February Vette Visions - Northern Illinois Corvette Club


February Vette Visions - Northern Illinois Corvette Club
The Official Newsletter of the Award Winning
Northern Illinois Corvette Club
February 2015
Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is warm and healthy here in February. I believe we are on the tail
end of winter. The first day of spring is officially only 33 days away! I’m sure
everyone has warmer weather on their mind, as most winter vacations are wrapping
up and snow birds will be returning soon for another season of car cruising fun.
With that, America’s hottest sports car will be returning to the streets soon, so get
your car cleaning materials ready, we are not that far away from dusting them off
and burning up that first tank of gas!
Congratulations are in order: Another great Holiday party was held by the club at Lino’s a few weeks
ago. Its definitely one of the annual events you shouldn’t miss. Always a great time to mingle and get
to know your fellow members, enjoy great food, and walk away with some wonderful prizes as we ring
in the New Year. A huge thank you to these members for organizing the event: Tracy Wagaman, Kris
Logan, Kim Lopin, Tauna Billups, Susie Coleman, and Jennifer Smith!
Coming Up: There are a couple things to look forward to on the calendar: the March meeting will
feature Jose Contreras from Discount Tire. He will be educating members on the many tires and options
available to us for our sports cars! Also, an Ice Hogs game is scheduled for members wishing to attend
in early march, followed by the annual wine tasting social in the middle of March.
Please also note: the club will host a special membership drive meeting in April. Flyers for this event are
We welcome
available and should be given out to prospective new members. Please see
our website for more details on this event or to download the flyer if you
to our family of supporters!
don’t already have one.
Congratulations to Doug and Marla Schiller on their purchase of a new C7
Stingray Convertible Corvette, purchased through our club Sponsor Bocker
Chevrolet. We look forward to seeing them enjoy their new car!
Looking forward to seeing our members at these upcoming events, if you are
unable to attend, we still welcome your comments; you can always reach me
or one of your board members by phone or through email. Until then….Drive
Safe 
Brent Smith
NICC President
Editor’s Note: Please see page 19 for an announcement about VetteVisions publishing changes.
Schedules………………………………. 2
Special Meeting, Sunshine ,
Birthdays & Anniversaries…... 3
Social Director’s Message …..… 4
Annual Wine Tasting Party……. 5
Bowling Green Trip……………….. 6
Minutes………………………………. 7-8
Perryville Cleanup…………………. 8
About NICC & Vette Visions….. 9
Advertisers & Sponsors:
Car Care & Maintenance… 10-12
Dealerships………………….… 13-14
Health …………………...………… 14
Home & Business……….……15-16
Restaurants & Dining………16-18
Classifieds….………………….…….. 19
From the Editor…………...………..19
March 1st Meeting -- Special Guest Speaker: One of our valued advertisers, Jose Contreras of
Discount Tires in Machesney Park, will share his knowledge about how the rubber meets the road
and tell us a few things we should know before and after we awaken our sleeping beauties. There will
be a question and answer session so here’s your chance to find out about that mysterious stuff that
happens under our Corvettes.
2015 Schedule of Membership and Board Meetings
Mar 1st 5:00 PM - Social Hour.
6:00 PM - Meeting ↑
All Membership and Board
meetings are held on Sundays at:
22nd 5:00 pm - Board Meeting
Sam’s Ristorante
6075 E. Riverside Blvd.
Rockford, IL 61114
Apr 12th ** Special Membership Drive—See Page 3 **
3rd 5:00 PM - Board Meeting
3rd 6:00 PM - Social Hour. 7:00 PM - Meeting
7th 6:00 PM - Social Hour. 7:00 PM - Meeting
For additions or corrections please contact:
Members are welcome to attend
the Board Meetings.
Guests are welcome to attend the
Social Hour and Membership
2015 Schedule of NICC Events—See website for updates.
Mar Saturday 21st 7:00 PM Wine Tasting Party
Brent & Jennifer’s
Apr Saturday 18th 10:00 AM Perryville Cleanup
Cherryvale Mall parking lot across
from Menards.
