September 2013
September 2013
T.S.BOOKSHOP NEWS Volume 18 Issue 2 September 2013 Browse and shop online at: Once again we have been blessed with a visit from another of your alltime favourite authors, Doreen Virtue. Doreen came to the T.S. Bookshop one Saturday afternoon for a book signing, when she gave a short introduction to herself and her work, and then a couple of impromptu angel readings along with Australia’s own Robert Reeves, with whom she co-wrote the book “Flower Therapy”. It is an absolute pleasure to meet people who truly embody what they teach, and Doreen, Robert and their partners were very generous with their time and energy. She stayed for as long as it took for everyone to have their books signed, and their photos taken with her. We are very grat eful for Doreen’s visit, and encouraged by her support of the T.S. Bookshop. If you don ’t wan t to mis s out the nex t tim e we hav e a specia l gue st or Con ver satio ns at th e T. S. Book sho p ev en t, ple ase reg ist er you r ema il addre ss wit h us nex t tim e you ’re in the sho p, or on our web sit e (b ot to m le ft- ha nd co rn er , cli ck on “Si gn up for Newsletter and Spe cia l Eve nts notific ation by ema il” ). BOOKS COMPACT DISCS DVDS TAROT CARDS CRYSTALS INCENSE AROMATHERAPY OILS AURA-SOMA INDIAN ARTEFACTS THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY BOOKSHOP SECOND FLOOR 126 - 128 RUSSELL ST MELBOURNE 3000 TEL (03) 9650 3955 FAX (03) 9650 4894 TRADING HOURS MONDAY TO SATURDAY 10:00 am to 6:00 pm e-mail: Indigo Angel Oracle Cards Doreen Virtue & Charles Virtue 44 card Deck & Guidebook $19.95 Indigos are strong-willed intuitive leaders with innate spiritual skills, including the ability to clearly recognize the truth. “Because of their nonconformity, Indigos often buck the system … which is part of their global mission to bring truth and integrity to this world.” However, even Indigos need assistance in knowing the next step to take in their mission, as well as help with relationships and other areas. Doreen and her son Charles present ‘angelically’ illustrated cards with angelic guidance specifically for Indigo children and adults. Flower Therapy Oracle Cards Doreen Virtue & Robert Reeves 44 card Deck & Guidebook $19.95 Flowers are beautiful angels of nature that carry powerful essences, energy and messages for us all. Using these Flower Therapy Oracle Cards, you can conduct readings to gain accurate and trustworthy guidance for yourself and others. In the accompanying guidebook, Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves explain the meaning of each gorgeous card, and provide specific details on healing with the flowers. The flowers and the angels happily share their love and light! T.S. Bookshop News How to Meditate A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind Pema Chödrön HC $24.95 Pema Chödrön is treasured around the world for her unique ability to transmit teachings and practices that bring peace, understanding, and compassion into our lives. In How to Meditate, this American-born Tibetan Buddhist nun presents an in-depth exploration of what she considers the essentials for a lifelong practice. Meditation, Pema explains, gives us a golden key to address the yearning we feel for authenticity, connection and aliveness. She presents a practical guide to the basics of meditation, and then addresses thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and in the final section of the book, opening your heart to everything. “I feel that the ultimate reason why we practice is so that we can become completely loving people. And this is what the world needs.” On the Path to Enlightenment Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters Matthieu Ricard PB $27.95 How can we use every moment to pro gre ss tow ard enlightenment? The great Tibetan spiritual masters, with profound experience of that path, have distilled their advice into powerful, seedlike instructions that get to the heart of the matter. Matthieu Ricard, the well-known Buddhist Monk and author, has selected and translated page 2 September 2013 some of the most refreshing and clearest of these passages, drawing from all eight traditions, or transmission lineages, of Tibetan Buddhism. This anthology reflects the different stages of the spiritual journey according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. “I hope that, like a drop of honey, which, despite its small size, has all the flavour of the jar from which it is taken, this collection will contain the essence of the Buddhist path, especially in its most practical aspect, the use of every moment of existence to progre ss toward enlightenment.” The Way of Liberation A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment Adyashanti PB $17.00 This slim volume, The Way of Liberation, is Ad ya s hanti ’s stripped-down, practical guide to spiritu al aw ak en ing . With a profound simplicity, it outlines the Five Foundations, the Three Orienting Ideas, and the Core Practices that are essential in the process of waking up to the absolute nature of