Knight lifE - Knights of Columbus
Knight lifE - Knights of Columbus
Number 7 Knight Life Edward Douglass White Council 2473 September 2015 Arlington, Virginia Founded May 20, 1923 Number 3 EDW BOOK SIGNING UPCOMING EVENTS September 3 EDW/CCA meetings CFP 7:30PM September 3 LUK meeting CH 7:30pm September 7 Labor Day Mass CFP 11AM September 7 Labor Day Picnic Grove noon September 8-10 Golf Shenvalee September 10 O&C meeting CH 7:30PM September 12 Charity Car Show September 12 End of season pool party BBQ 4 -7pm September 14 Golf The Gauntlet September 17 EDW meeting CFP 7:30PM September 20 Family Breakfast September 21 Golf September 22 CCA board meeting September 25 Oktoberfest dinner October 1 EDW/CCA meetings October 1 LUK meeting October 2 Crab Feast front lawn 9am MH 9am Reston National CH 7PM 6PM CFP 7:30PM CH 7:30pm MH 6:30 – 8:30 *Every Sunday we pray the Rosary at 12:30 within Mary’s Circle. If it’s raining we move inside the mansion. KNIGHT OF THE MONTH It’s often said in organizations that rely on volunteers that 20%, or somesuch number, of the members actually do the volunteering. That’s also true at EDW. Within that percentage there’s a group of guys and families that are machines. They can be counted on to always be there to help serve our cause. One of these machines is Chris Hudson. He’s only been a member for 3 years but it feels like he’s been here forever. The man is at nearly every single event helping out wherever he can. He doesn’t make a big deal of it, he just nonchalantly arrives and sees where he can help out and rolls up his sleeves. Chris also serves EDW as an officer and can be counted on to be at our meetings offering his advice and viewpoint. A donation will be made to Chris’s parish, Holy Transfiguration Melkite Greek-Catholic, in honor of his service to the Church and EDW. BIO OF DJO LEGENDARY PRINCIPAL DICK MARTIN September 17: Mansion September 20: Family Breakfast Of Mice and Miracles Presents a Unique Look into the Life of Dick Martin, Former Bishop O’Connell Principal A fixture at Bishop O’Connell High School for nearly 50 years, Richard J. “Dick” Martin has influenced the lives of many students in northern Virginia. As a wrestling coach, teacher, athletic director, assistant principal and principal, Martin played a significant role in guiding Bishop O’Connell to excellence in both education and athletics. Martin’s experiences and accomplishments as an educator are detailed in the biography, Of Mice and Miracles: An American Educator’s Story. Written by local attorney Frederick J. Day and published by 2DonnBooks of Reston, Virginia, Of Mice and Miracles explores Martin’s childhood in Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, his development as an accomplished wrestler at the University of Notre Dame, and his career as high school teacher, coach and administrator. Dick Martin and Fred Day will be present at the Edward Douglass White Council following the council meeting on Thursday, September 17 to discuss Of Mice and Miracles and sign copies of the book. They will also be present at the Family Breakfast on Sunday, September 20 from 9:00a.m. to noon to sign copies. Books will be available for purchase at each event at a cost of $15.37. Payment may be made in cash or by credit card. Individuals who are unable to attend the book signings but would like to purchase a copy of the book may order a copy using PayPal at the publisher’s website: LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 MASS & PICNIC Mass – 11:00 AM – Paradise Ballroom Picnic – Noon - 6:00 PM Council Grounds Picnic Menu BBQ ½ Chicken............................... $10.00 BBQ ¼ Chicken................................. $8.00 BBQ Beef Sandwich.......................... $8.00 Grilled Kielbasa with Kraut............... $8.00 Grilled Baby Back Ribs................... $10.00 Hot Dog.............................................. $3.00 All selections served with corn on the cob, coleslaw, baked beans and chips. Council Officers 2014 - 2015 Grand Knight: John White........................202 352 7955 Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Giordano.................703 528 3800 Dep. Grand Knight: Chris Bannon............703 869 1460 Chancellor: Joe Baker Fin. Secretary: Jerry Garren PGK.............202 498 1638 Treasurer: Jim Tuomey............................703 395 3894 Recorder: John Kosobucki.......................571 282 4785 Advocate: A.J. Valinote Lecturer: Vince