Knight Life - K of C Windsor Central Council 1453
Knight Life - K of C Windsor Central Council 1453
1 4 5 3 Volume 82 Knight Life Knights of Columbus Council 1453  June – July August 2010 WINDSOR ON Number 6 100 years of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism to our community! Chaplain’s Corner: Grand Knight’s Column: Fr. Martin Vavrak GK Bob Burns Wisdom from the Church Fathers Hello Brothers and others, Summer is upon us, time to rest, relax and recoup. I thank our entire K executive and the various committees for a P wonderful year of successes and continued fraternalism. Thanks to all of you for your support a during my term as GK. I am immensely honouredu to have been re-elected for another term, thanks l again. Brother Knights, I want to share these words of very deep spirituality which we need for our daily life as Christians and Catholic men. Also I wish you a blessed summer time for you and your beloved. For to despise the present age, not to love transitory things, unreservedly to stretch out the mind in humility to God and our neighbor, to preserve patience against offered insults and, with patience guarded, to repel the pain of malice from the heart, to give one's property to the poor, not to covet that of others, to esteem the friend in God, on God's account to love even those who are hostile, to mourn at the affliction of a neighbor, not to exult in the death of one who is an enemy, this is the new creature whom the Master of the nations seeks with watchful eye amid the other disciples, saying: "If, then, any be in Christ a new creature, the old things are passed away. Behold all things are made new" (2Cor. 5:17). The Homilies of St. Gregory the Great On the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel Vivat Jesus! This past weekend we proudly represented our R Council at the State convention, it was an honour e and a report is printed in this newsletter. n The elections held at our May 19th meeting was a poorly attended, thus the acclamation re-elections u of most of our returning executive. DGK Vince d Deluzio is very busy getting his new business started, and was replaced by PGK Paul Renaud, thanks Bro. Vince for a good year and your efforts G and support are appreciated. Welcome aboard PGK Paul and thanks for allowing yourself to be K recycled. I have hopes for another year of successful activities and more fraternal social events. P Most of all, we must concentrate on recruitment. We need new members to continue to exist. We a have to start at our parish level, even families and friends. I pledge to do whatever has to be done to u try and rebuild and refresh our beloved Council. Have a happy and safe summer, God Bless l Bob GK R e G Knight Page 2 Life June - July - August ‘10 Deputy G. K. Notes: From the Chancellor: DGK A. V. “Vince” Deluzio Chancellor Gerry Tino Worthy Brothers: The 2010 year, our anniversary year has been a highlight in council 1453’s events schedule. Thank you to our Grand Knight Bob Burns and his wife Lin and to all the committee members and executives for the time and effort to make it a successful Celebration. The international bowling tournament, another great event headed up by Ray Dupuis and Roy Renaud as well as the committee makes all council 1453 proud and thankful. I would like to thank you, the executive and all council 1453 members for the opportunity to serve as Deputy Grand Knight in this our historic year. It has been a rewarding and Pleasant experience. A safe and enjoyable summer to all. Brothers, I am happy with the Rose Sunday May 16 2010 results. Thanks to all who participated at the various parishes. The total amount made was $1,160.09 for the 4 Churches, and 551 roses were distributed. We still have almost 1100 for future years. Thanks again to everyone for helping, specially the ones who actively gave of their time. It has come to my attention that a Brother and Sir Knight of 50 years, John Sala is ill and in need of our prayers. Please remember him. Thank you for my re-election and I promise a good effort. Gerry Tino, Chancellor Thank you Deputy Grand Knight A. Vince Deluzio Membership Chairman Report As Membership Chairman, once a month I receive a Council Membership Statement from Supreme. This small slip of paper is basically a monthly physical for our Council. Unfortunately the health of our Council is in jeopardy. For those who missed the last meeting I will recap: as of the 1st of May our total membership stands at 204. That includes 18 Honorary , 79 Honorary Life, 2 disabled and 14 inactive. Doing the math 97 have achieved Honorary status or higher, a great accomplishment but it also reflects the age of our Council. This year to date our growth is -4. I am not sure how long our Council can sustain this downward trend. I am at a loss as to what to do but if any member has suggestions the executive and I would like to hear from you. If any one knows an inactive member invite him back. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the past executive for their support and encouragement and to wish the new executive all the best. “"Because you are God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with heartfelt mercy, with kindness, humility, meekness, and patience" (Colossians 3:12). We reach out to others in our Christian vocation. Yours in Christ Bro. Michael Harrigan Invite a friend or relative to join Knight Page 3 District Deputy Report: Robert. D. Bezaire, DD#88 Four years ago, then District Deputy, Brother Gord Edwards asked me if I was interested in serving as District Deputy for District 88. I accepted and have spent the last four years learning about all the councils. It has been an enjoyable time but it would not been possible if it were not for all of the help and co-operation of all the executives and members. Thanks to all. Thank-you also to my family – through the last four years there have been many meetings, banquets and get-togethers that have taken me away from home. Your support and help is very much appreciated. My wife is truly an angel for hauling me to and from all of the events. We are tying to set up a 1st and 2nd degree for Sunday June 27th to assist any councils that are close to their quotas. More information to follow from your Grand Knights. On July 1st a new District Deputy will take over. Please extend to him the same co-operation and fraternity that I have enjoyed for the past four years. Many blessings to you and your family. Robert D. Bezaire District Deputy 88 Council 1453 Meetings June 16 - Last one until …. September 15 - Have a safe Summer Life June - July - August ‘10 Our Ladies Corner: Dear ladies, Our fiscal year is coming to an end and as always we'll close it at our luncheon election meeting at the BISTRO BY THE RIVER (in Dieppe Park) on June 9, at 12 o’clock. I would love to see as many of you as possible attending it. Again during this past year we have donated to many charities, including The Missions and we hope to continue doing so in the future. We need your cooperation. At this time I would like to thank my executive, CELESTE, ROSE, ELSIE and LIN, for always being helpful and faithful to their duties. It’s been a pleasure working with you, your cooperation and presence at the meetings has been outstanding. Thank you ladies. There's also another lady that deserves a big THANK YOU and that's GAY BOIS for always being there at the FISH FRY to sell tickets for our raffle. I’m proud and honoured to be associated with all of you. I remain yours truly MARCY IERACI (president) Tip of the month. Recycle a hooded sweatshirt by cutting the hood off an old sweatshirt with the strings attached and tie it over a mop or broom and use to dust ceilings and remove spider webs, The hood can then be washed. Council 1453 Charity Fish Fry September 17 FIRST ONE OF THE NEW YEAR Executive meeting at 6:00pm 5:00 to 7:30, bar open, still $10.00 General Meeting at 7:00 pm St. Cyril’s Slovak Centre, Seminole Street at Chandler Hope to see you all there !! Cardinal Stepinac Council, Walker Rd. Knight Page 4 Life June - July - August ‘10 Knights of Columbus International Bowling Tournament Windsor 2010 The 85th International bowling tournament is over and was a huge success. Roy and I would like to thank all the advertisers who took an ad in our program and brother knights who put there name on the patrons page. We had approximately 120 teams in Windsor and Canton. I would like to thank all the volunteers’ who with your help made this tournament a success. A special thanks you to Brother Steve Laforet and the grade school kids from St. Anne French Emersion school for the singing of the Canadian and US national anthems at the opening ceremonies. I would also like to