Special Thanks to
Special Thanks to
Special Thanks to: ANTHROCON 2008 Tracie (Portia) Stear - who provided all the artwork used within this guidebook. PITTSBURGH Urban JUNGLE SURVIVAL GUIDE All artwork used within this guide is copyright the artist and the character’s respective owner. www.anthrocon.org Fur, fun, and so much more! Anthrocon, Inc. P. O. Box 476, Malvern, PA 19355 Food, Shopping, and Entertainment Station Square Map Introduction No matter how you got here, no matter where you’re from, we have a few things in common—the obvious being, we’re all furries, and we all need to eat! Station Square Last year, we premiered the Anthrocon Dining Guide. We’ve listened to your suggestions and have implemented as many as possible. So, to survive in this jungle of iron and steel we present to you: The Anthrocon 2008 Pittsburgh Urban Jungle Survival Guide! Now before we sign off here, there are a few things we need to warn you about: 1. Downtown Pittsburgh keeps strange hours. We highly recommend that you call a restaurant before you venture off. 2. A guide to Station Square is provided at the end of this booklet. Located about a mile south of the DLCC, it is easily accessible via the Pittsburgh subway system, also known as “the T.” 3. Don’t say we didn’t warn you about operating hours, because we GLG&DOODKHDGÀUVW This Jungle Survival Guide also contains a directory of Pittsburgh’s infamous—wait, it’s not evil—famous strip district. 6R SXW \RXU IHHW XS WKXPE WKURXJK WKHVH SDJHV DQG ÀQG \RXUVHOI some food. —The Anthrocon Publications Staff The Strip District One of the joys of having Anthrocon in the David L. Lawrence Convention Center is the proximity to Pittsburgh’s diverse cultural district, more commonly called “The Strip.” T 7KH 6WULS LV ÀOOHG WR WKH EULP ZLWK XQLTXH VKRSV DQG UHVWDXUDQWV ,I you miss those “interesting” places that you used to wander to in Philadelphia, we dare you to go exploring this urban jungle and stop at one of the sidewalk restaurants. Keep in mind, some only take cash, but everything is fresh (and so much better for you than that double cheeseburger you were going to get from a fast-food chain). 2 19 Station Square - Continued Morini Station Square Phone: (412) 765 - 1515 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ New York, New York Sheraton Station Square Hotel Phone: (412) 261 - 2000 Location: Hotel ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 471 - 8808 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Pennsylvania Wine Cellars St. Brendan’s Crossing Photoscape Photography Phone: (412) 381 - 8031 Location: East Warehouse ________________________________________ The following restaurants in the Strip District have been recommended by Anthrocon attendees: Soxx Shop Phone: (412) 765 - 3300 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 642 - 9212 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Shopping in the strip can lead to some interesting and outright strange ÀQGVVXFKDVZDVDELPDOWHGPLONEDOOV³DYDLODEOHIURPWKHFKRFRODWLHU located about a mile away from the convention center. Phone: (412) 471 - 0700 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Starbucks Coffee Phone: (412) 261 - 4353 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Steel City Diner 961 Liberty Avenue (412) 434 - 6440 Fernando’s 963 Liberty Avenue (412) 853 - 9171 Golden Palace Buffet 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW (412) 338 - 1888 Sushi Kim’s 1241 Penn Avenue (412) 281 - 9956 Phone: (412) 803 - 3824 Location: Hotel ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 261 - 2000 Location: Hotel ________________________________________ Station Break There is no authoritative guide available on the Strip as the shops