Untitled - The Rolls-Royce and Bentley Technical Library
Untitled - The Rolls-Royce and Bentley Technical Library
4; ) !t ft* .r 3 * Motor Cars F.C.KerbeckRolls-Royce Route 73. Palmvra,New lersev08055 SPUR. FLYING THECONTINENTAL "Flying Highl' - Motorrrcnd "Quite simply,there's no faster,more comfortable way of crossinga continent thasside of a Privale jet" Bratenahi 0H MsTheresa Alberhasky, EnfqLre AvaferSl1fie d,CT Chrs Brown Corne us,NC FL Bradenton. Dr.Rchafd Conafd West. Al Dan e SunClty DrGafy PA Fischer, Pttsburgh, Richard lVacedon a.0H l!4ark Gafdrer Atlanta Harry George. GA Boulder Terry Goodklnd Cty,NV Dallas, TX JimFlairston N/D nstef, C L oydHartW€stm CA R!dyHassen LosArgeles. Suftleld CT lVsCla!d a Hepner, Fafmington CT Erlc Kaulmaf, Tabefracle NJ Joseph McGinty Boca Ralon, FL Thornas l\ilendez, Rollert Moffat Kearny NJ [/onroy Westwood, CA Jaime ei"rorc N o-a Dd.)(]l. t. .lRdce. Toby Pippin Parker C0 PA R0bertsOn. West Clrester, Henry Vernof Lake Buff L Smith Nashv le TN Tay ofSpadalora. N/o!nt Raref l\4D Slepher Stewart, I havejust returnedfrom attendingthe RROC National l\4eetin Chicago.As usualit was a greateventwhere memberscouldrenewold friendshipsand make new ones But there is one thingthat has botheredme when attendingNationall\4eets,and that is the awards Drooram. ' Thereare eightSenioror SpecialAwardsthat both l\,4odern and Pre-warcars are eligiblefor. Thereare eight for only Pre-Warcars,and fivefor Post-warcars only. Four of the Pre-warawardsare reservedfor specific modelsof cars. Thereare no awardsfor specificPosf war mooets. Accordingto the meet bookgivento all lVemberswho Jordan St0neNapes,FL "l\,4odern Houston TX Cars"from SilverShadowsforwardto currentmodels CarTongber!, attended, a Vaccaro Weston CT represented42.8okoI all cars at the meet and yet thereare no Senioror Johr& Cynth NJ Tracy Varnadore UnonCity, SpecialAwardsfor these models. Pre-warcars represented24 8okand yet Twp Ml Awardsfor their models. L KirkWalters Shelby they are Senior/Special WV Rolls-Royceand Bentleyproductiondid not end in 1939. Production H.DWes,Charlest0n continuesevento this day. The effortsof ownersto find replacementcomputer Davd WlsorWhttleld N/t.0 iveNC Pointlr4E BobeW0odbufy Kjltery circuitsfor carsthat are 25 yearsold are just as valid as the effodsof Ghostand Phantomownersto keeptheircars on the road. In fact, I wouldarguethat it is MOREdifficultfor moderncars. No machineshop can recreatea circuitboardfrom 1981. It seemsto me that this is the propertime for the Boardof Directorsof the RROCto recognizethe effortsof all awardsfor these classes the ownersof the ModernCars and createSenior/Special I believeit would be appropriatefor the Boardof Directorsto createor approvea SpecialAwardfor Silver and their Bentley Cloudsand BentleyS's, one for SilverShadowsand BentleyT's and one for SilverSpirits/Spurs e q ui v a l e n t s . I thinkthis is the rightforumto startsuch a discussion,as this is the Journalof the ModernCar Society.I would of this Society,to their encourageMemberoi this Societyto let theiropinionsbe knowto the Boardand l\,4embers RegionalBoardsof Directorsand'totheir NationalBoardlvlemberfor their Regions. I wouldalso suggestthat we solicitthe supportthe SilverCloudSocietyto loin us in these efforts. l0k" Yours, Respectfully I! it ontnt'ninl lalrtt ItL(,llLitrvraurlnltor art.filltl icilhlhc:rnkntinpof Dr. DouglasWolford girnitat 011 hribul'tlrurti,rirltilt fu iLvslrt'i'itutlt in dnrgt ol'tlrit,erlirnriug o ltrrcLL't ii'holntll wl hait:obldnult linv killul a.lintib in llccau.;tol' lhov briltr'.r. o torilfu f luttit.qtlturitL Members of the Modern Car Societybaae anr ul fit u antl ititlan Lvunuttl I.fiunl u,vlf rtl lht:lt.tlitgunltt I :\h' ttt; rt'r't?t10lu il[ol). I ruittLti llt,'r'ronthutkld.t. tblt oult hLtaut:L' Welcome New Members lht rrntl itrr tulh. I I .tftnl Ifu itinto.; in l"l,trih utit, ond u c ;huddttlo lhink af' rrlurning t ltinl.tlriiitt au tht rrtrrl. ,\lotru'rn'salnrl nl I'it'lhaughl thc-t'rctll,r and contemporary aircrafi, exotic cars, Jtouklnot ht dni'n,g gran|ul'I|i'lwhttpriiilt:gc. motorcyclesandzuatercrafl.Entertainment)(|.i|,(ul||uk(lrii'i]tgl tttth lh(! allai lnnl.0t .\ttoltlt ;t thrttliLht..qcllltnu,gltllrc inlant:tlirur. L I ut guillt.hn. :1,::;l ":,::::!:i,!!,,::";l'i,:,:,,,,',li';;,,, ,ttt'0tu tlltxLilntotl more details. utuu.festitalsofspeed.conz tt,lri c llu' bttl dtii,,rt potiltlt. Thd it.ltilt. it)( ttul: I\. t itilh lht bcstltiirn. (iLl a atr thrcl;q. a lln'tial. nndn'chrk lltrtvtlalt'lmls. llatch tlr .tpud antl noltlt il lo !fu ntadtlnlilittr,. .\t,it'lc! go aulurulltoiL'nnt fittt. fhtutkt. Editor l; 't t' i\lt, '. / r{ ' / v V"6 / I Officers & Directors CHAIRI\4AN Dr.BruceFarkas Drlve 1820HYbernia 60015 Park,ILlinois Hishland Fa\:847831-4721 Home:i47811-1209 bfarkas@Juno.Corn TREASURER B.Klein lames llinor\60022 Lanc. Glencoe. 1050 Edsebrool' 8U-835' 4617Fax:847-8;54346 net bigjiml0l3@comcast SECRETARY JimLobensten 19863 EastCaleyDrive 80016 Colorado Centennial Officq303-680J585 Home: 1036991707 Far:10l-699-5502 Jim@ArnericaneagLemortgage.com VICECHAIRMANOF MEMBERSHIP & (PASTMCS CHAIRMAN) MichaelF.Gaetano 'Ravenwood:' Pass 6 Pendulum 2658 01748 Massachusetts HoDkinton. 781-217-4950 Office: Homa: 508435-8007 com mgaetano@maainc ACTIVITIES VICECHAIRMAN DavldBerndt Ml. Dora,norida12756 P.OBoxl403, Office:352-18l-1910 Home:152-616-5270 con fdr -j<218l-b27DcBerndloao A U . o m r b uo! n ss o t U h c c d i t o r r t l h cr d d r e s 5 b r L n ' dd nLcrnetulFn J\ submrlco tribution\ro VICECHAIRMAN,PUBLICATIONS & EDITOR Vaushan Richard BerKevMichisan 48072 1162 Harvard. rrvrrb@aol.com 248-414-7656 Horne: DIRECTOR& NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICALADVISOR IohnPalfia Repairs Automotive Patuna\ NewlcFel08106 Audubon il9 W(\r KinPHrgh\^a\. l:orntche@msn.com 856547-6522 NATIONALTECHNICALADVISOR AUTOMOTIVEWOODWORKING WilliamRau CA 90025 LosAngeles, 2027P0ntiusAvenue, Faxi10188{292 310-4451128 ti,crau@rau_autowood.com DIRECTOR IimFachelli 24wesi Mainstreel,BoxV PennsvlvanialT02S ELizabethville, | 7 Fax:7l'1362-457 Offtce:717362341 restore@epi"\'net DIRECTOR& (PAST MCS CHAIRMAN) SimPSon Richard.l. ParkwaY 2001Niagara FortErie,ontarioL2A5M4Canada Fi :90587L6726 905871-1066 onca rjs@computan (PAST RROC PRESIDENT) DIRECTOR& [sq. IohnC.Love, Allonas,France 13AleeiiesCaves, com 89 jclove@greenoakfarm ?,-241-5a-86 DIRECTOR SteveContarino I AutumLane 01844 Massachusems Methuen, F,ri:978975-7168 Office:978-681-0170 Scontarino@Adamsonindustries.com WEBMASTER lonWaples l8l4 Ml48221 Rodd. Derroil. i2ll Sherbouflle HomcJlJ-145 5l2J0 hice.7{4-484-8022 8842 714-657 Phoner Mobile jwaples@visteon.c0n @comcast.net 0rjwaplesll DESIGN& PRINTING MurDhy & Associales BottigRLonge Art Dreclor:Chele slowcUelmolll0s672 Road. 428sVoun(aln 8A2$-8454 Fali:802251-7456 com emailchele@murphyassoc C O N T E N T S % 5 5 t h A n n u a lM e e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1 3 7 4 .......134O MCS Dinner... GT Wild West Winery Weekend........ . . 1382 J u d g i n gS h a d o w s . . . . . ' . , . .".... . . . . . . .1. 3 4 4 R R P h a n t o mB l a c k . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . .. . 13 8 6 * Hrrr H R a c k i n gY o u r B r a i n s. . . . ' . . ' . . . " ' . . . .1.3 4 7 .., B e s t i n i t s C | a s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3. .9. 1 M Cindy Mazda's Surprise . . ' '. ....',... 1399 fl RebuildingSS Leveling " '14O4 TECCcH ryE TECH Repairing SS Antenna "'.. 14O2 Rolls-RoyceJoins MTV . . . ', ' ......'.. 14O3 7'hc MODERN LADT it n pubLicntionoJtfu lulodrn Cnr Socitt't Tltesocictyis itt tfu clent of clnirnof lossar rrcponsibili'ty but r'eitherassuwcs t'tcontmnrdations, www'rfoc-mcs'org ffi@ffi Tus Monsnrl Laov (ISSN# 193l-5422) is a pwblication of Tht Modern Car Slciet!. TIle Slcitt! is an ffiliate of the Rolls-RovctOtlnerf Club Tbe Motlern Lnd'y is pwblisbed6 tiwu a vear bv tbe Modern Car Societt, 6 Pcntluhrw Pass,Hophinton, Massnchusetts01718-2658,cnre of Murphy 4+ Associatet,lnc.,1285 Mountain Roatl' Stot'e' Wrwont 05672' Pcriod.icalpentling plstltge paid Gtandnrd) Storr)a'Wrtnont rnniling ollicr in Nentplrt' Wrwlnt. itb nn additional Plcasesend addresschangesto TLteMod'ern Car Sociem, POSTMASTER: 01748'2658' c/o Michnel Gnctano, 6 Pendulana Pass'Hophinton' Massncbusens \/.r.ler. Laaiv [./]a!l r-lir'rt I3/.