Newsletter - Love Your Site


Newsletter - Love Your Site
Issue 20 | 7.2.2014
A Message from the Principal
Firstly, can I start by saying very well done to parents, staff and friends of the school
who took part in the PAG Quiz last Friday? We clearly have a lot of talented staff and
parents and a good time was had by all. Particular thanks to the PAG Committee for
putting on such a great night and for all the planning and preparation which went
into this.
Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 11 February
PSHE Day 3
This week has been a busy one for events, with Year 9 off timetable on Monday to
look at the Holocaust in more detail. We also welcomed 28 local employers to the
school on Wednesday for our second Big Interview Day, when they gave Year 10 an
excellent opportunity to get some interview practice and direct feedback from a “real”
employer. All the students I spoke to said that they had found the experience really
useful. If you are interested in getting involved next year please get in touch with
Wendy Graham who I know will be pleased to hear from you. As teachers, we feel that
providing our students with knowledge and experience of the wider world is crucially
important in setting children up for life after school and I think that this is one of the
things which JBS does really well. We have staff who appreciate that an education is
more than just what happens in the classroom and they put an awful lot of work into
putting on events such as these, and for this I am very grateful. I know that the Year
9 and 10 experiences will be remembered for a very long time and it’s great that the
students get so much out of days like these.
Thursday 13 February
Key Stage 3 Parents’
Forum - 6.30pm
Today we say goodbye to two of our highly regarded colleagues in the admin team,
Mrs McGunigle and Mrs Edwards. Both Trudy and Kirsa have given sterling service to
the school over the past 11 and 7 years respectively, and I would like to thank them for
all that they have done to support our students and staff. We will miss them both and
wish them all the very best for the future.
Don’t forget that we have a non-uniform day next Friday which is actually a “Wear
Red” day for Valentine’s day. This money raised will go towards Oscar Conroy-Purbrick
and Catherine Hopkins’ Scout Jamboree.
If you would like to contribute to
the newsletter, please contact
Mrs Lexy Bracey
Have a great weekend.
Ms Carleton
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Friday 14 February
Wear Red Day (Non uniform)
Last day of Term 3
Reporting Absence: 01249 819190
General Enquiries 01249 818100
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy New Year!
2014 Chinese Year of the Horse
To mark the beginning of the Chinese New Year, some of our year 7, 8 and 9
students have been finding out more about the traditions associated with this
important time of year in China.
Students were also given the opportunity to learn Chinese numbers. This
became much easier once we practised with a rap song. Each student was
given their name, written in Chinese and we enjoyed trying to write our
names out ourselves.
The Chinese tea received mixed reviews from students, but I was impressed
with all the students who were prepared to try it. Students were also able to
make their own Chinese dragon (a most important symbol in China which
brings good fortune) and paper lanterns, decorated with lucky Chinese words
and symbols.
The students enjoyed the opportunity to look at a different language, and it
gave us all a good insight into a language and culture so different from our
There are just a few spaces left on
the Year 11 Blood Brothers Trip on
March 12.
Here are some of the students’ views on their Chinese New Year lessons
Tickets are £20 and Year 11 students
should get a letter and medical form
from Mrs Webb before paying at the
Finance Hatch.
“It was fun learning Chinese and I prefer it to
French because it’s more interesting.”
Bethany, Year 7
“Chinese is interesting and fun to learn. I
enjoyed trying the tea andd making the
lanterns. i hope we can do this sort of thing
Josh, Year 7
Year 9 Exams
During the past week Year 9 have
completed mock examinations in
English, Maths and Science. I have
been mightily impressed by how
students have approached these
exams- by how they’ve made the
life of staff and invigilators easy by
entering and exiting smoothly and
given each exam their very best- well
done Year 9!
Mr Cave
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
French Enrichment Trip
Sat 19 July - Mon 21 July 2014
Latin Club
We are pleased to be able to offer an exciting opportunity for
students in all years to take part in a trip to Northern France
during this year’s enrichment days.
The trip will provide students with an opportunity to
experience a different culture, try out their language skills (if
they are feeling brave!), and find out more about French food.