change every few months due to current economic trends. Here are some helpful tips for when you go exploring in the Strip: Pittsburgh Scenes by Nevin Robinson Station Square Express 1: Carry cash. Some of the shops in the strip do not accept Debit/ Credit cards, and those that do have minimum purchase amounts (typically around $10.00). Pittsburgh Rare Phone: (412) 391 - 8877 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Poor Richard’s Tobacconist Phone: (412) 261 - 2811 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 281 - 1133 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 281 - 3260 Location: Gatehouse ________________________________________ Subway 7KHVWUHHWVFDQEHFRQIXVLQJ,I\RXGRQ·WNQRZZKHUH\RXDUHRU you’re unsure, ask someone. Trust us, it is better to be a tourist for a few minutes and ask than to get yourself turned around sideways. Red Star Tavern Three Rivers Candy & Fudgery 3: Be careful what you purchase from street vendors. We can say this a thousand times, but we say it here again. Phone: (412) 394 - 0100 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Saddle Ridge Phone: (412) 434 - 6858 Location: East Warehouse ________________________________________ Segway in Paradise Tours Phone: (724) 625 - 3521 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Sesame Inn Phone: (412) 281 - 8282 Location: Freight House 18 Phone: (412) 261 - 1234 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Val’s Pizza Phone: (412) 281 - 1747 Location: Freight House 4: The compact size of the Golden Triangle (downtown Pittsburgh) provides many opportunities for walking and sightseeing. While most restaurants and services are within walking distance, the weather will probably be hot. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Soda or alcohol will only make you more dehydrated. 5: Buses and subways operate daily from 5 am - 1 am. “The T” subway system connects the downtown area with Station Square. Travel between the three downtown stations (Steel Plaza, Wood Street, DQG*DWHZD\LVIUHH,WFRVWVWRJRWR6WDWLRQ6TXDUH 3 7-Eleven Stores 429 Wood Street (Map:D3,#1) (412) 201 - 4501 601 Wood Street (Map:C4,#2) (412) 471 - 2022 Neal News 400 Cherry Way (Map:F4,#16) (412) 391 - 1366 Nielsen’s Newsstand 301 Grant Street (Map:F3,#17) One Oxford Center (412) 642 - 7761 643 Liberty Avenue (Map:C4,#3) (412) 261 - 6556 436 Seventh Avenue (Map:D6,#18) Koppers Building (412) 434 - 6737 One Bigelow Square (Map:E7,Doubletree) Doubletree City Center (412) 647 - 4428 620 Liberty Avenue (Map:C3,#19) Two PNC Plaza (412) 281 - 0955 City News and Arcade 422 Wood Street (Map:E3,#5) (412) 338 - 8401 Extra Extra News and Variety 6PLWKÀHOG1HZV 413 Seventh Avenue (Map:D6,#6) (412) 471 - 7655 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 391 - 6980 Faber, Coe & Gregg Universal News 3 1000 Penn Avenue (Map:C7, Westin) (412) 261 - 4449 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#8) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 281 - 9332 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#9) (412) 471 - 2459 530 William Penn Place (Map:E5, Omni) William Penn Omni Hotel (412) 391 - 9015 356 Fifth Avenue (Map:E3,#23) (412) 391 - 9799 drug stores CVS/Pharmacy 242 Fifth Avenue (Map:D3,#24) (412) 556 - 1541 Liberty News 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS' (412) 471 - 8882 Market News 318 Fifth Avenue (Map:D3,#30) (412) 434 - 6603 Metro News III Hard Rock Café Rite Aid Jezebel Phone: (412) 471 - 6445 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Joe’s Crab Shack Phone: (412) 690 - 2404 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Just Ducky Tours Phone: (412) 481 - 7625 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 402 - DUCK Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Hard Rock Shop Kiku Japanese Restaurant Phone: (412) 481 - 7625 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 765 - 3200 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Heinz Healey’s Landing & Marina at Station Square Phone: (412) 281 - 5115 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 261 - 2811 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Hometowne Sports Lobby Bar @ Sheraton Hotel Phone: (412) 471 - 7280 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Hometowne Sports for Her Hometowne Sports for Kids Kwik-E-Mart 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS' (412) 261 - 3387 Green Room Phone: (412) 281 - 3130 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ 610 Wood Street (Map:C4,#26) (412) 471 - 9294 519 Penn Avenue (Map:B2,#28) (412) 391 - 0969 210 Forbes Avenue (Map:D2,#21) (412) 642 - 2321 Phone: (412) 355 - 7980 Location: Gateway Clipper ________________________________________ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS( (412) 261 - 4267 226 Sixth Street (Map:C3,#27) (412) 281 - 0403 604 Liberty Avenue (Map:C3,#13) (412) 281 - 9772 Gateway Clipper Fleet Phone: (412) 246 - 4591 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ 600 Grant Street (Map:E6,#11) US Steel Tower (412) 471 - 4270 212 Tenth Street (Map:C6,#12) (412) 281 - 1720 4 PA Sales Mart 951 Liberty Avenue (Map:C6,#20) (412) 566 - 7936 Station Square - Continued Phone: (412) 338 - 0624 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Hooters Phone: (412) 261 - 9464 Location: East Warehouse ________________________________________ Horse & Carriage Rides Phone: (412) 261 - 2000 Location: Hotel ________________________________________ Loova Phone: (412) 227 - 0985 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Margarita Mama’s Phone: (412) 434 - 8100 Location: East Warehouse ________________________________________ Matrix Phone: (412) 261 - 2220 Location: East Warehouse ________________________________________ Melting Pot Phone: (724) 745 - 1197 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 261 - 3477 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Houlihan’s 0RELOL2IÀFH)XUQLWXUH Phone: (412) 232 - 0302 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 281 - 6120 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Island Cafe Monongahela Incline Phone: (412) 281 - 6201 Location: Bessemer Court Phone: (412) 442 - 2000 Location: Carson Street 17 Station Square sundries convenience and newsstands $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 Bars With Nightlife Bossa Nova ,QWKLVDJHGMXQJOHRIVWHHODQGUDLO3LWWVEXUJKKDVZRUNHGWRUHYLWDOL]H several once-used railhouses into premier shopping and dining. 123 Seventh Street (Map:B4,#31) (412) 232 - 3030 - $$ Station Square is just over a mile away from the David L. Lawrence &RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU,I\RXZDQWWRKRRILW\RXFDQEXWLW·VHDVLHUWR take the bus or “the T” subway; think of it as a 21st century safari. 121 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#32) (412) 281 - 3653 - $ Additional information can be found at www.stationsquare.com (go see 7LJHU:ROILQWKH,QWHUQHW5RRPKHQHHGVWKHFRPSDQ\ Accentricity Fashion Jewelry Caricatures & Portraits by Sam Thong American Country Collection Charley’s Grilled Subs Phone: (412) 391 - 1570 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 281 - 4909 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 281 - 0436 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ American Country Collection II Cool Beans Phone: (412) 338 - 6404 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 434 - 0181 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Bar