- Mftm6 Tst i1' Rtcha l/arrghtrt 14i\Iihai fu t. DurglValJu d, Bratt 1ru atrl.lott\l/dpL, Iaaiqts :-t. I he )) t :lnnLralmeet oI tne RROCtook placerr-rthe suburbs of Chicago,Illinois between July 17th and 23rd As aiways, o u r r l u h >r u l u n t e enrl g a nr T (r > heir unmatchedability to shor.ved put Ona llreateventfull ol attractions for everyone. I ; r I D i \ <\ staffed lVotors had atent Bentley whodemonstrated witheiperts newest cars and thecompanys merchanbranded soldBentley test drives dise. Unfortunately, one were notoffered, butatleast was with MCS member sotaken hewent to Spur that theFlying grove andbought Bentley Dowers theevent. one during For thosewho haveneverattended a nationaimeetbecausethey are itr leclrtttc:l>emi noLinler(ste!] nars, yoll l-nvebeen mi.ssingout on the fur-r.A greatnumber of the eventsarenot dlrectlyrelatedto was the Downers Grove Bentley Colgetts excelsiteofGeorge Shadows. lent seminar onSilver had two compoGeorges seminar 'classroom' portion anda nents, a 'hands Fortheclasson'portion. portion, here, George room seen provided technical an excellent 'how kev that covered to'ouide ' areas ofiervice totheSilver Shadow. ollr carsat all. Someof the more popularnon-technicaleventsat l h i \ ) e r 1 5I n i r t i n c l l r d etdh eO d y s sey Dinner Cruise,the Frank Lloyd Wright HouseTour, a visit to the Bentley Motors sponsored aneiegant wasthe cruise andthisicesculoture piece center ofthedining area. Art Institute of Chicago,the ChicagoArchitecturalRiver Cruise and more. There were evennon-technica1seminarssuch asAltemative Investmentsand Car Collecting, sponsoredby Willington Trust put on a semiHagertyInsurance nar on how to ship your car to Europe so that you can drive it on your vacatlon. years. andVera Kuder, here isthe1975 Silver Shadow 0lGord0n Themot0rcar shown of0ntario. Of course,being a meeting of car lovers,the majorlty of seminars were technicalin nature. Modern Car topics were very well covered and included such titles as Pitfallsto Avoid in Purchasinga Silver Shadow,Hands-On Shadow Inspectionand Service,Basic ShadowHydraulic Systems,and DrBruce andDebby Farkas worked hard to enensure thatmembers joyed Here, themselves. putting theycanbeseen relreshments onthetable. They worked sohard that never actually theywere able toputtheir 2001 Bentley Arnage RedLabel onthefield. Doug Shimosaka andAndrew the Dunn drove tocollect forwinning 1stplace, award withAndrews I989 Tourino. wasdriven ll,which Cornic"h'e from Francisco. San : rt I';L lj--.lr L,i.: r'/ , !i,!:r:f : inthe Thiswasthescene parking lotonan}/given themeet. dayduring and cleaning Cleaning, ng. more clean LloydWright's AtourofFrank was homes area rnany chrcago oftheweek. oneofthehiqhllghts demonatthelevelofcraftsmanship Wewereallwowed r00f lo0ks up, the With the top inthenewAzure. strated toP. Amazingl ikeafixed exactly miles. 6,000 than 0fthecarson themalority Modern carsrepresented just These are afewoltl.tem. thefield. Kyle, R.KelLy BonVivant, place, 2nd Esq., won withhis Concours iche l1 ng Corn stunn ..-,*rr t t NAJ-22307, isatwotimenati0nal winner. ltwonl stincass,Concours, Your edltois 19BB SlverSpur, award isstillgood en0ugh t0 win3rdinClass, Current Series, attheCincinnati meet if l9BBandnoi,v i,vthl50,000 miles l n n r ' n r r c r m n n n Q n r i l . , n d Q n ,r r ^ N, RTbyMulliner Vernon Smith's l99BBenteyTurbo features including thisrear s loaded withspecial speedometer. seat t0d00nthefield isto 0neofthemost entertaining things features that canbefound in 00katthearray 0funusual vari0us ca[s.Although rare0pti0ns andbespoke features are reatjvely c0mm0n 0nprewar cars,tfreyalsowere0rdered 0n postwar cars.Special features immediate carsand0nm0dern popular have onceagainbecome 0nnewBentleys andon Rols-Royce motorcars. i,tline Here wecanseetheveryrare botlle holder thatwas Inexplicallly, standard 0ntheearliest 1966 SiverShadows thisfeature disappeared some timelaternthe1966model year Note the leatfrer covered 000r caps ln andlheturned alu ml n u m kickplate n's 0nvern0 Bentley. rtlJlllnilLrl Judging daycanbelongandhot, fortrialdrives. Motor aPhantom tothemeet Once again, Rolls-Royce Cars broughi members brought theirown deeply These thisglamorous Phantom {oradrive came away Everyone whofound ihetimetake shade andrefreshments, impressed. manager, c0mmunicaMotorCarssentB0bAustin, Rolls-Royce happenings atGoodt0tellusabout thelatest ti0ns,t0themeet more interesting bespoke Bob t0ld us about some 0fthe w00d. mosteccentric forsomeofther,Vorlds motorcars beingcreated individuals. andsuccessful questions BobAustin fielded technical about thePhantom. These twobrightly colored parked gfeat beauties looked next other. toeach severalseminarsfor Silver Spurs and their derivatives. Thentherewerethe numerous dinnersand cocktailparties.As has been the casefor years,the Modern Car Societysdinnerwas the best one of the week and was one of the best dinners our group has ever had Dr. and Mrs. Bruce FarkasandJudgeand Mrs.Jim Klien did a fantastlcjob of arranging the restaurant,the menu, and luxury transportationto and from the meethotel. tothemeet. offerings one0ftheircurrent 0fevery Bentlev brou0ht anexample R,anda GT,Arnage GIC,aContinental theniwAzure andContinental Besidris Flying were allpresent. Spur Continental Our memberswere treatedto staggeredbus serviceto and from the restaurantso that no one had to feel rushed. The facility was gorgeous,the food was sensational and the music was great Thanks go to the event organizers! The highlight of the entire week is judging day If you had taken quick walk through the parking lot at any trme during the week, you would haveseenMCSmemberslluffing and buffing their carsendlesslyin here. andSpiritareshown l l5,Silver Spur inClass andTouring Winners lrombothConcours ofthemost One rulesisthat important must an allcars have fire extinapproved guisher placed onthe ground thecar, beside Yes, wehave hadto inthepastl usethem The Modern Car Societyhosts one of the most entertainingevenlngs of the meet Thrs year'smeet was no exception.Dr. Farkasand Judge Klein arrangedfor transportationto the restaurantvia luxury coaches.Onceat the venue,MaggianosLittle Italy,we weretreated to live music,excellentiood, and greatcompanyItjust getbetter and better everyvear. 0urtreasurer, J u d gJei m Klein, andhis lovely wife, Evelyn. AnnLipinski-Galland, Esq,, attorney 0fnote Stephanie W.Tamblyn, fromWashington D,C, andJames socialite lVichigan, andFlorida andphilanthr0pist 0fChicago, always manage t0bethelife0ftheparty. Jimbrought 1989 toihemeet. hismaqnificent Corniche theweek Garry wasseenduring attendHe ingseminars onprewar coachwork. have acquired a 1939 andJonWaples Wraith whichwillbeparked beside their gorgeous 1973 Silver Shadow. Tom Mendez missed hasn't a meet inyears. Hecurrenily has aSilver Shadow LWB withDivision andaSilver Cloud which arepainted livery, inmatching \ N withhis heldhistablespellbound Dr.LisleKaufman members, 0neofournewest a disappointment meet l,vas a bit of forLisle,hisfirst taleofwoe.unfortunately wasdriven ll, t,nlhich withhis1978SilverWralth topioceed ofafailure because rn0t0rcars inhisstate. caris0ne0fthefewRolls-Royce Lisle's fromNo(hDakota. members ofa reOften, gion\^/illsittogether atthe Inthiscase, everydinner. was oneoneatthetable Region, theMotor from consists ofallof which northern 0hio Michigan, 0ntario. andsouihern Farkas worked Dr.Bruce 0urChairman, suredinnerwasaflawless hardtomake event Richey BillDavis andWoody mainstays ofthe have been formany decades. RROC year, oneol Every Billbrings andoriqinal hiswonderful allof tothemeet, motofcars inhis which heorsomeone new. Thisyear, familybought 1973 hislovely hebrought Cornichewhichwasfinished Since Brewster Green. inrare ago,Woody retiring afewyears forthe hispassion has turned as career marque intoasecond inator coord sales andservice Bay. Tampa atBentley Tour Western 5lope [oloradoi Weekend West Winery Wild l6-IB, 2006 June tl l t byRinACanada Our long awaitedand anticipated trip to GrandJunction and The GatewayColorado Auto Museum "smashing"success.The was a heavenssmiled upon us mth the most glorious weatherimaginable, workedas rhetimescheduling "failplanned, and best of all, no ures to proceed"from any of the gorgeouseye-catchingstarsof our show! Our group departedDenver, headlng along I-70 with views of EisenhowerTunnel,Dillon Reservoir, Copper Mountain, Vail - what a state! Then through Glenwood Canyon,which never ceasesto amazeas an engineeringwork of art, arriving at historic old Hotel Colorado for a lovely lunch on their terraceand a rest for both humans and machines. We then proceededto GrandJunctron, checkedin to the hotel, and were treatedto a nice welcome receptionthat eveningsponsored by BillStewanoI DenverBentley. and our club. On Saturday,we departedfor tola-t.:: i'/l,.]