Long PGK Warden: John Rovinski, Jr. Guard: Tom Gavin....................................703 281 1434 Guard: Chris Hudson Trustees: Bob Dannemiller PGK...............703 685 3795 Steve McTeague PGK...............703 969 1570 Art Gamotis PGK......................703 448 0332 Fraternal Benefits Advisors Robert J. Canter Jr., CSA, FICF, LUTCF.....301 952 0180 Christopher M. Stio PGK...........................703 585 4978 Luigi Tanzi ...............................................240 793 7213 Council Office 703 536 9656 x 2 Council Home Mansion 703 536 9656 x 3 In case of illness or death of a member Please call Jerry Garren PGK 202 498 1638 Committee Chairmen: 6-Point Program: Chris Bannon...............703 869 1160 Church Activities: Art Gamotis PGK.........703 448 0332 Community Acts.: John Cormany.............703 876 4654 Council Activities: Art Gamotis................703 448 0332 Fraternal Activities: Youth Activities: David DeLoatche...........703 200 3949 Mike Bauer PGK............703 204 9189 500 Club: Steve McTeague PGK...............703 969 1570 Advertising: Rick Vranesh PGK Blood Drive: Ray Fioramonti....................703 524 1804 Charity: John Pfundstein..........................703 455 9112 Culture of Life: Luigi & Suzanne Tanzi......240 793 7213 K.C.I.C.: Jim Holland PGK........................703 533 1550 Knight Life Editor: Rick Vranesh PGK.......571 468 5133 Kovar: Art Gamotis PGK..........................703 448 0332 Ladies U-Knighted: Katie McCarthy.........703 241 2374 Membership: Greg Strizek.......................703 346 4387 Organ Donor Chairman: Jerry Garren......202 498 1638 Retention: Jim Holland............................703 533 1550 Special Activities: Norm Marcocci...........703 263 9771 Waiters: Bob Muschamp.........................703 237 8475 Columbus Club of Arlington 2015 Board Officers Grand Knight: John White...................202 352 7955 Dep. Grand Knight: Chris Bannon ......703 869 1460 President: John O’Neill III....................571 437 9415 Vice President: Greg Strizek...............703 346 4387 Secretary: Bill Wester.........................703 521 2841 Treasurer: Tom Maguire......................703 314 5213 Asst. Treasurer: Jerry Garren FS PGK....202 498 1638 Board Directors Owen J. Beirne, Jr...............................202 746 2404 Tim Walthall........................................703 525 6245 Bob Dannemiller DD, PGK...................703 685 3795 Larry Harrison.....................................703 980 4852 Tom Hazzard.......................................703 536 4769 Club Staff General Manager Peter Silano............703 595 1546 Operations Manager Nick Beirne....703 536 9656 x 310 Manager Jeff Koch................... 703 536 9656 x 311 Summer Camp Director Jill Burdick-Zupancic 703 536 9656 x 4 Pool Phone in Season: 703 536 9656 x 313 Knight Life is published monthly by the Edward Douglass White Council #2473, Knights of Columbus. 5115 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22207-1899. Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Edward Douglass White Council or the Knights of Columbus. Comments should be directed to the Grand Knight. 2 GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE HONORING OUR ETERNAL MEMBER We do several things or try to do several things when members pass away. First and foremost if they are insurance members the Knights of Columbus agent responsible for the member and his family will get into gear and process all policies that are relevant which will provide financial assistance for the family. Second in importance is that we want to inform the membership of a person’s passing and to provide time and place information to them of the viewing/wake hours, the time and location of the funeral Mass and reception, if open to the membership. Since deaths are often obviously unexpected there isn’t a lot of time for the family to work out arrangements amidst their mourning. So this is tough to ask of you but we earnestly want to know of the arrangements as soon as they are made so that we can help provide comfort and pay our respects both as a council and as individual members who have befriended you over the years. Simply have a member of your family call the Columbus Club office at 703 536 9656 and ask to have your information relayed to the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary. We traditionally honor this notification obligation by placing an official Death Notice in