town of stettler regular council meeting november 17, 2015 6:30 pm
town of stettler regular council meeting november 17, 2015 6:30 pm
TOWN OF STETTLER REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2015 6:30 P.M. 1 WE WILL PROVIDE A HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE FOR OUR RESIDENTS AND VISITORS THROUGH LEADERSHIP AND THE DELIVERY OF EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT AND AFFORDABLE SERVICES THAT ARE SOCIALLY AND ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE 2 TOWN OF STETTLER REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2015 6:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Agenda Additions 2. Agenda Approval 3. Confirmation of Minutes (a) Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 3, 2015 (b) Business Arising from the November 3, 2015 Council Minutes (c) Minutes of the Committee Meeting of November 10, 2015 (d) Business Arising from the November 10, 2015 Committee Meeting 4. Citizens Forum 5. Delegations (a) 6. 5-15 16-18 None Administration (a) Committee of the Whole Recommendation re: Traffic Counter 19 (b) Memo re: Staff Christmas Bonus (c) Memo re: Dog & Cat License Fees for 2016 33 (d) Memo re: Business License Fees for 2016 34 (e) Meeting Dates - Tuesday, November 24 – Council 2016-2019 Operational Budget Deliberations – 3:00pm - Friday, November 27 – Regional Water Meeting - Tuesday, December 1- Council Meeting - Tuesday, December 8 – Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, December 15 – Council Meeting - Tuesday, January 5 – Council Meeting - Tuesday, January 12 – Committee of the Whole Meeting - Wednesday, January 13 – Strategic Planning Workshop – 3:00pm - Tuesday, January 19 – Council Meeting - Tuesday, January 26 – Council 2016-2019 Capital Budget Deliberations - Tuesday, February 2 – Council Meeting 20-32 3 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 17, 2015 PAGE 2 7. (f) Bank Reconciliation as of October 31, 2015 (g) Accounts Payable in the amount of $245,028.72 None Bylaws (a) 11. None Public Hearing (a) 10. Meeting Reports Minutes (a) 9. 36-43 Council (a) 8. 35 2073-15 re: Business Tax Bylaw & Memo 44-45 Correspondence (a) AUMA – Alberta Environment Response from Meeting 12. Items Added 13. In-Camera Session 14. Adjournment 4 46-47 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF STETTLER COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015 IN THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present: Mayor Dick Richards Councillors A. Campbell, D. Bachman, W. Brown, M. Fischer, S. Nolls & K. Sernecky CAO G. Switenky Assistant CAO S. Gerlitz Director of Operations M. Robbins Press (2) Absent: None Call to Order: Mayor D. Richards called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 1/2. Agenda Additions/Approval: Motion 15:11:01 Moved by Councillor Bachman to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 3. Confirmation of Minutes: (a) Motion 15:11:02 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held October 20, 2015 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on October 20, 2015 be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (b) Business Arising from the October 20, 2015 Meeting Minutes None (c) Motion 15:11:02 Minutes of the Organizational Meeting held October 20, 2015 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Minutes of the Organizational Meeting held on October 20, 2015 be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (d) Business Arising from the October 20, 2015 Organizational Meeting Minutes None 4. Citizen’s Forum: (a) No one was present at the Citizen’s Forum 5. Delegations: (a) 6:35 P.M. – Welcome Sgt. Phil Penny Stettler RCMP Detachment Sgt. Phil Penny & Cpl. Ryan Koehli entered the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Mayor Richards welcomed Sgt. P. Penny & Cpt. R. Koehli to the meeting. 5 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 2 Sgt. P. Penny introduced himself as the new Stettler RCMP Detachment Sergeant and provided a history of his 14 years in the service. Mayor Richards noted that the Town is looking forward to working together on community priorities. The Town has enjoyed the great working partnership with the local detachment. Sgt. P. Penny explained his primary internal goal of the detachment is to streamline operations and internal procedures. This will enhance his external goals of increase visibility of RCMP members in the community. Members of Council and staff thanked the RCMP for their increased presence at the school zones. CAO G, Switenky thanked Cpl. R. Koehli for his continued community involvement and acknowledged Cpl. C. Russell and Cpl. Koehli for their management of detachment operations in this transition period. Mayor Richards thanked Sgt. P. Penny & Cpl. R. Koehli for attending the meeting. (b) 6:45 P.M. – Tracey Marko & Kelsey McNeil re: 68th Street Speed Concerns Tracey Marko & Kelsey McNeil along with residents from 68th Street entered the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Mayor Richards welcomed T. Marko, K. McNeil and residents to the meeting and outlined the process for the evening. T. Marko & K. McNeil explained that they have lived in the area for 9 and 4 years respectively and thanked Council for speaking to them and the numerous residents attending the meeting about the several safety concerns on 68th Street. T. Marko & K. McNeil advised that they have gone door to door to over 27 residents along 68th Street and they have heard several concerns: • Excessive speeding • Loud mufflers • Increased vehicles using 68th Street as a through fare to access to local commercial and highway regions. • Construction vehicles using roadway to access the new Meadowlands subdivision • The roadway has become more than just an internal residential street. • Safety of children walking on road due to the fact there is no sidewalks on either side of the road • The existing crosswalk is hidden and not ideal location • The walking paths are not lit and become dangerous at night • The existing school bus stop does not provide adequate sight lines • Due to the number of holiday trailers parked in driveways, it is difficult to back out of driveways safely and also be mindful of pedestrians on the roadway 6 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 3 • The existing playground is in the vicinity, but not close enough to 68th Street to warrant a 30km playground zone T. Marko & K. McNeil also provided Council with several solutions to be considered in the discussion: • Increased RCMP enforcement • Reduce speed to 30km per hour through a community bylaw. • Parking be allowed only on 1 side of the street • A 4 way stop be installed at the corner of 41Avenue and 68th Street • Speed bumps be installed at strategic locations along the roadway • Speed signs be installed to monitor vehicles • Installing a sidewalk(s) Mayor Richards welcome Director of Operations M. Robbins and RCMP Sgt. P. Penny & Cpl. R. Koehli to the discussion. General discussion took place on the following issues and solutions: • Increase RCMP enforcement - Sgt. P. Penny advised that the detachment would work with the residents to capture a detailed time violation trend to establish a pattern for enforcement. It was noted that a traffic counter could also be used to establish a trend when the majority of violations occur. Traffic counters collect information such as speed and time of each vehicle. • Sidewalks – CAO G. Switenky advised that sidewalks are usually built and cost allocated as part of the development. Residents living within the development would then have the cost of the sidewalks included in the lot purchase. This was not the case in terms of 68th Street. The developer did not include sidewalks built into the development, therefore no sidewalk cost was included in the lot price. Sidewalks can be installed through a local improvement paid for by the residents living along 68th street. CAO G. Switenky encouraged residents living along 68th Street to work with Town administration on the local improvement process, options and costing of sidewalks. • Vehicle calming procedures such as speed bumps and 4 way stops. Director of Operations M. Robbins advised that speed bumps create additional maintenance issues/concerns for the transportation department. She further noted that 68th Street was built a little wider, being a residential collector, to better accommodate the accumulation of higher traffic volumes. • Holiday Trailers, it was noted that a partial solution could be to limit the parking of holiday trailers in front yards. • Speed control signs, Director of Operations M. Robbins advised that the current speed control sign is owned and operated by the local RCMP detachment. The Town of Stettler is looking at a new traffic counter in the 2016 capital budget. The traffic counter measures the speed and time of each passing vehicle and would be very helpful in establishing a trend to be used by the RCMP for enforcement. 