We will be travelling by coach and Eurotunnel, and staying in
a beautifully restored 19th Century Château, just 45 minutes
from Calais. Whilst we are there, we will be visiting a chocolate
factory (learning about how chocolate is made and sampling
some of the chocolate too) and a “boulangerie” (where we
will learn about the process of making French bread and then
having a go ourselves).
We will be starting up the Latin club for students in all
years after half term. Latin Club will run every Friday
lunchtime in L20 from 1:15pm-1:45pm. Students are
welcome to bring their lunch with them.
We will be following the Cambridge Latin Course and if
students are prepared to put in some work, there is the
possibility of entering for the Cambridge Latin Course
Certificate next year.
Any student who would like to find out more about the
club should come to a brief meeting in L20 on Friday 14
February at 1:15pm. Put the date in your planners, I look
forward to seeing you there!
There will also be time to use the leisure facilities at the
Château and to visit a traditional French town and less
traditional shopping centre to buy souvenirs.
The trip will cost £190, and this includes all transport,2 nights
accommodation at the Château and all meals in France.
Students may wish to bring a little extra money for shopping.
If you would like more information about the trip, or would like
to reserve a place, please collect a letter from the Languages
Department office (next to L20).
Alternatively, if you have any questions regarding the trip,
please contact Mrs Cobbold at the school
Revision for GCSE French and German
We understand that revising for French and German
exams can seem daunting to pupils in Years 10 and 11.
However, help is on hand.
If your son or daughter is struggling with their revision,
or any aspect of their languages work, please do
encourage them to come and speak to us. We are
available every lunchtime to help, as well as every
Wednesday after school.
All too often we hear students tell us that they “can’t
learn languages”, but what they mean to say is “I can’t
learn languages....yet!” Why struggle another day? Come
and see us!
The Languages Department
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Bonjour and Konichiwa John Bentley!
Year 8 MFL Subject Enrichment Day @ UWE
On Wednesday 5 February five Year 8 students were lucky
enough to attend the Modern Foreign Languages subject
enrichment day organised by Routes into Languages and
hosted at the University of the West of England. This
day was designed to give Year 8 students a chance to try
various languages in a university setting.
students work with students from other schools, as they
collectively trawled their memories for French from Year 7.
The UWE campus tour was next, ably hosted by two
Student Ambassadors from the university who answered
questions about student life our students asked them.
Amongst other things, our students were shown around
a typical student apartment on campus and were quite
surprised and amused by what they saw:
After a wet and windy drive down the M4, the group of
students arrived slightly apprehensive about the day ahead
of them, however their worries were soon forgotten as
they launched themselves into the day.
Izzy Street and Georgia Woods said “I don’t think I would
need two cookers as a student – but then again, as the flat
After some brief introductory films about why people,
is big, you could have lots of pizza parties!”
in particular young people, should learn languages from
Routes into Languages, the group then went off to their
Matt Evans was more practical about other facilities he
first session. This was an interactive French learning
saw on the tour – “UWE looks like a really great place to
experience that saw JBS students getting to grips with
study and socialise too – the library looks amazing and
some advanced French grammar in quite a short space of I could see myself studying there as it was so big and
time. Team JBS did well on the personal ID question-andspacious and the technology was great – there were
answer sessions and also on the intricacies of forming
see-through computers!”
plural question and answers. It was great to see our
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Our final learning session was all about Japanese. The
teacher, Rie Yuh, delivered a great session to a packed
lecture room and our students soon got into writing and
pronouncing various sentences in Japanese. Izzy and
Georgia also managed to make up a song to go with the
numbers from 1 to 10. Liam Cole liked this language session
in particular, as it helped him to remember some of the
Japanese that he has learnt previously. He said “This session
is great, as I can now remember how to say the sounds
properly that I was taught in the past and I can practise
writing them as well now.”
So would JBS students recommend going to check out
studying languages a university?
The answer from...
Liam Cole
Georgie Woods
Even Mr Wicks and Mrs Wilkes-Ciudad were getting involved,
Izzy Street
learning how to greet people, count and also introduce
Matt Evans
themselves in Japanese. With a few more lessons, they might
John Cook
do as well as the JBS students were doing.
After lunch in a huge cafeteria, the students attended a
session all about student life and routes into universities in
the UK. We heard about all aspects of life after school, from
finance and sports clubs to how to get into a university and
what studying a subject might entail in terms of timetables
and fees.
