- Telit IoT Magazine


- Telit IoT Magazine
Telit Communications PLC I telit2market international I Issue 06 I May 2011 I www.telit.com
06 11
The Telit m2m Magazine
Telit World – Customer
Applications >> 57
Beecham Research – Towards
Internet Everywhere >> 110
Telit’s Motorola M2M Acquisition –
A Further Success Gene >> 12
Deutsche Telekom – International
m2m Partner Portal >> 126
Innovation and Passion:
The Basis for Success
by Oozi Cats >> 04
Interviews with:
Reports by:
Korean Communications Commission >> 38
KT, Korea >> 42
Magneti Marelli, Italy >> 104
China Telecom >> 106
Connected Development, USA >> 112
Robert Madelin, European Commission >> 92
Antonio Calmon, Kaitech Consulting
and Flavio Sakai, Continental Brazil >> 95
Prof. Dr. Axel Sikora,
DHBW Lörrach, Germany >> 99
Dr. Roman Friedrich,
Booz & Company, Europe >> 102
44 TELITglobal
03 TELITIntro
• Chicco Testa, Chairman of the Board
Telit Communications PLC
• Telit EMEA: Telit Communications –
Year in a Nutshell
• Oozi Cats,
CEO Telit Communications PLC
• Telit North America Update
• Telit Latin America: Blossom the
Seeds of Success
• Alexander Sator,
of Directorswould confidently
>> Most
PLC portfolio
claim to have their product
• Yossi
regardless of whether
they provide products
or services.
that most companies
• Dominikus
don’t know
portfolio at all,
CMO Telit
PLC which
sounds rather odd, but it’s true.
• Gideon Rogovsky,
CEO Telit Wireless Solutions Israel
First of all, let’s think about what a product
actually is. People would usually consider
to be something a company manrefines
and then goes
• R&Dprocesses,
on to sell for a profit, thereby contributing to
• Automotive R&D Team
increase the corporate value. And in this
• 2011
Telit Quality
do Challenge
indeed know their
• Thequite
Telit Technical
well. AfterForum
all, they have sales
teams, product and service management,
key account organizations, and they under20 TELITProducts
take market research, supply chain analysis,
• Leading
costing Change
and much
more. The departNew
ments involved in the product portfolio –
and development,
• Re-evolution
in Remote
GSM – make up a company’s core
• Cellular
Range also have the
• Cellular Product Range MOT by Telit
• The New Telit ISM-Band Product Family
• The Telit Combined Wireless Offer
for the Internet of Things
• GPRS to Wireless M-Bus and
Universal ISM Gateway
• Short Range Products
38 TELITstory
most• Telit APACsitting
Updateon the board. So, yes,
companies do take their product portfolio
in fact, there’s nothing a company
48 TELITGreen
takes more seriously than its product port
• Tracking Imperial Eagles in the Balkans
folio. That is, if you’re looking at a product
from this traditional point of view.
50 TELITworld
But you can also take another perspective
• m2m Connectivity for Elevators
and consider all that a company generates as
• Going Wireless – The Future of GSM
output to be its product. From this perspecTechnology in the Metering Market
tive, a mechanical engineering company’s
• Customer
would include
machines, the waste
water generated during the production process and even the apprentices under training.
92 TELITexpert talk
And, of course, communication. Particularly
• Interview with
It’s an
that no comInformation
pany can avoid.
(European Commission)
• product
Antonio Calmon,
From an
and and
sociopolitical perFlavio
indeed make
sense and
in processes
is reflected
• Interview
with Prof.and
Dr. structures
Axel Sikora,– for
we talkBaden-Württemabout companies’
for their CO 2
• Holistic Vision for Sustainable Mobility
• Facilitating Low-carbon Economy
through The Internet of Things
• Towards Internet Everywhere
• What’s driving Growth in m2m for
2011 and beyond?
• Gearing Up Towards a
Smart Environment
• Telit’s Sales Force
• Two is Better than One when Talking
about Customer Focus
118 TELITcompetence center
or when weCenters
reward them for
• Telit Competence
contributing to apprenticeship programs.
• Technology Evolution and the
And, of course, when communication crises
Challenges of LTE Module Integration
develop into company crises and pose real
threat to corporate value.
122 TELITPress
Nowadays, it is essential that companies
• Global Communication for a
focus on their output. Long gone are the days
Global Brand
when customers, employees, partners, NGOs,
• Successful Communication
governments, the financial community and
through all Channels
the media were only interested in a company’s ‘products’ in the traditional sense. When
to evaluating a company, even in
economic terms, greater importance is now
• Deutsche Telekom launches
being attached to its entire output, especially
International m2m Partner Portal
to its communication.
• m2m Solution Factory – Successful
It is therefore
that Telekom
• from
is the One
Trusted Partner
to output
for m2mEssentially, this means that
they need to manage all elements of their
output portfolio proactively and profession130 TELITliving
ally and view them as core functions that
drive• Treat Communication
as a Core
telit2market: The global magazine for clients
and partners of Telit Wireless Solutions
Published by: Oozi Cats,
CEO Telit Communications PLC
Chief Editor: Alexander Bufalino, VP Global
Concept and Design: Pantos Werbeagentur
GmbH, www.pantos.de
Copyright: © by Telit
Communications S.p.A.
Circulation: 67,000 annual
115 TELITdistribution
• Service Enablement Services:
Catalyst for Change in m2m
• An Outline of the m2m Business
and Strategy at KT
Telit Communications S.p.A.
Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B,
34010 Sgonico (Trieste), Italy
Ph: + 39 040 4192 200, Fax: +39 040 4192 289
TelitToMarket@telit.com, www.telit.com
• Interview with Dr. Roman Friedrich,
Booz & Co. GmbH
116 TELITsales
Reader Service:
• Telit Around The World
North America
Telit Wireless Solutions Inc.
3131 RDU Center Drive, Suite 135,
Morrisville, NC 27560, USA
Ph: +1 888 846 9773, Fax: +1 888 846 9774
northamerica@telit.com, www.telit.com
Latin America
Telit Wireless Solutions Inc.
Rua Cunha Gago, 700 – cj 81, Pinheiros,
São Paulo – SP, 05421001, Brazil
Ph: +55 11 2679 4654, Fax: +55 11 2679 4654
latinamerica@telit.com, www.telit.com
Telit Wireless Solutions Co. Ltd., APAC
12th floor, Shinyoung Securities Building,
34-12, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu
Seoul, 150-884, Korea
Ph: +82 2 368 4600, Fax: +82 2 368 4606
TelitAPAC@telit.com, www.telit.com
+++ News +++
• Telit introduces worldwide smallest 3.75G penta-band module for industrial and consumer applications +++
Redtail Telematics taps Telit for automotive asset tracking +++ Pomdevices’ mHealth solution Sonamba™ connects
seniors to caregivers using Telit module +++ Janus Remote Communications announces PTCRB certification for
their new GSM/GPRS “Plug-In” Terminus +++ Telit completes acquisition of Motorola Solutions’ m2m modules
business unit +++ Telit’s future-proof HE module series offers extensive functionality +++ Telit develops testing
platform for eCALL applications +++ World’s smallest GSM/GPRS module – Telit’s GE865-QUAD – in NAVIGON's 70
Premium Live embedded +++ Telit launches world’s first Online Technical Support Forum for m2m +++ Telit m2m
module powers new CDMA terminal from Janus remote communications +++ Coyote System expands its use of the
world’s smallest GSM/GPRS module +++ Telit supports smart metering initiatives with energy-efficient, wireless
M-Bus module +++ Telit expands its portfolio with modules first time using LCC castellation packaging +++ New
Walsh Wireless usage-based car insurance device fueled by Telit cellular module +++ Telit starts to distribute
directly in Gauteng, South Africa +++ Telit’s globally compatible 3G Cellular Module earns certification on AT&T’s
Nationwide Wireless Network +++ Telit technology certified to connect smart devices over the Verizon wireless
network +++ Telit and Tobe have struck a deal on the production of the smallest tracking device in the world +++
Dear Reader,
2010 has been a year of recovery for the global
economy, and the m2m market was no exception. Within this context, we have maintained
focus on continued organic revenue growth
which we have increased by 48.2% over the
2009 mark with significant improvement
in operating and net profitability levels,
resulting in net profit of $7.6 million. The
transfer of manufacturing to China was substantially concluded by the beginning of 2010
and provided us with the competitiveness
and flexibility needed to support continued
revenue growth and increase in market
Enrico Testa
Chairman of the Board
Telit Communications PLC
The m2m market is growing fast and continuously. New segments are regularly emerging
and existing ones expanding; new application
areas surface requiring innovative technologies, and new technical possibilities are
bringing additional applications in their wake.
Telit can – and will – continue to rise to the
demands from this permanent cycle. Our
investments in research and development,
production and quality assurance will continue
in the future to secure the innovative power
and strong performance that are distinguishing features of a successful global player. We
expect to maintain organic growth in addition
to growth expected from the acquisition
of Motorola’s m2m business unit, completed
in Q1 2011 and which should enable us to
improve our operating and net profit margins
beyond the 2010 levels.
These factors are all underpinned by a further fundamental aspect of our company:
a highly motivated, extremely committed
team characterized by outstanding loyalty
and reliability. Telit has from the outset been
built on the pillar that its “human capital”
represents one of its most decisive competitive factors. We look to 2011 and beyond with
great excitement as we continue to gain market
share in our bid to achieve our strategic goal
– becoming the number 1 supplier to the
m2m market.
innovative p
ted team
ted team
highly motiva
Innovation and passion: the basis for success.
>> Welcome to the 6th issue of telit2market.
I am happy to report about an important
strategic milestone that depicts the impressive development of Telit during
the past few years and at the same time
represents the important basis for Telit's
successful future: the take-over of m2m
modules from Motorola Solutions and
their complete integration into the Telit
product and performance range.
Oozi Cats, CEO
Telit Communications PLC
Market Share 2009
Sagem 2,9%
Enfora 5,0%
SIM 4,2%
Market Share 2010
Rest of market 78%
Others 16,4
Motorola m2m 4,8%
Telit 22%
Telit 12,4%
Cinterion 28%
Source: Beecham Research, August 2010
Source: Own Research, August 2010
With the acquisition of the m2m division
of Motorola, Telit now owns a market share
of approximately 22% according to the latest
market studies conducted by Beecham
Research, determined based on values as of
December 31, 2010. Consequently, Telit is part
of the three global leaders on the m2m
market, jointly accounting for an estimated
market share of 70%. This impressively increased market significance is an important
prerequisite for the successful implementation of our plans to boost growth on the m2m
market in the future. We not only achieve
noticeable synergy effects with respect to our
cost structure, but also possess extensive
research and development capacities, allowing
us to offer our customers a broader product
portfolio and more comprehensive support
for the long-term. In other words, the role of
Telit on the m2m market is expected to gain
further significance during the next few
years. First, however, I would like to address
a number of other important developments
and events that took place at Telit during the
past few months.
Revenues ($ mil)
199.5 (*)
(*) Market expectation based on analysts' forecast (April 2011)
Modules Revenue
Strong past. Even stronger future.
Contrary to the global decline in the m2m
industry, we ended 2008-9 on a positive note
with 24% growth, creating a solid base for
2010 with sales of $132 million representing
organic growth of 48%. And a continuing
organic growth is what we strive for the next
years, additional to growth that will come
from acquisitions.
Offering services is another important strategic
step for Telit. The continuous corporate
growth throughout the past years helped
Telit achieve the critical size that allows us to
assume a significant role also in this segment.
The quantity of sold modules – and as a result
the number of cellular devices respectively
of subscribers – is now large enough to make
the cooperation very lucrative for mobile
network operators. Telit will become a very
interesting player in this sector, being able to
offer connectivity as well as backend services
and value added services such as remote network management and FOTA in the future.
Setting standards with
successful products.
January 2010
ular M
2m Cell
Mar ke
t +20,2
December 2010
Our products are the main
pillar of our sustainable success. Virtually no other than
Source: Beecham Research, August 2010
the m2m market is growing
at an equal pace, developing new fields of With respect to the year 2011, we are already
application and demanding new product so- able to demonstrate our innovative power
lutions. Telit has been effective in facing these with two new modules. The HE863 family
new challenges – making use of the resulting provides 3.75G wireless data connectivity,
opportunities with equal success, driven combining access to HSPA networks, GSM,
amongst other things by American and GPRS and EDGE services with a standalone
European laws within the scope of climate A-GPS receiver in a compact ball-grid-array
protection treaties. With the new ME50 module form factor. One of the great advantages
– the smallest and most powerful product on is the feature scalability: Many product
the wireless M-bus market – Telit is setting variants are available, all featuring the same
clear standards. Together with the GE865 form factor, available with or without voice
module launched in the spring of 2009 – still and/or without GPS and in addition with
the smallest GSM/GPRS quadband module in different pairs of HSPA band support. With
the world – Telit is the only company offering the HE910 module, Telit is launching the
a perfect product combination for automatic smallest m2m module in the world with
meter reading applications, effectively de- 5-band HSPA+ on the market. Full global
fending its position as one of the technological coverage is provided in a single package,
leaders on the m2m market.
eliminating the need to swap the device for
channels in 2010. Almost nothing is more
valuable for a company than feedback – both
positive and negative – from customers and
decision makers to recognize trends and
needs, optimize product developments and
obtain an adequate feel for changes on the
market. Therefore, Telit will continue the
intensive use of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
etc. – extensively, continuously and globally.
Successfully global. Globally successful.
different frequencies and countries, and the
LGA package provides an ultra-low profile for
your integrated solution and reduces costs,
especially for high-volume applications.
Added value performances.
It is one thing to develop innovative and
powerful products. We believe that providing
customers with additional support and comprehensive service is also part of a company
that strives to be successful in the future and
to maintain its leading role on the market.
Therefore, Telit has established the Telit
Technical Forum last year. It connects system
integrators, developers and partner companies
around the world on an online platform where
everybody can ask questions, discuss them and
obtain assistance from Telit global technical
support teams. Already more than 700 members in more than 55 countries benefit from
this Telit support channel. For us, this demonstrates that the demand for powerful offers
exceeding the actual module is very high and
constantly rising.
Success factor customer focus.
The dialog with our customers continues
to be and has always been a key aspect of our
actions. We are convinced that the dialog with
customers, users, prospective clients and any
other target groups is one of the essential
competitive factors for sustainable success of
a company. For this reason, special attention
was paid to the expansion of the communication across all important social media
The year promised to be successful for EMEA
as early as in the spring of 2010. The commitment of our sales team along with the
constant support from our technical and
engineering teams helped us make big
strides forward. For example, in April we
announced the delivery of the two millionth
GE864 module. Shortly afterward, the decision was made to equip the new Audi A8
with the Telit module UC864-E-AUTO. These
outstanding achievements motivated the
entire organization to forge ahead with the development and realization of new, innovative
and successful products during the remainder
of the year, together with expanding the R&D
units in Trieste, Cagliari, Sophia Antipolis,
Tel-Aviv and Seoul. This has created an ideal
basis for future growth.
Furthermore, 2010 was an extremely successful year for our organization in North America.
Major growth was achieved mainly in the
commercial vehicle telematics, buy-here, paythere and pay-as-you-drive auto insurance
markets. Please read the chapter "Telit World"
for detailed information about applications
our customers Consumer Safety Technology,
Danlaw, iMetrik and Redtail developed and successfully launched
on the market in this segment.
The successful business development of the past years continued in Latin
America in 2010. On the one hand, the m2m
market continues to grow across all segments
and on the other hand, this development was
strongly supported – especially in Brazil –
with legal regulations. Positive effects of the
automotive law that makes theft prevention
mandatory in all new cars were already felt in
the previous year. This boom continued in
2010 and is expected to persist this year too.
Please read page 95 onward for an interesting
extensive interview with a specialist about
this topic.
An additional thrust for the m2m market
is expected to emerge in connection with the
"fiscal printer law". According to this
law, any cash registers issuing
receipts to customers must be
connected to the government's
tax collections agencies. The first
devices – equipped with Telit modules will
be officially commissioned this year.
The operating profit of Telit for 2010 was also
extremely positive in our fourth region,
APAC. In Korea, Telit has been the market leader since 2006. In 2010, it achieved an additional
upswing thanks to an initiative from the
Korean government. The Korean Communications Commission established
the program "m2m Roadmap" aimed
at making Korea a leading information
and communications technology location.
This allowed Telit to intensify its collaboration
with the government. Amongst other things,
Telit secured the supply of the Korean Meteorological Administration. They are working to
provide accurate weather forecasts by means
of widely used measuring stations, equipped
with the BCM-865 module.
The business development in China was
extremely positive again in the past year. The
sales have doubled compared to 2009. The
launch of our GE865-DUAL module on the
market, presented to more than 100 engineers
within the scope of an event in Shenzhen at
the end of the year generated a buzz. With
this product, the smallest GSM/GPRS surfacemounted module on the market, Telit offers
the perfect module for mobile
applications and high-volume
manufacturing across all industries in the low unit price segment.
To be able to meet the large demand in
China in the future and to ensure optimal
customer focus, Telit has now established
offices in Shenzhen and Shanghai with a total
of ten employees.
The solidification of our relationship with our
manufacturer BYD in China is certainly one
of the most strategically relevant aspects. By
awarding BYD the "Telit Strategic Supplier
2010“ award, the outstanding achievements
associated with the development of the production were honored as much as the reliable
and mutually successful cooperation. This
appreciation was reasonably expressed with a
visit from a Telit delegation at the BYD headquarters in early December and the festive
conferral of the award during a celebration.
