
Inside this issue:
2016 HOG Officers
Officer Articles
Membership Renewal
Calendar of Events
Snippets & Reminders
Chapter’s Newest Members
HOG Reading
January 2016 Meeting Minutes
Business Directory
2016 Chapter Sponsor and Officers
David Dellen
Ed James
Ron Allen
Juli Byrne
Yvonne Schipani
Carolyn James
Jeff Cox
Dee Brown
Joe Schipani
Talene Shuck
LJ Jernstadt
Sherry Shipley
Terry Mitchell
Caroline Sitar
Matt Benn
Allen Sprunk
Trish Waite
From Your Director:
Director’s Comments
Welcome to 2016! First I want to thank you for putting your trust in me as
your director. You have my commitment that I will work with the officers to
ensure the Chapter’s business is addressed, but more importantly, I want to
ensure that we are listening to the membership and scheduling multiple
opportunities throughout the year to ride and have fun….or just have fun.
Dee Brown kicked off the membership renewal process at the January meeting
and we had several people who have already renewed. We will be collecting
renewals at the February and March meetings. Anyone who has not
renewed by the March meeting will be removed from the rolls and fall off the
e-mail list. We want to get everyone renewed so please do not forget to
bring in your renewal.
Jeff Cox is busy gathering ideas for events this year and is looking for your
input and participation. He wants to establish an activities committee to
ensure we are getting maximum input from the Chapter members and to get
new ideas for events and activities. We also plan to work closely with the
Dealership to align their events to our calendar and minimize scheduling
conflicts. Since the weather is “frightful” right now, watch for upcoming
events at the Dealership like the euchre party and Thursday night movies.
Please remember, most all of our communications are electronic, so if you or
any other Chapter members are not receiving Chapter communications, please
contact me to verify the e-mail address on file. I intend to continue sending
weekly e-mail blasts to the membership each Wednesday with current events
and activities, as well as impromptu rides and events. Please let us know if
you are not receiving the e-mail blasts. I was not able to attend the January
meeting, and I want to thank Ron Allen for covering for me and leading the
meeting. I will see you in February. I am looking forward to a fun-filled
year and working with the membership to ensure we are planning activities
that are of interest to everyone. Also, check the Chapter Web Page
(http://hogindychap1.com/) for newsletter and other Chapter related
Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul. ~Author
Membership News:
~ From Membership Officer ~ Dee Brown
Membership dues..........
$20 is due in January and must be paid no later than the March meeting
You can find the Membership form on the Chapter web site at http://hogindychap1.com/, As a reminder, you
must be a National Hog member to be an Indianapolis chapter number one member. If your National
membership expires in 2015 you must renew it to maintain it to be a local member.
If you have an email address please list it on the membership form so our records can be updated. Our
Director, Ed James, will send out Chapter news through an email blast.
The Hog Indianapolis Chapter #1 is alive and well. We are recruiting new members all the time, so if you have
friends, family, or neighbors who own, or are thinking about buying a Harley Davidson Motorcycle why not
join us and get all the benefits of belonging to a large like-minded family of Harley riders. We’re here to ride
and have fun, we have many activities that you could take part in, and rides that go all over State so if you
fancy a ride in the wind and enjoy life, sign up now and get the word out......
Dee Brown
Membership Officer
Calendar of Events:
Snippets and Reminders:
Next Meeting Saturday February 6, 2016
Donuts and Social 8:30
Meeting 9:00
Indiana Motorcycle Expo February 19-21, 2016
Registration for ABATE motorcycle classes
Pioneers of Hoosier Motorcycling
Tiny Tots Riding Experience
Please do NOT park in the Service Lane (against the building) during the meetings, event rides,
and/or activities. This is for the Service Department and the customers.
Contact David Dellen for Local Chapter, different National patches and bulk ordering for possible
better pricing. Additional merchandise is available thru Norscot the official provider of HOG at
Welcome To Our Newest Members:
Joe Amato
Roger Humphries
Camera Shy:
Becky Phillips
Debbie Davaney
Greg TenBrook
Marty Dickerso
Harry Delks
Thaddeus Haltom
HOG Reading:
On the last night of 2015 while some stayed up watching the end of Pit Bull’s New Year’s Eve party till wee
hours of the morning, there were a crazy few who went to bed sober and got up early the next morning.
They covered themselves with leather and straddled their Iron Horses to ride in 27 degree temperatures
(Crazy or just plain Ate Up)
The Midwest Motorcycle Club sponsors the Hangover Ride every year which benefits Damar Services. My
first time was in 2004 and this year was their 35th year.
Bikers enjoy this event for bragging rights (remember its winter riding), bonfire, chili, corned beef cabbage
soup, a silent auction, dart ride and a timed ride. The entire route is approximately 50 miles.
