Summer 2009 - Arc of Steuben
Summer 2009 - Arc of Steuben
In This Issue: Epilepsy Foundation Luncheon Creative Arts Program Incredible Angels Corner Annual Meeting Highlights In the Community . . . Of the Community Mike Biener Named Arc of Steuben Associate of the Year Mike Biener, Community Supports direct support professional, was named Arc of Steuben Associate of the Year at the recent Annual Meeting. In his recognition of Mike, our Executive Director Bernie Burns said: “While there is no one special effort that can be pinpointed as a specific reason that this person deserves to be named ‘Associate of the Year’, there are a number of things that he does on a daily basis that reflect why he is a quality associate that deserves the honor. “Every day, in every way, this person’s actions are a true reflection of the Arc Mission, Vision, and Values. He puts people first, as illustrated by his response when asked how he promoted people first… ‘I would never tell anyone that I provide services for what to do, but would teach/educate them on thinking about options, natural consequences, and feedback/suggestions. I try to provide encouragement and independence to increase self-worth.’ “He sets the highest level of standards and lives up to them each and every day. He is committed to excellence in all that he does; from service provision to writing of quality notes that provide an accurate and clear picture of progress. His level of excellence is well known throughout the agency as evidenced by the number of people that comment on it. If his supervisor tells someone that our Associate of the Year is the support specialist assigned, it is always met with enthusiasm and confidence in his ability to do a great job. “Communication is something that he strives to ensure happens at all times. He understands that the best (Continued on page 5) Page 2 5 7 8 Summer 2009 In the Community … Of the Community By Dawn Drake The term “in the community, of the community” is truly exemplified by the four gentlemen who live at the Pinney Road home in Prattsburgh. These men are very active individuals who each have their own interests and give to the community in their own unique ways. James Brown has recently become a proud volunteer at the Bath Veterans Administration medical center. This is quite an accomplishment for James, who has been exploring his options for daytime activities for quite a while. In order to become a volunteer with the Veterans Administration, James went through a rather lengthy process that included having an initial interview, completing an application, and being fingerprinted. He was able to begin in the volunteer role in February 2009. His primary duty is to be a friendly visitor, which means he spends time with the veterans, shares stories, and provides companionship. James says that he has already learned a lot from the experience and that he has great respect for our veterans and the sacrifices they have made. James has been positive, pleasant, and confident in his interactions with the veterans. He has created a bond with one particular individual and the two men have enjoyed playing cards, (Continued on page 6) Page 2 Message from the Board President . . . I have just returned home from our Annual Meeting and am reflecting on the celebration of the Arc of Steuben’s 45th anniversary and our parent company NYSARC’s 60th anniversary. It was a joyous event with so many accomplishments to celebrate. So many individuals reaching their goals, employers hiring the people we serve and employees that reach beyond to make sure that the Arc of Steuben is helping people to be the best that they can be. Mark Brandt, the Executive Director of NYSARC, in his address made several references to 1964 and where the world was at that time. It really made me think about how far this organization has come in 45 years. In 1964, when Art Hansen asked NYSARC and 11 other parents into his living room in Canisteo, NY, to start the Arc of Steuben, the conditions were much different than today. Mischelle Shattuck At that time, our children with developmental and other disabilities were not allowed to go to public school and were either kept at home or sent to live in institutions. Now in 2009, you can see our children in every school, on the little league field, at proms, churches and graduations. They may be working at the YMCA, Applebee’s, Sears or the Steuben County Sheriff’s Department, living fulfilling, happy and very productive lives. What more can a parent ask? It is because of the membership of this organization and other organizations like us that these giant leaps are possible. I can only imagine the possibilities that another 45 years will offer with your continued support. Thank you. Executive Director’s Message . . . There is so much going on at the Arc these days even I am having a hard time keeping up. • Donna Pollard-White has joined the Arc leadership team as the Chief Operations Officer. She will be overseeing the