The Make Money With Your Camera Magazine Photographer Annual Issue 2008 TODAY'S www.ifpo.net How To Protect YOUR RIGHTS AND PHOTOS page 14 3319 IFPO MEMBERS IN HALL OF FAME page 19 Tips For SHOOTING BASKETBALL page 8 Make Money with Photo Advertising page 15 8 D AY S THAT CHANGED MY LIFE page 6 Learn Learn Photography Photography at at Home Home ALL NEW!! With Brian Ratty, world famous photographer and educator #DVD-4 LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY FILM & DIGITAL $39.95 With the advent of inexpensive cameras the world of photography has been opened to millions of new image makers. This DVD is the starting point for any person wanting to learn the fundamentals of photography. 16 Educational Lessons, Bonus Teacher Files, TRT 87 Minutes. #DVD-5 LEARN PHOTOGRAPHIC LIGHT, FILM & DIGITAL $39.95 You know that you are serious about your photography when you start studying light. This DVD is the starting point for any person wanting to learn the fundamentals of photographic light. 13 Educational Chapters, 28 Key Concepts, Bonus Teacher Files, TRT 72 Minutes. New Release August 2008: DVD-6 LEARN PHOTOGRAPHIC DESIGN, FILM & DIGITAL $39.95 Fast paced and packed with information, this DVD is a must for any photographer who's serious about understanding and using the principals of good photographic design. It's all here for you to learn and enjoy. 12 Educational Chapters, 30 Key Concepts, Bonus Teacher Files, TRT 82 Minutes. #DVD-7 (#DVD-4-DVD-6 bundle): $104.95 4 Hours • 41 Chapters Item #DVD-6 To Be Released and Shipped in August 2008 ON ASSIGNMENT SERIES brings to the amateur and beginning professional photographer the most complete, comprehensive video training series ever produced. This classic series is a must for any photographer’s library. #3R0X - $199.95 (#3R01-3R08 bundle) 12 Hours Spanish language VHS bundle #3R0X.ESP All $199.95 each bundle. #3R01 - BASIC 35MM PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 How an SLR works, f-stops and shutter speeds, exposure, depth-of-field, and film. Beyond basic techniques in taking better pictures, lenses, shooting with available light, flash, filters, Tools and techniques: candids, formal, environmental portraits, sports-action. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R01.ESP #3R02 - LIGHTING AND EXPOSURE - $39.95 Learn the direction, form, contrast, and color characteristics of light. Learn exposure control including measuring light, reflective metering, incidence metering, tonal control, fill latitude, and other factors. Elements of lighting, including natural light, available light, artificial light and electronic flash. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R02.ESP. #3R03 - DESIGN•COMPOSITION - $39.95 Learn camera vision, lens-camera choice, framing. Composition- design elements: line, shape, texture, color; design principles: balance, movement, repetition, scale, emphasis, contrast, unity, color. Lighting direction and quality, controlling light and color, psychology of color. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R03.ESP. #3R04 - STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 Learn product photography. Learn to layout and design your own studio; studio and still life photography lighting. Learn to use large format cameras, including the view camera, handling sheet film, shifts, swings, tilts. Shoot people in the studio including portraits, shoot people on location, and tell a story with candids. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R04ESP. #3R05 - BUSINESS OF PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 Make your portfolio, Choosing your direction, the “best” portfolio, portfolio editing, and the interview. Sell your services. Breaking into and staying in business, directories, stock agencies, pricing, billing, Learn careers in photography, freelancing, staff opportunities. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R05.ESP. #3R06 - BASIC VIDEOGRAPHY - $39.95 Video theory, audio theory, video formats, video cameras and recorders. Using a video camera, pre-production, shooting and editing. Video accessories, lighting , video markets. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R06.ESP. #3R07 - THE DARKROOM - $39.95 Layout a darkroom. Learn color and black/white film processing and printing. Chemicals and paper. Proofing and enlargements. Printing methods. Negative and print faults. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R07.ESP. #3R08 - GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 Glamour assignments:cameras, film, lighting, make-up, hair, wardrobe, rights, model releases, props, sets, locations, posing, the glamour portrait, finding models, glamour markets, boudoir. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R08.ESP. Credit Card orders phone: or fax: MAIL ORDERS: 1-800-283-5989 IFPO, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 Digital Photography Instructions on DVD With Brian Ratty, world famous photographer and educator #DVD04 - $109.95 (#DVD01-DVD03 bundle) 4.7 Hours DVDLP4 Learn To Critique Photography, Film & Digital 60 minutes $39.95 DVD01 Digital Photography: The Camera 85 min $39.95 Digital photography is changing the way photographers create images with a new sense of imagination that can be instantly changed and improved. Digital Photography, The Camera is about teaching the fundamentals of this new creative tool. If you’re new to photography or an experienced film user you will find this program full of practical information and instruction on digital imaging. 14 Educational Chapters: Introduction, f-Stops, Shutter Speeds, Digital History, How Digital Works, How to Choose a Digital Camera, Using Your Digital Camera, Files & Memory, BONUS - Text Files: Key Terms, Digital Glossary, Teacher’s Guide, Quick Quiz (30 Questions), Using Light, Lenses, Depth of Field, When to Use Digital, Exposure Control, Your Digital Images, Digital Pathways. $39.95 DVD02 Digital Photography, Crafting Images 98 minutes $39.95 To be successful, a photographer must learn to critique photography. This program exam ines over 100 im ages to understand why som e pictures work and why others don't. If offers the critical skills needed to craft the most dynamic images possible. E leven educational lessons: Visual themes, Light, Color, Focus, Design, Seeing images, People Photography, Action Photography, Travel Photography, Nature Photography and Candid Photography. 60 minutes, DVD format $39.95. DVDGP1 with Bill Lemon Teaches the fundamentals of the ‘art and craft’ of making, not taking, digital images. This 98 minute program includes 32 key photographic concepts and 56 specific digital shooting tips. This interactive program will help develop good photographic techniques and provides inspiration on starting to ‘see’ photographic images that are all around us. 10 Educational Chapters: Introduction, The Camera (review), Properties of Light, Exposure Control, Photographic Design, Critiquing Images, Visual Themes, Visual Subjects, Shooting Accessories, The Gift of Photography. $39.95 DVD03 The Digital Darkroom 100 minutes $39.95 65 minutes. $39.95 Bill Lemon is one of the top g l a m o u r shooters in American. His acclaimed images have appeared in ads, magazine covers, books and web pages around the world. Lemon gives professional advice for creating artistic nude and glamour images in both digital and film media. Go behind the scenes to learn Bill's secrets of crafting successful glamour images and how he directs and poses his subjects; he also reveals his techniques for working with professional and amateur models. See Bill's favorite images (50+) and understand how and why he created them. W A R N I N G : This program contains frontal nudity. Running time 65 minutes. $39.95 The Digital Darkroom widens the expression of photography as a very personal form of art. Working with everyday technology such as digital cameras, scanners, computers and printers a photographer can craft amazing images that rival traditional film and the works of the masters of the art world. Making digital images into excellent prints is a combination of art and science that is only limited by the photographer’s imagination. 10 Educational Chapters: Introduction, Computers, Digital Pathways, Scanning Images, Image Resolution, Darkroom Software, Using Darkroom Software, Printing, Papers & Ink, Working with Image Files, The Finishing Room. Bonus Word or PDF Files. Brian Ratty is a graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography and holds an Honorary Master of Science Degree. $39.95 *Instruction: Bill has provided with this DVD 34 glamour lessons (Power Point and PGF format) that can be downloaded and printed. www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 1 BUSINESS FORMS: Packet of 100 for $9.95 each contracts - checklists - releases - contrac HOW TO BUY INDIVIDUAL FORMS: $9.95 for EACH Form (packs of 100 ) (NOT-Personalized) $24.95 for ANY 3 Forms (packs of 100 ) (NOT-Personalized) $39.95 for ANY 5 Forms (packs of 100 ) (NOT-Personalized) Use the Order Form on page 47 FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER’S’ CONTRACTS AND CHECKLISTS: F120 F121 F159 F160 F157 F158 F301 F141 F169 F170 F171 F172 F173 F174 F165 F163 F164 F140 F142 PHOTOGRAPHER’S JOB CONTRACT PHOTOGRAPHER’S RIGHTS/COMMISSIONS CONTRACT PHOTOGRAPHER’S JOB INVOICE PHOTOGRAPHER’S JOB ESTIMATE WORKSHEET PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER’S JOB CONTRACT PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER’S INTERVIEW FORM PHOTOGRAPHER’S ON-ASSIGNMENT CHECKLIST INSURANCE PHOTOGRAPHER’S INVENTORY RECORD WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY JOB CONTRACT WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY CHECKLIST Full Wedding: People and Places Shooting Plan (1 of 4) Full Wed.Pre-Ceremony, Ceremony Shooting Plan (2 of 4) Full Wedding: Post Ceremony Shooting Plan (3 of 4) Full Wedding: Shooting Appointments Plan (4 of 4) MODEL PORTFOLIO JOB CONTRACT MODEL PORTFOLIO SHOOTING CHECKLIST MODEL INTERVIEW FORM VIDEOGRAPHER’S JOB CONTRACT VIDEOGRAPHER’S WEDDING CHECKLIST RELEASES AND SUBMISSION AGREEMENTS F191 MODEL RELEASE pocketform F192 PUBLICATION RELEASE pocketform F193 PROPERTY RELEASE pocketform F147 PUBLICATION SUBMISSION pocket form F224 RIGHTS TO PUBLISH AGREEMENT NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS’ PLANNERS AND REPORTS F210 HOT NEWS CHECKPOINTS F211 DAILY ACTION PLANNER F212 HOT CONTACTS: LOCAL PUBLICATIONS F213 QUICK RESPONSE PROCESSING LABS F214 FIELD DIRECTORY NOTESS ORDER TOLL FREE 2 F220 F221 F222 F201 F202 F203 F204 F223 QUICK STEP PUBLICATION RELEASE pocketform QUICK STEP MODEL RELEASE pocketform QUICK STEP PROPERTY RELEASE pocketform NEWS REPORTER'S LOG & EVALUATION NEWS REPORTER'S ACCIDENT REPORT CLIENT NOTIFICATION FORMS pocketform QUICK RESPONSE NEWS LOG INSTANT NEWS REPORT FORM PHOTOGRAPHERS’ LOGS F125 35mm EXPOSURE LOG F146 PHOTO SHOOTING LOG F126 DARKROOM: FILM DEVELOPING LOG F127 DARKROOM: CHEMICAL USAGE LOG F128 DARKROOM: ENLARGER CALIBRATION LOG F129 DARKROOM: PRINT MAKING LOG F130 DARKROOM: 35mmTEST STRIP LOG MISCELLANEOUS FORMS F101 IFPO MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION F102.a IFPO MEMBER'S INFORMATION FORM F102.b IFPO REFERRAL PROGRAM FORM F103 IFPO ORDER FORM F104 ASSIGNMENT DATA BANK REGISTRATION F105 PHOTO CONTEST RULES AND ENTRY FORMS F106 EDITOR'S SWEEPSTAKES & SUBMISSION INFO F107 IFPO MEMBER'S ADVERTISING RATES F108.a IFPO HOME PAGE PROGRAM KIT #1 F108.b IFPO HOME PAGE PROGRAM KIT #2 F108.c IFPO HOME PAGE PROGRAM KIT #3 P109 PICTURE AWARD PROGRAM F139 IFPO PRESS ASSIGNMENT REQUEST MEMO F145 PHOTO CONTEST ENTRY FORM pocketform F155 PRESS ASSIGNMENT REQUEST FORM F156 PRESS ASSIGNMENT RECORDD 1-800-654-9557 or fax: 1-800-283-5989 7 DAYS Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net LIFETIME SUPPLY Business Forms Masters $39.95 tracts - checklists - releases - contracts 61 FORMS MASTERS Copy each form as needed or take most frequently used forms to your printer for larger quantities. HOW TO BUY FORMS MASTERS: $39.95 Reproducible Masters of ALL 61 forms (NOT Personalized) $69.95 Reproducible Masters of ALL 61 forms PERSONALIZED! Use the Coupon on this page or the Order Form on page 47 order NOT-PERSONALIZED Reproducible Forms Masters #15MA for $39.95 plus $9 shipping Use this space to type or paste-on your own personalization. order PERSONALIZED Reproducible Forms Masters #15PR $69.95 Let IFPO custom design the personal information on EACH of the 61 Contracts, Checklists and Releases. plus $9 shipping 61 FORMS MASTERS ORDER FORM IFPO MEMBERS ONLY! Photographers’’ Forms R e p ro d u c i ble MASTERS Complete sets of CURRENT FORMS ❏ 15MA-61 $39.95 NOT PERSONALIZED ❏ 15PR-61 $69.95 PERSONALIZED (see below) ❏ 15XX-61 $89.95 1 Set Personalized, 1 Set Not-Personalized $9.00 1st Class Mail ❏S&H $ Total Enclosed SHIPPING & MEMBER INFORMATION: 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ name __________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip _______________________________________________________________ address phone/FAX ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ PERSONALIZATION INFORMATION: (please print or type clearly on this form or your own paper) name AND / OR business name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ contact mailing address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ contact information such as phone, fax, email, URL:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Order by Check, Money Order, Or Credit Card as follows: Credit card orders: CALL FREE: FAX FREE: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Optima Cards Accepted expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ www.ifpo.net Mail checks or money orders to: 1-800-654-9557 1-800-283-5989 IFPO Order Dept., PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International 3 WE WERE WRONG ... Volume 23, Number 1 2008 ANNUAL ISSUE MANY OF YOU RESPONDED TO THE INACCURACY OF THE MODEL SHOOT WITH THE BLUE ANGELS IN THE 2007 ANNUAL ISSUE. CREDIT SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO USAF F-15 DEMO TEAM, THE HERITAGE FLIGHT OF THE AIR COMBAT C OMMAND. I APOLOGIZE TO THE B LUE ANGELS, THE USAF F-15 DEMO TEAM AND TO THE READERS OF TODAY’S P HOTOGRAPHER MAGAZINE. IFPO MEMBERS ALWAYS TELL US WHAT WE DO OR DO NOT DO WELL. THAT'S THE DRIVING FORCE THAT HAS KEPT US STRONG ALL THESE YEARS. WE EXPECT IT, APPRECIATE IT AND KNOW THAT WILL GUIDE US IN THE FUTURE. AGAIN, MY SINCERE APOLOGIES. VONDA BLACKBURN, EDITOR Contents 6 8 9 Eight Days That Changed My Life By Jeffrey Campbell The Still Photographer Must Capture Drama By Rob Marks Practice Is The Key To Shooting Sports By Wayne Litmer 14 How To Protect Your Rights and Photos By Vonda H. Blackburn, Editor 15 How To Make Money With Photo Advertising By Richard L. Schorey 19 IFPO Inducts 3319 Members Into Hall of Fame 23 Book Reviews 27 Editorial Submission Guidelines Path of Destruction Greenville, Kentucky 2008 “I WAS ABLE TO FLY 33 Test Studio Lighting At a Reasonable Price By Dennis Hodges 35 IFPO Announces Intern Program OVER THE AREAS HIT HARDEST BY THE DEADLY TORNADOES WITH OTHER MEMBERS OF THE PRESS.” Photo Contests GEORGE AUSTIN IFPO On Assignment 27 2007 Annual Winners 36 Photo Contest Rules 38 2008 Contest Winners COVER PHOTOS: Cincinnati vs. Marquette Basketball by Wayne Litmer IFPO. 13 Vietnam Memorial Ceremony By Otis P. Motley WWE RAW Survivor Series By Milos Lekovic 2008 Presidential Campaign By Wayne Smith 21 2008 Olympic Trials By Vincent Brown North American International Auto Show By Thomas Danyluk 40 Thunder Nation By W.H. Teed Navy vs. Duke University Football by Anthony Santore IFPO “PRESS ACCESS ALLOWED ME TO CAPTURE NAVY’S QUARTERBACK KAIPO-NOA KAHEAKU-ENHADA IN THE GRIPS OF DUKE DEFENDERS ... AND A PLACE ON THE COVER OF THIS MAGAZINE.” Tony Santore IFPO Herndon, VA. 48 Press Photographer’s Code of Ethics I FP O P H OT O G R A PH E R S P U B L I S HE D I N T H I S I S S U E Mail Preference: On occasion subscriber names and addresses are made available to carefully screened companies whose products or services we feel may be of interest to readers. To be excluded from these mailings, contact us via one of the following: Mail: PO Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023 FAX: 336-945-3711 Phone 336-945-9867 IFPO CORRESPONDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS Keith Cephus, Virginia Beach, VA Francis J. Dean, Kastrup, Denmark Elliot L. Doering, Milwaukee, WI Luis Garcia, San Diego, CA Michael I. Hanyecz, Calabasas, CA Dennis Hodges, Kansas City, MO Kendall Krebs, Pella, IA Ilya Moshenskiy, Redmond, WA Dennis Stephens, Jamaica, West Indies Gracjan Adamczyk, Seattle, WA George Åustin, Greenville, KY Vincent Brown, Bronx, NY Jeffrey Campbell, Lemoore, CA Anthony Ciampa, Sahuarita, AZ Thomas Danyluk, Windsor, Ontario Dennis Hodges, Kansas City, MO Milos Lekovic, NSW, Australia Wayne Litmer, Southgate, KY V. Robert Manriquez, Redondo Beach, CA Rob Marks, Bethesda, MD Otis P. Motley, North Bethesda, MD Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Cinderella Morff, Lohman, MO Bobby Samuels, Lancaster, CA Wayne Smith, Chesapeake, VA Richard L Schorey, Hardin, KY Tommie R. Shaw, Louisville, KY Craig Tordy, Clearwater, FL W. H. Teed, Daphne, AL IFPO Program Directory: Assignments Now Flex Credentials Glamour Elite Program Home Page Program IFPO Business Guides IFPO Business Cards IFPO Business Forms IFPO Distributor Program IFPO Recognition Certificates 34 42 16 20 40 5 2 43 25 IFPO Master Photographer Program Membership Programs New Discoveries Program Press Correspondent’s Chase Kit Press Program (GOLD) Press Program (Universal) Stock Gallery Program Today’s Sports Credentials Universal Press Accessories COMPLETE IFPO PROGRAM DIRECTORY PAGE 17 Today’s Photographer Magazine is published by American Image Press, at 6495 Shallowford Rd., Lewisville, NC 27023. Send advertising and editorial correspondence to: Today’s Photographer Magazine, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA. One year subscription in USA and possessions, $21; Canada, $27; all other countries, $36; cash orders only payable in U.S. currency. Please send change of address forms as well as subscription correspondence to Today’s Photographer Magazine, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA. Allow at least six weeks for the change of address to become effective. COPYRIGHT AMERICAN IMAGE, INC., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Today's Photographer International Today’s Photographer International AMERICAN IMAGE PRESS 6495 SHALLOWFORD ROAD LEWISVILLE, NC 27023 (336) 945-9867 FAX (336) 945-3711 39 17 30 22 10 11 18 49 12 MAGAZINE STAFF Publisher: Jack M. Gallimore Editor in Chief: Vonda H. Blackburn Editorial: Cass Kerrington Ray Bream Operations Staff: Annette Blackburn Eloise Brinegar Debbie Cofer Editors at large: Dennis Hodges Kendall K. Krebs www.ifpo.net MAKE YOUR IFPO AFFILIATION WORK WITH IFPO BUSINESS CARDS WE PRINT or YOU PRINT WE PRINT: ❏ 5511A.........Member FREELANCE Photographer ..................... $36.95 ea 500 CARDS PER SET IFPO ❏ 5511B.........Member SPORTS Photographer ............................ $36.95 ea. ❏ 5511C ........Member CONCERT Photographer...........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511D ........Member WEDDING Photographer..........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511E.........Member PORTRAIT Photographer.........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511F.........Member WILDLIFE Photographer ..........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511G ........Member NATURE Photographer ............................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511H ........Member GLAMOUR Photographer ........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511J .........Member MODEL Photographer ..............................$36.95 ea. Photographer ........$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511X.........Member OTHER (SPECIFY) MEMBER ANY 2 SETS ABOVE #5511-2 ..........................$69.95 Tot. FREELANCE Photographer YOU PRINT: BUSINESS CARD MASTERS! Arnold W. Smith #87654 Emerald Images 123 W. Anystreet #A1 Yourtown, NY 12345-4468 Contact: (701) 123-4567 voice (701) 123-4568 fax awsmith@worldnet.com email www.worldnet.com/~awsmith URL •Custom Designed & Personalized, ready to take to your printer •You choose paper stock, ink color and quantity. You get six originals of each set you order! Each set is Professionally typeset and printed on laser-graphic paper at 600 dpi. $36.95 for 500 Cards ❏ 5011A.........Member FREELANCE Photographer ......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011B.........Member SPORTS Photographer .............................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011C ........Member CONCERT Photographer...........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011D ........Member WEDDING Photographer..........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011E.........Member PORTRAIT Photographer.........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011F.........Member WILDLIFE Photographer ..........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011G ........Member NATURE Photographer ............................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011H ........Member GLAMOUR Photographer ........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011J .........Member MODEL CONSULTANT............................$19.95 ea. Photographer ........$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011X.........Member OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 3 SETS ABOVE # 5011-3 .........................$49.95 Tot. WE PRINT: 500 CARDS PER SET ❏ 5522A.........NEWS Photographer ...............................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522B.........PHOTOJOURNALIST ...........................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522C ........CONCERT Photographer.........................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522D ........SPORTS Photographer............................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522E.........ENTERTAINMENT Photographer .........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522F.........CELEBRITY Photographer ......................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522G ........POLICE Photographer .............................