Groundhog - Heckrodt Wetland Reserve
Groundhog - Heckrodt Wetland Reserve
NatureTnaoks,,.ttt Groundhog a.t Sfudentswill be obleto... ondrecordresultsthot showshodow Mqkeobservotions lengthsduringdifferent timesof the doy. vocqbulory, ondmothskillsrelotedto the Buildspelling, groundhog. Resourcesincludedin this packet: t. "Shodow Activities"- intercctiveoctivitiesin whichstudentsore to leornmoreoboutthem. obleto observeshadows "Groundhog in the HolePuppetCraft"- honds-on crcft octivity 2. puppetthot concomeand thot ollowsstudentsto creoteo groundhog go from its denhole. 3. "Groundhog & ActivitySheets"- interqctive DoyWordSeorches that buildspelling, vocobulory, cndmothskills. worksheets oboutgroundhogs. 4. A list of odditionolinformotion Makethe mostof vour visit... Bringyoursenseof odventure! don'thondleonyonimols! Don'tpickplantsor berries...ond Stoy on the boordwolkor,troils to ovoidtromplingdelicoteplonts. Pick-upand throw qwoyoll trosh. Animolswill try to eot onything...once! Heckrodt Wetlond Reserve Locotedof 1305 PlonkRood,Menosho,WI 54952 For info coll: 920-720-9349 ::' t;t^,,,. ,4.:*,r, d, .u . l' ',{?n' ,oi,az 4^" '.:.*:.;2 ''^ t " i t .':'";.,',t: ' ' t " , la. * ShodowActivities f :"i<az i" .;,.]{?*ir l He?e s?e some octivity ideos reloted to shodowS... ;1.' l'\*',,rt fntroducechildrento shodows by ollowing themto moke ,fL=.,..aL. with hondsondfinge?s.Youcouldolsofind o ,,i.* shodows onother expertto comein os o guestspeoker ,l** mogicion li,u"+to mokehondshodows with the children. .l':' .t3:/::/-'.: ,iit-t'r,t: r"'j '"'""*z'1 .*'' "l:r"+ .f'' ?. | .lx';tu.7'' ..rr, :lr^Em ;i :'ra@ On o sunnydoy,toke the childrenoutdoorsto alorge povedoF€o ri,{i:*.*2. ;,, t.*:t+j) (likeo ployground or vocontporkinglot.) Havethe chifdrenwork i '.f."+&* with portners.Onechildwilffoydownonthe povement, while ,$ the other childtroceshis/herportner'sshodowonthe pavement with sidewolkcholk. Thenhovethem chonge ploces ,t'i3z:::.2 (the childthot trocedthe shadowwill nowloyon the povement r^l' i,j.;ep* ondviceverso.)Thechildrenconcofortheir outlines, drow d: focioff eatures,clothes,etc. Theyconolsoplacetheir nome l.l*a+ next to their shodow.(If doingthis octivityin the winter,you ','.:lr:";:; conhovethe childrenloyin the snow,ondhovethe children ',tl*€+ corefullywofkoroundthe childloyingin the snowto trocethe t . . :'.1r"i{i; child'sshodow.) ' {:*",,, '''r;' <'....,.,., r. ,.,2:@ ,ii,z .' 't :.";.o4 tt: ":.*z '{.; 1;€z tt' li'- '{'r;,+ :dl*", r'i*,-,3. Hovethe children90 outsideseveroltimeso doyto e their shadows.(Onghourintervofs ore meosur recommended.) Record,chort,groph,onddiscusswhythe shodowssrelongeror shorter of different timesof the doy. Didthe shodowdirectionchongeas well?Why? ,:*:a,1.: 1 '.i ':{'=, i ': . ,t" -' f: , -:t1 , . j, ; . , : . # # # *## * # #* ##txtxtx**## wwwww# * # F.,L-^ :- r f^t^ r:r----^a in Hole Puppet eroundhog # W # * tnoteriols' boll(eroundhos heod) oo^-pom H ru:,l;:lin boll (groundhog eors) brownpom-pom ffi # crofi otu" n fI t*2-1" -t/2" pinkpom-pom boll (groundhog nose) # 1 # 2 googfyeyes(groundhogeyes) ff t toilet poperroll * t pieceof brownor g?eenconstructionpoper # r Foosiclestick *x--'--If. Scissors * - l l# # W {X W # I # * t. Findthe cente?of the 2" brownpom-pomboll, # then ottoch pulo drop of glueon the Pom-Pom, H * stick. to Popsicle ffi # \,7ui^L' ,^-f(Set c,a* toside aaiAa +^ i-., \ u drYv Y. groundhog to . Y dry.) fl r soce. vre. finish .rttr'.r \YeI f .t H ;Jr JUllYrlv:t fl # onto 2" -pom-pom. # * Z. Gluetwo 1" brownpom-poms fr .