This Do In Remembrance Of Me - Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church


This Do In Remembrance Of Me - Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church
This Do In
Remembrance Of Me
1st Sunday
April 7th, 2013
Rev. Dr. Reginald M. Leffall, III, Senior Pastor
Rev. Willie D. Hall, Senior Associate Pastor
Rev. Daron W. Willis, Associate Minister
Rev. Charles L. Williams, Associate Minister
Rev. Gregory Perkins-Bowen, Associate Minister | Phone: 3235694162 | Fax: 323-569-9259
Email: |
Our primary concern throughout our ministry is to bring people to a personal saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ. We place a
strong emphasis on evangelism as a way
of Life, always reaching out to those who
are lost.
Our desire is to promote personal growth,
whether In group settings or in one-on-one
relationships. We believe in teaching the
principles set forth in God’s Word. Seeking
to instill a Christ centered life. We focus
on the truth of scripture and its practical
Our ministry is motivated by Jesus command to “Go into all the world and preach
the gospel. We take full responsibility to
effectively carry the message of God’s
love throughout the world by equipping
and sending those who are willing to
follow this Great Commission.”
Our people are the heart of our ministry!
Jesus set forth in the New Testament, we
are committed to a life of servant hood.
Daily our goal is to provide an environment
where we can nurture and encourage the
body of Christ.
Pastor’s Corner
07 April, 2013
" Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after
many days." - Ecclesiastes 11: 1
My dearly beloved “FAMILY”
“Grace, Mercy and Peace Be Unto You From God our Father”
We greet you once more in the name of the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, who
because of His loving kindness and tender mercy has crossed us over both individually and
as the bride (Church) of Christ. We ended the month on a high note with our Resurrection
Service on this past Sunday. What a great time it was of worship, praise, and celebration
with simply awesome and inspiring music; and of course the proclamation of God’s Word.
Yes “HE IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN, INDEED.” His resurrection, power and strength is ever
present, both to you and me, today and forever until He returns to claim his church.
In the verse cited above we have one of the most important principles undergirding
and related to “Church Growth”. I have stated before that Inward growth will lead to Outward
growth. When the people within the Church are filled with power from on high, we’ll see the
results. The early disciples, the early followers of Christ applied this principle in the proclamation of the gospel. INCREASE BY SCATTERING. The Apostle Paul applied their principle after he met Christ and became a great missionary. He won many souls to Christ.
Dare we as a Church, the “TAB”, as a household of faith apply the words of this passage from the pulpit to the pew, that each Ministry In our church will be purpose driven, yes
nourish others that Christ is revealed in us to others. Did not God himself apply the words of
this passage, when He gave to us the Loving Bread to be our Savior; the redeemed of mankind; For certain, when we cast this bread His word upon the waters, lives will be transformed after many days and in due season. This is our CHALLENGE if we are really serious
about GROWTH. Yes, EACH ONE WIN ONE TO CHRIST. Keep in mind our theme for this
year. “Reaching The Lost - TEACHING THE SAVED TO SERVE.” This involves personal
stewardship, dedication and commitment. Why Not link up, hook up, with our Evangelism
team which goes out in our community on the 1st and 4th Saturdays, each month?
The month of April is now before us. It is ‘pregnant’ with opportunities and
possibilities. We do solicit your time, talents and means (tithes and offerings) to advance the
cause of Christ. The bottom line is that it is all about Him.
Finally, let us be much in prayer for one another, for our many, many sick and shutin, infirmed, those in convalescent centers, the bereaved, and for suffering humanity everywhere. Also, let’s continue to lift up in daily prayer our President, that God will direct him in
his words, actions and policies during these trying and most difficult days. His every step is
attacked by a most vocal opposition.