Reality, and living it to the fullest extent possible. Asked to teach in 1996 by his Zen teacher of 14 years, Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology: his teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. “This is not a book about spiritual betterment, selfimprovement, or altered states of consciousness. It is about spiritual awakening, going from the dream state of ego to the awakened state beyond ego as quickly and efficiently as possible.” Garden Meditation Cultivating Peace A Natural Path to Happiness Timothy Mckibben PB $24.95 Timothy Mckibben is a Buddhist monk and teacher, who, for the past 23 years, has helped develop the Peaceful Land of Joy rose gardens at the Tib eta n Bu ddhi st Societ y in Yuroke, just outside Melbourne. Writing with a warm and often humorous tone, Timothy Mckibben draws on both his gardening experience and his life as a Buddhist monk to illustrate Buddhist teachings, and offer simple meditations to cultivate kindness and insight. “If we recognise how the cultivation of the outer garden parallels the cultivation of the internal landscape of the mind, then as the garden grows, we too grow - and more than just calluses on the hands.” Now illustrated with colourful inspirational photographs, this book is a real treat for the soul. The Shambhala Principle Discovering Humanity’s Hidden Treasure Sakyong Mipham HC $32.95 This book revolves around a dialogue between the author, Sakyong Mipham, the head of the Shambhala lineage, and his father, the legendary Chögyam Trungpa Rin- Browse and shop online at: T.S. Bookshop News poche. “Shambhala is not only a place; it is a spiritual path, what is sometimes called a ’worldly path’ because our confidence in basic goodness allows us to relax with our world and see its sacred quality.” Through recounting experiences with his father, Sakyong Mipham explores the ideas behind creating an enlightened society that could stabilize and transform our world. “In terms of the human mind, one of the greatest lessons I learned from my father was the importance of the present moment.” Part memoir, part teaching tool, The Shambhala Principle will inspire you to embody the heart of goodness. The Deepest Acceptance Radical Awakening in Ordinary Life Jeff Foster HC $26.95 How can we bring an effortless yes to this moment? How do we stop running from the ‘mess of our life’ - our predicaments, our frustrations, even our search for liberation - and start flowing with all of it? In small venues throughout the UK and Europe, a young teacher named Jeff Foster is quietly awakening a new generation of spiritual inquirers to the experience of abiding presence and peace in our evershifting world. “Spiritual awakening is actually very simple. It is the timeless recognition of who you really are, the consciousness prior to form. But actually living that recognition in day-to-day life … is where the real adventure of life begins.” Foster writes and speaks from his own awakened experience, to help show the way out of seeking fulfilment in the future, and into the acceptance of “all this, here and now”. September 2013 Moving the Mountain A New Vision of Islam in America Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf PB $20.00 Leap of Perception The Transforming Power of Your Attention Penney Peirce HC $27.00 Whilst this book addresses the subject of Islam in America, its message is relevant to the whole world. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf contends that: “Authentic Islam [in contrast to extremist Islam] recognizes other religions’ route to God; it is a religion of spirituality, compassion, and mercy rather than of judgment and punishment; its spirituality is elaborated in jurisprudential reasoning rather than emotional fanaticism; it prizes flexibility and adaptability to different cultures rather than rigid adherence to medieval mores.” With a kind, intelligent and compassionate voice, Rauf shows why it is important to reclaim religious and political discourse from the extremists of all faiths who dominate so many of the headlines today. It is easy to see why this man is so successful as a peace-builder. As the vibration of the world continues to accelerate, we are being catalyzed into a new kind of knowing - literally, a transformative leap of perception. The “Information Age” is speeding to a point where life will soon make a leap into the “Intuition Age”. We can now clearly see how perception itself creates the world and our life experience. “The nonphysical world, the realm of your soul and spirit, is arriving, appearing, revealing itself openly - inside, throughout, and all around your physical reality.” Penney Peirce is a gifted intuitive empath, respected visionary, and pioneer in the field of intuition developme nt and conscio usne ss transformation. With lots of information and helpful exercises, Leap of Perception is the guidebook you need to thrive in a world of rapidly expanding possibilities. Here are a couple of re-releases of old favourites that haven’t been available for some time now. The