courage confidence character - Girl Scouts of Central Maryland


courage confidence character - Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
courage confidence character
Annual Report 2007
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
4:22:08 PM
Our Mission
Girl Scouting builds girls
of courage, confidence
and character who make
the world a better place.
4:22:55 PM
The next generation of women leaders
t seems coincidental that in the same
year women’s leadership took center
stage – the first woman Senator
announced her candidacy for President and
instantly became poised as a front runner and
the first woman became Speaker of the U.S.
House of Representatives – Girl Scouts of the
USA (GSUSA) would be celebrating its 95th
Anniversary. For nearly a century, the only organization dedicated solely to girls has provided
leadership programs to generations of women
leaders. Girl Scouts of Central Maryland is proud
to carry out that tradition by developing girls
who make a difference in their communities.
As part of our continued efforts to
develop girls of courage, confidence and
character who make the world a better place,
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland widened its
community compass to introduce the principles
and programs of Girl Scouting to even more girls,
believing that scouting has something to offer
Every Girl, Everywhere. We were right because
our efforts yielded 6,979 new girl members
(about 25% of our girl membership) who took
part in Girl Scouting in a variety of traditional
and non-traditional ways through our In-School
programs at 91 schools and outreach programs
in 23 recreation and Police Athletic League centers in Baltimore City and Baltimore and Anne
Arundel counties. These efforts also allowed us
to reach the growing Hispanic communities in
our region and introduce a variety of participation options to these girls.
By helping all girls discover the possibilities and recognize their full potential; connect
with the world around them and their unique
purpose in it; and, equip them with the self-reliance and self-esteem necessary to take action
to pursue their dreams, Girl Scouts of Central
Maryland prepares girls for the future.
This message was echoed last June by
Frances Hesselbein, former CEO of GSUSA,
Chair of the Board of Directors of the Leader
to Leader Institute and Presidential Medal of
Honor recipient. Ms. Hesselbein shared her
insights on leadership and management with a
group of over 130 women, men and Girl Scouts
at our inaugural Women’s Leadership Forum.
During her inspirational talk she shared her
insights and gave advice on how to become an
effective leader: “Do not focus on you. Instead,
practice personal humility coupled with fierce
determination for the work,” she advised.
Service and commitment are key components
of Girl Scouting, and it is why the program is
so essential for young girls. Ms. Hesselbein
declared, “Girl Scouts plays an indispensable role
in developing women leaders; it puts a spotlight
on what young girls could and can be.”
What happens in the 2008 election will
have a lasting impact on all of our futures. Yet,
whether or not the nation elects the first woman
President, girls and women will have witnessed
a woman (and former Girl Scout) ascend to
new political heights and levels of success. This
is what we hope for all Girl Scouts—that they
will gain the confidence and courage to pursue
their dreams, and with great character, make a
difference in the world.
With your continued support and generosity we are developing cadres of girls who will
become tomorrow’s leaders. We thank you for
your investment in our programs and in our girls;
we look forward to your continued partnership
as together, we develop the next generation of
women leaders.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Traci A. Barnett
Chief Executive Officer
Dawn S. Hyde
Chair, Board of Directors
4:22:59 PM
Let your own light shine
ur deepest fear is not that
we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light,
not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about
shrinking so that other people won’t
feel insecure about you.
And as we let our own light shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same. As we are liberated from
our own fear, our presence automatically
liberates others.
irl Scouts of Central Maryland
serves nearly 30,000 girls from
all walks of life in Baltimore City,
Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford
and Howard counties with the mission of
developing tomorrow’s leaders--girls of
courage, confidence and character who
make the world a better place. The ways
in which this mission is actualized can be
seen in hundreds of ways: as you watch
girls interact with each other having fun
or teaming together to complete a project or task; when you see their faces light
up after learning and executing a new skill
or finding the strength and endurance to
canoe in a river or climb the rockwall;
when they achieve their individual and
troop cookie goals; or when they are
engaged in a service project and see how
they have helped others. You see it when
a girl discovers the promise and potential
that lies in being a girl and how fantastically awesome that is.
Turn the pages and see how
Girl Scouts in central Maryland show
how they are brilliant, gorgeous, talented
and fabulous and the ways they have let
their own light shine.
Excerpted from, “Our Deepest Fear”
by Marianne Williamson
recited by Girl Scout Keke Palmer
in the motion picture “Akeelah and the Bee”
4:23:02 PM
Through service projects, like restoration of Camp
Whippoorwill’s Cocky Creek shoreline or outdoor
adventures like canoeing, Girl Scouts of all ages
develop courage, confidence and character along
with the skills to make the world a better place.
4:23:05 PM
Above: Two Senior Girl Scouts share a
photo with Governor Martin O’Malley
during the 2007 Maryland Legislative Day
in Annapolis. Right: Frances Hesselbein,
former CEO of GSUSA, Chair of the Board of
Directors for the Leader to Leader Institute,
was the keynote speaker at Girl Scouts of
Central Maryland’s first Women’s Leadership
Forum, held June 5, 2007. The Enoch Pratt
Free Library, Network 2000, KNOW (KPMG
Network of Women) and the United Way of
Central Maryland co-sponsored the event.
“Being a woman leader is a matter of how to be,
not how to do it.”
~Frances Hesselbein
Seneca, Iroquoian
4:23:10 PM
“Through Girl Scouting, girls gain a sense of self-worth and respect
for themselves and they learn about the importance of service.”
~Frances Hesselbein
n Girl Scouting, girls lead by
example, through their
participation in service projects;
helping those in need; supporting U.S.
soldiers overseas; or simply being a sister
to other Girl Scouts.
For many girls the Girl Scout
Gold Award—the highest award in Girl
Scouting—represents their first steps in
creating their leadership legacy. It is the
culmination of the many, many hours of
work a girl puts into “going for the Gold.”
It is something about which a girl is
passionate -- in thought, deed, and action.
The Gold Award project is more than
a good service project; it encompasses
organizational, leadership and networking
skills, and has a positive, lasting impact on
the community. The experiences gained
through completing the project and the
sense of community and commitment
that comes with it lay the foundation for
a lifetime of active citizenship.
In 2007, 123 girls, a 45% increase over
last year, received this esteemed award.
Some of the Gold Award projects
included: building a bird house complex
that allowed students at the Maryland
School for the Blind to study song birds’
sounds and music; creating a pediatric
library that included an internet indexing system for a local hospital; installing
a music library and organizing musical
concerts at a nursing home for Alzheimer
patients; providing tote bags filled with
activities and books for military children
at the Bethesda Naval Hospital; and,
traveling to El Salvador to deliver lessons,
complete with posters, toothpaste and
toothbrushes, on the basics of dental
Wherever there is a need, you can
be certain Girl Scouts in central Maryland are involved. From restoring local
waterways and planting trees at camps to
helping children near and far, Girl Scouts
responded to the call for action:
• Girl Scout troops collected and
delivered 27,158 pounds of food,
compared to last year’s collection of
18,000 pounds, to the Maryland Food
Bank as part of the council’s Harvest for
the Hungry Patch program;
• A Senior Girl Scout troop traveled to
the Mississippi Gulf to bring toys and
clothing to Hurricane Katrina victims;
• Troops and groups of girls assembled
at Camp Conowingo to plant 95 new
trees as part of Girl Scouts of the USA’s
national 95th Anniversary celebration
and earned the council’s first forestry
badges; and,
• For the annual Gift of Caring project, a
service project associated with the annual
Cookie Sale program activity, Girl Scout
troops delivered 8,000 boxes of Girl
Scout Cookies to soldiers serving abroad
through our partnership with Operation
Military Kids.
4:23:13 PM
Great Adventures in the outdoors
he ring of the bell and the
cheers from below as a girl
climbs and reaches the top of
the 25-foot rock climbing wall; the
laughter and screams of girls as they
swim and play in the pool; the smells of
saddles and the velvety soft noses of
horses in the stables; the excitement and
awe of watching a mother goat with her
three young kids; the look of fear that
turns to eagerness and confidence as girls
master their new kayaking and canoeing
skills...this is what Girl Scout summer
camp is all about -- great adventures
in the outdoors.
Our four camp properties: Camp
Conowingo, Camp Ilchester, Camp
Whippoorwill and Camp Woodlands
were filled with fun and high adventure
as 3,084 girls participated in summer
activities that included rock wall climbing,
hiking, swimming, archery, canoeing,
kayaking, ropes course activities,
horseback riding, theater arts, puppetry
and campfire cooking. Collaborations
with the Shenandoah National Park,
Living Classrooms Foundation, and Laurel
Caverns further expanded girls’ outdoor
opportunities to include hiking in the
Shenandoah Valley, week-long sailing on
The Lady Maryland, and exploring the
caves and waves on Pennsylvania’s
Youghiogheny River. Some girls even
had the opportunity to “city camp” in
the wilds of New York City!
Overall, 18,423 girls—423 more than the
projected goal—participated in a variety
of outdoor program activities for the
year and 24,307 campers held activities
and sleep-overs at Girl Scouts of Central
Maryland’s camp properties.
2007 Camp Highlights
• 1,039 girls participated in resident
camp, exceeding the council’s summer
camp goal by over 6.5%;
• 2,045 girls participated in day camps,
an increase of 11% from last year;
• 3,183 girls participated in Rock Wall
Climbing activities compared to 813 last
year; and
• Over 3,000 visitors to Camp Conowingo participated in activities at the Caitlin
Dunbar Nature Center, which opened in
the spring of 2006
4:23:15 PM
Having fun and becoming part of a new
community is a big part of camp. Many girls
say that at camp they do things they were first
afraid to do; others said that camp helped them
feel good about themselves.
4:23:17 PM
Juliette Gordon Low believed the Girl Scout
movement would prepare girls for service to
their communities and country. Our volunteers
embody that belief through their service and
by helping girls develop the skills they need to
become active, responsible citizens and leaders.
“The program has helped me maintain a positive
outlook and perspective on life”
~Julianna, Waxter Girl Scout Troop member
4:23:22 PM
“The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and
we are its makers”
~Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts
ur adult volunteers play a critical role in shaping girls into what
they become. Some spend an
hour or a day sharing their experiences
and talents with girls, while others commit countless hours developing the next
generation of leaders. Whatever time is
spent, it makes an indelible impression
on the lives of these young girls. Many
volunteers’ efforts and dedication are
recognized by their peers, while hundreds
of others receive the gratitude, affection
and respect of the very girls they lead.
Girl Scout Volunteer Awards
• Daisy Award – 105 awards
• Outstanding Leader – 73 awards
• Outstanding Volunteer – 43 awards
• Appreciation Pin – 12 awards
• Honor Pin – 5 awards
Seneca, Iroquoian
Volunteers Linda Nape and Rae Haynes
provide mentoring and leadership
development skills to teen-age girls
housed at the Thomas J.S. Waxter
Children’s Detention Center through
weekly Girl Scout troop meetings
designed to help girls build self-esteem
and acquire workforce readiness,
conflict-resolution and effective
communication skills. Guest presenters
led workshops and presentations for the
208 girls registered in the program.
NASA space scientist,
Dr. Ann Hornschemeier, shares her
passion for space exploration with teen
Girl Scouts through her Big Explosions
Strong Gravity workshops and the
A.C.E. of Space club. These activities
allow girls hands-on participation in
astronomic science activities and to
speak with NASA space scientists.
Dr. Horncshemeier received approval
for a grant to implement the A.C.E. of
Space club through 2010.
1:50:35 PM
Mothers In Prison - Bridge Beyond Bars
irl Scouts of Central Maryland
realizes that not every girl has
someone readily available to take
her hand and guide her. To that end,
specialized outreach programs are implemented to address the needs of at-risk
girls living throughout central Maryland.
Since 1977 the female prison
population in the U.S. has grown by
757%, leaving thousands of children to
navigate through drastic and devastating
changes without their mothers. In many
cases these children are forced to live
with distant or older family members—
or with foster families—separated from
siblings and their only parent.
Locally, 1,200 women reside in
the Maryland Correctional Institute for
Women (MCIW) and the Baltimore
Pre-Release Unit for Women; 80% of
these women have children under the
age of 18. In response to the question:
“What happens to the children these
women leave behind? Girl Scouts of
Central Maryland piloted the first Beyond
Bars program 14 years ago and five years
ago, the Bridge Beyond Bars Girl Scout
program at MCIW and the Baltimore
Pre-Release facility respectively, to bring
mothers and daughters together again.
Margaret Chippendale, a 35-year veteran
of the Maryland Department of Public
Safety and Corrections Services, is the
Girl Scout staff administrator for these
programs. In collaboration with the
SAFER Foundation’s Families for Prevention series, both of these Girl Scout
troops engage in activities designed to
build self-esteem, discourage drug and
alcohol use, re-build relationships and
trust, and encourage positive interaction
between moms and daughters.
The importance of the bond
between mother and daughter was
recognized by journalist Lisa Ling in her
documentary, Daughters Left Behind,
which aired on the Oxygen Network last
summer. The documentary gave credence to the impact Girl Scouts of Central Maryland’s Beyond Bars and Bridge
Beyond Bars programs have on helping
daughters and mothers feel less isolated
from each other and more involved in
each others lives. The 2007 program
year ended with 82 girl and 51 inmate
mother Girl Scout members compared
to 59 girls and 43 mothers in 2006.
ahada `ashar
4:23:44 PM
“After doing lots of fun activities together, we sit
down to talk about everything that has been
going on since the last meeting. When I first
joined Girl Scouts I would often ask myself,
‘What do I expect to gain from this program?’
Then one day it finally hit me, ‘WE’ are the gain.”
~Beyond Bars Program Mom
kumi na mbili
4:23:48 PM
Navigating through the uncertainty,
temptations and unknown pitfalls of
adolescence can be as daunting as
finding the right path up a rock wall.
P.A.V.E.The Way Baltimore provides the
compass needed by many youth to
make it to the top.
ishumi nantathu
4:23:52 PM
Taking Action to connect with Every Girl, Everywhere
he positive influence of our
Project Anti-Violence Education
(P.A.V.E.) program -- established
to empower teens with the knowledge
and skills to help their peers avoid the
pitfalls of addiction and violence -- was
spotlighted by WJZ-TV anchor, Denise
Koch. She spent a day observing how
peer mentors encouraged elementary
school day-campers to just say “NO”
to crime, gangs and violence. The 2007
P.A.V.E. Summer Camp provided 167
day-campers, a 24% increase over last
year, self-esteem and team-building
exercises, and an opportunity to develop
relationships with local police and rescue
workers as they conducted prevention
seminars and safety demonstrations.
Crime Prevention celebrities McGruff
and Scruffy, along with the American
Lung Association’s interactive SmokeFree Bus, were on-hand to reinforce the
P.A.V.E. program messages.
arba´ata ´ashar
P.A.V.E. peer mentors also partnered
with the Maryland Crime Prevention
Association to conduct a Tools 4 Success
Workshop at Towson State University.
This opportunity allowed the P.A.V.E.
peer mentors to reach more youth and
develop relationships with law enforcement professionals. The Tools 4 Success
Workshop, designed for youth ages11-18
including youth who had previous encounters with law enforcement officials,
addresses gangs, self-esteem, conflict
resolution and other teen issues. The
Tools 4 Success Workshop was filmed
by the Carroll Media Center and was
broadcast on Carroll County public
television stations during the fall.
Additionally, the P.A.V.E. peer mentors developed a poignant one-act play,
“The Daily Drama,” that depicts the
temptations teens face and the resources
teens have to resist them. The play was
presented to over 700 youth and adults
at various locations throughout Baltimore
City and nearby counties. With the support of 36 peer mentors, P.A.V.E. served
an all-time high of 5,997 youth—3,085
girls and 2,912 boys—nearly double the
amount of last year.
Our In-School and After-School programs also had a positive impact on the
lives of girls living in Baltimore City and
Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties
providing cultural, educational and selfesteem program activities that enriched
and broadened their perspectives on life
and their future. Girl Scouts collaborated
with Junior Achievement, to implement
the Brilliant Entrepreneurs pilot program
which reinforced the value of workforce
readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial
literacy. Junior Achievement was delivered to 82 girls in Baltimore City. Girl
Scout In-School programs were delivered in 91 schools in Baltimore City and
Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties, an
increase of 31 partner schools from last
1:50:47 PM
Tomorrow’s leaders
have learned a lot of really great
things in my 13 years of scouting.
Camping skills, social service, leadership, how to sell cookies and, of course,
the Girl Scout Promise and Law. The Law
says to be Honest and Fair. And, well to be
honest….I really did not want to take the
time to fill out the application to shadow
a Maryland Distinguished Woman -- too
busy with school, work and my social life,
but to be fair…it was one of the best days
of my life! My favorite part of the day was
when I got to sit alone with Ms. Patty and
just talk. The thing I liked most was her
philosophy for life. She feels that you don’t
need to know exactly what your next step
in life may be, just evaluate the road you’re
on and if you find it fulfilling and what you
want to do then you are headed in the
right direction. I saw the real power of this
philosophy after spending an amazing day
with a woman that believes in this lifestyle.”
In addition to the thousands of volunteers that work to enrich the lives of girls,
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland annually
recognizes five women in the Baltimore
metropolitan region who have made a
positive impact on the lives of those living
in central Maryland through the Distinguished Women’s Award Reception
fundraiser. Each of the honorees, who
exemplify courage, confidence and character, spend a work-day with a Cadette
or Senior Girl Scout allowing each girl to
gain first-hand business experience and
personal insights about her future. For
many girls, the day also allows them to
gain a mentor and life-long friend.
~Kristin Trumble
Pictured during their shadow day at WJZ-TV studios are Denise Koch and Katherine Edwards
wis skáe´
Seneca, Iroquoian
4:24:01 PM
Above: The 2007 Distinguished Women Honorees:
Patricia M.C. Brown, Esq. President,
Johns Hopkins HealthCare, LLC and
Senior Counsel, Johns Hopkins Health System
—shadowed by Kristin Trumble, Troop 2131
Penelope J. Taylor,Vice Chair MBNA (retired)
—shadowed by Angela Malczyn, Troop 268
Denise Koch, Anchor, WJZ-TV
—shadowed by Katherine Edwards, Troop 999
Carla Diane Hayden, Ph.D.,
Executive Director, Enoch Pratt Free Library
—shadowed by Karen Sutphin, Troop173
Joan Develin Coley, Ph.D.,
President and Chief Executive Officer, McDaniel College
—shadowed by Laura Behrens, Troop 1589
sittata `ashar
4:24:04 PM
Bell Manor c.1868
is an historic mansion housed on the
grounds of Camp Conowingo, a 700
acres property, that is also the site of
our resident camp. Restoration of the
mansion began in 2002.
Projects completed to date include:
• New Slate roof
• Porch and front door restored
to circa 1926 design
• Hardwood floors throughout
have been refurbished
• Dining room and servants’ quarters
restored, renovated, painted
and wall papered
• Living room molding restored
and duplicated
• Windows replaced (58) and
20 have been restored
• Masonry re-pointed
Next Steps in preparation for the
Grand Opening of the 1st floor include:
• Kitchen renovation
• Stone step repair
• Finish first floor painting, trim work
and wall papering
The council is committed to returning
this prominent landmark to its original
magnificence. If you would like to invest
in this great restoration project, contact
Maria Johnson, Vice President of
sittata `ashar
4:24:11 PM
Financial Statement
Summary Statement of Activities
Product sales
Program service fees
United Way
Investment income
Store sales
Total revenue
Fund Raising
Program Fees 16%
United Way
Investment Income
Store Sales
Program services
Management & general
Total expenses
Product Sales
Fund Development
Management & General
Summary Statement of Financial Position
Total assets
Total liabilities
Net assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Program Services
4:24:15 PM
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland Donors
A Special Message to all our
Volunteers and Donors
Please accept our deepest gratitude
to each of you for sharing with
us your time, talent and treasure.
Your commitment to Girl Scouts
of Central Maryland and to our
girls is truly laudable and makes a
difference in their lives. We believe
that your generosity is a visible
testament of your support and
belief in our program; it serves as
an example for all.
Your tireless dedication to Girl
Scouts is recognition of all that the
Girl Scout movement has done to
help girls attain the highest ideals,
to become their strongest selves.
Again, thank you for being an advocate for your Central Maryland
Council. Your participation in
our efforts sends an unmistakable
message: you understand the value
of Girl Scouting, and you believe
the mission, “Girl Scouting builds
girls of courage, confidence and
character who make the world a
better place.”
$25,000 and above
Anonymous (2)
Baltimore Community Foundation
Mr. Mike Bucolo
Charles Crane Family Foundation
United Way of Central Maryland
Wachovia Bank, N.A.
$10,000 - $24,999.99
Alex. Brown & Sons Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Eva F. Anderson
Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle
Ms. Stephanie Beran
Citigroup Foundation
Dr. Joan D. Coley and
Mr. Millard Rice
Thomas H. Maren Foundation
Sheela Murthy, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg
$5,000 - $9,999.99
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Bank of America
Ms. Patricia M. Brown, Esq.
