Save the Date! - Old St. Patrick`s Church


Save the Date! - Old St. Patrick`s Church
Old St. Patrick’s Church Bulletin
Save the Date!
Thursday, November 29,
Friday, November 30, and
Saturday, December 1
Tickets go on sale Thursday, November 1.
See page 9 for more details.
October 21, 2012
Unconditional Love
Sunday Giving
Solidarity Market
Beloved Retreat
Off-site — Insight Speaker
and Discussion Schedule
Encore Cafe
Old St. Pat’s Theatre Group
Harmony, Hope and Healing
Meet and Greet
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A wakenings
Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgment, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence,
Wonder and Awe — The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
By Bea Cunningham
Let me just start out by saying that though I work for Old St. Patrick’s Church, I wouldn’t necessarily
call myself a “churchy” person. I am a person who loves this particular church of ours, one who is
pretty spiritual, but on a daily basis, I do not use particularly “churchy” language.
Bea Cunningham
But the other day, a good friend caught me sounding “churchy.” As he walked by one of my
colleague’s offices, he overheard me talking about “wonder and awe” — my favorite gift of the
Holy Spirit. I do not normally talk like this, but every now and then I am absolutely blown away by
something. I am really, truly, awestruck and I do indeed pause to think, “Wow! What a concept!
What a world! What an incredible gift this is!”
I was remarking on what a spectacular fall day we were having. Wasn’t it beautiful? This good friend said, “Every
day can’t be beautiful. You say that all the time.” Not true — but a spectacularly perfect golden fall day does take
my breath away. I was completely awestruck — as I am every time I witness something amazing, every time I meet a
new baby, every time I am bowled over by one of many wonders of science and medicine, every time I see a perfect
sunset, or a perfectly turning tree, or a first snowfall, every time I read perfectly crafted words, every time I hear a
piece of music that stirs me to my soul… You get the picture… I realize I am sounding “churchy” again, but I am sure
you can relate to a time when you were completely awestruck and overwhelmed. It is
at times like those I think, “Wow! What a concept! What a world! What an incredible
God we have!”
At the suggestion of Terry Nelson-Johnson, Michael Brandt’s Confirmation sponsor,
Missy Malachek, took Michael out for some special “together” time. It was a perfect
summer night at Wrigley Field, where they were bound to discover some of the gifts of
the Holy Spirit. Midway through the game, the weather changed and an amazing light
show filled the darkened sky. Torrential rains ensued — but these die hard Cub fans were
determined to wait it out until the game resumed. Missy found some plastic garbage
bags to help keep them dry, but Michael preferred to be drenched under a rare Wrigley
waterfall. They had found their gift of the Holy Spirit and were filled with delight, wonder
and awe. “What a concept! What a world! What an incredible gift this is!”
Missy Malachek (left), and
Michael Brandt take shelter
at the Cub’s game.
At Confirmation we are anointed with the Holy Spirit. Throughout the Gospels we see how these seven
gifts form Jesus’ personality. They are characteristic of his activity. Consider the wisdom expressed in his
parables; his understanding of the poor and the sick; his right judgment when tested by the Pharisees; his
courage to continue the journey to Jerusalem where he surmised what fate awaited him; his knowledge
of God’s will; his reverence for his heavenly Father; his awe before the wonders of creation—the lilies of the
field, the birds of the air....The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are the manifestation of the Divine Power active
in the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Bea Cunningham is Director of Family Ministry at Old St. Patrick’s Church.
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A wakenings
After 13 months of preparation, study, service, prayer, and retreat, 116 of the individuals from Partners, FXW, and the Old St.
Patrick’s community are choosing to publicly CONFIRM their faith. On Sunday, October 28, 2012, our Confirmandees will
be professing to those gathered at Holy Name Cathedral that they want to embrace these seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and
have chosen to live a life of love.
Won’t you please keep them in your prayers this week?
Maryclaire Audrey Ahlgren
Dane Jozéf Andrews
Kate Mariana Bailey
Daniel James Bamford
Michelle Batista
Hunter Marie Batterson
Jackson Adjutor Bedward
Skyla Isabella Billen
Michael Patrick Brandt
Clara Luisa Mariana Bryan
Aliya Valentine Burchette
Joseph Michael Burns
Thomas Joseph Buseman
Emma Brigid Byrne
Dominic Cappellania
Rogelio Michael Castro
Sonia Larissa Cecilia Cerda
Luke Michael Chandra
Julianne Gertrude Cronin
Claire Anne Cunningham
Nicole Natalia De-Grasse-Mitchell
Katie Edith DeGrazia
Kevin Christopher Donahue
Elizabeth Katharine Donnelly
Maura Teresa Drew
Alexandra Frances Dschida
Miles Patrick Duncan
Marisa Blaise Fassero
Mathew Joseph Ferraro
Travis Michael Fikejs
Brenna Nicolas Fitzsimmons
Kyle Francis Friedler
Lydia Cecilia Gabric
Patrick Christopher Gallagher
Andrea Kateri Tekakwitha Gieseman
Lia Rose Gonzalez
Vanessa Raphael Gonzalez
Julian Thomas Greer
Sean Jude Haggerty
Lillian Genevieve Hahn
Maria Philomena Harrast
Katherine Cecilia Haseley
Rachel Rose Hayes
Koby Raymond Hill
Charlotte Cecilia Hoigard
Kelley Catherine Hull
Mia Audrey Husch
Lauren Brigid Janulis
Noah Sebastian Kaiden
Jennifer Gertrude Kauchak
Clare Bernadette Kelly
Christion Cecilia Kenyatta
Emmett Francis Kerrigan
Tessa Ita Langan
Alex Christopher Lawson
David Lemus
Maeve Bridget Levy
Jillian Cecilia Little
Janine Lucy Liu
Charlie Sebastian Loftus
Rhyann Sebastian Lutz
John Bernard Mathews
Meagan Camillus McCormick
Nia Juliana McFall
Ethan Nicholas McManus
Rudy Michael Melchiorre
John Patrick Mills
Georgia Cecilia Molnor
David Stephen Moore
Hanna Joan Mularczyk
Adeline Catherine Naon
Megan Nemeth
Katherine Mary Nocerino
Roseanna Cecilia Nolan
Thomas Sebastian Nugent
Casey Constantine Nurnberger
Delaney Veronica Oakes
Nina Teresa Onyemezium
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Camilla Clare Ose
Erin Brigid Palubin
Michaela Anastasia Park
Sarah Cecilia Patt
Patricia Mary Magdalene Perner
Matthew Sebastian Pilewski
Lisa Therese Pitts
David Raphael Portugal
Alexandra Angela Quigley
Evan Patrick Ram
Andrew Patrick Rautenberg
Taylor Francis Reinhardt
Taylor Cecilia Reschke
Harrison Peter Rogers
Reah Kateri Rohrbeck
Cristiano Rotolo
Kevin Patrick Ryan
Everett Josemaria Sarich
Leyla Brigid Scheuring
Evan Michael Schmitt
Gabriel Peter Schueler
Olivia Frances Selgrad
Ella Agnes Silvers
Maeve Elizabeth Simon
Adam Eligius Slaber
Gillian Elizabeth Smeaton
Hannah Bridget Spillane
Catherine Margaret Tojo
Christina Claire Tojo
Jessica Cecilia Tyree
Mark Sebastian Uehlinger
Matthew Joseph Vaccarello
Elena Mary Magdalene Walker
Lucy Katharine Walsh
Bernard Matthew Warn
Claire Genevieve Wild
Katherine Bridget Wild
Anthony Andrew Yaghmour
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Unconditional Love
By Harry L Sheehy
Thank You!