divisions that provide supports and services: Residential, Vocational, Service Coordination, Transportation and Community Supports. Donna comes to us with over 30 years of experience at other Arc’s in the Finger Lakes area. Please join me in welcoming her. • May is “move in” month. After at least ten years of planning and coordination, Arc associates are moving into the new building over the course of a month. We are consolidating five office buildings into one which is quite a logistical feat. Just getting the telephones and computers on line has proved to be quite a challenge. However, our IT team headed up by Bob Bernie Burns Haley and our Facilities team lead by Robin LaCroix have handled the millions of issues like true professionals. There are still some glitches, but these are quickly being solved. • Phase Two of the project (adding space to the original building and renovations) should begin this summer. Some time in the next few months we will be holding an open house. Hope to see you then! EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OUTREACH LUNCHEON The Epilepsy Foundation is hosting a series of Outreach Luncheons in Corning, Ithaca, and Albion. The Corning luncheon will be held on July 21, 2009 at the Radisson Hotel on Denison Parkway. The luncheon begins at 11:30 am and closes at 2:45 pm. The luncheon and program are free of charge. These luncheons are for individuals with epilepsy or a seizure disorder and their families, as well as for those service providers who need to meet annual professional development training requirements. The agenda includes opening remarks by David Milliman, President & CEO of the Epilepsy Foundation of Rochester-Syracuse-Binghamton, followed by lunch, and (Continued on page 7) The Arc of Steuben, a chapter of NYSARC, Inc. Published quarterly by The Arc of Steuben, One Arc Way, Bath, New York 14810, (607) 776-4146, FAX (607) 776-9366, e-mail, and printed by Printers Plus, a subsidiary of The Arc of Steuben. The articles in this publication are meant as information only, not as legal advice. Board of Directors: Mischelle K. Shattuck, President Joseph M. Monaco, Vice President Melissa M. Joint, Secretary William D. Dinehart, Treasurer Helen A. Binkowski Paul R. Greenfield Stephanie E. Craig Pauline P. Holbrook The Rev. Sandra K. Curtis Esther P. Kowulich-Covell Linda F. Elias-Carl Donald E. McGuire Denece Gossie Nancy B. Smith Arthur J. Stilwell, Immediate Past President Bernie Burns, Executive Director Kathleen Kent, Editor Volume 45, Summer Issue Page 3 The Campaign to Bring Us All Together at the Arc of Steuben UPDATE REPORT Pictured: Above: Bob Haley (left), who heads up our Information Services department, participates in a video conference with NYSARC, Inc. in Delmar, along with regional reps from various Arcs. Below: Aric Pietsch works at his new work station in the Service Coordination department in the new campus addition. On Monday May 4 the first departments moved into the new Arc Campus addition, followed by new groups each week of the month. The energy and enthusiasm levels were high and infectious. Those of us who remember when Arc’s offices were in the upstairs of a two story house and the work center was in a storefront on Liberty Street, just could not believe that we were moving into a beautiful contemporary Green building. The first morning of each group’s move-in was spent in orientation to the new work place. There are definitely some new things to become accustomed to. There are the ergonomic keyboard trays and ergonomic chairs that need individualized adjustments, the automatic locking doors at specified hours of building operation, special parking for carpools and hybrid cars, new phones and copiers to learn about, not to mention the waterless urinal and water saving flush modes on the toilets. Bicycling to work is encouraged and there are showers so cyclists can freshen up before starting the work day. The cost savings of bringing all departments together under one roof is estimated at $100,000—140,000 each year. The outside of the building is not totally completed and the landscaping needs to be done, as well as the Legacy Brick Garden. And it’s time to start on Phase 2, which includes the transportation hub, clinic and work center construction and reconstruction. We hope to finish this phase by the end of the year. There is still a need for donations to meet the cost of this project. We need to raise over $394,000. Friends and supporters may purchase a Legacy Brick or make a contribution of cash or stock. • Total Project Cost: $5.5 million To date, 93% of the cost has been met. • Capital Campaign Goal: $1.35 million As of April 30, $955,342 (71%) has been raised. To make a contribution, contact Ethel Strickarz or Bernie Burns at (607) 776-4146. Page 4 The Arc of Steuben Recognizes Outstanding Associates Team of the Quarter . . . Karen Miller and Vicky Cornish were chosen as the Arc of Steuben Team of the Quarter for the 1st quarter of 2009. They