Fall 2011 - Davidson Lands Conservancy
Fall 2011 - Davidson Lands Conservancy
DAVIDSON LANDS PROTECTING LAND IN AND AROUND DAVIDSON Fall 2011 Davidson Lands Conservancy 0 80 82 0 800 760 Abersham 228.93 Total Acres Mecklenburg Co. 33.65 Acres 70 0 Mecklenburg Co. 4.00 Acres Rocky Rive r 0 72 7 800 60 700 760 Mecklenburg Co. 77.64 Acres 680 . rg Co Mecklenbu 820 0 80 760 Come see Abersham on Sunday November 6 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. e Sh DLC Nature Fest /Annual Meeting Sunday, Nov. 6, 2:00 - 4:00 er ar R 800 78 0 d Fisher Farm 6.00 Acres 780 720 Join DLC members and the general public for Fisher Farm Road 200.03 Acres natureShearer activities for young and old Rural Corridor Legend • 2:00 - 3:30 Nature Fest activities 76• 2:00 Nature Hike with Pat Peroni or Bird Walk 0 with Mark Stanbeck, both from from Davidson College; sign up at the Welcome Tent. The hikes are limited to 25 people, first-come, first-served. Both hikes are off0 70 0 trail, moderate in difficulty, and cannot accommodate 2 7 strollers. Both begin at 2:15 and last until 3:00. • 3:30 - 4:00 DLC Annual Meeting • 4:00 County unveils the new park entrance and announces the official name Proposed Greenway 760 Existing Overland Connector 740 Streets ho Intermittent Streams 2 Ft Contour Lines 100 Ft Contour Lines er 0 80 Ri v 100 Year Flood ky 740 0 76 SWIM Buffer 800 Rocky River Parcels 0 oc 66 e R 660 f th County Line W Existing Greenway nc 660 Bra 660 est 760 Future Greenway Conservation Easement Property Owner Types Town of Davidson Mecklenburg County 7 Abersham 60 660 Join in activities for all ages: • Make pine cone bird feeders • Decorate your own birdhouse ($10.00) Supplies are limited, first-come, first-served, one per family. • Learn to identify birds by sight and sound with Rob Van Epps and Taylor Piephoff who writes a column for the Charlotte Observer • View foods favored by local birds and learn about backyard feeding with Joe Kaestner from Birds UnLimited • Speak with experienced nature photographers Russ and Nancy Gavitt, Allan White and other Carolina Nature Photographers • Experience the ancient sport of falconry as Davidson student Jackie Barry displays a live hawk 0 250 500 1 : 1,000 1,000 Feet February 2010 Erica Palmisano A 243-acre “jewel” of open space that would have been the fifty-home housing development known as Abersham has instead been preserved as public parkland by the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners. Its mix of mature woodlands, open fields, and riparian areas is further enhanced by its adjacency to Fisher Farm and Allison Farm facilities for a combined parcel of 563 contiguous acres of designated open space. Credit for this success is shared by many as noted in this account by Kris Krider, himself a key driver in the lengthy effort. Davidsonnews.net contributed information to the following account: Local developers Ed Harris, Steve McLeod and Roy Goode provided valuable insight into the real estate market perspective. Former Town Board Commissioner and former DLC president Dave Martin was instrumental in bringing the parties together. Town Manager Leamon Brice and Assistant Town Manager Dawn Blobaum provided the internal support. Mayor John Woods was a key political liaison and was essential to keeping the project alive. DLC Executive Director Roy Alexander was Brackettin Bluffpainting the portrait of the environmental value helpful 76.94 Total Acres of the property, enough to convince the county and the 0 Trust for74 Public Land that this was a once-in-a-generation opportunity. Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Director Jim Garges was our biggest ally. He was always optimistic about our chances. Importantly, the land appraiser and broker Smitty Smith was a key player in the negotiations as he kept the lines of communication open between the banks, county and the Trust, as we kept going back to ask for more time. Kudos to Community One and Fifth Third banks. In the face of a financial loss, pressure from federal regulators and their respective boards, they still maintained the interest of the public benefit above what they could have gotten by selling to private investors. Without the patient persistence of Slade Gleaton at the Trust for Public Land, this deal would have died a year ago. Co. Montgomery 5.12 Acres 0 78 720 Many Come Together to Accomplish Purchase Rd Montgomery 11.61 Acres 74 0 720 820 Cabarrus 680 ey Gr Co. Blue Bird Farms 135.66 Total Acres 740 800 680 700 Conservation Victory! Iredell Co. Mecklenbu rg Vol. 8, No. 2 Directions to Abersham: From Main Street in Davidson, proceed east 0.6 miles on Concord Road. Turn left onto Grey Road for 2.8 miles and continue past the first entrance to Abersham (Grey Rd becomes Greystone Road at the Iredell county line). Take a slight right at Shearer Road for 0.1 miles. Turn right at the main entrance to Abersham on Pleasant Garden Drive. For more information, call 704-892-1910 or visit www.davidsonlands.org. 4th Graders Study Nature at Davidson Elementary Schools “We visit the fourth grade classes each fall,” notes Alice Sudduth, who along with Jane Holland, Rosemary Klein, and Davidson College students, visits elementary schools in Davidson. The highlight of the visit is a game called “Oh Deer” that demonstrates the importance of open space, followed by a discussion stressing all we can do to protect the environment and preserve resources. Each member of the class receives a “What’s In Your Backyard, Davidson?” placemat that features pictures of Davidson wildlife taken by DLC member Allan White. Wow Celebrates Its First Year WOW, a collaboration of DLC and Woodland Discovery, provides children and their parents new opportunities to discover the natural world together. WOW has been a huge success thanks to dedicated committee members Erin Burke, Pam Dykstra, Rosemary Klein, Rebecca Mays, Patti McKinnon, Alice Suddreth, and Carolyn Walker. Attendance at the WOW booth at the Farmers’ Market has steadily grown each Saturday from about 20 children to over 75. Children have made hummingbird feeders and leaf prints, learned about frogs and turtles, and painted rocks, sunflower pictures, and bee houses. The WOW off-site outings provide families with nature experiences such as “Who Lives in This Creek?” and “Where Do Spiders Hide?” led by David Grant, “Who Lives in These Trees,” led by Rob Van Epps, and “Who’s Chomping the Kudzu?” led by Irvin Brawley. WOW’s email list now tops 400! To receive weekly notices of upcoming events, email dlc.wow@gmail.com Cakey Worthington teaches children environmental principles of hiking and camping at the campout. DLC Sponsors Campout and Stargazing at Fisher Farm Over 80 adults and children enjoyed “Saturday in the Park,” a family-friendly nature day and night sponsored by DLC and REI at Fisher Farm Park on Oct. 8. Hikes through meadows, forest and streams were led by Dr. David Grant and Reed Patterson, while DLC Board member Rob Van Epps led participants on birdwatching tours of this 200 acre gem on the east side of Davidson. Davidson College student and DLC Board member Cakey Worthington led children in fun and educational games, including “Trash Your Trash” and a discussion of “Leave No Trace” principles for hiking and camping. As the warm day gave way to a cool evening, a bonfire was lit and campers roasted marshmallows and made s’mores. Afterwards, Cakey read “The Lorax,” followed by a discussion of enjoying the out of doors in an environmentally responsible manner. Some reported the sounds of a coyote pack coming from the lower meadows of Fisher Farm. Kudos to DLC vice president Rodney Graham who organized this event. The stars came out over Fisher Farm Park on October 14 when DLC co-hosted a stargazing