December Pa. State Bulletin
December Pa. State Bulletin
STATE OFFICERS 2011-2012 DWAINE SHUPE JR Past State President Blairsville Aerie #1488 THOMAS PARSONS State President Fairless Hills Aerie #2498 SCOTT BRASILE State Vice-President Tony Angelo Aerie #01188 DONALD L. HEARN State Secretary Waynesburg Aerie #598 TED MINICH State Treasurer New Bethlehem Aerie #1860 PENNSYLVANIA STATE AERIE, F.O.E. P.O. BOX 349, WAYNESBURG, PA 15370 PHONE: (724) 627-5300 FAX: (724) 627-5222 E-MAIL ADDRESS: PASTAERIE@WINDSTREAM.NET December 2011 LARRY MENDENHALL Membership Chairman Littlestown Aerie #2226 THOMAS PARSONS Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Chairman Fairless Hills Aerie #2498 TIMOTHY FINNERTY Legal Advisor Carnegie Aerie #1134 ED BALL Webmaster Carlisle Aerie #1299 ERIC BARNES State Trustee, 5th Year Gettysburg Aerie #1562 DONALD MOFFITT State Trustee, 4th Year Carlisle Aerie #1299 THOMAS “Jack” SHIREY State Trustee, 3rd Year Clarion Aerie #3807 DONALD W. LUMADUE State Trustee, 2nd Year Clearfield Aerie #812 H. JAMES HINDERLITER State Trustee, 1st Year New Bethlehem Aerie #1860 STANLEY C. HILL State Chaplain Hanover Aerie #1406 C. MICHAEL CLEPPER State Conductor Carlisle Aerie #1299 TERRY LONGBERRY State Inside Guard Meadville Aerie #429 JEREMY FRITS State Outside Guard Sunbury Aerie #503 Membership Goal 7691 ZONE 1 DISTRICTS: 9,10,11,12,13 and 15 JUNE 214 JULY 223 AUGUST 174 SEPTEMBER 225 OCTOBER 234 NOVEMBER 165 DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY TOTAL ZONE ONE 1235 ZONE 2 DISTRICTS: 5,7,8 and 14 JUNE 92 JULY 70 AUGUST 74 SEPTEMBER 74 OCTOBER 97 NOVEMBER 57 DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY TOTAL ZONE TWO 464 ZONE 3 DISTRICTS: 1,2,3 and 4 JUNE 193 JULY 187 AUGUST 192 SEPTEMBER 155 OCTOBER 196 NOVEMBER 176 DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY TOTAL ZONE THREE 1099 PENNSYLVANIA STATE GRAND MEMBERSHIP TOTAL 2,798 State President’s Report Thomas C. Parsons December 2011 I started off November with a visit to Carlisle Aerie #1299 on the 5th for their Past President’s Tribute. It was superb. It was nice to see an Aerie give recognition and thanks to Past Aerie Presidents and the Auxiliary Presidents. A lot of them were present at the ceremony and a great job was done by the Aerie and the Auxiliary in putting it all together. Between the Aerie and the bike ride in August, I was presented with a check from the Aerie President in the amount of $1,500.00 for my charity, “Autism Research”. I thank you from the bottom of my heart because I know it takes a lot of work and cooperation to make it all work. The next morning I was off to Carrick Aerie #1520 for the Memorial Service for Roy Schafer, “may he rest in peace”. I arrived in Carnegie Aerie #113 by mistake and missed the ceremony. My sincerest apologies go out to the family. It was nice of them to have the memorial for such a fine gentleman and great Eagle. I spoke to District Director Ray Roberts and hope to make another visit to this area in the future. On November 19th I arrived in Kutztown Aerie #839 for a meeting of District #11 on Sunday. On Friday at Kutztown, I talked to Worthy President Randy Schlenker and Vice President Lance Babbitt in addition to bartender Roy. I was surprised to learn that they have about 750 members. For a relatively small place that is an impressive number and is probably due to their congeniality. On Saturday afternoon, I went to visit Allentown Aerie #110. I spoke with Trustees Terry and Bob. They say their Aerie is doing fine. I was taught a new bar Bingo game by bartender Amber. I played the game for a while. I won some and lost more. After a short visit I went back to Kutztown to the Aerie for the District meeting. I had a nice chat with District Director Mike Kalin and his wife Betty, who is the Ladies Auxiliary Secretary. I also spoke with the Auxiliary Vice - President Debbie DeWolfe. It was also nice to see my side kick, Madam State President Debbie Bailey and Bud. We had a very nice time. Additionally, it was good to see Larry and Gennie Lutseo and District #11 Secretary Rich Cosner, and his wife Shirley. There is always a fun time when they are around. Nearing 2 pm we went upstairs to a very pleasant meeting room. The meeting was well run by District Chairman Henry Salina. This District has a lot of things going on. Also in attendance and great to see was PSP Chet Pipher, PSP John Domer, and PSP Joe Shoemaker who spoke on the importance and obligation of each Aerie to pay their Per Capita Tax past and present. If those Aeries in default would like to set up a payment plan, please contact State Secretary Don Hearn. It’s an absolute necessity. When a member pays his dues, a percentage of the payment must be sent to the Grand Aerie and the State Aerie. As stated in the Constitution, it is illegal not to do so and it is considered fraud. So, for those Aeries in arrears, please make arrangements to start a payment plan, thank you. After the meeting we had a wonderful full course turkey dinner, including the potato stuffing. I would like to express my thanks to Helen, Cindy, Alisa, Debbie, Kelly, Jerry and Kathy and anyone else I may have missed, for an enjoyable meal. During our meal, I spoke with President Frank Rossi of Bethlehem Aerie #284 and his wife Maryann (who by the way is not feeling well, please keep her in your prayers). Once again, it was a great visit with wonderful people. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with your family. Before closing, I would like to thank District #11 for their donation of $100.00 to my charity and the Bethlehem Ladies Auxiliary #284 for their generous donation of $250.00 to “Autism Research” and a big thank you to Gennie Lutseo for her donation of $100.00 as well. I’ll “see you where Eagles fly”. Fraternally Yours, Thomas C. Parsons PA State President P.S. Don’t forget to Laugh, Dream, and Wish, have Faith, Hope and Love. Thank You I would like to take this opportunity to Thank the Keystone Conference Committee, Don Moffitt, Bambi Fuller, Genie Lutseo, & Eric Barnes. Also Thanks to Bethlehem Aerie & Auxiliary 284, to all of the PA Aeries & Auxiliaries & those in attendance for their support of the incoming State Aerie & Auxiliary Presidents. Special Thanks to Larry, Genie, Rich, Shirley, their staff and members & John Jordan from Tarentum Aerie #699, for all their hard work and long hours throughout the weekend. They helped to make the 4th Annual Keystone Conference another success. Words cannot express my feelings or the debt of gratitude I owe everyone. It was truly an event that I will never forget. Again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Pennsylvania State VP Scott Brasile Membership Chairman’s Report Larry Mendenhall A Note From “the Teach” December, 2011 Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is not far away, and another year is about done. It seems like just a few days ago we were wishing in 2011. My, how time flies. Kellie and I wish all of you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Also take some time for yourselves. On November 5th my wife and I headed to western Pennsylvania to attend Past President Roy Saffer’s Memorial Service. We made a stop in Waynesburg for a visit. We called the State Office when we got into town and yes, Don was in. We met him at the Aerie for a drink and were introduced to D.J., the “apple pie” maker Tom liked so well. (Ask Tom!) Later we met Michelle and Charlie for dinner and had a great visit. We miss talking to her since she left the State Office. After dinner we went back to the Aerie to meet Charles Wolfe who agreed to hand out some information for the district that I