Focusing on strengths.
The past year has especially shown how much
a dynamic market such as the m2m market
can change and with which new developments – whether technical or of a structural
nature – it can suddenly generate new situations. This may tempt some enterprises to
advance into new sectors and to develop
completely new business fields. In contrast,
Telit has always been pursuing the clear
strategy of focusing on the development and
production of modules and offering services
that represent a meaningful and especially
value adding supplement to these modules.
As a result, Telit is the only global player
on the m2m market fully focusing on its
core competencies, continuing to expand
its strengths and as a result standing on a
strategically and technically efficient foundation. Our achievements prove that we
are on the right track and we will continue
to pursue this track consistently and confidently in the future.
The recent acquisition of the Motorola m2m
division has therefore been a logical step for
Telit. On the one hand, it results in a meaning-
ful enhancement of our product portfolio.
The continuation of the Motorola products
will therefore be guaranteed for as long as
their manufacture is feasible from a technical
point of view. On the other hand, Telit now
boasts a significantly improved R&D qualification. With the integration of the newly added, highly skilled R&D team in Tel Aviv, Telit
now has a total of five R&D locations worldwide. This once again emphasizes our focus
on the further development of trendsetting
cellular and short-range modules.
unchanged. So we can guarantee the perfect
combination of new spirit and solid continuance. The positive effects on the company's
performance are just one aspect. Also in light
of our new customers, the smooth transition
is our ultimate goal. We want to guarantee the
continuing availability of Motorola products,
but also convince and inspire them about
Telit's innovative capability and efficiency.
Aiming at the future.
We are very well aware of the significance of
the acquisition of the Motorola m2m division
for Telit as well as the entire m2m market.
Our responsibility for the new colleagues
is our priority in this context and the rapid
integration of the entire team into the Telit
family is very important to us. Within this
context, the further optimization of our
organizational structure therefore plays an
essential role. Yossi Moscovitz takes over as
the President of Telit Wireless Solutions. In
strategic issues he will primarily be supported
by Golan Haver, VP m2m Strategy. The
responsibility for the areas of Global Quality,
Global IT and SAP Integration lies with COO
Mathi Gurusamy, who is an experienced and
skilled specialist in these fields. The key field
of Research and Development will be led by
Sandro Spanghero, Global VP R&D. This
includes, among other things, the new R&D
Center, the company's fifth, located in Tel Aviv
and the contribution of Danny Israeli as well
as the newly established organizational area
"Automotive R&D”, headed by Massimiliano
Lonzar. As CMO, Dominikus Hierl heads
the areas of Sales, Marketing, Global Product
Management as well with Telit RF the Short
Range division, and as Global VP Mike
Ueland in addition to North America is also
responsible for the area of Value Added
Services. The previous VP Telit APAC, Gideon
Rogovsky, now takes over as CEO Telit Wireless Solutions Israel and thus has overall
responsibility for the integration of the
Motorola m2m division in the Telit organization. All other management positions remain
Additional noticeable changes are expected
on the m2m market in the near future. They
are due to technical and demand-related
reasons as well as economic, political or even
environmental circumstances. We may sense
or at least realize early what the future holds,
but we cannot predict it accurately. Telit has
been very well prepared for new situations in
the past. With our new size, our innovative
spirit, our passion for new things and not lastly
our extensive know-how, we will have the
required power to remain one of the most successful m2m enterprises in the future. <<
We wish you all the best.
Oozi Cats
Chief Executive Officer
Telit Communications PLC
Creating increased awareness for M2M
Interview with Alexander Sator,
Telit Board of Directors
telit2market: Mr. Sator, you joined the Telit
board as a Non-Executive Director in the
second half of 2010. You bring with you a somewhat unconventional history: at the age of just
13 you were co-founder of a software company
at a time when most people had not even heard
of the word “software”. A few years later, you
founded an industrial laser systems company
and made it market leader. You then worked as
a consultant in the telecommunications industry. What were the reasons for this early fascination with high-tech and entrepreneurship?
t2m: You have experience in all kinds of technologies and industries, and you have demonstrated that you can spot technology trends
early on. Why are you getting involved with
the m2m market now?
Sator: Well, it was the easiest way to do whatever I wanted. Who is going to interfere with
someone who’s doing something that almost
Sator: The m2m space is largely mature in
terms of its basic technology, certainly, but it
still has a long way to go in terms of penetrat-
nobody, especially your parents, understands?
I came up with a lot of ideas back then, which
I was later able to use in key patents. The
telecommunications industry has fascinated
me for some time, because the potential for
innovation in it is seemingly endless.
Sator: Unfortunately, m2m is still not a word
that is familiar to everyone, but it has long
since been the interdisciplinary technology
you are talking about. Just name me one industry that doesn’t use m2m technology,
whatever specific communication technology it might be. m2m, however, is less visible
than software. It works in the background.
One major task for all m2m market players
must be to generate more awareness of their
roles. Otherwise which freight forwarder will
know that he’s played a pioneering role in the
dissemination of m2m technology?
t2m: Over the last few years, you have focused
intently on the issue of mobility, including as a
strategic consultant for Deutsche Telekom AG’s
mobile business. How will our understanding of
mobility change over the next few years, and what
role will m2m module providers play in this?
ing all layers and markets. In the medium to
long term, the m2m market will become one
of the biggest growth drivers for network
operators and service providers in this environment. On the other hand, as part of this
process, there will undoubtedly be another
innovation boost that will bring us new, even
unexpected, services and products.
t2m: What parallels do you see between the
development of the software industry, which
you have been observing for almost 30 years,
and the m2m industry? Do you believe that
m2m will achieve comparable coverage and
become an interdisciplinary technology that
will be used universally?
Sator: Cars will still be cars, but I believe that
in the foreseeable future, we’ll be able to
completely network our vehicles – and for
various reasons: for safety, for communication and entertainment, for maintenance
and servicing, for traffic management and
toll collection, and perhaps even at some
point for largely autonomous, driverless driving. Module suppliers will therefore need to
use several modules in one vehicle for a while
in order to provide all these services. In the
long term, however, all services will need to
be handled transparently and reliably via a
single module. In this case, it will be essential
to cooperate at a high technical level with the
automotive industry to understand what really is feasible and what really is needed. Audi
and Telit have already demonstrated the first,
impressive steps towards this in the new
A8 and all new high- and mid-tier carlines
launched from 2011 on.
t2m: Where do you see Telit at the moment, in
the context of the international competition?
What are the company’s specific strengths?
Sator: Based on my experience, I can say with
complete conviction that Telit is the most innovative and fastest-growing company in the
competitive arena. What’s particularly impressive is how Telit has converted this growth into
momentum without neglecting sustainability
and structure. It is for these reasons, after all,
that big names have now chosen Telit as their
primary supplier. I think that Telit has the opportunity to be the market leader very soon.
t2m: How are you looking to support Telit with
your very unique experiences?
Sator: Probably the best thing will be for me
not to contribute too many ideas … no, but
seriously, my strengths lie in technological,
strategic and cross-industry innovation. Telit
is now of a size where this type of input can
be useful, and can set long-term new trends
in the company that otherwise might be
missed. My many years of commitment to
the m2m sector will certainly help me in this,
but so, too, will my unique perspective on
things that go beyond merely the module
manufacturer’s view.
t2m: We’re at the start of a new decade. Let’s
risk a look into the future: what technologies
will be shaping our lives in 2021?
Sator: The Internet, and the knowledge of the
Internet, will be omnipresent. <<
Alexander Sator, now member of the
Board of Directors of Telit Communications PLC, previously Chairman of
the Board at Cinterion from 2008 until
2010, was a co-founder of one of the
first software companies in Germany
in 1983, while still in his teens. After a
short career in the scientific industry
he founded Sator Laser in 1996, which
focused on the development of lasers
and laser systems for industrial applications, soon becoming market leader
in its specific field. In 2001 Domino
Printing Services took a stake in this
business and in 2005 Mr. Sator sold his
remaining shares. Over the last two
years Mr. Sator has been, along with
other advisory engagements, Strategy
Advisor to the Deutsche Telekom AG
for mobile business.
The Technological
Advantage, delivered
by People
Yossi Moscovitz, President
Telit Wireless Solutions 2010 was an excellent year for Telit and for the
m2m industry. In my past articles for the Telit
magazine I have focused on the technological
leadership and innovation embodied in Telit
products and services. This factor has been the
main driver in Telit’s remarkable growth and
top-tier standing in the m2m market.
Looking back now, our incursion into m2m started nine years ago with a handful of employees
and Telit has since grown to a Global and Multinational complex with 426 employees worldwide. None of Telit’s achievements would be
possible without the hard work, commitment
and devotion of each individual in our team.
I am proud and honored to introduce you to the Telit team:
As a customer, you are exposed mainly to
our sales, marketing and support teams.
Behind these teams is the entire Telit organization aligned to ensure the timely delivery and
quality of the products and services you need.
When doing business with Telit you are dealing
with people. And people make the difference.
Adi • Adrian • Alberto C. • Alberto L. • Alejandro • Alessandra • Alessandro Be. • Alessandro Bo. •
Alessandro D. • Alessandro O. • Alessandro P. • Alessandro R. • Alessia • Alex B. • Alex S. • Alexander B.
• Alexander P. • Alexandra • Alfredo • Allan • Allen • Alpay • Amalia • Amanda • Ami B. • Ami L. • Amine • Anderson • Andrea A. • Andrea B. • Andrea F. • Andrea G. • Andrea M. • Andrea P.
• Andrea T. • Andrea Z. • Annamaria • Antonino • Antonio Pa. • Antonio Pe. • Antonio Pil. • Antonio Pin. • Antonio Pir. • Antonio R. • Ariel • Artur C. • Artur W. • Ashish • Avi • Aya • Barbara •
Benzi • Boyeon • Brian • Bruno T. • Bruno V. • Byungcheol • Carlo A. • Carlo C. • Carlo M. • Carlo S. • Carlos • Cesare • Charlie • Chen • Chicco • Chisung • Choonseung • Choungsuk • Cinzia
• Claudio D. • Claudio G. • Corrado • Cristian M. • Cristian V. • Cristiana C. • Cristiana D. • Cristina Fa. • Cristina Fo. • Cristina M. • Cristina P. • Crystal • Daehwan • Dalibor • Daniel C. •
Daniel Z. • Daniela C. • Daniela V. • Daniele L. • Daniele Pa. • Daniele Po. • Daniele S. • Danilo • Danny • Daria • Dario • Darius • David B. • David H. • David P. • Davide • Denis • Dietmar •
Dino • Dohyung • Domenico • Domenico Fabio • Dominikus • Dongwon • Dongwoo • Dukjun • Eduardo • Efrat • Elena E. • Elena K. • Elena Pel. • Elena Pet. • Elhanan • Elisabetta • Emilia •
Emmanuel • Enrico • Eran E. • Eran F. • Eran L. • Eric L. • Eric O. • Eva • Fabio B. • Fabio De. • Fabio F. • Fabio L. • Fabio O. • Fabio P. • Fabio S. • Fabrizio D. • Fabrizio V. • Falco • Federico D.
• Federico V. • Felix • Filippo • Francesca • Francesco B. • Francesco C. • Francesco E. • Francesco F. • Francesco L. • Francesco Pa. • Francesco Pe. • Frederic • Gabriele • Gaetano •
GiamPaolo • Gianluca Ar. • Gianluca At. • Gianluca P. • Gianmarco • Gianni • Gianpiero • Gideon • Gil • Gila • Giorgio C. • Giorgio D. • Giuliano • Giuseppe M. • Giuseppe P. • Giuseppe S. • Golan
• Graziano • Grety • Guido • Haggay • Hahngwon • Haim • Heeseob • Hogyun • Hohwan • Hosang • Hun • Hyojung • Hyungsuk • Hyunmin • Hyunseok • Igor • Ilan • Ilaria • Ilkwon • Irina •
Itzik • Ivan • Jack • Jacki • Jacob • Jaehyun • Jaekwang • Jaeyoung • James • Jason • Jeansang • Jeff • Jeya • Jihoon • Jihye • Jihyun • Jinkyu • Jinwoo • John G. • John S. • Jongkap • Juhyuk
• Junghoon • Jungil • Jungpyo • Juri • Ken • Kenya • Keonho • Khaled • Kyungbok • Kyungjun • Kyungpo • Kyuyong • Laura • Lauren • Leone • Leonid • Leslie • Livio • Liza • Luca C. • Luca M.
• Luca S. • Luca T. • Lucia • Mads • Manuel • Manuele • Mara • Marc-Henri • Marco A. • Marco Cl. • Marco Co. • Marco Ra. • Marco Ru. • Marcos • Maria • Marianna
• Marie • Marina D. • Marina Tom. • Marina Tor. • Mark • Martino • Massimiliano • Massimo B. • Massimo D. • Massimo F. • Massimo M. • Mathi • Matthew • Matthieu
• Maurizia • Maurizio C. • Maurizio M. • Mauro B. • Mauro C. • Mauro F. • Mauro O. • Mauro P. • Mauro S. • Mayrav • Meilu • Michael • Michal • Michela F. • Michela R.
• Michele • Mike U. • Mike W. • Mikyu • Milena • Minsun • Miran • Mirko • Moshe • Motty • Nadia • Namjoong • Natascia • Neomi • Neta • Nicola •
Nicolas • Nieves • Nikola • Nir A. • Nir B. • Nisim • Ofir • Ofra • Oozi • Paola • Paolo F. • Paolo G. • Paolo L. • Paolomaria • Pascal • Patricia • Philip
• Pierluigi • Pierpaolo Pa. • Pierpaolo Po. • Pieter • Pietro • Pyeongjin • Renata • Renato • Ricardo B. • Ricardo S. • Riccardo • Rinaldo • River •
Roberta G. • Roberta S. • Roberto C. • Roberto Mili. • Roberto Mill. • Roberto S. • Roberto Z. • Roger • Roi • Romano • Ronen • Roy • Ruth • Sabina •
Saga • Sagi • Sandro M. • Sandro S. • Sanghoon • Sanghun • Sangwoo • Sara Se. • Sara St. • Sason • Sehoon • Seongjin • Seongwhan • Seounghwan
• Seoungok • Serge • Sergio B. • Sergio S. • Shachar • Sharon B. • Sharon E. • Shmoel • Shmulik • Shuki • Siegfried • Silvana • Silvia • Simona • Siro
• Slim • Soona • Sooyong • Sophia • Stefano D. • Stefano R. • Stefano Sa. • Stefano Se. • Stefano Z. • Steve C. • Steve G. •
Steven A. • Steven J. • Sungbong • Sunhwa • Sunman • Taehyoung • Taehyun • Taeyoun • Tal • Tatiane • Thierry • Timoteo
• Tiran • Tomer • Tony • Vadim • Valentina D. • Valentina S. • Valerio • Vicki • Vikas • Vitaly • Walter G. • Walter S. • Werther
• Willie • Wonbok • Wongu • Wooram • Xavier
• Yafit • Yamit • Yariv B. • Yariv D. • Yavuz •
Yinon • Yochanan • Yonghwan • Yongkeun •
Yoochang • Yoonmi • Yossi H. • Yossi L. •
Yossi M. • Yuri • Ziv • Zvi • Zvika •
Closing the Gap towards Global Market Leadership
Dominikus Hierl, CMO Telit Communications PLC
>> At Telit we are very proud of the achie-
vements which resulted a record year for
us in 2010, showing growth way beyond
any of our competitors and the market.
Our success can clearly be attributed to
our consistent long-term strategy on all
relevant key aspects of our business,
which is most important for our clients in
the m2m and automotive industries. Customers can count on our very stable
product portfolio, continuous innovation,
and best-in-class customer support
stemming from our vast experience in the
field of wireless communications.
Over the years, Telit has continuously invested in solutions for the demanding m2m
market and focused efforts on building a
truly global company both from product
and local presence perspectives, while most
of our competitors have suffered from being
subjects of takeovers, insolvencies and other
major structural changes. This rise in power
has most recently allowed Telit to acquire
the m2m business from Motorola, a strong,
long-term competitor in the global market.
Today we warmly welcome the Motorola
team of seasoned m2m experts, adding their
expertise and resources an all operational
levels to Telit.
Staying true to our product strategy of consistency and long-term product availability,
the newly acquired Motorola m2m product
portfolio will be continued; product support
will be even improved. Telit will invest the
necessary resources to make customers using
Motorola products in their solution successful in the market for existing and new designs. Telit’s leverage from the substantially
larger business size assists us with regard to
managing suppliers and EMS partners, while
product certifications are all to be finalized
as planned.
As the market continues to grow, Telit’s market
share continues to rise. According to market
research, in 2010 the total m2m market was
about 900 million dollars in size. The combined market share from Telit and Motorola
m2m represented approximately 20% of that
total. This marks a huge jump from the 12%
the year before and gets us very close to our
two main competitors presenting strong
evidence that we are
indeed heading for
global leadership in
the market.
Telit is currently offering the broadest
product portfolio
in the m2m space,
supporting different
cellular and short-range wireless technologies for the global markets. In order to create
additional growth opportunities for the
company, we identified the enhanced value
of bundling our first-tier products with
relevant services around m2m, enabling
customers to implement m2m systems in a
much quicker and more efficient way. We are
confident that this strategy will give us the
push to become the absolute market leader
in the global m2m space within a very short
time. This new stature in strength translates
into additional benefits for all our customers,
as we continue to pledge our ever-growing
expertise and support capabilities to make
them successful in the global market. <<
Gideon Rogovsky, CEO Telit Wireless Solutions Israel, Tel-Aviv
>> I am pleased to announce that Motorola’s
m2m Solutions division and Telit have united
and are now officially operating as one entity.
