ife  Knight L


ife  Knight L
Volume 87
Knight Life
Knights of Columbus Council 1453

c/o 1711 Walker Rd. Windsor ON
Number 2
N8W 3P2
104 years of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism to our community!
Dr. Raymond LaRocque
February 23, 2014
Raymond Marentette
May 01, 2014
Charles Sadi
June 27, 2014
John Sala
June 28, 2014
William Churchill PGK
August 17, 2014
These Brother Knights of Council 1453 have passed away this year. Their memories and
lives will be celebrated November 2nd at Corpus Christi Church hosted by Holy Family
Council. The Memorial Mass is at 10:00 am, and a breakfast follows in the church hall.
Please come and join us as we remember our deceased friends and families.
Page 2
November ‘14
Chaplain’s Corner:
Grand Knight’s Column:
Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell
GK Robert D. Bezaire PGK FDD
My brother Knights,
The recent events in Quebec in Ottawa – the killing
of two soldiers in uniform, and the defense of
parliament by the Sergeant at Arms have me thinking
about symbols. In each of these cases the individuals
were identifiable by the symbols and dress of their
job, their vocation. Two men lost their lives arguably
because they were so readily identifiable as members
of the Royal Canadian Armed Forces.
We Knights have particular dress, symbols and
customs related to being Knights. We are proud of
who we are and what we do, and what we believe.
But no doubt we have heard others mock or question
us because these customs are considered archaic, or
not in touch with today’s reality.
Today’s reality is that we need Catholic gentlemen of
purpose in every corner of society. Canada needs
Eucharistic leaders, men of good faith and of good
purpose with a preferential option for the poor.
When they see our Knights in regalia, let them know
that as with our military in ceremonial kit it is
representative of our deeper purpose, one on which
Canada can rely.
Vivat Jesus, brothers!
Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell, Chaplain 1453
Council 1453 Meetings
November 19
Executive meeting at 6:00pm
General Meeting at 7:00 pm
December 10
Dinner at 6:00,
Cardinal Stepinac Council,
Walker Rd.
We are going to continue our fish dinners. at least
until April 2015. Thank you for supporting them
and also to the workers.
NOTE: The DECEMBER meeting will be on
December 10th. It will be a dinner-sponsored by
KADEC. We will also make a $2000.00 donation to
Guadalupe House . Honorary and Honorary Life
certificates will also be presented.
Listed elsewhere you will find a Notice of Motion
for our Christmas Donations. These will be voted on
at our November meeting.
What would the Grand Knight article be without the
plea for new members. When we take the special
members out, we have less than 60 dues paying
This year our memorial service will be held on
November 2nd. It will be a Mass at Corpus Christi
on Cabana Rd at 10 a.m. Breakfast to follow in their
hall. Holy Family is hosting.
NOTE-Reservations are not required for the
breakfast but to reserve and give us an idea of how
many for the December dinner please call G.K Bob
519-2548431 or Ray at 519 -739-0034. All
members and wives or guests are invited.
Robert D. Bezaire p.g.k./f.d.d.
Page 3
Deputy G. K. Notes:
From the Chancellor:
DGK Michael Harrigan
Chancellor Bob Burns PGK
Brother Knights we are well on our way to a new
season after the summer break. We have had our first
fish fry and more are to come. The Memorial Mass is
coming up on November 2nd at Corpus Christi, watch
to Knight Life for times. For all Council activities
consult your Knight Life for times and places or better
yet come out to our monthly meetings on the third
Wednesday of the month at the Walker Road Council
and learn about all our activities and see how your
money is being donated.
The 2015 International Bowling Tournament
will be in Peoria Ill. the weekend of March 28 - 29,
2015. For further information about the tournament
and or the league contact Bro. Ray Dupuis. As always
Bro. Roy Renaud is the man to see for information on
Our first fish fry went quite well and as I write
this our second one is upon us. For a fun night of
camaraderie with your Brother Knights support the
Council and come on out and enjoy some great fish.
