Pope John Paul I Council 6020 - Knights of Columbus Orange


Pope John Paul I Council 6020 - Knights of Columbus Orange
Pope John Paul I
Council 6020
VOLUME 2015-1 Mar-May 2015
Dedicated to the Disabled of Orange County
Seminarian Dinner, May 31, St VdP Hall
Fish Fry, Mar 20 & 27, St Bon. Hall
Pancake Bkfsts – May 3 (SVdP), May 10 (SB)
Bingo – Apr 25, May 9 & 23 (StB), May 2 (StVdP)
Council Business Meeting
St Bonaventure Parish Hall
Mar 19, Apr 16 & May 23
Check website for meeting location change.
Visit our website: www.kofc6020.org
Email: kofc6020@yahoo.com
Directory of Council Officers and Service Program Directors
Grand Knight
Donny Edwards
Email address
714-335-6575 donekoc6020@gmail.com
Deputy Grand Knight Steve Wellander
714-847-3548 stevekofc6020@gmail.com
Chris Arroyo
714-625-7262 chris_arroyo@verizon.net
Mark Pauly
714-465-6483 markpauly1@yahoo.com
Ed DeGrood
714-653-0003 degrood@wwdb.org
Ernie O'Leary
714-955-7164 cs.e@earthlink.net
Mike DeRitis
714-319-0601 sixpackincal@sbcglobal.net
Trustee for 1 Yr
Sal Mendoza
714-849-3462 smendozayep@yahoo.com
Trustee for 2 Yrs
Joe Aguilar, Jr
714-290-9144 josephauguilarjr01@gmail.c
Trustee for 3 Yrs
Doug Ambrose
714-969-2723 berniesguy@yahoo.com
Inside Guard
Jim Kisiah
714-847-9792 greatk11@verizon.net
Outside Guard
Dan Kane
206-950-3570 usmma89@verizon.net
Financial Secretary
David Brach
714-840-7518 dbrach@verizon.net
Membership Director
First Degree Captain
Programs Director
Church Director –StB
Church Director –SVdP
Pro-Life Chairman
Community Director
Vocation Chairman
ID Drive Chairman
Day of Sharing Chairman
Bulletin Editor
Family Director
Youth Director-SVdP
Youth Director-StB
Pancake Coordinator
Clothing Sales
District Deputy #110
Insurance Representative
Chris Arroyo
Skip Lutz
Mike De Ritis, PGK
Steve Wellander, PGK
Steve Wellander, PGK
Mike DeRitis, PGK
Deacon Joe Sullivan, PGK
Mike DeRitis, PGK
David Brach, PGK
Mark Pauly
Steve Bolton, PGK
Ronn Knowles, PGK
David Brach, PGK
Wil Gonzales
Brian Lutz
Joe Aguilar, Jr, PGK
Mark Pauly
Tom Leeman. PGK
Michael McGranahan
(714) 625-7262
(714) 846-2671
(714) 319-0601
(714) 642-6927
(714) 642-6927
(714) 319-0601
(714) 842-9707
(714) 319-0601
(714) 840-7518
(714) 465-6483
(714) 222-6880
(714) 846-0920
(714) 840-7518
(714) 847-4518
(714) 742-6792
(714) 290-9144
(714) 465-6483
Council calendar
March 2015
Council Officer's Meeting Tues Mar 17 SB Hall Conference Room 6:45pm-9:pm
Ladies Aux Officers Meeting Tues Mar 17 Parish Conf 6:30-9pm
c: St Patrick Day Tues March 17th
Council Business Meeting Thurs, Mar 19 SB Hall 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Ladies Aux, Meeting Thurs. Mar 19 Hall Conference 6:00pm - 10:00 pm
Fish Fry #1 Fri, March 20 SB Hall/Kitchen 8:00am-10:00pm
Fish Fry #2 Fri March 27 SB Hall/Kitchen 8:00am-10:00pm
Traffic Control Sun March 29th Palm Sunday Parking Lot
April 2015
Easter Sunday April 5
Traffic Control Sun April 5 SVDP Parking Lot (Look for Announcement)
1st Degree Ceremony Fri Apr 10 Parish Center 6:00-9pm
Council Officer's Meeting Tues Apr 14 SB Hall Conference Room 6:45pm-9:pm