..1i La l\, |.,/l-iitir-|r-- at concept carwas0ndisplay F-88Motorama The0ldsmobile Valued at over Auto Museum. Colorado lheGatewav $3,000,000 valuable cars inthew0rld. itisrine olthemost USD, tally unknown territory and what a treat we were in for. Heading west on the Unaweep/Iabeguache (yeah.YOU proScenicByr,vay "wow" nounce rtl),we cut through red rock canyonsand remote rolling meadows,arriving at Gateway Colorado (whereJim Lobenstetn, "TrarlBoss",and GeorgeMalesich, had to confer roadside,due to the "town" was the sizeof fact that the motorcarssideby two RoLIs-Royce that we drive Concluding side). on through it, we were rewarded with the sight of the sparkling new GatewayColoradoAuto Museum, setsiuing in a Holly'r,vood-like ting of"surroundingred rock cliffs and outcroppings.Another wowl Numerous pictures were snapped of our wonderful autosposing togetherin this natural wonderland, and then we enteredthe museum. I must apologize,but may I use WOW again? Good Grief, this rs an art exhibir! Theseautos are al1 in pristine show room condition, housedin a custom made setting wrth masterpiecelighting. (SRH)4594) MicbaelKan This yearI had the privilegeot sewing as team captain for'the Silver Shadowand BentleyT series cars,class114. Many of the Class114 carshave alreadybeen on the road for over 30 yearsand I have to congratulate all owners for keeping their now true classicsin such immaculate conditlon. Of the 36 Silver Shadows and BentleyT's registeredfor the meet, 6 were enteredin concours class,10 in touring, 3 were there for for evaluation,and 17 were piaced on display This class accountedfor l6oloof all cars on the field in Oak Brook, Illinois. This year it was a 197I long wheelbaseSilver Shadowwith an optional division, LRX9830, that drove awaywith First Placein concours. Tom Mendezhas persevered over Lhepastfiveyearsto get his wonderful car to this polnt. Each year bringing his much-driven (the odometerstandsat 276,475) Shadowback better than it was the year before. Although there are no extra points awardedfor much-drivencarsin this categoryit is fun to evaluatea car to the exactingconcoursstandardsknowing that the car gets enjoyed extensivelyin between national meets.Rumorshave it that he will also drive to Washingtonfor the 2007RROCMeer.Thisone trip alonewill add almosr 5,000 miles '06 to the odometerbetweenthe '07 judgrng events. and The long wheelbasecarswere limlted in production. Only 7ok of all Shadowsmade from 1966 rhrough I97 6 were extendedby 4 inchesbehind the B-pillar, and far fewer were fitted with a division, which in fact took up all that extra legroom given to the rear passengersThe directoryshowsonly nine SrlverShadowsand two Silver Wraith IIs with division in the club. One of the original 1966 1wb saIoonswth divisionswent to PrincessMargaret.It was not until 1969 that Rolls-Royceadded this model to the product line-up, and at that time did so only for the export market. It was not until mid-1970 that the model showedup on the pricelist at f 11,348verstsL9,272 for the standard saloon,a 22o/o premlum. Somefeaturesthat set the lwb models apart from the standard saloonwere a smallerrear window; a lengthenedrear door; standard everflexroof, and the Rolis-Royce badgeon the C-pillar. On the cars with division, the factory added a secondair-intakegrille, a second battery,a radio in the rear compartment, and a secondA/C unit in the rear. Chassisnumbers on the lwb models all begin with the letters "LR" in the first two positions.The right-hand driven models are fol"H" for home market lowed by an in the third position. Left-hand modelshad eitheran X, A, B, C, D, or E. We actua\ had two 1wb Shadows wrth drvision aLthis year's meet. In my shon history with the club is hasbeen a rare occurrence plaque. Concours left,receives theFirstPlace Tom Mendez, 3E1 ade n L-d/ Mrqd 9 particu Paying larattention totheengine baywillpay offhandsomely inany judging event. Two ofthestandard features onthelwb Shadows areclearly visible: thesmaller rearwindow andtheEverflex rool. cating fluids often, and try to make it to an annual meet. Rolls-Royce advertisedthesecarsto be "the best car in the world," of coursesome of out experiencesmight differ from this, but following Doug'sadvrse will certainlyhelp in keeping some truth to the company's marketing promrse. Use a judgrng evaluationto clean.repair,or replacethoseitems that might cost you a deduction or two. This will of courseimprove your chancesto wrn the next Lime around. Under the currentjudging formulas,most points are lost under the bonnet or under the Theinterior wasimmaculale. Theleathercar.Payparticular attention to the surfaces seem t0have been welltaken cleanlinessof the engrnecompaftcare 0fwithone0lthemany specializedment and the chassis,and make onlhemarket todav. oroducts sure the steering.braking. and suspension systemsare kept in good to seeany at a given event!The and safecondition. If you have participant second was a very eariy neverhad your carjudged,downexample,LRX7I6B,a 1969 model load the Shadowsjudging form owned byJoseph Thompson. Joe from the RROCwebsiteto review had another well caredfor car,but the items we will look for on the decidedto havehis car evaluated fie1d,and enhanceyour chances on Friday afternoonto get better that way Not oniy did Tom Menacquaintedwith his motorcar. dez win first placein Concours,he I encourageyou to dnve and was also awardedthe Shamrock enjoy thesefine classics.To paraTrophy for the most-improvedcar phraseDoug Seibert,do change on the field. your oil, coolant, and other lubriAs someof our carswere first orderedwith rare optlons, or had older componentsreplacedwith new factory-suppliedparts through an authorizeddealer,it might be difficult to judge the authenticiry of theseitems. It is the car owners responsibilityto make sure the judges' team captainis made aware of these"unique" items that we might not recogmzeas original. This communicationwill certainly keepyour deductionsto a minimum! You can order the factory build sheetsthrough the RROC. Thanks to alljudges on the 114 team: Wiliiam Casey(PA), Carlen Colgett (CA), DouglasHandel (TX), Woody Hoyt (CT), 8il1 Pritchard (fA), and Dave & Carol Sjolund (Ff). After a few yearsof judging together,we have managedto becomevery efficientand consistentin our evaluations.I am looking forward to working wlth the team next year, and many years to come. A lateaddition....Tom mentioned that his Shadowgot broadsided on the way home from the Oakbrook meet, but the car is alreadyin the shop and should be as good asnew in a couple of months. Safemotoring. aaa ir8 . Vooen -o V.gdl e Drtrffi All tet;tandphaubyRicbard Treaq(Switxrlard) SilverShadowIl andSZcarshavewonadditionaltimeandcostwouldensurea derfulsteering.Trulyman'ellous.That veryreliableresuh Oh no. In mid 2002 is until theyleaktharhorriblehydraulic the fluid levelagainsrartedto deplete,so I fluid. Thenaturally-aspirated carsarenor knewthatI wasin for moreirouble. Sure sobadin thisregard,but still unacceptenough,fiuid soonstanedspillingfrom able,howeverit seemsthatthe addedheat lhe overflowat the centreof the rack,so I -ackhoping of the crosspipe ro the turbocharger on the installed erchange 1eranother Turbos. especialll wrthrighrhanddrrve. tharthelasronefitredwr. jusr..rMonoa) makesthemlusrthatbrruorse.Tharpipe j o b runsparallelto thesreering rack,anda smallfibreglass shieldis all thathelpsro Bywayof explanation, the tlvo rubber keepthatcherry-redhearawayfromthe bellowsat the centrtof the steeringnck rack. assembly namedconvolutedseals,areonly dustboot"andshoud norconrain anyorl 5o it was. l repLaced therackassembly on at all If the fluid startsdepleting,it slowly my 1987right handdriveTurboR 20037 fills thebellor.vs until theyfinallyoverflow in year2000. Thatwill be rhatfor anorher I[ you leaveit to someone elseto top up decadeI thoughtwith confidence.Rather thefluid, you mayneverknow rhatrhere thanfoolingaroundwirh it m1'self, I had D0ugnt ib anexcnange rackURI/ i lrom theleadingspecialisr supplierin theUK in rheknowledge rhatrheyneed>erring up withgrearcare.