were recognized by Karen Andrus for their continued efforts, dedication and oversight in obtaining, placing, monitoring and training associates on the new Automatic External Defibrillators (AED's). Both Karen and Vicky have done all of this in addition to continuing to fulfill their regular job responsibilities. Thanks to their dedication and efforts, we are now able to provide additional safety measures to assist in a life threatening situation and potentially save a person’s life. Associate of the Month . . The Arc of Steuben recognizes the following outstanding Associates of the Month: Tracy Robbins (left) was selected as the February 2009 Associate of the Month. Due to her quick thinking and actions, an individual’s life was saved. Without Tracy’s intervention, this individual would have been at a serious risk for a cardiac arrest due to an obstructed airway had Tracy not done what she did. D’Arcy Shorthouse (center) was the March Associate of the Month. D’Arcy is a residential floater who was nominated by Keli Machuga. D’Arcy always has a smile on his face when he comes in to work; he never says anything negative. If he finds something negative, he makes it into a positive situation. He is great with the people that we serve, and we know that if we need him he is always there. Jennifer Weichman (right) was the April Associate of the Month. She works in the residential program and was nominated by Wendy Smith because on several occasions she has been more than a team player. Whenever the team needed a person to rely on for help for the team or humor for the guys, Jennifer was there. Instructor of the Month . . . Congratulations to the Instructor of the Month recipients for February, March and April, 2009. Kriggy Porter (left), Education & Training Coordinator and February 2009 Instructor of the Month, provides Orientation I, Health Literacy, and Personal Outcome Assessment Interviewer trainings. Jim Murray (center), March, is a Community Services Support Specialist. He provides CPR/SFA/AED training. Tracie Johnson (right), April winner, is the Residence Coordinator of Supportive Apartments and teaches CPR. Celebrating Direct Support Associates . . . Alonzo Gordon is a Direct Support Professional who has been working at the Pinney Road home for just over one year. In that time, he has become a valuable member of the team and a favorite among the individuals he supports. When Alonzo joined the Arc team in 2008, the field was new to him. He had served in the US Army, having been part of Desert Storm, and then worked as a contractor. While living in the Buffalo area, he identified a training program to work with individuals who have disabilities. He was accepted into the program and took time off from his job to complete the training. Shortly after completing the training program Alonzo moved to the Hornell area and came to work at the Arc of Steuben. Alonzo regrets to admit that as a younger person at times he made misjudgments about people with disabilities. He has appreciated the training and education provided by the agency, stating that he is a better person and a better parent since he began working here. Alonzo has a desire to continue to grow with the agency and continually demonstrates his commitment to providing quality services. Page 5 ROCK and ROAR 2009 The Arkport Harley Owners Group has selected the Arc of Steuben as one of two charities to receive the funds they will raise through their annual Rock and Roar Motorcycle Ride. The date of the ride is July 18, 2009. The Arkport HOG is also selling raffle tickets to win a Harley Davidson Sportster 883 or $5,000 cash. Raffle tickets are available through Ethel Strickarz and Ann Patti at the Arc, and through members of the group. These guys and gals have big hearts and have been supporting the mission of our organization for many years. We are honored to be chosen as the recipient charity this year. So go to the group’s website for information, dust off your motorcycle, and prepare to Rock and Roar for the Arc of Steuben! Website: (Associate of the Year, continued from page 1) way to serve our people is as a team. He provides timely communication of pertinent issues to Service Coordinators, his team, his team leader and most importantly, to the people and families that he serves. “Our Associate of the Year is committed to doing his job in a quality manner. This is evidenced in all that he does. If he needs to call in, he ensures that his people’s needs are met. He has been known to go to his supervisor when he feels his service provision is not working to look for other ways to make a difference and provide an effective service. “He is a team player. He does not get involved in the gossip and trivial stuff that can destroy a team. He is a role model in this area. He also understands and demonstrates through his actions that not only are we a team at Community Supports but that he is also a member of the much larger agency team. “Here are a few comments that have been heard around the Agency: ‘He is always so pleasant and enjoyable to work with; we wish that we could clone him.’ ‘He is always one I can go to with questions or advice about my job. Whenever I see him in public with his individuals, he is always professional and seems to be great with his people.’ ‘He is always willing to go the extra mile.’ ‘He puts his whole heart into what he does.’ ‘I am proud to say he is a fellow co-worker.’ “Our Associate of the Year truly deserves this recognition. He is all that we look for in a quality direct support professional. He is the type of associate that makes one proud to be in this line of work.” Creative Arts Program By Sandi Patterson The Creative Arts Program began on March 2, 2009 for 12 weeks. Participants of the art class meet every Monday evening from 6pm to 8pm at the Hornell YMCA. Ten people from Hornell area homes participated in this program. The first two weeks were learning drawing and shading skills using colored pencils. People could draw objects, shapes, or lines. The 3rd week was spent learning how to paint. The 4th week, everyone received their own stretched canvas to paint a picture on. Then it was on to learning how to make a collage. One person made his collage using pictures of food cut from magazines, and another person made their collage of pictures of cats that they had chosen. As the weeks progressed, everyone learned how to make impressions on foam boards to use in the making of prints. On April 20th, all began learning to do sculpting. Everyone attending the Creative Arts Program has enjoyed themselves a great deal and is always looking forward to the next class. At the end of this 12 week program, each art class will have an art show exhibiting many of their completed projects. The next “12 week round” of the Creative Arts Program is scheduled to begin in June 2009. This class is already filled with people excited to learn and show their creative abilities. June and Tuffy Gould are the Elias-Hubbs Award Winners (The Elias-Hubbs Memorial Achievement Recognition Award is given quarterly to a person we serve who has made outstanding achievements or overcome tough obstacles to realize a personal goal.) The winners of the first quarter Elias-Hubbs Memorial Achievement Recognition Award are June and Tuffy Gould, pictured on their wedding day. They were nominated by Tracie Johnson. “June and Tuffy have overcome so many obstacles in their life to get to the point they are finally at, together, as a family. Most people would have given up years ago but not these two. They knew what they wanted and were willing to do whatever it took to get to their dream.” Page 6 (In the Community, continued from page 1) Stars of Arc Color Guard The Stars of Arc Color Guard was initially formed in the summer of 2008. The group practices weekly and has given performances at the Wellness G.I.F.T.S Retreat and the Arc of Steuben's Open House. The Arc of Steuben Foundation provided the funds for their uniforms and equipment which assisted the squad with getting established. The Color Guard members recently held a dance at Corning East High School and approximately 45 people attended. Everyone had a wonderful time dancing and socializing. The event raised $345 which is being used to purchase additional items for the color guard. The goal for 2009 is to perform in a few local parades. Visit The Arc of Steuben's Website at having lunch together, going for walks, and having coffee. This experience has been extremely positive and rewarding for all involved. Marcus Davis has developed a relationship with a local movie rental store. His adventure began with a casual conversation in which he identified a true desire to have a card to be able to rent movies on his own. Marcus completed an application and began using his card to rent his movies. This has continued to be a routine part of his week. Marcus continues to form a personal connection to his community through weekly visits to the movie store. Victor Greene is an active member of the North Baptist Church in Corning. Victor is a regular attendant and is greeted weekly by many with a hand shake and hello on a first-name basis. Victor participates in several of the opportunities offered through his church. He is a supporter of the missionaries sponsored through the Church and has attended dinners and presentations offered to the community on several occasions. In July, Victor plans to attend a New York Yankees game with fellow church members. He has also enjoyed rafting trips, weekend retreats, and various sports activities. David Gardner has been volunteering with the Prattsburgh Fire Department for approximately a year now. One person who was with David while he was volunteering reported that, “I just sat back and watched how during his morning he was able to multi-task. He cleared, wiped, and reset tables, all while greeting and socializing with the people around him—and all was done with ease and a smile on his