Knight lifE - Knights of Columbus
Knight lifE - Knights of Columbus
Number 7 Knight Life Edward Douglass White Council 2473 June 2016 Arlington, Virginia Founded May 20, 1923 Number 12 UPCOMING EVENTS May 30 Memorial Day Mass CFP 11am May 30 Memorial Day picnic 12pm June 2 EDW/CCA meeting CFP 7:30pm June 2 LUK meeting CH 7:30pm June 9 O&C meeting CH 7:30pm June 11 EDW Day at Nats Park Noon June 12 Father-Daughter Dance MH 4:30pm June 16 1st Degree CFP 7:30pm June 19 Family Breakfast MH 9am June 24 Supper Club MH 6pm June 26 PGK Picnic Pavilion 3pm June 28 CCA meeting CH 7pm *Every Sunday we pray the Rosary at 12:30 within Mary’s Circle. If it’s raining we move inside the mansion. NEW OFFICERS Congratulations to the 2016 – 2017 Edward Douglass White Council officers. The Catholic gentlemen in bold were elected May 19th by the membership present at the council meeting. The other council officers listed are appointed or have multi-year terms. Grand Knight – Chris Bannon Chaplain – Fr. Joseph Giordano CICM Deputy Grand Knight – Joe Baker Chancellor – John Rovinski Jr. Financial Secretary – Jerry Garren PGK Treasurer – Jim Toomey Recorder – David Nassar Advocate – Open Lecturer – Open Warden – Jim Saenz Inside Guard – Tom Gavin Outside Guard – Chris Hudson Trustee [1 year] – Steve McTeague IPGK Trustee [2 year] – Art Gamotis PGK Trustee [3 year] – John White GK Thank you, gentlemen, for volunteering to lead EDW for the next Fraternal Year, and Godspeed. FISH CLUB MEETING Our K of C Sports Fish Club will be having a meeting in the Council Home on Thursday June 23rd at 7pm. We will be discussing the progress on planning our crab feast for Friday August the 5th. Also several people expressed interest in doing another charter fishing trip sometime in the Fall. It would be casting not trolling. We will discuss possibly setting this up as well. I hope to see you all there! Sincerely, Chris Hudson K of C Sports Fish Club Captain EDW Day at Nats Park! June 11th vs Phillies Noon Game That’s right folks! The annual trip is back for another summer. Get ready to enjoy a day of fun in the sun with your fellow EDW members. Tickets are $55.00 that which includes (1) ticket, bus travel to and from the stadium, a pregame breakfast tailgate at the CH mansion. New this year is a $5.00 food/beverage credit applied to each ticket. Simply scan the barcode on your ticket at any vendor towards your purchase. Upon return to the CH, every patron will have a hot dog and beverage voucher for use that afternoon. Tailgate to start at 9am with a 10:30am sharp departure from EDW on the bus. Tickets can be purchased at the Columbus Club office up to a week prior to the game. Cash, check or credit will be accepted. Please contact Nick Beirne at the main office (703) 536-9656 Ext. 310 or by email: GRAND KNIGHT’S PICNIC Join us as we thank those men who served Edward Douglass White Council as Gra nd Knight Please join us as we honor our Past Grand Knights, and to thank Grand Knight John M. White as he passes the gavel to Grand Knight-Elect Christopher Bannon . We will have beer, wine and soft drinks. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be cooked. Please bring your own picnic or enjoy food from the Deep End or the Council Home. Sunday June 26, 3pm. At the Pavilion on the EDW grounds. The 2016 Council Officers will be inducted July 4th after Mass in the C.F. Paradise Room at 11 AM. For more information contact the committee chair, Chris Bannon 703869-1460 or Council Officers 2015 - 2016 Grand Knight: John White........................202 352 7955 Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Giordano.................703 528 3800 Dep. Grand Knight: Chris Bannon............703 869 1460 Chancellor: Joe Baker Fin. Secretary: Jerry Garren PGK.............202 498 1638 Treasurer: Jim Tuomey............................703 395 3894 Recorder: John Kosobucki.......................571 282 4785 Advocate: David Nassar Lecturer: Vince Long PGK Warden: John Rovinski, Jr. Guard: Tom Gavin....................................703 281 1434 Guard: Chris Hudson Trustees: Bob Dannemiller PGK...............703 685 3795 Steve McTeague PGK...............703 969 1570 Art Gamotis PGK......................703 448 0332 Fraternal Benefits Advisors Robert J. Canter Jr., CSA, FICF, LUTCF.....301 952 0180 Christopher M. Stio PGK...........................703 585 4978 Luigi