link - Orange Coast Harley Owners Group


link - Orange Coast Harley Owners Group
Orange Coast Chapter
May 2016
Member of the Month
Tom Martin
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Member of the Month ..…….…………………..2
Member of the Month
Del Con Detour Overnighter……………………3
Tom Martin
Lake Hughes Lunch Ride ………………………...7
Where do you live?
Directors Message…………………………………..8
Assistant Directors Message…………………...9
Secretary Report……………………………………10
Welcome to our New Members .…………..11
Odds and Ends……………………………………….12
Items for Sale………………………………………..13
Commercial Advertisement ..………………..14
Chapter Officers…………………………………….15
OCHD Upcoming Events ..……………………..15
Editor’s Note ………………………………………..16
Rancho Santa Margarita
What kind of riding do you enjoy the
The kind where the motor is on and it
is not raining. I like the mountains,
PCH, the desert…
What do you do for a living?
What are your favorite rides?
I own my own law practice where I do
civil litigation (trial work) with an eye
on helping the motorcycling community. I have represented individual riders
as well as businesses such as Wink Eller
Customs and California Harley Davidson in business disputes. Just recently I have clicked the “start” button
on my campaign to be elected to Judge
of the Superior Court in Orange County.
IWAR and CHOC. Glad to help where it
is really needed.
Ride Calendar ……………………………………….17
What is your most memorable experience on a Harley?
A chapter ride heading south out of
Julian. We crested a hill and the view
turned into the mountains on the right
and the Imperial Valley on the left right
at the same time that Willie and Waylon’s “Nowhere Road” started playing.
How long have you been riding
About 45 years
Which ride would you like to do in the
coming year?
How long have you been riding a
More overnighters with the club. I
would also like to do the Redwood Run.
22 years
Is there anything else you would like
to share?
How long have you been a member of
All of the sportscasters have it wrong.
KSU doesn’t stand for Kansas State University. It means “Kick Stands Up!”
22 years
What is your current Harley?
My only Harley: 1995 Dyna Wide Glide
picked up on October 1, 1994.
Annual mileage?
Only about 10,000, but I am hoping to
urge that upward.
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Del Con Detour
Randy Tiffany
Background & History of The
Laughlin River Run
The first Laughlin River Run was started in
1983 by a Harley Dealer & long-time rider
Dale Marschke. Dales name can be found
in the list of Clubs & Riders going back to
Daytona in 1961. An estimated 426 riders
attended that first River Run. Sometime
later, the Laughlin River Run was put on by
Dal-Con Promotions (which, from all of the
patent searches appears to be Dale’s Company). OCHOG began our little ‘ol Delcon
Detour in 2004, most likely due to the crazy-expensive hotel costs in Laughlin during
the Run, and our preference to keep riding
(1200 miles for this year’s five-day trip!).
I’ve been told our moniker “Delcon” is
different from Dalcon either purposely (to
avoid copyright infringement) or accidentally (our patch maker couldn’t read
someone’s handwriting).
OCHOG Delcon Detour History
Looking back at photos, our original and
coveted Delcon Detour patches, and
speaking with our Safety Officer (and OCHOG Historian?) Roger Allen, I believe OCHOG has ridden the Delcon Detour eight
times; 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012,
2014, 2016. How many memories & patches are on your vest?
The second half of the pack must have hit
some traffic, as it was not until Moreno
Valley that they finally regrouped with us.
Our first bio-break came soon enough (61)
miles at a Starbucks or an original McDonalds depending on your food choice.
From Beaumont it was another short ride
(60 miles) to our next stop in 29 Palms for
gas & another bio break. The weather was
warm & clear blue skies; time to peel off a
layer or two.
From 29 Palms we take the back roads
towards Amboy. About half-way to there
we start a Glide down from Bullion Mountains with the heart of the Mojave Desert
laid out like a cocoa brown carpet below
us. We’re finally getting the groove on
Although Amboy was first settled in 1858,
the town was not established until 1883.
In 1926, Amboy became a boom town
after the opening of U.S. Route 66. In
1938, Roy's Motel and Café opened, which
prospered due to its isolated location on
the route. By 1940, Amboy's population
had increased to 65.
We finally reach Laughlin at the prescribed time of 3:00PM. Weather is
still good and we gather at the pool &
Jacuzzi to recount our wonderful day.