7 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 4 Mayor Richards summarized the discussion by suggesting that traffic complaints should continue to be forward to the Town Office where they can be documented on “green sheets” and addressed appropriately. He concluded that support from the local RCMP detachment, elected officials and senior administration is required to assess and implement workable/effective solutions that assist to improve desirable traffic/safety concerns. Mayor Richards thanked T. Marko, K. McNeil and residents for attending the meeting and for their concerns and possible solutions regarding 68th Street. Delegation members departed the meeting at 7:36 p.m. 6. Administration: (a) 2015 Strategic Plan Update CAO G. Switenky reviewed the Town’s 2015 Strategic Plan and updated Council with respect to the top five actions that will be achieved on a goal by goal basis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Health Care Advocacy Community Webcams Multi-Use Recreation Facility School Zone Treatment Hwy 12 West Traffic Improvements It was noted that this update is presented to Council for information purposes on a regular/quarterly basis. (b) Battle River Watershed Alliance Annual Funding Request CAO G. Switenky advised that the Town of Stettler has received an invoice from Battle River Watershed Alliance in the amount of $2874 which represents a $0.50 per capita annual membership fee. It was noted that the Town of Stettler does appoint a representative (Councillor Campbell) to the BRWA, but to date has not made any financial contributions. CAO G. Switenky explained that the Town’s water comes from the Red Deer River and that the Town is a member of the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance. The Town of Stettler currently pays an annual membership fee to the RDRWA because of our involvement and the importance of water quality supporting the Town and our regional partners from the Red Deer River. It was noted however that the Town of Stettler is located within the Battle River Watershed. When the lagoons are discharged, the filtered water may eventually find its way to the Battle River. The Town of Stettler agreed to join the BRWSA in 2010, but has not contributed financially. General discussion ensued regarding membership. Mayor Richards summarized the discussion by adding that we remain a member in support but not financially. This item was discussed for information purposes only. 8 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 5 (c) AUMA Provincial Budget Analysis Fall 2015 – October 27, 2015 CAO G. Switenky advised that the NDP’s 2015-16 budget was introduced on October 27, 2015 and replaces the budget tabled earlier this spring by the prior government. A key interest to the Town of Stettler was the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) funding. It was noted that MSI funding levels announced in the Provincial Budget were as expected at levels approved by previous government. This item was discussed for information purposes only. (d) Meeting Dates - Tuesday, November 10 – Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, November 17 – Council Meeting - Friday, November 27 – Regional Water Meeting - Tuesday, November 24 – Council 2016-2019 Operational Budget Deliberations – 3:00pm - Tuesday, December 1- Council Meeting - Tuesday, December 8 – Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, December 15 – Council Meeting - Tuesday, January 5 – Council Meeting - Tuesday, January 12 – Committee of the Whole Meeting - Wednesday, January 13 – Strategic Planning Workshop – 3:00pm - Tuesday, January 19 – Council Meeting - Tuesday, January 26 – Council 2016-2019 Capital Budget Deliberations - Tuesday, February 2 – Council Meeting (e) CAO Report CAO G. Switenky provided departmental highlights of the monthly organizational report to Council. Motion 15:11:03 Moved by Councillor Nolls that the Town of Stettler accept the CAO Report for the month of October. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (f) Motion 15:11:04 Accounts Payable in the amount of $1,485,528.91 Moved by Councillor Fischer that Accounts Payable in the amounts of $1,310,013.27 & $175,515.64 for the period ending October 30, 2015 for a total amount of $1,485,528.91 having been paid, be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 7. Council: Mayor and Councillors outlined highlights of meetings they attended. (a) Mayor Richards - Oct 21 - Oct 23 - Oct 26 - Skate Park Grand Opening. - Family Violence Proclamation. - Signed cheques and reviewed Agenda. - Luncheon with CAO & Sg. P. Penny. 9 Council COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 6 - Oct 30 - Nov 2 (b) - Signed cheques and reviewed Council Agenda. - Museum Haunted House. - Meeting with CAO, County Reeve & CAO re: Citizens Program. - Health Advisory Update. Councillor Bachman - (c) Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 27 Nov 2 - Councillor Brown - Oct 21 - Oct 22 - Oct 30 (d) - Brought greetings at Skate Park Grand Opening. - Brought greetings at the Board of Trade Awards banquet. - Brought greetings at the Rotary Friendship dinner. Councillor Campbell - Oct 21 - Oct 22 - Oct 26 - Oct 28 - Oct 30 (e) - Skate Park Grand Opening. - RDRWA Executive & AB Environment Meeting. - Meeting to discuss Provincial concerns in the Red Deer River Basin. - GE LED Light Meeting. - Pumpkin Carving at the Museum. - Rotary Friendship dinner. Councillor Fischer - Oct 23/24 Oct 24 Oct 26 Oct 27 - - Oct 29/30 - Oct 30 - Nov 3 (f) - - Volunteered at the Museum – Booseum. Attended funeral for Gertie Savage. Attended the GE LED lighting presentation. Toured Spring Structures facility in Aldersyde and Edge School structures near Springbank airport followed by tour of Olds Arena re: lighting with Assistant CAO S. Gerlitz & Director of Parks & Leisure Services L. Penner. - Volunteered at the Museum – Booseum. Checked out the new climbing wall at the pool. UFA’s 50th Anniversary Open House. Tri-Lodge volunteer supper at the Parish Hall. Councillor Nolls - Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 27 Oct 28 - Oct 29 - Oct 30 (g) Skate Board Park Grand Opening. Board of Trade Awards Gala. Ag. Society Meeting. Library Board resignation of member-at-large. - Business & Citizenship Awards dinner. Night at the Booseum – 35 groups attended. Night at the Booseum – 45 groups attended. Ag. Society Meeting. Pumpkin carving contest versus the County at the Museum. - Stettler Steel Wheel Stampede Meeting. - Night at the Booseum – 58 groups attended. - Night at the Booseum – 162 groups attended. Councillor Sernecky - Oct 27 - Oct 28 - Website Design Meeting. - Pumpkin Carving Contest at the Museum. 10 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 7 8. Minutes: (a) None 9. Public Hearing: (a) None Bylaws: (a) 2063-15 re: Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan 10. Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2063-15 is for 2nd & 3rd Readings of the Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan. CAO, G. Switenky advised that the Northeast Area Structure Plan is a long-range planning document, to assist and guide developers when development is ready to occur. CAO G. Switenky advised that the existing Plan was adopted in 1980. The amended Plan addresses changes which have occurred in the community. It also provides for more economical servicing through an efficient road and utility plan, and addresses stormwater management, which has become a significant issue within the Town over the past three decades. The Plan development process included extensive stakeholder consultation, which involved two public sessions. Invitations to attend these sessions were distributed to all landowners, neighboring landowners as well as agencies, including the County of Stettler No. 6. The majority of the Plan area is in agricultural use, and will remain so until such time as a project is proposed. This Area Structure Plan is a product of the Town taking the initiative to develop long-range land use plans for lands under Town jurisdiction. Advertising of the proposed bylaw took place April 29 & May 6 and the Public Hearing was held on May 19, 2015. 