This year I was joined by 19 of our HOG Chapter 1 members and 2 guests. We met at Harley Davidson of
Indianapolis at 9:00 a.m. (ksu 9:30a.m.) to ride to Bob Evans on Rockville Rd. for breakfast. After a great
meal to start our day, we traveled to the clubhouse and the temperatures got the best of our group. Many
decided it was too cold and had not dressed warm enough. I, Mark Christy and Steve Phillips participated in
all the events of the ride. Should anyone be interested in joining us in 2017, please feel free to talk with us.
Matthew Benn
Meeting Minutes:
Indianapolis HOG Chapter No. 1
January 9, 2016
Chapter Meeting Minutes
Submitted by Yvonne Schipani
Assistant Director, Ron Allen called meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
111 members were present.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sergeant of Arms, Terry Mitchell
Opening and General Discussion:
Welcome Ed James is out of town; he will be back for the February meeting.
for coffee and donuts.
Family Matters
Who Rode? A few raised their hand.
Thank you to the Dealership
Welcome to new member(s) and our guests.
New members:
Roger Humphries, Joe Amato
Denise Cook, Amy Pfaff
- We look forward to a great year ahead and maximum participation of both riding and non-riding activities.
This year’s theme is “Ride and Have Fun.” The 2016 Officers are busy working on plans, and welcome ideas
and input from the entire Chapter.
Officer Announcements:
Julie Bryne
- We have money! The transition is still underway w/last year’s treasurer.
avail at the February meeting.
A more detailed report will be
Yvonne Schipani
- Reminder to sign in your attendance at meeting.
Chapter Manager:
David Dellen
- Want to welcome you and the New Year.
1. Harley Officer Training will be held in Louisville, KY in the March timeframe.
with a lot of good information.
This is always a good time,
2. The staff at the Dealership is very interested in increasing the amount of Dealership activities and
participation. Look for more information on events throughout the year. TJ Hollingsworth will cover a few
later in the meeting.
Activities Director:
Jeff Cox
- We had a great and safe 2015
1. There are still ice scrapers (with the HOG logo) left from the Christmas party.
are available at the Dealership.
If you would like one, they
2. For 2016, we will be forming an Activities committee to help with the more involved activities such as the
Chapter picnic and week day lunch rides, among others. If you are interested in being on the committee,
contact me.
3. A few activities are already planned to get us through the winter months.
- Feb 5, Nonriding evening event.
Dinner at Greek Tony’s and reserved time at the firing range
- Feb 20 will be the Ride Planning meeting. The location will be posted on fb and the website.
This year there will be a few open dates to allow flexibility in the calendar to add a ride idea that comes up
after the planning meeting.
4. Details are forthcoming on the Breakout Ride which will be either April 3 or April 10.
putting plans together for a week-long trip to the Smokies, June 5-12.
Jack Schoettle is
5. Sign-up sheets for Chapter activities are available each meeting on the tables in the front of the dealership.
Newsletter Editor:
Trish Waite
1. The deadline for articles and other entries to the Newsletter is the Wednesday following the Chapter
Please provide in Microsoft Word format to via email.
Road Captains:
Sherry Shipley/Steve Hartshorne
1. We will be putting together an orientation for those who would like to volunteer to be a lead/sweep, more
info to follow.
2. Steve reminded the group to continue being vigilant when riding, most drivers are not looking for
motorcycles this time of year.
Safety Officer:
L.J. Jernstadt
1. A rider orientation will be scheduled; the orientation includes ABATE- oriented information as well as
Chapter riding and safety rules and policies.
2. The ABATE course calendar should be publically released approximately February 19, 2016.
- We have requested a Sunday date for the Experiences Riders Course – now referred to as ERC2 – it is
typically held in May. The Basic Riders Course is typically in April. If interested, watch for details in coming
3. The Hangover Ride on January 1 appeared to have a large representation from our Chapter.
supporting this event.
Thanks for
Matt Benn: Photographer
1. New member pictures will be taken after the meeting.
2. Question/Comment:
earlier this year.
A Chapter member requested the categories for the photo contest be released
Response: They will be released very soon.
Membership Officer:
Dee Brown
1. The 2016 Membership drive will be underway through March.
1A. Chapter membership is $20.00 per year, (it is not prorated).
1B. Membership in HOG National is required.
1C. Forms are available on the Chapter website.
2. Dee recently met with David Dellen, and the Dealership is proposing an initiative to help grow our
2A. The initiative includes creating a Membership Committee with up to 30-40 members.
2B. Additionally, a preliminary overview of a Dealership financial incentive to the Chapter was given by David
Dellen. This will be further discussed and finalized at the February Officers’ meeting and ready for
presenting to the general membership.
3. A mailbox with a lock will be available in the Dealership. It can be used to deposit membership forms and
any other items for Chapter business. Be sure to mark it for the HOG Chapter or with an officer’s name so it
doesn’t get misrouted or misplaced.