The Washington Post. We will continue to honor this. However we can only do this if we have the times and locations of the wake, Mass and reception known to us in time to place in The Post. We also honor the notification obligation by placing a notice in the Mansion for members to see and relay to others. A newer way we honor it is by getting the word out via email. This provides us the ability to send the information out in real time as we receive it. The downside of this method is that only a very limited number of members receive the alert. So, we’d like to ask you to include in your Will or official papers a request for your next of kin to notify the council of your death when the time comes, which comes to all of us. We want to honor you and comfort your family, please allow us. We’d also like to ask each of you that would like to receive emails of official Edward Douglass White Council Death Notices to sign up for “Death notifications” by visiting our email system and registering for them. [You can also register for other information that’s available.] Please visit: to register. If you already have signed up for various council emails simply open one of them up and at the very bottom click on the “update subscription preferences” to update and include “Death notifications”. Finally, we list every deceased member in the Knight Life monthly who has departed since our last Memorial Mass, which is held each November. When you see the REQUIESCAT IN PACE list please offer a prayer for these members and their families. St. Rodrigo Aguilar Alemán, martyr from council 2330, please pray for us and guide us. Respectfully, John White 73RD Grand Knight SICK AND IN OUR THOUGHTS Please remember the following members and their families in your daily prayers. If you have time, give them a call or drop them a note. John Corrado Kay Halpin Scotty Skotek Ed Kunec @KofC_EDW Ed Watkins Jack Bottash WWW.KOFCEDW2473.ORG KNIGHT LIFE Columbus Club Crab Feast 2015 Friday October 2nd, 2015 PRINCIPLES OF THE ORDER - CHARITY Our Dedicated Redcoats 6:30pm-8:30pm Main Hall $45 ALL-You-Can-Eat Hot Steaming Crabs Crab soup, Hot Dogs, Corn on the Cob, Soda & Beer No tickets at the door. *RESERVATIONS REQUIRED* No later than September 25th 2015 Please call 703-536-9656 EXT.311 MANAGER’S CORNER PETER SILANO As we close a very successful summer season, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many employees involved, starting with the camp. Our Camp Director, Jill Burdick-Zupancic, Assistant Camp Director, Mary O’Conner, and Extended Day Director, Regina O’Conner have done a steller job in reorganizing the camp and its procedures. Our counselors both returning and new have managed to keep our children happy, healthy, hydrated and entertained the entire camp season. Our Pool Manager, Leslie Washburn and Assistant Pool Manager Christian Kerrigan and the “too many to mention” life guards/pool desk clerks have done a great job managing the pool despite the many obstacles including a very rainy July. As always, the Deep End staff, Thom Galvin, Marijo Galvin and their incredible team who always manage to handle the heat and volume without complaint. Lastly the Columbus Club staff Nick Beirne, Jeff Koch, Ruth Haubert, Maria Diaz, Claudia Giron, Rene Ventura, Jose Cruz, and Manuel Lezama who take on new responsibilities every season and rise to the occasion. Special thanks to our new dish employee Sean Cormany. Sean started at the club a few months ago and worked every shift requested as well as many, many last minute shifts. Sean has become a true asset to the Columbus Club and we hope he remains with us for a long while. We look forward to seeing you this fall starting with the Labor Day Picnic, 9/7, End of Year Pool Party, 9/12, Family Breakfast, 9/20, Oktoberfest Supper Club, 9/25 and the Annual Columbus Club Crab fest on 10/2/15. All menus are listed elsewhere in this publication. KNIGHT LIFE As Brother Knights, we all know that the first principle of the Knights of Columbus is charity. Most members of EDW, their wives, and family members likely have some knowledge of EDW’s Redcoats, and how they serve and benefit our large Council. Most however, are unaware of two related factors: (1) EDW Redcoats derive funds from two sources: (a.) gratuities and donations from customers and other sources; and (b.) a stipend from our Columbus Club based on numbers of waiters working during a given period of time; and (2) what is