1st reading of the Bylaw was given April 7, 2015 Motion 15:11:05 Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading as amended to Bylaw 206315 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:06 Moved by Councillor Nolls that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading as amended to Bylaw 2063-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (b) 2068-15 re: Local Improvement Bylaw Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2068-15 is to authorize construction of water line by levying a special assessment therefore as a local improvement on the parcels contained in Plan 1423243, Block 12, Lot 2. Motion 15:11:07 Moved by Councillor Brown that the Town of Stettler Council give first reading to Bylaw 2068-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 11 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 8 Motion 15:11:08 Moved by Councillor Campbell that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading to Bylaw 2068-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:09 Moved by Councillor Sernecky that the Town of Stettler Council give permission for third and final reading to Bylaw 2068-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:10 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 2068-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (c) 2069-15 re: Local Improvement Bylaw Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2069-15 is to authorize construction of pavement by levying a special assessment therefore as a local improvement on 50 Avenue from 38 Street to 42 Street. Motion 15:11:11 Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council give first reading to Bylaw 2069-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:12 Moved by Councillor Nolls that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading to Bylaw 2069-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:13 Moved by Councillor Brown that the Town of Stettler Council give permission for third and final reading to Bylaw 2069-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:14 Moved by Councillor Campbell that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 2069-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (d) 2070-15 re: Local Improvement Bylaw Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2070-15 is to authorize construction of water & sanitary sewer by levying a special assessment therefore as a local improvement on NE 5-39-19-4 (5302-42 Street). Motion 15:11:15 Moved by Councillor Sernecky that the Town of Stettler Council give first reading to Bylaw 2070-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 12 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 9 Motion 15:11:16 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading to Bylaw 2070-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:17 Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council give permission for third and final reading to Bylaw 2070-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Moved by Councillor Nolls that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 2070-15 as presented. Motion 15:11:18 MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (e) 2071-15 re: Debenture Bylaw Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2071-15 to authorize the Council of the Municipality to incur Indebtedness by the issuance of debenture(s) in the amount of up to THREE HUNDRED FIFTY NINE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY SIX DOLLARS ($359,166) for the purpose of constructing a ROAD/PAVEMENT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT (the “Project”). Motion 15:11:19 Moved by Councillor Brown that the Town of Stettler Council give first reading to Bylaw 2071-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:20 Moved by Councillor Campbell that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading to Bylaw 2071-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:21 Moved by Councillor Sernecky that the Town of Stettler Council give permission for third and final reading to Bylaw 2071-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:22 Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 2071-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous (f) 2072-15 re: Debenture Bylaw Mayor Richards explained that Bylaw 2072-15 is to authorize the Council of the Municipality to incur Indebtedness by the issuance of debenture(s) in the amount of up to ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY FIVE DOLLARS ($134,445.00) for the purpose of constructing a WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT (the “Project”) 13 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 10 Motion 15:11:23 Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council give first reading to Bylaw 2072-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:24 Moved by Councillor Nolls that the Town of Stettler Council give second reading to Bylaw 2072-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:25 Moved by Councillor Brown that the Town of Stettler Council give permission for third and final reading to Bylaw 2072-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Motion 15:11:26 Moved by Councillor Sernecky that the Town of Stettler Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 2072-15 as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 11. Correspondence: (a) Pheasant Festival Brings Visitors to Stettler – Media Release (b) New Town Float Makes Miles – Media Release (c) Honourable Danielle Larivee - Minister of Municipal Affairs (d) Brownlee LLP – Emerging Trends Conference (e) Family Violence Prevention Month Motion 15:11:27 Moved by Councillor Fischer that correspondence items 11(a) to 11(e) inclusive be accepted for information. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 12. Items Added: (a) None 13. In-Camera Session: (a) There was no In-Camera Session at this meeting. General discussion took place regarding the purchase of a Traffic Counter in the 2016 Capital Budget. Mayor Richards advised that in light of today’s delegation regarding speeding and other safety concerns on 68th Street, the purchase of a traffic counter is very timely. Given a possible delivery date prior to the end of the year, Council may want to consider purchasing the traffic counter prior to the 2016 Council deliberations. Council mutually agreed to have Administration provide costing and a recommendation to purchase a traffic counter at the Committee of the meeting on November 10, 2015. 14 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE 11 14. Adjournment: Motion 15:11:28 Moved by Councillor Campbell that this regular meeting of the Town of Stettler Council be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous at 8:48 p.m. ___________________________________ Mayor ____________________________________ Assistant CAO 15 MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 10, 2015 Present: Mayor D. Richards, Councillors A. Campbell, M. Fischer, D. Bachman, W. Brown, K. Sernecky & S. Nolls CAO G. Switenky Assistant CAO S. Gerlitz Director of Operations M. Robbins Absent: None Call to Order: Mayor D. Richards called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 1. Agenda Additions/Deletions (a) None 2. Agenda Approval Moved by Councillor Campbell that the agenda be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 3. 2016 Capital Budget/Traffic Counter Director of Operations M. Robbins explained that the Town’s existing portable traffic counter has failed due to aging technology. A replacement purchase was planned to be included in the 2016 Capital Budget. At the request of Town Council on November 3rd, Administration is presenting the purchase for consideration prior to 2016 capital budget approval. Traffic Counter: The purpose of a traffic counter is to collect data on vehicles travelling on Town roads. The model intended to purchase collects: • • • • • • • • Volume of traffic Speeds Time stamped Collects traffic on 1 and 2 lane roads in opposite directions Utilizes wireless communication for parameter setting and data collection Determines peak times for speed violations Collects data without affecting driver behavior Can be mounted on Town’s existing base, or attached to street lights or power poles. It was noted that the traffic counter could be used in all seasons, up to -30 in the winter. CAO G. 16 Switenky advised that delivery of the Traffic Counter is expected before the end of the year, therefore the expenditure could be a 2015 expense. Moved by Councillor Fischer that Administration respectfully recommends that Town of Stettler Council approves the purchase of a replacement traffic counter and accessories up to $7,500 excluding GST, funded from General Reserve, 2015 Capital Budget. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 4. 