Tanzi ...............................................240 793 7213 Council Office 703 536 9656 x 2 Council Home Mansion 703 536 9656 x 3 In case of illness or death of a member Please call Jerry Garren PGK 202 498 1638 Committee Chairmen: 6-Point Program: Chris Bannon...............703 869 1160 Church Activities: Art Gamotis PGK.........703 448 0332 Community Acts.: John Cormany.............703 876 4654 Council Activities: Art Gamotis................703 448 0332 Fraternal Activities: Youth Activities: David DeLoatche...........703 200 3949 Mike Bauer PGK............703 204 9189 500 Club: Steve McTeague PGK...............703 969 1570 Advertising: Rick Vranesh PGK Blood Drive: Ray Fioramonti....................703 524 1804 Charity: John Pfundstein..........................703 455 9112 Culture of Life: Luigi & Suzanne Tanzi......240 793 7213 K.C.I.C.: Jim Holland PGK........................703 533 1550 Knight Life Editor: Rick Vranesh PGK.......571 468 5133 Kovar: Art Gamotis PGK..........................703 448 0332 Ladies U-Knighted: Jo Balsamo Wood.....703 263 1185 Membership: Greg Strizek.......................703 346 4387 Organ Donor Chairman: Jerry Garren......202 498 1638 Retention: Jim Holland............................703 533 1550 Special Activities: Norm Marcocci...........703 263 9771 Waiters: Bob Muschamp.........................703 237 8475 Columbus Club of Arlington 2016 Board Officers Grand Knight: John White...................202 352 7955 Dep. Grand Knight: Chris Bannon ......703 869 1460 President: John O’Neill III....................571 437 9415 Vice President: Greg Strizek...............703 346 4387 Secretary: Bill Wester.........................703 521 2841 Treasurer: Tom Maguire......................703 314 5213 Asst. Treasurer: Jerry Garren FS PGK....202 498 1638 Board Directors Owen J. Beirne, Jr...............................202 746 2404 Bob Dannemiller DD, PGK...................703 685 3795 Larry Harrison.....................................703 980 4852 Tom Hazzard.......................................703 536 4769 Brett Smith........................................703 489 3112 Club Staff General Manager Peter Silano............703 595 1546 Operations Manager Nick Beirne....703 536 9656 x 310 Manager Jeff Koch................... 703 536 9656 x 311 Summer Camp Director Jill Burdick-Zupancic 703 536 9656 x 4 Pool Phone in Season: 703 536 9656 x 313 Knight Life is published monthly by the Edward Douglass White Council #2473, Knights of Columbus. 5115 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22207-1899. Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Edward Douglass White Council or the Knights of Columbus. Comments should be directed to the Grand Knight. The 5115 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22207 property is owned and operated solely by the Columbus Club of Arlington, Inc. 2 GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE Jenifer, Allison and I want to thank each of you who made the last two years a remarkable time for us. We hope that in some small way we were a part of EDW’s continued growth and mission to serve God and the Church. I want to especially thank each family who were constantly there when EDW or someone we were acting on behalf of, needed a helping hand. You were there when we needed turkeys cooked for the needy in Northern Virginia. You were there when events needed to be manned whether they were for the various children’s events, the Thanksgiving dinner, the Honor Flight missions, or the many Red Coat bookings, to name a few. You were there for the food and clothing drives. You were there financially when an Arlington family was devastated and needed help getting back on their feet. You were there with prayers and caring when a neighborhood family faced the loss of their wife and mother and you helped keep Jennifer Bush-Lawson’s memory alive by hosting a 5K race that provided funds to help 240 Arlington at-risk mothers carry their babies to full term and provided medical care for the children’s first year of life. You were there for a special Rosary circle in unity and prayer for the Paris victims of terrorism. You were there every Sunday in Mary’s Circle praying the Rosary. You were there to donate to Virginia’s Special Olympics program when I insanely agreed to dive into the Atlantic Ocean in January. You were there when St. Agnes called