

Guide 2014
Extended Diploma in
Art & Design
Year 2
2 Contents
A welcome from your Course Leader 3
Summer project
Term dates
Attendance & punctuality
University library
Funding Further Education
Course costs
Canterbury FE contacts 18
Field trip week
Front cover image by Emma Claughton. Page 2 image by Isobel Keeys
3 From your Course Leader
Congratulations on your successful progression into
This year we will be running a residential one week field
the second year of the Extended Diploma course at
trip to the vibrant city of Amsterdam and an alternative
week of activity in the UK (Including trips to London)
for those not able to take the Amsterdam option up.
Information sheets for your course are attached, please
This is part of your course, and are therefore required
pay particular attention to the Health Declaration and
to attend one of these options. The Amsterdam
Parental Consent form (for those under 18) as without
trip has strict deadlines and payment/paperwork
these students cannot be allowed to participate in any
requirements, please ensure you adhere to these in
off site activities.
order to secure your place. Places are allocated on a
first come first serve basis.
Please read through this Information carefully, there is
a summer project to work on, and several payments to
We look forward to welcoming you to UCA in
be made and paperwork to be completed and returned
before you start on September 08th.
Yours sincerely,
Payments should be made through our online services
at: http://store.ucreative.ac.uk
Andrew Malone
Course Leader – Further Education
Tel: 01227 817329
Email: amalone@ucreative.ac.uk
4 Summer project
The Brief
Task 2
Take 10 photographs of things which are valuable and
Foundation/ED2/Access is all about your ideas, your
inspirational to you, these will need to be printed out.
opinions, your creativity, your expression, your originality
and your hard work.
Task 3
We would like to find out about you:
Collect 10 images that inspire you from contemporary
What do you like?
media i.e.; magazines, books, film stills, games, internet
What do you dislike?
sites. To artists, designers and makers to galleries you
What are your opinions?
visit. There are some contextual references overleaf to
What is your aesthetic?
guide you.
Over the summer we would like you to reflect upon
these questions by documenting, collecting and listing
your research.
Task 1
Generate 10 quick drawings or paintings or collages or
small 3D maquettes that could indicate who you are,
where you come from, your traits, who or what inspires
you, what you love or hate. These can be created
through any media, processes and can be any size, just
make sure its portable.
Summer project
Task 4
Experience 10 activities that influence your creativity.
The only requirement is it has to be portable, as you
Make a list of these.
will have to bring it in to college on the first dayYou
really do have the freedom to be yourself as a creative
You are to present this in a sketchbook but this can be
any size. We would like you to showcase your skills,
There is no wrong or right, be playful, express yourself
abilities and interests.
and show what you can/want to do. This is your
opportunity to make the sort of work you really want
From this research material we want you to make
to make.
one final outcome, reflect what you are interested in/
concerned about/emotions you want to express about
Why are we asking you to do this?
your life and/or the world around you.
How you create your final outcome should also reflect
To become an artist or designer you have to be aware
how you like to work at this stage in your life; so
of the world around you, the context in which art and
that what you create and bring onto your first day of
design is made and your own view of the world.This
Foundation/ED2/Access could be a painting, it could
will form the starting point of your work on the course.
be sculptural, a photograph, drawings, prints, textiles
samples or fashion designs etc etc. What you want to
If you want to achieve a high standard of work,
do is up to you. It can be made out of any media, any
producing interesting and original ideas, thorough
colour, any format. It could form part of a collection, a
research is essential. This project is the starting point
series of multiples or a single outcome.
for the first weeks of the Foundation Course.
Summer project
you want to achieve a high standard of work,
producing interesting and original ideas, thorough
research is essential. This project is the starting point
References / Bibliography
Richard Billingham, Martin Parr, Gregory
for the first weeks of the foundation course.
Crewdson, Michael Landy, Shazia Sikander,
This work will be assessed in the autumn term. It is
Lucy Orta, Christopher Raeborne, Martin
essential that you complete this project to your highest
standard as you will be asked to present and discuss
Jan Francis, Louise Bourgeois, Cornelia Parker,
Margiela, Jessica Ogden, Ernesto Neto, Mike
Nelson, Le Courbusier, Doris Salcedo, Wayne
your ideas.