The abundance of winter clothes donated for the Beth Katsaros Clothing Drive last Sunday once again demonstrated
the tremendous generosity of the Old St. Pat’s community in providing for those in need throughout Chicago. Beth’s
passion for helping others lives on through your spirit of giving.
Bea Cunningham, Director, Family Ministry, Old St. Patricik’s Church
Harry L. Sheehy
On the morning of October 13, 1992,
seven-year-old Dantrell Davis was
walking to school with his mother in the
Cabrini-Green Housing Project, when a
sniper fired a single shot into the little
boy’s body, killing him, and eliciting a
sense of outrage in the city, the nation
and throughout the entire world.
Criticism from the media was directed at city officials for
not doing enough to curb street gang warfare. Vincent
Lane, the head of the Chicago Housing Authority at that
time, called for a deployment of the National Guard in the
Cabrini-Green Housing Project to irridicate the warring
gangs and protect innocent lives. Bill Clinton, reacting to
the tragedy, promised that, if elected president, he would
confront inner city blight, beef up urban police presence
and initiate welfare reform. From all quarters, local and
national, Americans were demanding that someone do
something to eliminate the conditions that make such an
atrocity as Dantrell Davis’ murder possible.
Beth Katsaros, like other Chicagoans,
was shocked and deeply saddened by
the Dantrell Davis tragedy. And she knew
that she personally must do something to
alleviate the environment of poverty and
hopelessness that spawns the conditions
for gang warfare. Around this time,
Bernice Pugh, principal of Sojourner
Truth Public School, adjacent to the Beth Katsaros
Cabrini-Green Housing Project, was interviewed on radio,
and revealed the fact that many of the children in the Project
were too poor to have adequate clothes, and this prevented
some from attending school. Beth Katsaros listened to this
radio program, and realized what she must do.
A short time later, Mrs. Pugh looked up from her desk at
Sojourner Truth, and saw a white woman standing there,
an uncommon sight in this African-American environment.
Beth said to her, “What can I do to help?”
This reaching-out to those in need was almost second
nature to Beth. The oldest of 10 children, she grew up in a
socially conscious household, walking anti-discriminationin-housing picket lines with her parents in their hometown
of Evanston, Illinois. With both Bachelor’s and Master’s
degrees in urban planning under her belt, she continually
looked for opportunities to make a positive difference in
the quality of life for Chicagoans, especially those whose
voices could not be heard. When she and her husband
Peter’s three children — Sarah, Matt and Kathryn — came
along, she became a very devoted full-time mother. Still,
she found time to be active in community organizations
dedicated to neighborhood revitalization and anti redlining
initiatives on Chicago’s West Side. She worked for school
reform through the Chicago Association of Local School
Councils. When Harold Washington ran for mayor, Beth
felt it was extremely important for people who were
white, middle-class and college-educated to be part of the
progressive movement that was supporting his candidacy,
and she worked tirelessly to make this happen. She was
“She never gave up. Never!
She wasn’t supposed to die!”
clear on her values, and she walked the walk.
Beth Katsaros and Sojourner Truth’s Bernice Pugh hit it
off from the very start. “We instantly took to each other,”
relates Mrs. Pugh. “She was a fun person. We talked and
we talked. And, of course, we talked about getting winter
coats and things for the children, because they couldn’t
come to school without them.”
Beth pulled out all the stops. She put together a campaign
to get parents of children in Chicago’s Francis Xavier Warde
parochial school to donate winter coats their youngsters
had outgrown. She increased her reach into the suburbs
by recruiting friends to solicit coats and other clothes from
parents of suburban school children. Donated clothes
were collected and left on Beth’s front porch, sometimes
piled so high that there was barely enough room to get
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Unconditional Love, continued.
through the front door. To supplement these donations,
Beth convinced K-Mart and Woolworth’s to sell her coats
and shoes at or below cost, and Beth and her friends
obtained financial contributions at their churches to pay
for them.
During one of her many visits to Sojourner Truth, Mrs. Pugh
expressed to Beth her dream of having all her students
in a school uniform so that gang members would not
mistake them for rival gang members. Within a matter
of hours, Beth was getting the word out to parents of
The Francis Xavier Warde School children, that as their
youngsters outgrew their school uniforms, they should
not be discarded, but rather given to Beth for Sojourner
Truth. Within a few months, all the children at Sojourner
Truth were wearing white tops with blue bottoms, just like
the children at Te Francis Xavier Warde School. As if that
weren’t enough, Beth, on learning that Sojourner Truth’s
drum corps had no uniforms, and had no child-size drums
to march with, saw to it that funds were raised to provide
both. Every year, the drum corps came to Beth’s
drink and a dance band.
While still feeling strong
enough, she participated
three times in the annual
500 mile AIDS bike ride
from Minneapolis to
Chicago, raising more
than $25,000 for AIDS
from her many friends who sponsored her. Some of them
even joined her as participants in the ride, along with two
of her children, four siblings and a niece.
Even experiencing two recurrences of her cancer and
undergoing chemotherapy, she never ceased to believe
that she would win this fight. She explored the efficacy of
oriental herbal medicine in fighting cancer, and during her
last few months convinced her oncologist to coordinate
treatment with her herbalist. All the while, she focused most
of her energy and attention, as always, on the education
and welfare of her children, and actively encouraged them
to develop their special talents and pursue their dreams.
Beth’s life of caring, giving and doing
church, Old St. Patrick’s, and serenaded
came to an end on January 20, 2001,
the congregation at the end of their
Beth said to her,
when she was 49 years old. She knew,
Sunday services. On one Sunday, she
arranged for them to do the same at a “What can I do to help?” at least by the previous Autumn, that
winning this battle was not in the
suburban church, and at the reception
cards. A long-time friend, Barbara
that followed, parishioners, who had
no contact with inner city children, were amazed to see Popovic, saw her during these final months. “We would talk
that the similarities to their own children far outweighed a lot about the kids,” she recalls. “She was telling me how
much investment she had in the growth and development
any differences.
of her kids. It paid off – she has extraordinary kids.”
