The Korean final-l has a profound effect. The final
The Korean final-l has a profound effect. The final
[ VI ]. Korean final-I, Dal (moon. K. J.J =9). The Korean final-l has a profound effect. The final-l in the rae 7 )-column kana is the marker for Korean words incorporated in numerous Japanese words. Matsumoto Seicho (f'l;;;fs:fFfiJR) knew about this. 31 This is very obvious in the case of Korean dal(moon. JJ) because there are so many dal woven into the Japanese words. Many other Korean words are also identified by the final-I. Yasumaro left a specific message about the Korean final-I, which will be shown in IX and XIX-Q. A) Dal (moon. K. J.J )-dara, dari, daru, dare. t~d. cf: ta( -J), da( -J} The first step in finding dal (K. moon) in Japanese is to identify the underlined part ofthe Japanese corresponding to JJ (moon) in the Cc. For example: madara, midara, tarashi, nadare, tad are, hitare, darui, nedaru, hotaru, sutaru, shitataru, tarumi, wataru, tetari, shitari etc. Since kana, the Japanese syllabary, has no end consonant except -n(/), the Korean end consonant is dropped or acquires a vowel. 15 Also, as kana has no "I-sound," the Korean "final-I" changes to r and acquires a vowel, becoming ra, ri, ru, re, roo When available, commonly used CC are attached to the end ofthe examples. 1. ~~(neighborhood): G- 7 (~) ~-9= JJ -dal-dari. atari. Jll. 2. ~~(neighborhood): ~_/J\-F'(ha)-wa 9= JJ -dal-dari. watari. Jll. 3. ~~(talk): EE- B (day)-ka(J) JJ -dal-taru. kataru. ~~. 4.1W1I'§(dripping sound): 1W- JJ -dal-dara 11'§- JJ -dal-dara. daradara. 5. 1W1I'§(drip): 1W-:/ (shi) JJ -da(lt) 11'§- JJ -dal-daru. shitataru. ~. 6. 11'§(drip): 1FJ- :/(shi) JJ -dal-dari. shitari. ~. 7. [!(fall): ll1f-su(KR) JJ -dal-daru. sutaru. to become dilapidated. 8. HI(abscess, boil): ~-EE(farm)-ta(J) 9. fi",~(manner): ,g. JJ -dal-dare. tadare. 11. JJ -dal-dara {}-~m(KR). darashi. Used as darashinai, in a negative sense, meaning loose and sloppy. i =7-.K(water)-mizu(J) JJ -dal-dara. midara. t~. 11. ~~(swift current): JJ -dal-daru i =7-.K(water)-mizu(J). tarumi. *waterfall. 10. 1~(obscenity): Midara(10) and tarumi(11) used the same building blocks. 12. ~~(swift current): JJ -dal-da(lt) §~-B-ki(KR). taki. *waterfall. This character (~) has been deleted in Japan. 46 ;~. ~7K 13. ~1HillJ(bel1ows): ~i!j~dab(KR) ~ilII~m~ Jl ~dal~dara. tatara. 14. t~~(languid): jEj~ Jl ~dal~daru !:t:-~=(2)~i(KR). darui. 15 . #IJ(rafter): jEj~ Jl ~dal~daru *(tree)~ki(J) . taruki. ~ *. 16. ft: (left. XVn-39)\- SJ3: B ~ l:. (hi) Jl ~dal~dari. hidari. ft:. 17. §t(who. XVn-63)\-f}j': Jl ~dal~dare. §to * Words made from The Thousand Character Text are in XVII. §!laflf. 18. ;s:jU g·(importune): *~ >< ~4~ne(K) W~Jl~dal~daru. nedaru. 19. a. M(landsJide): JiJj~ = =~4~na(K) Jl (moon)~dal(K). *nadare. {tJi. b. ~ M(avalanche): ~ ~ == ~4~na(K) JiJj~ Jl ~dal~dare. *nadare. ~ M . cf. XI-C-5 and 42, for nedaru and nadare. 20. )JiIj(cross): Jl ~weol(KR)~wa Jl ~dal~daru. wataru. {it . ~~a. 21. ~(lenient): 1§ ~y!!(KR) Jl ~dal~dari. yuttari. easy, calm. 22. gm (diarrhea): M~*~r'(ha) ~ F-(low It)~ 7 (ra) *(tree)~ku(J) Jl ~dal~dari. harakudari. Jtl[T, Tm. *: ku. 23. ~ Jtl[(2/)'(hungry): B ~ l:. (hi) Jl ~dal~daru B ~ = (2)~i(KR). hidarui. ~. *Words made from the second Chinese characters (21) are in VII-C. 24. B~ : ® ,~~ J:. ~(pope's nose), ® ~~(obese), © ~it(patella). ~~(obese): B~ B ~ l:. (hi) Jl ~dal~dare. hidare. pope's nose. From ®, word meaning ® was made. 25 . W r~(firetly) ClJ r~~ j«(fire)~ho(J) W~ Jl ~dal~daru . hotaru. The order of Chinese characters was often reversed. 1f. W ~ClJr~%'. cf. VII-E(CIJ). 26. ,OJ(:'Ifx:(neglect): }]~h6(JR) 'Ifx:~ Jl ~dal~dara }]~ 7J (karasu. cf. VIII-B). )z:= JZ ~ Y ~.::z (su). hotarakasu~hottarakasu. 27. ,~fJ(dapple-grey): a. ,~~II\\~/"(ha) Jl ~dal~dara. hadara. spotted. 1i'x.fff.. m. b. ,~~j\\\~r'(ha) Jl ~dal~dare. hadare. spotted. IXl. C. ,~~ma(KR) Jl ~dal~dara. madara. spotted. m. 28. ::t'l'lg(talent, ability): ::t ~ T ~tei(JR) Jl ~dal~dari. tedari. ~ JE . * It is unusual that ashi(J) means both foot(JE) and leg(!JiIl), they are Japanese homonyms; differentiated by the attached adjectives, big or small for foot(JE) , and long or short for 47 leg(J3j;jJ). Foot (fE) in Fujiwara-no Kamatari(~,,*~IUE.) is read tari (ft.), and is pronounced the same as Korean dari (leg. J3j;jJ). This CC (JE) is read tarashi in the names of seven kings? Yamato-kotoba, tari (JE) and tarashi (JE) are related to dal(K. moon. fj) in dari (K. leg. J3j;jJ). J3j;jJ: fj (moon)--dal(K)--dara, $;--L--shi (JR). tarashi. JE(in the name of kings). Tarashi (JE) was made from Jjt~ (leg). ashi (J): foot(JE), leg(J3j;jJ). tari (J. JE)=dari (K. J3j;jJ)--"JE(foot)=J3j;jJ(leg)." With the relationship of "JE=Jjt~," it was shown that J3j;jJ (with the radical fj) is the source of tarashi (JE). This also tells that there are many Yamato-kotoba with the Korean dal (moon. fj) incorporated. 29. The CC JE(foot) also means "sufficient." Tari (J. JE) became to mean "sufficient" in Japanese. tari(JE)--tariru(JE ~ 0). Dal is one of the best Korean words to be incooperated in Yamato- kotoba because there are many important CC containing moon(fj). Dal has the final-l of Korean, which is not unique, but significant when the subject is limited to these three languages; Korean, Japanese and Chinese. This character (fj) also represents f1esh(~) in anatomical terms. fj (f1esh)=~(f1esh). Examples: Jm(skin), ~jJ(rib) , Jli(abdomen), U(anus) etc. B) Ji (moon)--dal(K)--da(-lt). Ji --weol(KR). Ji (f1esh)=~(f1esh). In the following words, the final-l is dropped from dal(fj). dal(fj )--da(-lt). 1. a. ij4(tongue): fj=~--A--jin(JR. S; /)--~ fj --dal. shita(~ 3?). 3.* b. liL(disorder): 3*--shita(J) D--gu(KR). shidaku(~ 3?"1). 2. §§ ilC(master technician): fj --dal liL=~L. JT --gun(KR). takumi( 3? 1 2.). ilC. m+-+n. 3. fr~(octopus): fj --dal ~,--EB-- D __ :::J. *tako(3?:::J). 4. fltf:(callus): fj --dal #--q:.--go(JR). *tako( 3? :::J). JJjfijEt. 5. tJW(shelf): fj --dal *--+--7-. tana(3? 7-). 6. ~%(sooth): :f:f --7- fj --dal ~--men(JR) % __ )\.<. nadameru(7- 3?";' )\.<). 7. rI(skin): ~ --EB-- B (sun)--hre(K) fj --daI. hadaC" 3?} 8. ~W(bring up): B -- t W-- fj --dal W--L--su(C). hidasu( t 3?";;z,). ~. 48 ~. 9. ~(pig): ~(upper It)--+ 7 A --+dal. buta(7" -5<). 10. H~(thigh): X--+7 A --+dal. mata(7 -5<). 11. ~(shoulder): 133--+ B (day)--+ka(J) 12.1~'(pleat): F9--+ B --+ C 13. §[(dragon): A --+dal. kata(:iJ -5<). A --+dal. hida( c -5<} ~. A --+dal(K) -1(K)--+tsu('J). tatsu( -5< 'J). 14. ~E(fat): B--+::J 5.. ~. ~. -1(K)--+tsu. A --+dal(K). koeta(::J 5.. -5<). cf. XV -L-1. 15. * A (halfmoon): *--+/,.:::. A --+weol(KR). haniwarie',:::, r; I)). hermaphrodite. ;)--+a. 16. Ji",~(intent): ~g--+ Jj --+weol(KR) L --+sa(KR). wasa( r; -Jt)x2. wazawaza(r; -lfr; -Jf} specially. i~!rn. ;)--+a. In Japan, §[(dragon) and ~(swift current) have been erased from dictionaries while the more complicated ii(basket), !J~~(dim), '~(deaf), D(to assault) are still in use. To learn these characters, people mastered the simpler §[ and are still using it. They erased these characters to hide the A (dal. K) in §[(J. tatsu. VI-B-13) and ~(J. taki. VI-A-12), which tells how the Korean word dal(A . moon) entered into numerous Yamatokotoba. These characters (i t illJ'g, tt D) were not erased because the corresponding Yamato-kotoba do not have the Korean dal(Jj . moon) woven into them. Besides dal(moon), they used many other Korean words: Korean numerals, sil(thread), bul(fire), mul(water), kal(sword), mal(word), sal(flesh), dol(stone), hwal(bow), bal(foot), nal(day), bam(chestnut), brem(snake), sum(breath), u(above), hre(sun), dre(bamboo), sre(bird), gre( dog) etc. By leaving many short Korean words in a great many number of Yamato-kotoba, they disclosed that Korean speakers manufactured Yamato-kotoba. Short Japanese words, meaning tree(7lQ, water(7.K), fire(j(), soil(±) and sun( B), were also used to make Yamato-kotoba. Hi (1. j(. fire) came from hi(J. B. sun) and ka (1. B. day) from JR of j«(fire). The purpose of this exchange of the readings between j«(fire) and B (sun) is clear; to make more kana available from the frequently used j«(fire) and B (sun). These limited number of Japanese words belong to the five elements(1i.1T: ~*7.Kj(±) of ancient Chinese philosophy. Also yo and shi for four( 4), me and ma for eye ( § ) and ta( B3 . farm) from Korean *(KR: dab) were often used. 49 Tsuki (J. moon. }j) is the first word made from The Thousand Character Text (XVII). This word was used in making some Japanese words; five Yamato-kotoba were found, with tsuki (J. moon) incorporated into them. 1. motsizuki (~. full moon). VIII-F4-16. 2. yotsugi( ~ . heir). VIII-F4-20. 3. satsuki (~}j . May). XJ-C-63. 4. sakazuki (~.l\'! . wine cup). XII-D-S. 5. nazuki (D~~. brain). XVI-13. 50 [ VII ]. Methods of Japanese word-making. About 3,200 words were examined to find various methods of Japanese word-making. The simple method in Chapter III requires no further explanation. A) Prototype: to read CC in Korean or Japanese way, and to read kana in cc. In exception, several CC were read in the Chinese way: Lo-, ~I, + often read su(C), r as tzu(C), * as muk(AC)-mu, and "f as wu(c)-u. Kana, related to 51.. alone created many new words (III-A), and the liberal use ofCC rapidly increased the number. The natural progression of this is to lift the "kana in the CC only" rule and recruit other methods which will lead to many more kana, the final passageway to Yamato-kotoba. At) First group. 1. *(dog): 7c-A-in(KR)-inu( 1 )Z). 2. f (house): T-= (2)-i(KR) T-.I... ie( 1 .I..). $(. 3. ~(nation): W(;-P-gu(KR) ~-D- = --=-. kuni(1-=-). 4. ~(waste-straw)( iJ I): ~-g-:9 - 1 -}<. kuta( 1 -}<). trash. tJ, ffjJJ, fr. 5. ~(waste-straw)( iJ I): g-:9 - 1 g - X-A. kuzu( 1 :7:} rubbish. m. 6. ~(trash): ~_r-'-->(~=t/i). XIV-H)-a g-:9-1 -}<. akuta(71 -}<). fr. 7. m(nude): *-/\_/, EE(farm)-ta(J) :!l-ka(JR). hadakae' -}<" iJ). 8. ~.ffil.(wriggle): ~.ffil.-un(KR) illI.- I) ;:L .:E- P -gu(KR). uneriyuku( r'J * I) ;:L 1). 9. ,~(horse): 1E-.::E-T-u(KR) ,~-ma(KR). uma(r'J <). 10. IT,£(polite): :ti-u(KR) 75-Yflg(KR). uyax2 +-f- -4-shi(JR) :ti-D-1. uyauyashii(r'J f r'J f:/ 1). respectful. ~. 11. *LZ.(yet): * -= (2)-i(KR) 12. ~(ache): x-< 51...- -}<. imada( 1 ::t-51...-x-u(KR) X-A 51...-1. 13. ~(cover): ~- B (day)-ka(J) 51...-x -7 A. < -}<'} *. uzuku(r'J :7:'1). kabusu(iJ fA). :fEl. 14. ~(descent): 15'-1 -}< 51...-chi(KR). kudachi(1 -}<"1-). sundown. ~. 15. f&(cultivate): ~-51... - -}< ~-@g(KR) *-/\(8)-ya(J) X-A. tagayasu( -}< iJ" fA). *Jl=. 16. NI!±(vomit): N -hen(JR) 17. tJ#(walI): H-hei(JR) +- ~ . hedo('"" n. NI!±, o~l!±. #-H- I). heri('"" I). border. 51 ~. H=#. IS. tJ!(birch): H- § (eye)-me(J)-ma H_.::L H---::' . mayumi('7.::L ::'). e+--+a. 19. t$p(Kobe): ~-ko(JR) p - J -hetsu(JR). Kobe(::J rJ ~). 20. ,~~(fast horse): 3 -1l 1 ,~ -ina(KR) )\\\-4-shi(JR). takumashi( 1l 1 '7/). robust. ~. 21. 1B:e-(plan): 3 -1l 1 lB:fr-wg(KR)-ra(yt) 83-3:-=-::' . takurami(1l17 ::'). if:. 22 ~ 1!9€(suddenly): !x..-1l !x.. -chi(KR) 3Z._'7 7:;.-1-. tachimachi(1l 1- '7 1-). ffL 23 . $;Z(wipe): 3Z.-:J D-gu(KR) 3Z.-7. nuguu(:J 1"rJ). }!:t. 24. )j(side): )j-hen(JR). heC',. . )-be(~). m. 25. ,~&(owl): ::fr-!x..-3Z.- 7 !x..-1 D_O 3Z.-u(KR). fukuro(7 1 0 26. ~&(increase): !x..- 3Z.- 7 J'l.- / \(S)-ya(J) 3Z._A. fuyasu(7 fA) . rJ). *. :Jiit. 27. It- 1::: (hi). hi-he(~). i+--+e. 2S. ZJ«ash): !k -hwa(KR)-ha A = 1 (radical). hai(F'1). This word is the homonym of the Japanese word meaning "yes." 29. m(:&: lt.)(lodge): :&:-ya(KR) It.- ~ . yato(f ~) . m. 30. ffZ(leisure): B -=(2)-i(KR) 3Z._A '7 . izuma( 1 ;;('7). leisure time. 31. BN(leisure): B -=(2)-i(KR) B - ~ 3Z._'7 . itoma( 1 ~ '7). leave. 32. ffZ(leisure)(iJ/): B-1::: 3Z._'7. hima(1:::'7). spare time. 33 . 7'c(ancient): frtJ, ffL§., §II, 7'c: 7C-JI-7 34. x(not): )V £f-, .aJi, iI(oId), 7C-=(2)-i(KR). furui(7 )v1). old. iI. x -X-1- x -=(2)-i(KR). nai(1-1).~ . 35. x (nay): x - = (2)-i(KR) 36. -*(east): E¥- B - ~ , lzIiij. X-1-. x(old form)=~. ina( 11-). ~ . 1::: ~-@b(KR) 83--t-~b(KR). higashi( 1::: iJ"/) . 37. Jl:(change): 83-+-~b(KR) D - o. shiro( /0). substitute. f~. 3S. ~(beach): J'l.-/' § (eye)-me(J)-ma. hama(F' '7). &. e+--+a This CC(~) was erased from the Japanese dictionary to hide" § -ma(J)" in ~. 39. ~(tlatter): 8(lS! stroke)- J -hetsu(JR) ~(low It)-7 7. hetsurau(~'/ 7 rJ). ~;g. 40. ~ (military): :iji:-* - = (2)-i(KR) D -gu(KR) 83- ± -sa(KR). ikusa( 1 1-+t). battle, war. it, ~ . 41. fI(be surprised): 3:-o(JR) + - ~ D - 0 52 D -gu(KR). odoroku(;t F 0 1). R. 42. cW(border): 83- ± -sa(KR) ft-kai(JR). sakai(-tt fJ 1). :%, cW . 43 . ifii(mirror): 4:-T-g~n ~-gam(KR)-gami. kagami( fJ fJ" :'). ~. 44. :t(king): - - : . T-@n + - ~. mikado(:' fJ V). 1f£jJr~, W. 45. fI;:(rank): *(tree)-ku(J) 7C-7 5f:-T-1 . kurai(:J 71). 1sL. Fa. 46. fl~(mate): * -$ -:\ 83- ± -sa(KR) Ef3-:\. kisaki(:\-tt:\). queen. 47. *~: (continue) : .-:& -mre(KR) § (eye)-ma(J). mama-(77-). prefix. step-. *1. 48. ::k !=2(cabinet minister): ::k(big)-okii(J)-o !=2- ~ ~. otodo(::t ~ V). 49. ~(lady's maid): *-*(tree)-ko(J) +-~b(KR) 83-:t--t + - ~ . koshimoto(:::J ~ -t ~). )~5C. 50. ~(manservant): 7f,-si(KR) *-mog(KR) / -hetsu(JR). shimobe( ~ -t ----Z). Tff~ , {~. 51. fJEOC(almost): fJE-5f:-* + - ~ OC-do(KR). hotondo(* ~ :/ V). m. 52. ~(bait): It- B ([IJ)_.:L It-sig(KR). ejiki(.:L:;:\). food, prey. ~. 53. lfrr(blood)( fJ I): lfrr(1 5t stroke)- / illl- nori( / I) . I)) . 1::lfrr. lfrri'M-chinori(gore). 54. )j/$)j/$(devine): $ -Ef3-ko(JR) Ef3-ko(JR) 7f,-si(KR) =(2)-i(KR). kogoshii(:::J 7 :::J" 7 ~ 1 ). 55. @I(exhaust): illl-myeong(KR)-myeo-ma [IQ-mang(KR)-ma. mama(-77). suffix. as it is. @I. y;:}-a. 56. ~ f:}(pickled sea-urchin roe): ~ -!!n(KR) f:}--=-. uni( 7 -=-). 57. ~(storage): S-gu(KR) ~(low It)-7. kura(:J 7). E-. warehouse. 58. t!e(pull)( fJ /): :5E- B - l:. :5E-:J. hiku( l:. :J). 51. 59. t!e(pull): B -l:. B (day)-ka(J) :5E-.:L JV. hikaeru( l:. fJ .:L Jv). abstain. ~. A2) Second group. 1. ~)z:(mosquito): X-X-kai(JR). ka(fJ). 2. 3t(exchange): X-kai(JR) X-fu(JR). kau(fJ 7). 3t. 3. jl(infectious disease): 83-.:L r(illness)-yami(J. XIV-O-27). eyami(.:Lf:'). 4.1"ffi(mental disease): S-b:u(JR) r(illness)-yami(J). kiyami(:\ f :'). ~m. 5. ~(shadow): B (day)-ka(J) J?--kei(JR). kage( fJ 7'} 6. ;W;)1!(disappointed): 4§--gag(KR) B (day)-ka(J) 7. ~(goat): ~ -Yf!ng(KR) ~ -:\. yw(f ~'). 