This new structure unites two market leaders
in the m2m Wireless Industry serving various
vertical markets such as automotive, AMR,
security, and others. Together, we are uniquely
positioned to provide the m2m market with a
full portfolio of modules supporting all cellular wireless technologies: GSM/GPRS, EDGE,
CDMA and HSPA. The combined company will
operate as Telit Israel with offices in Tel Aviv.
Acquiring the Motorola m2m division has
brought about a unique opportunity for Telit
to open an R&D center in Israel. The Motorola
m2m team brings extensive knowledge,
experience and professionalism needed to
elevate this journey into a success story. As
always, our goal is to continue delivering
innovative, high-quality products to our current combined markets. To accomplish this,
we will adhere to the established product
roadmaps for our existing vertical market
solutions while simultaneously exploring
opportunities to provide customers with additional value for
existing and new market
and enterprises to be more connected.
Motorola’s wide-ranging portfolio of technologies and solutions span a range from
consumer wireless handsets and in-home
digital entertainment devices to government
and public safety mission-critical systems
and enterprise mobility products worldwide.
In 2009, Motorola (NYSE: MOT) generated
revenues of US $22 billion.
About Motorola m2m Solutions
We are confident we
have done the utmost
to ensure our business
relations with our
partners continue as
before. In the event
that there are any unforeseen issues after
the conclusion of
the transition, contingency plans have
been put in place
which provide for
quick matter resolution. We would like to
thank you very much
for your trust as we
look forward to continuing cooperation.
About Motorola
Motorola, Inc. has
been at the forefront
of communication
inventions for over
80 years and is leading a wave of innovations that enables
people, government
Motorola m2m Solutions, part of the greater
Motorola, specializes in the design, development, integration, evaluation, and deployment
of m2m applications worldwide, serving largescale customers such as: Continental, BMW,
Harman-Becker Automotive, Tyco Safety Products, Essence Security and SmartSync Smart
Grid Intelligence.
Motorola’s m2m division has been considered industry leader with over 12 years’
experience in m2m product development
and a reputation of long standing partnerships with carriers worldwide, enabling
quicker expedition of approvals by AT&T,
Verizon, T-Mobile, Telefonica, Vodafone,
Orange, and many others. In addition, the
organization brings over 9 years of experience in the automotive arena working with
12 automotive manufacturers including
Continental, BMW, and Volvo.
Telit will continue working hard to earn its
customers business, and I want to personally
thank you for your loyalty and support.
I would like also to use this opportunity to
welcome all the new employees that joined
Telit Israel and to wish them a long, rewarding, and fruitful career at Telit. <<
About the Motorola m2m wireless module portfolio:
G24 – GSM/GPRS/EDGE Module
G30 – GSM/GPRS Module
H24 – HSPA Module
The G24-GSM/GPRS/EDGE class-10
connectivity module is a robust,
RoHS-compliant cellular wireless
module that enables virtually seamless connectivity for today’s fastestgrowing m2m applications. It is one
of the most compact modules and
is ideally suited for a wide range
of m2m verticals, including: security, tracking, telemetry, automated
meter reading (AMR), automotive,
telematics control units (TCU) and
electronic point-of-sale (EPOS). The
G24 supports an optional and powerful JAVA controllable CPU and is
certified by all major GSM carriers
including AT&T, T-Mobile, Orange,
Vodafone and Vivo, and all major
international regulatory bodies and
The G30-GSM/GPRS series features
small dimensions and a cost-effective design, making it an ideal choice
for AMR, telematics, security, and
ePOS. The G30 Series is offered in
three tiers, each supporting a Land
Grid Array (LGA) form factor or
optional 70-pin B2B Connector, for
virtually unlimited m2m design
possibilities and compatible with
existing G24 designs.
The H24’s blazing fast HSPA connectivity (HSUPA 5.76 Mbps / HSDPA
7.2Mbps) enables true mobile broadband for next generation m2m
solutions such as automotive infotainment, fixed-wireless terminals,
telemetry, and advanced security
systems. The H24 also features enhanced robustness and on-board
GPS, making it the ideal solution
for location-based applications. The
H24 includes receiver diversity for
optimal performance under harsh
network conditions as well as FOTA
for maximum reliability. Its series
includes four individual versions,
offering the following HSPA-band
G30 Basic: Includes a rich set of
features with quad band GSM/GPRS,
an extended temperature range,
jamming detection, FOTA and embedded data protocols
G30 Advanced: Aggregates fullduplex audio and embedded SIM
technology to the already featurerich G30 Basic.
G30 Premium: Features an embedded application space for easy m2m
development, eliminating the need
for an external CPU
C24 – CDMA 1X Module
The C24-CDMA 1X module (800/1900 MHz) shares the same form factor as the rest of the Motorola
wireless module family, offering easy interchangeability between GSM and CDMA with the G24, for
flexibility with a single design solution. The C24 features an internal TCP/IP stack for easy data transfer, FOTA support and SSL for secure connectivity. The C24 also features on-board GPS, including
Autonomous GPS, A-GPS, and MS-Based GPS, making it the ideal choice for location-based wireless
applications. It is certified by Verizon, Sprint Nextel, Aeris and Kore Telematics and all major international regulatory bodies and approvals.
• H24-Global 850/1900/2100 MHz
• H24-NA 850/1900/1700-2100(AWS
• H24-Single 2100 MHz
• H24 Dual 900/2100 MHz
The H24 is certified by AT&T and
T-Mobile and all major international
regulatory bodies and approvals.
R&D –
Challenge and Chance
>> Talking about technology is always
challenging and sometimes dangerous
but for an IT company it is a mandatory
and obvious requirement. At Telit we are
accustomed to analyzing mature and new
technologies using a particular magnifying
glass: the requirements of m2m.
Looking at communication technologies from
this point of view it is possible to perceive
some differentiation factors that are not
present in consumer products. An example of
this peculiarity pertains to the GSM/GPRS
technology. It is very well known that this communication standard specified in the 1980s
is so fully mature that it begs the question:
why continue investing in it? This rationale
whereas quite legitimate for consumer products – with the exception of some emerging
countries – is not applicable to our market
segment. Even now in 2011, more than
20 years after the market introduction of
GSM technology, the m2m world finds itself
focusing substantial effort in 2/2.5G devices
and applications, with carriers pledging to
continue maintaining their existing infrastructure for this generation of cellular technology for years and years to come. And this
Figure 1: VDA -2A Audio test results
is the reason why Telit started the development
of the so called V2 platform in 2008, launching
the first product in that platform in 2009, later
completing the migration of the roadmap and
also adding new products based on the GL865
form factor. This platform will now extend the
life of GPRS products in
the Telit portfolio to
2016 and beyond.
Automotive V2
But the implementation of a new platform
is not only motivated
by new component introduction, it is much
more than that. As per
our strategy, V2 products have maintained
all features present in our previous platforms
while several new features and optimizations
that were not possible to be offered in the
previous Lite platform have been added in
V2. One such new feature that immediately
comes to mind is idle current consumption,
which is a very relevant parameter for several m2m applications: this value has been reduced by about 40%. Another is the implementation of Release 4 of the 3GPP protocol
Sandro Spanghero,
Global VP R&D Telit
Communications PLC
layer which imposes much more severe
control over the emitted power from the
mobile station. Relevant developments,
specific for the automotive grade products
based on the V2 platform include the implementation of an in-band modem feature –
subject of a specific white paper available in
the Telit web site, and VDA certification, level
2A. The pie diagram in Figure 1 shows the
results of the different audio parameters
measured in a controlled test environment
using standard components for the audio
path and using only the echo cancellation
parameters embedded into the GE864 Quad
Automotive V2. These two features will allow
customers to develop low cost e-call applications without using sophisticated external
components providing the required flexibility for tuning the application to successfully
pass stringent automotive industry requirements.
However, these very important activities
in GPRS technology are not in any way compromising development work related to 3G
platforms. It is clear that whereas GPRS is still
the main technology used by the m2m market,
the trend is that in the next five years this will
Figure 2: Module shipment by technology
(Source: ABI Research)
HE910 – world's
smallest 5-band
HSPA+ module.
market introduction of the new HE863 variants, a new HSPA Automotive platform that
will be introduced in 2013 – an updated EVDO
product mainly for US market – and a new
low-cost CDMA platform for global markets.
In parallel the R&D team in Trieste, Italy has
from the beginning of 2010 been involved in
the alignment of the Telit AT interface and
features across the different cellular platforms – 2G and 3G, and in the development of
the new HE910, that will once again, become
the market’s smallest module in its category.
In 2011 Telit will definitely confirm its leadership not only in 2.5G product offerings but
also in 3G and 3G+ as a result of its long term
investments and commitment.
A different R&D approach is required for short
range communications devices. Telit has two
groups working with this technology area. The
first is located in Sophia Antipolis, France. This
team because of its platform expertise has responsibility over short range products using
ZigBee, M-Bus, IEEE802.15.2, and our proprietary protocol. The other team, located in Cagliari, Italy, is in charge of the work to integrate
short range and cellular technologies into
applications and gateways which bridge local –
short range to cellular. These two teams will be
integrated into sharing responsibility for offering complete solutions from sensor to internet.
change. As can be gleaned from the ABI
Research graph on shipments by technology
in Figure 2, GPRS volumes remain almost flat
in the next five years, while market growth
comes from different technologies, mainly
WCDMA but also EVDO and then LTE.
It is clear that 3G’s real market introduction
will be propelled by specific segments such as
automotive – where Telit is already supplying
the UC864 E Auto and the UC864 AWS Auto for
European and North America markets respectively – but many others will follow. For this
reason Telit R&D investments into 3G platforms are growing, already representing more
than 50% of the total departmental budget.
The R&D team located in Seoul, Korea, that focused from the beginning on WCDMA and
CDMA products is in charge of maintaining
the UC864 and CC864 platforms, but also the
Because there are many aspects in the deployment and implementation of communication
systems which make them much more complex than the “simple” cellular, requiring deep
understanding of different technologies from
the device as well as the network point of view
and also in this case the investments that Telit
continues its commitment, reaffirming its
willingness to continue playing as the leader
in m2m. <<
Automotive R&D TEAM
Massimiliano Lonzar, R&D Automotive Manager
>> A new team focused on the automotive
market has been created in the Telit organization with the purpose of enhancing
support and services targeted at this
strategic segment. This new team will
report to the Global R&D organization and
will be focused on the various aspects of
compliance with the stringent automotive
market requirements.
Different groups inside this new department
will provide their support to the different
phases of development. One group will be
focused on field testing and software validation with particular attention to those features
demanded by automotive integrators in
addition to a much deeper analysis of interoperability of the modules with the different
network operators. Another group will be focused on the so called “Reliability Validation”
which include PPAP testing and verification,
HALT testing and so on. A third group will offer first and second level of technical support
and will respond directly to our automotive
customer’s developers to support integrators
in the design phase. Finally, a fourth group
will be focused on all issues related to the “interactions” among different functions inside
the company including R&D, purchasing,
quality, test engineering, and others. The aim
of this group will be to schedule and harmonize activities of these different departments
managing toward total satisfaction in
response to the demands coming from these
This is just the beginning. Most probably,
in the 2012 issue of the magazine, we will be
reporting back to you the results and experiences in a much more detailed article. <<
2011 Telit
Guido Walcher, Director Quality
and Intellectual Property
>> Telit’s quality challenge for 2011 is to
prepare and implement an adequate approach to support the company’s business
growth scenario. By the middle of 2010 it
was clear that Telit was looking at a growth
trend to result in a definite increase in the
complexity of operations. To support this,
the quality department is implementing new
procedures and rules based on simplicity
and clarity with the objective of establishing
relationships among the various company
processes and to proactively align each
resource involved in business processes.
This means that in the near future, changes
will take place on how functions approach
their activities so as to establish new workflows characterized by open-mindedness
and creative attitudes.
The Telit quality department currently implements an interdisciplinary self-improving
program to make all corporate processes
more adaptive, optimizing all efforts, and
keeping them synchronized towards the global
mission of our m2m business. A definition
that encapsulates this concept well states that
quality is the on-going process of building
and sustaining relationships by assessing,
anticipating, and fulfilling stated and implied
needs, where such needs belong to five different players.
The most important one is the market and customer who expects products and services
delivered with all needed requirements, on
time and well supported. For such mission, the
following Telit functional areas are involved:
• Top management – creating a vision for the
company, providing guidance to the busi-
ness, addressing the mission statements
with sustainability and profitability requirements;
• Research and Development – continuously
evolving the company’s technology portfolio,
designing products and services to be more
• Operations – manufacturing m2m devices
free of defects, in compliance with requirements from different market segments particularly smart-metering and automotive;
• Sales – providing Telit customers with high
quality technology offerings and solutions
customized to fit specific and different
• Intellectual Property, and standardization,
which are very close to top management’s
vision statement definition, and have the
ability to inject innovation in all company
• Long-term project planning, also used for
allowing participation in public bid calls.
Long term projects are developed according
to the company’s business vision and are
designed to support Research and Development strengthen its “know-how” assets;
• Quality audit modeling, as applied with customers and markets, is also used in support
of the execution started after the above
mentioned public bid calls applications.
Project planning in the framework
of public bid calls is quite a relevant
asset of to the quality mission, which
goes a long way to ensure competitiveness for the company’s business.
Over the past five years, there have
been many success stories with
different projects developed also
with the European Community.
Figure 1: Telit macro-areas
An efficient relationship among these functions requires a dynamic approach both fluid
and forthright. In such a multi-articulated
scenario, quality has to balance the different
roles with assignments of procedures and
rules to allow them to cope with the increased
complexity. In this scope quality manages
through different methods:
These include the Emily and Euridice projects, with MiSE – the Italian
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
that was fundamental in the establishment of
the Telit R&D Center in Cagliari; the effort
with the local Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
administration which strengthened the
knowledge assets of Telit’s most important
R&D Center in Trieste.
In order to address our expected growth,
an important new R&D project is ready to be
implemented, with activities set for the next
Top Management – Business Vision and Company Mission
Design FMEA, 8D; International Material Data
System (IMDS); Reliability and Failure analysis;
and lot traceability. Telit quality is not just
about inspection, process control, material
selection. It covers the all elements involved in
delivering products and services and in order
to achieve the 2011 challenge, quality intends
to strengthen the implementation of design
for manufacturing (DFM) to simplify the manufacturing process, minimizing risk.
and Proces
Standard and
Sales and Customers – Market
R&D and Operation
Figure 2: Quality growth driven a challenge for Telit
four years. So from quality’s responsibility
and perspective the function will continue to
observe and provide measurements and
feedback to better steer the fantastic growing
business of m2m implementing procedures
for employees, customers, and external resources, with the main objective of changing
the work culture accordingly.
Telit’s quality philosophy is to facilitate the
adoption of a responsible and active approach,
based on the premise that whoever is directly
involved with an issue holds the most in-depth
knowledge of said issue and is in the best position to produce the best resolution to it.
In support to its mission, Telit quality has
consolidated quality assets that have been in
effect for a long time, and that are continuously improved:
• ISO 9001 certification extended to the corporate level. In particular with respect to R&D
laboratories ensuring that R&D labs, located
in different areas and devoted to different
technology segments, apply the same rules
and methods in their activities;
• ISO 14001 certification in effect at the Trieste
facility covering compliance with environmental and “Green” practices for eco-friendly
design and manufacturing;
• Quality uniformity which aims to maintain
production from all contract manufacturers
at equivalent quality levels. This is assured by
continuous and constant control on production processes, with resident quality teams,
and by quality procedures and methods that
ensure that components, manufacturing
processes, testing and programming phases
are the same in all manufacturing plants
located in the different geographical areas.
Most of Telit’s contract manufacturers are
compliant with automotive grade manufacturing requirements as established by the ISO TS
16949 certification process. That dovetails with
Telit R&D’s design processes for automotive
segment, with implementation of the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP); Process and
Telit has also recently added another achievement to its competitiveness arsenal: accreditation according to the Annex V R&TTE Directive
of R&D testing laboratories with respect to
measurement instruments and methods. Such
accreditation allows Telit quality to autonomously issue CE declaration of conformity
resulting from our own R&D lab measurement
reports. This achievement is absolutely important to qualify the company, and its ability to
deploy to market innovative and competitive
m2m technologies to be used by the Telit
customers in their successful business. <<
The Telit
Technical Forum
Alexander Bufalino, VP Global Marketing
>> The idea to create a Technical Forum
and to publish it on the Telit web site had
been in our minds for a long time. The outcome we were looking for was to put
in contact individuals who live daily in
the m2m world to share experiences, to
discuss open – or already closed – issues
to enrich the development process, to
gather ideas and needs for integration
of new applications based on the technologies that Telit provides, to drive new
integrators and developers toward simpler
integration processes, and – why not – to
celebrate the successes of our customers.
This dream finally became a reality in 2010.
Telit launched the Technical Support Forum
in October and it has been a great success
from the very start. The open forum format
offers an invaluable technical knowledge
database on everything concerning m2m.
The most viewed articles range from general
discussions like “Transmission of DTMF tones”
to specific challenges such as “Sending SMS
while keeping an active socket connection”.
It has always been Telit’s aim
to understand its customers’
business models and to
protect their investments by
delivering superior support.
With the Technical Support
Forum we have further enhanced our already strong set
of ways and means to provide
assistance. The forum is not
only intended for Telit customers which are granted read and
write permissions but, as the first
forum of this kind, it allows the entire
m2m community to access it in read mode.