brought him. Carl Donley was the D.J. that evening and yes, Kellie and I even got to dance. It was then time to return to the hotel. The next morning we met Don and Ruthie for breakfast and then headed up to Roy’s Memorial Service. A combination Ritual Team did the Eagle Memorial and a few Eagles spoke about Roy. A nice luncheon was provided afterwards. Roy was a great Eagle, a fun loving guy, and will truly be missed. The next weekend found us in Bethlehem for the Keystone Conference. It was nice to socialize with the Aerie and Auxiliary while helping out our incoming State Presidents, Scott and Elaine. A very delicious meal was provided Saturday night. A special thanks to Jeff DeAngelis and his crew for preparing the meal, a great great job. Also, thank you Bethlehem for hosting the Conference and your gracious hospitality. November 20th I traveled to Sunbury Aerie #503 to attend District #13 meeting where I spoke on membership. I also passed out my “Which Are You” papers asking what kind of member are you. Many thanks to Jeremy Fritz for his work over the past couple years on changing the small games of chance law. Hopefully by the beginning of next year we will have a new law. It won’t have everything we wanted but it will be better than what we have been working with. The month of December will be played by ear since there are no District meetings so I might just stop by a few Aeries, just to say Hi. I will be helping at our Aerie as we are having a Christmas Dance, Aerie party, and a children’s Christmas Party. My wife and I are taking off for 3 days to Williamsburg. Just the two of us and no Eagle business is allowed…(orders from the wife)! In closing I wish Tom Parsons a belated Happy Birthday. I hear he is 39 and holding. Remember…Live for today, plan for tomorrow, and party tonight. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all. Larry the “Teach” Mendenhall P.S. For those who want to know, yes, I did get one, (4 points) opening day in Maryland at my home. It was nice just to get out in the woods after my “incident” in July. See you along the Eagle trail. Tony Angelo Aerie #01188 Honors Past State Presidents In June 2000, two members of District #8 were elected as Pennsylvania State Aerie Officers. Known as the “Dynamic Duo”, they were Timothy “Looking Good – Feeling Good” Livengood, Somerset Aerie 1801 (a dual member of Tony Angelo Aerie #01188) & Robert “Bobo” Linsenbigler, Tony Angelo Aerie #01188. Following the District #8 meeting on November 6, 2011 in Latrobe, the Aerie and District #8 honored Tim & Bobo with a brief ceremony and the unveiling of their portraits. These portraits are now displayed next to PGWP – PSP Anthony M. “Tony” Angelo. Tim served as Pennsylvania State Aerie President in the 2008 – 2009 Fraternal year. Bobo did not have the opportunity to live his dream of serving as Pennsylvania State Aerie President as he passed away suddenly on April 11, 2002. Bobo would have served in the 2009 – 2010 Fraternal Year Pictured with Tim, are Barb & Brandi, Bobo’s wife & daughter. Bobo’s son Chris, who does not live in the area, was unable to attend. INFORMATION The PA State Aerie has moved to Waynesburg, PA MAILING ADDRESS: PA STATE AERIE, F.O.E. P.O. BOX 349 WAYNESBURG, PA 15370-0349 TELEPHONE NUMBERS: FAX NUMBER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: STATE WEBSITE: (724) 627-5300 (724) 627-5222 PA State President Tom Parsons has requested that any Aerie wanting him to visit during the 2011-2012 Fraternal Year--Please send a written request to the PA State Aerie Office. Any Aerie wishing to hold an Officer Training Class, please send in a written request to the State Aerie Office. We will be holding a class on Ritual Scoring, etc. in the spring of 2012. Please notify the State Aerie office in writing if you are interested. PSP Larry Monn has requested that all persons selling PSP tickets to mail ticket stubs and checks as soon as possible. Send stubs and check to: Larry Monn, 12316 Snyder Avenue, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Please make checks payable to “Larry Monn”. UPCOMING EVENTS: Mason-Dixon Conference – March 30th and 31st, 2012 in Brunswick, Maryland PA State Convention – June 8th, 9th, 2012 at Pittsburgh Double Tree Hotel (Formerly Radisson Hotel) PENNSYLVANIA STATE AERIE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM The following Top Zone Producers will have their choice of a heavyweight hooded sweatshirt with Eagle emblem or $30.00 cash prize. TOP ZONE PRODUCERS FOR NOVEMBER ZONE 1 2 3 3 3 AERIE NAME 4294 2399 1365 536 606 NUMBER PROPOSED Lori J. Specht John C. Mucy Louis P. Peronis Ronald J. Samick Richard W. Hancock 8 6 8 8 8 In the interest of greater participation for the producer’s prizes, the Top Zone Producer(s) is ineligible for the lesser Top District Producer prize. The Top District Producer(s) has a choice of an Aerie hand tooled brown leather wallet or $10.00 cash prize. A minimum of three members must be reported to be eligible for a prize. TOP DISTRICT PRODUCERS FOR NOVEMBER DISTRICT 1 2 2 5 9 9 10 13 14 15 AERIE 805 1231 536 1134 4274 1758 834 1208 493 4294 NAME Michael Michalczik William Bellak Roger Smith Jack F. Sullivan Brandon L. Fletcher David L. McCoy Fred David Granguid Watts Louis C. Settie James E. Stringfellow NUMBER PROPOSED 7 5 5 4 3 3 5 4 5 3 To all my Sisters and Brothers: I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who attended the 4th Annual Keystone Conference hosted by Bethlehem # 284. I want to thank all the Auxiliaries, Aeries, Districts and individuals for their contributions to the Basket Raffle. Listed below are the 2011 Keystone Conference Basket Raffle Winners: 1. Shirley Moffitt - #1299 28. Jen Fraser - #1488 2. Carol Wahls - #1299 29. Mary Erceg - #284 3. Donald Rehrig - #284 30. Mary Erceg - #284 4. Martin Pavkovic - #284 31. Jack Shirey - #3807 5. Sandy Miller - #01188 32. Frank Rossi - #284 6. Tom Parsons 33. Bailey Billheimer - #284 7. Joe Bagella - #834 34. Brenda Mc Neal 8. Karen Billheimer - #284 35. Donald Rehrig - #284 9. Donna Martin - #1761 36. Rich Sommers - #284 10. Nancy Correa - #284 37. Carol Wahls - #1299 11, Carol Wahls - #1299 38. Debbie McFerren - #1758 12. Bambi Fuller - #2666 39. Eric Barnes - #1562 13. Don Moffitt - #1299 40. Barry Mindler - #284 14. Cathleen Schultheiss - #284 41. Donald Rehrig - #284 15. Scott & Tammy Billheimer - #284 42. Beth Howell - #01188 16. Oxford - #2666 43. Jan Reed - # 1562 17. Chris Shupe - #1488 44. Jose Santiago - #284 18. Jan Shirey - #3807 45. Chris Shupe - #1488 19. Carole Eppley - #1562 46. Tammy Reiss - #284 20. Tammy Reiss - # 284 47. Fred David Suewrubel - #834 21. Barry Mindler, Jr - #284 48. Shirley Moffitt - # 1299 22. Barry Mindler, Jr. - #284 49. Sandy Haas - #284 23. Gerald Regi - #1299 50. Genie Lutseo - #284 24. Jose Santiago - #284 51. Chris Shupe - #1488 25. Jan Reed - #1562 52. Carol Carea - #1562 26. Jack Shirey - #3807 53. Sylvia Clepper - #1299 27. Barry Mindler, Jr. - #284 54. Debbie McFerren - #175 The 5th Annual Keystone Conference will be hosted by Meadville #429 in 2012. Chairpersons are Terry Longberry of Meadville #429 and Debbie Bailey of Freedom #1429. Treasurer is Eric Barnes of Gettysburg #1562 and Secretary is Beth Howell of Tony Angelo #01188. It was a pleasure working with Bambi Fuller and Don Moffitt who were co-chairpersons this year. I would also like to thank all the people in Bethlehem who helped make this year’s conference run smoothly. And, lastly I want to say it was an honor and pleasure being the secretary of the Keystone Conference for the past few years. Thanks to all - Genie Lutseo - PA State Trustee DIABETES By now all Aerie