World Unseen Anthony Borgia PB $25.95 In this compilation of Life in the World Unseen, More About Life in the W orld Un seen , an d Here an d Herafter, Anthony Borgia gives us a glimpse of the places that we are destined to inhabit when our lives on earth are over. These books serve as a travel guide into the mysterious realm beyond this world, told by those who are already there. The Hathor Material - Messages from an Ascended Civilization Originally published by Virginia Essene, now revised & updated by Tom Kenyon PB & 2 CDs $59.95 With the assistance of one of his Hathor mentors, Tom Kenyon has revised and added new material to his channelled work of 1996, and it now stands as a companion for those wishing to ex pl or e no n ordinary realities more deeply. Browse and shop online at: page 3 T.S. Bookshop News Conversations with the Universe How the World Speaks to Us Simran Singh PB $27.00 Simran Singh is a visio nar y spirit ual healer who advocates expanding our awareness of the signs that the Universe places clearly before us to guide us toward the right path. If you do not learn how to listen when the Universe speaks, you are missing out on much of the richness and beauty of your experience. Since we are constantly receiving signs and signals from the Universe, we can develop the vocabulary to adequately process these messages. “I want you to understand how to be an active participant in your ongoing conversation with the Universe - in fact, in your co-creation with the Universe.” Singh shares her knowledge of the language of the Universe, including practices and stories to assist you in your own dialogue with the Universe, so that you can open your mind and embark on a miraculous spiritual journey. Life Visioning A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential Michael Bernard Beckwith PB $20.95 Why have you been given this singular treasure that is your life - and how will you use it? What is the purpose for the unique blend of gifts, skills, experiences and perspectives that you alone possess? Michael Bernard Beckwith, featured teacher in the film, The Secret, page 4 page 4 September 2013 and founder of the ’trans-religious’ community, Agape International Spiritual Center, presents Life Visioning, an essential companion for anyone seeking to accelerate their spiritual evolution. He outlines the complete Life Visioning Process - a transformational technology for applying deep inquiry and spiritual practice to enable the growth, development and unfoldment of your soul. “So I encourage you to return to visioning again and again to make that connection with your Authentic Self, a self whose exquisiteness has no competitor, has no limits, and has all that is needed to live a life of incomparable beauty.” Finding Your Element How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica PB $30.00 In 2009, Ken Robinson wrote The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, to encourage people to think different ly about themselves and the lives they could lead. In response to requests from readers for help in finding their own element, Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica have now written Finding Your Own Element, which offers a practical guide to discovering your passions and natural aptitudes. Offering the tools, techniques, resources and advice you need to discover the depth of your abilities, it helps identify opportunities for change. “Finding your Element is a quest to find yourself ... it is a two-way journey; an inward journey to explore what lies within you, and an outward journey to explore opportunities in the world around you.” Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov PB $19.95 In his international bestseller, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, Dr. Pearl taught us how to access and tap into a comprehensive spectrum of energy, light, and information that allowed us to entirely transcend complex healing 'techniques' and bring about dramatic, often instantaneous, lifelong healings and life transformations. “I’ve come to understand what I call the One-Cause Theory. The OneCause Theory posits that the degree to which we fall away from perfect health is the degree to which we’ve temporarily forgotten that we are the light.” Now, as guided by the spirit of Solomon, a multidimensional intelligence that speaks through Frederick Ponzlov, we can experience firsthand the insights imparted during the evolution of this unique transmodality known today as Reconnective Healing. Pleiadian Principles for Living A Guide to Accessing Dimensional Energies, Communicating with the Pleiadians, and Navigat ing These Changing Times Christine Day PB $27.00 Christine Day is a spiritual teacher and healer who has channelled informact eO tion from extrateru d ck Sto restrials known as Pleiadians for the past 20 years. The Pleiadians call this the New Dawning, a time for us to renounce our fear-based, Browse and shop online at: T.S. Bookshop News three-dimensional illusions, and consciously align with the new fourth and fifth-dimensional