Nothing stood in the way of her reaching out to improve the
quality of life for others, not even when she was diagnosed After Beth’s funeral, numerous letters from friends poured
with breast cancer in 1996. “The amazing thing was that she into the Katsaros household, recounting the happy
kept this up when she was so ill,” Bernice Pugh remembers. memories, the fun times, Beth’s example of how life should
“’Beth, why are you worried about us?’ I would ask her.” A be embraced, how people should be loved. When Beth
close friend, Jacqueline Leavy, reflecting back on Beth at loved, she loved unconditionally
that time, says “She loved life unconditionally, and loved
Friends described her “quiet commitment,” the ”legacy of
the people she loved unconditionally. Her example was
her children,” how “she showed us the way,” “someone
one of just pure integrity and steadfastness.”
who lived her faith,” “her ability to make others larger,
While undergoing treatment for her breast cancer, Beth without diminishing herself,” someone who ”knew who she
found additional ways of reaching out to others. As a was, and was sure of herself.”
volunteer for the National Breast Institute’s “Why Me?”
Bernice Pugh could not talk about her relationship with
program, Beth visited Chicago area high schools to
Beth without tears welling in her eyes She reflected: “There
speak on the importance of breast self-examination as a
was something about Beth – it’s hard to describe. I miss
means of early detection. In 1998 and again in 1999, she
her! She was so genuine.
organized a “Second Chance at Life” evening for cancer
survivors at Old St. Patrick’s Church, consisting of an Harry Sheehy is volunteer at the Career Transistions Center,
ecumenical church service with readings, singing, a homily and is a Eucharistic Minister at Old St. Pat’s.
and liturgical dance, followed by a reception with food,
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In September 2012, we welcomed the following children into the Christian community through the sacrament of Baptism:
May we remember your light today when we see the radiant sun,
a burning candle, or a shining lamp.
Jesus, our light, we praise and thank you. Shine on us forever.
- John 12:46
Nora Elizabeth Alyinovich
(Doreen and Anthony)
Emma Letizia Leal
(Blanca and Luis)
Avery Elizabeth Schwanderlik
(Elizabeth and David)
Henry Lucio Omoike Arquillano
(Osed and Marlito)
Hailey Antonella Liboon
(Linda and Jay)
Gavin Duvall Sheehan
(Anna and Kevin)
Catalina Francesca Barsotti
(Gina and David)
Patrick William Thomas McGreal
(Colleen & Matthew)
Kyle Michael Smith
(Kelly and Matthew)
Tessa Maria Swanson Boylan
(Lauren and Nathan)
Lui Josephne Meeker
(Heather and David)
Luciano Rigg Sorrentino
(Elizabeth and Paul)
Roy Levi Brenner
(Nicole and Abe)
Evelyn Ruth Miller
(Sarah and Stephen)
Caden Oliver Stuart
(Shweta and Michae)
Noah Edward Djukic
(Gretchen & ALexander)
Josephine Penelope Nally
(Margaret and Patrick)
Max George Henry Saucedo-Stern
(Fabiola and Ernesto)
Nora Fagan
(Nicole and Dan)
Carolina Maria Carrera Napleton
(Beth and Cesar)
Marlowe Grace Stump
(Melissa and Jeremy)
Giuliana Franzia Gambatese
(Gianna and Michae)
Maximillian Charles Newman
(Valerie and Charles)
Reagan Marie Valliere
(Colleen and David)
Sophia Elise Sannes George
(Katherine and John
Olivia Ann Northcutt
(Patricia and Lance)
William Joshua Voller, IV
(Stephannie and William)
Nathaniel Chales Hart
(Ellen and Christopher)
Georgia Lynn Northouse
(Jennifer and Rodger)
Abigail Lorraine Wojtowicz
(Laura and Michael)
Joshua Scott Janssen
(Nicole and Derrick)
Evelyn Kathrine Novak
(Joanna and Kyle)
Emery Myra Young
(Carrie and John)
Declan Francis Kennedy
(Amy and Timothy)
Lila Pagniucci
(Lindsay and Michael)
Mac Elliott Klauer
(Lauren and Michael)
Thomas McPherson Pendry
(Maureen and Thomas)
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A dvancement
Answering the Call to Generosity!
Sunday Giving
A Look at the Resources that
Contribute to Great Church
Thank you for continuing to call Old St.
Pat’s your home! Your kind support and
generosity throughout the year have
sustained, rejuvenated,and energized
this community. Hosting a vibrant church
experience in the heart of the city can
be challenging and an expensive
proposition. The staff and key
leaders of Old St. Pat’s practice
The charts below show the breakdown of
financial accountability and
revenue and expenses:
resourcefulness without negatively
2013 Budgeted Revenue (net)
affecting any current programs or
SGC Annual Pledges $ 1,300,000
Sunday Collections
$ 1,130,000
The chart provides a breakdown of
Other Income*
$ 190,000
budgeted revenue and expenses for
Christmas & Easter
$ 130,000
the 2013 calendar year.
2013 Budgeted Expense
General **
$ 570,000
Faith Formation
$ 500,000
Buildings & Grounds
$ 460,000
Liturgy & Music
$ 415,000
Reserve ***
$ 365,000
Administration & Finance
$ 205,000
Center for Social Concerns $ 45,000
Communication & Hospitality $ 100,000
Member Services
$ 60,000
Information Systems
$ 30,000
* Other income includes stipends received from
weddings, funerals and baptisms, as well as appeals
and interest earned.
** This category of expense includes property and
casualty insurance, priests’ retirement fund,
and Old St. Patrick’s commitment to the
good works of the Archdiocese that supports
programs such as, but not limited to Young
Adult Ministry, prison ministries, and the
Office of Peace and Justice.
***A reserve for unanticipated events.
If the reserve is not used it is rolled forward
for future use.
For more information or questions, please contact Michelle Comer at 312.798.2381,
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Solidarity Market
Solidarity Market
Sunday, November 11,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Old St. Pat’s Church Hall
Please join us on Sunday, November 11 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. as our
Church Hall is transformed into an international market!
More than thirty different vendors will display beautiful and unique
products created by artisans from as far away as East Africa and
Central America to as near as the West Side of Chicago.
And while this “alternative market” offers us a chance to get an early
start on holiday shopping, the Solidarity Market is so much more
than another holiday craft fair. The Solidarity Market at Old St. Pat’s
is another expression of our desire for kinship along with our desire
to promote, whenever we are able, the economic development of our
sisters and brothers throughout the world.
Our Market vendors and exhibitors have been selected because of
their commitment to:
• fighting poverty and transforming lives through job training
and worker justice,
• creating entrepreneurial opportunities for people often denied
access to markets,
• and being good stewards of the earth’s resources.
In addition to the special items our vendors will have for sale, they
will be delighted to share with you the stories of the people they work
with, including their struggles and successes.
Please stop by the Church Hall and meet these remarkable people
and learn about their efforts to create a better world!
