/Overdrive, Lots of additional features! See a photo & more on our Website & call Jim, 815-494-1700 for more info. Web-Link to Classified Ads: http://nicccorvette.com/index.cfm/nicc-advertisers/nicc-classifieds/ Member / Non-member Want-Ads ATTENTION ALL NICC MEMBERS Members are encouraged to use Vette Visions to buy and sell Corvette related items. This service is free of charge to members. Ad size may be restricted. Ads for non-members will be published, subject to editorial restrictions, at a fee of $5.00 for a business card size ad. Please keep your Mailing Address, E-Mail Address and Phone Number up to date with NICC. E-mail your changes to change@nicccorvette.com Contact the Editor at: editor@nicccorvette.com Please include old info and new info in the message. Love ‘Vettes, Have Fun, Give Back! 9 April 2016