face.” The individuals from the fire department who have worked with David say that they enjoy David’s cooperation and his eagerness to help out. Many have said simply that “He is fun to have around.” David states that as long as you don’t stress about what you have to do and work your hardest, it will get done. David is known and respected for his positive attitude. He has been invited to volunteer at any of the fireman’s breakfasts he desires. David’s next desire is to become involved with the Wayne Fire Department, and, as he states, “show his cousin’s fire department a thing or two”. The gentlemen from Pinney Road are an exceptional example of “in the community, of the community”. Along with continuing with their current activities, each of them continues to seek ways to become active and contributing members of their community. Page 7 Incredible Angels Corner T By Matt Mehlenbacher he Incredible Angels held a Spring Fling Dance on Sunday, April 26th. The Spring Fling is just what it sounds like, a celebration of spring. The weather was warm and sunny. The dance itself was held at the Bath American Legion from 1 PM – 4 PM. Everyone had a great time singing and dancing. There were refreshments of pizza and soda available for sale, which everyone seemed to appreciate. All in all it was an awesome event. The Incredible Angels held a Bake Sale at the Arc of Steuben’s main campus on May 15th. Members and agency associates brought in a wide variety of edibles and goodies. The Angels use the proceeds from their events to help other self-advocates participate in a wide variety of activities. One example is the Incredible Angels are co-sponsoring a golf team for the Family Life Ministries tournament this June. Another example of how the group utilizes the funds is the Incredible Angels contributed money so that one the group's former members who passed away recently could have a headstone. The 2009 Western Region Self-Advocacy Conference was held on June 4th and 5th at the Batavia Holiday Inn. The conference theme this year was “Following YOUR Dreams”. Topics/sessions being offered at the conference included: Beyond Choices: Creating the Life You Want, Budget Advocacy, Empowered Living, Transportation, Employment, Benefits Jeopardy, Human Rights, YES!, Disabilities Awareness, Shedding the Light on People with Visual Impairments, Shared Living Experience, Civil Rights and Social Activism, Legislative Advocacy, Disagreements Between Self-Advocates and Staff, Disability History Week, and Computers for Living. The Incredible Angels once again offered scholarships to self-advocates that were interested in going, and the Quality Enhancement Office helped to coordinate conference registrations. Some other activities that the group is planning for 2009 include: a Chicken BBQ at the Bath Home Show in June, a Car Wash/Bake Sale in July, a Summer Bash picnic in August, a Spaghetti Dinner in September, a Halloween Dance in October, and a Holiday Dinner Dance in December. The group meets the 2nd Monday of the month at the Arc of Steuben’s main campus. If anyone is interested in participating in the Incredible Angels and/or their upcoming activities, please contact Matt Mehlenbacher at the Quality Enhancement Office (phone 607-776-4146 ext. 2256 or e-mail at Visit The Arc of Steuben's Website at axãá yÜÉÅ [ÉÅx Getting To Know Us (Luncheon, continued from page 2) conference presentations. The Corning conference includes two sessions, the first titled “Epilepsy 101” and the second titled “How to be an Advocate”. Dr. Robert Gross, MD, PhD, of the Strong Epilepsy Center in Rochester, will talk about how seizures occur, how epilepsy develops, and how anti-seizure drugs work. Robin Didas-Mott, BSW, will provide information on how to advocate within the many systems, such as SSI, DSS, legal, education, and human services. Advance registration is required at least one week prior to the luncheon. Contact the Epilepsy Foundation at (800) 724-7930. The Residential Division recently created a Scrap Book Photo Album to assist people with learning more about our residential homes. Each home created individualized pages which reflect their home and the people who live there. Everyone who lives or works at the homes participated and used their creative style in putting together the book. The album reflects the friendships, activities and opportunities enjoyed at the homes and will be available for display at upcoming agency functions. Welcome Home Junior! In October of 2008, Junior became seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital as a result. While in the hospital, Junior received a feeding tube and was transferred to a health care facility to stabilize. While at the facility, Junior would continually express his desire to be able to return to his home at E. Main. In March, Junior was able to return home and is doing very well. He is back to attending his day program activity five days a week and has re-established a routine in