The plains by the seaside
The plains by the seaside
Sauris au uris rs Zuglio uglio ug glilio iioo Lago g del Predil ed edil Raveeo Raveo LLago a di ag di Sauris Sau is Sau is Lauco LLa auco uc uc Ampezzo A Am mpe pezz ppe ezzo ezz zzo zo Forni FFo ni dii Sopra So S pr pra ra Enemonzo Enem EEn neeem mon m onzo onzo zo SSocchieve occhiev eve Preone reon e n FForni o nii ddii Sotto SSoo to Villa Santina S n naa LLusevera Luse usevera 595 595 596 596 Premariacco rriaaacccco Prepotto P Prepott reppoottto Poz Pozzuolo P ozz o del ell FFriuli Friuli Codroipo Cod odroip odroipo droiip dro ipo Lestizza LLes Lest e zza za Bertiolo eertiolo t Mortegliano M teg egg o San S Sa an n Giov Giovanni vann nn nn nii al N Natisone Nat ison onee Trivignano TTri Triv rivviigna naan anoo Udinese Ud dinese d nesee n A nta A23 Santa taa Maria Maar a M laa Longa L gaa Lon Bicinicco B cin inic in nicc cco zia Pavia P ia di U Udine dine in nee Sedegliano Se Sedeg deggl gl o Corno C orno o rno Buttrio B ro dii R Rosazzo Rossa Manzano Ma nza n zano ori Prad Pra P adam damano d aamano m no no Campoformido Ca C Campo ampo o di G Basiliano asiliano l an lia ano Udine Ud Udi din nee n cia Provinc ia di Pordeno ne 19. TENUTA CA’ BOLANI 20. TENUTA REGINA 21. TOMASIN GIUSEPPE 22. ZAGLIA Martignacco Ma art rtignac acco cco SSan nV Vito to Martigna d Fagagna di gaaggn g Pa ian Pasian an n di Prato rato atto Mereto M Mere eret er d Tomba di To om vin Diign Dignano Dig Camino C Ca a ino no al TTagliamento aggli gglia liaam mentto to page TTaipana aipana pana Nimis N mis m is Attimis A t mis timis tim is TTreppo Tr Tre eeppppoo Grra Grande Gra ran ande ndde n Pulfero Pu P u ulf llfero lf Maajano Majano M no Cassacco Cas C Ca assac ssa sacco acco cco Savogna S avo vogn n Ragogna Ra ago gogna ogna gnaa Colloredo C oolloo do do FFaedis aeediss Tricesimo T Tricesim ricesimo c mo SSan Sa an Daniele Daani niele elee ddi M Monte Moonttee Albano Alba A ba bano no o Torreano To orre o r no dell Friu Friu riuli uli ul Reana R eaan naa del de el R Roja Rojale o alee oj San Leona S Sa Leo Le Leo ona Pagnacco Pag gnacc nacco cco o Povoletto ovole ovolett vvolettttto Cividale C ivvida vida dal ale alee San Sa S aan n Pietro PPiet Piiiettroo Rive R Ri ivve v d’Arcano d Arcan rca rc caano Moru Tavagnacco Tav Ta avva vagn aagnacco gnacco Moruzzo M oruzzo uzzo d Friu del FFriuli riu riul aall Natisone at soo F g naa Fa Fagagna Faga Moim Moimacco M oimac m coo ma Remanzacco Re em m a cc c o Coseano C Co oossean no Flaibano ba Farm Houses Buja B uja Montenars M ont on ntenar enar a Artegna Ar A rtegna rtte teggna gnaa Magnano ag gnano no in n Riviera Rivie Rivviera ea er Tarcento TTa arceeen arce nttto o Chiopris-Viscon Ch h o is-Vi hio -V Visc scone nee Palmanova Pa aallmanov anov nov ova San S Sa an V Vito Visco V isco co aal Torre TTorrr To Gonars G on on naars Bagn Bagnaria Ba agn gnaria gnari nari rria ia Aiello A iello e lo ello Arsa A Ar rssaa Cam Camp Ca mpo polo olon o lon ongo A4 17 del d el Friuli Fri Fr riuli ui Vaarrm V Varmo mo Rivignano Riv Rivi Rivignan ivig ig gna gn g naan aano n no o Tapoglian Tap Tapo og no 4 9 18 11 T or Teor Porpetto P Porp orpe peet o pe Ruda R uda Cerv Cervignano C Cervi errv rvviigna gnaaan n no del de d el FFr Friuli riu r uli uli Pocenia Po oceen nia n i Villa Vill V llllaa Vicent V Vi Vic iccentiina Muzzana M Muz Mu zzana zzan 12 Vi del d eel TTurgnano Turgna Tu u naan urgn no o S PPalaz Palazzolo a zzzo zooloo San Saan Giorgio Gi G Gio ior iorgio o g o TTo org A4 A 4 Torviscosa rvis o osssaa 19 deel dello del elll o St Ste Stella Ste la l 21 di d i N Nog No Nogaro ogaro o g ga ar a r ro 16 6 Carlino C Car Ca ar arllino n no o FFiumicello ium micello m iccello ello l TTerzo Te erz er erzo rzo zo 7 Fi 1 15 Ronchis R o ch on chis 14 13 d’Aquileia d’A A Aq Aqu uile uil u ileia e a 8 2 20 10 Marano M Ma arano Lat Latisana LLatisan atisa sana sa san ana Aquileia A Aq qu uile ui ile ileia ileia eiia Precenicco P Pre ecen ceni ce n co La Lagunare Lagu agunaare r 3 5 22 Talmassons Ta alm m sons ns Ca Castions C Castio to s dii Str d Strada St S traadaa tr Mare Adriatico Lignano Li LLign gnaan noo Sabbiado Sabb Sa S abbiad abbi abb biadoro biaado adoro o Pro T a g li a 580 582 F iu m e The go fish soup The Friulian frittata [fried egg] mento Forgaria rg ia nel el Friuli FFri riulilii 562 568 574 