At our last meeting our District Deputy, Bro
John Semaan, informed us of the upcoming degrees.
There are several to choose from so if you can bring
in a new member we can get them through a degree
fairly quickly. The Fourth Degree is always looking
for new members so if we could get some new
members into our Council we might be helping them
out as well.
Andrew J. Despins, our Knights of Columbus
insurance agent, was at our last meeting with a report
on how well the insurance program is doing and
encouraged us to use the insurance as one of the
reasons a Catholic gentleman should consider joining
the Knights. If any Bro. Knight has any insurance
questions Bro. Andrew is the man to talk to.
As hard as it is to believe, when you read this,
Christmas won't be too far away. Our yearly
Christmas dinner will be December 10th at the
Walker Rd. Council. Cocktails at 6 pm. dinner at 6:30
pm. As in the past this great event will be sponsored
by the KADEC committee. I hope to see you all there.
I would like to urge all my Brother Knights to
remember to "Keep Christ In Christmas".
DGK Bro. Mike
November ‘14
Greetings Brothers:
This is the month of remembrance, All Saints Day
on the 1st, All Souls Day on the 2nd, and
Remembrance or Armistice Day on the 11th. Lest
we forget!
Our Memorial is on Sunday the 2nd at Corpus
Christi at 10:00 am. Remember all our deceased
Brothers. Breakfast will be served at the Church
hall after, come out and share the memories and
fraternalism. At our November meeting we will
make plans to remember our sick, lonely and
homebound members for Christmas.
Hope keeps us going, and we always hope to
recruit new members, once again this month we will
try to set up a recruiting drive at our November fish
dinner. We ask for any help you can give, thanks.
Remember in your prayers our sick and needy
members, and the Order, as well as Our Canada and
it’s struggle for peace, freedoms and civility.
Thanks, God Bless
Chanc. Bob Burns pgk
Membership Report
Bro. Bob Burns PGK
Greetings Brothers:
On Page 8 is an article I copied from an Ontario
State Bulletin, it emphasizes what I was
advocating for my 3 years as GK. It is still valid,
if we wish to attract new members. Let’s get
moving on this, I will do my part, are you
willing to also?
Page 4
Our Ladies Corner:
District Report:
John P. Seaman PGK
DD District 10
Dear Brother Knights,
Happy Thanksgiving to our Members and their
families and friends.
The Coats For Kids Pasta Fundraisers occurred
on Sept 20 and 21, 2014, and were a great Success,
with hundreds of Tickets sold and thousands of dollars
generated and then Donated by the participating local
Councils. Great job!
The Sept 27-2014 Exec Officers Training
session in Tilbury went well and was very informative.
Three out of the six Dist #10 Councils had attendees at
this Session. I hope that the next Session will have
attendees from all of our six Dist #10 Councils because
these Training Sessions truly are informative to new
and to more seasoned members. The next Exec
Officers Training Session is scheduled for Sat June
20-2015, 9 am, in Essex, at Holy Name of Jesus
Church Hall. Also, the LWDA Meeting is set for Sat
Nov 15-2014 at Church of Atonement Hall, 9 am
Mass, 10 am Meeting. Please mark these two dates on
your Calendars and Relay this info to your Members.
As a Reminder, please ensure that your Council
has filed Form #185, Form #365 (Service PersonnelDue Aug 1-2014) and Form #1295 (Audit, Due Aug
As to Youth Programs, District Level Soccer
Competition will occur on Sat October 4, 2014 and
Regional Level Competition will occur shortly after
this date. Also, if you have not already done so, please
order your Essay Contest Kit (EA-Kit) and Substance
Abuse Poster Contest Kit (SAA-Kit) in order to have
those on track as well.