David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greenblatt
Henry & Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg
McCormick & Company
The National Sweepstakes
Mary Pat Seurkamp, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Struthers
Ms. Sharon Vecchioni
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Whitney
$1,000 - $4,999.99
Anonymous (20)
Nancy F. Aiken Ph.D
Ms. Floraine B. Applefeld
Baltimore Life Insurance Company
The Baltimore Sun
Ms. Kathryn L. Barnes
Ms. Traci A. Barnett
The Honorable Helen D. Bentley
Berkshire Associates Inc
Brown Investment Advisory &
Trust Company
Dr. Michael A. Carducci
Ms. Mary A. Cary
College of Notre Dame of
Maryland, Inc.
Constellation Energy Group, Inc.
Ms. Betty Cooke
Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
CREW Foundation
Ms. Elizabeth S. Dana
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dash
Ms. Donora L. Dingman
Ms. Lynne M. Durbin
The Enoch Pratt Free Library of
Baltimore City
Ms. Wanda L. Forrest
Mrs. Kathryn B. Freeland
Dr. Linda J. Gilliam
Girl Scout Howard County Day
Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
Dr. Leonard Goldman
GSCM International Troop 51
Dr. and Mrs. Freeman Hrabowski
Marian Hwang, Esq.
Deborah E. Jennings, Esq.
Johns Hopkins HealthCare LLC
Johns Hopkins Health Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Esko I. Korhonen
Legg Mason, Inc.
Lion Brothers Company, Inc.
Macht Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Debra S. Mastin
McDaniel College
Ms. Julie Mercer
The Joseph Meyerhoff Fund, Inc
Mr. Terence B. Meyers
Ms. Maria T. Mickiewicz
Miles & Stockbridge Foundation
Ms. Patricia J. Mitchell
Morgan Stanley
Elise D. Morris, Esq.
Mutual of America
Ms. Barbara Nicklas
Ms. Deborah A. Nolan
Mr. Damian C. O’Doherty
Provident Bank of Maryland
Ravens ACT Foundation
RCM&D, Inc.
Judy Reitz, M.D.
Rotary Club of Columbia-Patuxent
SAAB of Baltimore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sabelhaus
SAFER Foundation
Laura P. Scheinberg, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd
Lois M. Shofer, Ph.D.
SM Consulting, Inc.
Ms. Janet Marie Smith and Mr.
Bart Harvey
Ms. Loretta M. Smith
Ms. Brenda Sorensen
St. Joseph’s Medical Center
SunTrust Bank
T. Rowe Price Associates
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne Thompson
Mr. Justin R. Tupik
Mr. David G. Turner
Utopia Woman’s Fashions
Ms. Abbie von Schlegell
WalMart Foundation
Ms. Karen Weatherholtz
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston
Charitable Trust
Woodhaven Building &
Development, Inc.
$500 - $999.99
Ms. Jacqueline O. Anson
Ascend One Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Behrens
Ms. Jennifer Burnett
Ms. Kathleen Cardona
Ms. Margaret K. Carvella
Ms. Bonnie Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Coppage
Pamela G. P. Cranston, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeh Dopson
EMA Management, Inc.
Ms. Karen E. B. Evans
Ms. Norma M. Hensler-Davis
Mr. Stephen Jackson
Ms. Maria T. Johnson
Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of
Metropolitan Baltimore Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kedash
Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Levy
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lowe
MECU of Baltimore, Inc.
N.H. Yates & Co., Inc.
National Cooperative Bank (NCB)
Ms. Mary Louise Preis
Mrs. Cindy Reppert-Ault
Ms. Carolyn D. Roberts
Mr. Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr.
Service Unit 637
Louis B. Thalheimer & Juliet A.
Eurich Philanthropic Fund
Trahan, Burden & Charles, Inc.
Dr. Doris C. Vandoren
Ms. Dena Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wolkow
The Women’s Club of Towson
$250 - $499.99
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barrow
Ms. April D. Blahut
Mr. Francis Bossle
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert T. Burgan
Ms. Heather Burns
Ms. Temekia Butler
Mr. Russell P. Cain
Mr. Walter R. Calvert
Ms. Susan Carlson
Ms. Louise P. Cavagnaro
Ms. Tami Chernikoff
Ms. Anna M. Cluster
Ms. Rosalie B. Coffman
Ms. Shirley Collier
Dr. Nancy E. Davidson
Ms. Lisa Demetreon
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ditto, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dukeman
Ms. Penelope Echo-Reardanz
Mr. Clifton W. Flenniken, III
Mrs. Connie L. Flohr
Friends in Need Foundation of the
Ellicott City Rotary Club
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Fulton
Ms. Mary Garlington
Ms. Christine Garrett
Ms. Ruth E. Gelman
Good Ground Consulting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Theophilus Griswold
Ms. Barbara L. Gunter
Ms. Sarah E. Hamlin
Ms. Supriya M. Harding
Harford County Mall Lock-In
Harford Mutual Insurance
Mrs. Bonita Harrell
HCR Manor Care Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Holmes
Ms. Debra S. Hurt
Ms. Jo Jennings
Ms. Kelly T. Keiderling
Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Kelly
Mrs. Lara C. Klick
Mr. James F. Kolar
Ms. Lori M. Kremer
Ms. Janet L. Leitzel
Lemek, LLC d/b/a Panera Bread
Mr. William G. Leonard
LifeBridge Health
Ms. Marilyn Mause
Mrs. Mary Ann McClurg
Ms. Rosalind A. McElrath
Ms. Diane M. Miller
Ms. Ruth A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munley
Ms. Sandra A. Neverett
Mr. Stanley Proudlock
Ms. Elizabeth M. Raines-Raggad
Donna L. Reihl, Ph.D.
Ms. Carol A. Robbins
Service Unit 641
Service Unit 674
Ms. Janice M. Sheridan
Mr. David L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Sohn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sprows
Mr. and Ms. John Straumanis
Ms. Susan R. Thompson
Troop 343
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Trumble
The Women’s Club of Perry Hall
Mr. Robert Vaughan
$100 - $249.99
Anonymous (19)
Ms. Constance Adams
Ms. Gloria A. Adkins
Ms. Janice B. Agazio
Ms. Meaghan Airel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alfini
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allchin
Mrs. and Mr. Nancy Alley
Ms. Lisa A. Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Amstad
Ms. Ebony Anderson
Ms. Laura M. Ather
Ms. Cathy A. Bach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baer
Mrs. Betty B. Bannat
Ms. Kim Bardelman
Mr. Daniel Batta
Ms. Tracie Baxter
Ms. Karen Beck
Ms. Susan Beckerman
Ms. Carrie M. Bialek
Ms. Bonnie S. Birkel
Mr. Andrew R. Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Blackwell
Ms. Brenda J. Bodian
Ms. Lorien A. Boia
Ms. Pamela J. Borden
Mrs. Bette W. Botzler
Mr. Robert R. Bowie
Mr. John E. Branyan
Ms. Sandra Brooks and
Mr. Daniel Dodd
Ms. Valerie Brooks
Ms. Clare R. Brown
Ms. Renee Brown
Ms. Patricia Buchheimer
Ms. Keirstin L. Bueche
Ms. Mary Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Burt
Ms. Marsha S. Buss
Ms. Pier Butler
Ms. M. Susan Byers-Kochenderfer
Ms. Rosanne Calure
Ms. Patricia C. Carroll
Ms. Suzanne Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chippendale
Ms. Terri-Ann Chiu
Mr. Eric Christensen and
Ms. Colleen Mahony
Mr. John Cochran
Ms. Alison M. Collins
Ms. Connie Conner
Mr. Michael P. Cook
Ms. Barbara G. Cooper
Ms. Laurey Cosowsky
Ms. Jacquelyn Cowan
Ms. Karen L. Cronin
Mr. Walter D. Crouch
Ms. Susan E. Crue
Mr. Carlos Cuenca and
Ms. Angela Duncan
Ms. Gail L. Cuffie
Ms. Shirley F. Cuffie
Ms. Dorothy A. Daasch
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Daly
Ms. Esty S. Daly
David R. Watson, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Davis
Ms. LuAnn B. Day
Ms. Krista Deak
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dee
Ms. Donna Delawder-Helowicz
Deutsche Bank Americas
Diageo North America
Mr. Stephen DiBiagio
Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl
Ms. Cherelynn M. Dippenworth
Dr. Patricia Disharoon
Diversified Insurance
Industries, Inc.
Mr. David R. Dixon
4:24:18 PM
Ms. Sherry Dowdell
Ms. Claudine K. Dunning
Ms. Lois Ann Dustin-Mosko
Ms. Marlys K. East
Ms. Dawn Ebeling
Ms. Vannasa Edwards
Ms. Cynthia Elliott
Dr. Melinda J. Elliott
Ms. Shirin Engineer
Essex Lodge No. 1866
Ms. Aisha A. Eversley
Ms. Sandra Fahrman
Ms. Christine Fisk
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Fitzmaurice
Mr. Stephen A. Flottemesch
French Construction Services, Inc.
Ms. Gladys Friedel
Ms. Kathleen O. Friedman
Mr. Wayne Fritze
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Froehlich
Ms. Joyce M. Frost
Ms. Lydia Gallant-Britton
Mr. Mark Garman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Garrett
Ms. Cheryl Gast-Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Geckle
Mr. James J. Gerleve
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Geskey, II
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Godfrey
Ms. Sally Gold
Alison Goldenberg, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gonze
Mr. Wesley R. Gordon
Ms. Susan Griffin
Ms. Karen E. Guthorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hadeler
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hado
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Hamilton
Ms. Cynthia L. Harkness
Ms. Annie Harvey
Ms. H. Marie Harvey
Ms. Wendy L. Hawkins
Ms. Lilah Haxton
Mrs. William Hazlehurst
Ms. Victoria L. Hebden
Ms. Frederike R. Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heil
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Heinbuch
Ms. Catherine D. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Herder Jr.
Ms. Kathleen A. Herold
Ms. Jennifer L. Hervy
Ms. Elise Highsmith
Ms. Tamika Holden
Ms. Cydny H. Holt
Mr. William J. Hopps
Ms. Theresa C. Houck
Ms. Shannon Howard
Ms. Melinda Howell
Ms. Kathy Hurl
Ms. Andrea Hylen
Independent Can Company
Ms. Karen Ingalls
Ms. Angel Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jacobs
Ms. Pamela L. Jarrar
Ms. Loretta G. Johnson
Ms. Cristen Jones
Ms. Linda E. Jones
Ms. Mia B. Jones
Ms. Helen H. Kane
Ms. Stephanie A. Kearns
Mr. Donald A. Keefer
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
Ms. Rebecca K. Kidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis King
Mr. and Mrs. John King
Ms. Judith Kinshaw-Ellis
Ms. Raissa Kirk
Ms. Christina C. Kirkland
Ms. Mary A. Klekota
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Klomparens
Ms. Denise Koch
Ms. Christine Y. Koski
Ms. Amy Kramer
Ms. Nancy E. Krystkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Ladd Jr.
Ms. Michelle D. Landen
Ms. Kathleen A. Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Lassahn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laux
Ms. Jennifer Lawrence
Ms. Janet V. Lefort
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lentz
Ms. Dori Levi
Ms. Andrea Lichtenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Corey A. Link
Ms. Catherine G. Litofsky
Ms. Dee Ann Lommers-Johnson
Ms. Janice M. Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. David Loughlin
Ms. Judith Lyons
Ms. Jane B. Mace
Mrs. Eleanor MacQueen
Ms. April Manning
Ms. Paula J. Marcellus
Ms. Laura Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Mattos
Ms. Mary McCarter
Ms. Wendy L. McConnell
Mr. Donta McEachern
Ms. Judith McGovern
Ms. Elizabeth A. McKennon
Ms. Christina McKenzie
Ms. Barbara McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McNeal
Ms. Julia McNeal
Ms. Lynsey Mercer
Ms. Theresa Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers
Ms. Hillary Michaud
Ms. Margaret M. Miedzianowski
Ms. Tina L. Millard
Ms. Mary D. Miller
Ms. Karen D. Mitchell
Ms. Rita M. Monroy and
Mr. John Phares
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore
Ms. Erin Mote
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Mowell
The Hon. Ellen Moyer
Ms. Karen E. Mucci
Mr. and Mrs. Ackneil M. Muldrow, II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nash
National Semiconductor
Mr. and Mrs. Serigne N’Diaye
Mr. Ron Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Neuman
Ms. Carolyn R. Newsome
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nolder
Mr. Emory O. Norris
Northfield Cluster
Number Ten Foundation
Ms. Denise Olsen
Ms. Stephanie A. O’Neill
Ms. Susanna N. Oursler
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Palfi
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Parks
Ms. Lorie M. Parrott
Ms. Virginia C. Patterson
Ms. Josianne W. Pennington
Ms. Hynda Peterson
Ms. Maria Pezzella
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Phelps, Jr.
Ms. Rhonda L. Pierce
Ms. Lisa Potochney
Ms. Melinda M. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Ram Reddy
Ms. Cyndy Renoff
Ms. Ellen Jean Revelj
Ms. Mary Anna Rice
Mr. Wayne W. Rice
Ms. Suzanne Ricklin
Ms. Allison Roberts
Ms. Lois Roberts
Ms. Dawn D. Rock
Ms. Lynne D. Rockenbauch
Ms. Nancy I. Roes
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ross
Rotary Club of Glen Burnie
Ms. Patricia T. Salazar
Mr. and Mrs. James Sams, Jr.
Dr. Ruth Sanchez-Way
Ms. Jayati Sarkar
Saul Ewings Attorneys At Law
Mr. Wendel Sauter
Ms. Shannon M. Schaecher
Mrs. and Mr. Kathryn Schulke
Mr. Jeffrey L. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Scott
Ms. Laura Seed
Ms. Michele M. Seeley
Ms. Theresa A. Seeley
Service Unit 620
Service Unit 656
Ms. Susan M. Shanklin
Ms. Mary E. Shaw
Ms. Monica Sheaffer
Ms. Helen W. Sheats
Mr. Jerome A. Shinsky
Ms. Carol Sholes
Ms. Kathleen Shoul
Mr. and Mrs. David Shrum
Mr. David Sides
Sigma Phi Gamma International
Sorority - Kappa Kappa Chapter
Ms. Jeyanthi Sirithara
Mr. and Mrs. David Sklar
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill I. Skolnik
Ms. Lauren Smith
Ms. Donna Snyder
Mr. David V. Sommer
Ms. Theresa Spliedt
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Standard
Ms. Deborah Stewart
Ms. Deborah L. Straka
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stuck
Ms. Sylvia Stverak-Pruden
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sutphin
Ms. Marie T. Swartz
Mr. Daniel Swinder
Ms. Martha Sykora
Mr. Alvin Tarver
Ms. Adrienne Taylor
Ms. Nancy Taylor
Ms. Patricia A. Taylor
Ms. Katherine B. Tempesta
Ms. Danita A. Terry
Mr. Tim Thomas
Ms. Kathy S. Tomaszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Travis, III
Ms. Tamika L. Tremaglio
Ms. Joan M. Trentler
Troop 44
Troop 419
Troop 680
Troop 821
Troop 834
Troop 889
Troop 955
Troop 1156
Troop 1269
Troop 1388
Troop 1439
Troop 1441
Troop 1769
Troop 2115
Troop 2349
Troop 4038
Troop 4068
Troop 4226
Troop 4944
Troop 7140
Troop 9581
Ms. Ida-Marguerite M. Twilley
Ms. Linda S. Tyler
Universal Products, Inc.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Joppatowne Memorial Post 5838
Ms. Kim Wagner
Ms. Christine Walczyk
Ms. Mary A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wallace
Ms. Avice Walwyn
Ms. Salli J. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waters
Ms. Nelika-Fai Watson
Ms. Latracia R. Weeks
Ms. Jennifer T. Weiss
Ms. Susan E. West
What’s Up?, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. White
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Williams
Ms. Lisa C. Williams
Ms. Angala Wilson
Ms. Kathleen B. Wilson
Ms. Linda N. Wilson
Ms. Marjorie Wilson
Ms. Barbara Winter-Watson
Ms. Karen L. Woolsey
Ms. Barbara F. Young
Mr. Jeffrey Zinn and
Ms. Jennifer St. Germaine
$1.00 - $99.99
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Cathy E. Aballo
Cookie Booth sale at Howard County Central Library
Ms. Renea Abate
Ms. Carol P. Abbott
Ms. Jennifer Abbott
Ms. Maha Abdelkader
Mr. and Mrs. George Abdow
Ms. Yolanda Abel
Ms. Linsey Abels
Ms. Ulumma Abii
Ms. Kenya Abney
Ms. Delia E. Abrams
Ms. Valerie Aburn
Ms. Angela Adams
Ms. Christine Adams
Ms. Joanne B. Adams
Ms. Michelle Adams
Ms. Susan M. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Addicks
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Addison
Ms. Tracey Adler
Ms. Kimberly Adomanis-Chomicz
Ms. Tamara Adson
The Afro American Newspapers
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Aguilar
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ainsworth
Ms. Christina Akers
Ms. Katharine Albers
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Albert
Ms. Mary Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Albrecht
Ms. Bobbi Albright
Ms. Barbara Albuerne
Ms. Mary Alders
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alderson
Ms. Diane Alejo
Ms. Anissa Alexander
Ms. Geneva Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Alexander
Mr. Robert W. Alexander
Ms. Nancy Alexandrou
Ms. Marie Allee
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allen ,Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Allen
Ms. Lauri Allen
Ms. Susan Allen
Ms. Dawne Allette
Ms. Jill Alli
Ms. Cheryl Allison
Ms. Mary K. Almasy
Ms. Donna K. Almony
Ms. Janet Almony
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alonsa
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alvarez
Ms. Carol Amanze
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Amberger
Ms. Karen Ameel
Ms. Karen Amos
Ms. Patricia Amos
Ms. Elizabeth A. Amrein
Ms. Ellen E. Amrein
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Anastasi
Ms. Brenda Anderson
Mr. Bryan Anderson and
Ms. Joyce Russell
Ms. Joyce Anderson
Ms. Linnea Anderson
Ms. Marjorie Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson
Ms. Nicole Anderson
Ms. Diana C. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Andrews
Ms. Ruth F. Andrione
Ms. Paula Andrzejewski
Ms. Mariellen M. Angelo
Ms. Sarah Angerer
Ms. Chetna Ankolekar
Valorie Anlage, M.D.
Ms. Victoria L. Anthony
Ms. Mathania Antoine
Ms. Carol Applegate
Ms. Stephanie Argilan
Ms. Doris E. Argo
Ms. Mary F. Armacost
Ms. Karrie D. Armetta
Ms. Qena Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arndt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Arnheim
Ms. Bera L. Arnn
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Arroyo
Mr. and Mrs. Petar Arsenovic
Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur
Ms. Kathleen Arvin
Ms. Wendy Aschenbrenner
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Ascon
Ms. Sian Ashenden
4:24:18 PM
Traci Barnett, CEO, congratulating a Cookie College graduate.