and needed Rosaries and Miraculous Medals for Kenya. You were there when St. James called and needed to get Mass kits to Cameroon for priests who couldn’t afford to purchase their own. You were there with a strong back when fellow brothers needed help moving their belongings. You were there for many more too-numerous-to-mention occasions. And you are there now purchasing Solidarity Crosses to raise funds for our fellow Christians who are quite literally under the knife in Iraq and Syria. We have these Crosses available until the end of June. Please make this final charity drive of the fraternal year be productive for those who can’t imagine the kind of life we live. As I wrote in the May 2015 Knight Life: “This is all a way of saying I see the Knights of Columbus as a calling to aid people in need of a helping hand. We don’t just parade around we get our hands dirty. Knights don’t care if the people in danger are Catholic or atheist, we help all. I saw a story of a woman who wanted to travel to an area to help after a natural disaster struck. She told a friend that she doesn’t know how she can help once she gets there. “The person simply replied, and I’m paraphrasing, ‘don’t worry the Knights of Columbus will already be there, just find them’. That is why I’m a knight; we get things done where it’s needed. We don’t fight silly ideological battles ranting away on blogs or shouting over people, we simply get the job done. As far as membership in our Order we don’t judge the level of your Faith, if we did I would never have been accepted into the Knights. If you find us in good faith we will put you to work one way or another.” This story easily could be talking about EDW because you are always there when we’re needed. When Jenifer and I moved to Arlington in 2004, we were walking around the neighborhood and walked past a mansion. We wondered who the heck lived there?! We walked a little further and saw the Knights of Columbus sign so decided to walk around the campus hoping not to get arrested for trespassing. Once we passed the mansion, Jenifer stopped in her tracks and hit me in the chest. With a big smile on her face she ordered me to join the Knights the next day. Yeah, she saw the pool! So as a dutiful husband I joined as quickly as possible. Little did I know how vibrant this council was. We are fortunate that families before us had the foresight to move EDW to Reserve Hill in 1951. Because of what we have we are uniquely able to provide a different level of help and aid to those in need either physically, spiritually or materially. We can do things that never would be possible if we were headquartered in a parish hall, such as our Thanksgiving dinner. In the most sincere way we possibly can say it, thank you very much for letting us be a part of this rare and unique Catholic fraternity of families known as EDW. It has been a blessing to have been chosen to lead our council for the past two years. As I’ve told many people I quite honestly “led from behind” so as not to get in the way of the many volunteers who do an outstanding job year after year. Every success we had was due to each family that stepped up and honored the oath you took when you joined the Knights of Columbus. Vivat Jesus, John White 73rd Grand Knight @KofC_EDW WWW.KOFCEDW2473.ORG KNIGHT LIFE KNIGHTS STAND UP TO OPPRESSION OF CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST campaign to support Christians suffering persecution in Iraq, Syria, and beyond. So far, nearly $10 million have been raised for this fund with 100% of these donations going to humanitarian assistance and funding efforts to raise awareness of persecuted Christians and other religious minorities. The yearly Dues you pay to be Knights helped fund those relief efforts, we can be proud of the work being done in our name. Sadly, so much more is needed to support those who are suffering. To support Supreme’s efforts, EDW is getting directly involved now. We’ve purchased several hundred olivewood crosses that are crafted in the Holy Land to sell and 100% of all sales will go directly to support the Christian Refugee Relief Fund. Our Christian brothers and sisters, as well as people from other faiths, are being displaced, tortured, sold, and murdered. The ongoing Syrian civil war and the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria have led to many civilian