explorer - Earth Star Magazine


explorer - Earth Star Magazine
JUNE / JULY 2008
JUNE / JULY 2008
16 The Way of the Explorer
by Dr. Edgar Mitchell
20 Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Search for
Biological Immortality
by Philip Smith
26 The Chi Revolution
by Bruce Frantzis
32 Stoking the Fires of Creativity
by Phil Cousineau
36 The Origins of the 2012 Revelation
by John Major Jenkins
Page 16
44 The Movie Mystic
by Stephen Simon
12 Down To Earth Astrology
Cover Art
by Jean-Paul Avisse
For further information,
Prestige Art Galleries,
3909 W. Howard, Skokie,
IL 60076. (874) 679-2555,
For a free color brochure,
please send a S.A.S.E.
by Tim Gunns
48 Vision Tips
by Rosemary Gaddum Gordon, D.B.O., M.A.
66 Mystical Stones
Siberian Blue Quartz
by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
Page 26
Jean-Paul Avisse
with his daughter, Marine
Up Front
Yoga Listings
Calendar of Events
Green Living
Directory of Professional Services
Book Reviews
Classified Marketplace
Page 36
JUNE / JULY 2008
Earth Star Up Front
Food Shortages Loom as Wheat Crop Shrinks and Prices Rise
he world is only ten weeks
away from running out of
wheat supplies after stocks
fell to their lowest levels for fifty
The crisis has pushed prices to
an all-time high and could lead to
further hikes in the price of bread,
beer, biscuits and other basic foods.
It could also exacerbate serious
food shortages in developing countries especially in Africa.
The crisis comes after two successive years of disastrous wheat
harvests, which saw production fall
from 624m to 600m tonnes, according to the United Nations’ Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
Experts blame climate change as
heatwaves caused a slump in harvests last year in eastern Europe,
Canada, Morocco and Australia, all
big wheat producers.
Booming populations and a
switch to a meat-rich diet in the
developing world also mean that
about 110m tons of the world’s
annual wheat crop is being diverted
to feed livestock.
Short term pressures have compounded the problem. Speculative
buying by investors gambling on
further price rises has further pushed
up prices.
Though shortages are often
blamed on the use of land for biofuel crops, the main biofuel cereal crop
is maize, not wheat. Farmers have
brought millions of acres of fallow
land into production and the FAO
predicts that the shortages could be
eliminated within twelve months.
— The Sunday Times, UK
WHEN FAT S ARE OUT OF WHACK, Our Health Can Suffer
any nutritionists are concerned that our consumption of two kinds of
polyunsaturated fatty acids—the
omega-3 and omega-6 fats—is way
out of balance these days and that
our health may be paying the price.
Neither one is “bad”—in fact,
both linoleic acid (an omega-6 fat)
and alpha-linolenic acid (an omega3 fat) are termed essential—you
need to eat them because your body
can’t manufacture them. Though
needed only in small amounts, they
serve important functions as components of cell membranes, and
they support healthful brain function, vision and growth.
But balance is important. When
omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized, substances called eicosanoids
are produced—chemical messengers that promote inflammation and can affect virtually
every system in the body. In
acute injury or illness, proinflammatory eicosanoids are
a necessary signal to the body
to start the healing process.
Omega-3 fats result in the
production of eicosanoids
too, but these tend to have
opposing, anti-inflammatory
The trouble comes when an
abundance of omega-6 compared with omega-3 is avail-
able from the diet, leading to the
production of too many pro-inflammatory eicosanoids—and a state of
chronic, low-grade inflammation.
Left unchecked, damage can occur
to DNA, organs and tissues, contributing to common ailments such
as heart disease and cancer.
What to do. Fill your plate with
fresh fruits and vegetables, which
provide a naturally healthful balance of fatty acids. Toss nuts into a
salad for flavor, or dress it lightly
with lemon and walnut oil. Eat
berries, kiwi and pomegranate to get
the beneficial balance of fats in their
edible seeds.
Most importantly, aim to reduce
your overall fat intake from fried
foods, sauces, dressings and baked
goods which are usually rich in
omega-6 fats. In doing so, you’ll
save calories—which you can spend
more wisely on more healthful fare
and improve the overall quality of
your diet. —L.A. Times
JUNE / JULY 2008
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Jay Scott Hackleman
Naisha Ahsian • Phil Cousineau
Bruce Frantzis • Rosemary Gaddum Gordon
Tim Gunns • John Major Jenkins • Edgar Mitchell
Robert Simmons • Stephen Simon • Philip Smith
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Earth Star Magazine, Copyright © 2008
by Earth Star Magazine Incorporated,
All Rights Reserved. No articles may be used
without written permission of the publisher
Volume XXXl, No. 182 — June / July 2008
JUNE / JULY 2008
Earth Star Up Front
mid growing fears that biofuel farming is harming the
environment and driving
up world food prices, Germany
cancelled on Friday plans to mix
more ethanol made from plants
with petrol. Environment Minister
Sigmar Gabriel said the decision
was taken because ten per cent
ethanol in petrol would rot the
hoses and gaskets of millions of
auto engines. But he said an order
for diesel fuel to contain seven per
cent ethanol remained in place.
Gabriel rejected accusations of
blundering and cast blame on car
manufacturers for not telling him in
time that three million engines
were vulnerable if the current
He said he refused to force millions of German motorists to buy a
more expensive, ethanol-free grade
of petrol.
At a news conference, he
acknowledged the wider criticism
of ethanol, saying, “It’s now being
asked if producing ethanol actually
causes more damage to the climate
than the fuel it is meant to replace.”
The change of mind over petrol
means Germany must reduce its
overall 2009 target for biofuel addition to motor spirits from six-pointtwo-five percent to five percent, as
measured by energy yield, Gabriel
But he insisted a European
Union target of ten per cent overall
by 2020 remained achievable. The
conversion to ethanol had been
hailed as an indirect way of reducing Europe’s carbon-dioxide emissions.
There has been a storm of criticism of Gabriel, a Social
Democrat, since he foreshadowed
the climbdown recently. Opponents
said he ought to have known much
sooner about the ethanol problems.
Biofuel plans are under attack
round the world because of forest
clearances and because of the
recent run-up in world grain prices.
India recently banned rice exports
in response to the shortage.
Economists say the diversion
of land to fuel growing is reducing
the world’s potential to grow food
at a time when grain demand in
Asia is soaring. — www.earthtimes.org
JUNE / JULY 2008
Earth Star Up Front
ifteen hundred years ago, tribes people from
the central Amazon basin mixed their soil with
charcoal derived from animal bone and tree
bark. Today, at the site of this charcoal deposit, scientists have found some of the richest, most fertile soil
in the world. Now this ancient, remarkably simple
farming technique seems far ahead of the curve, holding promise as a carbon-negative strategy to rein in
world hunger as well as greenhouse gases.
At the 235th national meeting of the
American Chemical Society, scientists report that
charcoal derived from heated biomass has an
unprecedented ability to improve the fertility of
soil—one that surpasses compost, animal manure,
and other well-known soil conditioners.
They also suggest that this so-called
“biochar” profoundly enhances the natural carbon
seizing ability of soil. Dubbed “black gold agricul-
ture,” scientists say this “revolutionary” farming technique can provide a cheap, straight-forward strategy
to reduce greenhouse gases by trapping them in charcoal-laced soil.
“Charcoal fertilization can permanently
increase soil organic matter content and improve soil
quality, persisting in soil for hundreds to thousands of
years,” Mingxin Guo, Ph.D., and colleagues report. In
what they describe as a “new and pioneering” ACS
report—the first systematic investigation of soil
improvement by charcoal fertilization—Guo found
that soils receiving charcoal produced from organic
wastes were much looser, absorbed significantly more
water and nutrients and produced higher crop biomass. The authors, with Delaware State University,
say “the results demonstrate that charcoal amendment
is a revolutionary approach for long-term soil quality
improvement.” —American Chemical Society
Scientists Unlock Frozen Natural Gas (Hydrates)—THE NEW OIL?
remote drilling rig high in the Mackenzie Delta
has become the site of a breakthrough that could
one day revolutionize the world’s energy supply.
For the first time, Canadian and Japanese researchers
have managed to efficiently produce a constant stream of
natural gas from ice-like gas hydrates that, worldwide,
dwarf all known fossil fuel deposits combined.
“We were able to sustain flow,” said Scott Dallimore,
the Geological Survey of Canada researcher in charge of
the remote Mallik drilling program. “It worked.”
For a decade now, Dallimore and scientists from a
half-dozen other countries have been returning to a site
on Richards Island on the very northwestern tip of the
Northwest Territories to study methane gas hydrates.
A hydrate is created when a molecule of gas—in this
case, methane or natural gas—is trapped by high pressures and low temperatures inside a cage of water molecules. The result is almost—but not quite—ice. It’s more
like a dry, white slush suffusing the sand and gravel one
thousand metres beneath the Mallik rig.
Heat or unsqueeze the hydrate and gas is released.
Hold a core sample to your ear and it hisses.
More significant is the fact that gas hydrates concentrate one hundred and sixty-four times the energy of the
same amount of natural gas.
And gas hydrate fields are found in abundance under
the coastal waters of every continent. Calculations suggest there's more energy in gas hydrates than in coal, oil
and conventional gas combined.
JUNE / JULY 2008
A methane hydrate mound sits on the sea floor off
British Columbia, 850 metres below the surface
Getting that energy to flow consistently and predictably,
however, has been the problem. Using heat to release the
gas works, but requires too much energy to be useful.
Researchers have also been trying to release the methane
by reducing the pressure on it.
Earlier this year, the Mallik team became the first to
use that method to get a steady, consistent flow.
“That went really well,” said Dallimore. “We definitely demonstrated that these hydrates are responsive
enough that you can sustain flow.
We were able to take conventional technologies,
modify them, and produce. That's a big step forward.”
—Toronto Star
Earth Star Up Front
The Astonishing Cost
of Consumer Liquids
This makes one think, and also puts things into
* Diet Snapple, 16 oz, $1.29 ... $10.32 per gallon
* Lipton Ice Tea, 16 oz, $1.19 ... $9.52 per gallon
* Gatorade, 20 oz, $1.59 ... $10.17 per gallon
* Ocean Spray, 16 oz, $1.25 ... $10.00 per gallon
* Brake Fluid, 12 oz, $3.15 ... $33.60 per gallon
* Vick’s Nyquil, 6 oz, $8.35 ... $178.13 per gallon
* Pepto Bismol, 4 oz, $3.85 ... $123.20 per gallon
* Whiteout, 7 oz, $1.39 ... $25.42 per gallon
* Scope, 1.5 oz, $0.99 ... $84.48 per gallon
And this is a REAL KICKER...
* Evian water, 9 oz, $1.49 ... $21.19 per gallon!
That’s $21.19 for a gallon of WATER!! And buyers
don’t even know the source.
So, the next time you’re at a fuel pump, be glad
your car doesn’t run on mineral water, Scope,
Whiteout, Pepto Bismol, or Nyquil!
Earth Star Up Front
irgin’s founder talks about why fellow entrepreneurs are uniquely suited to help fight problems
such as poverty, AIDS, and climate change.
“A staggering half the planet lives on less than two dollars per day. Some one billion people lack access to clean
water. In Africa alone, forty billion working hours are
lost each year to time spent carrying water long distances. A quarter of a billion people live in overcrowded
urban squatter settlements without adequate shelter.
And, tragically, sixteen thousand people die every day
from preventable, treatable diseases like AIDS, TB, and
I’m a firm believer in the power of entrepreneurship
to transform the global marketplace. As entrepreneurs,
we are trained to spot possibilities where others see only
obstacles and to never mind the bollocks driven by
bureaucracy and red tape.”
Elders For a Global Village
“In July last year, we launched the Elders, a remarkable
group of leaders to tackle the world’s problems, including: Mandela, Graca Machel, Archbishop Desmond
Tutu, Mary Robinson, Kofi Annan, former President
Jimmy Carter,
H a r l e m
We hope
this group will
become the
elders of our
global village
and play a
role in alleviating human
suffering. As
Mandela put
it, ‘This group
can speak freely and boldly, working both publicly and
behind the scenes on whatever actions need to be taken.
Together we will work to support courage where there is
fear, foster agreement where there is conflict and inspire
hope where there is despair.’” —Business Week
World Tree Planting Drive Sets Goal of Seven Billion
campaign to plant trees worldwide recently
set a goal of seven billion by late 2009, just
over one for each person on the planet, to help
protect the environment and slow climate change.
The U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP), an
organizer of the tree planting drive begun in late 2006
with an initial goal of a billion by the end of 2007, said
governments, companies and individuals had pushed
that total above two billion.
Monks from Shaolin Temple plant trees during a
ceremony for the National Voluntary Tree-Planting
Day in Songshan, Henan province, China, 3/12/08.
JUNE / JULY 2008
UNEP said that safeguarding and planting forests
were among the most cost-effective ways to slow climate change, blamed by the U.N. Climate Panel on
emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels
in factories, power plants and cars.
Trees soak up carbon dioxide as they grow and
release it when burnt or when they rot. Deforestation
accounts for over twenty percent of the carbon dioxide
humans generate.
Millions of individuals have also taken part,
including schoolchildren or religious groups. “It has
given expression to the frustrations but also the hopes
of millions of people around the world,” Steiner said.
One U.N. official said that seven billion trees
would, as they grow, soak up roughly the same amount
of carbon dioxide emitted by Russia in a year. Russia
is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind
the United States and China.
Among projects, mangroves were planted in
Indonesia after the devastating 2004 tsunami to help
protect coastline. And the Replant New Orleans initiative sponsored plantings of fruit trees to help communities recover after Hurricane Katrina. —Reuters
Earth Star Up Front
N ew Record:
Wind Powers
40% Of Spain
ind power is breaking new records in
Spain, accounting
for just over forty percent of all
electricity consumed during a
brief period last weekend. As
heavy winds lashed Spain
recently, wind parks generated
9,862 megawatts of power
which translated to forty-pointeight percent of total consumption. Over a three-day period,
wind power accounted for an
average of twenty-eight percent
of all electricity demand in
Spain. Spain’s wind power generation
hydropower for the first time in
Last July the government
approved legislation that will
allow offshore wind parks to be
set up along the nation’s vast
coastline in an effort to boost
the use of renewable energy
sources. While more expensive
than land-based wind farms, offshore wind parks can take
advantage of stronger, steadier
coastal breezes.
Spain, which along with
Germany and Denmark, is
among the three biggest producers of wind power in the twentyseven-nation European Union, is
aiming to triple the amount of
energy it derives from renewable sources by 2020.
JUNE - JULy 2008
une’s new moon in Gemini on the 3rd is closely
conjunct loving Venus and harmoniously aligned
with Mars, auguring a time when healing words
and thoughtful actions can bridge chasms—between
friends, families, or rival organizations. Initiate talks or
negotiations. Educational opportunities may arise in the
coming weeks. Develop new talents and aptitudes. Begin
a personal journal.
unnecessary emotional attachments or philosophical
positions that no longer serve our needs. However, with
Mercury still in retrograde, think before you speak your
mind around this emotionally loaded juncture, and make
sure your intentions are fully understood...especially by
you! Don’t promise more than you can deliver while
buoyed up by the excitement of the moment. Be sensitive
to the needs of others. Above all, be sincere.
When the sun conjuncts Mercury on June 7th, communicate your thoughts and ideas. Catch up on your correspondence, return phone-calls and email. Then, on the
8th, the sun unites with Venus, planet of beauty and harmony, making this a fine time to redecorate your office
or work place, or to get some intellectual or cultural
stimulation. Express your artistic talents.
Cosmic messenger, Mercury, stations Direct on June
19th in 13°Gemini, and mental processes begin to accelerate, while logic becomes more reliable. Move forward
cautiously with plans, sign contracts after careful scrutiny, but avoid making snap decisions as there may be a
tendency towards over-eagerness.
Late on June 13th, Pluto retrograde re-enters Sagittarius
(till Nov 26), reminding humanity that a time of spiritual rebirth is at hand (and has been since November 1995,
when Pluto first entered this expansive sign in the modern era). A global awakening is underway, wherein a fundamental understanding of spiritual principles and values
continues to develop among and within all people, motivating many towards a “higher path” in life, rather than
the pursuit of purely materialistic objectives. The search
for truth, and answers, is on!
Venus enters nurturing Cancer on June 18th (till July 12),
prompting us to nurture key relationships. Friendly faces
and familiar places bring satisfaction and a sense of connectedness now. A time for nest feathering, when beautifying your domestic environment can bring great
pleasure and satisfaction.
An immensely powerful full moon in 28° of expansive
Sagittarius occurs on June 18th, conjunct distant Pluto—
currently in retrograde and shortly to re-enter
Sagittarius—while aligned with the Galactic Heart
Center, which can help us to recognize and jettison any
JUNE / JULY 2008
The summer solstice occurs as the sun enters Cancer at
7:59pm, EDT, on June 21st, that pivotal point in Mother
Earth’s cycle around our sun when the forces of light and
dark, day and night, are in perfect balance. As spring
transitions into summer, the emphasis of the solar energies shifts from the logic-oriented mental realm of
Gemini, into the more feeling, nurturing, growth-sustaining environment of Cancer. Be more supportive of family, friends and colleagues...let them know you care!
Home, family, and roots assume greater importance.
Security of home, and homeland, becomes more of a
concern this season. Family obligations need to be taken
more seriously. However, with focused effort, much constructive growth can occur during the summer months.
Mars opposes Neptune on the 21st, when escapist tendencies could make it difficult to remain focused, and
excess abounds. Be alert to deception in business activities. Keep your nerves calm, passions under control, and
be aware of the intent prompting your actions.
Disruptive Uranus stations retrograde in 23°Pisces on
June 26th (till Nov 27). Don’t take too much for granted
during this unstable period, when recklessness and impawww.earthstarmag.com
Down To Earth Astrology
tience can lead the unwary astray. Uranus in retrograde
asks us to review our ambitions and career objectives, to
redefine our goals, perhaps along more humanistic lines,
and to reconnect with the higher mind or “Christ principle” within when seeking guidance. Pay attention to
your intuition now, learn to trust it; give your “hunches”
more credibility. On a more mundane level, sudden disruptions of plans or affairs due to unexpected changes in
conditions, circumstances or attitudes are highly likely. In
any event, expect shocks, surprises, and a lot of nervous
energy for several days either side of this station. Aviationor chemical-related events or stories may also be in the
news, while unstable weather conditions are possible.
When the sun trines Uranus on the 14th, a flash of pure
genius may facilitate progress towards a goal or cherished
ambition. Look for new ways of raising investment capital
or of financing a project dear to your heart. Delve into
astrological or metaphysical studies for timely insights.
The red planet, now in the last degree of Leo, forms a
flowing, fiery trine to Pluto on the 30th. The forceful,
dynamic energies at work here can give one’s will-power a
huge boost, making this an ideal time to begin a new physical exercise regimen. Improve efficiency, and recycle
wherever possible. Eliminate waste and unnecessary effort.
Passions and physical desires are dramatically increased
now, so be aware of what’s motivating your actions!
On July 22nd the sun enters its home sign of Leo, boosting self-confidence, enhancing one’s creative prowess,
and encouraging one and all to reconnect with their inner
child over the next thirty days. Make time to play; not
only is it fun but it can relieve stress and pent up pressures.
Mars enters Virgo on July 1st for a six-week sojourn, during which actions will likely stem from purely practical
considerations. Be sure to get some healthy, outdoor exercise
during this period. Do work requiring precision. Reorganize
your occupational environment for greater efficiency.
A new moon in 12° Cancer arrives on July 2nd, signaling a time to reflect upon what truly nourishes one’s
heart and soul. By getting in touch with our feelings during this sensitive lunar cycle we can better determine our
needs—and whether they’re being met. What does it
take to nurture your creativity and growth? Your moods
are an excellent barometer—finely-tuned at present—for
identifying where you’re at and what you need.
Mars conjuncts Saturn on July 10th, when persistence
and perseverance win the day. Banish any feelings of
malice or resentment—why create more karma? Set out
now, undaunted by recent trials or tribulations, on your
new or newly-defined path with drive, ambition, and
Mercury enters Cancer later on the 10th, inclining one’s
thoughts more readily towards domestic issues over the
next couple of weeks. Relocating may cross your mind.
Emotional “buttons” are easily pushed now, while
“unconscious” desires could influence decision-making.
After Venus enters Leo on July 12th, affairs of the heart and
creative activities are highlighted. Dramatic self-expression
increases, along with a predilection for center stage.
The full moon culminates in 27° Capricorn early on July
18th, and may herald a turning point in a domestic or
professional matter ripe for resolution. It might also
become necessary to set realistic boundaries regarding
where work and career ends, and personal “down” time
begins. Take some time out for reflection, assimilation,
and future planning.
Mercury, following the sun, enters Leo on the 26th (till
August 10th) a transit during which creative mental
work is strongly favored. Communications can assume a
theatrical air. Mercury in this persuasive sign can be a
helpful influence on sales, advertising or PR operations.
Also on the 26th, Mars trines Jupiter, a momentous, transit when steady progress can be made in business, commerce, or legal affairs. Act for the future, but also consider the long-term consequences of your actions now.
Get some physical exercise. Much can be achieved
now—for those who believe in their own abilities, anything is possible! Begin a new enterprise, or a long-distance trip; it’s time for some constructive action,
The sun conjuncts Mercury on the 29th. Confidently
communicate your thoughts, views or new ideas. Be on
the lookout for business or educational opportunities.
Attend to correspondence, return phone-calls or email.
Winding up July, on the 31st, Venus forms a precise
opposition with Neptune, currently in retrograde, around
noon, a warning sign to handle finances, and relationships, realistically. Don't "space out" while shopping or
you could end up with costly items you really didn't
need. When the planet of love and money opposes its
'higher octave' planet, romantic or financial matters may
be subject to deception; most certainly, clarity will be
lacking. Leave big decisions for another day.
Following is a general overview of how the planetary
trends for June/July, 2008 apply to each sun sign. If you
know your rising sign (Ascendant), read that, too, for
additional insights.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Down To Earth Astrology
(March 20—April 19)
You may be looking at the future more
optimistically these days. Indeed, plans could be
in the works for an ambitious new venture. A current need for
fresh input and novel notions might be assuaged by engaging
in creative pursuits aimed, perhaps, towards a noble objective.
Domestic matters could take up more of your time in July,
when a decoration or remodeling project might be assigned a
higher priority. Pay attention to any chronic health
conditions—look into natural methods to treat or eliminate
any problems. You can make great strides at work throughout
this forecast period, where your experience, knowledge, and
confidence can stand you in good stead. Be attentive to the
needs of partners, as they, in some way, could be help facilitate
your progress.
(April 19—May 20)
Wealth-production, and novel ways to increase
your income might be uppermost in your mind
during June. It may be that a household remodeling project or
some other domestic activity might be reasons why additional
funds could be needed. And yet, a self-improvement or educational program requiring a tuition fee and/or a technology
investment might also be a budget priority item. Be sure you
have all the details before parting with your money. On another level entirely, look to see where you may be able to eliminate any unwanted emotional triggers or behavioral patterns
that keep you rooted in the past, which may inhibit your ability to grab the brass ring of success in your professional
endeavors. A romantic partnership or professional alliance can
be taken to another level.