586 586 587 587 588 588 589 589 590 590 591 591 592 592 593 593 594 594 Gemona G emo a del de eell Friuli Friiuli Osoppo Os O sso o poo op From Palmanova to Aquileia The plains by the lagoon and ancient marshes The plains by the sea and by the lagoon Slo Venzone V enzone en nzone n Bordano an no A23 The plains by the seaside ve nia Amaro A m Trasaghis Tra TTr rassag ra rasa ag ghi ghis his iss 1. AI CASALI 2. AI COCOLARS 3. AI DUE PIOPPI 4. AL LAIP 5. AL ROSARI 6. ALLE BETULLE 7. BALLAMINUT CRISTIAN 8. BOSCO ISONZO 9. CASALE FORNACE 10. CASALI VIOTTO 11. CISIS 12. FOLLA DENIS 13. I GUARDIANI 14. ISOLA AUGUSTA 15. LA’ DI ANSELMI 16. LA ROSTA 17. MULINO DELLE TOLLE 18. PELOS R i Resia Resiutta R Re utttaa Lago Lag La aggo di d Verzegnis Ve Verz rzzeg zegnis ze egn gn g Verzegnis zegnis L go dii Cavazzo Lago C o o dei deeii Tre T e Comuni Com muni page Sella Neveaa S Tolmezzo TTo zz zzzo Cavazzo ava zo zo Carnico C a coo Farm Houses Ch Chiusaforte C h s hi Moggio M gg gio Udinese Ud U d nese eese see From Palmanova to Aquileia UDINE From Palmanova to Aquileia 562 The itinerary discovers the southeastern side of the province of Udine, ending at Palmanova and Aquileia. From the “star-shaped city”, driving along the southern part of the roman route Julia Augusta that once connected Aquileia to the Norico, we reach the fascinating medieval hamlet of Strassoldo (worthwhile visiting are the Castello di Sopra and Castello di Sotto with the fluvial park of the Imburino, and the splendid series of frescos dating back the XIV century in the small church of S. Maria in Vineis). This roman route, today, is a nice road lined with horse-chestnut trees dotted with hamlets, estates, farm homes and rural villas (worth mentioning is Villa Vitas) that winds its way amidst a countryside that benefits from the sea and lagoon influences in the nearby with great results in the wine, fruits and vegetable sectors that are best represented by specialties like Refosco red wine, peaches and asparagus. We just reached Cervignano del Friuli, Palmanova Aiello del Friuli fiu S. Giorgio di Nogaro Cervignano del Friuli Terzo d’Aquileia Is me on zo Ruda Monfalcone Fiumicello Aquileia Grado On the top: Interior of the castle of Strassoldo di Sopra, Cervignano del Friuli The opposite page: Villa Scodovacca, Above: Historical commemoration in Palmanova Cervignano del Friuli 563 UDINE From Palmanova to Aquileia At the side: the Roman Forum of Aquileia Below: the Basilica of Aquileia; example of the National Archaeological Museum of Aquileia 564 first “rural municipality” of the medieval Friuli, once port and commercial hub of the highest important along the Ausa river and today also a renowned rural centre: Villa Chiozza, in Scodovacca, seat of the ERSA [Regional Agency for Rural Development] and with a nice nursery, deserves a mention. The tour carries on to Terzo d’Aquileia where, in October, takes place the spectacular pumpkin festival and then to Aquileia, roman military settlement in 181 b. C. and also one of the biggest political and commercial hubs of the Augustan Empire. After the ruinous barbarian devastations, Aquileia takes back its role of aristocratic centre thanks to the Patriarchs (XI century) who, once received the imperial investiture over the entire territory of Friuli, made it not only Episcopal see 565 UDINE From Palmanova to Aquileia 566 but also political-military capital. UNESCO protected world heritage and, together with Ravenna, the most important archaeological site in northern Italy, Aquileia deserves a visit for its historical and artistic heritage, for the ruins of the Roman Forum and for the Basilica where we can find a sort of polychrome mosaic carpet of 750 m2, the largest mosaic on a pavement surface in the Christian West, the finds and works in the Early Christian Museum and in the National Archaeological Museum. From Aquileia we proceed northwards as far as the agricultural village of Fiumicello, known as “the peach capital” part of the Natural Resource of the mouth of the Isonzo River, a natural setting characterized by floodplain woodlands, resurgences, ponds, saltmarshes and ideal place for birdwatching. The tour continues north to Ruda, in a wine area where the countryside is characterized by large meadows and woodlands and by the Torre torrent where we can find ancient mills (Saciletto, Alture) and flora typical of the gravel terrains and resurgences. We proceed to Aiello del Friuli that shares with Ruda some naturalistic (resurgences and canals) and rural elements (mills); we stop off in the built-up area, not only to admire the great number of villas and manor palaces but also to enjoy the suggestive sundials on the façade of the public and private buildings and the Museum of the rural life in the imperial Friuli. Before ending the tour in Palmanova, we stop at Joannis with the natural biotope of the Groi peat-bog. On the top: the peaches of Fiumicello The opposite page: the sundials of Aiello del Friuli 567 The plains by the lagoon and ancient marshes UDINE The plains by the lagoon and ancient marshes Palmanova fi Stel en to la l i am Muzzana del Turgnano fiu Bagnaria Arsa e Tag um e fi um 568 Palmanova, the starting point of this itinerary, was founded by the Most Serene Republic of Venice in 1593 as extraordinary fortress with the peculiar star-shape. “National monument” since 1960, within the impregnable walls, moats and doors it encloses, besides several complexes and buildings, also the interesting Cathedral Dome in the main square. From Palmanova we drive southwestwards to Bagnaria Arsa, a municipality with a great rural tradition (cereals in particular), where we stop at Villa Antonini Dessj. On reaching Porpetto, crossed by rivers with a constant flow, with ponds of resurgences from the water table that creates humid meadows, plain woods and woods along the waterways (the Sgobitta Forest deserves a visit): the dominant plants are the oak, the alder, the poplar, the white hornbeam and the willow. The territory, split by the Corvo River, is surrounded by ancient marshes (today the marshes of the Corno and Is me o nz Porpetto Carlino Cervignano del Friuli Aquileia Marano Lagunare Grado On the top: one of the monumental gate and the Bridge of the Aqueduct, Palmanova Above: holy representation, Church of Porpetto The opposite page: Dome of Palmanova 569 o UDINE The plains by the lagoon and ancient marshes 570 the marsh of Fraghis are renowned biotypes) that preserve the ancient toponyms in the different villages. These natural environments generate resurgences and canals creating the so-called humid areas, a precious protection of the flora and fauna biodiversity and fundamental supplement for the nearby lagoon ecosystem. Our next stop is Muzzana del Turgnano, whose Boschi di Baredi (wood) and Selva di Arvonchi (forest) are among the largest humid woodlands in the area. We proceed to Marano Lagunare to visit two natural reserves: the first “Valle Canal Novo”, fishing basin and nowadays also lagoon and saltmarsh of 121 hectares without natural inlet representing a typical setting of “freshwater marsh” with an important On the top: the Casoni, Marano Lagunare Above: the countryside in Muzzana del Turgnano The opposite page: bell tower of Muzzana del Turgnano 571 UDINE The plains by the lagoon and ancient marshes 572 birds and fauna observatory that consists of a foot trail amidst the “casoni” (traditional fishing toolshed converted today into observation point and teaching/popular spaces); the reserve “Riserva delle foci dello Stella”, reachable only by boat, can not be missed: 1377 hectares of protected reserve in the Marano Lagoon that preserves several natural habitats and represents the ideal place for birdwatchers (min. length of the boat trip: 2h). Also the city centre of Marano, with a urban layout surprisingly similar to Venice, deserves a visit: the historical centre is characterized by alternating lanes and small squares with perched houses that begin to disperse in the “piazza granda”, the big square with the millenary tower, the loggia ruins, the Provveditori Palace. From Marano we head to Carlino by driving northeastwards along the Zellina river and the biotope Bosco Sacile – Bosco dei Larghi, two other relevant examples of plain forests. On our way back to Palmanova, in a north-east direction, we drive across San Giorgio di Nogaro, Porpetto and Bagnaria Arsa where we visit the rural hamlets of Chiarmacis, Campolonghetto and Sevegliano before reaching our final destination. On the top: Returning from fishing, Marano Lagunare Above and the opposite page: procession of San Vito, Marano Lagunare 573 The plains by the sea and by