The Link - St Margaret`s Church, Forfar
The Link - St Margaret`s Church, Forfar
- THE LINK No 154 19th June 2016 St Margaret’s Church, West High Street. Forfar Charity No. SC 001506 View from the Vestry Summer is here! As I type this, we’ve had nearly 2 weeks of really nice summer weather [long may it last]. We are gearing up for summer here at St Margaret’s, rather than slowing down….and I am getting really excited about all the opportunities we have to reach out to others over the summer months. Firstly on 25th June we have our Summer Fayre. This is our big summer fundraising day with all the usual stalls – plants, books, cake & candy, produce, crafts, jewellery, toys and sweeties – as well as freshly baked pancakes with a cuppa in the morning, soup and crusty bread at lunchtime and a strawberry tea with a concert by Spectrum Ladies Choir in the afternoon. Please get involved and make this a huge success. We need three things from everyone who reads this magazine: 1 – bring something to sell: from seedlings to sugar buns, bangles to bramble jelly! Our fayre runs for a massive 6 hours so we desperately need enough stock on all the stalls to keep us going from 10 till 4pm. 2 – Come along and support us. Buy your tickets in advance [especially if you want to come in the afternoon as numbers are strictly limited to the seats we can fit in the hall]. 3 – if you [or your kids/friends] can spare an hour to lend a hand, please let Rev Maggie know. We have a brilliant team who are going to staff all the stalls but we could really use a few extra volunteers all through the day to cover for lunchbreaks, busy periods and to help set up and put away. It really does make the day so much more fun when more of us get involved and join in. The from the 5th till the 8th of July AND 9th till 12th August [and 15th/16th] we have our Great School Uniform Swap Shop – a chance to do something small that can make a HUGE difference for families in our community. Have a look inside as to how to donate clothes, help with the laundry or offer a smile and a helping hand to those coming in to St Margaret’s to help themselves to free pre-loved school uniforms for their kids and grandkids. Also this summer at 11am worship we are looking at the story of Elijah the prophet and his successor Elisha and exploring how truth can offer healing, hope and joy. We’ll also look at some of the stories in Luke’s gospel – stories about Jesus and stories that Jesus told. On Sunday 14th August, to mark the end of the school holidays, we celebrate with an Icecream Sundae Sunday!! As with last year this is an ideal informal and fun service to bring any families you know along to church. We will have an ice cream servery on the chancel and a sundae topping bar in the kids’ corner where children can help themselves to berries, fruit salad and sweeties to add to their bowl. All through the summer we will be keeping our Wednesday afternoon craft group [2-4pm] running, as well as our Friday coffees [10– 11.30am] and our ‘first Tuesday of the month’ get together for widows and widowers [11am]. We also welcome back the over 60s exercise class on Monday mornings from 4th July onwards [10.30 – 11.30]. Although there will be no set ‘vestry time’ to see me in July and August I am hoping to visit several members at home and will happily come to see you if you get in touch. Rev. Maggie DIRECTORY Minister Rev Maggie Hunt 462044 Session Clerk Maureen Fenton 464424 Treasurer Gordon Menmuir 464981 Gift Aid & FWO Diane Roy 468185 Church Secretary 464224 Church Email address: Roll Keeper Christine Battes 463294 Organist Guild Secretary Rhona Sinclair 464063 Sunday Clubs Sheila Crichton 460991 Flower Convener Ann Menmuir 464981 Hall Lets Office 464224 Church Officer Christine Hopkins 07849372379 Widows Group Alice McLaren 465327 Transport Norma Seaton 463730 Friendship Visitors Norma Seaton 463730 Webmaster Joan Ross 463186 Link Editors Joan Ross Margaret Reid 460800 Link Distribution Joan Ross 463186 WEBSITE ADDRESS – Worship Opportunities 9.30-10.15 a.m. Breakfast Church. Coffee, Tea & Croissants. More informal Worship. Come and see if it’s your kind of worship. Families welcome. 11 a.m. Morning Worship led by Rev Maggie Wednesday 10.30 a.m. Midweek Worship. Short informal service followed by Coffee and a Chat. There is also a short informal communion served at the close of the service on the 1st Sunday of each month. DEATHS I am the resurrection and the life…….. 