Of course, beside the online Technical Forum
we offer the traditional Telit Technical Support from out regional teams around the
world where System integrators, developers
and partners receive valuable assistance, at
any time, in their daily integration work. But
the idea of the forum is something that goes
beyond the drive for excellence in support
that has always been a rule for Telit. The
forum is a platform where everybody can
share ideas, doubts and solutions, and find an
unparalleled number of answers in a growing
FAQ database which grows daily. Today this is
exactly what our customers need. They need
to have prompt feedback, they need to get in
touch with other developers and discuss their
successes and their failures, and they need
reliable solutions to keep working on the
development of their applications.
We are just at the beginning – a few months
since launch – but the results we are experiencing are great. After five months we had
over 700 users, about 300 threads and the
numbers grow daily. We believe that the key
success factor here is that our forum is an
open one; not only Telit customers have the
right to access it but the entire m2m community can join in. This is our vision, our
goal and certainty: to share ideas, increase
knowledge, and facilitate communication in
the m2m technical community. This is the
only way to handle the complexity of the
new challenges we face every day.
The Forum is moderated daily by administrators located in several different geographical
regions. We can proudly say that our forum
provides 24/7 service to our registered users.
Administrators are constantly in touch with
the technical support teams in the different
regions through a service system that allows
management of all the request types in the
best possible way. The forum management
system gives everybody real time status on
threads; who is answering each thread; or
who has been assigned with a specific request
and asked for a feedback.
So if you have not already done so, go online
to www.telit.com >> Services >> Technical
Forum and register. Attend to the discussions
and contribute your valuable experience to
the growth of the m2m community. <<
through new product
Marco Contento, Manager, Product Management EMEA
>> Always on the forefront of technology,
Telit expands its portfolio with the introduction of new 3.5G modules in BGA packages,
and 2.5G modules in LCC castellation.
The development of new modules, with different mounting technologies and featuring a
new cellular technology, is a dynamic response
to market demand and to the availability of
new chipsets. Applications not feasible only a
few years ago have become common place
thanks in part to advances in size reduction and
package design. From car telematics and fleet
management to intelligent metering and consumer applications, each segment imposes its
own set of individual demands on the module’s
electronic package. However, despite the fact
that the silicon vendors continue increasing
the level of integration of silicon chip technologies, it will be some time before the latest 3.5G
and LTE wireless technologies can be integrated
in size and packaging comparable to those of
the current 2.5G products. In this context, Telit
has developed three new products the HE863,
the HE910 and the GL865-DUAL.
The HE863
The HE863 module enables highvolume m2m applications with
advanced capabilities leveraging
the 3G HSPA technology while minimizing
development time. With dimensions of only
31.4 x 41.4 x 2.9 millimeters, the HE863 is the
first Telit 3G module to be offered in the BGA
form factor, suitable for medium to high volume applications. The HE863 features a 3GPP
Release 6 stack, with HSPA connectivity in two
bands, and with throughput of 7.2Mbps in
downlink and 5.7Mbps in uplink. It also supports quad-band GSM / GPRS and EDGE class
33, in 850, 900, 1800, and 1900MHz. The HE863
will be offered in three regional variants, with
different combinations of 3G bands and regulatory approvals depending on the region. The
product, which features a 6Mbps high-speed
serial port, as well as a high speed USB 2.0 port,
will be available in data-only and /or data, voice,
standalone and assisted GPS.
The HE910
The HE910, the world's smallest
LGA m2m module featuring
5-band HSPA+, is the perfect
solution for consumer applications requiring wireless connectivity on the
move. Thanks to support for all five 3G network
bands (i.e. 850, 900, 1700, 1900, and 2100 MHz)
the HE910 provides mobility virtually without
borders. Furthermore, the HE910 includes features such as HSDPA 14.4 Mbps (Cat 10), HSUPA
5.7 Mbps (Cat 6) and Quad-band EGPRS Class
33 (i.e. 850, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz). Due to its
low profile LGA package and advanced connectivity features, the HE910 is ideally suited for mobile computing devices such as
PDAs, smart-phones, tablet PCs, and consumer
electronics in general, both for business and
personal use. The HE910 can also optionally be
provided with integrated high-sensitivity AGPS for indoor fixes and simultaneous GPS
with voice and data.
The GL865
The GL865-DUAL, which is the first
Telit 2.5 module in LCC (Leadless
Chip Carrier) castellation packaging,
has been introduced to expand the offering of
2.5G products in surface-mount technology
but in different packaging. Its ultra-small
form factor makes this module perfect for
mobile applications scaling from low to high
volumes across all industries. Key application
areas include battery powered devices for
medical monitoring equipment, for tracking
of people, animals and assets.
The GL865-DUAL module (LCC castellation
package technology) is a surface-mount
component, having metalized pads on all
sides of the package. This kind of packaging is
ideally suited for simple and low-cost applications based on four-Layer PCBs. Moreover,
with the option for manual soldering and
removal, it can also serve niche applications
with low production volumes.
For customers with highly integrated and
complex applications, Telit offers this new
product as part of its broad family of Ball Grid
Array (BGA) m2m modules. The pins of the
BGA package are arranged in a grid pattern on
the entire lower surface of the module, thus
providing a greater number of pins making
the BGA package highly efficient in terms of
size to number of inputs and outputs.
The introduction of this product is an important step for Telit’s portfolio development
which now includes LCC castellation packaging alongside our successful and well-known
BGA packaging. LCC and BGA packaging
complement each other as they serve
different market segments. <<
HSPA+ 850/900/1800/1900/2100
14Mbps DL / 5.7 UL
EDGE Quad Band class 33
A-GPS, RX diversity
LTE cat. 3, 850/900/1800/
100 Mbps DL, 50 Mbps
EDGE Quad Band class 33
RX diversity
Dual Band
GPRS class 10
GE864-QUAD /
Automotive / ATEX /
GSM/GPRS Quad Band
GPRS class 10
GE863-QUAD /
GSM/GPRS Quad Band
GPRS class 10
HE863-EU / NA / AU
HSPA 900/2100 (EU)
HSPA 850/1900 (NA)
HSPA 850/2100 (AU)
7.2Mbps DL / 5.7 UL
EDGE class 33
A-GPS optional
80 pin B2B Connector
Quad Band
GPRS class 10
EVDO Rev. A, 3.1 Mbps DL /
IS-95A/B, 1xRTT
gpsOne, RX diversity
GSM/GPRS Quad Band
GPRS class 10
800/1900, IS-95A/B,
CDMA-1xRTT, gpsOne
UMTS 384k Dual
EDGE Dual Band
class 12
UC864-E / E-DUAL / G
Dual / Quad band EDGE
class 12
HSDPA 900/2100
HSDPA 850/1900/2100 (G)
HSDPA 2100 (E)
7.2Mbps DL
HC864-EU / NA / AU
Quad Band EDGE class 33
HSPA 900/2100 (EU)
HSPA 850/1900 (NA)
HSPA 850/2100 (AU)
7.2Mbps DL / 5.7 UL
LTE cat. 3, 100 Mbps DL,
50 Mbps
EDGE Quad Band
class 33
RX diversity
Cristian Vacchiano, Senior Software Engineer and Carlo Antonini, Senior RF-HW Engineer
Figure 3
Power Supply
>> In the last few years one of the most
successful applications in the m2m market
has been the remote control of devices
over GSM and this kind of application will
likely continue its strong growth in the
years ahead. Remote control is usually
accomplished by sending commands to
a remote module through DTMF tones
or SMS. These commands allow remote
driving of actuators and the reading of
sensors status.
The newly released DTMF decoder
in Telit modules allows developers
to change their traditional approach
when working with GSM remote
control systems. Although a TCP
connection mode is also available
this article will focus on the DTMF
Traditional approach
The traditional way to implement remote
control via GSM using DTMF tones typically
involves the use of a microcontroller (MCU), a
GSM module and a hardware DTMF decoder.
(Figure 1) When DTMF tones are employed to
send remote commands, the audio output
from the GSM module is connected to
the DTMF receiver which provides decoded
tones to the MCU. The MCU in receipt of this
information recognizes the command and
takes the appropriate action or sequence of
actions. The Achilles heel of this approach is
the need for several components to execute
even the simplest command.
Figure 4
Figure 1
Power Supply
Figure 2
MGS=+393468686XYZ,\22GPIO1 ON\22"
Figure 5
Telit’s approach
The aim of the Telit approach is to
simplify the system by more fully
utilizing the powerful embedded
features of the GSM module while
at the same time giving new degrees of freedom to the developer.
(Figure 2) With this smart use
of the Telit module the DTMF
receiver and the external microprocessor can be removed leading
to a smaller and cheaper implementation. In fact DTMF tones
are recognized by the internal
decoder embedded in the module
without the need of any external
device. (Figure 3)
Embedded DTMF decoder
To access this feature, developers
can select between python script
or event monitor for the software
implementation. Access to the embedded
“Python Easy Script” gives the developer the
ability to program complex control sequences.
Using the virtual internal AT serial port,
a Python script can be written to receive the
asynchronous messages generated by the
embedded DTMF decoder, interpret them,
make decisions or execute commands. If
avoiding software programming is preferred,
the user can take advantage of the event monitor. This feature allows a DTMF tone detection
to be automatically associated with a specific
action at the module by simply sending it an
AT configuration command.
the activation of Relay 1 (connected
to GPIO3) to the receiving of a
DTMF tone equal to 0, the following
custom command must be sent to
configure the module: AT#EVMONI.
Upon detection of a DTMF tone 0,
an event will be generated and
AT#GPIO command will be executed
automatically activating Relay 1.
(Figure 4) Contextually the module
can be triggered by a HIGH level on
GPIO1 and send an SMS to alert the
remote application. (Figure 5) <<
SMS at run
Telit modules also makes available, with no
change in hardware configuration, one additional solution: the use of the Embedded SMS
AT Run. This feature allows users to run AT
commands remotely just by sending an SMS
to the module. Responses and errors are sent
back by the module via SMS. Two types of
messages are available: simple and protected.
Protected messages are encrypted with an
MD5 hash algorithm. It is important to note
that the SMS AT Run feature is also available
via TCP where AT commands are sent to the
module via TCP/IP. Responses and IP protocol
related traffic are redirected via TCP/IP to the
device acting as the TCP terminal.
Event monitor example
Based on a Telit GL865 module a simple 2 IN/2
OUT remote control can be implemented
using event monitor for action control. In this
sample application the objective is to read the
status of the 2 opto-isolated inputs or set the
status of the 2 relays. If the user wants to link
GSM remote controller with GL865
Cellular Product Range
Form Factor and Family Concept
GPRS Class
Cellular Technology
EDGE Class
3 G (UMTS)
3.5 G (HSDPA)
3.5 G (HSPA)
3.75 G (HSPA+)
4G (LTE)
Data Speed [UL/DL]
2 G (GSM/GPRS) Kbps
2.75G (EDGE) Kbps
3 G (UMTS) Kbps
3.5 G (HSDPA) Mbps
3.5 G (HSPA) Mbps
3.75 G (HSPA+) Mbps
4G (LTE) Mbps
CDMA (1xRTT) Mbps
USB type
AAI (analog audio interface)
DVI (digital voice interface)
DAC (digital to analog
ADC (analog to digital
GPIO (general purpose
107 x 64 x 33mm
77 x 67 x 26mm
77 x 67 x 26mm
43.9 x 43.9 x 6.9mm
41.4 x 31.4 x 3.6mm
41.4 x 31.4 x 3.6mm
41.4 x 31.4 x 3.6mm
30 x 30 x 3mm
Surface mounting
# Pin, Balls, Pads
Antenna connector
Temperature Range
-30°C to +75°C
-30°C to +75°C
-30°C to +75°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
-30°C to +80°C
-30°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
Additional Features
GPS channels
Embedded TCP/IP Stack
FAX support (Class 1 G3)
SIM Access Profile
Run AT Commands
Jamming Detection
Designed for Automotive
Main Approvals
CDG1 & 2
Automotive V2
GE864-QUAD Atex
3 G (UMTS)
3.5 G (HSDPA)
3.5 G (HSPA)
3.75 G (HSPA+)
4G (LTE)
EDGE Class
GPRS Class
Cellular Technology
2 G (GSM/GPRS) Kbps
3 G (UMTS) Kbps
3.5 G (HSDPA) Mbps
3.5 G (HSPA) Mbps
3.75 G (HSPA+) Mbps
4G (LTE) Mbps
CDMA (1xRTT) Mbps
Data Speed [UL/DL]
2.75G (EDGE) Kbps
USB type
AAI (analog audio interface)
DVI (digital voice interface)
DAC (digital to analog
ADC (analog to digital
GPIO (general purpose
30 x 30 x 3mm
30 x 30 x 3mm
30 x 30 x 3mm
30 x 30 x 3mm
22 x 22 x 3mm
24.4 x 24.4 x 2.7mm
30 x 36.2 x 3.2mm
30 x 36.2 x 3.2mm
Surface mounting
# Pin, Balls, Pads
Antenna connector
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
Temperature Range
GPS channels
Embedded TCP/IP Stack
FAX support (Class 1 G3)
SIM Access Profile
Designed for Automotive
Run AT Commands
Jamming Detection
Additional Features
CDG1 & 2
Main Approvals
3 G (UMTS)
GPRS Class
Cellular Technology
EDGE Class
3.5 G (HSDPA)
Data Speed [UL/DL]
3.5 G (HSPA)
3.75 G (HSPA+)
4G (LTE)
2 G (GSM/GPRS) Kbps
2.75G (EDGE) Kbps
3 G (UMTS) Kbps
3.5 G (HSDPA) Mbps
3.5 G (HSPA) Mbps
3.75 G (HSPA+) Mbps
4G (LTE) Mbps
CDMA (1xRTT) Mbps
USB type
AAI (analog audio interface)
DVI (digital voice interface)
DAC (digital to analog
ADC (analog to digital
GPIO (general purpose
77 x 67 x 26mm
83 x 64 x 33mm
30 x 36.2 x 4.8mm
30 x 36.2 x 4.8mm
30 x 45 x 4.8mm
30 x 36.2 x 4.8mm
30 x 45 x 4.8mm
30 x 45 x 4.8mm
Surface mounting
# Pin, Balls, Pads
Antenna connector
Temperature Range
-30°C to +80°C
-30°C to +75°C
-20°C to +65°C
-30°C to +80°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +80°C
-30°C to +80°C
-30°C to +80°C
Embedded TCP/IP Stack
FAX support (Class 1 G3)
SIM Access Profile
Additional Features
GPS channels
Designed for Automotive
Run AT Commands
Jamming Detection
Main Approvals
CDG1 & 2
3 G (UMTS)
3.5 G (HSDPA)
3.5 G (HSPA)
3.75 G (HSPA+)
4G (LTE)
2 G (GSM/GPRS) Kbps
2.75G (EDGE) Kbps
3 G (UMTS) Kbps
3.5 G (HSDPA) Mbps
3.5 G (HSPA) Mbps
3.75 G (HSPA+) Mbps
4G (LTE) Mbps
CDMA (1xRTT) Mbps
Data Speed [UL/DL]
EDGE Class
GPRS Class
Cellular Technology
USB type
AAI (analog audio interface)
DAC (digital to analog
ADC (analog to digital
GPIO (general purpose
Surface mounting
# Pin, Balls, Pads
Antenna connector
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
Temperature Range
GPS channels
Embedded TCP/IP Stack
FAX support (Class 1 G3)
SIM Access Profile
Designed for Automotive
Run AT Commands
Jamming Detection
Additional Features
DVI (digital voice interface)
CDG1 & 2
Main Approvals
3 G (UMTS)
3.5 G (HSDPA)
3.5 G (HSPA)
3.75 G (HSPA+)
4G (LTE)
GPRS Class
EDGE Class
Cellular Technology
Data Speed [UL/DL]
2 G (GSM/GPRS) Kbps
3 G (UMTS) Kbps
3.5 G (HSDPA) Mbps
2.75G (EDGE) Kbps
3.5 G (HSPA) Mbps
3.75 G (HSPA+) Mbps
4G (LTE) Mbps
CDMA (1xRTT) Mbps
USB type
AAI (analog audio interface)
ADC (analog to digital
Surface mounting
DAC (digital to analog
28.2 x 28.2 x 2.6mm
30 x 36.2 x 4.7mm
30 x 36.2 x 4.8mm
30 x 36.2 x 4.8mm
30 x 36.2 x 4.8mm
75 x 55 x 20mm
18 x 18 x 3.5mm
# Pin, Balls, Pads
Antenna connector
Temperature Range
-30°C to +85°C
-25°C to +85°C
-30°C to +80°C
-20°C to +60°C
-30°C to +80°C
-30°C to +80°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
Embedded TCP/IP Stack
FAX support (Class 1 G3)
GPS channels
Additional Features
DVI (digital voice interface)
GPIO (general purpose
SIM Access Profile
Designed for Automotive
Run AT Commands
Jamming Detection
Main Approvals
CDG1 & 2
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Cellular Product Range Mot by Telit
Air Interface
Bands (MHz)
Size (LxWxH mm)
Operating Temp Range
G30 basic
G30 advanced
G30 premium
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
24.4 x 40.0 x 3.5
24.4 x 40.0 x 3.5
24.4 x 40.0 x 3.5
24.4 x 45.2 x 6.0
24.4 x 45.2 x 6.0
24.4 x 45.2 x 6.0
< 6 grams
< 6 grams
< 6 grams
< 10 grams
< 10 grams
< 10 grams
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
-20°C to +75°C
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +85°C
70-pin B2B
70-pin B2B
Programming Platform
C Language
Embedded SIM
LGA pads
(optional 70-pin B2B)
LGA pads
(optional 70-pin B2B)
LGA pads
(optional 70-pin B2B)
70-pin B2B
LGA pad / U.FL
LGA pad / U.FL
LGA pad / U.FL
USB 1.1
Full Speed
USB 2.0 Full Speed
USB 2.0 Full Speed
Embedded GPS
Receiver Diversity
Mounting Connector
Main Antenna Connector
SIM Card
Power Specifications
< 1.6mA
< 1.6mA
< 1.6mA
< 2.5mA
< 2.5mA
< 2.5mA
Operating Voltage
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
class 10
class 10
class 10
class 10
class 10
class 10
Wireless Technology
class 10
Data Features
9 (8 when using
B2B Connection)
9 (8 when using
B2B Connection)
9 (8 when using
B2B Connection)
Control/Status Indicators
Antenna Detect
Voltage & Temp Sensor
Network Converage
Jamming Detection
Voice Features
Digital & Analog Audio
Echo & Noise
Full Duplex Audio
• (Hands-free)
• (Hands-free)
Gain Control
Regulatory & Approvals
H24 basic
H24 advanced
H24 premium
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
H24-Single: 2100 +
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
H24-Single: 2100
H24-Dual: 900/2100
H24-Global: 850/1900/2100
H24-NA: 850/1900/17002100 AWS +
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
H24-Single: 2100
H24-Dual: 900/2100
H24-Global: 850/1900/2100
H24-NA: 850/1900/17002100 AWS +
850/900/1800/1900 (GSM)
800/1900 (CDMA 1X)
24.4 x 45.2 x 6.0
24.4 x 45.2 x 5.4
24.4 x 45.2 x 5.4
24.4 x 45.2 x 5.4
24.4 x 45.2 x 5.6
< 10 grams
< 10 grams
< 10 grams
< 10 grams
< 10 grams
-30°C to +85°C
-30°C to +65°C
-30°C to +85°C (Restricted)
-30°C to +65°C
-30°C to +85°C (Restricted)
-30°C to +65°C
-30°C to +85°C (Restricted)
-30°C to +85°C
Air Interface
Bands (MHz)
Size (LxWxH mm)
Operating Temp Range
Programming Platform
Embedded SIM
Embedded GPS
70-pin B2B
70-pin B2B
70-pin B2B
70-pin B2B
70-pin B2B
Main Antenna Connector
USB 2.0 Full Speed
USB 2.0
High Speed
USB 2.0
High Speed
USB 2.0
High Speed
USB 2.0
Full Speed
Receiver Diversity
Mounting Connector
2 UART 4Mb
2 UART 4Mb
2 UART 4Mb
USIM/SIM 1.8/3.0V
USIM/SIM 1.8/3.0V
USIM/SIM 1.8/3.0V
R-UIM 1.8V/3.0V
< 3.5mA
< 1.5mA
< 1.5mA
< 1.5mA
< 2.5mA
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
3.3 - 4.2V
Operating Voltage
HSUPA (5.76Mbps)
HSDPA (7.2Mbps)
HSUPA (5.76Mbps)
HSDPA (7.2Mbps)
HSUPA (5.76Mbps)
HSDPA (7.2Mbps)
class 10
class 12
class 12
class 12
class 10
class 12
class 12
class 12
SIM Card
Antenna Detect
Voltage & Temp Sensor
Network Converage
Jamming Detection
Digital & Analog Audio
Echo & Noise
• (Hands-free)
• (Hands-free)
• (Hands-free)
Full Duplex Audio
Gain Control
• (H24 Global & NA)
• (H24 Global & NA)
• (H24 Global & NA)
• (H24 Global & NA)
• (H24 Global, Single, Dual)
• (H24 Global, Single, Dual)
• (H24 Global, Single, Dual)
• (H24 Global, Single, Dual)
• (All models)
• (All models)
• (H24 Global, Single, Dual)
• (H24 Global, Single, Dual)
The new Telit
ISM-band product family
Milena Milosevic, Technical Sales Manager Short Range Devices
>> New m2m markets are advancing into
intelligent automation systems, innovative solutions, and above all energy
efficiency. Interoperability will be a key
requirement for certain segments like
metering while another target will be to
continue increasing network flexibility.