53 A- I). gakkari( fJ"..z. fJ I)). &m. 8. ~~~(contempt): 83- B (day)-ka(J) D karonzu( iJ 0 0 ~-EX;-su(KR). / A')-karonziru. make light of. ~~. 9. ~ilJ(river): PJ-ga(KR) M-ha(KR). kawa(iJ 7). ) 1[, ~ilJ. 10. fi(pheasant): 11. t~(lumber): 1* - ±- ~ ~ -si(KR). *!ilii( ~ :J). ~ *,-shi(JR). *kUi( ~ :J). wood grain. *tiB. 12. ~EJr'il(virgin): ~ _ L:[:: _~ frl~(girl)-musume(J. XIII-E-8). kimusume(~ 1>. 7-.. .J). 13. 1~&:I(lottery): iTffi-;7 iTffi(lt)-WW-gn(KR). kuji(;7 :J). ~. 14. f~(resin): fPJ-Yf!ng(KR) +t(20)== +(20)-~. yani(~ ~). m~. 15. Z::;(beg): Z::;-geol(KR)-go 6- 7. kou(::J rJ). 16. ~(row): If-EIil-gog(KR). kogu(::J ;7"). 17. EB(reason): EB-yu(KR) 83_J... yue(..:L J..). 2&. 18. *(end): ='=-sa(KR) *-~. saki(-tt~). tip. )to 19. 3Z:f;f(SUpport): 3Z: - ± -sa(KR) ~ -sa(KR) ±_J... sasae(-tt -tt J..). 3Z:. 20. ~(again): 83-±-sa(KR) ~-.'5I::.-:::; B - = -~. sarani(-tt:::; ~). 21. ~ (in-Iaw): 83-+-gb(KR) 83-T-U(KR) 8(1t)- ~ . shiuto(:/ rJ ~ ). 22. ~~(mother in law): ~ (in-Iaw)-shiuto(J) ~~- 17: _.J. shiutome(:/ rJ ~ .J). 23. @(direct): a. @-jig(KR). jika(:J iJ). direct. -jikani. directly. b. @-jig(KR). jiki(:J ~). immediate. -jikini. immediately. 24. ?m:(intently): ~-~-si(KR) JE - ~. jitto(:J.2 ~ ). " 25. ~ (page): §'l:-gn(KR) -'IT.-t6(JR) 83- B (sun)-hre(KR). shitobe(:/ ~ ----"::). -shitobewarawa(:/ ~ ----..: 7:::; 7). boy page. ~i!. cf. X-A-16(i!). 26. W(secret): 'L.\_gm(KR) c.I6,- J c.I6'-rul(KR). *shinobi(:/ J c')-shinobu. 27. i;!;l(recall): 'L.\-sim(KR) 1- J 83- B -c. *shinobi(:/ J C')-shinobu. 28. tm(scoop)::f =~-su(KR) %1-g!!g(KR) *_*_7. sukuu(7-..;7 rJ). 29. 5L(older brother): seong(K)(dominant dialect in Korea, including Seoul).49 see -1::). brother, man. 5L,~. ::rr;. - I--' iJF:. -IE U 30. iiji\(attach): /J\-so(KR) ]\._7 . soue'/ r'-1 'j). ::;AirJ, iij", . 31. ~t(give): -g.-tai(JR) §(eye)-ma(J) Jt-7, tamau()?7rJ). JW,. 32. *I(doughboy): ~-dan(KR) *-*(tree)-ko(J). tango()? 54 /::J"), EB-=t-. ;)-e. 33. j(fi~(point): ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) .:E_:3 34. ±~(earthenwear): 21- ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) r-bog(KR). chobo(1- ~-gi(KR). '3 it} I~. tsuki(,1 ::\). bowl. ;I;f. 35. t:ft(desk): -'IT.-du(KR) JL-gwe(KR). tsukue(,1 -/' .I.). ;tIL. du-tsu('1). 36. ~~(rope): EB-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) EB-+-T. tsuna('1 T). *ffijJ. 37. ~(tie): ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) JL-n-T n-gu(KR). tsunagu('1 T -/'} ~. 38. ~(granule): EB-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) *_7. tsubu(,17"). *1. 39. i?ii(lj1Lt:1E*~~)(f1ower bud): *-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) *-*-boku(JR) *-mi(KR). tsubomi(,1 it' ~). ~ ,%. 40. ~(love): X_.J :)z-3--/' ,G\-~m(KR). megushi(.J -/'''~). lovely. 41. ~(love): ,G\_/' ,G\-~m(KR). hashie' ~). darling. 42. ~(year): 11:- ~ 1I:-shi(JR), ~-se(KR). toshi( ~ ~), tose( ~ k). 43. {iiJf¥(how much): {iiJ(what)-1j:~(what)naniho(T:::' r-T:::' f¥-/K- *. * )-nanho(T * )-nanbo(T 2/ 2/ it} 44. §J](dull): § - = -:::. JJ- 7 }]-in(KR). nibui(:::. 7" 1). ~~. 45. :J:;$(straighten): #!!- / /' :t ==f.-su(KR). nobasu( / /" A). lengthen. 1$. 46. N(crime): 4 - ~ /K-ka(JR). toga( ~ if). 47. {)ljJ\(wear): {)ljJ\-hai(JR)JL-IDYe(KR). hakue' -/'). 48. {.!it(prohibition): L.-/' ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) it -do(KR). hattoe'2 ~ ). 49. ~(disclosed): ~-bal(KR)-bare JL- JL-Jv. barerue" v Jv). 50. ~(even): B - t ~ 1I:-shi(JR) lE-=(2)-i(KR). hitoshii( t ~ ~ 1). equal. ~. 51. ~(single): EB- B - t ~ ±(soil)-tsuchi(J). hitotsu( t ~ '1). one. - (1). 52. iW?(spark): -*(fire )-hi(J) IJ\_ / ~- D _::I. hinoko( t / ::I). -*W. 53. ~(iron): -*(fire)-hi(J).A- / m-7J\-si(KR). hinoshi( t / ~). -*~4. 54. ~~(jackdaw)30: B - t :3 ,~(bird)-tori(J. XIII-N-4). hiyotori( t :3 ~ I)). bulbul. ~~. 55. ~F(bellows)(;1] I): ~I~ (low It)- 7 &t-4-1 D _::I. fuigo(71 ::I'} 56. ~!(gourd): 7J\-7 [IIJ_ D -gu(KR) ;]1- / -hetsu(JR). fukube(7 -/' ~). ~. 57. ?;,(hold in mouth): 4--7 4--gum(KR). fukumu(7 -/' L )-fukumeru. contain. 58. ;.j;(block): #- 7 ;.j;-sreg(KR). fusagu(7 -If -/'''). 59. 1Fi%(official notice): 1Fi-7 %-rei(JR). fure(7 v). 55 * Words related to 5z, 3 and Y.. (cf. III-A) are shown again to demonstrate the abundance of 5z, 3 and Y.. (60~ 79). 60. ffil@,(cIuster): W,-5z-Y..-7 *-sa(KR). fusa(7-!f). ffil@" fff. 61. ~ (haze): ~j-ka(KR) Y.. _A ~j(left)-=- ~ . kasumi(;I] A ~). ~. 62. ~)jU cattail mat): ~N:-ili!b(KR) Y.. - '7 A. kamasu(;I] '7 A). straw bag. rJi\.. 63. ~i1I5i(Sanuki): It-san(JR) ~-Y..-)\ ~-gi(KR). Sanuki(-!f)\ :\-). 64. ~I[i(~(Suwa): If:x._Y.._A h-hau(JR. ~ rJ. old spelling). Suwa(A 7). ~~nJ5. 65. ff~(jade): ~-dan(KR) Y.._'7. tama(3< '7). gem . .:=E:. 66 . .¥(endeavor): ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) T- ~ Y.. -./. tsutome(,/ ~ ./). -tsutomu-tsutomeru. ~. 67. t~(pick): If:x.-chwi(KR) Y.._'7 It-=- ~ . tsumami('/ '7 ~). tFiD. 68. [it(prepare): 9:'-Y.. - '7 Y.. -u(KR) ~ -@n(JR) JL-)v. mokeru( -'t: rJ 7- Jv). 69. ~(J&m*Jfi)(clogs): *(tree)-ke(J) ~-5z - 3<. geta (~' 3<). r~*. 70. m'~(thin): 9:'-Y..-u(KR) Y.. _A JEJ-B3-.::E-=(2)-i(KR). usui(rJ A-1). it. 71. ~(finish): *-shi(JR) 5z-Y..-'77. shimau(~'7rJ). -shimai. {±.,~. 72.W(return): B (day)-ka(J) B _.I. y"_A. kaesu (;I] .I.A)~kaeru. ~, m. 73. t~tv-(trudgealong): R -5z-3< tv--l.t.- ~ l.t.-IL-)v. tadoru(3< FJv). @. 74. ,~?iiJ(Suruga): ~-5z-Y.._A :ft-)v PJ-ga(KR). Suruga(AJvif). ,~~?iiJ. 75. ~(slowly): R -yil(JR) 5z - /' t~(low It)- I). yukkuri(::L 'J /' I)). 76. t~(loose): R-5z-3< R-yil(JR) Z-L.. tayumu(3< ::LL.). slacken. 5th. 77. j;(monkey): ~_Y.._'7 'tt-.::E-T-~b(KR) ~-7. mashira('7 ~ 7). *. 78. ~(dream): 3(evening)-@(evening. 5~7 pm)-yu(KR) § (eye)-me(J). yume(::L./). * From "3(evening)-@(yu. KR)," yQ (J. 3) became evening in Japanese. 79.1f(winter): 5z -Y..-7 3 (evening)-yil(J). * fuyu(7::L). Homo. j@:(to increase): 7_7 3 (evening)-yu(J). B) Two CC with similar meanings * fuyu(7::L )-fueru. (~=). Chinese words are often made with two characters with similar meanings, e.g., :ffi-~(hope), I~~~i!i(cruelty), ~~(exchange) etc. These and other arbitrary combinations were used to make a large group of Japanese words. 56 Yamato-kotoba for crown (7@:) is kanmuri( 7J /' L I)). Since kane 7J /') is JR of 7@: (crown), where does muri( L I) ) come from? This tells an important word-making technique. 7f=J2D7@:.30 J2D: one of the oldest country in China. 1. 7@:7f(crown)(2=): 7@:~kan(JR) 7f~L ft~ I). kanmuri(7J /' L I)).7@:. 2. IZI ~(steal)(2=): ~ X ~ 5!. :z ~~ ~ =7j((water)~mul(K). nusumu( 5!. :z L). ~. IZI: This character has been erased from Japanese dictionary. * The above two words, kanmuri( 7J /' ~) and nusumu( 5!. :z L), show that Yamato- kotoba could not be made without CC and kana. 3. ~~(thick)(2=): -=t-~ T ~ 7 ~~tJ~llig(KR) = (2)~i(KR). atsui(7 ''/1). ~. 4. :Jt-X~El(deceive)(2=): !;(~7 *~sa(KR) #J~L l=I~gu(KR). azamuku(7-tfL 1). :Jt-X. 5. :Jt-X~El(deceive)(2=): A(low It)~ 7 A(it)~gu(K) L~F'~J~(8)~ya(J) 1=1 ~gu(KR). fukuyaku(7 ~ 1 1). :Jt-X. 6. H~(expose)(2=): H~~I(KR) ~~~bal(KR) i:j~g!!ng(KR). abaku(7 /{ 1). :1:. 7. • ~~(ant)(2=): ~~£\(:~a(KR) ~~~:lz:~rib(KR). ari(7 I)) . • . 8. ~m(room)( 7J 12=): ~~~~L m~[D]~ o. muro( L 0). ~. 9. "~H£~(duck)(2=): "~~~b(KR) EEI~ B ~ l:: I21!~Jv. ahiru(7 l:: Jv). ,,~. 10. 1~$(contend)(2=): 7r,~a(KR) 7r,(lt)~'7 $~sou(JR). arasou(7'7 'J 11. ~1f~(pity)(2=): ~~~i(JR) ,~~~ 'I' ={}~/, IG\~L~ rJ). $. v X~mun(KR). awaremu(7 r; v L). ~. 12. {B~(brave)(2=): 1E3~1 B~sa(KR) ~~7 EEI~+~~b(KR) EEI~.::E~ = (2)~i(KR). isamashii( 1-tt7 /1). ~. 13. f*iJi(plant)( 7J 12=): *~r-'--7~ rJ ±~x n~ )L~Jv. ueru(rJ x Jv). M. 14. *~§El(write, draw up)(2=): ~~si(KR) *~tai(JR) #J~tai(JR) #J~L. shitatamu( / )< )< L). ,§:r?. 15. '1'§E~(accuse)(7J12=): rs~r-'--7~rJ 5g~)< %~XJv. uttaeru(rJ 2)< XJv). Wf. 16. *tw(grope)(2=): *~sreg(KR) tw~ )L~Jv. saguru(-tt 1"Jv). tw, 17. *(search): *~sreg(KR) L~su(C). sagasu(-tt 7J":Z). tw, 11. 11. 18.1~Fo(back)(2=): 1&~:5z:. ~X~u(KR) L~shi(JR) Fo~ o. ushiro(rJ /0). 1~. 57 re~a. re~a. 19. 1~ ~-l (get)(:i; 12=): 1~ -t B (ITl)-t.:L ~-l -t{}-tJv. eru(.:L Jv). 1~. In olden days, 1~ and ~-l were interchangeable. 3o 20. ~~ (mud coating)(:i; 12=): tl -t'x'-t7 reE-tx-tJv . nuru( 7 Jv). paint. ~ . 21. &:t§ll(hide)(2=): X-tka(JR) S-tgu(KR) 'x'-tA . kakusu(:i; J A). I@. 22. ~ 1'(figure of 8 shoulder band)(2=): ~ -t jc -ttai(JR) ~-t-'f--tsu(KR) -'f- -t:\- . tasuki()< A :\-). 1'. 23 . iEr~(hang)(2=): f!r-tka(JR) :£-tT -t@n {;'-tJv. kakaru(:i;:i; Jv). iEr,?f:. 24. iEHII~ (hang)(2=): f!r-tka(JR) -*-tgye(KR) ,L}-tJv. kakeru(:i; 7- Jv). iEr, ~~ . 25. &I~ (warm)(2=): ~ -t~i(JR) sz.. -t )< a'§-t g -tdan(KR) B (day)-tka(J) B -t = (2)-ti(KR). atatakai(7)< )< :i; -1). &I, ?~. 26. {jl" Llt(this)(:i; 12=): j:3- -t3 -t::1 Llt-t t:,-tL-t v. kore(::1 v). Jl::t. 27. :1l:~ *(3 (refuse)( :i; /2=): fB. 8 -t::1 *,-t'J\-t F, Y..-t k . kobamu(::1 F' b). 28. ~rfl-(place)(2=): Jt-t L -t ~ Jt-tko(JR) P)i--t):]. tokoro( ~ ::1 ):]). tEo 29. ff r'c.~(exist)(:i; 12=): -=f-t J -t7 {}-tJv. *aru(7 Jv). *1'L 30. ~(certain): ~(exist)-t*aru(7 Jv).~. 01-. ~=~.30 31. ~~ (or) : ~ -t *aru(7 Jv) ~ -t±-t = (2)-ti(KR) B (sun)-thce(K). aruiwa(7 Jv -1 /" ).~. 32. M; jj(hermitage)(2=): ~ -t-1 EB-t .:E-to(JR) * U-t U-t 33. {ii} ~jl(which)(2=): iori( -1 :;t I). ce-ta. I)). {ii}-t-1 itl-t -=f-ttzu(C) YL-tJL-tL-t V. izure( -1 ;( v). which, someday. {ii}, itl. 34. :tJ!Hg(bury)(2=): a. 'x'-tu(KR) .X.-tA ;J ~-t JL-tJv. uzumeru(r] :A';J Jv). :1:-'. b. 'x'-tu(KR) 'x' -t;J ~-tJL-tJv. umeru(r] ;J Jv). :1:- '. 'x'-tu(KR) 'x'-t? ~-tJL-tJv. umaru(r]? Jv). :1:- '. C. d. ume-, uma--tumu( r] k) . :1£ : . 35.3Bt3J!(wolf)(2=): 1 -t:;t ~-t B (sun)-tho(J) 1 =:*:(dog)-tgce(K) § -t_-t ::'. okami(:;t:;t:i; ::'). 3Bt. B: ho. ce-ta. 36. ~Ff- (hold up)(2=): ~ -tgeo(KR)-tga S-tgu(KR). kaku(:i; J). to carryon shoulders by more than two people. f'l- . 37. ffii WJ(bat)(2=): ffii-t P -tko(JR) EB-t.:E-t-t fflt-tTI-t 58 I). komori(::1 r] -t I) ). ;}-ta. 38. {ljLtl'(obedient)(2=): i$---tsun(KR) H---t*---tT. sunao(A T T). 39. Pffi~(graceful)(2=): YB---t -) ~---tI---t6(JR) $---t)@ng(KR) T---t@n. taoyaka( -) T ~ 7J). graceful, slender. !$. 40. {§.R(proviso)(2=): i'§'---tdan(KR) B.---tdan(KR) R---tshi(JR). tadashi( -) -)" /). but, however. i.§.. 41. )zffijlE(right)(2=): )J#;j---tdan(KR) iN---tdan(KR) lE---t1l::---tshi(JR) ffO---ti(KR). tadashii( -) -)" / 1'). lEo 42. ttp,ltj(request)(2=): ~---t -) / 5R---t*---tmu(C). tanomu( -) / L). ~. 43. ~tJ~(rely)(2=): ~t:---tt---ttag(KR) ,~---t I ---t::1 ,L}---t)v. tayoru( -) ::1 )v). ltj. 44. ~3Uic(play)(2=): ~---t::k---ttai(JR) / \---t/" ~---tL 7C---t }L---t v )v. v )v). JjJz. tawamureru( -) 'J L 45. {~tME(small)(2=): 1I::---tji(KR) ~---t C *---tsa(KR) B3---tI---t = (2)---ti(KR). chiisai(+ 1'-tt 1'). IJ\. 46.1lm(pickle)(2=): .---t±(soil)---ttsuchi(J) Jt(clam)---tkai(J) H---tIL---t)v. tsukaru( ''J 7J )v). soak, pickle, steep. 1l. 47.1fAVlE(flow)(2=): ::k---tT ::*:(dog)---tga:(K) VlE---t}L---t v )v. nagareru(T 7J" v )v). VlE. a:---ta. 48. {l£fc§',(idle)(2=): ~---t::k---tT 1~\(mind)---tmam(K) ~---tken(JR) 1~\---t)V. namakeru(T'77 )v). fri. 49. ti1:)E(grasp)(2=): 4;---t±---t=---t.=:. 4;---tgim(KR) 7r,---t)v. nigiru(.=:. :V)v). }~. 50. i%~'li(garlic)(2=): lfv¥---t~~---t==---t'=:''=:' B3---t r:J ---tgu(KR). ninniku(.=:. /'.=:. /'). 51. ~ rAj (gap )(2=): ~ ---t T B ---t C rAj---t)1 (moon)---tdal(K). aida(T l' -)"). FsJ. 52. {§~(overflow)(2=): '''---t/'' 8(1t and rt)---t C :::J lIII.---t IL ---t)V. habikorue" \::' :::J )v). grow thick. ~~. 53. fw:fQ(1adle)(2=): $---thi(KR) :fQ---tshaku(JR). hishaku( l:. / -'(' /'). :fV3:fQ, :fQ. 54. ~1Jlfr(carry in hand)(2=): B ---t C M---tsa(KR) JT---t7 ;\t---t;tt:---t IL---t)v. hissageru( c 2 -tt ")')v). iJ I~. 55. H-m(frolic)(2=): H----tft---t 7 -tt m---t7C---t~n(JR) 7C---t)v. fuzakeru(7 -if'7 )v). H-, m. 56. D(iL~(facilities)(2=): h---th6(JR) -'----t ~ r:J ---t:::J )t'---tJZ. ---tA. 59 hodokosu( * F ::I ;7.., ). furnish, give. 1Jtli. 57. ~~ (praise)(2=) : 1*-* ffi'!- § (eye)-me(J) :% _Jv . homeru(* J Jv). ~. 58. ~ f~ (wait)(2=): § (eye)-ma(J) ~ -±(soil)-tsuchi(J). matsu(? 'J) . f~. 59. 1iI ~ (complete)(2=): 1iI- § (eye)-ma(J) :::E-+- ~ T -~n. madoka(? F 7J). round, peace. iii. 60. ~3'E (full , fill up)(2=): a. '1 =7t(water)-mizu(J) 3'E-chung(KR). mitsu( ::' 'J). ~. b. '1 =7t(water)-mizu(J) 3'E-chung(KR)-chi ft- Jv . michiru( ::' T Jv) . ~. 61. H~ ~(gaze)(2=): § -=- : . ± (soil)-tsuchi(J) § (eye)-me(J) 5!- Jv. mitsumeru( ::. 'J J Jv) . Ji!,~. 62. t~g[i5 (cruel)(2=): ft-L n - Q_::I n - ± - = (2)-i(KR). mugoi(L ::1"1). jt~. 63 .1f~ (bring)(2=) : § -mog(KR) 7C- A:-tai(JR) 7C-7;7.., . modarasu(-'t: -5< 7 ;7..,). If. 64. ~~ (amuse)(2=): :::15-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) :::15- / ~ _L . tsunomuCJ / L). ~. 65 . :3(~(exchange)(2=): )(-kai(JR) )(._/, ~- :t=~-su(KR). kawasu( 7J r; ;7..,). :3(. 66. ~~ ~ (steps)(2=): ~~-~(KR) ~-dan(KR). keta( 'i -5<). unit of number. tir. 67. @3 (evening)(2=): @-yu(KR) 3 - / -hetsu(JR). yube(.:L r] ~). 68. {ffi;~~(append)(2=): 3 ~. IJ\-so(KR) 83_x 83- IB-IL _JV . soeru( 'J x Jv). {ffi;. C) The second character of Chinese word (21). Jomei and Kokyoku were man and wife, who successively became the ruling king and queen. The last "this says (!1:l ii;)" of Jomei and the first "this says (!1:l ii;)" ofKokyoku are sequential; and each has ikashi (~) and ikashi (1§:)? Joined like man and wife, ikashi (~ ) and ikashi (1§:) become genjii (~1§: ) meaning strict (ikashi) . It is odd that 1§: (heavy) was read ikashi because it does not mean strict. But, the word ikashi was made from the second character of ~ 1§: (strict) , showing a technique of Japanese word-making. ~1§: (strict)(21): 1§: -~-±- = (2)-i(KR), Ej3-~b(KR), 83-+ -gb(KR). ikashi( 1 7J ~). ~ . The word made from the second character (1§:) mearys the first character (~) . The "this says"(!1:l ii; ) notation tells not only the technique of word-making, but also gives 60 an example, makura (pillow). cf. The Age of the Gods-I? This is one of the Yasumaro's cryptic messages about the new language. Cl) Example (21). the first group. 1. tt.aJi(pillow)(21): .aJi- JJ: - § (eye )-ma(J) -'IT. - ffiJ, - §[ (cursive)-7. makura« P -gu(KR) 1 7). tt. makura(pillow) from M(head). 2. M1ifi (headache)(21): 1ifi-ffi- T - 7 J:1l-EE(farm)-ta(J) ffi-<. atama(7 5< <). head . 3. J..J,,'(human)(2/ fJ I): fs'- B 4. tm iii} (how)(21): iii} -1 c .aJi. ~. hito( C ~). atama(head) from 1ifi(ache). A. r1J -ga(KR). ika( 1 fJ). PrHii}. 