the lagoon UDINE The plains by the sea and by the lagoon e e la l i am Stel Tag um um fi fi S.Giorgio di Nogaro en to 574 This route winds through the estuary of the Tagliamento river, right where the river separates Friuli Venezia Giulian and Veneto regions, and the delta of the Stella river: two plains very similar but not identical as the former is flowing into the sea, while the latter into the Marano Lagoon. The agricultural landscape is characterized by ancient marshes transformed into reclaimed lands used today for arable crops, vines and forage land. The tour starts in Latisana, once strategic coaching inn along the roman Annia route, nowadays production and district hub of an area that is very important both for tourism – boasting the most well-equipped landing place in Europe (Aprilia Marittima) – and agriculture with Latisana DOC wine zone, the great variety of asparagus (in Gorgo), the rotational dairy store in Pertegada and a great tradition of zootechnical and stud farming: even though the zootechnical festival in Latisana is no longer taking place, Palazzolo allo Stella Ronchis Precenicco Latisana Pertegada Lignano Sabbiadoro Lignano Pineta Bibione On the top: the beach of Lignano Riviera On the left: the sunset on the harbor, Lignano 575 UDINE The plains by the sea and by the lagoon On the top: the outlet of the Tagliamento river The opposite page: a patch of the Stella river, Palazzolo dello Stella On the left: parrots, the Zoo of Lignano Sabbiadoro 576 the regional centre for horse training (almost 373.000 square meters dedicated to sport facility and green areas) is constantly growing. Driving along the bends of the Tagliamento river towards the mouth we head to Lignano Sabbiadoro, important and renowned bathing resort in Friuli Venezia Giulia very appreciated for its wide green areas in residential districts, mainly made up of 577 UDINE The plains by the sea and by the lagoon 578 maritime pines overlooking the white fine sandy beach. The harbor “Darsena Vecchia” in Lignano is also a starting point for a boat trip to the natural reserves of the Marano lagoon (see the section “plains by the seaside”, itinerary n° 2). We leave Lignano and proceed to Pertegada where we turn northeast to Precenicco where, driving across the rural homes in the reclaimed land, we pass by the historical and rural hamlet of Titiano where we visit the Sanctuary of Madonna della Neve, where in August there is a celebration in honour of the Madonna di Titiano. We finally reach Palazzolo dello Stella, where the landscape is evidently characterized by arable crops and vineyards: here the river flows widely and quietly inducing to go boating or canoeing hauling into a dock at the Casa del Marinaretto in Piancada; here, the visitor can also enjoy an exposition of the archaeological finds dating back the Neolithic (the most ancient human find discovered in Friuli). We finally go back to Latisana by driving roads dotted with rural homes and lovely wine cellars. On the top: the outlet of the Stella river Above: evening at a wine cellar, Precenicco The opposite page: the bell tower in Palazzolo dello Stella 579 UDINE The go soup This soup is made with the go, also known as goatina or guato de fondo, a variety of carp called chiozzo. This fish is underestimated because of its lack of bones and is usually thrown back into water. It is instead the main ingredient of many soups and –if reduced to a cream – is used to prepare unique risottos. Recipes Ingredients for 4 people: 600 g of go fish, 1 onion, 1 garlic clove, 1 stick of celery, a little bit of parsley, dry white wine, salt, pepper, extra-virgin olive oil, plain flour. Fillet the go. Fry onion, garlic, celery and parsley in olive oil. Add the fishbone and the heads of the go and a tablespoon of flour. Toast the mixture and then pour some white wine. Cover with water and keep boiling for around one hour. Sift out heads and fishbone and add salt and pepper as required. Fry the fillets of go in a saucepan with the garlic clove. Pour the soup into the dishes and place some fillets into each of them together with some croutons. Add a drizzle of oil and a handful of pepper. The ideal wine will be a Friulano, which has to be strong and with character. 