Refreshments, of course, will be served.
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Save the Date!
What Really Happened at Vatican II?
Fr. Bill O’Shea
Some commentators have said that
it was the most significant event
in the history of the church since
Pentecost. As we approach the
50th anniversary of the beginning
of the Second Vatican Council, we
Fr. Bill O’Shea
are excited to offer a five-part series
exploring the meaning and impact of the Council.
October 25 and
November 1, 2012
Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center,
2nd floor, 711 W. Monroe, Chicago
Registration: Please let us know if you plan on
attending the series by calling the
church offices at 312-648-1021.
The sights and sounds of Christmas will
once again be brought to life in traditional
style at our annual holiday celebration,
Deck The Hall
Guests will enjoy a candlelight concert
by the Metropolis Symphony Orchestra,
Old St. Patrick’s Christmas Choir,
and some of Old St. Pat’s favorite vocalists.
Thursday, November 29, Friday,
November 30, and Saturday, December 1
7:30 p.m.
Old St. Patrick’s Church
Tickets go on sale Thursday, November 1
at, or by calling
Don’t wait to buy your tickets... this
events sells out quickly!
What to bring? Helpful would be the 16
documents of Vatican II. They can be found on
the Vatican website ( - click on
the Resource Library tab) or from booksellers in a
collection called: Vatican Council II: The Conciliar
and Post Conciliar Documents.
Also important is Pope John XXIII’s opening
address dated October 11, 1962. But if time is
short, the four most important documents are:
1. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the
Modern World (Latin title: Gaudium et Spes;
2. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
(Lumen Gentium);
3. Declaration on the Relationship of the Church
to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate;
4. Declaration on Religious Freedom (Dignitatis
“It was around the year 1968 that a group of
Sisters in Wheaton called and asked me to tell
them about the Council (which had ended in the
fall of 1965). I was happy to oblige, but I missed
entirely that the reason for the call was probably
there were deep disagreements among them
about what really happened.
No one knew what to expect when Pope John XXIII
first announced there would be an Ecumenical
Council...and even at the end of Session Three
(Fall of 1964) many participants, including Albert
Cardinal Meyer of Chicago, thought the whole
endeavor might be a failure.“
- Fr. Bill O’Shea
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The Beloved Retreat Experience
November 16-18, 2012
Just the Beginning
You’re Invited
We’d like to invite you to a weekend of beginnings. Whether
you’re old or young (at heart), single or married, religious
or skeptic, hurt or healing, laid back or caffeinated, you’ll fit
right into our Beloved Retreat.
Founded in 1999, the Beloved Retreat offers you a community within Old
St. Pat’s and our Catholic Church. Our hope is that, together, we can
rediscover what often eludes us, but what God wants us to know: that you
are Beloved.
We offer a safe, open inclusive environment in a quite, pastoral setting
where you can explore your relationship with God and yourself.
Another Beginning
The Beloved Retreat doesn’t end with the weekend. After the retreat, you’ll
find another beginning. Regular Sunday Legacy meetings extend the
Beloved experience and deepen our roots as a community of believers.
In addition, you can join small prayer groups to spiritually grow and deepen
your personal faith and companionship
with others.
Beloved Retreat Dates
November 16 - 18, 2012
February 22 - 24, 2013
April 19 - 21, 2013
Retreats are held on the beautiful
grounds of St. Mary of the Lake Seminary
in Mundelein, IL.
Weekend retreats begin Friday at 6:30 p.m.
and conclude Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
The cost of the retreat is $205. However,
we never want cost to prohibit anyone
from attending. Scholarships are
available; just ask.
To reserve your space, send a $75
deposit or full payment of $205 with
this form to:
Old St. Patrick’s Church
Attn: Beloved
711 West Monroe
Chicago, IL 60661
Name: ________________________
Address: _______________________
Day Phone: _____________________
Evening Phone: __________________
Email: ________________________
Which date would you prefer?
o November 16 - 18, 2012
o February 22 - 24, 2013
o April 19 - 21, 2013
Payment enclosed:
In full: $205
Deposit: $75
I would like to apply
for a scholarship.
Check payable to:
Old St. Patrick’s Church
Discover Card
Card # _______________________
Expiration Date: _________________
For more information, visit www.oldstpats.
Visit our Website at
Deposit is non-refundable two weeks
prior to the retreat. Scholarships are
also available.
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Speaker and
Evenings in Your
Suburban West
Off-Site/Insight is an
Old St. Patrick’s Church
member led initiative that
brings a taste of Old St.
Pat’s programming to your
doorstep. These monthly “offsite” gatherings welcome
you and your friends to
come together to hear an
interesting speaker and
engage in some enriching
conversation. It’s also a fun
way to connect with other
Old St. Pat’s members and
friends who live in your area.
6:30 p.m. Refreshments and welcome
7:00 p.m. Presentation
8:15 p.m. Prayer and announcements
8:30 p.m. Program ends
Each location has plenty of free
parking. A free will donation to
help meet space and program
costs is most appreciated.
Date Night: Don’t Talk About
Disappointment In Children, Church or Job
Mary Kay and Norb Slowikowski
Carmelite Spirituality Center
8433 Bailey Road
Darien, IL
Mary Kay Slowikowski: 630.985.7570, or;
Peggy and Kevin McNicholas at
630.738.0619, or
Suburban Near West
The Well at the Congregation
of St. Joseph
1515 West Ogden Avenue
La Grange Park, Il
Kate Mulcahy: 708 352 3661, or
Sisters of the Resurrection
Immaculate Conception
Provincial House
7432 West Talcott Avenue
Chicago, IL
Shirley Widner: 847.877.1512, or;
There is nothing more disappointing than a
date that reminds you how much you are not
connected. Mary Kay and Norb have had a Friday night date
every year of their 50-year marriage. They have used the
Beatitudes as a path to holiness in their marriage choosing,
for example, to be “Blessed as Peacemakers” and making
marriage a team effort with God at the center.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
The Way of Forgiveness: How to Heal Life’s
Hurts and Restore Broken Relationships
Fr. Pat Brennan
We will discover the process of forgiving ourselves
and others to find peace and freedom. Forgiving
can be a halting and lengthy process, which may
need to be repeated or restarted many times. The
journey of forgiveness lies constantly before us.
monday, November 12, 2012
On the Road to Emmaus
Dr. Mary Amore
Join us as we explore our spiritual life through
the lens of the two disciples as they Encounter
Jesus on the Road to Emmaus. Participants
will be given the opportunity to reflect upon
their own experience of hospitality, scripture, Eucharist, and
Patricia O’Brien: 847.679.2538, or
Suburban Southwest
wednesday, November 4, 2012
Gaelic Park
6119 West 147th Street
Oak Forest, IL
Rosemary Nash: 630.886.7740,
Tom and Peggy McFarland:
Thirty Years in the Trenches
John and Karen Farrell
John and Karen Farrell have been members of Old
St. Pat’s for nearly 20 years, and married for thirty.