Ladies Aux Officers Meeting Tues Apr 14 Parish Conf 6:30-9pm
Council Business Meeting Thurs Apr 16 SB Hall 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Ladies Aux, Meeting Thurs Apr 16 Hall Conference 6:00pm - 10:00 pm
c: Day of Sharing Sat April 18 Speech and Learning Center 8am-4pm
Bingo night Sat, April 25 SB Parish Hall/Kitchen 5:00pm- 11:00pm
May 2015
Bingo Night Sat May 2nd SVDP Hall/Kitch 5:30pm-10:pm
Honor Thy Mother Pancake Breakfast Sun May 3rd SVDP Hall/Kitch 6am-1pm
Bingo Night Sat May 9th ST Bonaventure Hall/Kitchen 5:30pm – 10pm
Mother's Day Pancake Break Sun May 10, SB Hall/Kit 6:00am - 1:00pm
c: State Convention Fri-Sun May 14-17 Town & Country San Diego, CA
Council Officer's Meeting Tues May 19 SB Hall Conference Room 6:45pm-9:pm
Ladies Aux Officers Meeting Tues May 19 Parish Conf 6:30-9pm
Council Business Meeting Thurs May 21 Hall/Kitchen 6:00am - 1:00pm
Ladies Aux, Meeting/Awards Thurs May 21 Hall Conference 6:00pm - 10:00 pm
Bingo Night Sat May 23rd ST Bonaventure Hall/Kitchen 5:30pm – 10pm
Seminarian Dinner Sat May 30h SVDP Hall/Kitchen 2pm-10pm
Council 6020 Events—2014
Visit our website at www.kofc6020.org.
It includes a calendar, membership information and membership request form. No special
access IDs or passwords are needed.
Council Events & Notices
Mother’s Honor Pancake Breakfasts
May 3 @ StVdP and May 10 @ StB
Great Breakfast for a reasonable price - $6/Adult; $4/Child
Knights Wear Available!
Come join us for a fun evening of games. Refreshments available.
Games held at St Vincent’s (May 2nd) and St Bonaventure Parish Halls
(Apr 25th, May 9th & 23rd ) starting at 6:30PM.
Happy Birthday Wishes to our
Brother Knights!
Grand Knight
As we hit the mid-way point of the Columbian year it’s a good time to take stock and see
how we have done thus far, and assess our plan for the future to make sure it’s the path we want to be
on! As to the last 6 months, they have been very successful…We have added 8 new brothers to our
ranks and have an additional 9 full knights (3rd degree). We have held numerous Pancake breakfasts, a
handful of first, second and Third degree ceremonies, an ID Drive, a bunch of Bingos, and...well, those
are just SOME of the highlights. I mentioned our ID drive… I’d like to recognize our ID chairman Mark
Pauley…Mark and his team raised over $11,000 for the Intellectually Disabled…way to go Mark…way to
go Knights! Over the last 6 months we have added a number of new items to our Council…50/50
drawings at our meetings, Knight/Family of the Month and Spiritual Nutrition from our Deacons…all fully
under way and all bringing us closer together. Last, but not least…our budget, we started the year under
a re-building or ‘belt tightening’ year, and have done pretty well on that front…as of the time of this
bulletin we were over our planned budget by ~$1,500.00, which was offset by one-time win falls of
~$1400 (a generous donation and a rebate from RSVP from a prior year)…which ends up putting pretty
much on budget at the 6 month mark.