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522H ........INVESTIGATIVE Photographer .............................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522J .........CORRESPONDENT Photographer.........................$36.95 ea. Photographer ........$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522X.........Member OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 2 SETS ABOVE #5522-2 .......................$69.95 Tot. PRESS BUSINESS CARDS Today's Photmagazine ographer Arnold W. Smith #87654 YOU PRINT: BUSINESS CARD MASTERS! •Custom Designed & Personalized, ready to take to your printer •You choose paper stock, ink color and quantity. ❏ 5022A.........NEWS Photographer ...............................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022B.........PHOTOJOURNALIST ...........................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022C ........CONCERT Photographer.........................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022D ........SPORTS Photographer............................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022E.........ENTERTAINMENT Photographer .........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022F.........CELEBRITY Photographer ......................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022G ........POLICE Photographer .............................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022H ........INVESTIGATIVE Photographer .............................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022J .........CORRESPONDENT Photographer.........................$19.95 ea. Photographer ........$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022X.........Member OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 3 SETS ABOVE #5022-3 ..................$49.95 Tot. www.ifpo.net Emerald Images 123 W. Anystreet #A1 Yourtown, NY 12345-4468 Contact: (701) 123-4567 voice (701) 123-4568 fax awsmith@worldnet.com email ORDER TOLL FREE or Use ORDER FORM on page 47 Today's Photographer International 5 Eight Days ...... RANDY ORTON DOMINATES JEFF HARDY © 2007 JEFFREY C AMPBELL IFPO Boxed away among the clutter in my basement I had set down my first SLR some twenty years ago. For reasons to this day that still escape my mind, I am unable to pinpoint the exact moment in time as to why I placed my love for photography by the wayside. Years later, perhaps out of sheer curiosity or maybe I simply felt a calling, those years that I ceased snapping up photos at local events crept in the back of my mind. When I discovered the IFPO one recent Saturday afternoon I realized that it was again time to pick up where I had left off. Having recently purchased my first digital SLR camera, I immediately felt the pulse of what I had set aside back in 1988, and within one business day of placing my order I had received confirmation of my first assignment. My credentials had not yet arrived, however, Vonda, the editor, faxed out my assignment sheet, as I had been accepted to shoot one of the biggest events in sports entertainment—World Wrestling! Professional wrestling has certainly changed over the years from when I was a kid growing up, and I have discovered that it is no longer a sport barred with gender restrictions. Athletes are stronger, more physically fit, and the popularity of the sport has grown into a billion dollar per year business. My acceptance at the venue and authorization to photograph a sport now open for female athletes of the highest caliber never would have been possible without assistance from the IFPO Press Program. I have to admit that I was extremely 6 Today's Photographer International nervous having arrived at the venue that evening. The enormous sized marquee perched high atop the arena flashed in bright red, yellow, and green neon lights “Tonight—World Wrestling Entertainment—Steel Cage Match!” I approached the parking lot, flashed my assignment sheet and eagerly asked the attendant where the media parking was located. As he pointed in the direction where I should park, I drove away and I thought to myself “free parking and a free show—it does not get much better than this.” I honestly felt as though I was the star of the show! Once inside, I met with the public relations director who informed me of the venue etiquette and policies. She explained that I would have free reign of the arena, however, backstage was off limits. She even gave me a complimentary ticket and explained “here is a seat for you in the event your feet get tired and you want to rest.” Bless her heart! She also expressed that I must be respectful of the paying customers; meaning that I should move in, get my shot, and back out immediately. By this she meant that I should not block the view of the fans for more than a few seconds—be courteous— and I was. It was extremely important that I obeyed all the rules because this venue is going to have more shows that I want to attend in the future, and now that I have my foot in the door it was important that I act accordingly and not discredit myself or the IFPO. With the assistance of the media representatives from the show I was able to get about eight rows back from the ring. Prior to establishing my position crouching down in the aisles for the best angle, I quickly established contact with the nearest staff member. I wanted to let her know who I was and why I was there. The lighting was dim, the action fast, and this was literally the first time using my new camera. I was shooting a Nikon D40 that evening, and I was using my 55-200mm f-4 zoom lens primarily because I was not sure how close I would be. Due to the poor lighting conditions, coupled with my slow lens speed and the fast action of the sport, my auto-setting shutter speed was 1/60th of a second. I would have preferred a faster shutter speed to freeze the action better but I was forced to deal with the equipment I have. My heart was literally pounding! Click, click, and click. I was pushing the camera button as fast as I could! Having absolutely no idea who I was photographing, or for that matter being familiar with the stars of the WWE (the last time I had watched wrestling was back in the early 1970’s) I found myself asking the kids that were seated near me who the wrestling stars were. They were very helpful and seemed to know everything about the show—the stars, the stats, who-waswho, along with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Talking at what seemed to be the speed of light a young fan shouted back at me “that guy is Jeff so-and- so, and the other is guy Randy so-and- so.” I simply could not hear him and I had no idea what he was trying to convey over the top of 30,000 www.ifpo.net ... THAT CHANGED MY LIFE! By Jeffrey Campbell IFPO, Lemoore, California WITHIN ONE BUSINESS DAY OF JOINING THE IFPO PRESS PROGRAM I RECEIVED CONFIRMATION OF MY FIRST ASSIGNMENT. THEN I RECEIVED CONFIRMATION FROM THE PACIFIC RIM GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIP WHICH IS A QUALIFYING EVENT FOR THE 2008 BEIJING OLYMPICS, LEGENDARY BLUES GUITARIST JOHNNY WINTER, PROFESSIONAL BOXING, AND BRITISH RECORDING ARTISTS’ U.F.O -- ALL IN JUST EIGHT DAYS! screaming fans who were frantically waving colored signs high in the air above their heads showing support for their favorite star. At one point in time as I continued clicking away the kids were asking me if I was the official photographer for the WWE! I got a kick out of that, however, I maintained my professionalism, refrained from telling a white lie, and explained to them that I was on assignment with American Image Press. During the steel cage match that evening, and after seeing my professional looking equipment, one lady in attendance looked down at her tiny point-andshoot camera, glanced back up at me, then suddenly out of nowhere passed me a card with her email address and asked if I would be so kind as to send her a few pictures for both her young daughters in attendance. I did oblige her request a few days later, and I’m confident that I made some kids very happy. I was able to get some decent shots that evening of not only the current men’s heavyweight champion, but the woman’s champion as well. It was an exciting night and I am very proud to have been a part of it all. Recently I have received confirmation www.ifpo.net from different event organizers for numerous upcoming assignments; the first being the Pacific Rim Gymnastics Championship. This is a qualifying event for the 2008 Beijing Olympics with world-class athletes in attendance. Also I will be photographing legendary blues guitarist Johnny Winter, professional boxing, as well as British recording artists’ U.F.O.—all this in just eight days. I have also been afforded the opportunity to have my second assignment published on the front page of my local newspa- per—talk about front page headlines! I am looking forward to future assignments and defining my photographic skills as I continue to gain recognition through publishing. Eventually I would like to be picked up by a major magazine or network. I am 44 years old and have learned that we’re never too old to learn something new in life. For anyone interested in having the rest of the world see their photographic compositions—contact Vonda and the IFPO. This program really works! BETH PHOENIX TWISTS HARDCORE HOLLY © 2007 JEFFREY CAMPBELL IFPO Today's Photographer International 7 Tips For ...... THE STILL PHOTOGRAPHER MUST BY ROB MARKS IFPO, BETHESDA, MD CAPTURE DRAMA MARYLAND GRABS DEFENSIVE REBOUND © 2007 ROB MARKS IFPO The most exciting play in basketball inside the arena is a jump shot that either silences the crowd or causes the crowd to roar. The most exciting play in basketball on television is the slam dunk that shows the athletic prowess and power of the player. However, the jump shot and the slam dunk focus on sound and action, respectively, and neither convey very well generally to still photography. Therefore, the still photographer must focus drama. And drama centers on the tension and competition between players. Tournaments provide more tension and competition in a few short hours than regular season games. All photographs for this article were taken at MARYLAND’S OSBY BLOCKS SHOT ©2007 ROB MARKS IFPO 8 Today's Photographer International the BB&T Classic on December 2, 2007 at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. The BB&T is a NCAA Mens’ Basketball Tournament. However, the tips in this article can be used for NBA, NCAA, high school games or shooting your kid at the local recreational center. Why tournaments? There are several advantages to shooting tournaments. The first is that it allows you to see teams and players from different leagues that you would not normally see. The second and more important reason, is you get to shoot a lot of games in a short period of time which allows you to anticipate the action and timing of your shots. The BB&T was a triple header: University of Maryland vs. VCU, George Washington vs. Auburn and George Mason vs. East Carolina. I took more pictures per game, and the pictures were consistently of a higher quality with each successive game. Basically, I became better at anticipating the action the more I watched. I used a Canon 30D with a Canon 50mm 1.8 lens.which is perfect to shoot the near court of basketball. The players are big enough that you do not need to crop heavily, but not too big that you do not get the whole play. If you want to shoot the far court, you need a 200 or 300mm 1.8 lens, which is a little out of my price range. A 30D is a great camera, but you need to decide what works best given your tastes and size of wallet. A GEORGE MASON PLAYER CAPTURES REBOUND. ©2007 ROB MARKS IFPO I set the speed to 1/500ths of a second and let the camera pick the best aperture. The camera chose any of 1.8, 2.0 and 2.2. So you need a fast lens. I selected 1/500th because that freezes all action. Some people like the blur effect in basketball for the movement of the ball or the hands. I don’t. However, if you want to experiment with the blur effect, shoot at either 1/350th or 1/250th of a second. Your position is important. Sometimes photographers are assigned a position on the floor. At other times it is first come, first serve. If you have an option, select a spot closest to the basket where most of the action occurs. If you are not one or two spots from the basket, it is usually better t o se lect th e sp ot furth est from t he Continued on page 44 www.ifpo.net ... Shooting Basketball .... PRACTICE IS THE KEY TO SHOOTING SPORTS BY WAYNE LITMER IFPO, SOUTHGATE, KY I WAS GRANTED PERMISSION TO SHOOT THE CINCINNATI BEARCATS VS. PITT, A WOMEN’S GAME ON JANUARY 12, 2008 WHICH OPENED THE DOOR FOR ME TO SHOOT THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI VS MARQUETTE, A MEN’S GAME ON FEBRUARY 2, 2008. WAYNE LITMER IFPO PHOTOS © 2008 I h a v e been shooting digital photography for the last 6 years. When I started, I really had no background in photography. I knew more about Photoshop and enhancing images that I did about shooting. Over time I became more and more obsessed about learning the craft of photography. I read everything I could find and constantly asked questions of other photographers. I studied other photographer’s work to attempt to www.ifpo.net grasp their point of view. I observed their shooting positions and which angles were the best and how that made their photos better and different from other photographers. That alone was a great learning experience. I began shooting sports at the one through eight grade level concentrating on basketball and soccer. I continued to shoot at grade school level for three years until I was confident with my ability to capture the action. My first camera was an Olympus D510 zoom point and shoot. I actually sold images made with that camera! I incorporated Photoshop into my work to make it stand out. I created backgrounds and fonts to make the images kind of funky for more sales appeal. From sales income I was able to save money which I always put back into better equipment. I appreciated someone buying an image because I knew next year they would get a better one because my equipment would be better. And the more I learned about photography the more I realized that I needed the best equipment that I could afford. As I continued to learn and get better equipment I found myself wanting to shoot sports that mattered. I started showing up at high school games to shoot. I was always comfortable in these venues and after a while I developed a relationship with many photographers who worked for the Cincinnati Post and C i n c i n n a t i Enquire. That led to shooting for a few local high school websites and getting some of my work published in T h e Cincinnati Enquire, HacksSports.com, Hacks Magazine, Reach USA, TriStateFootball.com, Campbell County Recorder and Hometown Golf Maga zine. In 2007 I covered the Kentucky High School Sweet 16 Basketball Tournament at Rupp Arena and the Continued on page 28 Today's Photographer International 9 Gold Press Program Assignment Letter Backed up and supported by Today’s Photographer Magazine Gold Passport Badge Card Wallet I.D. IFPO GOLD PRESS CREDENTIALS: • PLACE YOU ON ASSIGNMENT FOR TODAY’S PHOTOGRAPHER MAGAZINE. • HAVE BEEN IN OPERATION FOR NEARLY 25 YEARS. • SUCCEED MORE THAN 80% OF THE TIME FOR ALL EVENTS. 1. The GOLD PRESS logo appears on each press card. 2. ISSUING INFORMATION validates nationality,date, place of birth etc. required by uniformed officials in charge of access. 3. CLASSIFICATION is based on a range of publishing credits starting at A to AAAA for those who are published frequently. 4. COMPLETE BUNDLE of 3 Press credentials, assignment letter, instructions and Internet Verification information is included. 5. The INTERNET VERIFICATION code on each press card verifies your assignment for TPI magazine 24/7 from anywhere. 6. A VERIFICATION UPDATE function allows YOU to update your contact or other information on your Verification site. plus Internet Verification EVERYTHING INCLUDED EASY TO ASSEMBLE 7. The PUBLISHING CREDITS functions allows you to enter and change your publishing credits as often as you like. 8. RECENT ASSIGNMENTS can be entered on your Verification site so press officials can see the kind of events you normally cover. And ... you can update assignments as often as you like. 9. EXPIRATION DATE: Credentials are issued for 3 years. Press cards more than three years old are considered to be expired. Credentials are renewable every 3 years at a discount fee. 10. LOW PRICE of only $99 plus S & H is the fee for the first 3 years. The Gold Press Credentials are available only to IFPO members. 11. APPLICANTS MAY ENROLL in IFPO membership and the Gold Press program at the same time. ENROLLMENT FORM Cat# 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ or enclose dues (see page 17) name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ ISSUING INFORMATION: Nationality: ___________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Place of birth:__________________________________________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending in: ___________________________________ AAA Published once in: ______________________________________ AAAA Published frequently (list three publishers) ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❏ Price EA. Description $99.00 401-6GP GOLD PRESS CREDENTIALS (Renewable in 3 years) Includes: • GOLD PRESS Passport • GOLD PRESS Badge Card I.D. • GOLD PRESS Wallet I.D. • GOLD PRESS Official Letter of Certification placing you on assignment for American Image Press and Today’s Photographer International magazine. • Press Assignment Verification on the Internet. • Complete assembly instructions, laminating materials and badge clip. • Press Assignment Request Form and How to Use Your Press Credentials. ❏ ❏ Checking this box confirms that I will read and agree to comply with the Professional Press Code of Ethics included with my Press Credentials. USA/Mexico/Canada Shipping $10.00 (other foreign shipping $16.00 USD) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Credit Card orders phone: MAIL ORDERS: Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ 1-800-654-9557 or fax: 1-800-283-5989 IFPO PRESS OFFICE, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA 10 Today’s Photographer International www.ifpo.net AI NEWS Service UNIVERSAL Press Program Issued and supported by American International (AI) News Service plusToday’s Photographer International Magazine AI Universal Press Credentials:* Places you on assignment for American International (AI) News Service Backs you up with a news service in addition to Today’s Photographer Magazine. Arms you with the most complete state of the art press package ever issued by IFPO. Result from 22 years of feedback from IFPO press photographers in the field. Have a success rate of more than 80% for all kind of events around the world. Are available to IFPO members only. *Are recommended for veteran press photographers. 3” EMBROIDERED PATCH THE NEW AI NEWS LOGO IS DESIGNED TO DISTINGUISH THE CREDENTIALS WITH A BROADER MESSAGE AND VISUAL IMPACT OF A NEWS SERVICE. 4 NEW ITEMS HAVE BEEN ADDED: A 3” GOLD AND BLACK PATCH, AN ARMBAND, A PERSONALLY CODED PRESS DASH CARD FOR CARS AND A MASTER SET OF PHOTOGRAPHERS’ FORMS. New Universal Issuing information: • Meets requirements for major events concerned with high security risks. • Is secured to protect AI News Correspondents from identity theft. • Keeps the successful design and content of the AI News credentials safer from the “wanna be upstarts” who plan to succeed by copying our highly reputable program. The AI News Universal Press Cards are not shown here in order to protect the security design and content. • HIGH SECURITY PRESS CREDENTIALS are vital to gaining access in extremely tough situations where credentials are scrutinized for every piece of validating information by uniformed officials in law enforcement, security, military, customs and others. • EXPIRATION DATE: AI credentials are issued for 3 years. Credentials more than three years old are considered to be expired. Access is usually denied if the photos are outdated. AI Press Correspondents may renew and receive all new credentials every 3 years at a discounted fee. • CLASSIFICATION is based on a range of publishing credits starting at A for yet-to-be published photographers extending to AAAA for those published frequently. • EACH AI NEWS PHOTOGRAPHER RECEIVES a 9 Part Bundle of high security credentials designed for visual impact plus instructions for assembly, use and operation of the Internet Assignment Verification site. UNIVERSAL PRESS ENROLLMENT FORM Cat# 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ ❏ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ ISSUING INFORMATION: Nationality: ___________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Place of birth: __________________________________________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ Height: ____________ Hair Color: ________________ ❏ ❏ Eye Color: ________________ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ Credit Card orders phone: MAIL ORDERS: www.ifpo.net Price EA. $199.00 PRESS Passport PRESS Badge Card I.D. PRESS Wallet I.D. High Security PRESS Arm-Band. High Security Coded Auto Press Badge. High Security Press Authorization Letter. AI News Service 3” Embroidered Patch Interactive Internet Verification Master Packet of Press Photographer forms Checking this box confirms that I will read and agree to comply with the Press Code of Ethics included with my credentials. USA/Mexico/Canada Shipping (other foreign shipping $18.00 USD) $12.