2016 Capital Budget/Compost Bins CAO G. Switenky advised Council that Mayor Richards, Councillor Fischer, Councillor Nolls and senior administration met with the Town’s waste and recycling contractor to discuss operational procedures including composting. It was noted that in previous years the compost bins were owned by the contractor, who was no longer able to supply the bins. As such the town purchased 10 - 4yd composting bins under the 2015 Capital Budget. CAO G. Switenky explained that the composting program implemented by the Town has been very successful and that the demand for more composting bins is increasing. To meet early spring demand and given lead time considerations, senior administration has pre-ordered an additional 10 – 4yd composting bins at a cost of $6960.00 to be included in the 2016 Budget. The additional bins would be placed at current composting locations, with an additional location to be in the greenspace at 40th Avenue – 66th Street. Delivery of the composting bins is not expected until 2016. Council mutually agreed that the Town of Stettler purchase the additional 10 – 4yd composting bins at total cost of $6960.00 from Environmental Metal Works Ltd to be included in the 2016 Capital Budget. 5. Correspondence a. Stettler Independent – November 4, 2015 Moved by Councillor Fischer that correspondence item 11(a) be accepted for information. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 6. Additions a. None 7. In-Camera Session a. Land re: Utilities Service b. Land re: Development 17 County of Stettler No. 6 Reeve W. Nixon and CAO T. Fox entered the meeting at 4:52 p.m. Director of Operations M. Robbins left the meeting at 4:52 p.m. Mayor Richards welcomed County of Stettler No. 6 Reeve W. Nixon and CAO T. Fox to the meeting. Moved by Councillor Bachman that the Town of Stettler Council proceed into an InCamera Session with the County of Stettler No. 6 Reeve and CAO, Town of Stettler CAO & Assistant CAO present to discuss the In-Camera items. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous at 4:53 p.m. County of Stettler No. 6 Reeve W. Nixon and CAO T. Fox left the meeting at 5:34 p.m. Director of Operations M. Robbins entered the meeting at 5.34 p.m. Moved by Councillor Fischer that the Town of Stettler Council return to the regular meeting. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous at 5:57 p.m. 8. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Campbell that the Committee of Whole Meeting be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous at 5:57 p.m. ___________________________________ Mayor ____________________________________ Assistant CAO 18 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION NOVEMBER 10, 2015 1. Traffic Counter That Town of Stettler Council approves the purchase of a replacement traffic counter and accessories up to $7,500 excluding GST, funded from General Reserve, 2015 Capital Budget. 19 MEMORANDUM To: Greg Switenky, CAO From: Steven Gerlitz, Assistant CAO Date: November 13, 2015 Re: 2015 Christmas Staff Bonus Historical Background: Over the past number of years Council has considered an annual Christmas/ Recognition/Retention bonus for all Town Staff as follows: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 - $250 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars $200 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars $250 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars $250 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars $300 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars $300 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars $325 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars $325 in local Heart of Alberta Dollars 2015 Perspective Stettler has always been a “showcase community” and a great model of sustainability in rural Alberta. We are very lucky to live in a place where our Mission Statement means so much; ``We will provide a high quality of life for our residents and visitors through leadership and the delivery of effective, efficient and affordable services that are socially and environmentally responsible. Yes Stettler is a great place to Live Work and Play. 2015 will be simply remembered as a year of continued growth, where we all work together because that is just what we do. Stettler is a community that is strong, vibrant and innovative thanks to the residents, community groups, and community leaders. Council has stood strongly behind our investment and ongoing commitment to infrastructure in roads, water, sewer, parks and recreation, libraries, and unsightly properties being cleaned and being put back into a useable state to name a few. This ongoing commitment means the entire organization receives a clear direction, and gives the residents in the Town of Stettler a clear view of our performance. 20 Major Activity Development Stettler is a GREAT place to live which is evident by the 12 new dwellings in 2015; we have seen significant commercial and industrial development in 2014 and 2015. Recent In-Town taxable development includes: McDonald’s Restaurant Wal-Mart Addition and Renovation Town Centre Properties Renovation for Pet Valu Northstar Trucking Concrete Production Facility Reconstruction of the Shoe Closet Petrofield Equipment Shop Perry Heintz Industrial Work Shop TKS Controls Addition to Shop Clear Glycol Industrial Shop B&B Construction – Completed Construction of CrossFit Gym White Goose Restaurant Renovation Cindy Savage Three Bay Commercial Retail Building The primary nature (business) of our organization is to provide/deliver basic services to our residents. Once again in 2015 our residents did not express any desire to receive reduced levels of services given our local economic conditions or their financial situation; rather they continue to expect the usual high level of services from our Town and its employees. Our employees share in Council’s pride respecting that our services, utilities, programs and facilities are provided at a good value to our residents and our tax base. A significant share of the overall 2015 - 2017 Interim Operating Budget is committed to human resources (39%). Town Council understands and appreciates that our most valuable resource are our employees: energetic, innovative, appreciative workers who care equally about providing great service for municipal residents while 21 working safely and effectively with others. Our employees constantly strive to be the best they can be in the performance of their jobs and responsibilities. Senior Administration works hard at promoting a healthy, civil, respecting and appreciative culture in the workplace. Municipal services are enhanced by employing and maintaining a well-trained, experienced and dedicated team, therefore the retention of knowledgeable staff is considered a very high priority within our organization. The Town of Stettler is proud to offer its employees not just a job, but a career. Town Council has assisted greatly by being a genuine champion for its employees. With this in mind, Senior Administration is proud of the many accomplishments and progress made throughout our entire organization in 2015. A few of the many results achieved, and cooperative efforts with community volunteers are mentioned below: Replaced the water and sanitary mains in 48 Avenue behind KFC. Water main was cast iron and prone to sudden breaks. Replacement ensures continued safe supply of water to residents. Small amount of contamination in the roadway was reclaimed at the same time. Public Works staff coordinated and assisted with building the four bay storage shed for under $35,000 in the town yard. Worked with the Kinettes to build the base for the playground and built a road into the location so that equipment could access the site. Town staff have started to update fleet with new logos. 22 Successful partnership with Alberta Transportation with the reconstruction of Highway 56 through town. Staff continued to repair leaking valves and service lines to reduce water loss in system and diminish risk of contamination to water supply. Coordination with TELUS Fibre Build project – field alignment changes, priority weekly utility locates (approx. 1200), restoration of private property. Public Works installed a storm overflow to prevent flooding to landowner on 66 Street. Coordination with volunteers to rehab the goose nests and islands in Cold Lake. Pedestrian Safety improvements with installation of solar crossing lights installed at two locations on 44 Avenue and on 46 Street at 49 Avenue. Radar speed signs installed to reduce traffic speeds on Rec Road. 23 New climbing wall at the pool. Paul (Skip) Hayden Canadian Swim Patrol Winner Marilyn Moore National Lifeguard Service Award Winner Skate park official Opening Down town park concrete, tree, and monument completion Events held: Santa day on the ice at the SRC, Family Day Carnival at the SRC, Annual Stettler Art Walk, Annual Fishing day and Very successful summer Wednesdays at the Park, The Stettler community began hosting Block Parties with help from the Wellness Committee. 5 very successful community gatherings were very well received. New concession operators at the SRC. New back board at the tennis courts. New playground with pour in place rubber fall surface. New community Garden Community hall sidewalk Cemetery material handling upgrades Ball diamonds received new shale Support for new Gymnastics program building and association. 