and Auxiliaries should have received a wanted poster and pledge form. I just wanted to know if you have chosen a person for your Wanted Poster. Be sure to put your picture on along with their name and post it in your Aerie and then have fun with filling up your pledge form. Please contact me with the name of the person whom you have chosen. My e-mail is or you may call me at 717-243-0366. Thank you for your support to help cure Diabetes. Do you have diabetes or don’t you? It’s hard to know if you don’t have the classic symptoms of high blood sugar (frequent urination, blurry vision, constant thirst). The cause of diabetes is a mystery. Sometimes, your body can attack itself causing diabetes. If that is the case, you had no part in causing it. Sometimes the risk for diabetes is passed down from parents to children or may be triggered by a “flu” you came in contact with in your life. For some people, the way we live our lives-ever more car travel, desk jobs, food, stress, and less physical activity-play a role as well. Research dollars are spent every year trying to find the cause and the cure for diabetes. We all hope to find those answers soon but it takes lots of funds for research. Here is where our slogan “People Helping People” comes into play. Together we can stop diabetes one step at a time. • Carlisle #1299 is holding a State Wide Jail-A-Thon. We need your help… Please join us on January 21, 2012. Summonses were sent out to all State Aeries and Auxiliaries. Wanted Posters were served on State Aerie and Auxiliary officers. If you are unable to raise your bail those members may be picked-up and put in Jail. The offender will need your help for pledges to make bail. You won’t want to miss out on this fun-filled Eastern Region wide event. • If your offender is unable to appear at his or her summons, please make arrangements with your secretary to have your pledge form returned along with your bail check prior to January 21. Make your check payable to FOE #1299. Your aerie/auxiliary will receive credit to the Eagles Robert W. Hansen Diabetes Fund on your total pledge. THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU. Remember Diabetes is our Grand Worthy President Melvin Fry’s charity. Let’s support him! Please help us reach out so that we can make a difference in the lives of millions around the world. One hundred percent of your bail money raised will be spent on research, equipment and or education. Diabetes changes everything in the lives of those affected. You can help by participating… Hope to see you in Carlisle, Arlene R Graver Eastern Regional Diabetes Chairman This Holiday Season, Be A Part Of The Solution. Help Unw A Cu rap re For the millions of people suffering from diabetes each year, the best Christmas present is one of hope. During November and December, every dollar donated to The Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center, up to $55,000, will be matched by an anonymous donor. Help us improve the lives of millions by donating to the Diabetes Research Center. Give Now! Mail A Donation To: Visit and click the Donate Now button. The Fraternal Order of Eagles 1623 Gateway Circle South Grove City, Ohio 43123 Payable to F.O.E. Charity Foundation Memo: DRC Merry Christmas to all our Brothers & Sisters Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our Brothers and Sisters. Rich & Sis Hancock Erma & Orville McCracken Max Baer Heart Fund Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Art Ehrmann cancer Fund Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year! Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas and a bright and Happy New Year Larry&Kellie Happy Holidays and Best Wishes to Everyone Sylvia & Mike Clepper God Bless all of You! Larry & Shirley Monn In Memory Big John Jim & Barbara Clark Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Art Ehrmann Cancer Fund Mendenhall MerryChristmas &Happy New Year Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Diabetes Research 0 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Tom Parsons Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund We Wish Everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND a happy, healthy new year. CHET AND BUNNIE PIPHER Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year To all our Brothers & Sisters Bob & Carol Wahls Merry Christmas and Best Wishes! Ted & Sally Minich Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Diabetes Research Center Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Merry Christmas & Thank You for the Good well wishes ! Mitch&Mary Strunk Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund To all our Eagle Brothers & Sisters Dwaine & Chris Shupe Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Peace, Joy, Love …may these be Your gifts this Christmas TO ALL OUR EAGLE BROTHERS & SISTERS Don&Ruthie Hearn Jimmy Durante Children’sFund Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Don and Robin Lumadue Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Lon Lecates Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund The PA State Aerie Wishes A Merry Christmas And A Happy And Healthy New Year to All our Brothers & Sisters ! FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE EAGLES #472 IS HOSTING THE DISTRICT #9 BOWLING TOURNAMENT FEBRUARY 18-19 & FEBRUARY 25-26, 2012 AT LEBANON EAGLES……. 5 PERSON TEAM EVENT HANDICAP……80% OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGE AND 210 USE CURRENT AVERAGE. IF NONE, USE PRIOR YEAR AVERAGE SHIFTSI………..SATURDAY 1PM SUNDAY 4PM 7PM 1PM 4PM ENTRY FEE……$60.00 PER TEAM SEND APPLICATIONS TO: DEADLINE…..FEBRUARY 18, 2012 F.O.E. #472 116 NORTH 8TH STREET LEBANON, PA 17046 ATTN: TODD YINGST, TREAS BOWLERS AVERAGE AERIE # 1._________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________ 5._________________________________________________________ THIS TOURNAMENT IS FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN A TEAM CAN BE ALL MEN, ALL WOMEN OR A COMBINATION OF BOTH. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 717-272-0141 AFTER 4PM WEEKDAYS AND 12PM ON WEEKENDS. TEAM NAME_________________________ TEAM CAPTAIN NAME_________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER_______________________ THE ANNUAL STATE 10 PIN TOURNAMENT Mail Entries to: Sunbury Eagles Aerie #503 PO Box 176, Sunbury, PA 17801 Moral Support Sanctioned by the United States Bowling Congress All Events will be held at Strike Zone Lanes 300 Packer Street, Sunbury, PA 17801 570-286-4813 SINGLES & DOUBLES: SATURDAY 10 AM AND 2 PM 5 MAN TEAM EVENT: SUNDAY 10AM AND 2 PM Maximum of 40 Teams per weekend / Maximum of 16 Teams per time slot. Dates will be: March 24th & 25th First Choice Date ________________________ March 31st & April 1st Second Choice Date______________________ April 14th & 15th Third Choice Date________________________ Time requested for Singles and Doubles 10 AM ______ 2 PM ______ Time Requested for 5 Man Team 10 AM _______ 2 PM ______ Captains will be notified of weekend and times prior to event CLOSING DATE FOR ALL ENTERIES: MARCH 10TH MINOR AND TEAM EVENTS PRIZE FEE $11 PER BOWLER PER EVENT BOWLING FEE $7.50 PER BOWLER PER EVENT TOURNATMENT FEE $2.50 PER EVENT TOTAL OF $21.00 PER BOWLER PER EVENT PRIZE RATIO 1 TO 8 ENTRIES ALL EVENTS (OPTIONAL) $3.00 PER BOWLER PRIZE RATIO 1 TO 8 ENTRIES Tournament Coordinator: Charles Newman 570-274-5651 – email = Aerie Secretary: Jeremy Frits 570-898-2923 – email = Five (5) Man Event Average AUBC# 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________ $21.00 4.__________________________________________________________ PER 5.