Hemingway, Tracey Emin, Stuart Haygarth,
Try to make this project extraordinary and enjoy the
Anthony Gormley, James Turrell, Jule Arkell,
Olivier Kugler, Hamish Fulton, Richard Serra,
Nigel Shafran, Boyle Family, Stuart Hilton,
Tord Boonjte, Daniel Libeskind, Sarah Sze, Tom
Friedman, Lucinda Rogers, Kiri-Jane Strutton,
Ben Kelly, Paul Noble, Fred Tomaselli, Mark
Bradford, Candy Jernigan, Larry Sultan, Joel
Sternfeld, Robyn O’Neill, Johnathon Hodgson,
Willie Doherty, Helio Oiticica, Sophie Calle, Henri
Cartier-Bresson, Michael Clark
7 Term dates 2014/15
Monday 8 September – Friday 12 September
1 week
Monday 15 September – Friday 12 December
13 weeks
Monday 05 January – Friday 27 April
12 weeks
Monday 13 April - Friday 08 May
Please make a note of these term dates. We do not
have half-term breaks. Please do not book holidays
during term time.
If you need to be away from college you will need to
complete and have signed by your tutor a ‘Leave of
Absence’ request form in advance.
If you usually live abroad please bear in mind the
above dates when booking flights etc. at Christmas
and Easter. Assessments usually happen in the last
week of each term and it is important you do not
miss these.
We ask that you arrange non emergency doctors/
dentist appointments or driving lessons etc. on
Wednesday, which is designated a self-study day.
NB You may be required to be in college some
Wednesdays, i.e. Open Days, Field Trip Week,
Assessment Week etc but you will be notified of
such dates in advance.
8 Attendance & punctuality
Your course is a full time course, which is made up of
University Opening Times: (Term Time)
Directed Learning hours and Self Directed hours.
Monday – Friday:
8.30 – 7.30pm
Library Opening Times: (Term Time)
Students are expected to attend all Directed Learning
Monday – Friday:
8.30am – 8pm
days and evidence all Self directed learning.
10am – 5pm
Students have access to the University to use
Sunday: 1pm – 5pm
facilities throughout the week.
Students are expected to attend the University as
All absences have to be notified to the FE
Administrator in the Campus Registry Office before
10am on each day of absence:
Weekly Timetable
10am – 4pm
10am – 4pm
01227 817328
Text messages MUST start with your name. Please
Wednesday Self-directed Study Day
note if you are under 18, the call must be made by a
Thursday 10am – 4pm
parent or guardian.
10am – 4pm
Lunchtime: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
All email correspondence must be made using UCA
email. ID cards must be worn and visible at all times
whilst on UCA premises.
Attendance & punctuality
If you need to be away from college you will need
to complete and have signed by your tutor a ‘Leave
of Absence’ request form in advance available from
the Campus Registry Office.If you usually live abroad
please bear in mind the term dates when booking
flights etc. at Christmas and Easter. Assessments
usually happen in the last week of each term and it is
important you attend these.
We ask that you arrange non-emergency doctors/
dentist appointments or driving lessons etc. on
Wednesday, which is designated a self-study
day. You may be required to be in college some
Wednesdays, i.e. Open Days, Field Trip Week,
Assessment Week etc but you will be notified of
such dates in advance.
Attendance and punctuality is strictly monitored.
Letters/emails will be sent to students, and to
parents if students are under 18.
Beverley Coade
10 University Library
Check out the University Library
The Library is open daily throughout the summer
vacation from 9.00 - 5.00 (closed on Bank Holidays).
You can use the Library as a visitor before you enrol
on your course. Why not have a look at our website
at www.ucreative.ac.uk/library
Why not have a look at our website at:
www.ucreative.ac.uk/library and find out what else
you will have access to you once you’ve enrolled?
We look forward to meeting you and helping you
with your research work!
If you’ve got any questions about using the Library do
get in touch:
01227 817314
11 Funding Further Education
The Further Education courses such as the Diploma,
Some young people will automatically be entitled to an
Extended Diploma, Foundation Diploma and the
award. The £1,200 Bursary, section to follow, provides
LASER Access to HE, do not attract Student Loan
information on this. A means tested assessment will
funding. Students are either self funding or supported
enable us to award money to other young people
by parents or by a combination of both.
where a clear need for support is evident. Funds will
not simply be awarded because the student has a low
There are some additional sources of funding available
income. The fund is limited and there is no automatic
for the 2013/14 academic year which are shown
entitlement to support.
below. Please contact your Campus Student Advice
Manager for information and advice before you begin
What costs can the 16-19 Bursary Fund help with?
your course.