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending in: ___________________________________ AAA Published once in: ______________________________________ AAAA Published frequently (list three publishers) UNIV-M UNIVERSAL PRESS CREDENTIALS (Renewable in 3 years) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ Description Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ 1-800-654-9557 or fax: 1-800-283-5989 IFPO PRESS OFFICE, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Today’s Photographer International 11 AI NEWS Service Universal Tools AI News Service Launches AVAILABLE ONLY TO AI UNIVERSAL PRESS PHOTOGRAPHERS Round Out Your AI Press Credentials with Uniform Tools for Success. Why are the Uniform Tools needed? To improve access, create a lasting visual impact and pave the way for other AI Photographers. AI NEWS Ha t What are the Universal Uniform Tools? $24.95 1. The AI Universal Credentials (see page 11) 2. The AI News Service Hat 3. The AI News Service Patch 4. The AI News Service Business Cards 5. AI email service: "yourname@ainewsservice.com" #AI09A 1 Hat $24.95 #AI09B 2 Hats $39.95 #AI09C 3 Hats $49.95 The AI News logo is designed to offer the broader message and visual impact of a news service. GET YOUR OWN PERSONAL E-MAIL ADDRESS THAT CONNECTS YOU DIRECTLY TO AI NEWS S ERVICE : <yourname@ainewsservice.net> gives you instant credibility with press officials and justifies your direct press requests to events. You will receive instructions via email (or letter if you do not give us an email address) on how to use the web-mail service. Service for 1 Yr: EM-AI $49.00. AI News Service 3” Patch AI Business Car ds White Linen Card Stock with full color AI Logo American International News Service Tel: (336) 945 9867 email: homeoffice@ainewsservice.net John Q. Smithton Senior Correspondent PO Box 1000, Any City, ST 00000-0101 Tel: (111) 111-1111 johnqsmithton@ainewsservice.net SELECT YOUR TITLE #AIP01 1 patch $17.95 #AIP02 2 patches $29.95 #AIP03 3 patches $39.95 $59.95 per set of 500 Order item #56UN Black and White with Metallic Gold Embroidery (Allow 3 -4 weeks for delivery) ORDER HERE OR USE ORDER FORM ON PAGE 47 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________ or enclose $68 IFPO Lifetime dues name ___________________________________________________________________ title ____________________________________________________________________ (For business cards: Example: Correspondent, News Correspondent, Senior Correspondent etc.) address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ CREDIT C ARD INFO: email/U.R.L. _____________________________________________ Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ Issued and supported by (AI) News Service plus Today’s Photographer International Magazine Use the Order Form on page 47 or: Credit Card orders phone: FAX: 1-800-654-9557 1-800-283-5989 MAIL ORDERS to: AI PRESS OFFICE, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 12 Today’s Photographer International Universal Uniform Code To Pave the Way To the Future The Universal Press Credentials issued by IFPO’s AI News Service last year are the result of 22 years of research and development using vital input from IFPO press photographers. The design and issuing information meet the stringent requirements of press officials and law enforcement around the world. Each time an IFPO Press photographer has successfully covered an event or appeared at a news site since 1984 he or she has paved the way for those that follow. Now we have the opportunity and the responsibility to pave the way for AI photographers of the future. Our challenge is to institute an American International News Service (AI) Uniform Code to create a lasting visual impact that matches our current name recognition. To do that we have to make sure that all of our AI Correspondent Photographers present exactly the same uniform credentials and other tools for success no matter where they show up in the world to cover an event. The purpose is to raise awareness and create a permanent visual impact. What is the AI Uniform? 1. The AI Universal Credentials 2. The AI News Service Hat 3. The AI News Service Patch 4. The AI News Service Business Cards 5. AI email service: "yourname@ainewsservice.com" What is the purpose? 1. To improve access for AI Correspondent photographers. 2. To forge a visual impact that will create a lasting impression. 3. To pave the way for future AI Photographers. When AI Correspondents arrive in uniform at all kinds of events all over the world, only then can the power of the uniform make its impact to pave the way for quicker and easier access today and tomorrow. ! www.ifpo.net ON ASSIGNMENT: By Otis P. Motley IFPO, North Bethesda, MD On November 11, 2007 I decided to go to the 25th Anniversary of The Wall ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. Arriving 15 minutes prior to the ceremony I decided to take a chance to get into the press area. Right away I was escorted to the Director of Communication Ms. Lisa Gough. She checked my credentials and gave me full access to the press stand with other photographers and television camera crews! The Wall is the most visited memorial on the National Mall with more than 4.4 million visitors annually. The Wall was designed in 1981 by Maya Lin, a 21 year old undergraduate architecture student at Yale University. It is built in the shape of a chevron. Both the east and west portions measure 246 feet and 8 inches, and meet at an angle of 125.12. degrees. Each corner of the Memorial points exactly to the northeast corners of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. 58,253 names are inscribed on the black granite, quarried near Bangalore, India. After the ceremony members of the press were escorted to the Vietnam Wall for the photo shoot of General Colin Powell (U.S. Army Ret., former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and decorated Vietnam veteran) laying a wreath as well as the other dignitaries on hand for the ceremony. ! (L) EDWARD TIMES, VETERAN OF THE 1ST BATTALION 7TH CAVALRY WHILE SERVING IN VIETNAM, TRAVELED FROM BATON ROUGE, LA TO RENDER A SALUTE TO FALLEN COMRADES; (R) SENATOR CHUCH HAGEL AND GENERAL COLIN POWELL POSE FOR PHOTOS AT THE WALL WITH A PARK RANGER AND VETERANS. ©2007 OTIS P. MOTLEY. More on page 21 WWE RAW SURVIVOR SERIES TOUR IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA BY MILOS LEKOVIC IFPO, DOLANS BAY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA I love covering action and fast motion events, I love to capture the moment -- each moment is different and portrays the emotion and passion at that exact time. I juggle this between my job and family. I have a wife and 4 boys aged between 4 and 11 years, I take them to all the events and they love watching as much as I love shooting. ! THE 2008 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN BY WAYNE SMITH IFPO, CHESAPEAKE, VA Hacksaw Jim Duggan in action at the WWE RAW Survivor Series Tour in Sydney, Australia. ©2007 MILOS LEKOVIC IFPO www.ifpo.net On February 9, 2008 I was granted permission to cover Former President Bill Clinton at the Indian River High School in Chesapeake, VA. He was there on behalf of his wife, presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton. It was an exciting experience for me. ! Today's Photographer International 13 Ho w To P ro te ct Yo u r R ig h ts a nd Ph o to s B y V o n d a H. Bl a c kb u r n , Ed i t o r Many, many times over the years a photographer has called or written to report that his or her photos have been used without permission, or with permission but without payment, photo credit or other related problems. In ninety-nine percent of the reports the problems could have been avoided by using a cover letter or a simple agreement in writing or using an IFPO Business Form. The following steps should provide protection for most situations. 1) Copyrights are inherent to the photographer. However, an inventory list of images with the copyright notice ( E x : © 2 0 0 8) is a friendly reminder that the work is protected by copyright laws. Also a short OLFGANG PUCK AND HIS ASSISTANT SHOW OFF SOME OF THE TASTY TREATS DURING THE FOOD, notice such as, “May be reproduced W WINE AND MUSIC PORTION OF THE 2008 OSCARS®. ©2008 V. Robert Manriquez IFPO, Redondo only with written permission of the Beach, CA author” could be added. and believe that terms for an agreeWhat happens if you have released 2) Each time a photo or digital image ment can be made. your images without an agreement for leaves your possession, it should be 7) Once there is an agreement for an use and learn they have been used? accompanied by signed and dated image is to be used, the terms must Contact the user. Try to work through permission for use with terms and be set before the use occurs. Exam- the steps listed here. Most everyone conditions stated. This is the first ple: One photo may be used once understands that copyright infringestep to a contract for use -- even if for $25 or any amount that is satis- ment can be serious business. In most no payment is involved. KEEP A factory. You may even want the situations, something fair and equiCOPY FOR YOUR FILES. benefit of having your photos pub- table can be negotiated even after pho3) Digital images require even more lished without payment. If so, that tos have been used. protection. NEVER send your origshould be agreed upon up front. It’s much easier to take the simple inal files. Not even just for some- 8) Others conditions must also be met. steps required to protect your work at one to consider. Send a copy of digWill you get photo credit? Will you the time it leaves your possession than ital images along with text files of get a copy of the work published? to try to get control of it after use. the first two items above. Can you buy extra copies if you Keeping a log of photo packages, 4) Follow up by phone or email withneed them? digital images etc that are in the hands in 5-8 business days to see if your 9) When is payment made? Upon of potential users helps you track images arrived and if there is interpublication? Within 30 days? At the usage, payments and packages that est etc. Mention that complete end of the publishing cycle? It real- should be returned. It also serves as a information is in the package. ly doesn’t matter as long as you reminder of where often your best 5) A L W A Y S send a postage paid understand and agree to it. work is located and where and why return envelope when submitting by 10) Finally, all terms and conditions you should submit it elsewhere. mail if you expect your work to be should be confirmed in writing and Using business forms designed returned. signed by both parties. Sounds like especially for photographers not only 6) Submissions by email are just “out too much work? Not so. Two help protect your work, it’s a short cut there” in an unknown domain. It is copies of a simple cover letter can to learning about copyrights, rights to much safer to mail a disc with your do the job for you. Simple business use, terms and conditions. Just select name and copyright notice on the forms can do the job for you even the form that seems to match your job d i s c. We are not suggesting that better. (See the offer for a lifetime and complete it! You should never you never email an image but you supply of IFPO Business Forms on have to worry about protecting the use should know and trust the receiver pages 2 and 3 for $39.95) of your photos again. ! 14 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH PHOTO ADVERTISING By Richard L. Schorey IFPO, Hardin, Kentucky ONE SINGLE BUSINESS CARD CAN DO THE WORK OF HUNDREDS !!!! THERE HAD TO BE A “BETTER” WAY TO UTILIZE MY LOVE FOR AIRPLANES AND PHOTOGRAPHY TO GENERATE REAL INCOME. I got started in the business of photography when I was about 20 years -- old selling aerial photos to farmers. That seemed glamorous and exciting especially for someone who was already into cameras and fascinated by airplanes. After that first territory had been worked I decided I wanted to try it on my own. I bought myself a Burke and James 4 x 5 Press Camera, rented a plane and pilot, and started my own aerial photography business. That was approximately 1954. Over time I learned to use Marshal Oil Colors and a lot of other things related to airplanes and photography. I even learned to fly and sold a fair amount of aerial photography. I was addicted to planes and photography but after a few years I realized there had to be a better way to utilize my love for what I was doing to generate some real income. “Better” had to mean more money and a lot less wasted time, effort, money and energy. It was during this period that I became aware of IFPO, joined and learned of the many other opportunities that were available for innovative photographers. My next venture started with a 4 x 6 aerial photo of Witt, Illinois. I glued it into the center of an 11 x 14 piece of paper and went into a locally owned restaurant and asked the owner if he would use some place mats with business cards around the photo of the town in the middle. “Sure” he, “looks www.ifpo.net good to me.” I marked off some spots for ad copy and spaces for business cards and walked down main street. I went home with over $300 for my first day of that kind of selling. That was when $300 was a lot more money than it is today -- all from a 4 x 6 aerial photo and a little creative thinking. After that it became much easier, more rewarding and above all a lot less expensive to produce. Fast forward 15 years, when once again I knew there had to be a better way. I had produced many, many thousands of place mats for dozens of communities in several states. Some of them made me thousands of dollars in just a matter of a few days selling time, especially if I had happened to get there for the 100th Anniversary of the town. I had learned to love restaurants and was still searching for an opportunity that would utilize my restaurant connections when I discovered a way to put photos of community attractions on the cover of menus -a different photo on each menu. This was better than place mats because 25 to 50 menus were a lot cheaper to produce than several thousand place mats. And it seemed that nice home owned restaurants were always in need of Continued on page 48 PIRATES COVE A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE AND VISIT ©2006 RICHARD SCHOREY ABOVE IS THE ACTUAL SAMPLE I SHOW TO PROSPECTIVE ADVERTISERS. THIS PARTICULAR ONE IS AN AERIAL VIEW OF WHERE I LIVE AT THE SOUTH END OF THE RUNWAY. MY AIRPLANE IS KEPT IN A HANGER IN MY BACK YARD AT THE TOP END OF THE DRIVEWAY. Today's Photographer International 15 FOR 1. YOU GET THE PICTURES YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED FROM THE SUBJECTS YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SHOOT. The credentials give you the confidence to shoot and gives your subjects the confidence in you. 2. YOU GET PUBLISHING CREDITS YOU NEED TO ENHANCE YOUR STATUS AND BUILD YOUR REPUTATION. You are encouraged (but not required) to submit photos of the discoveries you make using your GLAMOUR.elite magazine credentials. All of your submissions are entitled to review by the editorial staff and could be selected for publication in GLAMOUR.elite magazine. Each time one of your photos is selected for publication in GLAMOUR.elite, you will be issued a certificate of accomplishment indicating your name, the photo description and the GLAMOUR.elite issue date. Your collection of these certificates will further enhance your glamour photographer status. Each submitted photo must be accompanied by the GLAMOUR.elite submission form (comes with your kit) and a small service charge of $8.00 per photo to cover the cost of scanning your image for publication. The $8.00 fee is refunded if your photo is not selected for publication. 3. GUARANTEE YOUR SUBJECTS THAT THEY CAN GET PUBLISHED IN GLAMOUR.elite MAGAZINE. You may (but are not required) to turn your fascinating glamour hobby into cash. Each photo received with the "publication spotlight" form (in your kit) and fee of $19.00 gets published in the on-line edition of GLAMOUR.elite magazine. In operating your business, you are free to charge your subject an appropriate amount to take into account your own expenses, overhead and profit. Photos rejected by the editors for quality reasons will receive a full refund. .elite magazine features both well known celebrities and "newly discovered" subjects. Find GLAMOUR.elite magazine at www.aipress.com/glamourelite GLAMOUR GLAMOUR.elite Photos by Dennis Hodges, IFPO If you are an IFPO member, you can get on the GlamourElite magazine band wagon quickly and inexpensively by taking advantage of the GlamourElite BUNDLE GEXX!. You get the GE08A Passport, GE02B Full Badge Set and GEAV Internet Assignment Verification for ONLY $108.00 (a SAVING of $128.95). Proof of publication is also waived for this offer. Glamour Elite BUNDLE REG.PRICE SPECIAL $99.00 $20.00 $69.95 $39.00 $228.95 $10.00 GEXX-SPECIAL BUNDLE $238.95 $109.00 #GE08A GlamourElite Passport Application Fee #GE02B GlamourElite Badge Set #GEAV Assignment Verification Option (all items listed above) PLUS SHIPPING/HANDLING Total Amount Due $99.00 $10.00 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ORDER FORM ❏ ❏ Cat# Description GE02B Glamour.elite Full Badge Set Price EA. GE02A (above) + 1 wallet I.D. Card, 3 I.D. tags with laminating jackets and leatherette straps. GE08A Glamour.elite Passport The custom designed Glamour Elite PASSPORT style credential comes with everything you need for final assembly in just seconds using your own photo. A special statement of certification is a permanent part of your passport's upper panel. PASSPORT APPLICATION FEE ❏ ❏ GEAV Glamour.elite Assignment Verification Option Officials/clients/subjects can verify your assignment status by calling 336-945-9867 or fax 336945-3711, 9:AM - 5:PM Eastern Time, weekdays except holidays. This is a free service that comes with the Glamour Elite Program. BUT . . If you are covering an evening or weekend event or are out of the Eastern Time-zone, GEAV Assignment Verification works from ANYWHERE in the world, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year! The $39 fee includes a $19 one-time set-up fee and the first 2-year Internet Assignment Verification service fee of $20 ($10/year). You will receive a laminated ASSIGNMENT VERIFICATION CARD to present to officials. USA Shipping, Priority Mail / First Class Mail, ADD $10 (foreign shipping use the instructions on page 47) www.ifpo.net USE THE ORDER FORM ON PAGE 47 $69.95 Badge ID $99.00 $20.00 $39.00 $10.00 Wallet I.D. Passport ID Today's Photographer International 1 OR Credit Card Orders: 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 16 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net International Freelance Photographers Organization MEMBERSHIP FORM Which best describes your photography: ❏ I am a beginner or amateur ❏ I am an advanced amateur or Part-Time Pro. ❏ I am a full-time professional. I want PRESS ACCESS with my camera: ❏ Sports events. ❏ Crime scenes. ❏ Concerts. ❏ Fire scenes. ❏ Breaking news. ❏ Press conferences. ❏ Celebrity events. ❏ Entertainment events. Check each area that interests you strongly: ❏ Press photography. ❏ Sports/Action. ❏ Nature/wildlife. ❏ Travel photography. ❏ Videography. ❏ Advertising. ❏ Glamour. ❏ Commercial. ❏ Wedding. ❏ Portrait photography. Are you available for photo assignments?: ❏ YES. ❏ NO. • Enroll me as an IFPO Member and send my Membership Card and Parchment Certificate + Complete Membership Packet. I enclose $68 for Membership and Subscription to Today’s Photographer Magazine PLUS $6 for priority handling and First Class Mail of my Membership Packet ($74 TOTAL). __________________________________________________________________________ • My membership packet will include details on how I can participate in IFPO's PROVEN PROGRAMS for getting PUBLISHED, making MONEY and gaining PRESS ACCESS with my camera. name __________________________________________________________________________ (optional) business name __________________________________________________________________________ address __________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip __________________________________________________________________________ phone number/FAX number ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR PAY BY M AJOR CREDIT CARD expiration date Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # To join IFPO by mail, use this form or the order form on page 47 and send your dues to: IFPO, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA OR use your credit card and: CALL FREE 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 1 PRESS CREDENTIALS •Gain Access to controlled 10 MASTER PHOTOGRAPHER PLATINUM PORTFOevents! Sports, Concerts, Crime Scenes, Fires, Storms, LIO PROGRAM. IFPO members who have been active Press Passport, Badge & Wallet Cards, Internet Verificafor more than 10 years or new members who have been tion. details on page 10-11. published 5 or more time are qualified and may apply. 2 ASSIGNMENT DATA BANK •Register for Assign- 11 GLAMOUR.ELITE •Attract celebrities and “discoveries” ments! “Dream” assignments you’ve always wanted can plus get published. page 16. really be yours! see page 34. 12 LEARNING LIBRARY •HOW-TO SHOOT ALL SUB3 STOCK PHOTO GALLERY & SALES •SELL the JECTS: weddings, sports, travel, wildlife, glamour, model photos you've already taken! page 18. portfolios, commercial, boudoir, figure and lighting techniques, pages throughout the magazine. 4 INTERNET HOME PAGES •on TOP PHOTOGRAPHERS web-site! Display your photos, awards, credits, 13FORMS (61) •For Photographers: Technical, Contracts, resume and contact info. page 20. Checklists, Releases, Copyrights pg 2-3. 5 TODAY’S SPORTS magazine •gain access to sport14 PHOTO CONTEST Cash prizes, monthly contest, ing events, complete credentials. page 49. Annual Grand Prize. page 36. 6 MERIT & ACHIEVEMENT •Gold Seal Merit Cards in the 6 categories. page 42. 15 IFPO BUSINESS GUIDES •Make money with your camera. Page 40. 7 IFPO CREDENTIALS •Clout to succeed with an inter16 ACCESSORIES •IFPO Windshield stickers, press hats nationally recognized organization. page 32. and accessories. Page 26. 8 PICTURE AWARDS •Earn publishing credits and "Cer17 IFPO DISTRIBUTORSHIPS •Sell IFPO programs, tificate of Publication Awards." page 24. books, videos and forms part or full time. page 43. 9 CUSTOM BUSINESS CARDS •To promote your own 18 NEW DISCOVERIES Model Consulting •Pays you to business. Page 5. pursue your interest in glamour photography. Page 30. www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 17 SELL PHOTOS YOU ALREADY HAVE! Successful stock libraries contain HIGH QUALITY images of everyday life situations. IFPO members shoot such images everyday as a matter of course. However, unless a photographer has hundreds or thousands of images, he may be shunned by the large stock houses. This could happen for two reasons, he simply may not be recognized as a successful stock photographer or his stock of a few dozen images is too small for an agency to consider. The IFPO Stock Listing service removes these barriers totally and opens doors to the international sales market. IFPO’s Stock Listing Service The following elements clearly distinguish the differences in the IFPO Stock Listing Service and a stock agency: 1. The service provided to IFPO members is a STOCK PHOTO LISTING SERVICE and NOT an agency. 