town of stettler regular council meeting june 3, 2014 6:30 pm
town of stettler regular council meeting june 3, 2014 6:30 pm
TOWN OF STETTLER REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 3, 2014 6:30 P.M. 1 WE WILL PROVIDE A HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE FOR OUR RESIDENTS AND VISITORS THROUGH LEADERSHIP AND THE DELIVERY OF EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT AND AFFORDABLE SERVICES THAT ARE SOCIALLY AND ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE 2 TOWN OF STETTLER REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 3, 2014 6:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Agenda Additions 2. Agenda Approval 3. Confirmation of Minutes (a) Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 20, 2014 (b) Business Arising from the May 20, 2014 Council Minutes 4. Citizens Forum 5. Delegations 6. 7. (a) 6:45 P.M. – Skate Board Park Association Re: Skate Park Revised Pricing/Fundraising 17-18 (b) 7:15 P.M. – Leona Thorogood re: Stettler Hospital Foundation Funding Commitment 19-22 Administration (a) Update re: Strategic Plan Review (b) Memo re: Cancellation of Summer Committee Meetings (c) Request for Decision Subdivision 2014-03 28-30 (d) CAO Report 31-36 (e) Accounts Payable in the amount of $795,977.18 37-50 23-26 27 Council (a) 8. 5-16 Meeting Reports Minutes (a) Regional Water Services Commission Meeting of May 21, 2014 51-54 (b) Special Stettler Waste Management Authority Meeting of May 9, 2014 55-56 3 COUNCIL AGENDA JUNE 3, 2014 PAGE 2 9. Public Hearing (a) 10. Bylaws (a) 11. None None Correspondence (a) Municipal Affairs re: Equitable Recreation Cost-Sharing Mediation 57 (b) Telus re: Wireless Technology 58 (c) Alberta Tourism, Parks & Recreation re: 2014 Energize Workshop 59-68 (d) Battle River Water Shed Alliance AGM – June 19 at County Office 69-70 (e) Member Notices re: The Road Trip to Water Savings (f) President’s Summit – June 18 & 19 72-74 (g) David Thompson Health Advisory Council - June 24 75-78 12. Items Added 13. In-Camera Session 14. Adjournment 4 71 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF STETTLER COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014 IN THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present: Mayor Dick Richards Councillors A. Campbell, D. Bachman, W. Brown, M. Fischer, S. Nolls & K. Sernecky CAO G. Switenky Corporate Secretary C. Smith Press (1) Absent: None Call to Order: Mayor D. Richards called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 1/2. Agenda Additions/Approval: Motion 14:05:01 Moved by Councillor Bachman to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 3. Confirmation of Minutes: (a) Motion 14:05:02 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held May 6, 2014 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on May 6, 2014 be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (b) Business Arising from the May 6, 2014 Meeting Minutes None (c) Motion 14:05:03 Minutes of the Committee Meeting held May 13, 2014 Moved by Councillor Brown that the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on May 13, 2014 be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (d) Business Arising from the May 13, 2014 Committee Meeting Minutes None 4. Citizen’s Forum: (a) No one was present at the Citizen’s Forum 5. Delegations: (a) 6:35 P.M. – Employee Recognition – Society of Local Government Managers of Alberta – 2014 CLGM Professional Designation – Laurie Tait, Leann Graham & Graham Scott Laurie Tait, Office Administrator, Leann Graham, Director of Planning & Development and Graham Scott, GIS/Coordinator Tech entered the meeting at 6:35 p.m. 5 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 2 Mayor Richards welcomed Laurie Tait, Leann Graham & Graham Scott to the meeting. Mayor Richards congratulated Laurie Tait, Leann Graham & Graham Scott for receiving their CLGM professional designation as a Certified Local Government Manager. The CLGM designation is awarded to senior managers in Alberta recognizing the successful completion of the Society of Local Government Managers of Alberta professional education program combined with a minimum of five years experience as a senior manager in local government. CAO G. Switenky highlighted that all three employees have previously completed the required academic courses (13) to qualify for the National Advanced Certificate in Local Authority Administration Levels 1 & 2 from the University of Alberta. This being part of the CLGM education requirements program. Mayor Richards commented that having professionals working for our organization is beneficial given their related knowledge and ethical responsibilities. Members of Council took a moment and departed from the Council Table to individually congratulated L. Tait, L. Graham & G. Scott for achieving their professional designation. L. Tait departed the meeting at 6:38 p.m. 6. Administration: (a) Discussion re: Portable Signs Assistant CAO G. Switenky advised that there have been various concerns regarding the clutter and distraction of portable signs in our community. Leann Graham, Director of Planning & Development explained that in 2010 a public survey was distributed and Bylaw 2018-11 was amended accordingly. L. Graham advised that she has been in contact with AB Transportation to discuss a partnership on how to proceed with the density issue of these signs. She acknowledged that one sign company operating in Stettler has been very good at following the established rules. L. Graham explained further that each property is entitled to utilize one portable sign, that there is no fee and that a permit is required. At this time, Administration is not issuing formal permits rather simply providing verbal approvals of suitable locations. Discussion ensued regarding the rules established and being followed by some and not by all. It was noted that authorized signage is allowed upon Town owned lands, Highway ROW’s and private lands. It was suggested that Bylaw Enforcement may need to become more involved with signs that have not been approved. 6 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 3 It was clarified that each property, including non-abutting highway properties are allowed to have one authorized portable sign. However they all can’t be placed along the same general stretch of road. It was mutually decided that another public survey will be distributed and a comparison will be brought to a future Committee Meeting. Mayor Richards thanked L. Graham for her informative presentation. L. Graham departed the meeting at 6:52 p.m. (b) Use of Bat Houses to Help Control Mosquito Population Graham Scott, GIS/Coordinator Tech advised that in the Town’s 2014 Strategy Session, after the votes had been tallied, “Mosquito Management/Bat Houses” weighed in at #7 on the list. If one were to look strictly at Council votes, “Bat Houses” was #3, which further emphasized this items importance to Council. Following the Strategy Session, direction from Administration was to begin by featuring bat houses on the Town website. In order to do this, he began by researching the houses and looking for a link to provide information to our community. Below is the summary of what was found. Results of Research: Some key findings if we are looking at the type of bat houses and where to install them: • Bat houses should be installed at heights of over 12-15 ft., preferably on poles or on buildings. (bats like clear paths, not tree branches etc. obstructing their shelters). • Bat houses should be installed facing south or southeast to gain sun exposure. Additionally, in Canada, they should be painted black to absorb more heat. • Bat houses that can hold more are more likely to be occupied (ie. houses that can hold 300 bats are better than houses that hold 70). • It is best to install them fairly close to water sources since bats need a drink every night. Overall, Administration recommends that Council approach utilizing and promoting bat houses with some caution. I believe this caution is warranted since the public generally has a dislike/fear relationship with bats, and of course anyone has a similar dislike/fear relationship with perceived waste in municipal budgets. CAO G. Switenky advised that the memo does not include costs associated with the bat houses. Option #1: Undertaking a pilot study as a feasible plan of action. This way, we could assess where we can install bat houses, if they are occupied by bats after they are installed, and if a bat house has any effects (good or bad). Option #2: Dropping the concept altogether while perhaps looking at alternative solutions. 7 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 4 Option #3: Proceeding with full promotion and installation of bat houses in multiple locations throughout the community. Round table discussion was held and Council mutually agreed to proceed with Option #1 to have a pilot study as a feasible plan of action and that a suitable location for the bat houses will be determined internally. Mayor Richards thanked G. Scott for his informative presentation. G. Scott departed the meeting at 7:00 p.m. (c) 2014 Operating Budget and Tax Rate Bylaw CAO G. Switenky presented the 2014 Operating (Tax) Budget and reviewed the information presented in the package. The 2014 Operating (Tax) Budget has been prepared based on the approved 3 year 2014 – 2016 Interim Operating Budget (December 3, 2013), the approved 2014 Capital Budget (January 21, 2014) as well as several subsequent individual budget adjustments that are considered necessary to improve forecasting accuracy. CAO G. Switenky highlighted that Stettler property values for 2014 assessment purposes increased by $29.60 million (4.11%) over 2013 including $18.50 million (2.57%) due to new construction/linear growth and $11.10 million (1.54%) due to inflation. The inflationary increase is comprised of the following breakdown by property tax class: existing residential properties appreciated by an average of 1.53% while preexisting non-residential properties appreciated by a similar average of 1.56%. CAO G. Switenky noted that given the methodology used in the calculation of tax (mill) rates, inflation does not result in any new taxation for the Town. Rather only new construction growth and the approved percentage increase over the amount of taxes collected in the prior year will result in new taxes being generated. Town Council considered a number of taxation options at its 2014 Operating Budget and Tax Rate session held on May 15, 2014. At this session a Summary of 2014 Property Tax Options were reviewed which quantified cumulative financial/budgetary impacts at various alternative percentage tax increases over 2013 levels. The 2014 Operating (Tax) Budget and Tax Rate Bylaw are based on the following municipal tax percentage increase over 2013 amounts collected: Residential Non-Residential +3.00% +4.00% These 2014 property tax increases will generate an additional $158,016 for municipal purposes from preexisting 2013 taxpayers, and an additional $133,353 will be generated for municipal purposes from new construction growth. 8 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 5 CAO G. Switenky explained further that Municipal Taxes are the primary component comprising roughly 2/3rds of the annual property tax notice amount. However the other major component is the Education Property Tax Requisition, being roughly 1/3rd which also has a significant impact on the overall amount of property taxes collected from both classes. The average percentage changes/increases necessary from pre-existing 2013 property tax classes as follows: Municipal Education Residential 3.00% -4.16% Non-Residential 4.00% 4.49% The proposed municipal tax rate percentage increases when combined with differing school tax rate percentage changes for each class will result in unequal combined average percentage increases between both tax classes. CAO G. Switenky noted that for the first time in quite a few years the 2014 School Tax Requisition from the Province of Alberta was more favorable on Residential properties than on Non-Residential properties. He also noted that the 2014 County of Stettler Housing Authority requisition has also increased, however is a relatively minor component of property taxation representing approximately 3% of the combined levy. CAO G. Switenky highlighted that the average financial “Real Dollar” impact on each property class based on the combined property tax increase from all tax authorities is: Residential Non-Residential +1.11% +4.24% Combined +2.20% CAO G. Switenky briefly reviewed the forecasting changes that Administration has incorporated in this Tax Operating Budget compared to the previous Interim Budget. He noted that $968,660 is now estimated to be available for capital purposes in the Tax Operating Budget as presented. In conclusion, CAO G. Switenky highlighted that the Town’s sample residential property with an assessed value of $265,140 will see a combined 2014 property tax and utility increase of $70. Round table discussion ensued respecting impacts to the amount available for capital purposes and the optics of a responsible tax increase given the current economic climate in the community. Council was mindful of the importance in generating an adequate amount of funds available for capital purposes annually. It was noted that the Financial Indicator Graphs as prepared by Alberta Municipal Affairs show that Stettler continues to compare favorably (below average) against other similar sized municipalities with respect to taxation levels. 9 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 6 Discussion continued regarding the necessity for this level of municipal tax increase. It was mutually supported that the net impact on overall tax levels within both classes of property for 2014 is reasonable and responsible under the current economic circumstances. Members of Council expressed their appreciation towards Administration for presenting Council with a clear and comprehensive set of taxation options to consider and debate. Motion 14:05:04 Moved by Councillor Sernecky that the Town of Stettler Council adopt, per Section 242(1) of the Municipal Government Act, the 2014 Operating Budget for the Town of Stettler as presented with combined expenditures and transfers totaling $16,305,260 and with average municipal property tax class increases as follows: Residential Non-Residential 3% 4% MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Mayor Richards with the mutual consent of Council varied the order of the agenda to appropriately consider related Agenda Items 10(a) & 10(b) Bylaws. 