Now, to the direction we are going…I’m planning on the next 6 months being more of the
same…we will continue to look for ways to celebrate our religion as a part of our brotherhood, we will
continue to be diligent on our spending to ensure our Council has the funds available to provide
financial support to our Clergy and those in need when they seek our help. We will continue to look for
ways to share our fellowship. We started the year with a few major overarching goals: Increase our
Fellowship, Increase participation, Improve our financial position, and bring our religion back into our
meetings…we will continue to look for ways to achieve those goals, in balance with the broader goals of
the knights (Fraternity, Charity, Unity and patriotism) There are a few more changes on the horizon…
Speakers: We will be inviting speakers to join us during dinner to talk to issues that are of interest to the
council (both our Knights and the ladies Aux)…we won’t have speakers every month, but I’d like to
shoot for every few months…I’m working with Deacon Joe right now on some speakers…stay tuned for
details! If there is a topic you are interested in and would like to hear more about, please let me
know…and if you have a speaker, or would like to speak yourself on a subject, I’d like to know that as
Fellowship: The difference between our Council and other groups is that we care about our mission
AND our members…The fellowship and unity of this Council is awesome…a real Family! It is so
gratifying to see us all come together and support one and other…in life, in love, and in death, Council
6020 is like a Family…I was very proud to be a member of this family as I saw the support for the Falzon
family…very proud. We are looking for ways to capture that same level of support for some type of
Family event…Brother Wil is pulling some things together, if you have some thoughts, please let Wil or
myself know what you are thinking…I’d like to see us come up with some sort of fellowship event this
year to celebrate our family.
Prayer List: We will be distributing a prayer list on a weekly basis…please add to the list as you see fit,
and keep those on the list in your prayers…Our prayers are very powerful tools, please consider sharing
your prayer time by including those on the list. We will also be praying for those on the list during our
meetings, with a decade of the Rosary.
Finally, in closing, I want to thank you all for your support, suggestions, words of encouragement and
your help! The list is too long to name you all, but you know who you are…and you are in my daily
prayers and I thank the lord for the blessings he has given me, especially my brother knights and this
family of Council 6020.
God Bless you Brothers
Deputy Grand Knight
Brother Knights,
With the passing of Past Grand Knight Paul Falzon last week and
the legacy he left behind started me thinking about the other knights that have
past. At the celebration of his life on Tuesday evening there were many fine
things that were said about Paul. The theme that is common among Paul and
other knights, is the passion they had for everything they did in life. Paul was a
master carpenter and every detail had to be just right. To Paul, the customer
had to be served, as did the church and the knights.
All of these men that are knights, including all present knights,
have this passion for life. We all joined the knights to give back to the church
and community for what we have received from life. The first degree is about
charity, and charity is what gives meaning to life. Let us remember charity is
more than gifts of money, it is also gifts of time and compassion.
Live life with passion, live a full life with no regrets, you never
know when your time has come. In the paraphrased words of the first degree,
be vigilant, for the devil come as a roaring lion to devour its prey. We have
many good works ahead of us, be involved in the knights and your church.
Steve Wellander
Brothers and Ladies,
More than half way through the fraternal year, I am very proud of this council and
all the successes we have had. Seems every week there has been more than one
event in which we needed to cook, direct, run, and support. And when it seemed there
would not be enough help, we as a council stepped up and made it happen smoothly,
and even had fun in the process!
But one area I hope this council will improve on, is attendance at business
meetings. These meetings are where we stay informed, make decisions on how the
council will operate, and get organized for the upcoming events. The better
attendance we have from the council at large, the better we can achieve our current
and future goals. Please make every attempt to attend the business meetings.
Your Chancellor,
Chris Arroyo
My Brother Knights,
As your Warden, I had the opportunity to serve as the ID Drive
chairman this year. This is a decades old Knight’s tradition of giving out
Tootsie Rolls and asking for donations for those with intellectual disabilities
and special needs. For those who don’t know, all the Knights from Orange
County raise money to send these special people to Camp Recreation which is
organized by Catholic Charities of Orange County. The main camp is a
weeklong event for those with intellectual disabilities and special needs where
they get to be themselves and have fun. My thought is that also important is the
week off for their caregivers and even more important than that is the week of
volunteer service that local teenagers receive as they connect with these special
people as camp counselors.
Thank you to the many volunteers that helped out at both parishes
this month. I had some brothers and ladies help at nearly every Mass. It is
great that we have such devoted people in our council. This event would have
failed if not for them. I also had some brothers who came for just one Mass and
helped out for 20 minutes. This is awesome too and a lesson to me that even if I
can’t donate a lot of time, I should be able to at least pitch in a little. Thanks to
you, we are up to $11,000 in donations.
As a final note, I would like to say that our Grand Knight is doing a
great job making the monthly business meetings much more meaningful and
interesting. We’ve had talks from Deacon Joe and Deacon Jerry with very
inspiring and relatable messages. The Grand Knight keeps things moving too
and last meeting we prayed a decade of the rosary for the sick and distressed.