deaths, perpetration of numerous forms of atrocities, and mass population displacement. We’ve discussed this in previous Knight Life editions, now it’s time to act. Religious and ethnic minorities within these regions have been deliberately and methodically targeted for horrendous violence and death. Amongst those victims are our own Christian brothers and sisters who have faced almost unimaginable forms of persecution. The circumstances faced by Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities are so dire that the United States, at the urging of the Knights of Columbus, and other nations have declared the atrocities taking place to be a coordinated genocide. Since 2014 the Knights have organized the Christian Refugee Relief Fund and launched the Christians at Risk KNIGHT LIFE We need everyone to please buy one or more Crosses for $10 this month. To purchase them or make a donation: + They will be for sale at the Family Breakfast + Visit the Club Office during business hours +Visit the Mansion after 4pm Or + online at Select “other” as your preferred charity, and type “cross” in the comment section, and we’ll deliver to you however many crosses you purchase. If these options just won’t work for you, please call John White at 202 352 7955 for other arrangements. Please help out NOW! 3 LADIES U-KNIGHTED NEWS Jo Balsamo Wood LUK wants to take this opportunity to wish all dads a very happy and special Father’s day. June is here, which means that this month in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day and shortest night of the year occur on or about June 22. Called the Summer Solstice, it marks the beginning of summer – yeah!! Thanks to all of you that stopped by the LUK tent during the Memorial Day Picnic. We will be back on July 4th. Beginning around 2:00, LUK will set up our table and sell delicious homemade baked goods. Kathi Daylor will also be walking around selling 50/50 tickets. Buy one; it just may be your lucky day! As with all of our moneymaking projects, proceeds go toward refurbishing the Old Council Home. So stop by and grab a bite to eat and say hello. Once again, I want to thank everyone who participated in the success of the Tea Party and Baby Shower to support the organization “A Woman’s Choice.” The generosity from the LUK community was overwhelming as you can see by the photos. Nine moms and their newborn babies will benefit from the wonderful donations. Thanks to Alison Broadbent for her hard work in organizing this event and to all of the LUK members for setting up, preparing food, buying gifts and making it a special day for the invitees. Special thanks to Scott, who helped LUK by loading up his truck and taking the excess items to A Woman’s Choice in Falls Church. As always, we collected many items, which will help the new mothers and their children for years to come. Check out the photos in this month’s Knight Life. SAVE THE DATE and mark your calendars – open to everyone! LUK is hosting an adults’ only Margarita bash on Saturday, June 18 from 8:00 until midnight. LUK’s Secretary, Alison Broadbent and her band Left on Lincoln will be providing the entertainment. Belly up to the Tiki bar and enjoy a margarita. There will be free food and a cash bar. Donations for Margaritas will be accepted. Any donations received will go toward refurbishing the Old Council Home. See ad in this month’s Knight Life. Do you know a woman that would like to meet new friends, volunteer time, or resources to charitable work, and have fun? If so, tell her about Ladies U-Knighted. We meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the K of C Old Council Home, 5115 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA. All women are welcome to join us at a meeting. For information on Ladies U-Knighted, please contact Jo Balsamo Wood at 703-263-1185. Follow us on Facebook at Ladies U-Knighted. The next Ladies U-Knighted meeting is June 2 at 7:30. BENCH DEDICATION Kevin McKeon Please join us at the mansion June 4th at 10:00am, for the memorial bench dedication and blessing by Kevin’s pastor, Fr. Posey. The bench will be located under the newly renovated balcony on the west side of the mansion. The dedication will proceed rain or shine. Father Daughter Dance Sunday, June 12, 2016 4:30pm ~ 7:30pm Main Ballroom Dinner Served at 5:30pm Dancing to DJ before and after Dinner Door Prizes Hor d’oeuvres Fresh Fruit