5. frlij ~ (bridge)(2/fJ I): ~-JJ'_/' ~- /'. hashie' /'). frlij. 6. ~l li!Hg:(street)(21): 5ID.-L -chaku(JR. 1- -'1(1 ) ffi-< EE(farm)-ta(J). chimata(1-< 5<). ~. 7. ~5ID.~(town)(21): ffi-< L -chaku(JR. 1--'1' 1). machi«1-). Illy' 8. PIS*(mouth-tongue)(2/): IS-P-gu(KR) T-1-. kuchi(11-). mouth. P. *mouth-tongue: nasty gossip(K). 9. ~i*(bean paste)(21): ~ =lJc(water)-mizu(J) ~ - lz: - 'J. miso( 2 'J). ~D~. 10. ~f[l1G(temple)(2/fJ I): [l1G-5G-7G(left side)-T 7. tera(T 7). ~f. 11. til UiI,( come out)(2/ fJ I): UiI,- J!- 7G- T JV. deru(T"Jv). til. 12. P$IJ4-(groan)(21): lJ4--um(KR)-ume P -gu(KR). umeku( rJ ;< 1). P$ . 13. {/~[ (intention)(21): ~ -tJ -rug(KR) § -mog(KR) ft- I) . tsumori('J -=t: I)). {} ~,~. 14. -tlt*(7 difficulties)(21): It-nan(KR) ~-jc-T ~-chu(KR). nanatsu(TT 'J). seven. -t(7). *-tlt;y§,: 7 difficulties and 8 troubles. 15. LLiw~30(mountainsteep)(2/fJ/): w~_:ft_L V. mure(L v). mountain. [1 [. [1[W~lJc~30(four word poem): mountain(W) steep(~), water(lJc) rapid(~). 16. ~~Z;!t(worry in a pitch-dark room)(last letter): ~-u(KR) {}_Jv {}-§!m(KR). urushi(rJ Jv/'). lacquer. ~.30 *anecdote of a humble lady worrying about the nation in a dark room. Korean and Japanese have suffixes (particles) instead of prepositions. From beginning(fri:lfJJ) to end(*~ *). This is how the Japanese words meaning from 61 and to (till) were made (17 and IS). 17. fril'tJJ(beginning)(2/): :fJJ-7J(sword)-kal(K)-kara(h 7). from. IS. *~*(end)(2/): *-mal(KR) * - T -tei(JR). made(?T"). to, till. ~. a- B (sun)-h<e(K) .0--su(C). *hesu(""'-.7). iE. 20. ~*m(decrease)(2/): a - B (sun)-h<e(K) .0--su(C). *hesu(""'-.7). ~. 19. iE~(press)(2/): <e-e. <e-e. It is unusual that wakuraba means both young leaf and sick leaf. The reason for this is the same as in 19 and 20 above. 21. ::5~(young leaf)(2/): ~-*-/\-/"(ha)-wa(17) *(tree)-ku(J) *(Iow It)-7 ~(Ieaf)-ha(J). *wakuraba(17 J 7/"{). *:ku. 22. fr3~(sick leaf)(2/): ~-*-/\-/"(ha)-wa(17) *(tree)-ku(J) *(Iow It)-7 ~(Ieaf)-ha(J). *wakuraba(17 J 7/"{). *:ku. The above two homonyms (21, 22) can be explained only by the word-making technique, using the second character of the Chinese word (2/). 23. fJl~t(complicated)(2/): ;(it-$-A A-/\(S)J"(S)-yaya(J) *(tree) -ko(J) + -~b(KR) ~-1 . yayakoshii(ff:J /1). 24. m±f~(shrine)(2/): m-/f:-*-J"(S)-ya(J) +-~b(KR) 83- p. yashiro(f / P). iitt. 25. ffl'i1~(painful wound)(2/): 1~-1 il-dan(KR) W-mul(KR). itamu( 1 ?< 1.>. )-itabu. painful. ffl'i. 26. mflJ(town)(2/): 1-1 ±(soil)-tsuchi(J). ichi(1 f-). m. 27.1~J~(great work)(2/): *_.:L. 7 =(2)- i(KR). erai(.:L. 7 1). great. W. 2S. ili_(pursuit)(2/): _-83-:::E-o(JR) ~-x.-7. ou(;t rJ). chase. ili. 29.1~~(invade)(2/): 83-:::E-o(JR) :fr-~g(KR) 30. JJ:Qtt(get up )(2/): t t -*_;t * (tree )-ki(J) 5z-x.-7. okasu(;t h 7). 38. tt- X-)v. okiru(;t ~ )v). JJ:Q. 31.:fTifJ(act)(2/): 83-.:E-o(JR) r:::r _:J 1J-T B -C:.. okonai(;t :J T 1). :fT. 32. LLifJ(Iily)(2Ih/): f'l_..::L 33. mWf(beach)(2/): n - I). yuri(..::L *-+-T *-~ I)). ail. 83-±-sa(KR). nagisa(T ~'-tt). m. 34. mWf(beach)(2Ih/): 83 -:::E--- 2 *-~/". migiwa( 2 ~'17). m, IT. 35. y)fi;fJf(dispose)(2/): £-Ef3-~b(KR) 83(farm)-ta(J) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) r:::r -gu(KR). katazuku( h ?< A' J). tidy up. h ft. 36. ~l%(exhaust)(2/): ~-gal(KR). kara( h 7). empty. ~. 62 m+--+b. 37. ;tllj(tusk)(21): llj-----t*-----t*(tree)-----tki(J) /\-----t/". kiba(~/"l fang. ;t. 38. m~(formation)(21): ~-----t B -----t P -----tgu(KR) .Y,.-----tL.. kumu( /' L.). unite. *,§.. -----tkumi(tlil). class, group. 39. ~* (livelihood)(21): * -----t*(tree)-----tku(J) *-----t '7 +-----t~b(KR). kurashi( /' '7 :/). living. ~,~H. *: /'. 40. ~i* (paintover)(2/): *-----tmal(KR) *-----t7 :j:=.'f-----tsu(KR). mabusu(77"/z). coat. ~. 41. j@IJW~(surplus)(2/): * -----tsung(KR) 5f:-----t*(tree)-----tki(J) ~t-----t IL-----t)v. sugiru(/Z 0f)v). pass. j@. 42. ?:J~ (very severe)(21): ~-----t)Z:=;Z-----tx.-----t/Z ~-----tB-----t::1 =(2)-----ti(KR). sugoi( /Z ::1" -1). uncanny. ?:J. 43. ?:J~ (chillingly severe)(21): )Z:=;Z-----tx.-----t/Z *-----tsa(KR) X.-----t7 ~-----t~n(KR) B -----t= (2)-----ti(KR). susamazii( /Z -tt 7 /' -1). frightful. ?:J. 44. t&{~(desert)(2/): {~-----t ~ =7j(-----tsu(KR) -}c-----tT. suna(/ZT). sand. rd>. 45. *~;f(rush matting)(2/iJ I): ;f-----t++-----t+-----t ~ :;Y-----t7. toma( ~ 7). hovel. -6". 46. {*~(accompany)(2/iJ I): ~ -----t J: -----t ~ -=c -}c-----tT 7. tomonau( ~ -=c T 0). {*. 47. ~:g:~ (all)(21): :g:~-----tlz:-----t 'J P -----tgu(KR) lz:-----trlb(KR). sokkuri( 'J 2- /' I)). 48.:;fflfBl(clothcovering)(2/iJ/):tBl-----tx.-----t'x /. nuno(.X /). cloth.:;ffl. 49. ltJJN:(leave)(2/iJ/): }t-----t/' fl=~-----t-}c-----tT JL-----tv)v. hanarerue'Tv)v). ltJ. 50. WH%(slander)(2/): *(tree)-----tke(J) +-----tT -Jz.-----tx.-----t/Z. kenasu(7T /Z). ~:Z . 51. ~:Zf%(demote)(2/iJl): *-----tT +-----t ~ .;fr-----tx.-----t/Z. otOSU(T ~ /Z). drop. * The following three words (52~54) 74. are special because they are from Korean words. 52. ad-gorum (ribbons to tie clothes)(2/): gorum (ribbons)-----tkoromo(::1 0 -=C). :Ix. Note: gorum (K. ribbons) became koromo (J. clothes). 53. nang-gi(tree. Koguryeo word)(2/): gi-----tki( ~). tree. *. 54. seon-ji(K. clotted blood from a slaughtered animal)(21): ji-----tchi( 1-). blood. lfil. * The advantage of this method (21). a. Many Chinese words are made of two characters. b. The origin of the new word is hidden behind the first character. c. Often, new words are assigned to mean the first characters, further hiding the origin of the words; but giving proof of the technique used. 63 C2) Examples (21). the second group. l. 'w'T(birthmark)(2/): T- T _I T-za(KR). aza(7 -tf} ~ . 2. 1~ 1t~(sales tax)(21): ~t-IK-hwa(KR)-a(hwt) Jt-tai(JR). 1~ (price)=1@: . atai(1 )< 1'). price. i@: . 3. 'f:~H~ (palpitate with fear)(21): * - T - T - I +-1- IK-ka(JR) ~m(KR) hwa-a. 'I' ={,,- *(tree)-ko(J). anakashiko(/1- :IJ ~ ::J). Humbly yours. ;rl!d~. 4. ;J&~ (twill)(2/) : 7X-yeong(KR)-a $ -~ng(KR). aya(1 f ). X , n~. y;)-a. 5. pt . (scold)(21): x -= (2)-i(KR) . -±-sa(KR) .&_7. isau( 1'-+t r'J). pt. 6. Pt . (scold)(2/): . - = (2)-i(KR) =c -sa(KR) .&(c1am)-kai(J) .&_ 7 . isakau( l' -+t :IJ r'J ). pt. 7. ~* (business)(2/): $ - ± -= (2)-i(KR) x- +- ~ 1- * -mu(C). itonamu( l' ~ 1- L). conduct business. ~ . 8. mB (1ightning)(2/): ~ - IK - =f -1' +-7- ffi-~~-4-su(C) l1:(stop)-mal-da(K). inazuma( l' 7- ;;('7). Wi ~, ~ . 9. 71 12,(crueIty)(2/): }]-!n(KR) J]- 7 J]= Ij 10. ni!ti(etiquette)(2/): ti-1' :tt-a(KR). I). rue l' f). 11. iE" ~U(spear and sword)(2/): ~ - /\(8)-ya(J) Ij - iburi( l' 7 " I) ). respect. :fL(=ni!),1i1l.. I). yari(f I)). spear. iE" . Yari(spear) was made from ~U(sword). 12. f$ ifJ(movement)(2/): :i:- $ - T -u(KR) $ - ± (soil)-tsuchi m-ri(KR). utsuri( r'J ''J I) )-utsuru. f$. 13. ~~ (decline)(2/:IJ/): ~ - ~ -7(-=J ~ -+- ~ B_P_D 7\._7 . otorou(;t ~ D r'J). weaken. ~ . 14. :g~ Uoy)(2/): ~_*_7 -u(ht) :Y,, _L B (day)-ka(J) L-shi(JR). umugashi( r'J L :If ~). pleased. :g. 15. :g~ Uoy)(2/): ~_*_;t :Y,,_L B (day)-ka(J) L-shi(JR). omugashi(;t L :If ~) . 16. :g ~Uoy)(2/): :Y,,-L B (day)-ka(J) L-shi(JR). mugashi(L :lf~). :g. 17. :tn(talent)(2/): n-:IJ n-J]-do(KR). kado(:IJ V). :to Homo. a. ftJ (corner): JEJ-gf!g(KR) ffi - + - ~ . kado(:IJ V). 64 :g. b. r~(gate): B (day)-+ka(J) B -+ ~ . kado( 'IJ F). c. tlR(integrity): r -+@n(JR) ~-+--t-+ ~ . kado( 'IJ F). reason. 8lR. 18. ~IJJE(seem)(21): JE-+ B -+ 1=1-+:::J B -+ ~ JE-+si(KR). gotoshi( :::J" ~ ~). ~IJ. 19. if m~(longevity and happiness)(21): m~-+ 1=1-+:::J ES-+--t-+ ~ *m~-+fuku(JR). kotobuki(:::J ~ 7" ~ )-+kotohogi. congratulation. if . *m~-+bog(KR). 20. jI~(obey)(21): ~ -+--t-+~b(KR) * -+tai(JR) ~-+-T-+@n *-+ 7. shitagau( ~ )Z 'IJ" rJ). 1ft II~. 21. l! dJt,(dust)(21) : )t!,-+ 1=1-+:::J ~ =7J\.(water)-+mizu(J). gomi( :::J" ~). refuse, rubbish. ~. 22. t~ B (time, about)(2I'IJ I): B -+ 1=1-+:::J D. koro(:::J D). toward, while. t~. 23. ~~JjWOt~)(prime ofyouth)(21): ~-+_-+sam(KR) x-+-T-+@n JjW(lt)-+ I) . sakari(-tt 'IJ I)). the peak. ~. L -+chak(KR)-+T -\' ~ (JR). 24. ¥3:I(good luck)(21): !j[-+ ES-+±-+sa(KR) sachi(-tt T). ¥. 25. *IJWrUudge)(2/): i:.-+b-+sa(KR) b-+/' JT-+ggn(KR). sabaku(-tt r;' ~). ~. 26. ~ I~~(fist fight)(21): 1~~-+x-+-(3)-+san(JR) X-+--t-+T. sanna(-tt:/ T). three(3) in the game of ken (JR. ~ . fist). 27. m~(ill-treat)(2/): I~J-+b-+shi(JR) B -+ l:::. ES(farm)-+ta(J) 1~-+gu(JR). shiitagu( ~ 1 )Z ~")-+shiitageru. m. 28. T .Jf-(the lower world, this world)(2/): .Jf--+ ES-+ ± -+sa(KR) ft-+kai(JR) ES-+IB-+ IL-+Jv. sagaru(-tt 'IJ"Jv). go down. 29. T .Jf-(the lower world)(2/): T. .Jf--+ ES -+--t -+~b(KR) ES (farm)-+ta(J). shita( ~ )Z). bottom, below. T. 30. T .Jf-(2/): ES-+--t-+~b(KR) ES-+x-+-t. shimo( ~ -t). low, below. T. 31. ftJr(investigation)(21): Jr -+sil(KR)-+sira Jt-+pre(KR)-+be. shirabe( ~ "7 ~). aI5J. 32. ~Jill;(foolish)(2/): J~-+ES-+--t-+~b(KR) {}-+L-+ v EJ3-+@b(KR) {}(mind)-+mam(K) b-+shi(JR). shiregamashi(~ v 'IJ",? ~). 111. 33. a. J);5i:~1:fJ(gap )(2/): ,W#;-+)\\\(karasu. VIII-B) ,W#;-+ ~ ,W#;-+ma(KR). sukima( A ~ '?). space. ~~ rl3~. 65 b. ISjmtD(gap)(2/): space. fl"lJ. ,~ -ma(KR)-ma('?). 34. EJlRM(blood vessel)(2/): M-:5z.-.:sz..- A *-shi(JR). suji( A S:). vein, stripe, muscle. 35 . ~!E(inkstone)(2/): !E-$;-L-su(C) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) lillsuzuri( A A' 36. {5e 3..::(ancient title offamily)(2/): 3..:: - J:-o(JR) I)). ~ . 195. I) . ''/ (tsu)- '/(zu)- A'(ZU). =- 2. omi(;t 2). 37. ~ff~(Iookout)(2/7J /): J!- § - _ _ 2 Ij \ _/ , J!-Jv. miharu( 2 /' Jv). J!~. 38. EB *(farm and rice field)(2/) : *-dab(KR). ta( 5<). rice field. EB . * *(K. character. rice field). KR of *(dab) comes from KR of7d:f( dab). Out of EB : *(dab) was made in Korea, i and ~ffi were made in Japan. Ta( 5<. EB) from Korean dabO£\-) was often used in making new words. 39. ~~(intercept)(2/): ~-dan(KR) *_*_7. tau(5< '7). interrupt. ~. 40. 3'H(suffering)(2/): H-*-:7c-tai(JR) J:-+-~b(KR) H-nan(KR). tashinamu( 5< ~ T L). suffer. ~. m+-+n. 41. t1i'%(character)(2/): ;fr-:5z.-5< :5z.-chi(KR). tachi(5< +). quality.1§{. 42. h{~(means)(2/): EB(farm)-ta(J) + - ~ ~-El3-0r. tadoki(5< F 0r). 43. h {~(means)(2/): EB(farm)-ta(J) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) ~-El3-0r . tatsuki( 5< ''/ 0r )-tazuki( 5< A' 0r). 44. # :7c(noble)(2/): :7c-tai(JR) -'-- ~ :7c-l\=-1 (radical). tattoi(5< 2 ~ -1). # . 45. # :7c(noble)(2/): :7c -tai(JR) -'-46. ~f:!&(patterned ~ :7c - 7 . tattobu( 5< 2 ~ 7} respect. # . carpet)(2/): f:!&-dam(KR). *tamu( 5< L). colour. ~. 47. @Q(rotate)(2/): :W:-EBCfarm)-ta(J) :W:_L . *tamu(5< L). @],}!g!. 48. ~fU~(misinform)(2/) : :W:-EB(farm)-ta(J) :W:-L. *tamu(5< L)-tabu. corrupt pronunciation, speak dialect. 49. i\t"ltt(frequency)(2/): EB-ta(J) B-c. tabi(-5< 1::::'). suffix. every time. ~ft. i\t. 50. ~H( easy)(2/): H-*-:7c -tai(JR) /\(8)-ya(J) It-sui(JR). tayasui(5< fA -1). ~£ . 51. ~H(easy)(2/): :7c-/\(8)-ya(J) It-sui(JR). yasui(f A -1). ']i, £. 52. ~H(easy)(2/): :7c-/\(8)-ya(J) H-t+--tt It-J:-+-~b(KR) 66 m+-+b. 1*-1. *yasashii(-\>-1f:/1). £. 53.1:1~(kind)(21): ~-~-.0.-/'-/\(8)-ya(J) .0.-sa(KR) ~-:/ ±-=(2)-i(KR). *yasashii(-\>-1f:/ 1). 1~. 54. ~Uji(reach)(21): =¥-±-= (2)-i(KR) ji-dal(KR). itaru( 1 5< )~). ~,~U . 55 . Izl~(cause and effect)(21): E8- x -±(soil)-tsuchi(J) T---T - - ~ . chinami( T --T ~). -chinamini. in this connection. incidentally. Izl Homo. :¥i1(familiar): :¥i1-chin(KR) § -=- . ~ chinami( T --T ~). relation. ~ . -chinamu. :¥i1 . 56. :3z~( order)(21): ~-t'r -rug(KR) tp- ~ . tsugiC1~} next. :3z. 57. inl *(crime)(21): ~- x - ± (soil)-tsuchi(J) - - ~ . tsumiC1 ~). inl. 58. fl ~ (pile)(21): ~ -E8- ± (soil)-tsuchi(J) *-z-.b. tsumuC1.b). fl. 59. fl ~(pile)(2/) : ~-E8-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) x --'E ~-ru(KR). tsumoruC1 -'E )~). fl. 60. ft li(precious)(2/): li-c:f.- ~ c:f.- T -u(KR) c:f.- ~ c:f. -=(2)-i(KR). t6toi( ~ r'J ~ 1). noble. 61.1lI1,~(hidden :'It, ft . good deed)(2/17 I): 1,~=!I-W-T---T ,L}-/')~ . nabaru(--T/'~)~). hide. Ill. 62. =5 *(bitter)(21): * -= _.::. -=f-gf!n T-~b(KR). nigashi-nigai('::' 17"1). =5. 63. j;ft(rich)(21): ft-±_.::. 9=t-~ ~- /\(8)-ya(J) ~(clam)-kai(J). nigiyaka(.::. 64. J;ft(rich)(2/17 I): ft -±_.::. ~'-\> h). bustling. ~,i. 9=t-~ ~_/, ~_7. nigiwau(.::. ~'r; r'J). prosper. ~,i. 65. {~ 5I1J(temper iron)(2/17 I): %- 7C-'::' 7 %-:7. niragu(.::. 7 :7} 1:~. 66. V+lm(island)(2/17I): ~-B-c 67. jI~(transport)(2/17 I): m-:/. hishi(c :/). ~-J~_/' 68.llfffl(call)(2/17I):f~-E8-3 V'lt :.R_I_::J A -7. hakobue,::J 7} jI. 5f:-*_7. yobu(37} Ilf. 69. ttfj~~(clumsy)(2/): 0l-hei(JR) 0l-A-tai. heta("" 5<). T~. 70. iirJJm(cave room)(2/): m-p-ho(KR) m (low It)-7. hora(* 7). cave. iirJJ. 71. r6}~(confusion)(21): ~- § (eye)-ma(J) :f =~-~ '~\-)L- magireru('? ~' v 67 )~). v )~. look alike. f6J. 72. iilH@:(propagate)(2/): § (eye )-ma(J) ?9-17 - 1. maku(? 1). sow. ~,~. 73. i§ I R~(waterway)(2/): :fr-JZ.- ? :fr-gf!g(KR) JZ.-A. makasu(?7J A). draw water. i§ I. 74. JH¥(menstruation)(2/): ~¥- JZ. -? ~¥-kei(JR). make(?7). 75. nJL~#(incantation)(2/): ~'i'-? L-shi(JR) ~-+-T JZ.-7. majinau(? :; T r'J). incantate. I!JL. 76. ~ ~Uoke)(2/): ~-dam(KR) X-hwa(KR) § _I.J_::1 ---'---tawagoto( -5< '7 ::1" ~). ~. silly talk. If;: § . 77. r8~~(shop)(2/): ~~-ffi-$---:: iz(metal)-sre(K). mise(:: k). r8 . 78. yU~~(chastity)(2/): $ -=-:: *-sa(KR) r-6(JR). misao(:: -1j- 7t). ri. 79, fit~J(carve)(2/): l!:- B (sun)-ho(J) l!:-ru(KR), horu(* Jv). fit. B: ho. 80. ~J't(offering)(2/): J't - § -~-:: I - T -tei(JR) I-ku(JR) Jt- E1 (cursive)-7. mitegura(:: T 1"7). 81. 1f ~(tumor)(2/): fll-L EB(farm)-ta(J), muda(L -5<} waste. ~. m,~t. 82, U}~ (difficult delivery)(2/): ~ - X*-mun(KR) 1":-±(soil)-tsuchi r- gf!n(JR) +-~b(KR) = (2)-i(KR). mutsukashii( L ''/ 7J / 1'). difficult. U. *a form of ~ which has X at the top. 83. UUi (continuation)(2/): :Y..-L Jt- E1 (cursive)-7 ~(4)-shi(JR), muraji( L 7 :;). ancient title of powerful family. 84. ili5.jl(tour round)(2/): J!- § (eye)-me(J) I.J -gu(KR) ~. J!- JV. meguru(;( 1"Jv). go round. ili5., @J. 85. ~ ~(call)(2/): 1;;::-;( :t ==f--su(KR). mesu(;( A). summon. ~. 86. gJ7'c(concede)(2/): )t;-±-.:L ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) )t;_Jv. yuzuru(.:L ;(Jv). gJ. ''/ (tsu)- '/'(zu)- ;Z:'(zu). 87. lll1li3-(like serpent's crawling)(2/): 1Ili3-- EB -.3:- -f: I.J _::1 .3:-"3 :fr-gf!g(KR). mokoyoka( -f: ::1 "3 7J), lll1li3-. 88. &*(basic enterprise)(2/): $-.3:--f: + - ~ ± -= (2)-i(KR). motoi( -f: ~ 1'). foundation. &. 