| !gurcdrhrrthr is troublein thereuntil ir is all too lare Otherwise, whenyour knowledgeable roadworthiness testerjacksthe front,then zipsrhewheelsfrom lock to lock,a puddle appears beneath. Thereis a simplecheckfor a suspectrack. ln themainhousingon thelowerprotrusionfor rhepinionandtowardsthe rear of thevehicle,thereis a grubscrewdrain plug. Renoveit with anAllenkey If any sizeable quantityof red fluid comesour, thenyou havetroubles.lfgear oil comes out, thentherackis an earlyt}pe and hasbeenmishandled duringassembly, shippingor 6tting:theracktubemaybe refilledwirh gearoil throughthebLankr n gp l u ga b o v a e n dl o n t a r do [ r h ep i n i o n in-situin thiscase.Manya vehicle!rack rs drainedby thismerhodbeforesalero disguisea leakingrackduringthewarranty perod.so beware.Haringsaidrhat.ir I lLr,il.,r| L.:1i.,: [", ]1,:-n. -l will let you cheatthrougha roadworthinesstest,givingyou timeto considerthe options. SoI boughtandfittedyet anothermce new rack Sofar sogood. Thatonewas leak-free afterwards, but onlyuntil March 2004. Honor. NOT AGAIN ! Fluidwas suddenlydepleting,andfinallyit started to spill out yet again. I pulledout thesteeringpumpandhad it benchtested What a horriblejob it is to removeandrefit a steeringpump on a !{erepreq20.000serre. carI No delects ent there. Darnlt. Thiswasbecoming decidedlysilly I d i da l i r r . er e s e a r cahn,dl o u n dt h a Li n 1989a new rackdesign,UR70708,was wiperseals introduced.It hassecondary on therackshaftto pre-cleanthebitsbeforethemainsealshold thefluid pressure. GreatI thought,soI boughtone. These wipersealsmusthavebeenthesoludonI figured.Thisrackhascastmountsuniike theearlierfabricated ones,andneeds a conversion kit RH3034with special bracketsandsundryitems,anda revised longerlowercolumnlink UR70827 (Bentley)or UR71398(Rolls-Royce). The mountson theseracksareslightlywider thanon apartandlowerin the chassis theearliertype,andtheadaptorbrackets for accommodate thevariation Especially Bentleycars,thelowerlink is stifferthan cars. thosefor theRolls-Royce In ir went. Great Until October2004 AGAINAGAIN. Depletedfluid was Yetagain. followedby leakssoonafLer. rack,thistimea I boughtan exchange UR71818froma 1997model. Thisthird andfinal designincarnationfromabout 1992onwardshasa usefulexlernalbackrarherthanusingshims lashadjusLment on thespoolvalve.Thatsapplaudible, of why sucha young but I wassuspicious programme. rackwason theexchange ThistimeI fitteda systemfluid frlterfor with our goodmeasure afterdiscussions technicaleditor. As an aside,all rack before1992were therack filledin thetubeencapsulating and pinion with gearoil asthe gear lubricant,not to be confusedwith the steeringfluid. Laterracksandall rebuilt racksshouldbefilledwithat least359 of bespokeconstantvelocityjoint grease smeared evenlyacrossthe rackteethand with a dabinto thepiniou'slowerbronze bushingin themainhousing Thechange is important,unknownto most to grease rebuilders, andlt is poorlydocumented. but a rack Gearoll worksfinein service, rnrerted dunngshippingwill loseall rts lubricaringoil from the rack tube into the bellonscavity.Do yout-ustyourshipper to keepit upright? 2006.Oh no, morefluidloss. N4arch to deplete, Thefluid againcommenced andhnallyit startedto oozeout fromthe thebreathing backlashadjustergrubscrew, point on lateracks.Thiscauseda stir at in the thesupplierandhis subcontractor UK, theworldslargestsupplierof reconditionedsteeringracksior thesecars It emergedthat they aretruly fed up with the"eracks. andalsothaLin desperation themajorUSrebuilderhasrecentlyslashed rojust 12 monthsfor its lifetimeguarantee Rolls-Royce andBentleyonly I discovered racksales alsothatthevolumeof exchange lvorldwideis of epidemicproptions.This time,therewasno wayI wouldsufferthe timeandcostsof customs,repairsand rack,soI shippingof a lousyreplacement decidedI woulddo it all myselfandfind out whatreallyis goingon here. Out came the rack,andI strippedit downrathereasily Nextwasto analyse thebits,andI feel we aresomewayto solvingthe matter. Neitherthe racktubenor therackshaft lullyin anydocumentation rtselIare shov"m I haveeverseen.Theshafthasonesolid endandonefloatingend Thesealon in thefiortingendfindsrtsown position the tubeandsealsjust6ne. On the fixed end,sometimes calledthefreeend,it relies PTFE(Teflon) entirelyon its split (scarfed) bearingasit is called,but it is actually a bushing,to keepthe Nitrilemainseal steering centraI against all rhosesubsuntial forces.Thisbushingis alsorefenedto but it is asa PTFtsealin theliterature, I -F r:1 . : . * 1 . , .t ' i ; , * t. NZ-17 Assembly 0ffreeendcomponents . ' l ' I r'j, ... '9 '$' ccrtrinLinoL.rserL lf Lhcrcis n1 shcL in thr bflnDu. LhlLrllo\,s rn oll-curlrlng Lr[thc shrrlt.so thilt tht serl is squashccl to orr sicltrlnrll ill hlli Lln obstrla tion. thc P-fFE bcrlngs both hrrdno grrlr \ hiltsoc\'L'r on mine Thc nrninullr speci htcl is t).linrnr or ll (l1ll llficn.tligncclin LnLr\\'s thc bLrrc'\s anr ensinerebuilder. urth pisttrn r.in! lrrps ir u'icir lint t:ip is prcfrrablcto rl nirffo\rrlp Thc l.rcli ol rnr g.rpmernt Lhrt the nrtl ing PTFE ht.rlings\\'erc jrrmmecL |rto thc tube.lLrcl couLcl only *clrr.cp.riclih or lhc rrr.rtside LhcinsicletlilnicLct to arrrpcnsiltc r\LsLr. uirs to.r IilLSc rrstlrc blnlng urs crprnclccl hr hrrluruno tup. sr)thc lrsllllng sljghL nrcirrtsLhlt tlre rlck shaitc,.rulcl siopp-riness li:nr: heenslightlyoffsctfrtrmcenLre on ir L -r . L . n . r . , l r r rl r ) r ) r -LL.rIrrr -L l r .L . rt. . r . . . . , ' tr , r , l ' - ' ' r . I , r L | , oll tntrc rllorvlerlis Gappirgis.rsinplr: ' . . - lr ' i r , , ': ''r'| r:t .Lit- I Rack Bar 2 Wiper seal 3 PTFE sea (also Teflon called bearing, butisreally b u s h i n g ) a 4 Ba n k i npgl u g i nl u gg ' 0 ' r i n g 5B l a n kp 6T u b e ' 0 ' r i n g 7 O isl e a l BBearing carrier \lcrrsurrthcgrp rn thcshirfttubeborc r,r:ing r leclerlruue in crltclllthcs.tme unli] nou, cr'en t ' .r - . . , . . r . . ' r ' l h . ,L . . . r I S Lhein[Lustr)strudxrcL m.m,.uls speciflit quiLrcbuh: gap.;rlthought Lhcgapin thePI FEbealing thouehthc i s . l t+ 5 d o { r c c s On doLng rhr lLnrlassembly,ol ther.rcl< rllishtrp rurit. the fuclory ii mirnrLlls lre Rcl:L1ing Lhrsobscn.rtitrn to thesuppliers m mostllctrr-r.cct but tlrerclrc r leu,r'cr') hls cluscclln l'cn irig.eelstir...