There’s nothing like hearing 35 men loudly and proudly praying the rosary. Just
thinking about it has me looking forward to our next meeting. Hope to see you
Your Warden,
Mark Pauly
Pro –Life Corner
Many thanks to all the Brother Knights who helped put on or
participated in the Five Miles for Life walk on February 28, and
helped with the T-shirt fund-raiser the weekend before that. The
combined Life-a-thon event was very successful, with many walkers
and bike riders visiting Horizon Pregnancy Clinic, lots of T-shirts
sold, and over $5,000 raised, to be split between Horizon and the
Orange County Life Center. Our efforts are helping these Crisis
Pregnancy Centers provide counseling and assistance to women in
crisis pregnancies and needy women with infant children. Thanks
Deacon Joe Sullivan, PGK
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic is always in need of items for
their Baby Store. They can be dropped off during normal
business hours. (www.horizonpc.org)
Priority Items:
Baby Diapers – Size: Newborn, 1 and 2
Baby Wipes
Receiving blankets – boys and girls
Boy Clothes
Other Baby Needs:
Bath towels, bath tub, shampoo, bottles, powder, thermometer, wash
cloths, bibs, blankets, burp cloths, clothes – boys & girls, crib sheets,
hooded towels, lotions, nail scissors, pacifiers, Q-tips/cotton balls
Matthew Page – Knight of the Month for December 2014
New 3rd Degree Knights (LtoR)
Andrew Ahumada, Gerald Montegani, Joseph Ingram, Fr. Andrew Bartus, John Nguyen,
Dan Orozco, Phung Nguyen and Pablo Vasquez (Not shown Michael Weinberg)
Membership Director: Chris Arroyo
714-625-7262 chris_arroyo@verizon.net
New Membership is
the responsibility of
every Knight. Let’s
seek out new
members and bring
them to the upcoming
Membership Drives.
Congratulations to our new
First Degree Knights
Mike McAndrews
Daniel Arthur
“Being A Knight”
To be a “Full Knight”
means that you need
to have completed
your 3rd Degree
Ceremonial Schedules
(Please contact Chris Arroyo before
scheduling yourself for a degree!)
Congratulations to our new
1st Degree Schedules
Third Degree Knights
(Candidates @ 7:00pm &
Phung Nguyen
Degree @ 7:30pm)
Dan Orozco
Mar 3 Holy Spirit, FV
Fr Andrew Bartus
Mar 11 St Columbian, West.
Mar 16 Fr Kass, Buena Pk.
Andrew Ahumada
Mar 25 Bishop Conaty, Tustin
John Nguyen
Apr 9 Bishop Conaty, Tustin
Pablo Vasquez
Apr 10 Pope John Paul I, HB
Joseph Ingram
Apr 20 Fr Kass, Buena Pk.
Michael Weinberg
Apr 22 Bishop Conaty, Tustin
Gerry Montegani
2nd Degree Schedules
(Candidates @ 7:00pm &
Degree @ 7:30pm)
Mar 12 St Mary’s, HB
Mar 22 Fr Kass, Buena Pk (1)
(1) Candidates @ 1:00pm &
Degree @ 1:30pm)
Apr 7 Holy Spirit, FV
Dec 10 St Columbian, West.
3rd Degree Schedule
April (TBD)
Sponsors Reminder - It is your responsibility to help these
Knights make all their Degrees – contact them and bring them to
their next Degree!
Sick or In Distress
Please keep the following in your prayers and that the
Lord’s grace may comfort and strengthen them.
Bill Waldron, PGK
Fred Handal, PGK
Chuck Lindner
Robert “Ski” Wasielewski
Please remember those who have gone to rest and pray that
they may be welcomed into the glory of heaven.