... is a resounding OUI, YES or even HAI – that’s yes in
All of the students really enjoyed the day and it certainly
gave them a taste of life at a university.
They brushed up their French, learnt new language skills
and met new people, but importantly they discovered
that university life is accessible to all students, whatever
background you are from and that learning languages is
something that can really help you to boost your career
choices in the future. John Cook was definitely impressed –
“I think that it would be great to go to university and learn
new things. It was very different to how I imagined and I
would like to see more taster days for other subjects too, not
just languages.”
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Artist of the Week
Year 8 - Animals
Fox - Kaitlyn Trend
Giraffe - Davin Selkridge-Carty
Cat - Harriet Brown
Snow Leopard - Fabian Vines
Panda - Caitlin Green
Eagle - James Town
Tiger - Brad Harris
Bear - Sam Duff
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Holocaust Memorial Day
Learning about the people behind the numbers
Monday saw Year 9 commemorate last week’s Holocaust Memorial Day with a
day off timetable, focussed on the events of the Second World War and genocide
in a wider context. The day started with an assembly which picked up on 3 stories
of individuals who had experienced life in a concentration camp. Students then
broke into groups to learn more about the historical facts around the treatment of
Jews and other minority groups at the hands of the Nazis and moved on to explore
more recent examples of genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia.
In the context of this, students then went on to do Art, English and Drama lessons
where they acted out scenarios from the Holocaust, of people being loaded onto
trains, created a variety of pieces of art using key words they had word-mapped
while learning about the Holocaust and in English, created news reports which
they attempted to deliver without emotion.
The students were moved by the day and their learning experiences, which will
resonate in a wider context for them.
“I was surprised by the numbers of people involved and the effects of the many
people killed. It has given me an insight into equality and how countries develop.”
Milly Mardel.
“The rape aspect of genocide has been shocking. I want to learn about this kind
of thing and I think you need to be taught about it. It has made me realise that
one person can make a difference and that lots of people can make a massive
difference.” Abbi Scaith
“I’ve got a lot from the drama because it brings out the empathy. You have to
feel it to act it. Today has put prejudice into a bigger perspective and given us an
understanding of collective responsibility.” Ellie Ford
Teacher Training at JBS
A great start for the next generation of teachers
ideas and having an extra pair of hands in the
classroom is always helpful.
It has been a very exciting year for teacher training at The John
Bentley School. So far this year, we have hosted twenty-two trainee
teachers from the Universities of Bath, Bath Spa and The University of
the West of England.
In total, over 40 members of our teaching staff
have supported the trainees through coaching
and mentoring, and developing these skills
benefits everyone in the school. As the person
in charge of the teacher training programme
in the school, I would like to thank everyone
who is involved in this work and all those who
have contributed to the next generation of
successful teachers.
Laurence Rogers
Professional Tutor and Curriculum Leader for
Next term we welcome a further six from Bath University. Having
trainee teachers is a real benefit to the school. They bring fresh
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Staff in Focus
Brand New Student Receptionist, Mrs Greenfield
Tell us a little about yourself?
Most recently I was a Coordinator for Childcare in the
Army Welfare Service because we lived in Germany.
Before that I worked in schools as a TA, HLTA and in the
While we were stationed in Germany, we lived in
Paderborn which was very pretty architecturally.
Germany is very family orientated and there are lots of
festivals. I am pleased to be back in the UK, though,
because the language barrier makes life a bit tricky. We
moved to Wiltshire in August and are really liking how
green and picturesque it is here.
I have a stepson who is 19 and three daughters, 16, 13 & 9.
What is Your Dream Job?
I’d be a Formula 1 driver. I love the sport. My favourite
driver would be Michael Schumacher.
Personal Goals
I’d love to zip wire down Mount Snowdon. And I’d quite
like to get my actual motorbike licence as I recently got
my CBT. I’ve got all the gear, my husband has a big bike
and I want to do it for myself.
60 Second Quickfire
What do you listen to?
I prefer 60s music generally; Northern Soul is a winner.
Marmite or Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter
Cinema or DVD
What are your Favourite Films?
Dirty Dancing, obviously. Some Like It Hot is also a lovely
film. Recently I watched Rush which is about Formula 1
and really enjoyed it.