Prayerfully Yours,
R.M. Leffall, III , Senior Pastor
1st Sunday, April 7, 2013
SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:00 - 10:30 AM
Brother George Saunders, Jr., Superintendent
Deacon Clea A. Lewis, Assistant Superintendent
Morning Worship Service
"We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak,
and not to please ourselves.” - Romans 15: 1 10:45 AM
11:00 AM
O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. O
come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our
God: and we are the people of his pasture, the sheep of his land.
“ Hear Our Prayer, O Lord” # 450
“LIFT HIM UP” #411
Lift Him up, Lift Him up, Still He speaks from eternity:
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, Will draw all men unto Me.
How to reach the masses, men of every birth, For an answer
Jesus gave the key: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
Will draw all men unto Me.”
Oh! The world is hungry for the Living Bread, Lift the Savior up for them to see; Trust
Him, and do not doubt the words that He said, “I’ll draw all men unto Me.”
Lift Him up by living as a Christian ought, Let the world in
you the Savior see; Then men will gladly follow Him who once
taught, “I’ll draw all men unto Me.
Ministry Of Music
Minster: Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus as
our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; we do now in the presence of God and this
assembly most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in
Members: We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in
Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church in knowledge,
holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its
worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; and to contribute cheerfully and
regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of
the poor and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
Minister: We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate
our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to work
circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and
exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger, to
abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drink as a beverage, and to be zealous in our
efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.
Members: We further engage to watch over, to pray for, to exhort and stir up
each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not
needlessly exposing the infirmities of others; to participate in each other’s joys,
and with tender sympathy bear one another’s burdens and sorrows; to cultivate
Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for
reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Saviour in the eighteenth chapter
of Matthew, to secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and
good report, to seek to live to the glory of God, who hath called us out of
darkness into His marvelous light.
Minister & Members: We, moreover, engage that, when we remove from this
place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other Church where we can
carry out the Spirit of His covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
“We Are Sharing”
(Those with specific prayer request (s) and or praise reports
may come to the Altar at this time.)
Sermonic Hymn
“Savior, More Than Life to Me” #242
Savior, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to Thee; Let Thy precious blood applied, Keep me ever, ever near Thy side,
Ev’ry day, ev’ry hour, Let me feel Thy cleansing pow’r
Ev’ry day and hour, ev’ry day and hour.
Thro’ this changing world be-low; Lead me gently, gently as I go; Trusting
Thee, I can not stray, I can never, never lose my way.
Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o’er; Till my
soul is lost in love, In a brighter, brighter world above.
(This period is for the reception of New Members ONLY)
One Bread, One Body
One Lord of All
A Communion Prayer
God of grape and God of grain, God of sun and God of rain,
God of laughter, God of pain, God who let his Son be slain,
God of mercy, God of grace, God of time, God of space,
God of cross and hidden face, God who has not left this place,
God of life and God of light, God of peace yet God of might,
God who rose from death’s dark night, God who reigns beyond our sight.
In this bread and in this wine, here we join with Thee to dine
at this table let us find strength to let thy light to shine
~Thought for the Week ~
“If you sew thorns, you will never reap roses.”
Our Continual Goal for 2013 . . . Every Member a Soul Winner
Each One, win One to Christ in “ 2013 ”
Nursery Service is available each Sunday for infants and toddlers in
the Helen Towns Child Care Room, from 11:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Sermon Notes
April 7, 2013
Pastor Leffall
Subject: ____”UNSEEN SERVANTS “____________________________________
Scripture: I Chronicles 27: 25-34; Colossians 3: 17;
II Corinthians 4: 18; Matthew 6: 1___________________________
High Points: There Are 6 points ______________________________________
1. The Servants work was not seen by the multitude, But the work
helped them.
2. The Servants job seem small and miniscule, yet it was
connected with others in this assignment
(Part of A Team)
3. The Servant is faithful and committed - a God given assignment
4. Though the Servants job might not be glamorous in human
view yet, it is important, most important.
5. The Servants job was performed to totally benefit others.
6. The Servants job will noted in God’s record. His record is the
only one that counts in the final analysis.