__________________________________________________________ PERSON Sub ___________________________________________________________ Two (2) Man Event 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________ $21.00 4.__________________________________________________________ PER 5.__________________________________________________________ PERSON Sub ___________________________________________________________ Individual Event 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________ $21.00 4.__________________________________________________________ PER 5.__________________________________________________________ PERSON Sub ___________________________________________________________ All Events 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________ $3.00 4.__________________________________________________________ PER 5.__________________________________________________________ PERSON Sub ___________________________________________________________ The bowlers listed are bona fide members of the F.O.E. and are good standing at the Aerie that he/she is representing for a period of six (6) months prior to the date of the completion. Signed, AERIE SECRETARY ___________________________________________ ________________________ ________________ ________________ Team Captain Aerie Number Phone Number ________________________ ________________ _____ _________ Address City State Zip Tournament Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. All bowlers must be a member of a subordinate of the PA State Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and also the USBC. Both memberships must be in good standing at the time of the Tournament. This shall be a handicap tournament consisting of three events: Team, Double, and Singles Handicap will be 90% of the difference of your highest 2010-2011 sanctioned average (minimum 21 games) and 220. If current year’s average at the time of bowing is 10 or more pins higher than stated average, then the current average must be used. Bowlers without an acceptable average will have to use 220 as their tournament average. Bowlers must bowl in all three events in order to be eligible for all events. multiple participation permitted in Singles, Doubles, and Team. Bowlers may cash only once in singles. Bowler may cash only once in Doubles with the same partner, but may cash again with a change of partner. Teams may cash more than once provided they have changed at least (2) bowler. First score in each event only will be used toward All-Events Any and/or all coring protest must be made in writing to the tournament coordinator within 36 hours of protested scoring error. Averages submitted by bowlers winning prize monies will be certified and anyone found to have submitted the wrong average will forfeit all prize monies. Individual bowlers are responsible for submitting the correct average to their Team Captain, Number of prizes will be determined by the amount of entries received (1 to 8 ration). All prize monies will be 100% returned. Tem Captains shall report to check in at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled starting time. All bowlers must present to the Tournament Coordinator an up to date F.O.E & USBC membership card prior to bowling. Tardy bowlers will start in frame currently being bowled. Zero score of each missed frame. A five (5) frame grace period will be allowed. Entry Fees are non-refundable unless requested dates and times are not available. NO MORE than two (2) bowlers defined as USBC PRO BOWLERS may be allowed on the same team. Also only one (1) USBC PRO BOWLER may be part of a doubles team. Rules not covered herein will be governed by the USBC RULES. This will be an USBC moral sanctioned tournament. USBC rule 319E will be waived. If by war, act of terrorism, fire water damage, labor strike, etc and/or act of GOD it becomes impossible to conduct or complete the tournament as published, all prizes shown would be fairly adjusted percentage wise based on entries received and there shall be not further liability of the tournament and or the tournament committee. All Entries must be postmarked no later than midnight March 10th. Tournament Bowling will commence on Saturday March 24th and end on April 15th. PENNSYLVANIA PER CAPITA TAX DELINQUENTS For the Aeries listed below that have not paid their per capita tax, please send in your payment as soon as possible. This money owed should have been earmarked from the member’s payment of dues. Remember for a member to participate in a state or national sport tournament or any event, their Aerie must have paid the Aerie’s per capita tax. Please don’t penalize your members. AERIE NO. AERIE NAME TERM DISTRICT TWO 727 ................................. Kersey....……..……..Nov. 2010, May 2011 DISTRICT THREE 1246 ............................... Ellwood City………..Nov. 2010, May 2011 DISTRICT FOUR 4205 ............................... Apollo….May 2010, Nov. 2010, May 2011 DISTRICT FIVE 1134……………………Carnegie…………………………….May 2011 1574……………………Sharpsburg…………………………..May 2011 DISTRICT SEVEN 1809 ............................... Bentleyville ..................... Nov. 2008, May 2009, Nov. 2009, May 2010, Nov. 2010, May 2011 DISTRICT EIGHT 844………………………Jeannette…………………………May 2011 DISTRICT ELEVEN 839………………………Kutztown…………………………. May 2011 DISTRICT THIRTEEN 134 ................................. .Pottsville .................. …. May 2009, Nov. 2009, May 2010, Nov. 2010, May 2011 1208……………………..Milton……………………………….May 2011 DISTRICT FIFTEEN 516………………………...Renovo……………………………May 2011 GRAND AERIE PER CAPITA TAX DELINQUENTS For the Aeries listed below that have not paid their per capita tax, please send in your payment as soon as possible. This money owed should have been earmarked from the member’s payment of dues. Remember for a member to participate in a state or national sport tournament or any event, their Aerie must have paid the Aerie’s per capita tax. Please don’t penalize your members. AERIE NO. AERIE NAME TERM DISTRICT TWO 727 ................................... Kersey………………………..Nov. 2010, May 2011 DISTRICT FOUR 4205 ................................. Apollo….Nov. 2008,May & Nov. 2009,May 2011 DISTRICT FIVE 1134 ................................. Carnegie………May 2010, Nov. 2010, May 2011 Payment Plan 1574……………………………Sharpsburg…………………………….……May 2011 DISTRICT SEVEN 1809 ................................. Bentleyville .................. Nov. 2008, May 2009, Nov. 2009, May 2010, Nov. 2010, May 2011 DISTRICT EIGHT 844……………………………..Jeannette………………………………….May 2011 DISTRICT NINE 4274 ................................. Harrisonville………………………………May 2011 DISTRICT TEN 546 ................................... Plymouth…………………………………..May 2011 DISTRICT ELEVEN 839……………………………..Kutztown………………………………..May 2011 1106 ................................. Stroudsburg…………………………… May 2011 Payment Plan DISTRICT THIRTEEN 134……………………………..Pottsville………………………………..