2. Each photographer manages his own sales. 3. No commissions will be charged ever. 4. Image buyers will browse the IFPO image bank on the internet, select the photos, get the price, index number and contact information to order directly from the photographer who owns the images. 5. Members may set their own pricing for each photo sold. 6. Complete copyright standards will be available at the site for image buyers and IFPO member photographers (the sellers). 7. Image searches by buyers may be made by subject. 8. The most important part of any Stock Photo Service is its indexing system that allows an image buyer to identify a photo for purchase. • There are no commissions ever -- unlike Members are asked to identify their pictures by agencies who always take at least 50 pertheir 5 digit member number plus a 5 character cent of sales. code of their own choosing. Example: IFPO • Income from sales is instant and all member 99999 might use Index Codes of yours -- very different from agencies 99999-KID01, 99999-KID02, etc. where payment usually follow sales by 6 to 8 months. DVANTAGES OF THE A IFPO STOCK GALLERY SERVICE www.ifpo.net/stock.html • Model and other applicable releases are required for stock images listed with IFPO -- the same as with an agency. • List only the number of quality images • Current and new clients can see your you wish to list -- not 10,000 to 50,000 as fresh images instantly and contact you to required by agencies. buy -- which could never happen with a • You can add fresh images at your convestock agency. nience. No minimums are required -- such • The more images you list with the IFPO as the 1000 new images per year by many Picture Listing Service the more likely you agencies. are to make money -- which is the same as • There are no contracts, exclusive or with an agency. o t h e r w i s e -- to tie up your images for • The more SUBJECTS you list with the years as with an agency. IFPO Picture Listing Service, the more • The price you set is what you get - likely you are to make money over the long could never happen with an agency. haul -- which is also true with an agency. TERMS AND CONDITIONS REGISTRATION FORM (IFPO MEMBERS ONLY) name IFPO Member # business name (optional) address city, state, zip, country I agree to the above terms and conditions. I enclose my photos: #ST31, 12 photos, set-up fee $29.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 contact name: contact method: Credit Card Orders: when you submit your stock gallery materials, your credit card will be billed for the set-up fee only. Then your credit card will be billed monthly on the first of the month beginning with the first FULL month your photos are ON-LINE. Your first partial month is FREE! Minimum 12month committment required. After 12 months, monthly charges will continue until member cancels with a 30-day notice. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima accepted. Checks or Money Orders: when you submit your stock gallery materials, enclose a check or money order for the amount of the set-up fee PLUS $59.70, the first six months of the monthly fee. You will then be billed at 6 month intervals. #ST32, 24 photos, set-up fee $49.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 (phone, fax, or email) signature IMPORTANT: Allow 30 days for IFPO personnel to scan your images and post them for sale in the Stock Gallery. Be sure to add the Stock Gallery URL (www.ifpo.net/stock) to your business cards, letterhead and all your promotional material. mail to: Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date IFPO PO BOX 777, LEWISVILLE NC 27023-0777 FOR EACH PHOTO: (make as many copies as you need) INFORMATION PHOTO INFORMATION PHOTO INFORMATION PHOTO (complete 1 for each photo) (complete 1 for each photo) (complete 1 for each photo) Image #________- _________ Image #________- _________ Image #________- _________ (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ price price price 18 (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ Today's Photographer International (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ www.ifpo.net IFPO INDUCTS 3319 MEMBERS INTO TO COMMEMORATE THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY 1983- 2008 T o celebrate the 25th Anniversary of IFPO many things were considered. The intent was to commemorate our first 25 years in a way to honor the contributions of the members who have been the driving force and heart of the organization. After long deliberation it was determined to induct those still active charter members and other recent deserving members into a permanent Freelance Photographer’s Hall of Fame and to award an Honorary Degree of Distinction to each one. When the International Freelance Photographers Organization (IFPO) was founded in 1983, no one could have possibly foreseen 25 years into the future. Now, twenty-five years later, the original mission of IFPO -to be the primary source of support for the universe of freelance photographers -- has stood the test of time and has surely grown beyond the wildest imaginations of the original founders. IFPO’s first member was actually enrolled on January 9, 1984. From that day forward IFPO evolved into a member driven organization. That simply means that members asked for services and support and IFPO responded with research and development. That process evolved over the years to make IFPO what it is today, the longest continuing central source of support for freelance photographers around the world. Fortunately, it was relatively easy to identify the Hall of Fame candidates. Since day one IFPO has maintained a transactional data base that records every single activity of each IFPO member. That includes program participation, editorial submissions, press www.ifpo.net assignments, photo contest entrants and other information such as publishing credits, internet home pages URLs and more. Many members have shared their success stories outside IFPO. This is also noted in our membership records. This total process pinpointed 3319 IFPO members (out of 78,656) to be permanently inducted into the IFPO Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame IFPO members were inducted on January 2, 2008. Each one is being notified by letter or e-mail. If you were not notified, but believe you may qualify, you may check to see if your name is listed as a Hall of Fame member at www.ifpo.net/halloffame. Enter your member number plus the first 3 characters of your last name (8 characters total). If you were inducted your name will appear on the list. There is a chance that there are a few deserving Hall of Fame Members that we were not able to identify from our extensive records and other research who should be honored in the Hall of Fame. If you did not receive notification of your induction and feel that you should be considered, please call 336-945-9867 to update your records and discuss your potential. To further honor and recognize the Freelance Photographers Hall of Fame members, IFPO created a unique, definitive Hall of Fame Portfolio exclusively designed to share the Honorary Degree of Distinction with clients and the most discerning friends and family. Each item in the portfolio is graced with the distinctive IFPO Hall of Fame Logo. The portfolio includes 1 IFPO Hall of Fame Lapel Pin of silver enlaid into a field of black, 1 IFPO Hall of Fame Honorary Degree of Distinction Diploma and Charter in a Leatherette Presentation Case plus 1 IFPO Hall of Fame Member Passport distinctly marked. Also a Directory of IFPO Hall of Fame Members (to be published and mailed in 2009) is included in the portfolio and will be mailed only to those members who apply for the full portfolio package. The Freelance Photographer’s Hall of Fame will be permanently located on the IFPO internet site. Each Hall of Fame member’s record will be also marked permanently. But it is the Hall of Fame Portfolio -- The Lapel Pin, Honorary Degree of Distinction Diploma, Charter and Passport ... that convey the prestige of being inducted into the IFPO Freelance Photographer’s Hall of Fame. Congratulations to each of you. It was your lasting interest and ceaseless suggestions that drove an organization from its infancy in 1983 to more than 80,000 members strong with international recognition in 2008. With your continued interest and that of others who follow in your footsteps, the IFPO Hall of Fame will continue to review members qualifications and induct even more members in the next twenty-five years. ! Today's Photographer International 19 now you can publish your photos on the exclusive The HOME PAGE Program is like a complete photographer’s PORTFOLIO, RESUME and ADVERTISING BILLBOARD on the Internet. It can contain complete biographical information, contact information, PUBLISHED or AWARDED photos, or other CURRENT photos that you want to represent you. Your HOME PAGE will have a unique address (called a URL) much like your mailing address that you can put on your business cards or other promotional materials you distribute to potential clients. Clients can then view your portfolio and read your accomplishment facts ON-LINE any time they wish from ANYWHERE in the WORLD! IFPO Internet contact information: Program TERMS AND CONDITIONS Credit Card Orders: when you submit your Home Page materials, your credit card will be billed for the set-up fee only. Then your credit card will be billed monthly on the first of the month beginning with the first FULL month your your Home Page is ON-LINE. Your first partial month is FREE! Minimum 12month committment required. After 12 months, monthly charges will continue until member cancels with a 30-day notice. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima accepted. Checks or Money Orders: when you submit your Home Page materials, enclose a check or money order for the amount of the set-up fee PLUS 119.70, the first six months of the monthly fee. You will then be billed at 6 month intervals. to be published on your web-site name IFPO Member # business name (optional) address city, state, zip, country I agree to the above terms and conditions. I enclose my photos: #HP31, up to15 photos, set-up fee $49.00 and monthly fee: $19.95 phone/fax #HP32, up to 30 photos, set-up fee $99.00 and monthly fee: $19.95 email, other signature IMPORTANT: Allow 30 days for IFPO personnel to scan your images and create your Home Page. Be sure to add your Home Page URL (www.aipress.com/~yourname) to your business cards, letterhead and all your promotional material. mail to: Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date IFPO PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 If convenient, look at other homepages on our Top-Photographers web-site for ideas. Links to Top-Photographers are on our main home page at www.aipress.com. A good example site is: http://www.ifpo.net/~ellefsen HOME PAGE information guidelines CONTACT INFORMATION you wish to appear on your Home Page. Memberships, Associations, Publishing Credits, Prizes or Awards. MOTTO, SLOGAN or Describe Your Specialty (ie: on-location child photography). Accomplishments, Assignments, current Projects and Career Objectives in photography Send b/w or color prints or 35mm slides. Number your pictures or slides. Include a printed or typed list of your pictures with a title or caption for each one. Be sure to put your member# on each photo or slide. Model releases are required for any photos that have human subjects that are not in the public domain. If you want your photos returned, enclose a self addressed mailer with correct postage. At minimum, we require contact information along with photos with titles to create your Home Page. We will assign you an Internet U.R.L. (internet address) in this form: http://www.ifpo.net/~yourname. U.R.L.’s are all lower case and have no spaces. Please include any suggestions for “yourname.” Avoid long strings of characters like “millersphotographyandvideographics”. Use names like “paulmiller” or millerphoto.” Be sure to print your U.R.L. on your business cards, letterhead, etc. This Home Page is your internet portfolio, and you want as many people to visit as possible. 20 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net On Assignment By Vincent Brown IFPO, Brooklyn, New York C overing the 2008 Olympic Trials and the ING/NYC Marathons on November 4-7, 2007 in New York City was a huge opportunity to capture some of the best known athletes in the world in action. In the 2008 Olympic trails the best runners get to compete and the winners represent the United State in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. In the World Marathon Major, two time ING/NYC Marathon Defending Women’s Champion Jelena Prokopcuka and 2007 Berlin Champion Gete Wami, were competing against each other for the $500,000 prize. Paula Radcliff won the race and the prize. This was an opportunity for me to photograph some of the world fastest male and female runners in a lin-up with some of the best photographer working for the N e w York Daily News, New York Post and several other prestigious publications. I was thrilled to be there. ! BELOW THE TOP FEMALE RUNNERS ASSEMBLE FOR THE START OF THE RACE (L TO R) CATHERINE NDEREBA #3, PAULA RADCLIFF #2, GETE WAMI #4 AND JELENA PROKOPCUKA #1; RYAN HALL, WINNER OF THE 2008 OLYMPIC TRIALS GIVING THE VICTORY SIGNAL AS HE APPROACHES THE FINISH LINE. LANCE ARMSTRONG, 7 TIMES CONSECUTIVE WINNER OF THE TOUR DE FRANCE, STOPS FOR A P H O T O ‘O P P ’ B E F O R E T H E S T A R T O F T H E MARATHON. PHOTOS © 2007 VINCENT BROWN IFPO More on page 40 NORTH AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW JANUARY 13-15, 2008 AT COBO HALL IN DETROIT, MICHIGAN. ©2008 THOMAS DANYLUK IFPO, WINDSOR, ONTARIO LEXUS ROADSTER RIVERIA CAMARO BUMBLEBEE THE CHRYSLER PAVILION www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 21 SURVIVAL GEAR BREAKING NEWS CHASE kit! WHAT YOU GET WHAT IS IT? The Pursuit Package: The Breaking News Chase Kit is composed of three vital parts. The Pursuit Package gets you on the scene; the Action Package gives what you need at the scene; the Instant Response Package gets your news story to the right news outlet instantly. • Three (3) fully assembled laminated NEWS CORRESPONDENT’S accreditation ID’s each with your name and Assignment Verification Code. They are custom made to use with your current Press Passport, Press Badge and Press Wallet I.D. Card. • The Pursuit Guide prepares you to gather, record and distribute breaking news stories. WHO CAN GET IT 1. If you are an IFPO member with GOLD PRESS or UNIVERSAL PRESS CREDENTIALS you QUALIFY and may order the Breaking News Chase Kit. 2. If you are an IFPO member, but not yet a member of a press program, TO QUALIFY you must order one of the press programs (page 10 & 11) before or at the same time you order the Chase Kit. The Action Package: • Action Scene Reporters Log • New Client Hot Sheets • Accident Report Forms • Quick Response Information Forms The Instant Response Package: • A Field Directory of HOT contacts. • 3 Quick Step Releases • Instant Reporter’s Delivery Forms • Rights to Use Contract & Fee Contracts All forms include reproduction rights so you always have a permanent supply. Accreditation Certificate The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a 3 ID’s, FIELD kit & PURSUIT Guide! NEWS Accreditation Certificate CORRESPONDENT The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a John Q. Smith Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI January 14, 1998 Accreditation Certificate NEWS CORRESPONDENT John Q. Smith Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a NEWS CORRESPONDENT John Q. Smith Fits in wallet with 402A press wallet card (pg 21). Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI Accredited: January 14, 1998 Fits inside 408A passport. (pg 20). ™ ACTION #452A - $39.95 $9 S & H PLUS Package INSTANT PURSUIT RESPONSE Package Package CHASE kit ™ CHASE kit ™ CHASE kit ™ Forms Masters: Reporter's Log & Evaluation Accident Report Client Hot Sheets & Notification Quick Response News Log News Event Checkpoint List Daily Action Planner Hot Local Contacts Quick Response Labs Field Directory Notes Quick Step Publication Release Quick Step Model Release Quick Step Property Release Instant News Report Rights to Publish Agreement CHASE kit 22 You DO NOT. The Chase Kit was simply designed to make the breaking NEWS CORRESPONDENT’S job easy. It gives you everything you need on the spot to do the job, do it right and get it to your nearest editor. The Chase Kit actually serves as your assistant to make sure you collect all the facts and then get them to the right place. What is a Chase photographer; what do they chase? We consider any photographer who is in search of breaking news events to be a “Chase Hound”. He chases sports, entertainment, fires, accidents, storms, natural disasters, plane crashes, train wrecks, press conferences and even goodwill tours. Will the Chase Kit be recognized? Accredited: January 14, 1998 Accredited: Q&A I already have Press Credentials. Why do I have to buy the Chase Kit? Today's Photographer International Police will recognize the Press Credentials which must be used with the NEWS CORRESPONDENT accreditation part of the Chase Kit. Will Today’s Photographer p u b l i s h these news stories? Today’s Photographer WILL publish stories about YOU covering these stories. The breaking news stories themselves need to go to daily newspapers and wire services. How do I find out if a newspaper or TV station can use my news photos? Let’s use an auto accident as an example. You have photographed the wreck and are leaving the scene without having seen any other photographers or news teams. Pick up the nearest phone (using the numbers listed in your Reporter’s Field Directory) to notify news agencies that photos of the accident are available even though the film has not been pro cessed . Breaking news is HOT and should be reported immediately. ™ www.ifpo.net H OW HOW TO MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR DIGITAL IMAGES by Douglas Freer TO P H OTO G R A P H Y B O O K S PRACTICAL AMATEUR ASTRONOMY DIGITAL SLR ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY by Michael A. Covington Learn the technical and commercial processes of the microstock industry. Understand copyright issues, how to shoot work that will sell, navigate the strict technical requirements, understand the likely financial returns, review licensing models and choosing the right agency. Focal Press, $24.95 Digital SLR cameras have taken the astrophotography world by storm. It is easier to photograph the stars than ever before. This guide will help you get started and get the most from your equipment. More information, useful links and updates are available on the book's supporting website: www.dslrbook.com. Cambridge University Press, $45, www.cambridge.org/us. Photographing Children Photo Workshop by Ginny Felch and Allison Tyler Jones PHOTOGRAPHING WEATHER by Storm Dunlop Learn to trust your instincts and your own unique vision. Discover how to create beautiful photographs in a variety of lighting situations. Sharpen your observation skills and learn how to involve your subjects. Understand what equipment is right for you. Get great results when working with any age group. John Wiley & Sons, $29.99 www.wiley.com. LANGFORD'S ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY 7TH EDITION by Michael Langford & Efthimia Bilissi. The essential guide to advanced photography with a long established reputation as the technical 'bible' for aspiring photographers to achieve expert results. Covers new digital technology, workflow and methods. Focal Press, $47.95 www.focalpress.com. MOOD, AMBIENCE & DRAMATIC EFFECTS by Joseph Meehan Master Photographer Joseph Meehan provides invaluable professional advice on how to: add drama with light quality, change the subject presentation through lens focal length, work with filters, shift perspectives, harness the power of blackand-white imagery. Sterling Publishing, $24.95 www.sterlingpublishing.com. www.ifpo.net Weather is fascinating for photographers. Learn how to identify and capture cloud formations, optical effects and a wide range of other meteorological phenomena.This is an exciting way of adding a new dimension to your photography. Sterling Publishing, $19.95 www.sterlingpublishing.com. MASTERING HDR PHOTOGRAPHY by Michael Freeman. Understanding RAW Photography Digital photography offers more creative options than ever before. RAW files offer the ultimate in flexibility. Andy Rouse is renowned for his down-to-earth approach to technical subjects, and puts this into practice, explaining everything you need to know to get the very best from each digital image you capture. Photographer's institute Press, $24.95, PORTRAIT AND CANDID PHOTOGRAPHY Workshop by Erin Manning This is the perfect combination of selfpaced instruction with an online component that includes a community of over 100,000 photographers that will help newcomers hone their skills. This book is essential for any amateur or student photographer that wants to develop their portrait and candid photography skills. John Wiley & Sons $29.99, www.wiley.com. PHOTOGRAPHER'S EXPOSURE HANDBOOK by Jack Neubart High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography offers a unique, creative opportunity to extend one's technological repertoire: how to shoot specifically for HDR, software for combining HDR images, How to apply techniques in your everyday photography and more. Amphoto Books, $24.95, www.amphotobooks.com. This book provides all the information needed to capture successful, satisfying results in any situation. Included are discussions on metering, film vs. digital media, capturing motion, photographing animals and much more. Amphoto Books, $24.95 www.amphotobooks.com. THE ART AND CRAFT OF KEEPSAKE PHOTOGRAPHY ENGAGEMENTS • WEDDINGS by Barbara Smith UNDERSTANDING SHUTTER SPEED by Bryan Peterson Learn exposure and shutter speed in depth. Whether you are freezing motion, blurring it, panning, or zooming, still using film or have moved to digital, you will develop the confidence