Paul Falzon PGK (RIP)
The brother of Will Gonzales (RIP)
“Bill Waldron Update: Bill has finished his third post operative chemo with the
pump for a total of 12 altogether and finished on February 27, 2015 with last
chemo. The symptoms of the chemo are as expected. Could be a lot worse but it
is not so great. He continues to work but is struggling with weight loss and is
trying to keep that under control. Overall it is the home stretch and he appreciates
the prayers. He will make a meeting to thank all but will have to do it though post
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EXACT NAME TO BE EMBROIDERED: _________________________________________
QUESTIONS: 714-465-6483 OR markpauly1@yahoo.com
Our Guarantees Set Us Apart
Knights of Columbus life insurance offers something precious few other financial
products can – guarantees. As long as you pay your premiums, the policy proceeds will
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On top of those product guarantees, I guarantee that I will offer professional, high-quality
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Our Order is among the highest rated life insurers in North America. AM Best has rated
the Knights of Columbus “A++, Superior” for 39 consecutive years. It’s a testament to
our track record for excellence and security.
I would suggest that a principal reason that we were able to achieve those accolades is
because we remain steadfastly committed to the vision of Venerable Father Michael J.
McGivney by providing life insurance by brother Knights for brother Knights.
That commitment is an essential core value of the Knights of Columbus, and our core
values permeate all levels of our organization. We pledge to serve our brother Knights,
and their families, according to our Golden Rule: “In all my professional relationships, I
pledge myself to the following rule of conduct: I shall, in light of all conditions surrounding
those I serve, render that service which, under the same circumstances, I would apply to
Let’s talk soon to discuss how you can bring that peace of mind to you and your family.
Mike McGranahan
Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan,
you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of
Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their
neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow your Son,
Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building
up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant
prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his
work of caring for the needy and the outcast.We humbly ask that you glorify
your servant Father Michael J. McGivney on earth according to the design of
your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here
make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Father, Hail
Mary, Glory be.
Join the Father McGivney Guild. No charge.
Website: www.fathermcgivney.org
Join the Father McGivney Guild
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Council 6020 (Pope John Paul I) - Huntington Beach, California
Complete this coupon and mail to:
The Father McGivney Guild
Knights of Columbus
1 Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT 06510-3326
Name ___________________________________
Address _________________________________
City _____________________________________
State _______________________ Zip__________
Guild Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter.
Members may also submit prayer and Mass intentions.
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Steve Bolton
CA Lic.#325298
Fax: 714-908-1727
16410 Springdale Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Telephone (Parish Center) 714-846-3359
Rev. Joseph Knerr, Pastor
Rev. Dick Kennedy, Senior Priest
Rev. Thanh-Tai Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Block, In-Residence – Retired
Mr. James Anderson
Mr. Vincent Tran
Mr. Joseph Sullivan
Weekend Mass Schedule
Weekday Mass Schedule
5:00 PM
6:30 PM Vietnamese Mass
7:30 am
9:00 am Children’s Choir (Nursery & Preschool)
10:30 am (Adult Choir )
12:00 noon (Contemporary Choir)
1:30 PM Spanish
5:00 Life Teen Mass
Monday thru Friday 6:30 & 8:30 am
Saturday 8:00 am
Reconciliation (Confessions)
Saturdays after 8:00 am Mass
Saturday 3:30 - 4:40
Saturdays 8:00 - 9:00 PM
Thursdays before 1st Fridays 9:00 am
Any time by appointment (846-3359)
Morning Prayer 6:10 am
Daily Rosary 8:00 am
Saturday Rosary 7:30 am
Rosary & Benediction: Wednesdays 6:45 PM
Adoration 7th of each month
(Signed Mass - 1st & 3rd Sundays)
8345 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Telephone (Parish Office) 714-842-3000
email: svdp@svdphb.org
PRIESTS: Rev. Jerome T. Karcher, Pastor
Deacon: Mr Jerry Wallace
Rev. Sergio Ramos, SVD, Parochial Vicar
Mass Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil: English - 5:00PM; Spanish – 6:30PM
Sunday: English - 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am, 5:00PM
Spanish - Sunday 1:00 PM
Daily Masses
Weekdays: 7:00am, 8:30am
Saturday: 8:30am
Holy Days of Obligation
English - 6:30PM Vigil, 7:00am, 8:30am
Bilingual (English & Spanish) - 6:30PM
First Friday of Every Month
English 8:00PM
Daily Rosary
8:00 am
Every Monday
Rosary for Peace 6:00PM
Evening Prayer & Benediction 6:30PM