…May 2011 Dist. No. Host Aerie Day Date Time January 01 02 03 04 05 09 13 Franklin #328 Ridgway #469 Ellwood City#1246 Kittanning#896 Carnegie #1134 Carlisle#1299 Milton #1208 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday January 15, 2012 January 15, 2012 January 15, 2012 January 15, 2012 January 22,2012 January 8, 2012 January 15, 2012 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M 2:30 P.M. February 19, 2012 February 19, 2012 February 19, 2012 February 19,2012 February 12, 2012 February 12, 2012 February 19, 2012 TBD February 19, 2012 February 19, 2012 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. February 02 03 04 05 09 10 11 12 13 14 Brookville #983 Rochester#1226 Apollo Verona #1634 Gettysburg#1562 West Wyoming#1965 Allentown #110 Pottstown #626 Pottsville #134 Point Marion #1932 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday TBD Sunday Sunday March 01 02 03 04 05 08 09 09 10 12 13 14 15 Grove City #1895 Reynoldsville #540 New Brighton#1342 Tarentum #699 Sharpsburg #1574 Jeannette #844 Littlestown #2226 Littlestown #2226 Nanticoke #834 Lansdale #1761 Mt. Carmel #464 Connellsville #493 TBD Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday TBD March 18, 2012 March 18, 2012 March 18, 2012 March 18, 2012 March 25, 2012 March 11, 2012 March 10, 2012 March 11, 2012 March 11, 2012 March 18, 2012 March 18, 2012 March 18, 2012 TBD 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. District Dinner Dance 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. TBD Dist No. Host Aerie Day Date Time April 01 02 04 05 07 08 09 10 11 13 14 15 Oil City #283 Bradford #2432 Ford City #606 Carrick #1520 Bentleyville #1809 Irwin #1671 Hanover #1406 Honesdale #1858 Bethlehem #284 Sunbury #503 Uniontown #828 Williamsport #970 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 April 22,2012 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 April 15,2012 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. May 13, 2012 May 13, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20,2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 20, 2012 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. May 01 02 03 05 07 08 04 09 10 12 13 14 15 Meadville#429 Clarion #3807 Freedom #1429 Mt Washington #76 Waynesburg #598 Somerset #1801 New Bethlehem #1860 Carlisle #1299 Plymouth #546 Oxford #2666 Milton #1208 Dunbar #3293 Bellefonte #4320 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS DISTRICT ONE. Meeting held on November 20, 2011 with Wattsburg Aerie # 4516 as host. Franklin Aerie# 328. Monthly Quota (5). Applications on hand with full fee paid (8). Activities: Christmas Party will be held December 17thand our Children’s Christmas Party December 17th.Donations: Venango Co. Technology Center’s Robotics Program$300.00,Salvation Army $100.00. .Meadville Aerie #429. Monthly Quota (5). Applications on hand (4).Activities: Children’s Christmas Party will be December 11th.Donations:American Diabetes Foundation $250.00,Lynn Royer Cancer Benefit $200.00,Angel Tree $2000.00,Thunder Elite Fast pitch Softball $200.00.Greenville Aerie #805.Monthly Quota(3). Applications on hand with full fee paid(7). Activities: We are having a Christmas Tree Walk on December 16th, and on December 17th,from 6-9 PM, Please bring A Food or Toy Donation, plus $5.00 Donation to go through Home. Wattsburg Aerie #4516.Monthly Quota (1). Applications on hand (5).We are involved with our local pool league and donated $500.00 to the John Kanizus Cancer Foundation. Activities: Grove City Library $340.00 District #1.F.O.E. $250.00, 2011 Children’s Christmas Party $500.00. DISTRICT TWO Meeting held on November 20,2011 with ST Mary Aerie#536 as host. FOE Kane Aerie #307. Monthly Quota (3). Applications on hand with full fee paid (0). Donations: Salvation Army $250.00, United Fund $250.00, FOE Foundation for Diabeties $500.00, Adopt a Platoon $360.00, Kane food Pantry $500.00, Kane High School Yearbook $65.00,Highland Fire Department $200.00, Pancreatic Cancer $100.00. Ridgway #469. Monthly Quota (5). Applications on hand with full fee paid (0). Activities: Gun Bash Tickets are now available for February 11th, 2012. Donations: $50.00 FOE Diabetes Research Fund,$25.00 Ridgway Wrestling Program,$25.00 Ridgway YMCA for Breakfast with Santa.ST Mary’s #536. Donations: FOE/Dare Golf Tournament $500.00, Crystal Fire Department $500.00, Police Association Golf Tournament $750.00, Soap Box Derby $200.00, Abate Motorcycle Run $250.00,Make a wish Motorcycle Run $250.00, March of Dimes $250.00. ReynoldsvilleAerie540. Monthly Quota (6). Applications on hand with full fee paid (5). Donations: Reynoldsville Library $500.00, Reynoldsville Fire Department $200.00, Toys from the Horses Program $250.00, Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program $100.00.Clearfield Aerie # 812. Monthly Quota (7). Applications on hand with full fee paid (4). Activities: Sponsored Three Pool Teams to Clearfield Pool League, held a Fund Raiser for Bruce Butterworth who has Leukemia and raised over $4,300.00. Donations: $50.00 to Home on the Range. Falls Creek Aerie # 965. Monthly Quota (8). Applications on hand with full fee paid (13).Activities: Dance with The Big Daddy Bangers, December 10th,$5.00 cover. Donations: $100.00 Dubois Area Wrestling Boosters,$250.00 Dubois Area Jaycees for Thanksgiving Dinners,$100.00 American Legion Riders Wounded Warrior Project $100.00 DAHS Girls Soccer Booster Club, $50.00 St. Bernard Church, $50.00 El’s Energizers $100.00 Manners Ranch,$100.00 Relay for Life Therapeutic Riding, $150.00 United Way. Brookville Eagles # 983. Monthly Quota (8). Applications on hand with full fee paid (4). Donations: $100.00 Jefferson County History Center, $60.00 Soccer Trophy for kids Pizza Party for two kids Soccer Teams(youth).Punxsutawney Aerie #1231. Monthly Quota(11). Applications on hand with full fee paid(9). Activities: Youth Guidance programs, and other community and/or Aerie projects which our Aerie has sponsored or aided within the month .Donations:$290.00 Punxsutawney Fire Department,$100.00 ST. Jude’s Children’s Hospital,$50.00.Bradford Aerie #2432. Monthly Quota (9). Applications on hand with full fee paid (10). Donations: Bradford Boys Basketball Boosters $25.00,Friendship Table $100.00, Scott Gustafson Cancer Benefit $250.00, Eagles for Autism $250.00, ALS Association $100.00, William Dale Foundation $100.00, Bradford High School Barker $75.00, 4 H of McKean County $50.00, Bradford Bowling Association $25.00.Clarion Aerie # 3807. Monthly Quota (11). Applications on hand with full fee paid(16).Donations:$100.00 Clarion Co. Fair, $85.00 Clarion Area Student Fund. Sykesville Aerie # 4454. Monthly Quota (4). Applications on hand with full fee paid (4).Donations: Salvation Army $500.00, Deidre Muth $200.00. DISTRICT THREE Meeting held on November 20,2011 with Ambridge Aerie #1365 as host. Ellwood City Aerie # 1246.Monthly Quota (2). Applications on hand with full fee paid (2). Activities: Chicken Roast, Dart Tournament November 12th,will have another one on December 28. New Brighton Aerie # 1342. Monthly Quota (5). Applications on hand with full fee paid (6). Activities: Chili cook off November 20th,Thanksgiving Eve Party November 23rd,Steelers Parties for every game, Children’s Christmas Party December 10th, at 9AM Food and Games, and Magic Show, Adult Christmas Party, December 31st, Food and DJ. Ambridge Aerie #1365. Monthly Quota (7). Applications on hand with full fee paid (6). Activities: Continue to allow Boy Scouts to meet weekly, Make Banquet Hall available to tip off club and any other High School activities, Sponsoring Life Line Screening Tuesday January 31st,2012,Sponsoring two Pool Teams and Bowling Team. DISTRICT FOUR Meeting held on November 20,2011 with Indiana Aerie #1468 as host. New Kensington # 533. Monthly Quota (7). Applications on hand with full fee paid (6).Activities: Monday Pool League, Wednesday Baseball Dart League, Thursday / Sunday weekly drawing, Karaoke 1st/ 3rd. Friday and Saturday Band Live 930. PM/12.30 AM. Bingo on Sunday night $225.00 jackpot. Donations: $500.00 Habitat Restore, $250.00 Lupus Foundation, $5000 to Newken Amb, $750 to YMCA. Tarentum Aerie # 699. Monthly Quota (6). Applications on hand with full fee paid (7). Activities: Regular Meetings first and third Monday 8 PM, Bar Bingo Friday 8-10.December 10th, Band Dry Lonesome,9-12 PM, December 11th, Kids Christmas Party .Donations: $100.00 Pittsburgh Passion Football League, Donated