10. Bylaws: (a) 2055-14 re: Tax Bylaw Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2055-14 is to authorize the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Town of Stettler in the Province of Alberta for the 2014 Taxation Year. Motion 14:05:05 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler Council give first reading to Bylaw 2055-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 14:05:06 Moved by Councillor Campbell that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading to Bylaw 2055-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 14:05:07 Moved by Councillor Brown that the Town of Stettler Council give permission for third and final reading to Bylaw 2055-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 14:05:08 Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 2055-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 10 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 7 (b) 2056-14 re: Tax Penalty Bylaw Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2056-14 is to provide a penalty to be applied to unpaid taxes and to provide for monthly tax payments. Motion 14:05:09 Moved by Councillor Nolls that the Town of Stettler Council give first reading to Bylaw 2056-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 14:05:10 Moved by Councillor Sernecky that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading to Bylaw 2056-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 14:05:11 Moved by Councillor Campbell that the Town of Stettler Council give permission for third and final reading to Bylaw 2056-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 14:05:12 Moved by Councillor Brown that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 2056-14 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 6. Administration Con’t: (d) Committee Recommendation Boundary Road Chip Seal Cost-Sharing CAO G. Switenky explained that the County of Stettler has put together a chip seal program for several of their roads. 38th Street (Ring Road) and 57th Street (Tower Road) are two boundary roads that have been included for chip seal treatment in their tender. Historically the Town and County jointly fund boundary roads. The total project costs are expected as follows: 38 Street – $74,000 plus GST. 57 Street - $29,000 plus GST. Cost sharing at 50%, we expect the Town’s portion to be $51,500 plus GST. Administration is interested in extending the chip seal up to the rail tracks on Tower Road. Plans are to complete asphalt repairs on the failed sections of tower road within the Town’s limits using funds already included in the 2014 Operating Budget. Administration supports that adding a chip seal layer to the entire road surface, after asphalt repairs are completed will help prevent water from penetrating the surface of the asphalt, extending the wear life of the road. Expected costs to extend the chip seal to the rail tracks is $12,500. This extra cost can also be covered utilizing existing 2014 road maintenance budgets. 11 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 8 Motion 14:05:13 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler agrees to jointly fund, with the County of Stettler, the chip seal improvements to the Tower Road and Ring Road at an expected cost of $51,500 from General Reserves. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (e) Discussion re: Curbside Composting/Survey CAO G. Switenky advised that Mark Pederson, Can Pak Grace Fix, HBC & Lee Penner, Director of Parks & Leisure Services were present at the May 13, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting to request Council’s decision to proceed with an awareness program regarding curbside composting and also recommend that a survey be sent out requesting feedback and input from residents. Round table discussion ensued regarding the Town’s existing composting program and the acceptance of residents to buy into another program. Council noted that the community has embraced the recycling program and are not convinced that curbside composting has reached that level. Council applauded the voluntary efforts of Grace Fix for all her hard work and dedication to championing Stettler as an environmentally and friendly community. The mutual consensus of Council was to accept the information as presented and not move ahead with a curbside composting program or a related community survey at this time. (f) Memo re: Seniors Week Town Council reviewed the memorandum regarding Seniors Week activities to be held June 2-8, 2014. It was highlighted that on May 23, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. the Mayor and Reeve will sign the proclamation at Heart Haven with representatives from the seniors in the community. Members of Council coordinated their attendance throughout the week regarding representation at Heart Haven Lodge, Willow Creek Lodge, Paragon Place and the Hub as follows: Paragon Place (Councillor Sernecky) Jun 2 12:00 Noon Heart Haven Lodge Jun 3 12:00 Noon (Councillors Sernecky, Fischer & Nolls) Willow Creek Lodge Jun 4 12:00 Noon (Councillors Sernecky, Fischer & Brown) The Hub Jun 5 3:00 P.M. (Councillors Sernecky, Fischer, Campbell & Brown) 12 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 9 (g) Memo re: Truck Route Changes CAO G. Switenky explained that at the September 3, 2013 meeting, Council approved changes to the Municipal Development Plan. Part of that plan includes the approved Truck Routes through Town. Council suggested at that time prior to ticketing offences, the Town would send out an educational package informing of the changes and why. Administration plans the following: 1. Mail out the attached information letter and map to all businesses in the Town and the surrounding County area to inform them of the changes on May 30th. 2. Replace and/or install the necessary street signage on the affected roads to be in place June 2. 3. Issue a news release to Q93 radio station, effective June 2. 4. Issue a news release to the Stettler Independent and East Central Alberta Review for the June 4th and June 6th editions respectively. 5. Use the Town’s website and facebook page to post the information and map. 6. Work with Bylaw, RCMP and the Department of Transportation (DOT) to educate trucks travelling on the banned routes to use approved routes. 7. Educate until June 30th, at which time any trucks continuing to use unapproved roads would be subject to the applicable fines from the RCMP and DOT. Administration respectfully recommends that Council supports the Municipal Development Plan and directs Administration to implement the action plan proposed. Motion 14:05:14 Moved by Councillor Sernecky that the Town of Stettler Council supports the Municipal Development Plan and directs Administration to implement the action plan proposed as follows: 1. Mail out the attached information letter and map to all businesses in the Town and the surrounding County area to inform them of the changes on May 30th. 2. Replace and/or install the necessary street signage on the affected roads to be in place June 2. 3. Issue a news release to Q93 radio station, effective June 2. 4. Issue a news release to the Stettler Independent and East Central Alberta Review for the June 4th and June 6th editions respectively. 5. Use the Town’s website and facebook page to post the information and map. 6. Work with Bylaw, RCMP and the Department of Transportation (DOT) to educate trucks travelling on the banned routes to use approved routes. 7. Educate until June 30th, at which time any trucks continuing to use unapproved roads would be subject to the applicable fines from the RCMP and DOT. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 13 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 10 (h) Memo re: Arena Ventilation Upgrade/Pool Rooftop Unit Replacement CAO G. Switenky advised that the two tenders for the replacement of rooftop units for the SRC have been received. All companies were required to provide pricing for an Engineered Air unit or equal. Airtran has provided an option #2 price for an ICE unit which has been reviewed as equal or better. The Blue arena ventilation upgrade was budgeted at $100,000.00 and the following quotes were received: Action Plumbing and Excavating: Keith’s Refrigeration: AK Climate Control: Airtran: Option #1 Option #2 Coil Pro $112,890 + GST $102,500 + GST $104,500 + GST $110,770 + GST $ 94,830 + GST $110,000 + GST The pool roof top replacement unit was budgeted at $15,000. We received one quote from: Action Plumbing and Excavating $19,500.00 Administration is recommending the following: 1. That the Town of Stettler Council award the Arena Ventilation Upgrade Tender to Airtran for an equal unit at a cost of $94,830 + GST. 2. That the Town of Stettler Council award the Pool Rooftop Unit Tender to Action Plumbing and Excavating at a cost of $19,500 + GST. Discussion ensued regarding the Town’s local preference provisions within the Purchasing Policy. CAO G. Switenky advised that there is a 10% local preference differential allowed on purchases up to $15,000 and then a flat maximum of $1,500 on purchases over that amount. It was concluded that the savings realized on the lowest price acceptable tender is beyond the local preference consideration amount. Motion 14:05:15 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler Council award the Arena Ventilation Upgrade Tender to Airtran for an equal ICE brand unit at a cost of $94,830 + GST. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 14:05:16 Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council award the Pool Rooftop Unit Tender to Action Plumbing and Excavating at a cost of $19,000 + GST. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 14 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 11 (i) Motion 14:05:17 Accounts Payable in the amount of $305,630.22 Moved by Councillor Nolls that Accounts Payable in the amounts of $195,143.06, $120,978.83, $388.00 (VOID) & $10,103.67 (VOID) for the period ending May 16, 2014 for a total amount of $305,630.22 having been paid, be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 7. Council: Mayor and Councillors outlined highlights of meetings they attended. (a) Mayor Richards - May 7 - McHappy Days. - May 15 - Operating Budget Meeting. - May 16 - Town Office cheques/agenda. (b) Councillor Bachman - May 9 - May 13 - May 14 - May 15 (c) Councillor Brown - (d) Apr 28 May 1 May 13 May 15 - Stettler District Ambulance Meeting. Heartland Beautification Meeting. Committee Meeting. Operating Budget Meeting. Councillor Campbell - May 9 - May 13 - May 14 - May 15 - May 16 (e) MPC Meeting. Rob’s farewell luncheon. Committee Meeting. Library Board Meeting. Stettler Pheasant Hunt Planning at Ag. Soceity. Parkland Regional Library Operating Budget Meeting. MPC Meeting. Rob’s farewell luncheon. Committee Meeting. Canadian Badlands Media/Advertising Kickoff in Drumheller. Canadian Badlands Product Development re: Pheasant Hunt. Red Deer River Municipal Users Group Meeting. Operating Budget Meeting. Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Breakfast. Councillor Fischer - May 8 - May 9 - Campus Alberta Open House. - MPC Meeting. - Signed cheques and reviewed agenda as Deputy Mayor. - Rob’s farewell luncheon. - May 13 - Committee Meeting. - May 14 - Rotary’s 90th Anniversary. - May 15 - Operating Budget Meeting. (f) Councillor Nolls - May 9 - May 13 - MPC Meeting. SWMA Special Meeting. Rob’s farewell luncheon. Board of Trade Meeting. Committee Meeting. 15 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 PAGE 12 - May 15 - Operating Budget Meeting. - May 19 - Museum Board Meeting. (g) Councillor Sernecky - May 9 - Rob’s farewell luncheon. - May 13 - Committee Meeting. - May 15 - Operating Budget Meeting. 8. Minutes: (a) None 9. Public Hearing: (a) None Bylaws: (a) 2055-14 – 2014 Tax Rate Bylaw 10. This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting under 6(a). (b) 2056-14 – Tax Penalty Bylaw This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting under 6(a). 11. Correspondence: (a) Local Government Education Meeting (b) Guaranteed Disposable Income for Seniors in Continuing Care to Increase (c) Canadian Badlands Motion 14:05:18 Moved by Councillor Bachman that correspondence items 11(a) to 11(c) inclusive be accepted for information. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 12. Items Added: (a) None 13. In-Camera Session: (a) There was no In-Camera Session at this meeting. 14. Adjournment: Motion 14:05:19 Moved by Councillor Campbell that this regular meeting of the Town of Stettler Council be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous at 7:50 p.m. ___________________________________ Mayor ____________________________________ CAO 16 MEMORANDUM To: Greg Switenky, CAO From: Lee Penner Date: May 26, 2014 Re: Stettler Skate Park Association Background: As recommended the Stettler Skate Park Association was to meet with Council again in June after additional fundraising efforts. Since last Council meeting the Skate Park Association has raised $20,910.72, plus a commitment from the County of $30,000.00 for aggregate and cash. The design of the Park, $21,000.00, has already been paid for by the Association. Budget: $ 75,000 $100,000 $133,425 $ 30,000 $338,425 Town reserve, prior year savings Committed from 2014 Capital Budget Fundraising and CFEP grant Stettler County commitment Total funds to date $ 5,300 <$5,300> $397,300 <$15,700> $381,600 <$13,500> $368,100 Design 1 Paid by Association Remaining Quote Less Design 2 – Paid by Association $29,675 Remaining Deficit Less Landscaping to be completed by Town Remaining Phase1 Park costs The Stettler Skate Park Association requests interim funding from the Town for the remainder of the money required to construct the park in 2014. “New Line Skateparks Ltd.” has an opening to begin June 9th. Recommendation: That the Town of Stettler Council approve the design and construction quote for a new heart shaped Skatepark from New Line Skateparks Ltd, excluding the bowl, in the amount of $402,600 with funding as presented. And further authorize construction to proceed with a commitment from the Skate Park Association to continue with fundraising initiatives. 17 SKATEPARK PRICE PROJECT BUDGET Project: Stettler Skatepark Project No.: SK2013-‐03 Location: Stettler, AB Client: Attention: From: Date: Town of Stettler Lee Penner Trevor Morgan February 12, 2014 Skatepark -‐ Street skatepark phase Please note: Estimate includes costs for supply and installation unless otherwise indicated. Design UNIT RATE COST SUBTOTAL 1.0 Design & Documentation 1.1 Balance of design fees $15,629.20 Construction 2.0 Project Management 2.1 Mobilization 2.2 Site management 2.3 Security and fencing 2.4 Testing allowance 1 1 1 1 LS LS LS LS $10,840.46 $8,306.27 $7,618.24 $5,000.00 $31,764.97 3.0 Civil Works 3.1 Earthworks 3.2 Material import 3.3 Drainage works 384.20 m³ 492.55 m³ 1 LS $38.51 $84.26 $14,796.98 $41,500.66 $11,920.03 $68,217.67 4.0 Skatepark Elements 4.1 Shotcrete features 4.2 Wall & ledge features 4.3 Stair features 4.4 Flatwork 4.5 Skatepark metals and coping 4.6 Concrete detailing 306.64 26.28 0.516 439.3 206.89 1 m² m³ m³ m² lin m LS $355.15 $1,636.37 $3,173.60 $131.23 $91.27 $108,903.20 $43,003.80 $1,637.58 $57,649.34 $18,882.85 $4,704.77 $234,781.54 Base Project Total 5.0 Earthworks and materials import for site preparation to meet geotechnical recommendations 6.0 Optional Items 6.1 Landscape remediation (topsoil & sod) 6.2 Hydroseed 6.3 Planting 6.4 Asphalt -‐ pathway 214.3 316.6 1 88.5 m² m² LS m² $350,393.38 $33,400.00 $25.49 $13.83 $30.74 $5,462.51 $4,378.58 $922.30 $2,720.49 $13,483.88 Grand Total 18 $397,277.26 plus tax JLT Management Consulting Jerri Taylor 34 Pickwick Lane. Lacombe, AB. T4L 1T5 Phone: 403-318-2273 Email: April 30, 2014 Stettler Health Services Foundation C/O Leona Thorogood Box 1443, 4812-49 Street Stettler AB.TOC 2L0 Dear: Leona & Committee Members Thank you for providing JLT Management Consulting with the opportunity to present a proposal to for consulting services that will assist in the future capital planning for health care in Stettler. 