(May 20—June 21)
Although your sign’s ruler, Mercury, remains in
retrograde till June 19th, you are not in the least
deterred from pursuing several personal objectives. You sense
a need to be professional in your approach. Be prepared, also,
to act quickly when opportunities arise, as they may be
fleeting. Your actions and decisions now may be guided by
past experience. Furthermore, by being successful within the
context of your chosen career, it might be possible to eliminate
certain emotional constraints or counter-productive behavior
patterns—now, and over the summer months—that may,
hitherto, have undermined your best efforts to succeed. It may
take a while for your ideas to be fully accepted by those that
matter to you. However, when they are, and at least one of
your projects moves forward, there could be a healthy, and
likely sudden, increase in your cash flow. Be sure to get
everything in writing!
(June 21—July22)
Cancer (June 21—July 22)
Your intuition and psychic powers could be working overtime in
June, when little slips by without your noticing, and especially
where money is concerned. One of your current challenges is in
being less of a spendthrift and more of a future financial planner
JUNE / JULY 2008
as funds come your way. Another might be in sticking to the script and doing what’s expected of you in
professional interactions, with partners or creative
collaborators. Be on the ball! You’re keen to add to
your income, perhaps to raise money for a pet project, and the
weeks following June’s Gemini new moon (3rd) look promising
for you to do so. After the summer solstice (June 20), when the sun
crosses your solar ascendant and enters your sign for the next
month, you benefit from a boost in self-confidence, and your drive
to get ahead in the world kicks into high gear. With the sun and
lucky Venus in your solar first house through mid-July, your fortunes improve, while friends could provide the support you need.
(July 22—August 23)
You’re confident, persuasive, and full of energy
during June, a time when good fortune could attend
your every effort at work. Devote some of your time and
energies this month to mending fences in key relationships. Be
more attentive to a partner’s needs. It’s easy to become myopic
when you’re focused intently on a personal project, and
overlook the support and encouragement you get from
significant others. Recognize their efforts on your behalf; a
little praise and gratitude can go a long way! Ever practical
where finances are concerned, you may consider diverting
funds into a savings account, perhaps to finance a work project
over which you want complete control. You quickly look for
ways to pad this venture capital account, or to simply increase
your current income, by taking on more work, a theme that
continues through July. Make some quiet time to ‘recharge
your batteries’, and to consider how you’re going to manifest
your hopes, dreams and wishes for the future.
(August 23—September 23)
Make hay while the sun shines brightly in your
solar tenth house of success. It’s possible that new
professional opportunities may come your way within this
forecast period. However, with Mercury, your sign’s ruling
planet, in retrograde till June 19th, little may be finalized
before this date. Don’t be afraid to blow your own trumpet
when circumstances allow; if you don’t let folks that can make
a difference know what you can do, and that you’re ‘on the
market’, they may not know to approach you with the
opportunity in the first place! But be the epitome of tact. With
Pluto shifting signs on the cusps of your solar fourth and fifth
houses during this period, there may be some unfinished stuff
from the past that now needs your attention, as it may have a
bearing on your emotional readiness for success now. Appear
professional, confident, and self assured—you can be a great
asset to any team.
(September 23—October 23)
An urge to travel—if only in one's mind—and to
escape the workaday world will be hard to ignore
during June. Some amongst you may consider taking a short
trip to a distant locale. Because you are currently so open to
novelty, this would be an ideal juncture at which to sign up for
Down To Earth Astrology
a workshop or educational program. You may even feel
confident enough to create your own personal curriculum for
self-improvement. With powerful Pluto changing signs at the
bottom (nadir) of your solar chart, some unfinished business
from the past could arise, periodically. An emotionallycharged issue, for example, surrounding a place and time,
person, event, or occasion. In coming to terms with the issue,
vast amounts of emotional and creative energies can be
released, and redirected towards creative outlets. Indeed, with
Saturn in your solar twelfth house, this is a time when karma
can be released—that is, a karmic issue or pattern that you’ve
recognized, and come to terms with. Doors may open, behind
which new professional opportunities might await you. If so,
choose the one that fits you best.
(October 23—November 22)
What can I eliminate in order to simplify my life?
You ask. Well, you might begin with ideas about
who and what you are that have little bearing on reality. And
that, furthermore, these notions could be undermining your
best efforts to succeed. Or, you might choose to eliminate professional activities or practices that, history shows, have simply not worked—perhaps because you hadn’t followed your
instincts in the first place. Now’s the time to trust your judgement, particularly where professional and financial undertakings are concerned. Put your past experience to work for you.
Do what you do best, and do it well. You might be amazed by
how satisfying that feels. In July, you may be planning a trip,
or helping a family member prepare for one. A creative idea or
sudden inspiration could make you money—if you follow
through and market it.
(November 22—December 21)
Being there for the significant others in your life
may seem like a full time job these days. But then,
you really wouldn’t have it any other way. Such is the
magnanimity of a Sagg. Nevertheless, at the drop of a hat you’d
be off like a shot, to some far-flung exotic locale, if you could
only get away! Talk about a full life—your regular vocational
activities also seem to be keeping you busy; they may even
provide you with additional income, when your on-the-job
expertise garners you more responsibility—a promotion, of
sorts, if you will. One way or another, your efforts in the
workplace will be acknowledged and repaid. Seek ways to
improve your understanding of financial management. Take a
fresh look at your financial obligations, and the distribution of
your assets. Are you making the most of what you have? You
may be called to account for an expensive habit or luxury—or
maybe the opposite applies, to a significant other, when a
clearing of the air may become necessary.
(December 21—January 19)
You’re ready to get to work and do what it takes to
raise the money you need for a project dear to your
heart. You could be an all-but-irresistible force in the market
place. Or, if you’re job hunting, your skill-set of talents and
abilities may be hard to find and could have significant value.
Don’t sell yourself short. Not that you’re likely to. If it’s
investment capital you’re seeking, look close to home. You may
have only to ask someone you know very well. They may be
only too pleased to help you out. If you can live with that, you’re
off and running. For some, an already close relationship can be
taken to another level in July. For others, a new romance or a
creative alliance could develop, and quickly, too. Life appears to
be moving at quite a pace these days, and you’re certainly up for
the challenge!
(January 19—February 18)
A new cycle of creative enterprise can open up
now for those with vision. While it’s possible
that some amongst you may be at loggerheads with a
current partner or collaborator, there may be common
ground to be explored in pursuing one of your visionary
ideas. Pay attention to dreams and meditations, as they
may contain valuable insights and guidance. Children
could be a source of great happiness, especially during
June, when loving Venus transits your solar fifth house.
Remember what it was like to be a child; reconnect with
your sense of play. Have some fun with friends. Indeed,
some intellectual stimulation may be exactly what you
need! Health-wise, consider beginning a new diet and
exercise regimen.
(February 18—March 20)
There’s no place like home during June,
when it becomes the focal point of activity.
There’s also a healing ‘program’ that happy
thoughts and feelings of home can activate within you,
and to which you are currently attuned. Count your
blessings—you’ve earned them! Your work appears to
keep you busy throughout this forecast period. And yet,
your familiarity with your present job may make you
yearn for a more fulfilling application of your energies
and abilities. You are feeling much more creative in
July and may have your sights set on an ambitious
professional objective—perhaps one more worthy of
your efforts. Your friends can be a source of great
encouragement and joy. Be sure to let them know how
you feel.
Tim Gunns is an astrological consultant, conference coordinator and
producer, new age market and speaker
consultant to the entertainment
industry, and formerly program director
of the national Whole Life Expos.
Tim prepares personalized no-nonsense interpretations of Natal
Horoscopes ($40), Future Forecast Transit Reports ($75 for 1 full
year), and Relationship Compatibility Reports ($45). Shipping is
free. Send: Name (as you'd like it to appear on the chart), Date of
Birth, Time (as close as possible), Place of Birth (city/country,
etc.) for each person, and your return address, phone# and check
to: Tim Gunns, c/o110 Hilltop Road, Waynesville NC 28786.
(310) 281-7882.
hen I look back
on the life I’ve
lived so far, I
see how it could
be read as a
small-scale metaphor for the course
Western civilization has taken
through the millennia. That is, my
life and the progress of civilization
have something of the same shape.
In this century progress has been
swift and severe, and my generation
has seen the greater arc of its accelerating trajectory toward a global
transition. We may be the last to witness this extraordinary human
drama, as such acceleration clearly
isn’t sustainable, for a number of
reasons, such as environmental tolerance.
When I take into consideration
my austere origins on the plains of
West Texas in an agrarian family
whose sustenance was largely
derived from manual labor aided by
un-powered tools and domesticated
animals, I am overwhelmed. To have
begun in such a simple place and
time, and to have seen so much, is at
times incomprehensible to me.
Likewise, when I consider the earliest agrarian humans on the planet
and where we have come today as a
civilization, I find the progress
astounding. In 1930, space travel
wasn’t yet a significant part of the
science fiction literary genre, but
forty years later I would travel in a
spacecraft that would take two men
to the surface of the moon while its
sister ship orbited overhead.
In the largest sense, the evolution of humankind has made similar
progress. We’ve evolved from a
primitive species with limited
knowledge with which to fashion
tools, to a civilization capable of
building machines that can split the
atom or fill a magic box with image
and sound. Yet our civilization is still
in its chronological infancy; in geological time, just a few years out of
the trees. As a species we seem yet
JUNE / JULY 2008
juvenile, lacking in vision, unprepared for our own evolution, even
blind as to the direction we are
evolving. In this respect we lack any
thoughtful, consensus judgment to
guide our conscious volition,
because we are still uncertain as to
whether we actually possess volition
at all, if one accepts the accounts of
Western philosophy, theology, and
Late in 1972 I began taking such
thoughts more seriously when a
strange series of events occurred in
rapid succession. Oddly enough, all
of this happened just as I was preparing to leave NASA and about to open
the doors to the institute (Institute of
Noetic Sciences, in Petaluma, CA).
These were not events that I would
consider mere serendipity, but rather
events governed by the mysterious
cadence of synchronicity.
In the fall of that year I traveled
to Little Rock, Arkansas, to speak to
a group at a convention—one of my
first engagements of the sort. It
prom-ised to be a special occasion,
as my mother was going to drive
from her residence in Oklahoma to
meet me. At the time she was having
severe difficulty with her eyesight as
a result of glaucoma, and without her
glasses was legally blind. Through
the years her glasses gradually grew
thicker, as she considered corrective
surgery too risky. And now she really could not see at all without them.
During the conference I met several remarkable men and women,
one of whom was a man by the name
of Norbu Chen. Norbu was an
American who had studied the earliest form of Tibetan Buddhism, a
form that was liberally infused with
ancient Tibetan Shamanistic practice. He was a small man of quick
movements, graying beyond his
years, inscrutable, and always in the
midst of controversy. He also purported to be a healer. One evening
after an entire day of speechmaking,
I introduced Norbu to my mother,
who was at the time in her early 60s.
My interest was twofold. I wanted to find out whether Norbu Chen
was real or just talk, and to help my
mother if that was possible, though I
was skeptical. My mother, being a
fundamentalist Christian all her life,
had definite and traditional ideas as
to how the mind was capable of
influencing matter through healing—either by the hand of God, or
by that of Satan. There was no middle ground. Norbu did not think of
himself as either, but was quite convinced he could help. Making no
promises, he merely suggested that
we try, and see what would happen. I
was intensely curious, and my mother was at least a good sport about the
whole thing. She agreed that something good might come of it.
The following day Norbu and I
met my mother in the seclusion of
my suite where he asked her to sit in
a chair, remove her thick glasses, and
relax. I watched from across the
room as this strange Asian-trained
man did what he claimed to have
done for so many years. Then I witnessed my mother settle deeply into
a relaxed state. After placing himself
in a meditative trance (he claimed)
through singing his strange mantra,
his hands floated over my mother’s
head, pausing over the eyes. There
seemed to be an unspoken acceptance on her part, a silent trust in this
man she had never met until this
After a few minutes of this,
Norbu gently announced that he was
finished and suggested she go to bed,
sleep well, and treat herself kindly,
as though she had been through
major surgery. His prescription for
nourishment was grape juice and
broth. As I sat there in the chair
observing, there was the hope that
I’d just witnessed the extraordinary. I
wanted something to have happened,
but at the same time I tried to be the
detached, clinical observer, and not
let my expectations soar. In any case,
The Way of the
I didn’t have to wait long for the
results. At six o’clock the following
morning my mother came rushing to
my room, exclaiming, “Son, I can
see, I can see!”
Without pausing to let me come
to my senses, she proceeded to
demonstrate her claim by reading
from her thumb-worn Bible with
glasses in hand. Then once again she
said more quietly, “I can see. Praise
the Lord, I can see!” Dropping her
glasses to the floor, she ground the
thick lenses into shards under the
heel of her shoe. Needless to say, I
was impressed.
I am not, by this account, nor
with any other anecdotal story,
attempting to convince the doubtful.
That can only happen when the
open-minded skeptic sets out for
himself or herself to view (or better,
to experience) such peculiar phenomena (at least peculiar to the
Western mind), and conducts a careful investigation, unbiased by traditional interpretations. This wasn’t
science, but as far as I was concerned, it indicated where I personally needed to probe more thoroughly.
All I can say is that it absolutely did
happen in just this way.
Afterward I experienced the
deep-down astonishment that arises
from witnessing the extraordinary.
This was an event I couldn’t explain,
but I couldn’t deny it either. I knew
my mother’s reaction was authentic,
and she hadn’t been duped about her
own sight. She proceeded to drive
home alone, several hundred miles,
without her glasses.
After this episode I was sufficiently impressed, so I invited Norbu
to Houston for a visit so that I might
learn a few things from him myself.
He arrived a few weeks later to stay
many months, during which time I
came to know not only Norbu the
healer, but Norbu the man. What I
learned was notably unremarkable.
He wasn’t especially complex, just a
fellow with a peculiar capacity to
JUNE / JULY 2008
heal that he couldn’t adequately
A few days after returning home
I learned another lesson that I wouldn’t soon forget. After going about her
routine for several days with nearly
perfect vision, unassisted by contacts
or eyeglasses, my mother called one
day to ask whether or not Norbu was
a Christian. His name was clearly
derived from an Asian culture, which
she suspected didn’t likely coincide
with her beloved faith. Though I didn’t want to tell her, she was adamant.
She absolutely wanted to know the
faith of the man who’d allowed her
to see again. Reluctantly, and perhaps ominously, I told her Norbu
was in fact not a Christian, and the
moment I did, the deep pain of regret
was clear in her voice.
Her new sight was not the work
of the Lord, she insisted, but that of
the darker forces of this world. She
was absolutely certain that Norbu,
being of another faith, must be an
instrument of evil. No matter what I
said to her, no matter how I
explained my own secular understanding of such phenomena, she
would not be convinced. Her vastly
improved eyesight was the work of
Satan. Hours later, the gift slipped
away and thick new glasses were
I was both distressed and
intrigued by this incident—distressed that such an incredible healing would be dismissed, and by my
mother’s agony in making this personal decision. But the intrigue, the
fact that the sequence of events could
occur at all, left an overriding
impression. How could I have been
so ignorant of something so important? It set me on the search for other
persons similar to Norbu, and gave
me clear indication that I needed to
learn something more about the role
and power of belief in our lives.
Whatever the clinical implications, it
was clear to me that one’s internal
life, the subjective life, had funda-
mental importance. This was something science didn’t address; I had
paid little attention myself.
But at the same time I recognized a need for caution. Though I
subsequently encountered many
healers with similar capabilities, I
also encountered many frauds. I’ve
learned through years of experience
that health and well-being are a
product of total lifestyle. There is no
panacea for illness in healers, allopathic medicine, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic, nutrition, and the
like, though all can help.
Looking back on these times, I
see how naive I was. For several
years I would continue to underestimate the power of belief in our lives
because of the pervasiveness of my
classical scientific training. It still
puzzled me that belief could affect
anything at all. But I suppose naiveté
was also in large measure the impetus behind my founding an institution where research I thought important could be carried out. I believed
that if other scientists witnessed such
legitimate phenomena in controlled
environments, they would see that it
was at least worthy of further study
and become excited by the prospects.
But there were invisible veils that
such unbridled idealism could not
see. As it turned out, disbelief was
one of them.
It was my opinion then and it is
my opinion today that disbelief prevents one from seeing what one
wishes not to. My belief in the
rationality of science blinded me to
the equally rational consequences of
disbelief. At the time I still suspected
there might be a nonphysical component to consciousness, capabilities
that cannot be attributed to physical
laws. But more likely there were
physical principles yet to be discovered. Whatever the answers, they
would surely be revealed one day by
a rational, thorough approach to the
issues. These were natural, not
supernatural events, well within the
domain of scientific inquiry, and
when validated, the impact on science would be revolutionary. But it
should also change the way we addressed religion, philosophy, government, the way we saw ourselves in
the universe, and the values we
Unfortunately, there were precious
few who took the field of study seriously, as a number of eminent men
of science had blunted their swords
on these issues during the past century. But again synchronicity would
arise in my own exploration.
In that same year, 1972, I
was introduced to another
psychic, a twenty-five-year-old Israeli by the name of Uri
Geller. At the time, Uri was
unknown, lived in Israel, and
had been brought to the
attention of Dr. Andrija
Puharich, an American physician with a quixotic turn of
mind and several medical
inventions to his credit.
Similar to myself, he was
looking for answers to puzzling human phenomena.
After months of observing
Uri in Israel and witnessing
his extraordinary ability in
realms of telepathy and psychokinesis, Puharich called
to see if I would be interested in
arranging some controlled studies in
an American laboratory. I told him I
was, provided I could personally do
some preliminary studies to assure
myself it was worthwhile. Here
again was my own skepticism asserting itself.
Puharich claimed that he had
witnessed some positively amazing
dem-onstrations of telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis—in
fact, a very broad range of events
labeled as parapsychological phenomena. He insisted they were the
most convincing he had ever seen,
and that Uri’s incredible abilities
demanded our attention. In later
years Uri would work with many scientists and then go on to make a
modest fortune working for oil, gas,
and mineral companies, successfully
dowsing for deposits that lay deep
within the earth. The fact that such
companies don’t pay good money
for failure is strong testimony to
Uri’s psychic prowess at least as a
dowser. But in 1972 he was just a
young, impecunious Israeli, finishing his obligatory service in the army
and claiming he had been doing
these feats since childhood, not initially recognizing they were
logical abilities under our auspices.
A team of scientists would direct the
work and observe the results. This, I
thought, would help prompt real
interest among established scientists,
provided Uri could deliver on his
claims. But it wasn’t Uri who would
disappoint us.
The key to good science in this
field is always to keep the experiment totally under the control of the
investigators and to use blind and
double-blind testing procedures
wherever possible. Because one is
dealing basically with subjective
events, it’s generally more
efficient to let the subject
demonstrate what he or she
does best, then design rigorous protocols that take
advantage of the ability. It
was in this spirit of cooperation and open inquiry that Uri
and I got down to business.
He even agreed to restrain his
usual showmanship and
The resident scientists hosting the experiments were Dr.
Harold Puthoff and Russell
Targ, both widely respected
physicists at the Stanford
Research Institute. Both men
Uri Geller
had made their reputations in
more conventional fields of
bizarre—a characteristic I later science, but they too were convinced
encountered frequently. After our that this was something that demandfirst meeting, which lasted several ed their attention. They designed
days, I was adequately convinced (in many of the experiments we would
fact overwhelmed) that his abilities conduct to test for Uri’s abilities. On
were real and not simply showman- several occasions they were aided by
ship or a magician’s tricks, that I Dr. Wilbur Franklin of Kent State
promptly began to arrange for finan- University, a metallurgist who examcial sponsorship through Judith ined many of the materials used in
Skutch and Henry Rolfs, who would the experiments. They had each been
later serve on the board of directors working in parapsychological studof the institute, and to arrange for ies for some time now, and were well
laboratory tests to be conducted. Uri experienced in this type of research.
agreed and came to the Stanford Targ was also a skilled amateur
Research Institute near San magician, which blunted the first
Francisco in the late fall to partici- claim of critics—that “psychic stuff”
pate in several experiments that was just smoke and mirrors. The first
would demonstrate his parapsycho- effort of the researcher is always to
Continued on Page 60
By Philip Smith
urn on any television
in the world—Beijing,
Chicago, Tel Aviv,
Rome, Los Angeles, or
Tokyo—and you will
find Dr. Sanjay Gupta reporting on
the latest breaking medical and
health news.
Correspondent for CNN, Dr. Gupta
is currently the most famous and listened to doctor on the planet.
Millions of viewers learn daily about
advances in medicine that can
change their lives. Additionally, Dr.
Gupta is assistant professor of neurosurgery at Emory University
Hospital and associate chief of neurosurgery at Grady Memorial
Hospital, where he practices.
Most recently, Dr. Gupta
embarked upon a remarkable quest
to investigate “new discoveries in the
search for immortality to help you
age less today.” For his investigation,
JUNE / JULY 2008
he interviewed scientists around the
globe from Okinawa and Russia to
laboratories throughout the United
States. His findings resulted in both a
book and documentary titled
Chasing Life (Warner Wellness).
Dr. Gupta approached this broad
subject from a unique perspective as
both a practicing physician and as a
seasoned journalist. In his search he
left no subject, no matter how controversial, untouched. Chasing Life
covers every imaginable topic, from
caloric restriction and stem cell treatments to cryonics, resveratrol, and
hormone supplementation. His goal
was to assess the work of the best
minds researching methods to slow
aging and increase life span.
Sifting through thousands of
studies, Dr. Gupta wanted to present
the best and most reputable practical
findings that one can incorporate
into their own life. The end product
is a comprehensive overview of the
latest developments in life extension.
In his writings you can genuinely
sense his excitement at the new discoveries occurring on a daily basis
that will extend all our lives. He
deems those who actively pursue a
longer and healthier life as “Life
As Dr. Gupta states in his book,
“All over the world and right in your
backyard, there are people who are
steadily pushing back the frontier of
aging. They are not content to simply
wither away, becoming frail and
feeling worthless. Instead, they are
achieving a sort of practical immortality-living as long as they want to
live and dying only when they are
through living ... Immortality is on
the horizon and it is within our reach
for the first time.”
In the following interview, Dr.
Gupta discusses his search for the
latest advances in promoting a longer, healthier life span:
Extended longevity and the potential
for immortality used to be the exclusive domain of science fiction. Now
with quantum leaps in science and
medicine, we are for the first time in
history seeing the possibility of controlling and enhancing our life span.
What were some of the more interesting life extension technologies that
you came across in researching your
You are correct ... our recent medical
progress is astonishing. There’s
something known as Moore’s Law,
which means that we basically double our scientific knowledge every
few years. What this really means is
that we probably know twice as
much now as we did in 1997, which
wasn’t that long ago. I do believe in
our lifetime that we will see the
promise of stem cells, nanotechnology, and genomics able to tailormake individualized medicine. All of
these technologies are going to serve
a large purpose toward making us
live longer and healthier.
A new kind of medicine is being
created that will definitely break out
of the realm of science fiction and
become reality. There are places
around the world where people are
already doing this, such as Moscow,
which I discuss in the book, and certainly Korea.
You spoke to a lot of scientists
around the world to research your
book. What one new technology
seemed to be the most promising?
Tissue engineering, with regard to
stem cells, is very promising. We’re
already able to use stem cells to basically improve cardiac function in
someone who’s had a heart attack.
The reason that this is so fascinating
is that this therapy can now be
applied and replicated, and also
because cardiac cells and brain cells
can now be regenerated. Previous to
this technology, it was thought that
once either of these types of cells
died, that was it. This is no longer the
case. And, once they have been
regenerated, the person can get some
of their original function back. For
example, the heart function is measured by something known as ejection
fraction. Ejection fractions actually
improve in people who have stem
cell therapies injected into their
hearts. So, this looks to be a very
promising new therapy.