three bags of tickets to the Keystone Conference, Family of Officer Kotecki,$1,995.00, Ted Lang Family from Haunted House, $500.00 Combat Veterans Motorcycle Associate, $200.00 Jerry Baylor Wheelchair Veterans Olympics,$500.00 Food for the needy Family’s for Christmas. Kittanning Aerie # 896. Monthly Quota (4). Applications on hand with full fee paid(4). Activities: Sundays holding in house Dart League. Starting time is at 5:30 PM. Kitchen will be open from 5:00 To 10:00 PM. Mondays regular Bingo starts at 7:00 PM. Kitchen will be open from 5:00 To 10:00 PM. Tuesdays Hold Pool League and Bar Bingo at 7:00 PM. Wednesday Kitchen will be open from 5:00 To 10:00 PM. Friday having Karaoke from 9:00PM To 1:00 AM. Holding a Christmas Dinner for members on December 10th, at 6PM, small fee for Dinners, must sign up. Children’s Christmas Party will be from 2-4 PM. on December 17th,Santa and Elf’s will be there .December 23rd, special Band for Christmas celebration Billy Corbin Band from 9-1 AM. Adults Christmas Party on December 24th,from 12-6 PM. New Years Party is pending for now. Kittanning Aerie #896, wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Donations: Armstrong County Memorial Hospital,$200.00,Armstrong County Community Action,$500.00. Indiana Aerie # 1468. Monthly Quota (9). Applications on hand with full fee paid (4).Activities: Bowling, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, Pool League Monday. Donations: Salvation Army Treasurers,$100.00, Indiana Fire Associate,$100.00,Clymer Legion Donation,$100.00. Freeport Aerie # 1732. Monthly Quota(4) .Applications on hand with full fee paid(6). Activities: Band returns November 23rd.(Wednesday before Thanksgiving), Seed Rock Band returns for Benefit show Saturday November 26th $10.00 cover charge .Donations: Freeport Baseball Invitational,$240.00, American Cancer Society,$35.00, Eagles Members who suffered a house fire,$200.00. New Bethlehem Aerie #1860. Monthly Quota (2). Applications on hand with full fee paid (2). Activities: Bingo Monday Night 7.00 PM, DJ every other Friday and Saturday Night 9- ?. Events: Kids Christmas Party December 10th,12-2, Adult Christmas Party December 17th, 2-4, December 23rd, Turkey Dinner starts at 12 PM. DISTRICT SEVEN Meeting held on November 20, 2011 with Bentleyville Aerie # 1809 as host. Waynesburg Aerie # 598. Activities: DJ every Saturday night, Christmas Party December 17thwith Band. New Years day Bingo starting at 2 PM. Cash Bash will be held May 2012 Donations: $100.00 to State President Tom Parsons. Canonsburg Aerie # 861. Activities: Darts, Bingo and Bands. Brownsville Aerie # 1356. Activities: Kitchen will be open weekends, Bar Bingo, Dart’s, DJ on Saturdays. Bentleyville Aerie # 1809. Activities: Band November 26th, Karaoke second Saturday of every month, Starting Bar Bingo every Wednesday soon. DISTRICT EIGHT Meeting held on November 6, 2011 with Tony Angelo Aerie # 01188 as host. Tony Angelo Aerie # 01188. Activities: 2nd and 4th Wednesday Men’s meetings, at 7PM, Ladies meetings are 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7PM, Golf league meets on Mondays, Eaglo on Fridays starting at 8:15PM, first with a quickie to help raise monies for State Madam Trustee Beth Howell from Latrobe, then we play 12 games. Spaghetti Dinners Wednesdays from 4-7 PM, 2 for $4.95 and you can even get wheat pasta for a quarter extra .Usually the Ladies make some goodies for dessert. November 20th is our annual Gun Bash, Wednesdays before Thanksgiving Karaoke with Jim Connor 9PM- 1AM, and on November 26th a Band called Desperadoes,9PM-1AM, Kitchen is open 7PM-10:30PM,Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday DJ and live bands on Saturdays, open Pool Table on Sundays, Food out for all Steeler Games. Christmas Stag Party December 16th, from 8PM-12AM, Kids Party December 14th,Tom and Jerry’s Party December 18th from 2-4,Fish Fry December 24th 12PM till 5PM, Aerie closes at 6PM.News Years Party December 31st,with Karaoke DJ and Band,9PM-1AM.Blairsville Aerie # 1488. Activities: Men’s meetings are 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, Ladies meetings are 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, DJ Karaoke on November 19th,John Davis 9PM-1PM,every Wednesday. Bingo at 7PM, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, a DJ,9-1AM, Christmas activities in December as usual. Derry Aerie # 1612. Activities: Trustees meeting on Monday, Membership meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, Machine Bowling League on Fridays, preparing Turkey Dinners and delivering to senior citizens and shut-in, also eat in dinners at the Aerie for Thanksgiving, and until the Aerie floor is fixed we are a stand still, got the last bids, now we need to remodel the whole floor. Irwin Aerie # 1671. Activities: All the draught beer you can drink during Steelers Games for $9.00,Mondays APA Pool League, Tuesdays in-house Pool League, Men’s membership meetings 7PM on Wednesdays, Ladies meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, at 6:15PM. Thursdays are Pool Leagues, Fridays at 8PM, Bar Bingo, Food is out for Sundays for Steelers. December 11th Kids Christmas Party,2-4 PM, December 17th Adults Christmas Party with DJ Dan at 7PM. Donations:$50.00 Irwin Ambulance, Somerset Aerie # 1801. Activities: Tuesdays Taco night, Wednesdays Hamburger night, Thursdays are Wing and Pizza night, Men’s Membership meetings are Wednesday at 7:30PM, Ladies meet on 1st and 3rd Mondays. Christmas Children Party December 4th, and Adults Christmas Party December 18th. Everything is listed on our website , Kitchen opened Tuesdays through Saturdays. Band nights are every other Saturdays. Fund Raiser for a little girl in our neighbor hood, A Spaghetti Dinner for her raised $1.468.00 will be given to her family. DISTRICT NINE Meeting held on November 13,2011 with Waynesboro Aerie #1758 as host. Carlisle Aerie #1299. Monthly Quota (30). Applications on hand with full fee paid (121). Activities: Bingo every Friday 7 PM, Band Saturday 8 PM, Open Bowling on Sundays 6-8, PM. Aerie Meat Raffle November 20th, Super Bingo November 27th, Children’s Christmas Party December 10th.Donations: Carlisle Midget Football $200.00,Wounded Warrior Patrol $200.00,Meals on Wheels $100.00,Ronald McDonald House $100.00. Hanover Aerie # 1406. Monthly Quota (83). Applications on hand with full fee paid (16). Activities: Christmas with Santa Breakfast December 8th.Donations: William Grove Historical Association $100.00, Heartland Hospice $100.00, Hanover Exchange $225.00, Wounded Warrior Patrol $50.00, Chamber of Commerce $500.00, Lineboro Volunteer Fire Company $100.00, Hart Center $50.00.Gettysburg Aerie #1562. Monthly Quota (20). Applications on hand with full fee paid (16). Activities: Bands every Friday and Saturday night. December 10th Kids Christmas Party, New Years Eve Tickets on sale $15.00 per person or $25.00 per couple. Waynesboro Aerie # 1758. Monthly Quota (6). Applications on hand with full fee paid (4). Activities: Bingo Monday Nights. Sundown Band December 16th, Children’s Christmas Party December 17th.Donations: Autism Awareness,$500.00, (Tom Parsons) Robert Hansen Diabetes Fund,$375.00,(Mel Fry). Littlestown Aerie # 2226. Monthly Quota (30). Applications on hand with full fee paid (60). Activities: Dance on December 3rd, Christmas Stag Party December 8th, Kids Christmas Party December 17th. Donations: Abate Christmas for Kids $25.00. Harrisonville Aerie # 4274. Monthly Quota (6). Applications on hand with full fee paid (4). Activities: Bingo every Friday Night, Meat and Cheese Raffle November 26th, and December 17th. DISTRICT FOURTEEN Meeting held on