thank Holy Family Council for their hospitality providing a steak dinner Saturday night for our Brother Knights from out of town. The assistant secretary Paul Ruth and his wife Pat had nothing but praise on how smooth the tournament was run. Next year the tournament will be held in Indianapolis Indiana. Our council will be bowling April 16th & 17th, 2011. Bro. Ray Dupuis Director Knights of Columbus International Bowling Association Deacon Ray Mady and Ray Dupuis Student Choir of Ste. Anne French Immersion School Dean Wagner 4th Degree Directors International Bowling Association Knight Page 5 Life June - July - August ‘10 CELEBRATIONS Congratulations and Best Wishes to ALL June Anniversaries June Birthdays Gary & Murielle Jubinville Gerry & Margaret Soulliere Larry & Chris Lesperance Bob & Pierrette Wallis Father JJ Stortz (CSB – PGK) Ordination Marilyn Bennett Shelly Gray Peter Blak John Gray (PGK) July Anniversaries July Birthdays Bert & Pauline Decaire Jim & Sherry Farrand Frank & Marci Ieraci Rene & Theresa St. Pierre Patrick & Kathy Renaud Jean Paul & Jean Rivard Anthony and Annette Bigaouette Rose Levis Dolores Farah Leo Sinasac Constance-Anne Seguin Ken Mailloux Jr. Angela Sturba John Haggith Ernie Bellehumeur Jeanine Gauvin Terry Hayes Roland Turpin Otto Valvasori Mike O’Brien August Anniversaries Robert & Irene Bezaire Howard & Rose Levis GOOD THE ORDER. – FEBRUARY. ReneOF & Bernadette Trudell Mark & Mary Meyers Steve & Michelle Laforet Nicholas & Susan Angell Leonard & Carolyn Marentette Marcy Ieraci Anthony Istl Ivan Marcoux Pat Lajoie Dave Pare Diane Tousignant Kenneth Blain R.J. Potomski August Birthdays Fred Weir Carol Ouellette Gary Jubinville Roger Stone Sandy Rak Margaret Soulliere Eleanor Phaneuf Dr. Raymond Larocque Robert Marcoux Edwin Kornacki Richard Solcz Ralph Webber Louise Schincariol GOOD OF THE ORDER – APRIL Century Club - #285 – Martial Voligny – sold by Gord Edwards. #167 – Rene Trudell PGK – sold by Rene Trudell PGK. 50/50 Winner – Edwin Kornacki - $16.00 GOOD OF THE ORDER – MAY Century Club - #093 – Yvan Gauvin PGK – sold by Yvan Gauvin PGK. #172 – J.P. Rivard – sold by J.P. Rivard. 50/50 Winner – Ivan Marcoux - $17.50 You can receive Knight Life in full colour via e-mail and save the Council the cost of postage. It’s easy, let the editor know or email me at or (there is a underscore between Robert and burns). You would also receive it sooner and on your pc. Or phone me at (519) 253-5465. Knight Page 6 Life June - July - August ‘10 BOWLING LEAGUE REPORT. EUCHRED BY ESSEX Council 1453 Monday night mixed bowling league season has come to an end. The champs this year included Dave Pare, Pauline Menard, Donna Bondy and Roy Renaud. They defeated a team with Steven Clinansmith, Angie Pare, Bill Bondy and Ray Dupuis. The league will start up again on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bowlero. New bowlers are always welcome. If you would like to bowl or know someone who would like to bowl, contact the president of the league Roy Renaud @ 519-825-8078 or the secretary Ray Dupuis @ 519- 739-0034. On April 28 we lost back the infamous crying towel to Essex. We lost at home by a very narrow margin, only 3 points difference. But we got it back. In the fall we will have our chance for revenge in Essex. Let us get our best euchre players together for then. NOTICE OF MOTION WINDSOR COUNCIL 1453 At the General Meeting of June 16, 2010 a motion will be made to donate $5000.00 to Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church to assist them to replace the floor in their hall. Annual Golf Tournament Robert Bezaire CONVENTION 2010 REPORT The Convention was a time of business and fraternizing and of course spiritual instruction. I have no room to list the raffle winners, but you can find it on, no winners from our area. The state board elections were exciting, almost every chair was contested. Bro. Art Peters was elected State Deputy, Joseph Salini was elected State Secretary, Dan Heffernan was defeated by Kevin Daudlin for Treasurer, Alain Cayer won as Advocate, and Peter Lemon won a 3 way race to be our new State Warden. Sunday, August 22nd Dominion Golf Course $80.00 p.p. Includes golf, cart, dinner and prize. For tee times phone: Roy Renaud @ 519-825-8078 Pat Renaud @ 519-944-8880 Five Resolutions were debated and voted on. The resolution 1 to raise our per