Karen is a full time, tenured Professor and Doctor
of Training at Midwestern University, and created StrongGirls,
a psychoeducational approach to 7th graders problems with
peers and adolescent development. John is a psychologist and
also founded StrongBoys to compliment Karen’s work. Both
programs are offered in nine schools in Illinois.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Staff Liaison: Bob Kolatorowicz at, or 312.831.9379.
Visit our Website at
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
P rograms
Next Up at the Encore Cafe!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
“Preventing Targeted Violence in our Workplaces
and Communities: Insights From the Frontlines”
Arnette Heintze
Old St. Pat’s, Families & Friends,
Gay & Lesbian Outreach
Wednesday, October 24
Old St. Pat’s Gay & Lesbian, Friends &
Families, Outreach invites GLBT people of
faith to explore their spirituality and share
their experiences, strengths and hopes
with the church. We strive to welcome
you to a safe and accepting place for
spiritual practice, educational events,
social activities and service to others.
The planning group meets on the fourth
Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Fr.
Jack Wall Mission Center, 711 W. Monroe
Street. The next meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, October 24.
If you would like more information,
or if you want to attend the meeting,
please contact the chairperson, John
Parro at, or
Old St. Patrick’s staff contact Bob
Kolatorowicz at, or
Also, please find more information
about the group at
Divorce Support Group
You Are Not Alone
Sunday: November 4 and 18
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Room 23, Fr. Jack Wall Mission
Center, 711 W. Monroe, Chicago
This is a networking group for men and
women who are separated or divorced.
“You Are Not Alone” is a chance to talk
with other men and women who are
separated or divorced. We meet to discuss
topics of importance to those seeking to
heal during and after one of life’s most
difficult transitions. We are not professional
counselors, but are your peers who have
been there and simply wish to listen and
offer encouragement. We meet every
other Sunday, from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
at 711 W. Monroe, Chicago, Room 23.
This is a free, drop-in networking group and no
registration is required. For questions, please
contact Debbie at
How can we prevent acts of targeted violence? As a
nation, a family of citizens and individual businesses and organizations,
we actually know far more about this than we put into practice. This brief
discussion begins with a high-level overview of the U.S. Secret Service and
its protective and investigative mission as well as early research conducted
by the agency into the thinking and behavior of assassins and attackers.
Next, the discussion examines how this knowledge is being translated into
practical, cost-effective measures that business and organizations are
taking to capture early insights into behaviors of concern, intervene before
matters escalate, and take action well in advance of a response from law
enforcement authorities. What’s the bottom line? Collectively, we have the
answers. We just need to put them into place.
The Encore Cafe is a breakfast and speaker program host by Old St. Pat’s
Encore organization. Come join us for breakfast, a great conversation, and
the best fellowship! All are most welcome.
Date: Sunday, October 28, 2012
Time: 10:45 a.m. (following the 9:30 a.m. Mass)
11:15 a.m. Presentation
Noon Program concludes
Place: Old St. Patrick’s Church Hall, 700 W. Adams, Chicago
Cost: $12 per person
Reservations: In order for us to offer you our best hospitality, please
make your reservations and payment online at
event/encore-cafe/, or you may call Encore volunteer, Eileen Brady at
630.782.1496 no later than Wednesday, October 24, 2012.
Arnette Heintze is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer
of Hillard Heintze, a globally recognized strategic security and
investigations firm. As a U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and
a senior agency executive, Heintze planned, designed and
implemented successful security strategies for U.S. Presidents,
world leaders, events of national significance and the protection
of the nation’s most critically sensitive assets.
Arnette Heintze
In 1990, Heintze was part of the Presidential Protective Division, where he
served more than four years on the permanent detail protecting President
and Mrs. Bush and President and Mrs. Clinton. In Washington, D.C., Heintze
also coordinated the 160 foreign embassies in the city and acted as the Secret
Service spokesperson and agent in charge of the Public Affairs Office, where
he also led the crisis communication team during some of the nation’s most
trying times. In April 2000, Heintze’s strategic leadership qualifications led to
his appointment as a member of the Senior Executive Service and his selection
as the Special Agent in Charge of the Secret Service’s Chicago field office.
Heintze has received numerous awards and recognition for superior
performance, dedicated service and heroic actions, including the U.S. Secret
Service Valor Award — the agency’s highest.
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P rograms
The Old St. Patrick’s Church
community joins with compassionate
people around the world in praying
for Malala Yousufzai, the 14-yearold Pakistani schoolgirl, and the
two other girls who were shot by
Taliban gunmen because of Malala’s
campaign for girls’ education. We
wish a speedy recovery for all the
victims and we encourage them to
continue to be strong in their pursuit of women’s access to education.
“Truth crushed to earth will rise again.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr., (quoting William Cullen Bryant)
— Quoted by Leonard Pitts, 10.15.12, Chicago Tribune
St. Pat’s Opportunities for
Kids to Experience Service
Inspired by Old St. Pat’s Community Outreach,
S.P.O.K.E.S. was formed to introduce our children
to outreach projects in which they can make a
difference to others.
We hope we will see you often! Let’s show our
children that every effort we make, no matter how
small, can make a difference in the world.
Sunday, November 4, 11, 18, 2012
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Donate food for the Thanksgiving Day food drive to benefit families at St.
Eulalia’s Church in Maywood. Drop-off food donations from Sunday,
November 4 – Sunday, November 18 under the front stairwell of the
FXW School. Financial contributions (checks) should be delivered to the FXW
School Office. Join us on Sunday, November 18 from Noon -1:30 p.m. to
sort and package the food.
Frosh/Soph vs.
Foundations has been asked to
collect 2,000 sets of hats and
gloves for Lorretto Hospital’s
holiday party for children on the
West side. The challenge is great,
so we need your help!
The Freshmen & Sophomores are
collecting HATS while the Juniors
& Seniors are collecting GLOVES or
MITTENS (ages 1-18)! It’s a race
to 2,000!
Please drop-off your donations by
Sunday, November 4 to Becky
Terlep in the Fr. Wall Mission
Center 711 W. Monroe.
Questions? Contact Becky Terlep
at, or
FXW School Hallway
All ages welcome, registration is requested.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Christmas Giving Tree Gift Sorting
10:45 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Help us sort, fold and organize the thousands of Giving Tree gift items and learn
about the recipient organizations. Pizza, blessings and fun will be provided!
Location: Old St Pat’s Church Hall.
All ages welcome, registration is requested.
Registration: Go to
Visit our Website at
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P rograms
Old St. Pat’s Theater Group
Why not take advantage of the Chicago
theater scene and join other Old St. Pat’s
members and friends in experiencing
the best that Chicago has to offer? There
are some great plays coming into town
during the next few months. Two that
we have a particular interest in are:
October, 2012
Dear Parents:
War Horse Proposed date: Wednesday, December19, 2012 Matinee or Evening performances.