Later that night the weather turned
blustery in Laughlin…..perhaps an ominous sign of things to come?
Day Two. Laughlin to Williams; an easy 190 miles?
Since 1792, The Old Farmer's Almanac
has been known for its traditionally 80
percent accurate forecasts. The
Farmer’s Almanac predicts temperature 56° (1° below avg.); precipitation
for the month of May to be 1.5" (0.5"
above avg.); April 28 & 29; Sunny;
warm north, cool south including the
Flagstaff, AZ area.
The day started off in great fashion.
Chicken-fried steak & eggs at the Golden Nugget. Frank Roberts & I were the
first HOG riders to get this year’s
Laughlin Ride Pin in the morning. Rick
& Stephanie followed suit. Gassed up
and together with the Chapter across
the river, in great anticipation of riding
lid-less along the beautiful Route 66 to
Williams, AZ.
Day One- Anaheim to Laughlin;
272 miles
A cool morning and slightly overcast skies
greeted 60 riders on 50 bikes (and two
trikes) in Anaheim for a 7:00AM departure.
Our fearless Leader, Steve Burke, and Road
Captains gave us our morning briefing
about the coming day; 273 miles with a
good chunk of it on old Route 66 through
the desert. The ride started with an uncharacteristically swift ride on the 91 to the
60 with NO traffic jam! The sign of things
to come I hope!
Laughlin awaits us and is only 100
miles away. We’ll be there in “no
time”! But wait, there is one more
stop to be made at the Hi Sahara Oasis
in Essex for Gas, yet another bio break,
food for those who dare to take part in
gas station fare.
Not much going on in Amboy these days
(we are a day ahead of the River Run).
Plenty of time for a cool drink, another bio
break and a group photo in front of one of
the many Route 66 signs painted on the
center of the byway that makes America
We begin to peel off even more layers
now. Many of us riding in short sleeves.
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Del Con Detour
Randy Tiffany
Oatman, AZ was our first stop. Oatman is
named for Olive Oatman, a young Illinois
girl who was taken captive by
(presumably) Yavapai Indians and forced to
work as a slave. She was later traded
to Mohave Indians who adopted her as a
daughter and had her face tattooed in the
custom of the tribe. She was released in
1855 near the current site of the town.
We were some of the first riders in to town
this morning, making parking relatively
easy on the semi-paved road. Mind your
step and don’t put the kickstand down on
any ‘road apples’. You’ll have to enjoy
some of past year’s photos to enjoy any
pictures of ‘wild’ burros roaming the town
as there were none to be found this day.
Oatman is still a must see on the way to
Kingman, AZ.
Now in spite of what that 80/20 Farmer’s
Almanac predicted, the WunderWeather
Storm tracker indicated differently. The
skies were dark and stormy over the hills
ahead of us. Bright blue skies in the opposite direction (back in Laughlin). Most of us
donned our wet weather gear just in case.
(As we know, in many cases wearing wet
weather gear WILL bring out the sun &
heat) Mother Nature, having her fun with
us. The old road winds through and up the
Black Mountains outside Oatman and back
down until we reach the plane to ride
across to Kingman, AZ.
Once again, our Road Captains find a road
less traveled and we wind our way down a
frontage road to reach town and the
Mother Road Harley Davidson Dealer of
Long about then, wearing rain gear and a
face shield paid off. Many riders stayed at
the Dealer, a few partook in the finer dining establishments of Kingman, including
Mr. DZ’s Route 66 Diner (reportedly made
famous by Oprah Winfrey).
The rain had stopped by the time we were
ready to SADDLE UP. But, the weather to
the east looked a bit dark. And those
Storm Trackers and weather reports for
the ride to Seligman were not all that favorable. Road Captain Robert informed us
that the usual stop for ice cream, root
beer floats & yuk-yuks from the Delagadillos at the Snow Cap in Seligman, would
most likely be skipped. And right Robert
was! By the time we got to Seligman (80
miles) the weather had turned cold, cold,
COLD! We are now at 5242’ elevation and
Mother Nature can’t decide whether to
throw rain, sleet or snow at us. The temperature gage was certainly dropping faster than the fuel gage. Not being smart
enough to gear-up completely, myself and
a few other end-of-the-train riders & one
Road Captain, made an unplanned stop to
add a few more layers to gloves and coats.