energies that are anchoring on our planet. In Pleiadian Principles for Living, Day provides tools to harness the energy of the Earth’s natural forces, and to communicate with the Spiritual realms and all energetic alliances within the Universe. She provides unique access to audio files on the Internet, which hold channelled initiations. “The new frequencies of light and sound that are now bathing the planet are awakening you to the remembrance of and reconnection with your true Self.” The Secret of Life Wellness The Essential Guide to Life’s Big Questions Inna Segal PB $30.00 Through her incredibly popular se mi na rs an d healing sessions, Inna Segal, author of the very successful, The Secret Language of Your Body, has been actively sought out for her valued advice, and now she answers the twenty-four most important questions about your journey to wellness. Segal’s answers will help you restore your health, improve your relationships, tune in to your energy centre, and confidently create your reality. As you tap into your intuition and let go of old patterns, you will discover a hidden wellspring of energy and a greater capacity to experience joy, presence of being, and sacred connections. The Secret of Life Wellness combines personal insights, real life examples, and interactive tools to help you heal, transform, and flourish in everything you do. September 2013 Forthcoming New Releases Due October/November - Pre-Order Now! The Synchronicity Key David Wilcock PB $35.00 Known for his work The Sourcefield Investigations, David Wilcock continues to explore the intersection of ancient mysteries and new science, finding proof that everything in our lives is connected. Hero Rhonda Byrne HC $32.95 From the author of the ever popular The Secret, comes Rhonda Byrne’s latest world-changing project, revealing that we can fulfil our mission, and literally change the world. Secrets of Your Cells Discovering Your Body’s inner Intelligence Sondra Barrett, PhD PB $23.95 The Essential Guide to Energy Healing Harness the power of natural healing energy to relieve pain and illness Dr. Michael Andron & Ben Andron A guiding principle PB $17.00 of the spiritual journey is to “look Each of us has enwithin”. Biochemist ergy fields within and min d - bod y and around us - enteacher Sondra Barergy we can draw rett has done just upon to ease sufferthat - and discovered that our cells ing or pain and even offer us invaluable wisdom for prevent disease. The transformation, relationships, and Essential Guide to Energy Healing healing. Drawing on insights from explores different approaches to science, shamanic practices, energy energy diagnosis and healing, inmedicine, and the wisdom of our cluding Reiki and Therapeutic bod y’s fundam ent al bui ldi ng Touch, massage, acupuncture and blocks, Secrets of Your Cells is a acupressure, crystals and stones, thoroughly researched and accessi- hypnosis, Ayurvedic medicine, reble resource for putting cutting- mote healing, and many others. edge biology into action. “I have Organized into four main sections, come to understand myself as a Dr. Michael Andron, (a T’ai Chi ‘code finder’, whose unexpected Master and Yoga Adept), aided by path is to uncover and make visi- his son Ben, (a lifelong student of ble secret messages hidden in the internal and external marial arts), very architecture of life that build introduces you to the theories and us, as well as our holy traditions.” methods of energy healing; surA pioneer in the field of psycho- veys the many systems of energy neuroimmunology, Barrett is emi- healing; teaches basic energy healnently qualified to teach us about ing skills; and helps you determine body-mind connections, and pro- what kind of healer you want to vides reflections and explorations consult, and the questions you to clarify the scientific information. should ask them. Browse and shop online at: page 5 page 5 T.S. Bookshop News The Complete Herbs Sourcebook An A-to-Z Guide of Herbs to Cure Your Everyday Ailments (This is a new edition of the very popular New Holistic Herbal) David Hoffman PB $30.00 year long. You’re probably wondering what the fifth season is: it is what we in the West refer to as late (or Indian) summer, and is considered the “middle season”. Joseph Cardillo, PhD, holds a doctorate in holistic psychology and mindNot every ail- body medicine, and teaches fun ment requires new ways to strengthen your deciharsh medic a- sion-making, boost your alertness, tion s, creams, or fight off mood swings and depresointments. With sion, increase relaxation, and nurTh e Co mp le te ture your spirit. In The Five Seasons Herbs Sourcebook, you will “learn how to sync up you can learn how to create your your mind and body to nature’s own herbal medicine chest for your cycles”, and to “live by going with family. Herbalist David Hoffman the flow rather than resisting it. provides tips on gathering your The formula is simple: Change the own herbs and preparing reme- way you understand and use nature’s dies, as well as useful information energy and you will change