knights lantern 7547


knights lantern 7547
The Knights Lantern
The official publication of
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Council 7547
1453 N. Road St., Elizabeth City, NC 27909
July 2015
Grand Knight’s Corner:
Editor’s Note: As of July 1st, our new Grand
Knight Mike Torchia will be responsible for the
Grand Knight’s Corner. It is still June as I prepare
this edition of The Lantern, so we will have to wait
until next month to view Grand Knight Torchia’s
pontifications. In the meantime, please join me in
achnowledging the many contributions, hard work
and dedication to the Knights of Columbus by
outgoing Grand Knight Ed Power over the past two
years. Thank you Ed!
Vivat Jesus!
From our Chaplain:
Pope Francis recently issued his environmental, or
“green” encyclical, Laudato Sí: On Care for Our
Common Home. The subject of this encyclical is
ecology and care for God’s creation. It is considered
controversial by many because of its position on
global warming. Everyone should take the time to
read this document and understand what it means.
See the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
website for more information.
From our Deputy Grand
Knight & General
Program Director:
Submitted by Mike Torchia. Next month expect to
hear from incoming Deputy Grand Knight Alan
1. The awards dinner will be held on July 18th after
the 5 PM mass in the Family Life Center at
Holy Family church. The price of the tickets is
$12 dollars each for dinner and liquid
refreshment. See us after the Saturday and
Sunday Masses for tickets.
2. Installation of 2015-2016 Council 7547 Officers
will be held after the 10:15 Mass on July 12. All
incoming officers please plan to attend this
event. Let’s be prompt in order to finish quickly
before the 12:15 Mass.
3. Bishop Burbage will be attending the Parish
Picnic on August 30. The picnic will take place
after the 11:00 am Mass as there will not be a
10:15 or 12:15 mass that day. Come out and
join us.
4. The July 1st council meeting is the first of the
new Fraternal year. Please make every effort to
attend and see some new officers fumble their
way through their first meeting. See you at the
Social Hall at 7 PM. There are many brothers
that I have never met and would like to do so.
JOIN US!!!!!!!
5. We had a very hot (weather) LAMB event at the
Border Station on June 19 and 20. Considering
we did quite well but were a little short on
Brother Knight participation. Please try to fill all
the slots next time.
6. The Kids’ fishing tournament will be held at
Fun Junction on Saturday, June 27.
Mike Torchia
and spiritual meaning of Christmas shall be tabled
at the next Council meeting. Stay tuned and stay
From Our Church
Vivat Jesus!
Emmanuel Ngwainmbi
More Prayer Programs in the Horizon for the
As it gets even hotter, I thank you brothers for your
diligence, dedication and untiring work in keeping
our Council afloat. Thank you for organizing and
attending mass in honour of our departed brothers,
and for praying for those in distress. We ask for
your continued prayers for brothers who are
hospitalized. Let’s always take time to visit them
and share a word or two jokes with them.
From Our
Community Director:
Albemarle Hopeline
Hopeline is now holding its annual “Back to Work,
Back to School” campaign to provide assistance to
struggling families trying to get ready for the new
school year. This year’s most needed items include
children’s clothes and school supplies.
On other news, I was scouring the net to learn about
the Knights of Columbus organization and how we
can progress, and what did I find? A lot. I was
pleased to learn, among other things, that the
Knights have been supporting the Vatican since
1981. One of their first projects was the
enlargement of the Chapel of Our Lady of
Czestochowa. Here’s more:
Please place your donations in the Box located in
the Gathering Area at Church for this purpose, by
August 6th. We will deliver our donations to
Hopeline on August 7th, and they will be distributed
to needy families on August 14th.
I also found out that Our Lady of Silver Rose has
been a Knights tradition for over half a century.
Prayer and spiritual renewal take place, often in
various languages. The program has reportedly
been expanded to western, central and northern
America with the Knights of Columbus in Mexico
and Canada “carrying roses from destination to
destination and finally to the Shrine of Our Lady of
Guadalupe in Monterrey, Mexico.” We could
explore implementing that program in our council
too. Of course!
Habitat for Humanity
From Brother Knight Frank Elfring:
The Elizabeth City Habitat for Humanity published
its first newsletter in early June. It was distributed
electronically to Brother Knights by John Purcell.
Volunteers are always welcome to help man the
center on Saturdays and to occasionally move
If you can help please contact FRANK ELFRING at
252-384-0115 or
Besides the Keep Christ in Christmas program that
we we’ve been conducting for years, there is the
Immaculate Conception Program, and the Running
of the Rose Program that we can explore. Of course,
an exploratory discussion shall be set up with Father
about these programs.
Buzz Savage
Lastly, a discussion about a Poster competition that
allows young people to demonstrate their talents
From Our Family
From Our LAMB
Annual Council Awards Banquet
This year, we'll be having our Awards Night
Banquet on Saturday, July 18th, in the Family Life
Center, immediately following the 5:00pm Mass.
Dress code will be casual (slacks and collared
shirt). The meal will consist of roasted turkey,
gravy, stuffing, sliced roast beef and mushroom
gravy, mashed potatoes and green beans, rolls and
butter. To save money, the meal will be served
buffet style and the cost will be $12.00 per person.
This price includes water, coffee, tea and other
beverages. Please ask your ladies to bring a small
dessert item .
Thank you all for withstanding the heat and sun to
collect for this great program on June 19th and 20th
at the Border Station. We collected over $800.00 for
the two days. Not bad for missing two doors and
closing two hours early. Next LAMB drive is TBD.