TV or Radio
Chocolate or Crisps
Pop or Jazz
Train or Bus
Indoors or Outdoors
Beach or Skiing
KFC or Nando’s
Romcom or Horror
Tea or Coffee
Gym or Spa
Morning or Evening
Rugby or Football
What Are You Reading?
Recently I’ve got into the third Bridget Jones’ Diary and
David Beckham’s biography.
Where Would You Travel To?
I’m not that interested in sun worshiping, so holidays are
more about sightseeing for me. I’d probably go to China.
What Are Your Hobbies?
I sing to myself a lot and do a lot of dancing. My dream
weekend would involve lots of glossy magazines, big
packets of Haribo and a Dominoes pizza delivery. I’d shut
the door, turn the phone off and do nothing.
Fun Fact
I am on the front cover of a book: World War 2 Women’s
Military Uniforms. You can buy it on Amazon. And
Arnold Schwarzenegger lived with my uncle, Bob
Woolger, who was a body builder and was Arnold’s
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
The Big Interview Day
Preparing our students for their next steps
On Wednesday The John Bentley School held the second annual ‘Big Interview
Day.’ This is a vital day in the Year 10 students’ calendar, giving them the
opportunity to experience interviews for jobs with real employers from outside of the school environment. This event has been hugely successful, with
many of the students commenting they felt much more confident going on to
employment and university interviews with this practice.
In the months preceding the day, the students have worked on a carefully
compiled programme of activities to prepare them. They have applied for the
jobs; writing CVs and letters of application. They have looked at interview
preparation and technique, body language and how to dress appropriately.
Employers provided the students with verbal and written feedback on their
CVs, letters of application and their interview technique and told them
whether they would have been ‘hired!’
“I am delighted that this day gave our students the opportunity to develop
their knowledge, skills and understanding in the context of a work environment, increasing their self esteem and motivation for their next interview
interactions. At The John Bentley School, we do everything we can to arm our
students with as many experiences as we can that will help them to secure
the future they aspire to.” Wendy Graham, Work Related Learning Coordinator
Desert Island Discs
As part of Year 12 and 13’s BTEC Music
we will be compiling a chart of staff
members’ top 8 albums of all time. The
chart will be revealed at the Concert
which will take place on 25th March 2014.
Each week in the newsletter we will
publish the top 8 choices of a different
member of staff. If you would like to
submit your top 8 albums please e-mail
Mr Grant who is compiling the chart to
find out what JBS’s favourite album is!
Ms Carleton’s top 8 are:
Duran Duran Rio
Crowded House Woodface
REM Automatic for the People
Paul Weller Stanley Road
Kirsty Macoll Tropical Brainstorm
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand
The Killers Hot Fuss
Lunchtime Writers Club
I will be running a temporary lunch time
club for Year 7 & 8 students who would
like to enter the Radio 2 500 Words
competition or for young writers who
would just like a bit of one-to-one advice
on their writing.
This will take place every Wednesday,
starting 29th Jan and running until the
deadline on Wednesday 26th February, in
LO2 (English block).
Miss Midgley
Geography Revision
Student Comments:
“I was nervous once I had finished the
interview, as I wanted to know how I had
got on. The feedback was really useful and
I now know that I need to write more on
my CV and covering letter.”
Employer Comments:
“This is a very useful day. Not many
schools do this sort of thing and I feel
that schools have a moral responsibility
to help students gain skills in
employability as well as academic
qualifications. This was a very well
“It was a really good experience and I
organised day and could serve as a
would like to do it again next year for more template for how events such as this
should be planned and run.”
“Answering questions on my strengths
was easy, but it was quite hard to answer
the question about my weaknesses. I will
definitely have to practice that!”
“I was so nervous to start off with, but
after the first couple of questions it was
really good fun.”
“A very well organised day, with
everything we need to help the students
as best as possible. The tricky bit is getting past the nervousness and
encouraging the students to talk to you!”
Year 11:
Revision is on Monday lunchtime in M14
Year 12:
Revision is on Thursday lunchtime in M14
Job Vacancy: Exam Invigilator
Salary: Grade B (£6.69-£7.11 PER HOUR)
Job Description
All examinations need adult supervision
according to examination board rules, so
we need to appoint invigilators who are
able to work as and when needed during
the examination seasons.
