Fall 2015 catalog
Fall 2015 catalog
QUEST BOOKS FA LL 2 015 CO N T E N T S 3New Titles 8Recent Releases 10 Backlist Best Sellers Science and Consciousness 10 Self-Help and Healing 10 Art, Music, and Creativity 12 Western Mysticism 12 Eastern Religions 14 Biography and Memoir 15 Earth and Native Spirituality 15 16 Audio/Visual Titles 17 Index 18 Order Forms 19 Ordering Information New and recent Quest titles can be purchased in PDF and ePub formats at www.questbooks.com. In addition, our e-books are available for Kindle and Nook devices. Look for this symbol * throughout this catalog. Quest Books is the publishing imprint of the Theosophical Society in America. The Society is a branch of a world fellowship and membership organization dedicated to promoting the unity of humanity and encouraging the study of religion, philosophy, and science so that we may better understand ourselves and our relationships within this multidimensional universe. The Society stands for complete freedom of individual search and belief. For further information about its activities, write to the Theosophical Society in America, PO Box 270, Wheaton, Illinois 60187-0270; call 1-800-669-1571; e-mail olcott@ theosophical.org; or consult its web page: www. theosophical.org. Visit our website at www.questbooks.com. Visit our website for interactive features now available online: interviews, reviews, excerpts, videos, author blogs, message boards, and more! Subscribe to our e-newsletter and receive updates on our titles, exclusive discounts on books, and special features unavailable elsewhere. Subscribe to Quest Magazine. The journal of the Theosophical Society in America, Quest is a quarterly magazine of philosophy, science, religion, and the arts from the perspective of the Ageless Wisdom tradition. It explores the common ground between East and West, the ancients and the moderns, science and religion, and the philosophical and the practical. Members of the Society receive the magazine as part of their annual dues. Nonmember one-year subscriptions are available at the following US dollar rates: $27.97 domestic, $38.97 Canada, $42.97 by air mail to other countries. Two-year subscriptions are $52.80 domestic, $72.00 Canada, and $79.20 by air mail to other countries. Send subscription orders to Quest Magazine, Att’n: Subscriptions, PO Box 270, Wheaton, IL 60187-0270. We are now keeping a majority of our backlist titles in For membership information, call 1-800-669-1571, ext. 322. For other information, e-mail info@theosophical.org. For a complete list of all of our books, including those CULTIVATE AN OPEN MIND. print, some through new digital printing technology. printed in Adyar and audio/video titles, call 1-800-6699425 or see www.questbooks.com. Prices and availability subject to change THIS CATALOG IS MADE POSSIBLE BY GENEROUS GRANTS FROM THE KERN FOUNDATION. Cover image: L’Arbre à pain, by Pierre Jourda (1931–2007). FA L L 2015 To spin or not to spin? That is the metaphysical question. The Metaphysics of Ping-Pong Table Tennis as a Journey of Self-Discovery GUIDO MINA DI SOSPIRO “Ping-Pong players are of two breeds: empiricists and metaphysicians,” says Guido Mina di Sospiro. “By adopting antispin paddles, empiricists declare explicitly who they are and what they stand for. Metaphysicians, on the other hand, are fascinated by spin, propelling them into the realm of four-dimensional, nonlinear geometry. They strive to bend the laws of physics by giving the ball the exact arc it needs to touch the deepest end of the table.” The author clearly plays in the latter court. With dazzling agility, he explores table tennis through Plato and Aristotle, Perennial Philosophy, and Jungian psychology. Topics range from finding one’s guru in the game, to the shadow side of competition, to chaos theory and the Tao. In Mina di Sospiro’s wise and witty view, this “humble” sport becomes a metaphor for understanding the entire human condition. As with planet Earth herself, it’s all in the spin. “Erudite, experimental and engaging, The Metaphysics of Ping-Pong provides an initiation into a visionary life, igniting the fires of inspiration through an intriguing intimacy with the mysteries of daily life that is available nowhere else.” —DAVID METCALFE, The Daily Grail GUIDO MINA DI SOSPIRO is an awardwinning, internationally published author. His novel The Story of Yew, published in the UK, is permanently featured in the Encyclopaedia Britannica and has been translated into many languages. Mina di Sospiro lives in the Washington, D.C. area and travels often to Europe and