\ltel rrlcri porl lt c\feptLrlLls \\l.icrt'Lhc mlnuals e calLs. therlud chtsrnclr lcl conference The u'orkshop erphrn drfL. erull books c L r a n gtrLdr c inl c L h o d sn.o l o n t c r ' f l t t r n s thc PTFEbcrr.incs withoutlnppineLhenr liou'to lit thr llcrl cndumrnscal,LrltcrfiLq,rpping firsL PTFEbcer.inq lus n,ll brcl conlirrLrcd... l . h t o L t gt h c r f l r L f fL u b a n n g L h r[ ' l l ' l : b c : r u n i L b.rthL rr sLot lhis ls rt sLrtLtlrit to clirttr.tgt rc.rlrntl llrL:hr.rLint.tlilic []cncc.lltcr bLroLs l1 is rtqLrrltd LoLrL RH 1.2-l slirrcthxr Lhf sPcci.rl ()nlirihc r',rclish.tfLitlLrttht tLrllL boLlrsa.rl5 in sub-frame unilmounted N2-1Steering lever l l n t e r m e diinakt e 5 Srde steering valve andpinion 2 Spoo rodadjuster 6 Track uted seals 3 Convo / InnerbaI jointbracket t0sub-frame attachrnent 4 Steering tube andseal BCentre nr'li shrrltis in ils rcnLt.rlposLliotrAqrrirr.Lhis i urot rLormr gor,cllLrttht sc.tlrs LhcLool s c l n r s h cLsl r rs c r r l1so . tl r , r r l t , r or r1t h c i tl o r l . .qcllscll'sL ifg si,c \fiLhr'r nrclhorLnlrtlit-s i s L ol l LL l l l l o L r L i n g - cIn' l df f b r . t l i r r gt .h c l rhr'ilo.riiut-fr.l -.cll 5lrclttlrc sh.rfLtnLothc b o l r L r n LLi Lh rh r r r l - r n t ll r p p r o t t u t l c l;t r r n tr h t cnd llrL :Lr.h Lh.rtthr \\ ipct.scrtllu lrtrc LrLhir. tLr Ititfd] dlt.5 uoLltoll Llll nlrL ltc r..p,rsccl (rlltllorLi lronr,lrr rrr d:rnrrrgr\\ th r lLrllrrl or'.rhc,rcl sljdcLoqrtottcltLrtnlr stlL rlrrl Lhcr:rrrlc:rpi tirtilrL lrt thr' ITFL bcr.inq 1r'onr b r u r i n gr n d s t , r ]t L rL h cn c l i s h , i l l lLrcrl-crd l u b r . r c . ri tLrcl l r i r t h D c r ' r o nl t t c lp L t s ht h t r l c i rc Tltc trr uailf thc cftttr.f(rtils Lr.L slrirltgcnLLy r L ' si ts n . r l n l r t h r r c l i L t i l go l t h c s p L r or 'l . r 1 r c ltool Lht gcrrt:b.tclllslr1r,r'thc rrrclrrrllLrstirtg ' 1 , ' . 1 , . . r " ' \ 1 1 , 1,1\ Ll h r r u c Lr r l L h i r : r c lri s s c n r l t l f, ur .r l h c s t ' t l J r g t r . L , t L n r cn .gt 1 ' . L nt thi c , r i lp i p t l l r l l i s . r tt h r l c i t ' h . r r csl r c l c , rrl r i g h th n r c [c l r j r c r.r Lhr llrllc 'uron irlrl f.lal\fllLl fitl] shiltltl b c l c l Lo n l r l i r . n r lhl . r r r lL q h Lt r l t i l t h t r . t r L cLrrtn lrrto Lht sitblr.tnrcol Lht is LighlrntcL tighLcntltc r'irI nutl rlstr lirlLr Frnirlh: tJ -l-h.tL tirtr ,tnt nti:rligttnlrtrl thi pipr Lrnror l ill bL clinrrn.rLtr[.rrrrl:Lrcsstsor rLisLrrrttLrtt n r i n i r t i s c rciLr r ( ) n s f q r t f r r f al 1r L r Ll t L t r. 't r a r r o n ( l i t i r j nt cl c! l i o t h . L r ct r r n ro u t r r . - p . t i r L c l , \ rrll Lrrarfrthr ])1tclnrl rltlt bt sLui LLITL b t f L ' r ct h c I r r . r lt i g h L c n r nori t h . f , i c ] iL ol h f : L r b L l l t n cr r.d L r t s t rLtrL r g h t ctnh t n r T l r r n r r L p h r s ri r t h r 5( l c \ r ' l r ) l l l r l r l' sl lLt o / l , . , , l , r l r strrrrllr.l I r 1 i Lrpc)tlr nt.ilialhf ltitcli.i{t L L r n r p l c t1 t . r n rt r u l r l t o p r n gt h l t . L o q c t h c r n i t h L h ri r t l u s l r ul t s h , r llli n t l. l p f r n r . r l r l l ts si'lLuiontL,ncli lcirlisonct l bcLLtr'-.crrL \ (hT r r i rh\ r l c L l t ts o l L t l t r r t t s o L r r r r d . ; r l t l r o u\ g . r l r ( t d rc l r r c h i r1l \ r l l rt t r n c c lI ' L l ' l rl l c r r i n g g.1p1-ring \\r' rt \\ rrrLitttq r-rttdt\ tlopln! il possiblysinrpLr nrrrin scrtl. inrpt,rrccl ut,rlh ont u rLht s|ring trl-.,.tttclcr' T h i c o n r o o n rr c . One day JamesRice drove his two kids to camp in Yosemite California.His car was parked on the road side when Rice and his kids stood next to it, readyto leave.Then,one couplejust walked by "That is a gorgeouscar! What is it?" The lady said to her husband, apparentlyrefernng to Rice's verdant greensedan."l don't knoq" the guy said, "but it sureis beautiful." c a ri s a B e n tl eA y rn a g e . It w a so n eo f o n l y7 0 0 cu s to m -m a d e Arnage carsthat ro l l e do ff th e p r o d u c t i ol inn e fro mth e plant B en tl e Mo y to rs at Crewein B ri ta i ni n 2 0 0 4 . ers like" Ricetells the Bentley Magazine."If you want to show off, you buy black 5600 Mercedes." Ricespassionfor this British luxury car brand went back to his youth days, "1 always want to have a Bentleysince I was in col1ege,"he recalls. Owning a Bentleyhas been his dream for about 20 years sincehe was still on bicycle But the young Ricecould This gorgeouscar is a Bentley not afford such an expensive Arnage. It was one of only car. The first car he bought 700 custom-made Arnagecars after collegewas a used Rolls that rolled off the production Royceand later another,a Rice,that is one of the appealiine from the BentleyMotor classic1952RollsRo;ceSilver ing charactersof Bentleycars "Bdtish plant at Crewein Britain in Wraith, both of which came and Rrcecallsit person"That 2004. Though everythingin out from the sameCrewe ality" is part of the style this car is tailor-made,the factory that manufacturedhis of it. It is not so flashyThats Arnageis understated.To current Arnage.What amazes what Bentley'score customcontinued. Magazine,Jtne 2aa6,CaneqafBentlry Moton Reprinnd Bentley t'ran ]-iJ] l;la l€r. L:.dr,,\.,1:.!tan., r{ Riceis how the sophisticatedcraftsmanshiphasbeen presewedas a tradition through the passageof time. He found many detailson his BentleyArnageare exactlythe sameas thoseon his vintage 1952 Ro1lsRoyce In mid-2004, Riceand his wife, from Sichuanof China, were talking about thelr next car. He went to the Bentleydealerin BeverlyHills, where he was living. His first trip to the storewas August 2004, and he met rts generalmanagerTim O'Hara.A casual conversationled Rlce to the surprising discoverythat his new acquaintancegraduated from the sameschool ashis and he was married with a Chinesewrfe, too. O'Hara lent "You rake this car." the generil managergave him a BentleyArnage for a whole day "Takeyour wife out to lunch, go shopping and drive around. him the key and said, Just give the car back to me before I closethe shop." Ricehit the road with his wife and two kids. He marveledat thoseimpressivedetails inside the Bentley- from refined wood, hand-madesteeringwheelsto soft hide on seatand lush lamb-skin carpet.what also made hlm feel awesomewas the speedof "It's absolutelyfabulous.t have the car. "It is as fast asPorscheand Ferran," Ricesays, to have one of these."Ricetold his wife, who told him it was the most comfortable "And my kids said it was coo1.The whole family liked it." car she had ever sat in. Ricefell in love with Bentleyinstantly,but it took hlm half a day to finish the process _:al: i../l',raje.-La.j\/ l..,la'-r;:r--- of orderinga pelsonalizedcar for hirnself.He pickedont thc Arnrrgc.BenLlcls 20t)5rn.',del Srnteevcr'yihrng in Arnagers custom-nade,Ricehaclto chtroseeyeryaspectof the carjust ashe rvanted,fiom the dasl-rboard wood, to colorsof stitcheson the leatherof the seats."lf \'rru\\-,rn[]t e\aLti]']'our\{a), thatsthe specialthing aboutthis car',"Ricesa1s,"lt'sjust like a ' tailor madesuit. It rs this prlticular thrL.r.Lerthat eventuallydrew Riceio the Arnage,the ' , ' D - o f -nl r m o d e ,l ' l B e n r l e rI t l r ' n kr r e'A |"r r "5 e i'"' i r' m , , f er r . r d i l r L \ nB.cr nl L ley,,a more traditionallyCrewe-builtLar:Othcr Bentlel-s irc not ascllstom ized as the Arn:rge." In addition,the Arnagehasa ver-ybig engine,the 6.75 lrtr-eVB, r,vhrchcan traceit'srootsback Lor,vhenBenLlelfLrsL useLlrt rn 1a5q 'Manywho like Bentlc; lcel rt rs rhc rerl tr;rditionalBentleyengine lt hasmole torque t h r n a n ; o t l c r i a r I h a v e . e e n .R j r ee x l ) l . r i n > RicechoseVelchntgleenlor his Arnage,a decisionalsoont of his resleLt [L)rLlrdiLionrnd his passionfol the motoringculture. Greenr.vasthe color of the Britishteamfor Bentleywhen it went tLrthe Le Mansracein the 1920sand 1930s,ivhen Bentleyearnedits reputation "Theywon rn 1921, 1927, continLLed on pagc 1396.. . i It's easyto recognize an original. Originalby E Gordon Crosoy When the famedmororingartisr Gordon Crosby designed Bentleysfamouswinged'B' in rhe 1920s,he put in an exrra featheron one wing - to makecounterfeitingeasierto spot. Today,you don't needto tal<eout rhe magnifying glass.lf ir saysCrewe GenuinePartson the box,you can be sure it's -'\--"'--'' up to the originalstandardof your Crewe-buihmotor car_ 't . , * , Originalsby Crewe GenuineParts CREWEGENUINEPARTS AND SERVICING. conLittuccl front 1393 "ln 2001, 1928, 1929 and 1930.Bentleywassuperfamous,"Ricerecalledin an excitedvoice, they went back to Le Mans and won again The race car r'vaspainted rn Verdantgreen,so mine had to be too!" ln October,2004, Rice fier,vlvrth his son to Crer'veto seehis car on production line. The threehour tour at BentleysCrewefactotystartedwith a visit to the companymuseum,wherethe 6rst ConrinentalGT,one of the earlyLe Manscarsand the originalBarnatoSpeedSix,which wason Loanfrom a customer,wereon display.Then they movedon