done with the funds received by EDW’s Redcoats. We, the Redcoat team captains, thought it was past time to share that information with you. For well over 50 years there has existed a “Waiter’s Fund”, carefully overseen by both EDW’s Financial Secretary and the Redcoat team captains. Depending upon the number, and size of bookings and events hosted by EDW, and served by our dedicated Redcoats, the balance in the Waiters Fund at any given time may range between $1,000. and $5,000. Almost from the onset of EDW’s Redcoats, a decision was made to make periodic contributionsto religious, charitable, and other worthy community causes (such as disaster relief). Recently a review of records maintained of Redcoat donations revealed that since 1994 (or over the past 21 years), EDW’s Redcoats have made charitable contributions totaling about $73,000, or an average of approximately $3,500 per year. There are a number of organizations that the Redcoats choose to contribute to annually. These include: Priests Retirement Fund (Arlington Diocese); Archdiocese of the Military; Missionhurst; Special Olympics (No. VA chapter); KOVAR; and of course, EDW’s annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner for those alone and in need. In addition, over the years similar contributions have been made to disaster relief programs such as for Katrina Relief, and similar relief drives. Practicing the old saying that “charity begins at home”, the EDW Redcoat team captains have frequently voted unanimously to assist our Council, and the Columbus Club of Arlington, in purchasing such items as: heavy-duty picnic tables; wrought-iron furniture for the Council home deck; BBQ grills for the use of all on our grounds; new, or replacement freezer/refrigeration equipment in our commercial-grade kitchen; as well as periodic contributions to EDW’s Capital Campaign Fund. As recently as July-August of this year, we’ve contributed to some new (to us) charities or worthwhile community programs such as: the James Lee Youth Sports Assn.; “Food for Families”; “Crossroads Pro-Life”; D.J. O’Connell H.S. for a “Young Women’s Fall Conference; and last, but not least, an initial contribution to the Little Sisters of the Poor. This summation is meant to shed a little more light on what EDW’s Redcoats do in addition to bartending and serving guests at events, including wedding receptions, anniversary parties, school fundraising events, etc., etc. There are five “Redcoat Teams” ranging in size from 15 or so, up to 35. There are approximately 100 active Redcoats, ranging in age from 30’s on up to late-70’s and early-80’s! We still have a small number of WWII veterans still serving as Redcoats! If any of our newer, younger Brother Knights, or even some recently retired and now having more time on their hands, would like to join our ranks - your more than welcome to do so. Just reach out and contact one of our Redcoat team captains, who are: PGK Kenny Goss; Owen Beirne, Jr.; PGK Vince Long; Ray Fioramonti; or Bob Muschamp (cell # 703-489-2856) Or speak to any Council, or Columbus Club officer. Join us - to help your Council, and to practice Charity. 3 LADIES U-KNIGHTED NEWS Jo Balsamo Wood Hope you all are enjoying the final days of summer. It’s hard to believe that September is already here! Labor Day is upon us and football season is starting. Fall is in the air. Speaking of Labor Day, please stop by the LUK table at the Labor Day Picnic, to be held on Monday, September 7. This is your last chance this summer to experience our member’s delicious sweets. As always, we will be selling baked goods, cookbooks, and Christmas ornaments. Try your luck at the 50/50 raffle. SAVE THE DATE!!!! We are looking for¬ward to another fun event. LUK members, fellow Knights, and the Columbus Club are working together to offer you a special experience -- the 12th Annual Halloween Party. (See ad in this month’s Knight Life.) For one night, the Old Council Home will be transformed into the house on Haunted Hill. The New Shakedown Band will journey from Transylvania to share their music and, as in the past, there will be lots of weird and wonderful food. So, start putting on your thinking caps for a creative Halloween costume. You could win one of several prizes in the annual costume contest. This year’s Adult’s Only Halloween Party will be held on Saturday, Oct 31 beginning at 9:00 p.m. As always, there will be free food, cash bar, costume contest, and a