In order to build an advanced wireless
system it is mandatory that a comprehensive review of priorities be completed to
determine the most suitable combination
of performance and cost.
With advantages such as longer range, reduced
power consumption, lower deployment and
operating costs, sub-GHz ISM wireless systems can step in to address important need
areas of m2m like metering (water, gas,
electricity), lightning control, building automation, irrigation, and tracking or access
control. The Telit portfolio in sub-GHz ISM
band includes 3 different product families:
the LE, ME, and NE. They are based on the same
form factor of 26 x 15 x 3 mm with weight of
only 1.7 grams, LGA mounting technology
(suitable for manual soldering in small volume
applications), and full pin-to-pin cross-compatibility guaranteeing flexibility and making
possible the re-use of the wireless design in
different market segments. All modules include serial RS232 interface, digital and analog
I/O ports allowing easy integration into any
application reducing development time and
costs. Long battery life is ensured with a standby mode that consumes 1µA for wake up on
external interrupt (hardware over DTR or software via AT command). When used for remote
control applications the best design choice is
cyclic wake-up where the module is set to
listen periodically to the radio link (with the
use of its internal timer) using current of only
3µA. Some key characteristics include budget
link of up to 123dB (LE50), configurable output
power of up to 14dBm, sensitivity in the order
of -109dBm (LE50), and extended operating
temperature range. Telit started by launching
products in the 868MHz frequency and this
will be followed by 433MHz and 915MHz
For all Telit short-range (SR) module families
there is a complementary gateway solution,
the GG863-SR which provides the short range
wireless network the ability to extend on the
IP network. Dedicated demo cases and kits are
also available for each family which include
all the necessary resources to enable outof-the-box testing of RF performances and
others so that the designer can quickly start
taking steps towards building a network.
Demo Kit &
Moreover these three product families (ME,
LE, and NE) were designed to be pin-to-pin
compatible with the Telit ZigBee products, the
ZE51-2.4, and the ZE61-2.4 (compliant with
ZigBee PRO stack).
The LE Module Family is the ideal solution
for ultra-low-power and low-latency-time
applications requiring point-to-point or multipoint (broadcast) network communication
and a simple plug-and-play protocol for RF
communications, being a great fit for applications replacing communication over cable.
Because of the very low latency time, incoming characters are transmitted to the radio
link as they are received on the serial port and
collision is avoided with the application of the
LBT (listen before talk) feature, while for more
advanced network planning, RSSI level measurements can be used as a simple indicator
of signal strength. The Star network protocol
stack running on the LE module family is a
Telit proprietary protocol that can be applied
in transparent mode (plug-and-play, minimum latency), in address secured mode
(nodes have ID numbers, data can be addressed to a specific node), in telemetry mode,
or in download over-the-air mode (remote
re-flashing of the modules). This family also
SR Tool Manager: Analyser
and Configuration Wizard
includes a 2.4GHz variant which can be a
valuable alternative to ZigBee in applications
where a simple communication protocol can
be used.
The NE module family is based on the Telit
proprietary low power mesh protocol, implemented on a cluster-tree network structure.
Power management can be achieved on both
routers and end nodes with extreme flexibility
by setting different synchronous network
times, data rates, or message formats. These
same parameters also influence network
latency providing a high degree of freedom
for OEMs to program them according to
system requirements. Lowest overall power
consumption can be achieved in networks
running a regimen of small data volumes
transmitted periodically while high data
throughput demanding high network data
exchange rates cause an increase in power
consumption. Auto-repair, auto-association,
up to 10-hop routing, and 10,000 device capacity make it easy to integrate complex and
stable network solutions.
The ME module family is based on the wireless M-bus European standard EN 13757-4
covering data exchange for remote meters
(modes S, T, and R) and the EN 13757-5:2008
extension of part 4 which specifies additional
routing providing the possibility to extend
the range in 868MHz band (modes R2 and Q).
At the application level Telit supports AES
encryption and is compliant with the Dutch
profile NTA8130 and OMS. This module family
can integrate any network of devices compliant to the Wireless M-bus standard (parts 4
or 5) including the Telit TinyOne Lite 868MHz
SR Tools Manager
The SR Tools Manager is a unique powerful
development environment covering all Telit
Short range module families (ME, LE, NE and
ZE). It is Windows based and easy to use internally handling most of the complexities
of Short Range technology and therefore
dramatically reducing time-to-market and
TCO. Its purpose is to allow performance of
preliminary testing, help during the design
phase, assist in deploying the network, and to
guarantee network operation and maintenance. Starting with basic features like firmware upgrading, sniffer and packet analyzer,
commissioning and configuration of the
short range module; and moving up to the
more advanced features which include graphic
network topology view together with its most
important parameters this single tool adds
substantial value to the Telit Short Range
module offering. The starting version of the
tool allows selection of the SR technology and
which part of the tool to access, e.g. flashing,
management, or analyzer. While using the analyzer it is possible to select the ZigBee channel
or Wireless M-bus operating mode and all the
captured data packets from the selected
source can be saved to a file. The management
section is used for sending the modules hexadecimal or ASCII commands and its extremely
easy-to-use, while configuration wizard
provides quick access to configuration or
reading of the SR module registers. <<
The Telit Combined Wireless Offer
for the Internet of Things
Tony Spizzichino, CEO TELIT RF Technologies
>> Predicting now the impact that the
internet of things (IoT) will have in our lives
is not a trivial exercise (who could have
predicted the impact of Internet in the early
90’s?), but it is safe to state that “Smart
City” will be among the most important applications of the IoT. Following its long term
vision and strategy, Telit has been preparing
for this new challenge and has put in place a
valuable offering to provide its partners with
unique competitive advantages.
New m2m Wireless Communication
In addition to well established m2m cellular
communications where Telit is already playing
a leadership role worldwide, short range (SRD)
communication technologies much better
suited for LAN/HAN application are required
to enable the IoT. Among the forerunner technologies, different flavors of the IEEE802.15.4
(e.g. ZigBee, 6LowPAN, etc.) and Wireless M-BUS
are establishing themselves with WiFi becoming more adept to providing connectivity to
the consumer market through Smart Tabs and
dedicated applications (Apps).
Wireless MBus
New Tools to deploy and manage
complex multi-technology networks
Deploying, operating and maintaining a multimillion-node SRD network is a very complex
exercise which is usually underestimated.
The cost of deployment can
be comparable to the full inMulti-band
vestment in communication
hardware while O&M costs
can be remarkably high. Such
considerations and the complexities in system design are
posing another interesting
question: is it better to use
an existing cellular network
instead of designing, deploying, operating, and maintaining a complementary SRD network? A simple cost analysis
A common question some in the IoT space are
posing pertains to the strength of the make vs.
buy approach for the Short Range communication component of their application.
Considering the required level of investments in the design of wireless connectivity
for the application the module approach
always provides solid advantages whenever
the silicon used in the design has a lifecycle
time in the range of 3 to 4 years. That is usually
the case because of the increased ROI and
reduced and predictable total cost of ownership (TCO) due to the full liability of the
wireless solution (hardware and software)
resting on the module. Moreover, in the case
of Telit and the pin2pin multi-technology
family approach, a remarkable additional
investment reduction can be achieved.
Consider as an example, a smart gas meter
designed with the Telit ME50-868 (Wireless MBus) and how it can also easily use the pin2pin compatible ZE51 ZigBee variant or the
ZE61 ZigBee PRO solution, or yet the new LE50
or NE50 for star or low power mesh architectures available in 433, 868 and 915 MHz.
ME50-868 DIP Version
considering the cost of a minimal subscription
plus the cellular hardware with required battery
provides the immediate answer that an SRD
technology LAN/HAN is the cheaper option;
however dedicated new software tools able
to minimize cost and risk in large scale and
efficient SRD network deployment for the full
lifecycle of the project (usually 15 to 20 years)
are definitive requirements. To this end, Telit
has designed a dedicated SRD network tool,
adding dramatic value to its offering.
The Telit Advantage
The Telit competitive advantage is based on
the focused strategy to reduce the m2m application TCO by dramatically reducing the
required investment and time-to-market.
In fact Telit is unique in the wireless solution
and module supplier space for providing:
1 Fully owned IPR m2m solutions from
cellular to Short Range technologies, all
based on the Pin2Pin compatible family
2 Fully-customizable, highly-integrated,
cellular and SRD Gateways and Concentrators;
3 A unique SRD network tool for the deployment, operation, and maintenance
of large mixed cellular and SRD networks
devoted to m2m applications. <<
GPRS to Wireless M-BUS
and Universal ISM gateway
Olaf Schäfer, Technical Director
>> The AarLogic® M09/5 is ideal for
industrial applications requiring environmental robustness to withstand cold, heat,
vibrations, etc. As a gateway, on the WAN
side it communicates via GSM and on the
short range side it utilizes license-free
ISM standards including wireless M-Bus,
Zigbee, and RF868/915 MHz covering
distances of up to 4000 meters.
AarLogic® M09/5
The market for Smart Grid and license-free
Mesh networks is currently one of the major
drivers in industrial communication and to
address this demand Round Solutions offers
a wide range of OEM solutions in GSM/GPRS
and short-range communications. The AarLogic® M09/5 is a universal starting point
from which to develop short-range gateways
Round Solutions, a specialist manufacturer
in m2m communications, has developed a
new industrial printed circuit-board (PCB)
especially designed for use under extreme environmental conditions. The AarLogic M09/5
is equipped with this technology and boasts
an operational temperature range from -40 to
+85 degrees Celsius and because it is populated with SMT components, it is highly vibration resistant. Measuring only 5.64 x 8.45 cm,
the board can be used directly in smart
metering and smart grid applications with
Telit's ME50-868 Wireless M-Bus module.
The AarLogic's GE865 GSM module from Telit
works almost regardless of range. An Atmel
microcontroller is applied to control the
board, supporting the option of Python
scripting. The Atmel AtMEGA162 controller,
programmable in C and BASIC, allows the
development of special applications which is
a desirable feature in the fields of remote
monitoring and smart metering (e.g. to create
a central hub for bulk data transfer). The modules for Wireless M-Bus metering also comply
with EN13757 standard and the Open Metering System (OMS).
Since the Telit ME50 series is pin-compatible
with the ZE family, also ZigBee and Meshbased RF technologies can be addressed with
the same hardware design. Alternatively, with
the use of the Telit TinyOne family the M09/5
can be made to operate in the license-free
radio bands of 868 MHz and 915 MHz
(US market). The board's voltage converters were designed for the higher
energy consumption of the
TinyOne-Pro series. Thus
when this product family
is used, the board can
cover ranges of up to 4km
without any hard-ware changes. STK-S4
As required for OEM board-level products,
this new radio board is equipped with all
important inputs and outputs, including serial
CMOS interface, power inputs (6 to 32V), and
antenna connections. According to Olaf
Schäfer, Technical Director at Round Solutions, the AarLogic® M09/5 allows specific
hardware and working prototypes to be
developed in a very short time.
A complete Round Solutions STK-S4 development environment
guarantees a quick
and easy development
effort. <<
Short Range
Product Range
Short Range to
GSM|GPRS Gateways
License-Free System for Frequencies ‹1 GHz
Form Factor
GG863-SR Gateway
TinyOne ®
Plus 868 MHz
TinyOne ®
Pro 868 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
RF modules
TinyOne ®
Lite 868 MHz
RF modules
TinyOne ®
Plus 868 MHz
RF modules
up to 4000 m
1500 m
4000 m
16000 m
16000 m
700 m
1500 m
433, 868,915 or
2400 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
Radio Data
up to 250 Kbps
4.8 to 38.4 Kbps
4.8 to 38.4 Kbps
4.8 and 9.6 Kbps
4.8 and 9.6 Kbps
up to 100 Kcps
4.8 to 38.4 Kbps
Output Power
up to 500 mW
5, 10 or 25 mW
500 mW
25 to 500 mW
25 to 500 mW
up to 10 mW
5, 10 or 25 mW
Mesh & Star
Mesh & Star
Mesh, Star & M-Bus
Mesh & Star
ARM9 200 MHz
128 MB flash /64 MB
RAM mit Linux OS
Sensitivity (BER<10 -3)
Quad band
class 10
Stack Option
Antenna Option
Mesh, ZigBee or
Wireless M-Bus
IEEE 802.15.4 |
License-Free System for Frequencies ‹1 GHz
LE Family
NE Family
Wireless M-Bus
Form Factor
TinyOne ®
Pro 868 MHz
RF modules
TinyOne ®
Pro 915 MHz
RF modules
RF modules
RF modules
RF modules
ME50 868
RF modules
ZE51-2.4 RF modules
ZE61-2.4 RF modules
4000 m
4000 m
2000 m
2000 m
1500 m
2000 m
868 MHz
915 MHz
433 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
868 MHz
2400 MHz
4.8 to 38.4 Kbps
38.4 Kbps
Up to 115.2 Kbps
Up to 115.2 Kbps
Up to 115.2 Kbps
Up to 100 Kcps
250 Kbps
Radio Data
500 mW
500 mW
25 mW
25 mW
25 mW
25 mW
2.5 mW /100 mW
Output Power
Sensitivity (BER<10 -3)
Mesh & Star
1µA (*)
1µA (*)
1µA (*)
1µA (*)
Wireless M-Bus
1µA (*)
ZigBee PRO
Stack Option
Antenna Option
TELIT2Market 06|11
Gearing up towards a Smart Environment by
creating new future services beyond the
networks and IT infrastructure of the past
Hwang ChulJeung, Ph.D, Director General Network Policy Bureau, Korean Communications Commission
>> Korea’s IT reputation is drawing the
world's attention yet again as the ITpowerhouse begins pursuing futuristic
services such as intelligent networkbased smart work, m2m communication,
cloud computing, and augmented reality.