your life”. on how the body’s system works. Clear, step-by-step advice shows Tai Chi Illustrated you how to diagnose and safely For Greater Balance, treat a wide range of complaints - Relaxation, and Health from diabetes and depression to Master Pixiang Qui & Weimo Zhu whooping cough and insomnia PB $23.95 without any harmful side effects. Complete with an A to Z herbal Internationally reference section, you simply look renowned instrucup your ailment and find the herbs tor Master Pixiang that are safe to treat it. Hoffman Qiu and mindoffers a holistic approach for rebody exercise exstoring and maintaining your wellpert Weimo Zhu, being. demonstrate the mo st ef fe ct iv e The Five Seasons forms of Tai Chi for harnessing the Tap into Nature’s Secrets for Health, healing power of chi, or energy. Happiness, and Harmony You can improve balance and flexiJoseph Cardillo, PhD $23.00 bility, relieve stress, increase muscle strength, and reduce pain and Based on the five muscle stiffness with this ancient universal seasons yet modern exercise. “Derived from traditional Chi- from Chinese martial arts and Tao nese Medicine, as philosophy, tai chi is a unique Chiwell as on Western nese mind-body exercise that has psychology, The Five centuries of history. Some practiSeasons teaches you tioners refer to it as moving meditahow to use the rising and falling tion.” Tai Chi Illustrated is a stepenergies of nature’s seasons to by-step guide, complete with detrain your mind and body to feel tailed instructions and full-colour relaxed, energized and content, all photo sequences for the basic page 6 page 6 September 2013 movements and popular forms of Tai Chi. Whether you are completely new to tai chi, or have practiced for years, Tai Chi Illustrated will be your guide to the path of better health and self-awareness. Chakras, Auras, Subtle Bodies White Eagle PB $14.95 White Eagle’s teaching comes from the subtle world itself, received through his medium Grace Cooke. Over the years, many books have been published containing the wisdom of White Eagle, but this one brings together all of his teachings on subtle energy (what the Ancient Wisdom used to call etheric), and of the spiritual life which is beyond the physical in one sense, but interpenetrates it also. Chakras, Auras, Subtle Bodies is also a workbook, giving meditations and exercises to help us bring the light of the heart into the other chakras, acting as a guide to spiritual unfoldment, “for it shows how a steady development of awareness - one that begins, always, in the heart chakra brings the subtle body to life”. Your Body has the Answer A Guide to Self-Testing with Kinesiology Elizabeth Hughes PB $49.95 Kinesio log y is based on the principle that muscles and organs are connected to meridian energy lines. By testing the muscles relating to the meridian lines, a kinesiologist can determine if there is a weakness. “Kinesiology taps into your Browse and shop online at: T.S. Bookshop News September 2013 energy system and allows your Two New Omnibus Compilations body to communicate by the musfrom Your Favourite Authors cle test response.” Australian kineThe Essential Wayne Dyer si ol og is t, El iz ab et h Hu gh es , The Law of Attraction Collection Wayne Dyer founded Progressive Kinesiology, Essential Collection HC & bonus DVD $29.95 which gives equal attention to the Esther & Jerry Hicks emotional, nutritional, physical HC & 2 DVDs $29.95 Includes The Power of Attention, The Shift and Exand energetic needs of the individIncludes The Law of cuses Begone!, as Attraction, Money ual. You can use Your Body Has well as the Ambiand the Law of Atthe Answer to explore the cause of tion to Meaning traction and The your ailments, and discover the DVD. Enjoy the Vortex, as well as best treatment for them. Beautibenefits of Wayne two Law of Attracfully illustrated and practically laid Dyer’s wisdom in tion DVDs. A great out, it provides information on 50 one volume. beginners pack. common conditions, and offers a range of treatment options for each, including foods to eat or avoid, es- Soul Plan Making Marriage Simple sential oils, reflexology, crystal heal- Reconnect with Your 10 Truths for Changing the ing and chakra balancing. True Life Purpose Relationship You Have Into Blue Marsden PB $34.95 the One You Want Awakening Past Lives Harville Hendrix, PhD & Helen A Step-by-Step Guide Soul Plan is a new in- LaKelly Hunt, PhD PB $33.00 to Self-Exploration terpretation of an anJohn Z. Amoroso, PhD cient system of life Leading relationship PB & CD $26.00 purpos e ana ly sis . ex pe rt s Ha rvi ll e Blue Marsden sets Hendrix and Helen Dr John Amoroso out a complex but LaKelly Hunt have has practiced clinical fascinating method spent their careers psychology for more for using your name to work out he lp in g co up le s than 20 years, and your ‘Soul Plan’. He takes the vitransform their relaworks with clients bration of your full birth name as tionships and build strong marusing a positive psy- your ’code’, which then becomes riages. But marriage is never easy, chological