Suck it up, boys and girls….45 miles and
another 1225 feet of elevation gain. By
now, Ms. Mother Nature is really
putting it on. Rain has turned to slush,
collecting on windshields and then flying off to plaster your face. Windshields, face shields, glasses all in a fog.
It’s getting difficult to see the tail lights
on the big rigs in front of us and their
spray isn’t helping. But, we stick to the
#1 lane using the yellow line on the left
and the trucker’s paths hoping they’ve
squished the slush that is accumulating
away from our tires. I was soooo glad I
had just put on a new set of Michelin
Commander 2 tires before this trip!
The idea of riding as a pack didn’t quite
work out but the remaining six riders
did make it to town before freezing to
The treacherous ride and especially the
cold, starts to fade after a warm shower, a hot Jacuzzi, and a Gentleman Jack,
or two. Our thoughts turn to the coming dinner & a show…..Jimmy (aka The
Monkey Man) has been signed up to
entertain once again!
Doc Holiday’s treated us to assorted
appetizers and Happy Hour prices for
our favorite adult beverages including
those infamous Duck Farts. I’ve seen
this drink, or versions thereof, served
as far away as Ambris Cay (Belize C.A.).
But I bet nobody serves these savory,
salacious drinks in ‘flights’ of six! From
what I hear, you don’t want to sip a
Duck Fart….it could end up costing you
the next round! Thank-you, but I’ll
stick with Gentleman Jack.
The main pack has left the six of us behind
as we did make an unscheduled stop &
were slow to get going. But that’s still a
‘pack’ and, hopefully, we will still be seen
by the 18 wheelers and other vacationers
on Interstate 40. Williams is reporting 36F
and snow.
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Del Con Detour
Randy Tiffany
Dinner was served, and the Monkey Man
played on into the evening. I had the special treat of having my daughter, Holly,
drop in from Flagstaff to join us in the fun.
Holly is officially, or unofficially, a Delcon
Detour ‘patch holder’ joining us at Doc
Holiday’s on at least two occasions now.
Thank you to all who purchased 50/50
raffle tickets to help Holly raise funds for
her Flagstaff Ascent girls volleyball club.
OCHOG members donated $350.00 to help
her 18 year old girls team travel to the National tournament in Indianapolis later this
summer. Coincidentally, Jimmy (the Monkey Man) was scheduled to play at her
Flagstaff Ascent fund-raiser the following
night in Flagstaff! Again, THANK YOU
OCHOG for your generosity!
Day Four-Williams to Wickenburg;
180 miles
This is a day we all look forward to, and
everyone hoped the weather would cooperate. The route to Wickenburg included
the downhill twisties of Oak Canyon and a
ride up to Jerome, another AZ mining
town. Unfortunately, the clear, cool
morning gave way to more rain along I-40
just about the time we SADDLED-UP. But,
we caught a
break at
about 5000’
elevation as
we headed
down into
Oak Creek
Canyon. The
morning was
fine in Sedona, allowing
for an abbreviated early morning stop into Grand Canyon HD’s Sedona t-shirt & souvenir shop.
Now the question was to keep the wet
weather gear on, or not? The “nots” won
this time as the weather was fine as we
traveled up to Jerome.
Day Three-Local Rides &
Adventures from Williams
After such a challenging ride in and a “full”
night of revelry, it was a bit of a relief to
have two scheduled short rides in the area.
Some went north to the Grand Canyon;
some on bikes some on the Grand Canyon
Railway (which I hear is a ‘hoot’ and something I’ll want to do myself after hearing
the tales of song, dance & wild-western
train robbers!). Some went south through
Oak Canyon to enjoy the vistas of red rock,
buttes in Sedona. Some riders reported
sunny, blue skies in either direction while
some of us found more rain, hail and a wild
Mustang spinning in 360 degree circles
alongside riders on Interstate 40. Thankfully, we all eventually returned to the
Ramada Inn in one piece.
Jerome has several fine dining options
spread out over two levels of streets overlooking the Verde Valley. A few of us
found the Haunted Hamburger serving up
some excellent fare. I opted for the Pollo
con Crème de Ajo. EXCELLENT healthy
lunch! But, sitting at the bar through
which the food flowed (quickly), I’d say
come back for their chili, chili size, chili
dogs, Philly cheese steak & giant hamburgers. All served in a Haunted House on the
Hill with a terrific view.