20/3/16 23/3/16 2/05/16 9/05/16 Mrs Doreen Dear, 12 Turfbeg Rise Mrs Freda McGregor, 8 Gowan Rigg Mrs Helen Black, Beechhill, Lour Road Mrs Maggie Esplin, 88 North Street The next edition of The Link will be ready for distribution on Sunday 4 September 2 SANCTUARY – KIDS’ SPACE Welcoming people of all ages into our church can feel difficult. But an easy way to help families feel good about bringing kids to church is allowing children to be children. It is such a happiness for me to hear the kids on a Sunday, chatting to each other, sharing stories, creating happy memories in the church and joining in our worship with their prayers, song and musical instruments. Our kids’ space allows children to be children. During the summer holidays special children’s activities relating to our worship will be available on the tables. School Uniform Swap Shop We are planning to run a school uniform swap shop again this summer. A letter has been sent to the parents of children attending Langland’s School asking them to donate “too small” uniforms, coats and PE kits. We then need a team of volunteers to take away all the donated uniforms to be laundered, folded, mended and sorted. Each volunteer will get the equivalent of just one washing machine load to do so that we share it out amongst us. If you think you can offer to collect in ‘too small’ uniforms from your family and neighbours to bring to church or offer to do an extra load of laundry to support families in our community – please see Rev Maggie or write your name on the list in the big hall. We will then open the church during the first week of the school holidays; Tuesday 5th July to Friday 8th July and again Tuesday 9th August till Friday the 12th and again on Monday 15th & Tuesday 16th August – the week before the schools go back – for parents to come in to St Margaret’s church halls and pick up as much uniform as they need for their children completely free of charge for the year ahead. The Swap Shop will be open each morning 10-12noon and newly laundered and sorted clothes will be added throughout the 2 weeks. This opportunity is open to people of all faiths or none and they are welcome to take clothes home to try on their child before either returning or handing them on to someone else. We need folks to come along to help lay out the clothes onto tables, do a simple ‘stock check’ of what we’ve got left, welcome families who haven’t been to our church before and make some teas and coffees. We also need everyone – whether you are a church member or not, to spread the word about the swap shop so that every family hears about it and has the opportunity to hand in old uniform and then get some uniform- even just to use as spares. The swap shop only works if families who don’t desperately ‘need’ come along, as well as those who are struggling, as then there is no stigma to coming along and helping yourself as it becomes something that everybody does and not just those who need help. If you can spare a morning or two during the summer holidays to help please let us know and we will put a swap shop team together. Last year we had such a good time and really had a chance to get to know each other better over a cuppie and piles of folded pinafores. SOUP LUNCHES The monthly Soup Lunches will continue on the first Friday of each month throughout the year homemade soup & crusty bread followed by tea or coffee and a biscuit for £2.50. All welcome. Margaret Spalding CHRISTIAN AID The total raised in Forfar was £1918.36 this included £139 from a half time collection at Station Park on Sat. 30th April. Our Thanks go to Forfar Athletic and a street collection held on the Thursday, Friday & Saturday during Christian Aid Week raised £248.16. Quiz sheets sold in St. Margaret’s = £46. Table = £23.72. I would like to thank everyone for their support and a special thank you to Verna & Christine for their help. Forth coming events; Friday 15th July, A bucket collection will be held at Tesco (Forfar) if you can help for an hour please give your name to me (Mary Coyle) Saturday 24th September Coffee Morning, more details later. May Gods hand be in the things we do. Mary Coyle 3 A popcorn surprise with Rev Maggie Saying au revoir to Duncan, Joan, Linda and MR Blue-Green before they return to Canada Kids’ Space on Pentecost Sunday The leaders having fun at Messy Church Here are a few photos taken at recent services and events 4 SPECTRUM LADIES’ CHOIR Once more over the past year or so Spectrum has travelled round entertaining and worshipping with different groups in the local area. Traditional engagements continue with the Guild Café Chantant, the Forfar Thursday Club and St Margaret’s Senior Circle. A new tradition in the form of the afternoon tea at the 6-monthly St Margaret’s Fayre keeps us on our toes making sure we have several different programmes running simultaneously. We were pleased to entertain the joint Forfar Guilds at East and Old last autumn, and we’ve also been to Padanaram WRI, Friockheim Guild, Sidlaw Trefoil Guild, the Parkinson’s Group at the Steeple, Dundee, and Angus Carers Group at Carnoustie. A very pleasant invitation came along in March to sing at a 100th birthday celebration in Benholm; and a rather poignant occasion came when we were asked to sing at the funeral of a member of Spectrum. This was not easy for the choir but everyone felt that it was a very special remembrance and was glad to have taken part. From the money received in the way of donations, after music expenses have been paid, we have donated £250 to church funds and £50 to the Presbytery project for the Panihata clinic in Bangladesh. We may be able to give more to Panihata in the