event with the Davidson College Physics Department and the Charlotte Astronomy Club. 20 astronomers focused their telescopes on different areas of the night sky. Over 300 people were able to observe the moon in great detail, spot Jupiter and Uranus, and get a good look at different galaxies, including Andromeda and the Great Hercules Cluster. Fisher Farm Park is held in a conservation easement by Mecklenburg County. DLC is the monitoring agent. Volunteers recently began constructing 1600 ft. of new trail within Lake Davidson Nature Preserve. DLC’s David Martin and REI volunteers are shown above. Funded by a $9,981 grant awarded to DLC by REI, the trail loops around the shoreline of the peninsula and includes a gazebo, picnic tables and benches. The preserve, located behind Davidson Day School, provides the first and only public access point on Lake Davidson since the lake’s creation in the 1960s. Sterling Martin and Irvin Brawley will lead another workday on the fifth of November. PAGE 2 Run for Green and Green Day A Huge Success DLC’s 2011 Run for Green and Green Day Festival exceeded expectations with 776 entrants in the 5K, 10K and HalfMarathon and over 30 festival exhibitors! Thanks to the support of sponsors (shown on page 4) and over 100 volunteers, DLC netted over $20,000 from the event, the primary source of DLC’s operating funds. “Not only does Run For Green keep the doors open,” Roy Alexander said, “it provides opportunities for the entire community – from individual runners to local businesses – to advocate for protecting land.” Run for Green’s success was the culmination of nine months of diligent work by the Steering Committee, composed of Roy Alexander, Bill Latham, Rodney Graham, Sterling Martin, Chad Randolph, and Pam Dykstra – and the Green Day Steering Committee made up of Susan Abbott, Amy Diamond, Pam Dykstra, Kathryn Spatz, and Lilly Vicens. Toxic Spouse, The Rusty Knox Band, the Community School of Davidson High School Choir, and the Lake Norman Youth Choir provided lively entertainment throughout the day. Mayor John Woods, race director Bill Latham, Green Day announcer Jim Fuller, and Carolina Raptor Center’s Michele Houck release a hawk, rehabilitated at the CRC. Photo by David Boraks, DavidsonNews.net These runners on Davidson’s greenway are part of the 776 entrants for the 5K, 10K, and Half-Marathon. Plant lovers shop at The Davidson Garden Club annual plant sale, one of over 30 Green Day Festival exhibits. PAGE 3 Thank You for Sponsoring Run for Green/Green Day! Please support those who support DLC. Friends BJ’s Food Lion Summit Coffee, Trader Joe’s BOARD MEMBERS Roy Alexander, Executive Director STAFF P.O. Box 1952 • Davidson, NC 28036 704-892-1910 dlc@davidsonlands.org www.davidsonlands.org Davidson Lands Conservancy www.omegasports.net Silver Sponsors Anonymous Cooling the Carolinas Davidson Day School DavidsonNews.Net Endurance Magazine Fuller & Carnegie Litigation Lawyers JJ Wade Insurance John Marshall Custom Homes Lakeside Family Physicians Michael Van Hecke Design PostNet Race City Golf Cars Sue Peck Wooden Stone Green Sponsors Adjusting the World Chiropractic Artisan Custom Homes Artisan Signs and Graphics CyclePath Davidson Chocolates Davidson Screen Printers Davidson Village Inn JANPAK My Aloha Paddle Sports REI Pam Dykstra, President Rodney Graham, Vice President Rob Van Epps, Secretary Brenda Pressley, Treasurer Hayden Boyd Irvin Brawley Lacy Dick Rosemary Klein Bill Latham Dave Martin Ross Meentemeyer Autumn Michael Mike Minett Pat Peroni Kathryn Spatz Mary Perrin Stark Cakey Worthington Platinum Sponsors Anonymous –“In Honor of Sterling Martin” Flatiron Kitchen and Taphouse KOLA Construction River Run Community at Davidson Rusher Oil Co. Gold Sponsors MI-Connection Peoples Bank Town of Davidson RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Title Sponsors Ingersol-Rand Omega Sports