580 581 UDINE The Friulian frittata Scrambled eggs are a traditional, widespread food all over Europe. It is known in France as omelette and Eierkuchen in Germany, where eggs are cooked together with other ingredients such as flour, milk or even sugar. The Italian frittata is quite close to its French equivalent: it is cooked thin and usually folded, with various ingredients. The Friulian frittata, except for the eggs, is completely different. Recipes It has its own features. It must be cooked in an iron oven dish with a narrow bottom and high edges so that the frittata – at the end of the cooking time – comes out twoor three-finger tall. This is the main difference from all the other kinds of frittata or omelette. The Friulian frittata has to be high so that the interior remains soft whereas a slightly crunchy crust has formed on the surface; it is prepared without adding any milk, water, flour or bread; Even this Friulian egg-only frittata is usually cooked with many other ingredients: from herbs to pork ham and salami or fish; eggs must be whisked well, with both yolks and whites, so that the interior remains soft; it has to be cooked with butter, oil, lard or goose’s fat; the rule states: minimum 3 eggs, then one egg for each person, plus one other egg. We have chosen two – among the many different existing frittatas – a country-style frittata with herbs and a “seafaring” one with the “schie”. 582 583 Ricette UDINE Frittata with herbs This is the most typical Friulian frittata and can be made with field-grown herbs, the sprouts of different plants which can also be used as cooked vegetables. The most important ones are the sclopit (wildflower belonging to the Silene specie), the confènon (wild poppy), the oregluzze or orele di jeur (lychnis alba, lychnis vespertina), the bruncuncesare (Venus’s-lookingglass), the giardòn (cirisium arvense), the ardielut (lamb’s lettuce), the spinaze salvadie (campanula trachelium), the ruscli or ruscolins (butcher’s broom), the urtizzòns (wild hop), the urtìe (nettle sprouts). Also home-grown vegetables can be used as herbs: spinach, chard, a leek, a generous amount of onion, a bit of sage, thyme, marjoram, basil, some leaves of lemongrass or lesser calamint. The wise dosage of the different herbs is one of the skills of the frittata maker. Ingredients for 4 people: 5 eggs; 100 g of sclopit; 6 leaves of mint; 100 g of urtizzòns; 100 g of confenòn; 100 g of nettle sprouts; 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil (such as the Friulian “Olio dei Patriarchi di Colloredo Soffumbergo”); salt. 584 Steam the vegetables, drain them well and fry them for a while with extravirgin olive oil; whisk the eggs well and salt them, then pour them into the saucepan. Mix herbs and eggs with a wooden spatula, cook at high fire and – after 5 minutes and with the help of the lid – flip the frittata over. Repeat the procedure another time on both sides. Keep it covered and warm (also in a tepid oven) for a couple of minutes before serving it in slices. Some drops of aromatic vinegar will give it a refined touch. It can also be served tepid, cut into cubes, as an appetizer together with a glass of Friulano wine. The wine: a young and fragrant Sauvignon if aromatic herbs are used, otherwise a young Friulano. Recipe for the frittata with the “schie” (sand prawns) The schie have to be alive. For 4 people: 200 g of schie, 5 eggs, 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. The schie have to be washed well and their heads cut. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan together with the schie and fry them at high fire. Mix until the schie take a bright pink colour. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and salt them. Add a tablespoon of olive oil in the saucepan and pour the eggs trying to obtain a tall frittata; at this purpose the saucepan cannot be large yet high. The wine: a Ribolla gialla which has not been aged in barrel. 585 Via Casali Pustot 33056 Palazzolo dello Stella Tel. +39 0431 567082 Fax. +39 0431 56037 Mob. +39 348 75 19 851 Casasola Galdino Height: <=300 m above s.l. This farmhouse is located near the exit “Latisana” of the A4 motorway. It has been recently renovated and is particularly suitable for families. This farmhouse offers a rustic yet comfortable atmosphere a few kilometres away from the seaside resorts of Lignano. 