Ms. Susan Ashman
Ms. Roxann Ashworth
Ms. Shazia Asi
Ms. Akua A. Asiedu
Ms. Martha Aten
Ms. Theresa Athaide
Ms. Kim Athey
Ms. Barbara Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Atkinson
Ms. Kelly Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. John Au
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aud
Ms. Tiffany H. Audlin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Auer
Ms. Donna Augustino
Ms. Dedra Austin
Ms. Teddy Auth
Ms. Mina Averza
Ms. Deborah Avioli
Ms. Ciesana Ayers-Sudler
Ms. Karen Ayotte
Ms. Eliana Ayoub
Ms. Jennie G. Azhderian
Ms. Mary E. Bach
Ms. Michelle L. Backe
Ms. Anne R. Backert
Ms. Debbie Badawi
Ms. Jacqueline Badro
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baeck
Ms. Barbara Baer
Ms. Janet Baer
Bhowna Bahethi, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baillie
Ms. Barbara C. Bair
Ms. Stacy Baird
Ms. Angie Baker
Ms. Ann J. Baker
Ms. Mary Baker
Ms. Traci L. Baker
Ms. Jacqueline S. Baker-Poe
Ms. Patricia J. Bakunas
Ms. Suzanne Balasubramanian
Ms. Laura Balasus
Ms. Annette Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Baldwin
Ms. Janet Ball
Ms. Julia Ball
Ms. Patricia Ballantyne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bandarenko
Ms. Cynthia J. Baney
Ms. Margaret E. Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Banks
Ms. Suzanne Banton
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Barajas
Ms. Christy H. Barbalate
Ms. Kimberly Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Barbieri
Ms. Cynthia Barcelles
Ms. Elizabeth A. Bare
Ms. Synthia W. Bare
Ms. Shana G. Barehand
Mr. and Mrs. Alex N. Barenblitt
Ms. Barbara A. Bar-Haim
Ms. Gerina Barkley
Ms. Luna Barkley
Ms. LaDean Barksdale
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barnd
Ms. Ann W. Barnes
Ms. Beth Barnes
Ms. Margie Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnett
Ms. Michele Barnett
Ms. Caland Barney
Mrs. Dorinda Barney
Ms. Deborah Barnhart
Ms. Deborah Baronas
Ms. Pam Barone
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barranco
Ms. Michelle Barreca
Ms. Catherine Barrett
Ms. Deborah L. Barrett
Ms. Teresa A. Barrick
Ms. Catherine K. Barth
Ms. Robin Bartko
Ms. Beverly A. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bartlinski
Ms. Clare Bartock
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barton
Mr. John Bartucca
Ms. Michelle J. Barwick
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bateman
Ms. Kimberly Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Battaglia
Ms. Tammy Battaglia
Ms. Doreen Batze
Ms. Anne M. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Bauer
Ms. Kathleen Baughan
Ms. Dianne P. Baukhages
Ms. Catina M. Baumgardner
Ms. Sandra Baumler
Ms. Kathleen Baxley
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Baylor
Ms. Casey E. Baynes
Mr. and Mrs. James Bays
Mr. and Mrs. Layne Bazzle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Beach
Ms. Lynne Beacham
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Beachley
Ms. Amy Beal
Ms. Jennifer Beale and
Mr. Doug Updegrove
Ms. Laurel Beall
Ms. Lila Beall
Ms. Viola Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Beares
Mr. Robert S. Beasley
Ms. Linda Beavin
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bechtel
Ms. Rachael Beck
Ms. Deborah Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Becker
Ms. Lisa Becker
Ms. Sarah Beckett
Mr. and Mrs. George Beech
Ms. Michelle Beever
Ms. Michele C. Behlen
Ms. Robin W. Behler
Ms. Lisa Behn
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Behr
Ms. Nancy Beichler
Ms. Sue Ellen Belinski
Ms. Sarah E. Belknap
Ms. Denise J. Bell
Ms. Susan D. Bell
Ms. Teresa Beller
Ms. Sherie Belt
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Beltran
Ms. Andrea Bendis-Munday
Ms. Helen L. Benfield
Ms. Beth Bengermino
Ms. Connie Benham
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Benjamin
Ms. Linda Bennett
Ms. Magdaline L. Bennett
Ms. Patricia A. Bennett
Ms. Brenda Benson
Ms. Melaine Bent
Mr. and Mrs. David Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bergeson
Ms. Lisa Bergquest
Ms. Eileen Berke
Ms. Sara Berman
Ms. Roxanne L. Bernhardt
Ms. Stephanie R. Berry
Ms. Tara Bersani
Ms. Mirna L. Bertaud de Leon
Ms. Kelly Best
Ms. Shannon Betag
Ms. Julie Betler
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beveridge
Mr. John Beyer
Ms. Shawnna Bez
Ms. Jigna V. Bhatt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bice
Ms. Mary Bichell
Ms. Angela L. Biederman
Ms. Tina Biggins
Ms. Goldie Biggs
Ms. Deborah A. Billings
Ms. Kathy Bird
Ms. Dana Birdin
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Birenberg
Ms. Kimberly A. Biro
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bischoff
Ms. Shelley Biscotti
Mr. and Mrs. David Bittler
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bittner
Ms. Ginger Biuk
Ms. Kay F. Black
Ms. Kelly Black
Ms. Kimberly Blades
Ms. Ericka L. Blagmond
Mr. and Mrs. David Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blair
Ms. Mary B. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Blake
Ms. Linda H. Blakeslee
Ms. Estelle Blankenship
Ms. Pamela M. Blase
Ms. Jan Blee
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Blevins
Ms. Michele Block
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bloom
Ms. Katherine Bloom
Ms. Mary Ann Blough
Ms. Kristen Blount
Ms. K. Vera Blum
Ms. Christine C. Blyth
Ms. Georgiana Boarman
Ms. Sharon Bobian-Thomas
Ms. Jamie Bobo
Ms. Jodi Bochenek
Ms. Rhonda Bockius
Ms. Michelle Bockman
Ms. Mary Bodley
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bodziak
Ms. Laura C. Boecker
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boehringer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bokman
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Boland
Ms. Mary Kay Boland
Ms. Cheryl A. Bolstad
Ms. Jennifer Bolster
Ms. Christa Bonadio
Ms. Debbi Bond
Ms. Naketa Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bondarenko
Ms. Cindy H. Bonner
Ms. Jane Bonner
Ms. Kimberly A. Bonner
Ms. Carol Bonney
Bonnie Heneson Communications, Inc.
Ms. Lorraine Bonzelet
Ms. Maria Boote
Ms. Kathi L. Booth
Ms. Dawn Bopp
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borowski
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Borowy
Ms. Gina Borzilleri
Ms. Theresa Bosley
Ms. Regina S. Boss
Ms. Diane C. Bossle
Ms. Helen Botsaris
Ms. Theresa Bottner
Ms. Karen M. Botts-Hinchy
Ms. Silvia Bouchard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boulin
Ms. Kim Bourn
Ms. Lisa Bourne
Ms. Susan A. Bowen
Mrs. Theresa C. Bower
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bowerman
Ms. Marcia Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowler
Ms. Stephanie Bowling
Ms. Laure A. Bowman
Ms. Crystal M. Boyd
Ms. Maria Boyer
Ms. Leigh Boyes
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boyland
Ms. Christine Boyle
Ms. Kathleen Bradcovich
Ms. Marsha Bradley
Ms. Sarah Bradley
Ms. Elisa M. Bradshaw
Ms. Tina Bradshaw
Ms. Lesta Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brainard
Ms. Kiersten Bram
Ms. Jill Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brand
Ms. Laura C. Brandon
Ms. Eva Brandt
Ms. Linda A. Brandt
Ms. Theresa M. Branham
Ms. Monica Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Brassard
Ms. Karen M. Braxton
Ms. Joanne Brazinski
Mr. and Mrs. John Breeden
Ms. Valerie E. Breidenbaugh
Ms. Kristi Brennan
Ms. Maura Brennan
Ms. Christine Brent
Ms. Jennifer Brent
Ms. Joyce Brewer
Ms. Carla Brezinski
Ms. Florence Brice
Ms. Linda M. Brice
Ms. Alison L. Brickey
Ms. Beth Brickey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bridgeman
Ms. Linda Bridges and Mr.
William Swales
Ms. Mary E. Brierley
Ms. Marnie Briggs
Ms. Linda Brigham
Ms. Abigail A. Brigstocke
Ms. Beth Brillante
Ms. Ann E. Brinsmead
Ms. Shantel Briscoe
Ms. Chantel Britt
Ms. Edwina Britt
Ms. Joan Brittingham
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Brocato
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Broccolino
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bronow
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks
Ms. Margaret Brooks
Ms. Rhonda Brooks
Ms. Connie Broome
Ms. Carol Brown
Ms. Carrie A. Brown
Ms. Cheryl D. Brown
Ms. Cheryl G. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Brown
Ms. Gertrude V. Brown
Ms. Jacqueline F. Brown
Ms. Jennifer Brown
Ms. Lisa Brown
Mr. Louis Brown
Ms. Melissa Brown
Ms. Patricia Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brown
Ms. Supereena Brown
Ms. Susan M. Brown
Ms. Terri Brown
Ms. Tomecha Brown
Ms. Julie Browne
Ms. Joyce Brozena
Ms. Mary E. Brunal
Ms. Sandee Bruneman
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brunike
Ms. Terry Brunner
Ms. Deborah A. Brunson
Ms. Brandi Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant
Ms. Myra Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bryant
Ms. Saundra Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bubier
Ms. Karen Buchanan
Ms. Paula R. Buchiane
Ms. Jennifer Buck
Ms. Pamela A. Buck
Ms. Holly Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buckley
Ms. Shelle Buckley
Ms. Sybil Buckwalter
Ms. Michelle E. Buhrman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bukowski
Ms. Jill Bulgin
Ms. Sue Bull
Ms. Maria A. Bulla
Mr. Peter Bullock
Ms. Andrea Bundy
Ms. Laura Bundy
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burbank
Mr. and Ms. Henry S. Burden
Ms. Jane Burgess
Ms. Barbara Burgett
4:24:20 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burke
Ms. Karen S. Burke
Ms. Sharon K. Burke
Ms. Kristine T. Burkett
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Burkhardt
Ms. Denise L. Burmester
Ms. JoAnn W. Burnett
Ms. Judy Burnett
Ms. Donna Burnetta-Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burnette
Mr. and Mrs. John Burns
Ms. Lynette Burns
Ms. Sally S. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burns
Ms. Mary K. Burrall
Ms. Patricia Burrell
Ms. Susana Burrell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burton
Ms. Krissy Burton
Ms. Michele R. Busch
Ms. Cathleen A. Busick
Mr. and Mrs. David Bussard
Ms. Dana R. Buswell
Ms. Deborah S. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Butz
Ms. Robin Byrd
Ms. Erica Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bystry
Ms. Janna Cadigan
Ms. Linda Cahow
Ms. Caroline L. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Call
Ms. Audrey Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Callahan
Ms. Christina M. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Callas
Ms. Mary C. Callender
Ms. Margie E. Calloway
Ms. Kathleen D. Calvert
Mr. and Mrs. Mohamed Camara
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Cameron
Ms. Amy J. Cammer
Ms. Lori Campana
Ms. Martha Campanella
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell
Ms. Dorsey Campbell
Ms. Lisa E. Campbell
Ms. Tina M. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Geraldo Campos
Ms. Denise Campson
Ms. Denise A. Candell
Ms. Eileen A. Canfield
Mr. and Mrs. Brien Canfield
Ms. Lisa Cann
Ms. Mary T. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cannon
Mr. Peter Capella and Ms. Andrea
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Caplan
Mr. and Ms. Michael Capparelli
Ms. Sandy Capper
Ms. Donna Capps
Mr. and Mrs. David Carberry
Ms. Jennifer Carberry
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Carey
Ms. Veronica Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cargiulo
Ms. Janice M. Carico
Ms. Karen Carloni
Ms. Alicia Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carmody
Ms. Kim Carney
Ms. Bonnie Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carpintieri
Ms. Beth A. Carr
Ms. Margaret M. Carr
Ms. Janet Carroll
Ms. Mary Ann Carroll
Ms. Nancy Carroll
Ms. Cat Carter
Ms. Cheryl Carter
Ms. Ella Carter
Ms. Evelyn Carter
Ms. Helen Carter
Ms. Lisa Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter
Ms. Shelly D. Carter
Ms. Maria Caruso
Ms. Tami Carvalho
Ms. Tricia Carvalho
Ms. Jessica Carzon
Ms. Nancy Caspari
Ms. Sandra D. Cassard
Ms. Ellen Cassidy
Ms. Lisette R. Castro
Ms. Heather Catrambone
Ms. Carolyn Catterton
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Catts
Ms. Jackie Cavey
Ms. Debra S. Cegelski
Ms. Noreen Centafont
Ms. Amber Centinkaya
Ms. Leslie M. Ceresi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cermak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Chaconas
Ms. Jean Chadderton
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chadwick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chalecki
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chalmin
Ms. Margaret Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chambers
Ms. Dorothy A. Chandlee
Ms. Betty J. Chandler
Ms. Bonita Chandler
Ms. Cynthia B. Chandler
Ms. Karyn Chandler
Ms. Meshawn N. Chandler
Ms. Cheryl Chaney
Ms. Debra Chaney
Ms. Therese Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. Arjun Chanmugan
Ms. Maryann M. Chapin
Ms. Wendy Chaplain
Ms. Anne Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chapman
Ms. Sharon E. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Charitonuk
Ms. Karen M. Chase
Ms. Mary S. Chase
Dr. and Mrs. Jose Chavez
Ms. Diane L. Chavis
Ms. Sandra L. Cheek
Ms. Lilly Chen
Ms. Erika Cheney
Ms. Valerie J. Cherry
Ms. Dorney Chesto-Ruck
Ms. Kathrine L. Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Childs
Mr. William Childs
Ms. Joan M. Chipman
Ms. Anne Choi
Ms. Jill R. Chomowicz
Ms. P. Denise Christopher
Ms. Diane D. Christy
Ms. Karen Cifolilli
Ms. Janet Ciotola
Ms. Mary J. Ciraolo
Ms. Colleen Citrano
Mr. David Ciuffreda and Ms.
Dana Victor
Ms. Susan Clagett
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Clancy
Ms. Kelly A. Claridge
Ms. Carol Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Ms. Debbie Clark
Ms. Debra Clark
Ms. Denise J. Clark
Ms. Jennifer Clark
Ms. Kathryn Clark
Ms. Kristen Clark
Ms. Laural Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clark
Ms. Naja Clark
Ms. Stacy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark
Ms. Margie C. Clarke
Ms. Michele Class
Mr. William P. Clay
Ms. Echo L. Clayton
Ms. Susan Clayton
Ms. Cheryl Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clements
Ms. Christine Cloonan
Ms. Katherine A. Close
Mr. Steven Close
Ms. Lorna Clum
Ms. Michelle Coates
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Coccia
Ms. Cynthia A. Cochran
Ms. Kathy Cochran
Ms. Laura M. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coffelt
Ms. Sheila Coffman
Ms. Claire Cohagan
Ms. Amy Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cohen
Ms. Kathryn C. Cohen
Ms. Pamela Cohen
Ms. Mary Jo Coiro
Ms. Betty Colangelo
Ms. Christina L. Cole
Ms. Jan M. Cole
Ms. Mary Lou M. Cole
Ms. Janice Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Coleman
Ms. Elizabeth Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins
Ms. Helena Collins
Ms. Lisa Collins
Ms. Maureen Colt
Ms. Dana R. Colter
Ms. Nancy Colvin
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Comaromi
Ms. Carolyn Combs
Ms. Pamela L. Combs
Ms. Pamela Comedy-Phillips
Ms. Anne Comi
Mr. and Mrs. David Compere
Mrs. Jacqueline D. Conaway
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Condon
Mr. Bruce Conger
Ms. Elena Conits
Ms. Kathleen S. Conley
Ms. Nancy Connell
Ms. Jennifer Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conner
Ms. Jill Connolly
Ms. Laura E. Connor
Ms. Catherine Connors
Ms. Lisa B. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Conover
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Contis
Ms. Tammie Conway-Manson
Ms. Katie Cook
Ms. Kelly Cook
Ms. Laurie Cook
Ms. Wendy L. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Cooke
Ms. Wanda Y. Coombs
Ms. Elizabeth L. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cooper
Ms. Jennifer A. Cooper
Ms. Julie Cooper
Ms. Laura Cooper
Ms. Shirley Cooper
Ms. Christine Copley
Ms. Dawn M. Copper
Ms. Karen Corcoran
Ms. Alexandra Cordova
Ms. Wendy A. Corey
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Corio
Ms. Janice L. Cornell
Ms. Susan M. Coroneos
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Corson
Ms. Dana Corwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cosey
Ms. Maribel Costa
Ms. Margaret Costella
Ms. Janet C. Coster
Ms. Sharon L. Costigan
Ms. Denise Couch
Ms. Kathleen Counts
Ms. Kim Cover
Ms. Lori Cover
Mr. Thomas Cover
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowie
Ms. Carolyn Cox
Mr. Gilbert Cox
Ms. Michele C. Cox
Ms. Meredith Coy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coyle
Ms. Patrice A. Coyne-Klee
Ms. Heidy Craig
Ms. Michele Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Craig
Ms. Ava Craine
Ms. Sheri Cramblitt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crane
Mr. Kent P. Crawford
Ms. Maryanne Crawford
Ms. Kimberly A. Cressotti
Ms. Kim L. Creswell
Mrs. Jennifer Crews-Carey
Ms. Jacquelyn Crispell
Ms. Patricia Crittenden
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Croce
Ms. Patricia Cromwell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crone
Ms. Debbie Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Crosby
Ms. Patricia R. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cross
Ms. Rebecca L. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. James Crouse
Ms. M. LaJune Crouse
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Crouse
Ms. Eileen Crue
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crumling
Ms. Lori Crum-Sweely
Ms. Amelia A. Cruz
Ms. Courtney Cullison
Ms. Cheryl J. Culotta
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cunningham
Ms. and Mr. Patricia Currey
Ms. Tonya L. Curry
Ms. Raymarlyn Curtis
Ms. Vicky Cutroneo
Ms. Susan Cutson
Ms. Andree R. Cymber
Ms. Sue Dadds-Messerschmidt
Ms. Roberta K. Daghir
Ms. Karen DaGrava
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Daigle
Ms. Sandra B. Dale
Ms. August D’Aleo
Dr. Miriam S. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Damon
Ms. Christina Dance
Ms. Kristine D. Danelz
Ms. Eugenia Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dannenberg
Ms. Deborah L. Danz
Mr. and Mrs. Nick D’Apice
Ms. Patricia L. Darby
Ms. Donna Dark
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Darlak
Ms. Monica Darland
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Darwin
Ms. Joy Daugherty
Ms. Patricia H. Daugherty
Mr. George F. David, III
Ms. Catherine Davidson
Ms. Andra Davis
Ms. Christina Davis
Ms. Constance B. Davis
Ms. Elizabeth R. Davis
Ms. Eva Davis
Ms. Megan M. Davis
Ms. Myrna M. Davis
Ms. Tenelle Davis
Ms. Vonderleer Davis
Ms. Deborah L. Day
Ms. Gina Day
Ms. Renee Y. Day
Ms. Kimberly DeAngelis
Ms. Jo Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Debelius
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Debelius
Ms. Cynthia L. DeFeo
Ms. Amy Dehart
Ms. Beth DeHart
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dehaven
Ms. Maria Dehn
Ms. Kirsten Deichmann
Ms. Mary M. Deitrick
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Del Pizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delahanty
Ms. Eileen Delaney
Ms. Leonor Delgado
Ms. Felicia Delmore-Jenkins
Ms. Jan Delph
Ms. Stephanie Delwulski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Demes
Ms. Susan H. Dempsey
Ms. Katina Denikos
Ms. Maureen C. Denison
Ms. Tracy L. Denison
Ms. Molly Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. John Dennison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Derda
Ms. Beth Derickson
Ms. Susan J. Derr
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Des Noyer
Ms. Karina DeSande
Ms. Mary DeSena
Ms. Deirdre DeShields
Ms. Marie DesJardins
Ms. Mary C. Desrosiers
Ms. Judy Determan
Ms. Susan Detorie
Ms. Ellen R. Deugwillo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devine
Ms. Susan M. Devlin
Ms. Renee Devries-Paterson and Mr.
James Paterson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian DeWitt
Ms. Diana Dewitt
Ms. Florence V. Deza, M.D.
Ms. Amy DiAngelo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiAngelo
Mr. and Mrs. Dave DiCarlo
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dick
Ms. Pamela Dickenson
Ms. Judith Dickerson
Ms. Jamie Dickey
Ms. Sharon Dickinson
Ms. Debby J. Dickstein
Ms. Tina Dieck
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diedrich
Ms. Norma Diehl
Ms. Joanne Dielmann
Ms. Fiona Diemer
Ms. April Dietrich
Ms. Darla J. Dietrich
Ms. Jeanie M. Dietrich
Ms. Michele Dietrich
Ms. Shari Diggins
Ms. Lisa A. Dill
Mr. and Ms. Michael DiMayo
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew DiNenna
Mr. Kevin T. Dines
Ms. Tamara A. Dingman
Ms. Lara DiPaola
Ms. Stella DiPeso
Ms. Elizabeth A. DiPietro
Mr. and Mrs. Vince DiPietro
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiPino
Mr. Kurt Dippel
Ms. Evelyn DiTosto
Ms. Christine M. Divver
Ms. Heather Dixon
Ms. Joyce V. Dixon
Ms. Darlene L. Doane
Ms. Katie Dobbs
Ms. Sharon Dobson
Ms. Anita I. Doda
Ms. Cheronda Dodson
4:24:23 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Sven Doersam
Mr. and Mrs. Virenda Dogra
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doherty
Ms. Sandra Doherty
Ms. Sharon D. Doherty-Ritter
Ms. Cynthia Dohony
Ms. Kathleen Dolan and Mr.
James Weidman
Ms. Elizabeth Dolce
Ms. Jacqueline Domangue
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Donahower
Ms. Carol A. Dondero
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Donelson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donnelly
Ms. Crystal L. Donohue
Ms. Eugenia T. Dooley
Ms. Kathryn Dooling
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dorbert
Ms. H. Louise Dorrett
Mr. and Mrs. George Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dorsey
Ms. Karin Dorsey
Ms. Peggy Dorsey
Ms. Peggy R. Dorsey
Ms. Rhonda J. Doss
Ms. Samantha Doucette
Ms. Abigail Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dougherty
Ms. Kathy Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Dover
Ms. Nancy Dow
Ms. Nancy J. Dowdy
Ms. Kathy Dowell
Ms. Helen Dowling
Ms. Michelle A. Dowling
Ms. Elizabeth Z. Downes
Ms. Ada M. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. James Downing
Ms. Roslyn Downing
Ms. Kathleen Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doyle
Ms. Sarah Doyle
Ms. Debbie Dozier
Ms. Carmen M. Draayer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Draayer
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Drake
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Draper
Ms. Laura L. Drapinski
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Drazkowski
Ms. Laura Dregier
Ms. Barbara Driver
Ms. Lesia Dropulic
Ms. Regina A. Drumm
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dubin
Ms. Sheri Duclos
Mr. and Mrs. David Duda
Ms. Lisa Dudley
Ms. Sheryl Dudley
Ms. Margo Duesterhaus
Ms. Teresa C. Duffy
Ms. Wendy A. Dulaney
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duley
Ms. Dawn Dumm
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Dunbar
Ms. Antoinette Duncan
Ms. Ellen M. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dunkleberger
Ms. Katherine Dunleavy
Ms. Dawn Dunn
Ms. Julianne Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn
Ms. Charles Dunning
Ms. Geri Dunphy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dupree
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durastanti
Ms. Carol Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Durkin
Mr. Michael J. Durner and Ms.