See Page 8
May 14th thru 18th
Leon & Louis Gorsch See Page 6
4 Day Trip
Saturday 23rd
Parade, Young at Heart Details TBA
Parade, Pecatonica
Details TBA
Run, TBA
Gene & Linda Stimart, stay tuned
Parade, Leaf River
Details TBA
Parade, Old Settlers
Details TBA
Jun Saturday 6th
Saturday 20th
See Page 5
Run, Albany Wi
Doug & Marla Shiller, stay tuned
Sat & Sun
flyer to
Low Speed Event
Oak Creek, Wi, NICC co-hosted
with Badger State Vettes
Other Events of Interest
May 17th - Sunday
Little Hershey - Boone County Fair Grounds, Belvidere. Swap-meet
Saturday, car show Sunday, 6 am - 3 pm both days.
June 25th - 27th
Bloomington Gold - Indianapolis. Corvettes, Corvettes and more
Corvettes and a chance to drive Your Corvette on the Speedway!
July 18th - Sat. 9am
Wheels Festival - Poplar Grove Airport. This is a great little car show
and your Corvette would make it even better! (Ken Starzyk has info)
July 26th - Sunday
Turning Back Time Car Show - Sycamore. One of the best car
shows in the area and it keeps getting bigger every year. Check it out!
Check the Website for updates; http://nicccorvette.com
Important Club Member Dates
April 12th - Membership Drive Dinner Meeting.
5 pm Cocktails, 5:30 Meeting, 6 Dinner, 7 Speaker
Kerry Lopin
Carolyn Samuelson
Janet Stuckey
Arnie Bailey
Jane Zeien
George Zwiefelhofer
Joel Miner
Jill Lockey
Linda Sarlo
Barbara Jackson
Craig Loudat
Darlene Weaver
Marla Schiller
Janet Wilson
Cindy Starzyk
Mehlinae Douglas
Louise Gorsch
Anne Vosberg
John Ray
Doug Billups
Jon Stroberg
Stephen Jackson
Doris Hicks
William Crull
Jack Wilson
Buffet dinner: $14.25/member (includes tax+tip)*
Bring a non-member Corvette owner and their
buffet will be complimentary!
*Beverages not included, Cash bar available.
(Watch your email for more details)
From your Sunshine Chair
We certainly had a very busy
month with three back surgeries,
one shoulder surgery and two
deaths (not members) that were
acknowledged. Recoveries of all
the surgeries have been slow, but
good. We also were so happy that
we also had a wedding!
Kerry & Kim Lopin
Paul & Jane Zeien
Jeff & Onie Drewelow
Tom & Millie Peck
Doug & Tauna Billups
Brick & Kris Logan
Tom & Micki Stern
I want to say thank you to all
who helped keep me informed
and if you know of anyone
needing some extra special
thoughts & prayers please let me
NICC Sunshine Club
Janet Piefer, Sunshine Chr.
Club Members:
If you know of someone who needs to
be remembered by our club, via a card
or a note, please notify:
Is your Birthday or Anniversary incorrect or
missing? Please let us know!
Janet Piefer, Sunshine Club Chair, at
815 -232- 4850
Hello Everyone,
I am growing tired of this cold snowy weather too! I know we shouldn't complain
since it has been mild this winter, but it's my blurb, so I can!
We all owe a huge thanks to the ladies that helped organize and pull off the
Winter Party at Lino's. I am sorry I missed it, but heard great things about it! Even for
those of you who got horrible gifts, don't worry, those will be back next year for the ones
of you that really wanted them.
Our next event is the Wine Tasting on Saturday, March 21st, at Brent & Jennifer
Smith's home. It is easy, each couple brings a red wine, a white wine, and an appetizer
to share. Contact Jennifer at 815-988-7409 to RSVP or to get more details.
A big get well to everyone that has been sick or had surgeries already this year!