Fun Officer:
Carolyn Sitar
1. Our first fund raiser will be January 16, a pancake breakfast at the Dealership from 10:00 am-12:00 pm.
Volunteers are needed for this event.
Dealership News:
TJ Hollingsworth
1. To wrap up 2015, TJ reported that HD of Indianapolis was given the distinction of the #1 Harley Davidson
Dealership in Indiana. He thanked the Chapter for their participation and loyalty which helped them gain
this recognition.
2. There is a lot of inventory available in the dealership.
3. The Dealership has several events planned; they are committed to the HOG Chapter, and are thankful for
the commitment from the Chapter to them.
4. Dealership activities include:
4A. January 16, Team Trivia after the pancake breakfast.
4B. January 21, first of the “Biker Movie Nights”, throughout the winter.
snacks, and fun time.
These events will include a Movie,
4C. January 23, Performance Workshop with Chris Booth, a Master Technician.
get the maximum performance from your bike, regardless what you ride.
Chris will show you how to
4D. Euchre Tournament; the first one was a big success, details coming for another one.
Old Business
1. Ron provided an update on the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital project.
1A. A meeting was held with Chapter committee members and the PMCH staff to discuss the remainder of
the funds in the account. More “Chemo Ducks” were purchased.
1B. The Christmas dinner for the families of PMCH patients was such a huge success, there is ongoing
discussion of doing a quarterly event such as Easter, July 4 and Halloween.
1C. This entire effort was a big success and our Chapter commitment will continue in 2016; this will hopefully
be a long term financial initiative.
2. Thanks to Marci Hartshorne for the great Chapter Christmas party; her efforts and those of the committee
and all the volunteers are greatly appreciated.
New Business:
1. Susan Austin invited the Chapter members to the upcoming Fur Ball, which benefits the Boone County
Humane shelter. It will be held February 20. Posters are available for your workplace or other areas if
desired. The money raised helps support this organization which gets no government funding. The
Chapter support in past has always been wonderful and appreciated.
2. Vern Roach shared his experience and lessons learned with motorcycle insurance as a result of his accident
last riding season. The lesson he learned after a great deal of time, energy, frustration and financial loss is
to fully know who you are dealing with when you get motorcycle insurance. His opinion and advice after
this experience is to especially understand your coverage for add-ons; you may not get your money’s worth
should you need to make a claim.
3. L.J. Jernstadt discussed the Boone County Firearms Course that has been scheduled specifically for HOG
Chapter 1 members. It will be held Apr 23/24, 2016. This is a very thorough course. The cost is $200.
There is a minimum of 12 members needed; maximum of 24. Details will be available from L.J. and through
the Chapter website.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2016
Activities News:
2016 is here and planning has begun for our riding season. Thank you to those that have
volunteered to help on our planning committees. Our planning meeting is February 20 at Le
Peeps restaurant located at 8255 Craig Street in Castleton. We encouraged all to come that may
have an idea for a chapter ride or wish to lead a ride. We have reserved a private room for
breakfast beginning at 8:00 am. We will start the meeting around 8:30. I have heard from a few
members about bringing back some of our favorites and they are being considered. 555 ride,
Rolling on the River, Flags for Hero’s part 1 and Flags for Hero’s part 2 Flight 93 and the Scoot &
Shoot. We will continue with our weekday lunch rides. I am looking for some ideas for our
weekday rides. Our annual chapter picnic will continue, and we have a committee already
working on that for us. One idea this year is maybe have a couple chapter open rides, this will
hopefully bring in riders that may not be members with the thought of growing our
membership or at least maintaining our current membership numbers.
All of our members have huge hearts, and we all give and participate as much as
possible. Kammy’s Ride, Paws & Claws Ride and The Russ Dellen Memorial Ride are locked in on
the calendar. The Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital Toy Ride has been a huge success for us
the past two years. Not sure as of yet if this will continue as the same model for 2016. Stay
tuned for updates concerning the toy ride.
We had a huge amount of members sign up for our winter chapter event for February 5.
Meeting for dinner at 7:00 pm at Greek Toney’s located at 1732 E. 116 th Street in Carmel. All
you can eat buffet pizza, bread sticks, salad and sodas for $10.00 ea. After dinner, we are going
to Point Blank Shooting Range in Carmel to shoot for an hour. They will close the range to the
public at 9:00 and we will have all 20 lanes to ourselves. $15.00 per couple for 1 hour. This part
of the event is full but if you did not sign up there is still room for all to come to dinner.
The past two years that I have served as the activities director I have been blessed with
a group of officers that have been there for me, helped and guided me. Our leader Mr. Ken
White has taught me a lot and I am very thankful for his leadership. This year’s group of officers
is an outstanding group. Our director Ed James brings a vast knowledge and experience to his
position and I am looking forward to working with him and the others. Our goal is the same,
serve our membership, and make sure we are having fun.
Check the ride line every week for updates. 317- 815-2548.