elsewhere to promote his books. MARKETING n Reviews in spiritual as well as sports media n Promotion to the author’s extensive network ALSO AVAILABLE SEPT EMBER 20 1 5 Metaphysics/Sports 5½ x 8½ | 240 pages $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0942-5 The Olympic Odyssey PHIL COUSINEAU $10.99 Available only in eBook Format 978-0-8356-2113-7 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE * E-BOOK AVAILABLE WWW.QUESTBOOKS.COM 3 N EW T I T LE S Spiritual stories of transition to comfort and inspire Peaceful Passages A Hospice Nurse’s Stories of Dying Well JANET WEHR JANET WEHR, RN, QTTP, is a registered nurse of 22 years who has devoted the last 17 years of her nursing career to hospice care. She has been actively involved in the healing modality of Therapeutic Touch for over 20 years and is a Qualified Therapeutic Touch Practitioner. She is a member of the Therapeutic Touch International Association, the American Holistic Nurses Association, and is on the board of directors for Saret Charitable Fund of DuPage County, IL. Joy is a word rarely associated with death. Yet joy is ultimately the effect in this collection of stories about Janet Wehr’s experiences in witnessing the death of her patients during her seventeen years as a hospice nurse. Her first-hand account gives illuminating and comforting insight into the spiritual aspect of what occurs at the transition from life, highlighting the importance of the mind-body-spirit connection as it manifests in the dying process. It also candidly discusses the services that hospices and hospice nurses can provide. Janet’s forty-seven personal stories are all true, fascinating, heart-felt, and thought-provoking. Her authentic examples impart hope, understanding, and a sense of peace about what is, after all, an inevitable experience. And with that sense of peace, comes joy. “Janet’s dedication to patients and their families is breathtaking. She has helped me to believe in angels. This is a book you will read more than once.” —GREG THOME, President/CEO of Hospice of America, Inc. Marketing n Will be used as a training manual for Hospice of America n Promotion to hospitals and nurses specializing in hospice care ALSO AVAILABLE O CTO B E R 2 0 1 5 Death and Dying 5½ x 8½ | 232 pages $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0940-1 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE 4 QUEST BOOKS n 800–669–9425 Letters to a Dying Friend ANTON GROSZ; Foreword by the DALAI LAMA $12.00 pb 978-0-8356-0765-0 Death at the Movies LYN and TOM DAVIS GENELLI $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0916-6 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE In Times of Grief CONNIE HARRISON $14.00 cl 978-0-8356-0737-7 Distribution limited to North America FA L L 2015 Breaks new ground in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality The Presence of the Infinite The Spiritual Experience of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness STEVE McINTOSH The Presence of the Infinite reveals more clearly than ever before what spiritual experience is and how it works. Integral philosopher Steve McIntosh expands our capacity to have such experience abundantly and use it effectively to improve our lives and the world around us. Conflicting ideas that regard spirit as either formless and impersonal or as loving and creative are deftly resolved. McIntosh, who invented the Zen Alarm Clock, transcends pluralistic relativism and soft-headed New Age thinking. He concentrates on America’s need for more effective forms of spiritual leadership, keeping the discussion practical and relevant as well as inspirational. Destined to become a definitive work in the exciting new field of evolutionary spirituality, his book presents a vision that can help us move forward in the twenty-first century. “By shining the light of integral philosophy onto the subject of spiritual experience and spiritual leadership, McIntosh convincingly describes the future course of humanity’s spiritual evolution. Reading this book is a spiritual experience in its own right.” —JOHN MACKEY, cofounder and CEO of Whole Foods Markets, and coauthor of Conscious Capitalism ALSO AVAILABLE STEVE McINTOSH is a leader in the integral philosophy movement. He is cofounder and president of the Institute for Cultural Evolution (ICE) think tank. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia Law School and the University of Southern California Business School. His website is www.stevemcintosh.com. MARKETING n The author is a luminary in his field and will tirelessly promote to his network n Blurbs by John Mackey, Andrew Cohen, Tony Schwartz, Carter Phipps, and others n Reviews and interviews in New Age print and broadcast media O CTO BER 20 1 5 Philosophy & Spirituality 6 x 9 | 280 pages $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0941-8 The Spectrum of Consciousness KEN WILBER $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0695-0 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE The Atman Project KEN WILBER $15.95 978-0-8356-0730-8 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE Creative Evolution AMIT GOSWAMI, PhD $26.95 cl 978-0-8356-0858-9 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE The Visionary Window AMIT GOSWAMI, PhD $21.95 pb 978-0-8356-0845-9 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE * E-BOOK AVAILABLE WWW.QUESTBOOKS.COM 5 N EW T I T LE S Stories of hope through alternative healing The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive SHANNON McRAE, PhD, with SCOTT E. MINERS Foreword by BERNIE SIEGEL, MD SHANNON McRAE, PhD, has a long background in psychology as well as a doctorate in holistic nutrition from American Holistic College of Nutrition. She has an ongoing feature column about intuitive medicine and energy healing in the Well Being Journal. SCOTT E. MINERS was editor of The American Theosophist (Quest) magazine from 1977 to 1984, where he worked with Dora van Gelder Kunz and learned the principles of Therapeutic Touch. He founded the Well Being Journal in 1991, which he continues to publish as executive editor. Explorers of energy medicine will welcome this first-person account of a renowned medical intuitive’s experiences in helping people heal. Shannon McRae is a gifted clairvoyant and healer in the tradition of Dora Kunz and Delores Krieger, cofounders of Therapeutic Touch. Shannon weaves case stories with cuttingedge science to describe her remarkable work with clients at the cellular level, from healing a headache to repairing an eardrum to curing cancer and alleviating depression. She emphasizes the importance in healing of positive thought, forgiveness, and letting go of emotional pain. Her instructive examples all give hope, no matter what the condition might be. The epilogue shares Shannon’s insights about life after death and the realm of unseen helpers. ALSO AVAILABLE SE PT E M B E R 2 0 1 5 Health and Healing 6 x 9 | 264 pages $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0930-2 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE 6 QUEST BOOKS n 800–669–9425 Healing without Medicine ALBERT AMAO $19.95 pb 978-0-8356-0921-0 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE Spiritual Healing DORA VAN GELDER KUNZ $15.00 pb 978-0-8356-0714-8 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE The Making of a Healer RUSSELL FOUREAGLES $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0927-2 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE FA L L 2015 A profound exploration of Kabbalistic symbolism as applied to the human body The Body and Its Symbolism A Kabbalistic Approach ANNICK de SOUZENELLE Translated from the French by CHRISTOPHER CHAPLIN and TONY JAMES This intricate and profound exploration of Kabbalistic symbolism as applied to the human body is a classic in French esoteric circles. It is the life work of nurse anesthetist and psychotherapist Annick de Souzenelle, whose tremendous depth of thought has been partially inspired by the depth psychology of C. G. Jung. Souzenelle incorporates the symbolism of the Hebrew language with biblical references and her understanding of Kabbalistic spirituality to present the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as a pattern of the human body in all its various parts and vital organs, from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head. Not only is hers an important work in the field, it also affords some flavor of the rich French esoteric tradition, which is generally not well represented in English translation. Advanced students of the Western esoteric traditions, especially Kabbalah, will want this volume for their permanent library. “This is one of the most important books in my life; it is a true gift to be able to read and relish Annick de Souzenelle’s perspective on knowledge and delight in her genius. Her contribution to our awakening is a true treasure.” —Academy Award Winner JULIETTE BINOCHE ANNICK de SOUZENELLE is a nonagenarian who has worked as a nurse, a psychotherapist, a teacher, and a writer. She still writes and teaches seminars in France and Italy. Her re-readings of the Bible, based on her deep knowledge