24 Significant removal of problem trees and pruning of street trees due the new lift available at all times 25 Community partnerships Continued Planning for a new NE Industrial Area Structure Plan Continued with Alberta Health Services for the A.E. Kennedy building, the increased lease rates will yield$1,859,788.75 over the ten year term. Regional Collaboration grant received for Master Servicing Study ($240,000) and Red Willow Creek Basin Study ($250,000) The Town of Stettler received 91% on our external safety audit under the Provincial Partners in Reduction Program Significant financial enhancement to the Altagas Franchise Agreement Participated in numerous community organization fundraising activities 26 The Town of Stettler welcomed 4 new Doctors who will begin their practice in 2015/2016 On May 5, 2015 the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP) was elected to a majority government under new leader Rachel Notley. The NDP formed the government for the first time in its history and ousted the Progressive Conservatives, who were reduced to third place in seats. March 12-15, 2015 the town of Stettler Hosted the 2015 Hockey Alberta Bantam A Provincial Championship with 10 teams competing June 20 & 21, 2015 the Town of Stettler hosted the U12-U18 Central Alberta Soccer Playdown to go to Provincials July 10-12, 2015 the Town of Stettler hosted the U14 Girls and Boys Provincial Soccer Championship July 24-26, 2015 the Town of Stettler hosted the 2015 Mosquito A Provincial A Baseball Championships 27 Stettler Regional Fire Department 2015 ACCOMPLISHMENTS MISSION STATEMENT The Stettler Regional Fire Department exists to enhance the quality of life within our community by providing innovative protection and safety to life, property and the environment. We are a professional organization that accomplishes our mission through prevention, emergency response, education and training. The following is a snapshot of some of the great community services the Fire Department has provided this year. FIRE PREVENTION Delivered fire safety education to organizations such as Clear View School Division, Stettler Day Cares, Stettler Library, ATCO Electric, County of Stettler Housing Authority, Stettler Vet Clinic, Stettler Forest Wardens and a wide verity of other organizations throughout our response area. FIRE INSPECTION Completed fire safety inspections on assembly types of occupancy such as Day Care facilities, Schools, Hospital, Senior Lodges and Commercial buildings. Completed plans review on all new construction and change of occupancy regarding Commercial and Industrial buildings. PUBLIC SERVICE “DON’T PUT US TO WORK” presentation for the William E Hay Composite graduating class. A re-enactment of the results of a fatal car accident involving young adults. The presentation involves RCMP, EMS, FIRE DEPARTMENT, FUNERAL HOME and GRADE 12 DRAMA CLASS. 28 Annual Fire Department Food Bank Blitz to support the Stettler Food Bank. Also participated in the Ronald McDonald House charity, and RCMP Charity Check Stop. RECRUITMENT We recruited and trained 12 new fire fighters from September 2014 to September 2015. Our recruitment program has been very effective over the last three years we have recruited over 30 new recruits. That sounds great however the trend is that we loose 50% of the recruits from the previous years efforts every year. RETENSION We have a very dedicated group of Fire Fighters on staff with lots of positive momentum happening. We have made progress in creating a core commitment toward physical fitness training and awareness of the importance of realistic hands-on training to promote sustainability. 29 TRAINING Fire fighter training is our number one top priority the following are some of the highlights. Three Fire Fighters have completed NFPA 1001 Level II Professional Qualifications. Twelve firefighters achieved NFPA S600 pump operator level status. Deputy Chief Brugman and Captain Walker attended the Fire Department Instructor Conference in Indianapolis. Brugman and Walker attended live fire training with the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Chief Dennis attended this year’s Disaster Conference and participated in a Table top exercise, System wide electrical outage, Crisis communications and Social Media in Emergency Management. Seven Fire Fighters attended Large Animal Rescue training dealing with cattle liner roll overs. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 19 13 24 37 59 12 47 8339 Structure Fires Vehicle Fires Grass/Brush Fires Motor Vehicle Accidents Medical Assist Miscellaneous - Rescue, down power line, and Hazardous materials spill or leak Alarm- Carbon monoxide, Smoke detector, and Accidental alarm activation Staff hours 30 Financial Implications 2015 - $21,000 2014 - $20,770 2013 - $20,445 Conclusion: Given the current global pricing downturn impacting further growth in Alberta’s rural oil and gas sectors, our community remains fortunate to have a diverse local economy including, relatively strong agricultural sectors, health and education employment sectors, and regional retail and service sectors. It is always a challenge to retain our trained operational staff even when there are declining lucrative jobs in other local industries or other communities. Whether we like it or not we have to compete for good people in our local market place. Retention of knowledgeable and experienced operational staff is a key to our performance and our continued success as a municipal organization. Even in this current challenging economy, we continue to experience challenges recruiting skilled staff for vacancies within our organization. Our highly valued employee Pension Plan (LAPP) remains intact however the threat exists that may be legislatively adjusted so as to defer/reduce the timing of participation benefits. Every employee benefit approved by Council is a positive tool for retention purposes. The employees working in our organization are appreciative of having good jobs and therefore embrace our 5th Annual Food Bank Fill-Up (1/2 ton truck) challenge to help prevent hunger and improve dignity for those less fortunate and in need. In addition Town 31 employees (with a matching contribution from the CAO) will attempt to collectively donate approximately $600 to a local organization in 2015 through participation in our supplier provided employee gift draw table. Genuine and consistent appreciation, acknowledgement and reinforcement go a long way to help maintain our most necessary resource. Recommendation: That the Town of Stettler Council recognize the efforts of its entire team of valued employees through the award of a $325 Christmas Bonus to be paid in (local) Heart of Alberta Dollars per full time employee (prorated for part time employees) as an appreciation for their continued effort, commitment and loyalty, as well as appreciation for the overall level of organizational accomplishment and dedication in 2015. 32 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Steven Gerlitz Angela Stormoen November 10, 2015 Dog & Cat License Fees for 2016 Background Town administration has conducted a review of our existing Dog & Cat Licenses and Rates. The Dog Bylaw 2050-14 & Cat Bylaw 2049-14 were passed in March of 2014, these Bylaws repealed and replaced the bylaws from 2007. The Dog & Cat License Fees did not change from the previous bylaw. Below is a chart showing the number of Dog and Cat licenses currently registered as well as the potential revenue for 2016: Animal Type DOG -Unaltered DOG -Altered CAT- Unaltered CAT -Altered TOTAL Total Number of 2015 Licenses 41 704 0 221 966 Total Potential Revenue 2016* $19,650.00 $5,525.00 $25,175.00 In reviewing the Dog Bylaw 2050-14 & Cat Bylaw 2049-14 license rates, administration compared the rates to those of other municipalities similar in population size: Dog Dog Cat Cat Unaltered Altered Unaltered Altered Bonnyville $65.00 $20.00 $50.00 $10.00 Vermilion $50.00 $20.00 $50.00 $20.00 St. Paul $20.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $60.00 $45.00 $60.00 $45.00 Blackfalds Stettler $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 Average $48.75 $23.75 $45.00 $21.25 **Discount *Discount rate is from December 1 - January 31 Replacement Discount Tag Rate $5.00 n/a $10.00 n/a $5.00 n/a $6.00 $30.00 / $15.00** $10.00 $10.00* $6.50 rate is from January 1 - January 31 Recommendation That Town Council set the 2016 Dog & Cat License fees at the same rate as 2015: • $25 for an altered dog or cat • $50 for an unaltered dog or cat • $10 for a replacement tag • $10 Discount between December 1 -January 31 Alternatives That Town Council increase or decrease the Dog & Cat License fees for 2016. 