District #10-District #76 1st and 2nd Degree
will occur on Sun October 19, 2014 and on Sun Dec
14-2014 at Fr Victor Cote Council #9671 with
Candidates 1 pm, Doors Locked at 1:30 pm and
Degrees Starting at 1:45 pm., and then, on Sun Feb 152015 and Sun May 17-2015 at Our Lady of
Atonement Council #8919 with Candidates 12:45 pm,
Doors locked at 1:15 pm and Degrees Starting at 1:30
pm. As a reminder, please ensure that your Council
sends its 2 cheques to cover the Cost of all 4 of these
Degrees, one to Council #9671 and the other to Council
November ‘14
Dear Ladies,
This past month we've mourned the loss of Deacon
Ray Mady and a beautiful, loving lady, Pauline
Decaire, who always had a smile on her face and
never let adversities get her down, and if they
did.....it never showed. May they both rest in peace!
However, this month we are celebrating the 100th
birthday of a dear and long standing member of 35
years. We wish Dora Tourangeau a very Happy
Birthday as we remember the many years when she
was very active in our auxiliary .May God continue
to bless her life.
Ladies, even though it’s a little early, mark this date
on your calendar, Nov. 30th is the date we set for
our Christmas party at Lilly Kazzilly’s, Sunday at
5pm. Please try to attend.
Your pres. Marcy Ieraci
Remove grease stains like oil or spaghetti sauce
from counters and the like. Just heat up a clean,
damp sponge in the microwave for about a minute
(because the sponge will be warm use rubber
gloves) spray it with a solution of 1/4 cup white
vinegar and a couple tablespoons of lemon juice.
The heat from the sponge will help to cut through
the grease.
#8919, each for $25, with a Notation on the cheque
of “For 1st and 2nd Degrees during 2014-2015
Fraternal Year”.
Congratulations to Br Milad Salloum of St
Peter’s Council #13335 who recently became a
Deacon in the Maronite Catholic Faith. Deacon
Milad plans to enter the Priesthood in 2015.
As always, kindly remember to automatically
CC Your DD as to all Forms submitted by your
Council to ON State or to Supreme.
Vivat Jesus,
John P. Semaan, District Deputy # 10
(519) 977-8764.
Page 5
November ‘14
Congratulations and Best Wishes to ALL
November Birthdays
Janet Smith
Joyce Zacher
Rene Trudell (PGK)
Stanley Wojcik
Dora Tourangeau
November Anniversaries
Bert Decaire (PGK)
Darlene Lawrence
Rev. Martin Vavrak
James Cassey
(** 100th !**)
Richard & Marilyn Bennett
John & Maureen Haggith
Andrew & Marie Poirier
(PGK) Bob & Lin Burns
November Anniversaries
& Marilyn
John & Maureen
50/50 winner was PGK Mike O’Brien
50/50 winner was PGK Bob Burns
6:00 PM
Call GK Bob or FS Ray to reserve a seat.
Remembering Our Ill and recovering Family
Our Council mourns the passing of two dedicated active
and hardworking supporters, Lady Pauline Decaire and
Deacon Ray Mady. Our prayers and sympathy to their
families , and to Celeste Gibala, a member of our LA,
wife of PGK Joe, Council 9500, on the passing of her
Please pray for PGKs Rene Trudell, Mike O’Brien,
Howard Levis, Warden Otto Valvasori and Bros. Ernie
Walker, Stan Wojcik and all who are in need of
prayers. God help us all.
Dues notices for 2015 will be going out
very shortly. When you receive your
notice please pay your dues promptly.
Page 6
November ‘14
Knights of Columbus International Bowling Tournament
This coming year the 2015 Central division bowling tournament will be held in Peoria,
Illinois. We are going the weekend of March 28 th and 29th, 2015. If there is enough
interest we will try and have a bus for the trip. Anyone interested in going to the
tournament can contact Ray Dupuis 519-739-0034 or Roy Renaud 519-825-8078. Deadline
for entry fees is February 15th, 2015.
2014 - 2015 Executive Officers Council 1453
Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell
Grand Knight
Robert Bezaire FDD PGK
Deputy G K
Michael Harrigan
Bob Burns PGK
Otto Valvasori
Financial Secretary Ray Dupuis
Larry Trembley
Roy Renaud, PGK
Rene Trudell, PGK
J. P. Rivard
Edwin Kornacki
Fredrick Littlejohns
Michael O’Brien PGK
to be appointed by GK
A notice of motion was made at our
last general meeting October 15 th that
the following donations be made.