In the book you profile the futurist
Ray Kurzweil and the various methods he is utilizing to live longer. In
summary, his theory is that in the not
too distant future, medicine will be
sophisticated enough to repair or
cure a number of the major degenerative diseases. His position is that
he is doing everything he can to live
as long as possible and avoid the big
killers like heart disease and cancer
until medicine can actually deliver
these new life-extending technologies. After hearing him propose this,
what are your thoughts?
I think in the next couple of decades,
we’re going to get to a point of practical immortality. It’s not true
immortality, but practical immortality, meaning that we’re going to live
much longer without getting sick,
and as a result we’ll have many more
functional years. It seems that we are
going to get to the point where some
people will be able to decide how
long they want to live by doing some
of the things that Kurzweil talks
about. There is a lot of interest and
activity around promising technologies such as exchanging body
organs, rejuvenating cells, and even
nanotechnology which will eliminate even a single cancer cell in the
body before it can ever start replicating.
For a lot of people these ideas
are on the fringe, but frankly now
that I have researched it and spoken
to the scientists in the field, I believe
that we are getting very close to realizing some of these fantastic ideas. I
think that we’re going to be much
further along in the next twenty
years than ever before.
However, a lot of moving pieces
need to come together for all of this
to really work. When we think about
how long people want to live there is
an implicit understanding that they
will be of strong mind and strong
body. We can’t be assured that even
though we might be able to replace a
failing heart or replace failing kidneys with perfect genetically engineered matches, that their mind will
necessarily be sharp. These are all
factors that need to be taken under
In the last five years, it seems as if
the possibilities of medicine have
exponentially exploded. You can
almost see the future happening
right before our eyes.
That’s correct. Along that line of
thought, right now there is a great
deal of extremely sophisticated technology that a lot of people still don’t
know about or even use. For example, I have a history of heart disease
in my family. Previously you had to
wait until you had a coronary event
to really know what was wrong or
even do something about it. Now,
through noninvasive means, we can
look at all of our coronary vessels—
all the blood vessels in our heart. Just
a few years ago, this didn’t exist and
could be considered science fiction.
Plus, there are medications that not
only stop the production of plaque
that narrows your blood vessels, but
actually reverse it. This isn’t a life
enhancing technology or medication
that you have to wait for ten years
for, this is now. There are people like
Arthur Agatston, who’s a friend of
mine, who says, “You know what, no
one in this country needs to have a
heart attack again.”
That’s a powerful declaration. Is it
because of calcium score?
Calcium scores and even more, the
CT angiograms. With the CT
angiograms you’re not only looking
at the narrowing of the blood vessel,
but you’re looking at the health of
the vessel wall itself, which is even
better than an angiogram. And this is
technology that exists right now.
Japanese believe that the people who
live the longest have a very strong
“ikigai.” Every morning when you
wake up, you focus on what is your
sense of purpose for that day, what is
your sense of purpose on earth, why
are you here, what are you going to
do, how are you going to better the
world in someway?
These are the sorts of questions
that are just fundamentally a part of
research into longevity
and new advances in
what personally have
you incorporated into
your life?
I’ve actually thought
about this quite a bit.
There are three key
areas of my life that I
have changed. First of
all, I never thought
about mortality.
Well, you’re young.
I’m young and I think
that for everyone, the
sort of time is different
as to when this
becomes an issue for
them. But typically,
it’s associated with
some life event-when
they become sick
themselves or have a
brush with mortality,
or something happens in their family.
For me, it was the birth of my daughter. Her presence brought home the
point that I want to be around for the
milestones in her life. Not just alive,
but present of sound mind and sound
The second concept was the role
of attitude and optimism in terms of
living longer. There’s a phrase in
Japanese called “ikigai,” which
means “sense of purpose.” And the
JUNE / JULY 2008
their cultural and psychological fabric. And I don’t think it’s something
that many societies, including our
society in the United States, deal
with very much. We are, if you will,
just getting by, from an “ikigai”
Now, every morning I wake up
and I really reflect and take stock.
One might call it a type of meditation. I can feel myself calming down,
my heart rate calms down, my blood
pressure’s probably better regulated,
I just feel much more content. There
is enough evidence out there that this
type of behavior change can make a
huge difference in your overall cardiovascular health and in your ultimate longevity.
There are numerous studies that
show this type of mental regimen can
help improve hormonal levels,
including altering one’s
cortisol levels. So
besides realigning your
mental attitude, what
other changes did you
make based on your
In addition to my mental exercise, the second
item I focused on was
my physical exercise.
I’m a runner—I run a
lot, and I do marathons—but I never really focused on strength
training. Adding upper
body resistance training
appears to make a huge
difference for several
reasons. One is that it
improves your posture,
which just makes you
feel better. Two is that it
adds a little bit of muscle
changes your metabolism. You’re talking
about some very large
muscle groups here.
Your pectoralis, your deltoids, and
your latissimus—big muscle groups
that if you increase their muscle
mass, you’ll tend to burn more calories even when you are at rest. The
third benefit is warding off osteoporosis. Studies show that load-bearing
exercise, much more so than aerobic
exercise, makes you less likely to
develop porous or osteoporotic
I think the biggest benefit of
upper body training for “Life
Chasers” is that if you are in a nursing home or you’re in a hospital for
some illness, pneumonia is the
biggest killer for older people.
People who have better upper body
strength and have better pulmonary
excursion are much more likely to be
able to fight off pneumonia.
So, for “Life Chasers,” upper
body training can benefit posture, it
can aid weight management, ward
off broken bones, and protect against
idiopathic pneumonia.
That is a wide range of benefits.
We’ve discussed your own program
with regard to mental and physical
exercise, what about food and supplements?
In terms of supplements, I take
a multivitamin
and fish oil.
Based on the
over one thousand articles I
have read, I
firmly believe
that fish oil has
important benefits that I need
to incorporate
into my personal program. It is
a remarkable
Interestingly, what fish oil
accomplishes in the body is something that the pharmaceutical companies have been trying to accomplish for years. You may remember
that Pfizer was trying to create a
medication that lowered your LDL
and simultaneously raised your
HDL. Lipitor® lowers your LDL, but
not your HDL. Niacin raises your
HDL. At this point, there’s nothing
that does both. However, fish oil
seems to be one of the best substances at doing some of both.
In terms of foods, I follow a very
simple plan. If you eat seven different colored foods a day, you’ll pretty
much cover all your nutritional
So these are three ways I
changed my life: a sense of purpose
or ikigai, upper body resistance
training, and consuming the seven
different colored foods each day,
along with the addition of fish oils
and a multivitamin.
In the book you discuss caloric
restriction, which is one of the most
widely studied and validated methods of increasing life span. Have you
incorporated any of that data into
your own life?
First of all, the science on caloric
restriction appears to be pretty good.
In the animal studies, it has been
shown that you can prolong life span
by about thirty-five percent in mice,
which is significant. The primate
studies are underway and they look
very promising. There are now federal funds to underwrite the first
human caloric restriction study.
In terms of incorporating these
ideas into my personal regimen, I
actually have cut down my calories.
I have never been a calorie counter, but I have become someone who
does not satiate himself. Previously I
would go out to eat in a restaurant
and I would eat my meal until I was
full. What I have learned, and it
makes sense physiologically, as well
as from a caloric restriction standpoint, is that if you slow down your
eating, it takes about fifteen minutes
for your stomach to send your brain
a signal that you’re full. The problem
is most of us finish a three-course
meal in fifteen minutes, especially if
we’re in a hurry, and we never give
our brain a chance to catch up.
So now, I slow down. I really try
to enjoy my meals a little bit more.
You know, we’re not talking about
changing my entire scheduling, I’m
talking about an extra ten or fifteen
minutes. Also I
eat more waterdense foods at
the beginning of
the meal, such
as soups. Just
the addition of
soup can really
make a difference. I probably
have cut down
my calories by
percent as a
result of that.
The Japanese
practice a similar concept and
call it “harahachi bu,” which means to stop eating when you’re eighty percent
full. It makes perfect sense physiologically.
On a daily basis you report the latest
health findings to the world ... how
to avoid diabetes, how to lower cholesterol, the importance of fish oil
supplements, etc. You would think
that all this important health news
about how one can improve their
health would make everyone want to
lose weight, exercise, and eat more
carefully. Yet you look around and
diabetes is now epidemic worldwide; heart disease and cancer
continue to claim untold lives on a
daily basis. You must just shake
your head and wonder what is the
missing key to get people to take
responsibility for their own health?
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JUNE / JULY 2008
You know, it’s something we think
about all the time. I think everyone
has a switch that suddenly goes off
for them that makes them want to
chase life and lead a healthier,
longer life. Like I said earlier, in my
case it was a brush with mortality
that made me want to research this
subject and find out everything I
could to enhance my life as well as
those of my readers/viewers. For
my father, it was after he had heart
problems. Now he’s a very fit sixtyyear-old guy as a result of making
new decisions as to how he was
going to live. So it varies with each
The obesity epidemic in this
country is quite troubling and puzzling. I toured the country with Bill
Clinton; childhood obesity is his
biggest post-Presidency domestic
initiative. He said something very
disturbing, “for the first time, our
children have a good chance at having a shorter life span than their
parents.” So all these advances that
are in my book which can help
everyone live longer are erased by
this one problem. I honestly don’t
have the answer on this one. This
one issue is probably more complicated than just about any other
health issue out there, as there are a
host of contributing factors. We’ve
become a short-cut society, our
neighborhoods don’t feel as safe as
they used to, kids don’t play outside, school programs are going in
the wrong direction, recess is being
cut, it’s hard to get nutritious lunches, and we have vending machines
in schools. I didn’t have vending
machines in schools when I was a
kid. This may seem simplistic, but
this is truly a multifaceted problem.
I think that society as a whole has to make a real
commitment to solving this problem. This is the cold
war of our generation and it’s going to kill more people. Heart disease already claims five hundred thousand lives, and this does not factor in this new generation of obese people. I can’t even imagine what the
future numbers are going to be like, now that you have
the childhood obesity problem. It’s going to be a real
societal obligation that has to include everything from
watching the farm subsidy bill for corn syrup, which I
think is a big killer, to requesting that the fast food
industry really offer healthier choices and make those
healthier choices available to kids, including their
school lunch programs. There are lots of different
ways to tackle this problem, but it urgently needs to be
What is your optimal goal for the documentary and
the book, in terms of changing people’s thinking and
behavior with regard to their health?
I wanted to give something to people that they could
hang their hat on. I got into this business five years
ago. Formerly, I was a speech writer at the White
House and I also did a lot health policy issues. As you
know I’m also a practicing doctor. What I hear often is
that there’s a lot of clutter in terms of medical information for the public. It’s all very confusing for everyone, including the doctors.
With the book and the documentary, I wanted to
be able to look at the very best science that we have
right now, and say ‘Tm a doctor who knows something
about the media and I’ve done all this research for
you.” I wanted to create something that would help
people sort through all the information noise and make
good decisions. I think we’ve done that and the
reviews have been good. A lot of people read the book
before it was published and all agreed that the science
I presented was solid. My comments weren’t always
favorable to what they do, but they had to agree that
the science that I presented was solid.
The book is truly evidence-based and not based on
anecdotes. The stories are good and it’s optimistic
about all the options that are currently available to us.
We wish you the best with the book and hope that it
achieves your goal of positively influencing people to
make more informed decisions about living longer,
healthier lives.
Reprinted with permission from Life Extension magazine,
The following excerpts from The Chi
Revolution: Harness the Healing Power
of Your Life Force, by Bruce Frantzis,
reprinted with permission from the publisher Blue Snake Books. Copyright
2008 by Bruce Frantzis. ISBN:978-1583941935. $19.95 US.
school that I had founded after having studied for over twenty years
with some of the most renowned chi
masters in China, Japan and India.
A young man in his thirties winds
around a slippery winter road.
Suddenly he loses control of his car
as it skids on black ice formed on the
shady side of a mountain. The car
whips and collides into a jagged
boulder that propels it fifteen feet in
the air and off the cliff into blazing
tumbles. He counts six rotations as
he is being knocked about in the
shrieking crash.
The man suffered massive injury
to his spine, with two badly cracked
vertebrae, hairline fractures and several torn spinal ligaments and tendons. Each and every last one of his
vertebra was knocked out of alignment. Three weeks following the
accident, he awoke to the loss of
feeling in his lower body. The accident rendered this once vital and
strong man incapable of movement.
The mental, emotional and physical
anguish that ensued through his
recovery is incomprehensible—
unless, of course, this has happened
to you.
Well, it did me. I’m the man who
survived that horrific car accident
back in 1982. It was a life-transforming experience.
My entire life before the crash
had been about developing and refining my body as a martial artist—and
I was proficient in the internal martial arts of ba gua, tai chi and hsingi, as well as karate, judo, jiu-jitsu
and aikido. At the time of the crash,
I was the head of a martial arts
I had already overcome one lifethreatening incident in my life.
While studying in India in my early
twenties, I came down with an
extremely virulent form of hepatitis.
In the hospital, doctors told me I was
probably going to die, as had all of
their other patients that had been
infected. I healed myself at that time
with tai chi and energy work.
However, back injuries are no
joke. Doctors relentlessly pressured
me to have a spinal fusion, which I
repeatedly refused in terms that
would not be appropriate to put
down here. Given my condition, I
feared that once my spine was cut
open, the chi of my body would
never be full again and I would not
be able to do martial arts or, worse,
even walk.
Miracles did not occur.
Instead, I did energy work on
myself eight to ten hours each day
while lying flat on my back in the
hospital bed. After a few weeks, I
went from being paralyzed to being
able to stand up and walk a little.
Nevertheless, the healing process
was unbearably slow. My back kept
destabilizing and the trauma neutralized every psychological control
mechanism I knew. The emotional
experience compounded by the constant nerve pain made life unbearable for me and everyone around me.
The sudden loss of physical ability
and the broken pride of an athlete
left me in a profound depression. I
JUNE / JULY 2008
felt I had nothing to offer my students or the world.
Total mastery of the physical body
and self-discipline were some of the
levels of my training while following
the path of a warrior. What I had not
learned to fully master was my mind
and emotions. These were the more
difficult challenges I had to overcome if I was to fully recover. I well
understood the demoralizing effects
of longterm negative prognoses and
the morass of helplessness because,
as a chi gung healer, I had taken
many patients through these same
emotions. I knew the patience and
effort it would take to get me
through the anger and fear.
In time, my chi gung and meditation practices began to help and I
began to have some limited mobility.
I added many other types of therapy—chiropractic, deep tissue,
Rolfing®, acupuncture and massage.
Even with these therapies, my physical abilities remained radically
diminished and the pain always
I decided that my only option
was to do what I had always done
when I could not find what I needed:
I went back to China. My greatest
teacher, Liu Hung Chieh, prescribed
a particular form of tai chi and Taoist
breathing and meditation. I practiced
for eight hours a day for over three
years. Much of what I did is still part
of my daily practice. My back
healed. However, as many who have
had to deal with some kind of physical challenge understand, the principle barriers to healing were mental
and emotional. When all of the conwww.earthstarmag.com
By Bruce Frantzis
By Bruce Frantzis
structs about who I was changed, the
emotional traumas vanished, like
smoke in the wind. My entire
approach to life was reborn. My martial arts abilities returned and I came
back to the United States in 1987 and
began teaching again.
Today, my body seems to be a
relic of the young man who rose to
the top of the martial arts game.
Although my walk might be closer to
a waddle and I look somewhat like a
big statuary Buddha, there isn’t a
whole lot that the average person can
do that I can’t. When I do brief martial arts demos in my workshops,
many of my students report that they
are shocked at the speed, force and
ease with which I can deliver a strike
while maintaining relaxed composure.
How is it possible? Chi. When
using the arts of chi for external circumstances, the question is never if
it is easy or hard; rather, with sufficient effort, it’s whether the task is
JUNE / JULY 2008
doable or not. The more strongly and
more abundantly you build up your
chi, the more strongly you ignite the
healing forces within you. Today
almost all of what I teach focuses on
helping others work with the chi in
their bodies for health, for self-healing and for helping to heal others
using meditation and other techniques to overcome physical, emotional, mental and spiritual obstacles.
Simply put, chi is the life-force energy that keeps each of us alive and
connected to one another and to all
other living beings. Chi is the life
force in the universe, holistically
connecting everything together as
one whole. Chi circulates in all living things as well as in the sun, planets and solar system. Different cultures have given this life force such
names as ki (Japan), prana (India)
and ruah (Hebrew and Aramaic).
The Bible says: “God formed man of
the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul.” The
Taoists call the life force or breath of
life chi. In many ancient cultures,
strengthening the life force in a
human being was central to forms of
medicinal and healing practices. In
ancient China, the Taoists deeply
explored how chi could enable people to live well in the world. They
created systems of medicine, medical exercise, divination methods and
detailed pathways of meditation.
Taoism is one of the world’s oldest
spiritual traditions, vibrantly alive
today. The word TAO also refers to
the life path along which a person
travels toward enlightenment. Many
people know about Taoism through
its ancient literary works, which
form a practical foundation for all
chi practices. These works also lay
the metaphysical foundation for how
chi flows through life and the universe.
The I Ching, considered the
bible of Taoism, is a map that represents how the energy of the universe
works. The I Ching presents the
Taoist view of the underlying nature
and function of change, especially
relevant in our lives today with the
ever-increasing pace of modern life.
Lao Tse’s Tao Te Ching, the second
most translated book in the world
after the Bible, is the elegant, philosophical book about Taoism written
from the perspective of an old man
reflecting back on the lessons
learned from a long life. The third
seminal book on Taoism, written by
Chuang Tse, is The Book of Chuang
Tse. This down-to-earth book, full of
epigrams and stories, often irreverently pokes fun at beliefs and judgments—spoken and unsaid, spiritual
and secular. You could call him the
enlightened hippie of his time. Both
Lao Tse and Chuang Tse emphasize
softness, the overcoming of challenges in a gentle, patient manner,
like the power of water to smooth
stone over time. These principles,
along with the ideal of creating continuity between one’s spiritual practice and one’s real-world life, are
central not only to Taoist teachings
but also to the pragmatic applications of activating and managing the
flow of chi for health, martial arts
and meditation.
on for millennia. Equally, Westerners
distrusted Asians and tended to discredit information they did not
understand. Lastly, the Chinese language was also a formidable barrier
to overcome, one that few foreigners
breached. Further compounding the
West’s disconnect to the East, during
the Communist Revolution, many
chi practitioners—including doctors
and martial artists—fled the country.
Others went underground and guarded their knowledge for fear of persecution. Luckily, many migrated to
Europe, Canada and the United
States and began to share their
knowledge. Some practices, such as
acupuncture, are slowly becoming
accepted and incorporated as an
adjunct to Western medicine. Yet,
again, as these practices migrated to
the West, the English language was
formidable to some Chinese and, as a
result, some ideas did not always
survive accurate translation.
I learned to fully comprehend
the nature of energy flow by living in
China for over a decade. Learning to
speak Chinese fluently was essential
to my capability to study with many
renowned Taoist martial arts masters, medical healers and priests. I
also worked for ten years as both an
apprentice and a chi gung healer in
Chinese medical clinics. Throughout
this personal odyssey, I was continually tested and given challenges,
including learning to harness the
power of chi to heal myself.
Awakening your chi is a gradual progression that starts with becoming
aware of the chi in your body, and
progresses to understanding how it is
connected to your mind, emotions
and, eventually, if you decide to pursue a spiritual quest, to your spirit.
Instead of being fragmented, all of
your parts—mind, body and spirit—
begin to profoundly connect into one
cohesive, integrated whole through
Many students ask me, “If chi has
been studied for thousands of years
and had so many wonderful benefits,
why don’t more people in the West
know about it?” The answer is threefold. First, the Chinese kept these
practices secret from Westerners and
other foreigners, whom they distrusted and looked down upon. This went
chi practices.
One of the greatest secrets of chi
practices is that, no matter what your
age or health condition when you
start, you can improve and keep
improving. Not only can you slow
down the aging process, but you can
also reverse its effects, because these
techniques develop longevity and
vitality. Once you learn more about
how chi flows and works in such
practices as tai chi, chi gung, TAO
yoga, martial arts and meditation,
you can integrate chi principles into
your current exercise routines—
yoga, walking, sports or performing.
As you activate and channel the chi
inside yourself, you will dramatically increase the quality of your life
and become a pioneer in helping the
rest of the world do the same.
Today, interest in and knowledge
about the science of chi is reaching a
critical mass in the West, a tipping
point. The beginning of a profound
revolution has been ignited that will
transform the way we think and feel
about health, aging and our relationships to each other and to the natural
This is an inner revolution
because it has to take place inside
you. The only way you can develop
the full potential of chi inside yourself is through direct experience and
practice. You cannot just think about
it. Thinking only keeps concepts as
abstract thought forms. You may
know that water exists and can
relieve your thirst, but this is not the
same as quenching your thirst with a
We all have opportunities to
open our spirits, hearts and minds.
We all can begin an inner exploration
to harness the chi flowing inside and
through us. Welcome to the Chi
Continued on Page 62
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1 full year (6 issues) for $200
Stoking The
By Phil Cousineau
JUNE / JULY 2008
Fires of the
The artist must create a spark before he can make a fire
and before art is born the artist must be ready
to be consumed by the fire of his own creation.
—Auguste Rodin
nspiration is a flash of fire
in the human soul. Consider
the marvel: the inrush of
spirit, the flash of an idea,
the flame of insight, the
spark of imagination. It’s the Aha,
Eureka, and Hallelujah moment all
rolled into one. Inspiration is a message-in-a-bottle from the distant
shore, a window into the other
world, a tap of the muse’s finger, the
grace of the gods. It comes when you
least expect it, when your defenses
are down and your vulnerability up.
It arrives in a dream, a conversation,
a brainstorm—and leaves without
Inspiration is John Coltrane
emerging out of a four-day silence
with Love Supreme streaming
through his soul. It’s Pierre Bonnard
running to the easel after seeing his
wife bathed in golden light in their
bathtub. It’s Paul McCartney drifting
off to sleep one night with the words
“everyone lives in a yellow submarine” floating through his head. It’s
the New Yorker cartoon with the
light bulb flashing over the head of
the starry-eyed inventor.
Inspiration can also feel like a
sudden possession. The mass hypnosis that came over Michelangelo and
a group of fellow sculptors in Rome
the day the Greek sculpture Laocoon
was lifted out of the ground is illustrative of this fantastic aspect of
inspiration, because it immediately
compelled the entire group to draw
Sometimes softly, sometimes
violently, sometimes sweetly, inspiration swoops down and compels us
to express ourselves, the devil be
damned. Suddenly, we’re moved to
speak our minds, like the ecstatic
Chinese poet Li Po, who believed he
was divinely inspired to write his
travel poems and drinking songs; or
Jane Austen, who was determined to
write even after being banished to a
tiny desk in the cramped hallways of
the family home; or Rembrandt,
who resorted to painting dozens of
self-portraits when he ran out of
money for models.
If inspired, the creative spirit
takes wing, soars, surprises, blazes
with radiance. “The glow of inspiration warms us,” Ovid wrote two
thousand years ago, “and it is a holy
rapture.” Allen Ginsberg said, “I
write poetry because the English
word inspiration comes from Latin,
spiritus, breath, and I want to
breathe freely.” “Who knows where
it came from?” French philosopher
Maurice Merleau-Ponty admits,
“My own words take me by surprise
and teach me what to think.” Singer
Ani DiFranco sighs, “I have no idea
where it comes from. It isn’t fair.”