33 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Steven Gerlitz Angela Stormoen November 10, 2015 Business License Fees for 2016 Background Each year Town of Stettler Council sets the Business License Fees for the upcoming year; administration has conducted a review of our existing Business Licenses and the Business License Bylaw 1807-99. As of October 30, 2015 we have the following number of Active Business Licenses: Business Type Resident (Rate $150/year): Commercial Home Occupation Non- Resident (Rate $350/year) TOTAL Number Of Licenses 2013 2014 2015 402 396 398 75 71 71 57 56 36 507 526 529 Potential 2016 Revenue *Based on 2015 Licenses $59,400 $11,250 $12,600 $83,250 In reviewing the Business License Bylaw 1807-99 our existing rates for 'resident' businesses and 'non-resident' businesses were compared to those of other municipalities in Alberta. The following table illustrates this comparison: Municipality Ponoka Coaldale Bonnyville Westlock Devon Olds Wainwright Red Deer Camrose Peace River AVERAGE Town of Stettler Resident fee $100.00 $60.00 $200.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $172.50 $125.00 $150.00 $125.75 $150.00 Non Resident Fee $250.00 $300.00 $400.00 $200.00 $300.00 $200.00 $200.00 $345.00 $250.00 $300.00 $274.50 $350.00 The last change to the Business License Bylaw 1807-99 was in November 2013, which increased the business license fees from $325.00 to $350.00 for 'non-resident' and from $125.00 to $150.00 for 'resident' businesses. Recommendation That Town Council set the 2016 Business License fees as the same rate as 2015, $150.00 for a Resident License and $350.00 for a Non-Resident License. 34 TOWN OF STETTLER BANK RECONCILIATION AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2015 Net Balance at End of Previous Month $ 8,120,990.05 ADD: General Receipts (summarized below) Interest Earned Investments Matured SUBTOTAL 818,531.12 6,879.11 8,946,400.28 LESS: General Disbursements Payroll Investments Debenture Payments Returned Cheques Bank Charges SUBTOTAL 2,093,841.45 351,457.69 341.24 1,070.51 2,446,710.89 NET BALANCE AT END OF CURRENT MONTH (General Ledger) $ Balance at End of Month - Bank ADD: Outstanding Deposits LESS: Outstanding Cheques 6,499,689.39 6,775,061.11 8,366.66 283,738.38 NET BALANCE AT END OF CURRENT MONTH (Bank) $ 6,499,689.39 INVESTMENTS: $U.S. Money Market Account SUBTOTAL - TOTAL CASH ON HAND AND ON DEPOSIT $ 6,499,689.39 THIS STATEMENT SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL THIS 17th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2015 _________________________________ MAYOR GENERAL RECEIPTS SUMMARY Tax AR Utility AR Bus License AR Alta Gas Franchise ATCO Franchise Health Unit Rental SMRWSC Water Library Salary Alberta Finance FCSS County Fire Agreement Other Total ______________________________________ ASSISTANT CAO 235,529 258,739 0 50,136 29,671 14,424 14,539 10,020 42,561 15,812 0 0 0 147,100 35 818,531 System: 2015-11-04 1:45:56 PM User Date: 2015-11-04 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date From: First First First Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 67702 Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 67736 Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== APEX Supplementary Pension Pla 67702 2015-11-06 $299.06 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sup Pension Plan PP22-15 2015.10.27 $299.06 ====================================================================================================================== Barnes, Roger 67703 2015-11-06 $25.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov Telephone Allowance 2015.11.01 $25.00 ====================================================================================================================== Bilodeau, Gates 67704 2015-11-06 $400.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov Telephone Allowance 2015.11.01 $400.00 ====================================================================================================================== Blue Grass Sod Farm Ltd. 67705 2015-11-06 $27,697.95 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Screened compost @ Transfr Stn G36854. $27,697.95 ====================================================================================================================== Border Paving Ltd. 67706 2015-11-06 $1,152.27 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roads Asphalt Hotmix 51925 $1,152.27 ====================================================================================================================== Bounty Onsite Inc. 67707 2015-11-06 $181.49 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fire Extinguisher&Sign Barrica 001-026457 $181.49 ====================================================================================================================== Canadian Union of Public Emplo 67708 2015-11-06 $472.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Union Dues PP#22-15 2015.10.27 $472.50 ====================================================================================================================== Central Sharpening 67709 2015-11-06 $215.25 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sharpen Zamboni & Chipper Blad 24621 $215.25 ====================================================================================================================== Dodd, Sonia 67710 2015-11-06 $25.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov Telephone Allowance 2015.11.01 $25.00 ====================================================================================================================== Enmax Energy Corporation 67711 2015-11-06 $64,868.10 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System: 2015-11-04 1:45:56 PM User Date: 2015-11-04 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 2 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sept Power Bills 15-2527485 $64,868.10 ====================================================================================================================== Fischer, Malcolm 67712 2015-11-06 $302.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travel & Subsistence 2015.10.30 $302.00 ====================================================================================================================== George, Carolyn 67713 2015-11-06 $240.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sep 9-Oct 28 Fitness Instructo 2015.10.28 $240.00 ====================================================================================================================== Gerlitz, Steven 67714 2015-11-06 $100.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov Phone & Travel Allowance 2015.11.01 $100.00 ====================================================================================================================== Industrial Machine Inc. 67715 2015-11-06 $10,494.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hiway Sander Unit #109 25456EQ $10,494.75 ====================================================================================================================== KaizenLAB Inc. 67716 2015-11-06 $963.07 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------WTP Sample Testing INV0014642 $118.97 WTP Sample Testing INV0015413 $120.75 WTP Sample Testing INV0015455 $216.20 WTP Sample Testing INV0015414 $362.25 WTP Sample Testing INV0015452 $144.90 ====================================================================================================================== Kneeland & Sons Construction L 67717 2015-11-06 $5,458.10 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Security Release 2015.11.02 $5,458.10 ====================================================================================================================== Penner, Lee 67718 2015-11-06 $420.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------P&L Travel & Subsistence Oct 2 2015.10.29 $420.50 ====================================================================================================================== Practica Ltd. 67719 2015-11-06 $461.33 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Park Dog Waste Bags 36176 $461.33 ====================================================================================================================== Priore, Emma 67720 2015-11-06 $1,800.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 2015 Hall Janitor 2015.10.31 $1,800.00 ====================================================================================================================== Pro Water Conditioning 67721 2015-11-06 $60.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pool - Bottled Water 10128 $60.00 37 System: 2015-11-04 1:45:56 PM User Date: 2015-11-04 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 3 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== QM Contracting 67722 2015-11-06 $1,575.