1.0 BACKGROUND The collective community of Stettler which includes but is not limited to the Health Services Foundation, the County of Stettler and the Town of Stettler, has come together to be proactive partners in the redevelopment and coordinated planning of the future needs of the Stettler Hospital and Care Center. The collective community’s vision is to be a proactive partner who is seen as part of the solution in providing a well thought out planning document that can be used as a blue print for the future. Stettler is a growing community and is serving as the HUB for health care services for many of the communities east of Stettler. A master plan was created for the Stettler facility in 2004/05 and shortly thereafter the new renal dialysis unit was completed. In November 2010 Points West Living was successful in obtaining an Affordable Supportive Living Initiative (ASLI) grant for $8.8 million to construct an 88 unit supportive living facility in Stettler which opened in July 2013. Many of the residents from the Stettler Hospital continuing care site were transferred to the new Points West facility. This transfer of residents has vacated the oldest portion of the existing nursing home at the care center. The collective community sees the need to prepare an updated longer range plan to ensure that future fund raising is targeted on the appropriate priority areas. 2.0 OVERVIEW – SCOPE OF SERVICES 1) Develop a needs assessment document that outlines the growth of Stettler over the past five years and forecasts the future needs and provides the basis for planning of the key redevelopment priorities at the Stettler Facility. 1|Page JLT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 19 KEY PRIORITIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enhance the Second Operating Room (OR) Enhanced Labor and Deliver Suite (LDR) Emergency Room Expansion (ER) Expand Laboratory & Diagnostic Imaging (Lab/DI) OBJECTIVES: The objective of the overall initiative is to outline the planning phases with a focus on the completion of Phase 1. This will result in an effective document that can be utilized as the frame-work for the subsequent phases of planning for the Stettler facility. This document will be developed through a collaborative process of all stakeholders to determine needs and feasibility. The process will be led by the Stettler Community Collaborative, with Alberta Health Services (AHS) being invited to be key partner in the collaborative planning process. PHASE 1 CURRENT NEEDS AND FEASIBILTY: 1) Meetings with the core committee to identify key stakeholders and set meeting dates, 2) Facilitate meetings with key stakeholders in Stettler, to review and establish project objectives, and define planning principals, 3) Research and document statistics re current and future growth at a preliminary level, 4) Engage with key stakeholders, including AHS, to ensure a collaborative approach to future planning, 5) Determine potential preliminary space needs and potential locations with operational flow in mind for priority needs services and future locations, PHASE 2 CONCEPTUAL PLANNING: 1) Provide an overview, at the conceptual level, of the potential physical layout of priority areas, 2) Provide an overview of the impact of the planned changes on the facility as a whole, NOTE - Phase 1 and 2 as outlined are within the scope of services offered by JLT Management Consulting 2|Page JLT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 20 PHASE 3 (Future) PROGRAMING AND OPERATIONAL COSTING: 1) FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING 2) BUSINESS CASE (Operational and Capital) PHASE 4 (Future) PROJECT PLAN AND DESIGN: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) DETAILED CONSTRUCTION PLANNING PRELIMINARY DESIGN OPTIONS (Drawings) RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL COSTS NOTE - Phase 3 & 4 will require the expertise of John Murray Architect Associates (JMAA) The objective of this proposal is to provide the services to complete Phase 1 and 2 of the planning and a preliminary outline of the future phases. 3.0 TEAM JLT Management Consulting was founded in January of 2012, it provides a professional consulting service based on 30 years of health care administration, finance, and capital planning and project management of the principal Jerri Taylor. (See attached) As well I have associates who have expertise in statistics and costing, as well as architecture technology and space planning who will assist me in Phase 1 and 2 respectively. 3|Page JLT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 21 ESTIMATED TIMELINE & FEES FOR THE PROJECT PHASE 1 CURRENT NEEDS AND FEASIBILTY: Activities Completion Target Date Steering Committee Meetings (8) Ongoing/Sept 15 2014 Facilitated Stake Holder Meetings (4 to 5) June 30 2014 Data & Information Collection etc. July 15 2014 Draft Report September 01 2014 FEE - Estimated Fees to Complete Phase 1 $ 12,500.00 plus expenses. PHASE 2 CONCEPTUAL PLANNING Activities Completion Target Date Conceptual level of the potential physical layout of priority areas Overview of the impact of the planned changes to the facility as a whole September 01 2014 September 01 2014 FEE - Estimated Fees to Complete Phase 2 $ 4, 000.00 plus expenses. Expenses consist of Mileage at 60 cents per KM, meeting costs, office and telephone costs, plus GST. Respectfully, JLT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING Jerri Taylor Principal 4|Page JLT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 22 TOWN OF STETTLER STRATEGIC PLANNING 2014 Goal Actions Required Mayor to request meeting with Reeve to clarify issues and determine willingness to cooperate March Committee Meeting InCamera Session to discuss realistic strategies and alternatives 1. Equitable Recreation Cost Sharing Request single item Joint Council meeting with the County to request County's formal position Implement public awareness, financial impact and any other strategies as determined appropriate, if necessary 2. Healthcare Improvements Person(s) Responsible Date Mayor February Council/key staff March Council/key staff April Council/key staff Updated May 26, 2014 Step Completed Compile documention to support existing facility operating deficits and Capital Funding levels. In-Camera discussion regarding both Capital and Operating recreation funding equity. Town supported moving directly to Mediation. County has agreed and a joint application for funding assistance has been submitted to the province. Pre-winter Initial public awareness within SRC Grand Re-Opening itinerary. Similar funding season inequity noted in 2014 Tax Notice Insert (May 2014). Continued support for Health Foundation and/or local working group(s) Invite Foundation to give update to Council Council/BofT Executive Director All year Town and County considering support for "Needs Assessment" Planning document to determine re-development priorities at the Stettler Facility. Presentation to Council by L. Thorogood on June 3, 2014. CAO March In-Camera, L. Thorogood. Commence lobbying strategy/effort prior to the next provincial election. Foundation/ Council/local working group All year 23 TOWN OF STETTLER STRATEGIC PLANNING 2014 Goal Actions Required Person(s) Responsible Date Affordable Housing: Contact the Housing Authority regarding interest to manage more housing units within identified housing gaps Council Rep March Housing Authority All Year Investigate affordable funding opportunities and partnerships 3. Housing Development Strategy Planning & Development Other Housing Needs: Facilitate Officer/BofT landowner/developer discussions Executive Director All year Monitor existing serviced land inventory and monitor public inquiry levels for desired housing types All year Planning & Development Officer Updated May 26, 2014 Step Completed Ongoing Board discussion. Identifed possible multi-unit sized locations for potential seniors condo development. Initiate and support interested developers with current landowners. • Introduced Calgary realtor Ralph Gitzen to local commercial realtors regarding a national chain expansion which lead to some discussions on residential development. • Jandel Homes park model trailer and manufactured homes presentation included site selection presentation and land owner introductions. • New Vintage Homes (existing parks in Drumheller & Vermillion) homes presentation included site selection presentation and land owner introductions. • Discussion: Wayne Stratulate regarding local investment in residential properties. • Dandurand Realty, discussions regarding opportunities for the remaining 64 acres in meadowlands. • Penrose Contractors, discussions regarding opportunities and locations for Seniors Housing. Determined suitable locations for multi unit residential and seniors condo developments. Continue top monitor residential lot sales and construction activity. 24 TOWN OF STETTLER STRATEGIC PLANNING 2014 Goal 4. Indoor Sports Facility Actions Required Person(s) Responsible Request meeting with Clearview & County to assess project status and ongoing willingness to partner for such a facility Updated May 26, 2014 Date Step Completed Council/key staff June Clearview internal working group held two visioning sessions. Identified a preference for a facility that offers services not already availabe in the community. The Clearview Committee Board is determining next steps; re: SMS gym space. Need to clarify and determine the appropriate scale of scope of the project. Key staff from all partners Summer Research other collaborations Director of PLS Summer Conceptualize a new high quality print and electronic version of an ongoing publication tool; going 5. Enhanced Public beyond the more simple monthly BofT Executive Communication of Director water bill newsletter insert. Town Accomplishments Draft a memo to Council regarding the costs of such a project Research for qualified consultants, set terms of reference and expected outcomes, RFP's and bring back costs to Council for approval. In house solution may be only option GIS Coordinator Work with existing major service providers (Telus & Shaw) to 6. Community Internet deliver better service. Advocate GIS Coordinator Speed & Capability for improved internet services where identified to be below Assessment/Audit acceptable standards April Municipal support in principle has not been requested by Clearview at this time. Town Life April 2014 publication was published and distributed at $.93 each. 5,000 copies were distributed. First edition costs included considerable staff time, $4,172 in publication costs and $485.00 in circulation costs. (Canada Post) houses, apartments, seniors centre mail boxes via weekender. Second edition in planning stages. Spring Upon consulting with Telus and Shaw and their acknowledgment of capacity and coverage issues in Stettler, an audit was viewed as unnecessary. With input from Artemis, Telus and Shaw a better geographical representation will result. All year The Board of Trade organized conference calls with our local working group and Telus and Shaw. Some capacity upgrades are expected to be online in the next 3 months and further upgrades within the year. Areas in our community where coverage is weak/non-existent still need attention. 25 TOWN OF STETTLER STRATEGIC PLANNING 2014 Goal Actions Required Looking to see if Town can acquire the 300m Telus tower on Town land. Looking to see if Supernet is a viable option. Person(s) Responsible Date Updated May 26, 2014 Step Completed CAO March Telus has currently exercised their option to renew the tower lease for 10 years. Possiblility that this lease extension option may be recinded and that the tower may be available to purchase in the near future. BofT Executive Director and GIS Coordinator March Council has signed a confidentiality, a MOU and License Agreement regarding Telus infrastructure upgrades. 26 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: TOWN OF STETTLER COUNCIL DATE: 2014 05 26 GREG SWITENKY CAO CANCELLATION OF SUMMER COMMITTEE MEETINGS Traditionally the July and August Committee of the Whole Meetings have been cancelled due to a lower work load over the summer. A special meeting may be called, if necessary to deal with any emerging issue(s). Recommendation: 1. To cancel the July and August Committee of the Whole Meetings. 27 Request For Subdivision Agenda Item: Issue: Applicant: Steven Vaughn Wilfort Subdivision Applicant: #2014-03 Legal: SE 1 – 39 – 20 W4 Proposed Subdivision: Six (6) Parcels Consisting of: 25 +/- acre Highway Commercial Parcel 8.7 +/- acre Highway Commercial/Urban Reserve Parcel 19.5+/- acre Urban Reserve Parcel 34.6 +/- acre Urban Reserve Parcel 10.7 +/- acre Urban Reserve Parcel 17.5 +/- acre Municipal Reserve Parcel Recommendation: That the application for a six (6) parcel subdivision as shown on the Tentative Plan has been evaluated in terms of Section 654 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 7 of the Subdivision and Development Regulations and having considered adjacent landowner(s) submissions, it is recommended that the application be approved as per Tentative Plan for the following reasons: 1. That the application is consistent with Section 7 of the Subdivision and Development Regulations; 2. The application is consistent with the policies of the Municipal Development Plan; and 3. The application is consistent with the Land Use Bylaw 2018-11. Further, in accordance with Sections 654 and 655 of the Municipal Government Act, the application is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Subdivision to be effected by a Plan of Survey, pursuant to Section 657 of the Municipal Government Act. 2. All outstanding Property Taxes to be paid to the County of Stettler No. 6 as per Section 654 (1) (d) of the Municipal Government Act. 3. Municipal Reserves in the amount of 17.5 +/- Acres shall be dedicated to the Town of Stettler, pursuant to Section 669 of the Municipal Government Act. 4. The requirement for offsite levies are deferred until further subdivision or development applications. 5. The requirement for a Development Agreement regarding municipal improvements such as water supply, sewage disposal, storm water management, on-site roads, and other utilities is deferred until further subdivision or development applications. Notes: a. Any existing instruments on the land title in favour of the users of lease roads, pipelines or other oil and gas facilities or other infrastructure shall be carried forward to the land title of the proposed parcel. 