to the productionline, rvhereRicesArnage,just out of the paint sfop, washavingits doorsaligned.Thetrnext stop was the body shop,the engineshop and the Mulliner department,wherethe car'ssteering "My son boy was deeplyimpressed. seven-year-old wheelwasbeinghand made.EvenRi.ce's "But he'll the fathersays, rold me tharwhen he learnsto drive,he wantsto havea Bentley," have to wait until he can afford to buy his own!" RrcesArnagewas finally deliveredto its owner in December,2004.Four months of waiting seemed "lt to be an agonyto Rice. just killed me," Ricesays half-joklngly, sitting in his Shanghaioffice The wall- ,tr"'t4 ) paper of the computer on his desk featuresthe picture of his Arnage. During thesefour months, Ricewent to visit the Bentley'sShanghaishowroom every two weeks,so that his yearning for a Benrleycar could be somewhatquenched. "They wanted to sell me one of His frequent callsarousedthe interestsof the loca1salespeople. "but I alreadyhad one." But he also acknowledgedthat the long time of their cars,"Ricesays, "I waiting also made the whole experiencemore exciting. thought it was the most beautiful car in the world when I saw it," Ricerecalledhow he was feeling the moment he saw his car on the delivery day "very special"and Ricedescribedthe serviceBentleydealersprovide are ''personalexperience."They rememberhis namesand would call him to remind him the maintenanceday Derek Davies,Bentley'sArnage Brand Manager,who Ricegot to know on his trip to Creweoften send emailsasking how his Arnageis. As the r,rcepresidentand generalmanagerGreaterChina of TysonFoods Inc, the worlds largestprotein company and one of the Fortune Global 5OO,Rlceis basedin Shanghaiand thus, had chancesto meet somelocal Bentleyowners Earlier this year,he was invited to a charity event BentleyChina sponsoredin Shanghai,where he met Chinesecustomerswho drove their own Bentleysto the party ''They are interestingguys, becausethey are obviously successfulentrepreneurs.I 'car guys'like me," Ricerecalls. thlnk they havevery good tasteand, of course,ihey are "A He enjoysmeeting Chineseentrepreneurs. lot of thesepeople are interesting,hard-working, and colorful. That'spart of the culture. I would not have stayedso long in China if it wasn't for the warmth of the people here" Rice,with a total of 16 yearsworking and living experiencein the Middle Kingdom, knows this culture qurte we1l.He first cameto China in 1987, as one of 17 studentsfrom Umversity of California,who were sent to Kunming, YunnanProvince,on a three.. connnuea. Ilil!' -L[,]a:,r.-, r Li:r ly l\./l:ril..r: 't, tl il .,i l t it month exchangeprogram In 1991,he r'ventback to KunmingUniversityto teachEnglishand financefor two years In rhe pastdecade,Rtceworked for the workDanoneGroup which hasoperationsin China.With his rich experience and insights of ing with Chinesepartnersand his extraotdinaryunderstandrng Chineseculture and US trade relations,Ricehas been lrequently approachedby foreign compameswho want to seekhis consulting on how to do businessin jn the r,vorld one of the polverful econon-Lies havedeveloped Whar surprisedRiceis how qurckl,vChinesenouveaux-riches jnternational Bentley A decade luxury brandssuchas tastesfor sophisticated ago,only a handfulof peoplein Chinaknew this Britishmotoringbrand. But, as Ricepointedout, the laudablemarketingeffortsby BentleyChrnain mainland Chinahavecultureda growingnumber of local customers. "Therearea 1otof ti1ltoday,Bentleyis still the bestin iLsclass,"Ricesays good carsout there,but nothing beatsBentleliWhen you sit tn the car,you can " tell thaLwith everythingthey did abouLthis car,they makeit absolutelybest What he finds in his Arnager'vhilesitting behind its wheelsis the oblecttveLhe BentleyMotor hasbeenpursuingtill today.This obiectivelaid out by Bentley - "A good car,a fastcar,the bestin class." Motors founder,WO. Bentle,v "Up aaa I 0nherbirthday Flying SpurwasthelastthingCindyexpected AnewContinental I iost controlagain. This is all Ralphsdoing I thought.He'sthe salesguy',not Frank. Whats Ralph doing in "Frank, I like the service? coior, but what if Cindy doesnt?" "Bring it back and we'Il let her pick whatever color shewants." Frank said with conr,rction. "Here is what I will do. I will order two dozen rosesfor the table in the restaurant.How old are you Steve?Life is too short and you have to make events like this extra special." 14aC l:,1cd.ri l.3clv i\.4:i-r:d:n,.1 I Mazdas Steve andCindy c0llecti0n contains 0nly12cylinder cars: Bentley Flying Rolls-Royce Continental Spur, Seraoh, Mercedes 5600 andFerrari Silver 550. He is right, i thought to myself.He put his hand on my shoulder aswe valked around the car still in its shrink-wrap. "Let me ask you." He asked,"Can you afford rhe car?" hand shakeI shouldn't be in business." "That's what I alwayssay Frank." At this point I wasnt sure who was selling who what. If I was being soid -Yes,but I needto se1l a car, it was the nicest exsomestock and takesome perienceit possiblycould profitsout of the market. have been. Frank Kerbeck gaveup his own customThemarketis up 5% for the yearbut I'm up ordered Bentley Contiover 30%, and my inves- nental Flying Spur to me lrrnn', hlr for my wife'sbirthday I cor next "If high birthday card, roses on the table, a bottle of champagnein the trunk and he picked up the dlnner tabl After everythingwas agreedto Frank asked, "By the way, have you driven the car?" "No" I lari'ghed"I have driven the Bentley two door Continental GT and lng list for a Continental GT convertible. God blessAmerical I hope I can continue to outperform the market and most other hedge fund managersthe way I have over the last four years.I'm sure Frank will continue to out perform other car dealersbecause of sewice and commitment to his customers I tookthe innerfenderlineroutof the righthandwheelwellof to extractthe inoperative a '1966SilverShadow, SFX-1248, powerantenna. lmaginemy surprisewhenI foundthata.) it wasthe originalantennaandb.)it wasa Delcoantennajust betweenthe Cadillacand Thediflerences likea pre-70Cadillac. was aremainlyin thata masttowerextension the Rolls-Royce and accommoheight a lowermounting madeto accommodate witha flush datea screw-innutratherthana clampingsituation of the tube the lowest As a result likethe Cadillac. escutcheon the mastfrom antennais lockedto the masttowerpreventing goingallthe waydownandbelowthe lineof thefender.lt will downas a result,butI guess stickup somewhencompletely compromlse. thiswasan acceptable thissuckerhadn'tworkedin years,butsinceit wasa Naturally damage.Havcar,therewaslittlemoisture lifetimeCalifornia the unitI pulledthe armaturecoveroffthe motor ingwithdrawn pulled outthe armatureitself.(l'vedonethisbefore,having and so I wason familiarturf.) ownedplenty60sand70sCadillacs, contactswereverycararmature Onebrushwasstuckandthe waddingpolishsolvedthecarbon SomeNevr-Dull bontracked. flatagain,oiledthedrivemechanism lfiledthebrushes tracking, Voile. forthe mastcableand refittedthe armature. I seemto recallthatlaterShadowsusea coupleof variations 6000.Theseareeveneasierto cleanand on the Hirschmann "rebuild" sincethe accesscoveris the entiresideof the unit.A muchmorecommonmastis usedon thesewhichshould(no reasonnotto) crossoverto a similarvintageMercedes-Benz. to sayI am alwaysamazedat thethoughtof the numNeedless American(or perfectly goodandveryserviceable of these ber byfoolishpeopleand whichwerediscarded German)antennas Don'tmakethe samemistake! serviceoersonnel. ROLLS-ROYCE IOINS MTV TO FIGHT HIV AND AIDS Rolls-Roycehasjoined with MTV :o raise$25,000for the Stapng \hve Foundation.a globalorgani. the :ariondedicated to preventing ;preadof HIV and AIDS.RollsRoyceprovided a new Phantom for astyear'sMTV EuropeanMusic \rvardsin Lrsbonand inr,rtedartrststo autographthe back seat.By ..heend of the event more than 20 najor celebritieshad signed. The seatwas then removed fronr rhe Phantomand turned into the rvorld'smost excluslvesofaby Nick Gutfreund, an up-and-comingUK iurniture designerand maker. It ivassubsequentlybought by Hard Rockfor $25,000with the proceedsdonatedby Rolls-Royceto the Stapng