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------October Water Meter Reader 2015.11.01 $1,575.00 ====================================================================================================================== Receiver General for Canada 67723 2015-11-06 $36,386.36 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tax Deductions PP#22 2015.10.27 $28,358.78 Tax Deductions PP#22 2015.10.27. $6,759.44 Tax Deductions PP#22 2015.10.27.BOT $1,268.14 ====================================================================================================================== Rowles, Marty 67724 2015-11-06 $173.99 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rec Centre Clothing Allowance 2015.10.28 $173.99 ====================================================================================================================== Roynat Lease Finance 67725 2015-11-06 $913.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SRC Copier Lease Dec/Jan/Feb 2015.11.01 $913.50 ====================================================================================================================== Scott, Graham 67726 2015-11-06 $492.63 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------GIS Travel & Subsistence 2015.10.30 $492.63 ====================================================================================================================== Shaw Direct 67727 2015-11-06 $81.86 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joint Office TV 10.26-11.25 2015.10.24 $81.86 ====================================================================================================================== Startec Refrigeration Services 67728 2015-11-06 $8,072.68 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ice Plant Service & Repair SO-62198 $5,993.93 Ice Plant Service & Repair SO-63604 $2,078.75 ====================================================================================================================== Stettler Regional Board of Tra 67729 2015-11-06 $230.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Town rec'd money thru bank rec 2015.10.16 $130.00 HBC Awards Banquet Tickets 3683 $100.00 ====================================================================================================================== Stormoen, Angela 67730 2015-11-06 $100.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov Plan & Dev Travel Allowanc 2015.11.01 $100.00 ====================================================================================================================== Switenky, Greg 67731 2015-11-06 $370.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov Travel Allowance 2015.11.01 $370.00 38 System: 2015-11-04 1:45:56 PM User Date: 2015-11-04 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 4 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------====================================================================================================================== Team Aquatic Supplies Ltd. 67732 2015-11-06 $946.09 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pool Program Uniforms IN086126 $782.29 Pool Programs Uniforms IN086348 $163.80 ====================================================================================================================== Telus Communications 67733 2015-11-06 $3,203.15 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct 22 to Nov 21, 2015 2015.10.23 $3,203.15 ====================================================================================================================== Town Centre Properties (Brooks 67734 2015-11-06 $3,320.59 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Security Release 2015.11.02 $3,320.59 ====================================================================================================================== Ventnor, Coralee 67735 2015-11-06 $6,515.48 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contracted Sidewalk Sealing 201550 $6,300.00 Contracted Weed Control SMRWSC 201553 $215.48 ====================================================================================================================== Yellow Pages 67736 2015-11-06 $50.30 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct Directory Advertising 15-2041237 $50.30 --------------------$178,068.00 ===================== Total Cheques 39 System: 2015-11-13 9:19:45 AM User Date: 2015-11-13 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date From: First First First Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 67737 Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 67761 Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== Alberta Animal Services 67737 2015-11-13 $8,898.75 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct 2015 Bylaw Enforcement 11544 $8,898.75 ====================================================================================================================== Alberta Land Titles 67738 2015-11-13 $91.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct Admin/P&D Searches 2015.10.31 $91.00 ====================================================================================================================== Alberta One-Call Corporation 67739 2015-11-13 $658.35 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct 1st Calss IN119859 $658.35 ====================================================================================================================== Alta West Group Ltd. 67740 2015-11-13 $840.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SRC Software Maintenance 2K15-57-2 $840.00 ====================================================================================================================== AMSC Insurance Services Ltd. 67741 2015-11-13 $84.06 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fire Equipment Insurance U#221 19970 $84.06 ====================================================================================================================== Canada Post Corporation 67742 2015-11-13 $1,678.87 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct Water Billing Postage 9577554692 $1,678.87 ====================================================================================================================== Clearview Public Schools 67743 2015-11-13 $2,115.15 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Admin Office Insurance/Bond Pr 4314 $2,115.15 ====================================================================================================================== Commercial Aquatic Supplies 67744 2015-11-13 $15,932.70 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Used 12 x 12 Climbing Wall 134594 $15,932.70 ====================================================================================================================== Hach Sales & Service Ltd. 67745 2015-11-13 $665.08 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------WTP Lab Supplies & Freight 109981 $665.08 ====================================================================================================================== Howe, Kelly 67746 2015-11-13 $250.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System: 2015-11-13 9:19:45 AM User Date: 2015-11-13 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 2 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015 Clothing Allowance 2015.11.03 $250.00 ====================================================================================================================== Newcap Radio 67747 2015-11-13 $491.40 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Misc Dept Advertising 74956-7 $491.40 ====================================================================================================================== Odor Tech International 67748 2015-11-13 $98.18 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Community Hall janitor supplie 25653 $98.18 ====================================================================================================================== Praxair Distribution 67749 2015-11-13 $715.68 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pool Chemicals/Cylinder Lease 22030604 $715.68 ====================================================================================================================== Railside Design 67750 2015-11-13 $105.