28 IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION General: The proposed subdivision of six (6) parcels is located within the Inter-municipal Development plan area as part of the annexation in 2010. The applicant has requested this subdivision to separate his personal owned land (home site) from his corporation lands (future development sites) and to clean up his dedication of municipal reserve to the Town of Stettler. He is currently working with Town of Stettler administration on a highway commercial subdivision of 3 parcels for development which will include the requirements for offsite levies and municipal improvements such as water supply, sewage disposal, storm water management, on-site roads, and other utilities. BACKGROUND Key Issues: 1. Future Land Use – The Applicant has an existing Area Structure Plan for the quarter section which accommodates residential and commercial development. Legislation and Policy: 1. Staff has assessed this application against the provisions outlined in the: • Town of Stettler Land Use Bylaw 2018-11. • The Town and County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan. • The Town of Stettler Municipal Development Plan. Technical Review: External Agencies: • Alta Gas – No Objections • Atco Electric – No Objections • Alberta Transportation – Access to the proposed parcel must be from the existing service road, AB Transportation will not permit any new or additional direct highway access. All Parcels must have legal access from a local road. • Canada Post – No Concerns. • County of Stettler – As discussed, No objections Technical Considerations (as per application): • Topography – Flat/Rolling • Soil Characteristics – Sandy/Clay • Storm Water Collection and Disposal – Storm Water Management Plan in place with retention pond on 8.7 +/- acre Parcel • Accessibility to Road – 70th Street, 44 Avenue and 50 Avenue • Water supply, sewage and solid waste disposal – Deferred until further development or subdivision applications. • The use of the land in the vicinity of the site – Highway Commercial / Agricultural Alternatives: Defeat the application, stating reasons Author: Leann Graham, Director of Planning and Development 29 30 TO: FROM: DATE: 2014 06 03 Town of Stettler Council Greg Switenky CAO CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER’S REPORT – MAY 2014 ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE & LEGISLATIVE – Greg Switenky 1. Meetings attended included: Town Council & Committee of the Whole, 2014 Operating (Tax) Budget Session and Regional Water Services Strategic Committee. 2. ATCO Franchise appreciation dinner. 3. Summer Village of White Sands Land Use Bylaw proposed revisions for RV’s. 4. Finalize 2014 Operating (Tax) Budget and Tax Rate Bylaw. 2014 Combined Assessment and Tax Notices with highlights insert were mailed on May 23rd, 2014. 5. Finalize 2013 Water True-up documentation for our regional partners. 6. Finalize recruitment of successful candidate for Assistant Chief Administrative Officer position. 7. Assume CAO responsibilities upon departure of Rob Stoutenberg on May 9th, 2014. 8. Ongoing internet matters with TELUS. 9. Carry-forward Garbage & Recycling Contract renewal for 2014. 10. Stettler Middle School Grade 8 camp. TRANSPORTATION – Ivan Wilford 1. Sign repairs, graves and cremations, completed lane cleanup, pothole repairs, finished street sweeping and boulevard cleaning, swept highway boulevards for Carillion, hired new grader operator who completed 2/3rds of the lanes and hauled street sweepings to Regional Landfill. 2. Took snow fence down, pumped Cold Lake down 8 inches, installed a small culvert on well road at gun range, hauled black dirt to Blair Boulevard and swept Rochon Sands. 3. Repaired some landscaping from winter plowing, swept sand out of grass and off parking lot at WTP, installed handicap logos at arena parking lot, hauled scrap wood out of yard and started line painting. 31 CAO REPORT JUNE 3, 2014 PAGE 2 WATER – Rene Lamoureux 1. Routine rounds, readings, locates and testing, water meter program and stopped meter, Water Transfer Station (WTS) on-line daily tests, readings and cleaning. 2. Assisted with pigging main from the Water Treatment Plant(WTP) to the Water Transfer Station (WTS), Airport inspection, emptied holding tank at the WTS and worked on level sensor for tank. 3. Staff training re: Water & Sewer Level II Test. 4. Repaired hydrant at UFA Building Centre, 4115-62 Street, Elementary School and the Fire Hall. 5. Cleaned sewer main in school yard, flushed sewer main behind 6301-41 Avenue & 4001-65 Street (blockage – soap and grease build-up). 6. Trained on new flusher vac truck and camera sewer main behind 6301-41 Avenue. WATER TREATMENT PLANT – Gates Bilodeau 1. Pigging and flushing of the 400-mm (16 inch) Potable Water Distribution Line to the Water Transfer Station was completed May 14. Pig was inserted into the Pig Launcher (photo 1) at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and arrived at the pig receiver station located at the Water Transfer Station (WTS) in approximately 7 hours. The line is approximately 21km (13 miles) in length hence a transmitter (photo 2) is inserted in the pig so it can be monitored when in travel. All was very successful thanks to our plant and Town staff. Pig within the Launch Transmitter 32 CAO REPORT JUNE 3, 2014 PAGE 3 Pig Retrieved 2. Installation of the Sonic Solutions Algae Control System was completed May 6. We are tracking performance and cleaning of the transducers (photo 1) bi-weekly. According to our supplier manual, the detector (photo 2) measures micro-amps and anything above 20 will be effective at destroying algae. Currently, there is no sign of any algae growth. In 2013, we were using polydex for algae control and our cost was $16,500.00 as of May 31. Transducer Detector Unit 3. Upgrades and inspection to the Raw Water Pumphouse Overhead Crane was completed May 13. Photo 1 is the old crane without drop stops and Photo 2 with drop stops. Old crane with no drop stops New crane with Drop stops 33 CAO REPORT JUNE 3, 2014 PAGE 4 4. The raw water flow meter has been installed and leak tested. The power, controls, programming, testing, tuning and commissioning will be complete by June 30. Pipe modifications Meter with flange Installed DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS – Melissa Robbins 1. Meetings: • WTS Inlet Flow Meter discussion with County • Safety Meeting • Steve Wilfort Development • Jewal Development Servicing questions • Distribution line pigging preparation • CCC Inspection of 55 Street Lane Sanitary Main Replacement • Traffic Safety Meeting • 2014 Road Improvements Pre-construction Meeting • Met RCMP discussed parking lot deterioration concerns • Regional Water Meeting • Parks and Public Works Joint Planning Meeting 2. Projects: • Chip seal of Tower Road and Ring Road • Draft RFP for Regional Collaboration Grant – Servicing Study • Lagoon Aeration Building – RFP for repairs • Reinstatement of Community Gardens and planters due to storm main replacement • Review of parking and speed adjacent to Sports Park • Information packages sent to landowners adjacent to road construction projects • Responded to many citizen request/concern inquiries DIRECTOR OF PARKS & LEISURE – Lee Penner 1. Meetings attended: Beautification, Walk & Roll Committee, Safety, Joint Health & Safety Advisory, SRC Upgrade Final Deficiency Review, Downtown Park and Central Alberta Recreation Association. 2. SRC upgrade final deficiency – outstanding items are the Library fireplace and front door air curtain. 34 CAO REPORT JUNE 3, 2014 PAGE 5 3. New Parks & Leisure Services Foreman has been hired. 4. Hosted the Wm. E. Hay High School Grad in the SRC. 5. Completed the summer lineup of Entertainment in the Park. 6. Began installation of new audio visual systems in the Stettler Community Hall. DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT - Leann Graham 1. Building Permit Activity to Date Institutional Industrial Commercial Residential Total 2013 Permits to April 30, 2013 2014 Permits to April 30, 2014 $26,000.00 $5,000.00 $405,000.00 $1,930,000.00 $438,520.00 $126,500.00 $869,520.00 $2,061,500.00 2. Projects: − Jewal Investments Development Projects − Solution Corp Site Re-Development − West Gate Business Park Subdivisions − Meadowlands by the Park − Don Peters Development Agreement − Housing Initiative − NE Industrial Road Closure − Fire Hall Parking Lot – execution of land transfers − Portable Signs Survey − Bylaw Property Inspection for Compliance Order Diary Date − Review of Traffic Bylaw − Bylaw – Municipal Outreach Initiative − Bylaw – Inspections and Inquiries − Planning & Development Inquiries 3. Meetings − Solution Corp − Steve Wilfort − Dandurand Realty − Don Peters − HYC Board − Jandel Homes − MPC − Jewal Investments − HYC Awesome Auction − Big Brother Big Sister 100th Year Birthday 35 CAO REPORT JUNE 3, 2014 PAGE 6 4. Education − NACLAA Level I and II Completion − SLGM Leadership Workshop − CLGM Designation REGIONAL FIRE CHIEF – Mark Dennis 1. Meetings • Alberta First Responder Radio Communication System • AFCA Region 5 Meeting 2. Training • Fire Engine pumping apparatus/driver operator training 3. Fire Prevention • Fire Smart presentation at Rochon Sands 4. Fire Department Operations • Repaired overhead door at Station 2 Big Valley • Apparatus repairs • Working on tender for replacement of Town of Stettler Engine 5. Regional Incident Summary • Total 20 calls – 1 Motor Vehicle Incident, 7 Public Service/EMS Assist, 4 Fires, 8 Alarm investigations Greg Switenky CAO 36 System: 2014-05-21 1:17:15 PM User Date: 2014-05-21 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date From: First First First Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 64311 Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 64350 Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== A.A.M.D.C. 64311 2014-05-23 $12,273.48 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blades for Unit #24 1380474 $596.00 Repair Parts Unit #117 1379435 $491.90 Brooms for Unit #6 & 42 1377659 $5,891.95 Plywood 304269510 $407.99 Lumber 304274829 $127.08 Repair Parts 2586123 $1,344.00 Hydrant Parts 2586122 $2,316.35 Hydrant Parts 2563785 $981.91 Lumber 304275498 $116.30 ====================================================================================================================== A.U.M.A. 64312 2014-05-23 $315.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Job Postings & Classifieds IN000004647 $315.00 ====================================================================================================================== Alberta Animal Services 64313 2014-05-23 $11,912.25 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 2014 Bylaw Enforcement 11252 $11,912.25 ====================================================================================================================== Alberta Municipal Health & Saf 64314 2014-05-23 $233.80 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PH&S Act, Regulation Course 61163 $52.50 WHMISC Self Study Workbooks 61152 $181.30 ====================================================================================================================== Barclay, Kelly 64315 2014-05-23 $135.45 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clothing Allowance 2014.05.14 $135.45 ====================================================================================================================== Bemoco Land Surveying Ltd. 64316 2014-05-23 $838.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Consolidation Plan Fire Hall 42427 $838.00 ====================================================================================================================== Berry-Bryce, Shelley 64317 2014-05-23 $1,600.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 2014 Hall Janitor 2014.05.21 $1,600.00 ====================================================================================================================== Bounty Onsite Inc. 64318 2014-05-23 $76.13 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 System: 2014-05-21 1:17:15 PM User Date: 2014-05-21 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 2 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Door Signs 001-008830 $76.13 ====================================================================================================================== Brugman, Etienne J. L. 64319 2014-05-23 $745.67 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travel & Subsistence (Room) 2014.05.16 $745.67 ====================================================================================================================== Can Pak Environmental Inc. 64320 2014-05-23 $22,309.24 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------May Waste Collection 3233 $22,309.24 ====================================================================================================================== Canadian Union of Public Emplo 64321 2014-05-23 $507.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Union Dues PP#10 2014.05.21 $507.50 ====================================================================================================================== Chapman Riebeek 64322 2014-05-23 $1,847.09 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------March 2014 Legal Services 2014.04.11 $1,847.09 ====================================================================================================================== Corporate Payment Systems 64323 2014-05-23 $16,542.08 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gate's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.GAT $1,403.26 Ivan's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.IVA $1,327.64 Wayne's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.WAY $38.74 Greg's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.GRE $102.55 Etienne's spending visa expens 2014.05.05.ETI $2,357.34 Mark's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.MAR $3,671.84 Lee's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.LEE $3,505.52 Rob's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.ROB $176.02 Gerry's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.GER $2,474.96 Sonia's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.SON $593.79 Melissa's spending visa expens 2014.05.05.MEL $45.86 Roger's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.ROG $361.81 Rene's spending visa expenses 2014.05.05.REN $482.75 ====================================================================================================================== Dean's Machine Inc. 64324 2014-05-23 $1,207.08 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Build pins & bushings Unit #6 35207 $1,207.08 ====================================================================================================================== Emco Waterworks 64325 2014-05-23 $5,933.10 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drain Line 3129380-00 $1,801.80 Repair Clamps & Tees 3129185-00 $3,975.10 Tees 3129262-00 $156.20 ====================================================================================================================== Fastimes Trucking 64326 2014-05-23 $630.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hired Equipment 3944 $630.00 38 System: 2014-05-21 1:17:15 PM User Date: 2014-05-21 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 3 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Graham, Leann 64327 2014-05-23 $120.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shelves 2014.05.12 $120.00 ====================================================================================================================== Guillevin International Co. 64328 2014-05-23 $997.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tool Adapter 0407-454711 $997.50 ====================================================================================================================== IJD Inspections Ltd. 64329 2014-05-23 $1,359.16 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Building Permits ST14-04 $1,359.16 ====================================================================================================================== J. T. Auto Body Ltd. 64330 2014-05-23 $309.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Door Pins Unit #75 18262 $309.75 ====================================================================================================================== Jen Express 64331 2014-05-23 $66.70 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Freight 299 $35.55 Freight 348 $31.15 ====================================================================================================================== Joe Johnson Equipment 64332 2014-05-23 $51.