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Del Con Detour
It’s not too often that I’m glad to see
that “Welcome to California” sign as
we cross the Colorado River….but now,
it is warming up nicely and we CAN
actually ride in shirt sleeves.
Randy Tiffany
After lunch….the recurring theme of ‘to
gear-up?’ faced us again. It was so beautiful, in Jerome and its rained on us so much
now…how could the Arizona desert HAVE
any more water to drop on us???? Well,
those that ‘bet rain’, bet ‘right’. We
climbed the hills out of Jerome and right
about 6000 feet the rain started again
keeping our ride through the twists and
turns to a safe, lower speed (thank you
Steve!). And, once again, at about 5000
feet (Prescott Valley) the rain gave way to
partly sunny skies. At our last stop for gas
there we, once again, had to ask ourselves………you know, RAIN? Or No Rain?
We have only 71 miles to go…..And the
ride through old Prescott, Peebles Valley
and Congress was beautiful! Until we
reached the valley floor and the skies grew
dark, really, really dark…with lightning
streaking across the desert skies to the
south. I swear, Steve Burke pointed onefinger-up (single file) and a lightning bolt
reached out & connected with him! Desert
illusions setting in….and some pretty strong
cross winds too boot….Luckily, we all made
it to the Los Viajeros Inn and put the kickstands down just before, and you guessed
it…more rain came down. Wow!
There isn’t much to do in the north end of
Wickenburg, especially when it’s raining.
Just the Inn, the Chevron and Denny’s next
But that won’t deter us from relaxing;
some sat in the Jacuzzi in the rain (why
not, you’re gonna be wet anyway) while
most hunkered-down under the Ramada,
guarding against the gusts and rain enjoying their stogies and liquid tranquilizers.
Undeterred, Lyle came up with the food
solution of ordering pizzas having struck a
bargain with the local pizzeria. By 7PM
nearly 15 pizzas (count the empty boxes)
were delivered filling the void quite nicely.
Day Five. Heading Home; Wickenburg to OC; 333 miles
After a pit stop at General Patton’s
Chiriaco Summit we stop for lunch a
few more miles down the road at various truck stops and fast food joints.
Only 125 more miles to home! And it
was a smooth, warm, sunny ride all the
I rode past Cook’s Corner which
seemed to be taken over by metric,
crotch rockets….it was Blessing of The
Bike’s. I didn’t stop in as I had had
enough plenty of water and said A LOT
of my own prayers for safety the past
four days….I hope I’m right.
See you on the next ride!
Post Script. Reading the Harley HOG
Magazine I’m reminded this is the 90th
anniversary of Route 66. In 1956, 50
years ago, the Interstate Highway Act
signaled the beginning of the end for
Route 66. Williams, AZ touts themselves as the last town bypassed by I40 in 1984. I’m glad we were able to
revisit a small portion of this historic
piece of America. Perhaps, one day, all
the way to Chicago?
A 7:30AM departure was scheduled and,
thank goodness, we welcomed SUNNY
SKIES. It wasn’t shirt sleeves weather but
it was at least a chance to ride without a
lid (and no rain gear) for the first time in
days. 90 miles to the first gas stop in
Quartzsite came pretty quickly, where we
had to don those helmets as we prepared
for the crossing to California
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Rock Inn / Lake Hughes
The ride home was quite nice until we
had to get on the freeway. The weather had warmed up, the sun came out,
and we ended up doing a lot of lanesplitting.
Kathi Somers
It was chilly and overcast when approximately 42 bikes gathered at the Jerome’s
parking lot meet-up spot, to get ready for
our day trip. Rob Vandal and Linda Mosher
worked together to take all our lunch orders so they could be called in to the Rock
Inn before we arrived.
Our route was very nice. The roadsides and
hills were still green from the recent rains
and we had some really fun twisties along
the way.
At one point, we had a really nice tour of
Santa Clarita as we made a wrong turn and
had to do a fair amount of backtracking
(including one of our now infamous Uturns!), but even that was fun.
Hurd managed to retrieve the store merchandise from the burning building and
moved everything to a location across the
street. The story is that he had the store
up and running within four hours of the
Thanks to our terrific road captains for
shepherding us safely there and back and
thanks to Rob for a great route!