All Hymnals are to remain in the Sanctuary
In order to keep the solemnity of the Service each Sunday, we request that you,
kindly disconnect all cellular phones and pagers once you have entered the Sanctuary.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we hope that you enjoy our Service.
We do hope to adequately minister to you during our Morning Worship Celebration. Please do not move
around after the Service has begun, and please be sensitive to those who want to listen to the Service and
learn from God’s Word. We say this to you because of our desire to keep distractions to a minimum.
Upcoming on Our Calendar
APRIL 2013
1st Sunday, April 7th @ 11:00 a.m.
Morning Worship Service
Ordinance of The Lord’s Supper
In the Afternoon @ 3:00 P.M.
We Host Providence District Associations Ushers/Nurses Ministry
Monday, April 8th @ 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study
Tuesday, April 9th 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Young Adults Bible Study Ministry
Wednesday, April 10th @ 11:00 a.m.
Mid-Week Prayer Service
Later @ 7:00 p.m.
Spring Semester For The School of Evangelism Continues
(See Sis. Betty Maiden for Additional Information)
Friday, April 12th @ 1:00 p.m.
Exercise Class For Seniors
2nd Sunday, April 14th @ 11:00 a.m.
Morning Worship Service
Children’s/Youth Emphasis
4th Saturday, April 27th @ 8:00 a.m.
The 25th Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast
The Proud Bird - Tuskegee Room
11022 Aviation Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90044
(See Any Committee Member to Secure Your Reservation - More Details in The Tab)
Prayer Breakfast
Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church
11328 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles CA 90059
Dr. Reginald M. Leffall, Senior Pastor
Mark Your Calendar For
The 25th Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast
Theme: Servants of God Staying Steadfast and Committed in Prayer: Psalms 37:5
Speaker: Natalie K. Owens, Assistant Pastor
Faith Inspirational MBC, Compton CA 90221
8:00 A.M. Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Proud Bird - Tuskegee Room
11022 Aviation Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90044
Donation - $35.00
See Any Committee member to Secure your Reservations
Norma Chappelle, Chairperson | Arlene Breckenridge,| Marie Fuqua, | Marguerite Johnson,
Betty Maiden, | Callie Parker, Co-Chairperson | Kay Boyd
For More Information Call the Church at 323-569-4162
From March 24th, 2013
To: Rev. Dr. Reginald M. Leffall, III, Senior Pastor,
Rev. Willie D. Hall, Senior Associate Pastor,
Rev. Daron W. Willis, Associate Minister,
Rev. Charles L. Williams, Associate Minister,
Rev. Gregory Perkins-Bowen, Associate Minister
Good Morning Church Family,
Thank you for your many prayers. I am stronger because I have your
support and concern. I am using this time to read, and help others, phone
calls and lots of T.V. I have not stopped praying for my Church Family. One
monkey can’t stop God’s Show. That is what I like about God the most.
Miss You A Lot,
Brother Michael Weatherall
The Majesty of Spiritual Matters
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood But spiritual challenges laced with disasters,
The flock that once grazed on a bountiful hill Has wandered into calmer pastures,
During the wind storm frightened sheep scattered.
But when God gives you a land you must cleave
Out-wait the thrashing wind of the storm, Even devastating winds do leave,
The Lord declared, “woe to the shepherds who are destroying
And scattering the sheep of my pasture!”
They are but a wind storm passing through But know that I am your master
My shepherds pray prior to all judgment And my judgment does not bring sorrow,
My yea is yea! My nay is nay! I do not blow to and fro on tomorrow
Ye shall know them by their fruit Are the coffers desperate for grain,
Are they multiplying my cattle upon my hills Are become the weak link in the chain
The majesty of spiritual matters The season is near for new grass
And sheep once again shall cover my hills When the windy shepherd is a storm of the past.