live band. This is an event that you don’t want to miss. Decorating starts at 7:00 p.m. on Friday Oct 30; please come by and show your support. For more information, please contact Jo Balsamo Wood at balsamowood@ Ladies U-Knighted is looking for new members! We meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the K of C Old Council Home, 5115 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA. Member¬ship is open to any woman who is willing to help those in need, provide excellence in many activities, whether religious, charitable, or social, and have fun. Please stop by for a meeting. Visit our website at www. or follow us on Facebook at Ladies U-Knighted. Please join Ladies U-Knighted in wishing a Happy Birthday to o LUK Treasurer Kathi Daylor (9/23) and LUK members Pat O’Conner (9/11) and Aileen Onufrychuk (9/27). Our next LUK meeting is Sep 3 @ 7:30. 4 12 TH ANNUAL! Saturday, Oct. 31 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. For Adults 21 and Older Sponsored by Ladies U-Knighted and EDW Council Live Band! SHAKEDOWN Costume Contest! Prizes! 2014 costume winners celebrate! *No Cover Charge* Cash Bar Free Heavy Appetizers KNIGHT LIFE EDW ENJOYS GREAT DAY AT NATS PARK EDW Washington Nationals fans enjoyed what could be described as a single and a half header (the finish of the rain-delayed game from the day before and the game scheduled for Saturday) on July 18 on a gorgeous sunny day. Although the Nats struggled in the second game against the Los Angeles Dodgers (losing 2-4), EDW members enjoyed a great barbecue before the game at the mansion, unlimited beverages en route, and raffles and prizes on the way home. Thanks to Norm Marcocci, Owen Beirne, and John O’Neill III for taking care of the participants and our great bus driver. GOLF GROUP Whether you’re a seasoned golfer, a neophyte or someone in between, it doesn’t matter. Golfers inIt’s thenot EDW the gamut. tooGolf lateGroup in therun season to check into and join the EDW golf Bus Driver Welcomes EDW Nats Fans group. not joined over until calorically challenged woman The EDW GolfIt’s Group severalthe years ago with the American Legion andsings. Elks to daily event at Pleasant Valley around someboth form Our the Northern VA Golf Association. This allowedmid-July the largerstarted group towith leverage rates rain, and better courses that include, among others, South Riding, Reston National, The but for the optimists who persevered and played, they enjoyed Gauntlet, Quantico Medal of Honor, Virginia Oaks, Penderbrook, Goose Creek, Pleasant about 9 holes of dry conditions and good golf. Some commented Valley, Prince William, Osprey Landing, Old Hickory and West Park. There are two outthat they never saw the course look so lush. As former club president of-town trips still available for this year: our Aug. 11-13 trip to Carroll Valley, fairly close Tom Wilson said, which was sageyou advice. to Emmitsburg, MD,once is still open“Just until show June 8.up,” If availability closes, can go The on standalternative ofnot electing to come rainis when it by, should someone be ablenot to make it. Thebecause final tripitis “might” to Shenvalee Sept 8-10, and the cut-offcan for sign-up Aug. 15. some Shenvalee is located in New Market about 97 miles doesn’t lead toismissing enjoyable and fun golf. Someone from EDW. once said the worse day on the course is better than the best day in Our daily June, 9am tee times, June 1 at Forest Glen, June 15 at South Riding and the office; it may haveare: been a retiree. June 24 at Goose Creek. Closest to the pin on dailies included Gil Gilbertson, Gene Meale Warren at Gooseof Creek; andKnights closest the pin at Comeand enjoy yourselfKaufman and the camaraderie your fellow in ato relaxed atmosphere, pleasant and to doand so economically. November webe have a Pleasant Valleysurroundings, were Biff Henley Bill Casey.InIncidentally, banquet where we present awards, make announcements and share stories, some sure to thank Joe Capello, Warren Kaufman, George Copsey, Louof which are true. Lane and anyone else who may have been inadvertently omitted Annual dues $30.tireless If you have questionshelpful or need more information, free to here foraretheir andany extremely volunteer efforts.feel With call Larry O’Brien at 703-978-5651 (evenings and weekends) or email him at them our club’s success and membership grows and camaraderie PGK Vince Long sitting with Norm Marcocci (AKA Strasburg) and Bill and