Since January was the "back/shoulder surgery" month, we think February should be
"leg surgery" month! Just kiddin'! Let's get well and get ready to get into those
As we rolled out at the February meeting, we are having our first "Membership
Drive" meeting on Sunday, April 12th. A majority of us know other Corvette owners
that are not members of our club. This is going to be a meeting we invite them to and
where they can learn about what NICC is. If you are a current member that does not
normally attend meetings, please try and come to this particular meeting, and if you
know others, please invite them and let's try and boost the membership with this April
meeting. I will shortly be sending out an invitation you can use to invite other Corvette
owners to this meeting. Let's join together as a club and make it a successful
membership drive!
We are starting to fill up our social calendar and we want to get some scheduled
dates on it before the April meeting. We need volunteers for mini-runs and other events
(i.e., Picnic, Progressive dinner). If it would be your first event, feel free to ask
questions. We are all here to help. These runs can be set up on Saturdays or Sundays.
We love cruising, so please pick a date and a place and let's get it on the books!
Following are the dates we currently need volunteers:
Saturday, May 2nd
Saturday, May 30th
Sunday, May 31st
Saturday, June 13th
Sunday, June 14th
Sunday, July 19th
Saturday, August 8th
Saturday, August 16th
Sunday, September 20th
Sunday, October 25th
It's time to start having warm and happy thoughts about upcoming events, while
trying to survive this cold winter season.
Tauna Billups
815-654-9584 ● taunab@gmail.com
NICC Run to Corvette
Tentative Itinerary:
May 14th - Thursday - Leave from
Rockford, driving to Effingham
stopping for lunch. After lunch we
will head out for Bowling Green, KY
arriving in the early evening. Check
in to our hotel and gather for dinner.
May 15th - Friday - Check in at National Corvette Museum by 9:00
a.m. for a tour of the Assembly Plant, return to the Museum for a
tour and box lunch. Friday afternoon parade laps on at the Motor
Sport Way (our time slot to be given later) if time allows we will do a
couple of short runs around Bowling Green to see the country side.
May 16th - Saturday morning - Drive South East to experience the
country roads of "Devils Triangle", stop for lunch then on to "The
Tail of The Dragon" (318 turns in 11 miles) we will stay overnight in
the Robbinsville, NC.
May 17th - Sunday - Drive the scenic Cherohala Skyway, then on to
Chattanooga, TN. We plan to drive to the top of Lookout Mountain.
We will stop for lunch, then start heading North and West toward
home stopping for the night in the Clarksville, TN.
May 18th - Monday morning – Drive through Illinois stopping in
Effingham for lunch. We plan to be back in the Rockford area
between 5:00 and 6:00 that evening.
Monthly updates on this run will be provided at club meetings. If you
are interested in joining us on this Bowling Green Run contact Leon
815-291-5357 or Louise 815-291-6357.
NICC Meeting Minutes
The NICC Meeting was called to order on February 8, 2015 at 6:01 pm. 35 members and no guests.
Opening comments: New ways of announcing the officers. They will be announced and have to stand up
when asked about reports.
No presentations.
Introduction of new guests: none
Minutes: Brent Smith asked for a motion to review, object, make corrections and approve the minutes from
Decembers club meeting. Motion was made and seconded and approved.
Social Director: Tauna talked about the wine tasting at Brent and Jennifer Smith’s house on March 21st.
Handed out a calendar of events for the year. So far there are still many open dates for runs. Anyone
interested in hosting a run can contact Tauna. As of right now there are no dates scheduled for car shows.
Membership: 103 members, 12 that have not renewed. Reminder that we need to pass out our business
cards to try to get new members.
Governor: Sign up for Convention will be Feb. 1st. Need to go to the National website to register and all the
information will be available on the website.
Treasure: Doug Billips gave a report on our finances.
Parade Director: no report
Editor: no report
Parliamentarian: no report
Sergeant at arms: no report
Advertising: no report
Public relations: Joel is going to purchase two stand up banners which we can display at our car shows and
Quartermaster: Kim showed the design with our logo for the NICC blankets. She would need a minimum of
12 to order and they are $49 ea. Personalization would be $10 extra. See Kim if interested in ordering.