89, Hffi9'K(faint taste)(2/): 9'K-*-mog(KR) I.J _ 68 0 * -= (2)-i(KR). moroi( -=t: 90. ~1l(various)(21): EB---+3::---+-=t: P ---+ D. -=t: D D x2. moromoro( -=t: ijm. 1). fragile. D -=t: D). ~. ---+moro-. prefix meaning many. 91. E! ~(desperation)(21): ~---+b---+/\(8)---+ya(J) *(tree)---+ke(J). yake(f 7"). 92. is '¥(name)(2/iJ I): a. r---++---+T. na(T). is. b. r---++---+T r---+7 r---+.7... namae(T7.:L). is§tr. 93. rgjll*(darkness)(21): *---+J~(8)---+ya *---+mi(KR). yami(f ~). rgj. 94. ~*(cheers)(2/): *---+"'=m---+J~(8)---+ya(J) *---+J~(8)---+ya. yanya(f /' f). 95. ~1I\(discard)(2/): II\---+:} ==F---+su(KR) iJ)---+7(---+T @---+~---+)v. suteru(A T )v). M'f. 96. ~t~(abandon)(2/iJ I): iJ)---+7(---+ 7 T ~---+)v. futeru(7 T )v). ~. 97. )I[;.aJ{(front)(21): .aJ{---+ § (eye)---+ma(J) ~---+zu(JR). mazu(77.:} firstly. )1[;. 98. )I[; .aJ{(front)(21): § (eye )---+ma(J) J§l---+ J ---+hetsu(JR). mae(7.:L). front. §tr. 99. JJUlm(get things on the head)(21): ~---+#---+=(2)---+i(KR) EB(farm)---+ta(J) ~---+dai(JR) P ---+gu(KR). itadaku( 1 ?< ?<" :;). receive. 1&. e3) Examples (21). the third group. 1. 4i2lt(from now on)(21): 1&---+1---+1 5z---+ X ---+7. ima( 1 7 ). now. 4. 2. ~~C(children's hairstyle)(21): ~---+l1:---+J:(above)---+u(K) ~(=~)---+*---++---+T OOlc---+ t,---+ t. unai(rJ T 1). 3. ~1ffiffl(pus)(2/): 1ffiffl---+Fru---+u(KR) 1 =7.K(water)---+mizu(J). umi(rJ ~). ~~. Hi. 4. ~:%(old age)(2/): a. :%---+Iif---+gn(JR) B ---+ t )L---+)v. oiru(;t 1 )v). to age. ~. b. :%---+Iif---+Qn(JR) ±---+.:2.. oyu(;t .:2.). to age. ~. 5. m'?K(amusing)(2/): '?K---+*---+*---+;t *---+mog(KR) +---+gb(KR) P ---+ D *---+=(2)---+i(KR). omoshiroi(;t -=t: / D 1). lID B. 6. %i'%(form)(2/): :fr---+gf!g(KR) 5z---+?< 5z---+chi(KR). katachi(iJ ?< +). %. 7. tBl Ej3 (wear armor)(21): Ej3 ---+ ~ EB ---+[S---+ IL ---+)v. kiru( ~ )v). wear clothes. ¥. 8. $ft(visit)(2/): ft---+ § (eye)---+ma(J) ~ ---+ 1 J!---+) L---+)V. mairu(71 )v). $. 9. ~~(receive)(2/): ~---+Ej3---+k6(JR) ~---+L ,L}---+)v. k6muru(::J rJ L )v). get, receive, sustain. tBl, ~. 1o. rx:~(sly official)(21): P ---+::J ~ ---+Y:: ---+ A B ---+=(2)---+i(KR). kosui(::J A 1). sly. rx:. 69 11. {,\ffif.L(biased)(2/): *(tree)-ko(J) +-su(C) f.L_L. kozumu(::1 ;;z'L). lean. {,\ffi. 12. !tIZm(play)(2/): .:E-=(3)-sam(KR) JL-Jv, v. zaru('"tf'Jv), zare, zareru. !tIZ. 13. ~~JE(revive)(2/): j§-~(4)-yo(J) 4.-=- ~ B (day)-ka(J) ±_.I. yomigaeru( 3 ~ ;/f.I. Jv). ~, l!.f!. ~_Jv. 14. ~~(humble person)(2/): +-~b(KR) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J). shizu(;/ A} humble. ~~. 15. :(jfg{'*(technical method)(2/): ~ =;.K-su(KR) {'*-beob(KR). sube(/Z ""'). means. :(jfg. 16. fttlllfr(militarism)(2/): lllfr-dan(KR) JT-7 ;:)-e. .Y,.-.0.-shi(JR). 3~. takeshi()z 7 ;/). fierce. 17. ~~(sudden)(2/): ~-*-tai(JR) 1I\\-4-shi(JR) 9=}j=~-nyug(KR) -nu(yt) *(dog)-g~(K)-ge. tashinuke()Z;/;J. 7). ~-e. 18.1!~(deep)(2/): ~-9-)Z *-tai(JR) *_7. tatau()Z)Z rJ)-tataeru. overflow. 19. ftfj~(unskilled man)(2/): ~-±(soil)-tsuchi(J)-*-tai(JR) *-7= (2)-i(KR). tsutanai(,/ )Z 7- 1). unskilled, awkward. ftfj. 20. EiJHw(sprout)(217'J I): ffi-.:E-"t:.I. ffi-IB-IL-Jv. moeru( "t:.I. Jv). BJf. 21. BJfib(sprout)(2/): ffi-.:E-"t: ~-EB-yu(KR). moyu( "t:..::L). 22. 7j€~(remains)(2/): *--A-/ it-gol(KR). nokoru(/::1 Jv). remain. 7j€. 23. ~~(insensible)(2/): ~-roX:-r -/ P- D {}-~m(KR). noroshi-noroi( / 24. ~JHB(prevent)(2/): *_/" SA. E,-pa(KR) D ~ijL. 1). dull. *- L. habamue V" L). m, m. 25. 8{~~ (attendant)(2/): ffil U- ffil-/" ffil-p~(KR) Ij - I). haberie""'" I)). 8. 26. W:~L(strewn disorderly)(2/): "'_/" ~L-ran(KR). bara(/'\' 7). loose. ~~. 27. $ £(comet)(2/): £-B-I:: P_::1 D 4._ L:I=-_u(KR). hikor6(1::::1 D 7). to collect, or emit light. $ .39 28. ~til(scatteraway)(2/): til-B-I:: til-;/ §(eye)-me(J) P-gu(KR). hishimeku( I:: ;/ ;J /j). clamor, jostle. 29. lIg9:(spurt)(2/): g9:-x._7 9:'-JL-Jv x.-u(KR). furuu(7 Jv rJ). ~. 11. 30. *~(bark)(2/): ~-B(sun)-ho(J) B_.I. 9:'-J1-Jv. hoeru(*.I.Jv). Pj(. 31. ~~&(slaughter)(217'J /): * - * 9:'-x.-'-+ 7 J1-JL-Jv. hofuru(* 7 Jv). ~. 70 1! 32. ~1m(wholly)(21): 5z~Y..~? !y~:;x 1. mattaku(? 2:;X 1). ~,:¥G. 33. tBliW:(hold abdomen)(2/): i[ ~ B ~ = (2)~i(KR) 5z ~!y ~:;x 1. idaku( l' :;x" 1). embrace. tBl. 34. tBliW:(hold abdomen)(2/): iW:~Y..~u(KR) 5z~!y~:;x 1. udaku(7 :;X"1). hold. tBl. 35. tBliW:(hold abdomen)(2/7'J I): i[ ~5z ~!y ~:;x 1. daku(:;x" 1). embrace. tBl. 36. ~t~(ahide, blind)(2/): ~~Y..~?7 ~~si(KR). mabushi(?7":/). ~~J~. 37. ~M(debt)(2/7'J I): M~:t' ffit~ 7. ou(:t' 7). owe. ~. 38. r&l.t#(circumstances)(21): n~~ * ~4~1' 4~=\ *~sa(KR) * ~±(soil)~tsuchi(J). ikisatsu( l' 39. $¥Ii(report)(2/7'J/): ¥1i~ Y.. ~?7 A. =\ -If '/'). r&l.n~. ?7 A~-t 7 A (mosu). state. $. D) The first character of Chinese word (1/). Often, the word made from the first character was assigned to mean the second character further hiding the origin of the word; but giving proof ofthe technique used. 1. i1[~il(mixing)(lI): j§~fEl~a(KR) ~(4)~shi(JR) @~7f~7T~'7 7. ashirau(7:/ '77). treat, handle. ~'!ti-, i1[~il. 2. Y'¥~~(foam)(11 7'J I): J ~ 7 '''~/ '(ha)~wa. awa(7 r;). {Pl. {I~(foam). 3. ~;~f!f(extort)(l/): J:=j~ = (2)~i(KR) .9:t~L~su(C) .9:t~$~ I). isuri( l' A I)). 4. ~;~f!f(extort)(II): ~;~J:=j=S(cursive)~.:L L~su(C) $~ I). yusuri(.:L A I)). 5. ~;~f!f(extort)(2/): w~=r:~-t T~@n }j ~ I). mogari( -t 7'J" I) ). 6. ~~(reply)(1/): N ~ = (2)~i(KR) N ~ '7 Y..~ 7. irau( l' '7 7). answer. ~. 7. J&fJJ(first)(1I): lfX~ Y.. ~u(KR) B ~ l::. ui(7 l' -). prefix. fJJ. 8. • :R(sailor)(1/7'J I): JJQ~ j]~ 7'J P ~ ~. kako( 7'J ~). 7J\*. 9. ~ ~ (perform)(ll): EE~T~gan T ~tei(JR) EEI~rB~IL~Jv. kanaderu(7'J TT"Jv). ~. 10. ~*(with difficulty)(II): R~@n(KR) *~:R~'7 P~gu(KR), *~ =r: ~ -t. karakumo( 7'J '7 1 -t). *. 11. ~*(hard, painful)(1I): ~~*~±(soil)~tsuchi(J) :R~ '7 (ra) = (2)~i(KR). tsurai( '/' '7 1'). *. 12. ~*(somehow)(ll): ~~*~ ~ =r:~o(JR) :R~*~/\(8)~ya(J) :R~'7. doyara( 71 F7 ~ '7). *. 13. *,¥-(last year)(lI): * ~geo(KR) b.~/".+-+ 'J (VIII-A). kozo(::1 'J'} 14. ~~ ~ff:(limit, end)(1 /): ~~5J ~ 5< -1 ~ ~sai(JR) . takusai( 5< -1 "t l' ). 15. ElEm(bend)(1/): EIE~E8(farm)~ta(J) ~ ~wang(KR) -~ ::.. tawami( 5< '7 ::'). m. 16. ~~(top)(lI): iJ~5E~chung(KR) 5E~L P~gu(KR) $~ I). tsumukuri(,/' L -1 I)). 17. ~~(top)(1/):iJ~5E~ P ~::1 mr~mang(KR) . koma(::1 7). Homo. ,i,WJ(pony): {[J~ P ~::1 ,~~ma(KR). koma(::1 7). 18. ~m(ocean bed debris)(lI): ~ ~*~mog(KR) P~ID!(KR) ~ =7j(~su(KR). mokuzu( -f:: -1 A} 19. ~m(ocean bed debris)(1/): ~ =7j(~su(KR) P~ID!(KR) *~mog(KR). sukumo( 7.. -1 -f::). three same kana in 18 and 19. Homo. ~(dye): ~ =7j(~su(KR) 11~gu(KR) *~mog(KR). sukumo(7.. -1-f::). 20. )Ji\.i~1l:(=Jill)(lull)(II:IJ I): )Ji\.~$~--t~T $~:t. nagi(T oV} Jill. 21. Zf-1I(calm)(1/): Zf-~--t~T ~ Zf-~J\(8)~ya(J) T~!@n. nadoyaka(T F -V :IJ). 22. *,IlHt(bamboo grass)(l/): *,81~*~sa(KR) E8~ =I= ~sa(KR). sasa("t"t). ii. 23. * B (bygone days)(lI): * ~L * ~geo(KR) --t~gb(KR). mukashi( L :IJ /). long ago. 1t. ;}~a. 24. )~H~~/l!Ji~(file)(lI): .~tt~*~J\(8)~ya(J) =¥-~su(KR) tt~rim(KR). yasuri(-v 7.. I)). Wl~. 25. ztF~(too)(1/): ztF~J1!ku(JR) ztF~/". I). yahari(-v /". I)). as expected. *~. 26. ~I(musician)(1/): ~~*~J\~/".(ha)~wa('7) ~~b.~sa(KR) *~;f *(tree)~ki(J). cf. 27. ;Wi7J(rather)(1/): wazaogi('7-lf';f oV} actor. {3~{~. {%=~I(musician). {%{~={3~{~(actor). ;Wi~mu(KR) )1\\~4~shi(J) ;Wi~ E8~ P ~ o. mushiro( L / 0). 28. uJL(eye ofneedle)(lI:IJ /): ~~~~-~::. ~(low)~ 'J. mizo(::' I). 29. itJL(eye ofneedle)(II): ~~~~-~::. ±(soil)~tsuchi(J). mizu(::' A} Homo. fflij(happy, augury): ~ ~_~::. fflij~zui(JR). mizu(::' A} beautiful. 7j((water): mizu( ::. A} water(XVII-6). 30. it§ff:( eye of needle )(2/): § (eye )~me(J) B ~ ~ . medo( J V). 31. *'%*i(machinery)(lI): 45-~!@g(KR) *'%~rag(KR) 45-~3 ~ -1 ~1f(low It)~ 72 I) . ~. karakuri(;I] '7 ;' I)). *%~i, ~~m. 32. ;w.~1f(boiling sound)(1I): ~- B -I.] -gu(KR) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J). gutsu x 2. gutsugutsu( ;'" ''J ;''' ''J). 33. f!k:~~(water rail) (1 I): -*-*(tree)-ku T--1 -:R:-7c-T. *: ku. kuina(;' -1 T). 7j(~~. 34. _~(many)(1/): _ - ± -= --=- I _x. .&- § -=-sam(KR). niesa(-=- x. -1f). ~. 35. ~lE (authentic)(1I): § 36. ijI,i;§ ~ (wartime rite)(lI): (eye)-ma _(3)-sam(KR). masa(?-1f). lE. ,~-ma(KR) r-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) ijI,i;§(low It)- I). matsuri(? ''J I)). ~. festival, fete, ceremony. 37. • ;g (real name)(1/): § (eye)-ma(J) J!;-+-T. mana(?T). J!;*, *;g. 38. ~t ~ (apology)(1/): :f::;-'---'- '7 =t- t,-bi(KR). wabi('7 1:::')-wabiru. ~t . 39. **(come and go)(1I): * -= (2)-i(KR) L-sa(KR). iza( -1 --If). "Come on!" The "how to say" notation reads ** iza in the Japanese name of King Richu. 2 This exclamation urges on others or oneself when beginning something. No CC is in use for this word. *(go) and *(come). These are antonyms. 40. ~~(bewilder)(ll): ~-? JE - ~ !fc-7c-7. madou(? F r]). ~. 41. Ii~Ht(slack and busy)(lI): B - = (2)-i(KR) *-/\-/,+--+ 'J l*!-kan(JR) *-+-~b(KR) B - = (2)-i(KR). isogashii( -1 'J ;I]"~ -1). busy. 'ft. E) Reversing the order of CC (W). Japanese for torch is taimatsu. This word has matsu (J. pine. 1"2) at the end, while the Chinese (~SA) has pine (~) in the front. This hints that the tai of taimatsu comes from sA (bright), the second character. The order of the CC was reversed (w) to make a word. 1. ~ SJI (torch) w sJI_ J=I (moon)-dal(K) B - l::: 1"2(pine)-matsu(J). taimatsu()( -1 ? ''J). 1"2 sJI. 2. ~iJ l(inducement)wiJ l-in(KR) ~ -= - sam(KR) ~-7]-nre(KR) 7]-7. izanau( -1 --If'T r]). allure. 3. tlJ~(peak)=(LlJ~)t~)zffiJwrm-i(KR) ~. )zffiJ-dan(KR) ffii-dan(KR) f~-*(tree)-ki(J). itadaki( -1 )( )(" ~). summit. 4. m,ii!JjI,(neglect)w ~-5G(cursive)-.2 JL-Jl,- m,-~-;I] (karasu. VIII-B) 73 m. re-a. {}---t~m(KR). yurugashi---tyurugase(..:LJv7'/-t). P.L l+---+e. 5. a. m~( diversion)CIJ ~(gloom)---tusa(J) * /~ ---t/J\---t/" Jj ---t '7 (karasu. VIII-B) m---t:/. usabarashi(rJ-tt/-\'7 :/). ~ Bfl3'. ---tharasu(clear). Bfl3'. b. 'I'B(=~)(gloom): B---t}!b(KR) B---t B---tsa(KR). *usa( rJ -tt). ~. 6. ~~.I:(illuminate) CIJ.I:---t 3!---t 5C(lt)---t T '7 ~~---t)\\\(karasu. VIII-B). terasu( T '7 .::z). ~~. 7. t~t*(overawed)C/J5R:---t*---t;t 5R:---tsog(KR) 'I' =IG\---tL---t v l=r---tgu(KR) .=E---t.:c. osoreokumo(;t 'J 8. ~:1:.(happen)CIJ:1:.---t.=E---to(JR) ~---t~---t::J v;t;t ~ ---t.=E---to(JR) J .:c). !~~, ~~. Jl---tJL---tJv. okoru(;t::J Jv). g. 9. :tW$(threaten and rob)ClJtE---t.=E---to(JR) ±---t l:: A---t/\(8)---tya(J) :tW---t;l] $:---t.0. ---tsu(C). obiyakasu(;t C' f ;I] .::z). threaten. W, t!. 10. ,&: Ef3 (husk)CIJ Ef3 ---tT---ti@n ,&: ---t BZ ---t '7. kara(;I] '7). husk. ~. 11. ~~ (weep)CIJ ~---t I=r ---t::J p---tho(KR) ~ ---trei(JR). kobore( ::J rK v)---tkoboreru. spill. ~,~. 12. ~~(2/): ~---t I=r ---t::J P ---tho(KR) 1 =Jj(---tsu(KR). kobosu(::J rK.::z). spill. 13. )[UB<:( chastise) CIJ ffl<: ---t:7f(left)---t ::J '7 J~---tIG\---tsim(KR) IG\---t Jv . korashimeru(::J '7 :/ ;' Jv). 14.1~~ (tender beauty)CIJ ~ ---t .=E ---t+---t~b(KR) ~ ---tIG\---t~m(KR) ~. J~. .=E ---to(JR) ~---t~(lt)---t '7 1:I---t 1 . shiorashii(:/;t '7 :/1). modest, tender .. 15 . foJm(virtuous)CIJ $!(---t:/ X ---t;' ~ ---t/\(8)---tya(J) J't( clam)---tkai(J). shimeyaka(:/ ;' f ;1]). gentle. 16. w,BtIl(melody)CIJ .0.---tshi(JR) $:(lt)---t '7 J't ---tp<e(KR)---tbe. shirabe(:/ '7 ~). WfiJ. 17. 5.$~(by force)ClJOIi=fBl---ta(KR) :P:(upper It)---tT 5.$---t~---t;l](karasu. VIII-B) ;E---tchung(KR)---ttsu+---+chi. anagachi(7 T ;1]"1-). 5.$. 18.1J!":ii(family name)CIJ:ii---tdal(KR) ~ ---tT. Date(3<""T). dashing. 1J!":ii. 19. ill.~~(get cool)CIJ~---t±(soil)---ttsuchi(J) 7L---t;' ill.---ttai(JR). tsumetai(,1 ;' 3<' 1). cold. ~. 20. ~M5I:(flee)(;I] I)ClJB"J:---t= ---t;::" Jsz:.. ---t7 ~---t~~---t JL---tJv . nigeru(;::.. -YJv). ~. 21. :f»X$(strip a person clothes)(;I] /)ClJA---t/\---t/" tE---t:\ pE---tL---t ~ re---t J L---t JV. hagitorue":¥" ~ Jv). fUlfJ. 74 22. ¥fJJt(again)ClJJJt-x-7 ¥f-ffi(farm)-ta(J) }j (moon)-dal(K) ffi- B -C:.. futatabi(7 )l. )l. \:::' ). 23. B~*(growfat)(iJ/)CIJ*-7 B-B- ~ B~-)L-Jl.-'. futoru(7 ~ Jl.--). ¥f. :X.. 24. *MI(cotton)(iJ/)ClJFB-m-3-;:L. *_7. yQ(;:L.rj). 25. ~$¥'@(sacred sake)CIJ '1 =;.K(water)-mizu(J) ffi- 3::-wang(KR). miwa( ~ '7). 26. ~$¥'@(sacred sake)CIJ '1 =;.K(water)-mizu(J) $-$-~. miki( ~ ~). 1*IJ¥'@. 27. 'IJltt~(resent)ClJt~-~_L ftlt - ± (soil)-tsuchi ffiJ,(clam)-kai(J) 'I' ={}_Jl.--. 28. []~H5(sob)ClJx,,_L muzukaru(L A'iJ EB-3::-_(3)_sed(K) Jl.--). 'IJlt. ~ _ ~ _7 . '/ (tsu)- '1"(ZU)_A'(ZU). musebu(Lk7} piZ§ . 29. mfl(childish)ClJfl-/K-hwa(KR)-a(hwt) 3::- + - ~ Cf--T m- 1J-T x,,-L-shi(JR). adokenashi-adokenai(i F -T T 1). innocent. 30. mfl(childish)CIJ/K-T-1 3::- + - ~ lli-Cf--T hwa-a. m-1J-T L-shi(JR). itokenashi-itokenai( 1 ~ -T T 1). m, fl. 31. mfl(childish)(2/): /K-;;t m - =l=-sa(KR) +-T m-1 . osanai(;;t -tt T 1). m. 32. rJ:(red, pink)30: m::1JB(color ofsouth)-mBCIJ-ES- /' B-L- v m-+-T 33 . rJ:(crimson, red): 34. m4:(southern T-=(2)-i(KR). kurenai( /' v *_/J'- / -hetsu(JR) I-=-.:::... gold)CIJ ~ _ 3:: ___ ~ T 1). ;fU:. "".:::..-beni(~.:::..). m-nam(KR). minami( ~ T ~). south. m. m4:*Nif: 30 southern gold, eastern arrow. 35 .1i~ (review)CIJ~- ~ - ~~ -4-sa(KR) 1i -~(low)-'7 1-1. sarai(-tt'71). 1i~. 36. M~(paralyze)CIJ~-r -:/ JiIf.-bi(KR) M(last 2 strokes)- JL- v shibireru(:/ \:::' v Jl.--). ~. Jl.--. cf. XIV -C-2. 37. 14lJM(trepang)CIJ M- ~~ -4-na(K) ~ -mai(J) ffl:- P _::::J. namako(T'7::::J). 38. *Bl(bran)ClJx-3<' *-ka(JR). nuka(3<' iJ). 39. mtij~(undress)CIJ x - 3<' fl. 3t- P -gu(KR). nugu( 3<' /'} mt. 40. ±i!>t(leading role)ClJ x _3<' ±-+-gb. nushi(3<' :/). owner. ±. 41. *J[H(friendship) CIJ :5t -yeo(KR) T-shi(JR) § -=- . ~ yoshimi(::1 :/ ~). ~i. 42. *~ B (all day)CIJ B -C:. jz _;1 x,,-L-mo(KR)* X -A. himemosu( C:. L -t A )-hinemosu( C:. 75 * -t A). m+-+n. * L-~sa(KR) is the usual reading. 43.lIlll ~ (change L- is also read as manul-mo(KR). Manul(K) is garlic. one's mind)CJ) B ~ C ,c}~Jv /f:~ka(JR) E8~J:.. +~su(C) . hirugaesu( c Jv i]"J:.. A). change. lIlll. 44.lIlll~(change one's mind)CJ) B ~ c ,c}~Jv /f:~ka(J) E8~J:.. E8~IB~ IL~Jv. hirugaeru( c Jv i]"J:.. Jv). wave (flutter, flap) in the wind. lIlll. 45. W/iJ ~ (tribute) CJ) § ~=~ ~ ,mu~±(soil)~tsuchi(J) 5~gil(KR). mitsugi( ~ ''J ~'). ~. 46. W/iJ ~ (tribute )(l/): ,mu ~ ± (soil)~tsuchi(J) 5 ~gil(KR). tsuki(''J:\-). W/iJ. 47. a. QU*(spray ofwater) CJ)i* ~*~ * * ~+~ ~ *~/, i* ~ ~ :Tt~ I). hotobashiri~hotobashiru(* ~ /{ ~ Jv). spurt, gush out. Qt. b. Qti* (spray ofwater)CJ) i* ~ * ~+~ ~ *~J~~/' i*~~ #~:Tt~ tobashiri~tobashiru( ~ /{ ~ Jv). spurt, spray. Qt. c. 7Ri*(spray)(2/iJ/): 1* ~~ * ~*~7 * ~:\- . shibuki(~7":\-) . 