next few months. Practices for the new session begin around the end of August and continue each Monday at 7.30pm. As always new members are very welcome – please get in touch if you would like to know more. Helen McLeod 01307 463082 KIRK SESSION Session would encourage all members who are on the internet to go on to St Margaret’s website to get up to date information on all aspects of the church. The Link magazine is on as are reports from all of the Session groups. Our online address is For those members who might be on Facebook, we now have a Face Book page for St Margaret’s where information will be placed. This will not take away from the website which also has current information on it. A HUGE thank you to our Scout Group who very kindly painted the ends of the steps with bright yellow paint to help make each step more noticeable when going up or down them. It has made a huge difference. Our Fundraising Team are happy to report that a concert by Cantamus a singing group from Fife was thoroughly enjoyed by 80 folks and raised the superb total of £900 after expenses. Sincere thanks to all who supported this event and helped in any way. Our next fundraiser is our “Summer Fayre” on Sat 25th June (see back page) so look forward to seeing you all then. We said our goodbyes to Fiona Goodison our Organist on Sunday 29th May. Fiona’s circumstances have changed with husband Mike who is a padre with the Army being posted overseas for much of the rest of the year. She has decided to go back to their flat in Alloa where she has family and friends nearby and we send them both all our very best wishes for the future. If you know of anyone who would be interested in playing on a Sunday, then let Rev. Maggie know. The Session wish you a very happy Summer Break whether going away on holiday or just enjoying Forfar/Angus in the sun. If you do happen to visit another church on your summer travels please take St Margaret’s very best wishes to them. The next meeting of Kirk Session Tues 21st June at 7 p.m. (Please note change of date) Session Groups Tues 11th October at 7 p.m. Conveners Group Tues 8th November at 7 p.m. Maureen Fenton Session Clerk 5 - FRIDAY COFFEES We normally break off for the summer months of July and August however this summer we are going to continue throughout. If you would like to volunteer to do a week speak to Rev. Maggie. I am pleased that during the “One more step” campaign we have had more volunteers willing to join the Friday coffee team and we look forward to working with them. Come along on a Friday morning between 10 and 11.30am for coffee or if you prefer tea and biscuits and a chat with friends for £1.50. Joan Ross FLOWER REPORT We are always looking for people to help arrange and deliver flowers after the service each Sunday. Thanks to all the arrangers, distributors and donators. Have a nice summer. Ann Menmuir We have lovely floral displays in the church each Sunday morning which are then given out to those who we feel would benefit from flowers whatever the reason. If you know of anyone who you think would like flowers then don’t hesitate to tell Maggie or the Session Clerk and we can arrange delivery of them. Also if anyone feels they would be able to deliver flowers on even one Sunday in the month/year please contact our Flower Convener Ann Menmuir on 464981. It’s lovely to have made someone’s day by unexpectedly delivering flowers to them from the church, so please volunteer if you can. Salvation Army Foodbank – Sincere thanks to all who donated tins etc. for our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. It was an amazing amount that was donated and will help a lot of people. Please keep supporting the Salvation Army by putting an extra tin or two in your trolley the next time you are shopping so we can help those who are in need. There is a box in the vestibule of the church and one in the main hall where you can put your tins etc. for collection. They are particularly in need of cartons of UHT milk for the foodbank. Thank you. Messy Church The next Messy Church will be held on Saturday 27th. August with the theme “Messy Music” which will give the opportunity for the children to create instruments and make lots of noise, which they can then take home to entertain their parents! Please spread the word about this event to family, friends, neighbours – any young people you think might enjoy making music. We meet for 10.30 the main hall, for the activities then after about an hour have a short time for worship following which we enjoy a snack lunch together in the lower hall. If you need any further information please speak to any of the Messy team! Thanks for your help from the Messy Church team 6 Wednesday Worship Fellowship. We meet every Wednesday in the lower hall for a short service at 10.30 am followed by a time for refreshments and lots of that. If you have not been able to get to church or find sitting in a pew for an hour is difficult yon will be very welcome to come along on a Wednesday to see if the time of worship is suitable for you. We are, however, about