Leona Schultz
Ms. Karissa Dushel
Ms. Nicole Dutra
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dutton
Mr. Jeremy Dwarshuis
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. Vaugn Dykes
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Dyson
Ms. Laura L. Eagleson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Eakes
Ms. Diane A. Eakes
Ms. Dorothy S. B. Early
Ms. Kim S. Easley
Ms. Kimberly D. Eason
Ms. Lisa M. Eason
Ms. Cheryl Eaton
Ms. Silean Eaves
Ms. Stephanie Eberly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eberwein
Ms. Jennifer Eby
Ms. Lauren Eby
Ms. Nina Echeverria
Mr. and Mrs. David Eckels
Ms. Tammy A. Eckert
Ms. Brenda Edelin
Ms. Lucinda Edinberg
Ms. Patricia D. Edmond
Ms. Barbara Edmondson
Ms. Betty J. Edwards
Ms. Rebecca L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards
Ms. Sharon Egbunne
Ms. Kate Ehrenberger
Ms. Pamela E. Ehrenreich
Mr. and Mrs. William Ehrlich
Ms. Marianne L. Eichenberger
Ms. Janet R. Eichhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eiler
Ms. Lynne Einbinder
Ms. Barbara Einzig
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eklof
Ms. Pamela B. El-Dinary
Ms. Lucy Eldridge
Ms. Regina Eldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Elky
Ms. Cynthia Ellenberger
Ms. Tonya L. Eller
Ms. B. LaRue Ellerman
Ms. Linda L. Elligson
Ms. Kim Ellington
Ms. Faye Elliott and
Mr. Kevin Gorham
Ms. Kim Ellison
Ms. Paula J. Ellwood
Ms. Krista Elmore
Ms. Donna Elshafei
Ms. Bhaggi Emani
Ms. Robyn J. Embrey
Ms. Karen B. Embser
Reverend and Mrs. Donald L. Emge
Ms. Kerri Endler
Ms. Maria L. Endlich
Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Engelhart
Ms. Sara Engelhaupt
Ms. Craven C. Engels
Ms. Margie A. Englert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard English
Ms. Linda S. Ensminger
Ms. Molly Entrot
Ms. Erin L. Erle
Ms. Theresa M. Ernest
Ms. Nancy G. Ervin
Ms. Bobbie Espinosa
Ms. Marina Espinosa
Ms. Maria T. Esquela
Ms. Michelle Estremsky
Ms. Talia Etheridge
Ms. Lisa Etzel
Ms. Henrietta Eure
Ms. Carolyn W. Evans
Ms. Davonne Evans
Ms. Georgia Evans
Ms. Mary Evans
Ms. Michele L. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Evans
Ms. Carol Evans-Turner
Ms. Ingrid Evelyn
Ms. Danielle Evensen
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Everton
Ms. Rhonda R. Ewers
Ms. Janet Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Exter
Ms. Leisa Ezibe
Ms. Leyla D. Fabich
Mr. Peter J. Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fair
Ms. Michelle M. Fairbarns
Ms. Kathleen Fallace
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Faraone
Ms. Carolyn Farinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. John Farrugia
Ms. Giovanna Faulcon
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Favarola
Ms. DeAnna Fawley
Ms. Barbara E. Fayak-Galka
Ms. Christine Federroll
Ms. Barbara L. Fedrizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Feeley
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Feick
Ms. Teresa Felter
Ms. Joy Fender
Ms. Amy Fender-Cronin
Ms. Kathy Fendick
Ms. Lisa Fenton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferdiani
Ms. Eleanor Ferguson
Ms. Catherine M. Ferrari
Ms. Clarissa Ferraris
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ferraro
Ms. Elisa Feser
Mr. and Mrs. John Fetcho
Ms. Susan Fidel
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fieden
Ms. S. Lucille Fielitz
Ms. Danyelle Filiaggi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Findeisen
Ms. Adrienne K. Finley
Ms. Clara M. Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Finnegan
Finnerteas Tea Room of Hampden
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fiorina
Ms. Christina Fiorino
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Fiorino
Ms. Kimberly Fique
Ms. Michelle Firebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Firth
Ms. Brigid Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. David Fischer
Mr. Erik Fischer
Ms. Sloane Fish
Ms. Hilda C. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher
Ms. Kristina M. Fisher
Ms. Mary Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fisher
Ms. Audra L. Fister
Ms. Vera Fitch
Ms. Joann W. Fitzell
Mr. and Ms. Tom Fitzgerald
Ms. Ann Fitzmaurice
Ms. Kim Fitzmaurice
Ms. Diane Fitzpatrick
Ms. Suzanne Fitzsimmons
Ms. Sharon Flagler
Ms. Angel Flechsig
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleckenstein
Ms. Robin L. Fleegal
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fleming
Ms. Karen Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. John Flenner
Ms. Elizabeth Flesher
Ms. Elizabeth Fletcher
Ms. Lisa Fletcher
Ms. Linda J. Fleury
Ms. Jewel Flick
Ms. Carrie E. Flint
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Flores
Ms. Wendy Flowers
Ms. Renee Floyd
Ms. Laura M. Flynn
Ms. Lynne Foard
Ms. Sophia Foehrkolb
Ms. Constance Foertsch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Foery, Jr.
Ms. Tracey L. Folio
Ms. Mary L. Folmar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Folsom
Ms. Patricia Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ford
Ms. Linda Ford
Ms. Virginia L. Ford
Ms. Rachel Forgang
Mr. Larry Forrest
Ms. Roberta Forsten
Ms. Shirley Forsyth
Ms. Nancy Forte-Swecker
Ms. Diane Forthuber
Ms. Laurie Fortin
Ms. Tracey Forwood
Ms. Taylor Foss
Ms. Cessna Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster
Ms. Dolly Foster
Ms. Susan E. Fournier
Ms. Mary Pat Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fowler
Ms. Dionne Fowlkes
Ms. Marjorie Fox
Ms. Michelle A. Fox
Ms. Julie Foy
Ms. Mary Jo Fracchia
Ms. Kelly M. Frager
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Frailer
Ms. Mary Anne Francis
Ms. Irma Franco
Ms. Leah S. Frand
Ms. Darthea Franey
Ms. Allison C. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. John Frank
Ms. Linda Frank
Ms. Josephine Franklin
Ms. Beth Franks
Ms. Cynthia Franks
Ms. Tracy Franks
Ms. Rita Frantz
Ms. Katherine Franzoni
Ms. Gayle Fraser
Ms. Bonnie H. Frazee
Ms. Stephanie Freburger
Ms. Evelyn D. Frederick
Ms. Joan Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Don Freese
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frekot
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Frekot
Ms. Cathy Frenkil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fretwell
Ms. Whitney Frey
Ms. Trisha M. Frick
Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Frid
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fridley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Friedel
Ms. Toni-Jean Friedman
Ms. Laura Fritts
Ms. Norma Jean Fritts
Ms. Debbie Fritz
Ms. Stephanie Froberg
Ms. Penny Froehlich
Ms. Jennifer Froh
Ms. Liz Frommer
Mr. William G. Frutchey
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fry
Ms. Liza Frydenlund
Ms. Jacqueline M. Frye
Ms. Sabrina S. Fu
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fuentes
Ms. Andrea Fuhrman
Ms. Tina Fullarton
Ms. Darlene Fuller
Ms. Janet Fulwood
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Furmage
Ms. Robbin Furst
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Furton
Mr. and Mrs. John Fusting
Ms. Karen Fyffe
Ms. Elizabeth Fyock
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gahan
Ms. Sonya L. Gahler
Ms. Elaine Gaither
Ms. Karina D. Gallagher
Ms. Kathryn Gallagher
Ms. Susan Gallant
Ms. Teresa Galligan
Ms. Brenda Galloway
Ms. Lana Galloway
Ms. Loralee F. Galvan-Prather
Ms. Patricia Galvin
Ms. Bhargavi Gandhi
Mr. and Mrs. Naresh Gandotra
Ms. Lisa Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Gange
Ms. Judy A. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Gargano
Ms. Hazel Garland
Ms. Jinene Garner
Ms. Linda J. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gartner
Ms. Deb Garvett
Ms. Dawn Garvey
Ms. Debra J. Gates
Ms. Delores Gaugh
Ms. Mitra Gavgani
Ms. Brandi Gavin
Ms. Dana S. Gavin
Ms. Ellyn M. Gavin
Ms. Patricia A. Gavin
Mr. and Mrs. William Gavin
Ms. Elinor D. Gawel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gawryck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gay
Ms. Elizabeth M. Gaydosh
Ms. Teresa S. Gehrig
Ms. Donna Geisler
Ms. Joan E. Geissdorfer
Mr. and Mrs. James Geist
Ms. Morgan Gemma
Ms. Sherry George
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Geppi
Ms. Jolene Gercken
Ms. Shantres Gerham
Mr. Robert C. Gerwig
Ms. A. Christine Gestiehr
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gettinger , III
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gevarter
Ms. Elisa Ghinger
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ghiorse
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gielner
Ms. Monica Giffhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Gift
Ms. Nicole Gilbert
Ms. Jennifer Gilberto
Ms. Pamela Gilliard
Ms. Linda Gilligan
Ms. Roberta A. Gilligan
Ms. Susan Gilson
Ms. E. Evelyn Gingell
Ms. Paula Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Girod
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gischlar
Ms. Nancy Glaros
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Gleber
Ms. Sharon J. Gleeson
Ms. Lisa Glenn
Ms. Vickie Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Glenndenning
Ms. and Mrs. Mark Gloth
Ms. Denise J. Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Glover
Ms. Sheri Gobell
Ms. Donna Gochar
Ms. Elisabeth Goetz
Mr. Glenn I. Goff
Mr. Scott C. Goff
Ms. Pamela Gogal
Ms. Cheryl Gogel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goggans
4:24:23 PM
Ms. Pamela M. Gogol
Ms. Laura Gold
Ms. Dina D. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Goldberg
Ms. Kim Golway
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Anibal Gonzalez
Ms. Amy P. Goodale
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goode
Ms. Michele Goodfellow
Ms. Rachel Gooding
Ms. Melissa Goodloe
Ms. Linda D. Goodman
Ms. Lyssa Balick Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodridge
Ms. Karen Gordon
Ms. Laurie Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gore
Ms. Elizabeth Gorman
Ms. Nicole Gorski
Ms. Alice Gosse
Ms. Joan Gostomski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Gottemoller
Ms. Amy Gough
Ms. Eileen H. Gough
Ms. Lizzette Goyne
Ms. Beth Grable
Ms. Cheryl A. Grabner
Ms. Frances Grady
Ms. Donna Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Graham
Ms. Melanie Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grant
Ms. Terri L. Grant
Ms. Venus Grant
Mr. and Mrs. John Grasham
Ms. Theresa Grassl
Ms. Angela Grau
Ms. Debbie Grau
Ms. Courtney Gray
Ms. Dina M. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gray
Ms. JoAnne Gray
Ms. Jodie M. Gray
Ms. Kelly Gray
Ms. Pamela Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Van Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Graybill
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Grden
Ms. Sheila Greaney
Ms. Monica Greaver
Ms. Valerie Greek
Ms. Bonnie F. Green
Ms. Denise E. Green
Ms. Kathy Green
Ms. Kimberly Green
Ms. Mary Beth Green
Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Green
Ms. Rebecca Green
Ms. Desiree Greene
Ms. Geneva Greene
Ms. Michele Greenfield
Ms. Susan Greentree
Ms. Heather L. Greese
Ms. Lisa Greger
Ms. Christina C. Greis
Ms. Mary Clare A. Gretz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Grevera
Ms. Deanne E. Grice
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grieco
Ms. Debra A. Gries
Ms. Irene Griff
Ms. Edwige Griffith
Ms. Jennifer Griffith
Ms. Tina Grimes
Ms. Elizabeth D. Grimm
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grindle
Ms. Deena M. Griswold
Ms. Kathi L. Gromacki
Ms. Janet M. Gross
Ms. Kelly Gross
Ms. Latoya Gross
Mr. Wayne P. Gross
Ms. Susan Grosso
Ms. Sharon A. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gruebl
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Grunewald
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Guay
Mr. and Mrs. John Guilfoyle
Mr. Glenn G. Guinto
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Guiou
Mr. Christopher J. Gunther
Ms. Willis Gunther
Ms. Irma Gurbisz
Ms. Susan Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. George Gutermuth
Ms. Debra Gutridge
Ms. Natalie L. Gutzler
Ms. Alecha Guy
Ms. Emily P. Guy
Ms. Shannon Gwin-Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gwinn
Ms. Cheryl S. Gwynn-Haymes
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haacke, III
Ms. Barbara Hadden
Ms. Christine Haglauer
Ms. Cynthia Hahn
Ms. Jane P. Hahner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haigley
Mr. and Mrs. John Haines
Ms. Sandra Hairsine
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Haley
Ms. Alicia Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Hall
Ms. Gina M. Hall
Ms. Lisa B. Hall
Ms. Molly Hall
Ms. Wendy Hallameyer
Ms. Molly Halleron
Ms. Trashana Hall-White
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hambsch
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hamel
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton
Ms. Diana Hamilton
Ms. Jacquelyn Hamilton
Ms. Rose Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hammaker
Ms. Iris L. Hammerman
Ms. Melissa C. Hampson
Ms. Jennifer Hamrick
Mr. and Mrs. Philemon S. Han
Ms. Margaret T. Handler
Ms. Debra A. Handley
Ms. Laura Handley
Ms. Tamie Handwerk
Ms. JoAnn Hanes
Capt. and Mrs. Wallace W. Hankins
Ms. Elizabeth Hankle
Ms. Michele Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hansen
Ms. Lisa S. Hansen
Ms. Heidi Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. John Harden
Ms. Karen Hardesty
Ms. Adrienne G. Harding
Ms. Barbara M. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. David Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardy
Ms. Ruthann Hardy
Harford County Maryland,
Department of the Treasury
Ms. Carol P. Hargest
Ms. Jean Hargrove
Ms. Diane D. Harkleroad
Ms. Helen Harlin
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harman
Ms. Andrea Harmon
Ms. Mary Harned
Ms. Michele Harnick
Ms. Robyn Harold
Ms. Cheri Ann Harr
Ms. Anne Harriott
Ms. Cassandra Harris
Mr. and Mrs. David Harris
Ms. Deidre Harris
Ms. Ingrid R. Harris
Ms. Pauline Harris
Ms. Sarah P. Harris
Ms. Elaina Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harrison
Ms. Margaret Harrison
Ms. Sherie Harrison
Ms. Donyel C. Harrod
Ms. Anne Hart
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lloyd Hart
Ms. Robyn Hart
Ms. Carol Harter
Ms. Shelly Harter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartloff
Ms. Leslie Hartman
Ms. Valerie Hartman
Ms. Catherine R. Hartridge
Ms. Cathy M. Harvey
Ms. Desiree L. Harvey
Ms. Kimberley L. Harvill
Ms. Elizabeth C. Haskins
Ms. Sharon K. Haslam
Mr. and Mrs. Taner Hassan
Ms. Cathy A. Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hastings
Ms. Carol N. Hatcher
Ms. Laura J. Hatfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauck
Ms. Ruth G. Hauer
Ms. Christine B. Haught
Ms. Kim Havrilla
Ms. Leslie A. Hawes
Ms. Barbara Hawkins
Ms. Carin Hawkins
Ms. Linda Hawkins
Mr. Douglas F. Hawkland, III
Ms. Robin Hawks
Ms. Loretta Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hayden, III
Ms. Melinda Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes
Ms. Lisa Haynes
Ms. Elva Hazelhurst
Ms. Phyllis Heald
Ms. Jill M. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Heavel
Ms. Diane Hebert
Ms. Aimee Hegeman
Ms. Maureen Heim
Ms. Robin A. Hein
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Heiner
Ms. Christine Heinrich
Mrs. Shelley Heinz-Buehlman and
Mr. Keith Buehlman
Ms. Christine A. Heisey
Ms. Laurie Heisler
Ms. Suzanne K. Heisler
Ms. Maegyne P. Held
Ms. Victoria Heller
Mrs. and Mr. Anne N. Hellmann
Ms. Donna Helowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hemelt
Ms. Glenda Henderson-Gadd
Ms. Stacey Hendricks
Ms. Elizabeth S. Hendrix
Ms. Jane Hennacy
Ms. Candice Hennessey
Ms. Frances A. Henrikson
Ms. Bernadette Henry
Ms. Kathy A. Henry
Ms. Mary Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Henry
Ms. Karen L. Hensel
Ms. Valerie Henson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Henss
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Heppding
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Herbert
Ms. Jill Herboldt
Ms. Sheila Herbst
Ms. Catherine Herlinger
Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan Herman
Mr. and Mrs. William Herman
Ms. Carole Herold
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herrmann
Ms. Lisa Hershiser
Ms. Allison M. Hess
Ms. Kendra Heyde
Ms. Tiffini D. Heyliger
Ms. Kimberly L. Hiban
Ms. Beth R. Hickam
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hickey
Ms. Mary Helen Hicks
Ms. Mary Jo Hicks
Ms. Carol Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. William Hild
Ms. Anitra D. Hill
Ms. Debbie Hill
Ms. Kim Hill
Ms. Lisa Hill
Ms. Marcia A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill
Ms. Susan G. Hill
Ms. Angela Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Himmelberg
Ms. Virginia L. Himmelheber
Ms. Karen Hinchy
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hinde
Ms. Kim Hinegardner
Ms. Jill Hines
Dr. Carla Diane Hayden with shadow Girl Scout Karen Sutphin
Ms. Patricia A. Hinrichs
Ms. Susan Hix
Ms. Carmelia Hlavac
Ms. Peggy Hlibok
Ms. Amy L. Hoch
Ms. Christina Hodges
Ms. Barbara Hodgins
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hoeflich
Ms. Lynn R. Hoelting
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoerl
Ms. Chris Hoffman
Ms. Mary Ann Hoffman
Ms. Kelley M. Hogan
Ms. Shannon Hogan
Ms. Michele Holcolm
Ms. Sue Holcomb
Ms. Jody Holden
Ms. Mary Holland
Ms. Natalie Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Holquist
Ms. Debi-Su S. Holson
Ms. Melissa Holton
Ms. Algia Homes
Ms. Young Sun Hong
Ms. Melanie Hood-Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hook
Ms. Erina Hoos
Ms. Kristen Hoover
Ms. Linda Hoover
Ms. Marybeth Hoover
Ms. Rosemary Hoover
Ms. Judith Hopkins
Ms. Susan S. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hoppers
Ms. Annette Horan
Ms. Janet Horn
Ms. Rita B. Horner
Ms. Linda S. Horodyski
Ms. Kyla Horseman
Ms. Linda C. Horsley
Ms. Carolyn Horton
Ms. Lorraine Horton
Ms. Christine Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horvath
Ms. Sally H. Hosford
Ms. Monica L. Hostetler
Ms. Karen M. Hotem
Mrs. Althea Houchins
Ms. Carolyn Houck
Ms. Melissa M. Houk
Ms. Lori Houtz
Ms. Christine M. Howard
Mr. and Ms. F.N. Howard
Ms. Holly Howard
Ms. Kathleen Howard
Ms. Mariaelena Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Howard
Ms. Deborah L. Howard-Shamblott
Mr. and Mrs. Brant Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Howery
Ms. Deborah Howes
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Howett
Ms. Tracey Hoy
Ms. Kim Hoyle
Ms. Linyan Hsu
Ms. Danelle Hubbard
Ms. Shelly Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Huber
Ms. Mary Hubner
Ms. Julie A. Huchrowski
Ms. Lori Hudson
Ms. Michele Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. David Huebler
Ms. Susan E. Huerta
Ms. Alyssa M. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huggler
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hughes
Ms. Karen Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hula
Ms. Felicia M. Hulit
Ms. Dorothy Hull
Ms. Jill R. Hull
Ms. Martha Hull
Ms. Martha K. Hultberg
4:24:23 PM
Girl Scouts during a team-building activity at camp.