Please see our website for more detail
and to apply or telephone our HR
department on 01249 818100
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Year Seven Year Council
Student Representation in school
Action on Options
Student petitions the Principal
JJ - Lottie Ramsay and Ellie Warren
JO - Anna Williams and Ellie Cameron
JH - Ellis Burry and Harver Ashcroft
BB - Josh Williams and Stephanie Brennon
BE - Polly Conroy-Purbrick and Elizabeth Wells-West
BN - James Bradfield and Isabelle Barbieri
We are Year 7 Year Council, made up of the Year 7 tutor reps.
Every two weeks we meet with Lydia (one of the Head
Students) to discuss issues brought up in the class councils
from each tutor group.
Recently we’ve been talking a lot about Vivos, and how the
system can be improved. For instance, why there are many
more B’s at the top of the leaderboard than J’s, and making
sure the Vivos are being given out fairly by all our teachers
and for the right things.
During a Citizenship lesson, Lauren (9JO) studied
pressure groups and campaigns. From this, she was
given the task of setting up a campaign and she chose
a subject that she felt affected her and all other year
groups. Lauren chose to do a campaign for Year 9
students to have more choices at Options time.
As well as a very detailed letter to the Principal, Laura
enclosed a petition with 225 signatures from across all
year groups. Many students added their own comments:
One of the things we’d love to discuss in the future is
afterschool clubs, and getting more of them up and running. Laura Bowyer (10JN) “Found choosing Options hard as
wanted to do three Options. I was really disappointed I
We’re here to listen to the voices of Year Sevens, and take
couldn’t take Geography.”
any problems to the Year Council or School Council to really
make a difference.
Matt Evans (8BT) “I think this is great! More Options
means more chance of a successful occupation.”
Kayleigh Gazzard (12BC) “I wish I’d had four choices.”
Lauren met with Ms Carleton on Tuesday 4 to talk about
the Option choices. After the meeting Lauren said “I
feel better knowing that my letter has been taken into
account. I hope it helps the Options overall and all the
people in my year to make their decisions.”
Lauren pictured above with Miss Baker who has taken on her views
PAG Quiz 2014
Last Friday PAG held their annual Quiz, always a popular
event in the community with parents, teachers, students,
past and present and local quiz teams competing for the
coveted PAG quiz trophy. The Hall was buzzing and every
last table filled. The competition for first prize this year
was a closely fought contest and the trophy was narrowly
won by the ‘The Breakaways’ ( Mr Ruscoe, Ms Sutton, Mrs
Bates and Mrs Durham are still celebrating!) only one point
clear of the runner up, The 4 Nations (commiserations to
Mr Rogers, Mr & Mrs Kelly, and Mrs Bloomfield) .
Thanks to PAG for organising the competition and to the
quiz masters Roger and Lisa Trowbridge. We all look
forward to next year’s event.
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
For the Attention of Year 10, 11,12 &13 Students
Please speak to Miss Brown for more information
Key Stage 3 Parents’ Information Evening
Thursday 13 February 6.30-7.30 in MO2
For new Year 7 parents to find out the difference between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 work in core subjects
For Year 8 parents to support their children in making the most of the opportunities in maths, English and Science
For Year 9 parents to support their sons and daughters through Year 9 assessments and transition into Key stage 4
All parents will have the opportunity to ask questions to Guidance Leadersand Key Stage 3 Coordinators of English,
Maths and Science.
To assist us with planning, please fill in the reply slip below and return it to me at school
We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday 13 February at 6.30 - 7.30 pm in MO2
(Music Room) downstairs in the Performing Arts Block.
Dr McKie
FAO: Dr McKie
I will be attending the Key Stage 3 Forum on Thursday 13 February
Please reserve ______ places.
Student’s name ____________________
Tutor Group ______________________
Signed ___________________________ parent/guardian.
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed
Send a rose
this Valentine’s
Once again, JBSTV are spreading the
love with their unique rose giving
For just £1 you can order a rose from us that we
will hand deliver during PDT on Friday 14
Come and find us at any break between
Monday 10 and Thursday 13 outside the
finance hatch.
Roses can be sent with a message or
anonymously… It’s up to you!
The John Bentley School Newsletter - Keeping You Informed