£1,200 bursary
16–19 Bursary Fund
The fund provides a bursary of £1,200 to the most
The 16–19 Bursary Fund helps young people who face
vulnerable young people. This group includes care
the greatest barriers to continuing in education after
leavers, those personally in receipt of Income Support
the age of 16. To make an application you must be
(or Universal Credit), and disabled young people
aged under 19 on 31 August immediately preceding
receiving both Employment Support Allowance and
the start of your course.
Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence
Applications from students whose household income
Payment). Students who satisfy these conditions will
is below £16,191 will be considered a priority but this
receive a £1,200 bursary.
does not exclude students from households where
the income exceeds this if a specific financial need
can be demonstrated.
Funding Further Education
Course costs
The fund can contribute towards course-related costs
including books, printing, field trips and art equipment.
The fund can contribute towards daily travel expenses
to and from UCA. Students attending UCA as the
nearest Further Education institution to their home will
be considered a priority but those who have chosen
Help With Childcare Costs
• If you are aged between 16 and 19 and have
childcare responsibilities then you can get help
and support through the Care to Learn
scheme. This can provide help with childcare
costs during your period of study.
• Care to Learn can be accessed at
UCA over a closer institute will not be excluded.
All applicants must have taken advantage of any
student travel concessions available to them i.e. the
Student Oyster Card, Surrey Half Price bus / train
pass, Kent /Medway train / bus pass. Further details
are available on the travel information sheet.
Other / unforeseen circumstances
The 16–19 Bursary Fund can also help towards
other costs. This could include temporary support
with domestic emergencies or sudden changes
in circumstances, such as redundancy or a drop in
household income.
Sephie Tatarcheva-Andreoli
Funding Further Education
Living Away From Home
• If you are considering living away from home
to study a Further Education Course, you need
to be sure that you can fund it.
• There is a limited amount of money available
through our specialist residential bursaries
which have generally only been agreed for
students who are studying their preferred
course at the nearest college to them, but
who would have a long distance to travel.
For example, if you lived in Essex and wanted
to study in Kent, you would not be eligible.
However, if there are specific reasons why you
want or need to study at one of our campuses
then applications can be considered on an
individual basis.
Lottie Molloy
Funding Further Education
If you aged 19 or over (and you are NOT 24 or over and
This can provide help with childcare costs during your
have not applied for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan
period of study. Care to Learn can be accessed at https://
(24+ ALL)) you may be able to apply for help from the
Adult Learner Support Fund.
If you are aged over 20 and not in receipt of 24+ALL you
The Adult Learner Support Fund is designed to help adult
can apply for help with your childcare costs through the
learners with a specific financial need which could prevent
Adult Learner Support Fund. However, funds are extremely
them from participating in learning. It can help towards the
limited and early application is recommended. It should be
costs of your course such as materials, equipment, travel,
noted that due to limited funds we are generally only able
accommodation in certain instances and unforeseen
to make a contribution towards childcare costs.
circumstances such as a sudden change in circumstances.
Living Away From Home-If you are considering living away
These funds are limited and therefore awards are means
from home to study a Further Education Course, you need
tested. There is no automatic entitlement.
to be sure that you can fund it. There are limited Residential
Course Costs-The fund can help towards the cost of
Bursaries available which are generally only agreed for
materials, equipment packs, and field trips.
students who are studying their preferred course at the
Travel-The fund can contribute towards daily travel
nearest college to them, but who would have a long
expenses to and from UCA. Students attending UCA as
distance to travel. For example, if you lived in Essex and
the nearest Further Education institution to their home will
wanted to study in Kent, you would not be eligible.
be considered a priority.
Help with Childcare Costs- If you are aged 19 and have
childcare responsibilities then you can get help and support
through the Care to Learn scheme.
Funding Further Education
If you are aged 24 or over and are applying for a
If you are in receipt of a 24+ALL you may get further
24+ Advanced Learning Loan you may be able to
help with the costs of your course, such as travel,
apply for help from the 24+ Advanced Learning
materials or childcare through the 24+ALLBF.