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shop Inspection/Engineers Repo 2013378 $105.00 ====================================================================================================================== Robinson, Holly 67751 2015-11-13 $72.00 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------HBC Meeting Lunch 7657251 $72.00 ====================================================================================================================== Russell Food Equipment Ltd. 67752 2015-11-13 $414.65 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Community Hall Jugs & Trays IN097148 $414.65 ====================================================================================================================== Schwartz Home Building Centre 67753 2015-11-13 $76.64 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Skatepark Supplies 582029 $76.64 ====================================================================================================================== Shaw Cablesystems GP 67754 2015-11-13 $142.70 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fitness Area Cable TV 2015.11.01 $142.70 ====================================================================================================================== Star Diamond Tools Inc. 67755 2015-11-13 $2,425.92 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trans - Grinder Repairs IN52598 $2,425.92 ====================================================================================================================== Stettler & District Handibus 67756 2015-11-13 $125.74 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct Handibus Garage Utilites 1751 $125.74 ====================================================================================================================== Stettler Vet Clinic 67757 2015-11-13 $391.39 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 2015 Vet Clinic Fees 712931 $15.28 System: 2015-11-13 9:19:45 AM User Date: 2015-11-13 Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management Page: 3 User ID: Veronica Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015 Vet Clinic Fees 714164 $376.11 ====================================================================================================================== Summer Village of White Sands 67758 2015-11-13 $1,431.98 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Refund double Payment 2015.11.09 $1,431.98 ====================================================================================================================== Telus Mobility Inc. 67759 2015-11-13 $1,166.52 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct 22 to Nov 21, 2015 2015.10.21 $1,166.52 ====================================================================================================================== The Soap Stop 67760 2015-11-13 $79.34 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rec Centre Supplies 406511 $79.34 ====================================================================================================================== Trinus Technologies Inc 67761 2015-11-13 $52.50 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov Manage Gateway email Hosti R18603-14063 $52.50 --------------------$39,003.60 ===================== Total Cheques 42 System: 2015-11-13 11:18:44 AM User Date: 2015-11-13 Ranges: Vendor ID Vendor Name Cheque Date From: First First First Town Of Stettler CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION REPORT Payables Management To: Last Last Last From: Chequebook ID GENERAL Cheque Number 67762 Page: 1 User ID: Veronica To: GENERAL 67763 Sorted By: Cheque Number Distribution Types Included:All Vendor Name Cheque Number Cheque Date Cheque Amount ====================================================================================================================== Mike's Place Inc. 67762 2015-11-13 $4,861.45 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fire Purchase DJI Inspire I-11928 $4,861.45 ====================================================================================================================== Spieth-Anderson International 67763 2015-11-13 $23,095.67 Invoice Description Invoice Number Invoice Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gymnastic Club Equipment INC-00006819 $19,870.20 Gymnastic Club Equipment INC-00007136 $3,225.47 --------------------$27,957.12 ===================== Total Cheques 43 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Steven Gerlitz Penni Doucette November 17, 2015 Business Tax Fees for 2016 Background Each year Town of Stettler Council sets the Business Tax Fees for the upcoming year; Administration has conducted a review of our existing Business Taxes and the Business Tax Bylaw 2061-15. As of November 17, 2015 we have the following number of Active Business Tax rolls: Business Type (Rate $150/year): Business roll: TOTAL Number Of Licenses 2013 2014 2015 43 43 43 43 43 42 Potential 2016 Revenue *Based on 2015 Licenses $6,300.00 $6,300.00 The last change to the Business Tax Bylaw 2061-15 was in November 2013, which increased the business tax fees from $125.00 to $150.00. Recommendation That Town Council set the 2016 Business Tax fees at the same rate as 2015, of $150.00 per roll. 44 BYLAW 2073-15 WHEREAS under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26 as amended, or repealed and replaced from time to time a Council is authorized to pass a bylaw providing for the assessment of any or all businesses carried on within its area and for the payment by any person carrying on any such business of a tax upon the assessment thereof to be known as a business tax. AND WHEREAS the Town of Stettler having passed Bylaw No. 1783-97 to assess certain businesses within the Town of Stettler; AND WHEREAS the Town of Stettler wishes to fix the 2016 Business Tax Mill Rate for the purposes of levying a Business Tax in 2016; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Stettler, duly assembled, enacts as follows: 1. That the millrate for Business Tax in the Town of Stettler shall be fifteen (15.0) mills on the business assessment for the taxation year 2016. 2. That the Assistant CAO of the Town of Stettler is hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect the rate herein affixed in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M-26 as amended, or repealed and replaced from time to time. 3. The 2016 Business Tax Levy is for ordinary Municipal expenditures. 4. This bylaw shall come into force and effect on the date of final passing thereof. READ a first time this ____ day of ______, A.D. 2015. READ a second time this ____ day of ______, A.D. 2015. READ a third time and finally passed this ____ day of ______, A.D. 2015. _______________________________________ MAYOR ________________________________________ ASSISTANT CAO 45 Environment and Parks Operations Red Deer North Saskatchewan Region 111 Twin Atria Building, 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3 Telephone: 780-427-7617 Fax: 780-427-7824 November 9 2015 Melissa Robbins Director of Operational Services Town of Stettler P.O. Box 280 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Dear Ms. Robbins: Subject: 2015 Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) Convention On behalf of Environment and Parks staff, I would like to thank you for meeting with us at this year’s convention and providing updates on your issue with Red Willow Creed master drainage plan and Flood Hazard Mapping.. These sessions help us to understand your needs for support in the area of environmental management. I understand that Environment and Parks staff met with the Town of Stettler and the County of Stettler in January and March of 2013 to discuss Water Management for the Red Willow Creek Watershed. The key function of the Red Willow Creek Water Drainage Plan would be to: • Consider Functional Watershed Area • Assessment of Environmental Concerns • Assessment of Future Drainage Requirements • Assessment of Flood Protection Levels • Establishment of Environmental Constraints • Assessment of Future Drainage Requirements • Establish Policies and Criteria for Drainage Improvements I have recently been informed that the Redwillow Creek Watershed Regional Master Drainage Plan has been completed by the Town and County and submitted to Environment and Parks staff for Water Act approval. Department staff will review the plan and work with the Town, the County and their consultant on this application. Once this Master Drainage Plan is approved under the Water Act, it will set rules for development and water management within the watershed, determine measures to reduce the potential for downstream flooding, reduce potential for compliance action and stream line the approval process for water management projects and activities within the watershed. The Department Contact is Gordon Ludtke, Sr. Water Administrative Engineer. Gordon can be reached at 403-340-7668 or via email at 46 Page 2 We also discussed the concern that the flood hazard mapping for the Town of Stettler should be reviewed due to new information from engineering studies conducted by the Town. I recommend that the Town of Stettler Continue to engage the River Engineering group in Environment and Parks to try and resolve this concern with how the flood plain and flood fringe are currently being mapped. The best contact there is Peter Onyshko who may be reached by phone at 780-422 7826) or by e-mail at For program questions, please contact the manager of River Engineering team, Evan Friesenhan. Evan Friesenshan may be reached by phone (780-427-8218) or by e-mail Yours truly, Randall Barrett Director, Red Deer North Saskatchewan Region cc: Gordon Ludtke Evan Friesenhan Peter Onyshko 47