Hwang ChulJeung, Ph.D
Director General Network
Policy Bureau, Korean Communications Commission
Korea’s network policy has focused on improving performance through high-speed
and BcN networks and on creating new services based on these networks. Such policy
is indeed a global trend however, a need for
changes in the agenda for future networks
has been suggested as the information and
communication technology (ICT) paradigm
continues enduring shifts due to the glass
ceiling of network-based profit models.
Soaring wireless and wired traffic and the
spread of open technologies is driving the
development of future technologies such as
n-screen, m2m, cloud, and rule changes in
PvP games. This soaring demand is anticipated to bring about significant regulatory
changes coupled with telecom companies'
rush to opt out of the telecom industry.
The evolution of networks in Korea, as is the
case overseas, is headed in a direction that can
accommodate the rising traffic volumes while
offering time and location-independent network access. With that in mind, the driving of
futuristic intelligent networks such as the
Giga-internet, WiFi, Wibro, 4G, Cloud, and
m2m is a critical task and a focal point going
The Korean Communications Commission is
planning to propose a vision based on which
Korea positions itself as a global landmark in
the future through the implementation of
intelligent infrastructure that surpasses the
notion of network speed and quality with
TELIT2Market 06|11
agile response to any abrupt shifts in the
global IT environment. The Korean Communications Commission is also putting together a
“Development Strategy for Smart IT Networks”
that enables the network infrastructure to dynamically respond to prospective intelligence
and sophistication. This strategy comprises
the promotion of areas such as wireless and
wired networks, m2m communication, cloud,
and other intelligent networks as well as new
business models.
The centerpiece of this intelligent network
infrastructure is m2m (Machine to Machine).
m2m, as the term itself implies, automatically
inspects and reports any problems arising in
systems and is widely utilized in our everyday lives. In its infancy in the early 1990's,
the technology was merely perceived as the
notion of remote control or telematics and
its application was very limited. But that has
changed and it has now become one of the
most scrutinized markets globally, after
many streaks of high growth.
In October 2009, the Korean Communications
Commission set up the "m2m Roadmap" and
is taking steps to drive Korea into becoming
the most influential ICT powerhouse in the
future. Starting in 2009 the Commission
has fomented services models such as the
u-Weather by the Korea Meteorological
Administration and u-Shelter in the city
of Seoul, by creating mock businesses in order
to elevate the country’s global market competence. It is also currently operating a trial
m2m environment in which small and
mid-sized m2m enterprises can develop, test,
and validate u-Service
technologies. The Commission has also hosted
m2m conferences and
forums in which experts
from all industries participate to discuss partnership models between
government and private
organizations. Further,
the Commission is looking to drive human
resources development
for small and mid-sized
m2m enterprises under
the banner of "m2m
device platform development".
In December 2009, the Korean Communications Commission together with the Ministry
of Safety and Administration and the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy established
within the government’s cloud computing
agenda, the vision of "becoming the world's top
cloud computing nation".
Specific items in the plan
include "cloud computingbased platforms, integrated
IP-TV trial service business"
and other business models.
Here, a matching fund-type
"cloud service test bed" is
up and running for small
and mid-sized enterprises
to develop, test, and verify
cloud-related technologies.
The government has also
revised the rules and regulations and has set up a
security and certification
system targeted at involving those who trust the
cloud to take part in shaping the environment.
The smart work era is right ahead of us
as smarter IT technologies such as smart
phones and smart TVs become more fully
integrated into corporate environments.
Smart work has been proposed as a solution
to general industrial issues including low
birth rates, aging society, diminishing labor
productivity, and environmental pollution.
The key idea here is removing the cap on
the space and time where and when work
happens by using ICT technologies such as
video conferencing. The government is looking to leverage the advantages of smart work
considering its benefits towards low-carbon
and green growth.
Starting in 2012, in preparation for the rise
in demand by these new services the Korean
Communications Commission is planning
to increase the general accessibility to broadband networks by expanding WiBro to 5 metropolitan areas and 84 municipalities as well
as pursuing the commercialization of LTE
services. A nationwide launch of 4G is also
expected to happen in 2013. The plan also includes provisions to establish a sound mobile
user information protection and violation
prevention system and to enhance the security of new services such as mobile office and
cloud computing looking to minimize the
number of invasion of privacy cases. Accompanying this plan will be the development of
a user-friendly user interface (UI) that anyone
can easily manipulate.
An intelligent network is anticipated to play
a pivotal role in fostering the creation of new
services in the future smart environment,
helping businesses and people beyond the
limited scope of a functional network. It
becomes a crucial asset contributing to enrich
the value of not only IT but also Korean society. Further, it creates a realm that fosters
sharing and collaboration with Europe when
it comes to the global effort of developing
the future network infrastructure and the
stimulation of the global markets. <<
TELIT2Market 06|11
Service Enablement Services:
Catalyst for Change in M2M
Robin Duke-Woolley, Founder and CEO, Beecham Research Ltd
What are SES and why are
they important now?
>> A constant fascination of m2m is the
sheer variety of new applications appearing every day, covering anything
from an innovative new way of measuring air pollution (by monitoring the
heartbeat of snails) to a pill bottle that
reminds you to take your medicine. This
variety is both a key strength of m2m – it
can be applied to almost anything – and
a key weakness – it is a hugely fragmented market.
Traditionally, this fragmentation
has slowed up getting new applications to market because each
one had to be built from the
ground up. Hardware suppliers –
in particular, module suppliers – have
worked hard to help overcome these difficulties by making their application libraries available so that new applications can
use some of the building blocks from those
that went before. In other words, helping to
minimize the extent of re-engineering of
m2m solutions for every new application.
Recently, a different direction of support has
come to prominence in the market. This is
often referred to as Service Delivery Platforms. Beecham Research uses the alternative
term Service Enablement, as in m2m Service
Enablement Services or SES, as we believe the
scope of SES transcends the ability of any one
service delivery platform to provide.
The Service Enablement Services (SES) layer
for m2m is defined as the layer above network
connectivity – such as mobile airtime – and
the layer below end user services – such as
fleet/freight management and security alarm
services. They are horizontal services that help
bring to market and provide ongoing support
for virtually all end user applications in all
sectors, whether they use a form of fixed line
or wireless connectivity, or both. One example
of these is simply the ability to remotely enable and disable a connected device. Another
is the ability to update a remote device with
the latest application software. These may
Value Added Services
(application software)
Service Enablement
(SE) Services
Network Connectivity
(e.g. SIMs and air time)
Embedded Device
TELIT2Market 06|11
seem like trivial activities for a few devices.
Not so trivial when the population is in the
tens of thousands, or even millions as projections show will be the case within a few
So one of the reasons for the growing
importance of SES now is that the projected
population of devices being used out in the
field will soon be so large that the only way
to manage them effectively will be through
much greater use of automation.
This is only one reason though. Another has
to do with the wide variety and fragmentation of the m2m market. Traditionally, m2m
solutions and services have evolved through
activities within their own sectors. For example, a fleet management application has
nothing in common with a smart metering
application. Neither of them has anything
in common with a CCTV security application either, and so on. Such applications
have evolved entirely as a result of developments in their own markets as so-called
vertical silos, unable to interact with each
other even if they wanted to. Yet now we
find they may need to be able interact
in order to develop further. A great
example of this is the rapid emergence
of electric vehicles. This is where car
telematics meets the smart grid.
Suddenly, the transport sector
and the energy sector are
It does not end there. The future competitiveness of many
m2m services moving forward
will depend on creating innovative
ways of merging with others in what
might seem to be unrelated markets.
This might, for example, mean very different applications sharing similar data for entirely different
purposes – a natural extension of the "Internet of Things" concept.
With this in mind, something that can
improve the interoperability between applications – making them more open – will add
a new dimension of opportunities for growth
in the m2m market. In this way, SE services
should provide a means for breaking down
this traditional, highly vertical structure into
a considerably more open environment.
Are there more than just
a few of these services?
The short answer to this is "yes". Beecham
Research has been researching the need for
SES for nearly three years and has already
completed one major study in mid 2010.
A second, more ambitious follow-up study is
now in progress and one remarkable finding
so far is that it is now possible to identify
well over 100 different service enablement
services that are likely to be required over
the next few years.
This raises another key point –
who should provide them?
Without doubt, part of the answer to this
lies with network operators, who are ideally
placed to provide some of these from their
natural position "in the cloud". Whether
they are best placed to provide all of them,
and whether they should build them or buy
them are different questions.
All of this indicates that m2m Service Enablement Services – delivered from within
the cloud – represent a key catalyst for
m2m market development of the next few
years. <<
TELIT2Market 06|11
An outline of the M2M
business and strategy at
Jang GyuSang, Director, m2m Business Team, KT
Jang GyuSang, Director,
m2m Business Team, KT
>> m2m refers to communication among
machines, and communication between
machines and devices operated by humans.
In a broader sense, it refers to the fusion
between communication and information
technologies making possible tracking the
location and condition of objects, vehicles,
and people in remote places.
It is expected that the development of wireless technologies, enlargement of the m2m
market, and reduction in wireless connection
expenses will lead to drastic growth in the
m2m market. Consequently, one leading driver
behind the activation of the m2m market is
the expansion of wireless network coverage
throughout the world achieved in a manner
that secures stable quality. In addition, the
advancement of wireless broadband technologies such as WIBRO and WCDMA also contributes to invigorating the m2m market.
With the growth in major markets such as
Telematics, Telemetry, and etc. various industries look to m2m-based monitoring and
control systems to cut back on their costs.
With the price decline in communication
modules and terminals and decrease in wireless communication costs, deployment of
wireless applications is becoming more and
more widespread. The Korean domestic m2m
market is expected to experience a large
growth to 1.6 trillion won (640 billion won in
communication services) in 2012 (source:
Yankee Group, 2008, McKinsey service results)
especially because of policies such as Green IT
and green growth being pursued at a government level. Sectors including transportation,
healthcare, environment, education, and
energy will be bolstered by the government’s
Smart SOC program to strengthen Korea’s
competitiveness as a Smart IT country; again
leading to further expansion of the market.
The m2m business has a very complex value
chain all the way through to the point where
the service reaches the ultimate end user. Another characteristic of this market is that it is
composed of numerous small-scale sub markets, making it a long tail industry. Cooperation among players and improvements to
overall business inadequacies are needed for
vitalization of the m2m market, considering
the high initial costs, complex development
of systems and services, and small scale
TELIT2Market 06|11
volumes. Therefore it is necessary that efforts
be made to ease the penetration of the m2m
wall with the creation of an environment
where the domestic m2m market can thrive
in a collaborative Eco System created by a
combination of telecommunication-manufacturer-terminal.
KT m2m business directions
To the above end, KT will build up and provide
additional m2m infrastructure, create business alliances, push ahead with global m2m
to lead the vitalization of the m2m market,
and will continue participating actively in the
various IT policy making efforts being carried
out by the government.
KT plans to organize its fare structure for
the different services and provide low-price
all-purpose modules in order to accelerate the
expansion of the m2m market. KT already
provides an m2m services platform that can
accommodate demands from its customers.
But further to that KT is pushing to make the
m2m market grow by forming business alliances working hand-in-hand with module
manufacturers, solution businesses, terminal
businesses, and many others. Along with this
collaboration, KT is searching and reviewing
new m2m business projects where an alliance
with telematics can bring enhancements to customers in
general such as e-book and
other businesses.
m2m foundation establishment case
Our company is developing
MOS (Maintenance, Monitoring and Management Operating System), a management
solution for buildings, factories, business and
infrastructure facilities. In it, we are implementing a facility control architecture based
on a ubiquitous foundation where the internet
is used to allow supervision and control from
the MOS control center, to mobilize services
as needed on emergencies and to carry out
routine inspections.
and etc. which are then used in analyzing
the cause of accidents when they occur.
Other important cases
An automated meter-reading service that
reads electricity, waterworks, and gas utility
meters using 3G or WIBRO networks, allowing meters to be read from remote control
An alarm response system supporting the
dispatch process for KT Telecop, CAPS, and
other security companies which sends information on event occurrences from their
security equipment through the WCDMA
A tachograph to be installed in vehicles to
save information about the vehicles’ services, the drivers’ operations, collisions, images,
The BMS (Bus Management System) requires
buses to be continuously connected to the
network to deliver data on the bus’ location
making WIBRO the best connection technology since it can be provided at a lower price
than other networks.
Korean m2m Market Potentiality
Source: Korea Communications Commision
wireless automatic mobile POS
security metering reading
r egional whole industry related subscriber: 61,34 million
2G, 3G based regional m2m market related subscriber: 2.62 million
A monitor to control Diesel Particulate Filter
(DPF) for real time transmission of information regarding operation data collection,
abnormal data occurrences in vehicles from
remote locations.
Mobile surveillance cameras can send images using WIBRO and be monitored remotely
in real time without requiring construction
to expand the broadband infrastructure in
contrast with cable which does.
The city of Seoul is currently in the process
of developing a business effort entitled “Building an m2m service using a commercial-use
network foundation”. The effort includes
‘U-Shelter’ which displays traffic reports,
weather reports, and environment reports;
‘U-Green’ which collects information on the
environment – for areas and routes – from
moving vehicles that have environment
sensors installed in them; and ‘U-Road’ which
collects information on weather and road
conditions. <<
TELIT2Market 06|11
Telit's global presence
Corporate Global HQ in Rome
Coordination of all disciplines
Product Development, GSM/GPRS
Product Development, Short Range
Product Management
Technical Support
Sales & Marketing for EMEA
North America
• Regional Headquarters
• Regional Product Certification
•Regional Product Management
•Regional Technical Support
• Sales & Marketing for North America
Telit Communications –
year in a nutshell
Giuseppe Surace, President Telit Wireless
Solutions EMEA, Trieste (Italy)
loyalty from our employees to help drive the
organization forward. By executing on these
ideas we have been able to create new strategic products both in cellular and short range
(SR) which helped drive growth.
>> If 2009 was the
bottom and 2010 was
the turnaround year,
what will 2011 be?
There are indications
that the business climate is changing. But
first of all let me start from where I left you in
my last note, at a time when many businesses
were seeing steep declines in revenues due to
the economic downturn. I am pleased to
report that Telit has remained focused,
executed well on its core business, made
several strategic investments and experienced growth during the last twelve months.
To sum it all up in a few concise paragraphs is
a not easy effort but last year I let you know
about a commitment that was foremost in
our minds: to use innovation in order to drive
the growth. And just as I noted last year, we
have and continue counting on ideas and
Our sales force, always supported by the technical and engineering teams propelled us
ahead creating momentum in sales despite
the downturn period. Going back to April this
momentum allowed us to announce a major
sales milestone: the delivery of our two-millionth
GE864 module. All GE864
models are highly suited
for use in large-volume
applications in the telemetry and telematics in- GE 864 - QUAD
dustries, whilst the extra- Automotive V2
rugged GE864-Auto allows
integration into vehicles
and other applications.
Just one month later we
announced to the public
and industry that our
UC864-E-AUTO would be
equipping the new Audi A8 as its UMTS/
HSDPA broadband communications module providing Audi customers with broadband mobile Internet access inside the car as
a standard feature. This internet connection
will operate in two distinct ways: first with
the Audi online services integrated into the
car allowing for such conveniences as point
of interest searches, destination uploads
into the car from home, retrieval of weather
forecast information, travel information and
news headlines, and Google Earth online satellite maps; and second as a “rolling hotspot”
through which passengers can use the car’s internet access facility with mobile wireless LAN
devices such as PDA’s Laptop computers, etc.
So, while we announced H1 results exceeding
expectations, we continued firmly pushing
the organization to keep the momentum
going. With the company’s comprehensive
technical coverage we pressed on to create
products and manage technologies covering
the entire RF spectrum, with our engineers
remaining always committed to creating complete and easy solution for our customers.
Our R&D force has been increased in all our
regional R&D centers – Trieste, Cagliari, and
Sophia Antipolis. The integration among
these sites is one of the main assets of our
company allowing us to remain confident as
we trek the path to future development.
For 2011 our engineers are working hard to
reduce even further the time to market and
production despite our already superior
performance in these timing dimensions. We
will continue working closely with all our
customers and as we remain bullish and very
confident on the bright outlook for Telit. <<
TELIT2Market 06|11
• More than 3,000 customers in
77 countries around the world
• a global network of 50 distributors
• headquarters in Rome (Italy), regional
headquarters in Raleigh (NC, USA),
São Paulo (Brazil ), Seoul (Korea )
Latin America
• Regional Headquarters
• Regional Product Certification &
Regulatory Compliance
• Regional Technical Support
• Manufacturing, Logistics
• Quality Compliance
• Sales & Marketing for Latin America
• Regional Headquarters
•Product Develpoment,
•Product Management
• Manufactoring, Logistics
•Regional Technical Support
• Sales & Marketing for APAC
• R&D centers in Trieste and Cagliari (Italy),
Sophia Antipolis (France),
Tel Aviv (Israel), Seoul (Korea),
25 regional sales offices
Telit North America Update
Michael A. Ueland, Vice President & General Manager,
Telit Wireless Solutions North America, Raleigh, North Carolina (USA)
>> What a difference
a year makes! As I
prepared my previous update in late
2009 there was still
much concern regarding the status of
the economic recovery. In January of 2010,
we saw a noticeable uptake in activity among
customers and prospects which was reflected
in their intentions and development efforts
lasting throughout the year. For Telit North
America, it was a breakout year as we continued our rapid rise to prominence in the m2m
market with revenue growth accelerating to
above 120% year over year.