Loan Bursary Fund (24+ALLBF)
Students aged 24 and above, starting their course
in September 2014 and
requiring help with tuition
fees may now be eligible to apply for a 24+ Advanced
Learning Loans (24+ALL) to meet the cost of their
The Bursary Fund is designed to help vulnerable adult
learners with a specific financial need which could
prevent them from participating in learning. There are
specific priority groups including students with specific
learning difficulties or a disability, and lone parents.
However, it is important that you consider your own
Money will be awarded to learners where a specific
circumstances and look into all options for paying
financial need has been identified. The fund is very
for your course before choosing to take out a 24+
limited and there is no automatic entitlement to
Advanced Learning Loan. This is not the responsibility
of UCA. If you want advice on managing your finances,
you can get impartial advice from the Money Advice
If you have questions regarding any of the funds
Service at https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk.
please contact the Canterbury Specialist Adviser,
Further information is available in a 24+ALL Learner
Factsheet and Frequently Asked Questions. For more
information and a link to apply go to https://www.gov.
Tanya Perkins on 01227 817307 or email at tperkins@
16 Course costs 2014/15
Course costs 2014/15 (excluding tuition fees)
Students aged 19 years or over on 31 August
immediately preceding the start of their course
will be liable to pay tuition and registration fees, in
addition to the course costs listed below, please
check the tuition fees at the following link:
Further Education Course Levy Fee
A contribution to some costs associated with interim
exhibitions and the End of Year Show, and some
essential supplies received in studios and workshops
throughout the year: £125, payable at:
All Home/EU Further Education students will be liable
to pay the annual Course Levy in full during their
online enrolment. A late payment fee of £15 shall
apply to those students who fail to pay their Course
Levy during the online enrolment period.
Payment for the following course charges should be
made at our online Store.
Jaz Crush
Course costs 2014/14
Day Trips
Amsterdam 2014
UK/London 2014
Local Day Trips*
Amsterdam Visit November
UK/London November
Amsterdam Option 1
UK/London Option 2
Option 1
Option 2
All students are required, as part of their studies, to
* A contribution to the cost of normally two
participate in either Option 1 or Option 2.
educational visits to museums, galleries or site visits/
Amsterdam places are not confirmed until payment
and all relevant paperwork is received.
drawing location.
18 Contacts
Canterbury Further Education contacts:
Contact Information
Course Administrator: Amanda Theodorakis(general
Student Advice:
course enquiries)
01227 817307
01227 817328
Course Leader: Andrew Malone
01227 817329
01227 817387
01227 817309
Senior Lecturer / Extended Diploma
Co-ordinator: Gil Wilson
An answer phone service is available on all of the
Disability Support:
01227 817355
above lines for any out of hours enquiries.
International Students:
Student Development Services
01227 817307
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), personal
data must not normally be disclosed outside the University to any unauthorised recipient. We will therefore seek a student’s permission before disclosing any
of their personal information (including academic or
financial) to a third party who is not authorised, includ-
English for Academic Purposes (EAP):
01227 817402
19 Field trip week
All students are required, as part of their studies, to
participate in either the Amsterdam field trip or the UK
alternative programme.
Week commencing: 9.11.2014/10.11.2014
These field trips are part of your course, all students
are required to attend one of the two options.
Field trip week 2014:UK
UK alternative to Amsterdam
Your research from this week will be used to support
The price includes:
• Return Coach travel from UCA Canterbury to
London on two days
• Return Coach travel from UCA Canterbury to
Margate one day
• Entrance to exhibitions.
Payment should be made through our online services
at the UCA Store
subsequent projects and assessed at the appropriate
assessment period.
The cost for this week is £50.00 per person, applicable
for the following courses:
• UAL Diploma in Art & Design – Foundation
• UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma year 2
• Laser Access to Higher Education in Art &
Joe Clarke
Field trip week
Sunday 09 November – Friday 14 November 2014
The trip to Amsterdam will be residential and included
Places for Amsterdam are limited and open to all
students on the three Further Education courses:
• Diploma in Art & Design – Foundation Studies
in the cost are:
• Access to Higher Education Diploma
• Five nights bed and breakfast in the Hans
• Extended Diploma year 2 students (not year 1)
Brinker Budget Hotel in Amsterdam
• Coach travel from UCA to Amsterdam (travel
by Eurotunnel from Folkestone to Calais)
The cost of this trip will be £ 280.00, which includes a
non-refundable deposit of £80 full balance required by
Friday 19 September 2014
A full passport is necessary for this trip.