Ms. Cari L. Hummel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Humpert
Ms. Peggy Hundley
Ms. Shyla Hunt
Ms. Nanette Hunter
Mr. Daniel Huntzinger
Ms. Yvonne Hupfl
Ms. Jennifer Hurley
Ms. Lea A. Hurt
Ms. Judy Hurula
Mr. and Mrs. John Hutch
Ms. Karen Hutson
Ms. Anna Huyett
Ms. Pamela V. Hweitt
Ms. Keri W. Hyde
Ms. Melissa Hyde
Ms. Susan Hyde
Ms. Karen Hydress
Ms. E. Camilla Hyman
Ms. Ellyna M. Hyman
Mr. Henry R. Hynson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Iacaruso
Ms. Susie Idzi
Ms. Pamela J. Ildefonso
Ms. Tami Imbierowicz
Ms. Abimbola Imoisili
Mr. and Mrs. Fakhruddin Imtiaz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ingle
Ms. Sarah Inglis-Baldy
Ms. Angela Ingram
Ms. Nina Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ingram
Ms. Zillah Ingram
Ms. Gail G. Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Inskeep
Ms. Kelly J. Irlbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Irwin
Ms. Carolyn Isaacs
Ms. Kia Isaacs
Ms. Pam Isacoff
Ms. Karen Isailovic
Ms. Rose Isella
Ms. Virhinia R. Ismail
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Isoldi
Ms. Erinn Izzo
Ms. Amy Jackson
Ms. Ila Marie Jackson
Mr. Jay Jackson
Ms. Marian J. Jackson
Ms. Pamela Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jackson
Ms. Sandra Jackson
Ms. Virginia J. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Jacobo
Ms. Corby Jacobs
Ms. Deanna Jacobs
Ms. Jeralyn Jacobs
Ms. Nancy Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacobs
Ms. Tracy Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John Jadik
Ms. Cecilia Jaeger
Ms. Carolyn J. James
Ms. Gail James
Ms. La-Tarsha James
Ms. Sydney James
Mr. and Mrs. John Janak
Ms. Anne M. Jang
Ms. Rebecca Jankowski
Ms. Lisa Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jarzynski
Ms. Nishi Jawa
Ms. Dolly M. Jefferson
Ms. Marie Z. Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jefferson
Ms. Amanda J. Jenkins
Ms. Cheryl A. Jenkins
Mr. Craig Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins
Ms. Lisa Jenkins
Ms. Molly Jenkins
Ms. Beverly D. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. James Jezior
Ms. Susan Jimenez
Ms. Lisa Jirsa
Ms. Leena John
Ms. Jane Johns
Ms. Christine C. Johnson
Ms. Debra Johnson
Ms. Diana Johnson
Ms. Erica Johnson
Ms. Jennifer Johnson
Ms. Kristine Johnson
Ms. Lisa Johnson
Ms. Lisa A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnson
Ms. Michelle Johnson
Ms. Pamela M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Johnson
Ms. Veronica D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnston
Ms. Catherine A. Joines
Ms. Leah Jollie
Ms. Barbara Jolly
Ms. Shavonna Jolly
Ms. Maria Jonas
Ms. Arnetta A. Jones
Ms. Cheryl A. Jones
Mrs. Claudia J. Jones
Mr. Dennis Jones
Ms. Diane M. Jones
Ms. Fawn Jones
Mr. J. Lee Jones
Ms. Joann Jones
Ms. Kimberly D. Jones
Ms. LaTia Jones
Ms. Marie M. Jones
Ms. Mary E. Jones
Ms. Mary L. Jones
Ms. Nicole Jones
Ms. Patricia A. Jones
Ms. Sabrina Jones
Ms. Gail Y. Jones-Diggs
Ms. Linda Jones-Laper
Ms. Sandra Jonjo
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jordan
Ms. Mary Pat Jordan
Ms. Melinda T. Jordan
Ms. Michelle L. Jordan
Ms. Colleen M. Jordon
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Judd
Ms. Linda A. Judson
Ms. Alicia Julian
Ms. Misty Kabonagel
Ms. Doniell L. Kachnowich
Ms. Jackie Kaczmarczyk
Ms. Lori Kader
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Kahla
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kaidy
Ms. Lisa Kalama
Ms. Linda J. Kallmyer
Ms. Jerri L. Kamicker and
Mr. Ned Brooks
Ms. Noreen Kaminski
Ms. Cindy Kane
Ms. Karen Kane
Ms. Jerri Kanicker
Ms. Annie Kao
Ms. Elizabeth Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Thorsten Kappey
Ms. Ruth Karanja and
Mr. Josiah Chege
Ms. Aimee N. Karas
Ms. Bethany Karas
Mr. John Karas
Ms. Kim Karas
Mr. and Mrs. James Karnes
Ms. Loreen Karpovich
Ms. Nancy Kass
Ms. Christina Kassis
Ms. Teri J. Kastner
Ms. Patricia M. Kasuda
Ms. Deborah A. Katelan
Ms. Karmen M. Kater
Ms. Sarala Katta
Ms. Brenda Katulski
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Kaul
Ms. Margret R. Kaul
Mr. and Mrs. Avdesh Kaushiva
Ms. Erica Kavadias
Ms. Christy Kayabasi
Ms. Corey Kayea
Ms. Sue Keane
Ms. Chris Kearney
Ms. Jennifer Kearney
Ms. Kelli Kearney-Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keating
Ms. Bernadette M. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. David Keenan
Ms. Cathy Kehr
Mr. and Mrs. James Kehrman
Ms. Barbara S. Keigler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keithley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelleher
Ms. Jennifer C. Keller
Ms. Patricia Keller
Ms. Sandra C. Keller
Ms. Gwen Kelley
Ms. Leanna L. Kelley
Ms. Mary Ellen Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kelley
Ms. Chris Kelly
Ms. Deborah Kelly
Ms. Holly B. Kelly
Ms. Jacqueline L. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly
Ms. Sheri Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly
Ms. Mary B. Kemberling
Mr. and Mrs. David Kemmer
Mr. and Mrs. David Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kemp
Ms. Michelle Kemplin
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Kenderdine
Ms. Susan Kenjorski
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
Ms. Mary Kennedy
Ms. Shannon Kennedy
Ms. Tonya Kennedy
Ms. Kathleen Kennedy-Smith
Ms. Ellie Kenny
Ms. Melissa C. Kenyon
Ms. Kimberlie H. Kerfoot and
Mr. James Abell
Ms. Christine Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kerr
Ms. Sharon C. Kerr
Ms. Victoria W. Kerr
Ms. Edna C. Kersey
Ms. Jennifer Kerstetter
Ms. Pam Kerwin
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Keys
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keyser
Ms. Karen Keyser
Ms. Maha Khatib
Mr. and Mrs. Mohamed Khayat
Ms. Polly Khoury
Ms. Jamilee Khoury-Bellone
Ms. Barbara S. Kiegler
Mr. and Ms. Douglas Kiely
Ms. Stephanie Kilchenstein
Ms. Dianna Kilduff
Ms. Beth Kilgore
Ms. Kim D. Kilker
Ms. Rosalyn Killigrew
Ms. Janet P. Kim
Ms. Jin Kim
Ms. Azar King
Ms. Bridget King
Ms. Catherine King
Ms. Christina M. King
Ms. Christine King
Ms. Jacqueline M. King
Mr. and Mrs. Michael King
Ms. Mollie King
Dr. and Mrs. Paul King
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kingsbury
Ms. Kristine Kingston
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kingston
Mr. Mark Kinzie and Ms. Terri Childs
Ms. Paula D. Kirby
Ms. Tracey Kirchoff
Ms. Jane Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kirk
Ms. Patti Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kittrell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klapka
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Klebrowski
Ms. Peggy G. Klein
Ms. Teresa Klein
Ms. Tina Klein
Mr. Nicholas J. Klem
Ms. Debra A. Klimczyk
Ms. Mary M. Klimt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kline
Ms. Sarah Kloetzer
Ms. Wendy Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kniseley
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Knoblett
Ms. Mary C. Knoll
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Knopp
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knouse
Ms. Sharon R. Knowles
Ms. Ami Knox
Ms. Rosa Ko
Ms. Carolyn Kobosko
Ms. Jennifer Kobus
Ms. Grace Kobusingye
Mr. and Mrs. John Kocka
Ms. Pamela S. Koenig
Ms. Barbara J. Kogod
Ms. Xina Kojzar
Ms. Mary E. Kolb
Ms. Charnan Koller
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Koller
Ms. Michelle Koller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Konski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koppang
Mr. Carl Koprowicz
Ms. Susie Kosco
Ms. Razia Kosi
Mr. and Mrs. William Kosman
Ms. Lisa Kostelec
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kotula
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kovac
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kowalewski
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kozak
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kozak
Ms. Sally Krach
Ms. Kathy Kraemer
Ms. Amy Kraft
Ms. Heather Krakat
Ms. Lisa Kratz
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kratzmeier
Ms. Melody M. Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kraus
Ms. Deborah Krause
Ms. Lee Kraycik
Ms. Barbara S. Krebs
Ms. Joann Krebs
Ms. Diane Kreft
Mr. and Mrs. John Kreiner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kreiner
Ms. Vivian B. Kreller
Ms. Heidi Kremer
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Kressen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kresslein
Ms. May Kretsinger
Ms. Agnes Kribbeler
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Kribbler
Ms. Jenny C. Krichton
Ms. Patricia Krick
Ms. Rebecca Krider
Ms. Kelly Krinetz
Ms. Leela Krishna
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Krivosh
Ms. Adele Kroart
Ms. Kathy Krohn
Ms. Shari Kronsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Krulock
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kruus
Ms. Kathleen Kruzynski
Mr. Thomas Kuba
Ms. Janice Kuczajda
Ms. Kristin Kuehn
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kuhr
Ms. Nancy Kujawa
Ms. Maryann C. Kulesz
Mr. Edward Kumain, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth E. Kuo
Ms. Sarah Kuperman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kurdle
Ms. Jenny M. Kurdle
Mr. Ken Kurzmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kushner
Ms. Mary B. Kuttler
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kuzma
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kvech
Mr. and Mrs. John Kwiatkowski
Ms. Susan Kyle
Ms. Brenda LaBella
Ms. Cyd Lacanienta
Ms. Esperanza Lacassie
Ms. Kathleen M. LaCourse
Ms. Janine A. Ladzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lafferty
Ms. Katherine A. Lafleur
4:24:25 PM
Ms. Lori Lagan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. LaHatte
Ms. Beth Laking
Ms. Melissa Lala
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lamar
Ms. Martha Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamb
Ms. Lori Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Gontran Lamberty
Ms. Suzanne P. LaMourie
Ms. Dawn Lampman
Ms. Karen Lampron
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Lamy
Ms. Lorie Lana
Ms. Lisa Land
Ms. Eva Landgraf
Ms. Juanita R. Landon
Ms. Barbara H. Landrum
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Landry
Ms. Jennifer Landsman
Ms. Lori Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lang
Ms. Celeste P. Lange
Ms. Paulette M. Lange
Ms. Carolyn Langille
Mr. and Mrs. David Lanham
Ms. Kristen A. Lantz
Ms. Kimberly J. Lapchak
Ms. Susan H. Lareuse
Ms. Kimberly Lark
Ms. Cheri Larrydale
Ms. Michele Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lasick
Ms. Renee L. Laskey
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Laulis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LaVeck
Ms. Ruthie Lavelle
Ms. Patricia A. Lavezza
Ms. Lori S. Lawless
Ms. Tina Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawry
Ms. Heather Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawson
Ms. Stormi Layman
Ms. Nancy Laymon
Ms. Shannon B. Layne
Ms. Rene Layshock
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Lazinski
Mrs. Carol L. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. James League
Ms. Bridget Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lebert
Mr. Ron Lebowitz and
Ms. Karen Hosler
Ms. Susan J. LeBuhn
Ms. Athena C. Leckinger
Mr. James Leckinger and
Ms. Teresa Krepps
Ms. Joan C. Leckinger
Ms. Kate Ledbetter
Ms. Glenda Ledford
Mr. and Mrs. Mark LeDonne
Ms. Charlene Lee
Ms. Holly Lee
Ms. Marie Lee
Ms. Lisa Lefley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Leggett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary LeHew
Ms. Claudia Lehnert
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Lehnert
Ms. Donna Lehr
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leighty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leimbach
Ms. Christina L. Leitch
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lekich
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lemanski
Ms. Amanda Lenhardt
Ms. Teri Lenhart
Mr. and Ms. Paul Lennon
Ms. Erin Lentscher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Leonard
Ms. Anna M. Leonhardt
Ms. Bernadette LePore
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lescalleet
Ms. Jeannine Lesperance
Mr. and Mrs. George Lesznar
Ms. Kim C. LeTellier
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Levin
Ms. Lauren Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lewis
Ms. Gayle B. Lewis
Mr. Jimmette Lewis
Ms. Joan F. Lewis
Ms. Julie M. Lewis
Mr. Kirt D. Lewis
Ms. Linda A. Lewis
Ms. Sheila Lewis
Ms. Teri Lewis
Ms. Xiao Ling Li
Mr. and Mrs. John Liberatore
Ms. Karen Licsko
Mr. Rick Lillien
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lilly
Ms. Catherine Z. Lindenmann
Ms. Beverly Lindsay
Ms. Marjorie Lindsey
Ms. Pamelyn G. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Line
Ms. Barbara A. Lingg
Ms. Shari B. Lingg
Ms. Brenda Link
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Linn
Ms. Alison Linnemann
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Linsenmeyer
Ms. Melissa K. Linthicum
Ms. Sharon Lipford
Ms. Phyllis Lipiner
Ms. Daphne Lissauer
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Little
Ms. Bridget Littlefield
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Littman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Litz
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Livingston
Ms. Djuana Livingstone
Ms. Janet Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lloyd
Ms. Jill K. Lloyd
Ms. Pamela L. Lloyd
Ms. Sarah L. Lock
Ms. Debbie Lockwood
Ms. Karen Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Logsdon
Mr. and Mrs. John Loh
Ms. Kimberly J. Lohrfink
Ms. Elizabeth Lolli
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lombardo
Ms. Shelley Lombardo
Ms. Alicia London
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Long
Ms. Carol Long
Ms. Cindy Long
Ms. Gail Porter Long
Mr. and Mrs. John Long
Ms. Rochelle M. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Longo
Ms. Ivette Lopez
Ms. Penny R. Lopez
Mr. Rafael Lopez
Ms. Esperanza Lopez-Wilkin
Ms. Karen D. Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Lorsch
Ms. Jerrie Louck
Ms. Laura Loughlin
Ms. Melody Loughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Loving
Ms. Tammy Lovrich
Ms. Gail A. Lowe
Ms. Vicki E. Lowe
Ms. Kristina B. Lowery
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Lowery
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lowman
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Lozzi
Ms. Toni I. Lubbehusen
Ms. Starr Lucas
Ms. Nina Luhrman
Ms. Barbara Lundien
Mr. Bo Lundh and
Ms. Joanne Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lundy
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lurie
Ms. Sabita Lutchman
Ms. Ellen Lutrey
Ms. Anne Luzier
Ms. Cherice Lyles-Dunton
Ms. Jacque A. Lyles-Harris
Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch
Ms. Monica Lynch
Ms. Julie A. Lynn
Ms. and Mr. Marcia Lyon
Ms. Mary Lytwynec
Ms. Marissa M. Ma Cola
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Macari
Ms. Nancy MacBride
Ms. Julie-Ann A. MacDonald
Ms. Tracy MacDonald
Ms. Heather Macintosh
Ms. Judith A. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mackey
Ms. Rebecca MacKinnon
Ms. Ruth Maclean
Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacMillan
Ms. Ava-Lisa F. Macon
Ms. Jackie MacPherson
Ms. Kali Madden
Ms. Kippa Madden-Caine
Ms. Susan M. Maenner
Ms. Staci J. Magee
Mr. and Mrs. John Magoon
Ms. Cindi S. Maguire
Ms. Jennifer Maguire
Ms. Kathleen C. Maher
Ms. Kevina Maher
Ms. Lisa J. Maher
Ms. Colleen Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Maid
Ms. Rosina Maiers
Ms. M. Catherine Mailander
Mr. Frank Maisano
Ms. Noreen Maksym
Ms. Beth F. Malane
Ms. Margie Malaney
Ms. Maria Malave
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malczyn
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Malette
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mallary
Ms. Anna Maria Mallin
Ms. Patricia Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Sergey Malorodova
Ms. Mary Ellen Maly
Ms. Susan Mangan
Mr. Joseph L. Mankowski and
Ms. Siobhan Percy
Ms. Michelle Manley
Ms. Katherine Mann
Mr. and Mrs. William Mann
Ms. Paola Manna
Ms. Carrie L. Mannas
Ms. Carol C. Manning
Ms. Dawn Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mannion
Ms. Jennifer Mantzouranis
Ms. Annette M. March-Grier
Mr. and Mrs. George Marcin
Ms. Danilsa M. Marciniak
Ms. Denise L. Marcotte
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Marcussen
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Marelli
Dr. and Mrs. Simeon Margolis
Ms. Carolyn Mariano
Ms. Debbie Marino
Ms. Krista Marion
Ms. Lee Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Marsh-Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lee Marshall
Ms. Jennifer M. Marshall
Ms. Larnette Marshall
Ms. Lucy L. Marshall
Ms. Melissa Marshall
Ms. Amy Martin
Ms. Angela Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
Ms. Christie Lee Martin
Ms. Christina Martin
Ms. Denise Martin
Ms. Denise L. Martin
Ms. Dolores Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin
Ms. Joyce Martin
Ms. Kimberly A. Martin
Ms. Laura Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Martin
Ms. Roberta Martin
Ms. Sally J. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Martin
Ms. Tammy Martin
Ms. Tracy Martin
Ms. Allison Martinazzi
Ms. Jacinda J. Martinez
Ms. Leah Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Marx
Ms. Michele C. Marx
Mr. Anton J. Marx-Webber
Mr. and Mrs. David Marzola
Ms. Kristina Marzullo
Ms. Susan L. Maseth
Ms. Teresa Mason, Esq.
Mr. Brian R. Masterson
Ms. Jeannette Mastrocola
Ms. Despina Mastrogianis
Ms. Janet C. Mastroianni
Ms. Terri L. Mathews
Ms. Mary J. Matthews
Ms. Yvonne L. Matthews
Ms. Cathy Mattingly
Ms. Kathryn Mattson
Ms. Kim A. Matus
Dr. Cho Maung
Ms. Patty May
Mr. and Mrs. James Mayer
Ms. Kimberly M. Mayer
Ms. Denise Mayhan and
Mr. John Gordon
Ms. Deborah Maynard
Ms. Cheryl Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mazer
Ms. Cynthia L. Mazowieski
Ms. Ruth M. Mazza
Ms. Jeannine Mazziott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mazzuca
Ms. Jill L. McAlister
Ms. Judi McAllister
Ms. Nancy McAllister
Ms. Cynthia McCann
Mr. and Mrs. William McCarron
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCarthy
Ms. Carrie Ann McCarty-Gibson
Ms. Barbara P. McCaughey
Ms. Jane McCaul
Ms. Kimberly C. McCauley
Ms. Terry McCauley
Ms. Victoria K. McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. David B. McCauslin
Ms. Cynthia McClain-Purdie
Ms. Loretta L. McClairn
Ms. Nancy McClanahan
Ms. and Mr. Janine McClaskey
Ms. Carol McClees
Ms. Daphne L. McClellan
Ms. Peggy McClellan
Ms. Katie McClelland
Ms. Mary E. McClelland
Ms. Diane M. McCloskey
Mr. and Mrs. David McComas
Ms. Donna McComas
Ms. Marcia McCormack
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCoy
Ms. Kristin McCullough
Ms. Mary B. McCullough and
Mr. Steven Weaver
Ms. Michelle McCullough
Ms. Sarah McCullough
Ms. Cynthia F. McCurry
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDaniels
Mr. and Mrs. Chris McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McDermott
Mr. Leo C. McDonagh
Mr. Michael McDonal
Ms. Christelle H. McDonald
Ms. Jovonda McDonald
Mr. Kim McDonald
Mr. Roger D. McDonald
Ms. Constance K. McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McEvoy
Ms. Michele McEwan
Ms. Linda McFarlane
Ms. Patricia L. McGaa
Ms. Ricarda McGaughey
Ms. Joanne McGillicuddy
Ms. Debbie McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McGowan
Ms. Patricia McGrath
Ms. Mary F. McGurrin
Ms. Jill McKay
Ms. Susan McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McKee
Ms. Cynthia McKeever
Ms. Diane McKeown
Dr. and Mrs. Mark P. McKinley
Ms. Margaret M. Mckissick
Ms. Natasha McKnight
Ms. Cynda McLain
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLallen
Ms. Ellen McLaren
Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin
Ms. Karen McLhinney
Ms. Rhonda McNamara
Mrs. Sandra A. McNeal
Ms. Martha McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McNerney
Ms. Claire McNesby
Ms. Cherie McNett
Mr. and Mrs. James McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McPherson
Ms. Bernadette McVey
Ms. Sherie E. McVicker
Ms. Laura J. McWee
Ms. Lisa McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McWright
Ms. Natalie M. Meade
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meadowcroft
Mr. Ricky Meadows
Ms. Jennifer Meagher
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mease
Ms. Annie M. Medford
Ms. Emily L. Medina
Ms. Tracy Mee
Mr. and Mrs. David Meehan
Ms. Kathie Meek
Ms. Ann Meenan
Ms. Bhisma Mehta
Ms. Mary Ann Meier
Mr. and Mrs. William Meinert
Ms. Sherri Meisel
Ms. Kelly Meissner
Ms. Diane Melia
Ms. Michelle K. Melotti, M.D.