the house. Junior is very happy to be home with those he knows and loves and was recently recognized with the Honor Grace Award at the agency annual meeting. Page 8 Annual Meeting Highlights Katherine Wilson Conroy, Esq., President of NYSARC, Inc., and Marc N. Brandt, Executive Director, NYSARC, Inc., were the evening’s speakers. Sheriff Joel Ordway accepted the Employer of the Year Award for the Steuben County Sheriff’s Department from Arc Board President Mischelle K. Shattuck. Arc of Steuben Executive Director Bernie Burns (left) presented the Vendor of the Year Award to Bison Embroidery. Southern Tier Entertainment was honored as a Friend of Arc. Their award was presented by Arc Board Treasurer William D. Dinehart (right). United Health Services/Professional Home Care was recognized as a Friend of Arc. Their award was presented by Arc Board Vice President Joseph M. Monaco (right). Bernie Burns (left), Arc of Steuben Executive Director, presented a Friend of Arc award to the Hornell School District; Matt Sheldon (right) accepted. Page 9 The Arc of Steuben and The Arc of Steuben Foundation acknowledge and appreciate the following donations: (February 19 - May 15, 2009): Capital Campaign Dr. Stephen & Julie Albertalli American Legion Post #1279 Anaconda Sports Arc of Steuben Associates Michael & Cathleen Argentieri William & Rebecca Austin R. Pierce & Rebecca Baker Bath Rotary Club Wanda Beyor Michael Bocek Norman & Angie Brush Richard & Barbara Bucklaew Eric & Laura Buisch Bernie Burns Nicole Caparulo The Chemung & Steuben Cty Combined Federal Program David Clarke Thomas & Joan Cole Katharine Conroy Corning Beagle Club Susan Cosgrove CPE InterLink Thomas & Sarah Creath Stephen Cunningham Crocker & Rev. Sandra Curtis Darla Savey Diane Davis Michael Doyle Larry & Mary Ann Frascella Frey & Campbell, Inc. Albert & Denece Gossie George Hansen Thomas & Patricia Hinman Luther & Mary Hoffman Pauline Holbrook Sally Hopkins Hornell Sportsman's Club John & Jean Jensen Richard & Rebecca Killigrew Rick Kimble Kevin & Bonnie Kowalcyk Esther Kowulich-Covell Robin & Evelyn LaCroix Edgar & Evelyn Lewis Main Mobility Theodore & Margaret Markham Mary Lou Markham Anita Maroscher Irene Mauro Donald & Donna McIntire Susan McLaughlin Matt & Rachel Mehlenbacher Karen Meriwether & Tom Snow Joan Mistretta Richard & Linda Mullen Dennis & Linda O'Brien Lauren Panzarino Lanny & Kathi Plumley Richard Potter Warren & Anne Price Pleasant Valley Office Joel Rapp Martha Rink Tracy Robbins Randal & Amy Rummell Ann Severance Joy Shannon Stephen & Mischelle Shattuck Della Shoemaker Donna Simonson Carl & Nina Smith Miklos Somogyi Sue Spencer L.D. Sprague & Son Inc. Jim Tokar David Tomasello Kevin & Holly Tucker Joanne Woodruff Membership Addison Post Inc. Dr. Stephen & Julie Albertalli Richard Alger Bonnie Ambriz Sarah Ameigh Carolyn Anderson Mary Andrus Tom & Karen Andrus Sara Arcangeli Richard Armstrong Charlotte Arnold William & Rebecca Austin AutoCrafting Auto Mobility Solutions Brian Babcock Jesse Babcock, Jr. Nancy Bacon Donald & Ann Bailey William Bantel Alma Barat Cassandra Bartholomew Helen Bartron Phyllis Bauer Dr. Bruce Baxter Kimberly Beebe Donald & Mary Beiswenger Alan Bennett Stacey Bennett Michael Biener William & Mary Biggee Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bliss Michael Bocek Mary Bossard Lois Brandow Sarah Briggs Cynthia Brown Norman & Angie Brush Richard & Barbara Bucklaew Robert & Annette Buckley Alicia Burger Ramona Burlew Chad Burnham Bernie Burns Colleen Burns William Burns Angela Caldwell Gina Campbell Grace Canham Darlene Carnes Melody Carrier Barb Carson Dennis Casey Stephen & Tammy Catherman Joseph & Lucille Cavallaro Jodie Charles David & Roberta Clark David Clarke Mona Coleman Connie Cole Nicole Combs Cindy Conrad Sean Cook Vicky Cornish Ruthann Cornish Seth & Anne Corwin Carl & Mary Cotton Patricia Crane Sandra Crewell Hulbert Culbertson Sylvia Cummings Sue Dailey James & Barbara Davis Diane Davis Dawn DeBock DeClemente's Deli & Restaurant Raymond Defendorf DeGaetano Shoe Service Doneva Dennis Betty Dietter Minnie Dinehart Kirk and Leea Dinger Linda Dockstader Patrick & Susan Donnelly Diane Dowd James Drake, III Ronald Earley Lawrence Ebert Donald & Pat Evia Mark & Pam Failing Steve & Connie Fieno First Heritage Federal Credit Union Mary Kay Flansburg Briane Fowler David Francis Larry & Mary Ann Frascella Timothy Frawley Frey & Campbell, Inc. Anna Garguilo Sandra Geerchen Kathy Gilbert Debra Gleason Jeanne Grant Green Insurance Agency Fred & Patty Greenfield Mark Greenfield Harvey Greenstein Beth Haines-He Tina Hale Tammy Hallgren Darlene Hamilton George Hansen Katherine Harrington Nicole Harrison Fran Hartman Duane & Sarah Heineman Lisa Herrick Lori Hess Barbara Hicks Thomas & Patricia Hinman Lorraine Hodge Luther & Mary Hoffman Curtis & Rosemary Hooey Sally Hopkins Hornell Sportsman's Club, Inc. Bobbie Jean Houck Marion Houck Samantha Houghtaling Sarah House Valerie Howe Kathy Hudson Vicki Huels Wayne & Sandra Hughes Tanya Ingram Jennifer James Harry & Elaine Jensen John & Jean Jensen Michael Jensen Rosemary Johndro Cheryl Johnson Melissa Joint Barbara Jones Albert Kane Barbara Keck John & Sally Kersting Barbara Ketchum Richard & Rebecca Killigrew Arnold and Helen Kish Jill Kline Lucile Knapp Carole Knowles Kevin & Bonnie Kowalcyk Esther Kowulich-Covell Rebecca Kowulich Carrie Kritzberger Judy Kupferschmid Stacie Ladd LaMarche Funeral Home Charles LaVarnway Eileen Opila Lehman Robert Lewis Edgar & Evelyn Lewis Ronald K. Linkenheil Nelly Loh Loyal Order of Moose #210 Kari Anne Luellman John & Carolyn Lyke Herbert & Phyllis Mac Donell (Continued on page 10) Page 10 (Donors, continued from page 9) Keli Machuga Joseph Mallery Maloney's Pub Shawn Manhart Maple City Bowl Kimberly Margeson Theodore & Margaret Markham Mary Lou Markham Eli Maroscher Phyllis Martin George & Joanne Martinec Irene Mauro Matthew & Jennifer McCann Charles & Ro McCarty Jean McConnell Donald & Donna McIntire Susan McLaughlin Dave & Barbara McLaughlin Linda Mehlenbacher Rebecca Miller Daniel & Karen Miller David & Sharon Miller Jake & Bonnie Miller Steven Miller Laurie Mills Mary Ann Mistretta Joan Mistretta Joseph & Connie Monaco Gina Morgan Nancy Morse Maria Mulligan John Mulligan Dr. Garth Murray Richard & Patricia Naylor Sharon Nichols Victoria Nichols L. Ronald & Phyllis Nielsen Anne Norton Dennis & Lynda O'Brien Debra O'Brien Mary Obuhanich Robert O'Dell Bernice Ordway Joel Ordway L. Frank Paddock Constance Palmer Lauren Panzarino Ann Marie Patti Amy Payne Tristica Payne Ruth Pearce Pamela Perkins Harold & Landra Perry Heidi Pike Pizza Deelite Donna Pollard-White Richard Potter Carol Poust Samuel & Henrietta Powell Warren & Anne Price Roger & Kim Pruden Cheryl Quinn Maria A. Quintal Rose Rago Larry Reed & Dawn Mase Deborah Retterer Brandy Reynolds Esther Rider Tracy Robbins Scheryl Robertson Timothy & Nancy Robinson Jessica Roche Grace Rosettie Kevin Rosko Greg & Michelle Rougeux Randal & Amy Rummell John Ryan Jr. Heather Sager Sharon Saker Darla Savey Edith Saxton Michelle Schlesing Pam Schoonmaker Schulte Systems Alan & Cindy Schultheis Stephanie Schwartz Harold & Mary Jane Semple Ann Severance Joy Shannon Steven Shattuck Barbara Shaut Sarah Shaut William Sheehy David & Karen Shirley Ruth Shisler Richard & Judith Sphon Toni Shorthouse Courtney Shull Miklos Somogyi Richard Spaulding Erica Spears Glenn Spears William & Kathy Spears Spencer's Restaurant Sue Spencer Donna Spicer Darlynn Spizzeri Forrest Stephens Vivian Stiles Christine Stratton Shauna Stratton Ingrid Sullivan Sharon Sutryk Laurie Sutton Elaine Sweeney Robert & Rhonda Sweet Robert Szymanski Christine Taft Patrick & Sharon Tammaro Shane Tanner Elaine Telehany Shirley Thomas William Thompson Robin Thompson Ryan Thorius James Tombs Laurie Travis Tom & Marion Tunney Rebecca Tuten Robert & Jeanne Underhill Chari VanAllen Sherry VanDuser Gary & Maureen Vogt Patti Walczak George & Marjorie Walike Elsie Wallace Kathy Walters M. J. Ward & Son., Inc. Jennifer Weichman Marcia Weil Natalie Weyand Ken & Bette Wheaton James & Janice White Roxanne White Linda Whitson-Jones Roy Williams Pam Williamson Rene Wilson Joanne Woodruff Neal & Judy Wrinkle Peggy Wurzer Linda Young Anne Zschoche Golf Tournament Alpha Shirt Company Eric Buisch Walter & Linda Carl John Carpenter (Continued on page 12) Join the Arc of Steuben Today! Your membership will impact the many lives of each child and adult served by the Arc of Steuben and will also improve the lives of their family members. By becoming a member of the Arc of Steuben, you add your voice and your vote for more opportunities and choices for people with disabilities. When we advocate on a state or national level, the size of our membership tells our legislators that many people are supporting our cause. For a small donation of $5, you can make a difference in the lives of over 2,000 people! Membership Levels (Please check one): $5 Individual Membership $10 Membership for a Couple $50 Lifetime Membership per person Please make checks payable to The Arc of Steuben. Your gift is tax deductible. Name ___________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Charge my credit card: VISA Mastercard AMEX Card #: _________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________ CVC#:______________ Mail to: Arc of Steuben, One Arc Way, Bath, NY 14810 Page 11 PAVE THE WAY TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE Engrave a Brick to Mark Your Legacy By purchasing an engraved brick for a walkway outside our new ‘Green’ building, you will mark your legacy of support for the mission of the Arc of Steuben, and you will provide financial support to reach the goal of our capital campaign ‘Together We Soar’. Your name or that of a loved one will be displayed for years to come. Your gift will make a difference in the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities. This is how I want my brick to read: Use 3 lines for a 4 x 8 brick, and use 6 lines for a 8 x 8 paver. Each brick includes up to 18 characters per line. Spaces between words, commas, apostrophes, etc. count as a character. 