Asparagus Asiago Puffs Vegetable Spring Rolls with Duck Sauce Tossed Salad Entrée Lemon Chicken Brown & White Rice Broccoli & Baby Carrots Children’s Meal Chicken Tenders, Fries, Vegetables Dessert Cupcake Display Dad’s ~ $20.00 Daughter’s ~ $10.00 (3 years and under FREE) Reservations must be made with the Main Office 703 536-9656 x 311 no later than Wednesday, June 8th 4 KNIGHT LIFE DON’T ASSUME YOU CAN’T AFFORD DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE One of the biggest mistakes you can make regarding disability insurance is to assume you can’t afford it or you won’t qualify. Before you make that assumption, do some basic research and apply for coverage through the Knights of Columbus. The Order’s Income Armor product gives you options that can help you fit this critical protection into your risk management budget. Here are two ways you can reduce your premium: 1. Choose a two-year or five-year maximum benefit period. Depending on your age, the best option is probably a policy that pays benefits until you reach age 67. But a two-year or five-year duration benefit period would cover disabilities you might encounter in your working life. 2. Choose a longer elimination period. An elimination period is the number of days a total disability must exist before benefits begin to accrue. Typical elimination periods are 30, 90, or 180 days. Choosing a longer elimination period lowers the policy’s premium. But be sure you have enough set aside in your contingency fund to account for the longer gap. As your professional insurance agents, risk management is our specialty. Let’s talk about how to protect your income, your retirement needs, and your family’s financial future. Robert J. Canter, Jr., FICF, LUTCF, CSA Christopher M. Stio, FIC, PGK Luigi Tanzi, LUTCF 301-952-0180 703-585-4978 240-793-7213 KNIGHT LIFE DELIVERY If you have email service we need you to register to receive the Knight Life by email rather than by U.S. Postal Service. This will allow us to use the cost savings for charitable causes instead of overhead expenses. This is especially helpful to us for those of you that live out of the northern Virginia region. Please go to: It will take you 60 seconds to sign up. You can register both, husband and wife, to receive it. If you wish to cancel the Knight Life please email a note to or call 202 352 7955. Please do this now! EDW EARNS COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD At the annual Virginia State Knights of Columbus convention in April, EDW Council was awarded the State’s Community Activity of the Year Award by outgoing State Deputy Stephen P. Raschke. The award was in recognition of our ongoing Honor Flight mission which is chaired by Owen Beirne Jr. Grand Knight, John White, accepted the award on behalf of the council and recognized all of the hard work that has gone into the Honor Flight mission by Owen and his team of volunteers. The award is hanging in the Main Hall corridor. Thank you Owen and the volunteers who make our veterans welcome and comfortable while visiting the capital region. KNIGHT LIFE KNIGHT OF THE MONTH FAMILY OF THE MONTH I decided when I became Grand Knight that I would only select brothers who have not yet been honored as a Knight of the Month. I am going to break that rule for my final selection. Anyone who knows the very first thing about EDW as we relate to the larger Knights of Columbus Order knows that Bob Dannemiller is the strong steady backbone of our council. I’ve said repeatedly that I rely on good men and women to do what they do best to make EDW the success that it is. Well the massive cornerstone of this building is Bob. Bob is our “hands”. He’s the guy that gets the paperwork to the right people at State and Supreme on time, every time. He’s the guy we go to to find out who best to deal with at State or Supreme on such and such a matter. Who do we go to when we’re working on military matters, either for funerals or matters of protocol when we have general officers attending Honor Flight missions? Bob. Who is a workhorse of the Red Coat teams? Bob. Who’s the undeniable boss of the dish room at the Family Breakfast? Bob. Who’s the go-to person for auction items for the Christmas party and charity auctions? Bob. When the gazebo needed to be torn down, who stepped up to get it done? Bob. Who’s the person we go to when Hospitality Suites need to