Thank you all!
Alan Proctor
It should be a fun-filled evening. PGK Brian
Denison and his wife Peggy will be joining us and
will present the Luke Denison Scholarship to a
young deserving college or college bound student.
Many other awards, recognizing service to our
church, council and community will be presented.
This will be the Council's last and most important
social function of the Fraternal Year. Your
presence and participation will guarantee the
success of the event. Please make every effort to
From the Financial
Thanks to the many faithful that donate cans,
donations are always welcome.
Aluminum Cans: All copper and aluminum
accepted but NO tin foil and NO Food Trays
Tickets can be purchased at our meeting on July 1st.
Tickets can also be purchased after all Masses
beginning June 27th, through July 12th, from GK Ed
Power, SKs Mike Torchia, Alan Proctor, John
Purcell, Jack Ireland, Tom Ponte, Buzz Savage and
Marty Mulholland.
John Purcell
Boy Scout Cub Pack 125
We’re hopeful that arrangements can be completed
in late July to purchase the shed for Cub Pack 125.
Construction will begin shortly thereafter. We'll
need some carpenters and helpers to build the unit.
Fathers with the Cub Pack have expressed an
interest in helping out with the construction.
Further details will be sent as this project moves
Please Pray for:
Amanda Brown, Braeden Welch (Lamothe), Seth
Soria, Elsie Olds, Joanne Dorsey, Aaron Spence,
Dana Himelwright, Regalada DeLos Reyes, Charlie
Strassle (J.Brown son-in-law), J.P. Campbell,
Marty Mulholland PGK
Loretta DiPiazza, Don & Roberta McCabe, Ian
Gralton, Pam Lucas, Jim Riley, Sharon Lupton,
Don Cormicle, Laura Rentkewicz, Frank Mizak,
Sheila Chaffee, John Carpenter,Sandy Markle.
James JP Campbell. Frank Willsey.
Fourth Degree - Father Stanley Grubitz
Assembly 2379:
July 02
Assembly Mtg in Social Hall 6 PM. Sir
Knights only. Pizza and drinks will be
July 19
Installation of New Officers, Holy
Family Social Hall at 1130, followed by
Brunch at Montero’s
Aug 06
Assembly Mtg (Tentatively at Tony’s)
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of
Brother Knight Joseph Thomas, who passed away
on Tuesday, June 23. A memorial service will be
held at a date TBD.
July Members
SEMINARIANS: keep them in your prayers, send
a card or note:
James Magee III (17) at St. Charles Borromeo
Seminary, 100 E. Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood,
PA 19096.
Michael Quillen (20) at Holy Family for this
Deacon Tim Ahn (16), Pontifical North American
College, 00120 Vatican City State, Europe
Bennett Smith, Mt. St. Mary’s University in
Emmitsburg, PA.
01-Robert Norton
04-Michael Barker
06-John Byrne
06-Michael Graessle
06-Michael Kurz
09-Alex Givens
11-Reagan Monahan
15-Rev. Amaro V. Ortiz
18-Richard Brooks
22-James Campbell
27-Rev. J. Victor Gournas
28-Jake Brown, Jr
29-Anthony Hypolite
Please welcome Deacon Tim Ahn in person, as he
is assigned to Holy Family for the summer.
Coming Events:
1st Fri. of Every Month
July 4
Adoration from 8 amnoon
Independence Day
July Wives
06-Judith DiGirolamo
06-Beverly Sutton
10-Carolyn Jackson
10-Mary Mclemore
18-Christa Graessle
28-Carol Willsey
31-Sandi Markle
Council 7547:
July 1
Council Mtg 7 PM
New officers presiding
July 12
Council Installation
July 15
Dir. Mtg 7 PM
July 18
Awards Dinner FLC 6 PM
July 29
Aug 05
Council Mtg 7 PM
July Anniversaries:
From Our Field Agent:
Robert Leonardo
Field Agent
973-445-7809 (text)
01-Frank & Jean Cuozzo
01-Aaron & Emma Spence
04-Raphael & Mary Lou Scaffa
08-Peter & Beth Ferland
09-Michael & Lynn Torchia
11-August & Sandra Corso
17-Charles & Victoria Grimm
18-Frank & Lorraine Heath
24-Russell & Sheri Terrillion
31-Michael & Nancy Doherty
31-John & Barbara Purcell
Council Officers:
Financial Secretary
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
1st Year Trustee
2nd Year Trustee
3rd Year Trustee
Michael Torchia
Father Victor Gournas
Alan Proctor
Ronald Smith
John Purcell
Don Witosky
Frank Heath
Dylan Givens
James Jackson
Aaron Spence
PGK Donald Chaffee
Jack Martin
PGK Marty Mulholland
PGK Jack Ireland
PGK Ed Power
Brother Knights Jim Jackson, Jack Ireland, Mike
McKeon and John Purcell hard at work repainting
the stripes in the church parking lot in early June.
Photo by Ron Smith
All Knights are welcome to contribute to the
monthly Lantern. Please submit articles/photos to
editor Buzz Savage at by the
20th of the month.
Church Director:
LAMB Director:
Spaghetti dinners:
Dr. Emmanuel Ngwainmbi
Buzz Savage
Jim Jackson
PGK Marty Mulholland
PGK Don Chaffee
Alan Proctor
PGK Linus Riehle
PGK Jack Ireland