Your Church Family Cares
We pray for the sick, physically/mentally challenged, bereaved, hospitalized, and all who are suffering, and those
afflicted with various maladies. We extol sincere prayers to the men and women serving in the armed forces in various capacities throughout the
world. We ask God to render aid to all suffering the devastations of natural and man-made disasters. Lord, give them patience, courage and
strength to accept the situations and remedies available. We ask our Father’s presence in every moment of recovery, and pray GOD’S grace be
with each of our sisters and brothers named on this list of known ill, infirm and ailing. May His mercy guide their souls and bodies to rejuvenation. In Jesus name, AMEN
Pastor R.M. Leffall, III
Rev. Daron & Marilyn Willis, 8355 Etiwanda Ave Apt #E, Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739
Sis. Gertie McDaniel, 1742 West 84th Place, #109, LA, CA
Sis. Bonnie Bernard 9530 S. Western Ave., #5, L.A., CA 90047
Sis. Debra McMillan, 3939 Coco Avenue, # 14, L.A., CA 90008
Sis. Vivian Washington
Sis. Joann Washington, 854 East 95th Street, L.A., CA 90002
Sis. Kathryn Calvin 1907 W. 136th Street, Compton, CA 90222
Sis. Pearlie Ann Smith & Sis. Pearlie Robinson
4203 S. Brighton Ave., L.A., CA 90062
Sis. Madge Smith, 10301 S Mckinley Ave., Los Angeles, CA
Sis. Mable Brown, 4560 W. 159th St., Lawndale CA 90260
Bro. Charlie Williams, Shreveport, LA
Member Names and
Addresses Blocked out
Sis. Evelyn Pearson, 13407 S. Crocker Ave., L.A., CA 90061
Anthony Webb, 14303 Allegan St., Whittier, CA 90604
Sis. Dorothy Marzet 1211 W. Bennett St., Compton, CA 90220
Sis. Vernon Hughes, 203 E. 137th St., L.A., CA 90061
Bro. Ray Juan Horton, (Military)
Sis. Gloria Hay, 1237 West 65th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90044
Bro. Raymond Horton, (Military)
Sis. Jessie Young & Family 15834 Visalia Ave., Compton, CA
Sis. Saundra Sutton (Military)
Sis. Willetta Pegues, 4307 Sanborn Ave., Lynwood, CA 90262
Sis. Eula Bullock in Lufkin TX, (Mother of Rev. Willis)
Sis. Helen Jamerson, 1814 W. 137th St., Compton, CA 90222
Sis. Lounell Brumfield & Family 19254 Superior Street, Northridge, CA 91324
Sis. Virginia Brown, 8741 S. Denker, L.A. CA 90047
Sis. Willie Mae George, 323 E. 113th St., Los Angeles, CA 90061
Sis. Jackolyn King, 1775 E. Cyrene Drive, Carson CA 90746
Steve Roberts & Family (brother of Sis. Velma Walker),
Longview Texas
Sis. Janie Turner, 818 E. 113th St., Los Angeles, CA 90059
Sis. Sandra Turner (Caregiver)
Sis. Dorothy Crockett, 11426 Evers Ave., L.A. CA 90059
Sis Madge Lytle, 1106 W. 127th St., Compton CA 90222
Sis. Katherine Petties, 711 E. 103rd Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90002
Rosa Hawkins, (Aunt of Velma Walker)
Sis. Pamela Dubose, 13894 Dellbrook St., Corona, CA 92880
Bro. Nathan & Betty Blount,
Sis. Florence Bean, 511 South Pearl, Compton CA 90221
Sis. Margie Gray 710 N. Northwood, Compton CA 90220
Bro Arthur Livingston, 1312 S. Broadacres Ave., Compton CA
Sis. Shalena Sykes,
Sis. Lillar M. Toliver, 19433 Northwood Ave., Carson, CA 90746
Sis. Earlean Jackson, 625 E. 77th St., Los Angeles CA 90001
Bro. Gerald Ross, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Lessie L. Vance, West Point, Miss
Deacon George Saunders, Sr, 15605 S. Lorella, Gardena CA 90248
Cory Pearson, 13407 S. Crocker Ave., Los Angeles 90061
Bro. Bruce Saunders
Bro. Jonathan & Sis. Gloria Smith, 6907 White Ave., Long Beach
CA 90805
Deacon Louis Thomas, 19433 Northwood Ave., Carson CA 90746
Sis. Clotieal Lewis, 2372 E. 120th St., L.A., CA 90059
Mother Vistula Graham,
Tina Nickens & Trudy Humphries, Inglewood, CA (Friends of Sis.