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Unit #42 P09314 $51.75 ====================================================================================================================== Municipal Property Consultants 64333 2014-05-23 $6,006.66 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 2014 Assessor 17056 $6,006.66 ====================================================================================================================== Okay Tire Stettler 64334 2014-05-23 $25.20 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tire Repair Unit #81 IN000488 $25.20 ====================================================================================================================== Patterson, Greg 64335 2014-05-23 $8,137.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sanidump Pad 431053 $8,137.50 ====================================================================================================================== Penner, Lee 64336 2014-05-23 $51.57 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reimburse Expenses 2014.05.08 $51.57 39 System: 2014-05-21 1:17:15 PM User Date: 2014-05-21 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 4 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Praxair Distribution 64337 2014-05-23 $760.78 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cylinder Lease & Chemicals 18413785 $760.78 ====================================================================================================================== Receiver General for Canada 64338 2014-05-23 $194.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Garnishee PP#10 2014.05.14 $194.00 ====================================================================================================================== Shaw Cablesystems GP 64339 2014-05-23 $172.64 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 2014 Calbe TV 2014.05.09 $172.64 ====================================================================================================================== Stenlund, Wayne 64340 2014-05-23 $125.99 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clothing Allowance 2014.05.09 $125.99 ====================================================================================================================== Stettler Motors (1998) Ltd. 64341 2014-05-23 $107.37 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Unit #75 136876 $107.37 ====================================================================================================================== The Country Register Ltd. 64342 2014-05-23 $183.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Art Walk/Quilt Show Advertisin 2290 $183.75 ====================================================================================================================== The Standard Life Assurance Co 64343 2014-05-23 $719.87 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------April HSCA 140430 $719.87 ====================================================================================================================== Tomko Sports Systems Alberta 64344 2014-05-23 $2,368.85 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ball Diamond Equipment 14065 $2,368.85 ====================================================================================================================== Trinus Technologies Inc 64345 2014-05-23 $38.06 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technical Support P354-11118 $38.06 ====================================================================================================================== Verhoeven, Sarah 64346 2014-05-23 $97.54 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travel & Subsistance (Mileage) 2014.05.16 $97.54 40 System: 2014-05-21 1:17:15 PM User Date: 2014-05-21 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 5 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Watson Welding Ltd. 64347 2014-05-23 $196.22 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit #88 dumpbox material 4502 $196.22 ====================================================================================================================== Wesclean Equipment & Cleaning 64348 2014-05-23 $783.04 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signs, Waste Containers etc. 6084229 $783.04 ====================================================================================================================== Westvac Industrial Ltd. 64349 2014-05-23 $37.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Unit #6 5689 $37.75 ====================================================================================================================== Wet Water Industries Ltd. 64350 2014-05-23 $76.89 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------June Water Treat Equip Rent 79340 $76.89 --------------------$100,094.41 ===================== Total Cheques 41 System: 2014-05-28 12:45:47 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date From: First First First Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 64351 Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 64397 Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== Acklands - Grainger Inc. 64351 2014-05-30 $11,888.55 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Towels 6064 0760504 $271.65 Bins 6064 0760484 $61.87 Shop & Safety Supplies 6064 0759792 $438.51 Air Pack & Safety Supplies 6064 0759663 $4,327.37 Shop & Safety Supplies 6064 0760576 $134.12 Shop Tools 6064 0760191 $93.19 Mobile Work Station 6064 0760239 $1,553.99 Super size bins 6064 0760540 $55.40 Safety Clothing 6064 0760131 $103.94 Safety Supplies 6064 0760496 $139.08 Janitor Supplies 6064 0758922 $5,616.18 Bathroom Supplies 6064 0759953 $64.84 ====================================================================================================================== Action Plumbing & Excavating 64352 2014-05-30 $4,608.98 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Service Call to Fire Hall W21323 $941.90 Service Call to Arena W21152 $95.95 Service Call to Pool W21312 $2,612.79 Service Call to Pool W21428 $958.34 ====================================================================================================================== Artemis Computers 64353 2014-05-30 $1,022.67 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toner Cartridge SI-135437 $337.04 Service Call Rec Centre SI-135546 $419.99 USB Extender SI-135405 $265.64 ====================================================================================================================== Bagshaw Electric Ltd. 64354 2014-05-30 $12,387.54 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Service Call to Town Shop 17133A $230.24 Repair Parts Unit #7 239944 $7.72 Service Call to WTP 17146A $3,272.35 Service Call to WTP 17166A $2,136.88 6V Battery 240026 $199.12 Service Call to Reservoir 17076A $4,888.80 1/2 hp Motor for A-Lift 240203 $114.45 Float Weights 240568 $30.03 Service call to B Lift 17033A $78.23 Service call to Rec Centre 17143A $860.19 Propane 240104 $152.15 Box of Wire 239959 $417.38 ====================================================================================================================== Baharally, Charlene 64355 2014-05-30 $50.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------42 System: 2014-05-28 12:45:47 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 2 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Tune Card 2014.05.21 $50.00 ====================================================================================================================== Bond-O Communications Ltd. 64356 2014-05-30 $3,576.54 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 - Apple Iphone 5s BONDOIN79065 $349.63 Apple Iphone 5s BONDOIN79235 $844.19 Upgrade Town Radioès BONDOIN79416 $2,382.72 ====================================================================================================================== Brownlee LLP 64357 2014-05-30 $1,415.17 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------M.Pidherney's WTP/Lagoon 4001483 $1,415.17 ====================================================================================================================== Burmac Mechanical 2000 64358 2014-05-30 $1,064.97 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shop Sink & Tap 77993 $336.69 Repair Parts 78048 $9.50 Repair Parts 78067 $250.40 Repair Parts 78112 $240.90 Furnace Filtre 78025 $227.48 ====================================================================================================================== Can Pak Environmental Inc. 64359 2014-05-30 $1,205.82 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 2014 Composting 3211 $1,205.82 ====================================================================================================================== Canadian Linen & Uniform Servi 64360 2014-05-30 $234.56 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arena Grey Mats 5400900167 $234.56 ====================================================================================================================== Canadian Tire #671 64361 2014-05-30 $46.07 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Garbage Pickers 0889 $46.07 ====================================================================================================================== Cas Tech Inc. 64362 2014-05-30 $178.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPS 23020 $178.50 ====================================================================================================================== Cervus Contractors Equipment 64363 2014-05-30 $1,359.42 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Unit #24 B140923 $192.01 Repair Parts Unit #24 BI40935 $200.29 Repair Parts Unit #117C VI46751A $66.78 Repair Parts 117C VI46751 $417.38 Repair Parts Unit #117 VI46743 $173.00 Bucket Tooth Assembley VI46818 $309.96 43 System: 2014-05-28 12:45:47 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 3 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Chemtrade West Limited Partner 64364 2014-05-30 $6,258.84 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemicals 91323132 $6,258.84 ====================================================================================================================== ClearTech Industries Inc. 64365 2014-05-30 $6,394.56 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemicals & Containers 572286 $3,166.63 Chemicals & Containers 572330 $4,049.03 ====================================================================================================================== County of Stettler 64366 2014-05-30 $172.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cabel Carrier & Connectors 38787 $172.00 ====================================================================================================================== Dodd, Sonia 64367 2014-05-30 $49.05 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flag Person Train the Trainer 2014.05.16 $49.05 ====================================================================================================================== Dust Fairies Cleaning Service 64368 2014-05-30 $212.63 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apr Fire Hall Cleaning Service 2014.04.01 $212.63 ====================================================================================================================== Graham, Leann 64369 2014-05-30 $941.59 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travel & Subsistence 2014.05.20 $941.59 ====================================================================================================================== GT Hydraulic & Bearing 64370 2014-05-30 $3,166.40 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Engine 6 000-235105 $51.61 Repair Parts Engine 6 999-014103 $926.54 Repair Parts Misc Units 000-2359998 $1,951.94 Filters 000-236451 $79.97 Repair Parts Unit #24 000-237010 $53.94 Repair Parts Unit 6 000-236164 $102.40 ====================================================================================================================== Hansel's Excavating Ltd. 64371 2014-05-30 $1,228.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hired Hydrovac & Operators 5610 $1,228.50 ====================================================================================================================== Heartland Auto Supply 64372 2014-05-30 $1,941.58 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wrench Organizer 182464 $107.08 Shop Safety and Supplies 180763 $571.41 Repair Parts Unit #12 183763 $80.83 Repair Parts Unit #42 182234 $135.32 Repair Parts Unit #26 183124 $4.22 44 System: 2014-05-28 12:45:47 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 4 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair Parts Unit #106 184402 $18.18 Rolling Step Ladder 182753. $577.50 Oil 181556 $17.17 Repair Parts 181779 $424.15 Repair Parts 183585 $5.72 ====================================================================================================================== Heartland Glass Ltd. 64373 2014-05-30 $370.65 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Install Windshield Unit #8 78335 $267.75 Door Closer 78427 $102.90 ====================================================================================================================== Heartland Stationers 64374 2014-05-30 $2,714.10 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bus Card Holder 47449 $4.10 Stationery 47531 $26.63 Stationery 47542 $52.27 Stationery 47721 $141.59 Stationery 47435 $7.56 Stationery 47615 $30.91 Stationery 47495 $4.10 Stationery 47496 $62.90 Stationery 47590 $67.10 Photocopies 8350 HS $378.00 Toner 47514 $167.90 Stationery 47689 $31.45 Round Table Dolly 8320 HS $1,401.75 Chair Glides 8327 HS $337.84 ====================================================================================================================== John Hull Architect 64375 2014-05-30 $5,961.38 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SRC Upgrade Design Developer 14-34 $2,417.63 SRC Upgrade Design Developer 14-36 $3,543.75 ====================================================================================================================== KaizenLAB Inc. 64376 2014-05-30 $479.54 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------WTP Samples INV0003534 $145.64 WTP Samples INV0004127 $333.90 ====================================================================================================================== Kathy's Printing Service 64377 2014-05-30 $42.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------May Issue of Heart Beat 1226 $42.00 ====================================================================================================================== Keiths Refrigeration 64378 2014-05-30 $1,701.27 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Service Call to Fire Hall 14065 $1,380.18 Air Filter 13090 $321.09 ====================================================================================================================== Kjersteen, Kelly 64379 2014-05-30 $61.95 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clothing Allowance 2014.05.14 $61.95 45 System: 2014-05-28 12:45:47 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 5 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Lamoureux, Rene 64380 2014-05-30 $140.28 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reimburse Petty Cash 2014.05.21 $140.28 ====================================================================================================================== Morrison Hershfield Limited 64381 2014-05-30 $441.