to work with any subject you choose. Amphoto Books, $24.95 www.amphotobooks.com. How to take perfect photos and make stunning invitations, announcements, albums and more. Capture all the "must have" photos of all the wedding festivities even if you are not the official photographer. Amphoto Books, $21.95 www.amphotobooks.com. Today's Photographer International 23 IFPO PICTURE AWARDS PROGRAM PICTURE AWARDS PROGRAM guaranteed publishing credits Members can start or expand their publishing credits using IFPO's unique "PICTURE AWARD" program. Each photo submitted will be published in Today's Photographer magazine on-line or subscriber edition. A handsome 5.5 inch x 8.5 inch "Certificate of Publication Award" will be issued for each qaulifying photo. To qualify: ❏ Include your Member#, name, address with each photo. ❏ Give each photo a name, title or caption. Technical info is helpful. ❏ Each photo can be a color or B/W print or transparency. No prints larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. ❏ A $15 service fee is required for each photo to cover the cost of scanning for publication. Photos to be returned to the member must be accompanied by a suitable photo mailer with sufficient postage. please copy as many of these forms as you need PICTURE AWARD FORM PICTURE AWARD FORM Name, member# _____________________________________________ Name, member# _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 MAIL PHOTOS TO: PICTURE AWARD FORM PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 PICTURE AWARD FORM Name, member# _____________________________________________ Name, member# _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: 24 PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International MAIL PHOTOS TO: PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 www.ifpo.net MAKE YOUR AFFILIATION WORK FOR YOU! IFPO RECOGNITION C E RT I F I C AT E S IFPO style (shown right) PRESS Program style ! Cat# CATEGORY ❏ ....573A ........Freelance Photographer ❏ ....573B ........Sports Photographer ❏ ....573C ........Concert Photographer ❏ ....573D ........Wedding Photographer ❏ ....573E.........Portrait Photographer ❏ ....573F.........Wildlife Photographer ❏ ....573G ........Nature Photographer ❏ ....573H ........Glamour Photographer ❏ ....573J..........Model Photographer ❏ ....573K ........Model Portfolio Photographer ❏ ....573L.........Nude Study Photographer ❏ ....573X ........OTHER (SPECIFY) ! Cat# CATEGORY ❏ ....574A ........News Photographer ❏ ....574B ........Photojournalist ❏ ....574C ........Concert Photographer ❏ ....574D ........Sports Photographer ❏ ....574E.........Entertainment Photographer ❏ ....574F.........Celebrity Photographer ❏ ....574G ........Police Photographer ❏ ....574H ........Investigative Photographer ❏ ....574J..........Correspondent Photographer ❏ ....574K ........Fire Photographer ❏ ....574L.........Press Photographer ❏ ....574X ........OTHER (SPECIFY) $9.95 each or ANY 5 CERTIFICATES ABOVE #57XX for only $39.95 Be sure to give your name as you wish it to appear on the certificate(s). IFPO members only! Give your 5-digit I.D. number when ordering. $9.95 each I FPO or Press Style LETTERHEAD LETTERHEAD MASTERS! Custom Designed to YOUR Specifications Custom Designed & Personalized, ready to take to your printer, chose paper stock, ink color at your printer. You get six originals of each set you order! Each set is Professionally typeset and printed on laser-graphic paper at 600 dpi. Embroidered 3" Patches Multi Color for hats, jackets, camera bags! Item# 7021 7022 7023 Price $9.95 $14.95 $19.95 Description 1 patch (3") 2 patches (3") 4 patches (3") IFPO MEMBER STYLE ❏ 511A ..Member FREELANCE Photographer..$19.95 ea. ❏ 511B ..Member SPORTS Photographer.........$19.95 ea. ❏ 511C..Member CONCERT Photographer ......$19.95 ea. ❏ 511D..Member WEDDING Photographer .....$19.95 ea. ❏ 511E ..Member PORTRAIT Photographer ....$19.95 ea. ❏ 511F ..Member WILDLIFE Photographer......$19.95 ea. ❏ 511G..Member NATURE Photographer........$19.95 ea. ❏ 511H..Member GLAMOUR Photographer....$19.95 ea. ❏ 511J...Member MODEL CONSULTANT .......$19.95 ea. ❏ 511X ..Member Photographer....$19.95 ea. OTHER (SPECIFY) PRESS PROGRAM STYLE ❏ 512A...NEWS Photographer .........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512B...PHOTOJOURNALIST......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512C ..CONCERT Photographer ...................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512D ..SPORTS Photographer......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512E...ENTERTAINMENT Photographer ...$19.95 ea. ❏ 512F ...CELEBRITY Photographer ................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512G ..POLICE Photographer .......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512H ..INVESTIGATIVE Photographer .......$19.95 ea. ❏ 512J ...CORRESPONDENT Photographer...$19.95 ea. ❏ 512X... Photographer..............$19.95 ea. OTHER (SPECIFY) ❏ 51XX ANY 6 SETS ABOVE ...................$49.95 Tot. ✔ CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING ❏ 512XX ANY 6 SETS ABOVE ................$49.95 Tot. ✔ CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING ORDER TOLL FREE 7 Days ORDER FORM on page 47 Credit Card orders phone: MAIL ORDERS: 1-800-654-9557 or fax: 1-800-283-5989 IFPO PRESS OFFICE, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 25 TURN YOUR CAR INTO A PRESSCAR ASSIGNMENT CAP PRESS Dash Card #1410C...$9.95 YOU CAN'T BE WITHOUT IT! The public and event officials will instantly recognize your status .. #809A .....1 cap .....$22.95 #809B .....2 caps ...$32.95 #809C .....3 caps ...$39.95 PRESS Cap: solid black cotton twill cap with braid. One size fits all. One COLOR: B l a c k (with white embroidered emblem) Order in quantity for family and friends and save. P R E S S P H OTO G R A P H E R S ’ S U R V I VA L G E A R Order Form on P age 47 * Credit Card Orders Call FRE E 1-800-654-9557 7 Days PRESS Windshield Stickers #781A - 2 for $9.95 adhere to inside of windshield or window. actual size: 3" x 3" IFPO Windshield Stickers #791A - 2 for $9.95 adhere to inside of windshield or window. LEARN TO COVER: • Sports • Entertainment • Concerts • Conferences • Politicals • Breaking News • Celebrities • Fires • Crimes • Races • Storm Chasing HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY ACQUIRE AND USE PRESS CREDENTIALS 143 page Workbook plus 6 Audio Tapes #210A - $39.95 actual size: 3" x 3" 26 Today's Photographer International Learn where to go, when to go, how to contact, who to contact and why. Get forms and releases needed to operate as a PRESS photographer. Learn the privileges of a PRESS photographer and the type of credentials that are necessary and how the right credentials work. Gain access to PRESS boxes, sidelines, and locker rooms. GET admitted to concerts, get Official IFPO Guide #210A front row and backstage passes. Get to political, hostile, disaster, accident, and crime scenes, how to work with the police and others including foreign embassies. Learn to attend celebrity events and press conferences for politics, sports, business, pageants, and ceremonies and more. www.ifpo.net 2007 ANNUAL WINNER JUNE WINNER UNTITLED ©2007 CRAIG TORDY IFPO, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA MORE WINNERS PAGE 29 & 35 Editorial Submission CHECKLIST ❏ ❏ USE THIS FORM to submit ARTICLES, PHOTOS, and TIPS to be considered for publication in Today's Photographer. USE THIS FORM and follow these guidelines to make sure your submission package is complete. LOOK AT THE MAGAZINE!! When you look at examples of what is actually published in the magazine, it's like looking at the test answers before taking the test!! HOW TO SUCCEED is what we are all about! How to make money, gain access and get published. How did you get the celebrity to let you get the picture. How did you get the model to pose for you. What surprise barriers were you able to overcome? How did you get those death defying pictures right from your car window? INSPIRATION is the word our readers use most to describe the magazine and it's content! Have you had some success with your camera or an idea that would inspire others? SELDOM SHOOTERS: So you only picked up your camera once or twice in the past few years, shot a lot of film for an afternoon or a week, then let it get away from you. What was so important that caused you to pick your camera up? Family reunion? Your kid's big soccer game? Beach trip of a lifetime? Favorite group finally came to town in concert? House down the street caught fire? 2 weeks in Yellowstone? Big celebration at work? DIFFERENT DRUMMERS: Maybe you have a story with a different slant — submit it. You may inspire us to expand our editorial range. Consider an editorial submission even if you have never made a one before. Publishing your story and/or photos is another way for us to reward our readers who share a special bond in their passion for succeeding as photographers ... and making money. Again, our resolution is to support that effort in every issue and to make sure that Today’s Photographer “works” for you. www.ifpo.net ❏ ❏ ❏ IFPO Member# _____________ ❏ A photo of YOURSELF (suggestions: with your camera, at the scene, with someone important, etc.). A text file or clearly hand-printed copy of your Make Money Article, Sidetrip, Success Story, Tech Tip or Gain Access story. PRINTS, TRANSPARENCIES or digital images (jpeg) that illustrate your story. A list of captions or titles for each photo. Tell us about your past awards, publishing accomplishments, hobbies, or even a funny story that would interest a reader. Do you shoot part time or full time? Your submission including all of the above items may be mailed on disk to the address below. Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ this submission and make it AVAILABLE for publication in all future issues. ❏ Keep HAVE inclosed a RETURN MAILER with adequate POSTAGE. ❏ IPlease consider this submission for publication for the next ______ issues ONLY, then return it to me. Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City / State: _________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code/ Country ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________ Submission of my entry grants Today’s Photographer permission to publish my story or photos. signature ______________________________________________________ date _______________________________ Editorial Submissions, PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International 27 THE KEY TO SHOOTING SPORTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 state football finals at Papa John Stadium in Louisville. Both are impressive sports arenas and I was grateful to be there. Yet my real goal was to shoot college sports, but I had no way to gain access. That is where the IFPO connection helped out. I was in a camera shop talking with the owner when she asked me if I was a member of IFPO. After that I went to the website and started to learn about IFPO. I decided to give it a try. I applied for membership and press credentials in late December 2007. Upon receiving my IFPO credentials in early January 2008 I put them to the test -- a request to cover a college sporting event. I was denied!! I was disappointed but I just moved on (after speaking to our editor) to the next team that I wanted to cover. I contacted the University of Cincinnati and was granted permission to shoot a women’s game on January 12, 2008 which opened the door for me to shoot a men’s game on February 2, 2008 (both less than 2 months after I first heard of IFPO). Walking on air I arrived at Fifth Third Arena on campus and was received as a member of the press. My long lived goal of shooting college sports had finally materialized and covering a Big East Game is as good as it gets. After working hard for six years and investing in the best equipment I could afford, IFPO opened the final door for me. ! WEDDING Photography This video series is packed with 20 years of practical experience, knowledge, skills and tips. Paul uses a real wedding as well as studio demonstrations to illustrate methods he has learned and developed while becoming one of the nation's most successful wedding photographers. Paul Thompson is a Master Craftsman Photographer awarded from The Professional Photographers of America for photographic excellence. He was featured in two Kodak video taped productions that were sold worldwide. He built "The Huntington House" photography studio, a 3 story cape-cod style building from the ground up. He is well known for his mastery in photography as well as his business and marketing skills. He shares his expertise on advertising, promotions, studio operations and management. He has been a speaker across the nation, published articles and has been an instructor at the college level inspiring and promoting his passion and artistic creativity for photography. 28 Today's Photographer International #380-3 - $139.95 (3 volume set on 1 VHS tape) 3 Volumes Includes: • An actual wedding being photographed • How to achieve quality lighting on location • Posing the bride and groom at the wedding • How to pose small and large family groups • Ceremony photographs that must be taken • Studio lighting and posing demonstrations • Tips on how to operate a studio successfully • An actual reception being photographed • How to photograph cake cutting and groups • Outdoor romantics with the bride and groom • Studio portrait session with bride and groom • Complete equipment guide for weddings • Recommendations for forms and contracts www.ifpo.net 2007 PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS FEBRUARY WINNER: THIS AIN’T THE WWF BUDDY© 2007 Bobby Samuels IFPO Lancaster, California 2007 HONORABLE MENTION AND SEPTEMBER WINNER FROM START TO FINISH © By Cinderella Morff IFPO, Lohman, Missouri 2007 ANNUAL RUNNER-UP AND MAY WINNER UNTITLED © 2007 Craig S. Tordy IFPO JANUARY WINNER: DRESSED FOR SUCCESS © 2007 Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri www.ifpo.net 2007 ANNUAL RUNNER-UP AND JULY WINNER SUNSET IN GDANSK © 2007 Gracjan Adamczyk IFPO, Seattle, Washington Today's Photographer International 29 IFPO New Discoveries MODEL CONSULTANTS http://www.ifpo.net/discoveries • Attract New Faces and Figures • Recruit Models For Money • Shoot Glamour Photos for Cash • Be Your Own Boss • Work at Your Own Pace • Make Money and Have Fun Model Consulting is a business opportunity sponsored by the International Freelance Photographers Organization (IFPO). The program gives photographers three effective ways to make money immediately and get immediate exposure for their newly discovered models: AMATEUR MODELS New “amateur” models discovered by consultants have starred in major video productions, auditioned for prime time TV shows, and participated in fashion, photography, and promotional assignments too numerous to name. Many photographers have used Model Consulting as a springboard to launch successful careers in model portfolio and video production businesses. Many consultants tographers to produce their portfolios in use the program to make it easy to attract order that they may promote themselves models for use in their other photography and pursue a career development program. interests and never list their models on the IFPO serves more than 100,000 photogra- IFPO New Discoveries internet site. You phers and models in 131 countries around can use the program to further any of your business or hobby interests. the world. 1. Offers opportunity to start or expand a model portfolio business (photo or video). 2. Provides photographers with an easy way to attract models for their other photography interests and assignments. 3. Provides models immediate exposure on the IFPO New Discoveries Inter- ALL THE MODELS YOU NEED net Site. Hundreds of Consultants since 1984 have Photographers often need models in their proven and refined the program. It works. regular work, and models always need phoFreelance photographers are natural “body hunters” in search of new images. Through Model Consulting, photographers can earn money while starting or developing their business in model portfolios or even starting a modeling agency. IFPO supplies you with easy, complete, instructions to get started making money with or without a studio. 30 Today's Photographer International for CASH FULL TIME or PART TIME at HOME - STUDIO or ON-LOCATION Hundreds of models have been recruited over the years by IFPO member photographers. Consultants may experience dramatic increases in their incomes as a result of the IFPO New Discoveries program; first, by photographing aspiring new models’ portfolios, then by providing access to the IFPO New Discoveries internet site. Consultants who do not recruit models for IFPO are able to attract all the models they need for their other photography interests! WHY CONSULTING? WHAT IS MODEL CONSULTING? BE YOUR OWN BOSS SHOOT GLAMOUR PHOTOS BENEFITS TO MODELS The benefits afforded models through the IFPO New Discoveries Program are unique. The dues are only $40 for the first year and $30 for each year thereafter. For that the model receives a complete New Discoveries Kit with an Identification Card and Parchment Certificate. The model also receives a current issue of How to Become a Successful Model. Each model gets a free listing on the IFPO New Discoveries Internet site for freelance models: http://www.ifpo.net/discoveries Models who wish to have their photos published on the internet site may do so for additional fees which cover the cost of scanning and set up. Detailed information is in the Consultant’s New Discoveries Manual. Models may also be randomly selected as an Official New Discoveries Model. www.ifpo.net JOIN OR UPGRADE NOW... HOW TO MAKE MONEY these photos taken and published! IFPO New Discoveries models annual dues are only $40. Model Portfolios Pay Big Bucks As an authorized IFPO New Discoveries IFPO Pays Directly To You: Model Consultant, you are in a perfect situ$20.00 for each New Discoveries model ation to capture and build on this business recruited! Payment is instant. You collect opportunity. A Consultant can easily gain the $40 dues for the first year and send only the confidence of the model with the offi$20 on to IFPO with the internet listing cial credentials to guide and direct the development of the model’s portfolio. form. Consultants have developed “packages” $30.00 for each model RENEWAL! Each time your model renews, you collect the for new discoveries that have sold for $30 renewal fee and send only $10 to IFPO between $75 and $400 per model. Consultants have reported income as high as $427 with renewal form! $$$$$ PLUS! You make even more the first week. money when your “discovered” models want their photo published on the New Dis- MODEL CONSULTING coveries internet site. You collect the money ($20 for one photo; $50 for three) SOLVES AN OLD PROBLEM Your New Discoveries Model Consultant and KEEP 50% for yourself! (See the Membership does NOT require you t o Operating Manual.) recruit a single model EVER! New Discoveries Models Pay You Directly: Many IFPO photographers join the ConIFPO suggests that each new model prosultant Program simply to solve the age old vide 1-3 photographs for publication on the problem of finding models for other aspects internet. Those photos should depict the of their photography work without spendmodel in the broadest possible range of ing an arm and a leg with a modeling poses and settings...portraits to full shots... agency and without potential models being location to studio...furs to figure. Rememskeptical of the photographer’s intentions. ber New Discoveries are eager to have The official, internationally recognized IFPO Credentials and the New Discoveries Model Consulting Program make it supereasy to approach and convince any potential model to work with you. EVERYTHING YOU NEED Consultants report that potential models are convinced instantly when you use the identification materials provided in your Model Consultant Enrollment Kit!. New model prospects recognize you as a professional and are eager to follow your guidance without question. “I’ve never found it so easy to attract models,” is the most common response from new consultants. Enrollment as a consultant gives you everything you need to make money the very first week. It includes setting up your account at IFPO, your New Discoveries Model Consultant I.D. Cards, Letter of Certification, Operating Instructions and a supply of the business forms needed to get you up and running. It includes easy to follow instructions for promoting your business as an IFPO New Discoveries Model consultant and attracting or recruiting models. ! ATTENTION CURRENT IFMO MODEL CONSULTANTS You may upgrade (get a completely new package) to the New Discoveries Program for only $39 plus $9 S&H. Order item #905A-UP. IFPO NEW DISCOVERIES MODEL CONSULTING ENROLLMENT COUPON ( Available to IFPO Members only) 5 Digit IFPO Member #___________ or enclose dues. _____________________________________________ name _____________________________________________ (optional) business name _____________________________________________ address _____________________________________________ city/st/zip _____________________________________________ phone FAX _____________________________________________ email URL Use your Check, Money Order, OR Credit Card as follows: ❏ 905A.....Full Model Consultant Membership ❏ USA FIRST CLASS MAIL SHIPPING Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # ______________________________________________________ signed date MAIL THIS COUPON TO: IFPO ORDER DEPT. PO BOX 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 www.ifpo.net $ 9.00 (foreign shipping use instructions on page 47) TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED expiration date $69.00 (The $69 fee includes a $10 initiation fee for setting up your Consultant’s account and a $59 permanent Consultant Membership Dues) Your Consultant’s Kit contains: 1 Badge/W a l l e t ID card, 1 Wallet ID Card and laminating materials, Consultant’s Certificate, Consultant’s Operating Instructions and the following master forms: Model Interview Form (F164), Model Portfolio Contract (F165), Model Portfolio Checklist (F163) and Model Release (F191). You also get IFPO New Discoveries Enrollment Forms, Renewal Forms, and Internet Listing Releases. ______ CREDIT CARD ORDERS: CALL FREE 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 (MAIL, C.O.D. ORDERS USE ORDER FORM ON PAGE 47) Today's Photographer International 31 introducing: MAX-SET printed on the finest "geopaper" high quality credentials safety bond. are proven to solve the "credibility" and "trust" problems often encountered by freelance photographers. at ease and allow you to get the shots you want. fessionally typeset on each credential. MAX-SET order form (or use the order form on page 47) IFPO Member# __________________ or enclose dues (see page 17 for membership information) are pro- materials with easy to follow instructions are included so you can apply your photo and finish them yourself. name __________________________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ______________________________________________________________________________ An introductory letter of certification is included to complete the package. This is the most comprehensive membership I.D. and Credential set ever offered! phone/FAX ____________________________________________________________________________ ❏ 701A....Member FREELANCE Photographer .......