War Horse, based on the beloved novel by Michael
Morpurgo, is a powerfully moving and imaginative
drama, filled with stirring music and magnificent artistry.
South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company brings
breathing, galloping, full-scale horses to life on the stage
— their flanks, hides and sinews built of steel, leather and
aircraft cables. Experience the emotional journey that
charges through the battlefields of history straight to the
hearts of audiences around the world.
Other Desert Cities
January 12 - February 17, 2013
As members of Old St. Patrick’s Church, we would like
you to have the most accurate and helpful information
regarding the process and procedures for applying to
The Frances Xavier Warde School.
Some important points to help you with the
admission process:
• The application deadline to submit your online form for
preschool and kindergarten is Thursday, November
1, 2012. The 1st - 7th grade deadline to apply is
Friday, February 1, 2013. Applications must be
received by these dates to be considered for the
September 2013 school year.
A family is pushed to the brink in Jon Robin Baitz’s
scintillating new drama, dubbed “the best new play
on Broadway” by The New York Times. When Brooke
Wyeth arrives at her parents’ Palm Springs mansion
on Christmas Eve with the manuscript of her tell-all
memoir in tow she unearths a devastating family secret
— throwing her parents into a panic that threatens to rip
the clan apart. With biting wit and razor-sharp insight,
Other Desert Cities “has the appeal of a Broadway hit
from another age” (The New York Times).
• FXW’s preschool program is a multi-age (3-and 4-yearolds) program. In order to begin school, children must
be 3-years-old prior to September 1 and must be toilet
If you want to know more about the Theater Group or
if you are interested in attending either or both of the
proposed plays, please contact Denise Stauder. at, or 312 .266.1919.
• All preschool through third graders attend school at
the Old St. Patrick’s campus. All fourth through eighth
graders attend school at the Holy Name Cathedral
Book Club
The Book Club meets on the second
Sunday of every month from
September to June. Book Club
meetings are held in the library on
the third floor of the Fr. Jack Wall
Mission Center at 711 W. Monroe,
from 9:30 - 11 a.m. The library is wheelchair accessible.
All are welcome. Contact either Eileen Sutter at
773.539.0256, or Jean Lyon at 773.545.0482.
Date: Sunday, November 11
Book: Love and Shame and Love, A Novel
Author: Peter Orner
• We have nine preschool groups and our main point of
admission for new families is the 3-year-old preschool.
As the preschoolers move on to kindergarten, we
accept approximately 10-15 kindergarten students
each year.
If you have a child who will be 3-year- old by September
1, 2013, you should submit an application now for the
2013 - 2014 school year.
• Applications are processed on an annual basis. If
you have an infant/young toddler, please review the
admissions information on the school’s website: www. . However, parents must wait to submit an
application for their child until s/he is approaching
eligibility for the 3-year-old program as outlined above.
If you would like to schedule a school tour, please visit
the website to access the tour calendar. In addition, all
admissions information and the online form are posted We will host Information Night events
on Thursday, October 18 and 25 beginning at 6:30
p.m. Details are posted on
Visit our Website at
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P rograms
Harmony, Hope & Healing Choir
Meet and Greet
Request for Phones and Computers
Sunday, October 28
Elections, Economics, and Ethics
Co-sponsored by the Siena Center and the Center
for Global Peace Through Commerce
Monday, October 22.
The Harmony, Hope & Healing Choir will
sing at Old St. Pat’s on Sunday, October
28 at the 11:15 a.m. Mass. You are invited
to attend the Harmony, Hope & Healing
Meet and Greet following Mass in the
Church Hall. Come meet the choir, hear
about their mission, and learn how you can
support their wonderful work!
The HHH Young Adult Committee is collecting
used electronic devices such as phones and
computers to recycle through Planet Green
Please bring your donations on Sunday, October 28 following
the 11:15 a.m. Mass, or call 312.466.0267 to arrange for your
donations to be picked-up.
New or Used Digital Camera Wanted!
HHH is currently in need of a digital camera to keep
their photo journal up-to-date as well as recording and
promoting their events. Please call the HHH office at
312.466.0267 if you have a camera to donate.
Date: Monday, October 22
Time: 7 p.m.
ve te
Place: Dominican University, Auditorium at the Priory
Campus, 7200 W. Division St., River Forest IL
Sunday, November 25
Old St. Pat’s/American Red Cross Annual Blood Drive
Thank you for your willingness to share God’s gift of
life with others who are in need. To ensure another
successful Blood Drive, please note the following
Donors/Appointments: Please make your
appointment at,
enter zip code 60661.
Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to promote
the Blood Drive and sign-up donors on the following
Sundays before and after morning Masses: Sunday,
October 7, November 4, 11 and 18. Volunteers also
are needed on the day of the Blood Drive, Sunday,
November 25.
Information: For more details, please contact Mark
Buciak at, or 773.307.0033.
In an election where surprisingly little is said about
the Christian approach to economic life, it Is helpful to
reflect on what religious faith means for economic life
and policy today. Dan Finn, Ph.D, professor of theology
and Clemens Professor of Economics and the Liberal Arts
at St. John’s University, will examine some of the basic
elements of Catholic social thought and develop their
implications today for such issues as just taxation, health
care, assistance to the poor, and care for the environment.
Finn is the editor of The Moral Dynamics of Economic
Life (Oxford, 2012) and The True Wealth of Nations:
Catholic Social Thought and Economic Life (Oxford,
2010). Dominican University’s professor of economics,
L. Peter Alonzi, PhD, will offer a response. With just over
two weeks before Election Day you may want to “dvr” the
Presidential Debate and/or Monday Night Football and
not miss this important conversation!
Tickets: $10 per person. Purchase tickets at www.dom.
edu/siena, or call 708.714.9105.
Save the Date!
March 1 - 3, 2013
Encore and St. Agathas
We Are Better Together...
Lenten Retreat
Darien Carmelite Spiritual
Center, 8433 Bailey Road,
Darien, IL
The North Lawndale Kinship Initiative
continues to grow as we join for a
weekend retreat to meet, reflect, pray,
discuss and laugh together.
Visit our Website at
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
G eneral I nformation
Mass Schedule
Wedding Schedule
7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:45 p.m., and 5 p.m.
If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old
St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien,
wedding scheduler/coordinator, at JoAnnO@oldstpats.
org, or 312.831.9383.
Monday – Friday (Daily Mass)
7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m.
Church is open for Personal Prayer:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Wednesday: 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. & noon -12:30 p.m.
Fridays at 11:45 a.m., or upon request.
Wedding Banns
May the Winds of Heaven Dance Between You.
Liturgical Ministry
If you would like to volunteer as a minister or coordinator
for one of our Liturgies, please complete the online form at
Other Programs & Services
Old St. Patrick’s Website
Be sure to visit our website,, for
the most up-to-date information.