2 AI COCOLARS Sgubin Daniele Via Bozzatta, 37 33050 Fiumicello Tel. +39 0431 96449 586 3 AI DUE PIOPPI Via J.Tomadini, 50 33053 Latisana Tel. +39 0431 50073 The plains by the seaside UDINE The plains by the seaside Pascutto Luciana UDINE 1 AI CASALI Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism is a typical rustic building and is located in a restored and refurnished old stable, deep in the countryside but not too far away from Lignano beach. This makes it the ideal place for those who wish to have genuine products and simple dishes for dinner before enjoying nightlife on the beach. An absolutely charming place. 4 AL LAIP Baldo Marisa Height: <=300 m above s.l. The “Al cocolars” is a typical country farmhouse equipped with the latest comforts. Guests will relax, have fun, rest and play sports in many ways, with tourist trails and the neighbouring riding stable. Its friendly and welcoming atmosphere will provide visitors with an unforgettable week-end or a unique holiday. Via Ciampaz, 38 33050 Porpetto Mob. +39 338 28 52 631 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The farm is surrounded by the typical Friulian countryside and is located in a restored private home. It offers cold dishes and wines of own production. The farm is a quiet place to relax, a few minutes away from the highway to San Giorgio di Nogaro. 587 Via Curiel, 43/A 33051 Aquileia Tel. +39 0431 918834 Ballaminut Cristian Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism “Al Rosari” is located deep in the countryside but a few steps from the historical centre of Aquileia. It is a lovely and trim place, with fine architectural features and the good traditional Friulian cuisine. Particularly appreciated are its home specialities made with home-bred goose and duck meat. 6 ALLE BETULLE Sclausero Michele Via Ermenteressa, 5 33050 Terzo d’Aquileia Mob. +39 339 34 81 219 Viale XX Settembre, 8 33050 Terzo d’Aquileia Tel. +39 0431 33391 Fax. +39 0431 33391 Height: <=300 m above s.l. This farm has been run by the Ballaminut family for generations and hosts an agritourism where only items of own production are available for purchase. Its home-made cuisine takes a stab at traditional dishes made with genuine and tasty ingredients. Even the meat only comes from home-bred pigs and chickens. 8 BOSCO ISONZO Pozzar Giuliano Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism “Le betulle” is located deep in the green countryside around the farm “Sclausero”. It offers wines of own production together with tasty traditional Friulian dishes and excellent hams, salamis and cheeses. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming. 588 7 BALLAMINUT CRISTIAN The plains by the seaside UDINE The plains by the seaside Visintin Patrizia UDINE 5 AL ROSARI Via Isonzo, 74/A 33050 Fiumicello Tel. +39 0431 969379 Fax. +39 0431 970838 Mob. +39 338 85 24 814 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism is open during the winter season, from January until April. It serves and sells wines, hams and salamis of own production, which are prepared according to the Friulian tradition. Agricultural products such as apricots and the famous peaches of Fiumicello are available for purchase during the summer season. 589 Via Udine, 70 33050 Porpetto Tel. +39 0431 620680 +39 0431 65803 Fax. +39 0431 622752 Decorte Valter Height: <=300 m above s.l. The “Casale Fornace” is located in a part of the Friulian plain which is particularly rich of beautiful landscapes and places of cultural and leisure interest. Accommodation is provided in recently restored buildings. The kitchen offers genuine dishes made with ingredients of own production. The farm breeds cattle and courtyard animals. 10 CASALI VIOTTO Viotto Walter Via Crescenzia, 8 33050 Precenicco Tel. +39 0431 586132 Via Cisis, 1 Frazione Strassoldo 33052 Cervignano del Friuli Tel. +39 0431 93185 Fax. +39 0431 93185 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism “Decorte Valter” is located in the hamlet of Strassoldo, near Cervignano. The farm has a restaurant which is open all year round. Guests will enjoy nice traditional Friulian dishes which are only made with seasonal ingredients. Welcoming environment and kind friendly staff. Vegetables, wine and fruit of own production are available for purchase. 12 FOLLA DENIS Folla Denis Height: <=300 m above s.l. The “Casali Viotto” is located a few kilometres away from the main seaside resort of the Friuli. Its building dates back to the end of the 80s and has been restored and turned into an agritourism. It provides its guests with cold and warm dishes which are made with ingredients of own production or purchased from other farms. 590 11 CISIS The plains by the seaside UDINE The plains by the seaside Michielan Francesco UDINE 9 CASALE FORNACE Via Carso, 38 33052 Cervignano del Friuli Tel. +39 0431 32165 Fax. +39 0431 32165 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The farm “Folla Denis” is a family-run reality which will provide its guests with the typical intimacy of a familiar environment. The farm is very proud of its fine wines, which have been carefully selected before being put up for sale. The restaurant offers the nice typical Friulian cuisine with cold dishes, hams and salamis of own production, fried slices of pig rinds stuffed in a gut casing with flavours (cotechino) together with fried thin strips of purple top turnips soaked in marc (brovada) and salami with vinegar. 591 Via Levaduzza, 30 33050 Carlino Tel. +39 0431 68684 Fax. +39 0431 68684 Anselmi Giuseppe Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism “I Guardiani” is located in the plain of Carlino, among the quietness of its green meadows. Visitors will enjoy typical Friulian dishes, which are prepared according to typical recipes. Local hams and salamis are available for purchase. The agritourism has four rooms for those visitors who decide to stay overnight. 14 ISOLA AUGUSTA 592 Via Palazzolo 33055 Muzzana del Turgnano Tel. +39 0432 779157 Fax. +39 0432 779175 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The farm “Anselmi Giuseppe e Luigi” was founded at the beginning of the 20th Century. Its 150-hectare field is filled with vineyards of the best CDO (controlled denomination of origin) grapes such as Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and Friulano. The agritourism offers hearty dishes with mixed cheeses, hams and salamis. Those who decide to stay overnight will enjoy the simple and friendly atmosphere of the farm’s rooms. 16 LA ROSTA Gottardo Marco Bassani Massimo Casali Isola Augusta, 4 33056 Palazzolo dello Stella Tel. +39 0431 58046 Fax. +39 0431 589141 15 LA’ DI ANSELMI The plains by the seaside UDINE The plains by the seaside Pavan Maria Rosa UDINE 13 I GUARDIANI Height: <=300 m above s.l. The estate “Isola Augusta” dates back to many centuries and is now a modern yet still traditional farm. It produces high-quality wines, honey and olive oil thanks to its location close to the seaside. The restaurant offers dainty local traditional dishes. The agritourism has ten refined holiday flats which are naturally heated by hot ground water and energy supply is provided through photovoltaic panels. Via Grado, 19 33052 Cervignano del Friuli Tel. +39 0431 32978 Fax. +39 0431 32978 Mob. +39 338 18 74 794 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism is located in a recently restored farmhouse which dates back to the end of the 18th Century. Its three large dining halls are warm and welcoming and equipped with vintage Friulian furniture. Visitors will enjoy hams and salamis of own production, cheese fried with potatoes, onion, speck ham or other flavours (frico), donkey stew and tripe. Seven cosy rooms are also available. 593 Via Julia, 1 Località Casa Bianca 33050 Bagnaria Arsa Tel. +39 0432 924723 Zonin Silvano Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism “Mulino delle Tolle” is located in a restored farmhouse surrounded by vineyards. Its genuine fine cuisine will make its guests rediscover the traditional Friulian flavours. Meat is strictly of own production. Home delicacies such as typical local lasagne (pasticcio) with vegetables, rolled rabbit meat baked in the oven with flavours and guinea-fowl with green apples. 18 PELOS Pelos Roberto Via Udine, 38 33050 Ruda Tel. +39 0431 99530 Fax. +39 0431 973761 Mob. +39 335 80 61 118 594 19 TENUTA CA’ BOLANI Via Gradisca, 22 Località Molin di Ponte 33052 Cervignano del Friuli Tel. +39 0431 32670 Fax. +39 0431 34901 The plains by the seaside UDINE The plains by the seaside Bertossi Giorgio UDINE 17 MULINO DELLE TOLLE Height: <=300 m above s.l. The farm is located in the Friulian CDO (controlled denomination of origin) area of Aquileia. Its 550-hectare field makes it the largest wine estate of the Friuli. The “Tenuta Ca’ Bolani” offers a training path starting from the vineyards and ending with the wines and their food couplings. The agritourism will provide its guests with a journey among different atmospheres and flavours in a perfect setting for events and meetings. 