November 19th,2011 with Uniontown Aerie # 828 as host. Connellsville Aerie # 493. Monthly Quota (3). Applications on hand with full fee paid (2). Activities: DJ Friday, Kid’s Christmas Party December 10th,Adult’s Christmas Party December 18th.Uniontown Aerie # 828. Monthly Quota (6). Applications on hand with full fee paid (4). Activities: Karaoke Friday and Saturday Nights, open Jukebox on Mondays, Tuesdays open Pool Table, Planning Christmas Party for Kid’s and Adults. Dunbar Aerie #3293. Monthly Quota (3). Applications on hand with full fee paid (2). . PA STATE SPORTS SCHEDULES REMEMBER For An Aerie To Participate In a PA State Sports Tournament, The Aerie Per Capita Tax MUST Have Been Paid! 2011 - 2012 – Golf Tournament – Falls Creek Aerie #965 2011 – 2012 - Pool Tournament – Carlisle Aerie #1299 2011-2012 - Bowling – Sunbury Aerie #503 2012-2013 – Pool Tournament – Littlestown Aerie #2226 2012-2013 - Bowling – Ford City Aerie #606 OPEN BIDS FOR: 2011 Softball Horseshoes The State Aerie would also consider a Dartball Tournament if there was sufficient interest. Please contact the State Aerie with your comments ANYONE WISHING TO HOST A SPORTING EVENT, SEND IN YOUR REQUEST TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AERIE OFFICE JIMMY DURANTE CHILDREN'S FUND 2011 - 2012 PA STATE PRESIDENT'S FUND AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Scranton Aerie #314 5057 Bradford Aerie #2432 8021 Reynoldsville Aerie #540 8480 Reynoldsville Aerie #540 8483 Falls Creek Aerie #965 1512 Bethlehem Aerie #284 13427 Verona Aerie #1634 5594 Past State Presidents 1096 Thomas C. Parsons Hospitality Room 613942 Grace Kerr Cash Doris Davis Cash Tony Angelo Aerie #01188 1438 New Kensington #533 10463 New Kensington #533 10392 Kittaning Aerie #896 4280 Sykesville Aerie #4454 371 Sue Voight Cash Waynesburg Aerie #598 Cash Fairless Hills Aerie 614766 Waynesburg Auxiliary #598 1050 Clearfield Aerie #812 2064 Waynesburg Aerie #598 12859 Uniontown Aerie #828 3300 District #7 Auxiliaries 415 Larry and Kellie Mendenhall 3576 Rich and Sis Hancock 2300 Larry and Shirley Monn Bob and Carol Wahls Chet and Bunnie Pipher 5427 Mitch and Mary Jane Strunk Dwaine and Chris Shupe Don and Ruth Hearn Cash Tom Parsons TOTAL AMOUNT $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $100.00 $325.00 $1,000.00 $630.00 $100.00 $50.00 $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $103.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $6,733.00 JIMMY DURANTE CHILD ABUSE FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Ambridge Aerie #1365 11917 Verona Aerie #1634 5593 Kittanning Aerie #896 4279 New Kensington #533 10393 Scranton Aerie #314 5057 TOTAL AMOUNT $100.00 $325.00 $100.00 $500.00 $100.00 $1,125.00 DRUG AWARENESS FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. Kittanning Aerie #896 Tony Angelo Aerie #1188 TOTAL MAX BAER HEART FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. Ford City Aerie #606 Reynoldsville Aerie #540 Bethlehem Aerie #284 Falls Creek aerie #965 Verona Aerie #1634 Kittanning Aerie #896 Scranton Aerie #314 Littlestown Aerie (in Memory of Tommy C Duty) #2226 Bradford Aerie #2432 Sylvia and Mike Clepper TOTAL CHECK NO. 4284 1444 AMOUNT $100.00 $250.00 $350.00 CHECK NO. 12986 8479 13426 1511 5592 4275 5057 AMOUNT $250.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 $325.00 $100.00 $100.00 1599 8020 $50.00 $200.00 $25.00 $1,550.00 ART EHRMANN CANCER FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Ford City Aerie #606 12987 Reynoldsville Aerie #540 8482 Bethlehem Aerie #284 13424 Falls Creek Aerie #965 1510 Verona Aerie #1634 5591 Kittanning Aerie #896 4274 Scranton Aerie #314 5057 New Kensington #533 10390 Bradford aerie #2432 8022 Littlestown Aerie (in Memory of Pat "Dion" Sentz) #2226 1599 Littlestown Aerie (in Memory of Glenn Caples) #2226 1599 Clarion Aerie #3807 1324 Jim and Barbara Clark Erma and Orville McCracken 8142 TOTAL AMOUNT $250.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 $325.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $200.00 $50.00 $50.00 $500.00 $25.00 $200.00 $2,800.00 D.D. DUNLAP KIDNEY FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Bethlehem Aerie #284 13429 Falls Creek Aerie #965 1514 New Kensington #533 10388 Kittaning Aerie #896 4276 New Kensington Aerie #533 10506 Tony Angelo Aerie #01188 1464 TOTAL AMOUNT $100.00 $200.00 $750.00 $100.00 $250.00 $250.00 $1,650.00 LEW REED SPINAL CORD FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Verona Aerie #1634 5595 New Kensington #533 10391 Kittanning Aerie #896 4281 TOTAL AMOUNT $325.00 $500.00 $100.00 $925.00 ROBERT HANSEN DIABETES FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Reynoldsville Aerie #540 8481 Falls Creek Aerie #965 1513 Bethlehem Aerie #284 13425 Kittanning Aerie #896 4278 Littlestown Aerie (in Memory of W. Eugene Smith) #2226 1599 New Kensington #533 10389 Bradford Aerie #2432 8023 TOTAL AERIE NAME TOTAL AERIE NAME Ambridge Aerie Kittanning Aerie Tony Angelo Aerie TOTAL AMOUNT $200.00 $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $750.00 $200.00 $1,600.00 H. O. M. E. FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NO. CHECK NO. AMOUNT ALZHEIMER FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NO. #1365 #896 #01188 CHECK NO. 11918 4282 1427 AMOUNT $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 $450.00 THE MEMORIAL FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. Kittanning Aerie #896 Littlestown Aerie (in Memory of Matthew "Mike" Pinkas) #2226 Ambridge Aerie #1365 TOTAL CHECK NO. 4283 AMOUNT $100.00 1599 11919 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 DIABETES RESEARCH CENTER FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. #1365 11916 Ambridge Aerie Nanticoke Aerie #834 4285 Verona Aerie #1634 5596 Tarentum Aerie #699 21834 Richard and Shirley Cosner 2072 Ted and Sally Minich Larry and Kellie Mendenhall #3576 TOTAL AERIE NAME Ford City Aerie Bethlehem aerie Kittanning Aerie Bradford Aerie TOTAL AERIE NAME Kittanning Aerie TOTAL GOLDEN AGE EAGLES FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NO. CHECK NO. #606 12988 #284 13428 #896 4277 #2432 8024 CPR FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NO. #896 CHECK NO. 4285 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY FUND 2011 - 2012 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Kittanning Aerie #896 4286 TOTAL AMOUNT $200.00 $500.00 $375.00 $1,000.00 $144.40 $25.00 $25.00 $2,269.40 AMOUNT $250.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $650.00 AMOUNT $100.00 $100.00 AMOUNT $100.00 $100.00 PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT NOVEMBER 2011 AERIE NO. DISTRICT NO. 1 283 313 328 429 805 1895 4516 DISTRICT NO. 2 307 469 536 540 727 812 965 983 1231 2432 3807 4454 DISTRICT NO. 3 455 1226 1246 1342 1365 1429 DISTRICT NO. 4 533 606 699 896 1468 1732 1860 4205 NAME MONTH QUOTA YEAR QUOTA HOWARD SMITH, JR, DISTRICT DIRECTOR MERLE PROPER, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN OIL CITY 4 48 WARREN 12 144 FRANKLIN 5 60 MEADVILLE 5 60 GREENVILLE 3 36 GROVE CITY 2 24 WATTSBURG 1 12 TOTALS:………… 32 384 PHILLIP L. MANGUS., DISTRICT DIRECTOR RONALD ECKLUND, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN KANE 3 36 RIDGWAY 3 36 ST. MARYS 4 48 REYNOLDSVILLE 6 72 KERSEY 2 24 CLEARFIELD 7 84 FALLS CREEK 8 96 BROOKVILLE 8 96 PUNXSUTAWNEY 11 132 BRADFORD 9 108 CLARION 11 132 SYKESVILLE 4 48 TOTALS:………… 76 912 LOUIS PERONIS, DISTRICT DIRECTOR SCOTT DAVIDSON, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN NEW CASTLE 5 60 ROCHESTER 1 12 ELLWOOD CITY 2 24 NEW BRIGHTON 5 60 AMBRIDGE 7 84 FREEDOM 1 12 TOTALS:………… 21 252 ALLAN DOVERSPIKE, DISTRICT