The Chicago Food Depository (GCFD)
Old St. Pat’s Outreach, Encore, and Connections
sponsor monthly visits. The GCFD is located at 4100
W. Ann Lurie Place on the near southwest side Visit
our website and click on “Calendar” for specific dates
and times.
The Book Club meets on the second Sunday of every
month from September to June. Book Club meetings
are held in the library on the third floor of the
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center at 711 W. Monroe, from
9:30 – 11 a.m. The library is wheelchair accessible.
All are welcome. Contact either Eileen Sutter at 312.575.4214,
or Jean Lyon at 773.545.0482.
Aidan Mitchell Flahaven & Jamie Marie Fuchs
Jason Ryan Klinowski & Kelly Jean Damiano
Dana Garlan Riederer & Julie Michelle Lukachko
Nathan Tenenbaum & Stephanie Siering
John Jacob Weber III &Kare Kathleen Pliscott
Mark Brown Glaid & Karen Marie Carr
Chat Lõse & Jillian Abraham
Stephen J. McCorkle & Brittney L. Carlson
Andrew W. Shelp & Erin Fitzpatrick
Michael Henry Wayne Stone & Amy Lynn Kluba
Ryan Brubeck & Sherlyn Reynolds
Richard Cerceo, Jr., & Lindsay Woldman
Tyler Drum & Jenny Keresztes
Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD)
Old St. Pat’s Group Volunteer Dates
4100 W. Ann Lurie Place, Chicago
Sign-Language Interpreter
A Sign Language Interpreter is available at the
5 p.m. Mass.
Low-gluten Host
Old St. Pat’s has low-gluten hosts available for those members
who, for health reasons, could not receive regular Communion
hosts. Please inform the Mass coordinator if you would like to
receive a low-gluten host.
Nursery Service
Nursery service is available during the 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Masses in The Frances Xavier Warde School building. Enter the
school on Des Plaines Street.
The Baptismal Program and Schedule
To schedule a baptism, please contact Betty O’Toole, Baptism
Scheduler, at 312.798.2366.
Help Us Stamp Out Hunger!
Connections Saturday, November 10Christine Miller
9 a.m. - Noon
Outreach Saturday, November 10Mary Beth Riley
9 a.m. - Noon
Outreach Tuesday, November 6 Jim Holbrook
9 a.m. - Noon
Wednesday, November 28
First Ever! Advent Evening of Service: 6 - 9 p.m.
Visit our Website at
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
H earts
P rayers
“The cup that I drink, you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my right or at my left is not
mine to give but is for those for whom it has been prepared.” - Mk 10:39b-40
Sunday, October 21,2012
Readings: Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk
10:35-45 or 10:42-45
Mass Remembrances:
7 a.m. Octaviano Olvera (=)
8 a.m. Betty O’Toolw
9:30 a.m. Sharon Haggerty (=)
11:15 a.m. Rima Skorubskas (=)
12:45 p.m. Marguerit Clewlow (=)
5 p.m. John “Tim” Phelan (=)
Book of Patrick: Mary & Bill Moffatt,
Katie Gavin, Helen Louise nee O’Neil
Grove, Bernard K. Hanley & Family,
Frances Kulpa, Delia & John Lawlor,
Kathleen Gaffrey Magnuson, Mary & Bill
Moffatt, George E. Mrazek, Catherine &
Alva O’Toole, John “Tim” Phelan, Leah
Janet Phipps, Jack M. Riley
Monday, October 22, 2012
Readings: Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21
Mass Remembrances: Mary Kenneally (=),
Jane Swannie (=)
Book of Patrick: Louise Brankin,
Audrey Cowhey, Norma J. Kent,
Margaret & Anthony Kosinski, Donald J.
Nourie, Florence & Frank Sivda,
Father Gene F. Smith
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Readings: Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38
Book of Patrick: William E. Devaney,
Edward T. Duffy, Don Harkins, Beatrice
Costigan Kathman, Jack Deany Lupo,
Margaret Normoyle, William & Katherine
Ryan, James Schmitz
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Readings: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48
Mass Remembrances: Joe & Mary
Feeney (=), Patricia Hoyt (=), Gene Lamb (=)
Book of Patrick: Mary Eileen Corcoran,
Stanley Coleman Jersey & Jeanne O’ReillyJersey, Frances C. Johnson, Mercedes
Ledo, Joseph A. Murphy, Jerry L. Robinson,
Geri & Phil Wicklander
Prayer Requests: Names of the sick or
recently deceased are listed for one week
in the prayers of the faithful and two
subsequent weeks in the bulletin. Please
call Bernadette Gibson at 773.848.1868 to
add a name to the list.
Pastoral Care: Do you know someone in
need of Pastoral Care amongst our Old St.
Pat’s community? Please contact Bernadette
Moore Gibson at 312.798.2389.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Readings: Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53
Book of Patrick: Isa Bonanno, Colleen
Burns, Bob Grabek, Gladys & George
Gunning, Sr., James F. Halpin, Richard
J. Heffernan, Mary Lynn Hickey, Ann
King, Danny King, Joseph & Anna Marie
Mahoney, Jack McAndrews, Stanley
H. Mrozowski, James & Helen Curran
Sassano, Margaret Shea, Patricia Zib
Friday, October 26, 2012
Readings Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59
Book of Patrick: Walter Peter Carroll,
Tiffany Foley, Charles & Margaret Green,
Joyce Malden, Rafael Munoz
Saturday, October 27 2012
Readings: Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9
Book of Patrick: Jack Carey, Frank & Zita
Falasz, Sara Graff, Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Holmes,
Kathy Mulhall, Declan Drumm Sullivan
Sunday Ocober 28 2012
Readings: Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk
Prayer Requests
For Those Who Are Sick
Skip Barrett, Bill Budd, Bill Campbell,
Una Detner, Irene Gebhart, Indy Goins,
Irene Halicka, Infant Grace Hunt, Nancy
Harrison, Saina Klein, Anne Marie
McAloon, Eileen & Bob McGarry, Jim
McLaughlin, Tom Miller, Sr. Virginia Miller,
Donald Norris, Martha O’Kelly, Michael
Schubert, Bernice Sproesser, Winnie
Weigel, Helen Wiers, Linda Zenunoic
For Those Who Have Recently Died
Anne Brokenshire, Jim Capesius,
Maureen Clarke, Joseph Coletaro, Vern
Cousino, Michael Donegan, Donald
Husch, Sophie Michor, Debbie Nerburn,
Patrick J. Ryan
The Book of Patrick: Offers perpetual
remembrance for a loved one who has
passed, or for a loved one in remembrance
of a sacramental date. The date is chosen
by the donor. The $100 donations requested
benefits Old St. Patrick’s. For more
information, please contact Katie Price at
312.798.2348 or
Mass Remembrances Commemorate
a birthday, special anniversary, or the
anniversary of a loved one’s death on
the date of your choice (two weeks
notice required to meet bulletin printing
deadline). Includes a Mass card. Please call
Women and Men of Faith
Maura O’Halloran,
Christian Zen Monk
October 22
In a Japanese Buddhist
monastery there is a
statue of a young IrishAmerican woman whose memory is revered
by many pilgrims. Maura’s story explains
how interreligious dialogue contributed to a
Catholic woman being honored as a Buddhist
saint. It also demonstrates the convergent
paths of holiness and their capacity to meet
in a spirit of compassionate awareness.