Inspiration: it’s fascinating,
enchanting, angrifying, exasperating, and elusive. If you try to pin it
down, it squirms like Proteus, the
Greek god of shapeshifting. It
mocks your attempts to capture it
with ropes of theory, keeping its
secrets by slip-sliding away from
you. If you deny it altogether and try
to will your work into being without
it, the work is recognized as “uninspired”-possibly the worst critique
you can receive, because it insinuates you’re mechanical, soulless. On
the other hand, trying to force yourself to “be inspired” is like trying to
think more clearly by squinting.
What you can do is be ready
when the moment comes to work.
You can be receptive, ready, and
Stephen King’s On Writing is
one of the best no-nonsense guides
to the creative process in years. In it,
he writes: “Let’s get one thing clear
right now, shall we? There is no Idea
Dump, no Story Central, no Island
of the Buried Bestsellers; good ideas
seem to come from literally
nowhere, sailing at you right out of
the empty sky ... Your job isn’t to
find these ideas but to recognize
them when they show up.”
So inspiration may be an unpredictable friend, as inscrutable as an
oracle and fickle as a weathervane.
But if you’re serious about your own
creativity, you have no choice but to
try to make it ... well ... scrutable, to
salvage a wonderful old word. What
you can do is improve the odds that
your spirit will be moved by being
alert to whatever form inspiration
may take.
The recurring theme reflected in
my own various passions—from the
arts, to politics, to the spiritual life,
to architecture, to baseball—is the
ardent belief that the sparks of inspiration are everywhere. If I remain
open to the wild fire they portend
and don’t hide behind the shutters of
cynicism, sooner or later, one will
ignite. In some still-elusive way,
inspiration has to be both everywhere and everywhen, because it
isn’t a luxury for me. It’s not a
hobby; it’s my life. Everything has
to fit, sooner or later, into my insatiable desire to be creative or it feels
like my life is backfiring.
For me, this means that I find
inspiration in the rainbow flight of
wild parrots over our house in San
Francisco, the bells tolling from the
church down the hill, the laughter of
nursery-school kids walking in the
rain, the lived-in face of an old
Filipino newspaper seller, and the
chance 1930s postcard stuck into
one of my father’s books. If I’m
stuck, I look far and wide for the
fires that will kindle my inspiration.
My life revolves around this constant search. If I’m not on fire, I’m
not inspired, and I can’t work. If I
force it, the work always sounds as if
it’s written in someone else’s voice.
When asked what inspires me, I
say, “Whatever sets my soul on fire.”
That means travel, books, art, music,
photographs, nature, or cafe conversation. Often as not, it’s the ordinary
JUNE / JULY 2008
wonders that do it—the sandalmaker, the mail carrier, or a cantoneiro, a sidewalk tile-setter I met
in Lisbon years ago who felt he’d
been given a gift from God in his
ability to lay tile in beautiful,
swirling black-and-white patterns.
As I knelt to watch him work, I saw
a glint in his eye that revealed devotion to his craft and gratitude for the
gift he’d been given. That inner light
has shone on in me till this day.
To immerse myself in the
extraordinary, I seek out the paintings of Bonnard, the symphonies of
Mahler, the sculptures of Henry
Moore, the nature essays of Annie
Dillard, the plays of Eugene
O’Neill, the poetry of Philip Levine,
the songs of Van Morrison, the slick
lines of a ‘64 Mustang, and the lilt in
my son’s voice when he says, “Pop.”
And I can’t live without my daily
dose of creative fire. Without it, I
become neurotic—or grumpy, as my
son tells me. But at least I know I’m
not alone in this fierce desire. Seven
hundred years ago Rumi told his followers: “Make friends with your
burning.” Fifty years ago, jazz great
Miles Davis was so lit up by Charlie
Parker’s he cried out, “I want his
However, caveat lector. Reader,
beware. There are at least two kinds
of inspiration. The first lifts your
spirit, as spirituals and sunsets do. It
makes you feel good, which isn’t
bad. But the second lifts your spirit
and then flings you like a flaming
arrow, full of passion and resolve to
set the world on fire. This is the
duende, the dark song in the gypsy
soul, the black light that enflames
the canvas, the spark that enlarges
the heart. This is the blood surge that
can be detected in the poems of
Federico Lorca, the paintings of
Edvard Munch, and the dances of
Martha Graham. And it’s combustible.
In this sense, inspiration is a
gift from the back of beyond—a
revelation of what separates us
from all other species. We are
moved to create, not out of brute
instinct or biological necessity, but
because we feel something so
deeply we must respond, however
carefully. Tchaikovsky describes
this formidable force, in a letter
dated from Florence, Italy,
February 17 (March 1) 1878:
If that condition of mind and soul
which we call inspiration lasted
long without intermission, no artist
could survive it. The strings would
break and the instrument be shattered into fragments. It is already a
great thing if the main ideas and
general outline of a work come
without any racking of brains, as
the result of that supernatural and
inexplicable force we call inspiration.
This isn’t just shoveling smoke. It
has everything to do with striving to
express something—not off the top
of your head, but from your fiery
depths. Olympic gymnast Mary
Lou Retton put it this way: “Each of
us has a fire in our hearts for something. It’s our goal in life to find it
and keep it lit.” This goes for superb
athletes, great artists, and also for
rice farmers in the Philippines,
brick-layers in Guatemala, teachers
in Buffalo, and nurses in the
Scottish Highlands. They can all
teach you something about how to
stoke the fires even under the harshest circumstances.
I’m trying to tell you something important here. The creative
urge matters. Stories matter.
Images matter. It matters that you
were born with a genius, a guiding
, Ph.D.
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Continued on page 74
he Mayan calendar is
the source of the 2012
end-date, and John
Major Jenkins is one
of its most wellknown independent researchers,
having spent his entire career studying Mayan cosmology and its meaning. Delving into the mythological
and spiritual connotations of the
monuments at Izapa, an ancient
Mayan site, he reveals what the
Maya foresaw for the year 2012. In
the following essay, John begins
with a “Mayan Calendar 101”
primer. After addressing the basic
questions of Mayan philosophy, he
guides the reader into a deeper investigation of the spiritual teachings of
When I think back to how I was
introduced to 2012, I remember one
warm summer afternoon when I was
12. I had a conversation with my
childhood friend, Joe, that foreshadowed my lifework—my deep
involvement as an adult with Mayan
cosmology, eschatology, and enddate 2012.
Joe showed me a book his dad
was reading about the Indians down
in Mexico. They were astronomers
and had a calendar that was going to
end in the year 2011. “December 24,
2011,” Joe said, the origins of the
2012 revelation 35 and that date rang
like a beckoning mystery in my
mind. I chewed on it. What could it
mean? Would time just stop? Would
the world blow up? Curious, I looked
at the book, a big hardcover with a
dark blue dust jacket. I didn’t fully
register the author or the title, but 10
years later I had a deep feeling of
recognition when I found Frank
Waters’s book Mexico Mystique.
Yes, that was it. (Waters’s book used
an erroneous calculation and thus
called the end-date December 24,
2011, but in truth, it is December 21,
A chain of thoughts sprang up
from that day with Joe, and something was triggered in my own cognitive development. The idea of
“philosophy” was planted, the realm
of ideas and complex thought,
ancient cultures, history, and deep
time. And yes, a specific seedthought
was planted, that an Indian calendar
from Mexico was going to end during my lifetime. the ancient mayan
stargazers To get to the root of the
significance of 2012, it is important
to understand the Maya and their calendar. The ancient Mayan day-keepers visited their mountain shrines
and tracked the sacred sequence of
days. But they were more than just
counters. They were also stargazers,
cosmologists, philosophers, and
shamans. As shamans, they interacted with multiple dimensions to
divine hidden secrets, access healing
powers, and see beyond the veil of
mundane appearances. Our appreciation of ancient Mayan genius must
take into account this mystical
domain of human endeavor, which
today is often misunderstood and
dismissed as primitive or superstitious. As with other New World
societies, the Maya engaged in
visionary shamanism as a precondition for the formulation of profound
cosmologies and metaphysical
teachings. Among the Quiché Maya,
the visionary shamans were called
the nik wak’inel—those who gaze
into the cosmic center. According to
them, the center of time and space
would be revealed when their big
calendar cycle came to an end—
December 21, 2012.
How can we understand the deep
and complicated legacy of the
ancient Mayan stargazers? The
approach I advocate for understanding 2012 and the Mayan calendar is
self-evident but rarely practiced:
let’s base our understanding on the
authentic Mayan documents that
relate to the 2012 calendar and the
World Age doctrine that is so intimately related to 2012. These docu-
ments are the Mayan Creation Myth
(the Popol Vuh), the ball game mystery play that is central to the
Creation Myth, and the carved monuments from the main ceremonial
site of the early Mayan culture that
invented the 2012 calendar—a site
called Izapa.
By examining these core traditions, we can reconstruct and revive
the original 2012 revelation. All religious traditions begin with a pure
download, or revelation, from the
transcendent source of all wisdom.
Unfortunately, the original revelation always gets distorted and diluted
during the ensuing centuries.
Movements splinter, factions compete, corruption seeps in, and spiritual insights born of direct mystical
experience get codified into religious
dogmas designed to control access to
spiritual truth. Worldly power plays
co-opt and obscure the inner essence
of the revelation. It would not be
surprising if the original spiritual
teachings of Izapa were likewise distorted as the Classic Period Mayan
civilization grew to prominence. In
fact, the increasing practice of warfare and human sacrifice at the end
of the Classic Period (circa AD 900)
is an indication of this decadent
For this reason, it is extremely
important that Izapa’s carved monuments are preserved and are oriented
to horizon astronomy in meaningful
ways, so that we can decode what
the creators of the 2012 calendar
intended 2012 to mean. These monuments were built between 400 BC
and AD 100. In studying them,
instead of a quaint provincial belief
system, we actually find a little doorway into the vast and profound
perennial truths espoused by all of
the great world religions at their
deepest esoteric core. We find not
only a profound astronomy-based
cosmology, but also a prophecy the
origins of the 2012 revelation 37 and
a spiritual teaching appropriate for
Continued on page 41
JUNE / JULY 2008
The Origins
of the
By John Major Jenkins
events workshops
festivals classes
Top Photo
8/29-8/31: Donna the Buffalo perform
at the 11th Annual Rhythm & Roots Festival,
Charlestown, RI. Info and Tickets: 1-888855-6940, rhythmandroots.com.
6/7: Reiki Certification. Wilton, NH.
Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience.
Reiki Energy Medicine co-author.
Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC
accepted. CEU’s. Call 1-888-REIKI-4-U or
(603) 654-2787 Reiki II: 6/8.
6/11-6/22: Ohki Siminé Forest brings powerful ancient native teachings designed to
offer clear guidance on the Rainbow
Spiritual Warrior ways. These powerful
Earth practices firmly ground and root you
within your true self and authentic path. Free
Event at UU Church in Arlington on June 13.
Contact Mary Jo (978) 633-7388 or
6/13: Breathwork Workshop with Tara
Nieves at Open Doors Power Yoga Studios,
65 Washington St., Weymouth Landing, 781335-3090, 7:00-9:30PM Cost: $50, If prereg/pre-pay by June 8: $35. Are you breathing a full, open healthy breath? Are you giv38
JUNE / JULY 2008
ing yourself the oxygen that you need to be
energized, healthy, and joyfully alive? Join
Tara Nieves, Certified Breathwork practioner, to learn the tool of conscious breathing
that will help expand your breath capacity;
raise your energy level; and bring more
health and well-being into your life. Live a
more peaceful and joyous life simply by
breathing more fully! www.breathawakening.com.
6/14: Reiki Certification. Boston area.
Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience.
Reiki Energy Medicine co-author. Notebook,
pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted.
CEU’s available. Call 1-888-REIKI-4-U
or (603) 654-2787 Reiki II: 6/15.
6/14: Beginners Power Yoga Workshop
with Richard Lanza & Shawn Cornelison
at Open Doors Power Yoga Studios, 65
Landing,1:00-4:00 pm, (781) 335-3090. $60.
If preregister / prepay by June 9, $45. Learn
the basics of power yoga. Included in the
workshop are demonstration and practice of:
correct breathing, alignment & modifications of each posture.
6/14: The Seance with Diana DiMartino,
Linda Marie, Lois Cato-King, Linda Gibson,
Elizabeth Russell, 6:30pm at Open Doors,
395 Washington Street, Braintree, (781) 8438224. Hands joined. Energies linked. Secrets
revealed. The Séance. Spirits revisited. Be a
witness in the outer circle. Who knows
whom you might hear from? Audience tickets are now on sale at the front desk. A
séance is more than just communicating with
the dead; a séance is an opportunity to
receive spiritual messages from those that
have crossed over. Hands join. Souls connect. Energies link. Spirit arrives. Secrets
and answers are revealed. At the séance,
spirits are revisited.
6/15: Flower Essence Apprenticeship with
Sister Wolf/Kendra; 3rd Sunday beginning
June 15th and ending November 16th; 11am4pm; $315; prepay by June 8th $300. Call
Earth Star Calendar
laugh. Expect to be intrigued. Expect to have
fun. Expect to be there!
6/22: Learn to See Auras with Lourdes
Gray, Ph.D., CCHT, Jaffrey, NH. Auras
contain information about physical, mental
and emotional states. We will show you what
to look for, and how to develop your inner
vision to see auras around people, animals
and plants anytime you wish. The process is
surprisingly easy! $125 tuition includes
practice CD, manual and your Kirlian photograph.
6/14: Pianist Ramsey Lewis features at An Evening with Legends of
Jazz, at the Hanover Theatre for the
Performing Arts, Worcester, MA,
Saturday, June 14. For info and
Tickets call: 1-877-571-7469.
Open Doors at (781) 843-8224 to register.
Expand your holistic practice or learn to use
flower essences personally. Learn how
essences are used for many different imbalances and how they are made. Work with
many different kinds of essences and gem
elixirs. Work energetically with Devas of the
plants and stones to promote balance in people and animals. You will leave with a set of
essences. Learn to use sound, pyramids and
intention with the essences while making an
essence. This class will be held in Wareham
weather permitting it will be held in my garden when appropriate. You are required to
purchase bottles. This is a six month all day
apprenticeship program.
6/21: Past Life Regressions with John
Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray, Ph.D.,
Jaffrey, NH. The same popular seminar John
gave for years at the Maine Healing Arts
Festival and Interface. Two regressions are
provided. Your subconscious selects the dates
and places and protects you from bringing back
any uncomfortable emotions. $75.Visa/MC.
(603) 899-3288 www.learnreiki.org.
6/21: Lecture on the Paranormal with Jeff
Belanger; June 21, 2008 1-3PM Lecture
$15; 3-5PM Book Signing Free;Open Doors,
395 Washington St., Braintree, (781) 8438224. Esteemed Author and Investigator Jeff
Belanger will regale of tales from the other
side that he has collected over the years
through his research. The author with stories
quintessential to the paranormal. Expect to
7/13: Crystal Healing Level II with Emma
Phanuef (3 Weeks), Sundays, July 13, 20,
27, 5:30pm-8:00pm, $150. This comprehensive workshop takes students to the next
level of crystal healing and incorporates a
more diverse knowledge of this potent healing modality. You will be introduced to a
new array of crystals including wands and
laser wands and their role in healing/energy
work. Emma shows students how to set up a
proper healing space and how to make a
crystal layout which will attend to the needs
of the healer and the client. Elixirs will be
revisited as students realize their importance
in the crystal healer's toolbox. Upon completion, you will receive a personalized formal
certificate from Emma. Please bring your
notebook and your healing crystals with you.
fies you immediately to work on yourself,
others and pets. 13.5 CEUs Visa/MC.
(603) 899-3288 www.learnreiki.org.
8/9-8/10: Reiki I Certification with John
Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray, Ph.D.,
Belmont, MA. Awaken your healing skills
studying with the longest-practicing Reiki
Master in the West. Two days of learning,
hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself,
others and pets. 13.5 CEUs Visa/MC.
(603) 899-3288 www.learnreiki.org.
9/20: Psychic Development, Past Lives,
& Angel Workshop with Ross Miller,
psychic medium, regression therapist,
healer. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your
guardian angels and spirit guides by name
and receive their guidance and healing;
discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives; give psychic
readings to others in class and more.
Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm, Newton, MA.
To register for the workshop or to schedule
a psychic or past-life reading or healing in
person or over the phone with Ross Miller.
7/19: An Evening of Ghost Stories with
Paul Oleskiewicz, July 19, 2008 7:00pm9:00pm; $10. Paul Oleskiewicz, founder of
Central Berkshire Ghost Hunters and member of the Berkshire Paranormal Group will
share his story of how he was a major inspiration in the writing of Berkshire Ghosts
Legends and Lore written by E. Ashley
Rooney. He will also share stories about the
haunted hills of Berkshire County
Massachusetts and his knowledge of paranormal research and his thoughts on using
protection stones on investigations
8/2-8/3: Reiki I Certification with John
Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray, Ph.D.,
Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills
studying with the longest-practicing Reiki
Master in the West. Two days of learning,
hands-on practice and no cut corners certi-
6/5-6/8: The Radiators perform
at the Blast from the Bayou Cajun
Zydeco Festival, at Strawberry
Park, Preston, CT. For information
and Tickets call: 1-888-794-7944.
Earth Star Calendar
Food As Medicine Workshop, 1/08-3/08,
Sharon A. Kane, Instructor. Live
Superfoods can repair the intestinal damage
associated with celiac, gluten intolerance,
candida, IBS, leaky gut and food allergies.
This 8-session course teaches simple techniques to create low cost live food at home.
Kombucha, kefir, gluten free bread, lactofermented pickles. For complete info call
Sharon A. Kane, (508) 881-5678 or email
Psychosynthesis & Beyond. Tools for the
Journey with Ramsay Raymond, MA, MHC
& Marsha Showstead, MEd, LCSW. Build
a strong inner foundation for life’s journey
and for realizing your higher potential
through Psychosynthesis, a holistic spiritual
psychology. Course February 14-March 20.
Center at Westwoods (781) 329-0711,
Reiki Certification, Boston and Wilton, NH.
Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience.
Reiki Energy Medicine co-author. Notebook,
pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC
accepted. CEU's. Call 1-888-REIKI-4-U
or (603) 654-2787.
Exquisite Energysm for Women. Center,
ground, and open to the flow. A nourishing,
feel-good event. Cerridwen guides easy
movements from qigong and hands-on healing. Second Thursdays 7:30pm-9:30pm,
Aquarius Sanctuary, Littleton, MA
(978) 486-0248. $20. Call ahead.
Shamanic Drumming Circle, founded
1993. Usually Second and Fourth Fridays of
every month, 7:00pm. Quaker meetinghouse, Cambridge. Open to all, but please call
first for full details and directions. Terrence
(978)-952-2704 or Emily (781)-641-3980.
Exquisite Energysm for Healers. Relax and
get a dose of the good stuff for yourself. Easy
movements from qigong and hands-on healing with Cerridwen. Third Saturdays 7:00pm10:00pm. Aquarius Sanctuary, Littleton, MA.
(978) 486-0248. $20. Call ahead.
Buddhist Meditation Group with Peg
Travers, Ordained Priest, Buddha Heart USA,
Sunday evenings, Haverhill, MA, 5:00pm6:00pm. Learn and practice the ancient arts of
meditation, chanting, QiGong, Buddhist Yoga
& Reiki. Call the Center for Spiritual
Development, Haverhill MA, (978)-372-5173
or online @www.uuhaverhill.org/happenings.
Multidimensional Healing and Healing Art
offered at the Natick Community Organic
Farm, by Joyce Cerutti. SMH may be thought
of as an expansion of the energies we know as
Reiki. No prior attunements necessary. Healing
Art classes offered for both individuals and
families, combining energy healing and art
healing for greater benefit. Call for dates,
times, and further information. Intuitive healing paintings also available. (508)-380-8273.
Workshops for Pain Management and
Improved Wellness. Offerings for
Bodyworkers, athletes, Personal Trainers,
Coaches and general pain-sufferers. Check
website: web.maynard.ma.us/biz/bmassage,
or call Barry Bailey at (978)-897-0110 for
information and brochure of current offerings.
Empowerment Workshops, go to
www.thelabyrinthladies.com for our latest
programs and walks or call (401)-847-6551
for more information. Facilitator Trainings,
site consultations, workshops for schools,
hospitals and businesses.
Drumming Circle with Kristine Malpica
(of Imagine Studios) on third Friday of each
month. 7:00pm-8:30pm. Center for Spiritual
Development, 15 Kenoza Ave, Haverhill, MA.
Christ Church Unity - Experience the healing power of music, prayer and meditation,
every Wednesday at 7:00pm. Daily Word
Discusion Sundays at 10:00am. Sunday
Service, 11:00am. Corner of Colchester &
Chapel Streets, Brookline, MA 02466. Call
(617) 232-4548 for more information or
visit: www.unityboston.org.
Free Energy Healing in Arlington. Johrei
healing is available each Wednesday
evening from 7:00pm-9:00pm at 81
Cleveland St. in Arlington, MA. Johrei purifies the spirit through the channeling of
divine light, restores inner spiritual balance
and eases physical, mental, & emotional distress. There is no charge for Johrei. Please
call (781) 646-0614 for directions or information on other area locations.
The Constellation Approach – Strengthen
the relationship with your partner, current
family, parents and siblings and ultimately
your ancestral lineage by connecting with
the Family Soul. Saturday workshops, ongoing Learning Programs and private sessions offered in the Family Constellation
Method of Bert Hellinger. Jamy & Peter
Faust, facilitators, (617) 484-HEAL (4325).
Stress Management, Imagery, and a range
of Reiki programs, with CEUs for nurses,
led by holistic nurse educators. Centered in
Amesbury, MA with other locations in
Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.
Visit www.LymanCenter.com or call:
8/29-8/31: Marcia Ball is appearing at the 11th Annual Rhythm & Roots
Festival, August 29-31, at Ninigret
Park, Charlestown, RI. Info and
Tickets call: 1-888-855-6940.
JUNE / JULY 2008
6/8: A Rare Boston Appearance:
Djavan! in Concert, Sunday, June
8, 8:00pm, at the Orpheum Theater, 1
Hamilton Place, Boston. For Tickets
and information call: (617) 931-2000.
The Deadline for listings in the
August / September issue
is July 22nd
2012,.. Continued from page 37
all citizens of cycle endings. And the
years leading up to 2012 signal a big
cycle ending. your guide The keystone of the Mesoamerican calendar
system is the 260-day tzolkin (pronounced zol-keen, derived from the
Quiché Maya term chol-qih, or count
of days). The tzolkin consists of 13
numbers and 20 day-signs. Each
day-sign has an oracular meaning,
with many layers of linguistic puns
and metaphysical references that
provide a rich database for Mayan
calendar priests to weave their interpretations.
The tzolkin is a key that operates
in many different domains of the universe. First and foremost, Mayan
day-keepers (priests who count the
sacred day-signs) offer a simple
explanation for the tzolkin’s magical
properties. They say that the 260
days are based upon the nine-month
period of human gestation. Mayan
midwives, in fact, use the tzolkin
cycle to estimate the birthdate of a
child by adding 260 days to the day
when a woman realizes she has
missed her period. This reveals the
tzolkin operating in the domain of
human biology, human physical
unfolding. It also suggests why significant life events often occur
around one’s tzolkin birthday: the
primordial 260-day rhythm of
embryogenesis continues as a resonant pattern throughout all of life’s
important junctures.