of biblical Hebrew, shed new light on the Creation story in Genesis, the nature of the feminine, and the ultimate vocation of every human being. MARKETING n Reviews and features in New Age publications n Targeted reviews in alternative health media NOV EMBER 2 0 1 5 New Age 6 x 9 | 528 pages $26.95 pb 978-0-8356-0932-6 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE WWW.QUESTBOOKS.COM 7 RE CE N T R E LE ASE S The Process of SelfTransformation Exploring Our Higher Potential for Effective Living Meditation as a Way of Life Philosophy and Practice Rooted in the Teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda * E-BOOK AVAILABLE * E-BOOK AVAILABLE VICENTE HAO CHIN, Jr. 6 x 9 | 356 pp | $24.95 978-0-8356-0935-7 Sent to Soar Fulfill Your Divine Potential for Yourself and for the World To the Mountain One Mormon Woman’s Search for Spirit * E-BOOK AVAILABLE * E-BOOK AVAILABLE REV. STEPHEN POOS-BENSON 6 x 9 | 280 pp | $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0922-7 Embattled Saints My Year with the Sufis of Afghanistan Kenneth P. Lizzio 8 QUEST BOOKS ALAN L. PRITZ 6 x 9 | 272 pp | $17.95 pb 978-0-8356-0928-9 Embattled Saints My Year with the Sufis of Afghanistan KENNETH P. LIZZIO 6 x 9 | 244 pp | $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0923-4 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE n 800–669–9425 PHYLLIS BARBER 6 x 9 | 272 pp | $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0924-1 Healing without Medicine From Pioneers to Modern Practice: How Millions Have Been Healed by the Power of the Mind Alone ALBERT AMAO 6 x 9 | 336 pp | $19.95 pb 978-0-8356-0921-0 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE REC ENT R EL EA SES Revolutionaries of the Soul Reflections on Magicians, Philosophers, and Occultists The Pilgrim Soul A Path to the Sacred Transcending World Religions * E-BOOK AVAILABLE * E-BOOK AVAILABLE GARY LACHMAN 6 x 9 | 232 pp | $19.95 pb 978-0-8356-0926-5 RAVI RAVINDRA 5½ x 8½ | 168 pp | $15.95 pb 978-0-8356-0929-6 Spiritual Telepathy Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul The Making of a Healer Teachings of My Oneida Grandmother * E-BOOK AVAILABLE * E-BOOK AVAILABLE COLLEEN MAURO 6 & 9 | 224 pp | $17.95 978-0-8356-0931-9 A Most Unusual Life Dora van Gelder Kunz Clairvoyant, Theosophist, Healer KIRSTEN VAN GELDER and FRANK CHESLEY 6 x 9 | 360 pp | $24.95 978-0-8356-0936-4 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE RUSSELL FOUREAGLES 6 x 9 | 264 pp | $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0927-2 Jane Eyre’s Sisters How Women Live and Write the Heroine’s Story JODY GENTIAN BOWER 6 x 9 | 304 pp | $18.95 978-0-8356-0934-0 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE WWW.QUESTBOOKS.COM 9 BACKLIST BEST SELLERS SCIENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS hanging Reality Reality of ESP *CHuna *TAhePhysicist’s Practices to Create the Life Proof of You Want SERGE KAHILI KING $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0911-1 Psychic Abilities RUSSELL TARG $17.95 pb 978-0-8356-0884-8 Visionary Window *TAheQuantum Physicist’s Guide to Enlightenment AMIT GOSWAMI, PhD $21.95 pb 978-0-8356-0845-9 Evolution *CAreative Physicist’s Resolution between Darwinism and Intelligent Design AMIT GOSWAMI, PhD $26.95 cl 978-0-8356-0858-9 Indra’s Net Models Alchemy and Chaos Theory as Transformation for R o b i n R o b e r t s o n , P h . D. Foreword by Allan Combs *PArocessMind User’s Guide to Connecting with the Mind of God ARNOLD MINDELL, PhD $17.95 pb 978-0-8356-0886-2 he Yoga of Time Travel *THow the Mind Can Science of *AtheNew Paranormal Defeat Time FRED ALAN WOLF, PhD $17.95 pb 978-0-8356-0828-2 The Promise of Psychical Research LAWRENCE LESHAN, PhD $14.95 pb 978-0-8356-0877-0 * The Force Is with Us The Higher Consciousness that Science Refuses to Accept THOMAS WALKER $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0867-1 * Indra’s Net Alchemy and Chaos as Models for Transformation ROBIN ROBERTSON, PhD $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0862-6 Groundbreaking Integration of hology, Alchemy, and Egyptian Mythology siris, dying and resurrecting Egyptian god of vegetation, ge that describes the earliest beginnings of the modern ting the myth, Jungian psychologist Thom Cavalli uses mute hidden secrets into sacred knowledge. Here for the hemical interpretation of this timeless myth as a guide to ation. Osiris’s rebirth symbolizes what alchemists have e creative power we all have for self-renewal. Cavalli access this archetypal god in the quest to integrate body me” Osiris is to