Maura was born in Boston and returned to
Ireland at the age of four. In Ireland, she
graduated from Trinity College. Maura
always displayed a deep awareness of
human suffering. After college she worked
in soup kitchens and traveled widely in Latin
America. Her concern for social justice
was complemented by her attraction to
spirituality. After experimenting with various
methods of prayer and meditation, she
decided to explore the wisdom of the East.
In 1979 she entered a traditional Buddhist
monastery in Tokyo. Many Catholics have
undergone training in Zen meditation, finding
no inherent conflict between their Christian
faith and the principles of Zen, but for a
Western woman to be trained in the male
world of a Zen monastery is rare.
Maura experienced sustained periods of
meditation, arduous manual labor and an
ascetic discipline of mind and body. After
six months of intensive training, Maura
experienced an ecstatic breakthroughenlightenment. Afterward, she was
overcome with a feeling of compassion for
everything in existence. By the next year, her
Roshi (Master) made an extraordinary offer…
if Maura would marry a fellow monk, her
Roshi would entrust his temple to her. Maura
intuitively knew that she was meant to be
elsewhere and she left the monastery at the
conclusion of her training.
At age 26, Maura wrote “Any desires,
ambitions, hopes I may have had have either
been fulfilled or spontaneously dissipated.
I’m totally content. Of course I want to get
deeper, see clearer…If I have another fifty or
sixty years of time, I want to live it for other
people…So, I must go deeper and deeper and
work hard, no longer for me, but for everyone
I can help.” For Maura, enlightenment was
not something to be grasped for herself
alone. Rather, she wished to empty herself to
serve others in the way of compassion.
On her return to Ireland, Maura was killed
in a bus accident in Thailand on October
22, 1982. Her short road to holiness in a
Zen monastery has been compared to the
compressed career of Therese of Lisieux.
Maura would have identified with the words
of Therese who said she hoped to spend her
heaven doing good on earth.
Adapted from ALL SAINTS Daily Reflections
on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our
Time by Robert Ellsberg
(=) Deceased
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Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
D irectory
Old St. Patrick’s Church Office • Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center • 711 W. Monroe • Chicago, IL 60661 • p 312.648.1021 • f 312.648.9025
Janette Nunez
Community Outreach
Beth Marek
Christy Salazar
Linda Vasquez
Adult Literacy Program
Marilyn and Joe Antonik*
Mary Kay Slowikowski*
Blood Drive
Mark Buciak*
Chicago Food Depository
Mary Beth Riley*
The Children’s Place
Katie Byrne*
Harmony, Hope & Healing
Marge Nykaza
House of Mary and Joseph
Kate Boege*
Gay & Lesbian; Friends & Families
Outreach (Old St. Pat’s)
John Parro
Bob Kolatorowicz,
Interfaith House
Beth Marek
Global Outreach
Beth Marek
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly
Joe Harzich*
Coprodeli, Peru
Beth Marek
Marah’s Permanent Housing
RoxAnne Rochester*
Friends of Fabretto, Nicaragua
Tom Gleason*
Special Olympics
Greg Benacka*
LIFT - India
Dan Quinn
St. Agatha’s Sharing Parish
Beth Marek
Global Alliance for Africa
Jonathan Shaver*
Su Casa
Jim Karczewski*
College Ministry
Keara Ette
Trinity Volunteer Corps
Marty Kenahan
Veronica Sepin
U of I Hospital Pediatrics
Sue Sierkierski*
Adult Faith Formation
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson
Michelle Comer
Annulment Support Ministry
Patty Stiles
Betty O’Toole, scheduler
Tammy Roeder
BluePrints/8th Grade Experience
Becky Terlep
Book of Patrick
Katie Price (Loberg)
Andrew Rhodes
Fr. Thomas J. Hurley
In Residence
Fr. John J. Wall
Fr. John Cusick
Visiting Clergy
Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap.
Rev. Tony Mazurkiewicz, O. Carm
Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ
Fr. Paul Novak, OSM
Fr. William O’Shea
Msgr. Kenneth Velo
Visit our Website at
Family Ministry
Bea Cunningham
Katie Brandt
First Friday Club of Chicago
Wanda Menghini
Foundations Youth Ministry
Becky Terlep
Grief Support Facilitators
Judi Black, Ken Vossekuil*
Bridget Evers
Jewish Catholic Dialogue
Gina Lakin*
Eileen O’Farrell Smith*
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
D irectory
Krista Kutz
Horizons for Youth
Emily Moyer
Marriage Ministry
Jack Berkemeyer
Young Adult Ministry Office of
the Chicago Archdiocese
Co-Directors: Rev. John Cusick
& Dr. Kate DeVries
Patty Stiles
Members/New Members
Katie Price (Loberg)
Bill Fraher
YAM Administrative Assistant
Socorro Perez
Social Justice
Bob Kolatorowicz
Dominic Trumfio
Special Events
Sheila Greifhahn
Laura Higgins
Annette Buys
North Lawndale Community
Vincent L. Guider
Spiritual Companionship
Tammy Roeder
Office Manager
Joanne Gresik
Pastoral Care Ministry
Bernadette Gibson
312.798.2389 prayer line
773.848.1868 pastoral cell
Keara Ette
Sharing the Mission
The Cara Program
Eric Weinheimer
Career Transitions Center
Mary Sabathne
First Friday Club of Chicago
Wanda Menghini
Tours of Old St. Pat’s
Jim McLaughlin*
Wedding Ministry
JoAnn O’Brien
Parking at Old St. Pat’s
For your convenience, we are providing parking information
to make parking easily accessible for everyone who visits Old
St. Pat’s.
Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the parking lot at the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines. Sundays
Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines all day and evening;
Lot 2: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines
(across from 711) until 5 p.m. You must pay after
5 p.m. to park in this lot.
Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines; if you are coming to Old St. Pat’s for meetings, please let the attendant know and keep your keys as he leaves after 8 p.m.
Lot 2: You must pay to park your car in the lot on the Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines
(across from 711) throughout the week.
Wedding Volunteers
Mary Jo Graf *
Robin Ramel*
Women’s Spirituality
Mary Anne Moriarty *
Young Adult Ministry
(Old St. Pat’s)
Keara Ette
The Frances Xavier Warde School
Mary Reiling
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