Second, the interval between the
planting and harvesting of corn in
highland Guatemala is 260 days. In
the Mayan Creation Myth, human
beings were made from corn dough,
so this is a reflection of human gestation on an agricultural level. Third,
the tzolkin is the critical key to the
Mayan almanacs that predict
eclipses and the movements of the
sun, moon, and planets. The daysigns and numbers of the tzolkin pro-
vide a calendrical framework with
which to track celestial movements.
For example, the Sacred Day of
Venus, which inaugurates the 104year Venus Round, always occurs on
the tzolkin day 1 Ahau.
With these three examples, it is easy
to see how the tzolkin is a key to
human cycles, earth cycles, and
celestial cycles. The tzolkin unites
the processes of heaven and earth
and is the key to a mystical philosophy of “as above, so below” and “the
microcosm reflects the macrocosm.”
The Maya formulated a grand comprehensive vision of universal
processes united by a common
numerical thread woven throughout
the tapestry of multiple dimensions.
The Maya also developed a timekeeping system called the “Long
Count.” This is the calendar that targets 2012 as the end of a vast cycle
of time, a key concept in the Mayan
doctrine of world ages. The Long
Count utilizes five place values:
1 day = 1 kin (day)
20 days = 1 uinal (vague month)
360 days = 1 tun (vague year)
7,200 days = 1 katun (19.7 years)
144,000 days = 1 baktun (394.26
Thirteen baktuns equal 1,872,000
days, which is one World Age cycle
(5,125.36 years). Notice that to reach
the World Age cycle, the baktun
period is multiplied by 13 rather than
20. We know that the 13-baktun period ends on December 21, 2012,
because scholars have deciphered
how the Mayan calendar correlates
with our Gregorian calendar.
Modern scholars use a simple
Long Count notation. For example, means that 9 baktuns, 16
katuns, 4 tuns, 4 uinals, and 1 day
have elapsed since the zero day of
the Long Count, which the correct
correlation fixes at August 11, 3114
BC. The “zero” date is written, and the “end-date” of the
13-baktun cycle is thus written The use of the term “enddate” gives rise to the mistaken
notion that the Mayan calendar ends
in 2012. Mayan time is cyclic, and it
should go without saying that time
continues into the next cycle. We use
similar conventions in our language
when we speak of “the end of the
day,” but we don’t expect time to
stop at midnight.
How do we know December 21,
2012, is the correct end-date? Why
not AD 2230 or AD 1740? This issue
involves the correlation of the
Mayan calendar with our own, an
important question that was of great
concern to early Mayan scholars.
After decades of research, the correlation question was finally settled in
1950. An unexpected result of settling the correlation was that the thirteenth baktun would end on
December 21, 2012, on the tzolkin
JUNE / JULY 2008
day 4 Ahau. This date in the tzolkin
confirmed the surviving tzolkin daycount in highland Guatemala and
validates the carvings called “creation monuments,” which always
correlate with 4 Ahau. A
fundamental fact that needs to be
appreciated, so that we may all act in
unity, is what I call “the equation of
Mayan time”: = December 21, 2012 =
4 Ahau
This “equation” shows how the
tzolkin, the Long Count, and the
Gregorian calendar are connected.
Although Mayan time-philosophy is
a deep study that can get complex,
for the purpose of understanding
2012 we only need to know that
December 21, 2012, is the end of the
13-baktun cycle in the Long Count
calendar, which in Mayan philosophy equals one World Age. Despite
repeated by critics, the 2012 enddate is firmly established and is a
true and accurate artifact of the
Mayan philosophy of time.
Mayan Metaphysics And
Spiritual Cosmology
Having completed the “Mayan
Calendar 101” primer, we can now
explore more interesting territory.
This is where we open our minds to
the profound metaphysical truths
that hide within the Mayan calendar.
Philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics, cosmology, religious rituals,
perennial wisdom, and time-tested
teachings about transformation all
lie within the domain of the Mayan
calendar. What emerges from studying Mayan time-philosophy is nothing less than a grand galactic cosmovision unparalleled in world traditions. Yet the Mayan tradition, at its
core, advocates and elucidates the
universal and perennial wisdom
teachings at the heart of all the
world’s great spiritual traditions.
My own journey with the Mayan
calendar has been like a deepening
initiatory path. When my journey
began, I had a dream that I was an
old man speaking to youngsters.
When they asked who I was, I
chuckled and replied, “I am, and will
always be, a student of Mayan time.”
This is an ever-deepening path. The
breakthrough occurs when we see
that Mayan spiritual teachings are
not the the origins of the 2012 revelation 41 arbitrary beliefs of an
obscure people, but teachings that
tap into the great perennial truths
that all spiritual traditions share. But
there’s something more about the
Mayan tradition—it exemplifies a
great scientific and spiritual achievement in the Americas.
As we explore Mayan time-philosophy, our guiding light will be the
expectation that profound perennial
wisdom is waiting to be recovered.
The Mayan calendar embodies a
comprehensive cosmovision, a grand
unified theory of time, space, spirit,
matter, and consciousness. The
Maya were much closer to the perennial metaphysics known to students
of esoteric teachings and oriental
mysticism, a kind of high-minded
New World shamanism firmly rooted
in good math and astronomy.
Calendar, myth, astronomy, and spiritual awakening: all these themes
were woven together in the Mayan
Cosmic Centers And
Galactic Alignments
The Mesoamericans were very interested in orienting themselves correctly to the larger universe, and this
was expressed in their architecture
and city building plans. It was also
the centerpiece of their cosmology
and religion. They were, after all, the
nik wak’inel—those who gaze into
the center. But where is the center?
The ancient Olmec civilization that
preceded the Maya believed the center was the polestar, around which all
the other stars appear to rotate. Other
traditions, such as the New Fire ceremony, utilized the zenith (the exact
center of the sky overhead). Along
with the polar center and the zenith
center, the Maya acknowledged a
third cosmic center hidden within the
2012 end-date and the World Age
doctrine preserved in the Mayan
Creation Myth.
The Milky Way crosses over the
ecliptic (the zodiacal path followed
by the sun, moon, and planets) in
two places—one in Sagittarius and
one in Gemini (see Figure 6). In
Mayan symbolism, crosses denote
the idea of “cosmic center.” What is
interesting about these established
Mayan concepts is that the cross in
Sagittarius targets the center of our
Milky Way galaxy (the galactic
Identifying the center of the world
was clearly an essential concern for
the Maya. But there were unavoidably three answers, or levels, to this
question. No Mayan scholars and
few others have been willing to
accept this slight complication, but
the payoff is that we gain an accurate
understanding of Mayan spiritual
philosophy. Since the early 1990s,
I’ve explored the various traditions
around the three cosmic centers. The
astronomy aside, the Maya also saw
them as coequal principles associated with three deities: Seven Macaw
(Big Dipper, the polar center);
Quetzalcoatl (the Pleiades, the zenith
(December solstice sun, the galactic
But how is the December solstice sun associated with the galactic
center, not to mention 2012? On this
third level, the galactic center
emerges as the senior cosmic center,
the one that embraces the highest
possible considerations and the most
comprehensive perspective. In the
same way that the heliocentric model
introduced by Copernicus in the six-
teenth century was a superior way of
modeling the cosmos, the Maya
achieved a cosmological understanding that superceded earlier and less
true perspectives. So, how is the
December solstice sun deity (One
Hunahpu) associated with the galactic center? Here is the key to 2012: in
the years around 2012, the
December solstice sun will align
with the center of the cross that targets the galactic center.
This era-2012 alignment is
caused by the phenomenon known as
the precession of the equinoxes. The
Earth wobbles very slowly on its axis
and changes our orientation to the
larger field of stars, including the
Milky Way. For the ancient sky
watchers, the most noticeable effect
of this phenomenon was that the
position of the sun on the equinox
shifted in relation to background
stars and constellations (as well as
the Milky Way). The phenomenon
also equally affects the solstices, so
the position of the December solstice
sun has been shifting slowly, appearing to converge with the Milky
Way’s center over many thousands
of years. In fact, the December solstice sun aligns with the Mayan cross
and the galactic center only once
every 26,000 years—the full cycle of
precession. This is an apparent alignment that was meaningful to the
ancient stargazers.
My research into the empirical
basis of this event reveals that an era
of alignment must be considered—
an alignment zone for era-2012 that
stretches from 1980 to 2016. When
they formulated the Long Count calendar,
astronomers calculated forward to
the alignment and fixed the end of
the 13-baktun cycle to it.
This is the hidden astronomical
basis of the 2012 end-date. Other
Mayan traditions utilize the alignment image as a primary motif. For
example, I discovered that the sacred
ball game and the Mayan Creation
Myth encode the 2012 alignment,
the “galactic alignment.” Similarly, I
discovered that Izapa was where the
2012 44 john major jenkins calendar
originated and is a rich source of
carvings, prophecy, and spiritual
teachings that relate directly to 2012.
No one else had taken this approach,
and my findings promised to turbocharge Mayan studies.
My investigations and discoveries took place at a rare juncture in
my life. By 1994, I’d lived and
worked in Mayan villages in the
highlands of Guatemala, had visited
many of the temple sites throughout
Mesoamerica, and was engaged in an
ongoing effort to push back the
fringes of what was known about
ancient Mayan cosmology. With the
galactic alignment, I felt I had found
the key to understanding 2012. I
made a conscious decision to dedicate myself to studying and analyzing the implications of what I was
uncovering. Living in a renovated
garage outside of Boulder, Colorado,
I worked part-time to pay my bills
and wrote dozens of essays, each one
blazing a new trail in explaining how
the galactic alignment was encoded
into Mayan traditions. The nearby
university library was my research
In 1998, when I completed my
book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, I
was confident that my findings were
supported by the evidence—that I
had put a key concept on the table
that made sense of so many disconnected threads in how official scholars interpreted Mayan traditions. The
very fact that the 13-baktun end-date
fell on a solstice date highlighted
some kind of intention behind it, but
scholars dismissed this as coincidence. I was bemused and baffled at
how any progress could take place in
academic circles when that kind of
attitude runs the show. Yet, I was following the trails laid out by the
scholars themselves. Michael Coe,
for example, had said that “the priorContinued on page 46
The Movie Mystic
Bod y & Soul:
Soul Diana & Kathy
et ready to fall madly in
love with two of the
most remarkable women
ever to be immortalized
on film.
Kathy Conour has cerebral palsy and
her caregiver for the last thirty-seven
years has been and remains Diana
Braun, who has Down syndrome.
No, this is NOT a sad story. It is
actually much more like a female
version of Neil Simon’s hilarious
Odd Couple, with Kathy as Felix and
Diana’s wonderful sense of
humor ruling the day as Oscar.
Not to be outdone, Kathy has
a sign on her wheelchair that
says: “Pat me on the head and
I’ll bite your hand!” The one
emotion you will not experience with these women is
self-pity. Neither Diana nor
Kathy have any room for anything but optimism in their
busy and full lives as activists
in the world of human rights
for the disabled.
Diana was sent to a state home
when she was twelve years old and
then to a developmental center when
she was nineteen. One of the most
poignant motifs throughout the film
is Diana’s ongoing attempts to
reconnect with her mother who
couldn’t cope with the lifestyle of
caring for a daughter with Down
syndrome. Through those experiences, Diana developed an intense
distaste for the idea of housing people with disabilities such as hers in
state-run institutions. When she and
Kathy connected with each other,
Diana became Kathy’s caregiver and
they became life-long friends and
unpaid lobbyists for their cause.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Traveling their own state of
Illinois and even the halls of
Congress in Washington, D.C, they
regularly lobby their own United
States senators and other representatives for more independence for the
disabled. Diana served on the Illinois
Disabilities and works tirelessly to
call attention to the fierce independence that these two women depend
on to keep their spirits alive and
teeming with hope.
With that as background, the
emotion that I kept feeling throughout the film was a deep and profound
respect for and admiration for the
spirits of these two women.
Just traveling is a major challenge for them, requiring a van that
has been adapted for Kathy’s wheelchair. Are they fazed by it? Do they
get discouraged when even Medicare
challenges their activities outside the
home? Heck, no!!
Most particularly, they live in a
no-whine zone that is inspiring
beyond words. NEVER do we hear
anything from either Kathy or Diana
that bemoans their fate. They
absolutely accept the hand that
nature has dealt to them and they live
By Stephen Simon
their lives in gratitude for each other
and for what they DO have, with no
discussion about what they DON’T
It is so striking to watch Diana
go through the several hours every
day that she needs to spend caring
for Kathy and do so with such humor
and grace. When she recognizes that
she has trouble balancing the household checkbook, she simply asks for
help. No self-pity. No “oh-poor-me”.
She simply calls a friend, says she
needs help and offers a home-cooked
meal in exchange for some checkbook guidance.
Body And Soul is included in the
collection of films that we
are sending to our Spiritual
Cinema Community in May.
Watching Kathy and Diana
live their lives often seems
like an I-Ching guide to gratitude and appreciation for
the gifts most of us receive
simply by being in good
health. When film can actually encourage and stimulate
transformation, the art form
transcends itself. After having seen Body And Soul, I
personally feel different. Even using
the word “disabled” seems more
than a little incongruous when it
apples to Diana and Kathy. They
seem much more at peace in their
own hearts than many able-bodied
people, including, I am embarrassed
to admit, myself. After watching this
film, I resolved to be much more
conscious of how fortunate I am and
much less conscious of the things
that I allow to bother me, most of
which seem so petty in comparison
to the challenges that Kathy and
Diana face every day. I fell completely in love with these two women
and I believe that you will, too.
The Movie Mystic
Oh, God: Say It with Laughter
any years ago (1976), my
first job in the film industry
was as the assistant to a
legendary film producer named Ray
Stark. Ray produced such classics as
Funny Girl, The Way We Were, and The
Goodbye Girl. Even though I went out
on my own in 1980 to produce
Somewhere In Time, Ray and I stayed
in touch and, from time to time, he
would invite me to his home to watch
films with him in his projection room.
One night, in 1984, he invited me over
to see a new film called Splash. Ray
was particularly interested in Splash
because, for years, he had been developing a remake to a dramatic film from
the 1940’s entitled Mr. Peabody And
The Mermaid, in which a man found a
mermaid, put her in a pond near him,
and fell in love with her. When we had
finished watching Splash, Ray turned
to me and said. “Well, that’s the end of
developing Peabody. There are some
issues that audiences just respond better to when they’re presented in comedies than when drama is involved. An
audience will give you a lot more leeway in a comedy with their willingness to suspend disbelief than they will
in a drama.”
My dear friend Bruce Joel Rubin, the
genius writer of Ghost, told me that
the whole notion of the Whoopi
Goldberg character in the film being
comedic was a major key to making
the overall film work as it did.
Audiences love to laugh and it just
makes the story more easily digestible
when laughter is present.
tain subject matter that could otherwise be very daunting if presented in
drama; moreover, these films allow us
to look at ourselves in very human, but
humorous ways. Groundhog Day presents a brilliant metaphor for how we
evolve from lifetime to lifetime.
Defending Your Life looks at how we
examine our lives after we transition
and become aware of the issues that
we chose to deal with in life. Heaven
Can Wait shows us how destiny and
love can combine to completely alter
who we are and how we see ourselves.
(All of those films are available on
DVD and I highly recommend them.)
Another perfect case in point to look at
in more depth is the wonderful 1977
film Oh, God, in which God appears in
the form of George Burns to deliver
some important messages to the world
via a meek grocery clerk played with
innocent sweetness by John Denver.
By actually believing that he is indeed
talking to God,
Denver loses his job, and also becomes
an object of derision until God actually makes a dramatic courtroom
appearance on Denver’s behalf. In a
drama, I don’t believe that audiences
would have been receptive to such a
premise but, in this charming, witty,
and gentle film, some beautiful and
empowering messages about our
humanity were slipped in between the
laughter and the fun of the plot:
“Even non-believers want what you
have here to work. I set the world up so
it can work.”
Wise men. Wise words.
Some of the great films in Spiritual
Cinema are comedies because they
indeed give us that chance as an audience to look more comfortably at cerwww.earthstarmag.com
“Religion is easy. I’m talking about
“Men and women’s existence means
what you think it means. Nothing
By Stephen Simon
more, nothing less.”
“I’m God only for the big picture. I
don’t get into details. I gave you a
world and everything in it. It’s all up to
“You have free will. All the choices are
“Young people can’t fall from my
grace. They’re my best things.”
“You want a miracle? You make a fish
from scratch. You can’t. And when the
last one’s gone, eighty-six on the fishes, good-bye sky, so long world. It’s
“Sure, I make mistakes. Tobacco.
Avocadoes, made the pit too big. But,
hey, you try.”
In the courtroom scene at the end of
the film, Burns delivers one of the
most poignant lines of the film: “If you
find it hard to believe in me, know that
I believe in you.”
Laughter and tears of joy and recognition. Now THAT’S Spiritual Cinema.
Stephen Simon co-founded www.
Spiritualcinemacircle.com and produced
such films as Somewhere In Time and What
Dreams May Come. He also directed and
produced both Conversations With God
and Indigo and is the author of The Force
Is With You: Mystical Movies Messages
That Inspire Our Lives.
2012...Continued from page 43
Mayan Calendar
ity of Izapa in the very important
adoption of the Long Count is quite
clear cut.”
The Izapan monuments confirmed that I was on the right track
and was asking the right questions.
The three main monument groups at
Izapa refer to the three cosmic centers and their associated avatars. A
tripartite sacred science was pioneered here. The Izapan the origins
of the 2012 revelation 45 ball court is
the monument group that refers to
the galactic alignment and the galactic center—One Hunahpu’s resurrection. The ball court also contains the
carved monuments that explicate the
2012 prophecy and the spiritual
teachings that apply to cycle endings.
The end-date alignment can be
thought of as an eclipse, and it shares
with eclipses the basic alchemical
meaning of “the transcendence of
opposites.” In Mayan metaphysics,
this union has a more profound
meaning that goes beyond the union
of male and female and other pairs of
opposites. Instead, it involves the
nondual relationship between infini46
JUNE / JULY 2008
ty and finitude, eternity and time—a
union of lower and higher. Our higher and lower natures are reunited in
eclipses, in the Quetzalcoatl myth of
the sun joined with Venus, and in the
2012 eclipse of the galactic center by
the solstice sun. Our higher nature
does not destroy our lower nature,
but embraces it. Likewise, time is
restored to its relationship with time-
lessness when human consciousness
reclaims the timeless, eternal perspective. The manifest world of
appearances is restored to limitless
possibilities when human consciousness reestablishes its connection to
This is the heart of the promise
of world renewal in 2012, and it can
only take place within the heart of
humanity. The indispensable secret
ingredient in making these possibilities manifest is sacrifice, or surrender. We must surrender our ego-driven fixation to states of limitation,
surrender the illusory ties that
occlude our direct perception of eternity and infinity. We do not evolve
toward these states because they
reside at the root of our beings;
instead, we unveil them by letting go
of the limitations that obscure the
reality of their immanent presence.
These principles of Mayan sacred
science are really perennial truths.
They are found again and again on
the carved monuments of Izapa. It is
time we take a closer look at this
amazing and underappreciated site, a
place I characterize as the New
World Eleusis, which harbors unrecognized Rosetta stones and forgotten
initiatory visions.
Continued on page 67
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By Rosemary Gaddum Gordon
D.B.O., M.A.
Moonlight is Not Just for Lovers
ast full moon I was with a colleague and,
as we looked up to admire the sky, she said
a man once told her it was good for one’s
vision to walk in the moonlight. Since
she’s pretty I wondered if this was a comeon, but she told me he came from a desert culture and
everyone was encouraged to walk at night.
The exchange reminded me of how many people say
they have trouble seeing at night. The human eye certainly sees better during the day, but we also have the
ability to see much
better at night than
we often do. There
are ways to get the
most out of what we
Our eyes only take
seconds to adjust to
light, but it takes five
minutes for them to
dark–adapted and a
full thirty minutes for
them to become fully
Perhaps you remember being a kid playing outside on long summer evenings
as the light gradually faded. You saw fine unless you ran
inside to get something. When you came back out, didn’t it seem as if it was suddenly darker? We need to give
our eyes time to adapt. This means that when driving or
walking we want to avoid looking into headlights, flashlights or even the full moon because our eyes will lightadapt and we’ll have to wait another five minutes to
regain some of our night vision.
Another way we can help ourselves see better at night is
by attending to our peripheral vision. The peripheral
retina is very sensitive to low light. That is why we see
the faintest stars in the night sky best when we “look” to
one side of them, rather than directly at them. This part
JUNE / JULY 2008
of the retina is also very sensitive to movement. We
often ignore what we are seeing off to the sides, but our
eyes are still registering what is there. It is the mind that
disregards this information. We know we can change our
minds, so we can train ourselves to notice the larger field
and regain our ability to see out of the corners of our
eyes. At first, as we direct our attention to seeing in this
way, the objects are not very recognizable, but as we
practice and develop this awareness, it becomes easier to
identify what we’re seeing.
During World War II,
fighter pilots were stationed in Scotland.
They noticed that they
could see much better
during their night flights
after having bilberry
jam, a local specialty, on
their bread at tea-time.
After the war this story
spread and some scientists in France did much
research on this little
berry that grows in
Northern Europe. They
found that it contains
which increase the eyes’ ability to adapt to the dark.
Bilberry’s effects are most noticeable for the first four
hours and it is completely non-toxic. In the U.S. bilberry
is sold in capsule form.
Take walks at night where you feel safe, with or without
your lover. Open up to your peripheral field; give your
eyes time to adapt and take bilberry if you want to
enhance the process. Enjoy the summer nights.
Rosemary Gaddum-Gordon, D.B.O., M.A., Holistic Vision
Improvement, Cambridge, MA: (617) 354-8360, and Eliot,
ME: (207) 439-9821, www.visioneducators.com.
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Meyda Tiffany lamps; Hundreds of
chimes; Cards & calendars; Crystals, jewelry, gems & minerals; Massage & essential oils; Henna; Body jewelry; Tapes &
CDs; Psychic readings. Don’t miss our
second store “Enchantment Too” right
across the street!!!
Open daily . . . call for hours!
Visit our website:
Kriya Yoga is a complete holistic health management system
Institute For Personal Development, Inc.
A Kriya Yoga Ashram
Classes, Courses, and Personal Training
652 Lafayette Rd. - Hampton, NH 03842-3348
IPD Web Site - http://www.ipdtransform.com
Private Residential Retreat & Personalized Programs
Weekends and longer plans available as low as $44 a night
Call toll free 1-888-545-8597 ask for:
Kenneth Toy (Swami Jayananda)
Call for Prices on your personal program
Uniting Science with Religion
“Reiki speaks to our heart and deepens our connection to self and others.”
Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki
Master with 26 years experience. She is
coauthor of Reiki Energy Medicine,
Bringing Healing Touch into Home,
Hospital, and Hospice - over 55,000 copies
sold in seven languages.
Use Reiki to create more joy and ease in
your life. Let Libby’s warm, heart-centered approach help you to take your next
step toward self-love and inner peace.
Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were
born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions,
promotes creativity and wisdom, and
accelerates spiritual growth, helping you
manifest your magnificance.
Libby Barnett, MSW
Libby has taught medical and nursing
students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and
Yale as well as staff at Massachusetts
General, Beth Israel, Mt Auburn,
Reiki Master
“Love is the healer and
Reiki is love.”