76 I). 7Ri*. [VIII]. Special methods. A) The so+---+me+---+ha. '/ +---+;J +---+.1". There is a '7 (ra) in the left half of the 3((sky), telling sora ('/ '7. sky) was made from 3(. The first two strokes of *:5t -@"i&' are written as /"(ha) or '/ (so), showing that '/ (so) and /" (ha) are interchangeable. According to '/ (so )+---+/', (ha), the /"(ha) in the lower part of 3( gives '/ (so). 3((sky): =*:_+.1 "(ha)+---+ '/ (so), 3((Ieft half)~ '7 (ra). sora( '/ '7). sky. ~. For the transition into / "(ha), the two strokes of '/ (so) have to go through the intermediate ;I (me). In other words, when the two strokes of ;J (me) are separated transversely, they become either '/ (so) or /"(ha). Significantly, *(rice) has the entire '/ +---+;1 +---+/". Yasumaro read *(rice) as me( ;I) in the Kojiki, showing me( ;I) comes from soC '/), the first two strokes of *. m~**o.(shirikumenawa), ~PJ 1ii:*;§;;;gz(asameyoku). 1. *(rice): *(tree)~ko(J) *(15t two strokes)~ '/ +---+;J. kome(::J ;J). 2. ~(character made in Japan. old rice): ~ ~;; *~ '/ +---+;J • Kume(;; ;I). ~*(family name). Kume(~) shows '/ +---+;J very well. But, ~ is not used any longer. Kume(~*) was inseparable from Otomo(=*:1~), another preeminent family clan in the Kojiki. 1,45 3. Jt-(outside): J}~ 7< ~;I +---+ '/ J}~ r~ ~. soto( '/ ~ ). 4. Jt-(outside): J}~ r~ ~ . toe ~ ). In 3 and 4, both have ~ (to). This makes the '/ (so) has to come from 7< ~;I +---+ '/ . Syno. Jt-( outside): r ~bog(KR). boka( It' ;J )~hoka( It ;J). another, else. J}, 5. JH~(astray)(2=): J}~ 7< ~;I +---+ '/ :5E~ )L~ v JV. soreru( '/ v Jv). 1m. go astray. J},~. 6. J} :JJ(aside): J}~ 7< ~;J +---+ '/ :JJ~h6(JR). ~('/ 2 ;t"). 7. ~Jt-(remove)(2/): J}~ 7< ~ J J}~ 7< ~;I +---+ '/ 7< ~;;. nozoku( J /';;). ~. 8. 7ft(garden): jB~ 7< ~;J +---+ '/ ~ J. sono( '/ J). ij],7ft. 9. JJ(blade): ;I +---+/". hae"). The best example of ;J +---+/". This completes the '/ (so)+---+;J (me)+---+/"(ha) loop. Many words were made using this method, which allows these three kana to be exchanged freely. Without knowing this, even the most basic word remains a mystery. 10. ~(noodle): ~~;J +---+ '/ +---+/". soba( '/ /{). 11~. 77 11. ;ff~(Chinese date): *-T :3:.-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) ~- 'J +-+/. natsume(T ''J /). 12. it (rivet ofa fan): it-kai(JR) B (day)-nal(K) it- 'J +-+/. kaname(n T /). ~. 13. ~~(stagger): iit - B _:3 D iit - 'J +-+ / fE-I:] -g!!.(KR). yoromeku(:3 D / 1). ~R.Lt 14. ~{}(endeavor): ~l-±-=(2)-i(KR) YL- / +-+ 'J {j,-sim(KR)-simu. isoshimu( -1 'J ~ L). iV. 15. Df)'(assauIt and kill)(2/): ~J.t-*-*-;;t * - / +-+ 'J ~_x._7. osou(;;t 'J 7). assault. D. 16. ~ (hurry): -3- = (2)-i(KR) {}_/'o +-+ 'J ~ -1. isogu( -1 'J 1"). 17. JiJ§; (twilight): Ji-B3(farm)-ta(J) Ji _/'o+-+ 'J J§;- B (day)-ka(J) ~(Iow It)- V tasogare()< 'J n" v). . 18. 'ffi(always): a. m-T- ~ 'ffi- 'J +-+/'0 . towa( ~ 7). permanent. b. m- ~ I:] - ::J. toko( ~ ::J -). prefix. eternal. ~~'. riJ - T - c. m-T - ~ kA. I:] _::J T-BbKR) m_.2.._.:L. tokoshie( ~ ::J ~ .:L). eternity. 19. ~(why): *-T '''_/'0+-+ 'J. 20. {ftl(knock down): {ftl-1 - / 7J<A. nanzo(T / 'J"). {P]. ~ _L-_/'o+-+ / L--su(C). nomesu( / / .7.). -nomeru. fall. 21. ~~(blade): 4:-/"(8)-ya(J) ~ - 77 - = (2)-i(KR) 4:(Iow)- 'J +-+/'0. yaiba(f -1 /{). JJ. cf. VIII-A-9. 22. *t(sumac): ~ -ko(JR) *-/,,_/'0+-+ 'J. kozo(::J rJ 'J"). paper-mulberry. ;ft. Taku()< 1 . *t) is an old name which came from dag-namu(K). namu(K): tree. 23. ~~(differentfather): ~ _I:]_::J B- ~ ~-)(-kai(J) ~_/'o+-+'J. kotokaso(::J 24. {~(quiet): B -1::. * -/,,_/'0+-+ 'J ++_ I). hissori( 1::...2.. 'J ~ n 'J). I)). 25. ,&(bend backward): X. - / +-+ 'J '&-7 X. _.7.. sorasu( 'J 7 .7.). evade. 26. **(dawn): * -B3-T-Bb(KR) *-/,,- / * -,0,- / ,0,_/'0+-+/. shinonome(~ 27. 1i(decide): W-~-sa(KR) 1i-*-tai(JR) /"_/'0+-+/ 12.9-)v. 78 / / /). :m:. sadameru(-Jt -;;( J )v). /:E. 28.Itt(count): B (day)~ka(J) fr:~J +--+ '/ 9~.:L ~~ru(KR). kazoeru(h '/.:L)v). Itt. 29.1'&(hem of skirt): l2..~}Z~A X~ J +--+ '/. SUSO(A '/). 30. fR:(sieeve): *~/,+--+'/ JC. ~T. sode('/T"). fJiii. 183. 31. {:t!;(provide): #~/,+--+'/ +~T #~7. sonau('/TrJ). V;. 32. mE(compare): *-~JC.~*~T *~/,+--+ '/ JC.~7~ 7. nazorau(T '/7 rJ)~nazoraeru. ~, mE. JC.(sky) produced all four kana, T '/ 7 7 (nasorafu) including sora( '/ 7. J. sky). 33. fJl(eniarge): EB~ B ~ t P Ji~/'+--+ J EB~IB~ IL~)V. hiromeru( t 34. i~(sweet flag): J ~ 7 /J\~/'~J"(8)~ya(J) /,+--+ J. 35. ~~(beach): E~1 ~~.i;.~L~/'+--+ '/. iso( 1 p J )v). spread. 1J:,5.L. ayame(7 f J). ~fm. '/). 36. O~(squirm): FE~J:(above)~u(K) p~::J * ~/'+--+J P~gu(KR). ugomeku( rJ ::J" J ;;). X. 37. ~(savage): a. 3::~.:L * ~/,+--+ '/. ezo(.:L '/} aborigines of Japan. b. 3::~.:L 3:: ~=~ ~ +~~b(KR). emishi(.:L ~ /). 9!tl~. 38. ;~(sieet): ~ =7t(water)~mizu(J) I\\\ ~/'+--+ '/ .tt~ t,~L~ v. mizore( ~ '/ v). ~. 39.1*(decision): 1* ~ketsu(JR) 1* ~ / * ~/,+--+ J. kezime( /;" :; J). IKJjU. 40. ~4(last year)(1/): ~~geo(KR) L~/'+--+ '/. kozo(::J '/} ~(B'F)4. ~~o. 41.1i(tempie): £~P~::J %~L~/'+--+J %(hair)~kami(J). komekami(::J J h ~). IMfofi. 42. fL§:g(whisper): fL~sa(KR) L~sa(KR) L~/'+--+ J -j§-~ P ~gu(KR) . sasameku(-Jt -Jt ;l ;;). 43. ;fL§:g(whisper): fL~sa(KR) L~sa(KR) L~/'+--+ J § ~ P ~::J --'--.. ~ ~ . sasamegoto(-Jt -Jt J ::J" ~ ). 44. r~(probabiy) : #li~EB~±~sa(KR) I\\\~/'+--+ '/ B3~T~@n 1\\\~4~shi(JR). sazokashi(-Jt ')" h / )~sazo. 45. 1~(moist): t~~ / L~/'+--+ J I\\\(karasu. VIII-B). shimesu( / J A). Homo. ;;r-~(show)(2/): T~shi(JR) ~~J )(=:!i..~A. shimesu(/ J A). ~. 79 46. A(it): /'+-7 '/. soC '/). -sono( '/ /). 47. ~(so): 1\\\_/'+-7'/ * _7. s6('/ rJ). 48. -37~(much)(2/): J't-/, +-7 '/ P _:J J't- N (cursive)-'1. sokora( '/ :J 7). ~f-37. 49. ~(then): 1\\\_/'+-7 '/ jl\\-4-shi(JR) *-d~(KR). soshite('/ /' T). ~-e. 50. l*t(soak): **_*_/'+-7 '/ *_/'+-7 '/ *-ku. sosogu( '/ '/ :1"). pour into. :(1, ~I. *:ku. 51. J1[:a(scarecrow)(2/): ._,~_J\\'_/'+-7 '/ ,~-::=E-6(JR) ±(soil)-tsuchi. soozu( '/ ;t;;Z} ~ LlJ -=f. '/ (tsu)- '1"(zu)- ;;Z'(zu). 52. J1[ Ji(scarecrow)(2/): . _,~_J\\'_/'+-7 '/ ,~-::=E-6(JR) + - ~ . soodo( '/ ;t 53. AMo(there): A_/'+-7 '/ (.'Jl0_ n. ~ LLi -=f. p _:J. soko( '/ :J). 54. ~?~(slander)(2/): ?~-)? _.I +-7 '/ 1c..'-~m(KR) 1c..,_JV. soshiru( '/ /' Jv). ~. 55. t"l?(frequent a brothel): f;z: - J +-7 '/ IJ\-so(KR) M-TI- I). sosori( '/ '/ I)). 56. W(grow): L._/'+-7'/ }j (moon)-dal(K)--I(K)-tsu. sodatsu('/ )?"'/). 57. ~(dye): A.-.I +-7 '/ A.-.I n-JL-Jv. -1(K)-tsu. someru( '/ J Jv). 58. ~(rib): :sg_r-'--7(3'(=tb )-a $ - '/ +-7/' ~(low left)-'1. abara(7 /{ 7). lb. 59. IDR(remonstrate): § - Q (mouth)-ib(K) *--=F-± -sa(KR) * - * _ '/ +-7.1 1=j=!_IL_Jv. isameru( -1 -tt .I Jv). 60. JllG(play): bITl(low)- '/ +-7/' ~- J:.(above)-u(K). sobau( '/ /{ rJ). 61. ilI~(rise aloft): ~ - .I +-7 '/ +-7/' 62. ~.(rise aloft)(2/): .-!;J:- 5z-)? 5z -chi(KR)+-7tsu. .I +-7 '/ ~- B - l:. .I. sobatatsu( '/ r< )? '/). llF,f. ~-ru(KR). sobieru( '/ c ' .I. Jv). ~. 63. 5~(wet): $!._L._/'+-7 '/ B (sun)-ho(J) $!.-chung(KR). sobotsu('/ ;t"1). ~. 64. ~(breeze): {}_/'+-7 '/ $!.- B _:3 )§1,(wind)-kaze(J). soyokaze('/ :3 iJ -CO} 65. {{jt(l, myself): 1[_*_/'+-7 '/ 1[-L- v Ej3-~b(KR) +-~b(KR). *soregashi( '/ v iJ" /'). 66. ~(someone): *_/"\_/'+-7'/ it -L- v it -~m(KR) *-+-~b(KR). 80 *soregashi('/ v iJ"/'). B: ho. 67. ~(someone): it -H-+-T ~-=-.:::. it -@m(KR) *-+-~b(KR). nanigashi(T':::' if /). ~,IPJ~. 68. ~~(hint): J\,- B (sun)-ho(J) J\,-T- / * - * - '/ +-+;l *-@n(KR) *->.l<=7..K-su(KR). honomekasu(it / ;l 69. ~~(test): f; A). J]\. B: ho. 7;: -tai(JR) 7;:_/'.+-+ J ,f!!i;-/i\,(karasu). tamesu( ji' ;l A). §:t;. 70. j(ffi1)(standstill): t13-7;:-tai(JR) '§_/\ _/ '.+-+J 7C.-:7 7. tamerau( ji' ;l :7 rJ). hesitate. _1&1. 71. ~(reform): 7;:-tai(JR) 7;:-J"_/'.+-+J ~-ID-IL-Jl/. tameru(ji';l Jv). a. to straighten something which is bent. b. to bend something which is straight. 72. 3L(fill): 3L-chung(KR) ft-L-/'.+-+ J 3L-Jv. tsumeru('Y J Jv). stuff. §5. 73. ~~(prosper): ~(time)-toki(J) ~-)(- '/ +-+;l *(tree)-ku(J). tokimeku( ~ :\- J J). *: ku. 74. ±}~(souvenir)(2/): )~-1:. ---:: ~ -:lz:- '/ +-+/'.-J"(8)-ya(J) 1:.- "f_7 . miyage(:: flT} 75. f§l(stop): JJ-do(KR) L_/'.+-+J 76. ~ib(stir)CIJ:m-+- ~ B_3 f§l(cursive)-~. tomeru( ~ J Jv). 11:, f§l. #_/'.+-+J l.J-gu(KR). doyomeku( V 3 J J). ~ib. 77. zli'-l-(obJique): a. ~-+-T 4-+-T 7F-/'.+-+;l. naname(T T J). b. 7F-/J'_/'. 4-+-su(C). hasue'.A). 78. ~(lick): 7::.-7;:-T I~,_/'.+-+J I~'_JV. *nameru(T J Jv). !!ilL 79. 9(taste): §-ft-T ~ - '/ +-+J i7B_Jv. *nameru(T;l Jv). ~. 80. 11f(slippery): }j =~-P'1-7;:-T 7;:-/'.+-+;l *(top part)- fL- JL-Jv. *nameru(T;l Jv). 81. ~~(kill): a. 5'A- J cf. suberu(11f. XV-I-2). +-+ '/ ~ - JZ. - A. sosu( '/ A). b. 5'A-;l +-+ '/ * (tree)-ku(J). sogu( '/ J} cut, shave. ~~, ~Ij. 82. mJ\,(southerlywind)(1/): m-'/+-+/'. T_..I.. . haee'...I..). 83. g~(barefoot): 84. ~(hibernate): ¥ - '/ +-+/'. 9='- B -l:: ~-tag(KR) 1I:-shi(JR). hadashie'. ji'" /). ~5t. J"L-;l +-+ '/ .:E.-L_L. hisomu(l:: '/ L). hide. {~ . . 85. $(bareJy): :lz:- '/ +-+/'.-J"(8)-yatsu(J) + - ~ . yatto(f.2 ~ ). 81 86. ~(true): ~- § (eye)-ma(J) ~_/'.+-+ '/ ~-shin(JR). masoshi(? '/ /'). ~l, ~ •. 87. 5R(bundle): *-mal(KR) B - ~ *_/'.+-+.1 5R-$-IL-Jv. matomeru(? ~ .I Jv). conclude. 88. 5R(bundle): *-mal(KR) B - rl. rl. ~ *-mal(KR). matomaru(? ~ ? Jv). conclude. 89. ~,fi((tattoo): ~- '/ +-+.1 J\\\-4-sa(KR) R:- D -gu(KR). mesaku(.J -if -1). facial tattoo. 90. ~(purpose): {,,_/'.+-+.J 91. ~(purpose): ± -sa(KR) T-sib(KR). mezashi(.J -tf' /'). 'L}(mind)-kokoro(J) =l: -sa(KR) T-sib(KR). kokorozashi(::J ::J "0 -if /'). 92. -j;z: -j;z:(feminine): -j;z: _ .I +-+ '/ .I '/ x2. mesomeso(.J '/ .I '/). maudlin. 93. @~(weak wine): r±J-L-mo(KR) 1iJ-.J +-+ '/ im- D _"0. mosoro( -=t: '/ "0). 94. $O(shout): a. j£-/\_/'.-a(hD j£- '/ +-+.1 D-gu(KR). ameku(7.J -1). PJj-. b. ~-:=:E-wang(KR) 95. l'ZtllZ(K. abacus): -j;z: _.I +-+ '/ 96. ~(frown): ~- B -!:: j£- '/ +-+.1 D -gu(KR). wameku(7.J -1). iJffi!. ;m-"O tllZ-ban(JR). soroban( '/ .&-/'.+-+ '/ § "0 /'~ :/). Jf ~(J). (eye)-me(J) fr_IL_Jv. *hisomeru(!:: '/ .I Jv). 97. f£\(=ffili. hide): 98. f£\(secret): ~\-hitsu(JR) {}_/'.+-+ '/ +-+.1 ~\-hitsu(JR) {}_/'.+-+ '/ 99. f£\(secretly): 5f:-*(tree)-ko(J) {,,_Jv. *hisomeru(!:: '/ .I Jv). 5f:-ka(JR). hisoka(!:: '/ iJ). {}_/'.+-+ '/ ffili(low It)- I) . * Sources of '/ (so): JI., j(, ~, $, #, *, 3t, ~, 3R, ~, WI, ~, m:. W. kossori(::J 2 '/ I)). B) The crow (karasu. J. ~. iJ '7 A). The kings' tombs ofKoguryeo have murals which include three-legged crows, and the founder of the nation, Chu-mong(*~), had a crow feather crown. 21 The Kojiki and the Nihongi have more varieties of crow than any other history book. They include a great crow, an eight feet long crow, an official letter from Koguryeo written on the wings of a crow, a three-legged crow, a white crow and three red crows. Of course, they have no historical value, but were not included in the official history without a purpose. They carry Yasumaro's cryptic message: "to solve the crow's secret." In the first part of the introduction to the Kojiki, Yasumaro related the tale of a great crow heralding all the other crows. The red crows appear twice in the last chronicles of the 82 Nihongi, Queen Jito's. These two books are interlocked by the crows from beginning to end. Examine these characters for similar aspects: ,~,~,~~~}J S~W:ff}:J]'Jj]. ~(crow) : the 6th stroke resembles 15t stroke of 7J (ka); 5th and 6 th strokes, 7 (ra); 11\\(=*. fire)~4 points~~1(4)~su(C). karasu(,~. J. crow). The crow(,~. karasu) tells the method used in making many words. The Chinese reading of su(C) for ~1(4) entered into Japanese, as well as su(C) for ten(-t) and myself (.L,). Two Chinese scholars were involved in the making ofthe Japanese language. The writing professor, Malsa Seonsin, provided Yasumaro with kana when he wrote the the Kojiki. §. Examples of crow (J. karasu. ~. 7J '7 A). 1. 7:.JJ(sword)CIJ J]~7J (karasu) 7:.~tai(JR) 7:.~T(na). katana( 7J )< T). JJ. 7:.: big. IJ\: small. 7:.JJ(sword),/J\JJ(knife). 2. ~,~(hawk): ~ ~ 7:. ~tai(JR) I~ ~ 7J (karasu). taka()< 7J). 3. m,~(tiger): FE~J:.~ ~ 1~~7(karasu). tora( ~ 7). 111. re. 4. *~(pelican): 5lS~ S~ 7J 7 (karasu) 1~~ch6(JR). garancho( 7J" 7 /' T :3 rJ). {JJp~,~, 5. ifJf,(flail): ~~S~7J 7 (karasu) ~~:f-t~-tt *~:;t. karazao(7J 7-tf':;t). AA'¥. 6. {%(fellow): "%~3::~-t~ ~ 3:: ~--{: S~7J 7 (karasu). tomogara( ~ --{: 7J"7). 7. V. ~(personally): :%~El~=~:: :%~4~du(KR)~tsu S~7J 7 (karasu). mizukara( :: :;( 7J 7). El. 8. ~~30(maternal aunt): "% ~S(bow)~hwal(K)~hara 5~ 7J 7 (karasu). harakarae" 7 7J 7 ).30 compatriot. rq] ijfj. 9. mtsJ:(peaceful): mt~*~/\(8)~ya(J) *=7Jc~su(KR) 5.I~S~7 7J(karasu). yasuraka(f A 7 7J). The S~7J 7 (karasu. ,~) x !Ji!.. 6 in unrelated words. 1O. fjz~~(soft)(21): ~~~l1!:g(KR) S(bow)~hwal(K)~hara S~ 7J (karasu). yawaraka( f lJ 7 7J). 11. D5lWaugh): "% ~3::~wang(KR) S~ 7 (karasu)~ 7. warau(lJ 7 rJ). 12. ~(cod): B3 (farm)~ta(J) w:~ 7 (karasu). tara()< 7). ~(J. character). 13. rw}J Qellyfish): W:~ff}:~ D ~gu(KR) w:~ 7 (karasu) 83 }J ~@tsu(JR). '!#::. ~. 14. ~(as it is): '\\\----+4----+shi(JR) ::f\:(dog)----+gce(K) * kurage(:7 '7 ~'). 7.](-S:, l£Jjj, ----+ T 17= }j ----+ '/J '7 (karasu). 15. § ~(naturally)(2/): ~____+I\\\---t/ ,+-+ J shikanagara( ~ '/J T '/J" '7 ). =n(5)----+0(KR) * ce---ta. ----+ / ,\\\(karasu) 9=}j ----+ '/J '7 (karasu). onozukara( 7t / A' '/J '7). § . This word (15) shows that ~ has the entire karasu (crow. ,~) in it. 16. ~1l(good-bye)w 1l----+cF----+ 3:. ----+ _ ____+sam(KR) 3:.____+:3 ~----+ * 17=}j ----+ '7 (karasu). sayonara(-tt:3 ----+ T T '7). ~1l, tc1l. 17. ~1l(like that): ~----+II\\----+4----+sa(KR) cF ----+3:.----+-=t:. samo(-tt -=t:). ~. 18. ~1l(yes): ~----+II\\----+4----+sa(KR) 1l----+yo(JR). sayo(-tt:3 '7). ~1l, tc1l. 19. 1fU'HAsuka): ~----+7t----+ +(ten)----+ye01(K)----+a I~----+,\\\(karasu) I~----+'/J(karasu). Asuka(7:z. '/J). ~,~' sJl B~. y;)---ta. 20. *m(wood shavings): *(tree)----+ko(J) }j ----+~tsu(JR) }j ----+ '7 (karasu). kokera(::I 7- '7). 21.f!i~(squid):~,----+1 ,~----+'/J(karasu). ika(1 '/J). ,~~~. 22. r~(*~;JsZPJ)(twig): *----+(tree)----+ko(J) ~----+,\\\(karasu) ~----+EB----+x. kozue(::I A'X). 11J. 23. a. {~(side): ~----+::JJ----+h6(JR)----+o(ht) ::JJ----+'/J(karasu). oka(7t '/J). {~. b. {~(side): ~----+1L----+ '/ ::JJ----+bang(KR). soba('/ /{). 