Mrs. Webster. REQUIESCAT IN PACE CARL FANUCCI April 2, 1932 – August 6, 2015 Knights of Columbus September 1, 1964 THOMAS J. MURPHY July 25, 1925 - July 20, 2015 Knights of Columbus May 5, 1953 George John Martini Thomas J. Thom Anthony Bruno Vincent D. Boylan Donald J. Horton Timothy C. Murphy HERBERT M. HART October 19, 1928 - August 3, 2015 Knights of Columbus April 19, 1956 Franklin P. Michels John “Mac” McLaughin Jeffrey T. Balestrieri Henry Rackowski Frank R. Lushe Russell A. Martin Raymond P. Ryabik Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen KNIGHT LIFE strengthens. Despite the deluge we experienced at Virginia Oaks, the course was challenging and picture-perfect, even as we glanced over Lake Manassas at the Robert Trent Jones course and saw final preparations that were being made for the televised event for someone named Tiger. If you’re not now a member and you like to golf, regardless of your golf handicap, feel free to contact Larry O’Brien, 703-9785651 (evenings and weekends) for upcoming dailies in September and October, and to go on stand-by for our final trip to Shenvalee in September. KNIGHT LIFE DELIVERY We encourage husbands and wives to sign up for email delivery of this newsletter. This will allow us to use the cost savings for charitable causes instead of overhead expenses. This is especially helpful to us for those of you that live out of the northern Virginia region. Please go to: It will take you 60 seconds to sign up. You can register both, husband and wife, to receive it. If you wish to cancel the Knight Life please email a note to or call 202 352 7955. Please do this now! 5 Supper Club “Oktoberfest” September 25,Club 2015 Supper 6:00pm ~ Cocktails 6:30 ~ Dinner “Oktoberfest” Bring your Stein and the25, first beer is on us September 2015 6:00pm ~ Cocktails Soup 6:30 ~ Dinner White bean Ham Bring your Stein andwith the first beer is on us Chicken Spatzel (lil’dumplings) Soup White beanBar with Ham Salad Chicken Including Spatzel (lil’dumplings) Tomato, Cucumber Salad & BarPapaya Salad Entrée Sauerbraten Sauerbraten Bratwurst Bavarian Mustard Trout Bratwurst Huhner “Chicken” Bavarian Mustard Schnitzel Trout Red Cabbage, Green Beans, Sauerkraut Huhner “Chicken” Schnitzel Potato Salad German Red Cabbage, Green Beans, Sauerkraut Dessert Salad German Potato Array of Cakes & Pies Dessert ReservationsArray by noon Sept. 23 of Cakes &~703 Pies 536-9656x310 Adults $15.00 ~ Children $6.00 Reservations by noon Sept. 23 703 536-9656x310 Adults $15.00 ~ Children $6.00 LIFE INSURANCE AS A GIFT? The initial reaction for many people when you mention life insurance as a gift is a quick step back and a questioning stare. “How morbid,” they think. While it may seem that way when you first mention it, life insurance is really a thoughtful gift that can be a financial life preserver in tough times. The problem with life insurance is the general perception. Many think of death instead of the great benefits it provides, and the security that it offers – even while you’re alive. Life insurance should be thought of as a precautionary protective measure 6 Knights of Columbus Family Breakfast September 21, 2014, 9:00AM Omelets Cooked to Order Belgian Waffle Station Scrambled Eggs Sausage Links Sausage Patties Bacon Corned Beef Hash Ham Scrapple Sausage Gravy Chipped Beef Home Style Biscuits Seasoned Home Fries Cheesy Potato Casserole French toast Sticks Regular or Cheesy Grits Fried Apples Fresh Fruit Salad Assorted Breakfast Breads & Pastries Fruit Cobbler Assorted Juices Coffee, Tea or Milk This is an all you can eat Buffet $10.00 – Adults $5.00 – Children 10 and under Free - Children 3 and under Tax and tip included in price for a family unit. The purchase of this product can mean saving your home, sending your children to college, and preserving your spouse’s quality of life in the event of your death. One of the times you may want to purchase life insurance for someone is when a family has a new baby. It’s a great, low-cost way to set money aside for the future (i.e. college tuition, housing, business start-up, etc.). Of greater importance, it ensures these children will have insurance as adults, in case an illness later in life makes him or her uninsurable. Newlyweds are also ideal recipients for life insurance. As they join their lives and financial responsibilities, young couples need to make sure that their early investments are fully protected. If something were to happen