^ . . pom-pohonto - ^.,. pom-pom.trr 2" brov,rn !/2" S Glue . * ffi 4. Glue2 googlveyesonto ?" brownpom-pomto # S, f'k fI * # 5 . Glueo pieceof either brownor g?een constructionpoperonto o toilet poperroll. # ff ttr n .^--' *^l*-, nnlns ^^-l-A-rl I H (Usescissorsfor trimmingos needed.) on the Popsiclestick # # e . Gentlypushthe groundhog fittrrough the toilet poperroll, creotingo g?oundhog* JVI - | Vl lr llllllllll:t r.- llreteYreY., x * thot Popsin ondout of its holeto seeits S nynn"t snooow! ffi p * #* tx#{xfxfxfx*tx###f}# tx# ## tx}fx##txtx GroundhogDay Wordsearch D B S U N D E R G R O U N D H O D A H Y F T O S H S I X L D M K G S W I N T E R E U I X A T E R R O U E E L A I B Y M T W E O W D E L T R T E W M S J F W U B A O J L S R R A U R B E F N W H A Y A N C L K E C R S O D M S E C A U L A E O U O H I H T G R T S R O D N D D N K A O H E E T A E U C K A U L Y M G V G W N C H D B U R R O W F O N T L U E U Y D N O C E S Z I D C D T R P E E L S N O W R K H U H E O T E Q A U M H P W O B X I C F O P J R Z N S Wo rd L i st A}TIMAL AWAKE BURROW CLOUDY EARLY EARTH FEBRUARY FORECAST FUR GROUNDHOG HIBERNATE HOLE LATE MAMMAL OVERCAST RODENT SECOND SHADOW S]X SLEEP SNOW SPRING SUN UNDERGROUND WEEKS WINTER WOODCHUCK Fu.\ G - Courtesy of Songs 4 Teachers@ Feel free to share this Word Search with your colleagues. @2001O'FlynnConsulting Mary - rh GroundhogDay r Hidden Message There is a Hidden Messagein this Word Search Puzzle. Can you find all the words and discoverthe secret message? ANTMAL AWAKE BURROW CLOUDY EARLY EARTH FEBRUARY FORECAST FUR GROUNDHOG HIBERNATE HOLE LATE MAMMAL OVERCAST G H T Y X Y S O S E Z U V E C H O G S D S S H K P N C T V V T O H U A L E A A D R A O B P A P C P Y G R O U N D Y S L K C U H C D O O W R O A P E D A N M Y B H A D E C G L U I A L A M U E N T E O O O M Y A U R C A U R R H H M O T T B W R G O I O E A R T H E C R E B R W F L S I X F E O E V O G L A M I N A D R N R O T N E D O R T N O R D S U N O A D U V I U W J J K D G T R F X B N W O N S E L N H L O U X G W I N T E R P O Y M O R B I P H W W O R I Word List RODENT SECOND SHADOW SIX SLEEP SNOV'I SPR]NG SUN UNDERGROUND WEEKS WTNTER WOODCHUCK Courtesy of Songs 4 Teachers@ Feel free to share this Word Search with your colleagues. @2001O'FlynnConsulting Mary - Page1 of1 abcteachPrintable Worksheet: Groundhog Day Word Search @qb'ctsgqh t t l l l t Februory l l t t l l t t t l l l l t l t Groundhog l l t l t l l l l t t I Day P R D J A P H U E N Y V J I W r u D R H Y r r v z B a x x L a 9 S G O L F U S Y Y W L E O K X F L W Y L E A O N T H S N L X P C S P M S H I Y R A U R X D E T T O Y N T R P Z U G N I A N P S Z R N Y Y A B A Y D F N P J O O V Y P T U S V U S G C T L T C N R S K Z D E K S C R G H B E F A T J O V A N R E B I H W A E I V C J D K D W G K R B N G I O N S G A U H P W S E A C O I N R V C Y F R Z K F I O T M G M N G N N P F I Z r D a x a F D x . t E D G B r M Burrow February Groundhog Hide Phi]. Punxsutawney I .htm http :i/www.abcteach.comAvlonthtoMonth'/February/groundhog Scared Second Shadow Spring Sunshine Iilinter t2/t0/04 Groundhog .org - the Official Site of the PunxsutawneyGroundhog Club Page1 ofl Phil's Math Message Philhasa specialmessageforyou.Solvethe mathproblems below.Thenusethecodeto (Thefirstonewasdoneforyou.) findthe message. t5 +l F il + + 7 _g tlo n r{ n + +3 fo tl la +h * fI f. t$' +b +4. -T t lo ilg l {5- + l 3t +* fI f +1 il r +4 Js iln f, nrlrftfilrfI 3 s b F 7 $ ++ il q fb 7- & 3 , + - -l Tf rf rf CODE: http ://www. shtml t2/10/04 Additional Information AdditionolResources: - TheOfficisl Site of the Punxsutowney 1. Groundhog Club Activities,history,etc. regarding groundhogs ondGroundhog Doy. - (Mcrmotomonox)" 2. "Woodchuck http:.