DIRECTOR FRED CUNNINGHAM, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN NEW KENSINGTON 7 84 FORD CITY 7 84 TARENTUM 7 84 KITTANNING 4 48 INDIANA 9 108 FREEPORT 4 48 NEW BETHLEHEM 2 24 APOLLO 1 12 TOTALS:………… 41 492 PREVIOUS NOVEMBER TOTAL TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER % 18 40 29 17 13 13 25 142 3 6 6 1 8 4 9 37 21 46 35 18 21 17 34 192 44% 32% 56% 30% 58% 71% 283% 50% 21 21 101 28 16 20 45 23 35 35 60 37 442 14 3 18 5 3 7 12 10 9 2 7 4 94 35 24 119 33 19 27 57 33 44 37 67 41 536 97% 58% 248% 46% 79% 32% 59% 34% 33% 34% 51% 48% 59% 13 21 6 3 24 8 75 5 0 0 0 13 0 18 18 21 6 3 37 30% 175% 25% 5% 44% 67% 37% 38 26 34 27 37 53 8 28 251 5 9 3 2 0 6 2 0 27 43 35 37 29 37 59 10 8 93 28 278 51% 42% 44% 66% 34% 123% 42% 233% 57% PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT NOVEMBER 2011 AERIE NO. NAME MONTH QUOTA YEAR QUOTA PREVIOUS NOVEMBER TOTAL TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER % DISTRICT NO. 5 76 1134 1520 1574 1634 RAYMOND A. ROBERTS, DISTRICT DIRECTOR ANTHONY PROZZLEY, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN PITTSBURGH 3 36 CARNEGIE 6 72 CARRICK 2 24 SHARPSBURG 1 12 VERONA 10 120 TOTALS:………… 22 264 6 25 13 0 44 88 2 10 0 0 4 16 8 35 13 0 48 104 22% 49% 54% 0% 40% 39% DISTRICT NO. 7 502 598 861 1356 1809 2399 CHARLES E. WOLFE, DISTRICT DIRECTOR CARL DONLEY, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN DONORA 1 12 WAYNESBURG 1 12 CANONSBURG 1 12 BROWNSVILLE 3 36 BENTLEYVILLE 2 24 MONESSEN 4 48 TOTALS:………… 12 144 4 12 2 22 39 30 109 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 4 12 2 22 39 37 116 33% 100% 17% 61% 163% 77% 81% DISTRICT NO. 8 844 1188 1244 1488 1612 1671 1801 1811 1859 DAVE DEIST, DISTRICT DIRECTOR FRANK HOLMAN, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN JEANNETTE 1 12 TONY ANGELO 9 108 PATTON 2 24 BLAIRSVILLE 3 36 DERRY 2 24 IRWIN 2 24 SOMERSET 22 264 CONEMAUGH 3 36 BELLWOOD 6 72 TOTALS:………… 50 600 0 29 5 21 16 18 22 8 24 143 0 1 0 5 26 16 18 30 10 16 0 30 5 26 16 18 30 10 24 159 0% 28% 21% 72% 67% 75% 11% 28% 33% 27% DISTRICT NO. 9 84 183 472 1299 1406 1562 1758 2226 4274 ED BALL, DISTRICT DIRECTOR DALE DAUBERT, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN LANCASTER 1 12 YORK 4 48 LEBANON 3 36 CARLISLE 26 312 HANOVER 20 240 GETTYSBURG 20 240 WAYNESBORO 6 72 LITTLESTOWN 30 360 HARRISONVILLE 3 36 TOTALS:………… 113 1356 34 7 26 52 102 61 38 65 18 403 7 0 8 11 17 4 8 4 5 64 41 7 34 63 119 65 46 69 23 467 342% 15% 94% 20% 50% 27% 64% 19% 64% 34% PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT NOVEMBER 2011 AERIE NO. NAME MONTH QUOTA YEAR QUOTA DISTRICT NO. 10 314 353 546 834 1858 1965 JOE BARGELLA, DISTRICT DIRECTOR LONNIE SEAMON, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN SCRANTON 3 36 WILKES-BARRE 1 12 PLYMOUTH 1 12 NANTICOKE 7 84 HONESDALE 3 36 WYOMING 2 24 TOTALS:………… 17 204 DISTRICT NO. 11 110 284 839 1106 MICHAEL KALIN, DISTRICT DIRECTOR DISTRICT NO. 12 626 1761 2489 2666 DISTRICT NO. 13 103 134 464 503 1208 PREVIOUS NOVEMBER TOTAL TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER % 40 3 39 69 19 42 212 2 0 3 8 0 2 15 42 3 42 77 19 44 227 175% 25% 350% 92% 53% 183% 111% 19 15 24 35 93 2 2 7 8 19 21 17 31 43 112 86% 47% 86% 36% 52% FRANCIS NORBECK, DISTRICT DIRECTOR KURT EKDAHL, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN POTTSTOWN 1 12 LANSDALE 3 36 FAIRLESS HILLS 3 36 OXFORD 4 48 TOTALS:………… 11 132 13 22 8 30 73 4 8 0 6 18 17 30 8 36 91 142% 83% 22% 75% 69% BILL AUSTERBERRY, DISTRICT DIRECTOR SHENANDOAH 1 12 POTTSVILLE 2 24 MT. CARMEL 2 24 SUNBURY 6 72 MILTON 3 36 TOTALS:………… 14 168 0 3 7 113 29 152 0 0 0 6 17 23 0 3 7 119 46 175 0% 13% 29% 165% 128% 104% ALLENTOWN BETHLEHEM KUTZTOWN STROUDSBURG TOTALS:………… 2 3 3 10 18 24 36 36 120 216 PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT NOVEMBER 2011 AERIE NO. NAME MONTH QUOTA YEAR QUOTA PREVIOUS NOVEMBER TOTAL TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER % DISTRICT NO. 14 493 828 1932 3293 ROBERT R. ANDERSON, DISTRICT DIRECTOR JOHN KURUTZ, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN CONNELLSVILLE 3 36 UNIONTOWN 2 24 POINT MARION 4 48 DUNBAR TWP. 3 36 TOTALS:………… 12 144 15 39 13 0 67 5 10 3 0 18 20 49 16 0 85 56% 204% 33% 0% 59% DISTRICT NO. 15 516 970 4294 4298 4320 RONALD BOWES, DISTRICT DIRECTOR RONALD E. BARNER, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN RENOVO 3 36 WILLIAMSPORT 4 48 BURNHAM 2 24 LOCK HAVEN 3 36 BELLEFONTE 3 36 TOTALS:………… 15 180 25 32 53 16 11 137 0 9 12 3 2 26 25 41 65 19 163 69% 85% 271% 53% 36% 91% 2400 398 2798 51% TOTALS TO DATE……………………….. 5448 EAGLEDOM TOP FIFTEEN OHIO MICHIGAN FLORIDA WASHINGTON PENNSYLVANIA INDIANA MISSOURI MINNESOTA WEST VIRGINIA CALIFORNIA COLORADO ILLINOIS VIRGINIA NEBRASKA OREGON 1062 559 437 417 398 395 253 165 152 138 136 121 116 105 94 PENNSYLVANIA TOP FIVE (PERCENTAGE) 546 84 4516 4205 820 PLYMOUTH LANCASTER WATTSBURG APOLLO UNIONTOWN 350% 342% 283% 233% 204% PENNSYLVANIA TOP TEN YEAR-TO-DATE 503 SUNBURY 536 ST MARYS 1406 HANOVER 834 NANTICOKE 2226 LITTLESTOWN 3807 CLARION 1562 GETTYSBURG 4294 BURNHAM 1299 CARLISLE 1732 FREEPORT 13 119 119 119 77 69 67 65 65 63 59 THREE AERIES IN PENNSYLVANIA RANKED IN THE TOP FIFTEEN YEAR-TO-DATE MEMBERSHIP LEADERS SUNBURY AERIE #503, ST MARYS AERIE #536 AND HANOVER AERIE #1406 ALL TIED FOR 11TH PLACE WITH 119 MEMBERS EACH PENNSYLVANIA STATE AERIE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 100TH ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION JUNE 7TH – 10TH, 2012 PITTSBURGH DOUBLETREE HOTEL (FORMERLY RADISSON HOTEL) PA AERIE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES RESERVATION FORM WITH INFORMATION COMPLETED MUST BE MAILED DIRECTLY TO: Doubletree Pittsburgh Greentree Hotel 101 Doubletree Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (FAX) 412-922-7854 (RESERVATIONS) 412-922-8400 RESERVATION DEADLINE: MAY 16, 2012 ROOM RATE: $93.00 PLUS TAX ALL HOSPITALITY ROOM REQUESTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO PA STATE AERIE OFFICE. PLEASE CIRCLE ARRIVAL DATE: THURSDAY JUNE 7TH, 2012 FRIDAY JUNE 8TH, 2012 SATURDAY JUNE 9TH, 2012 DEPARTURE DATE:________________________ (INDICATE CHECK OUT DATE) Room Type Single – 1 King – 2 People 2 Double Beds 2,3 or 4 people PLEASE NOTE THE HOTEL IS 100% NON SMOKING LAST NAME:__________________________ FIRST NAME:____________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________ CITY:__________________________ STATE:___________________ ZIP:____________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________ NUMBER OF NIGHTS_______________________ NUMBER OF ADULTS______________________ ROOMMATE:_____________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL REQUEST:_________________________________________________________________ EITHER A CREDIT CARD NUMBER OR ONE NIGHT’S DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED TO HOLD A ROOM. IF USING A CHECK FOR DEPOSIT, MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE DOUBLETREE PITTSBURGH GREENTREE HOTEL AND SEND IN WITH A COMPLETED RESERVATION FORM. Credit Card Number:________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:____________________________________________________________________ Check Enclosed:____________________________________________________________________ Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________ Amount:__________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation Number:_______________________________________________________________ CHECK IN TIME IS 3:00 PM AND CHECK OUT IS NOON CANCELLATION POLICY IS 72 HOURS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL
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