to one of them, the other may be faced with serious financial hardship. A life insurance policy is an ideal way to ensure their future and protect their assets. As nontraditional as it may be, life insurance is a wise and caring gift to purchase for many people. Robert J. Canter, Jr., FICF, LUTCF, CSA 301-952-0180 Christopher M. Stio, FIC, PGK 703-585-4978 Luigi Tanzi, LUTCF 240-793-7213 KNIGHT LIFE Support Our Sponsors Bradley R. Coury Commercial Residential (703) 352-2700 Attorney And Counselor At Law Jackie McLaughlin 6870 Elm Street Suite 200 Mclean, Va 22101-6954 Tel: (703) 847-9671 Fax: (703) 893-6751 MURPHY FUNERAL HOMES Signet Construction Companies Award Winning Design Builder 703.876.8900 CONTACT LOUIS CLEMENTE OR MARK HIGGS CLEMENTE@SIGNETCONSTRUCTION.COM MHIGGS@SIGNETCONSTRUCTION.COM Robert J. Murphy, Founder Barry M. Murphy, Senior Advisor Arlington Falls Church 4510 Wilson Blvd. 1102 West Broad St. 920-4800533-0341 Let My 30 Years Experience Work for You! VA CLASS A CONTRACTORS LICENSE #2705-039058A 703-242-0341 438 Mill St. NE Vienna, VA 22180 AB & S SYSTEMS Security Professionals 24 Hour Monitoring 703-451-6262 Member K of C Jim Carmody 8451-B Hilltop Rd. • Fairfax, VA 22031 703-560-7755 Serving Knights of Columbus Since 1986 Variety of Music • Reasonable Rates 571-248-4242 • Life • Term Life Annuities • Long Term Care IRA • Retirement Education Harry Canter Agency 301-262-4300 Robert J. Canter, Jr., CSA, FICF, LUTCF 301-952-0180 Christopher M. Stio, PGK 703-585-4978 Luigi Tanzi, 240-793-7213 LIFE INSURANCE A. M. BEST: A++ STANDARD & POORS: AAA i Caff PLUMBING & HEATING, Inc. "Serving Northern Virginia Since 1967" HVAC PLUMBING WATER HEATERS BOILERS (703) 836-6775 Hair For All Seasons 6716 Whittier Ave. McLean, VA 22101 (703) 356-8844 TIM MURPHY (703) 534-7210 6035A WILSON BLVD. ARLINGTON, VA 22205 Speeding Ticket? Or Worse? Injured in an auto accident? Contact Attorney Elizabeth Tuomey 703-535-5577 2045 N. 15th Street, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201 * Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor * General Contractor * Gas Fitting Members: NAPHCC NFIB Arlington Chamber of Commerce VA State 2705 094717A HARRY WILHELM & COMPANY, PLC Certified Public Accountants • Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll Services • Tax Preparation and Planning • Estate Taxes and Administration Serving businesses and individuals. 5613 Leesburg Pike, Suite 38 Falls Church, VA 22041 703-820-9449 KNIGHT LIFE Patronize our Sponsors 7 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Edward Douglass White Council 2473 5115 Little Falls Road Arlington, Virginia 22207-1899 Non-Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Merrifield, VA Permit # 1087 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Do you want to keep receiving the newsletter or stop receiving it? Please see page 5 DATED MATERIAL PLEASE EXPEDITE SEPTEMBER 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12345 Retirees Spaghetti Night CH 6:30 EDW & CCA meetings CFP 7:30 LUK meeting CH 7:30 CH 11am Taco Night CH 6:30 6 Rosary MC 12:30pm 7 LABOR DAY Mass CFP 11AM Picnic noon 8 Golf Shenvalee Burger Night CH 6:30 Golf Shenvalee Retirees CH 11am Taco Night CH 6:30 9 10 Golf Shenvalee Spaghetti Night CH 6:30 Officers & Chairmen’s meeting CH 7:30 Seafood Special CH 6:30 11 Seafood Special CH 6:30 Steak Night CH 6:30pm 12 Car Show Front Lawn 9AM End of season pool BBQ Grove 4 – 7PM Steak Night CH 6:30 13141516171819 Retirees Rosary MC 12:30pm Golf The Gauntlet Burger Night CH 6:30 -Ladies invited!CH 11am Taco Night CH 6:30 Spaghetti Night CH 6:30 EDW meeting CFP 7:30 Seafood Special CH 6:30 Steak Night CH 6:30pm 20212223242526 Family Breakfast MH 9 – 12 Rosary MC 12:30 Golf Reston National Burger Night CH 6:30 CCA board meeting CH 7pm Retirees CH 11am Taco Night CH 6:30 Spaghetti Night CH 6:30 Oktoberfest Dinner MH 6PM Seafood Special CH 6:30 Steak Night CH 6:30pm 27282930 1 2 Rosary MC 12:30pm Burger Night CH 6:30 CFP = C. F. Paradise Room [Lower Lounge] MC = Mary’s Circle [in front of the mansion] Retirees CH 11am Taco Night CH 6:30 CH = Council Home [Mansion] MH = Main Hall Spaghetti Night CH 6:30 EDW & CCA meetings CFP 7:30 LUK meeting CH 7:30 Crab Feast MH 6:30 – 8:30 Seafood Special CH 6:30 RECRUIT A MEMBER Contact Greg Strizek VISIT EDW AT OUR WEBSITE: Contact Grand Knight at KnightLife Editor at Club Manager E-Mail
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