Southern New Hampshire, New York
Foundling, and New York Columbia
Presbyterian. Libby was featured in a Reiki
segment for the PBS nationally televised
series, Body and Soul. For the past seven
years, Libby has conducted Reiki classes at
the University of Maryland School of
Social Work and at Kripalu Center for
Yoga and Health. One of Libby’s current
passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, affording greater
effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing
pain and providing comfort.
In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki. You hear the
Reiki story, receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave
class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and pin, fully trained and certified to
do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and
“My commitment to teach the Usui System
of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan
to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to
promote health and conscious living on the
planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift
of Reiki. It is an easy, effective way to love,
heal, and empower yourself. I look forward
to meeting you and sharing Reiki.”
Boston area classes
June 14
Wilton, NH classes
June 7
To register, call the Reiki Healing
Connection: 1-888-REIKI-4-U
(1-888-734-5448) or (603) 654-2787.
Visa/MC accepted. Social Work and
Nursing CEU’s available. Reiki Master
Training information avaliable on request.
Reiki Healing Connection • phone (603) 654-2787 • fax (603) 654-2771 • email reiki@reikienergy.com • www.reikienergy.com
Rolfing© is a deep bodywork method
developed by Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D., in the
1940's, which frees, releases and
reshapes the body to bring it towards
greater balance and verticality.
Through Rolfing©, body structure is
restored and improved, stress is
reduced, and movement becomes more
fluid, efficient, and graceful. Freedom
and range of movement are enhanced,
and breathing becomes fuller and easier.
As out of balance parts of the body
are brought into alignment, chronic
aches and pains often disappear. Gravity
becomes an ally, rather than an enemy; it
is no longer an effort to hold oneself up.
In addition to the physical results, Dennis Bailey, Marshfield (South Shore):
(617) 472-2699
clients often experience the release of old
emotional traumas, an enhanced self Garret Whitney, Brighton, Concord,
image, increased spontaneity of expres(978) 371-2188
sion and increased agility to be assertive Eric Jacobson, Arlington:
and nurturing in relationships.
(781) 643-6874
For information about Rolfing contact Beate Gottschlich, Cambridge:
these certified practitioners:
(617) 661-9291
Boston Area Rolfer Group:
Out of State:
Aline Newton, Cambridge:
Kevin Frank, Holderness, Concord, NH;
(617) 661-6409
Norwich, VT: (603) 968-9585
William Redpath, Bedford, Cambridge:
(781) 861-0184
Holistic Vision Improvement
Rosemary Gaddum Gordon,
How we see can be affected by
our frame of mind, state of
health, and environment. In
response to Life we may begin to overfocus at one distance and lose clarity at
another, or exhaust our eyes so they can't
focus comfortably anywhere, or even let
one eye drift in and out. These adaptations
may become chronic. We use muscles to
focus our eyes. You can learn techniques
to relax and coordinate them so that you
can see comfortably and clearly again.
Your dependence on glasses or contacts can be prevented, eliminated, or
reduced. Rosemary draws on her twenty years experience and training in
orthoptics, the Bates' Method, Gestalt
Psychotherapy, and EducationalKinesthetics to form a comprehensive
approach to vision improvement. She
offers individual and group sessions for
adults and children.
D.B.O., M.A.
(617) 354-8360
(207) 439-9821
Betty Solbjor has been practicing and
teaching Reiki since 1996, and in 2002
became a Karuna Reiki® Master, a Bach
Foundation Registered Practitioner, and was
ordained as an interfaith minister. She has
extensive experience using Reiki on both
people and animals to gently treat many
Betty L. Solbjor, BFRP illnesses and emotional problems. Reiki
brings about a deep sense of relaxation and
Usui Reiki Master
inner peace. Combined with Magnified
Karuna Reiki® Master
Healing, crystal singing bowls, and guided
Interfaith Minister
meditation, a session can help to restore
balance and harmony to body, mind and soul.
Services offered:
Reiki treatment sessions and training
for all levels of Reiki and Karuna Reiki
Bach Flower Essence® consultations
and creation of custom formulas
Weddings and other ceremonies
(781) 258-7712 Waltham, MA
email: betty@reikiflowers.com
web: www.reikiflowers.com
Member, International Association of Reiki
Professionals and Better Business Bureau®,
Serving Eastern Masschusetts
Call or e-mail to schedule an appointment
or inquire about classes.
Genesis Alternative Health Center is
committed to restore and maintain the
“inner ecology” of your body, conquering
food cravings and controlling symptoms Genesis Alternative Health
that keep you from experiencing optimal
172 State Street
health and the joy of living, through the
MA 01950
cleansing method of Colon Hydrotherapy
and simple step-by-step guidance to eat
your way to better health. Owner Ezhra
Tel. (978) 463-8800
Martin, C.B.C., is a certified Body
•Headaches •Bloating •Joint & Muscle Pain Ecology Counselor and certified Colon
Hydrotherapist of 25 years through I- see: www.bodyecologydiet.com
•Depression •Gas •Menstrual irregularities
•Skin rashes •Diarrhea •Digestive problems ACT and the National Board for Colon Body Ecology Counseling in MA
Hydrotherapy, using only FDA registered
•Sensitivity to tobacco, chemicals and odors
•Cancer •AIDS and other immune-related disorders equipment Footbath detox and cultured
foods available.
If you experience pain, discomfort, food
cravings, fatigue, or other symptoms that
won’t go away regardless of what you do,
chances are you’re one of the tens of millions
unknowingly suffering from a systemic fungal
The results of an imbalance that begins in
your “inner ecosystem”, fungus/yeast infections can be a key factor in:
Body Energy Balancing
Waltham, MA
deep relaxation
physical well-being
personal and spiritual growth
A Traveling Colon Hydrotherapist
Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic
Irrigation) in the comfortable
surroundings of the Lydian Center
for Innovative Medicine.
The Key to Living
The Natural Path
Alternative, Inc.
The Center is located inside the
Professional Arts Building of
Sancta Maria Hospital.
Services Offered:
• Colon Hydrotherapy
• I-ACT Certified Practitioners
• FDA Registered Instruments
• Slow and Continuous Fill (simulates
gravity flow) systems available
• Over 20 years of colon hydrotherapy
• Iridology is the science and practice of
analyzing the Iris, pupil and sclera of the eye
to determine inherited and accumulated
health patterns.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Joya Z. Baynes
• I-ACT Certified
• Over 6 years Experience
• FDA Approved PPC-101
“The Traveler” Instrument
• Closed System
• Herbal/Nutritional Consultation in
which an herbalist/pharmacist with over 10
years of experience creates individualized
cleansing, fasting, and wellness programs
using herbs specified for the client.
• 3 and 7 day cleanses
• Kidney cleanses
• Liver & Gall Bladder cleanses
• Weight Loss cleanses
• Lymphatic Therapy is a therapy used to
help move the lymphatic system, an integral
part of our immune system. High-Frequency
617-710-1337 or 617-876-6777
and Manual Therapy available.
• 10-Day Cleanse Program
• 30-Day Detox/Rejuvenation Program
The Natural Path Alternative, Inc.
214 Market Street
Brighton, MA 02135
America’s Most Experienced Reiki Teachers
John Harvey Gray has been a Reiki
Master instructor since 1976, actively
teaching and practicing Reiki longer
than any other living teacher in the
He took his entire Reiki training with
Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to
the West from Japan. John has conducted over 850 Reiki workshops, teaching
more than 15,000 students, and was
named the 1994 Interface Presenter of
the Year.
Lourdes Gray, Ph.D., his wife, is a
Master instructor certified by John.
John Harvey Gray She brings
years of extensive experience
& Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. using Reiki to treat degenerative diseases
such as arthritis, cancer, HIV/AIDS, as
well as emotional problems.
Questions? Call or write for information
about workshops or private Reiki sessions. Third Degree/Master Instructor
training available.
Basic Classes (1st Degree) (13.5 CEU credits available.)
• June 14-15
Jaffrey, NH
• Aug 2-3
Jaffrey, NH
• Aug 9-10
Belmont, MA
Advanced Classes (2nd Degree)
• June 28-29
Belmont, MA
• July 12-13
Jaffrey, NH
Reiki 2nd Degree Advance Workshops
• July 27-28
Jaffrey, NH
Read our new book!
Hand To Hand
Available now at reiki.mv.com, local bookstores
and Amazon.com
Reiki Master Program
• Aug16 - Dec 21
Jaffrey, NH
15 Dolly Lane, Rindge, NH 03461
Regressions into Past Lives
• June 21
Jaffrey, NH
Register online! www.learnreiki.org
Learn To See Auras
• June 22
Jaffrey, NH
Visa/MC accepted for all courses.
Contact Hours available
Reiki for Kids & Teens
• Call for Information
Ayurvedic Wellness Evaluations for Mind-Body Balance
Are you feeling out of balance? Ayurveda
offers time tested ways to restore balance
to your mind, body, and emotions. An
Ayurvedic Wellness Evaluation with our
Maharishi Ayurveda expert (Vaidya)
from India helps to identify imbalances at
the root of your current or potential
health problems. The Vaidya will examine
your health history and assess your current state of mind-body balance using the
traditional Ayurvedic pulse reading
method. You will receive personalized
program including diet, lifestyle recommendations, and herbal supplements.
Maharishi Vedic Health Center
679 George Hill Road,
Lancaster, MA, 01523
Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit
Experience colon hydrotherapy
in a safe, relaxed environment
using state-of-the-art
FDA registered equipment.
flows where
Nancy Ames, a graduate of the Bancroft
School of Massage Therapy, has been a
massage therapist for over 16 years. She is
also a member of the American Massage
Therapy Association.
Nancy offers many different styles of
massage modalities including: relaxing Swedish
massage, therapeutic deep tissue, trigger
point therapy, myofascial release and Reiki.
Stephanie Dumas,
I-ACT certified
Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner
Lexington Medical Building
16 Clarke Street
Lexington, MA
(781) 860-5116
Her treatments include luxurious hot
towels placed on tight and sore muscles
that help to relieve tension and stress.
Nancy tailors her massage sessions
to meet her clients’ needs.
Visit her on the web at:
Or you can email her at
Nancy Ames
Massage Therapy
481 Great Rd. Suite 9
Acton Ma.
(978) 263-6886
Stop Smoking in One Session & Lose Weight Naturally
George W. Mephis, Ph.D.
George W. Mephis, Ph.D., worldrenowned Russian healer and spiritual
teacher with 25 years of experience in helping people stop smoking, lose weight
and achieve freedom from addiction slavery.
He has been called The Miraclemaker
for his phenomenal ability to cure incurable
diseases. He is the founder of the HypnoEnergetic Movement. This powerful
technique stimulates the brain to produce more pleasure hormones, naturally
creating a positive state of consciousness and at the same time erasing the
negative memories related to addictive
behavior. Mr. Mephis helps people
quit smoking in one session, lose
weight and control their appetite,
eliminate pain, stress, anxiety,
Rolfing® produces lasting improvements in
posture, breathing, movement, and overall
relaxation. The Rolfer uses manual pressure
to help you feel into and let go of rigidities in
the connective tissue that wraps every muscle and bone. As you let go the tissue
changes state, becoming more elastic and
conductive of energy. This enhances freedom of movement, sensation, and circulation. Rolfing is done in specific patterns
throughout the body to allow a more erect
posture, easier breathing, improved balance, and more graceful movement. These
changes lead to a more positive self-image
and increased confidence. Once elasticity
has been restored it will remain unless the
Eric Jacobson, Ph.D.
is re-injured subjected to emotional
Rolfing® * Craniosacral Therapy area
trauma or very long-term tension, so the
benefits are relatively permanent.
Mark Levin
Other Benefits:
Increases ability to sense emotions and
other energetic states.
Releases negative emotional memories.
Accelerates progress in psychotherapy
or spiritual practice.
Restores flexibility and circulation to
scar tissue and joints, both post-injury
and post-surgical.
Craniosacral Therapy gently increases
the mobility of the bones in the head, spine
and pelvis. This is especially effective in
relieving cranial compression from head
injuries. Patterns of distress and dysfunction going back as far as birth and childhood can be treayed. Benefits include relief
from chronic pain and tension in then head,
neck, or lower back, and the release of
negative emotional memories.
George W. Mephis, Ph.D.
Market Street Health
214 Market Street
Brighton, MA 02135
My Background includes training in
Rolfing with Ida Rolf, and in
Craniosacral Therapy with John
Upledger. I am a graduate of the
Gestalt Training Center of San Diego
and the Cambridge Family Institute
and have a private practice in psychotherapy. I am certified as an
Advanced Rolfer by the Rolf Institute,
and have practiced in the Boston area
for the past 35 years.
For free literature or an appointment:
10 Ramsdell Court,
Arlington, MA 02476
Mark Levin was able to create very powerful For an office appointment or to place
healing processes for hundreds of satisfied a remote healing request please call
clients both within physical realm of his office
and remotely throughout entire world.
Energy Healer
Certified Hypnotherapist
Reiki Master
Devoted to Helping You Feel Better
depression, addictive behavior and
various other physical disorders in
a unique and miraculous way.
Specializes in: Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Polarity
There are many clinically documented cases of
Therapy, white light healing, remote healing.
spontaneous healing performed by him.
By combining traditional healing methods
121 B. Tremont Street, Suite #19
such as Reiki, hypnosis, polarity therapy with
Brighton, MA
his original white light healing therapy,
In urgent cases, please call
Major credit cards accepted.
Hsing M. Wu, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Hsing M. Wu, M.D. is a visiting
professor of medicine from the
Chinese Academy of Medical
Science, Beijing, China. He is a
Research Fellow in pulmonary
medicine at the V.A. Medical
Center in Boston.
JUNE / JULY 2008
We integrate the Western and
the Oriental Medicine with
their cultures to help people to
get better health rewards and a
happy, long life.
Beacon Medical Center
1842 Beacon Street, #207
Brookline, MA 02445
Tel: (617)
Holistic Dental Practice grows to Biologic and Physiologic Dentistry
Herbert S. Yolin, D.D.S.
“I am committed to helping people
keep all their teeth all their lives.”
Dentistry for the 21st Century — Today!
Gum surgery is history, say goodbye to
the drill, the pain, the noise and the needle.
Miracle Bite Tabs™ (MBT) &
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT),
are used to treat Dental Distress Syndrome
(DDS) as written about by Dr. Hans Selye
MD, Dr. Fonder, a dentist, & others.
Your teeth and jaws are an extension
of your brain and spinal cord. Any imbalances caused by improper alignment of
the jaw (commonly referred to as dental
proprioception) can play a major role in
all disease and pain. Faulty dental proprioception can cause improper neurological feedback to the brain affecting
most, if not all body functions. Temporary
relief is easy and inexpensive, and can
enhance your present treatment whether
it is Chiropractic, Acupuncture,
Massage, Physical or Neural Therapy,
Pain Management, and TMD/TMJ.
There are over 230 positive studies from
81 universities in 37 countries involving
24 different dental procedures with an
astounding 94% success rate. This
included procedures as sensitive teeth,
pain control, speed of healing, periodontal disease, and others.
Carisolv™ a 5 yr. old gel from Sweden,
approved by the FDA(2001) that softens
decay so it can be scraped out without
drilling, causing less pain and discomfort.
Add this to Micro-dentistry and Air
Abrasion and it becomes true needle
free, mercury free filling procedure.
Dr. Yolin has offered an alternative to
traditional periodontal surgery for more
then 15 years and now adds a Soft
Tissue Laser for enhancing the sterilizing of the diseased gum pockets. He
is a certified member of the Academy of
Laser Dentistry (exam based). Phase
contrast microscopy, bacterial cultures
and anti-microbial natural oils are used
in the never ending commitment to
avoiding unnecessary gum surgery.
Mercury (Hg) in your saliva from
chewing? Take the chewing test and
have your saliva analyzed for Hg at a
very reasonable cost. You may not need
them removed. Defective amalgams are
removed following IAOMT protocol.
Dr. Yolin has been trained in the
specialty of Prosthetic Dentistry but does
not limit his practice. He utilizes hypnotherapy for dental phobic, cosmetic
dentistry, oral devices for snoring and
sleep apnea, 28 years experience in
treating head/neck facial pain syndrome,
metal free crowns wherever possible,
and extensive training in dental implantology.
His treatment philosophy is
based on the fact that at the end of every
tooth is a human being and although he
fixes teeth, he treats human beings. And
that will never change.
Call now for a consultation
and share the excitement at:
Northeast Dental Associates
Herbert S. Yolin, D.D.S.
1842 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02146
(617) 730-8989
a mercury free office
At M.A.S.H. we feel that complementary
Main St. Animal Services of Hopkinton medicine is state of the art health care for
your pet. We offer homeopathy, acupuncture, nutrition, chiropractic care, body
work, physical therapy, and Reiki as part
of your pet’s whole health program. Our
caring staff is dedicated to guiding you
toward total health for your pet.
Now offerinig ozone therapy.
Est. 1983
Margo Roman D.V.M. is a 1978 graduate of
Tuskegee Veterinary School. She interned at
Angell Memorial and was on the teaching staff
Main Street Animal
at Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine. She
Services of Hopkinton
studied homeopathy with Luc DeShepper of
the Renaissance Institute of Classical
Homeopathy. Dr. Roman is a member of the
Homeopathic, Holistic &
American Veterinary Medical Association and
the American Holistic Veterinary Medical
Traditional Veterinary Medicine
Association as well as International Veterinary
Acupuncture Society and Massachusetts
Margo Roman, D.V.M.
We are truly a whole health center, Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Roman has
also offering surgery, diagnostics, completed Tufts Veterinary advanced Herbal (508) 435-4077 or (508) 435-MASH
and Chiropractic courses.
vaccination/titering, and x-Rays.
72W. Main St. - Hopkinton, MA
Please call for a holistic consultation today!
Experience The Healing Power of
Christ Church Unity
is affiliated with Unity
School of Christianity ,
Music, Prayer & Meditation
Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Service
Daily Word Discussion Sundays
11:00 AM
10:00 AM
publisher of the Daily
Word and Silent Unity
Listen to Our Radio Program “Peace Be Still”
Sundays 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m
WBIX 1060 AM
Christ Church Unity
Cnr. Colchester & Chapel Sts.
Brookline, MA 02446
(at the Longwood T on the Green Line
D Train)
New Zealand Native, Shannar, has traveled
extensively throughout the world sharing her gifts
of the Sacred Language of Light. From a very
early age Shannar was aware that the other
realms were contacting and working with her,
this began her own spiritual journey into the other
worlds through Clairvoyance/Clairaudience and
Mediumship for Grief Therapy. Her psychic ability has touched the hearts of all her clients both in
the USA and Overseas and her varied live experiences have greatly assisted those that have
sought her Life Coaching methods.
The Sacred Language of Light is a very special
tool for resolving our patterns by connecting with the
cellular memory and healing the agreements that we
made in this and past lives. The Sacred Language of
Light comes through in the special pieces of symbolic art form known as the pictographs. Each pictograph is a Star Gate Map into our cellular encodings and contains Sacred Geometry, Symbols,
Musical Harmonics, Ancient and Star Languages.
Shannar is able to speak the Sacred Language,
hears the stories in poetry form and performs the
pictograph symbols with her hands.
Life Coaching
Grief Counseling
For further information:
PSYCHICS continued
Astrologer and Clairvoyant – Serena Wright-Taylor
Serena gives readings that touch your
soul. She blends the ancient wisdom of
Vedic astrology with her remarkable intuition to help you use perfect timing to bring
joy and fruition to all areas of your life.
She is highly sought after by celebrities,
business executives, speakers, and authors.
She has made numerous appearances on
TV and radio and you may have recently
heard her name on Coast to Coast AM.
Serena has been gifted since childhood
with the ability to see many dimensions of
life. She has spent many years in spiritual
practice and enjoys working on her own
healing and evolvement so that her service
to others is of the highest quality.
Serena gives readings by
telephone all over the country.
Serena Wright-Taylor
“Serena’s work is extraordinary—a stunning
blend of mind, heart, and soul.” Says Judith
Orloff, M.D., author and clairvoyant psychiatrist
Website: www.vimana.org
Become the change
you want to see
in the world.
Become who you are
Let me guide you in life-changing
Lacanian analytic sessions. Learn
more how to hear your soul speak
rather than your ego so that you
can place this deepest knowing
at the center of your life.
• Relationship issues
• Grief
• Loneliness
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Divorce
• Career Issues
• Trauma
• Spiritual Crises
• Weight Loss
Therapy Should Take Hours Not Years
Read What Former Clients Say About Ross Miller
Migraines, a Thing of the Past...
“I can’t believe you got rid of my migraines. At
first I didn’t believe you when you said it was
due to a past life when I was a soldier and got
shot in the head. No wonder the doctors couldn’t help me.” —Donna M., Hartford, CT
Anger, Grief & Guilt Transformed...
“In the course of one (two-hour) session
with Ross, I was able to release and heal
the deep, dark feelings of anger, grief, guilt
and shame that had their origins in several of my past lives." —Brian D., Cranston, RI
Depression and Anxiety Attacks Gone...
“Dear Ross, I’m going to name my first child
after you. You’ve succeeded where 8 years of
therapists and innumerable pain medications
have failed. My depression and anxiety attacks
are gone, gone, gone. Forever grateful.”
—Roz S., Attleboro, MA
Fybromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Gone...
“By the end of the third healing session
(0ver the phone), my fybromyalgia,
chronic fatigue, and depression were
completely gone. Thank you, Ross."
—Denise F., Hull, MA
Free of Drugs & Alcohol...
“Dear Ross, Thank you for helping my daughter get over the breakup of her boyfriend and
Ross Miller
off of drugs and alcohol. She’s a completely
Regression Therapist changed person.”
—Sharon K., Manchester, NH
For a consultation or more
information call:
All life transitions can be addressed,
for example:
Agoraphobia Cured...
“A long overdue thank you. My agoraphobia (fear of being in public places) is completely gone. In addition, I’ve started exercising and eating better, and I’ve lost 30
lbs.! I owe it all to you.”
—Elizabeth S., Worcester, MA
Meg Turner, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Harvard Square
(617) 868-3727
What is Regression Therapy? To go back
in time (without the use of hypnosis) to the
origin or root cause of a problem and release
or heal it. This might entail going back to
past lives or earlier parts of your current life.
For the past 25 years Ross Miller has been
offering the benefits of regression therapy worldwide, helping his clients quickly and easily release
their fears, anxiety attacks, depression, anger,
physical pain, grief, abuse trauma, addictions,
blocked potential, fibromyalgia, stress, chronic
fatigue, eating disorders, health problems and
phobias. Ross is available for individual or couples regression therapy sessions, psychic and past
life readings and/or healing by telephone or in
person. (See Directory ad under "Psychics".)
For more information or to schedule an
appointment, please call:
Ross Miller
1075 Washington St., Newton, MA 02465
(617) 527-3583
Email: ross@TheMysticWay.com
Website: www.TheMysticWay.com
Sonny is available for ongoing client-centered therapy in a compassionate setting
where you can feel safe without fear that
you will be judged. Being asked the right
questions in a confidential environment
can further enhance your self-knowing
and assist you in moving into a state of
joy. The sessions are available to help
you process and integrate the beauty of
your wholeness with respect and honor.
Sonny Rose, M.A.