approach the key to revealing the secrets and some years ago they found focused on purposeful living and that manifest in your life as a hu- themselves on the brink of divorce. creativity. He explains that we came man being. The primary source They put themselves back through into our lives with a specific soul Marsden uses to aid in decipher- the exercises they’d coached so purpose or life mission. In Awaken- ing meaning in this code is the Se- many other couples through, saving Past Lives, Amoroso provides fer Yetzirah. He also draws on the ing their own marriage. In Making you with the tools to start the proc- work of the late Dr. Frank Alper, Marriage Simple, they distil into ten ess of awakening past lives on the who int rod uce d an ori ginal vital truths how to create a successpath of health and growth. “The method of gematria based on the ful and satisfying relationship. In approach in doing the self-directed ancient Hebrew Gematria, most each chapter they introduce a simIntegrated Imagery exercises is to commonly associated with He- ple truth and an easy, yet effective accentuate the positive and de- brew numerology. “Soul Plan will exercise to help couples apply it in energize the negative as we clarify help you to discover your core es- daily life. “In a Partnership Marand empower our personal pursuit sence, higher purpose and direc- riage, both partners are free and of soul purpose.” He recommends tion, as well as offer you clear equal. They consciously promote exercises, self-reflection and jour- guidelines on how to clear any- each other’s psychological and naling, and provides an audio re- thing that may be blocking you spiritual growth. In so doing, they gression CD to help discover the from realizing your full potential experience the ultimate communkarmic themes in your life. or ‘Soul Destiny’.” ion possible between humans.” Browse and shop online at: page 7 page 7 Here are the Top Ten Best-selling CDs and DVDs for 2013 - so far! 1. Chakra Clearing by Doreen Virtue CD $16.95 Clear your energy chakra centres and activate your inborn healing and psychic power. 1. Awakening in the Now by Eckhart Tolle DVD $24.95 This illuminating 110 minute encounter with Eckhart Tolle will deepen your experience of pure presence. 2. Regression to Times and Places by Brian Weiss CD $16.95 The regressions provide techniques for retrieving past-life memories, and accessing inner wisdom. 2. Finding Joe by Patrick Solomon DVD $24.95 Finding Joe explores how the hero’s journey is relevant and essential in today’s world. 3. Holy Harmony by Jonathan Goldman CD $24.95 Includes sacred sounds of tuning forks and choral chant of YHSVH, for deep relaxation and healing. 3. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne DVD $19.95 The Secret explains the law that is governing all lives, and shows how to create a joyful life. 4. Mindfulness Meditations by John Barter 2CD $39.95 Introduction to Mindfulness, two guided Mindfulness Meditations, and practice pointers. 4. The Science of Miracles by Gregg Braden DVD $29.95 Discover paradigm shattering revelations, and why our DNA is a code we can change and upgrade by choice. 5. I Am: Wishes Fulfilled Meditation by Wayne Dyer & James Twyman CD $15.95 Hear sounds that are associated with the Divine name of God - I AM. 5. Ecstatic States by Ram Dass DVD $29.95 In this interview documentary, Ram Dass talks about expanded states of Consciousness and the experience of ecstatic states. 6. Information & Meditation on the Twelve Chakras by Diana Cooper CD $21.95 Re-instate your 12 chakras, and activate your 12 strands of DNA. 6. What About Me? by 1 Giant Leap DVD $29.95 The film makers explore, through music, the complexities of human nature on a global scale. 7. Sleep Soundly by Sarah Edelman CD $24.95 Guided relaxation, visualization and meditation specifically designed for promoting sleep. 7. Entanglement: Tales of Everyday Magic by Gregg Braden DVD $19.95 Explores the possibility of quantum entanglement, and our connection to ‘the Divine Matrix’. 8. Into Red Dust by The Ambients CD $25.00 Cyclic, raga-like musical pieces inspired by the vast landscapes of the Australian outback. 8. One: The Movie by Ward Powers DVD $24.95 On his search for the meaning of Life, Powers is miraculously joined by many of the world’s spiritual leaders. 9. Lux by Brian Eno CD $24.95 Elegance and grace, bathed in light, are key words to describe this ambient music. Enhances any place or activity involving quietude. 9. Gita Yoga: an Introduction by The Gita Yoga School DVD $29.95 Build a clear strong foundation for your yoga practice. Gita Yoga involves your whole being for total health. 10. A Deeper Light by Deva Premal & Miten CD $24.95 A sensuous, hypnotic journey into page 8 the realms of ecstatic bliss and deepening connections of the heart. 10. Art Mind: the Healing Power of Sacred Art by Alex Grey DVD $29.95 Visionary artist Alex Grey discusses his artistic vision, metaphysical journeys, and painters who have influenced him.
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