be organized and fully stocked at State meetings? Not Bob. Sorry, Bob. For that we rely on the better Dannemiller, Amy. We laugh that when we ever want to see Bob fall in line and take orders just watch him with his wife, Amy. No, Amy doesn’t rule over him, she politely and kindly lets Bob and the rest of us know what we should be doing and we dutifully fall in. The hundreds of pies we serve as single slices at the Thanksgiving dinner? Those pies do not come to us already cut into slices, the person who does that every year is Amy. These are just two examples of the kindness and generosity Amy shows us. Amy’s devotion to her family and to our mission is indisputably an act of love and grace in service to God. For every single thing the two of you have done for me personally and for EDW thank you, Bob and Amy, and Godspeed. A gift will be made to the Diocese’s WorkCamp 2016 in the Dannemillers honor. With much love and debt, John White MANAGER’S CORNER Peter Silano The summer season has officially begun, with our successful pool opening on May 20. Thanks to the many people who make our opening possible year after year. Special thanks to American Pools, “Stan the Man” Rodriquez our landscaper, Thomas Harrelson from Clover Plumbing for dealing with our hundred year old pipes, Bobby Lillis for the manicured lawns and bushes, Our maintenance team, Rene Ventura, Sean Cormany and Manuel Lezama for their hard work getting the Pool House, Deep End, Pavilion and surrounding areas ready for summer, Thom and Marijo Galvin for getting the Deep End up and running, Nick Beirne for doing a stellar job along with Steve Woda monitoring and modifying our new online pool registration. And lastly, many thanks to John O’Neill III, for once again re-striping/painting the parking lot and curbs free of charge. As always, due to the large amount of children from both the pool and camp, we ask that you please be mindful while driving on campus. Mother’s Day was a huge success this year, as well as our annual Memorial Day picnic, kicking off the season on a good note. We hope to see you at the Annual Father Daughter Dance on June 12, Dad’s don’t forget to make your reservations 703 536-9656 X 311 by Wednesday, June 8, 2016. The Father’s Day Family Breakfast June 19, Supper Club “New York, New York” June 24 and our Annual Fourth of July Picnic. 5 Supper Club New York, New York Friday, June 24, 2016 6:00pm – Cocktails 6:30-8:30pm – Dinner & Dancing Soup Manhattan clam chowder Matzo Ball Soup Salad bar - Including Waldorf salad Entrée Carved New York Prime Rib Filet of Sole with Lemon Butter Roasted Rosemary Chicken Creamed Spinach Glazed Carrots Garlic Mashed Potatoes Dessert New York Cheesecake Black & White Cookies $15.00 Adults $8.00 Children 10 & Under Reservations by Noon June 22, 2016 IN UNITY WITH OUR PRIESTS EDW’s family rose to the occasion once again. We were honored to be asked by Fr. Mbinkar, a visiting priest, from Cameroon, at St. James while he is studying at Catholic University of America, to aid two of his religious brothers in the central African nation. These priests, much like Fr. McGivney when he started out as a priest, need assistance to help them serve the people of their diocese. Fr. Mbinkar asked EDW if we could provide the essentials that a priest needs to conduct the Holy Mass. As a council we’re tasked to aid those in our parishes and our immediate neighborhood while keeping an eye on the larger picture. We need to positively impact the world in as many ways as we possibly can. Aiding a St. James priest is a no brainer. With two emails sent to Knights at St. James and to families signed up to receive info on the Diocese we quickly collected enough money to purchase the items, to cover the shipping charges and to provide the priests with some cash to aid their mission. Thank you to everyone who stood up to aid our priests. Knights of Columbus Father’s Day ~ Family Breakfast June 19, 2016 ~ 9:00AM Omelets Cooked to Order Belgian Waffle Station Scrambled Eggs Sausage Links Sausage Patties Bacon Corned Beef Hash Ham Scrapple Sausage Gravy Chipped Beef Home Style Biscuits Seasoned Home Fries Cheesy Potato Casserole French toast Sticks Regular or Cheesy Grits Fried Apples Fresh Fruit Salad Assorted Breakfast Breads & Pastries Fruit Cobbler Assorted Juices Coffee, Tea or Milk This is an all you can eat Buffet $10.00 – Adults $5.00 – Children 10 and under Free - Children 3 and under Tax and tip included in price 6 MEMORIAL DAY MASS Please join us in the C. F. Paradise Room at 11am for our annual Memorial Day Mass. Fr. Joseph Giordano, our chaplain, will be our celebrant. This is the perfect way to start the Memorial Day weekend remembering to honor the men and women who gave the last full measure of devotion while serving our nation in combat. KNIGHT LIFE Support Our Sponsors Bradley R. Coury Commercial Residential (703) 352-2700 Attorney And Counselor At Law Jackie McLaughlin 6870 Elm Street Suite 200 Mclean, Va 22101-6954 Tel: (703) 847-9671 Fax: (703) 893-6751 MURPHY FUNERAL HOMES Signet Construction Companies Award Winning Design Builder 703.876.8900 CONTACT LOUIS CLEMENTE OR MARK HIGGS CLEMENTE@SIGNETCONSTRUCTION.COM MHIGGS@SIGNETCONSTRUCTION.COM Robert J. Murphy, Founder Barry M. Murphy, Senior Advisor Arlington Falls Church 4510 Wilson Blvd. 1102 West Broad St. 920-4800533-0341 Let My 30 Years Experience Work for You! VA CLASS A CONTRACTORS LICENSE #2705-039058A 703-242-0341 438 Mill St. NE Vienna, VA 22180 AB & S SYSTEMS Security Professionals 24 Hour Monitoring 703-451-6262 Member K of C Jim Carmody 8451-B Hilltop Rd. • Fairfax, VA 22031 703-560-7755 Serving Knights of Columbus Since 1986 Variety of Music • Reasonable Rates 571-248-4242 • Life • Term Life Annuities • Long Term Care IRA • Retirement Disability Harry Canter Agency 301-262-4300 Robert J. Canter, Jr., CSA, FICF, LUTCF 301-952-0180 Christopher M. Stio, PGK 703-585-4978 Luigi Tanzi, 240-793-7213 LIFE INSURANCE A. M. BEST: A++ i Caff PLUMBING & HEATING, Inc. "Serving Northern Virginia Since 1967" HVAC PLUMBING WATER HEATERS BOILERS (703) 836-6775 Hair For All Seasons 6716 Whittier Ave. McLean, VA 22101 (703) 356-8844 TIM MURPHY (703) 534-7210 6035A WILSON BLVD. ARLINGTON, VA 22205 Speeding Ticket? Or Worse? Injured in an auto accident? Contact Attorney Elizabeth Tuomey 703-535-5577 2045 N. 15th Street, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201 * Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor * General Contractor * Gas Fitting Members: NAPHCC NFIB Arlington Chamber of Commerce VA State 2705 094717A HARRY WILHELM & COMPANY, PLC Certified Public Accountants • Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll Services • Tax Preparation and Planning • Estate Taxes and Administration Serving businesses and individuals. 5613 Leesburg Pike, Suite 38 Falls Church, VA 22041 703-820-9449 KNIGHT LIFE Patronize our Sponsors 7 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Edward Douglass White Council 2473 5115 Little Falls Road Arlington, Virginia 22207-1899 Non-Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Merrifield, VA Permit # 1087 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Do you want to keep receiving the newsletter or stop receiving it? Please see page 5 DATED MATERIAL PLEASE EXPEDITE JUNE 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EDW & CCA 30 311234 Memorial Day Mass CFP 11am Picnic 12pm -6pm POOL OPEN 11am – 8pm Retirees CH 11am Taco night CH 6:30 meetings 7:30pm Ladies UKnighted meeting CH 7:30pm Spaghetti night CH 6:30 Seafood Special CH 6:30 Steak Night CH 6:30pm 56789 10 11 Burger night CH 6:30pm Retirees CH 11am Taco night CH 6:30 Spaghetti night CH 6:30 Officers & Chairmen’s meeting CH 7:30 Seafood Special CH 6:30 Steak Night CH 6:30 pm 12131415161718 Rosary 1st DEGREE MC 12:30pm Father -Daughter Dance MH 4:30pm Burger night CH 6:30pm Retirees CH -Ladies invited-11am Taco night CH 6:30 EDW meeting CFP 7:30pm Spaghetti night CH 6:30 Seafood Special CH 6:30 Steak Night CH 6:30 pm 19202122232425 Family Breakfast MH 9am – 12pm RosaryMC 12:30pm Burger night CH 6:30pm Taco night CH 6:30 Spaghetti night CH 6:30 Fish Club Meeting CH 7pm Supper Club MH 6pm Seafood Special CH 6:30 Steak Night CH 6:30 pm 2627282930 Burger night Rosary MC 12:30pm PGK Picnic Pavilion 3pm Pool closed CJB Assembly Meeting 7pm, Main Hall CH 6:30pm Columbus Club board Meeting CH 7pm Retirees CH 11am Taco night CH 6:30 Spaghetti night CH 6:30 RECRUIT A MEMBER Contact Greg Strizek CFP = C. F. Paradise Room [Lower Lounge] MC = Mary’s Circle [in front of the mansion] CH = Council Home [Mansion] MH = Main Hall VISIT EDW AT OUR WEBSITE: Contact Grand Knight at KnightLife Editor at Club Manager E-Mail
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