Counseling & Psychotherapy
If you are not living the life you prefer
because you feel blocked, are in a transitional time, experiencing on-going stress
or sadness, emotional numbness, or are
JUNE / JULY 2008
aware of self-defeating patterns, then
your awareness can greatly motivate
you to deepen the process of self-discovery. Working in collaboration with
Sonny will heighten your experience of
healing and transformation.
vative mind/body/spiritual techniques which have profound effects
in the process of transformation.
Individual and group work available.
Support for people living with cancer.
call for more information.
Sonny Rose holds a Master of Arts in
Counseling Psychology and has worked
with many diverse groups around the
world. She has worked as an adjunct
faculty member at Lesley University and
has worked in Rehabilitative Medicine
at Boston University Medical School.
Sonny’s work incorporates many inno-
Sonny Rose, M.A.C.P.
in Cambridge
in Concord
Barbara is a licensed mental health
counselor who is certified in EMDR.
Compassionate Psychotherapy and EMDR
We are each endowed with an enormous
capacity for self-healing and often simply
need a guide to show us the way. Barbara’s
style of compassionate psychotherapy
combined with the rapid and profound
healing effects of Eye Movement
Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
can lead to new levels of emotional and
physical health and well being.
Barbara Gangemi
EMDR is a body focused therapy that
allows a person to reprocess disturbing
memories that have become “stuck” in the
Get More Out of Life!
More Joy!
Glenn Bigonet, M.A.
Mental Health Counselor
Compassionate Acceptance
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JUNE / JULY 2008
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Explorer... Cont. from page 19
determine validity of the event. But
the important work, once validity is
established, begins with the search
for clues to the mechanisms permitting these phenomena to occur so
that a workable theory can be constructed.
One type of experiment Puthoff
and Targ created is called remote
viewing, in which random “targets”
are picked, and the subject (Uri, in
this case) is to describe the unknown
object. Typically, these targets would
be chosen by invited outside scientists, sealed in an envelope, then
selected at random. Uri, in a room all
by himself, where he was isolated
from receiving any possible information, would attempt to describe the
setting. We found he could do just
Nearly every time Uri was given
a target, he would promptly draw—
quite recognizably—what lay there.
This type of experiment was usually
conducted in a double-blind fashion
so that no one knew the correct answer before the tests were complete
and checked by impartial observers.
In some variations of this experiment
a Faraday cage was used, which isolates
Signals. Puthoff and Targ went on to
con-duct the same experiment with
dozens of other people, both those
claiming psychic abilities and those
not. Eventually they discovered that
most any willing person with a bit of
training could get significant results,
supporting the idea that this was not
only a natural function, but a common one as well.
It was also discovered in subsequent tests that the brain waves of
two individuals separated and isolated by a Faraday cage could synchronize their brain waves. A light pulsed
in the eyes of one would cause a certain EEG pattern. The second person, by merely thinking of the first
person, would suddenly acquire the
same EEG pattern. Somehow there
seemed to be some sort of communi60
JUNE / JULY 2008
cation occurring between the two
that we didn’t know was possible.
Another version of the same
experiment was a telepathy test conducted with an EEG connected,
which proved statistically significant. The brain waves of the percipients showed a marked change a few
hundred milliseconds before the percipients reported an answer.
received information until nearly a
half-second after subconscious processes had received the signal. The
result is quite similar to tests of the
five normal senses, in which conscious awareness lags behind subconscious signal processing.
In the initial plan we wanted to
test all of Uri’s special abilities, particularly those that demonstrated a
strong component of psychokinesis,
because that was the most bizarre
and difficult to explain within the
existing framework of science. One
of his trademark capacities was the
ability to bend common metal
objects, such as forks and spoons. Of
course one of the objectives was to
test this while filming with videotape
and 16-millimeter film. But when we
placed a spoon on a table under a
glass jar, we found he couldn’t bend
the utensil. However, when we
allowed him to touch the spoon, he
explained to us how it seemed to
“turn to plastic” in his hand. But this
was generally unconvincing to scientists who specialized in other realms
of study. They claimed Uri merely
had extraordinarily strong fin-gers
and possessed the ability to twist the
metal under his peculiar grip, or that
he had some unknown solvent on his
finger that softened the metal. Yet no
one was aware of any such solvent
that could be used in this way; the
physicians in the group couldn’t
explain how he could be capable of
twisting the metal so adroitly into
such a neat little coil by merely
touching it with a Single finger. But
the objections persisted. At times
their explanations were more farfetched than the event itself, and
seemed little more than tortured
Most convincing to me, however, were the dozens of children I
investigated who had watched Uri
bend spoons in this manner on television. Shortly following the tests at
SRI, Uri made a series of television
appearances, during which he did his
thing before the cameras. Soon after
the broadcasts my phone would ring
with frantic parents reporting that
their children were bending spoons
as well. I could usually sense what
part of the world Uri was in by the
parents calling to report that their
children were bending the family silverware.
I went to a number of homes
around the country, sometimes with
my own spoons in pocket, or I would
select one at random from the family
kitchen. Typically it was a boy less
than ten years of age who would
lightly stroke the metal object at the
narrow point of the handle while I
held it between thumb and forefinger
at the end of the handle. The spoon
would soon slowly bend, creating
two 360-degree twists in the handle,
perfectly emulating what Uri demonstrated on television. No tricks, no
magic potions, just innocent children
(With normal children’s fingers) who
had not yet learned that it could not
be done. The evidence continued to
mount in this way, suggesting that
these strange capabilities were quite
natural and likely common in
humans, though latent and seldom
manifest. It occurred to me that we
were possibly seeing the emergence
of an evolutionary attribute, or the
residue from an earlier one that was
now fading. The most modern evidence suggests that these are latent
capabilities in all humans, rooted in
evolutionary progression and waiting to be developed and exercised
like any other attribute or skill, such
as artistic, musical, or athletic abilities.
During the six weeks we conducted formal experiments with Uri,
there were also an incredible number
of equipment failures and downright
strange occurrences that no one
could readily explain. Video equipment that he had no access to would
suddenly lose a pulley, which would
later be found in an adjoining room.
Jewelry would suddenly be missing,
only to be found locked in a safe
with a combination Uri could not
have known. There were literally
dozens of such events. No one could
explain what was going on, though
we all had our pet theories. The
occurrences were reminiscent of
throughout the ages, which many
modern investigators have come to
associate with emotionally distressed individuals, oftentimes adowww.earthstarmag.com
lescents. In spite of the equipment
failures, however, we were successful in quite a number of our experiments at SRI.
In one we placed a large ball
bearing under a glass bell jar on a
table. We wanted to see if Uri was
capable of moving the ball bearing
without touching either it or the
table. And of course we wanted to
record the experiment on videotape.
When we explained to Uri what we
had in mind, he nonchalantly
approached the table and placed a
hand over the jar, swearing from
time to time as the shiny gray orb sat
motionless on the table. As the clock
on the wall ticked away, and the
repaired video equipment hummed
in the background, the ball bearing
refused to budge, until finally, after
closing his eyes and raising his face
skyward, it began to jiggle, then roll
this way and that. As his concentration seemingly waned it slowed, then
stopped. Finally, we had something
legitimate on tape.
When we went to review what
we had all seen in person, we were
relieved to see that the event was
caught cleanly within the camera’s
field of view. Nothing had gone
amiss. However, the feat was still
greeted with skepticism when our
colleagues in science viewed what
everyone who had witnessed the
event and had thought monumental.
They became red in the face, and
some left, refusing to ever return to
the lab. They accused Uri of being a
fraud, and the rest of us of being
chumps in an elaborate charade. But
their accusations flew in the face of
the solid scientific work that had
been done, and I believe they knew
it. Even some visiting scien-tists who
watched positive results directly and
in person angrily rejected what they
With some experience in this
business it actually becomes quite
easy to detect the charlatans and
frauds, and there are quite a few. Uri,
however, was not one of them,
though many times he could not produce positive results within the rigorous controls that we imposed, simply
because we forced him out of his
comfort zone with our requirements—all sensitives report that they
need to achieve a particular internal
feeling state to be effective at exercising their talent. A distracting environment, hostile people, or any number of other influences can make the
necessary state difficult to achieve.
Artists, musicians, great thinkers,
and psychics seem no different in
this regard.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher,
from The Way of the Explorer, Revised
Edition C 2008, Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
Published by New Page Books an imprint of
Career Press, Franklin Lakes, NJ. (800)-2273371. All rights reserved.
Chi Revolution... Cont. from page 29
Twelve Myths of Health and Fitness
he running champion Jim
Fixx is mainly remembered
as the genius who started
the fitness revolution back in the
1970s with his best-selling book,
The Complete Book of Running. Fixx
sadly died at the age of fifty-two
from a heart attack. His arteries were
plugged with too much cholesterol.
Although Fixx trumpeted the health
benefits of running and jogging, this
high-impact exercise without any
consideration of cholesterol resulted
in some of the problems he thought
he was preventing.
Fixx’s story highlights one of the
challenges in making choices about
health, fitness and stress reduction.
The barrage of often conflicting
information from entertainment,
health and diet magazines and, of
course, advertising steers us toward
practices that may not be effective or
right for us. We try different exercises, diets, pills, and machines, and we
keep moving along a smorgasbord of
fads and quick fixes that do little in
the long term. To add insult to injury,
myths and misinformation about
health and fitness are common in virtually all media. It is no wonder we
jump from one promise to another,
consciously or subconsciously
adopting beliefs in programs that
have little merit over time. The Chi
Revolution is about life transformation. To get there, you must shift
your priorities toward the life inside
you. Let’s take a few of the most
common yet absurd paradigms of
our modem age and see if any have
taken hold of you.
Myth # 1: If my body looks
good, I must be healthy.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Fact: Health has little to do
with a beautiful body.
Like a new car, you can look good on
the outside and internally have parts
that are weak and malfunctioning.
You can appear fit and beautiful and
not be healthy. You might already
suffer from ulcers, allergies, asthma
or diabetes. You might get colds
often and recover progressively less
quickly. You might be able to run
five miles and do a hundred push-ups
and still feel anxious, stressed and
ragged out most of the time. Your
joints might ache and you might
have lower back pain that the chiropractors can’t seem to fix.
By appealing to our vanity and
fear of aging, advertisers persuade
Westerners to shell out billions of
dollars every year on cosmetics and
beauty products, butt tighteners,
abdominal workout machines and
other exercise contraptions, get-thin
and better-sex pills, breast enlargements and the clothes to go with
them. Truly being healthy—
energetic fitness—is not about how
you look; it’s about how you feel.
It’s about making your body, mind
and spirit work together as a team.
Myth #2: Life is better for the
young and slim.
Fact: Life is better when you
feel good.
If you believe this myth, you have
been sucker-punched by a multibillion-dollar industry that promotes
the cult of youth and slimness.
However youthful and slim a person
may look, he/she is increasingly
feeling the burdens of low selfesteem, chronic illnesses, stress,
attention deficit and depression just
the same as everyone else.
Sadly, this myth is incredibly
powerful. In today’s culture, we idolize youth and make youthful appearance our highest good, our religion,
our mystery cult. People approaching their forties—or even their thirties—are panicked about getting
older. Baby boomers are spending
billions on re-sculpting their appearances and the elderly are shunned by
the young as pariahs of what they
think they want to avoid.
When you don’t feel good, life
sucks. And when you don’t feel
good, the really great gifts in life—
health, love, happiness, relaxation,
spontaneity, laughter, sex, joy—
seem as distant and legendary as
Timbuktu. How do you get to feeling
good on the inside? Try tai chi, chi
gung or any other chi practice. It will
give you all these gifts for the price
of one.
Myth #3: Aging is about
decline and losing the ability
to “get it up”!
Fact: You can obtain health,
vibrancy and sexual vitality
well into your old age.
I remember when my own beliefs
about aging changed. I went to
Taiwan to meet Wang Shu Jin, a
renowned master of the Taoist martial arts of ba gua and tai chi, who
was in his late sixties at the time. I
was a hotshot nineteen-year-old with
black belts in karate and other
Japanese martial arts and an attitude
to match. My first view of Wang was
of an older, overweight, round-looking man casually strolling to the park
swinging two bird cages. As soon as
I introduced myself, he told me that
karate was for fighting old women
and children. “I can eat more than
you. I can have more sex than you
and I can fight better than you. Yet
you call yourself healthy. Well,
young man, there is a lot more to
being healthy than being young, and
it all comes down to how much chi
you have,” he chuckled. Then Wang
proved it by bruising more than my
ego as he effortlessly knocked me
around at will. I couldn’t get near
him let alone defend myself. It was
the first time I understood that youth
did not always mean power and
vitality, and aging did not always
mean decline!
Chi practices such as tai chi, chi
gung and Taoist yoga have worked to
keep people young in body and mind
for thousands of years. They are
often called longevity exercises
because they are effective at restoring the flexibility, sexual vitality and
stamina of youth.
Myth #4: Six-pack abs are
good for you.
Fact: Tight abs can mess up
your internal organs.
The billion-dollar industry that has
you believing you need flat abs is
part of the “young and slim” cult.
What is under the skin of those ohso-tight, flat and perfect abs can lead
to big problems. Sucking and pinching in the abdominal muscles can
foreshorten the ligaments that hold
your liver, spleen and kidneys
together. Eventually they could
touch, especially when you move
and twist, cutting off the blood supply where they impinge on each
other. And those areas become just
like the stagnant backwater pools
where the river does not flow, a little
putrid and disease prone. If you put
stress and anxiety into the mix, those
abdominal muscles squeeze even
harder on those delicate internal
organs. And guess where disease
commonly strikes? Right in the
internal organs.
Chi practices are about your
internal health. They are renowned
for improving the health of your
internal organs.
Myth #5: Obese people are
Fact: Obese people can be
Health has to do with what is going
on inside your body, not with how
much you weigh. In our culture, obesity is becoming a norm. According
to health researchers, eight out of ten
people over the age of twenty-five
and one out of five people under the
age of nineteen are obese. The
increase in obesity is being matched
by increases in such diseases as type
II diabetes and heart problems.
The good news is that being
overweight per se does not have to
lead to ill health. You can be fat and
dumpy-looking but still have healthy
internal organs, be free of pain and
illness, enjoy a full sex life and handle immense amounts of stress in a
relaxed manner. Our kids can be
healthy too. Indeed, there are
increased health risks associated
with obesity; however, the larger
issue is that seventy-eight percent of
the American population is not meeting basic activity levels. That’s a
more shocking statistic than how
many people are overweight. Weight
is not the problem: the lack of movement is—not keeping fit, healthy and
Low-impact chi practices are
renowned for helping obese people
stay fit inside their bodies.
Myth #6: No pain, no gain.
Fact: The more you push and
strain, the more stress reigns.
“No pain, no gain” is the mantra of
bodybuilders, salespeople, athletes
and workaholics. Do you honestly
believe that achievement is only
gained by hardship and strain? This
myth has been fostered from youth,
when you first started becoming
goal-oriented and measuring results
by grades, competitions, status and
the pressure from parents and teachers to “try harder.”
Going for broke uses up your chi
reserves, adds to your stress levels
and incrementally weakens your
body. By pushing to succeed, you
increasingly strain your nervous system and depend more and more on
adrenaline to keep going. Not only is
this stressful, but it is very similar to
the nature of addictions. You push
yourself toward the next hit, the next
high, the biggest adrenaline rush, the
newest acquisition, the next of whatever hides behind the push. Strain is
literally killing you.
Energetic fitness is based on
moderation, increasing your chi
reserves and giving you the stamina
and vitality for almost everything
you do. Supercharging your chi can
turn you into a super performer with
no straining necessary. Today, many
executives are learning chi practices
because the techniques help them
decrease their stress while increasing
their ability to maintain a high rate of
productivity. Likewise, many athletes who commonly suffer from
high stress and high rates of injury
are learning that chi practices, help
them stay “in the zone” longer and
keep them stronger. Getting more
energy is about relaxing—not pushing and going for broke.
Myth #7: Circulation is best
improved by doing aerobic
Fact: Chi exercises, done
slowly and in a relaxed
manner, are an equally
powerful method for
improving circulation.
JUNE / JULY 2008
helps unravel the
deadening effects of tension
and anxiety.
Every time we clutch, get uptight or
have an adrenaline rush, stress locks
into the nervous system and over time
becomes habitual.
Western medical studies show that
the circulation boost for people who
spend twenty minutes doing chi
exercise is as effective as spending
the same twenty minutes doing aerobic exercise.
Although aerobics pump up the
heart rate, forcing blood through
constricted areas and flooding blood
vessels, it is not enough. It is the
equivalent of increasing the pressure
to run water through constricted and
kinked pipes. And if you add stress
into this mix, they burst.
Chi exercises work differently.
They increase the pressure within the
blood vessels, thereby improving
their elasticity, which leads to a
flooding of the capillary beds. There
is no pressure on the heart to work
harder to boost circulation. Chi exercises have some cardiovascular benefits that aerobic exercises commonly do not. Besides reducing blood
pressure, chi exercises relax the
nervous system, which also helps all
the fluids in your body to flow more
easily. You exercise your whole
body, so that everything inside you is
equally strengthened.
Myth #8: Relaxation is about
zoning out and escaping.
Fact: Relaxation is about
tuning into your body and
letting go.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Few Westerners have ever experienced deep relaxation. Because
they feel stressed most of the time,
they are psychologically unprepared
for the fact that relaxation can
become a norm in life rather than an
aberration. It is even more difficult
for people to realize that the more
relaxed they are, the more energy,
stamina, awareness, clarity and
strength they will have.
Energetic fitness enables the
progressive release of tension and
anxiety so that it becomes a living
reality. It involves tuning in to your
body and letting go of all your physical, emotional, mental, karmic, psychic and spiritual tension. Letting go
means releasing chi blockages.
Ultimately it means relaxing the
nervous system so chi can strongly
flow. Relaxation allows love, happiness and compassion to flourish.
Myth #9: Nonmovement exercises will not make you fit.
Fact: Breathing, standing and
meditating are some of the
most effective health and
fitness practices you can
When I trained in karate, judo and
jujitsu, I spent almost ten years vigorously learning to punch, throw and
kick. I can remember my complete
surprise during early phases of internal martial arts training in China
when several masters said that the
most effective exercise I could do for
strength, speed and stamina was to
stand. They all agreed that standing
practice would enable me to get in
touch with what was not relaxed in
my body so I could release it.
During my training as a chi gung
healer in China, I learned that. one of
the most effective methods for
improving the health of my patients
was to teach them breathing practices. In later stages of my training in
China, I learned that in order to
become a superior martial artist, I
had to practice Taoist meditation to
release my deepest and most terrifying inner fears, angers, aggression
and sadness. Not only did these
methods make me strong and
relaxed, they made it possible for me
to recover from a devastating form of
hepatitis and the car accident that
injured my back. Over time I became
incredibly healthy. The same chi
practices have helped millions of
people get fit, healthy and relaxed,
and recover the sense of spontaneity
and joy they had as children. They
can do the same for you.
Myth # 10: I already know
how to breathe; after all, I’m
not dead!
Fact: Most people do not
breathe well.
According to medical and health
associations, ninety percent of people are shallow breathers and forty
percent use less than the full capacity of their lungs. As shallow
breathers age, their lungs become
weaker and they may experience
shortness of breath, a precursor to ill
health, weakness and depression.
Although most people notice when
they eat or sleep poorly, relatively
few pay attention to their breathing.
They are not aware that when they
become angry or highly focused on
their work, they hold their breath.
Lack of oxygen to the brain revs up
their nervous systems, making them
tense and stressed. Learning the simple breathing exercises that are part
of the Chi Rev Workout will help
you discover your breathing patterns
and help you change and improve
them. If you only learn one lesson
from this book, let it be that breath
awareness is paramount to your
health and longevity.
Myth # 11: Breathing is
primarily about oxygenating the body.
Fact: Breathing is primarily
about getting the nervous
system to relax while gently
massaging the internal organs.
Breathing helps unravel the deadening effects of tension and anxiety.
Every time we clutch, get uptight or
have an adrenaline rush, stress locks
into the nervous system and over
time becomes habitual. As this happens, tension and constriction occur
in the tissues, muscles, ligaments
and tendons, cutting off some of the
available oxygen and flow of blood
in your body, particularly in your
internal organs.
Longevity Breathing practices
train you to focus on the negative
breathing patterns you have and
reverse them. They train you to calm
down and relax. As you breathe fully
and strongly, your internal organs get
a gentle massage, which improves
the circulation of fluids in and
around them and makes them healthier. And, last but not least, you will
also oxygenate your body more efficiently twenty-four hours a day.
Focused, relaxed breathing is fundamental to all meditation practices.
Myth # 12: You have to have
a special gift to feel chi.
Fact: Anyone can learn to
feel chi.
Chi is not some mysterious process
that is only available to a rare few. In
China, you can see small children
holding and playing with imaginary
balls. They are being trained to feel
chi. However, many people in China
as well as the West cannot feel the
insides of their bodies. They do not
understand the relationship between
the body and mind, and they certainly have not been trained to feel chi.
Not only can chi practices help
you feel your chi, but also they can
help you recognize where it is
blocked, as well as how to free, activate and strengthen it. Chi practices
are not just about visualizing your
chi mentally. They help you develop
your physical sensitivity to how chi
actually flows inside your body so
eventually you will become strong,
feel well and eliminate your tension
and anxieties.
effective at making us spend money
on stuff that we probably don’t need,
that may not be good for us and often
doesn’t deliver what is promised.
The challenge of the Chi
Revolution is not just persuading
you to try these chi practices for
yourself, but inspiring you to stick
with them and integrate them into
your daily rhythm. Otherwise they
become just another “tasting” of the
cornucopia of health and exercise
systems out there. Knowing something is good for you is not the same
as changing your habits to make
them congruent with that knowledge. We are addicted to our habits,
many of them conditioned and constantly reinforced by marketing
Activating and balancing chi has
improved the health and wellness of
tens of millions of people. They
understand that energetic fitness
affects their health as much as their
diet, sleep habits and level of physical activity. You can become energetically fit too. All it takes is a little
Maybe you have been frustrated with
many of the health and fitness programs you have tried and you agree
with many of the facts presented
here. Myths have a great deal of
power. That’s why advertising is so
Mystical Stones
Excerpted from The Book of Stones,
by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
Keyword: Increased life force
and vitality, activation of the
Rainbow Body, humor and relaxation, enjoyment of life
Element: Fire and Storm
Chakras: All
itanium Quartz is the
name given to a specially coated type of
Quartz, a silicon dioxide
mineral with a hardness of
7. Its crystal system is
Titanium Quartz has been
placed in a chamber in
which titanium and other
metal oxides are introduced
in vaporized form and
caused to bond with the
Quartz. The process for
doing this is proprietary, so
details are not available.
The result, however, is
Quartz which displays
multi-colored reflections
and, according to metaphysical
sources, emanates a significantly
different energy from untreated
Titanium Quartz is the most powerful and vibrationally intense material of all the coated and treated
Quartz. Energetically, the Titanium
projects strength, mental acuity and
physical power. These properties
are amplified by the Quartz base
stones. Visually, the many-facetted
crystals used in these pieces catch
and reflect light in all direc-tions,
and the iridescent Titanium surfaces
shimmer and change color as they
move and send the light in different
JUNE / JULY 2008
angles. The rich hues of blue, red,
gold, magenta and green in these
stones are a delight to the eye and a
resonant activator of the Rainbow
Body. Titanium Quartz is energizing to the entire chakra system, as
well as to the physical body.