24. tf! ~ (aspiration): 'P2----+'J----+ '/J (karasu) Jt(clam)----+kai(J) Jt ----+ 7. kakau( '/J '/J '7 )----+kakaeru. hold, carry. tf!. 25. t~(hoist): B (day)----+ka(J) 'J----+ '/J (karasu) B ----+ [] ----+gu(KR). t~. kakagu( '/J '/J :7")----+kakageru. 26. lWJi(scarecrow)(2/): 1Wz ----+1:i]----+'J----+ '/J (karasu) I~----+ '/J (karasu) '\\\----+4----+shi(JR). kakashi( '/J '/J ~). ~ rJJ T. 27. a.liRJre(oil to calm the sea)w~----+ B ----+ ~ ~----+'7(karasu) liR----+tt----+shi(JR). torase( b. liRJre: liRe calm)----+nagi(J) }j ----+weol(KR) 8 ----+dan(KR). nagiwata( T ~ '7 k ). ~'lJ 3<). i+-+e. ;)----+a. 28. 1r~(bend): ~----+ B (day)----+ka(J) j±]----+ '/J (karasu) j±]____+.b. kagamu( '/J '/J".b). stoop. )ffi. 29. a. ~(shade): ~----+'/J(karasu) l2S----+~----+7- fl____+Jv. kageru('/J ~'Jv). ~,~. 84 b. ~(cover): ~----+ 77 (karasu) ~----+ ~~ ----+4----+sa(KR) X----+A. kazasu( jrW 7). c. ~(shade): ~----+~~----+4----+sa(KR) ~----+si(KR) A----+/\----+/". sashiha(-1f ://'). sunshade held by a servant. 30. ~~*(heat haze): -J1J----+~----+ 77 (karasu) W----+-7 B ----+ P ----+ 0 )(----+1\=1 (radical). kageroi(77 7""0 1). ~*. 31. ~,~(night-hawk): ,~----+kasu(karasu) ~----+ L----+ l::. ,~(bird)----+tori(J). kasuitori( 77 7 1 F I)). ~)l:IJ&,~, 1!Z.1f(. 32. :JJJEJ(direction): :JJ----+77(karasu) JEJ----+EE(farm)----+ta(J). kata(77 3<). :JJ. 33. r~¥( enemy): :9B(4th stroke)----+ 77 (karasu) :9B----+ 3< ~----+ ~. kataki( 77 3< ~). rif~. 34. ffu(abduct): 1:i]----+~----+77(karasu) t='F----++----+ ~ ~f----+u(KR). kadou(77 F rJ). ~~, 1;J§I. 35. !:fEjG(cover)(2/): 77----+ 77 (karasu) B (sun)----+h<e(K) JC----+ 7. kabau( 77 /( rJ). !:fE. 36. !7M(gruel): ~----+77(karasu) ~=S(cursive)----+..::L. kayu(77..::L). 37. ~(dodge): 5f!:----+lJ----+77 (karasu) *----+/\----+/, +(lO)----+su(C). kawasu(77 '77). 38. J!iI(kisu): {;----+ki(JR) ~----+I\\\(karasu). kisu(~ 7). name offish. 39. ~(instigate): ~----+ -7 ~----+si(KR) :JJ ----+ 77 (karasu) P ----+gu(KR). keshikaku( -7 :/ 77 J )----+keshikakeru. 40. t.t!J§j(stubborn)(2/): §j----+ P ----+:J 5H----++----+~b(KR) ~----+:::; (karasu) 5H----+ L ----+su(C). kozirasu(:J :;: :::; 7). deteriorate. t.t!J. 41. ~~(snakehead fish): -J1J----+:::; (karasu) B ----+=(2)----+i(KR) ~----+gyo(JR). . (-.I rmgyo 7 /1 -'r~' -'I ) $'1£ :3 . I'E '"'' 42. ~,~H( cockscomb)(l/): ,~----+I\\\----+4----+sa(KR) ,~----+ 77 (karasu). saka(-1f 77). 43. ~,~H(cockscomb)(l/): ,~----+ B ----+ ~ 1\\\----+4----+sa(KR) ,~----+ 77 (karasu). tosaka( ~ -1f 77). 44. ,~(load): ,~----+.r: ----+6(JR) A ----+/, )\\\(karasu). owasu(:;t '7 7). ~. 45. lm~~( deer's cry, from Chinese classic )(2/): ~~----+I\\\----+4----+shi(JR) ,~----+ 77 (karasu). shika(:/ 77). deer. lm. 46. 5.I(strong): 5.1----+EE----++----+sib(KR) EE(farm)----+ta(J) EE(farm)----+ta(J) ~----+ 77 (karasu). shitataka(:/ 3< 3< 77). ~,§j. 47. ;;;J!tt(reticence)(2/): J!tt ----+~----+)\\\(karasu) P ----+gu(KR) 7\.----+ A ----+ T ~----+±----+=(2)----+i(KR). 85 sukunai( 7 J T 1). few, little. j;'. 48. ~(barren): 1Wi-)\\\(karasu) 1Wi-B3-±-sa(KR) 1Wi-mu(KR). m~b. susamu( A -tt ..:f0-susabu. grow wild. SYE. 49. m~(sushi): 1!0.-i\\\(karasu) §'-shi(JR). sushi(A /). venegared fish and rice. ~1:lJ. 50.1k!(soot): -Er-~-su(C) k=i\\\(karasu). SUSU(A A). g. 51. ~(ink): ~-)\\\(karasu) ~ -=-::.. sumi(A ::.). China ink. 52. *!Ii&;(speeding)(2/): ,ffi,-)\\\(karasu) ,~- ~ -=-::. )\\\_/"-/\(8)-ya(J) ,~- 53. *J3.fGi,(careless): *J3.-so(JR) *- f; (karasu). sumiyaka( A ::. f f;). quick. ~. 'J fGi,-W-~-f;(karasu) {j\-gm(KR). sosokkashi( 'J 'J .2.... f; /). *J3.fGi,. 54. ~P1I(instigate): ~-s6(JR) fI-sog(KR) ~_/ ~-f;(karasu) .r:H-~-su(C). sosonokasu( 'J 'J / f; A). n~,~. 55.lL(mutual): R-)< R(2 nd stroke)-f; (karasu) R-c:, lL-::=-. tagai()< if 1 ), tagaini()< if 1 ::=-). 56. ~~(lizard): B - ~ W-~- 57. 11b(injury): W_7 58. ~j(shut): r~- B - f; (karasu) W_7. tokage( ~ f; 7} ~fr. ~-f;(karasu). kega(7 if). ~ ~- ± -sa(KR) 59. ~M:i(light a lamp)(1I): 6- ~ i\\\(karasu). tozasu( ~ -If A ). ~_~_-=t: 60. a. ~(wash, break dish): ~- B - ~ D r:i. ~ ~-'7 f; (karasu) ~ =7..K-su(KR). ~ '7 f; A). destroy, melt. ~,~. ~-~- f; (karasu) ~ =7..K-su(KR). torokasu( c. ~: B - ~ D lJ -gu(KR). toroku( ~ d.~: ~ D W-7 lill_IL_Jv. torokeru( ~ B- M. i\\\(karasu). tomosu( ~ -=t: A). }~, torakasu( b. ~(wash, break dish): B - W-f; 7 (56)C/J7 f;(57). D ~ D f; A). melt. ~,~. -1). melt. ~,~. D 7 Jv). melt. ~,~. 61. ~*$(floor)(2=): ~*- j=[ _.:2. $-f; (karasu). yuka(.:2. f;). tR. 62. t$(persimmon): t$(low rt)- f; (karasu) *(tree)-ki(J). kaki( f; :\-). 63. 5~(long): J;c-*-T "2;-f;(karasu) J;c-= (2)-i(KR). nagai(T ;¢7"1). ~. 64. ff}:(no, not): +-T ff}:-f; (karasu) ff}:-L- v. nakare(T f; v). ~, W. 65. ~~(add to): ,~-ma(KR) )\\\(karasu). masu(,? A). increase. :Ill. 86 66. ,®II(tame): ,~-3:.-+-d-- ,~-7 A (karasu). narasu(77 A). tWI. 67. g~(glue): ~-A-nin(JR) ~-fJ(karasu) }j -weol(KR). nikawa(.:::.. fJ 7). g-a. 68. ff(trousers): ~_/, ,~-fJ(karasu) ,~-ma(KR). hakamaC' fJ 7). 69. f&~L(confusion)CIJ~L-7 7J-]]-fJ (karasu) ]]_7. magau(7 fJ" rj )-magaeru. confused. f&. 70. a. •(gallop): B -t: ~-*-tai(JR) ,~_A 7 (karasu). hitasura( t: 5< A 7). intently. R~. b. •(gallop): ,~-ma(KR) 1\\\-4-shi(JR) B - P -gu(KR) ,~ -7 (karasu). masshigura(7 2 ~ -J" 7). at full speed. .t-tP,. 71. a. ~~(digest): p_:J 11-11-7 J\,,(karasu). konasu(:J 7 A). b. ~(digest, ripe): p_:J 11-7 11-JL- v JV. konareru(:J 7 v Jv). 72. ~*(money order): ~- fJ (karasu) 1\\\_/' *-:1((man)-se(J). kawase( fJ 7 k). 73. ~(terrapin): ~,-J\\\(karasu) E8 - ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) UlX(lt)- It. suppon(A '/' ;t':/). 74. ~JfjW(copy, print)(2=): J\\\(karasu) fIlU- rj - I). Suri(A I) ft. )-suru(A Jv). fIlU. 75. ~(bill): X-T ]]-fJ(karasu) :1(-*-tai(JR). tegata(T fJ"5<). =f7f~. 76. t.~(hawk): B -haku(JR) 1\\\-4-shi(JR) 9-5< ,~- fJ (karasu). hashitakaC' ~ 5< fJ). 77. ij~(conceive): -El-L-/' }j - 7 (karasu) -El_L. haramuC' 7 L). 78. ?Jj(vast): B - t: p ~-)@ng(KR) W-'J- fJ (karasu). hiroyaka( t: P f fJ). spacious. }Jt 79. ~(crab): ]]- fJ (karasu) [:1 ::_ = _.:::... kani( fJ.:::..). 80. &~(straight): @:- § (eye)-ma(J) J\\\(karasu) 81. ~,I@ (heron): 9- -J. §-mog(KR) 1\\\(karasu). mozu(-{: 7.:} ~,I@, massugU(72A -;7"). Ji:@:. BE. 82. 31(savage): ~_±_..:L B _t: 1\\\ (karasu). ebisu(..:L 1:::' A). ~. 83. Ji:*jJ8(very good place): § (eye)-ma(J) /K- It ~-7 (karasu). mahora(7 It 7). 84. m,~(spotted horse): -X -mun(KR) ,~-7 (karasu). mura( L 7). spot. m. 85. r~l~ttT(bathrobe)-r~IItCIJIIt-rtJ-3-..::z... W-'J-fJ (karasu) l:i-dan(KR) B -t: ~-7 (karasu). yukatabira(..::z... fJ 5< C' 7). bathrobe. - yukata( . ::z.. fJ 5<). bathrobe. 87 m1R. 86. ~,~( chicken): B - D -gu(KR) ~-"* -tai(JR) ,~-iJ (karasu) ~-kei(JR). 87. f.~(pretext): ,~--::E-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) ,~-iJ tsukareru(,} iJ kutakake( J )(iJ 7). (karasu) IL.,,_JL- v JV. v Jv)-tsuku. possessed. 88. tri~(stroll)(2/): ffi--bu(KR) 57= J:1-7 (karasu) chi(1-)~tsu('}) f~.39 L -chaku(JR. 1- -\> J)57-J . buratsuku(7"7 '} J). 89. 5ft(middle of bow): i:j=S-.l ~-sun(A:/. JR) i:j-iJ(karasu). yuzuka(.l ;;(iJ). 90. a. ~~(do)(2=): i\\\(karasu) ~_Lt_/L(XV-A)_Jv. SUru(A Jv). b. ~~(do)(2=): "\\_/'-/\(8)-ya(J) ~_ !:I:: _/L_Jv. yaru(-t' Jv). The first meaning of ~ is ~. c. ~(do): ~-T(na) i\\\(karasu). nasu(T A). ~,1:., $:. d. ~~(do)(2=): ~-T(na) "\\-4-sa(KR) ~_tj::_/L_Jv. nasaru(T-1f Jv). e. ~(do): 1\\\-4-shi(JR). shimasu( / '"7 A ). There are multiple equivalents of the English to do in Japanese: suru, yaru, nasu, nasaru, shimasu etc. It shows that the origins ofthese words are all the Chinese characters ~~. In the following six words, the 1\\' of ~ was read shi( / . 90-e above). These words could not be made without the knowledge of Chinese characters. shiateru(/ 7 T JV. ;ffl,¥). shiamasu(/ 7'"7 A. ;ffl,;;f;). shioki(/:;:t::\. ;ffl,fi:). shiochi( / :;:t 1-. ;ffl,?i). shikozjirasu( / :J :; 7 A. ;ffl,t~). shiwaza( / 'J -if'. ;ffl,"*). Yaru (90-b, to do) has a homonymyaru (to give. ~=lj.). These two homonyms cannot coexist in a language because of their frequent usage. 91.iijB~(dear mother): iij-eo(KR)-o B-iJ (karasu) ~--::E-=(3) -san(JR). okasan(:;:t iJ 7-1f :/). 92. t,f5(hill): ,~-o(KR)* ,~-iJ(karasu). oka(:;:t iJ). IT, IDYl. iJ 7=ka. ;:)-0. ,~: u(JR). 93. ,~?§t(m5&)(southern savage): ,~-o(KR)* ?§'f-ko(JR). oko(:;:t:J). stupid. ifrj. -okomeku. look stupid. act stupid. ifrj. *KR of,~ in 92 and 93. cf. otoko (,~~5JR), otome(,~~D$) in Chapter V-A. 94. ~(bend): X_'"7 1t- Jj -iJ (karasu) 1t-JL-Jv. 95. ,~Ji!(sparrow): ,~-,,\\(karasu) lIE-2- A ;(. 88 magaru('"7 iJ"Jv). i±l3,1;). suzume(A ;(;(). '€f. 96. {tfr(shake): 9~3(evening)-yii(J) 9=}j -7 (karasu) 9-1. yuragu(.:L 7 1} 97. fr~(figure): ~-I\\\(karasu) *(dog)-gre(K) 9 - J. sugata(;Z i/ J). ~. 98. ,~;(fraud): $ =fffl (old form)- EB (farm)-ta(J) ,~-7 (karasu)- 7 ,~- iJ (karasu) ,\\\(karasu). Horse(,~) taburakasu( J 7" 7 iJ ;z). cheat. :ill. has entire karasu( iJ 7 A). 99. ~(swear): -=F-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) n-iJ(karasu) *_7. chikau(+ iJ rJ). ~. C) Compound words. The Chinese characters which produced a Japanese compound word show the origin of at least one part of the word. 1. ,~J(usagi-uma): rabbit(~) and horse(,~). ,~J: donkey. ,~J: 1i:-Ft-J:(above)-u(K) EB-±-sa(KR) ,~-:\. usagi(rJ 1f:?lf} rabbit. ~. 2. ~(ao-midori): green(K~) and blue(fif). ~: I--- ~ n(stone)-dol(K)-dori. midori( ~ F I)). green. MJe. 3. f~(tsurugi-bukuro): sword(~U ) and bag(~). f~: ~-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) J[- JL-Jv ~-gy6(JR). tsurugiC/' Jv:?lf} sword. ~U . 4. f1j)J(saka-noboru): opposite(~) and go up(J:). ifffJ-sag(KR)-saka(1f iJ-). prefix. opposite.~. J:(go up)-noboru(J). sakanoboru(1f iJ / if,'Jv). go upstream against the flow. ~,f1j1j. 5. ~i(koeta-nezumi): rat(Effil) and fat(~E:. VI-B-14). Effil- ~~ -4-ne(K) ~_X._A i':j--- ~ . nezumi(i,;( ~). rat. Effil. 6. xfJ(atama-o-furu): shake(~) and head(JiJi). /L-7 JV. furu(7 Jv). shake. ~. 7. ~(mesu-buta): female(JIlt) and pig(~). 1fx- X. _;l A. mesu(;l ;Z). female. JIlt. 8. ~(kawa-tsurube): well-bucket(j"J #Ii) and leather(~). ~--=F-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) :5E- JL-Jv B (sun)-hre(K). tsurubeC/' Jv~). well-bucket. ~"J#Ii. 9. ~(karasu-uri): melon(m) and crow(,~). ~-"->--'-rJ ~_++_ I). ~: snake gourd. uri(rJ I)). melon. m. 89 re-e. 10. e~(yama-mori): heap(~) and mountain( l J). ~-m6(JR) ~_ ++ _ I). mori(.:c I) e~: heaped up rice in a bowl. ~. )-moru. to heap. 11. ~(~:7E~)(shizin-o okuru uta): song(~) and farewell for the dead(32i:9E). ~-x.-u(KR) ~. 3-1l. uta(r] 1l). song. 12. ~(asa-o): thong(*~) and hemp(iIi). tt-Qg(KR). Q(;t). thong. ~. 13. ~(okoru-koe): angry(fc&) and voice(5i). :l':-r-6(JR) Q - '::J 'L}_Jv. okoru(;t '::J Jv). get angry. fc&. 14. ¥ICf~)(shita-kura): saddle(~) and underCf). ~- Q -gu(KR) ¥I: saddlecloth. . - 7 (karasu). kura( -1 7). saddle. ~. 15. f~(Dtit~)(me-guwa): mulberry(~) and female(Dtit). f~-~-t=j-ID!ng(KR) ~-r-wang(KR). kuwa(-1lJ). mulberry. ~. 16. ~(kori-shio): congeal(~) and salt(Y). jt--:3- '::J j t - i t - I). kori( '::J I) )-koru. congeal. ~. 17. ~~(fX:w.)(zurui-usagi): cunning(fX:) and rabbit(W.). 3f:-k-x.-A JL-Jv W.-T--1 . zuruiC;;(Jv -1). cunning. fX:. 18. ~(take-tsutsu): tube(iEJ) and bamboo(f/J). chiC 1- )~tsu( '/'). J'1'l-EEl-±(soil)-tsuchi(J)-tsutsu('/' '/'). tube. iEJ. Ji: reel. 19. Ji(ito-waku): frame(fife) and thread(*). Ji-waku(JR). frame. fife. waku(lJ -1): Chinese loan-word. 20. ~(it~)(mino-mushi): straw raincoat(it) and worm(.:R). 5i!,- El -=- 2 JL- /. mino( 2 /). straw raincoat. it. 21. ~(Jlt~)(hiza-bone): knee(Jlt) and bone(~). * - EEl -B-l:: EEI -±-sa(KR). hiza(l::-lf} knee. Jlt. 22. ijj(J:~~)(hoho-bone): cheek(Jz]) and bone(~). *- B (sun)-ho(J) ffi -ho(JR). hoho( if; if;). cheek. J:~. 23. f%(migoro): %- El-=- 2 .;f=::K(clothes)-goromo(J). migoro( 2 '::J" P). trunk part of clothing. 24 and 25. 11K«hisokani iku, and yuku): gQ({T) and in stealth(IiJ). 24. 11K<-:1--1 m«- < (-1). iku( -1 -1). go. 1T. 90 B: ho. 25 . f*<-+ 8«-+Yu (KR) < (J). yuku(.:L J). go. ;fT. 26. Jft(ao-kuro): blue( ~ ) and black(,w). Jft-+f!m(KR) ~ -+83-+ .::E -+6(JR). ao(7 ;;t). blue. ~ . 27. m (mote-asobu): with(tJ) and play(~) . m : play with. m-+.::E -+ -f:: 7G-+ f . mote( -f:: f). with. t.J. 28. ~~(isago-mushi): sand(frP) and worm(.:E.). ~~-+.:E.-+=(2)-+i(KR) .:E.-+L-+sa(KR) P -+:1. isago( -1 29 . t@:(hena-tsuchi): clay(t@:) and soil(± ). -tt:1} sand. frP. t@:: clay. ~ -+ / -+hetsu(JR) ~-++-+T. hena(.r....T). clay. t@:, ;¥ti ±. 30. ~(~m F'i'l*)(kan-nuki): ~,m-+kan(JR) Jf(yellow)-+nurun(K) *(tree)-+ki(J). kannuki( 7J :/ )l. :!«-). crossbar. F-' . 31. ~(ishi-koro): E (stone)-+ishi(J) ~-+*(tree)-+ko(J) S -+ P -+ D . ishikoro( -1 / :1 D). pebble. ,J\E, E~. 32. *~~(~ :Jt )(zeni-sashi): ~(money)-+zeni(J) *3~-+*-+sa(KR) 5~-+.:E.-+ L -+shi(JR). zenisashi( ~"::=.. -tt /). string to collect coins. ~ :Jt, ~~. 33. *,fJ(aka-ni): red(*') and clay. *,(red)-+aka(J) fJ-+ = -+::=.. . akani(7 7J::="). red clay. cf. VII-AI-56(uni. ~ fJ). 34. ~ :J't(ina-bikari): ~ -+83-+ .::E -+ ± -+ = (2)-+i(KR) 83-++-+T :J't(light)-+hikari(J). inabikari( -1 T \: : ' 7J I)). lightning. 35. !@fi(fufu-tori): * -+~-+ 7 *--+7 ,~(bird)-+tori(J) . fufutori(7 7 ~ I)). cuckoo. :;ffJ~,~ , 36. mi§"(ito-guchi): ~~(thread)-+ito(J) B -+ P -+gu(KR) ± (soil)-+tsuchi(J). itoguchi( -1 ~ J"+). beginning, clue. * p,;\%. 37. fl(tsuchi-narashi): *= -+*-+±(soil)-+tsuchi(J) *-++-+T *-+ '7 ~-+IL}-+~m(KR). tsuchinarashiC/ + T '7/). ground leveling. ±:U3. 38. H(tsuchi-kau): *=-+*-+±(soil)-+tsuchi(J) *-+T-+ID!n *-+ 7 . tsuchikauC/ + 7J rj). cultivate. t.g:. 39. ~(tsuchi-kure): ±(soil)-+tsuchi(J) }\;,-+ 83-+ P -+gu(KR) JL-+L-+ v . tsuchikure( '/ 91 + J v). clod of earth. 40. :5f1:m(haka-nai): :5f1:: *----+/~~/, :5f1:~$~T~@n m(none)~nai(J) . hakanaie' f; T -1). ephemeral. :5f1:i®cm, {~ . D) Antonyms (Ant). Adam and Eve. The Nihongi (Dec. 6th year of Saimei): to help Paekche, a ship was built to invade Silla. During the night, this ship changed its bow for its stern. This fable shows that the Japanese words meaning bow and stern were made from Chinese characters with opposite meanings. Bow(~)!) and stern(*EI:i) are antonyms like father(Y:) and mother(fB:). This Adam and Eve relationship was used to make words. a. ~)!(bow) : J.i ~FE~ J: ~ ~ B3~ .:E ~--1:': . tomo( ~ --1:':). stern. ~J! . From ~(bow), tomo (stern) was made. Furthermore, ~)!