20 TENUTA REGINA Pasti Giorgio Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism “Pelos Roberto” offers cold and warm dishes combined with the finest wines. The farm is made up by 25 hectares of fields between Ruda and Campolongo del Torre. Products such as white and red table wines are available for purchase together with wines from the Friulian CDO (controlled denomination of origin) area of Aquileia, both bottled and on tap, and fruits like peaches and melons. Via Casali Tenuta Regina, 8 33056 Palazzolo dello Stella Tel. +39 0431 587971 Fax. +39 0431 587972 Height: <=300 m above s.l. This agritourism offers comfortable fully equipped flats, surrounded by a green countryside and only a few kilometres away from Lignano Sabbiadoro. Dogs are welcome. Two halls are available for business meetings, small meetings and other events. 595 AI VECCHI IPPOCASTANI Via Mazzini, 21 33041 Aiello del Friuli 333 49 79 214 AI VIUI Loc. Viui, 1 33052 Cervignano del Friuli 368 62 65 19 The plains by the seaside AL FORTE Via Forte, 111 33053 Latisana 0431 53047 Via Nazionale, 32/A 33050 Fiumicello Tel. +39 0431 96267 AL VECCHIO CASALE Via Tolmezzo, 11 33050 Bagnaria Arsa 338 49 69 460 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The agritourism “Tomasin” is located close to the highway but still surrounded by a green landscape. It combines a convenient location with the quietness of nature. It is equipped with a large car park and a children playground. Its kitchen offers typical dishes and wines of own production. Guests should try its home-prepared pork meat. 22 ZAGLIA Zaglia Giorgio AL VECCHIO GELSO Via Cortona, 6 33050 Fiumicello 0431 96534 338 77 95 898 ALBAFIORITA Via Crosere, 115 33053 Latisana 0431 510150 340 87 31 918 ANTICO MONASTERO DI BELIGNA Località Beligna, 4/B 33051 Aquileia 0432 1716229 340 53 00 162 BACCICHETTO SETTIMO Via Lignano, 42 33050 Precenicco 0431 58210 BACCO UBRIACO Località Bonifica IV Partita 33051 Aquileia 0431 919655 BORGO FORNASIR Borgo Fornasir, 2 33052 Cervignano del Friuli 0431 31988 0431 32168 392 23 72 263 Via Crescenzia, 10 33050 Precenicco Tel. +39 0431 510320 596 BRAIDANOVA Via Madonna Missionaria, 7 33050 Porpetto 0431 60025 Height: <=300 m above s.l. The farm “Zaglia” is located in a farmhouse dating back to the beginning of the 20th Century and surrounded by vineyards. The kitchen offers typical Friulian dishes combined with white and red wines of own production. The menu includes boiled thick soft potato dumplings (gnocchi di patate) with duck meat sauce, home-made long flat ribbon-shaped pasta (tagliolini) with sausage and mushrooms, chicken cooked with red wine and duck cooked with Refosco wine. CASA DEL SOLE Via Tisanella, 25/A 33053 Latisana 0431 513114 CASALI BUFFON Via Forte, 21 33053 Latisana Frazione Pertegada 0431 55019 0431 558132 0431 55483 CASASOLA Via Lame, 1 33050 Carlino 0431 68573 ZORAT ADRIANO Via Malborghetto, 3 33050 Terzo d’Aquileia 0431 32909 UDINE UDINE Tomasin Giuseppe AI DUE LEONI Località Beligna, 103 3051 Aquileia 0431 91055 347 1414697 DA FRUTIS Via Madonna Missionaria, 8 33050 Porpetto 0431 620748 0431 60532 ISOLA AUGUSTA LA CANTINETTA Via Lignano Nord, 47 33053 Latisana 0431 580370 LA CANTINE Via Lignano, 22 33050 Precenicco 0431 580370 The plains by the seaside 21 TOMASIN GIUSEPPE LA DURIDA Località Bonifica IV Partita, 3/A 33051 Aquileia 0431 918669 LA NATURA Via Grado, 5/3 33052 Cervignano del Friuli 0431 373502 MORONA Via Giulia Augusta, 89 33051 Aquileia 0431 917642 333 63 60 201 339 12 81 595 MORSUT LUCA Via Della Mondina, 5 33050 Ruda Frazione San Nicolò 0431 998929 347 75 18 985 ROSE DI MAJ Via Foredana, 17/A 33050 Porpetto 0431 621466 SAN GALLO Loc. S.Gallo, 3/1 33052 Cervignano del Friuli Frazione Strassoldo 0431 93039 STABILE PAOLO Borgo Sandrigo, 14 33059 Villa Vicentina 0431 969164 VICENTINI Via San Giorgio, 20 33050 Carlino 0431 68180 VILLA ASIOLA Via Borgo Pacco, 12 33059 Villa Vicentina 0431 969453 339 58 09 110 VILLA VITAS Via S. Marco, 1 33052 Cervignano del Friuli 0431 93083 597