$39.95 ea. ❏ 702A....Member SPORTS Photographer..................$39.95 ea. ❏ 703A....Member CONCERT Photographer..............$39.95 ea. ❏ 704A....Member WEDDING Photographer ............$39.95 ea. ❏ 705A....Member PORTRAIT Photographer ...........$39.95 ea. ❏ 706A....Member WILDLIFE Photographer .............$39.95 ea. ❏ 707A....Member NATURE Photographer.................$39.95 ea. ❏ 708A....Member GLAMOUR Photographer ..........$39.95 ea. ❏ 709A....Member MODEL CONSULTANT..............$39.95 ea. Photographer ....$39.95 ea. ❏ 799X....Member 4 LINES OF CUSTOM INFORMATION CAN BE PLACED ON YOUR MAX-SET CREDENTIALS: Line 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Line 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Line 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ badge I.D. Member# 87244 signature John Q. Smith P.O. Box 8347 Your city, NJ 08231 USA 724-777-5555 FREELANCE signature Line 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ ORDER any 1 set for:. . . . . . $39.95 +shipping any 2 sets for: . . . . . $59.95 +shipping any 3 sets for: . . . . . $69.95 +shipping any 6 sets for . . . . . $99.95 +shipping International Freelance Photographers Organization BEARER CERTIFICATE and whose signature and photo appear below, is a correspondent photographer on assignment for Today's Photographer magazine. This photographer will be covering events of national and local interest including concerts, conventions, breaking news, sports and special programs. Ameri can Image Pre ss respectf ull y requests that the bearer be granted permission to wo rk as a Press P ho tog rap her in yo ur domain. While in this capacity, the bearer will comply with all existing federal, state and local regulations. Wallet I.D. John Q. Smith P.O. Box 8347 Your city, NJ 08231 USA 724-777-5555 Member# 87244 FREELANCE Member# 87244 ADD USA SHIPPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00 (foreign shipping use the table on page 47) John Q. Smith TOTAL ENCLOSED PLACE PHOTO HERE Use Check, Money Order, Or Credit Card: signature Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature____________________________________________________________________ credit cards: CALL F R E E 32 P.O. Box 8347 Your city, NJ 08231 USA 724-777-5555 1-800-654-9557 or fax 1-800-283-5989 Today's Photographer International FREELANCE www.ifpo.net HOW TO TEST STUDIO LIGHTING ... AT A REASONABLE PRICE By Dennis Hodges IFPO Kansas City, Missouri Feature Model: Kristen C avemen use to draw pictures of each other on the walls of their caves! Later people of royal status would have an artist cut a likeness of them from dark material and mount it on a light background, which was known as a silhouette. These were proudly displayed in their homes. When paint was finally developed, artists painted portraits of anyone who could afford their talented service. Finally cameras came into existence and portraits became more and more popular. In the beginning photographers had no guidelines; everything they did was pretty much trial and error. So photographers began to study the same lighting techniques that artists had used and also tried to match the style of the artist’s paintings. This reminds us of the Rembrandt Style of Lighting which is still one of the best known and has influenced many artists and photographers over the last 350 years. The old adage, what comes around goes around is certainly true with photography today. Now in the era of digital cameras we’re back to trial and error method of learning. Only today we have a ‘user’ handbook with each camera and Today’s Photographer Magazine offers many how to books on shooting with different styles of www.ifpo.net lighting. As in the beginning people still love to display pictures of family and friends in their homes and places of business. And the average family wants a real photographer to shoot these pictures instead of ‘Uncle Harry’. So if you are interested in moving into this proven market for portraits or model portfolios, studio lighting tips may get you moving into this lucrative market. Learning to shoot professional quality pictures using studio lighting with a digital camera is easy -and inexpensive, no film or processing costs. It takes less light to record a digital image than with film but there is a learning curve in the beginning. Start with a how to book or magazine, one light, an umbrella and a light stand. You can preview each shot right on the camera and if you don’t like it, delete it, no fuss or cost to you. Continue this process until you are comfortable with your results from using one light. Once you have mastered one light move up to two, then three or even four and continue until you are satisfied with the results of each. You can experiment as much as you wish because your only expense is your equipment. Studio lights per se are expensive. This alone prohibits many photographers from venturing into studio lighting. Having used many brands of lighting, expensive and less expensive, I was recently intrigued by Britek studio lights. After visiting their web site and comparing prices I decided to give them a try. Mainly because they have studio lights for the amateur (AS Series), advanced amateur (Home Studio Series) and professional (Pro Series). The advanced amateur lights are not much more expensive than the amateur series. If you are doing portraits or even full body shots in your home or garage, the Home Studio Series should work well for you. I was amazed when I started shooting with the Britek PS 300 H, 150 WS light head. Like anything else you get what you pay for but these are considerably lower priced than other comparable lights and perform just as well or better. Britek also offers accessories such as barn doors, snoots, reflectors, umbrellas and light stands. The photos for this article were shot bouncing the light out of a white umbrellas with one light head. I used the Britek PS 300 H, 150 WS, Full & Half power switch, Slave, Synch, Test Button, 15 M Slave Sensitive, 1.3 Sec. Charging time between flashes, a 100 W Modeling Lamp, On / Off Switch and Plug in UV Quartz Flash Tube (Life Expectancy App: 10,000 Flashes). All of this cost only $75.00 per light head. This is not an advertisement to sell Britek lights nor is it an endorsement. I am simply passing along information from my research and subsequent tests for fellow IFPO members. You may wish to check their product line at w w w . b r i t e k l i g h t . c o m if you are interested in acquiring and using good studio lights at a very reasonable price. Good luck. ! Today's Photographer International 33 FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER’S ASSIGNMENT BANK on the INTERNET GET ASSIGNMENTS or SELL PHOTOS you already have! Editors and Photo Buyers Find You! Assignment and Picture Editors and other Photo Buyers have DIRECT and INSTANT INTERNET access to this vital information from ANYWHERE in the WORLD! Photo buyers and Editors can search the assignment banks by: COUNTRY, STATE or PROVINCE, CITY or PHOTOGRAPHERS’ SPECIALTY. Check it out at: http://www.ifpo.net/assignment.html If you’re on it, Assignment and Picture Editors can find you for the dream assignments you’ve been looking for! Registrations are accepted on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis! LIST YOUR SPECIALTIES: YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION name 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ # I.D. studio or business name (optional) 3. ____________________ address 4. ____________________ city, state, zip code, country 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ fax (optional) phone home page URL (optional) email address(optional) TERMS AND CONDITIONS Credit Card Orders: when we receive your registration form, your credit card will be billed for the set-up fee only. Then your credit card will be billed monthly on the first of the month beginning with the first FULL month your your Data Bank information is ON-LINE. Your first partial month is FREE! Minimum 12-month committment required. After 12 months, monthly charges will continue until member cancels with a 30-day notice. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima accepted. Checks or Money Orders: when you submit your registration form, enclose a check or money order for the amount of the set-up fee PLUS 119.40, the first twelve months of the monthly fee. You will then be billed at 12 month intervals. I agree to the above terms and conditions. I enclose my fees as follows: #ADB21, $10 per SPECIALTY set-up fee ___ . ___ and monthly fee: $9.95 #ADB31, 10 SPECIALTIES, set-up fee $49.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 signature Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________ 10.____________________ 11. ____________________ 12.____________________ 13.____________________ 14.____________________ 15.____________________ Choose from these Specialties or Name Your Own! All Assignments Animals Breaking News Celebrity Child Crime Commercial Concert Convention Digital Imaging Education Entertainment Environmental Expedition Fashion Fire Glamour Group Insurance Landscape Livestock Model Motor Sports Nature Outdoor Pet Photo Restoration Portrait Press Product Public Relations Real Estate Scenic Sports Storm Chasing Travel Wedding Wildlife World News TOLL FREE: 1-800-654-9557 (CREDIT CARDS ONLY!) or BY FAX: 1-800-283-5989 ON-LINE: http://www.ifpo.net/feelance.html or MAIL TO: A.D.B. PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 34 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net IFPO, by popular demand, will offer a one year IFPO intern program to anyone under 21 years of age who aspires to become more proficient in the business of photography by working under the auspices of an experienced photographer. The purpose of this program is to offer a new generation of photographers insight into how to succeed in photography. Under the tutelage of an experienced parent, grandparent or other photographer, the aspiring photographer can gain practical knowledge in covering press events, weddings, getting published and more. The IFPO Intern Program offers: • 1 year Membership (can be converted to lifetime later) • Badge Card, Wallet card • Internet verification The intern program is available to anyone for $49. IFPO members may sign up interns for only $39. Internships may be general or be tied directly to AI News Service or American Image Press. For further information, call the IFPO Administrative office 336-9459867 or go to ifpo.net. ! 2007 A N N U A L P H O TO C O N T E S T W I N N E R S $200 GRAND PRIZE Untitled CRAIG TORDY Sunset in Gdansk GRACJAN ADAMCZYK, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Untitled CRAIG TORDY, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA (June Winner) IFPO, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Refreshment CLAUDIA MURRAY IFPO, JAMESTOWN, NC From Start To Finish CINDERELLA MORFF IFPO, LOHMAN, MISSOURI 2007 MONTHLY WINNERS January Honorable Mentions Big Ears Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarita, Arizona February Certificate Winner Fringed Windows Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri Honorable Mentions Covered Bridge Road Falls Tommie R. Shaw, Louisville, Kentucky March Certificate Winner Mr. and Mrs. Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri Honorable Mentions Untitled Craig S. Tordy, Clearwater, Florida Safely Docked Claudia M, Murray, Jamestown, NC Guadalupe-Nipomo Sand Dunes NWF Chuck Graham, Carpinteria, CA April Certificate Winner Outward Journey Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri Honorable Mentions Cactus Flower Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarita, Arizona www.ifpo.net May Honorable Mentions Spring Rose Bobby Samuels, Lancaster, CA Suns and Moons Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarita, AZ What’s UP? Kerry Zimmerman, Dodge City, KS June Certificate Winner Untitled Craig Tordy, Clearwater, Florida July Honorable Mentions Beached Babe Bobby Samuels, Lancaster, CA August Honorable Mentions Surfside Seagull Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Tribute To Our Red, White & Blue Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Untitled Ken Stang, Moss, Tennessee Praying Mantis Tommie R. Shaw, Louisville, Kentucky MONTHLY PRIZE WINNERS BEGIN ON PAGE 27 September Certificate Winner Lilac Ecstasy Charles Duke, Bakersfield, California Honorable Mentions Autumn Rose Terry Sweatman, Colorado Springs, CO Orchid Larry Granfield, Fort Myers, Florida The Awakening Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri ! October Certificate Winner A Time To Sew Jack Logomarsino, Milford, PA Honorable Mentions Pumpkin Patch Fashion Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Angela Bobby Samuels, Lancaster, CA November Honorable Mentions Octopus Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarita, Arizona December Honorable Mentions Sisters Joseph Ouma Wedundwe, Kampala, Uganda Today's Photographer International 35 MONTHLY PHOTO CONTEST Winners Every Month! Entries must be postmarked by the last day of each contest month.Late entries will be judged in the following month. HOW TO ENTER CONTEST RULES: 1. $6 ENTRY FEE for EACH photo entered must be included. 2. ENTRY FORM (or the same information) must accompany each entry. 3. PRINTS or SLIDES: (color or B/W) not larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. Do not submit original negatives Please title, caption and give technical data if possible. 4. INCLUDE RETURN photo mailer with correct postage if you want your entries returned. MONTHLY WINNERS will be judged for content and quality by a panel of Today’s Photographer editors and art directors. All decisions will be final. Monthly winners are eligible for the Grand Prize. GRAND PRIZE WINNERS for each annual Contest will be announced on March 15, of the following year and will be published in Today’s Photographer. For example, the 2005 Contest winners will be announced March 15, 2006. Monthly winners will be announced in each issue during the year. ENTRIES FOR the Annual Grand Prize must be postmarked no later than December 31st of the contest year. Returns: Pictures should be accompanied by a stamped and addressed return mailer. OR a $7 return shipping/handling fee. Because we know your photos are important to you, every effort within reason will be made to return the photographs. However, Today’s Photographer will not be responsible for any damaged or lost submissions. Entries received without a return mailer plus adequate postage OR a $7 return handling fee WILL NOT be returned. Model releases must be included and signed if applicable. All entries are eligible for publication in Today’s Photographer Entry Fees are non-refundable. Photos without entry fees or return postage and packaging become will not be returned. *The Annual Grand Prize winner will receive $200 in cash and be published in Today’s Photographer magazine. Each MONTHLY WINNER will receive $25 in cash. Winners and honorable mentions will be announced. All monthly winners and honorable mentions will become eligible to compete for the Grand Prize. MONTH CONTEST THEME JANUARY ANYTHING OUTDOORS FEBRUARY PEOPLE UP CLOSE MARCH ANYTHING GOES (ALL SUBJECTS) APRIL FLOWERS UP CLOSE MAY YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS JUNE YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS JULY YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS AUGUST AT THE BEACH: SWIMSUITS & MORE SEPTEMBER FLOWERS UP CLOSE OCTOBER YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS NOVEMBER YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS DECEMBER . . . . . . . . . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS CONTEST ENTRY Name, member# _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ ENTRY MONTH:__________________ENTRY THEME ______________ Title (opt): ___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. ❏ $6 ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! Please enter them in the regular MONTHLY CONTEST AWARDS ONLY! ❏ Also consider this photo for the Picture Award Program I ENCLOSE an additional $15 for EACH PHOTO. (see page 50) ❏ Check/M.O./Cash, ❏ Card# ______________________exp date __________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: CONTEST ENTRY FORM PHOTO CONTEST PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 CONTEST ENTRY Name, member# _____________________________________________ Name, member# _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ ENTRY MONTH:__________________ENTRY THEME ______________ Title (opt): ___________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ ENTRY MONTH:__________________ENTRY THEME ______________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. ❏ $6 ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! Please enter them in the ❏ $6 ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! Please enter them in the ❏ Also consider this photo for the Picture Award Program ❏ Also consider this photo for the Picture Award Program regular MONTHLY CONTEST AWARDS ONLY! I ENCLOSE an additional $15 for EACH PHOTO. (see page 50) regular MONTHLY CONTEST AWARDS ONLY! I ENCLOSE an additional $15 for EACH PHOTO. (see page 50) ❏ Check/M.O./Cash, ❏ Card# ______________________exp date __________ ❏ Check/M.O./Cash, ❏ Card# ______________________exp date signature __________________________________________________________________________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: 36 PHOTO CONTEST PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International MAIL PHOTOS TO: PHOTO CONTEST PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 www.ifpo.net 2007 PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS MONTHLY PRIZE WINNERS BEGIN ON PAGE 27 MARCH WINNER GOT SEEDS? © 2007 Cinderella Morff IFPO Lohman, Missouri AUGUST WINNER (ABOVE): UNTITLED © 2007 Craig Tordy IFPO Clearwater, Florida DECEMBER WINNER (R) CLOWN FISH © 2007 Anthony E. Ciampa IFPO Sahuarita, AZ NOVEMBER WINNER (L) NEW BEGINNINGS © 2007 Anthony E. Ciampa IFPO Sahuarita, AZ OCTOBER WINNER (BELOW) DEPTH OF FIELD © 2007 Terry F. Wilberscheid IFPO Pahrump, NV 2007 HONORABLE MENTION AND APRIL WINNER REFRESHMENT ©2007 Claudia Murray IFPO, Jamestown, NC www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 37 2008 PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS Program You will get: 1 .T O U G H C r e d e n t i a l s for T O U G H T i m e s . Wallet I.D. 2 .BACK-UP AND SUPPORT IN WRITING. Badge ID 3 .I N S T A N T I N T E R N E T V E R I F I C A T I O N 24-7. PLUS 4 .MORE PUBLISHING OPTIONS. Passport ID EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO ASSEMBLE AND USE (After sign- ing and placing your photo.) JANUARY 2008 WINNER: LADY BIRD © 2007 Cinderella Morff IFPO Lohman, MO Y E S. Sign me up as a 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ or enclose dues (see page 17) name _____________________________________ ISSUING INFO: address ____________________________________ Nationality: ______________ city/st/zip __________________________________ Sex: ____________________ phone/fax __________________________________ Place of birth:_____________ Date of birth:_____________ email/U.R.L.________________________________ CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending in: __________________________ AAA Published once in: _____________________________ AAAA Published frequently (list three publishers) ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ Cat# ❏ Price ea. Description $89.00 Credentials HDO1 Includes: • Homeland Defender Passport • Homeland Defender Badge Card I.D. • Homeland Defender Wallet I.D. • Homeland Defender Official Letter Certifiying your assignment for American Image Press. • Homeland Defender Internet Verification • Complete assembly instructions, laminating materials and badge clip. • Homeland Defender Assignment Request Form and How to Use Your Press Credentials Instruc- ❏ ❏ FEBRUARY 2008 WINNER: NOW WHAT? © 2007 Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri I agree to comply with the professional Code of Ethics which will be included with my credentials. $9.00 USA Shipping. First Class Mail (foreign shipping use the instructions on page 47) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature _________________________________________________________________ Credit Card orders phone: 1-800-654-9557 Fax 1-800-283-5989 , P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA For Information call 336-945-9867 MAIL ORDERS: 38 Today's Photographer International MARCH 2008 WINNER: BARREL CASTUS FLOWER © 2008 Anthony Ciampa IFPO, Sahuarita, Arizona www.ifpo.net IFPO members who have been active for more than 10 years or have been published 5 or more times are qualified to participate in the IFPO Master Photographer Platinum Portfolio Program. Others who can offer different validating criteria may also apply. In a 2007 landmark move, IFPO responded to member suggestions to completely revise and update the Master Photographer Program which was first unveiled in 2001. The distinguished Master Logo appears throughout the credentials along with universal issuing information which is extremely valuable when credentials are being scrutinized for every piece of validating information. Nationality, sex, height, hair and eye color, date and place of birth add veriContinued on page 41 PMA Platinum Master Diploma Portfolio.... $99.00 1.A - Accredited Master Photographer Diploma. 