$1,000 donation to the Goodfellows.
$1,000 donation to The Society of St
Vincent de Paul.
$1,000 donation to Downtown
$1,000 donation to Hospice of
These donations will be voted upon at
our next general meeting November
17th, 2014
2013 Memorial
1453 & 4386
You can receive Knight Life in full
colour via e-mail or read it on our website
and save the Council the cost of postage.
You would also receive it sooner and on
your pc. Phone me at (519) 253-5465. To
receive a e-mail copy, or a mail copy.
Page 7
November ‘14
Knight Life
Andrew J. Despins, Field Agent
Ask Eligible Men to Join
This month, I want to address the growth of the Order. Membership growth is the fuel that keeps this great
fraternal engine running. All of our charitable works at the council, state, national and international level are
thanks to our hard-working members. And more members equals more charity.
We know that the membership blitz is a tried and true way for councils to get more men to join. We see these
pushes often in March, in celebration of Founder’s Day, and again in October. These drives are successful
because brother Knights have increased visibility speaking or presenting during and after Masses and at special
events. We must remember that we have a duty to ask each and every Catholic gentleman to join our ranks for
the good of the Church, the community and the Order.
During the rest of the year, we often “forget” to ask men to join and to bring their families into the Knights of
Columbus family. You probably know an eligible Catholic man you could ask today. What if the only reason he
hasn’t joined is because no one has asked him yet?
When telling a prospect about the strengths of the Order, don’t forget our greatest fraternal benefit: our
insurance program. This is often a “selling point” to a potential member who is on the fence. Many members
become Knights simply to be able to buy coverage to protect their family. Soon after, they realize the good our
charitable works do for their community, and they are proud to be members.
As your professional Knights of Columbus Field Agent, I look forward to helping us grow in fraternity in any
way that I can.
Page 8
November ‘14
How do I make my council successful?
by Bill Country
State Lead Reports and Information Director
Success is measured and determined in many ways. On the state level we look to see
how involved a council is. Is the council meeting the needs of its members, community,
and, most importantly, its church?
Does the council send delegates to the State convention? How involved with the running
of the Diocesan Association or zone is it?
Does the Grand Knight attend the District Deputy’s meeting?
Is the Financial Secretary watching webinar workshops to stay on top of his job? (A
good point as the Financial Secretary is the only officer who is in communication with
both the Supreme Council and the State Council from year to year as the Grand Knights
come and go.) Did the council act on Membership 365? Are families included in council
On the council level success is determined by the work of the Grand Knight. Did the
council meet regularly? Did the council run all its programs? Did the council bring in
new members? Does the council have a newsletter?
As members of a council we need to remember to inquire and not to be afraid to ask our
Grand Knight how the council did in the car raffle or how successful was a council
activity. We always need to remind the council officers we are part of a council and want
to know what is going on.
We know that success has many levels and sometimes small gains or progress for a
council can be rewarding for one and not for another, but the constant is how do you
report to Supreme and State. Does the council have a report chairman or does the
Financial Secretary have a forms schedule in place to make sure all reports and forms are
up to date? If you have a program, do you have a report? If you have an activity in the
council is there is a form? Good records keeping and good reports are important and can
help your success and help in planning for another year.
So I ask the incoming Grand Knights, Do you want to be known as a good Grand Knight
or a lousy Grand Knight? Ask for advice. More importantly, ask your District Deputy for
his advice. Challenge your council. Try a new program or do something just a little
different. With interested members a council always succeeds. Let others know of your
success. Submit for state awards. Keep the reports and forms up to date and we can all
share and know of your of your success and maybe offer some help or suggestions.
A council needs good reporting, State needs good reporting because in the end it can
helps us understand what is going on and it will keep your council successful.
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 2nd, 2014