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------M.Pidherney's/Read Contracting 196251 $441.00 ====================================================================================================================== Receiver General for Canada 64382 2014-05-30 $53,871.77 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tax Deductions PP#10 2014.05.13 $44,989.06 Tax Deductions PP#10 2014.05.13. $8,892.71 ====================================================================================================================== Rollies Vac Systems (1991) 64383 2014-05-30 $1,092.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------STP Pumpout 14182 $546.00 Landfill Pumpout 14164 $546.00 ====================================================================================================================== Scott, Graham 64384 2014-05-30 $588.24 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travel & Subsistence 2014.05.22 $588.24 ====================================================================================================================== Smith, Charleen 64385 2014-05-30 $76.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan to May Mileage Allowance 2014.05.26 $76.00 ====================================================================================================================== Sobeys Captial Inc. 64386 2014-05-30 $553.45 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lunch Room Supplies 1793021 $140.54 Coffee Room Supplies 1794265 $194.43 Coffee Room Supplies 1793061 $49.99 Coffee Room Supplies 1793677 $63.65 Coffee Room Supplies 1794205 $104.84 ====================================================================================================================== Spencer, Rob 64387 2014-05-30 $183.89 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Community Garden Plants 2014.05.23 $183.89 ====================================================================================================================== Stenlund, Wayne 64388 2014-05-30 $225.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horse Trailer Rental for 2014.05.13 $225.00 46 System: 2014-05-28 12:45:47 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 6 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Stettler Regional Board of Tra 64389 2014-05-30 $6,173.33 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Town's portion of Doctors Day 3071 $1,087.25 Stettler Life Magazine April 3081 $5,059.88 Prairie Padding Book 3088 $26.20 ====================================================================================================================== Superior Truck Equipment Inc. 64390 2014-05-30 $440,841.52 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015 VacCon Hydrovac W16059 $440,841.52 ====================================================================================================================== Tagish Engineering Ltd. 64391 2014-05-30 $26,001.68 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Town Patching & Pathway Const 12347 $1,566.34 Road Recon 50 ave fr 48-46 St 12343 $1,614.53 Road Recon 57 St fr 44-46 Ave 12344 $2,640.49 50th Ave from 38-42 St Paving 12346 $2,579.85 2011 55 St Lane Sewer Replace 12341 $9,747.52 Downtown Park Development 12345 $3,168.11 Water & Sewer Main Repl Hwy 56 12348 $4,684.84 ====================================================================================================================== Tait, Laurie 64392 2014-05-30 $589.08 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travel & Subsistence 2014.05.20 $589.08 ====================================================================================================================== Telus Mobility 64393 2014-05-30 $63.82 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telus Mike Apr 11 to May 10th 008478871144 $63.82 ====================================================================================================================== Tornado Combustion Technologie 64394 2014-05-30 $93,134.58 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extension of Sanitary Force 17425 $93,134.58 ====================================================================================================================== Town Trophy 64395 2014-05-30 $44.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name Plates and Tags 14084 $44.00 ====================================================================================================================== United Farmers of Alberta 64396 2014-05-30 $815.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mitre Saw 304277161 $629.99 Ball Diamond Marking Supplies 304277488 $185.51 ====================================================================================================================== Woody's Automotive Ltd. 64397 2014-05-30 $312.80 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Janitor Supplies 474915 $45.39 Shop Supplies 476444 $50.40 47 System: 2014-05-28 12:45:47 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 7 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oil Filtre Unit #80 475751 $9.07 Wate Pump Unit #75 476775 $174.07 Clearance Marker Unit #3 477189 $30.31 Spark Plug Unit #101 475805 $3.56 --------------------$695,882.77 ===================== Total Cheques 48 System: 2014-05-29 8:49:19 AM User Date: 2014-05-29 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date From: First First First Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 64398 Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 64398 Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== OK Tire Stettler 64398 2014-05-30 $25.20 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tire Repair Unit #81 IN000488 $25.20 --------------------$25.20 ===================== Total Cheques 49 System: 2014-05-28 12:31:05 PM User Date: 2014-05-28 Town Of Stettler CHEQUEBOOK POSTING JOURNAL Payables Management Page: User ID: 1 Veronica Audit Trail Code: PMVPY00000328 * Voided transactions Chequebook ID Type Number Date Paid To/Rcvd From Description Amount ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* GENERAL Cheque 64334 2014-05-28 Okay Tire Stettler $25.20 1 Transaction(s) 50 MINUTES OF THE MAY 21, 2014 REGIONAL WATER SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING TOWN OFFICE BOARD ROOM 3:00 P.M. Present: 1. Greg Switenky, CAO, Town of Stettler Steven Gerlitz, Assistant CAO, Town of Stettler Melissa Robbins, Director of Operational Services, Town of Stettler Malcolm Fischer, Councillor, Town of Stettler Gates Bilodeau, WTP Manager, Town of Stettler Rene Lamoureux, Water Foreman, Town of Stettler Eric Jerrard, CAO, Village of Botha Pat Gorcak, Mayor Village of Veteran, SMRWSC Tim Fox, CAO, County of Stettler, Manager SMRWSC Yvette Cassidy, Assistant CAO, County of Stettler, Assistant Manager SMRWSC Garth Ennis, Director of Environmental Services, County of Stettler Wayne Nixon, Reeve, County of Stettler, SMRWSC Brenda Knight, Lacombe County, Hwy 12/21 Keith Boras, Lacombe County, Acting Manager Hwy 12/21 Charleen Smith, Corporate Secretary, Town of Stettler Call to Order Chairman Reeve Nixon called the meeting to order at approximately 3:05 p.m. 2. Introductions Roundtable introductions were commenced. 3. Additions to Agenda Moved by M. Fischer that the agenda be accepted as presented with the following addition: 6(a) Operational Updates MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 4. Minutes of the Regional Water Meeting of January 10, 2014 Moved by P. Gorcak that the minutes of the January 10, 2014 Regional Water Services Committee Meeting be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 51 REGIONAL WATER SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 21, 2014 PAGE 2 5. Current Business a. Meter Testing Update(s) G. Switenky briefly explained that the meter testing updates are a carryover from the previous meetings. The primary purpose for this testing is to help confirm or provide better assurance that the amount of un-billed water loss currently quantified and accrued to the Town is relatively accurate. G. Bilodeau advised that additional testing has been completed on the flow meter at the WTS (intake line from the Plant) and results are not as positive as hoped. Alternative testing is currently under way using back pressure. It was noted that the meter was installed improperly, and prior to going through the expense of making any costly renovations, this testing is being jointly undertaken by staff. G. Switenky commented that the Town does not use this meter in the billing process, rather this meter is for internal verification/validation purposes. However this meter may at some point down the road need to be accurate should there be line losses encountered between the plant and the WTS. Chairman Reeve Nixon varied the order of the amended agenda to proceed into Operational Updates at this point. 6. Additions a. Operational Updates Gates Bilodeau - Town - reduced chemical usage at the WTP in raw water pond to reduce algae. - installed ultrasonic waves – benefit to all and is a less expensive way of controlling algae. - AB Environment to install a new raw water meter at the pumphouse to measure velocity in river. - pigged and flushed line to WTS. - cleaning of reservoirs and WTS. Keith Boars – Hwy 12/21 - New Norway is on line and Duhamel will be hooked up this summer or fall. - everything seems to be running smoothly Pat Gorcak - SMRWCS - line is progressing to Donalda. - are at the mercy of the Provincial Government for funding to install lines east and north of Donalda. Garth Ennis - County - Big Valley is up and running. 52 REGIONAL WATER SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 21, 2014 PAGE 3 - Donalda line is in. - installing electrical in Transfer Station. Wayne Nixon - County - water reservoir in Erskine and Red Willow to be complete this summer. Chairman Reeve Nixon returned the meeting to the amended agenda. 5. Current Business b. 2013 Water Usage/Water True-Up G. Switenky reviewed the history of true up calculations dating back to 2006 for Hwy 12/21 and 2009 for SMRWSC. He noted that the 2013 true-up rates for Botha and for both Regional Water Commissions was relatively close to their revised 2012 true-up rates: 2012 2013 True-up SMRWSC Interim $1.397 $1.421 $1.35 amount owing $22,151 Hwy 12/21 Interim $1.368 $1.388 $1.32 amount owing $5,420 Botha Interim $2.082 $2.161 $2.10 amount owing $1,760 In addition he noted the Town’s quantified unmetered water loss in 2013, which has been quantified at 77,277 m3 based on metered plant production less all consumption meters. G. Switenky explained that the Town’s 2014 water rate to their in-town customers is $2.59 m3 (volume) plus flat $10 per month (distribution). He showed in the model that if the Town decided to remove the $10 flat fee, then the volume fee would be equivalent to $3.13 m3. It was noted that this fee is in relative alignment with fees charged throughout the whole system. G. Switenky distributed true-up letters to Hwy 12/21, SMRWSC and the Village of Botha. B. Knight congratulated and thanked the Commissions and the Town for their cooperative working relationship. 6. Additions 53 REGIONAL WATER SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 21, 2014 PAGE 4 (a) Committee Updates - This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting. CAO G. Switenky introduced and welcomed the Town of Stettler’s new Assistant CAO Steven Gerlitz. 7. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at the Town Office at 1:00 p.m. 8. Adjournment The Regional Water Services Committee Meeting was adjourned at 3:43 p.m. 54 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL STETTLER WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014 AT 10:02 A.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF STETTLER NO. 6 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, STETTLER, ALBERTA PRESENT: Joe Gendre, County of Stettler Councillor (Chairperson) Sean Nolls, Town of Stettler (Vice Chairperson) Greg Switenky, Town of Stettler Assistant CAO James Nibourg, County of Stettler Councillor Rene Doucette, Manager/SWMA Representative Dan Hiller, Summer Village of Rochon Sands Fay Betts, Village of Botha (by Conference Call) John Pearson, Stettler Member at Large (by Conference Call) Laura Kelly-Stevenson, Village of Gadsby Grace Fix, Volunteer Recycling Member Tim Fox, County of Stettler CAO (SWMA Administrator) Yvette Cassidy, County of Stettler Assistant CAO (SWMA Assistant Administrator) ABSENT: Vacant, Village of Big Valley Malcolm Fischer, Town of Stettler Councillor Dan Knudtson, Village of Donalda Lorne Thurston, Summer Village of White Sands Councillor CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m., Friday, May 9, 2014 by Chairperson Joe Gendre. AGENDA APPROVAL Moved by James Nibourg “that the May 9, 2014 agenda for the Special Stettler Waste Management Authority Meeting be approved as presented.” Carried Unanimously NEW BUSINESS Purchase of Scraper: Moved by John Pearson “that the Stettler Waste Management Authority approve the purchase of a used Caterpillar 627G Motor Scraper S/N CAT627GPDBD00565 from GD Trading Ltd, Edmonton, Alberta at a cost of $365,000.00 plus Stettler Waste Management Authority Meeting Minutes - May 9, 2014 55 Page 1 of 2 $18,250.00 GST, with funds being drawn from Equipment, Vehicle and New Cell Reserves and the remaining amount drawn from the Operations Account.” In Favour: Joe Gendre, Sean Nolls, Dan Hiller, Fay Betts, John Pearson, Laura Kelly-Stevenson and Grace Fix Opposed: James Nibourg Carried ADJOURNMENT Moved by Fay Betts “that the Stettler Waste Management Authority Meeting be adjourned at 10:20 a.m.” Carried Unanimously __________________________ Chairperson _________________________ Administrator Stettler Waste Management Authority Meeting Minutes - May 9, 2014 56 Page 2 of 2 Town of Stettler County of Stettler 6620 - 44 Avenue P.O. Box 1270 Stettler. AB TOC 21..0 Phone: (403} 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742- 1277 Working Together In "The Heart of Alberta" 5031 - 50 Street P.O. Box 280 Stettler, AB TOC 21..0 Phone: (403) 742-8305 Fax: (403) 742- 1404 April 22, 2014 \ Acting Minister of Municipal Affairs # 404 Legislature Building l 0800-97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5K 286 Attention: Honourable Greg Weadick Dear Honorable Weadick: The Town and County of Stettler have used the Municipal Collaboration and Mediation Services with much success several years ago. We could use the services of a skilled mediator to help us resolve a current dispute we are having regarding equitable recreation cost-sharing. We are asking for approval of this funding for the assistance of a mediator to assist us in resolving this difficult problem. Hopefully we can have this issue resolved and continue our proactive relations with our neighbor. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Dick Richards, Mayor Town of Stettler ffaine Nixon. Reeve County of Stettler 57 TELUS Corporation Floor30SW 10020-100 St. NW Edmonton, AB. Canada T5J ONS 780 493 7336 Office 780 288 1286 Mobile Jeremy Chorney Director- Alberta Govemment Relations May 14,2014 Mayor Dick Richards and Members of Council Town of Stettler Box 280, 5031 - 50 Street Stettler, AB TOC 2LO Dear Mayor Richards and Members of Council: On behalf of the 5 team members based in Stettler, I am delighted to write that TELUS will be investing $500,000 in your town this year to expand wireless coverage including 4G LTE, the world's fastest wireless technology, extend the reach of our Internet-based TV service, and connect more homes and businesses to high-speed Internet. A news release with further details of our 2014 program is attached for your information. Helping to build stronger communities Since 2000, TELUS, our team members and retirees have contributed more than $100 million and over 1.53 million volunteer hours to charitable and community organizations throughout Alberta. This reflects our passionate commitment to building stronger communities and brings to life our corporate philosophy: "we give where we live." Keeping Canadians safe on line Last year. TELUS launched a free national program to keep Canadians of all ages safer on line. TELUS WISE (Wise Internet and Smartphone Education) offers seminars and online resources to educate and protect Canadians from cyberbullying, sexual exploitation, fraud and identify theft. The first of its kind in Canada. TELUS WISE was recently endorsed by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP). More information regarding this program can be found on our website at: Jobs and Taxes You may also be interested to know that TELUS contributes significantly to the town's tax base: in 2013, we paid in excess of $38,000 in municipal and business taxes. In addition our annual payroll in Stettler is $340,000. Thank you for the opportunity to share with you some of the ways in which TELUS is part of your town. I would be pleased to meet with you at your convenience to discuss our company's strong presence in Stettler and encourage you to contact me directly at either 780-493-7336 or Jeremy Chorney c. Rob Stoutenberg, Chief Administrative Officer Rick Strankman, MLA 1 58 Tourism, Parks and Recreation May 7, 2014 Mayor Dick Richards and Councillors Town of Stettler PO Box 280 Stettler AB TOC 2LO Dear Mayor Richards and Councillors: Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation and the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association (ARPA), are jointly sponsoring the 2014 Energize Workshop. The Energize Workshop will be hosted in conjunction with the ARPA Annual Conference, October 23-25, 2014 at th e .I:J sper Park Lodge in Jasper, Albett a. The ARPA conference has hi stori cally bee n attended by :1 full house of ove r 450 delegates from across the province. The annual workshop prov ides a forum for lenrning and networki ng for council members, recrention board members, ndministrntors and oth er Albertnns interested in recreation. Watch for the program brochure coming in late June! The Recreation Volunteer Recognition Awards have been a part of Energize since 1977 and, to date, 205 outstanding Albertans have been recognized (see attached list of recipients). You have the opportunity to nominate an individual (or individuals) from your community who has made significant contributions to recreation development. Please review the attached nomination form, award criteria and completion tips carefully to ensure your nominee is given full credit for volunteer work contributed. This information is also available on our website at The deadline for submissions is June 20,2014. Mail, email or fax completed nomination forms to: Mr. Chris Szabo, Physical Activity Advisor Recreation and Physical Activity Division Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation 90 I, I 0405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4R7 email: fax: (780) 427-5140 If you require additional information regarding the Energize Workshop or the Recreation Volunteer Recognition Awards, please contact Mr. Szabo directly in Edmonton at (780) 415-0276 (toll-free at 31 0-0000). Sincerely, ~ Roger Kramers, Executive Director Recreation and Physical Activity Division Brian Wright, Chair Energize Advisory Committee Attachments 59 ..At~ Government RECREATION VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AWARD NOMINATION FORM •!• please review the Award Criteria before completing the Nomination form •!• all information must be included on these forms (you may photocopy them as required) Nominee (individual being nominated): I First Name: Street Address: Cityffown: I I Postal Code: I Occupation: - ~ Last Name: j Street Address: I Postal Code: Last Name: l Phone (home): j Municipal Endorsement - Municipality: Contact Person (Full Name): I Mr r. . M s. r . Mrs. r . Missr . l Phone (business): 1 Phone (home): ] ~ Email: -· -- ·- - -·· l l Phone: j :I Positionffitle: &;:;:: · ~~~ ;- Phone (business): ~- Title (check one): I I Missr ' l offset ~....,- Nominator (submitted by): I M s. r . Mrs. r ' # of Years Nominee has lived in community: -- First Name: Mr.r . i Email: -~ Cityffown: Title (check one): .. - ·. -·;~~..: '" ~.......:E4:.f.-:1 . .... ~--..:- ·.i ..t.i!:lr,J.o:: i.~~·- - ... ., . Contact Person for more Nominee information, ifrequired: Contact Person (Full Name): l Phone: Email: I l Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award - Nomination Form 60 Page 1 Government . 1ude non-recreation mvo vement) : A . Recreation 0 r2amzatlon or Boardl nvo l vement (do not me Des~ripti~n_/Purpose Name of Recreation Organization.otcBoard I - Executive or Board Pos.i tion ·Held (one sentence limit) . I -=z= - ---e-·rm I -···· L • r··w·· ~- --===- = ..,. - " . .. ·- . - Specific. #of Years Years I l I I . -- ... I I I I I I ! ·l I I I l I l I l .. . -·· I .. - - - . ·-·· I - I ---· .. ...... -· ........ ... ········ 1- Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award - Nomination Form 61 ...... ·- . . -· Page2 Govern ment B. Recreaf IOn E vents, p roe:rams, serv1ces, Faciitles T" an d/or PorICies: · Events (Recreation Only) Volunteer Role New Event? (check )esor no) If Yes, was nominee involved in establishing ' the event? I Yes I No !Yes I No I Yes I No !Yes I No ! Yes I No I Yes ! No I Yes !No !Yes !No I Yes I No ! Yes I No I Yes I No I Yes I No Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award - Nomination Form 62 Specific Contributions Page3 .At~ Govern ment C. Describe recreation involvement that is not included elsewhere on this form. D. Describe the nominee's most significant volunteer contribution to recreation development and why you think this individual is qualified to receive an award Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award - Nomination Form 63 Page4 _Ai~ Gove rn me nt COMPLETING THE NOMINATION FORM Electronic Submissions: 1. Complete either the MS Word or PDF electronic Nomination Form 2. Save a copy (electronic and/or hard copy) for your records 3. Send completed electronic version of your Nomination Form to: Hard Copy Submissions: 1. Print off either the MS Word or PDF electronic Nomination Form 2. Complete Nomination Form and mail to: Mr. Chris Szabo Physical Activity Advisor Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation Recreation and Physical Activity Division 901, 10405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, Alberta TSJ 4R7 Or Fax to: (780) 427-5140 All forms and Awards Information can be found at the following web address: Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award - Nomination Form 64 Page 5 __At~ Governmen t TIPS FOR COMPLETING THE NOMINATION FORM Keep in mind that this is a recreation recognition award for volunteers (do not include non-recreational or non-volunteer involvement). Ensure the form is completed correctly and in its entirety: • It would be advantageous to research your data with family members to ensure important details are not omitted. • Type (or print legibly in black ink) all information on the nomination form ·provided (or on photocopies if additional space is required). • • Do not type or print outside the boxes on the form. Do not attach letters of support, photographs, newspaper articles, etc. Section A - the selection committee is likely unfamiliar with your community and its organizations. Therefore, please provide accurate, concise details. • Name of Recreation Organization or Board - include only organizations that the nominee was involved in at the executive or board level. Do not include any information if the nominee simply paid a membership fee and was considered an 'active member' of that organization, without being involved in the operations or decision-making processes. • Description/Purpose- concisely describe the organization and/or its purpose. • Executive or Board Position Held - include the title of the position the nominee held while on the executive or board. # of Years - include the number of years the nominee was on the executive or board. Do not include years the nominee was involved with the organization to a lesser degree. • • Time Period- include the actual years of service on the executive or Board (e.g. 98-07). Section B - provide details of the nominee's role and contributions to the development of recreation events, programs, services, facilities, policies, etc. • Events - include events, programs, services, facilities, policies, etc. • o include each event on a separate line and only include recreation events. o include previously established, as well as 'new' events. Volunteer Role - key word is volunteer. Include a one or two-word title for the nominee's role in this event. New Event? - if the event is 'new', indicate 'yes' with an X. • • Ifyes, was nominee involved in establishing the event? if you X'ed the previous column and the nominee was involved in establishing the event, enter Yes in this column. o if the nominee was not involved in establishing the event, but was involved in the organization or implementation, enter No in this column. o if you left the previous column blank, leave this column blank as well. Specific Contributions - list the details of the nominee's role in this event. o • Section C & D: self-explanatory. 2014 Recreation Volunteer Recognition Awards- Tips for completing Nomination Form 65 ..At~ Government RECREATION VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AWARD CRITERIA PURPOSE At Energize 2014, Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation will recognize four volunteers who, through their volunteer commitment and dedication, advanced the development of recreation in Alberta. Please give serious consideration to nominating an individual from your area. AWARD CRITERIA The following criteria will be used to review the nominations: 1. The nominee must be an Albertan who has made an outstanding contribution to recreation development at the community level in the Province of Alberta through: • a personal volunteer commitment to recreation development, • a consistent record of service to the public, • community leadership in recreation, and • active participation in a·variety of volunteer recreation activities. • coaching will be considered at a lower scoring rate than other aspects of recreation development due to the coaching awards available through the Alberta Sport Connection's award program. • officiating may be included only if it is volunteer (many officials are paid). Please ensure this is clearly indicated on the nomination form. DO NOT INCLUDE: • non-recreation contributions. • involvement while the nominee was in a paid position (i.e. recreation professional or elected official). 2. Volunteer contributions made by the nominee to the organization, administration, planning or promotion of events/programs/services/facilities/policies beyond the local/eve/ will be considered and should be included. 3. Nominees are not required to have served on a Recreation Board to be eligible for the award (this recognizes that many communities no longer have recreation boards, but do have volunteers who make outstanding contributions in recreation at the community level). 4. Posthumous nominations will be accepted. 5. Previous Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award recipients are not eligible. 6. Late nominations will not be accepted. Please ensure nominations are faxed, emailed or postmarked by June 20,2014 2014 Recreation Volunteer 66 Recognition Awards - Criteria _At~ Government Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award The Award Alberta has a wide array of volunteers that help make our ·recreation and parks activities among the best in the country. To recognize these volunteers, Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation awards individuals who have, through their commitment and dedication, advanced the development of recreation in Alberta. The individuals who have received the Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award have made outstanding contributions at the community or municipal level through a personal commitment to recreation development, a consistent and continuous record of service to the public, community leadership in recreation and active participation in a variety of volunteer recreation activities. Past Recipients The Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award was initiated in 1977. Since that time, the following 205 individuals have been recognized for their involvement. 2013 Marg Derbyshire, Medicine Hat Larry Flessatti, Bowden Alden Fuller, Castor Michele Gestlinger, Longview 2012 Brian Brown, Wetaskiwin Michelle Koebernick, Drayton Valley Wayne Meikle, Okotoks David Wayne Powell, Dntmheller 2011 Tracy Halerewich, Grimshaw Elwood Johnson, Breton Chris Macleod, High Level Skip Wilson, Fort Saskatchewan 2010 Dieter Knobloch, St. Albert * Dr. Cledwyn Lewis, Clairmont Darcy Powlik, Thorsby Rene Schaub, Lac La Biche 2009 Don Kroetch, Strome Vaughn McGrath, Fort Saskatchewan Laverne Wilson, Elk Point Faith Zachar, Pincher Creek 2008 Dale Mudryk, Leduc Ken Sauer, Medicine Hat Gary Ward, St. Paul Jean Watson, Wainwright 2007 Doug Bassett, Elk Point Norm Campion, Three Hills Frank McEvoy, Airdrie Joyce Patten, High River 2006 Dennis Aspeslet, High Level John Bole, Leduc Michael McMurray, Spruce Grove Nicky Sereda, Drumheller Alberta Tourism. Parks and Recreation 2005 1997 Betty Mohr, Strathcona County John Palardy, 0/ds David Ramsey, Millet Jack Van Rijn, Coaldale 2004 Oscar Blais, Grande Prairie Doug Johnson, Endiang Helmut (Chuck) Keller, West/ock Jean Lapointe, Coaldale 1996 Marvin Bjornstad, Elk Point/St. Paul Lovell McDonnell, Medicine Hat Jack McKinlay, Consort Elaine Muceniek, Valleyview 2003 Dale Currie, Hinton Judy Duncan, Fort Saskatchewan Wanda Hamilton, Millet Shirley Hocken, Red Deer 1995 Ed Marsh, Ardrossan Pat Gustafson, Waking Edward Berggren, Bowden Michelle Bourke, Onaway 2002 Elmer Watson, Leduc Harold Wilson, Sherwood Park Perky McCullough, Grande Prairie John Wakulchyk, Iron River 1993 Lawrence Duperron, Drayton Valley Sharlene Lyczewski, Bow Island Gary Mills, Pincher Creek Bob Zahara, Sexsmith 2001 Ralph Courtorielle, Grouard Alder Greenslade, Millet Rick Horner, Grande Prairie Alfa Twidale, Fort Vermilion 2000 Victoria Belcourt, Edson Darcy Gruntman, Rocky Mountain House Ian Martino!, Whitecourt Craig Volkman, New Sarepta 1999 Audrey Gall, Nampa Harold Knight, Airdrie John Logan, Edmonton Bill Nielsen, Lacombe 1998 Claire Brown, Strathcona County Bill Enticknap, Rocky Mountain House Don Mosicki, Leduc County Bruce Willerton, Wainwright Barbara Cloutier, Fa/her Walter Kuzio, Thorsby * Darryl McDonald, Vulcan Wilber Meunier, Barrhead Roger Morgan, Peace River Alice Sheen, Cardston John Simonot, Calgary Myrtle Smyth, Leduc 1991 Harvey Yoder, Lac La Biche Dennis Tink, Grande