(bow) means stern in the Japanese dictionary. b.1 *EI:i(stern): El3~B3~=~ ~ .:E ~ 3 B3~+~gb(KR). miyoshi( ~ 3 :/). bow. *EI:i. b.2 *rn(stern): El3~ B (sun)~h<e(K) ±~sa(KR) El3~:::r. hesaki(~-tt:::r). bow. *EI:i:5t. <e~e. b. 3 hesaki~he(~). bow. *EI:i. Three words meaning bow were made from the Chinese antonym (*EI:i). The chronicle (6 th year ofSaimei) not only described a technique of word-making, but also left the proof of this in the use of ~)!(bow) and *EI:i(stern) with opposite meanings in the Japanese language. These were manipulated by the scholar to match the story of the Nihongi. They would not have coincided unless the one who wrote the chronicle was the one who made these words. This chronicle is an example ofYasumaro's message (XIX). §. Examples (antonyms). 1 . ~O(dark): Ant. r-'--7(:t(=tb )~a B (day)~ka(J) JL(cf. ~, !JE etc.)~Jv B ~ = (2)~i(KR). akarui(7 f; Jv -1). light. SA. 2. ~(study) : T ~ T ~ 7 ;J ~ 'J T ~ 7 . asobu(7 'J 7} play. 51ft. 3. ~(old): ~ ~ 7 B3(farm)~ta(J) *~*(left)~'7 B3~+~gb(KR) B3~ .:E ~=(2)~i(KR). 4. Jf:(yes): B~ = (2)~i(KR) B(rn)~.:L . atarashii(7)< '7 :/ -1). new. 5fJT. ie(-1.:L). No.~. 5. tt(noble): W~=(2)~i(KR) W~J~(8)~ya(J) ~(4)~shi(JR) @~ = (2)~i(KR). 92 iyashii( -1 f:/ -1). humble . •. 6. a. ~(worried): 5z -+ x.-+u(KR) 'L}-+L-+ V IG\-+sim(KR). v ureshimu(rJ b. H(=~): T-+u(KR) 'I' =IG\-+L-+ v ~ L). glad. fJI. T-+.:L IG\-+lv. ureeru(rJ V.:Llv). worried. ?£. 7. fj~ (small): ±-+o(JR) § (eye)-+ma(J) .&(c1am)-+kai(J). omaka(::t::t '7 77). gross. je. 8. Me(shuttle): *-+::t ~-+L-+sa(KR). osa(::t -\f). reed. ~. 9. tB(cypress): S-+ B (day)-+ka(J) *-+T-+gb(KR) *-+J~-+/'. kashiwa(77 ~ lJ). oak. tB. In Japan, tB(cypress) means oak. 10. tB(cypress): S-+ B -+ l::. S(lS! stroke)-+ / *(tree)-+ki(J). hinoki( l::. / =\-). Japanese cypress. 1l. ii~(oak): m. 4(" .18 liters)-+mal(K)-+matsu(-I-+tsu). matsu('7 'J). pine. t'2. This ";jf~(oak)-+pine" is the opposite of "tB(cypress)-+oak" above. Mal( 4 .:.. 18 liters. K) has not changed since the i h century. 12. a'F(yesterday): 1=-+=\- B -+:3. kyo(=\- :3 rJ). today. A, B. cf. XIV-A-I0. 13. ~(tail): P -+gu(KR) ~-+bi(JR). kubi( 11:::'). neck. §. The §(head) means neck in Japanese. 14. a'FJt(yesterday morning): a'F-+1=-+7 ~~-+)<-+4-+sa(KR). kesa( 7 -\f). this morning. 4'~. Jt=~. 15. JJ1(defect, short): je -+tai(JR) .!IT. -+ P -+gu(KR). taku( j<' 1). excel. :R(long). 16. 3Ji(defect, short): je-+tai(JR) *--+7 ~D-+)L(XV-L-19)-+)v takeru(j<' 7 )v). excel. :R. 17. tw(width): Ji-+EB(farm)-+ta(J) ±-+T -+tei(JR). tate(j<' T). length. 18. ill13-(summary): EB-+±(soil)-+tsuchi(J) 5z -+x.-+'7 if. B -+ l::. ill13--+ryag(KR) -+ra(y~) ~-+@g(KR). tsumabiraka(,J '7\::::' '7 77). detailed. ~+. 19. ~ (answer): The Japanese reading of this character tou became the antonym of ~(answer). tou( ~ rJ). to question. Fp'. 20. fi (old)( 77 I): 1*-+±-+±-+=-+-==- 1*-+ 1 . nii( -==-1). new. ~JT. 2l. ~~(awake): ,tE,-+±-+wangKR) "@-+~(4)-+su(C) JL-+ v )v. wasureru(lJ 7.. v)v). forget. ;E;. 22. X@'$'irIT(father x 4): XXXX-+/'/vv,. hahae v ,). mother. S. Mothere v ,) was created from father; the genesis of the Japanese language. The next 93 word, father reveals the scope of the manipulation by the scholars. This all goes back to the chronicle, 6th year of Saimei. 23. Father was made from 77(-1:::-1:::). -1:::-1:::(77): 24. -I:::~chil(KR) Mother(SS. /\)\)~father(77. -1:::-1:::). x 2~chichi( 1- 1-). father. Y:-. ~~(hot): 1\\\=j((fire)~hi(J) ±~x. :fL~ )L~Jv. hieru( t x. Jv). get cold. {~. 25.B.fe(night)(iJ/): B~t :5E~)L~Jv. hiru(tJv). daytime. if. 26. ~r(unroll): T~? * ~ D ~gu(KR). maku(? j7). roll. 1t. 27. Jt(borrow): ttt~L~ct(mo) Ft~ !1.(cursive)~':7 7. morau(ct ':7 7). to be given. Jt. cf. XIV -L-S. In Japanese, Jt(to borrow) means "to be given." 2S.1W"i'=f(sea)C0"i'=f~$~):::f!ng(KR) ~~mai(JR). yama(f?). mountain. W. 29. ti19(spoon): *~J~~/' [7g(4)~shi(JR). hashie' /). chopsticks. i!f. 30. ti19(spoon): [7g~4~sa(KR) *~+~~b(KR). saji(-Jt :/). spoon. ~. In 29(hashi) and 30(saji), same CC(fi19) was used. 31. ff(pestle): q:~wu(C)~u + ~su(C). usu( 7 A). mortar. 32. ~(lark): §!.~,..->--,~ 7 1I\\(karasu) ,~~ ':7 (karasu). uzura( 7 8. :< ':7). quail. ~. 33. ~f!J(delicate): ::E ~-~sam(KR) F9~ B ~ t. sabi(-Jt c'). rust. ffi,~. 34. il(hammer): B3 (farm)~ta(J) ±(soil)~tsuchi(J) /f:~*(tree)~ki(J) . tatsuki( jl ''J ~). broad axe. ~ is used for broad axe in Japanese. 35. ~(excess): ::E ~+~ ~ ::E~ct ~~shi(JR). tomoshi( ~ ct /)~toboshi. lack. Z,~. The character, ~ was used to create its antonym tomoshi, but this character was erased from Japanese dictionaries. One of the CC which means tomoshi is resembles ~(excess). ~(envy) is used as the antonym ~(envy) which of~(excess). 36. ~(moment): B ~ t $~±~sa(KR) +~~b(KR). hisashi( t -Jt /).* long. A. 37. ~=/f A(not 10ng)C0 A(long)~hisashi(J) * /f(not)~bul(KR)~buri. hisashiburi( t -Jt /7" I)). AtK after a long interval. cf. "Long time no see." Hisashiburi made from /fA(not long) means "long time." Until at least 300 years ago, f:3t(shuttle) and J!ilG(reed) were used with the opposite meaning.34 It was decided that ~JUffitBf!£J!ilG§Jtl!ifffi~~§5~~Ui~Hfffii:lT~~1* etc. 94 would have entirely different, often opposite, meanings in Japanese. E) A-B (Ef3-Z); 8-9 (/\-:71); 8-7 (f\--.~). To buy(~) and to sell(.) are concurrent commercial activities. These two characters are read: mai(C), mre(KR), bai(JR). In making the words, they handled these two characters . like symbols, as Ej3 (A) and Z(B). 1. ~(buy): .&(clam)~kai(J) .&~ 7. kafu(iJ 7)~kau(iJ rj). * Ej3: gab(KR)~kafu(JR. iJ 7)~kau(JR. iJ rj). cf. IV-G. 2. • (sell): Taking advantage of the fact that the JR kau( iJ rj) covers both ~(buy) and Ej3 (A), the Japanese word meaning to sell was made. Z: ul(KR)~uru(rj )1---). sell. . . Z(B). 3. The top and sole ofthe foot are antonyms. To show this positional difference, Ej3 (A) and Z(B) were used to make the Japanese words. a. the top of the foot: Ej3 of foot~ashi-no-k6(Ej3). fE 0) Ej3. Ej3 ~gab(KR)~kafu( iJ 7 )~kau( iJ fE(foot): ashi(J. foot). rj )~k6(:::J rj). Kau(J. to buy. ~) can be made from the KR of Ej3(A). b. the sole of the foot: Z(B) Z~ul(KR)~ura(J. The Japanese word, offoot~ashi-no-ul(Z) ~ashi-no-ura. fEO) ~ . rj 7). inside. ura( ~ ) ~. Ura usually means the hidden side. was made from the KR of Z, in the same way uru(J. to sell. . ) was made from the KR of Z. The commonly used Japanese for inside is uchi(P'J) and naka($). c. Z~1!I(KR), final-l~chi( 1-). uchi( rj 1-). inside. I~. d. I~(inside): * ~-r P'J~iJ(karasu). naka(-r iJ). $. Three Japanese words meaning inside: ura( ~ ), uchi(FkJ) and naka($). The first two were made from the Korean reading of Z(ul) and the last one from P'J using karasuUftb). e. ;:f;(house): ,->-,~ rj =t~=f~1-. rj 1-(uchi). *. This is a homonym of c(P'J) above. * The Japanese words yaru (.Ef-) and kureru (:R): both mean "to give." Yaru is on the giving side, kureru the receiving side. 4. ~(give): ~~/"~}\(8)~ya(J) ~~l1:(above /,,)~ IL~)v. yaru(-'I" )1---).39 .Ef-. In Japan, the Chinese character ~(to give) was erased from dictionaries to hide the origin 95 ofyaru. There are more complicated CC with ~ as a component: ~, ~ !if, fJ, This tells that The core ~ fl etc. was erased with a precise purpose. of"~-/'-/\(8)-ya(J)" (J. to give). The arrangement is is /'-8. This gives the clue to the origin ofkureru 8(J~)-9(n). 5.n(9): n-gu(KR) n-JL-JL- v lL--. kureru(;7 v lL--). to give. ~. * ~(the name of three different countries in China) has no meaning of "to give" at all. But, in Japanese, this character is used for "to give." Another set ofyaru and kureru are auxiliary verbs, which are difficult to erase from the dictionary. cf. II-B-3-b. 6. ~(hibernate): ¥-T-@n YL-n(9)-gu(KR) n -J L- v lL--. kakureru( 77 ;7 v lL--). hide. ~. 7. ~ ~ (shower): ~-si(KR) YL-n(9)-gu(KR) n-JL- v, lL--. shigure(~ ;7"v), shiguru(~ ;7"lL--). ~ffi. The kureru part of kakureru, gure of shigure and guru of shiguru also come from n(9) as in 5 above. 8. ~: P -gg(KR) L- v. Kure(;7 v). old country name in China, and city name in Japan. There was no country which the Chinese called Kure (~) or Kara (@=). The Koreans called no country Kudara (8 ~), Shiragi (~JT *I) or Koguri (rEJ 'P] Jii). Kudara, Shiragi, Koguri, Kure and Kara are manufactured words in Japan. It was very simple to make kureru(to give) from n(9); but, because n(9) readily gives the origin ofkureru, it was changed to 9. ~: ~, although this CC does not mean "to give." P -gu(KR) L- v JL(right shoulder of }c)-JL_lL--. kureru(;7 v lL--). to give. It was decided to remove the final ru(JL--) from~. This was done by simply changing the final A of ~ into /'. By this subtle change, ~-~, it lost lL--(ru). ~(in Korea)-~(in Japan). }c-A(lower half)-/'(J~). * 8(J~)-9(1L), ~-~ and ~-~: reveal the manufactured nature of the language. 10. g{t(give): § -eon(KR)-a }c-tai(JR) EB_,.I.. EB-[B-IL-lL--. ataeru(7 7l ,.I..lL--).~. This word is replacingyaru (~). §. 8(A)-7(~): after making haha (mother) from father(:X:), the maneuver which 96 g-a. produced chichi (father) was 8(/\)~ 7( -t;). 11. *Jt)(:(dear father): *J?~*~:;t *~/\(8)~ya(J) ~~/\(8)~-t;(7)~chil(KR). 12. 3((intercourse): tsi(1-)~ji( oyaji(:;t ~ /'). /'). -'- ~ ~ ~~/\(8)~-t;(7)~nanatsu(J) y"'~;I. toname( ~ T ;I). dragonfly's intercourse. ~~b. 13. 'I'f-(quick temper): ZJS-(= =f /\)~ = (2)~=(3)~sed(K) =f~@n /\(8)~-t;(7) ~chil(KR). sekkachi( -t ':; iJ 1-). ~JW. Gained 1 by 2~3, lost 1 by 8~7. F) The EEI(farm) and .:E(king). Yasumaro left a message about the importance of B:3 and .::E in making words (XIX-G). The hidden sources of B:3 and the intimate relationship of B:3 and .::E are shown. Fl) ~~EEI; EtE~EEI; OO~EEI. EEI~.:E. OO(old form)=fflJ. l. m(empty): m~mu(KR) B:3~+~T m~I\\\~4~shi(JR). munashi(L T /). ~,EJff. 2. m(absent): m~B:3~+~T l.J~gu(KR) ,\\\(karasu). nakusu(T 1 A). lose. m, L. 3. mt~(gratis): m~B:3(farm)~ta(J) t~~tai(JR). tada(3? 3?} R. Homo. {R(but): {R ~dan(KR) B ~dan(KR). tada( 3? 3?} 4. m~:)I:(no effect): m~ B:3 (farm)~ta(J) ~:)I:~)( ~;I. dame( 3?";I). useless. ,~;t § . 5. m i3 (quiet, silent): m~B:3(farm)~ta(J) i3(word)~mal(K). damaru(3?"?Jv). JItt. 6. m~DJJt(undisciplined): B:3~ T ~tei(JR) ~~tJ(bamboo)~da::(K) JJt ~ '7 }Z~;I. detarame(T" 3? '7 ;I). nonsense. I±l~ §. 7. m1l{@:(no value): m~B:3~ I.J ~gu(KR) B:3(farm)~ta(J) Jt~ N (cursive)~ '7 @:~+~T {@:~1'. kudaranai(13?"'7T1'). foolish. 8. mPI~{PI(no use): m~I\\\~4~shi(JR) B:3~ 3 PI ~ga(KR) ~~*~T {PI ~ l' . shiyoganai( / :3 rJ iJ"T 1'). {±~m. 9. mPI~{PI(no use): m~/\\\~4~shi(JR) PI ~ga(KR) ~~*~tai(JR) *~T {PI~1' . shikatanai(/ iJ 3? T 1'). {±:1Jm. 10. 'ii/wine bottle): m~B:3~.::E~+~ ~ l.J~gu(KR) m~tt~ I) . tokuri( ~ 1 I) . ~'!@fU. 11. 'f,l(caress): B:3~+~T B:3~.::E~ T ~tei(JR) JI' ={}~ )L~Jv. naderu(T YJV). :Jif!!€. 12. JAA(eaves): B:3~ B ~!:: B:3~±~sa(KR) '\\\~~1(4)~shi(JR). hisashi(!:: -+t /). 13. m?.!(lawless): m(left)~1' B:3(farm)~ta(J) *~±(soil)~tsuchi(J) 97 rEE. ~(left)-7. Homo. 1ft¥(gang): 4'-1 itazura( 1 ~ A' 7). mischief. ~Jl\t. B3 (farm)-ta(J) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) ~f(low It)-7. itazura( 1 ~ A' 7). 1ft. 14. Hf*(glance): m-B3-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) B3-:3 T- ~ § - = - 2. . chotto-mi(+ 3 2 ~ 2.). -chotto(+ 3 2 ~). a little. - -1". 15. ii(lean): ffij-- :!J (karasu) W( =ffij-)- B3 (farm)-ta(J) B3 _ '3 B3-IB-IL-Jv. katayoru(:!J ~ Jv). J='f~, ii. '3 16. ~~(glamorous): EI±!-B3-T-T -'2.(bean)-mame(J) B-J. namameku-namamekashii(T? J :!J ~ 1). 17. --tEl±!(seven bends): --t(7)-nanatsu(J) B3-3::-wang(KR) B3(farm)-ta(J). Nanawata( T T r; ~). name of place. 18. B±lm(bend)(lI): B3(farm)-ta(J) 3::-wang(KR) - - 2.. tawami(~ r; 2.). m. 19. B±I(bend): 3::- = (2)-i(KR) B-1:: ±(soil)-tsuchi. ibitsu( 1 l::' '/). warped. ~. 20. B±I(bend): B3- B-1:: ± (soil)-tsuchi(J) 3::--- 2. • hizumi( I:: A' 2. ). distortion.~. tsu('/ )-zu(';/')-zu( A} 21. B±I(bend): B3-3::-wang(KR) B3(farm)-ta(J). wada(r; ~'} topography. 22. *Jii(cotton): B3- 3::-wang(KR) B3(farm)-ta(J). wata(r; ~). M5. 23. H!1Il:(shy): ~_/, B±I-B3-3::-±(soil)-tsuchi B (day)-ka(J) T-gb(KR) = (2)-i(KR). hazukashiiC-', A':!J ~ 1). ashamed. :ErG. 24. {~(fo untain) : B±I-B3-3::- = (2)-i(KR) -'2.-zu(JR) ~ =;..K.(water)-mizu(J). izumi( 1 A' 2.). 7J(. 25. ':'(abundant): -'2. -t6(JR) B±I- B3- '3. toyo( ~ '3). Syno . .:.: B±I-EB-yu(KR) B3(farm)-ta(J) B (day)-ka(J). yutaka(.:L ~ :!J). 26. !f!fE§B3(early rice field)(last character): B3-3::-wang(KR) =(3)-se(K) B3(farm)-ta(J). Waseda(r; k ~'} 27. _(coil): B3 - 3::-wang(KR) B3(farm)-ta(J) /f:-ka(JR) S:!.-L B3-IB-IL-Jv. watakamuru-watakamaru(r; ~ :!J? Jv). cf. X-B-33~36. 28. W(wheel marks): B3-3::-wang(KR) B3(farm)-ta(J) ±(soil) -tsuchi(J). watachi(r; ~ +). wheel marks, wheel. W. 98 29. ~i(ferry): EEI----+:t----+wang(KR) EEI(farm)----+ta(JR) >tli----+ ~. watashi(17 jZ ~). ~ffi. 30. {I(I, myself): aE----+EEI----+:t----+wang(KR) EEI(farm)----+ta(J) l=l----+gu(KR) --t ----+~b(KR). watakushi(17 jZ J ~) . I (myself). fL 31. a. fl\(I, myself): /K----+hwa(KR) b----+shi(JR). *washi(17 ~) . I (myself). b. • (vulture, eagle): A:;----+wang(KR) J\\\(4)----+shi(JR) . *washi(17 * To make watakushi(30) and washi(31-a), fL and 32. ~(collect): {l~ ~) . {~ . eagle. were exchanged. EEl (farm)----+ta(J) l=l----+gu(KR) :t ----+wang(KR) ± ----+..:L EEI----+ 18----+ IL----+/v. takuwaeru( jZ J 7 ..:L /v). save. ~. 33 . i"iJ:tq~ (party in full swing)(2/): $ ----+ EEl (farm)----+ta(J) W----+7' EEI----+--t----+T :t ----+wang(KR). takenawa( jZ 7' T 7). in full swing. i"iJ:t . 34. ~J~~\(kindness): lZSI----+in(KR) J!----+EEI(farm)----+ta(J) :t----+wang(KR) I~\----+/V . itawaru( -1 jZ '7 /v). treat kindly. ~. 35. ftv ,~ ({~ )(restrained): if!)----+ I=l----+::J Jill; ----+ EEl (farm )----+ta(J) :t ----+wang(KR) I~\----+/V . kodawaru(::J jZ"17 /v). troubled by, hairsplitting. if!). 36. 1* ~ (preserve )(2/): ~ ----+ EEl (farm)----+ta(J) :t ----+ -f:: ± (soil)----+tsuchi(J). tamotsu( jZ -f:: ''J). keep. 1*. 37. :fB:l(sleeve): EEI(farm)----+ta(J) :t----+-f:: --t----+ ~ . tamoto(jZ -f:: ~). fR: o 3 8. i~~ (polite): EEI ----+:t ----+6(JR) EEl (farm )----+ta(J) Jt ----+ /\(8)----+ya(J) Jt (clam )----+kai. odayaka(;;t jZ" f IJ) . quiet. 11. 39. &~(weasel): EEI----+:t----+ = (2)----+i(KR) EEI(farm)----+ta(J) ±(soil)----+tsuchi(J). itachi( -1 jZ 1-). F2) EEl: dyeon(KR. old). EEl (farm)----+ta(J). 1. tl(obstinate): :I:----+ga(JR) EEI(farm)----+ta(J) l=l----+gu(KR) --t----+T. katakuna( IJ jZ J T). ~. 2. ~(harden): *----+EEI----+T----+@n EEI(farm)----+ta(J) b----+A. katamu(IJ jZ A). ----+katamaru, katamari. ~,~. 