become whole. The Secrets of Alchemical Transformation ortant contribution to scholarship in Egyptian religion, epth psychology, this book is also a valuable guide to to know the depths of psyche.” Marlan, Ph.D., Jungian analyst and author of ck Sun: The Alchemy and Art of Darkness himself to be a good scholar and alchemical chef. ld alchemists, his insight should prove helpful to readers rst century psychological problems.” an Wolf, Ph.D., physicist and author of The Yoga of avel and Mind into Matter li, Ph.D., Jungian psychologist and author of the popular chology, is a favorite keynote speaker. He regularly or conferences and institutes and on radio and national www.CavalliBooks.com. igion / Psychology U.S. $15.95 Thom F. 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I’ve never seen a more thorough and useful book on understanding the elements of our own happiness, both in and out of relationships!” — STEWART BLACKBURN is a teacher, a counselor, and the author of The Skills of Pleasure: Crafting the Life You Want SERGE KAHILI KING, PhD and a master Hawaiian shaman, is the world’s foremost author of books on Huna. He is the founder of Huna International, which leads workshops in personal effectiveness and trains shamanic healers to work in urban settings. ISBN 978-0-8356-0920-3 US 16.95 HAPPY ME, HAPPY YOU “True happiness and success come from true love, whether it be selflove, friendship, familial love, or romantic love. The relationships in our lives can be stressful, causing us pain, ill health, and unhappiness. Or we can heal them all using Serge Kahili King’s profound guidance and Hawaiian Huna wisdom. Walk the shaman’s path with him and learn the power of forgiveness, the way to focus on what you love and to let go of criticism, and how to heal your life. This is one of my favorite books by King for its fabulous tales of how Huna techniques can be used to heal every type of relationship possible.” T H E HUNA WAY T O H E A LT H Y R E L AT IO NS H IP S RELATIONSHIPS WWW.QUESTBOOKS.NET QUEST BOOKS K A H I L I K I N G Me, Happy You *HTheappy Huna Way to Healthy The Three Faces of Mind Think, Feel, and Act to Your Highest Potential ELAINE DE BEAUPORT, with AURA SOFIA DIAZ $24.95 cl | 978-0-8356-0748-3 $19.95 pb | 978-0-8356-0811-4 10 S E R G E Relationships SERGE KAHILI KING $16.95 978-0-8356-0920-3 n 800–669–9425 inding the On-Ramp to *FYour Spiritual Path A Road Map to Joy and Rejuvenation JAN PHILLIPS $14.95 cl 978-0-8356-0917-3 with Fire *DA ancing Mindful Way to Loving Relationships JOHN AMODEO, PhD $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0914-2 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE BACKLIST BEST SELLERS ent to Soar *SFulfill Your Divine Potential for Yourself and for the World Rev. 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SHAFIR $16.95 pb 978-0-8356-0826-8 The Practice of Dream Healing Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine EDWARD TICK, PhD $34.95 cl | 978-0-8356-0806-0 $18.95 pb | 978-0-8356-0799-5 * E-BOOK AVAILABLE SUSAN PEASE BANITT, LCSW $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0896-1 Concentration, and Serenity JOHN CIANCIOSI Foreword by JACK KORNFIELD $19.95 pb 978-0-8356-0796-4 to Personal Transformation JEAN HOUSTON, PhD $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0878-7 Veterans from PTSD EDWARD TICK, PhD $19.95 pb 978-0-8356-0831-2 SERGE KAHILI KING $14.95 pb 978-0-8356-0591-5 Face of Hardship HOWARD RAPHAEL CUSHNIR $15.95 pb 978-0-8356-0792-6 Transforming Your Life through Sacred Theatre PEGGY RUBIN Foreword by JEAN HOUSTON $18.95 pb 978-0-8356-0853-4 Personal Change LAWRENCE A. 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The result is a profound questioning of the very basis of politics—including one’s own. —Joscelyn Godwin, Ph.D., author of The Golden Thread POLITICS and the OCCULT —Colin Wilson, author of The Occult and Mysteries ´ Western Inner Traditions RICHARD SMOLEY and JAY KINNEY $19.95 pb 978-0-8356-0844-2 he Golden Thread *TThe Ageless Wisdom of ´ ´ It’s unusual for a book on the occult to be not only brilliant and serious but also highly readable; Lachman does it with ease. The link between the occult and politics is as old as politics itself. In ancient Egypt and China, magi translated the messages of the gods into the edicts of the land. These days that link has become obscure, limited mostly to studies on the “dark side” of fascism. But countercultural critic Gary Lachman shows there is a “progressive,” democratic occult politics as well. 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