Hurd and Brannon decided to rebuild on
the same site, but after the fire experience, they decided to build it out of stone.
They completed it in 1929 and called it the
Lake Hughes Trading Post; it was a store,
post office, hotel, and bus stop. The family
ran the business until just after World War
Upon arrival they were ready for us at the
Rock Inn. Plenty of tables, chairs, and lots
of food and drink. I think they had all of us
served within 10 or 15 minutes of sitting
The Rock Inn itself is a piece of California
history. Joel B. Hurd migrated to Lake
Hughes from Massachusetts and, in 1926,
took a job managing a small grocery store
(owned by a businessman named B. Brannon) and became the town’s postmaster,
operating the post office out of the store.
In 1928 a fire destroyed the store and post
office, as well as the adjoining gas station
and a 15-unit apartment building that had
recently been built on the property.
In 1975, actor Paul Koslo bought the property, renovated the building, and remodeled the second floor into bed-andbreakfast rooms. Koslo still owns the property, but the proprietor of the Rock Inn is
Warren St. John. It’s a fun spot for bikers
to ride to and have lunch and cold beverages, plus they have evening entertainment and even karaoke.
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Director’s Message
Steve Burke
The rules are pretty simple;
1. The first day. The lineup starts just like
any day ride, first come first served.
2. The rest of the days. The ride leader
The DelCon Detour overnighter was once
again a great ride. We did encounter some
inclement weather and I actually wore my
rain suit 3 days in a row. I don’t think I had
worn it 3 days over the several years I’ve
owned it. The worst we encountered was
an afternoon snow storm on the way to
starts the lineup at his or her chosen location approximately one hour before the
ride starts. You may safely lineup behind
him or her, being courteous to those who
are also trying to lineup.
3. Don’t hog the front every day. Give
others a chance to ride up front.
That’s it. So far it’s worked well and I have
appreciated your cooperation and consideration for others.
Williams, which had everyone’s glasses,
The Dealer values your patronage and
wants to provide the best service and
sales possible for Chapter members. I
hope that you will consider our Dealer
first for a competitive quote on your purchase or service. It’s a partnership that if
nurtured will provide benefits to us all.
visors, windshields and even headlamps
coated with ice and snow. The last 10
miles was definitely challenging and in the
future when the topic of conversation
goes to riding in bad weather, everyone in
attendance will share the events of this
day. As bad as it was, the weather did not
deter us from our projected route or from
having a great time.
There was some confusion on Day 4 dealing with the morning lineup and I thought
I would remind everybody of our overnighter lineup policy. This policy was introduced in 2013. Its intent was 2 fold;
1. Keep members, intent on getting up
front, from waking everyone up at 4 am
by starting their bikes in an effort to secure a spot at the front of the line (and I’m
not kidding 4 AM!).
2. Promote fairness to all members, by
giving everyone a chance to ride at or near
the front of the line.
The Harley Owners Group (HOG) was established by the Harley-Davidson Motor
Company to offer motorcycling benefits
and services to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts, and to develop a close relationship
between the Harley-Davidson rider, their
Harley-Davidson Dealership and the Harley
-Davidson Motor Company. Orange County Harley-Davidson chooses to support our
Chapter to bring members together for
the common interest of promoting motorcycling activities and to help in promoting
the Dealer. It is a goal that we both share. I
want you as a Chapter member to be
aware of this responsibility and to keep in
mind that the Dealer is major part of our
Chapter’s success and should be treated as
part of our extended HOG family.
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Assistant Director’s Let me share something and why the
Keep It Simple message is important.
H.O.G. membership is about riding a
Craig Shelby
At this year’s Harley Officers Training
(H.O.T.) the main theme that echoed
for two days was “Keep it Simple”!
Furthermore, there are very few rules
and / or policies set-down by National
HOG that chapters must adhere to with
respect to rides. The theme of Keep it
Simple does not suggest that we here
at OCHOG will or need to throw caution to the wind and dispense with or
alter any of the ride protocols that
have been in-place for quite some
time. The protocol’s we have, follow a
simple concept and ultimately lead to
safer rides (note “safer” and not “safe”)
Riding a motorcycle is risky and we
manage that risk with protocols, good
practices and skillful road captains. We
can all thank the Chapter Officers from
the past twenty-five plus years, for the
strong foundation that allows for the
continuation of great rides and a lot of
fun with great friends after a day of
riding, either on day trips or on overnighters. Speaking of overnighters,
how about that Del-Con Detour ride?