Looking back now, our success in 2010 was
made possible by strong growth in core markets for us such as commercial vehicle telematics, buy-here, pay-here (BHPH), and pay as
you drive (PAYD) auto insurance. But we also
saw significant growth in point-of-sale (POS)
and an early success in medical devices. A
good example of our growth was the work
we did with the IPS Group. IPS is a provider of
payment systems for parking meters. Much of
their recent growth can be attributed to two
recent trends – first, the growth in cashless
payment systems and second, the increasing
debt loads coupled with budget deficits
affecting local governments due to the economic slowdown. For many municipalities
facing the effects of lower tax revenues,
installing or retrofitting existing parking
meters with devices that accept electronic
payment such as smart cards or credit cards
has become a convenient way to increase
revenue without lengthy legislative approval
processes. For consumers, electronic payment
can add extra convenience, meaning they do
not need to look for change to “feed the meter”.
From an m2m technology perspective, electronic payment systems are a rich area of
future innovation. Today, the popularity of
DVD rental machines, vending machines that
sell everything from soda to iPods, and etc. are
an effective way for retailers to reduce costs
by eliminating human interaction. But, they
also benefit consumers who want the convenience provided by not having to get cash
from the ATM to pay for routine purchases. In
the future, expect to see more point of sale
systems that will incorporate cellular or other
wireless technologies, such as near field communications (NFC).
Another product that I am excited about is
Garmin’s new personal tracker unit, the
GTU™ 10. Incorporating Telit’s GE865-QUAD,
this compact, lightweight, battery powered
locator can be attached to a child’s backpack,
a ½ to 1 inch dog collar, or a hiker’s belt to provide location information and an audit trail
for families concerned about the safety and
security of their love ones (pets too!). With a
retail price of less than
$200 which includes:
the device, the ability to
set alerts through the
Garmin website, and the
first year of service; the
device can be used for
numerous applications.
What I really like about
the Garmin solution is
that it embodies many
of trends that have been
driving m2m growth
over the past several
years: low cellular data
rates, requiring the user
to do nothing to start
service but turn the device on; compact size;
long battery life; and
lower device cost.
Looking forward into
2011, the world continues
to look bright for Telit in
North America as we
continue to see many
great opportunities to
continuously help our
customers to innovate
around m2m. <<
TELIT2Market 06|11
Blossom the seeds of success
Marcos Kinzkowski, Vice President Sales & General Manager Telit Wireless
Solutions Latin America, São Paulo (Brazil)
>> During this past
New Year´s eve, we
celebrated some fantastic set of results
for Telit Brazil. In
2010, the m2m market grew to over 1.3
million units and in
our 2nd year of operation, we are proud
to have participated
in nearly all new projects that got under way
in Brazil, positioning Telit as the 2nd largest
player in Latin America.
This level of success was achieved so quickly
due to several factors, notably the strategy to
attend to the market locally, partnering with
our customers, and the robust set of product
made in Brazil – including those with automotive ISO TS certification. Today the Telit brand
is synonymous to quality and reliability in
products as a result of one great team working
with total focus on success. We have sown the
seeds and now we reap fruits of success.
Market at a glance
In addition to the expected organic growth
for the m2m market, the automotive law
which mandates line-fitted installation of an
anti-theft device in every vehicle leaving the
factory will most certainly cause the market
to boom. The current track and trace (T&T)
segment represents 50% of the entire market
and the enactment of the automotive law
should add approximately 1 million new
devices in 2011, from the 5 million vehicles
expected to be produced in the year, raising
the segment’s share even more. And this is
just the beginning of the run expected in
the entire m2m market and its new solutions
(see more details on page 95).
Another boost is likely to come from the
“fiscal printer law”, which mandates that all
new point of sale (POS) devices that can issue
receipts to consumers, be equipped with an
m2m device for bi-directional communications with the government’s tax collection
agencies to reduce tax evasion.
This law covers an installed base
of about 1 million printers, translating in another million m2m
devices. The first official equipment trials will occur in 2011,
with Telit, of course, inside. The
wireless POS market has grown
steadily since 2008 due to the
rising demand for consumer
convenience and increased
transaction security and even
though the POS market is largely
dominated by global players,
many local companies like Perto
and Gertec are currently planning to introduce customized solutions to address specific
markets opportunities.
The security market is surfing the m2m wave.
Driven mostly by demand in residential
monitored alarm systems, and wire-line to
wireless conversion products, annual growth
is expected to rise and hover at the 30% mark
for the next few years. New products entering the market like systems integrated with
on-site patrol, the wireless patrol stick, and
3G solutions with image transmission are
fostering an increase in confidence in the
consumer. We cannot overlook another
booming market: prisoner tracking which is
based on a device and service designed to
track prisoners during parole periods, has
vast potential with the various penal authorities planning to deploy around 400,000 units
posthaste. New surprise growth pockets are
also appearing in the metering segment, with
a number of recent RFPs adding to the already robust m2m market growth estimates
for the country. But the market is also demanding solutions from other technologies
like ZigBee to address connections in the last
mile, to increase management quality, reduce loss and theft at the utilities, and build
the foundation for the country’s Smart Grid.
As technology progresses, creative solutions
are being designed to serve new market
needs. For more reliable solution, the SIM
CARD will have an SMD format or might be
integrated into m2m module, as in some Telit
m2m modules already available. Remote
healthcare solutions providers are demonstrating substantial attraction to this market.
Devices like breathers and electrocardiographs with m2m communication capabilities are entering the market with one of Telit´s
partners already introducing an innovative
GPRS cardio monitor. The deployment of 3G
in the m2m market is also growing with
application to connect remote ATM´s, medical
monitors with image transmission.
Better than Ever
In Brazil the expectations are better than ever
for the m2m market and for Telit. We are right
on track to meet our objective of becoming
the best provider of m2m technology in the
country, offering robust and local manufactured products with a pinch of “our own way
of doing business”. The market has understood our value proposition and our genuine
partnership and quality in satisfying our
customers. We are on our way – to the top. <<
TELIT2Market 06|11
Telit APAC Update
Gideon Rogovsky, Vice President Sales, Telit Wireless Solutions APAC, Seoul (Korea)
>> Telit’s APAC operation had outstanding
results in 2010 reinforcing the company’s strong position
in APAC and the global m2m market. In
Korea Telit has maintained market dominance since 2006
while in China and
other Asian countries Telit experienced an impressive growth of over 48% year-over-year.
Regional demand for m2m solutions have dramatically increased in telematics and POS sectors as well as the new smart-grid, healthcare,
and public wireless communication sectors. As
the growth trend in m2m remains unwavering and the market expands its utility out to
various industrial fields, client demands are
also shifting from specific sectors to practical
technical fields applicable to our everyday
lives. Responding to this steady demand, Telit
prolifically releases new products, one of the
leading examples is the successful GE865 – the
world’s smallest GSM/GPRS cellular module.
Telit now supports not only cellular technologies like GMS/GPRS, UMTS/WEDGE/HSDPA
and CDMA but also short-range communication technologies such as ZigBee, short-range
RF, Wireless M-Bus; offering 15 other new short
range products in the past year, becoming the
world’s only m2m provider to offer module
products in all mainstream wireless data communication technologies.
To help boost the market, Telit Korea has worked
with a number of CDMA/WCDMA companies
while reinforcing its partnership with government and key communication providers.
Owing to industry leading technology, Telit
Korea has secured the supply of the BCM-865 to
the Korean Meteorological Administration
(KMA) which is engaged in efforts to arrive
at accurate real time weather forecasting
through the Ubiquitous-Automatic Weather
Station (u-AWS) enhancement Project. The
BCM-865 module is the communication core
that goes into SK Telecom’s ‘MPT-800’ terminal.
It is capable of automatically connecting machines positioned remotely from their central
offices allowing for their real time monitoring
and control.
Noteworthy for Telit China was the selection of
Chinese company BYD as the recipient of the
coveted ‘Telit Strategic Supplier 2010” award.
BYD is a major manufacturer of electric cars in
China which has recently earned global recognition after United State’s Warren Buffet decided to make investments in the company. Telit
and BYD have signed a manufacturing partnership agreement calling for Telit modules to be
manufactured through BYD’s production lines
for several years. Module products manufactured by BYD are being shipped to all of Telit’s
global market regions. BYD was selected the
2010 strategic supplier thanks in part to its efficient production line management and thorough testing procedures all of which have contributed to sensible upgrade in product quality.
Additionally the company adopted strict measures to abide by the 3J 5S rule of manufacturing which eventually led to increased reliability in process management. The December 6th
award ceremony was held at the BYD headquarters counting with attendance by General
Manager Stanley Liu and AD Huang from BYD
and Oozi Cats (CEO), Yossi Moscovitz (COO) and
Alexander Bufalino (Global Marketing VP) from
Also in 2010, Telit China launched the GL868DUAL – the smallest GSM/GPRS surface mounted module in the market. Its ultra-small form
factor, easy to assemble, excellent energy efficiency and low unit price make this module
perfect for mobile applications and high-volume manufacturing across all industries. Keeping pace with requirements from the increasing addressable market, Telit launched the new
low-cost product to help maintain its leading
position in the AMR segment in China. In addition, Telit plans to bolster its efforts to explore
more opportunities in 3G and CDMA both of
which are expected to grow significantly in
2011, enhancing focus on emerging segments
such as connected PND or Mobile Computing
In 2010, Telit Taiwan participated in the largest
m2m seminar in the APAC region. This well
known event represents a valuable opportunity to glean the latest m2m trends and engage
discussions focused on telematics and smartgrid while key companies in the space presented their newest technologies in data
communication modules that can be used
for smart-grid and real-time data transfer
management. There, Telit proudly showcased
the GE865-QUAD micro GSM/GPRS module
(20 x 20 mm in size) with QUAD-band technology which allows global use; the GL865-DUAL
low-price GSM/GPRS module; and the HE863 –
Telit's new HSPA module recently that launched
service worldwide.
In February 2011 Telit opened its new sales office in India appointing Ashish Gulati as Country Sales Manager. Telit sees a great opportunity in the growing market in India and especially
in the bursting AMR market. When starting
new operations such as this one, Telit looks to
provide its experiences and specialty skills in
m2m to the local domestic market so that regional corporations can count on a broader
range of choices for their application development efforts.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank
the whole APAC team and especially the sales
team that I had the honor of managing over
the last couple of years. I believe that Telit has
excellent teams in APAC led by HoSang Kin
and Dukjun Koh who present Telit in the most
respectable professional manner. <<
Oozi Cats, CEO Telit Communications PLC
and Stanley Liu, General Manager BYD
TELIT2Market 06|11
Tracking Imperial Eagles in the Balkans
Paolomaria Schiratti – EMEA Application Engineering Manager
>> Now more than ever, protecting wildlife
and the environment are top priorities
globally. This is particularly true for
endangered species on the brink of
extinction. Real-time surveillance and
protection of these species is fundamental
in saving them. With the recent years’
extraordinary technological advances in
m2m, mobile cellular networks, and the
internet we can now continuously monitor
and record the behavior of animals on the
other side of the Earth right from our
Recently, the Bulgarian, non-government
organization “Green Balkans” (www.greenbalkans.org), addressed a request to Electroninvest Ltd. (www.electroninvest.com), based
in Sofia (Bulgaria), to help solve the problem
of monitoring populations of endangered
birds, like the Imperial Eagle (Aquila Heliaca),
in the Balkans region. Traditionally, the most
popular method for this kind of tracking
involves the use of an RF transmitter which is
secured to the bird. The transmitter emits
a radio beacon which is manually detected by
monitoring teams in the field using at least
two receivers with directional antennas. This
style of tracking and locating demands a
lot of time and teams of highly experienced
people. To track several birds it is necessary
to adjust the receiver frequency several times
and bad weather condition can make the
tracking effort very difficult. Additionally
since it is impossible to continuously track
the animals the result is a lack of statistical
data on the bird’s habitats. Another problem
area is the tracker weight considering that in general, animal
trackers must weigh less than 5%
of the animal’s weight. For small
animals the tracker weight could
be limited to as little as tens
of grams. Global Positioning System (GPS) makes it possible to
find exact bird location as well as
flight speed and direction. But
whereas GPS receivers with RF
transmitters solve some of the
problems, remote tracking from a
single national monitoring center
is still impossible due to RF power
requirements and power consumption issues.
Enter the BT-70: an m2m application that includes a GPS receiver
to find the exact location of a
bird, and a Telit GE865 module,
to communicate with the national monitoring center solving all
the above problems. It allows
monitoring from a single national center and
does not require experienced field teams
thereby significantly reducing monitoring
costs. Tracking is available around the clock,
TELIT2Market 06|11
all year round, irrespective of weather conditions while weight and power consumption
are very low.
The BT-70 operation is quite simple but very
efficient. Most of the time the tracker is in
a power saving state where the GE865 and
internal accelerometer are powered-off and
the GPS module is disabled. The unit’s
microcontroller is also in sleep mode waking
up every 10 minutes to check solar panel and
battery voltages. Depending on solar panel
voltage, the location data gathering interval
is reduced taking advantage of the bird’s day
time activity period. When it is time for data
collection, the BT-70 powers-on the GPS module and accelerometer. It then performs a
reading of both location and motion status,
storing the data in memory. Every 10 hours,
the microcontroller also powers-on the Telit
GE865 sending collected data to an FTP server.
At the end of the data upload, the BT-70 checks
for a new configuration file in the appropriate
FTP server folder. If one is available, it is then
downloaded. When fast track mode is
enabled the BT-70 starts sending location
data every 5 minutes. When a home network
is unavailable and the BT-70 is not registered
for roaming, the location collection interval
is increased to prevent memory overflow.
If the battery voltage accidentally drops
below 3.6V the BT-70 enters an emergency
mode wherein only battery voltage is checked
periodically and nothing else is done until
that voltage rises to 3.8V when it again enters
normal mode. By using this very aggressive
power conservation algorithm
the unit’s operating time is
extended to at least 3 years.
The first experimental unit
of the BT-70, GPRS/GPS
bird tracker, has been
undergoing field testing
on a Griffon Vulture
(Gyps Fulvus) marked
K02 since October 27th
2010. The tracker used
on the Griffon Vulture is
a “heavy” version weighing 70 grams. Electroninvest Ltd. is continuing its research in the
design of the BT-25, a lightweight version of
approximately 25 grams for smaller birds.
Electroninvest Ltd. is also developing trackers
for bears (Ursus Arctos), chamois (Rupicapra
Rupicapra) and even turtles (Testudinidae),
applying m2m to help maintain the integrity
of our planet. <<
EN specifications
• G
SM module: Telit GE865-QUAD
(3.2 gr)
• GPS module: Locosys LS20027
(SiRF Star III)
• Microcontroller: Microchip Technology PIC24FJ
• Accelerometer: Freescale MMA7455L
(2G range)
• Battery: 2 x 500 mAh, 3.7V Li-Polymer
• Solar panel: Synonar SC4160Y
• Overall dimensions: 90 x 46 x 15 mm
• Weight: 70 gr.
• Temperature range: -25ºC to +65ºC
Bird tracker features
• D
ata collected (UTC time, latitude and
longitude, bird speed and direction,
motion status – moving or flying, battery voltage) are sent to the FTP server
via GPRS in a “.kml” file format which
can be opened directly by Google
Earth. File upload intervals can be
configured from 1 to 24 hours;
• The uploaded file name includes individual identification with the bird
name plus date and time thus enabling monitoring by data or period;
• BT-70 settings can be changed by uploading to the desired bird’s folder
the appropriated settings file; the BT70 automatically downloads new settings from FTP server;
• BT-70 settings include GPRS and FTP
server settings, bird’s name, data folder name on FTP server, location collection interval, file upload interval, fast
track interval and fast track on/off;
• Location collection interval is ambient
light intensity dependent: in sunny
conditions the interval is 30 min (increasing if light intensity decreases),
and 5 hours during the night. Switching to fast track mode, data from the
bird is received every 5 minutes to
help field teams locate the bird;
• If no GSM network is available or signal
is too poor in strength for GPRS transmission, data is stored in memory.
M2M Connectivity
for elevators.
Jordi Bayona Tavernier - Sales Manager, Microkey M2MLIFT
>> Elevators (or lifts) are complex machines
with a high technological value which have
evolved constantly since the origins of basic
engineering to the point where they can now
move at blazing speeds of up to 37 miles per
hour (60 Km/h). Initially, elevators were machines composed totally of electromechanical
systems (Figure 1). But market demands put
upon manufacturers took electromechanical
performance to its limit. Breakthroughs in
electronics allowed for gradual replacement
of electromechanical elements, improving
the efficiency of some of these systems and
incorporating new ones. This process caused a
technology revolution that left behind many
companies that either could not or chose not
to evolve. In contrast, those that were able to
do so began to pave the way towards positions
of leadership.
Occupant safety and greater user comfort
were incorporated subsequently as new capabilities were placed in the hands of engineers
by the evolution of electronics and also because of demands from newly imposed regulations and other systems focused on greater
machine control. One area to highlight in this race of innovations was the emergency
telephone which forced technicians and
companies to delve in a new discipline. And
to “complicate” matters even further there
was the service aspect with the accompanying
MK-775, the cutting-edge technology
that the Microkey M2MLIFT® division
has specifically developed for elevators,
provides a solution offering the best
connectivity between elevator control
electronics and the different leading
telephone operator platforms.