Webmaster: Linda said they are working on the website. Contact Linda if you want anything added or
NCM Ambassador: update on run to Bowling Green. Gary from the corvette museum will be here next month
to discuss the museum membership.
(Continued on page 8)
(Continued from page 7)
Old Business: Need someone to take over our car shows. This is one of our money makers and really need
someone to volunteer.
New business: Wendy Bennett and Linda Sarlo handed out a menu sheet from Franchesco’s. This is not a
done deal, but this is the only other place that we could have our meetings that would provide sufficient
parking and give us a room at no charge. We will discuss more the next meeting to see what the members
think of the prices and selections and see if it is worth moving the meeting to Franchesco’s.
Also discussed a membership drive. At our April meeting anyone who brings someone who owns a corvette
to our meeting, we will buy their dinner. It will be a buffet style dinner for this meeting only. We hope by
bringing in people they will see what we are about and possibly join our club.
New cars: Doug and Marla Schiller bought a new 2015 blue corvette.
Club presentation: Dennis Matthews was our spotlight member this month.
Collection of waivers and badge fines: $10 collected
Raffles: Leon Gorsch won a corvette binder and pen, Doug Billups won a route 66 towel holder
Attendance drawing: adjournment
Next Meeting March 1st.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm
Saturday, April 18th, 10:00 AM
It’s time again to explore the ditches in
search of abandoned treasures!
Meet in the CherryVale Parking lot across
from Menards on Perryville.
Dress for the weather!
(Experienced explorers bring a large plastic bucket
and a “reach extender-grabber”)
NICC Vette Visions
Newsletter & Website Contributions
Northern Illinois Corvette Club, Inc. is a non-profit
charitable organization dedicated to the promotion of
Corvette ownership and operation.
The club provides Corvette information and encourages
others to participate in its ownership and enjoyment by
holding meetings, events (concours, parades, races, rallies,
runs, shows) and socials.
Through the magnetism of the Corvette, the club raises
funds and supports various local and national non-profit
NICC is a 100% member club of the National Council of
Corvette Clubs (NCCC). Membership is limited to owners of
Vette Visions is your newsletter. Your contributions
are welcome. Corvette related pictures, stories,
editorials, ads, or other appropriate materials are
welcome. Please email items to
Text file formats are best in .rtf, .doc, .txt, and photos
in .pub .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .bmp files. Thank you.
DEADLINE for all Reports, Items, Advertising, and
Articles in EACH issue is the FRIDAY following the
monthly meeting.
Vette Visions & Website Advertising
Late Renew Fee
$50 + $10
Need help developing your ads? Design assistance
is free with half or full page 12-issue ads. For
multiple issues, new copy can be submitted monthly.
Your ads will appear in our Newsletter and on our
(If not postmarked
by Oct. 15th)
*(spouse, dependant, companion)
Thank you for supporting NICC.
NCCC Lifetime members are only required to pay NICC
dues. For more information on the NICC and NCCC go to
their websites at the links below.
VETTE VISIONS, NICC’s newsletter, is published
monthly on our website and a publication notice is e-mailed
to all members, advertisers and Corvette enthusiasts who
have provided us with their email address and have
expressed an interest in our publication. Materials submitted
and published in VETTE VISIONS are believed to be
accurate and NICC assumes no legal responsibilities of
Size of Ad
Full Page
Half Page
Business Card
Rate / 12 Months
2015 NICC Officers / Board of Directors
The club’s mailing address is:
Northern Illinois Corvette Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 573
Rockford, Illinois 61105-0573
Corvette Links
Northern Illinois Corvette Club
Midwest Region (of NCCC)
National Council of Corvette Clubs www.corvettesnccc.org
National Corvette Museum
Brent Smith
Arnie Bailey
Barb Johnson
Doug Billups
Kerry Lopin
Gene Stimart
Leon Gorsch
Social Director
Tauna Billups
Doug Phillips
Linda Stimart
Parade Director
Susie Coleman
Nancy Bailey
Dennis Mathews
Kim Lopin
Nat’l. Corvette
Louise Gorsch
When sending emails to NICC members, ALWAYS put
“NICC” in the subject. Most of us do not open messages we
do not recognize.