4 x 8 Brick $100 Use 3 Lines 8 x 8 Paver $300 Use 6 Lines NAME: __________________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Method of Payment: VISA Check enclosed Mastercard AMEX Make check payable to: Arc of Steuben Card #: _________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________ CVC#: _______ Signature: _________________________________________________ Vacation in Atlantic City This Summer Win a Week in a Penthouse August 2 - 9, 2009 3 Bedroom Penthouse at the Wyndham Skyline Tower, a first class secure building. Indoor pool; TV in every bedroom and living room; laundry, game room & exercise room on site. Close to boardwalk, casinos, beach shopping and attractions. $3,000 value. Raffle drawing is July 1, 2009. The winner will be notified by telephone. $6 per day parking available. I wish to purchase _____ tickets x $5 each = _______. NAME ____________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ _________________________________________________ PHONE __________________________________________ Check Enclosed Visa Mastercard American Express ____________________________________ Card Number ____________________ Expiration Date _________________ 3 digit CVC number ________________________________________ Signature Mail to: Arc of Steuben, Capital Campaign, One Arc Way, Bath, NY 14810 Made possible through a gift made by Art Stilwell. The Arc of Steuben Foundation has hosted a Gala for the past ten years. This year the Board of Directors elected to try a new format. On Saturday September 26, 2009 an exciting and fun evening will begin at the Arc’s new building addition with a social hour. Guests will be treated to delicious hors d’oeuvres, fine music and an informal look at the beautiful new Green building. Hammondsport metal artists Anthony and Gwen Moretti will have an interactive art event outside the building. After social hour, guests will disperse to private host homes around Keuka Lake and in other locations to enjoy a Friendraising Dinner. Most dinner hosts will prepare a meal for eight to ten guests. The cost is $100 per person for dinner guests and the entire amount will benefit the Arc of Steuben. Hosts will provide the dinner as a charitable donation. Each host may choose their own theme and menu for their dinner. Please plan to join us as a dinner host or guest. Complete the coupon to the right to reserve your place at this fabulous new event. (Donors, continued from page 10) Club Valentine Dean & Kerry McKinley Dick's Sporting Goods Timothy Dowd Esperanza Mansion Gaffer Grille & Tap Room Francis Gehl Green Insurance Agency Robert Haley David Hargrave Hornell Association Mark and Chris Illig Institute for Human Services Ron Kitson Kraft Foods/Polly-O Dairy Red Lobster Machuga Contractors Maple City Savings Bank, FSB Market Street Coffee & Tea Matt Mehlenbacher Anthony Midey Donald & Bernita Millhollen Philadelphia Insurance Companies Route 54 Wine & Spirits Simmons-Rockwell Nora Anne Smith Stephanie's Family Restaurant Steuben County. Industrial Dev. Agency Stork Insurance Agency Want to share a comment, compliment or suggestion for improvement? Please contact The Arc of Steuben Customer Relations by… Clicking the Contact Customer Relations button at Calling 607-776-4146 Writing to: The Arc of Steuben, Attn: Customer Relations, One Arc Way, Bath, NY 14810 If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please call 607-776-4146 ext. 123 or email Printed on Recycled Paper I would like to be a dinner host guest NAME _______________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________ _____________________________________________ PHONE ______________________________________ EMAIL ______________________________________ Please return this form to: Development, the Arc of Steuben, One Arc Way, Bath, NY 14810 or phone: Ethel at 607-776-4146, ext. 2128 Someone from the Arc’s Development department or Foundation will contact you with further information. William Thompson USI Northeast Alexander Wahlig Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel Memorial Mary Bossard Walter & Linda Carl William & Nancy Cox James and Patricia Desorbo Norman & Diane Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sisson Norman & Katie Thompson Misc. Agency American Legion Post #173 (Charles E. Wescott) Walter & Linda Carl William Yost Misc. Foundation Walter & Linda Carl Ruth Pryslopski United Way of the Southern Tier Holiday Appeal Christopher & Patricia Cunningham The Arc of Steuben One Arc Way Bath, NY 14810-8341 Address Service Requested NONPROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID Bath, NY Permit No. 2
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Fall 2009 - Arc of Steuben
Published quarterly by The Arc of Steuben, One Arc Way, Bath,
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