Prairie Howard Snyder, Cards/on Tom Baldwin, Grimshaw Clara Berg, Wainwright Conrad Jean, St. Paul Donna Graham, Vulcan Dave Peters, Delburne 1990 James Adair, Barrhead Bill Elliot, Wetaskiwin Dorine Kuzma, St. Paul Elaine Nicolet, Fa/her Grace Wiest, Consort Hubert West, Cardston Leo Zelinski, Whitecourt Christina Jones Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award Recipients 67 I of2 1989 Monica Chesney, Ponoka Terry Brennan, Leduc Lorraine Gair, Vulcan Kenton Riise, Forestburg George Patzer, Hanna Guy Coulombe, Evansburg Willard Brooks, Cardston Don Shultz, Barrhead 1988 Max Court, Raymond Thomas Forhan, Eckville Margaret Lounds, Calgary Bill Maxim, Edmonton Paul Schow, Cardston Adam Swabb, Mundare Dennis Zukiwsky, St. Paul 1987 Myrna Swanson, Hughenden Jim Roth, Bow Island Trudy Cockerill, Fort McMurray 1982 Hugh Redford, Cardston Jack MacAulay, Banff Joyce Hodgson, Innisfail Jean MacDonald, Erskine Bob Lehman, Onaway Ken Millar, New Sarepta Vern Jones, Beaverlodge Rod Hyde, Fort McKay 1981 Clarence Truckey, Westlock Marg Southern, Calgary Allan Shenfield, Spruce Grove Kenneth Morgan, Carbon Bill Marshall, Sherwood Park John Maczala, Nampa Catherine Ford, Edmonton Keith Everitt, Sturgeon 1980 Erwin Bako, Edmonton Dave Clauge, Rocky Mountain House Mike Karbonik, Calmar Bernice Heiberg, Kingman Rhea Jensen, Cardston Maurice Allarie, Jarvie Garret Funkhouser, 0/ds Leonard Turnbull, Olds Daniel Law, Fort McMurray DeJoy Leavitt, Cardston Bill Salt, Calgary Betty Sewall, Brooks Harry Stuber, Big Valley 1986 Keith Gosling, Calgary Dennis Allen, Edson Betty Garvey, Barrhead Leonard Scott, Waskatenau Fred Mellen, Bow Island Bert Knibbs, Bow Island Dick Chamney, Hayter Roy Elmer, Vulcan 1985 Karen Fetterly, Grande Prairie Jules Van Brabant, St. Paul Bob Stewart, Stettler Arlaine Monaghan, Winterburn Robert Erickson, Botha Charlotte Potter, Onoway Warren Lewis Smith, Olds Leroy Wal ker, Cardston Ann Steffes, Edson 1984 Sharon Eshleman, Fox Creek John McDonnell, St. Albert Kathy Clarke, Thorhild Glen Oakford, Hythe Dianne Garratt, Slave Lake Mike Hodgins, Edmonton Norman Sheen, Cardston Vi Wavrecan, Coleman 1983 1979 Phyl Burt, Rocky Mountain House Jim Kyle, MD of Sturgeon Arlene Meldrum, Edmonton Elsie Milne, Fort Macleod Pat Ryan, Calgary Phyllis Schnick, Warburg Logan Sherris, Nampa 1978 Don McColl, Edmonton Clarence McGonigle, Cochrane William Large, Czar Mary Dixon, Grimshaw Jerry Rejman, Coleman Ethel Taylor, Red Deer Jack Krecsy, Banff Laura Morgan, Didsbury Theodore Westling, Breton Hope Pickard, Calgary Andy Graspointer, Milk River * 1977 Elsie McFarland, Edmonton Don Moore, Red Deer George Talbot, Rocky Mountain House Jack Riddel, Edmonton Ted Van Biezen, Three Hills Roy Blais, Taber Jack Boddington, Edmonton George Fraser, Gibbons Walter Scott, Vermilion Campbell Maxwell, Devon Marilyn Haley, lnnisfail William Kother, Mayerthorpe Gordon Luchia, Nobelford Berniece Harwood, Strathmore George Whitehead, Lethbridge *Awarded Posthumously Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation 68 Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award Recipients 2 of2 Charleen Smith From: Sent: To: Subject: Nathalie, BRWA <> May-26-14 10:54 AM Charleen Smith Preparing for Extremes, BRWA AGM Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Right-click here t pictures. To help priv acy , Outlook auto matic downlo picture from the Thank you for being a member and supporter of the Battle River Watershed Alliance. We have had a productive year, in no small part due to our partners. Please accept this invitation to attend the BRWA's Annual General Meeting on Thursday June 19th at the Stettler County office from 10am-3pm. More details can be seen on the poster below. We are very excited to have Matt Machielse from Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and Dr. Dave Sauchyn from Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative attending our AGM. They will be presenting on our changing climate and how we should best prepare. Learn More A free lunch will be offered to those who RSVP. Please contact Sheila at 1.888.672.0276 or email We look forward to another year of working in partnership with you for our shared watershed. Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect y our priv acy , Outlook prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Battle River Watershed Alliance Box 16, Gateway Centre 4825 51st. Camrose AB T4V 2N1 Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect y our priv acy , Outlook prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. BRWA logo 1.888.672.0276 We're all part of a watershed, and what we do impacts downstream and future users. STAY CONNECTED 1 69 Annual General Meeting I Battle River Watershed Alliance Page 1 of2 WATERSHED AU!IANCE Annual General Meeting Our AGM .wiR'be hosted In Sl8lller thiS yam-, and·bl open to 81e ganand public. Cane an aut to'-' what we've:been up ID In lha,past 12 months, and get the 1ate111 updatB an our walenlhed IIWIIIlllll'l8f plan. The maeUng W8l run.fnlm ~llanl-:,pm. Y!fth Jundh.pmvlded. The BRWA Wllllitso welcome two; Pfgfi~ss~Onills to llie.r'net!!Jng to prasent on the topic ':Miiklilg the Most 'How do we prepare ,f0i'. 8l!~Jl!me weather eveniB?" MatUAaahlalee,wlth'ESRD.wlll analyze the 2013 flooil and o1rer neXt staps fcifflood and draught mlllglitloil;ln Alberta; anii!Dr.10ave SaucfiYn with PARC will c111auss North 'America's ~and vulnerabilities to climate extra~Ms. Discover how our b8ing affaclad by a changing climate,·and ways ln.wlilali we ana leM1Ing to aifecuveJy ~ and aclafit to lliese Cliailgas. - ·Ia To!RSVP for the iunch,,pleaa contact Sheila at the ofllce, 780'672.:Q278. Making the Most of It Ho~' do we preparefore treme weatber events? Thursday June 19th. 2014 Stettler County Office Building Disw1•er the lalul m I'I!RDn:h and poliq .Malt Machidse AIJM, Openalions. F.SRO Dr. DaY< Sallchyn Scmor lles<:m:h Sckntist, PARC il!dmomon, Albcrla Jtesma. Sasl<atcbeMn As.part·of the... Battle River Watershed Alliance AGM 10am -3pm AGENQA: Business Meetmg ppdatc on W1111.n hcd Manngcmcn!'lllannmg;l!nlCL'!I" l:.unch. Please.RSVP fora•me lunch Guest S~akL'r!i Everyone is welcome. Please RSVP with Shella at 780-672·0276. Learn more about w at 1¥ ~ WAJE~IIEPAlliANCE Location: Stettler County Office Building Event Datil: Thursday, June 19, 2014 70 http://www. battleriverwatershed.calannual-general-meeting 2014-05-26 The Road Trip to Water Savings Page 1 of 1 Member Notices May 21, 2014 The Road Trip to Water Savings Much like plannmg a road trip with a particular destination in mind, the setting of water use targets, as proposed in The AUMA's draft Renewed Water Conse/Vation. Effictency and Productivity (CEP) Plan is intended to identify a desired outcome but not restrict the path one may take to get there. Based on consultation with members. The AUMA's draft Renewed CEP Plan proposes setting the following water use targets for the urban municipal sector: 1. Alberta's municipal sector will achieve a per capita residential water use of 195 litres/person/day and a total per capita water use of 341 litres/person/day (30 per cent below reported water use between 2001 and 2006) by 2020. 2. Alberta's municipal sector will maintain the volume of "unaccounted for" water at, or below, 10 per cent of total water use (In 2011, Environment Canada reported that Alberta municipalities had 10.1 per cent unaccounted for water). By identifying the desired outcomes. the renewed plan allows for flexibility in how municipalities, water utilities and water users contribute to achieving the targets. As every community is different- in terms of infrastructure, composition of users. local geography and climate . water supply and the resources available to commit to water CEP- each must determine for what programs or mitiatives work best to achieve water savings. To assist municipalities in achieving these targets , The AUMA has developed a number of resources . including Planning for Water Conservation and Efficiency -A Handbook for Small Municipalities. These tools can be accessed from the Water Conservation section of the AUMA water microsite. The AUMA will hosting a one-hour webinar about this renewed plan and its targets on May 29. Register now! Please review the draft plan and provide your feedback by June 6. Thank you . Sue Bohaichuk Executive Officer, Policy and Advocacy Curt Homing Water Management Coordinator, Policy and Advocacy 71 l8762 23/05/2014 Charleen Smith From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Greg Switenky May-26-14 1:30 PM Charleen Smith FW: AUMA 2014 President's Summit President Summit Agenda.pdf Hi Charleen, Please put this as correspondence on the June 3rd agenda, and please forward this email to all Members of Council. I will be away on vacation for a few days, however I think it is important to have some Stettler representation at this meeting... given the relevant agenda topics. Thanks, Greg Switenky CAO (w) 403‐742‐8305 (c) 403‐740‐9569 From: Rose Dacyk [] On Behalf Of John McGowan Sent: May-26-14 10:08 AM Subject: AUMA 2014 President's Summit Dear CAOs: On June 18th and 19th, AUMA will be hosting an important event to discuss how the Municipal Government Act (MGA) should be modernized to enable the economic, environmental and social sustainability of our cities, towns and villages across Alberta. On day one (June 18th) the Presidents’ Summit will feature a unique format that will include key panel speakers from other stakeholder groups such as; the Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Taxpayers Federation and others. The new format will enable us to share our thoughts on the MGA review and to hear the perspectives of others. On day two (June 19th), members only will again come together to discuss what we heard and determine the next steps. The morning will conclude with a Leadership Forum with Premier Candidates, subject to confirmation from the PC Party. 1 72 Please do not miss this important event. We look forward to your participation at the Summit. You may register online at: John McGowan CEO, AUMA D: 780.431.4533 E: Alberta Municipal Place 300-8616 51 Ave Edmonton, AB T6E 6E6 Phone: 780.433.4431 Toll-free: 310-AUMA Fax: 1.780-433-4454 2 73 AUMA President’s Summit on the MGA Metropolitan Conference Centre, Calgary (333 Fourth Avenue SW Calgary) June 18 Program 8:30 Breakfast 9:00 Summit Opening Alberta’s municipal infrastructure and services deficit and implications of growth Features discussions and a question and answer session with a panel of speakers Break Understanding the revenue requirements to maintain infrastructure and services and meet growth demands Features discussions and a question and answer session with a panel of speakers 12:00 Lunch Achieving effective governance at the municipal order of government Features discussions and a question and answer session with a panel of speakers Break Fostering productive and collaborative relationships for future shared benefit Features an interactive dialogue for attendees Summary of key themes and learnings 3:30 Next steps and closing comments June 19 Program Part 1: AUMA Member Session 8:30 Breakfast 9:00 Next Steps in Advocating on MGA Changes and Working With Others 10:15 Part 2: Open Session Leadership Forum for Candidates for the Premier 11:30 Closing Comments AMSC Swing into Summer Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 25 Alberta Springs Golf Resort We look forward to seeing you there! Click here to register 74 Charleen Smith From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Switenky May-26-14 2:29 PM Charleen Smith FW: Save the Date: David Thompson Health Advisory Council and Central Zone, Alberta Health Services - Municipal and Community Leaders Health Forum - Tuesday June 24, 2014 - 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.- Pomeroy Inn and Suites Conference Centre, OLDS AB DTHAC Save the Date-June 24 2014.pdf; ATT00001.htm Attachments: Hi Charleen, Please include in Council Correspondence for June 3, 2014. Thanks, Greg Switenky CAO (w) 403‐742‐8305 (c) 403‐740‐9569 From: Rob Stoutenberg Sent: May-11-14 7:34 AM To: Greg Switenky; Aubrey Brown: Stettler Subject: Fwd: Save the Date: David Thompson Health Advisory Council and Central Zone, Alberta Health Services Municipal and Community Leaders Health Forum - Tuesday June 24, 2014 - 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.- Pomeroy Inn and Suites Conference Centre, OLDS AB Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: David Thompson HAC <> Date: May 9, 2014 at 1:48:25 PM MDT To: "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" 1 75 <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, Dick Richards <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <> Cc: "''" <>, Craig Curtis <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "Rob Stoutenberg" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" 2 76 <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <>, "''" <> Subject: Save the Date: David Thompson Health Advisory Council and Central Zone, Alberta Health Services - Municipal and Community Leaders Health Forum - Tuesday June 24, 2014 - 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.- Pomeroy Inn and Suites Conference Centre, OLDS AB Dear Municipal Leader and Chief Administrative Officer, The David Thompson Health Advisory Council (HAC) and Central Zone, Alberta Health Services (AHS), invite you to SAVE THE DATE and plan to attend the 2nd annual Municipal and Community Leaders Networking Event and Health Forum on Tuesday June 24, 2014, from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pomeroy Inn and Suites Conference Centre, in Olds. Each city, county, town, village and municipal district in the HAC's geographic area of representation is being invited to have 2‐3 elected leaders and/or community leaders attend. Further details will arrive in an invitation letter, later this month. Further information on HACs and David Thompson Health Advisory Council can be viewed at: Regards, Arley Nelson Advisory Council Officer Advisory Council Relations _________________________ 1220 10405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 3N4 Tel: 780.643.4644 Cell: 780.394.4314 Fax: 780.643.4559 ________________________________ This message and any attached documents are only for the use of the intended recipient(s), are confidential and may contain privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, retransmission, or other disclosure is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately, and then delete the original message. Thank you. 3 77 David Thompson Health Advisory Council is inviting municipal and other community leaders to its 2nd annual health forum to: • Network with council members and Alberta Health Services senior leaders • Connect with and learn about the Health Advisory Council • Hear about the health services and programs offered in the area • Provide feedback on health services Watch for further information and registration later in May, 2014 When: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Where: Pomeroy Inn and Suites Conference Centre, Olds College, Olds AB Reception: 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. Program: 5:00 – 8:30 p.m. Light meal and refreshments provided For further information or to RSVP, contact: Arley Nelson Health Advisory Council Officer 780-643-4644; or Email: 78 Bringing the voice of communities to build a better health system