2.A - Charter for Accredit Master Photographers 3.A - Fully Paded Leather Textured Diploma Case 4.A - Laminated Wallet Replica of Diploma PMB Platinum Master Credentials Portfolio... $99.00 5.B - Platinum Master Universal Passport 6.B - Platinum Master Universal Badge and Clip 7.B - Platinum Master Universal Wallet Card 8.B - Platinum Master Universal Arm Band 9.B - High Security Interactive Internet Verification 10.B - Master Photographer 3’ Embroidered Patch PMF Platinum Master FULL PORTFOLIO .... $198.00 (Includes PMA & PMB All Items 1.A - 10.B) SHIPPING USA/Can/Mex $10.00 ($19 foreign shipping) TOTAL ENCLOSED C A L L FR EE 1 - 8 0 0 -6 5 4 - 9 5 5 7 Mail check or money order to: IFPO-PM 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ PO Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023 name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ To use your credit card: CALL 1-800-654-9557 or fax: 1-800-283-5989 phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ since 1984 email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ International Freelance Photographers Organization PO BOX 777, Lewisville NC 27023 (336) 945-9867 • FAX (336) 945-3711, www.ifpo.net ISSUING INFORMATION: Nationality:___________________________ Sex: ____________________ Place of birth: __________________ Date of birth: ___________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ Height: _____________ Hair Color: ________ Eye Color: ____________ CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) ORDER by CREDIT CARD, check or money order Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending AAA Published once in AAAA Published frequently card ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❏ Visa, ❏ Mastercard, ❏ American Express, ❏ Optima exp. date www.ifpo.net signature Today's Photographer International 39 ON ASSIGNMENT Access ... and Your Responsibilities BY W. H. TEED IFPO DAPHNE, ALABAMA How to Start Your Own HOW TO START Your Own MODEL PORTFOLIO Business #205A A step-by-step guide to start or expand a model portfolio business immediately anywhere with equipment you presently own. • Learn how to make $100-$800 the very first month. • Learn how and why models will pay you to shoot them. • Acquire techniques for meeting beautiful models. • Master shooting figure portfolios. • Discover 35 shooting locations that are available everywhere. • Learn the secrets of interviewing your model, gaining her confidence and planning an exciting portfolio with her. Pricing guides plus five complete sample portfolio packages, composites plus tips for equipment, lighting, props, checklists, invoice, interview forms and contracts are all there. Illustrated. Fully illustrated poses: 59 standing or walking; 32 kneeling and 10 sitting. Each pose can be executed without a single prop or piece of furniture. Every pose can be performed in any setting -home, studio or location. Poses are suitable for glamour, fashion, advertising, figure and more. The poses are specially designed to assist in creating a model portfolio. Use this guide to instruct your model before you shoot or use it to conduct a workshop for several models. Models can study and practice these poses on their own using a mirror, then execute them for you during the shooting session. 101 MODEL POSES fully illustrated #206A How To Start Your Own I have been a member of IFPO for 3 years and have used the Gold Press Credentials to cover breaking news, parades and more. In March I learned that Thunder Nations would be at the Pensacola Civic Center in Pensacola, Florida. I called the special events marketing director. She asked me for my paper work to forward to the sponsor. With in a week -- I was in! My pass was in the form of a arm band which gave me access to most of the events. I was allowed on the second floor with other photographers from the local newspapers in Pensacola. I was a little nervous but I soon over came that. The IFPO system works, and sending a thank you letter and your best shots to the media rep could be helpful in being approved for the next event. ! Glamour & Boudior Photography MADE EASY By Chuck and Bev Hemstreet HOW TO Create & VHS or Market DVD Glamour Videos Vol. 1 Learn to produce exciting glamour videos that will dazzle and delight your customers. 12 Poin t Marketing Plan assures your success. 45 min. • in your own home • with your own gear • in your spare time Vol 1 #3CH8 $39.95 By Chuck and Bev Hemstreet #207A 3 BOOK BUNDLE 40 CASH IN on the booming boudoir and intimate portraiture business. Start a profitable income by using the techniques and ideas in this manual. Learn everything from finding your first client to building a thriving business! You will discover how to start now — with the equipment you already own. Learn lighting methods and to create sets that work anywhere. You get proven marketing ideas, p r icin g gu id e lin es , ch ec klis t s, interview forms plus: • 4 Miracle Props • 11 Quick Changes • 7 Intimate Changes • 17 Questions you "Must Ask" • 30 Minute Shooting Checklist • How to Get Your Subjects Talking About You. (205A, 206A, 207A) Today's Photographer International #207AX - $64.95 Boudoir Photography Made Easy! #3CH1 - $39.95. Soft and sensuous ... hot and sultry. Includes tips on:• Equipment • Lighting Techniques • Flattering Poses and Costumes • Inexpensive Sets. 60 min. Glamour Photography Country Style. #3CH2 - $39.95. Glamour pho- tography ON LOCATION. Lovely young women in a variety of natural and rustic settings. Topics include: • Fill Flash & Reflector Fill • Dramatic & Corrective Posing • Location Shooting • Natural Lighting. 60 min #3CH3 - $39.95 Boudoir Photography Shadows & Reflections. Learn to create intimate, provocative images that will be cherished for a lifetime. (Valuable companion to Vol. 1.) • Posing • Set Design • Dramatic Lighting. 60 min. 3 Vol Set: #3CHX $99.95. 3 hrs. Specify VHS or DVD www.ifpo.net Master Photographer Platinum Portfolio Freelance Continued from page 39 fiable information can be checked LIGHTING: six lighting arrangements for poragainst other identification such as a trait or glamour, six ways to use flash and flash exposures, flash mistakes to driver's license or passport. Classifica- calculate avoid. tion is based on a full 4-tier range of DARKROOM: 22 steps to great black and proof sheets, 28 steps to black and publishing credits starting at A and white white enlargements, color kits for home proreaching to AAAA for those who are cessing and chemicals for color processing. cameras, lenses, filters, accespublished frequently. Images of the EQUIPMENT: sories and more. new credentials will not be shown for FILM: black and white negative films, black white reversal films, color negative films, security reasons. However, satisfaction and color reversal films. upon arrival is guaranteed or a full EXPOSURE: how a light meter works, reading reflected light and incidence light, spot refund will be issued. meters, built-in meters, hard to meter situaMaster Photographers are assigned a tions, reciprocity, close-up exposures. verification code printed on the face of PLUS: complete technical glossary. all the credentials to verify members’ status in the Platinum Master Photographer program by anyone anywhere 24/7. Also, you can update your own Platinum Master Photographer record Use diagrams to shoot portrait, glamour as often as you wish without assistance and other photography with professional from the American Image office. results. Learn to use lighting elements that you can find around your home including The Platinum Master Photographer windowlight, sunlight, easy to make reflecPortfolio is offered in two parts to give tors, and flash. IFPO members more options. The Plat• 15 diagrams for indoor direct lighting. inum Master Diploma Portfolio (item • 18 diagrams illustrate using sunlight. • 26 diagrams for bounce light indoors. #PMA) includes an Accredited Master • 21 diagrams illustrate special arrangePhotographer Diploma and Charter, ments for glamour and portrait lighting. each signed by two founding directors and printed on 8 1/2 x 11" parchment paper, embellished with the Master Photographer logo presented in a fully padded leather textured case. A laminated wallet size replica of the Master How Diploma is also included. Freelance Photograply The Platinum Master Photographer Credentials Portfolio (item #PMB) Works includes the Passport, Badge and Clip, Everything you need to know to start Wallet Card, Arm Band, High Security making money in Interactive Internet Verification and PORTRAIT, WEDDING, COMMERCIAL, GROUP, PRESS, STOCK, ART and Master Photographer 3" Embroidered GLAMOUR photography. Learn how to Patch. The credentials are issued for 3 find prospective clients in your own PLUS pricing schemes for years which is very important. It allows neighborhood PORTRAIT, WEDDING, COMMERCIAL, Master Photographers to keep their GROUP, PRESS, STOCK, and GLAMphotos up to date and receive a com- OUR photography. Includes B/W, color pricing guides plus package-pricing and plete new set of credentials with each pricing to publishers. renewal.The renewal fee at the end of 3 $24.95 each or years is usually one-half of the original price. 3 BOOK BUNDLE (201A, 202A, 203A) The Platinum Master FULL Portfolio (item #PMF) includes all items listed #203X - $59.95 in the Platinum Master Diploma Port folio and the Platinum Master Photog rapher Credentials Portfolio. Use the order from on page 39. ! www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 41 IFPO Credentials for Every Occasion The IFPO Flex System includes: ! Black Continental Leather Case With Gold Embossed IFPO Seal ! Gold Seal of Achievement Statement — upper card ! Six Personalized ID Achievement Cards Specialty Cards to “fit” any assignment • Member Freelance Photographer • Glamour Photographer • News/Photojournalist • Sports Photographer • Investigative Photographer • Celebrity Photographer The 750A Flex System of Merit and Achievement presents a flexible image and offers a level of recognition “heads above” most programs offered by IFPO. The handsome Black Leather Presentation Case enhanced with the official IFPO Gold Seal doubles as storage and presentation case. LIFETIME RECOGNITION PROGRAM! The IFPO Merit and Achievement Program • Establishes the criteria for merit and recognizes the achievement of IFPO photographers based upon consistent adherence to strict IFPO standards and by laws without incident. • Awards marks of excellence for service and IFPO activity. • Is impressively marked with the prestigious IPFO Gold Seal— the official sign of achievement used only for this program Complete IFPO plus $9 S&H CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL FREE 1-800-654-9557 TO ORDER: MAIL, FAX and C.O.D. Orders use Order Form on page 47. 42 Today’s Photographer www.ifpo.net YOU CAN BE AN LIFETIME THE ADVANTAGE HOW IT WORKS An IFPO Distributorship is an exceptional opportunity for IFPO members to achieve success and make money by taking advantage of the millions of dollars and 15 years of research that have gone into developing the IFPO / Today's Photographer Magazine Concept. The modest distributor's fee gives you the value of MILLIONS of dollars that have been invested in 15 years of advertising IFPO’s dependability, quality and services. Today's Photographer Magazine and its associated products gets more exposure than any other photography magazine. It is advertised regularly in display space advertising in Popular Photography, Photographic, Outdoor Photographer, American Photographer and Shutterbug. As a distributor, you get the direct benefit of this advertising. Today's Photographer is sold on Newsstands throughout the United States, Canada, and around the world. IFPO is recognized in more than 140 countries on all continents of the world and has more than 67,000 members. Today's Photographer Magazine is currently being distributed to more than 80,000 photography enthusiasts 4 times a year. Typically, distributorships or franchises that give a distributor this kind of exposure, promotion and value are priced from $10,000.00 to $150,000.00. 1. DISTRIBUTOR DISCOUNT: You are entitled to order products and services from a current issue of Today's Photographer at a only 50% of the listed standard price. For example: multiply list prices by 0.5 (a $68 membership would be $34.00). Half of $39.95 for example, would be $19.98 (rounded off to the nearest cent). YOU CAN: •You can start a new business and coast in the wake of the IFPO flagship. Let its research, product development, name recognition and dollars spent on advertising make money for you. Let IFPO's rapid success plan turn into financial growth for you. •You can reap the profits from more than 2.5 million dollars already spent on advertising in all the major photography and video magazines. Let these IFPO advertising dollars work for you and your business by building name recognition for the IFPO products and programs that you sell. •You can offer IFPO products and programs to your clients without spending a penny for market research or product development. IFPO is constantly upgrading its products and services to maintain its leadership position in the international marketplace. •You can guarantee satisfaction for each product and program you offer. That customer satisfaction is backed up by IFPO and is a vital part of the IFPO success story. _________________ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: http://www.ifpo.net/dfaq 2. QUANTITIES AND SHIPMENTS: Order in any quantity. IFPO will ship to you or your customer direct. No minimums or quotas. 3. EXCLUSIONS: You CANNOT apply your distributor's discount to: USA or Foreign shipping • Workshop programs • Quantity discount packages such as 3R0X, 3VVX, item numbers containing “X”, or special offers with expiration dates • Classified and display a dvertising • Items in out-of-date issues may no longer be valid • Items not sold by IFPO/American Image are excluded. Items not sold in Today’s Photographer magazine are excluded. MAKE MONEY: •A distributor could sell only 2 videos a week and net up to $2000.00 a year. He could build his business up to 200 videos a week and be pulling in potentially $200,000.00 per year. •A distributor could set up a network of 100 Model Consultants "talent scouts" in an area. He would make nearly $15,000 just on the model consultant kits and IFPO memberships, then would make more on the videos, forms, books and other items that consultants frequently buy. •A distributor could sell to schools and educational institutions. IFPO's instructional videos are very popular with schools of all kinds (Junior Highs, High Schools, Colleges, Trade Schools, etc.). Schools typically purchase in larger quantities, often 10 to 20 videos at a time. Currently, about 100 schools are purchasing from IFPO. There are tens of thousands more in this country alone. •Recreational groups sponsored by government or other non-profit groups. For example, Military bases have recreational programs that include self-help and how-to programs on video. Currently, IFPO does a brisk business with military base purchase orders from only a few bases. •Many other groups sponsor recreational programs that would be very interested in photography instructional videos. Groups plan trips. Vacationers use cameras and camcorders. •Photographer's swap meets or flee markets are ideal places to set a booth and market IFPO products. In these situations, having merchandise to sell (like videos) is a plus. But if you don't have the merchandise, be sure to get the name, address, and phone number of each person that stops by your booth. Each one is a WHY YOU? •You may wish to purchase many IFPO programs or services for yourself. A distributorship will save you 50%. •You may be associated with a group such as a camera club, family members or close associates who may want to participate in IFPO products and services at discount prices. •If you have a photography studio or similar business may wish to arm all of your staff members with memberships and press program credentials from IFPO to make them more competitive. An IFPO Distributorship would enable them to do this at reduced costs to the studio or company. •You may want to start down the road of being your own boss with an IFPO distributorship. You can start small, order in any quantities, part time or full time. Most of all, you may have a few hours a week to invest in your financial future. prospective customer for the future. If you run out of copies of Today's Photographer at your booth, you can always mail them one in the future with a special offer flyer of some kind. REPEAT CUSTOMERS The best opportunity you have to make money as a distributor is to give your customers a REASON to do business with you. You can use your own liberal distributor discount to your advantage. If you can give your customers a 5 or 10% discount by purchasing through you, then they have a reason to order with you instead of ordering directly through mail order with IFPO. Your own margins may be a little slimmer, but your volume would be much higher. No w yo u could consider distributing Today's Photographer Magazines liberally with your business card attached and a notice that offers your own 5% or 10% discount if they order through you. In this way, you would get the full advantage of repeat orders from the same customers. Here is a sample list of schools and institutions that have already placed large orders directly with IFPO: AFETA, Camp Peary, VA; Miami Killian Senior High School, Miami, FL; Leon County Schools, FL; River East School Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Aims Community College, Greeley, CO; CBN University Library, Virginia Beach, VA; Southwest State University Library, Marshall, MN;University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; NAF Fort Sam Houston, TX; Stockton Unified School District, Stockton, CA; Phillipsburg Board of Education, NJ; Roberts High School, Florence, CO; Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL; Greenville Technical College, SC; Curtis Jr High School, Tacoma, WA; Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District, MA; Ferris State College Library, Big Rapids, MI; Maricopa Community College, Phoenix, AZ; Southeastern Mass. University, MA; Sparta Senior High School, Sparta, WI; and many, many more. The List Price of the IFPO Distributor Program is $1,490. For a limited time, the price is reduced to $387 but will only remain at that special price until our current Distributor Enrollment program has met it’s goals. call the IFPO office at 336-945-9867 or 1-800-654-9557 with your credit card www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 43 HOW TO SHOOT BASKETBALL basket. This is because the referee often stands in the middle of the end line which will block your view. Best advice -- get there early and claim your spot. Jump Shots and Free Throws: A jump shot is surprisingly difficult to shoot because through most of the stroke, the ball or the player’s arms cover his face. The key is to either shoot early before his arms reach his head, or better yet, immediately after the release when the ball passes the players head. However, as mentioned in the opening paragraph, drama, tension and competition are the keys to a good still photograph. Therefore, you need to get the defensive player’s hands in the jump shooter’s face. This unfortunately adds another difficulty to the shot -- the defender’s arms block the shooter’s face. Given the above challenges, consider taking pictures of your favorite player at the foul line. Remember, however, shoot early or late. Dunk or Blocked Shots: A dunk or blocked shot can be a prize in any photographer’s collection. The composition of a dunk or blocked shot picture is crucial to the picture’s impact. You want the key players head in the middle of the picture from a north south perspective. This allows enough of the body that the picture does not look like a random head coming out of no where. It also allows the full extension of the arms and hopefully some or Continued From Page 8 all of the ball and some of the net. You do not need the rim in the picture -just enough of the net to give a perspective to the picture. From an east west perspective, the normal rules of photography apply. Allow the viewers eyes to follow the action -- and be mindful of negative space. AUBURN DUNK ©2007 ROB MARKS IFPO Rebounds and Loose Balls: A contested rebound or fight for a loose ball may be a difficult picture for the photographer to anticipate. One trick is to anticipate your shot after a free throw. The players start in set positions. You know the timing of the shot. You just have to be patient. Free throws are made 65% to 70% of the time, and missed shots are often un-contested. LIGHTING FIGURE MODELS PHOTOGRAPHY SERIES VHS $39.95 each or Lighting FIGURE Lighting FIGURE #3F3X - $59.95 2 Vol. VHS bundle (3F31 and 3F32) An Educational Photography Production featuring 15 Beautiful California Models contains unrate d nudity. Learn: •Single light sources •Multiple light sources •Light readings •Preventing lens flare •Special effects. Some areas discussed are: 3 point lighting system, film latitude, exposure values, hard vs. soft light, high key vs. low key lighting, color, B&W. Each tape approx. 