Alive Foundatron.The checkwas handed over last Friday at Hard Rock's35th birthday celebrationsin London. Rolls-RoyceMotor CarsChairman and Chief Executive,Ian Robert"We are delighted to son, said, havebeen involved wrth MTV and HardRockon suchan innovative project, and one that has raiseda considerablesum of money to assist StayingAlive in their continued effortsto prevent the spreadof HIV and AiDS." VTV's Stapng Alive Foundation (www.stapng-alive.org)promotes and supportsyoung peopleeverywherewho are protecting themselvesand their communlriesagainstthe multiple threats posedby the spreadof HIV and AIDS. The Foundation doesthis by presentingthe StayingAlive Award annually,to young individuals and youth goups who are focusedon stopping the spreadof HIV and who have demonstratedthe potential to becomefuture leaders. Bill Roedy,Presidentof MTV Networks Internationaland chair of the StayingAlive Foundation, said: "Businesscollaborationis vital in the battle againstHIV and AIDS. Th is moneywi)l go to supporting grassroots educationand prevention projects and we are grateful to Rolls-Royceand Hard Rock for of the role we contlnue to play in promoting pop culture, and keeping audiencesawareand engaged in important causesthroughout the world " PeterMclachlan, from PeterMC Ltd, brought MT{ Rolls-Royceand Hard Rocktogetherto form this rrninrra nartnprch in Celebritieswho signed the sofarncluded Anastacia,Black Eyed Peas, Brittany Murphy, Coldplay,Nelly Furtado,-CraigDavid, Bob Geldof and Shakira,Akon. Then also, " mal-ino rhic nn<sihle Alison Goldfrapp, ChemicalBrothers, Borat (SachaBaron Cohen), "Thisone-of-a-krnd piecefrirm footballerDiego Luna, Foo Fightis a unique ers, actor GaelGarciaBernal,Green MTV and Rolls-Royce additionto our iconlcmemorabilia Day,Forrnula 1 driver Jenson Button, footballerLuis Figo, Sean collectron", saldHamishDodds, TATU and Paul, Shaggy,Sugababes, President and CEO,HardRock "MTV presenters Tim Kash and has played an the MTV International. incredible rolein HIVprevention TrevorNelson. andwe at HardRockareproud lnfomationandInagetCauteryRllh-Rllu Matlr Ca$ aaa 1403 [lcCern Lady N/aga-une valveson a ShadowrearsuspenTherearetwo leveling to a to thecar bodyadjacent sion. Eachoneis attached to a linkwhich trailingarm. Eachtrailingarmis connected valve.Thevalve shafton the leveling rotatesthe operating highpressureinlet,outlet connections: hasfourhydraulic returnandsignalpressure to heightcontrolram,reservoir valvesaregenerally fromthesolenoidvalve.Theleveling troublefreeandonlytendto leakaftera decadeor twoof service. a briefwordon systhe procedure, Beforediscussing is in order.The rearspringon eachside temoperation rammountedat thetopthat of the carhasa hydraulic fluidis added as hydraulic forcesthe springdownward whichchangesthe rideheightof thevehicle.Tosense the valve,in a sense.measures rideheight.the leveling trailing arm distanceof thetrailingarmto the body.lf the fluidis is to close,the rideheightis too lowandadditional passedto the heightcontrolram. lf thetrailingarm is too valve far away,the rideheightis too high,andthe leveling reservoir. allowssomefluidf romthe rambackto the Allof thisworksverynicelywhenthecar is stationary, armsarein continubothtrailing butwhenit is in motion. everynuanceof road ousup anddownmotionfollowing valvecomesin lf the surface.Thisis wherethe solenoid car is in parkor neutralor oneof the doorsis open,volt- OUTLET TO HEIGHT CONTROL RAM tisure2 Removal ofpiston. ageis appliedto thesolenoidvalve.Thesolenoid valvein turnsupplieshighpressure fluidto the leveling valvewhenthe car is stationary andlow pressurewhenunderway. Thepresence or absenceof pressure at the presseson a plunger solenoid valveconnection thatcan restricttheflowof fluidin andoutof the ram.Whenthefluidflowis restricted, the levelingfunctioncorrectsrideheightat a muchslower rate,effectivelyaveragingthe roadirregularities to proper arriveal a rideheightratherthanreacting to them. To performthis procedure,you will needtwo leveling valverebuildkitsplustwo newflexible linesthatrunfromthe leveling valveto the height controlram.Theflexiblelinecanonlybe removed withthe leveling valvealreadyout. Sincethe ieveling valveis a bitof a choreto removeand onlyneedsto comeouteverydecadeor two,you mightas welldo both. Be careful- brakefluid removes oaint. Beginwiththecaron a fourpostlifi. I would hesitate to do thisjob withoutthiskindof access to thevehicleunderside. procedure Thefollowing is identical for eachleveling valve.Remove, rebuildand replaceone levelingvalvebeforemovingon to theother.Useflarenutwrenches where practical to minimize damageto the hydraulic connections. 1) Ensuring thatthesystemis depressurized, disconnecllhe fronttwo levelinghardlines(solenoid connection andreservoir return)wheretheyare connected at a junctionblock.(Seefig.1 forconnectionidentifications on the valvebody.) 2) Disconnect rearhardlineat the leveling valve. (Thisis the highpressureinletconnection.) 3) Loosentheflexlineat rearof valve.(Thisis the outletto the heightcontrol.) 4) Disconnect the linkat the lowerendas it attaches to thetrailingarm. 5) Removethe two nutsand boltsthat attachthe valvebodyto the bracket. 6) To separatethe levelingvalvefromthe flexible line,twistthe leveling valvebodywhileholdingflex linestationary witha linewrench. 7) Removetheflexlinefromitschassisconnection witha pairof wrenches.Thb bracketthatsupports thisconnection is verydelicate, so be careful. 8) Drainawayanytrappedfluidin the leveling valve body.Now'sa splendidtimeto havea cup of coffee anda Danish. Thefollowing detailworkis bestdonewitha clearheadon a largecleanworkbench witha vast unclutteredworksurface: 9) Removethe linkfromthe shaftremembering whichsideit wenton. Theonlydifference between leftandrightvalvesis sideon whichthe linkis _ contLnued.. . T4O5 Mcdern Lady Magazn-- I t ffi l1t/lf mounted. 10)Removethe lowerfrontendpiece(reservoir return)thatis retainedby a snapringusingpropto the er snapringpliers.Keepthe lineattached endpieceso thatyoudo notconfusethislinefor theupperIine. to releasepiston. 11) Turnshaftwithscrewdriver (Seefig.2.) valve 12) Removeupperf rontpiece(solenoid ensurethatall of thewashersare connection), for,theseserveas shimsof very accounted operation of for calibrated specificthicknesses :t-: 'i valve. the leveling 13)Removeupperandlowerrearpieces(outlet to heightcontrolramandhighpressureinlet). so ensurethatyou rememTheyare notidentical berwhichis which.Makesurethatyoucapture insidethe body the springsandpistonscontained behindeachof these. 14)Removethefournutsholdingthe two body collectthe piston,ringandshaft halvestogether, Dieces. 15)Removethespringclipson eachsideof the to pop shaft. 16)Pushtheshaftin eachdirection oosethedustcover. 17) Witha pick,carefully removethe shaftseal. 18) Removethetwoo-ringsfromthevalvebody halvesand removetheo-ringfromeachof the fourendoieces. 19) Carefullycleanall of the partsin denatured alcoholanddrywithair. 20)Reassemble usingall newo-rings,smearing eachwithfreshRR363,usingfig.3 as a guide. 2 l) Reinstall in thecar reversing the remainder of procedure. theabove 22)Sincethe heightcontrolsystemrecirculates brakefluidbackto the reservoir, it is essentially selfbleedingandshouldreturnto normalfunctionafterrunningthecarfor a brieftime. 