(And yes, my core body temperature
has returned to 98.6 with no lingering
effects of another minor case (as some
describe it) of hypothermia upon arriving in Williams Arizona. And no, it was
not from too much ice cream at the
Sno-Cap drive-in in Seligman.
Harley and having fun doing so, and
OCHOG does just that. While chatting
with others during a break at H.O.T., I
heard about a road captain manual
totaling some 127 pages that was presented to a staff person of National
H.O.G. (who is a lawyer) for review and
comment. Obviously, the manual was
prepared prior to this year’s Keep it
Simple message. The nameless lawyer
may have been at least a little suspicious of the manual, based solely upon
its weight. Upon reading the first sentence (something about a gender requirement to be a road captain) he returned the manual to the presenting
chapter with something along the lines
of an emphatic are you f . . king kidding
On to other stuff, I hope that all who
attended the Angels baseball game
enjoyed the tailing and game albeit the
home team lost. As always, there was
plenty of food, drink and conservation
among OCHOG friends.
Next month we head north to Mammoth for the Summer Cruise. The
weather will likely be considerably
better than during the Del-Con ride. At
least I hope so, because my warmweather gear is quite similar to coldweather gear or vice-a-versa.
Raffle Prizes — Raffle prizes cannot be
exchanged at the dealer for cash or store
credit. You may exchange shirts for the
correct size if the dealer has your specific
shirt size available.
What’s Happening? Refer to the ride
calendar on the website for the most up
to date information regarding chapter
and dealer events, rides, meeting places,
maps to meeting places, and departure
times. The chapter has gone green; we
do not print and distribute ride maps at
the beginning of each ride. Ride maps
are uploaded to the OCHOG website 72
hours prior to each ride. Be sure to print
your own ride map and bring it with you
on the ride.
Tweet Tweet — What’s the latest? We
maintain a Twitter account that will alert
you to last minute ride changes and
cancellations directly to your phone.
Twitter notification is faster and more
convenient than accessing the OCHOG
website. Directions for signing up and
receiving alerts are found at http://
Smile for the camera — We have a new
website for our chapter photos. You can
reach the website through the OCHOG
webpage or go directly to To submit photos of chapter rides, send your photos to You may send photos in
any size.
How do I sell stuff or publish my
masterpiece? For questions about
advertising in the HOG LOG or to submit
ride articles, contact the chapter editor at
What do we do when we’re not riding?
Our monthly meetings are usually held on
the fourth Thursday of each month. Our
next meeting will be Thursday, November
19th at the Back Bay Conference Center
on the second floor of Irvine Lanes at
3415 Michelson Drive in Irvine. Dinner
will be available for $16 beginning at
6:00 p.m. You must make your dinner
reservations no later than Wednesday,
February 24th at noon by emailing
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Secretary’s Report
Mel Fonseca
Lifestyles America Ride May 21st & 22nd –
Nick Dietz
Nick talked about the ride, and if interested in joining him to meet at Jerome on
Saturday, May 21st by 7:30 AM for a 8:00
AM departure.
H.O.T. Presentation – Rob Vandal
Director Steve Burke called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. Jean Pence led the
chapter in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rob shared what his experience was as a
first time attendee to H.O.T.
Recognition for HOG Log Ride Article Contributors – Steve Burke
Introduce Current Officers – Steve Burke
Steve introduced the chapter’s officers
and chapter manager.
Dealer Representatives – Kim Kolenberger
HOG Manager.
New Officer Introduction – Steve Burke
Steve introduces Eric Bakker as the chapter’s new Webmaster.
New Members Introductions — Craig
Craig covered for Mark, Craig announced
current active member count is 321; 4
new members this month, 0 of which are
Announcements, Reminders, Updates –
Steve Burke
Steve thanked everyone who purchased
dinners & reminded everyone about the
benefits that came with the purchase of
dinners. He reminded everyone of the
special labor rate at OCHD for being a
HOG member. Pointed out that Elizabeth
was there to sew patches. Talked about
the upcoming Angels Tailgate Party tickets
on sale. Let everyone know that Provide a
Ride registration is open. There is a need
for volunteers to run the dealer bbq on
Saturday, May 14th. Briefly spoke about
H.O.T. experience.