Jackolyn King)
Mr. Richard Anderson 83909 Saddle Trail, Fort Worth TX 76116
Sis. Linda Wells (Sis. Of Arlene Breckenridge
Deacon Leroy DuBose, 13894 Dellbrooke, Covina CA 92880
L.T. Stanley, (Brother of Sis. Florence Bean)
Howard Dixon (son of Bro & Sis. Blevins)
Sis. Mattie Merrick, 13376 Hammer Ave, Chino CA 91710
Sis. Norma Johnson, 8701 Chessington Dr. #C, Inglewood CA
Mrs. Esther Cole, P.O. Box 1815, Idabel, OK 74745
Mrs. Velma Lewis, 8915 Cecile Pl, Spencer, OK 73084
Sis. Roberta Wilson, 9405 Anzac Ave., L.A. CA, 90002
Bro. Michael Breckenridge, 7901 Baymeadow Circle,
Jacksonville FLA, 32254
Sis. Clara Hayes, 17317 S. Crocker St., Carson, CA 90746
Sis. Doris Austin, 1423 W. 122nd St., Los Angeles 90047
Our Students away at College, Kandis Weatherall
Tsipporah Christopher, D’von Jackson-Williams, Kevin Johnson, &
Catherine Saunders
Sis. Birdia Mims, 13313 S. Berendo St., Gardena CA 90247
Bro. Alfred Hines, 287 E. Poppyfield Drive, Altadena, CA 91001
Rev. Matt Dunlap - P.O. Box 9121 San Pedro, 90734
Bro. Hayward Buchanan (brother of Sis. Dorothy Buchanan)
Rev. Webster Lytle, 4891 Kennedy St., Hickory, NC 28602
Bro. Otis Magee, 108 Mimosa Dr., Winfield LA, 71483
Bro. John D. Hart, Jr. , 7942 Jutland Road, Houston TX
LaDonna Requena (Sis. Hattie Ellis’ daughter)
Sis. Delia Furlough, One S. Locust #B 227, Inglewood CA
Bro. Michael Weatherall, 641 W. 118th, L.A. CA 90044
Sick Shut-In, - In Convalescent Homes
Mother Lula Johnson, 315 N. Higley RD #F, Mesa Arizona 85205
Sis. Margie Gray, 710 N. Northwood, Compton CA 90220
Sis. Verna Garmon, Playa Del Rey Care Center,
7716 W. Manchester, Playa Del Rey, CA
Sis. Natalie Fisher, 1065 Lomita Blvd. space 464, Harbor
City, CA 90710
Deacon Albert Bob, Marlinda Nursing Home, 3615 E. Imperial Hwy,
Lynwood, CA 90262
Member Names and
Addresses Blocked out
Ernestine Mack and Family
Bro. Bryan Beamon, 1118 E. 118th Place, Los Angeles 90059
Dea. William Minor, 14022 Evers Ave, Rosewood CA 90222
Sis. Elizabeth Horace (Sister of Pastor Hall)
Sis. Geraldine Hall, 919 Sprucelake Dr., Harbor City 90710
Bro. Fred Ferrell, Jr., Tyler Texas
Bro. Anthony Copeland, Sr. (brother of Joyce Copeland)
Sis. Mary Winston
Sis. Celestine Hines (Sister of Rindie Braxton )