Wearing or carrying one of these
crystals can make one feel grounded, centered and energized all at
The Titanium-Quartz combination seems to make one more capable than usual of han-dling the mundane world-more focused, more
confident, more aware of everything
around oneself, more amused by
life in general, and more ready to
cope with whatever needs one's
attention. One is able to take on
greater responsibilities without feeling them to be a burden. One may
also notice an activation of one's
mental abilities, especially the analytical, rational side, as well as an
enhancement of humor and one's
sense of fun. This ally is excellent
for any-one who has low energy or
whose daily agenda is challenging
in a mental or physical way.
One can receive a great deal of
vitality from this material, and it is
recommended to those who tend to
be a bit too spacey, too serious, or
who want to bring in more life-force
energies. Those who already have a
good supply of the energies provided by Titanium Quartz may enjoy it
for the increase in zest and enjoyment of life they feel with it.
emerged at a time when
many Light workers will be
able to benefit from its
energizing qualities. In the
Quartz was introduced, a
number of intuitives have
noticed an increase in the
power of these pieces, as
more people connected
with them and their vibrations moved through the
morphogenic field of
human consciousness. This
process is likely to continue
as additional Titanium
Quartz goes into circulation.
Titanium Quartz can stimulate
humor and relaxation, helping one
take life more lightly.
It should be carried by anyone
who does stand-up comedy, and
even those who just like to tell jokes
around the water cooler are likely to
find their timing and delivery
enhanced. These are stones of
Hermes, the god of quick intelligence and wit, and they can sharpen
both in those who use it.
Additional information on stones and their
metaphysical properties can also be found
www.thebookofstones.com, or by calling
2012...Continued from page 46
The Izapan Revelation
Although it is not possible to do
Izapa justice in a brief article, a general survey can at least provide the
framework for understanding the
revolutionary cosmovision pioneered at this humble, profound
fountainhead of Mayan wisdom. If
understanding 2012 from the vantage point of the creators of the
2012 calendar has any meaning at
all, I can’t imagine discussing 2012
without reference to Izapa.
The important points are:
The three cosmic centers and their
The ball court monument group
encodes the galactic center alignment and the 2012 prophecy—it is
“ground zero” of the 2012 revelation.
The ball game and the Creation
Myth encode the astronomy of the
galactic alignment in era-2012.
Izapa is an initiation center where
practical methods can be found for
spiritual seekers to directly understand what 2012 means.
Izapa’s 2012 revelation is an
expression of universal perennial
The “Izapan civilization”
thrived between the Olmec and the
Maya, 450 BC to AD 50. Today, a
dozen or so archaeological sites
preserve monuments that are stylistically connected to Izapa, which
was clearly the most important ceremonial site in the region. The sun
passes directly over Izapa, located
between the tropics at 15 degrees
latitude, on May 1 and August 11.
This fortunate circumstance divides
the year into 260-day and 105-day
sections. For this reason, some
scholars believe that Izapa is where
the 260-day tzolkin calendar, as
well as the Long Count, originated.
Izapa’s geodetic position is uniquewww.earthstarmag.com
ly appropriate, because at other latitudes the division intervals are different.
The Long Count calendar first
appears in archaeological records in
the first century BC, precisely during Izapa’s heyday. The earliest
Long Count monuments are distrib-
uted in a wide arc around Izapa, and
a most compelling one is located in
Izapa’s sister city, Takalik Abaj,
dated to AD 37.
Excerpted with permission from The
Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies,
and Possibilities, ©2007 Sounds True, Inc.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Summer Reading
The Genius of China
3,000 Years of Science, Discovery,
and Invention
By Robert Temple
Foreword by Joseph Needham, Ph.D., FRS, FBA
Since its original publication, The Genius of
China has won five literary awards in America
and been translated into forty-three languages. Its Chinese edition, The Spirit of
Chinese Invention, was approved by the
Chinese Ministry of Education for use in connection with the national secondary curriculum in China. Based on the immense, authoritative scholarship of the late Joseph Needham, the world’s foremost
scholar of Chinese science, and including a foreword by him, this
revised full-color illustrated edition brings to life the spirit and excitement of the unparalleled achievements of ancient China.
Window of the Soul
The Kabbalah of
Rabbi Isaac Luria
Edited by James David Dunn
Foreword by Rabbi Ernesto Yattah
In this deep and powerful book, Window
of the Soul the original Kabbalah of Rabbi
Isaac Luria, (1534-1572) is translated
from the original passages of Hebrew.
These luminous and sacred passages disclose the most profound teachings of the
understanding of God and of our universe, inspired from the truth of the Torah. Some four hundred years
before Albert Einstein proposed his Theory of Relativity of the outer
universe to the scientific community, Luria disclosed to his students
his theory of the inner universe and its evolution within the mind of
the Ineffable.
Weiser Books. Hardcover, $22.95.
Inner Traditions. Paper, $29.95.
Person-to-Person Astrology
Energy Factors in Love, Sex
& Compatibility
By Stephen Arroyo
Person-To-Person Astrology is an exploration of
how modern astrology can illuminate emotional,
sexual, and compatibility expectations, needs, and
motivation using a new language of "energy" that
can be astoundingly accurate and useful in understanding our closest relationships. Arroyo’s
unique approach hinges on its openness, both
interpretive and descriptive, to the emotional
energy exchanges that go on between the twelve star signs and four
ancient elements—earth, water, air, fire. Contrasted with the usual predictive astrological models, Arroyo’s method creates an uplifting assessment of a world at every person’s fingertips rather than the limiting
determinism that comes along with conventional astrological predictions.
Frog Ltd.. Paper, $18.95.
The United Symbolism of America
Deciphering Hidden Meanings in America’s
Most Familiar Art, Architecture, and Logos
By Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D., with Laura Cortner
The Statue of Liberty is an ancient goddess. But
why are there seven rays emanating from her
crown? And why was the torch switched from her
left to her right hand? Were you aware that the
Washington Monument resembles an Egyptian
obelisk channeling energy? America is young, but
its symbols are old. Of the symbols and myths we
chose since European colonization, the ones that
have become American icons are those representing hope, positive
growth, and opportunity. Many of the symbols included in The United
Symbolism of America have become so familiar that most of us don’t give
them a second glance, let alone a second thought. Author Robert R.
Hieronimus will help the reader see the symbolic messages encoded for
us by our Founding Fathers in the symbols they chose.
New Page Books. Paper, $17.99.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Victor Hugo's Conversations
with the Spirit World
A Literary Genius's Hidden Life
By John Chambers
During Victor Hugo’s exile on the Isle of Jersey,
where he and his family and friends escaped
the reign of Napoléon III, he conducted “tabletapping” séances, transcribing hundreds of
channeled conversations with entities from the
beyond. Among his discarnate visitors were
Shakespeare, Plato, Hannibal, Rousseau,
Galileo, Sir Walter Scott, and Jesus. To the
skeptic, some of the “conversations” may seem self-serving—at
best, the subconscious wishes of the naïve participants. But author
John Chambers places Hugo’s experiments firmly in the tradition of
visionary literature and psychic exploration, aligning those experiences with the poetry of William Blake, the table-tapping experiences of the Fox sisters, and the channeled writings of the great
modern-day Pulitzer Prize-winning poet James Merrill.
Destiny Books. Paper, $18.95.
Medical Myths
That Can Kill You
And the 101 Truths That Will Save,
Extend, and Improve Your Life
By Nancy L. Snyderman, MD
In this age of countless miracle cures, it’s vital
to separate the myths that endanger your
health from the medical facts you need. In
Medical Myths That Can Kill You, Dr. Nancy
Snyderman, chief medical editor for NBC
News, provides clear, practical, scientifically
proven advice that can lead you to a healthier,
happier life. Discover the simple, everyday
things that affect well-being, and get the information you need to revitalize your body, maintain your longevity, manage
your care, and possibly even save a life—yours.
Crown Books. Hardcover, $24.95.
Summer Reading
Rulers of the Horoscope
Finding Your Way Through
the Labyrinth
By Alan Oken
This newly revised edition of an astrological
classic provides a practical and thorough treatment on the meanings of all aspects of planetary and house rulerships. Alan Oken masterfully guides readers through the labyrinth of
delineating and synthesizing the complex interchange between rulers of houses and their
signs and the nature of the houses they occupy and rule. He defines and describes derivative houses, planetary and
house rulerships, dispositorships, mutual reception and the compatibility
and nature of importance of their placement in the horoscope. Alan Oken’s
in-depth exploration of the ruler for each of the twelve houses and the rulers
of the rising sign is an invaluable tool for astrology students and teachers alike.
The Wise Heart
A Guide to the Universal Teachings
of Buddhist Psychology
By Jack Kornfield
In The Wise Heart, meditation teacher Jack
Kornfield presents a compelling challenge to
the medical orientation of Western psychology
and psychiatry and to the materialism, cynicism,
and despair of Western culture. Using Western
and Buddhist psychology to illuminate one
another and drawing on his own experience as
a counselor with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, as well as on the vivid,
down-to--earth wisdom of his primary Asian teachers, Kornfield outlines a radical and positive approach to mental well-being. Filled with
personal stories and with precise practical guidance for personal
change, The Wise Heart is an extraordinary journey from the roots of
consciousness to the highest expression of human possibility.
Bantam Books. Hardcover, $26.00.
Ibis Press. Paper, $19.95.
Inspirational Thoughts for a Happy,
Healthy, and Fu1filling Day
By Madisyn Taylor
In DailyOM:, Madisyn Taylor, originator and editorin-chief of the award-winning website, DailyOM.,
offers 150 essays on healing, awareness, and wellbeing. This inspirational book is a valuable guide that
will enable readers to find balance and wellness
through thoughtful, authentic inspiring passages
meant for daily inspiration. With passages addressing meditation, relationships, nature, and spiritual exercises for personal
growth, DailyOM will ignite your consciousness, and open your mind to
the possibilities contained within. The gentle and affirming wisdom contained within its pages is intended to make each day a little happier, less
stressful, and more satisfying.
Healing with Energy
The Difinitive Guide to Hands-On
Techniques from a Master
By Starr Fuentes
In this highly instructional volume, master healer
and teacher Starr Fuentes explains the entire healing process, from the appropriate situation for healing someone to the steps of closing a session.
Beginners can easily access the information, while
advanced healers can expand their knowledge.
Healing with Energy includes more than forty illustrated healing techniques and exercises, 140 affirmations for specific
afflictions, and an insightful glossary. The book covers a wide variety of
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing modalities that can be
used by anyone, for self-healing or to begin or expand a practice.
New Page Books. Paper, $14.99.
Hay House. Paper, $15.95
Charles Fort
The Man Who Invented the
By Jim Steinmeyer
Charles Fort was in a long line of homespun
American eccentrics, such as the people
who invented perpetual motion machines
and wacko religions. A great humorist with a
serious purpose: To send up pompous scientists by challenging their ordained laws of
nature. He did so in a series of phantasmagorical, meticulously researched books. To
this day, Charles Fort’s name is attached to
the strange and unexplained events referred to as “Fortean.” In
Charles Fort: The Man Who Invented the Supernatural, criticallyacclaimed author Jim Steinmeyer has written the definitive literary
biography of this fascinating figure. Fort considered himself primarily
a writer, and Steinmeyer reveals what transformed Fort from a scribbler of ordinary magazine stories into “the Mad Genius of the Bronx.”
Tarcher/Penguin. Hardcover, $24.95.
Her Inspiration
Secrets to Help You Work
Smart, Be Successful
and Have Fun
By Mina Parker
Foreword by BJ Gallagher
Her Inspiration is a reminder to the
reader that you have what it takes
to make it to the top. This book is
full of quotes and thoughts from
hundreds of women to encourage,
motivate, and support you as you
make your way. Famous and infamous, wise and wisecracking, haughty
and humble: some are names you will know well, others are everyday
gals with something important to add. The book contains nine chapters, each containing one of the secrets to finding satisfaction in your
own success, and wise words from women all around the world and
throughout history. Parker introduces each with her own thoughts and
then lets the ladies speak for themselves.
Conari Press. Paper, $14.95.
A Matter of Life and Death
Remarkable True Stories of
Hope and Healing
By Rosemary Altea
When Rosemary Altea’s The Eagle and the
Rose was published in 1995, the book
became an instant New York Times bestseller. Presenting the remarkable true story
of her life growing up in England, where she
discovered her abilities to talk to the dead
and work as a healer, the book ushered in a
sea change in thinking about all things spiritual. Readers were introduced to her
Apache spirit guide, Grey Eagle, through
whom she works to communicate with “the
other side.” In this illuminating new book, Altea offers awe-inspiring
new stories of helping sick and grief-stricken people heal, recognize
their true path, and find peace in reunion with departed loved ones.
Tarcher/Penguin . Paper, $14.95.
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Queen of the Troubadours
By Jean Markale
Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204) has been
long noted for her political and cultural
achievements that profoundly shaped
twelfth-century Europe. Culturally, beyond
her role as wife of kings Louis VII of France
and Henry II of England and mother of
kings Richard and John, she inspired the
huge diffusion of the Arthurian cycle and
the Celtic myths underpinning it. Without
Eleanor, figures such as Merlin, Arthur, and
Guinevere (for whom Eleanor served as
model) would never have assumed the
enormous symbolic value they now possess. In Eleanor of Aquitaine,
historian and story-teller Jean Markale provides a comprehensive view
of the mythical and historic significance of the great medieval queen.
Inner Traditions. Paper, $16.95.
Quantum Shift in the
Global Brain
How the New Scientific Reality
Can Change Us and Our World
By Ervin Laszlo
In this book, Ervin Laszlo, twice nominated for
the Nobel Peace Prize, presents a new “reality
map” to guide us through the world shifts we
are experiencing, in order to help us understand what we must do during this time of great
transition. Science’s cutting edge now views
reality as broader, as multiple universes arising in a possibly infinite
meta-universe, as well as deeper, extending into dimensions at the
subatomic level. Laszlo shows that aspects of human experience that
had previously been consigned to the domain of intuition and speculation are now being explored with scientific rigor and urgency. There has
been a shift in the materialistic scientific view of reality toward the multidimensional worldview of multiple interconnected realities long known by
the world’s great spiritual traditions. By understanding the interconnectedness of our changing world as well as our changing “map” of the
world, we can navigate with insight, wisdom, and confidence.
Inner Traditions. Paper, $14.95.
Sound Medicine
The Complete Guide to Healing
with the Human Voice
By Wayne Perry
Discover the natural vibrations, overtones, and harmonics within the human voice and develop its innate
therapeutic capabilities. Learn how to transform your
health, relationships and spiritual awareness with this
practical and complete handbook to vocal mastery,
sound healing and transformation. Highlights include: Beginning to
advanced vocal toning techniques; physical and emotional pain release;
a diverse and entertaining assortment of vocal overtoning exercises; how
to discover and use your own signature vibration for enhanced wellness;
sonic meditation and chakra toning, clearing and balancing; explore a
vast array of sound healing principles, secrets and useful tips. Includes a
companion audio CD, which includes vocal training excercises.
Career Press. Paper, book & CD, $21.99.
The Soul of Autism
Looking Beyond Labels to Unveil
Spiritual Secrets of the Heart Savants
By William Stillman
In Autism and the God Connection, William
Stillman presented extraordinary accounts of
spiritual giftedness in autistic children and
adults, persons often deemed intellectually
inferior. Now, in The Soul of Autism, Stillman
shows why the unaccountable and dramatic
rise in autism is a necessary part of our spiritual evolution, and reveals the secret component
that makes autistic telepathy possible for us all,
and how we can learn to use it. William Stillman believes the world
needs autism. After reading this moving and inspiring book, you will
see why.
New Page Books. Paper, $14.99.
JUNE / JULY 2008
Journeys to the Mythical Past
By Zecharia Sitchin
In Journeys to the Mythical Past, the renowned
researcher of antiquity Zecharia Sitchin tells his
own story of an indefatigable dedication to finding
the truth that almost cost him his life when uncovering secrets of the Giza pyramids and Sphinx.
Exposing hidden artifacts that contradict establishment assumptions dedicated to preserving the status quo or that baffle scientists when forced to
show them, Sitchin’s firsthand accounts of his
explorations take the reader into the inner workings of the Vatican, the
enigma of a futuristic computer from millennia ago, and the secret handiwork of a Divine Architect at Stonehenge, at Malta, and at a site in the
Americas. Looking deep into antiquity, Sitchin offers astounding evidence
that links the Nazca lines and a baffling adjoining site to the Departure from
Earth of the Anunnaki, the ancient gods who, he believes, vowed to
Bear & Company. Hardcover, $24.00.
The Backdoor To
Eight Steps to Living Your Dreams
and Changing Your World
By Za Rinpoche and Ashley Nebelsieck
The Backdoor To Enlightenment is a thoughtprovoking new book that addresses the single
question: “Why would the Buddha tell you that
you must change who you are to become
enlightened?” That’s the question Ms.
Nebelsieck posed to Za Rinpoche in their first,
seemingly innocent, communication. Rinpoche
was immediately intrigued. In his many years of studying the Buddhist
texts and translations with legendary teachers and scholars, he had
never thought of this question. He says, “In the monastery we are taught
to debate many different philosophers’ points of view, but I had never
heard this one. I realized that even if she were wrong, the argument was
still worth considering.” This unique book blends centuries-old texts with
contemporary wisdom from these two diverse and vibrant new voices.
Part mystery/adventure, part wisdom teachings, part hands-on self-help,
this three-in-one book offers an exciting new approach to secular
Buddhist philosophy for the next generation.
Three Leaves/Doubleday. Paper, $14.00.
Captured!: The Betty and
Barney Hill UFO Experience
The True Story of the World’s First
Documented Alien Abduction
By Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden
The 1961 UFO abduction of Betty and
Barney Hill stirred worldwide interest.
Today, forty-seven years after the abduction
of the Hills, more and more people are convinced that UFOs are real and that their
existence is being covered up by the government. But the complete story of what
really happened that day, its effect on the
participants, and the findings of investigators has never been told...until now. In Captured! you’ll get an insider’s
look at the alien abduction, previously unpublished information about
the lives of the Hills before and after Barney’s death in 1969, their status as celebrities, Betty’s experiences as a UFO investigator, and other
activities before her death in 2004. In addition, co-author, physicist, and
ufologist Stanton T. Friedman, the original civilian investigator of the
Roswell Incident, reviews and refutes the arguments of those who have
attacked the Hill case, including the star map Betty Hill saw inside the
craft and later recreated.
New Page Books. Paper, $16.99.
2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl
By Daniel Pinchbeck
Until recently, no one apart from a select group of
scholars knew about the Mayan predictions for
our very near future. In 2012: The Return of
QuetzalcoatI author Daniel Pinchbeck recounts his
own personal experiences, beginning with an
exploration of prophecy, especially the vision of the
Mayans. The Mayans were obsessed with time,
and according to their Sacred Calendar, the year
2012 marks the end of a “Great Cycle” of more than
5,000 years, and the culmination of larger patterns that appear to go back
billions of years. Pinchbeck discovered that a number of theorists, working
outside the mainstream of archaeology, make a compelling argument that
2012 could represent a transformation in the nature of human consciousness as well as, potentially, a unified and harmonic global civilization.
Tarcher/Penguin. Paper, $14.95.
Urgent Message from Mother
Gather the Women, Save the World
By Jean Shinoda Bolen
Now in paperback for the first time Urgent
Message from Mother is a call to action for all
the women of the world. This unique combination of visionary thinking and practical ‘how to’
seeks to galvanize the power of women acting
together in order to save our world. Bolen outlines the lessons we can learn from the
women’s movement, draws on Jungian psychology and the sacred feminine, and gives
powerful examples of women coming together all over the globe who
are making a significant impact.
Conari Press. Paper, $14.95.
Cherokee Astrology
Animal Medicine in the Stars
By Raven Hail
Raven Hail, an elder of the Cherokee nation, provides insightful descriptions for each of the twenty signs that identify characteristics of those born
under a particular day sign and gives the meanings of the thirteen numbers that determine the
significance of that sign in the larger scheme of
life. The author has translated the traditional
Cherokee ephemeris into an easy-to-use format
that allows readers to quickly determine which
sign rules the day of their birth and which number has influence over it.
Bear & Company. Paper, $15.00.
The Food Intolerance Bible
A Nutritionist’s Plan to Beat Food
Cravings, Fatigue, Mood Swings,
Celiac Disease, Headaches, IBS,
and Deal with Food Allergies
By Antony J. Haynes and Antoinette Savill
Nearly everyone has an intolerance to one
food or another with symptoms ranging
from mild bloating and energy dips after
eating to cramping, nausea, skin problems,
or mood swings. In The Food Intolerance
Bible, Antony J. Haynes, a top nutritionist,
has devised a unique plan to help readers identify and avoid food intolerances and allergies. He will help readers to understand what a food
intolerance is and the various ways to confirm if they have one, and
why. By following his simple steps anyone can isolate and eliminate
problem foods and completely reverse their symptoms.
Conari Press. Paper, $19.95.
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Creative Fires...Continued from page 35
age and talent whose spirit has been
awakened by this depth of awe and
wonder. But I also know that, at the
end of the day, it’s up to me to pick
up the pen or the camera. Over the
years, I’ve learned to respect the
deceptively simple wisdom behind
folk stories about creativity-like the
wonderful legend from China in
which an old king gold-plates his
bathtub and commands his finest
craftsmen to carve upon it fine sayings from the old sages. Each morning during his bath, the king meditates on these sayings, which he
called the Five Excellent Practices,
in order to rule as wisely as possible.
spirit, a daimon that may know more
about your destiny than you do. It
matters that there’s an abyss
between human hearts that can be
bridged with ink, paint, stone, and
music. It matters which words you
use to bridge that chasm. “Stories,”
“sparks,” “fires,” “genius,” “daimon,” “heart” are all sacred words in
my vocabulary, because they do just
that. But words aren’t enough. You
need something more, a spur that
quickens you into action, a trigger
that makes the phoenix in you rise
from its ashes. You must make these
words and desires move; you need to
move beyond inspiration until it
becomes something else.
The great Oregon poet William
Stafford speaks of a mythic thread of
destiny woven by the Three Fates:
“There’s a thread you follow. It goes
among / Things that change. But it
doesn’t change ... “When in doubt
about what you’re supposed to be
doing with your fierce heart, think
about this thread. Is it your faith in
the divine, your love of family, your
vocation as a creative artist or entrepreneur?
JUNE / JULY 2008
This much I know. The creative journey is a search for the deeply real.
It’s a fiery attempt to make real some
idea, some vision that is uncomfortably unreal until it’s created. The
search for inspiration, like Stafford’s
mythic thread, is never-ending. The
thread is the force that makes you
real—if you don’t let go of it. Your
work will never be real—realized—
until you are.
Here is a very real description of
inspiration given by ten-year-old
Nila Devaney, from Arcata,
Your imagination holds news of eternity. Inspiration comes and goes,
creativity is the result of practice.
There is a gold thread from your soul
to your real work. Hold onto it for
dear life. There is a force within you
that breathes divine fire and brings
your work to life. Honor it at all
costs. Give us something the world’s
never seen before: you.
Reprinted with permission of Conari Press,
Stoking the Creative Fires, by Phil
Cousineau, is available wherever books are
sold or directly from the publisher at (800)
423-7087 or www.conari.com.
Inspiration is foolish. He doesn’t lie,
but he only begins the truth. He is the
one who starts the picture and completes the world. Without inspiration,
there would not be you. Inspiration
is like a candle: the flame of everything, the start of everything. Every
time inspiration walks into a new
neighborhood, he immediately
makes friends with the kids.
Ah, from the mouths of babes.
I’m fascinated by those of any