Louie Debwal Phone: (412) 394 - 0500 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Bradley’s Books Phone: (412) 391 - 3987 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Bruster’s Ice Cream Phone: (412) 355 - 7980 Location: Gateway Clipper ________________________________________ Buca di Beppo Phone: (412) 434 - 6365 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Matrix East Station Square The Warehouse (412) 261 - 2220 - $$ Prelude Wine Bar 107 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#36) Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel (412) 434 - 6858 - $$ Saddle Ridge Rock’n’Country Saloon 4 East Carson Street (412) 642 - 6858 - $ SideKicks 931 Liberty Avenue (Map:C5,#38) (412) 642 - 4435 - $ Tap Room 530 William Penn Place (Map:E5, Omni) Omni William Penn Hotel (412) 281 - 7100 - $$ The Bridge 107 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#40) Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel (412) 562 - 1200 - $$ Ugly )HGHUDO6WUHHW0DS,QVHW (412) 323 - 8459 - $ Dirty Harry’s Duquesne Incline Phone: (412) 381 - 1665 Location: Carson Street ________________________________________ Ends N Odds Phone: (412) 281 - 6035 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Buckhead Saloon Funny Bone Comedy Club Phone: (412) 232 - 3101 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 281 - 3130 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Captain Jack’s Galley Gandy Dancer Saloon 16 Lantern Lounge Phone: (412) 594 - 7337 Location: Commerce Court ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 471 - 9463 Location: Bessemer Court ________________________________________ Phone: (412) 355 - 7980 Location: Gateway Clipper Images Bar 965 Liberty Ave (Map:C6,#33) (412) 391 - 9990 - $ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 562 - 9009 - $ +HUH·VZKDW\RXFDQÀQGDW6WDWLRQ6TXDUH Phone: (412) 391 - 1404 Location: Freight House ________________________________________ Doubledays Phone: (412) 261 - 1717 Location: Landmarks Building 5 After dark Station Square Station Square $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 Bars Cuzamil Bar Louie 500 Liberty Avenue (Map:C2,#215) (412) 642 - 2000 - $$ 240 W. Station Square Drive Bessemer Court (412) 394 - 0500 - $$ Madonna’s Authentic Mexican Restaurant Firewaters North Shore Saloon )HGHUDO6WUHHW0DS,QVHW (412) 394 - 4688 - $ 336 Fourth Avenue (Map:E3,#216) (412) 281 - 2686 - $ Gandy Dancer Saloon Mexico City Authentic Mexican Grill 100 W. Station Square Drive Landmarks Building (412) 251 - 1717 - $$ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 391 - 2591 - $ Harvest Bar 1000 Penn Avenue (Map:C7, Westin) Westin Convention Center Hotel (412) 281 - 3700 - $$ 140 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#54) (412) 255 - 0525 - $$ HEY! Look! This is IN the hotel! Hi-Tops W. Station Square Drive Bessemer Court (412) 394 - 0100 - $$ )HGHUDO6WUHHW0DS,QVHW (412) 231 - 3310 - $ Ref’s Sports Bar and Game Room Hooters 30 E. Station Square Drive The Warehouse (412) 251 - 9464 - $ Liberty Avenue Saloon 941 Liberty Avenue (Map:C6,#49) (412) 338 - 1533 - $ Mahoney’s Restaurant & Lounge 949 Liberty Avenue (Map:C6,#50) (412) 471 - 4243 - $$ Margarita Mama’s 30 E. Station Square Drive The Warehouse (412) 434 - 8100 - $ Market Street Ale House 21 Market Street (Map:E1,#52) (412) 745 - 2337 - $ Mitchell’s Restaurant, Bar, & Banquet Center 304 Ross Street (Map:G4,#53) (412) 471 - 3663 - $ Red Star Tavern 225 W. Station Square Drive (412) 594 - 7377 - $ River City Inn 5 PPG Place (Map:D1,#57) (412) 391 - 1707 - $ Royal Oak 100 Wood Street (Map:F2,#58) (412) 471 - 9222 - $ Mama Gina’s Restaurant 409 Wood Street (Map:E3,#228) (412) 261 - 8558 - $ Mamma Lucia’s 433 