capita to fund the State newspaper was referred back to committee for further study, the other four were passed and supported. A Beautiful Mass celebrated by Archbishop O’Connor of Toronto, Our State Chaplain Bishop Simard, and former Chaplain Bishop LaRoque and several priests. It was a wonderful weekend, meeting many new and old friends and exchanging idea. Thanks Bowling Tournament Opening Ceremony GK Bob All Photos by Bro. Otto Valvasori Knight Life Page 7 June - July - August ‘10 LIFE MATTERS… Andrew J. Despins, Field Agent A MESSAGE FROM YOUR FRATERNITY There are many personal rewards in belonging to the Knights of Columbus. Here are some additional advantages for you and your family. LIFE INSURANCE- The Knights of Columbus currently has one of the top ranked insurance programs in North America. We have phenomenal Term, Whole Life, Mortgage & Estate Planning insurance, with some of the lowest premiums in the industry. If you are currently holding life insurance with any other company or are currently looking for insurance, give us a call…you will not be disappointed. GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS- Even in these tough economic times, the Knights of Columbus is in a position to offer members and their families either Registered (RRSP or RIF), T.F.S.A.’s or Non-Registered investments on a GUARANTEED basis. We guarantee that the money invested will never renew at less than 3.0% (3.25% on deposits over $10,000.00). These investments are creditor proof and probate free as well. Be sure to ask me about our current rates. LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE- In 1999 the Knights established this new program for Members and their families. Long Term Care Insurance (LTC) is a program that reimburses the expenses associated with long term care needs in your own home, assisted living facility or nursing/long term care facility. The Canadian health care system definitely does not provide for seniors who are faced with the enormous cost associated with a disability (whether physical or a cognitive impairment), now the Knights are in a position to help when a Brother or his spouse find themselves in this unfortunate situation. Our program is considerably less expensive and is significantly more comprehensive than the commercial companies’ policies. ASSISTANCE SERVICES- Do you need help with budgeting, reducing debt or saving techniques? Do you have questions about an impending retirement or about a potential estate tax liability? These are all areas that we can help you with and we provide these services to Members and their families for FREE! We also assist in your time of need if there is a death in your immediate family. We can and will assist in several ways. Here are just a few: We will contact your lawyer regarding your will. We will assist, if needed, with funeral arrangements. We will notify the Council so they may assist you and the family. If needed, we will help in any financial matters. We will assist in filing claims with other and all insurance companies. We will submit on your behalf for all pertinent CPP survivor benefits, Old Age security benefits or any Veterans benefits if applicable. We will do all of the above as an absolutely free fraternal benefit. All that is required is that you or your family ask for assistance. Please remember, this is YOUR fraternity. We were established in 1882 to protect our Members and their families in their time of need. We are still here 128 years later doing just that. If I can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Andrew J. Despins, FIC Fraternal Insurance Advisor Knights of Columbus PH: (519) 979-0899 “Creating Legacies…One Family at a Time” Knight Page 8 Life 2010-2011 Executive Officers Council 1453 Chaplain Fr. Martin Vavrak Grand Knight Bob Burns 519-253-5465 Deputy G K Paul Renaud PGK 519-945-8808 Chancellor Gerald E. Tino Jr. 519-254-3890 Warden Ivan Marcoux 519-974-4646 Financial Secretary Ray Dupuis 519-739-0034 Treasurer Larry Trembley 519-948-9586 Recorder Roy Renaud, PGK 519-825-8078 Trustees Edwin Kornacki 519-948-2534 Rene Trudell, PGK 519-735-8096 J. P. Rivard 519-256-2545 Otto Valvasori 519-739-6420 Paul D. Chesnik 519-971-8282 Guards Advocate Howard Levis, PGK 519-251-8114 Lecturer Dave Pare 519-971-2131 June - July -August ‘10
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