// k/ Bockground informotion onthe woodchuck. 3. "Critter ControlFoctSheet- Woodchucks" htt pz/ / lt pwww / globe/ Bockground information onthe woodchuck. - TheirEcology 4. "Woodchucks ondcontrol"- Universityof wisconsinExtension Http://cecommerce.uwex.edulpdf s/63505.PDF Bockground informotion onthe woodchuck. - HinterlondWho'sWho"- Conodion 5. "Woodchuck WildlifeServicesEnvironment Conodo http://www.cws-scf .ec.qc.colhww-fop/woodchuc/woodchuc.html Background informotion onthe woodchuck. 6. "TheNoture GuideGollery-Gopher" httpt/ gopher .html Bockground information onthe woodchuck. 7."Groundhog Focts" htt p:/ / s.cor / / Chronicle/ 96/ ?.1.96/ f acts.html Site contoins fqcts ondfoctoidsregording the groundhog. 8. "Groundhog Links" links.htm Bockground information onthe groundhog. 9. "Snugin the Snow"- EEK!- WI DNR hIt pt/ / or g/ coer/ ce/ eek/ nsture/ snugsnow .htm Site contoinshibernation informqtion onthe woodchuck. 10."Groundhog DoyQuiz" ibrqrylguiz/b lquizholground.htm http://homeschool cnd oboutgroundhogs On-lineguizthot willtesf yourknowledge Groundhog Doy. 11."Groundhog Quiz"- hogs.shtml z/ground http://www.enchonted Studentguizrelotedto groundhogs. 12."ActivitiesandCroftsfor Groundhog Doy"- tslgroundhogday/ http://www.enc Day. octivitiesandcrofts relotedto Groundhog Hands-on - Groundhog 13."Mrs.Sirois' CountryKindergarten Doy" htt p:/ / mys page/ Q t87t 24742- t46t9Q- 27- ?548 OO.html andGroundhog Doy. Poems, octivities,ondsongsrelotedto the groundhog 14."WilstorGroundhog DayWordSeorch" htm hogdoypuzzle. Iidoys/puzzleslground OnlinewordseorchonGroundhog Doy. 15."Groundhog DayQuiz" g/ q/ h/ mc-lb- ghd.html htt pt/ / a4esl.or Onlineguizon6roundhog Doy. Puzzle" 16."Groundhog DoyConcentrotion http://surf gometo reveolthe photoundereachpuzzleptece. Pfoythe onlineconcentrotion Unit of StudyComponents 17."Shadow Unit"- DDNCurriculum Explorotion curriculumunit of study com.hfm h explorotion. curriculum unit onshodow Kindergorten Plonning WorldLesson 18."Come to the Groundhog DayPorty"- Educotion lesson/lesson048.shtml gqmesocrossthe grodes. activitiesondgroundhog Leorning 19."Groundhog Doy"- http://www.chi crofts,songs,ondpoemsrelotedto the groundhog. Gsmes, - Groundhog AO."Groundhog Gsmes DoyArt - Groundhog Misc" ://www.perpetuolpreschoo http Gomes, crofts, songs,ondpoemsrelotedto the groundhog. Zl."Groundhog Doy" http://www.ongelf 6ames,crofts, songs,andpoemsrelotedto the groundhog. 22."ProjectGroundhog Poems ondRhymes" http://www.stemnet. nf.col6round hoglquidelpoems. htm Poems ondrhymesrelotedto the groundhog. 23. KneeHighNoture - Fall:A 6uideto Noture.ActivitiesondFun,by PotWishort& DiqnneHoyley 24. KneeHighNoture- Winter:A 6uideto Noture.ActivitiesondFun,by DionneHayley & PotWishort 25. Wild Animols of the Woods:Woodchucks, by LynnM. Stone 26. A NewTrueBook:Woodchucks, by EmilieU. Lepthien 27.Groundhog Doy,by MichelleAki Becker 28. Gregory'sShodow,by DonFreemqn 29.TheSecretof the First OneUp,by fris HiskeyArno 30.Groundhogs. Woodchucks. Mormots.ondWhistlePigs,byAdeleD.Richordson 31.Woodchuck, by FoithMcNulty 32.Orphon:TheStory of o BobyWoodchuck, by FoithMcNulty qt Evergreen 33.Groundhog Rood,by SusanKormon ActivitiesCorrelatedto the StateStandards o L c; tr sf I l.\ G' ShadowActivities Word Searches/Activity Sheets o o g o c! o s t6 c\t s (o n ra) rn' l Oa f ) c\l lf) IE = + 4 o (f) c? n s a s o c o j a a t'\ E' UJ j tr ITI tt