3. ~(smash): EEI----+ l=l----+gu(KR) EEl (farm)----+ta(J) l=l----+gu(KR). kudaku( J jZ" J). 4. ~(smash): EEI----+ l=l----+gu(KR) EEI(farm)----+ta(J) f,~ . :!Z=Jsz:.. ----+7' EEI----+ 18----+ IL----+/v. kudakeru( J jZ"7' /v). fl$. 5. g@;(carry on one' s head): EEI----+ l=l----+gu(KR) EEl (farm)----+ta(J) ± ----+sa(KR) 99 r. EB-IB-IL-JL.-. kudasaru( J;7 3<"-+j- Jv). give, confer. 6. *(fruit): EB- P -gu(KR) EB(farm)-ta(J) -=r:_.:c *-/\- / . kudamono( J;7 3<".:c /). *tm. 7. §l'I~(humble): ~-*-hei(JR) ~-tt- I) EB-P-gu(KR) EB(farm)-ta(J) 'I' ={}_Jv. herikudaru(""- I) J;7 3<"Jv). obsequious. §l,~. 8. {ffl(cultivated paddy): EB-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) EB- P -gu(KR) EB (farm)-ta(J). tsukuda(,! J;7 3<"), 9. ~V;(preparation): ~-:/ H:J -EB(farm)-ta(J) P-gu(KR). shitaku(:/ 3< J;7). 3![)Jf:. 10. ~f-1(f1ap wings): ~(wing)-ha(J) fW-bag(KR) EB(farm)-ta(J) P -gu(KR). habataku(/"/'~ 3< J;7). ~~, ~fW. 11. ii(strike): i'!t-dang(KR) EB(farm)-ta(J) P -gu(KR). tataku( 3< 3< J;7). PD. 12. U\(high): *-EB(farm)-ta(J) /R-ka(JR) T-1 , L--shi(JR). takai( 3< iJ 1 ), takashi( 3< iJ :/). r'§J. 13. ~-m(reins): EB(farm)-ta(J) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) +-T. tazuna( 3< A'T). -=fmWTI. 14. m~(admire): m-EB(farm)-ta(J) ~-*-tai(JR) B _x ~_/ G\_JV. tataeru( 3< 3< x Jv)-tatau. praise. m. 15. %£I(regrettable):30 EB--=r:---:: EB(farm)-ta(J) mitanai( :: 3< T 1 ).30 *-T )\=1 (radical). This word is not found in the Japanese dictionary.39 16. ~JiIfI(snapper): ~,-EB(farm)-ta(J) ~-±- = (2)-i(KR). tai(3< 1). 17. !IJ:(pile up): :iiJ-EB(farm)-ta(J)x2 H---::. tatami(3< 3< ::). mat. 18. ~~(salmon): EB(farm)-ta(J) +-T B - P_:::1. tanago(3< T:::1} bittering. 19. 11~~(gorge): ~-EB(farm)-ta(J) L:j~. - = -.:::. . tani(3<.:::.). ft. 20. t~(wreath-shell): EB (farm)-ta(J) -=r:- = -.:::. ..x.-L--shi(JR). tanishi( 3< .:::. :/). pond snail. EB t~. 21. ~(roll over): 1f[--=F-T-u(KR) ~-EB(farm)-ta(J)x2, T -tei(JR). utata( r; 3< 3<), utate. indeed, more and more, somehow. 22. flr(seed): EB(farm)-ta(J) r(midnight)-ne(J). tane(3< ;f,). 23. ¥EZ(footwear): EB(farm)-ta(J) EZ-pi(KR). tabi(3< l:::'). socks. ~~. Homo. ~(wayfarer): *-*-tai(JR) ~- B - t. tabi(3< l:::'). journey. 100 Mx. ~. 24. IIIt(peasant)=E8.B!;: E8(farm)~ta(J) .B!;~min(KR). tami( j<' ~). subject. .B!;. 25. ~(news): E8(farm)~ta(J) B ~"3 ~~5e.~ I). tayori(j<' "3 I). 26. '?IUar): E8(farm)~ta(J) ffi~L11~ IL~JV. taru(j<' Jv). cask. ft. 27. flfl(various): E8~ p ~:::1 E8(farm)~ta(J). kota(:::1 j<' )x2. kodakoda(:::1 j<"':::1 j<'''). mixed-up. 28. 1W(transmit): E8~±(soil)~tsuchi(J) E8(farm)~ta(J) ±~x. tsutae(,/' j<' X). folklore. {~. 29. ~(ghost): * ~L~su(C) E8(farm)~ta(J) ~ ~mang(KR) . sudama(A j<"'7). ~tt. 30. lliUJH(direct)(2/): ffJ~ B ~ l:: E8(farm)~ta(J). hita( l:: j<' -). prefix. lli:[. e.g. hitauchi(lli:[}J): direct hit. 31. It.tif(signboard): ~(left. cf. XII-D-23)~ 7 E8(farm)~ta(J). fuda(7 j<'''). tL. 32. ~iIJ(fate): E8~±~sa(KR) E8 (farm)~ta(J) iIJ~mei(JR). sadame(-1j- j<"';l). 33. 3.1(racoon): E8 ~dyeon(KR. old)~dan £ ~ -$ ~::\. tanuki( j<' 5< ::\). F3) :=E: wang (KR)~wa. :=E: 0 (JR). l. n~(rock): D~1 ~ ~.:E~wang(KR). iwa( 1lJ). :!S. 2. ffi,,\iI(sardine): ~,~ 1 E8~.:E~wang(KR) j\\\(4) ~shi(JR). iwashi( 1lJ ~). ~. :!S;i,. 3. ~*(whitebait): = (2)~i(KR) E8~.:E~wang(KR) j\\\(4)~na(K). iwana( 1 lJ T). 4. &i[(metallic vessel): ~ ~ .:E ~ j~ ~u(KR) .:E~±(soil)~tsuchi(J) .:E ~wang(KR). utsuwa('7 '/' lJ). vessel. 5. tli(coat): ~~r-'--7~ '7 .:E ~wang(KR) ~ ~±~::\. uwagi('7 lJ~} ~. L¥. 6. ID1L~(ugly)(lI): E8~.:E~wang(KR) *~Jv @~ = (2)~i(KR). warui(lJ Jv1). bad. 7. .I£(reason): E8~P~:::1 +~~ E8~.:E~wang(KR) £ ~ri(KR) . kotowari(:::1 ~ 8. m~(blessing): E8~ ± ~sa(KR) ~ ~ =(2)~i(KR) .:E ~wang(KR) E8~ 9. a. tifF¥(carry along)Cf)ffi~tai(JR) :f =-'f-~su(KR) ~~.:E~wang(KR) rm~Jv. b. tifF¥(carry along)Cf)ffi~tai(JR) .:E~I~x Ib~~JV . B ~ l::. saiwai(-1j-1lJ 1). ¥. ~~LIJ~san(KR) tazusawaru(j<' :;Z:'-1j-lJ Jv). take part in. m. :f =-'f-~su(KR) ~ ~LLJ~san(KR) tazusaeru(j<' ;(-1j- XJv). carry in one's hand. 10.1H.i(garden): £~±~=~.:::.. E8~ .:E ~wang(KR) . niwa(.:::..lJ). ~. 101 m. ®. lJ I). 11. ;f§~(suitable): *~ 7 ;f13 ~sang(KR) ~ ~ ~ ~wang(KR) {}~~m(KR) {t~1 12. ~(patrol) : ~ ~~~_~ ~ . fusawashii(7 -tt r; ~ 1). § (eye)~me(J)~ma ~~wang(KR) ~ ~ IL~Jl/ . mimawaru( ~ '? r; Jv). ~@] . a~e . 13 . J.R(ring): ~ ~wang(KR). wa(r;). Qi#H. 14. ff(young): ~ ~ ~ ~wang(KR) =f ~@n ~ ~1 . wakai(r; i; 1). E. 15. E A (young person): E (young)~waka(J) A(person)~udo(J). wakaudo(r; i; r] F). 16. ¥~HI (vindication)(2/) : ~ ~~~wang(KR) ~ ~:\- Y.. ~'? ~ ~x a~EE~ IL~Jv . 17. lffi (bubble up): wakimaeru(r;:\- '? X Jv). discern. -#(=~). ffl~ffi~ ~ ~wang(KR) ffi~ p ~gu(KR). *waku(r; /'). 18. 1~(boil): i¥ ~~~wang(KR) ~ ~ill!.ng(KR). *waku(r; /' ). 19. ruI(Iie): ,~, ~ffi~ ~ ~ = (2)~i(KR) ±(soil)~tsuchi(J) ~ ~wang(KR) I~\ ~JV. itsuwaru( 1 ''/ r; Jv). lie, deceive. ~ . 20. ffi (snare) : ~~ ~ ~wang(KR) ~ ~+~T. wana(r; T). ~. 21. ~(lonely) : 30 ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~wang(KR) B ~ l:: S:t~.6~shi(JR) ~~±~ = (2)~i(KR). wabishii(r; \:::' ~ 1). {!f; .39 22. ~f(bit): a. ~~ill!.m(KR) ~ ~ ~ ~ ± (soil)~tsuchi(J) ~~wang(KR). kutsuwa( /' ''/ r;). ~ . b. ~ ~ill!.m(KR) ~ ~ ~ ~ ± (soil)~tsuchi(J) /\~ / , ~ ~=~ ~ . kutsubami( /' ''/ / ~ ~). *§. ~hamie' ~). I~~J. c. ~~ill!.m(KR) ~~wang(KR) ±~x. kuwae. ~kuwaeru( /' r; x Jv). hold in one's mouth. ~J. Homo. Jlf(increase): if ~ B ~ P ~gu(KR) J"~/'~wa(r;) if ~ B (rn)~x rn~ IL~Jv . kuwaeru( /' r; x Jv) . add. 1m. 23 . ~(nephew): ffi~ ~ ~o(JR) B ~ l::. oi(;;t 1). 24. ~l(profound): • ~ ~ ~o(JR) ±~:\- p ~ Q. ogiro(;;t:¥' Q). very big. 25 . m $ (barely)(1/): $ ~ '3 ~ ~o(JR) 7C ~ * ~J"(8)~ya(J) p ~gu(KR). yoyaku( '3 r] f 26. ~(fan): $ ~~~o(JR) $~:\-. Qgi(;;t r]:¥'). (folding) fan. 102 m. /'). Syno. ~(fan): ~-u(KR) tJ -chiku(JR) F-r-han(KR). ~m. uchiwa('; 1- 7). (round) fan. 27. ~(repair): r - T - T r-o(JR) *,-~-su(C). naosu(T;t A). llit. 28. :ft(dress up): ~-r- '3 ::F- '/ 3:.-o(JR). yosoou( '3 '/;t 0). dress. ~. 29. i1(many): Syno. i1: Syno. ~ -r-o(JR) ~I:_ -sa::ng(KR) ~(many): r - ± -= (2)-i(KR). oi(;t;t 1). r -wang. sawa(-tt 7). ~. ~. Ifil_llll_mang(KR) 0Z-si(KR). maneshi(?;f, ~). ~. 30. li(big): ffi-r-o(JR) m-~ r-±-=(2)-i(KR). okii(;t;t ~ 1). A. 31.1W~(send food): ffi-r-o(JR) P-gu(KR) JL-Jv. okuru(;t 32. tl(late): ffi-r-6(JR) P-gu(KR) 33. ~jI;(yel1ow-tail): /j Jv). give. JIi. 'I' =IL"-JL- v JV. okureru(;t ffi- r -o(JR) 1\\\(4)-shi(JR) A-gi(KR) ;i,(fish)-uo(J). oshikiuo(;t 34. fEtJ(push): ffi - r -o(JR) 35. :1K1t(male): v Jv). 1&. /j ~ ~ 0 ;t). :f =-=f--su(KR). *osu(;t A). ~-r-o(JR) :;t-~-su(C). *osu(;t A). 36. ~sink): ffi-r-o(JR) ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) =(2)-i(KR) ffi-[B-IL-Jv. ~~. ochiiru(;t 1- 1 Jv). fall, yield. 37. *$(girdle): ffi-r-o(JR) B-1::. obi(;t CO). belt. ffl. 38. m:(heavy): ffi- r -6(JR) r--{: T-1 . omoi(;t -{: 1). 39. m:(heavy): ffi-r-6(JR) r-.:c ~-ri(KR). omori(;t -{: I) ). weight, plummet, plumb, sinker. ~j. 40. ± (mainly): r-6(JR) r-.:c r - ± -= -.:::.. omoni(;t.:c.:::.). 41. ~:§li; Gest): ~ - r -o(JR) T- ~ :§li;-7C-@n(JR) JL-Jv. odokeru(;t F 7" Jv). ~. 42. !ff(tamed): m'- -=F- r -o(JR) T- ~ T T-~b(KR) = (2)-i(KR). otonashii(;t ~ T ~ 1). gentle. AA. 43. iElJ(~~tG!j[,~)(unload)-~~,~: JEJ-ffi-r-o(JR) ffi- D ,~-"\\(karasu). orosu(;t 44. J1!(Iate): ::F-r-o(JR) ::F- '/ r-=(2)-i(KR). osoi(;t '/1). 45. ~(Iady): ~-r-o(JR) T-T. onna(;t /' T). woman. Y. 103 D A). T. J1!=~. 46.!RI(cricket): B_P_::J :=E-o(JR) p_o $-::\. korogi(::J:;;fO"f} !l!,t ~~j . 47. !l$(cicada): P-chung(KR) P -gu(KR) EEI- ± (soil)-tsuchi(J) P -gu B (sun) -ho(J) :=E-o(JR) L-shi(JR). tsukutsukub6shi(,/ -J '/ -J Jt' r] ~). ~ !l$. F4) EEI-:=E_.:c, '3. 1. -Jl (dread): EEI- B (day)-ka(J) T -~b(KR) P _::J P -gu(KR) EEI- :=E--f:. ~ kashikokumo( iJ ::J -J -f: ). graciously. 2. ~Ii§(duck) : EEI- :=E - T -~n :=E--f:. kamo(iJ -f:). wild duck. 3. ~jfl(banquet): @-{@(wine)-sake(J) ffl-EEl-:=E--f: }j sakamori(-!f ~ -f: 4. fY(rustic) : EEI-T-~b(KR) EEI- :=E--f: . shimo(~ 5. *m~(twig): *-L-shi(JR) EEI- :=E--f: R - T 6. ~ (whip): *-T-~b(KR) *-mog(KR) 7t- I) . I)). wine party. {@~. a~e . -f:). ~. *shimoto( ~ -f: ~) . ~ . *shimoto( ~ ;ft. -f: ~) . :g. 7. *lJii(translate): EEI- B _c EEI- :=E--f: T- ~ P -gu(KR). himotoku( c -f: ~ -J). read. 8. ~(unrefined wine)( iJ /) : EEI- :=E--f: EEI- ° :=E- = - ~ . moromi( -f: ° ~) . ~'*. 9. JlI(mole): ~-EEl- :=E --f: B -gu(KR) ~ - * (lt)-'7. mogura(-f: -J"'7). ± fllt 10. $ (state): EEI- :=E--f: $-~n(KR). moshi(-f: ~)x2. moshimoshi(-f: ~ -f: ~) . hello. 11. ffl(use) : EEI- :=E--f: ±(soil)-tsuchi = (2)-i(KR) EEI- fB-IL-lL--. mochiiru( -f: 1- -1 Jv). 12. Ji7'R(Hades): EEI- :=E- '3 7'R- 7..K(water)-mizu(J). yomi( '3 ~ ). 13. ~i(tangle): EEI- :=E--f: ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) ~-ren(JR) EEI- fB-IL-Jv. motsureru( -f: '/ v Jv). 14. 0l(mumble): ~ -:=E--f: P -gu(KR) *-mog(KR). mogumogu( -f: -J"-f: -J"). speaking or chewing without opening mouth. 15. ~ ~~I~fJjj(a kind of azalea): ~ -:=E--f: ± (soil)-tsuchi :r!i!lI ~(azalea)-tsutsuji(J). mochitsutsuzi( -f: 1- '/ '/ :J). 16. ~(full moon): :=E--f: ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) }j (moon)-tsuki(J). mochizuki( -f: 1- :;(::\). 1£ }j . 17. ~ ~(warrior): EEI- :=E--f: 1J- / ~ - * _/ 7. mononofu(-f: / /7). 18. !lml(axle): EEI- :=E-'3 p_::J !\[-$- T -~n 104 __ ~. m;± . yokogami('3::J iJ" ~). 19. JJ!(reed): EB-+.:t-+:3 -+-t-+Bb(KR). yoshi(:3 /). :l:. 20. ~ (heir): EB -+.:t -+:3 }j (moon)-+tsuki(J). yotsugi(:3 ''/ =¥} G) Complete Korean reading of the Chinese characters. ttlJlft. IDiI 1fUl: *Both Korean(K. IDII~i) and phonetic reading(KR. 1f~i). 1. :±:(master)-+eorun(K)-ju(KR): eo-+£!, run, ju( /..::L )-+jl( /). aruji(7)1-- /). 2. :f.R(trifoliate orange)-+georad(K)-zi(KR): geo-+ka, rad-+rada, zi-+chi. karatachi( iJ "7 J 1-). ;}-+a. 3. In Japanese, kuruwa is: encircling wall or encircled area like an establishment in red-light district. Written in three ways: a. B±! W-lffl, b. !}~, c. $. c. $(big)-+kul(K)-hwak(KR): kul-+kuru, hwak-+wa. kuruwa( 1 )1-- r;). 4. jeJL(big brother). je(big)-+kun(K)-dre(KR), JL(older brother)-+7C-+"7 . Kudara( 1 J""7). B~. Paekche(B~) was the big brother country. 5. ~§(ruler)-+~(arrow): sal(K)-B(KR). sashi(-1f /). ruler. ~,R. 6. ~{'F(country name): ~~mi(KR), {'F~mandul(K)-jak(KR)~jaka(--lf7J). Mimasaka( ~ H) Homonyms (Homo). "7 -IT 7J). Name of an old country in Okayama prefecture. cf. V-C-4. 1. a. W(boil, abscess): JJ1-+ka(JR) t6-+sa(KR). kasa( iJ -1f). tif. b. ~(high): rl-+iJ(karasu) W-+san(KR). kasa(iJ-1f). bulk. ~. c. jl:(halo): B (day)~ka(J) EB~±-+sa(KR). kasa( iJ -1f). d. ~(cover): ~-+gre(KR) :.E:-+t6-+sa(KR). kasa( iJ -1f). umbrella. ilk. e. ~(cover): ~-+gre(KR) :.E:-+t6~sa(KR). kasa( iJ -1f). bamboo hat. re~a. 1£. 2. a. :::0~(direction): :::0-+iJ(karasu) ~~EB(farm)-+ta(J). kata(iJ J). :::0. b. JW(shoulder): EB-+ B (day)-+ka(J) }j (moon)~dal(K). kata( iJ J). m. c. t~(pattern): ~-+ B (day)-+ka(J) je~tai(JR). kata(iJ J). ~. d. t§:(Iast): W ~ B (day)-+ka(J) B -+dan(KR). kata( iJ J). shoe model. 'ft ~. e. ~(odd): ~-+ PI ~ga(KR) je ~tai(JR). kata( iJ J). unilateral. Jt. 3. a. ~(blow): 7:-+7 D-+gu(KR). fuku(7 1). ~. b. I!a(spout): Jt -+ 7 c. ~(change): Y: -+ 7 D -+gu(KR). fuku( 7 1). I!a. D ---+gu(KR). fuku(7 1 )-+fukeru. become late. 105 ~,1*. d. ~(cover)(iJl): 51...--->X.---> 7 51...--->1. fuku(7 1). to thatch. 4. a. j~((hunt): j =-j\.(dog)--->gre(K) M--->ry6(JR). kari( iJ I) ). b. Hi(goose): r --->@n(JR) ~---> I). kari( iJ I)). cf. it. 1;;. fi( ~ JJ. c. Syno. gan( iJ" :/ . Hi): a loan-word from Chinese. d. l~(temporary): ~j--->ga(KR) l~(lt)---> I). kari( iJ I)). e. )(U (cut): f. U= 7J(sword)--->kal(KR). karu( iJ JL--). --->kari( iJ {~(loan): B (day)--->ka(J) ++---> I). kari( iJ I)). 5. a. ~!(carp)( iJ I): EEI---> P --->::1 B ---> l:::.. koi(::1 b. ~~(love): c. 1J.1(thick): -1). § ---> P --->::1 P (mouth)--->lb(K). koi(::1 EI±J ---> EEl ---> I)). -1). love affair. P --->::1 JR---> =(2)--->i(KR). koi(::1 -1 ). 6. a. ~(thing)( iJ I): 3--->::1 ~--->*---> + ---> ~. koto(::1 ~). b. § (word)( iJ I): P --->::1 --'----> ~ . koto(::1 ~). c. ~(harp): 4--->kon(JR) .3:.--->+---> ~ . koto(::1 ~). d.5.1U(different): P--->::1 U=JJ--->do(KR). koto(::1 ~). ~. 7. a. t1(village): i"(cursive)--->'9(/Z) *(tree)--->ki(J). suki(/Z ~). b. ~(love)( iJ I): 51...---> x. ---> /Z 51...--->1. suku( /Z 1). to like. --->suki( /Z ~) . tff. c. ~(hoe): 5&---> ~ =7j(--->su(KR) ~--->glm(KR). suki(/z ~). plow. ~. d. 1'(shoulder band): -,¥---->su(KR) "--->-'¥----> ~. suki( /Z ~). 1', ~~. e. lJ1g(filter): ~ =7j(--->su(KR) 11:---> ++ ---> ~. suki( /Z ~). f. ~(permeate): ~--->su(KR) *(tree)--->ki(J). suki(/Z ~). opening. ~~. 8. a. §~(dragon): J1 (moon)--->dal(K) -1(K)--->tsu('/'). tatsu(-~-'L)..- ~. b. ~(stand): !til:--->51...--->1X EEI --->±(soil)--->tsuchi(J). tatsu(1X '/'). JI.. c. lifriG( cut)(2=): Iifr --->dan(KR) iG--->~--->chu(KR). tatsu( 1X '/'). Iifr. 9. a. ~(build): chug(KR)--->tsuku('/' 1). b. ~P{sL(ascend the throne)(ll) : ~P--->jug(KR)--->tsuku('/' 1). c. jJ;t(take position): chwi(KR) * ---> P --->gu(KR). tsuku( '/' 1). d. 1¥:(pound): ::f(--->±(soil)--->tsuchi(J) S--->gu(KR). tsuku(,/' 1). t~, 1¥:. e. ~(attach): ±(soil)--->tsuchi(J) B ---> P --->gu(KR). tsuku(,/' 1). ::1ff(=~), ft, f. iif(thrust): ~ ---> ±(soil)--->tsuchi(J) B ---> P --->gu(KR). tsuku(,/' 1). 106 m. g. q]:(excrete): ±(soil)-tsuchi(J) P -gu(KR). tsukuCY J). lie, breathe. h. {.(soak): J!t-±(soil)-tsuchi(J) ~- P -gu(KR). tsukuCY J). 10. a. iJ!i(flag): :m-*-/\_/' EB(farm)-ta(J). hataC':5?)· nJt. b. ~(family name): /f:-/\_/' * -tai(J). HataC' :5?). c. ~1E(farmland): X-hwa(KR) EB(farm)-ta(J). hataC' :5?). ~IE, ~. d. RCfin): ~_J\\'_/' EB(farm)-ta(J). hataC' :5?). e. fGf~(cup)(2/): ~_/, * -tai(JR). hataC' :5?). fG. f. *YffiJ(end): *-*-/\_/, YffiJ-dan(KR). hataC':5?). YffiJ. 11. a. ffl(drum-stick): *-/\-lli!I(KR) -1(K)-chi(1-). bachi(/';:1-). f'iD, W. b. Ji(plectrum): Ji-bal(KR) -1(K)-chi(1-). bachiC-{1-). Ji. c. FJ (punishment): FJ -beol(KR)-bachiC -{ 1- . JR), batsuC -{ 'Y . JR). 12. a. j§(lick): 7::.-*-T b. ~(taste): @-IT-T 'L}-/'~;<' ~- ,G'_Jv. nameru(T;<' Jv). 151:\;. '/ ~;<' ~_Jv. nameru(T;<' Jv). ~. c.l'~(slippery): JJ=~-pq-*-T *-/\_/,~;<' *(top part)- JL- JL-jv. nameru(T;<' Jv). * In the glossary at the end of the book, homonyms are marked with the attatched Chinese characters meaning the words. * Special methods continue in Chapter XIV. 107
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