Ms. Louise A. Melpignano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melton
Ms. Alison Menke
Ms. Beverly Menke
Ms. Colleen J. Menke
Ms. Susan Meoni
Ms. Dolores Mercier
Mr. Robert Mercure
Ms. Tricia Mercy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meredith
Ms. Chandra Merhai
Ms. Jill R. Mermagen
Ms. Shaun P. Merrick
Ms. Jean Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Merther
Ms. Wendy Mervine
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Messenger
Ms. Kelly Messerschmidt
4:24:26 PM
Ms. Stephanie A. Metcalf
Ms. Susanna L. Metcalf
Ms. Gayle Metcalf-Stephenson
Ms. Amy Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Metzger
Ms. Dawn Meyer
Ms. Jeanne Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Meyer
Ms. Beth I. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Miceli
Ms. Cheryl Michael
Ms. Susan Michel
Ms. Lynnette Mickens-Jones
Ms. Colleen Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Midkiff
Ms. Melissa J. Mignini
Ms. Holly S. Mihok
Mr. and Mrs. James Milham
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Milhoan
Ms. Laura S. Mill
Ms. Pamela Millar and
Mr. Barry Coyle
Ms. Amy U. Miller
Ms. Ann Miller
Ms. Carole L. Miller
Ms. Dianna Miller
Mr. Donald M. Miller
Ms. Donna Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller
Ms. Elizabeth Miller
Ms. Hanae Miller
Ms. Judi P. Miller
Ms. Kathy Miller
Ms. Kelly A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Miller
Ms. Linda Miller
Ms. Mary J. Miller
Ms. Michelle Miller
Ms. Michelle M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Miller
Ms. Pamela K. Miller
Ms. Patricia Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Miller
Ms. Ronda Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miller
Ms. Terry Miller-Snee
Ms. Carolyn Miner
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Miner
Mr. Stephen Ministry
Ms. Norene Minnick
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mir
Ms. Tricia Mirarchi
Mr. and Mrs. Alexey Mironova
Ms. Rita Misra
Ms. Shannon Mitchell
Ms. Karen E. Mobley
Ms. Sherry Mobley
Ms. Valerie Mockapetris
Ms. Jennifer Moesner
Ms. Kathleen M. Mohan
Ms. Kathleen Moloney
Mr. and Mrs. Don Monaghan
Ms. Florence Monaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monaghan
Ms. Maria T. Moning
Ms. Erin M. Monroe
Ms. Lori Monroe
Ms. Barbara Montanti
Ms. Willette Moody
Ms. Barbara Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore
Ms. Georgea L. Moore
Ms. Helen Moore
Ms. Jeanne B. Moore
Ms. Karen Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Lardner Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moore
Ms. Lisa Moore
Ms. Lynne C. Moore
Ms. Lynnley W. Moore
Ms. Michelle L. Moore
Ms. Sharon P. Moore
Ms. Cassandra Moore-Thomas
Ms. Tamara S. Morales
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moran
Ms. Liz Morath
Ms. Loran Moreau
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Morgan
Ms. Jennifer P. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morgan
Ms. Lisa Morgan and
Mr. David Pomeranz
Ms. Mary Ann Morgan
Ms. Michelle Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan
Ms. Lori Morganthau
Ms. Irena Moronova
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Morra
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Morrell
Mr. and Mrs. George Morris
Ms. Karla J. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone
Ms. Adrienne Morsan
Ms. Melissa Morsberger
Ms. Sandra L. Mortimer
Ms. Debra Morton
Ms. Jill Morton
Ms. Carol Mosberg
Ms. Lisa D. Moser
Ms. Kelli Moses
Ms. Wendy J. Moskowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mosley
Ms. Jennifer Motley
Ms. Donna Motsay
Mr. Tom Mottley
Ms. P. Diane Mountain
Ms. Kristin C. Moy
Ms. Sharon Moyer
Ms. Susan E. Moyer
Ms. Sheila Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mrowiec
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Muchow
Ms. Allison Mueller
Ms. Cynthia A. Muldoon
Ms. Theresa A. Muldoon
Ms. LaShea M. Mulet
Mr. Max Muller
Ms. Karen S. Mullinix
Ms. Mekdes Mulugeta
Ms. Jennifer Mumm
Ms. Karen R. Munter
Ms. Mary Murbach
Ms. Jennifer T. Murnane
Ms. Cynthia B. Murphy
Ms. Dena Murphy
Ms. Kathy Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murphy
Ms. Lakresha Murray
Ms. Roslyn Murray
Ms. Karen Murrill-Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Murter
Ms. Valerie S. Murtha
Ms. Virginia L. Muscalli
Ms. Denicia Muschette
Ms. Tara Muscovich
Ms. Aileen Musselman
Mr. Willie B. Mvemba
Ms. Holly Mycka
Ms. Christine G. Myers
Mr. Douglas C. Myers
Mr. Matthew S. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mygatt
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mykich
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nadeau
Ms. Maribel J. Nagle
Ms. Crystal J. Napora
Ms. Robyn Nathanson
Ms. Kelly Nave
Ms. Susan A. Naylor
Ms. Sydney M. Neblett
Ms. Nanette Neely
Ms. Bonnie S. Nelka
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson
Ms. Kelley Nelson
Ms. Tova NessAiver
Ms. Dianne L. Netherland
Ms. Samantha Neuman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neuman
Ms. Patricia Nevils
Ms. Janet Nevins
Mr. Linwood E. Newberry
Mr. and Mrs. John Newcomb
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Newton
Ms. Abby Neyenhouse
Ms. Minh Nguyen
Ms. Angela Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Nichols
Ms. Donna Nichols
Ms. Janice M. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Nichols
Ms. Lisa Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. John Nickolaus
Mr. John A. Nicoli
Ms. Tracy Nicolucci
Ms. Susan Niemetz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Nilles
Ms. Leslie Nissenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Nitsch
Ms. Priscilla Njoku
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble
Ms. Shannon Nobles
Ms. Martha R. Nochera
Ms. Leigh B. Nodar
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nolen
Ms. Beth Norkus
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Norrholm
Ms. Carolyn Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Northcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nortman
Ms. Michelle Notti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novak
Ms. Karen Nowosielski
Ms. Robin L. Nozeika
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nugent
Ms. Rebecca Nunno
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nussbaum
Ms. Susan Nutt
Ms. Dorothy O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien
Ms. and Mr. Sharon O’Callaghan
Ms. Andrea C. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Craig O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Yasuo Oda
Mr. and Mrs. David Odendahl
Ms. Michele L. O’Donnell
Ms. Kathleen A. O’Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Offenberg
Ms. Patricia Ogden
Ms. Lisa L. Ogorzalek
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ogorzatek
Ms. Young Oh
Ms. Teresa Okamoto
Ms. Carolyn O’Keefe
Ms. Erika K. Oldershaw
Ms. Vicki O’Leary
Ms. Christy Olenick
Ms. Ana I. Oliver
Ms. Elizabeth Oliver
Ms. Jill Oliver
Ms. Karen Oliver
Ms. Shannon Oliver-Kirk
Ms. Amy Olney
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Olsen
Ms. Amy Olson
Ms. Lisa Olson
Ms. Lisa A. Olson
Ms. Maureen Olson
Ms. Patti Olson
Ms. Sharon V. Olson
Ms. Victoria L. Olszewski
Ms. Khadijah Omar
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ondrish
Ms. Kerrin O’Neill
Ms. Sharon O’Neill
Ms. Donya Oneto
Ms. Joyce Onken
Mr. and Mrs. James Onslow
Ms. Pauline C. Onyemaechi
Ms. Denise Oram
Ms. Kelli Ordakowski
Ms. Amy O’Regan
Ms. Colleen O’Reilly
Ms. Kristyn O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory O’Rourke
Ms. Donna L. Osgood-Herberger
Ms. Lisa Ossman
Ms. Rachel L. Oster
Ms. Cheryl A. Ostiguy
Ms. Teresa O’Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike O’Toole
Ms. Jennifer Overton
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Owens
Ms. Dawn Paciocco
Ms. Jean Marie Padden
Ms. Jennifer C. Pagano
Ms. Kimberleigh Page
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pailthorp
Ms. Rajashree Pakala
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Palazzo
Ms. Susan Palfi
Ms. Julia F. Pallozzi-Ruhm
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer
Ms. Amanda Palmieri
Ms. Julie Palmieri
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palumbo
Ms. Rita A. Pamplin
Mr. Eddie Pan
Ms. Kim Panah
Ms. Cheryl Panek
Ms. Sandra Pangle
Mr. and Mrs. James Pangratz
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Panzeri
Ms. Lesli A. Paola
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Paolucci
Ms. Jennifer Papastephanou
Ms. Michelle Pappadia
Ms. Gina L. Parchman
Ms. Barbara Pardoe
Ms. Charlotte M. Pardoe
Ms. Seema Parekh
Mr. James E. Parise
Ms. Judy Park
Ms. Elaine J. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parker
Ms. Allisyn Parkerson
Ms. Lorraine Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Parlett
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Parsons
Ms. Marlene G. Pasion
Ms. Angela M. Patrick
Ms. Ruthann Patsy
Ms. Mary B. Patterson
Ms. Vicky L. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Patzer
Ms. Debby Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Paul
Ms. Margaret Pavlik
Ms. Angela Pawlicki
Ms. Lisa R. Paxton
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Payne
Ms. Sharon Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Fontell Peart
Mr. Randall S. Peck and Ms. Jane Hart
Ms. Jennifer Peffall
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pelli
Ms. Brenda L. Pelton
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Penafiel
Ms. Lee Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Penn
Ms. Siobhan C. Percey
Ms. Olga Perez
Ms. Hope Perkins
Ms. Rebecca Perkins
Ms. Kathleen Perrotta
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Perry
Ms. Deborah Perry
Ms. Maisa M. Perry
Ms. Sabita Persaud
Mr. and Mrs. George Petasis
Ms. Kelly Petee
Ms. Robin Peters
Ms. Kathryn Petersen
Ms. Vicki Petersen
Ms. Caryl Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Max Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. William Petrakis
Mr. and Mrs. Victor R. Petrosino
Ms. Amanda K. Petrusky
Mr. Michael Pettit
Ms. Heather Petty
Ms. Janet Peyla
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pfarr
Ms. Nancy Pfost
Ms. Colleen Phebus
Ms. Dawn Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Phillips
Ms. Mary Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Phillips
Ms. Pamela Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phipps
Ms. Suzanne M. Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pickard
Ms. Charlene Pidliskey
Ms. Lynn Pie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pieciak
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Piegols
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pierce
Ms. Rhonda Pierce-Brooks
Ms. Eleanor E. Pieroschek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pietruszka
Ms. Cathy Pilachowski
Ms. Silvia Pineiro
Ms. Linda Pineo
Ms. Lisa Pingatore
Ms. Audrey B. Pinkney
Ms. Ronda Pinton
Ms. Sandra L. Pipkin
Ms. Michele T. Pitt
Ms. Sandra L. Pittman
Ms. Theresa B. Plack
Mr. and Mrs. Art Plantas
Ms. Joni Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Platt
Ms. Renee Plazak
Ms. Julie Plesci
Ms. Amy B. Plitt
Ms. Deidre L. Plitt
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Pollock
Ms. Cyndi Pomerantz
Ms. Lisa Pomerantz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ponder
Ms. Jeanne Poole
Ms. Andrea Pope
Ms. Donna M. Pope
Mrs. Saundra M. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Popien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Popivchak
Ms. Ethel Poplovski
Ms. Cindy Porter and
Mr. Tony Kosmos
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Porter
Ms. Leanne P. Posko
Mr. and Mrs. John Poss
Mr. and Mrs. David Poston
Ms. Jennifer Poston
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Potis
Ms. Melissa Potter
Ms. Judy A. Potter-Brown
Ms. April Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powell
Ms. Maisha S. Powell
Ms. Tammy Powell
Ms. Theresa Powell
Ms. Carolyn K. Powers
Ms. Lisa Powers
Ms. Sharon C. Powers
Ms. Krista Pozza
Ms. Barb Prechtl
4:24:26 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Prem
Ms. Penny M. Prentice
Ms. Katie Preston
Ms. Jenifer Price
Mr. Mike Price
Ms. Miriam Price
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price
Ms. Sheri L. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Price
Ms. Andrea Priester
Ms. Diana L. Prock
Ms. Nancy Prosser and
Mr. William Kline
Ms. Melanie D. Provenza
Ms. Kim Prunty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Prybylski
Ms. Gloria Przybylski
Ms. Janine B. Ptak
Ms. Vibba Pubbi
Ms. Loretta L. Pudiak
Ms. Maureen Pugh
Mrs. Lisa Puglisi
Ms. Jennifer Pumphrey
Ms. Christina N. Pundt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pupa
Ms. Beatrice Purdie
Ms. Rochelle Purnell
Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Purvis
Ms. Dorene Pusateri
Mr. and Mrs. John Pusinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Pyle
Ms. Jana Pyle
Ms. Kim Pyle
Ms. Henriellen Quail
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Qualey
Ms. Vicki Qualls
Ms. Mary Quillen
Ms. Cathy Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn
Ms. Lynne Quinn
Ms. Sarajane V. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Raab
Ms. Kimberly Rabel
Ms. Helen Rabush
Ms. Sandra J. Rach
Mr. and Ms. Michael Rackley
Ms. Joanne Radcliffe
Ms. Leesa M. Radja
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radner
Ms. Patricia H. Rafalko
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Rahl
Ms. Andrea M. Raid
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rainey
Ms. Cheryl N. Raker
Ms. Rathimalar Ramakrishnan
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Rambo
Ms. Susan Ramsay
Ms. Donna M. Randall
Ms. Michele Randall
Ms. Teresa Randall
Ms. Laura S. Randazzo
Ms. Tracy Randolph
Ms. Kelly C. Ransom
Ms. Melissa Rapp
Ms. Mary Rappoccio
Ms. Stefanie Rarig
Ms. Ann L. Rasenberger
Ms. Tracy Rash
Ms. Gail Raskin
Ms. Anita Rasmussen
Ms. Elizabeth Rathbun
Ms. Sharon Raulin
Ms. Melissa Ray
Ms. Kristen Raynor
Ms. Jennifer Re
Ms. Kimberly S. Reagle
Ms. Catherine Reardon
Mrs. Kim Reck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rector
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Reddish
Ms. Anuradra D. Reddy
Ms. Kimberly Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reedy
Ms. Janet E. Reese
Ms. Tiffany Reeves
Ms. Tina M. Regester
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Register
Mr. and Mrs. John Register
Ms. Lisa Regner
Ms. Julie L. Reid
Ms. Elizabeth Reighart
Ms. Beth E. Reilly
Ms. Cindy Reilly
Ms. Diane C. Reilly
Ms. Nicole Reilly
Ms. Stephanie Reilly
Ms. Laura C. Reiners
Ms. Alyssa Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Reinhardt
Ms. Alyssa Reinhart
Ms. Ruth Reitz
Ms. Kellie Remacle
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Remer
Ms. Kristine Rencs
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Renfro
Ms. Jodi Rennert-Ariev
Ms. Valerie Reno
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Requa
Ms. Katherine Resco
Ms. Patricia A. Resnik
Ms. Melissa Reuland
Ms. Claudia Reynolds
Ms. LaVon Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. James Rezek
Ms. Linda Rhinehart
Ms. Jennifer Rice
Ms. Lisa Rice
Richard Henry Lee Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Richard
Ms. Amber R. Richards
Ms. Bethany S. Richards
Ms. Martha Richardson
Ms. Sherri M. Richardson
Ms. Tonya Richberg
Ms. Ann E. Richmond
Ms. Cassandra Ridges
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Riggins
Ms. Beatrice Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Riley
Ms. Karen Riley
Ms. Laura Riley
Ms. Marlene A. Riley
Ms. Rhonda Riley
Ms. Tyrice Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rinehart
Ms. Gail E. Rine-Leyh
Ms. Lisa Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ringgold
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rippeon
Ms. Martha E. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. James Ritz
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rivera
Ms. Cornelia Rivers
Ms. Robin L. Rivkind
Mr. and Mrs. John Rixham
Ms. Patti Rizzieri
Ms. Margaret M. Rizzutti
Ms. Lori Robbins
Ms. Robin Robbins
Ms. Maggie Roberson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robert
Ms. Carolyn M. Roberts
Ms. Christina Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts
Ms. Lee C. Roberts
Ms. Teresa Roberts
Ms. Chante Robertson
Ms. Kristin Robertson
Ms. Laurie Robey
Lucy Robins, Esq. and
Mr. Kevin Larrowe
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robinson
Ms. Mary Beth Robinson
Ms. Michele L. Robinson
Ms. Stephanie D. Robinson
Ms. Terri Robinson
Mrs. Mary Joe Robl
Mr. and Mrs. John Rocca
Mr. David Rock
Ms. Stacy Rocko
Ms. Susan Rocksvold
Ms. Sarah A. Rockwell
Ms. Kathleen Roden
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgerson
Ms. Tina M. Rogalski
Ms. Joanna Rogers
Ms. Lisa A. Rogers
Ms. Rhonda M. Rogers
Mr. Richard M. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Storm Rogers
Ms. Teresa C. Rolek
Mr. and Mrs. David Roling
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Roman
Ms. Heidi Roman
Ms. Jennifer Roman
Ms. Ilene Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Romberger
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romelfanger
Mr. and Mrs. John Rooney
Ms. Margaret Rosa
Ms. Joann L. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. John Rose
Ms. Danyelle Rosebrough
Ms. Vera Rosebrough
Ms. Georgia G. Rosenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ross, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross
Ms. Mary K. Ross
Ms. Katie Rossman
Ms. Gina M. Rosso
Ms. Marsha Roszko
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe
Mr. Michael Rowe
Ms. Pamela L. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rowell
Ms. Teresa Roy
Ms. Rhonda Royster
Ms. Julie C. Rozankowski
Ms. Debbie Rubin
Ms. Rosemary Rubin
Ms. Julie Ruby
Ms. Alison K. Rudo
Ms. Patrice M. Rudolphi
Ms. Jill Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ruggiero
Ms. Elizabeth Ruhl
Ms. Bobby Jane Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rumbarger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Runge
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Russ
Mr. Ken Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Russell
Ms. Carolyn Russo
Ms. Laura Russo
Ms. Robin Rustad and
Mr. John Hryriewicz
Ms. Susan Ruth
Ms. L. Monique Rutkai
Mr. Wayne S. Rutledge
Ms. Annie Ryan
Ms. Christie Ryan
Ms. Ida Ryan
Ms. Karen D. Ryan
Ms. Patricia Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ryan
Ms. Tonia Ryan
Ms. Lori A. Ryb
Ms. Robin J. Rybczynski
Ms. Ariana Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryder
Ms. Mary Rzepkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Saari
Ms. Sherri D. Sabol
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sabota
Ms. Allison L. Sacker
Ms. Janiece N. Sackiel
Mr. Tait Saderholm and
Ms. Peggy Weickert
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Sadler
Ms. Renee Saffield
Ms. Kathy Saffran
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sagi
Mr. and Mrs. Fadi Saikali
Saint-Gobain Corporation
Ms. Lisa Salatti
Ms. Kimberly A. Salazar
Ms. Teresa Saldana
Ms. Debbie Salim
Ms. Lauren Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saloka
Ms. Jackie Salter
Ms. Angela A. Salvary-Davis
Ms. Devica Samaroo
Ms. Zeta H. Samblanet
Ms. Laurie A. Sammis
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Samra
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Samson
Ms. Gloria M. Samuel
Ms. Cristina Sanchez-Aldana
Ms. Tamera D. Sandborn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders
Ms. Patricia Sanders