Wood Street (Map:D3,#229) (412) 281 - 5511 - $ Mamma Pina Pizzeria Seviche 901 Penn Avenue (Map:C5,#230) (412) 562 - 1640 - $ Si Señor 125 W. Station Square Drive Freight House Shops (412) 281 - 5511 - $ Pizza 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 281 - 2070 - $ 930 Penn Avenue (Map:C6,#218) (412) 697 - 3120 - $$ Olive OR Twist La Gondola Pizzeria 4 Market Square (Map:D2,#227) (412) 261 - 5252 - $ 600 Grant Street (Map:E6,#219) US Steel Tower (412) 201 - 1811 - $ Cafe Milano 134 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#220) (412) 281 - 3131 - $ Cafe Nove 400 Fifth Avenue (Map:E4,#221) Macy’s 9th Floor (412) 232 - 2732 - $ Ephesus 322 Fourth Avenue (Map:E3,#222) (412) 552 - 9020 - $ Fat Tommy’s Pizzeria 115 Forbes Avenue (Map:C2,#223) (412) 471 - 7885 - $ G’s Restaurant & Pizzeria 301 Grant Street (Map:E6,#224) US Steel Tower (412) 562 - 0566 - $ Giovanni’s Pizza and Pasta 123 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#225) (412) 281 - 7060 - $ Italian Village Pizza 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 471 - 7885 - $ 600 Grant Street (Map:E6,#154) US Steel Tower (412) 566 - 1398 - $ Napoli’s Pizza Pizza Fiesta Pizza Parma 823 Penn Avenue (Map:C5,#233) (412) 577 - 7300 - $ Pizzeria Uno 1001 Liberty Avenue (Map:C7, Westin) Liberty Center (412) 560 - 6385 - $ Sbarro 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS( (412) 566 - 2881 - $ 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#236) (412) 281 - 2070 - $ 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#237) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 281 - 7755 - $ Vocelli Pizza 524 Penn Avenue (Map:C2,#238) (412) 434 - 6922 - $ Seafood The Original Fish Market 1000 Penn Avenue (Map:C7, Westin) (412) 227 - 3657 - $$$$ 15 dining Watering Holes Grant Street Tavern 301 Grant Street (Map:G4,#45) Grant Building (412) 261 - 4805 - $ 6 $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 mexican $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 Coffee Houses Mike and Tony’s Gyro and Shish-Kabob 927 Liberty Avenue (Map:C5,#189) (412) 391 - 4077 - $ 125 W. Station Square Drive Freight House (412) 434 - 0181 Salonika Gyros Cafe Amante Restaurant 1001 Liberty Avenue (Map:C7, Westin) Liberty Center (412) 281 - 6844 Indian India Palace 1 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#192) (412) 471 - 0660 - $ Irish Pub Finnigan’s Wake 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#203) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 391 - 1226 - $$ Ciao Baby 500 Grant Street (Map:F5,#61) One Mellon Center (412) 201 - 5757 Common Plea Restaurant 525 William Penn Place (Map:E4,#62) Three Mellon Center (412) 535 - 0390 Costanzo’s 4 Gateway Center (Map:C1,#63) (412) 690 - 9030 F. Tambellini Restaurant 1 Gateway Center (Map:C1,#64) (412) 281 - 7940 435 Market Street (Map:D2,#204) (412) 281 - 5140 - $$$ 310 Ross Street (Map:G4,#205) (412) 281 - 5140 - $$$ 240 Fourth Avenue (Map:E2,#206) (412) 232 - 0706 - $ (*HQHUDO5RELQVRQ6W0DS,QVHW North Shore Parking Garage (412) 325 - 2601 - $$ 139 Seventh Street (Map:B4,#207) (412) 261 - 1266 - $$ Italian Monte Cello’s Asiago Express 305 Seventh Avenue (Map:C5,#208) (412) 261 - 2080 - $ Atria’s Restaurant & Tavern 900 Penn Avenue (Map:C5,#209) (412) 338 - 6464 - $$$ 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#194) (412) 471 - 5774 - $ )HGHUDO6WUHHW0DS,QVHW PNC Park (412) 322 - 1850 - $$ Bravo Franco Ristorante 613 Penn Avenue (Map:C3,#196) (412) 471 - 9463 - $$ Buca di Beppo 210 W. Station Square Drive Bessemer Court (412) 471 - 9463 - $$ Villa Reale Restaurant 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS' (412) 391 - 3963 - $ Buon Giorno Cafe 429 Forbes Avenue (Map:F4,#65) Allegheny