All copyrighted images, trademarks and other materials appearing in this
newsletter that are not the property of NICC are the property of their respective
owners and are used here with the expressed or implied consent of their owners
for the sole purpose of identifying or publicizing the owner’s product or service
and not for any intended profit or gain by NICC.
NICC shall not be held liable for any opinions or statements expressed in this
Car Care & Maintenance
Car Care & Maintenance (continued)
Car Care & Maintenance (continued)
Competition & Entertainment
Bowling Green,
Where dreams are built.
Reservations required
for tours
600 Corvette Drive
(Exit #28 off I-65)
(Handicap accessible)
Dealerships (continued)
Health Care - Medical
Health Products & Services
Home & Business
Home & Business (continued)
See Doc’s for all of your
Home, Office and Auto
Upholstery needs.
(See Doc’s ad in Car Care )
Restaurants & Dining
Restaurants & Dining (continued)
Restaurants & Dining (continued)
Our club activities and charitable contributions are made
possible by the generous support of our sponsors and
Please support the people who support us by using their
products and services, and when you do, let them know
you’re a member of the Northern Illinois Corvette Club
and tell them ‘Thank You!’ for their support.
Planning a run or event? Why not consider including one
of our supporters in your plans?
Have a favorite business who isn’t yet a supporter? Tell
them about us and ask if they’d like to get on board.
Email: SusieColeman@usa.com
NOTICE: Members should contact the NICC Webmaster to place their classified ad on the
NICC Web Page webmaster@nicccorvette.com
NEW set of (3) 2001 Corvette Service Manuals
($150 New) Sell for $100.00
NEW '91 thru '96 C4 Embroidered Black Bra
($120 New) Sell for $100.00
NEW ('63-'82) Corvette Tooling (over $500 new)
Sell for $300.00
- Trailing Arm Bushing Staking Tool
- Rear Wheel Bearing Setup Tool
- Spindle Knocker
- Rear Spindle Installation Tool
- Rear Wheel Bearing Greaser
- Shock Mount Removal Tool
- Rear Spindle Removal Press
- Rear Wheel Bearing Spacer
- Wheel Bearing Shim & Spacer Kit
Member / Non-member Want-Ads
Members are encouraged to use Vette Visions to
buy and sell Corvette related items. This service
is free of charge to members. Ad size may be
restricted. Ads for non-members will be
published, subject to editorial restrictions,
at a fee of $5.00 for a business card size ad.
Contact the Editor at:
Contact Jack Wilson (Home) 815-885-2700,
(Cell) 815-978-4830, email: jwracers@aol.com
Please keep your Mailing Address, E-Mail Address
and Phone Number up to date with NICC.
E-mail your changes to change@nicccorvette.com
Please include old info and new info in the message.
Love ‘Vettes, Have Fun,
Give Back!
From the Editor:
Currently we are still printing and mailing a few black & white paper copies
of VetteVisions, but this demand is decreasing.
For the past few years VetteVisions has been posted monthly on the
NICC website in a color, printable “.pdf” format. Some of the information in
the newsletter is also posted elsewhere on the website.
The newsletter, once printed, cannot be changed but life does change.
Plans and schedules change and those changes appear on NICC’s website
and Facebook pages, accessible anytime from anywhere.
NICC sends emails to members, advertisers and interested friends when
the newsletter is published and to keep members up to date.
The March 2015 issue is scheduled as the last monthly newsletter to be
printed and mailed. The printable newsletter will still be posted to the
website. Next month I will tell you more as plans evolve.
You should have received an email notice about the February 2015
newsletter but if you didn’t, please send an email to the “change” address or
the address below from the email account that you wish us to use.
Thank you.

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