Sis. Gwen Smith-Taylor, 3991 Cherrywood Ave., L.A. 90008
Bro. William H. Jackson, (Brother of Sis. Jackolyn King)
Bro. George Hall 620 N. Kalsman Ave, Compton, CA 90220
Sis. Cynthia Hackaday & Bro. Robert Hackaday III,
1329 Figueroa Pl. #9-08, Wilmington, CA 90744
Sis. Betty Lewis, 16303 S. Thorson, Compton 90321
Sis. Hattie Elis, 1115 E. 118th Pl., L.A. CA 90059
Bro. Justin & Sis. Brenda Peterson, Anniston AL
Sis. Modena Alexander, 4545 Windward Dr. Memphis TN 38105
I.A. & Ellen Harper (relatives of the King family)
Sis. Ada Johnson 10353 Lou Dillon Ave., L.A. CA 90002
Sis. Michelle Blevins
Rosalind De La Tova, (Deacon Alvin (Jackolyn) King cousin)
Sis. Ruby Dilworth, Loving Arms Residential Care III, 11507 Thomas
Court, Norwalk CA
Sis. Rachel Brantley, 1007 S. Chandler St., Decatur GA 30030
Phone: 909-915-7404
Sis. Johnnie Mae George, San Marino Manor, 6812 N. Oak Ave,
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Betty McClelland
12624 Compton Ave. #240, Compton CA 90220
Shikishia Mason
4307 Sanborn Avenue, Lynwood, CA 90262
James Brown, Jr.
540 South Flower Street, #15, Inglewood, CA 90301
Dionelle Butler
16805 Hudson Bay Drive, Moreno Valley, CA 92551
Charles Williams
20813 Norwalk Blvd. #9, Lakewood, CA 90715
Lisha Macon
1344 East 104th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90059
Christina Bowman
Jailka Dixon
1032 West 106th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90044
Kamita Hollie
1276 East 111th St., Los Angeles CA 90059
Ruby Dilworth
c/o Loving Arms Residential Care
11507 Thomas Place, Norwalk, CA 90650
Paula Bryant
Morgan S. Turner
734 East 137th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90059
21309 Weiser Avenue, Carson, CA 90745
Olivia Smith
1118 East 118th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90059
Edna Johnson
Ryan Hall
1015 East 10th Street Apt. 10, Austin, TX 78702
7641 10th Street, Apt. 103, Buena Park, CA 90621
Lynell McNeil
Damu Barnes
George Barnes, Jr.
Akela Luck
11308 Zamora Avenue, #635, Los Angeles, CA 90059
525 West 127th Street, #301, Los Angeles, CA 90044
304 S. Amantha Avenue, Compton, CA 90221
456 W. Tichenor St. Compton, CA. 90220
Myrtle Everage
1740 East Helmick St., Carson CA 90746
May God Bless You On Your Birthday!!