Ms. Bernadette Sandruck
Mr. and Mrs. William Sann
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sanphillipo
Girl Scouts trying to stay afloat at the 2nd Annual Cardboard
Boat Regatta
Mr. and Mrs. Raffaele Santini
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sanzone
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sapunar
Ms. Sandra Sarrach
Ms. Laurena M. Sarver
Ms. Colleen Sassdelli
Mr. and Mrs. David Sattler
Ms. Kathleen C. Saunders
Mr. Daniel Savin and
Ms. Patricia A. Murphy
Ms. Anthonia Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sawyers
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Sayan
Ms. Debra Anne Sayers
Ms. Colleen Scanga
Mr. James Scantlebury and
Ms. Susan Donovan
Ms. Lori Scarano
Ms. Cynthia Scepura
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Schaeffer
Ms. Lorene Schaeffer
Ms. Lisa Schaible
Ms. Deborah Schallmo
Ms. Kathy Schappell
Ms. Lesley Scheitlin
Ms. Anastasia Scheper
Ms. Dolores Scheuerman
Ms. Sandy Scheuerman
Ms. Judith Schiair
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schiavi
Ms. Patricia Schield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schiller
Ms. Alys R. Schiminger
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Schlick
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schluederberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schlueter
Mr. Chester Schmidt
Ms. Lisa Schmith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt
Ms. Anastasia H. Schmitz
Ms. Judith R. Schnidman
Ms. Dena Schnitzer
Ms. Marcella Schoenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schoenstein
Ms. Frances Schoonover
Ms. Roxie A. Schoppet
Ms. Amy Schram
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Schuessler
Schuh Family Foundation
Ms. Nicole L. Schul
Ms. Monica Schultz
Ms. Carmen W. Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. James Schumacher
Ms. Lisa Schumann
Ms. Kari J. Schumm
Ms. Constance D. Schuyler
Ms. Deborah Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwab
Mr. Russell R. Schwalbe
Ms. Melinda Schwartje
Ms. Linda Schwartz
Ms. Lisa Schwartz
Ms. Lisa Schwarz
Ms. Karol Schwarzenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schwarzweller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sciabarra
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Scobee
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Scollick
Ms. Jill S. Scott
Ms. Valerie J. Scott
Ms. Kim E. Scotti
Ms. Janet E. Scruggs
Mr. and Mrs. Lander Seaman
Ms. Catie Sears
Ms. Rona Sebastian
Ms. Kathy Sebastiani
Ms. Peggy Seddon
Ms. Michele Sedney
Ms. Carole L. Seeling
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sefa
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Segal
Ms. Janie Seibert
4:24:26 PM
P.A.V.E. Peer Counselors and Staff
Ms. Betty Seidel
Ms. Amy J. Seifert
Ms. Marilyn Seifert
Ms. Christine Seilbach
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Self
Ms. Sharon Selko
Ms. Catherine Sellars
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Sellars
Ms. Charlene Sellers
Ms. Danielle Sellman
Ms. Lorraine T. Selway
Ms. Diane Sender
Mr. and Mrs. William Senge
Ms. Donna M. Sengelaub
Ms. Diane Sengstacke
Service Unit 632
Service Unit 641
Service Unit 644
Service Unit 647
Service Unit 649
Service Unit 660
Service Unit 671
Service Unit 673
Service Unit 678
Service Unit 683
Service Unit 697
Ms. Victoria Sessler
Severna Park United Methodist
Church Cluster
Ms. Suzanne L. Sevier
Ms. Mary Sevison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. David Seyler
Ms. Jamie Seymour
Ms. Kathy Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Shadmehr
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shane
Ms. Elizabeth Shaner
Mrs. Brittamy Shanley
Ms. Helen Shannon
Ms. Lisa Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad Sharif
Ms. Elizabeth A. Sharp
Ms. Susan Sharpe
Ms. Amy C. Sharpe-Bazuzi
Ms. Nada Shater
Ms. Debbie Shaughney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shavatt
Ms. Erin M. Shaw
Ms. Phyllis Shaw
Ms. Shantres Shaw
Ms. Katherine L. Shawler
Ms. Elaine Shea
Ms. Jennifer Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. John Shedleski
Ms. Debra Sheffield
Ms. Elizabeth Shek
Ms. Deborah M. Shelton
Ms. Erin Shelton
Ms. Lisa E. Shemer
Ms. Carolyn T. Shenk
Ms. Susan A. Shepeta
Ms. Joyce M. Shepherd
Ms. Mary T. Sherrick
Ms. Kimberly Shettle
Ms. Lisa Shiblie
Mr. Jay Shifflet
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Shiflett
Ms. Lois Shimanek
Mr. William Shimeall
Ms. Judy Shin
Mr. and Mrs. James Shinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shipman
Ms. Shannon M. Shirvan
Ms. Carol L. Shock
Ms. Shirley Shockley
Ms. Lisa Shoemaker
Ms. Sharon Shoemaker
Mr. Randall Short
Ms. Donna A. Shortz
Ms. Shelly Shrader
Ms. Lisa Shue
Ms. Melissa Shuey
Ms. Amy D. Shugar
Ms. Carol S. Sichler
Ms. Tina Sickle
Ms. Therese N. Sides
Ms. Lynn Sidransky
Ms. Maryanne Siegert
Ms. Lisa M. Sifford
Ms. Marnice J. Sigur
Ms. Harlisha Sijuwade
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sikorski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Sikorski
Ms. Toni V. Sillars
Ms. Mary E. Silva
Ms. Stephanie Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Simmons
Ms. Cris Simmons
Ms. Dawn H. Simmons
Ms. Heather Simmons
Ms. Deborah L. Simon
Ms. Manda L. Simon
Ms. Melissa Simpson
Ms. Charnita L. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Sharad Singh
Ms. Suzanne Sinnott
Ms. Eileen Siple
Ms. Julie Sisk
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sisney
Ms. Vivan Situ and Mr. Tony Truong
Ms. Heidi Siuta
Ms. Sankari Sivasailam, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Heath Skelton
Ms. Lanie A. Skittle-Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Skora
Ms. Linda Skutt
Ms. Eileen Slaughter
Ms. Barbara A. Sloan
Ms. Chris Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sloan
Ms. Kimberly J. Slotnick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slowik
Ms. Patricia A. Slutzky
Ms. Katrina Small
Ms. Aimee Smith
Ms. Alice C. Smith
Ms. Barbara L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith
Ms. Debora A. Smith
Ms. Eileen Smith
Ms. Jacqueline P. Smith
Ms. Jennifer Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Ms. Justine Smith
Ms. Karen Smith
Ms. Kelly L. Smith
Ms. Keysha Smith
Ms. Laura L. Smith
Ms. Margaret A. Smith
Ms. Margaret M. Smith
Mr. Mark Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Smith
Ms. Maya Smith
Ms. Melissa M. Smith
Ms. Nathalie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Narvel Smith
Ms. Olivia J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Smith
Ms. Sally Smith
Ms. Sandi Smith
Ms. Sara Smith
Ms. Sharon R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith
Ms. Susan Smith
Ms. Suzanne N. Smith
Ms. Tamara P. Smith
Ms. Tangie Smith
Ms. Tiffani L. Smith
Ms. Willanita Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Smorse
Mr. and Mrs. William Sneed
Ms. Susan Snively
Ms. Kristine M. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Soffen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sokolow
Ms. Christina Soles
Ms. Asma Soliman
Ms. Bernadette Solomon
Ms. Sherry Somji
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sommers
Ms. Mimi Son
Ms. Shannon Sopata
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Soper
Ms. Michelle L. Sorace
Ms. Kim Sorlin
Ms. Barbara Soucy
Mr. and Mrs. Mike E. Soucy
Ms. Jessica Souder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Souders
Ms. Monica L. Souza
Ms. Jennifer Soverns
Ms. Carol Sowers
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spaeth
Ms. Amy Spanier
Ms. Karen Sparzak
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Spath
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Spector
Ms. Diana L. Spencer
Ms. Orlonda K. Spencer-Williams
Ms. Ellen D. Sperber
Ms. Denise Spilman
Ms. Tracie L. Spranger
Ms. Lee Ann Sprankle
Ms. Janet C. Springer
Ms. Marian P. Squicciarini
Mr. and Mrs. Srini Srinivasan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard St. Ours
Ms. Susan S. Stackhouse
Ms. Alisa Stacy
Ms. Megan D. Staczek
Ms. Christina Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stagg
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Stair
Ms. Kathryn E. Stallings
Ms. Lorraine Stallings
Ms. Janet P. Stamas
Ms. Elaine Stamateris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Stanfield
Ms. Susan Stange
Ms. Pamela Stanitski
Ms. Felesha Stanley
Ms. Amelia Stansbury
Ms. Catherine Staropoli
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stasik
Ms. Jennifer Staton
Mr. and Mrs. George Stavrou
Ms. Shearmene Steals
Ms. Pamela L. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stefana
Ms. Regina D. Stefanski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Steffan
Ms. Sharon Steg
Ms. Suzanne L. Steiner
Ms. Joyce Steinhorn
Ms. Lisa D. Stella
Ms. Beth Stephens
Ms. Helena Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens
Ms. Laura Stephenson
Ms. Kim Stepherson
Ms. Elizabeth I. Sterenberg
Ms. Jennifer Stetson
Ms. Sally J. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens
Ms. Denise Stewart
Ms. Nicole M. Stewart
Ms. Valerie Stewart
Ms. Yahaira Stewart
Ms. Kyung H. Stiller
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stiller
Ms. Noreen Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stitz
Ms. Barbara J. Stoddard
Ms. JoAnn Stofregen
Ms. Sharyn D. Stoker
Ms. Joan Stokes
Ms. Victoria Stokes
Ms. Donna Stolarczyk
Ms. Hazel Stone
Ms. Monica Stone
Ms. Kelly Stott
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stratford
Ms. Shawn Stratmann
Ms. Deborah J. Strawbridge
Ms. Carol Streeke
Ms. C.J. Streit
Ms. Mary D. Strem
Mr. and Mrs. John Stringfield
Ms. June R. Stritehoff
Ms. Andrea Strobel
Mr. and Mrs. John Strom
Ms. Christy Stromberg
Ms. Kathy A. Stryjewski
Ms. Laurie J. Stubb
Ms. Cynthia D. Stubbs
Ms. Heidi Sturm
Ms. Holly Sturm
Ms. Patricia H. Sturm
Ms. Karen Sturtevant
Ms. Tammy Suchoza
Mr. James Sudler
Ms. Rajeshwarie Sukhai
Ms. Monica Sulin
Ms. Amy Sullivan
Ms. Darleen Sullivan
Ms. Deanna Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sullivan
Ms. Mary Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Ms. Robin Sullivan
Ms. Wanda Sullivan
Ms. Denise Sulzbach
Ms. Marilyn Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Summers
Ms. Vera S. Summers
Ms. Constance Sumpter
Ms. Pam Sumpter
Ms. Sandra Sunderland
Ms. Maryann Supko
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Suprenant
Ms. Pamela L. Surette
Mr. Baldip S. Suri
Ms. Linda Suscello
Ms. Melissa A. Susini
Ms. Tara M. Sussan
Mr. and Mrs. James Suttner
Ms. Meshia C. Sutton
Ms. Barbara G. Swain
Ms. Julie A. Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Swan
Ms. Greta Swanson
Ms. Karin Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Swanson
Ms. Ann Swarr
Ms. Leslie A. Swecker
Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sweet
Ms. Denise Swensen
Ms. Julie Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swift
Ms. Catherine A. Swiger
Mr. and Mrs. David Sybert
Mr. and Mrs. John Szalankiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. John Szeliga
Ms. Mary Tacka
Ms. Margaret Tadeo
Ms. Carla Taffetani
Ms. Kathryn Tag
Ms. Patricia Tait
Ms. Ruth C. Talentino
Ms. Carla E. Taliaferro
Ms. Pamela C. Tamberino
Ms. Patrice Tankersley
Ms. and Mr. Alice Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taplette
Ms. Bonnie Tarantino
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tarrant
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tawes
Mr. Allan M. Taylor
Ms. Christine Taylor
Mr. David Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Ms. Ellen Taylor
Ms. Janet Taylor
Ms. Jerre Taylor
Ms. Joan Taylor
Ms. Karen Taylor
Ms. Maureen Taylor
Ms. Michelle Taylor
Ms. Natalie Taylor
Ms. Noel-Marie Taylor
Ms. Patti Taylor
Ms. Samantha Taylor
Mr. Stuart Taylor
technoMetrica Market Intelligence
Ms. Keri Teodori
Ms. Patricia L. Teoman
Ms. B. J. Terrell
Ms. Amy Terrone
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Tesch
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tester
Ms. Tara Testerman
Ms. Melissa Teves
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Thacker
Ms. Rosemarie Thackston
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Thayer
Ms. Karey Thesing
Ms. Barbara S. Thomas
4:24:28 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas
Ms. Joan K. Thomas
Ms. June Thomas
Ms. Kelly Thomas
Ms. Norrine Thomas
Ms. Regina L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thomas
Ms. Stacy Thomas
Ms. Veronica Thomas
Ms. Nicole C. Thomas-Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson
Ms. Kim P. Thompson
Ms. Linda J. Thompson
Mr. Mark Thompson
Ms. Martha V. Thompson
Ms. Nicole Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thompson
Ms. Samantha L. Thompson
Ms. Suzanne Thompson
Ms. Janet M. Thomson
Ms. Patricia W. Thomson
Mr. Dennis Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thornton
Ms. Elizabeth Thorstraten
Ms. Catherine Thrush
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thyberg
Ms. Amy L. Tich
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Tidline
Mr. and Mrs. John Tilghman
Ms. Mary K. Tilghman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tillman
Ms. Kadi Timbo
Ms. Gail R. Timmick
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Tindall
Ms. Terri Tinker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tipton
Ms. Ada E. Tiralla
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Titus
Ms. Tia D. Tivvis
Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin
Ms. Kimberly Todd
Ms. Elizabeth Toibero
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tokarski
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Tomarchio
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tomasic
Ms. Lisa L. Tomaszewski
Ms. Marie Tomek
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Toner
Ms. Vicky Tong
Ms. Victoria Toomey
Ms. Karen M. Tormollan
Ms. Lynell Torres
Mr. and Mrs. James Toth
Ms. Jeanne Toussaint
Ms. Connie Towles
Ms. Virginia Townsend
Ms. Valerie Tracy
Ms. Jennifer Trapani
Ms. Elaine Tray
Ms. Rita E. Treadwell
Mr. and Mrs. David Treece
Ms. Giovanna Treherne
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tribull
Ms. Elizabeth Trimmer
Ms. Priyanka Tripathi
Ms. Kathy Triplett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tristani
Ms. Kathryn G. Troch
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Troop 2046
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Troop 2506
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Troop 2815
Troop 2823
Troop 2991
Troop 3019
Troop 3122
Troop 4092
Troop 4101
Troop 4109
Troop 4114
Troop 4159
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Troop 4407
Troop 4509
Troop 4719
Troop 4768
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Troop 4846
Troop 4850
Troop 4855
Troop 4930
Troop 5019
Troop 5216
Troop 5918
Troop 7733
Troop 7965
Ms. Jenny Trostel
Ms. Melanie Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. David Troy
Ms. Kathy Trumbull
Ms. JoMay Tsang-Scollick
Ms. Allison Tsomos
Ms. Laura J. Tucker
Ms. Prudence A. Tucker
Ms. Shelley Tudino
Ms. Kelly A. Tudja
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tully
Ms. Suzanne Tully
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turk
Ms. Gretel Turner
Ms. Tammy Tuttle
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Twigg
Ms. Rennie L. Twigg
Ms. Tiffany T. Tyson
Ms. Patricia Umbarger
Ms. Stuart Unkenholz
Ms. Sharon Upchurch
Ms. Stella Urban
Ms. Rosemarie Urszuy
Ms. Sharon Utermahlen
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Utt
Ms. Carol Vach
Ms. Gina Vacovsky
Ms. Rebeca M. Valdes
Ms. Deborah Valencia
Ms. Moira S. Valentine
Ms. Jody R. Vallario
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vallerie
Ms. Jennifer van Geuuip
Ms. Emily Van Horn
Ms. Carol VanVlaanderen
Ms. Kim VandenAssem
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Vandermeys
Ms. Jackie VanderVelden
Mr. and Mrs. Alan VanderWiele
Ms. Pamela Vane
Ms. Debra Vanhook
Ms. Lori-Ann Vanko-Koch
Ms. Patricia H. VanNatten
Ms. Anne-Marie VanNostrand
Ms. Terry J. Vanover
Ms. Martina Varnado
Ms. Jana Varwig
Ms. Roma Vasa
Ms. Marie C. Vassalotti
Ms. Brenna Vaughn
Ms. Nancy Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vecheck
Ms. Krishna Vedula
Ms. Susana L. Velarde
Ms. Melynda G. Velez
Ms. Cherlynn R. Venit
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Vera
Ms. Wendy A. Verbeek
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Verdin
Ms. Anita P. Vesely
Ms. Dawn Vesely
Ms. Denise Vesuvio
Ms. Noemi Viado
Ms. Jennifer Vickery
Ms. Patricia Vido
Ms. Ann G. Vilece
Ms. Mary Jo Villafania
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Virden
Ms. Lisa Virden
Mr. and Mrs. John Vogel
Ms. Mary Vogelpohl
Ms. Carrie Vogelsang
Ms. Theresa Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vonderhorst
Ms. Caterina Vono
Ms. Carolyn Voorhees
Ms. Nancy Votta
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Votta
Ms. Pamela Voulalas-Depireux
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Wachsmuth
Ms. Kristina Wade
Ms. Amy Wagner
Ms. Andrea Wagner
Ms. Deborah Wagner
Ms. Denise Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wagoner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Waibel
Ms. Donna M. Waidlich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wajbel
Ms. Nancy A. Wakefield-Laymon
Ms. Melissa Wald
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Walker
Ms. Debbie J. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker
Ms. Loreen D. Walker
Ms. Rhonda Walker
Ms. Sharon M. Walker
Ms. Tina E. Walker
Ms. Christina Wall
Ms. Lisa Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wall
Ms. April Wallace
Ms. Charmagne Wallace
Ms. Loretta A. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walsh
Ms. Bridget M. Walsh
Mr. Matthew J. Walsh
Ms. Teresa A. Walstrum
Ms. Angela Walter
Ms. Jenifer Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Walters
Ms. Kelley Walters
Ms. Petra Walton
Ms. Mary Wancowicz
Ms. Cindy Wandelear
Ms. Debbie Wang
Mr. Zengfeng Wang and
Mrs. Guofang You
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wann
Ms. Nancy Wapshott
Ms. Lisa S. Ward
Ms. Monica I. Ward
Ms. Lauren C. Ward-Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Warfield
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Warfield
Ms. Kelly Wargo
Ms. Maria Warner
Ms. Sharon Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warns
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Warren
Ms. Michelle Warrene
Ms. Mona Warshanna
Ms. Erica Washington
Ms. Michelle Washington-Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wasiak
Mr. and Mrs. John Wasko
Ms. Ramona Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waters
Ms. Jean Watkins
Ms. Kelly A. Watson
Ms. Pam Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt
Ms. Stacey M. Watters
Ms. Victoria Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wawrzyniak
Ms. Katie L. Weaver
Ms. Rebecca Weaver
Ms. Sharon Weaver
Ms. Aliese A. Webb
Ms. Lesley Webb
Ms. Christine Webbert
Mr. and Mrs. John Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Webster
Ms. Chineice Weeks
Ms. Debra L. Weeks
Mr. Garry A. Weese, Jr.
Ms. Deborah Wegman
Ms. Jennifer Wehrman
Ms. Jessica Weiman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weinberger
Mr. Stephen K. Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Weinreich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weisengoff
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Weishaar
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Weiskopf
Ms. Annette M. Weisner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Weiss
Dr. Howard Weiss, M.D.