23)Onceit hasreturned to normalfunction. adjusttheattachment pointof the linkon theslotted holeon thetrailingarmto achieveproperride. Foradditional instruction on thisand related subsystems, I recommend thetwo partseries of videoson ShadowHydraulics hostedby RalphCurzonanddistributed by the RROCClub Stores. I 1988 Bentley Drophead Coupe 1]0 0r Breuster al0fdel nthespec sl]fe0l0nythreebLlit l7 000I lr]Beltle\/ lh srar8 tlc)ll n as-n€l,/cOnd i-,rl,"f Tlliscar s elaf aldtOpa |8!,r lfl] ntefi0 l]pt Gfeefa$3000 0n \'rof i has n addition 0ral rsr]t RR0C fat 2005 atlhe c0ncOurs 2rdI class ard\,r0n andlle$ncassIhsn0l0rcar\./as incldill!best0lsh0!r a"-Jaftls. nt]mef0rsreoi0na The caflleeds I €c0fds c0flesr'-ltha R0ls-R0yceald tedb,vAlbefs 0rslytainta metcu price is The enic-ved SS9'950 t0bed tenand rOth n0afds feady Call Dr.Jack Pleiler at 248.333'0555 Yourad here f o r$ 5 0 . ! ! ! -" l -- :- "l ,.." .;;; flawless Rare two owner saloon.,Car bbean b ue with b ue everflex-to-pr in eve"7way.Won 2rd p ace louringdl lhe 2003Narond RROC1'4eel oea'e'miirtatnedwill^Frlenslverecoro' $39 500 A wavs -slever MFlhLen.IMA Conrariro97a-423-3770. Join now and receivethe ModernLady 6 times a year! The Modern Car Socie - O c r E A An Affiliate of The Rolls-Royce Ovrners' Club, Inc. The Modern Car Society is a non-profit organization forrned to address the interests of owners and enthusiasts of the Rolls-Royce and Bentley motor cars produced after 1965. Ovrnership of a RollsRovce or Bentley is NOT required as a condition of membership. Current menrbership in the RROC is required. - Membership Application - State/Province ZIP Code ilOTOR GAR INFORMATION: Gat#lNear= Make: Chassis No: Model: iody Style: Engine Number: Cat#2Neat Model: Chassis No: Body Style: Engine Number: PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO: The Modern Car Societv Annual Dues: S30.0O (add $10.O0 for if you reside outside of North America) Mail CompletedMemlership Annlication to; Rolls-Royce Ovrners' Club, l9l Hempt Road Mechanicsburg, 1-800-TRY-RROC PA 17055 j 1,!r .J1,,-1r-r r.Jv[,j:Lu.Lr r,, TORONTO BENTLEY SALES-SERVICE-PARTs FOROVER35 YEARS CANADASLargestAuthorizedRetaiter of CreweGenuinePartsfor CreweBuilt Motorcars Benttey& Rotts-RoYce OfferingWortdwideExpeditedPartsShipping Ontario,Canada Toronto, on DtREcr 416-530-1524 MArN 416-530-1880 CREWE CREWE dtouringautos.com www.gran The Tii-Mountain VOYAGER features ashell Voyager The ofwindproof/water constructed andlrontkangaroo reinlorcement pocket. withcordlockat drawstring Adjustable 00uch withVelcro tabsforacustom cuffs ihewaist andelastlc fit. comfortable and $62.00 The Tri-Mountain PIONEER ClasicDenim Men's long-Sleeve denim 7 02.100% cotton sleeves. shirt.Long stonewashed ttlithbutton.Two Leftchestpocket Bittton back. cuff.Yoke button down collar. $38.00 Indigo, Dark #829 Colors: Indigo. l\,4edium add$5,00 SMto6XL(Please Sizes: extraforsize2-6XLr0) Navy Forest Green, Gold, #9ol Colors:Yell0w (Please extra add 4 XLrg Sm $5.00 forsize2-4XLrg) Sizes: MOREI!I ,..ANDMUCH Regt|ioilemsconbeotderedwithyourchoieofrhell\t5Logoondthewords,,,Rolh.Royce0wnen,t|ub,,.or.theBentley or 508-435-E007 lvll(HAtLGAIIANo: mgoelono@nooin(.corn & ORDIRtoRftll(OI{TACT CATATOG tORA (Opy O; THtil[W REGAUA ia rroc-mcs.org/regal http://www. . . . . . b uitf i t d o e s , we'll be waiting for you. P A L I V A ' SA U T O M O T I V E R E P A I R S - S E T T ] N GT H E S T A N D A R D R O L L S R O Y C E o n d B E N T L E YM O T O R C A R S S E R V I C Eo n d R E P A R . AUDUBON, 08]06 NEWJERSEY KINGSHIGHWAY 529WEST . FAX856.546.6137 856.547.6522 emqi : po moclossccqrs@verizon.nel www,palmaclassiccars.com For those who invest in the ftnest... Madera Concepts performs 100 point Concours quality woodwork restorations. Our reputation for being the finest in the business is evident in every restoration we do. From refinishing to complex rebuilding and total reveneering, you can be assured of the ultimate result impeccable woodwork. Web site: www.maderaconcepts.com /thdatw 6--"Vt* Exotic WoodenDashboardsand lnterior Trim CoffiPonents 55- B DepotRoad Goleta,CA 93117 800-800-1579 E mail: madera.concePts@verizon.net BENTLEY ZIONSVILLE A N A L B E R S F A M I L Y B U S I N E S S S I N C E I 9 6 3 SALES-SERVICE-PARTS North America'sLargestAuthorized Retailer of Crewe GenuinePartsfor Crewe Built Rolls-Royce & BentleyMotorcars CREWE 360 SOUTH FIRST STREET . ZIONSVILLE, lN 46077 TEL: (3 I7) 873-2360. FAX: (3 l7) 873-6860 wurrv.albersrol lsbentley.com CREWE r i l l r - . i l - r . - . r playlwellatPsbble Beach Rollr-Royce In the middle of August each year automotiveenthusiastsmake their pilgrimage to the Monterey Peninsulafor the PebbleBeach Concours.While the ConcoursDe Elegance itselflastsjust hours on a srngleSunday,it has becomethe epicenter of an almost3 r,reeklong automotiveextravaganza.For Rolls-Royce Motor Cars,participatron at the Concoursand the eventssurrounding it are critical to the companysmarketingsuccess. Rolis-Roycehas numerous activitiesgoing on during the Concoursand the daysjust prior. The company displays a Phantom at The Robb Salon asVIP lounge areaadjacentto the RM Auction. RM is one of the six auctioncompanies in rare,exotic, specializing and collectlblecarswho will sell more than $20 million dollarsworth of carsrn just a few nights. While some auctions focus on American Muscle carsof in the bOsand 70s.RM specializes the finest Europeancarsfrom the 30son up. Manyof theirofferings will attract bids in excessof a mi1lion dollars. The RM clientelehas lo appreciate rherightsensibrlities Rolls-Royce.Membersof the RollsRoyceMotor CarsStaffman the displaylrom Thursdayeveningthru Saturdaynight. On Friday and Saturdaymorning at the entranceto the Lodge at Pebble Beachother membersof the RollsRoyceTeamprovide a test drive opportunity for Concoursentrants andjudges. This yearmore than 40 test drives were taken. In addi- tron to standardPhantomswhich were being driven this year,there was on display a PhantomEWB and a PhantomBlack. As you would expect,the sight of numerous RollsRoycecarsnever fails to draw a crowd. This year one of the members of the crowd fell in love with MoThe big day for Ro1ls-Royce during the ror Carsis realll :unda; Concours. As the tens of thousands of automotlveenthusiastsenter the Concoursareathey first move pastThe ConceptCar Lawn. He some of the most exciting new vehiclesin the world are on display. This year the RollsRoycel01EX Experimental Coupe was on display. RollsRoycebuilds experimentalcars to gaugepublic reaction to potentialnew models.Judging by rhe reactionto 101EX,it will end up as a production car before too long. Next Rol1sRoyceentertainsits dealers, prospects,and customersat its hospitality suite overlooking the awardsarea. It is a day filled with the finest carsgathered andchief executive lanRobertson, chairman from around the world. They for Rolls-Royce lvlotorCarsLtd.,with101EX aredisplayed,judged,honored, atPebble Beach. and revered. lt is the per{ect gathering to remind you just how the PhantomBlack on display One Motor Carsare. specialRolls-Royce ofjust 25 speciallyequippedcars jusr nine in the world and one of coming to the States,this black JoiningPeterMiles,presidentoI Rolls-RoyceMotor CarsNA and his on black car is both elegantand staffwho run the acti\1tiesat Pebble striking. The gentlemansaid he were lan Robertson,Chairman and had to have it. We explainedthat Motor Cars CEO of Rolls-Royce we could reserveone of the other Limlted, and Graeme Grieve,DiPhantomBlack editions comlng to rector of Salesand Marketing. Mr. the States.He said that would nor Milesexplainedthat PebbleBeach do. He had to have this car and he is a huge commitment in terms of had to havelt within the hour so both budgetand manpower.But, that he could drive it home! Forit is a highly efficient way to get nearby and his dealer was tunately, Rolls-RoyceMotor Carsin front of a we arrangedto wholesalethe car to highly qualified audience,in a very the dealerand the dealerallowed the now happy customerto take the positiveenvironment Rolls-Royce attributes6 to l0 saleseachyearasa car home! By the way, a Phantom direct result of their actr\'ltiessurBlack has a suggestedretail price of rounding PebbleBeach. Monr Grs lrt'amatianandlnagesCarrttultf Ra/ls-Roye aaa l+l-l -r: _ L_- r li-.4 -- approximately$358,000. Place youradhereat a GREAT RATE, CallCbeli 802-253-8454 toguin thenextissue, 1 , , Its easyto recognize an original. When the famedmotoringartist Gordon Crosbydesigned B e n t l e yf' a s m o u sw i n g e dB i n t h e 1 9 2 0 s , h e p u t i n a n e x t r a featheron one wing - to mal<ecounterfeiting easierto spot Originalby F.Gordon Crosby Today,you don ! need to tal<eout the magnifyingglass.lf it saysCrewe CenuinePartson the box,you can be sure it! up to the origina standardof your Crewe-buiitmotor car CREWEGENUINEPARTS AND SERVICING.
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