Building (412) 281 - 8177 Espression on 4th! Nine On Nine 307 Fourth Avenue (Map:E3,#66) (412) 281 - 5893 Palazzo Ristorante 202 Sixth Street (Map:C3,#72) (412) 281 - 2380 210 Sixth Avenue (Map:C4,#73) (412) 642 - 9066 7 Market Square (Map:D2,#74) (412) 201 - 0296 222 W. Station Square Drive Bessemer Court (412) 261 - 4353 530 William Penn Place (Map:E5, Omni) Omni William Penn Place (412) 765 - 3125 Bakery & Sweets Betsy Ann Chocolates 502 William Penn Place (Map:E4,#77) Union Trust Building (412) 391 - 2990 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#78) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 291 - 4466 Bruster’s Ice Cream Fifth Avenue Beanery 250 W. Station Square Drive The Landing (412) 355 - 7980 144 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#210) (412) 434 - 6244 - $$ 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#67) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 281 - 2850 Palomino Legal Grounds Coffee & Tea 400 Fifth Avenue (Map:F4,#80) Macy’s Arcade Level (412) 232 - 2384 4 Gateway Center (Map:C1,#211) (412) 642 - 7711 - $$$ Papa J’s 212 Boulevard of the Allies (Map:E1,#212) (412) 391 - 7272 - $ Paradiso Ristorante 301 Grant Street (Map:F3,#213) One Oxford Center (412) 392 - 0225 - $$ 20 Stanwix Street (412) 281 - 2980 - $$ Mediterranean 5 Market Square (Map:D2,#200) (412) 471 - 9158 - $$ 107 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#214) Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel (412) 992 - 2005 - $$ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS* (412) 471 - 9048 - $$ Crazy Mocha Starbucks Coffee Company Opus 201 Grant Street (Map:G3,#68) (412) 281 - 5020 There’s a discount if you bring your own mug! Nicholas Coffee Company 23 Market Square (Map:D3,#69) (412) 261 - 4225 Cafe Bakery Candy-Rama 212 Fifth Avenue (Map:D3,#81) (412) 281 - 8050 Chocolate & Chances 400 Stanwix Street (Map:C1,#82) (412) 281 - 1744 Jenny Lee Bakery The Oasis Gourmet Coffee, Juice & Dessert Bar 430 Market Street (Map:D2,#83) (412) 471 - 6561 Scenes Espresso Bar 301 Grant Street (Map:F3,#84) One Oxford Center (412) 261 - 4488 648 William Penn Place (Map:D6,#70) Koppers Building (412) 258 - 3399 600 Commonwealth Place Pittsburgh Hilton & Towers (412) 391 - 4600 St. Moritz Chocolatier Three Rivers Candy 125 W. Station Square Freight House Shops (412) 261 - 1234 7 guilty pleasures Zorba’s 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 471 - 9930 - $ 14 Cool Beans Cafe 600 Grant Street (Map:E6,#202) US Steel Tower (412) 434 - 0800 - $$$ 133 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#190) (412) 471 - 4770 - $ dining Cafe Euro $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 Fast Food Arby’s 604 Wood Street (Map:C4,#86) (412) 391 - 0746 - $ Flamers Fifth Avenue Place (Map:C2,#87) 120 Fifth Avenue (412) 201 - 2221 - $ 741 Fifth Avenue (Map:G6,#101) (412) 471 - 3354 - $ The Great Steak and Potato Company 322 Boulevard of the Allies (Map:F2,#102) (412) 281 - 4300 - $ 125 W. Station Square Freight House Shops (412) 456 - 3720 - $ McDonald’s Bruegger’s Bagels All locations open for breakfast only! Tower Grille Sesame Inn 125 W. Station Square Drive Freight House Shops (412) 281 - 8282 - $ Sukhothai 425 Sixth Avenue (Map:D5,#163) Regional Enterprise Tower (412) 471 - 0553 - $ 410 First Avenue (Map:G2,#177) (412) 261 - 4166 - $ Trilogy 301 Grant Street (Map:F3,#178) Plaza Level - One Oxford Place (412) 255 - 0520 - $ 620 Liberty Avenue (Map:C3,#164) (412) 697 - 2800 - $$ The Warhol Cafe Sushi and Roll Sushi Kim 411 Seventh Avenue (Map:D6,#103) (412) 261 - 5312 - $ 117 Sandusky Street (Map:D5,#165) Andy Warhol Museum (412) 237 - 8310 - $ 1241 Penn Avenue (Map:B8,#179) (412) 281 - 9956 - $$ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS( (412) 281 - 2281 - $ 429 Fourth Avenue (Map:F4,#104) (412) 434 - 0188 - $ Asian 608 Wood Street (Map:C4,#90) (412) 261 - 2281 - $ 531 Grant Street (Map:E5,#105) (412) 471 - 9249 - $ 309 Forbes Avenue (Map:E3,#166) (412) 281 - 7954 - $ 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#180) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 391 - 3334 - $ Wiener World 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS' (412) 566 - 7719 - $ Deli 6th Avenue Cafe & Deli 300 Sixth Avenue (Map:D4,#93) (412) 281 - 4920 - $ Amazon Cafe 555 Grant Street (Map:E5, Omni) Omni William Penn Hotel (412) 434 - 6830 - $ Au Bon Pain 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS' (412) 264 - 2772 - $ 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#96) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 471 - 6244 - $ 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#97) (412) 456 - 2916 - $ 300 Grant Street (Map:F3,#98) (412) 232 - 3379 - $ 600 Grant Street (Map:E6,#99) (412) 232 - 3370 - $ 25 Market Street (Map:E1,#106) (412) 281 - 2515 - $ Einstein Bros. Bagels 3 PPG Place (Map:D2,#107) (412) 434 - 0343 - $ Elliott’s Off-Broadway )HGHUDO6WUHHW0DS,QVHW (412) 231 - 0344 - $ Eadie’s Kitchen and Market Ahn’s Chinese Express Chinatown Inn 520 Third Avenue (Map:G4,#167) (412) 261 - 1292 - $ Fu Lai Chinese Restaurant 525 Penn Avenue (Map:C2,#168) (412) 471 - 6338 - $ Golden Palace Buffet 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS' (412) 338 - 1888 - $ 500 Grant Street (Map:F5,#109) One Mellon Center (412) 391 - 3985 - $ Hong Kong Express George S. Aiken Co. Kiku Japanese Restaurant 218 Forbes Avenue (Map:D2,#110) (412) 391 - 6358 - $ The City Deli & Catering Co. 529 Second Avenue (412) 281 - 7288 - $ Wok & Grill Fusion Cafe Zao 649 Penn Avenue (Map:C4,#181) Theatre Square (412) 325 - 7007 - $$$ Eleven 1150 Smallman Street (Map:B8,#182) (412) 201 - 5656 - $$$ Palate 212 Sixth Street (Map:C3,#183) (412) 434 - 1422 - $$ Sonoma Grille 947 Penn Avenue (Map:C6,#184) (412) 456 - 0460 - $$$ Tonic Bar & Grille 125 W. Station Square Drive Freight House Shops (412) 765 - 3200 - $$ 971 Liberty Avenue (Map:C6,#185) (412) 456-0460 - $$$ 436 Seventh Avenue (Map:D6,#111) Kopper’s Building - Lower Level (412) 471 - 1222 - $ Lemon Grass Cafe greek 124 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#172) (412) 765 - 2222 - $$ Keystone Cafe and Deli Liang’s Hunan Chinese Restaurant 429 Forbes Avenue (Map:F4,#186) Allegheny Building (412) 471 - 3033 - $ 339 Sixth Avenue (Map:D4,#112) Heinz 57 Center (412) 316 - 0092 - $ 957 Liberty Avenue (Map:C6,#173) (412) 471 - 1688 - $ sandwiches 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#174) (412) 281 - 7033 - $ Allegheny Sandwich Shop 414 Grant Street (Map:F4,#113) City County Building (412) 434 - 1399 - $ The Apollo Cafe Christo Little China 130 Sixth Street (Map:B3,#187) (412) 261 - 6442 - $$ Mandarin Gourmet 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#188) (412) 391 - 8338 - $ 305 Wood Street (Map:E2,#175) (412) 261 - 6151 - $ Grecian Isles 13 dining 349 Fifth Avenue (Map:D4,#91) (412) 281 - 3720 - $ 8 Boulevard Delicatessen Tower Diner 439 Seventh Avenue (Map:D6,#162) Gulf Tower (412) 471 - 0511 - $ 500 Liberty Avenue (Map:C2,#89) (412) 391 - 5470 - $ Wendy’s quick bites Brown Bag Deli 1001 Liberty Avenue (Map:C7,Westin) Liberty Center (412) 261 - 5111 - $ $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 $ = under $10 • $$ = $10 to $25 • $$$ = $25 to $40 • $$$$ = over $40 American 1902 Tavern 24 Market Square (Map:C2,#133) (412) 471 - 1902 - $$ August Henry’s City Saloon 946 Penn Avenue (Map:C6,#134) (412) 765 - 3270 - $$ Bigelow Grille Mark’s Grille & Catering 923 Penn Avenue (Map:C5,#148) (412) 471 - 6401 - $ Max & Erma’s One Bigelow Square (Map:E6,Doubletree) Doubletree City Center (412) 281 - 3852 - $$ 630 Stanwix Street (Map:B2,#149) (412) 471 - 1140 - $$ Cafe 1 8 125 W. Station Square Drive Freight House Shops (412) 237 - 8310 - $$$ 717 Liberty Avenue (Map:C4,#136) Clark Building 18th Floor (412) 432 - CHEF - $ The Mozart Room 600 Penn Avenue (Map:C3,#151) (412) 392 - 4879 - $$$ The Carlton 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 562 - 0239 - $ 500 Grant Street (Map:F5,#138) One Mellon Center (412) 391 - 4099 - $$$ Cherries Diner 212 Forbes Avenue (Map:D2,#139) (412) 281 - 8182 - $ 210 Forbes Avenue (Map:D2,#21) (412) 391 - 0660 - $ New Post Tavern Nicky’s Grant Street 330 Grant Street (Map:G4,#153) Grant Building Suite 100 (412) 391 - 3900 - $ Promenade Cafe Green Room 961 Liberty Avenue (Map:C6,#158) (412) 434 - 6440 - $ Grille on 7th 6PLWKÀHOG&DIH Steel City Diner Primanti Brothers Cash Only! 11 Cherry Way (Map:G2,#117) (412) 566 - 8051 - $ 2 Market Square (Map:D2,#118) (412) 261 - 1599 - $ 217 Ninth Street (Map:C5,#122) (412) 765 - 2244 - $ 564 Forbes Avenue (Map:G5,#124) (412) 261 - 7033 - $ Steak Escape 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#125) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 391 - 9757 - $ Sub Med Primanti Brothers is a staple of the Pittsburgh diet. Just a few words of advice we would like to give you: 428 Forbes Avenue (Map:F4,#126) Lawyers Building (412) 338 - 8777 - $ 1: Do not ask for substitutions! 2: Yes, the fries are always on the sandwich! ,ILW·VQRWRQWKHERDUGWKH\GRQ·WPDNHLW 3 Market Square (Map:D2,#127) (412) 261 - 2955 - $ Quizno’s Subway 401 Wood Street (Map:E2,#128) (412) 471 - 7277 - $ 417 Seventh Avenue (Map:D6,#129) (412) 391 - 3177 - $ 703 Liberty Avenue (Map:C4,#130) (412) 434 - 7827 - $ 540 Penn Avenue (Map:C3,#131) (412) 281 - 2279 - $ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS( (412) 261 - 4840 - $ Terrace Room Three Rivers Pub 600 Commonwealth Place Hilton Pittsburgh (412) 391 - 4600 - $$ Houlihan’s 400 Fifth Avenue (Map:E4,#161) Macy’s First Floor (412) 232 - 2307 - $ 125 W. Station Square Dr. / Bessemer Court (412) 232 - 0302 - $$ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS( (412) 471 - 3122 - $ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS) (412) 281 - 1510 - $ 120 Fifth Avenue (Map:C2,#121) Fifth Avenue Place (412) 765 - 3550 - $ 530 William Penn Place (Map:E5, Omni) Omni William Penn Hotel (412) 281 - 7100 - $$$ Hard Rock Cafe 230 W. Station Square Drive Bessemer Court (412) 481 - 7625 - $$ Peppi’s Oldtyme Sandwich Shop 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#120) (412) 471 - 7849 - $ 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS' (412) 281 - 5505 - $ 130 Seventh Avenue (Map:B4,#144) (412) 391 - 1004 - $$ Sammy’s Famous Corned Beef 506 Liberty Avenue (Map:C2,#115) (412) 697 - 0999 - $ Six Penn Kitchen Gateway Cafe 242 W. Station Square Drive Bessemer Court (412) 281 - 3130 - $$ Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches 6PLWKÀHOG6WUHHW0DS( (412) 281 - 8886 - $ 545 Penn Avenue (Map:C3,#156) (412) 566 - 7366 - $$ 2 Gateway Center (Map:C1,#142) (412) 261 - 9672 - $ Roly Poly Rolled Sandwiches 600 Commonwealth Place (412) 391 - 4600 - $$ Franktuary 325 Oliver Avenue (Map:D4,#141) (412) 228 - 0322 - $ Fernando’s Cafe Special Hours! Special Prices! 963 Liberty Avenue (Map:C6,#114) (412) 853 - 9171 - $ Tic Toc Restaurant 9 quick bites Dogs Dun Wright / Market News 12 The Melting Pot Cafe Fifth Avenue 818 Fifth Avenue (Map:G6,#137) (412) 261 - 2215 - $ dining Market St. Deli 2 PPG Place (Map:D2,#147) (412) 471 - 6401 - $ LOCAL AREA MAP LOCAL AREA MAP
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