Christ Our Redeemer
Call Upon The Lord
A Refuge For The Poor
A Refuge For The Needy
A Refuge For The Future
God sees and Knows All
God keep Watch Over All
God Knows Our Ways
The Expanse of God’s Presence
The Expanse Of God’s Understanding
The Expanse of God’s Knowledge
The Intimacy of God’s Knowledge
A God of the Living
God Has Spoken
Waiting for God to Speak
God Speaks Through the Son
God Knows Our Suffering
God Will Relieve Our Misery
God Speaks and Reveals
Your Law Is My Delight
The Tablet of Your Heart
Full of Grace and Truth
Righteousness That Comes
From Faith
Justified Through Faith
God’s Claims on Our Relationships
God’s Claims on Us
Confronting Idolatry
The Consequence of Idolatry
Seeking True Happiness
Living In Harmony with Others
Isaiah 44: 21-28
Psalm 18: 1-6
Psalm 14
Isaiah 25: 1-5
Jeremiah 16: 14-21
Matthew 6: 1-8
Proverbs 15: 1-7
Job 23: 8-13
Psalm 139: 7-12
Psalm 147: 1-6
Psalm 139: 17-21
Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-16,
Luke 20: 34-40
Numbers 23: 18-26
Psalm 62: 5-12
John 3: 31-36
Exodus 3: 7-12
Exodus 3: 16-22
Exodus 3: 1-6; 13-15
Psalm 119: 73-77
Proverbs 7: 1-5
John 1: 14-18
Romans 10: 5-13
Galatians 2: 15-21
Exodus 20: 12-21
Exodus 20: 1-11
Exodus 32: 15-24
Exodus 32: 30-35
Matthew 5: 1-12
Matthew 5: 17-26
Continuing Prayer Requests
Our Church Leadership
Pastor Leffall & Associate Ministers
Deacons Ministry
Trustee Ministry
Groups/Auxiliaries and Department Leaders
National Leaders
President Barrack Obama
The Senate and House of Representatives
Leaders around the World
Our Supreme Court Justices
Local Leaders
City Councilpersons
Board of Supervisors
The Homebound
Sick & Shut-in
Hospitalized and those in Convalescent Facilities
General Concerns
Our Church Families
Those helped by our Breakfast Ministry
Those encouraged by our Prison Ministry
The Homeless
Our Children in Public Schools, Charter Schools, Colleges & Universities
Public and Charter School Teachers
Safety for our children and teachers in our surrounding communities
Churches across denominational lines
Pastors & Lay Leaders
Continued prayer for families affected by the passing of loved ones
Personal Financial Disaster
Unemployed\ Job Seekers
We continue to
encourage members
free on Wednesdays
from 11:00 A.M. to
12:00 noon to join
us in our mid week
prayer service.
A rich hour of
prayer, praise and
testimony followed
by a message from
Pastor Hall or his
appointee. “When
Prayers Go Up,
Blessings Come
The Evangelism/Witnessing Team Ministry meets every 1st and 4th Saturday of
every month at 11:00 a.m. This team walks through the Nickerson Garden Housing area and specific areas surrounding Tabernacle reaching souls for Christ. This
Ministry is open to all Christians with formal Evangelism Training. To become a
part of this vital ministry contact Bro. George C. Saunders, Jr. at (323) 936-4640.
Natalie J. Fisher, President
Marie White-Fuqua, Chairperson - Please Join Us:
Third Wednesday of each Month to fellowship, pray and praise the Lord
12:00 P.M. @ Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church
Ruby Langston, Chairperson - Please Join Us:
Third Thursday of each Month to fellowship, pray and praise the Lord
1:00 P.M. @ The Home of Sis. Hattie Ellis
Alberta Williams, Chairperson - Please Join Us:
Third Saturday of each Month to fellowship, pray and praise the Lord
9:00 A.M. @ Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church
Wilma Jean Benjamin, Chairperson - Please Join Us:
Fourth Sunday of each Month to fellowship, pray and praise the Lord
10:00 A.M. @ Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church
Joyce Copeland, Chairperson - Please Join Us:
First Sunday of each Month to fellowship, pray and praise the Lord
Following Morning Worship Service @ Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church
Rev. Daron Willis, Rev. Charles Williams &
Rev. Michael Holliness - On site Visitations
Hattie Ellis - Correspondence
Tithing & Donations at
Your Convenience
Did you leave your Checkbook at home?
Did you forget to stop at the ATM?
Are you going out of town, but still want to give while you are away?
Visit our Website and Make a Donation or a Tithe with ease and Convenience
Using PayPal
Click the “Tithe/Donate” button
You do not need a PayPal account
Send as much or as little as you want
Impact Ministry Order Form: Please fill this out with your order -
Name: ______________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
Cassette ______ CD _______ $5 Donation Paid: Yes _______ No _______
CD orders will be ready the following Sunday.
Cassettes will be ready today
“The harvest truly is
plenteous, but the laborers
are few; “ - Matthew 9:37