Steve recognized the following individuals
for their articles in the April HOG Log:
Randy Tiffany for the Mentone Lunch Ride
Member Of The Month Presentation –
Larry Somers
Larry presented Jay Adamo as Members of
the Month for March. Jay received an 8x10
replica of the cover of the April HOG Log.
Dealer New — Steve Burke
H.O.T. Presentation – Larry Somers
Larry shared what his experience was as a
first time attendee to H.O.T.; had everyone
participate in “create an event/ ride exercise.
Closing Remarks - Steve Burke
The implementation of EventBrite for overnighter sign-ups starting with the Big Bear
overnighter in May; 2015 IWAR patches for
those volunteers who did not receive them;
remind everyone of Angeles Tailgate party
on May 7th; & reminded everyone about
Nicole Stoesser’s Leukemia & Lymphoma
Society Poker Run on May 7th.
Cake to celebrate the April birthdays.
LOH RAFFLE – Denise Vandal
Adjourn - Steve Burke
Steve adjourned the meeting and thanked
everyone for attending.
Steve talked about the dealer sponsored
Chili Cook-Off results from March 26th,
2016 after the new member ride: Mark &
Briza Morales – “Team Caliente” won best
theme; Rick Jones Chili won 3rd place; Larry
& Kathi Somers – “Team Somertyme Super
Chili” won 2nd place; and Paul & Carolynne
Schley – “Sombrero Chili” won 1st place.
Thanked all other participants.
H.O.T. Presentation – Bill Thompson
Bill shared what his experience as a first
time attendee to H.O.T.
Activities Presentation — Rob Vandal
Rob reviewed the upcoming ride calendar
for May through July; reminded those
attending the DelCon overnighter about
the pin stop in Laughlin and to bring National HOG card; as well as to bring National Park Pass if going to Grand Canyon.
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Future Hog
Future Hog
Future Hog
Future Hog
May Birthdays!
Dawn Bakker
Mark Boone
Ronald Browning
Carmen Bustamante
Dennis Cascarelli
Richard Catton
Judy Coderre
Felicitas Domenick
John Fairchild
Mel Fonseca
David Goddard
Scott Grist
Patrick Kane
Larry Kellner
Steve Kennedy
Maylinda Kepilino
Dan Larson
Elaine Matlock
April Murphy
Marcia Nellesen
Debbie Newland
Beth Norton
Jonathan Pearson
Sam Proko
Eduardo Ramirez
Patty Rankin
Randy Rankin
Frank Roberts
Mike Veal
Jason Wegman
Traian Zaoinciuc
OCHOG maintains a Twitter
account that will alert you
of last minute ride changes
and cancellations directly to
your phone. Twitter notification is faster and more
convenient than accessing
the OCHOG website. Directions for signing up and receiving alerts are found at
Sign up for Site Notifications
There is a lot of activity going on with Orange Coast HOG, and we try to keep everyone up to date via
the website at We have image galleries going live, ride maps for the weekend rides,
HOG LOG’s, general updates and more, so much more.
There are a number of ways to keep up with what is going on, but the easiest is via email. If you go to
the homepage and scroll down to the bottom, find a box labeled “Email Address.”
Just type your email address into that box and hit the “Subscribe” button. Within minutes you’ll get a
confirmation email in your inbox asking you if you are sure you want to subscribe. Just click on the
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
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May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Please send items for sale you would like to have listed in the HOG LOG to:
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Member Services Ads
May 2016
Orange Coast Chapter
Chapter Officers
Orange Coast Chapter #0322
Orange County, California
Steve Burke
Assistant Director
Craig Shelby
Mel Fonseca
Ron Browning
Activities Director
Rob Vandal
Bill Thompson
Head Road Captain
Roger Allen
Ladies of Harley
Denise Vandal
Membership Officer
Mark Morales
Larry Somers
Safety Officer
Roger Allen
Eric Bakker
Sponsoring Dealer
Orange County Harley-Davidson
8677 Research Drive
Irvine, California 92618
Phone: 949.727.4HOG (4464)
Fax: 949.655.0030
Dealership Hours
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Upcoming Events at OCHD
Every Saturday
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
FREE BBQ lunch for VIPs
May 2016
May 2016
May 2016