If you are an overseas student you may need to apply
for a visa (see next page how to apply).
Home/EU students are required to have a valid EHIC
(European Health Insurance Card – see next
page how to apply)
Please send a copy of your passport & EHIC in with
your booking form.
We therefore ask that you make your payment as soon
as possible as we are required to confirm numbers
with the Tour Operator.
Places are allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Copies of your passport & ehic card will be required.
Please return these with your booking form
Payment should be made through our online services
at the UCA Store store.ucreative.ac.uk
Field trip week
Points to remember
Payment should be made through our online services
at the UCA Store store.ucreative.ac.uk
Places maybe reserved by completing and returning
Should you wish to discuss payment arrangements
Education Campus Registry Officer:
01227 817328
Please return the completed booking form and send
Campus Registry Office (FE)
UCA Canterbury
New Dover Road
the attached Booking Form.
Places on the trip cannot be guaranteed until your full
payment of £280 is received.
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
You MUST have a full Passport
Check immediately that your passport is in date for
November 2014, and that your passport will still be
valid for a minimum period (usually at least six months)
beyond the date of departure
Please return a photocopy of the identity page from
your passport with your Booking Form.
You can download the forms here:
If you will need to renew your passport before the trip
Final Deadline for payment:
Friday 19 September 2014
please provide a photocopy as soon as possible. This
is required for the Hotel in Amsterdam.
Field trip week
If you are a foreign national please check whether you
1. The quickest and easiest way to apply for an
need a visa. Visa information can be obtained from:
EHIC is online. Your card will be delivered
within seven days.
then follow links for visa information. We would advise
2. To apply by phone, call 0845 606 2030 and
you apply for a visa 3 months before your date of
have the information listed above ready.
travel. Please remember we will be travelling through
When your application is completed, your
France and Belgium to reach the Netherlands. Please
card will be delivered within 10 days.
send a copy of your visa once you have received it.
Our Student Advice Manager will be able to help with
this: 01227 817307
3. To apply by post, pick up the EHIC form and
pre-addressed envelope from the Post Office.
Your card will be delivered within 21 days. For
a nominal fee, the Post Office will check your
European Health Insurance Card – EHIC (UK Citizens’
completed application form and forward it for
processing. This service is optional.
This card is a requirement for the trip; it has replaced
the E111 forms for Health Care in European countries.
The ways to apply are outlined below but you will
always need to have your date of birth and NHS
number or National Insurance number with you.
If you have an EHIC please send in a photocopy with
your passport copy & booking form.
4. Renewals/Applications (card not received) call
0845 605 0707
Do this during the summer vacation so you are
prepared for the trip. Further information can be found
at www.dh.gov.uk/travellers or
Field trip week
Copies of your passport & EHIC card will be required
Any cancellations made will be subject to the
at enrolment in your Induction week if not already
following cancellation charges:
Medical information
Please complete the enclosed Field Trip medical
Cancellation of place before 19th September 2014
will result in loss of the £80.00 non-refundable
form - if you are taking any prescribed drugs or suffer
Cancellation after the 19th September will result in a
from any medical condition e.g. asthma etc, please
cancellation charge of 80% of the tour cost
return this with your payment slip/passport & EHIC
photocopies. This information will be treated in
complete confidence.
This will also be used for any local field trips –
It is your responsibility to ensure that the details are
updated should your circumstances change during
this academic year 2013/14.
If you will be under 18 the Parental Consent Form
must also be completed and returned.
Cancellation policy
Payment to be made in full £280.00 (Inclusive of
£80.00 non-refundable deposit) by 19 September
Cancellation after the 24th October will result in a
cancellation charge of 100% of the tour cost
If you have any queries about the field study trip,
please contact the FE Course Leader; Andy Malone
on 01227 817328, or ring the FE Admin office on
01227 817328 to leave a message for him.
You may also email: