Watch tennis live on The Piazza
Watch tennis live on The Piazza
Watch tennis live on The Piazza festivals, food and fun! Wimbledon’s secret markets kids competition summer fashion and outdoor living special in this issue: your complete local guide Your NEW Wimbledon store is now open! our wimbledon Welcome to Our Wimbledon Our town centre is buzzing this summer with the tennis screened live on The Piazza, RideLondon, fairs and arts festivals – check out our events pages. p5 ,QWKLVLVVXHZHKDYHDIRFXVRQRXUVHFUHWPDUNHWVDQG VWDOOVDWDVWHRIVXPPHUIDVKLRQH[FLWLQJDFFHVVRULHV IRURXWGRRUOLYLQJDQGDNLGVoFRPSHWLWLRQ p25 (QMR\\RXUVXPPHU The Love Wimbledon Team ZZZORYHZLPEOHGRQRUJ p13 Over 60 restaurants & cafes Over 150 shops & two department stores Three markets HMV Curzon arts cinema & 12 screen Odeon p27 Two nationally renowned theatres Cultural & arts events Night time fun Fantastic tram, tube, train & bus connections Five car parks & over 2,000 parking spaces FLWUXVJLIWVFRXN From delicious ice cream to tempting sorbets, get the best results with the Lakeland My Kitchen Ice Cream Maker. Pop into your new Lakeland store or visit and discover everything you need for the perfect summer. Ice cream makers, portable barbecues, burger kits, garden games, picnic ideas… all this alongside our trusted range of quality cook and bakeware. Lakeland Centre Court Shopping Centre Queens Road Wimbledon SW19 8YA We’re open: Mon-Wed & Fri: Thursday: Saturday: Sunday: 9.30am – 7pm 9.30am – 8pm 9am – 6pm 11am – 5pm Stores also in Kingston, Bromley, Epsom and Westfield Stratford City .HQ/HQQR[ Why go to the north or south side when you can be in Wimbledon? Cover:$QQDRZQHURI.DOGL&RƪHHLQGHSHQGHQWFRƪHHVKRSQH[WWRWKHVWDWLRQ Acknowledgements: 7KDQN\RXWR0DUN:DJQHUIRUVRPHJUHDWSKRWRJUDSK\ DQG(NDWHULQD%RW]LRXIRULQWHUYLHZVsERWKWUXH:LPEOHGRQLDQV our wimbledon summer 2013 3 summer fun Watch tennis live on The Piazza There’s something in the air and you can feel a buzz of excitement around Wimbledon. It’s that time of year and The Championships are back in town. But not all of us are able to get there to watch the world’s tennis heroes battle it out live. 7KLV\HDUZHDW/RYH:LPEOHGRQIHOWWKDW 7KH&KDPSLRQVKLSVoDWPRVSKHUHVKRXOG EHVKDUHGE\DOOWKHSHRSOHZKROLYHVKRS RUZRUNKHUH6RZHDUHFUHDWLQJDVSHFLDO nFRXUWoLQWKHWRZQFHQWUHIRU\RXWR H[SHULHQFHWKHWHQQLV 'RQoWIRUJHW\RXFDQNHHSXSZLWKWKH WHQQLVDQGORWVRIRWKHUJUHDWRƪHUV DQGHYHQWVDWDQ\WLPHYLDRXUZHEVLWH Deckchairs provided Br ix g: Pr in en nd a re sc Gr so h Al itis e Th Big screen 6RJUDEDELWHJUDEDVHDWDQGVHWWOHGRZQ WRZDWFKWKHGD\oVDFWLRQULJKWKHUHLQWKH PLGGOHRI\RXUWRZQFHQWUH 6XSSRUWHGE\ our wimbledon summer 2013 5 hidden wimbledon hidden wimbledon The Windmill Market A Hidden Gem in Wimbledon Once a month, tucked in St. Mark’s Church Hall and Gardens you will come across a magical display of fresh products, home baked delicacies and unique gifts. Sally Warren goes to investigate. 6WDUWHGE\ORFDOHQWUHSUHQHXUVictoria Nicol 0XPVRQWKH*RWKLVPDUNHWEULQJVJRRG IRRGDUHOD[HGDWPRVSKHUHDQGJLIWVPDQ\ IURPWKHORFDODUHD7KHPDUNHWKDVRYHU VWDOOVKDQGSLFNHGE\9LFWRULDIRUTXDOLW\ DQGVRPHWKLQJGLƪHUHQW The secret Wimbledon wants to share with you… ,WoVKDUGWRNQRZZKHUHWRVWDUWDVZH ZHUHEORZQDZD\E\WKHTXDOLW\DQGFKRLFH +RZDERXWThe Real Butcher’sSRUNSLHV" 7KH\DUHVLPSO\WKHEHVWZHoYHHYHUWDVWHG RUWKHLUFKLOOLSLHVDOOVROGRXW2ZQHGDQG UXQE\WKH+HDGIDPLO\WKH\FUHDWHWKHLU RZQUHFLSHVDQGKDYHDQDPD]LQJVHOHFWLRQ WRWU\IURP 3XUFKDVHWKHSHUIHFWFKXWQH\VDQGMDPVIURP Rosie’sVWDOOWU\n+HDYHQLQD-DUoDGHOLJKWIXO UDVSEHUU\DQGFKHUU\MDPZLWKDVOLJKWWDUW WDVWH-R5RVHSLFNVDOORIKHURZQIUXLWDQG KDVEHFRPHDJUHDWIRUDJHUs‘The best jam is made from slightly under ripe fruit, it sets well and gives a slight sharp taste’ ‘It’s home baking direct to Wimbledon’ Bread Angels %ULQJLQJKRPHEDNLQJGLUHFWWR:LPEOHGRQ Bread AngelsLVDFRRSHUDWLYHFRQVLVWLQJRI IRXUEUHDGPDNHUVZKRPHWZKLOVWVWXG\LQJ WKHDUW7KH\EHOLHYHWKDWnPDNLQJVRPHWKLQJ GLƪHUHQWDQGJLYLQJDYDULHW\PHDQVWKHUH LVVRPHWKLQJIRUDOOSDOHWWHVRIWDVWHVo:H ORYHGLWDOODQGVDPSOHGGLYLQHERUGLQVN\ EUHDGZLWKFRULDQGHUVHHGVZDOQXWEUHDG DQGPRUHWUDGLWLRQDOEORRPHUV 6 our wimbledon summer 2013 6WHSLQVLGHWKHKDOODQGGLVFRYHUYum Yum WKHFKRFRODWLHU2ZQHU5XWKZRUNHGZLWKD SURIHVVLRQDOFKRFRODWLHUWRFUHDWHKHU SOXVFRFRDGHOLFDFLHV:HJRWFRPSOHWHO\ FDUULHGDZD\ZLWKWKHDUUD\RIWUXưHV LQFOXGLQJVDOWHGFDUDPHODQGH[WUHPHO\ QDXJKW\PLONDQGZKLWHFKRFRODWHEXFNVƬ]] 1H[WWRKHUHilary AllenERDVWVWKHEHVW VHOHFWLRQRI%ULWLVKFKHHVHVn:HDUHNHHQ HYHU\RQHWULHVEHIRUHWKH\EX\oVKHVDLGn DQGFKLOGUHQORYHWU\LQJWRRDQGSUHIHU VWURQJHUFKHHVHVo +HUORYHRIFKHHVHVKLQHVRXWn,oPSDVVLRQDWH DERXWIRRGDQGSDUWLFXODUO\FKHHVHVo ‘Children prefer stronger cheeses’ Hilary Allen <RXFDQIHHOWKHSDVVLRQIURPDOOWKH VWDOOKROGHUVDVZHOODV9LFWRULDDQGWKLVLV WDQJLEOHLQWKLVKLGGHQ:LPEOHGRQJHP The market is every second Saturday of the month. Details at and NEW KHANAGE RESTAURANT OPENING SOON IN WIMBLEDON TOWN CENTRE authentic Lahori tandoor cooking traditional food - impeccable service Open 7 days - Noon to 11pm Evening fine dining Lunchtime buffet menu Children’s menu Free parking opposite Free home delivery - 020 8648 7044 29 London Road, Morden SM4 5HT our wimbledon summer 2013 7 a taste of wimbledon Eating out in Wimbledon With over 60 cafes and restaurants which one will you choose? What’s Hot Sticks n Sushi Al Forno Bill’s $XQLTXHFRPELQDWLRQ RIWZR-DSDQHVH NLWFKHQVsJULOOHG \DNLWRULVWLFNV DQGVXVKL7KHƬUVW DQGRQO\RQHLQWKH8. FRROVRSKLVWLFDWHG DQGGHOLFLRXV 58 Wimbledon Hill Road SW19 7PA 020 3141 8800 $XWKHQWLFDQGIXQ,WDOLDQUHVWDXUDQW DQGSL]]HULD*UHDWIRUIDPLO\DQGIULHQGV ZLWKDYLEUDQWDWPRVSKHUHDQGWKH ELJJHVWSL]]DVLQWRZQ 2a Kings Road SW19 8QN 020 8540 5710 )URPEUHDNIDVWWRGLQQHU%LOOoVLVRQHRI :LPEOHGRQoVPRVWSRSXODUUHVWDXUDQWV %X]]\YLEHFODVVLFIRRGVDQGH[FLWLQJ GULQNVPHQX +DUWƬHOG5RDG6:7$ 020 8947 8285 Buenos Aires ,WoVnWKHXOWLPDWH$UJHQWLQHH[SHULHQFHo ZLWKLWVUDQJHRIWHQGHUDQGƮDYRXUVRPH VWHDNV6HWZLWKLQDQLQWLPDWHDWPRVSKHUH IRUWKDWQLJKWRXWZLWK\RXUSDUWQHURU \RXUEHVWIULHQGEvenings only. 62 Wimbledon Hill Road SW19 7PA 020 8947 7544 What’s New 8 Hot Pink Chimichanga ,WoVQHZLWoVKRWDQG\RXoOOEHWLFNOHGSLQN E\WKHGHOLFLRXVDUUD\RIGLVKHVRQRƪHU ,WoVDOOVXVWDLQDEO\VRXUFHGDQGLQFUHGLEOH TXDOLW\IRUPLQGERG\DQGWDVWHEXGV 86 The Broadway SW19 1RH 020 8542 6066 'LG\RXNQRZWKDW&KLPLFKDQJDPHDQV nWKLQJDPDJLJoLQ6SDQLVK",WoVDOVRDWUDGLWLRQDO 0H[LFDQGLVKEULQJLQJDOOVRUWVRIPRXWK ZDWHULQJLQJUHGLHQWVDQGƮDYRXUVWRJHWKHU 80 The Broadway SW19 1RH 020 8542 5509 our wimbledon summer 2013 Chipotle Preto Rodizio 5HGHƬQLQJIDVWIRRGDVnIDVWFDVXDOoWKLVLV JRRGIRRGSURGXFHGTXLFNO\DWLWVEHVW8VLQJ ƬQHVWLQJUHGLHQWVDQGWUDGLWLRQDOFRRNLQJ PHWKRGVWKLVLV0H[LFDQIRRGGRQHSURSHUO\ 40 Wimbledon Hill Rd SW19 7PA 020 8946 6360 )UHVKO\PDGHVORZURDVWHGDQGWUDGLWLRQDO PHDWVDQGGLVKHV7U\WKHDXWKHQWLFWUDƯF OLJKWSDQHOWRLQVWUXFW\RXUZDLWHUZKHQ\RX ZDQWPRUHRUOHVV 44 The Broadway SW19 1RQ 020 8417 1714 our wimbledon summer 2013 9 a taste of wimbledon Our favourite Wimbledon dessert Love Wimbledon chose &UÅSHDƪDLUHoV ‘Strawberry Delight’ as our favourite summertime treat. Succulent strawberries drizzled in fresh cream, wrapped in a freshly made and tantalising smooth crêpe. &UÅSHDƪDLUH, WKHQHZ:LPEOHGRQHDWHU\ LVVXUHWREHD6XPPHUKRWVSRWWKLV\HDU :LWK7KH3LD]]DRQWKHLUGRRUVWHSZDWFK WKHWHQQLVRQRXUELJVFUHHQZKLOVWHQMR\LQJ WKLVGHOLFLRXVFUÅSH0DGHZLWKRUJDQLFƮRXU IUHVKVWUDZEHUULHVDQGODVKLQJVRIFUHDP LWoVWKHSHUIHFWDFFRPSDQLPHQWWRWKHWHQQLV WKLVVXPPHU 20% DISCOUNT FOR NEW PATIENTS Wimbledon Dental Studio is a modern dental practice, centrally located in Wimbledon Broadway. Our services include: Family Dentistry Dental Implants Cosmetic Dentistry Invisible Braces Tooth Whitening Hygienist Services Ceramic Veneers Sedation (for anxious patients) Crowns & Bridges Facial Aesthetics To book an appointment, call 020 8542 3554 and speak to a member of our friendly team today. 91a The Broadway, Wimbledon Em a i l : 10 our wimbledon summer 2013 Terms and conditions: 20% off selected treatments for new patients when quoting this code I jLove Wimbledon. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. Offer valid until May 2014. 27 April - 17 August fresh from wimbledon Polka Theatre and BBC Worldwide present Charlie and Lola’s For the last twenty years, Charlotte Albertin has walked past the greengrocer stall on St. Mark’s Place and intended to buy fruit and veg from there. Finally, in April this year, she stopped and had a hearty chat with owner, Michael Ferrari. extremely NEW play Fresh from New Covent Garden market every day 0LFKDHOKDVZRUNHGDVDJUHHQJURFHULQ:LPEOHGRQIRURYHU IRUW\\HDUVDQGDWWKLVVSHFLƬFSLWFKIRUQHDUO\WZHQW\ƬYH\HDUV $WWKHDJHRIKHJRWD6DWXUGD\MREDWDORFDOJUHHQJURFHUV DQG,ZDQWHGWRNQRZKRZWKLQJVKDYHFKDQJHG Based on the characters created by Lauren Child Adapted by Jonathan Lloyd +HKDVVHHQDORWRISHRSOHFRPHDQGJRWKURXJK:LPEOHGRQ DQGZKLOVWVDGO\VRPHRIKLVRULJLQDOFXVWRPHUVDUHQRORQJHU ZLWKXVKHLVJHWWLQJWRNQRZWKHQHZRQHVLQFOXGLQJ\RXQJHU SHRSOHDQGIDPLOLHVPRYLQJLQWRWKHDUHDZKRZDQWIUHVKIUXLW DQGYHJ (YHU\GD\DWLQWKHPRUQLQJKHRUKLVWZRVRQVJRWR 1HZ&RYHQW*DUGHQ0DUNHWWRSLFNXSIUHVKIUXLWDQGYHJIRU KLV:LPEOHGRQFXVWRPHUVsLWDOVRPHDQVKHVHOOVVHDVRQDO SURGXFWV+LVVWDOODWWUDFWVUHJXODUVERWKORFDOO\DQGIURP DZLGHUDUHDDQGKLVUDQJHVDUHDƪRUGDEOHDQGWDVW\ Michael Ferrari St Marks Place Open Mon-Sat from early morning to 5.30/6.00pm 7KHPDUNHWVZLWKLQ:LPEOHGRQFRQWULEXWH WRZDUGVWKHYLEUDQWFKDUDFWHURIWKHWRZQ FHQWUH*UHHQJURFHUVƬVKPRQJHUVDQG ƮRZHUVWDOOVKDYHDSHUPDQHQWSUHVHQFH ZKLOVW:LQGPLOO0DUNHWDQGPDUNHWVWDOOV RQ7KH3LD]]DDUHH[FLWLQJGDWHVRQ :LPEOHGRQoVHYHQWVFDOHQGDU 020 8543 4888 / @polkatheatre 4 -7 years Charlie and Lola TM and © Lauren Child 2005. Charlie and Lola is produced by Tiger Aspect Productions and distributed by BBC Worldwide BBC logo TM & © BBC 1996 Polka Theatre is a registered charity no. 256979 Michael commented ‘The younger customers mainly buy fruit and quite a few people aren’t sure what some of our vegetables are or what to do with them’. He pointed at the turnips – ‘not even turnips!’ our wimbledon summer 2013 13 kids club competition Do you know your Wimbledon? kids club competition WIN 1 Odeon Cinema tickets & WH Smith vouchers I’ve found all seven landmarks! Let us know where the following landmarks can be found around Wimbledon and you can WIN 4 tickets to the Odeon cinema or £50, £30 or £20 worth of WH Smith vouchers. 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 Child’s Name: Child’s Age: Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: Address: Email: 4 If you would like to be kept up to date with future Love Wimbledon events and news, please tick the box The competition closes on 31st July 2013. For Terms & Conditions, please visit the Love Wimbledon website at: 2 3 Wimbledon 6 How to enter: 5 -XVWGURSRƪWKHDQVZHUVDW WKHLove Wimbledon deskRXWVLGH+0 LQ&HQWUH&RXUWRUJRRQWRWKHZHEVLWH 6HHZHEVLWHIRUWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQV 14 our wimbledon summer 2013 Telephone No: 7 BALLOONS FANCY DRESS WIGS & HATS MASKS PARTYWARE ACCESSORIES DECORATIONS 020 8543 8519 Order for next day delivery 270A The Broadway Wimbledon SW19 1SB (near The Polka Theatre) Easy pay and display parking our wimbledon summer 2013 15 summer fashion summer fashion H&M £24.99 %ORRPLQJ *RUJHRXV at Centre Court Shopping Centre %ROGƮRUDOSULQWVZHUH EORRPLQJRQWKHVSULQJ VXPPHUFDWZDONVDQG WKHVWRUHVDW&HQWUH&RXUW KDYHSOHQW\RIRQWUHQGƮRUDO SLHFHVWRFKRRVHIURP:LWK WZRƮRRUVRIIDVKLRQDQGWKLV VHDVRQoVKRWWHVWWUHQGV &HQWUH&RXUWKDVHYHU\WKLQJ \RXZLOOQHHGWRVHH\RX WKURXJKWKH6XPPHULQVW\OH :LWKDebenhams, Jigsaw, Oasis, H&M, GapDQGPRUH XQGHURQHURRILWoVGLƯFXOW WRVHHZK\\RXZRXOGZDQW WRJRDQ\ZKHUHHOVH Monsoo n £89.00 Debenh ams £35.00 Monsoo n £59.00 River Is £22.0 land 0 Phase £130.0 Eight 0 Debenhams £42.00 Island River 0 .0 0 3 £ for her Phase Eight £120.00 n Monsoo £89.00 s nham Debe 0 .0 5 £3 land River Is 0.00 £3 Acces s £22.0 orize 0 hams Deben 2.00 £3 hams Deben 0.00 £4 sorize Acces 5.00 £2 for him Miss £65.0 Selfrid ge 0 Competition H&M £12.99 16 our wimbledon summer 2013 Miss £35.0 Selfrid ge 0 For your chance to win a £200 spending spree, simply visit our website and enter the competition from the home page by quoting the word FLORAL…. Good Luck! H&M £7.99 Debenhams £9.50 H&M £14.9 9 our wimbledon summer 2013 17 our wimbledon our wimbledon Gina Conway Local Resident Local Business Love Wimbledon Board Member 18 our wimbledon summer 2013 our wimbledon summer 2013 19 health & beauty We’re simply spoilt for choice when it comes to health and beauty in Wimbledon. At the Nuffield Health Wimbledon Fitness & Wellbeing centre, you will have access to our fully equipped gym, a 18m swimming pool and over 80 fitness classes per week. PLUS, all members receive a free Health MOT giving you a clearer picture of your overall health, whilst creating a personalised fitness programme to help you achieve your goals. To find out more call 0208 947 9627 or visit There’s a variety of boutiques and spas in the town centre ensuring residents, local business professionals and visitors all feel well looked after. So book in some therapeutic, TLC time to be pampered, preened and polished this summer. Terms and conditions apply. Nuffield Health © 2013. embrace change for your body with our strategic approach to better health... Wimbledon School of English London Where quality really matters ...and experience undeniable results Private sessions just for you, or semi-private for two, to small group reformer classes of five. In our state of the art Pilates Studio in Wimbledon, we will give you the time, the space and the tools to learn to move intelligently and thoughtfully, and reap the benefits of Pilates. 7 Elm Grove, Wimbledon, SW19 4HE - 020 8947 8601 Health & Beauty English Language Evening Courses Cool health foods Stop those chips Health ZoneVKRSDQGFOLQLFKDVEHHQ WUDGLQJLQ:LPEOHGRQVLQFHDQGKDV DOR\DOIROORZLQJRIFOLHQWVDQGFXVWRPHUV ,WSULGHVLWVHOIRQEHLQJDEOHWRRƪHU FXVWRPHUVWKHEHVWDQGYHU\ODWHVWKHDOWK SURGXFWVLQWKHPDUNHWMishal Qadri, SDUWQHUH[SODLQHGWKDWWKH\FKRVHWRWUDGH LQ:LPEOHGRQDV“the clientele is educated, interested in healthy living and willing to pay for the top goods on the marketplace” 7KH\ZDQWWKHLUFXVWRPHUVWRIHHOKHDOWK\ KDSS\DQGFRPIRUWDEOHWKLVVXPPHUs VRWU\WKHLUKD\IHYHUUHPHGLHV LagoonLVDKLJKO\UHJDUGHGEHDXW\VSD DQGQDLOVDORQRQ$OH[DQGUD5RDGFORVH WR:LPEOHGRQWUDLQVWDWLRQ7U\WKH /DJRRQVSHFLDOLW\LQ&1'6KHOODF1DLOVD chip resistant nail polishZKLFKODVWVIRUXS WRGD\VHQVXULQJ\RXUIHHWDUHVDQGDO DQGƮLSƮRSUHDG\WKLVVXPPHU Preparation for the IELTS Examination General English with First Certificate Advanced English Wimbledon School of English is a Test Centre for IELTS and Cambridge Exams Tel 020 8947 1921 Wimbledon has more than 20 health and beauty destinations including hairdressers, nail bars, health clubs and spas. :LWKWKDQNVWR6WRUP+DLUIRUOHWWLQJXVSKRWRJUDSK our wimbledon summer 2013 21 “ Traditional British Pub Food served all day every day your wimbledon ” So what do Wimbledonians think of Wimbledon? Great range of real ales available Local resident and journalist (NDWHULQD%RW]LRXDVNHGWKHVWDƪDQGFXVWRPHUV at Storm Hair and here’s what they said: Sophie McCormick Customer & Local Chef 2 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon SW19 3TA 020 8946 5369 Turn left from Wimbledon Station p:LPEOHGRQKDVDZRQGHUIXOO\ IULHQGO\YLEHWRLWDQG,ORYH WKHFRPPXQLW\EX]],RIWHQ JRWRWKHRSHQPDUNHWVDQG RWKHUHYHQWVRQ7KH3LD]]DDQGWKLQNWKDWLW ZRXOGEHORYHO\WRVHHDEXWFKHUVRUDEDNHUV LQ7KH%URDGZD\OLNHWKH\KDYHLQWKHYLOODJH WRJLYHWKHDUHDPRUHRIDXQLTXHIHHOq Yvette Tucker Hair Stylist p,WKDVDELWRIHYHU\WKLQJJRLQJ RQsQLFHVKRSVDYDULHW\RI SODFHVWRHDWDQGDIHHOJRRG FRPPXQLW\VSLULW)RUPH (O\VLVP\IDYRXULWHSODFHWR VKRS,oGOLNHWRVHHDELWPRUH LQGLYLGXDOLW\LQWKHDUHDVXFK DVVRPHERXWLTXHVWRUHVq Zoe Norman Martin Falkner Receptionist Customer & Investment Banker p0\IULHQGVDQG,OLNHWRJR RXWDORWDQGRIWHQJRWRWKH SXEVLQ:LPEOHGRQsWKH\oUH DƪRUGDEOHDQGKDYHDQLFH IULHQGO\DWPRVSKHUH 0\IDYRXULWHEDULV(GZDUGVs WKH\PDNHJUHDWFXUO\IULHV DQGWKHPXVLFLVIDEWRRq p0\IDYRXULWHWKLQJDERXW :LPEOHGRQLVWKH&RPPRQ,W PDNHV:LPEOHGRQGLƪHUHQW IURPHYHU\RWKHUFRPPXQLW\LQ /RQGRQDQGEULQJVWKHIHHORI WKHFRXQWU\WRFHQWUDO/RQGRQHUV,oGORYH WRVHHSD\E\WHOHSKRQHSDUNLQJDV,QHYHU KDYHHQRXJKSRXQGFRLQVIRUWKHPHWHUVn Keith Leon &XVWRPHU)XQGUDLVLQJ2ƯFHU p7KHELJJHVWDWWUDFWLRQ IRUPHLV1HZ:LPEOHGRQ 7KHDWUHsWKHSURGXFWLRQV DUHDOZD\VH[FHOOHQW DQG,JHWWRVHHDOOWKH %URDGZD\KLWVULJKWRQ P\GRRUVWHSq Did you know? Wimbledon has more hairdressers and health & beauty shops than most town centres in the country our wimbledon summer 2013 23 ride london Prepare yourselves for a cycling marathon this summer… new website new events only in Wimbledon Food and Drink • Entertainment • Shopping • Sport & Leisure Night time • Health and Beauty • Our SW19 • Where to stay and a whole lot more.... lovewimbledon lovewimbledon Sunday 4th August will be a day to remember in Wimbledon with over 20,000 cyclists riding through the town centre to complete the last leg of a 100 mile cycle ride that remembers the London Olympics. 7KLVDPD]LQJUDFHLVSDUWRIWKHOlympic Legacy Cycle RideDQGZLOOKDSSHQHYHU\\HDU %HWWHUNQRZQDV‘RideLondon’LWVƬUVW\HDU URXWHWDNHVLWULJKWWKURXJK:LPEOHGRQWRZQ FHQWUHDQGXS:LPEOHGRQ+LOO5RDGDVWKH\ KHDGWRZDUGVWKHƬQLVKDW7KH0DOO $QHOLWHPHQoVVTXDGRISURIHVVLRQDO F\FOLVWVZLOOEHIROORZLQJDVLPLODUURXWHEXW DUULYLQJWKURXJK:LPEOHGRQLQWKHODWH DIWHUQRRQGHSHQGLQJXSRQZHDWKHUEHIRUH WKH\FRPPHQFHWKHODVWPLOHVRIWKHLU PLOHUDFH /RYH:LPEOHGRQLVYHU\H[FLWHGWREHD SDUWRIWKHURXWHDQGZHZLOOEHVRDNLQJ XSWKHDWPRVSKHUHDQGVXSSRUWLQJWKH PDQ\ORFDOUHVLGHQWVDQGEXVLQHVVSHRSOH WDNLQJSDUW 0DNHVXUH\RXFRPHDQGMRLQXVLQWKH FHOHEUDWLRQVFKHHULQJDQGIXQDQGFRPH DQGVKRZ\RXUVXSSRUWWRDOOWKHSDUWLFLSDQWV PDQ\RIZKRPDUHULGLQJIRUFKDULW\ Stop Press Bicycle Ballet coming to town… see 6WD\LQWRXFKZLWKDOOWKHGHWDLO our wimbledon summer 2013 25 what’s on what’s on Celebrate Tennis in Town On The Piazza RXWVLGH0RUULVRQV Around Town Big Screen Tennis Live (and British Grand Prix) sGHFNFKDLUVLQFOXGHG %LJVFUHHQDQGGHFNFKDLUVRQRXU3LD]]Ds FKHFNRXWWKH/RYH:LPEOHGRQZHEVLWHIRU VRPHVPDVKLQJDFWLYLWLHVGXULQJWKHWHQQLV IRUWQLJKWLQ:LPEOHGRQWRZQFHQWUH Monday 24th June – Sunday 7th July On The PiazzaRXWVLGH0RUULVRQV 7KH New Lunchtime MarketsDUDQJHRIIUHVKO\ FRRNHGWDVW\OXQFKWLPHIRRGDQGVZHHWVWDOOV Wednesday 19th June Wednesday 17th July (TBC) 11am – 3pm The Windmill MarketSURYLGHV\RXZLWKDUWLVDQ DQGORFDOO\SURGXFHGIRRGVLQDWUDGLWLRQDO PDUNHW([SORUHWKHZRQGHUIXOPL[RIFKHHVHV EUHDGVJLIWVMDPVORFDOO\EUHZHGEHHUDQG HQWLFLQJSURGXFWV St. Mark’s Church Hall & Gardens, behind the library. Every second Saturday of the month until October, 10am – 2pm 13th July, 10th August, 14th September *HWLQWRWKHWHQQLVDWPRVSKHUHZLWKWKHYHU\ SRSXODUWimbledon Village FairIUHVKIRRG OLYHO\HQWHUWDLQPHQWKDQGPDGHDUWVFUDIWV DQGWKHODUJHVWKRUVHVKRZZLWKLQWKH0 &RPHDQGPHHWXVDWRXU/RYH:LPEOHGRQVWDOO Saturday 22nd June 10.30am – 5.30pm Wimbledon Common Southside $WCentre CourtWKHUHDUH:LPEOHGRQWKHPHG SURGXFWVLQRXUIDYRXULWHLQGRRUVKRSSLQJFHQWUH WU\%LJ0RXWKoVIUR]HQ\RJXUWVSHFLDO7KH6RQ\ /RXQJHRQWKHORZHUPDOOLVVFUHHQLQJWHQQLVOLYH 24th June – 7th July 11am – 6pm 7U\WKHWii Tennis ChallengeZLWK&HQWUH &RXUWVLQWHUDFWLYH:LL7HQQLV7RXUQDPHQW SOD\DJDLQVWWKHEHVWLQ:LPEOHGRQ 2QWKHXSSHUPDOO 26th June – 3rd July 11am – 4pm Wimbledon Shorts Film Festival LVGHGLFDWHGWRVKRZFDVLQJQHZDQG LQQRYDWLYHZRUNLQƬOPDQGYLGHR6HHWKH ZLQQLQJHQWULHVIURPDURXQGWKHZRUOG 6RPHƬOPVZLOOEHVKRZQRQRXUELJVFUHHQ RQ7KH3LD]]D Saturday 29th June 7.30pm The Polka Theatre 26 our wimbledon summer 2013 7KHNew Little Market on The PiazzaEULQJV \RXGHOLFLRXVKRWIRRGWHPSWLQJJLIWVIXQN\DQG ƬQHMHZHOOHU\YLQWDJHDQGUHWURDFFHVVRULHV Fridays and Saturdays 11am – 6pm 26th/27th July 31st August/1st September 27th/28th September 25th/26th October 7KHMums on the Go Weekend Summer Fair EULQJV\RXHQWHUWDLQPHQWIDLUJURXQGIRRG DQGIXQIURPVRPHRIRXUEHVWORFDOIDPLO\ IULHQGO\EXVLQHVVHV 17th/18th August 11am – 4pm The Theatres Polka Theatre 7KH8.oVƬUVWFKLOGUHQoVWKHDWUHGRQoWPLVVRXW RQDOOWKHH[FLWLQJVKRZVZRUNVKRSVDQGVFKRRO KROLGD\HYHQWVWRNHHS\RXUOLWWOHDQGELJRQHV HQWHUWDLQHG&KHFNRXWEDE\VKRZVWRR &KDUOLHDQG/RODDUHEDFNsVHHWKHLUH[FLWLQJ QHZSOD\DQGZRUNVKRSV Polka Theatre, 240 Broadway SW19 1SB New Wimbledon TheatreEULQJV\RXDKRVWRI HYHQWVSOD\VDQGPXVLFDOV7KHUHoVQRQHHGWR JRLQWR&HQWUDO/RQGRQDQ\PRUHZLWKVRPHƬUVW FODVVSURGXFWLRQVULJKWKHUH2YHUVKRZVWKLV VXPPHUDQGDXWXPQsOLNH5HDG\6WHDG\ &RRN/LYH new-wimbledon-theatre Fayre and Square – Pop Up Shop $QHZVKRSSURYLGLQJVXSSRUWHGUHWDLOVNLOOV IRU0HUWRQ\RXQJDGXOWVDQGIHDWXULQJORFDO DUWLVDQVLQ&HQWUH&RXUW&UHDWHGDQGUXQ E\WKH9ROXQWHHU&HQWUH0HUWRQ June onwards 1HZDW&HQWUH&RXUWCheeky Chimps 6XPPHU.LGV&OXE 29th July – 3rd August RideLondonFRPHVWKURXJK:LPEOHGRQ 3UXGHQWLDO5LGH/RQGRQLVDZRUOGFODVV FHOHEUDWLRQRIF\FOLQJWDNLQJSODFHZLWK F\FOLVWVDQGVSRUWLQJFHOHEULWLHV F\FOLQJWKURXJK:LPEOHGRQ0DQ\DFWLYLWLHV RQWKHGD\LQFOXGLQJ%LF\FOH%DOOHW Sunday 4th August – All Day Worple Road and Wimbledon Hill Merton Arts Trail 7KHHYHUSRSXODU0HUWRQ$UWV7UDLO ZLWKWZRZHHNHQGVRIDUWLVWVoRSHQKRXVHV /RYH:LPEOHGRQZLOOEHVXSSRUWLQJ ZLWKDFWLYLWLHVLQWKHWRZQFHQWUH 21st/22nd, 28th/29th September There’s fun for everyone this summer in Wimbledon Wimbledon Bookfest 0LFKDHO3DOLQ.DWH$GLH:D\QH+HPPLQJZD\s :LPEOHGRQoVIDPRXVERRNIHVWLYDO WK6HSWHPEHUWRWK2FWREHU ZLWKWDONVƬOPVDQGVLJQLQJV $FWLYLWLHVLQ:LPEOHGRQWRZQFHQWUHRQ Saturday 28th/Sunday 29th September International Wimbledon Music Festival 0XVLFIURPDURXQGWKHZRUOGFRPHVDOLYHLQ :LPEOHGRQHYHU\\HDUZLWKWKLVZRQGHUIXO FROOHFWLRQRIPXVLFPXVLFLDQVDQGOLYHHYHQWV 9th – 23rd November New Pod Soft PlayRSHQVDWWKH<0&$ 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full line-up and to book tickets visit 020 8417 0983 Aide aver elle P Mich Reg’d Charity 1120297 summer living summer living Lakeland Al Fresco Debenhams 7KHVXQLVJRLQJWRVKLQHWKLV VXPPHUZHKRSHDQGLWoVWKH SHUIHFWRSSRUWXQLW\WRPDNH VXUH\RXoYHJRWDOOWKHNLW*HW \RXUJDUGHQSUHSDUHGIRU%%4V PRZWKHODZQVRUW\RXUSLFQLF EDVNHWVRXWRUJUDE\RXUWHQW DQGFDPSLQJHTXLSPHQWIRUWKH XOWLPDWHRXWGRRUOLYLQJ Debe n £29.5 hams 0 Crabtree & 0 Evelyn £28.0 Lakeland £2.99/pack 6XPPHU/LYLQJ Crabtree & Evelyn £22.0 0 in Wimbledon Debenhams £625.00 :LWKArgos, Debenhams, Cargo, Robert Dyas, Lakeland, Elys and Blacks on \RXUGRRUDQGJDUGHQ VWHSPDNH\RXU VXPPHUOLYLQJD PDJLFDOH[SHULHQFH WKLV\HDU Lakeland From £23.99 chase Paper 2.50 £1 Lakela nd Japser Conran 30 our wimbledon summer 2013 hams Deben 8.00 £1 Pap e £8.0 rchase 0 Paper c £6.00 hase our wimbledon summer 2013 31 the wimbledon way Superfast fibre optic broadband No phoneline required from Virgin Media THE UK’S FASTEST, WIDELY AVAILABLE BROADBAND* The Wimbledon Way is a heritage walk, launched during the Olympics, helping people to explore and celebrate all that :LPEOHGRQKDVWRRƪHU7KHZDONH[WHQGV from Wimbledon Station, through the Village and on to the All England Lawn Tennis Club, Tennis Museum and the Common. Walk the Wimbledon Way today… just 2012 metres long and 25 minutes from the station to the tennis club 'XULQJ7KH:LPEOHGRQ:D\ ZLOOEHVWDUWLQJWRSXWLQSODFH VRPHH[FLWLQJSODQVWRLPSURYH WKHKHULWDJHZDONDQGH[WHQGLW WKURXJK:LPEOHGRQWRZQFHQWUH 7KHUHZLOOEHLPSURYHGVLJQSRVWV WRPDNHLWHDVLHUIRUSHRSOHWR ƬQGWKHLUZD\DURXQGDQGPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQSRLQWVWRKLJKOLJKWWKH GLYHUVLW\RI:LPEOHGRQoVKHULWDJH 7KHUHDUHDOVRVRPHLQQRYDWLYH LGHDVGHYLVHGE\ORFDODUFKLWHFWV DQGGHVLJQHUVWRFUHDWHQHZ DUHDVRISXEOLFVSDFHDQGLPSURYH WKHSK\VLFDODSSHDUDQFHDQGWKH H[SHULHQFHRIWKHZDON 7RƬQGRXWPRUHview the detailed map and to get involved with the plans for The Wimbledon Way visit the website: :HZLOONHHS\RXSRVWHG Now available at your local store, find us on Wimbledon Bridge, SW19 7NH *Virgin Media vs. major UK ISPs (average download speeds). Services available in Virgin Media cabled streets only. Installation fee of £49.95 applies. Subject to network capacity, status and credit checks. 12 month minimum contract applies. Broadband: Minimum computer requirements apply. Speeds referred to are download speeds. General: All prices include VAT. Information correct at May 2013. Payment may be required in advance. Further legal stuff required. Go to for details. ‘The Wimbledon Way connects and promotes Wimbledon’s fantastic assets – its rich history, the theatres, OLVWHGEXLOGLQJVLQƮXHQWLDO people, open spaces and sport.‘ Diana Sterck 0HUWRQ&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH our wimbledon summer 2013 33 love wimbledon One size never fits all Love Wimbledon? what do they do? Want to see our faces? Meet the team on the new website Who are these people at Love Wimbledon in grey jackets with the great heart logo? Have you spoken to the team running the information point at Centre Court? And has anything else caught your attention such as cleaner pavements, improved Christmas lights, vibrant street banners and more events happening on The Piazza? To improve our town centre we have: • Held over 50 events to encourage people to visit :HDUH/RYH:LPEOHGRQDQGZHZRUNRQ EHKDOIRIEXVLQHVVHVWRLPSURYHWKHWRZQ FHQWUHPDNLQJLWPRUHYLEUDQWEULQJLQJ LQPRUHYLVLWRUVDVZHOODVPDNLQJLWRXU ORFDOUHVLGHQWVoQXPEHURQHVKRSSLQJ DQGHQWHUWDLQPHQWGHVWLQDWLRQ • Introduced a recycling service to businesses, recycling over 7 tonnes since January How did it all start? /LNHDOOJUHDWLGHDVLWVWDUWHGZLWKDYLVLRQs WRPDNHWKHWRZQFHQWUHDEHWWHUSODFHWR ZRUNOLYHDQGSOD\LQ,Q)HEUXDU\ EXVLQHVVHVYRWHGWRIRUPD%XVLQHVV ,PSURYHPHQW'LVWULFWRWKHUZLVHNQRZQ DVD%,')XQGHGDQGPDQDJHGE\WKH EXVLQHVVHV/RYH:LPEOHGRQZDVFUHDWHG DQGODXQFKHGRQ$SULO /RYH:LPEOHGRQKDVZRUNHGKDUGRQEHKDOI RIWKRVHEXVLQHVVHVDQGLQWKHLQWHUHVWV RIYLVLWRUVDQGUHVLGHQWVRI:LPEOHGRQ WRHQVXUH6:JURZVDVDEUDQGDQGWR HQKDQFHLWVUHSXWDWLRQ • Jet washed over 3,000sq m of pavement to remove gum • Cleaned up bus stops and UHPRYHGƮ\SRVWHUVDQGVWLFNHUV 020 8417 0983 SWB & LWB Transits Luton T/L & Jumbo Vans 7.5t Lorries Vehicle Storage Pallet/Trolley Hire Hourly/Family Weekly Hire Packing Materials Serving the community for over 50 years 11-15a Lyon Road, SW19 2RL Keeping you on the road :HPDNHLWRXUEXVLQHVVWRNQRZZKDW LVJRLQJRQLQ:LPEOHGRQVRWKDWZHFDQ OHW\RXNQRZ 6RVWD\LQWRXFKE\ZKLFKHYHUPHDQVZRUNV IRU\RXLet us know what you like about our town and what ideas you have to improve it, so we can all Love Wimbledon. MOT Testing Class 4, 5 & 7 Cars & Commercial Vehicles Servicing and Repairs Tyres Clutches & Brake Repairs Body shop/crash repairs Van & Car sales 020 8417 0983 lovewimbledon 34 our wimbledon summer 2013 Hunt Self Drive Van Hire We’ll have a size that fits lovewimbledon Serving the community for over 50 years 11-15a Lyon Road, SW19 2RL CHI-POAT-LAY, YOOL-LUV-IT Our burritos are made with fresh, Responsibly RaisedTM ingredients, prepared using classic cooking techniques—-UHVXOWLQJLQpDYRXUVWKDW DUHLQWHQVHO\ULFKFRPSOH[VDYRXU\DQGVSLF\ WO RP LE AL EX AN DR A RD RD COME VISIT YOUR LOCAL CHIPOTLE RESTAURANT—WITH GARDEN SEATING: 40 WIMBLEDON HILL ROAD SW19 7PA WIMBLEDON STATION
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4: The compact size of the Golden Triangle (downtown Pittsburgh)
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