to have a summer break with the last service on Wednesday 29th then we start again in September on Wednesday 7th. Before we break for the summer we have an “Away Day” on Wednesday 22nd. June when we head off to Strathmartine Church in Dundee. We have a service followed by a soup and pudding lunch, which is being provided by the Strathmartine team. That is the church in which our minister, Maggie, grew up and her parents are very heavily involved in the work of the congregation. If you would like to join us for that outing can you speak to Gavin as soon as possible. We would also welcome volunteers to drive us to Dundee so, again, any drivers can you speak to Gavin? We will look forward welcoming you to the time of fellowship. Gavin Heart & Soul 2016. Sunday 22nd May was special in Edinburgh – yes that was when Hibernian paraded through the city with the Scottish Cup that they won the previous day, but it was even more special that in Princes Street Gardens that afternoon there was the Heart & Soul celebration associated with the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The sun shone, while in Forfar there was torrential rain and hail, and more than 2,000 people from all over Scotland were here to see displays showing many of the exciting things that our Church is involved in. We often think that nothing much is happening in the Church but a visit to Heart & Soul changes that view – the exhibition tents are full of examples of the amazing things being done. The national Boards of the Church were promoting the work they are doing but, for me the most exciting displays were from congregations showing some of the work they are doing. From a Forfar perspective it was great to see our friends from Lowson Memorial showing off the work they are doing with young people, with their puppets, and the Praise and Dance group drawing large crowds. Then there were congregations promoting: Work done with the homeless in London: creating a green space in which to grow fruit and vegetables, running a Café Church, embracing the dementia journey; having a men’s Breakfast group, promoting stewardship through “Joy”. Time for Jesus – Time for Others and Time for You. There were so many good ideas and on reflection many of them we are doing or starting to work on so maybe next year we will have a story to tell at Heart & Soul? And finally a highlight of the day was the closing worship with more than 1,500 taking part which created a real sense of fellowship and excitement and highlighted that our Church is alive kicking and taking the gospel message in words and action to our communities. So when it is Heart & Soul time next year we might get a busload from St. Margaret’s there to pick up some of the excitement and ideas. Look out for the details. from Maggie, Amy Muriel and Gavin – who were all there! Cub Scouts are 100 this year! As one who has been involved with the Scout movement for many years I had not realised that this was the hundred birthday year for Cub Scout section. I was privileged in June when about 500 Cub Scouts were in camp for the weekend and they were having a ball. There is no doubt that the Scout movement is thriving and keeping up to date with the changing interests of young people but they still like getting dirty, avoiding washing and staying awake most of the night when they are camping! I reflected on how fortunate we are in St. Margaret’s with our Scout Group which is alive and active and excites the members from Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Scouts. The Scouting experience will have a great influence on all the young folk who go through the sections, as it has done for those of us in the congregation who were members maybe many years ago! But the success of the Group is based on the team of hard working, enthusiastic and inspirational leaders in all the sections. So as we say Happy Birthday to the Cub Scout section maybe we should also thank all the leaders for the work they do to develop the members physically mentally and spiritually. Gavin (and I was NOT there at the beginning!) 7 - FLOWER CALENDAR Arrangers June 25 Jean Anderson/Margaret Prophet Ann Menmuir/Diane Robertson July 3 9 16 23 30 Irene Glenday Maureen Simpson Ian Taylor Roslyn Roebuck/Rona Kettles Stewart Davidson Dorothy Bruce August 7 14 21 28 Zena Shepherd Betty Spaczynska Margaret Mands Cathy Dinning/Peggy McVey Ann Menmuir September 4 Mary Coyle Ann Menmuir/Jane Tavendale Distributors List is at the top of the stairs ST MARGARET’S SUMMER FAYRE SATURDAY 25TH JUNE 2016 10-12 Noon Coffee Morning with Pancakes £2 12.30-1.30 pm Home-made Soup with Crusty Bread £2 2-4 p.m. Afternoon Strawberry Tea with Spectrum £5 Or all day ticket for £8 Lots of Stalls:- Produce, Baking, Craft, Tombola, Toys, All that Glitters, Raffle and much more. We need YOU to help make this a success. If you can donate to any of the above please let Maggie or any of the fundraising team know. Tickets on sale NOW from Ann, Nessie, Maureen or from the office on a Friday morning. Let’s make this a Great FUNdraising day