Ms. Stacy Weiss
Ms. Catherine L. Welch
Ms. Nikki Welch
Ms. Christine Weller
Ms. Nancy L. Weller
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wellington
Ms. Amy D. Wells
Ms. Georgia Wells
Ms. Lazette Wells
Ms. Stacey Wells
Ms. Susan Wells
Ms. J. Heather Welzant
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wenczkowski
Ms. Sarah Wengerauk
Ms. Leslie D. Wernz
Ms. Rose Wertz
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wessel
Ms. Veronica Wessel
Ms. Honey West
Ms. Karen West
Ms. Lesa West
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Westbrook
Ms. Elizabeth Westendorf
Ms. Caroline Westmoreland
Ms. Lisa Westwick
Ms. Virginia F. Wetter
Ms. Genevieve M. Weyandt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whalen
Ms. Beth Wheatley
Ms. Sherrie Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Whelan
Ms. Shielda Y. Whims
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Whipple
Ms. Lisa Whiston
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitaker
4:24:31 PM
Ms. Amy L. White
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin White
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White
Mr. and Mrs. Doug White
Ms. Melanie A. White
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney White
Ms. Tanika White
Ms. Theresa White
Ms. Viola White
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Whitebloom
Ms. Angela Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Whitehead
Ms. Kathleen J. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Ronn Whitman
Ms. L.F. Whitmore
Ms. Caralyn Wichers
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Widerman
Ms. Mary B. Wieler
Ms. Melissa A. Wiest
Mr. Jeffrey Wiggen and
Ms. Debbie Subera-Wiggen
Ms. Lanelle B. Wiggins
Ms. Joanne Wiklund
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wilcox
Ms. Jennifer Wiley
Ms. Karen T. Wilhelm
Ms. Vicki Wilhelm
Ms. Paula Wilkins
Ms. Jean Willan
Ms. Cinthia Willard
Ms. Kimberly Willard
Ms. Catherine R. Willett
Ms. Kristine Willett
Ms. Allyson D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams
Ms. Antonia Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David Williams
Ms. Dawann Williams
Ms. Deborah A. Williams
Ms. Jennifer Williams
Mr. John Williams
Ms. Julie Williams
Ms. Marketta Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams
Ms. Tonie Williams
Ms. Wendy Williams
Ms. Terri T. Williamson
Ms. Kristine A. Willing
Ms. Angela Willinger
Ms. Daphane M. Willis
Ms. Franka M. Wilson
Ms. Holly Wilson
Ms. Jeanne A. Wilson
Ms. Jennifer Wilson
Ms. Shannon M. Wilson
Ms. Stephannie Wilson
Ms. Julie A. Wilsynski
Ms. Esther Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winnard
Ms. Mara Winters
Ms. Wendi Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wise
Ms. Patricia Wise
Ms. Susan Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiseman
Ms. Karen L. Wiseman
Ms. Rebecca Wiser
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wisniewski
Ms. Amber Wissemann
Ms. Wanda Withers
Ms. Sandra Witherspoon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Witting
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wofford
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wolf
Ms. Mary K. Wolfarth
Ms. Christine Wolfe
Mrs. Cynthia J. Wolfe
Ms. Dina Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wolff
Ms. Crystal L. Wolfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wolin
Mr. and Mrs. Caz Wondoloski
Ms. Angela Wood
Ms. Deborah A. Wood
Ms. Janet Wood
Ms. Jill Wood
Ms. Marianne Wood
Ms. Michelle Wood
Ms. Vanessa Wood
Ms. Rose M. Wooden
Ms. Kristin Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Woodward
Ms. Kathy Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Worrell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Wren
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Wright
Ms. Donna S. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright
Ms. Lisa Wright
Ms. Rachel Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Wright
Mr. and Mrs. William Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wrobleski
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wun
Mr. and Ms. Robert Wunder
Ms. Leslie Yambor
Mr. and Mrs. John Yang
Ms. Yeunim Yang
Ms. Suzanne Yanky
Mr. and Mrs. Yardley
Ms. Kathryn Yarkony
Ms. Barbara S. Yeager
Ms. Donna Yeager
Ms. Chien-Mei Yee
Ms. Wendy M. Yee
Mr. and Mrs. William Yerman
Ms. Gloria Yim
Ms. Monica G. Yocum
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Yokum
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen York
Ms. Teresa York
Ms. Emily Yost
Ms. Jo Yost
Ms. Christina Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Young
Ms. Lauren Young
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young
Ms. Sarah L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Younkin
Ms. Susan Younts
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Youshaw
Ms. Mandy A. Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Yuan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Zagurski
Ms. Cassandra Zamenski
Ms. Leticia Zamora
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zanoni
Ms. Kathy Zanti
Ms. Suzanne Zaremba
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zaruba
Ms. Ann M. Zavetz
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zebeck
Ms. Marie Zeiler
Ms. Susan Zeiler
Ms. Andrea Zettel
Ms. Lori J. Zgorski
Ms. Jane Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Zhao Zhao Zhang
Ms. Mary E. Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziethan
Ms. Mary Zimmerman
Ms. Pam Zimmerman
Ms. Jennifer Zinderman
Mr. and Mrs. John Zink
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zink
Ms. Beth Zinner
Ms. Laurie B. Zinni
Ms. Michele Ziolkowski
Mr. Jonathan L. Zipp
Ms. Robin Znamirowski
Ms. Gina M. Zoeckler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zogg
Ms. Jane Zorzi-Tinker
Ms. Katherine Zuback
Ms. Anne Zuckerman
Ms. Kimberly R. Zulka
Ms. Kecia Zullo
Ms. Amber Zumwalt-Mark
Ms. Cheryl A. Zwart
Girl Scouts of Central
Maryland Partners
A Can Can Make A Difference
Abbottson Elementary
ACCESS/21ST Century
American Diabetes Association of
Central Maryland
Americorps NCCC Eastern Region
Animal Advocates of Howard County
Annapolis Parks and Recreation
Anne Arundel Bird Club
Anne Arundel County Public Library
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
APG Youth Recreation Center
Arbutus Elementary School
Back River United Methodist Church
Baltimore Better Business Bureau of
Greater Maryland
Baltimore Blast
Baltimore City Department of
Recreation & Parks
Baltimore City Health Department
Baltimore City Public Schools
Baltimore Co. Chamber of Commerce
& Small Business Resource
Baltimore County Public Library
Baltimore County Public Schools
Baltimore Housing
Baltimore Orioles
Baltimore Pre-Release Unit for
Baltimore School of Massage
Bates Middle School
Bead Bungalow
Bear Creek Mountain Resort
Bowie Baysox
Boy Scouts of America
Brehms Lane Elementary School
Calverton Middle School
Calvin Rodwell Elementary School
Canton Middle School
Carmello Anthony Youth Center
Carroll County Public Library
Carroll County Public Schools
Cavanaugh Press, Inc.
Cecil County Bird Club
Cecil County Public Schools
Chesapeake Children Museum
Chesapeake Office Supply
Child First
Chinquapin Middle School
City Springs Elementary School
Collington Square Elementary School
Commodore John Rogers Elementary
Creative Kids
Crofton Woods Elementary School
Cultural Arts and Travel Society
Dance Baltimore, Inc.
Deep Creek Elementary School
Deep Creek Middle School
Dept. of Physics, Astronomy, and
Geosciences, Towson University
Diggs Johnson Middle School
Dr. Bernard Harris Elementary School
Dunbar Middle School
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Fallstaff Elementary School
Franklin Square Elementary School
Frederick Elementary School
General Wolfe Elementary School
Germantown Elementary School
Geroge Kelson Elementary School
Gerstung Inter-Sport
Giggles Plaster Craft
Glen Burnie High School
Govans Elementary School
Graceland Park Elementary School
GreenWood Stables
Guilford Elementary School
Gwynns Falls Elementary School
Halethorpe Elementary School
Harford Community College
Harford County Public Libray
Harford County Public Schools
Harlem Park Recreation Center
Highlandtown Elementary School
Hillendale Police Athletic League
Hispanic-Latino Outreach Office
Community Resources Team
House of Ruth
Howard County Health Dept,
Education Department
Howard County Health Dept. - Bureau
of Addictions
Howard County Library
Howard County Police Dept.-Youth
Service Section
Howard County Public Schools
Inner Harbor East Academy
James McHenry Elementary School
JHU Carey Business School
K.R. Jewelry Designs
Kappa Delta Sorority
Kelly Dodd Interiors
Kids ‘N’ Clay
KidsNews, LifeStyle, KidsTVNews
Krav Maga Maryland
Lakeland Elementary School
Landsdowne Police Athletic
League Center
Lemmel Middle School
Liberty Mountain Resort
Little Brownie Bakers
Lombard Middle School
Margaret Brent Elementary School
Marley Elementary School
Mars Estates Police Athletic
League Center
Mary Rodman Elementary School
Maryland Correctional Institute
for Women
Maryland Crime Prevention
Maryland Department of
Natural Resources
Maryland Division of Corrections
Maryland Poison Center
Maryland Public Television
Maryland Science Center
McKim Community Center
Medieval Times Dinner and
Mills Parole Elementary School
Misako Ballet Studio
Montgomery College
Morrell Park Elementary/Middle
North Bend Elementary School
Northeast Middle School
Operation Military Kids
Parks & People Foundation
Patapsco Elementary School
Patapsco Female Institute Historic
Patterson Mill Middle School
Patterson Park Charter School
Patterson Park Recreation Center
People Encouraging People
Point Pleasant Elementary School
Port Discovery
Prince George’s Community College
Rosemont Elementary
Royal Blue Productions
Score! Education Centers
Severna Park High School
Shake & Bake Family Fun Center
Snyder Foundation for Animals
Society of Women Engineers
Soughtout Redeem Christian School
Southeast Youth Academy
St. Catherine’s Catholic School
The After-School Institute
The B&O Railroad Museum, Inc.
The Brick Companies
The Flag House and Star Spangled
Banner Museum
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
The Pottery Stop
The USS Constellation Museum
The Walters Art Museum
Trophy Nut Company
Twenty Plus Entertainment
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
University of Maryland Hospital and
School of Nursing
Van Bokkelen Boys & Grils Club
Vivacity Networking
Wachovia Bank
Waverly Middle School
Wildlife Habitat Council
William Paca Elementary School
Windsor Hills Elementary School
WomanScope Newspaper
Woodmoor Police Athletic League
Woodson Elementary School
Young Artists Theatre
Youth Works
Caitlin Dunbar Nature Center
Ms. Eva F. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Behrens
Friends of Camp
Anonymous (6)
Ms. Regina S. Boss
Mr. David Ciuffreda and
Ms. Dana Victor
Ms. Helen Dowling
Ms. Martha A. Dunbar
Girl Scout Howard County Day
Dr. Leonard Goldman
GSCM International Troop 51
Harford County Mall Lock In
Ms. Sally H. Hosford
Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Lassahn, Jr.
Ms. Marie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mir
Mrs. Kim Reck
Service Unit 637
Ms. Janice M. Sheridan
Ms. Donna Snyder
Mr. Stuart Taylor
Mr. Mark Thompson
Ms. Virginia F. Wetter
Ms. Lori A. White
Memorial Gifts
In memory of Deborah Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Blackwell
Ms. Diane D. Christy
Ms. Tamara A. Dingman
Ms. Darlene L. Doane
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Draper
Ms. Charles Dunning
Ms. Claudine K. Dunning
Reverend and Mrs. Donald L. Emge
Mr. and Mrs. James Geist
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Guay
Ms. H. Marie Harvey
Ms. Marcia A. Hill
Ms. Cydny H. Holt
Ms. Rosalyn Killigrew
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Ladd Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Lanham
Ms. Janet V. Lefort
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Levin
Ms. Janet Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McPherson
Stephen Ministry
Mr. Max Muller
Ms. Charlotte M. Pardoe
Ms. Eleanor E. Pieroschek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Smalley
2:18:17 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Mike E. Soucy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Vandermeys
Ms. L.F. Whitmore
Ms. Christine Wolfe
Mrs. Cynthia J. Wolfe
Rotary Club of Glen Burnie
Richard Henry Lee Elementary School
Troop 318
Troop 1342
In memory of Deborah Dunning
and Karen Deberry
Ms. Cydny H. Holt
In memory of Eileen Manning
Elva Hazelhurst
Beyond Bars & Bridge Beyond
Bars Advisory Committee
Judge Carole Smith
Judge Marcella Holland
Retired Judge Ellen Heller
Retired Judge Katherine Friedman
Priscilla Griffith
Mary Joel Davis
Marilyn Moses
Kareen Wallace
Bianca Elliott
Distinguished Women’s 2007
Steering Committee
In memory of Mrs. William
Ms. Virginia C. Patterson
Sheela Murthy, Esq., Co-Chair
Laurie A. Lee, Co-Chair
Traci Barnett
Stephanie M. Beran
Dawn Hyde
Maria T. Johnson
Ellen Lowe
Julie Mercer
Patricia J. Mitchell
Elise Morris, Esq.
Melanie Sabelhaus
Laura Pierson Scheinberg, Esq.
Lois M. Shofer, Ph.D.
Carol Sholes
SHARE Representatives
Service Unit
2007 Product Sales Committee
In memory of George Solomon
Ms. Wanda L. Forrest
Ms. Sally H. Hosford
Ms. Lucy L. Marshall
Ms. Gail Porter Long
Mrs. Mary Joe Robl
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wolkow
Christine Altman - 640
Debbie Clark - 29
Rebecca Conover - 657
Wendy Crouse - 644
Debby Dickstein - 660
Lorriane Donohue - 641
Leigh Eirich - 656
Steve Findersen- 666
Kathy Flanaghan - 48
Elaine Gardner - 693 & 694
Cindy Geskey - 637
Leslie Hardy - 655
Donna Helowicz - 638
Trish Herder - 630
Brenda Jones-Roberts - 609
Rebecca Kishter - 671
Marcy Kolodrubetz - 653
Maryann Kulesz - 635
Susan Landis - 678
Kim Lassahn - 604
Judy McGovern - 659
Karen Meyers - 649
Kim Miller - 654
Gwen Moore - 43
Mary Beth Nibley - 47
Linda Pinto - 633
Becky Ponder - 39
Marlene Riley - 681
Mary Jo Robl - 687
Fred Romelfanger - 672
Beverly Smith - 608
Aileen Sohn - 668
Karen Sturtevant - 680
Carol Wier - 676
Beth Wilker - 619
Laurie Sammis, Co-Chair
Joan Trentler, Co-Chair
Sabrina Blackburn
Susan Brown
Mike Bucolo
Peggy Clarke
Margie Coski
Pattie Dash
Ellie Garland
Chris Garrett
Cindy Geskey
Judy Griffin
Tanya Harcum
Stephanie Jones
Donna Krach
Lucy Marshall
Terry Mercer
Fran Neuman
Margaret Rosa
Linda Scarborough
Lynn Stull
Sylvia Stverak-Pruden
Kathy Tempesta
Danita Terry
Hank Waida
2007 Girl Scouts of Central
Maryland’s Delegates and
Courtney Ainsworth
Michelle Ainsworth
Kim Alfini
Elizabeth Allen
Kimberly Arbogast
Patricia Behles
Erin Benson
Roxanne Bernhardt
Linda Beyer
Jane Bisco
Lexie Bittner
Ellen Boczon
Mary Kay Boland
Jamarri Bright
Anita Brown
Susan Brown
Tina Casey
Julie Clemenston
Bonnie Cooney
Meaghan Cooney
Karen Coppage
Margie Coski
Daphne Cover
Chrissy Cover
LuAnn Day
Vikki Dee
Adrienne Diggs
Patricia Disharoon
Julia Dougherty
Alex Dunbar
Carol Edenfield
Lisa Everett
Carolyn Farinetti
Clarissa Ferraris
Michele Ford
Susan Fournier
Lyndsay Fournier
Amy Frekot
Gladys Friedel
Jenny Froh
P. Megan Frye
Jennifer Gauss
Dianne Gerhart
Cindy Geskey
Lauren Geskey
Debbie Gielner
Mimi Giguere
Ciara Gilliam
Jennifer Gillis
Alice Gonlin
Stephanie Gorski
Valerie Greek
Kim Hale Carney
Donald Hall
Heidi Hanson
Tanya Harcum
Megan Hardy
Dorcas Hayes
Rae Haynes
Michelle Heckman
Alysha Heckman
Maureen Helfrich
Christy Hensler-Davis
Norma Hensler-Davis
Monika Hess
D. Echo Hester
Mearys Hestick-Greene
Mary Ann Hoffman
Shannon Hogan
Ann Holston
Cydny Holt
Marsha Holt
Emily Holt
Sally Hosford
Deborah Howes
Marie Hughes
Debbie Hurt
Andrea Hylen
E Camilla Hyman
Lisa Jackson Hall
Pamela Jarrar
Cheryl Jenkins
Carol Johnson
Arnetta Jones
Stephanie Jones
Svetlana Kadow
Betsy Kadow
Amy Kaplan
Alpana Kaushiva
Christine Kennedy
Anita Kijak
Sarah Kijak
Vicki Kishter
Kathy Kline
Kimberly Kline
Lauren Kolodrubetz
Marcy Kolodrubetz
Kim Kovacs
Kim Kovacs
Brittany Krueger
Linda Kuba
Maryann Kulesz
Chrissy Lamberton
Susan Landis
Katie Lang
Kim Lassahn
Cheryl Lawrence
Joanne Lewis
Sarah Lewis
Kathy Livingstone
Wendy Lohmeyer-Dagenhart
Gail Lowe
Stephanie Lowell
Marcia Lyon
Nancy MacBride
Anna Lisa Macon
Ava Lisa Macon
Elyzabeth Marcussen
Lucy Marshall
Gloria McCullough
Dana McDevitt
Judy McGovern
Megan McGovern
Andi McLane
Shelli McLane
Emily Miller
Jackie Miller
Julia Montz
Gwen Moore
Barbara Moore
Jennifer Morgan
Martha Myers-Gillis
Fran Newman
Sarah Nicholson
Tiffani Nicolas
Kim Nopperberger
Marybeth O’Connell
Sue O’Connor
Elaine Pearlstein
Siobhan Percey
Lori Pfaff
Linda Pfeifer
Linda Pinto
Melinda Powell
Amber Reid
Janet Riggins
Lois Roberts
Mary Joe Robl
Kim Rodriguez
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Anthony Roman
Diana Roman
Frances Hesselbein & Melanie Sabelhaus at The 2007 Women’s
Leadership Forum.
Mary Romelfanger
Margaret Rosa
Mary Rosa
Patricia Salazar
Beth Santin
Mary Lou Sasso
Nicole Schultheis
Donna Sengelaub
Concetta Serio
Judy Sexton
Sue Shanklin
Susan Sharkey
Kelsey Shaw
Jennifer Shearer
Sheila Skidmore
Julie Skille
Beverly Smith
Kelly Smith
Pat Soffen
Aileen Sohn
Theresa Spliedt
Alice Steffen
Barbara Stoddard
Katie Stuck
Karen Sturtevant
Sylvia Stverak-Pruden
Monica Suchoski
Linda Sullivan
Denise Swensen
Maddie Swift
Chris Swift
Kathy Tomaszewski
Corinne Tomaszewski
Kelly Topita
Karen Topita
Joan Trentler
Kathryn Troch
Sarah Troch
Rachel Troch
Lori Trumble
Nicole Trumble
Kristin Trumble
Pat Vorel
Faith Waldrum
Vicki Wallace
Beth Webster
Stacy Wells
Jenny Whitebloom
Carol Wier
Holly Wilson
Kim Winbigler
Pam Wright
Nancy Wroten
Cheryl Zaydel
Mary Ann Zugates
Hilary Zugates
Donors listed in this report
contributed gifts to Girl Scouts
of Central Maryland between
September 1, 2006 and August 31,
2007. Every effort has been made
to ensure accuracy in this report.
We apologize for any errors or
omissions, and ask that you report
them to the Vice President of
Advancement at 410-358-9711 x247.
Gifts made after August 31, 2007
will appear in the 2007-08 report.
Thank you!
2:18:18 PM
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
Board of Directors
Dawn S. Hyde
Berkshire Associates, Inc.
1st Vice Chair
Donna L. Reihl, Ph.D.
Community College of
Baltimore County
Kathryn L. Barnes
Advanced Radiology, Inc.
Mary Amos Cary
Maryland State Dept of Education
Damani Coates
BCP Digital Printing
Donora L. Dingman
2nd Vice Chair
Nancy F. Aiken, Ph.D.
CHANA-Domestic Violence
3rd Vice Chair
Carol A. Sholes
SM Consulting
Sylvia McGill
Lynne M. Durbin, Esq.
Adhesives Research, Inc.
Marian C. Hwang, Esq.
Miles & Stockbridge
Ex Officio
Traci A. Barnett
Chief Executive Officer
Wanda L. Forrest
Huron Consulting Group
Brian Jones
Ferris, Baker Watts, Inc.
Greater Homewood Community Corporation
Debra Mastin
Westfield Corporation
Elise D. Morris, Esq.
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLP
Mayor Ellen O. Moyer
City of Annapolis
Sheela Murthy, Esq.
Murthy Law Firm
Barbara A. Nicklas
General Growth Properties, Inc.
Cindy Reppert-Ault
FOX Architects
Laura Pierson-Scheinberg, Esq.
Miles & Stockbridge
Suzanne Thompson
Heritage Financial Consultants
Abbie J. von Schlegell
A von Schlegell & Co.
Leadership Team
Traci A. Barnett
Chief Executive Officer
David L. Smith
Chief Financial Officer
Patricia A. Dash
Sr. Vice President of Membership
& Program
Maria T. Johnson
Vice President of Advancement
Suzanne Cash
Director of Membership & Volunteer Services
Craig Chippendale
Director of Outdoor Program
& Property Services
Jae Frost
Director of Program Services
Bonita Harrell
Director of Information & Business Services
Ellen Lowe
Director of Annual Giving & Special Events
Rita Monroy
Director of Membership & Outreach Services
Danita Terry
Director of Communications
& Media Relations
Designed by Pamela Borden, Graphic Designer, Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
4:24:33 PM
Through a myriad of programs and
activites, and with guidance from caring
and committed adults girls develop the
courage, confidence and character to
make the world a better place.
4:24:37 PM
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence
and character who make the world a better place.
Vision Statement for 2007-2010
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland (GSCM) is an inclusive
organization dedicated to the growth and empowerment
of all girls so they become confident, courageous, strong
and successful women. With a personal commitment to
purposeful interaction between girls, volunteers, staff and
board members, we are able to provide a girl-centered
program, grounded by the Girl Scout mission and Promise
and Law. We will empower girls to face and meet new
challenges, develop their self-esteem, create opportunities for self-actualization, and value and learn from diverse
experiences and relationships. Girls will be encouraged to
explore the world and appreciate other cultures. Working
together with volunteers and corporate partners GSCM
will continue to enhance our visibility in the community,
realizing that public financial support is crucial to fulfilling
our mission.
The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Maryland Charity Campaign - 8050 • Central Maryland Combined Federal - 8050
Combined Charity Campaign - 8050 • United Way of Central Maryland - 050
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
4806 Seton Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215
P. 410.358.9711 or toll free 800.492.2521
4:24:44 PM

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