60 min. VHS and DVD. contain unrated nudity 44 3F31 VOLUME 1 Frazier Photography 3F32 VOLUME 2 Frazier Photography DVD $49.95 each or 2 Vol.DVD Set 3F3XD: $79.95 (3F31D and 3F32D) Today's Photographer International Buzzer Beaters: If a team is holding for the last shot of a half or quarter in the far court, you may be lucky enough to get a great picture if the shot clock is such that you can see it in the picture and especially if the outline of the back board lights up as time expires. You can take this shot with a 50mm lens and crop or a 85mm lens if you want to switch lenses in the middle of the game. The players have to really cooperate to make this shot. At the BB&T, I was not so fortunate. Other Shots: A pass can be interesting. Players fighting for position for posting up can have drama. Think of the game broadly and be creative. Your shooting opportunities do not end when the referee blows the whistle. Basketball, like most sports, is a game of emotion. If you follow the players after the play you may be lucky enough to catch the celebrations or heartaches of the players. Take Notes. I took 1,350 pictures at the BB&T. Editing that number was a nightmare. What saved me was that I had recorded in a notebook the number of each good picture as I took them which made me less likely to delete a great picture. Have Fun. I had a great time at the BB&T (even though all my teams lost). All three games were close with great action. After that experience my best advice is to be relaxed, take lots of pictures and have fun.! INSIDE GLAMOUR PHOTO SESSIONS NOW you can take a front row seat in the photo studio of glamour and figure photographer Hugh Frazier Jr. as he photograph's 12 beautiful figure models. You will learn lighting including diagrams plus hear the photographer and dir ector dir ect the models through their poses. If you want to see what really happens in a figure studio, this video is for you. 60 min VHS, contains unrated nudity. #3F38VHS - $49.95 #3F38 www.ifpo.net How To Pose My Way You will learn: • Over 100 Poses for the face and body • Four costume changes • Dozens of “mood changes” • Make-up changes HOW TO HOW TO POSE SHOOT DIRECT MODELS POSE MY WAY Learn to increase your income by reducing model training time. Put your models at ease and build confidence, the key to success. Produced By Mike Rose AMR Productions. VHS. #305A Four part program to assist photographers in posing positions, directing techniques, working with amateur models, and the “do’s and don’ts” of model photography. Learn how to make a model feel free and uninhibited in your environment. Prepare amateur models for their first shooting session including make-up, wardrobe and props Learn how to pose models, even amateur, untrained models in their first photo session. Each pose is illustrated carefully, showing the position of the feet, angles of the hips and shoulders, tilt of the head and the curve of the spine. Variations of each pose are explained fully with advantages and disadvantages. Learn standing, kneeling, sitting, reclining poses. 30 min. VHS #305A - $39.95 #353A POSE SHOOT DIRECT MODELS HOW TO SHOOT HOW TO SHOOT #353A - $49.95 This is the "WARM-UP" tape you have been looking for to get your amateur model in "the right mood" to help you get the shots you've always wanted to get! This tape explains to amateur models what is expected of them. BONUS: This tape explains to the model what the portfolio is for and will be convinced that money spent on a portfolio is an investment for her future. Make-up for composites, hair styles for various poses, required poses for composites, selling yourself and the model interview. 34 Model Magic #351A #351A - $39.95 BECOMING A MODEL HOW TO MODEL PORTFOLIOS and COMPOSITES MODEL PORTFOLIOS #352A - $49.95 and COMPOSITES min. Jim Trotter. #352A MODEL PHOTOGRAPHY, You get the knowledge of what a portfolio should be and how to shoot it. A simple and inexpensive lighting setup that anyone can do. Posing is included, as well as basic make-up and business practices. Systems for Success by Jim Trotter. 40 min. VHS. AMATEUR FIGURE PHOTOGRAPHY SERIES basics of AMATEUR FIGURE FIGURE POSING USING SETS & PROPS in HOW TO WORK WITH AMATEUR 3F14 3F11 3F12 1 3F13 3 2 AMATEUR FIGURE Series Frazier Photography POSING and SHOOTING SWIMSUIT Frazier Photography Frazier Photography POSING and SHOOTING FIGURE 1 2 3 4 Basics of AMATEUR FIGURE SHOOTS SETS/PROPS for FIGURE MODELING FIGURE POSING Ideas Working with FIGURE MODELS 4 AMATEUR FIGURE Series AMATEUR FIGURE Series These videos are designed to help photographers work with amateur nude models and help amateur models break into nude modeling. All titles are approximately 1 hour long and contain unrated nudity. VHS $39.95 each or #3F1X - $129.95 4 Vol. Bundle (3F11 - 3F14) AMATEUR FIGURE Series Frazier Photography NUDE & SWIMSUIT MODEL POSING SERIES Available in VHS and DVD Formats Photographer Hugh Frazier demonstrates reclining poses, standing poses, sitting poses. Learn how to achieve flattering effects and how to use sets and props. Both professional and amateur models are used. Each is 1 hour in length and contains unrated nudity. #3F21 VHS: $39.95 Posing & Shooting SWIMSUIT Models #3F22 VHS: $39.95 Posing & Shooting FIGURE Models #3F2X VHS: $59.95 FIGURE/SWIMSUIT 2 Vol. Set (#3F21 & #3F22) #3F21 www.ifpo.net #3F22 #3F21 DVD: $49.95 Posing & Shooting SWIMSUIT Models #3F22 DVD: $49.95 Posing & Shooting FIGURE Models #3F2X DVD: $79.95 FIGURE/SWIMSUIT 2 Vol. Set (#3F21 & #3F22) Today's Photographer International 45 IFPO MEMBERSHIP UPGRADE Your Membership I.D. May become Obsolete! IF YOUR MEMBER# IS LESS THAN 75,000, your IFPO Membership should be UPGRADED in order to gain the improved credibility and effectiveness that Internet Membership Verification brings to your Lifetime IFPO Membership. Here's Why: Officials who need to verify your membership status are quickly accepting the convenience of INSTANT VERIFICATION via the internet. Many are REQUIRING this capability NOW. These Officials include Clients, Law Enforcement, Customs, Government, Education, Sports, Entertainment and others. How Membership Verification Works New IFPO Membership Credentials Upgrade (#700A-UPGRADE) come printed with a unique VERIFICATION CODE. In seconds, Officials can confirm membership status when they enter your code on our Membership Verification Internet Site. Your Membership is instantly verified 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any where in the world! What You Get: #700A Upgrade MEMBERSHIP KIT REG.PRICE New IFPO I.D. Card + Certificate $68.00 Membership Verification on the Internet $39.00 PLUS SHIPPING/HANDLING $9.00 TOTAL For#700A-UPGRADE SPECIAL $00.00 $29.00 $0.00 $116.00 $29.00 If you DO NOT Upgrade! Your current Lifetime Membership I.D. Card is still valid and your subscription to Today's Photographer will continue. We will ATTEMPT to bring each member the best possible IFPO benefits. If you DO NOT upgrade, however, we cannot GUARANTEE the results in the future that you have experienced in the past, in this rapidly changing environment. IFPO MEMBER# Upgrade MEMBERSHIP KIT: name New IFPO I.D. Card + Certificate PLUS Membership Verification on the Internet: (opt) business name SPECIAL OFFER: 700A-UPGRADE $29.00 SHIPPING FREE $0.00 address city/state TOTAL zip/country $29.00 Mail check or money order to: phone/fax/email IFPO UPGRADE, PO Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023 since 1984 International Freelance Photographers Organization PO BOX 777, Lewisville NC 27023 (336) 945-9867 • FAX (336) 945-3711 www.ifpo.net 46 Today's Photographer International ❏ Visa, ❏ Mastercard, ❏ American Express, ❏ Optima card exp. date signature www.ifpo.net ORDER FORM Credit Card orders phone: or fax: 1-800-654-9557 1-800-283-5989 MAIL ORDERS: IFPO Order Dept. P.O. Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 ORDERED ITEMS SHIP TO: this is a new address, please update my records IFPO MEMBER# ITEM# DESCRIPTION PRICE (needed for “MEMBER ONLY” items or include dues, see page 17) name business name address city/state zip/country phone/fax/email CHECK or MONEY ORDER Enclosed CREDIT CARD ORDERS ❏ Visa, ❏ Mastercard, ❏ American Express, ❏ Optima card exp. date signature ADDRESS CHANGE MEMBER# REQUIRED!! NEW address ABOVE (in “SHIP TO:”), OLD address BELOW print old address, city, state, zip 700A Membership Upgrade Kit (p46) $29 INFORMATION or CUSTOMER SERVICE: For GENERAL INFORMATION or to check ORDER STATUS or errors: 1-336-945-9867 weekdays 10:00 -5:00 Eastern time (except holidays) or use our 24 hr FAX 1-336-945-3711. Mail your requests or queries to: Customer Service, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777. C.O.D. ORDERS: C.O.D. orders will be accepted for the convenience of customers who want quick service, but do not wish to use a credit card. C.O.D. orders will be accepted ONLY by calling Customer Service, 1-336-945-9867. Customer Service is open 9 to 5 Eastern time weekdays. C.O.D. orders will NOT be accepted by MAIL, FAX, or on the 800 number order line. You will be required to pay a fee to cover the shipping and C.O.D. fee charged by the carrier. For orders under $100.00, the C.O.D. handling and shipping charge is $15.00. For orders $100.00 or more, the charge is $20.00. When you place your order, our customer service representative will give you the total charges for the order. C.O.D. means “Cash On Delivery.” When your package arrives, you must pay the carrier in cash or money order! SHIPPING & HANDLING: Shipping & Handling charges must be added to each order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All of our merchandise is 100% guaranteed. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we will refund your money or send a replacement, no questions asked. Call Customer Service at 1-336-945-9867 about RETURNS, EXCHANGES or REFUNDS. Shipping or C.O.D. charges will NOT be refunded under any circumstances. Refunds will not be made for used merchandise or items held by the customer for more than 30 days. Video Cassette Returns may be subject to a restocking fee. To qualify for a refund, merchandise must be returned in the same condition it was received with packing slip within 30 days. Postage due packages will not be accepted. Send returns via US MAIL to Customer Service, PO Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023. MAIL ORDERS: SHIPPING & HANDLING DEPENDABLE DELIVERY BY THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. (Delivery by other carriers by special request only) USA, CANADA, MEXICO Order Total 1st Class/Priority $0 - 25.00................$7.00 25.01 - 75.00................$9.00 75.01 - 150.00..............$12.00 150.01 and up..............$17.00 (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) INTERNATIONAL (outside USA/Canada/Mexico) Order Total Air Mail $0 - 25.00..............$11.00 25.01 - 75.00..............$16.00 75.01 - 150.00..............$26.00 150.01 and up..............$36.00 (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) TOTAL ORDER AMOUNT IFPO Order Dept. P.O. Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA ORDER TOLL FREE 24 hours 7 days ORDER FORM 1-800-654-9557 complete IFPO Programs and Catalog www.ifpo.net 47 Photo Ad s Continued from page 15 new menus. This was a much easier program to sell because the advertisers could really see the long range benefit of being on a local restaurant’s attractive menu. I placed menus in dozens of restaurants over a period 12 to 15 years -- some of them multiple times. But I continued to search for the ultimate in the photo-ad programs. To me this would require lots of community interest, almost no expense, ease of production, easy sales and lots of income. And again, it had to be “better” than place mats or menus. “Better” was achieved. Again! And it’s better that I ever dreamed it could be. Now I make Business Card Directories for display in public places with a clock incorporated into the design! I designed a preprinted mat with all the color, borders and design built into it. Finally I added the clock and frame for an artistic advertising display! You don’t have to do aerial photography to do this. You could use a photo of the restaurant where it is to be placed, or a photo of a community landmarks or a composite of several photos which I do a lot. An aerial photo does make a tremendous focal point and I use one in my presentation to advertisers. Showing this display will make me $300 or more for any day that I choose to work -- and I enjoy every minute of it. The beauty of this venture is that you have an instant business with next to no start up costs. All you need is a public place to hang it and people with business cards. You never run out of prospects or business possibilities. You provide the photo, collect the business card and the check! The most important thing about this concept is that it is easy to sell. The first step is to present your sample to a home owned restaurant and secure their agreement to allow you to hang a similar one in a prominent spot. Then, armed with the name of the restaurant, you will call on merchants who are your prospective advertisers and they will gladly pay you to display their business card for a period of time you specify. I usually specify a three year period for a rate of $39.95 to $79.95. These are very reasonable rates. You have space for 18 business cards so you will collect at least $700 possibly more than $1400 for each display. The reason it works is because it is appealing and different. People will look at an aerial photo or a landmark. For sure they will look at a clock and they will look at business cards. They will look at detail and color. Advertis- ers are pleased to be a part of a beautiful presentation. There are many other options for this plan. You could actually use photos of businesses instead of their business cards (more opportunities for you to make money). Or you could design special business cards for the display. You could put the display in a hotel lobby instead of a restaurant and make a visitor’s guide from the business cards. You could display it in a lumber yard with the business cards of builders, plumbers, electricians and landscapers. The possibilities are endless. Every business is looking for new and effective ways to utilize and maximize the effectiveness of its advertising dollars. With this attractive display, you offer a refreshing and cost effective way of putting a business name before great numbers of people. One business card does the work of h u n d r e d s for a very low, one time cost. And most important -- you can advertise your own business by adding your business card to each display. This is just one of the many ideas and programs I have used to make money in photography. If you would like more information contact me at americanimageus@yahoo.com. ! The American Image Press Photographer’s Code of Ethics • Stay within the boundaries of the photographers’ area. Never interfere A press photographer’s reputation is often based on his own code of ethics. Although getting the story is the ultimate goal, ethical standards can “make or break” a career. As a press photographer, it is your duty to document newsworthy happenings — never altering circumstances or interfering with action to enhance your photographs. Your photos should tell a story just as it happened. Meeting the high standards of good press photography requires patience, determination and a strong set of ethics which can be the difference between success and failure. First, foremost and always remember that Press access is a privilege not to be abused. Use the following Code of Ethics to guide you: • Arrive early — at least 45 minutes to an hour before the event is scheduled to begin — in order to check in, find the press area, check out the stage or facility lay-out and choose a vantage point. • Never show up for an event unprepared. Not only should you have all the proper equipment, you should have a basic knowledge and understanding of the event. Do your homework! • Try to work with promoters and authorized officials rather than against them. • Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. Photographers who complain or cause problems aren’t likely to be admitted again. • Don’t just start shooting. Take time to think about what you’re covering. 48 Today's Photographer International with the action, criticize a player or performer or interrupt an authorized official. • Have patience. Resist the urge to inconvenience other photographers by changing spots. Your opportunity will come. • Although it can be necessary to fight for a good position, always be courteous. You’ll find other photographers are usually willing to share their space -- if you offer them the same courtesy. Try your best to get along with other members of the press. • Always live up to your obligations to promoters and publications. • If you agree not to sell the photos commercially, DO NOT break this agreement. • Always clean up after yourself -- film wrappers, etc. • Never photograph anyone in a compromising situation (backstage, locker rooms) unless it’s a public figure in a public place which qualifies for news. Don’t abuse the privileges you have been granted. • Always remember you are a photographer on the job -- not a spectator. Finally, the nature of breaking news makes preparation impossible. However, when you arrive on the scene, you are a press photographer -- expected to live up to the same ethical standards you have learned to display at scheduled media events. With practice and common sense, high ethical standards should some as naturally as pressing the shutter. ! www.ifpo.net Today’s magazine • Get you to the action easier and faster • Have been tested and proven for more than 10 years • Succeed more than 80% of the time for sports events 1. TESTED The Today’s Sports Credential Program is a result of carefully reviewing every “gain access” situation experienced over the past 23 years. Assignment Letter TODAY’S SPORTS PASSPORT Assignment Verification Code: 10474BLU 3. CLASSIFICATION is based on a 4-tier range of publishing credits starting at A and reaching to AAAA for those who are published frequently. Wallet I.D. 4. COMPLETE BUNDLE of all credentials and Internet Verification is automatically shipped to those who enroll in the Today’s Sports Program. PRESS 5. INTERNET VERIFICATION All Today’s Sports Credentials holders will be assigned a verification code that can be used to verify your assignment status with Today’s Sports magazine by press officials 24/7 from anywhere in the world. 6. VERIFICATION UPDATES Now you update your own Assignment Verification record - change your mailing address, email address or other contact information in seconds. EVERYTHING INCLUDED Complete Bundle #602TS $99 8. RECENT ASSIGNMENTS Now YOU can list your recent assignments on your Verification site so press officials can see what kind of events you’ve been covering. And... you can update that list as often as you like. Cat# ❏ address _________________________________________________________________ • EASY TO ASSEMBLE PRESS CREDENTIALS 7. PUBLISHING CREDITS Now YOU can actually list the names of the publications that have used your photos on your Internet Verification site so press officials can see your breadth of experience. And... YOU CAN UPDATE that list as often as you like. name ___________________________________________________________________ magazine John H. Bluhm 2. ISSUING INFORMATION including nationality, sex, date and place of birth add verifiable information required by law enforcement, fire and emergency, customs and immigration officials. 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ or enclose dues (see page 17) SPORTS PLUS $10 S&H Description Price EA. 602TS SPORTS CREDENTIALS $99.00 (Renewable in 3 years) Includes: • TODAY’S SPORTS Passport • TODAY’S SPORTS Badge Card I.D. • TODAY’S SPORTS Wallet I.D. • TODAY’S SPORTS Official Letter of Certification placing you on assignment for American Image Press andToday’S Sports online magazine. • Sports Assignment Verification on the Internet. • Complete assembly instructions, laminating materials and badge clip. • Sports Assignment Request Form and How to Use Your Sports Credentials. city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ ISSUING INFORMATION: Nationality: ___________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Place of birth:__________________________________________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ ❏ CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending in: ___________________________________ AAA Published once in: ______________________________________ AAAA Published frequently (list three publishers) ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❏ Checking this box confirms that I have read, understand and agree to comply with the Press Code of Ethics published on the opposite page. USA Shipping. First Class Mail (foreign shipping use the instructions on page 47) $10.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # Credit Card orders phone: expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ 1-800-283-5989 or fax: MAIL ORDERS: IFPO PRESS OFFICE, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 www.ifpo.net PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO 112 TODAY’S PHOTOGRAPHER P.O. BOX 777, LEWISVILLE, NC 27023-0777 International Freelance Photographers Organization MEMBERSHIP FORM Which best describes your photography: ❏ I am a beginner or amateur ❏ I am an advanced amateur or Part-Time Pro. ❏ I am a full-time professional. I want PRESS ACCESS with my camera: ❏ Sports events. ❏ Crime scenes. ❏ Concerts. ❏ Fire scenes. ❏ Breaking news. ❏ Press conferences. ❏ Celebrity events. ❏ Entertainment events. Check each area that interests you strongly: ❏ Press photography. ❏ Sports/Action. ❏ Nature/wildlife. ❏ Travel photography. ❏ Videography. ❏ Advertising. ❏ Glamour. ❏ Commercial. ❏ Wedding. ❏ Portrait photography. Are you available for photo assignments?: ❏ YES. ❏ NO. • Enroll me as an IFPO Member and send my Membership Card and Parchment Certificate + Complete Membership Packet. I enclose $68 for Membership and Subscription to Today’s Photographer Magazine PLUS $6 for priority handling and First Class Mail of my Membership Packet ($74 TOTAL). __________________________________________________________________________ • My membership packet will include details on how I can participate in IFPO's PROVEN PROGRAMS for getting PUBLISHED, making MONEY and gaining PRESS ACCESS with my camera. name __________________________________________________________________________ (optional) business name __________________________________________________________________________ address __________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip __________________________________________________________________________ phone number/FAX number ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR PAY BY MAJOR CREDIT CARD Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date To join IFPO by mail, use this form or the order form on page 47 and send your dues to: IFPO, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA OR use your credit card and: CALL FREE 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 PRESS CREDENTIALS page 10 and 11 Go On-Assignment for Today’s Photographer Magazine STOCK GALLERY page 18 Start Selling Photos You Already Have MODEL CONSULTING page 30 Search for New Faces & Figures for Cash!