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
need to contract telephone lines, the call center to receive the emergency calls, and a
control procedure for processing test calls.
Today, most elevator controller manufacturers
include communication ports which enable
the company’s technical teams to increase
the level of control of the elevator, improve
its performance and maintenance qualities,
depending on the level of sophistication of
the customized functions. To achieve this,
the use of information technology became
essential and, once again, the elevator industry was required to expand its knowledge
into yet another technical discipline. This
particular evolution has been crucial due to
new market demands requiring “greener”
and much more energy-efficient elevators.
Figure 2, Architecture of the solution for
DATA transmission and processing.
The revolution in which we are currently immersed stems from the latest convergent
advances in information technology, telecommunications, and the internet, and represents the supporting basis for the M2MLIFT®
technology. It has also served to affirm communications technology as an indispensable
element in the elevator sector. (see figure 1-1
and 1-2)
As is well known, an elevator is a complex machine onto which many operating requirements are placed and which are not always
trivial to fulfill operating in a very harsh and
aggressive installation environment. In view
of that, solid experience is essential in the design and capability adaptation of each solution so that it meets the needs dictated by the
infinite variations of this machinery. But
Figure 3-1
foremost this experience is essential because
in extreme cases, these systems must be able
to prevent faults such as emergency phone
failure, which may endanger the lives of the
car occupants or prevent a rescue operation.
Figure 3-2
m2m technology and M2MLIFT® (as a hardware-firmware unit and communications
provider) are viewed as solutions that will increase the quality of the elevator while
raising profitability levels for the after-sales
organizations responsible for these elevators.
This can also lead to a giant leap in customer
satisfaction for maintenance companies and/
or elevator manufacturers.
The success of an M2MLIFT® solution requires
the integration of several players: the manufacturer of the elevator controller who is utmost expert in its performance and operating requirements; the manufacturer of the
m2m communications device, who must be
able to integrate its devices into the elevator
systems (in terms of protocols and specifications) while considering the demands of the
operating environment of an elevator (car
shaft, humidity and temperature conditions,
dust, environmental noise, and etc.); and the
communications provider responsible for
servicing the specific m2m connectivity platforms, for supplying suitable SIM cards for
performance (service) and their hardware.
(see figure 2)
This layout in architectural integration reflects changes brought about by market
evolution in the commercial and role chains of
different players. Previously, the relationship
chain was limited to the purchaser of an elevator and the manufacturer, who also installed and performed maintenance for the
purchaser or end user. This simple two-point
relationship has evolved into an extremely
complex commercial chain which includes
the manufacturer and end user but also incorporates certification agencies, maintenance companies, companies providing other communications and safety services such
as call tests, and etc. (see figure 3-1 and 3-2)
M2MLIFT® has devised a solution for this
complexity by combining the hardwarefirmware and communications in a complete,
comprehensive offering, as seen in figure 4.
Figure 5
Figure 4
Looking forward, requirements for elevators
are likely to continue increasing in the years
ahead. The aging pool of elevators will continue being renewed, adapting legacy to the new
technologies. By way of reference, in Europe
alone there are almost 4,100,000 registered elevators, 70% of which are located in 4 countries: Spain, Italy, France and Germany. Spain
accounts for over 22% of the total with over
910,000 elevators making the experience of
local companies there highly recognized.
Laws and regulations will demand increasingly more complex systems to improve safety
and decrease energy consumption, which in
turn will lead to the need for wider-ranging
and more efficient maintenance.
Only the adaptation of m2m solutions and,
more specifically, the set of solutions provided by M2MLIFT®, will make it possible to meet
this challenge. One aspect that sets m2m
apart in the elevator sector is its management
of the voice element. The law establishes that anyone trapped in an elevator must be assisted by a “call center” answered by people.
This leads to an added complication and may
potentially become a problem if not considered together with the data element.
Thanks to technology developed by Microkey,
its MK-775 device and M2MLIFT® platform
represent the only solution in the market allowing for all possible carriers to be used in
the communication effort. An intelligent sequence establishes available channels to
select from according to a dynamic set of optimization criteria of availability and cost
at the time the communication session is
started. Covered technologies include DTMF,
TMDT® (another exclusive development by
Microkey that improves the reliability of
DTMF transmissions by 50%), SMS, CSD over
GSM, UDP, TCP/HTTP, and USSD (this last
carrier is not available with all telephone operators). Figure 5 shows the carrier selection
diagram. <<
Going wireless –
The future of GSM technology
in the metering markeT.
Iain Warner, General/Business Development Manager, ASL Holdings Ltd
>> In the late 1990s the half-hourly market
had been de-regulated, the switch over to
solid state metering was in full swing, and
the need to remotely read meters on a daily
basis gave rise to the need for cost effective
alternatives to Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN). There were a significant
number of sites where the cost of installing a
hardwired solution could run into the thousands of pounds and some where it was not an option at any cost. Of the various options that were available, Global Systems
Mobile (GSM) became the most popular and
eventually ended up as the first choice,
ahead of PSTN, as the technology evolved
and the cost-model improved.
Subsequently GSM has been used to deliver
the same data retrieval benefits to the larger
consumer base in the non-half-hourly market and as part of trials in the small- number of specific issues that relate to the
medium-enterprise (SME) and resi- question above. At a high level, those issues
dential markets. In these markets billing fall into one of two categories; firstly, how
can be improved through the elimination of does a supplier start early and secondly, what
estimated readings while locally, the back communications technology will dominate
office can reap value from the half-hourly the mass market?
consumption data for energy management
activities. Therefore the question is raised, In the competitive market, energy suppliers
does GSM technology have a future in the will be looking at ways to win and retain more
customers based on the benefits that smart
metering market?
metering can deliver. A central communications solution is not likely to be up and The UK Government has now set the wheels
in motion for a nationwide smart metering running for at least two years. If suppliers
roll out, based on a centralized communica- wait for that, they will miss the opportunity
tions model, with the optimistic aim of com- to differentiate themselves and capitalize pletion by the year 2020. The centralized com- on the momentum behind a lower carbon somunications option will, according to the ciety. It will also add pressure to the already
Government’s analysis, deliver the greatest tight timescale of completing the majority of
the program by 2020.
net benefit to the market; however it raises a
GSM communications solutions use existing
networks and offer a direct link with the individual metering points. Data retrieval systems
that exist today can be scaled up by using
GPRS connectivity, allowing them to deal with
the increased volume and still retain seamless
links into supplier billing systems via the industry accredited data collection and data
aggregation companies.
There is however, room for improvement.
Most GPRS devices are not optimized for secure, efficient data transfer at any time. They
mostly use TCP/IP connections over a public
Access Point Name (APN) and require some
sort of prompting to establish the connection.
However, solutions do exist that decrease the
cost of data transfer, decrease latency and
manage dynamic IP addressing on a private,
secure APN, such as the ASL Telemetry Protocol (ATP) from ASL Holdings Ltd.
If the provision of the SIM card and associated contract remains under the control of the
meter asset provider or an independent third
party, rather than being with whoever the
energy supplier was at the time it is first
installed, there is no reason why the
physical assets and the AMR services
cannot endure the change of supplier process.
The concept of the central communications
model does tend to imply that a single choice
of technology will follow. In reality, no single
technology will be suitable to cover the entire
population. In the case of radio based solutions, there will be areas that cannot contact
the base stations due to distance or the environmental conditions surrounding them.
With any technology there will also be those
more remote, sparsely populated areas where
the cost of additional base stations or concentrators amortized across the metering points
in range will make it prohibitively expensive.
Estimates put this at 10% to 20% per cent of
the population, which is still a sizable requirement for a ‘fill-in’ solution. It is more likely
that the central communications body will in
fact be split into two functions, a centralized
data management function, unifying data
into industry standard exchanges and a centralized communications system interface,
supporting multiple technologies.
Developments in SIM card technology in 2010
are also set to strengthen the position of GSM
in this market sector. The introduction of solid state SIMs, also known as industrial form
factor SIMs, moves GSM modems away from
the need to have a mobile phone style SIM
card inserted into a carrier by implementing
the same functionality on an integrated circuit, soldered directly to the modem PCB. Reliability of the whole product is then improved since there is no plug and socket
arrangement that can suffer over time from
the effects of vibration, moisture or
Security is increased since the
SIM card cannot be removed preventing a
breakdown in communications and potential
fraudulent use of the SIM. The technology
will also facilitate switching between different mobile network service providers so that
in any given UK installation, the modem has
the choice of three alternate networks, should
its preferred one not be available. All of this
adds up to fewer failures at time of installation, fewer failures throughout operational
life and fewer site visits.
GSM technology is a proven solution, which
will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future. It enables market leaders to
move quickly while providing a viable ‘fillin’ option once the central communications
model has been established, without an increased risk of stranding or the creation of a
messy legacy.
But a smart metering solution will also need a
secondary communication network in order
to realize its full potential. The collection and
dissemination of information and control signals must reach further into the home to engage the consumer and interact with other devices. Therefore a home area network (HAN) is
required to facilitate secure, resilient, standardized local communications. It is logical,
from a design perspective; to group the co-ordination of this function with the WAN function where there is a permanent source of power with processing and data storage capability.
There are a number of different standards
emerging in the HAN market, such as ZigBee®,
ZWave® and Homeplug®, but it is ZigBee
which has gained traction in the UK energy
market. From the communications product
supplier’s point of view,
there will always be debates
over the pros and cons of
differing technologies, but
the demand in the market
will govern the immediate
priority. As GSM based
WAN modules evolve as described above, we will also
see the inclusion of ZigBee
HAN capabilities that will
enable communications
with in-home displays
(IHDs) and gas meters as a baseline smart metering
solution. As time goes on,
intelligent appliances will become more
widely available along with other control and
monitoring devices.
To find out more about ASL Holdings Ltd,
which exists to provide communications to a
third party service provider, such as an energy supplier, needs to be accessible to them at
all times. The only logical way to deal
with this is for the power to be derived
from the electricity meter. If not, wherWAN
there is pre-payment and a conLink
sumer self-disconnects as their credit
expires, the modem would be turned
off along with all the other loads in the
property. Then, when the consumer
purchases more credit, a reconnect
command cannot be automatically
sent to the meter and the customer has
In Home
no manual entry method. Even when
pre-pay isn’t involved, what is to stop
the consumer from deliberately or accidentally switching off the modem
Home Area Network
and interrupting the flow of data?
Developments like the ASL Holdings Ltd next
generation ‘Gateway Modem’ combine the
technical interfaces of both the WAN and the
HAN with a repository of data from multiple
meters being available for interrogation locally or remotely. This means energy management type information for the IHD and
billing type information for the energy supplier, all in open standard formats.
The design of the ‘Gateway Modem’ needs
to remain modular in concept but allow integration for cost reduction and security.
The prospect of a completely standalone device is unlikely as it will raise too many issues
with installation in the home and its power
source will not be secure. Any device like this
When the modem is built into the meter
enclosure or terminal cover, it can derive its power from there and it can
have a direct serial data interface
which will save the cost of an additional
HAN node in the system. The modular
nature of the design must balance the
practicalities of installation, cost effectiveness, interoperability and flexibility for
technology options now and in the future.
ZigBee technology for the HAN and GSM/
GPRS technology for the WAN can be brought
together by specialist communications companies working in partnership with meter
manufacturers to provide the communications platform for both smart metering early
adopters and enduring roll outs. Enhance-
please visit: www.aslh.co.uk
Tel: +44(0)1604 883880
Fax: +44(0)1604 883881
Email: sales@aslholdings.co.uk
ments in technology can reduce ongoing
support costs of installations and increase
functionality that will dovetail into the new
market model as it develops, helping deliver
the higher political goals of reducing carbon
emissions. <<
Show what’s inside
You have a well-engineered m2m product.
Your customers value the user-oriented functionality, the high performance quality and
the effortless handling. In addition, your customers surely greatly appreciate reliable
and future-oriented technology. Show your
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manufacturers of m2m technology with
many years of extensive experience, Telit offers state-of-the-art
technology on the highest level which, already
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techforum) complete the wide range of services offered.
Telit’s high efficiency is therefore a relevant
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advantage of the high commitment to quality by the strong brand “Telit” and show that
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look forward to continuing our successful
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Thanks to technical support from Telit, Aartesys
was able to develop and certify its new high-end
EasyGateway® in relatively short time and with
much less risk.
Andreas Grossenbacher, Head of Product Management
>> Well-grounded with in-depth knowledge
and experience in the field of quality measurements and monitoring services for
telecommunication networks, Aartesys AG
ventured into the m2m market with its first
application in 2006. In addition to remote access solutions and Telco data communication applications, Aartesys AG has focused
on future proof meter reading solutions
which are “all IP” Intranet and Internet. The
platform consists of a well-managed network
of intelligent gateways, running LINUX and
a central management system.
At the end of 2009, Aartesys AG decided to
launch an innovative GPRS/Ethernet based
device family named “Aartesys EasyGateway®”
well suited for metering and remote access
solutions. Because of the excellent reputation and robustness of the much used Telit
GE862 module integrated in the predecessor
device, Aartesys AG selected the Telit GE863
PRO 3 for its new EasyGateway®. The development team benefited from the widely deployed product base and excellent Telit
support. And along with proven hardware
and software functionality achieved an exceptionally short time to market.
The EasyGateway® can be operated in standalone mode or as a managed network element
in a standard IT environment. Together with
the AMIRA management system, the product
offers a sophisticated end-to-end, two-way
communication solution over mobile and
fixed IP networks.
Customized pre-configuration coupled with
additional resources from an auto-configuration server including important local diagnostics via LED and antenna positioning,
ensure easy commissioning in the field.
The metering specific part of the application
supports different metering protocols such as
IEC 62056, M-Bus and multi utility support for
electricity, gas, water, and heat meters. Metering data is transmitted in real push mode over
the WAN ports.
Each EasyGateway® can serve up to 32 independent energy meters. 4 channel energy profiles for each meter can be logged and stored
locally for up to 31 days. Near real time metering data communication makes the EasyGateway® ideal for smart metering applications.
Aartesys EasyGateway® is also available in
OEM variants. <<
• Threshold monitoring
and alarming
• Building automation
• Local monitor
AMIRA Management System
Smart meter
• Local monitor
• E xtensive commissioning support
• S calable and extendable
Consumer control
(Fail Safe)
• Fiber
• C able
• xDSL
• Broadband
Standard meter
• Operation support and alarming
Power Line
IP Network
SOA based
IP Network
Secure 2-way communication:
• Multi service
• Multi provider
Aartesys AG
Aartesys EasyGateway® GPRS/Ethernet/
Serial Gateway
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We use the GE863-PRO³. It provides reliable
GSM/GPRS functionality and a powerful
ARM processor in a space saving module,
reducing development and EMC risk
PRS and Ethernet WAN port
Discrete serial interfaces and I/O lines
USB host connector and μSD card slot
Sealable connector bay
Standard DIN rail and wall mounting
Built in wide range AC power supply 85 – 264 VAC (optional DC)
Web server and remote management
IP tunneling and VPN for multi service,
multi provider applications
Transparent transmission of serial data over WAN
Extended error detection and logging
Easy commissioning
Metering specific application
Aartesys EasyGateway®
We developed a robust and high-performance GSM/
GPRS modem for metering application using Telit's
GE864-QUAD V2 module.
T. Braun, Manager Development
Baer Industrie-Elektronik
UniMod GSM-4
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We use the GE864-QUAD V2 because it fits
to our robust and high-performance GSM/
GPRS modem.
• R
adio modem (GSM/GPRS with auto switching)
• GSM: Transparent reading
• GPRS: DIN 43863-4 (IP-Telemetry) or BAER-Protocol
• Protocols: SCTM, LSV1, DLMS, IEC1107,
VDEW2+, IEC60870 etc.
• Wide-range supply voltage: 80VAC - 270VAC and 60VDC - 375VDC
alternative: 12VDC
• Wall-mounted housing according to DIN 43861-2
• Display: 9 LEDs for power, GSM, 3 INF, RI, DCD, TxD and RxD
• On-board interfaces: 20mA/CS, RS485
2-wire and RS232 (for service only)
>> Bear industrial electronics is a leading international supplier of communication and
metering technologies to energy providers
and the industry. Uncompromising highclass management has been vital in achieving
our market share at home and abroad. With
groundbreaking research and development
we look to further strengthen our position in
the coming years which will position our
company very well for the future.
The world-wide Global System for Mobile
communication (GSM) network provides in
addition to digital voice communication, the
ability to transmit data. The universal radio
modem UniMod GSM-4 was designed for remote inquiry of any kind of metering data
especially for telecounting applications. The
UniMod GSM-4 can be used in EGSM networks in 850, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz and
with any number of providers. <<
UniMod GSM-4
We love working with the Telit team of experts.
Alon Hengel, Technical Support Manager – AVL
Spetrotec Ltd
MTS - Mini Tracking System and Solutions
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE863-QUAD. We selected this modem
because it has a built in GPS module and
offers the option to port an application
directly in the modem with Python.
• Increased driver safety and security
• Increased vehicle safety
• Increased fleet utilization through
improved monitoring and control
• Reduced unauthorized use of vehicles
• Reduced theft of cars and goods
• Improved accident event processing
• Reduced insurance fraud
• Better management of fleets – vehicles are locatable at any time
• Reduced billing problems for leasing companies
• Reduced unnecessary labor overtime,
with associated savings
>> The MTS™ is a versatile and cost-effective
GSM GPRS/SMS monitoring unit that provides
online tracking capabilities for vehicles, trucks
and motorbikes. The MTS™ provides all the essential features for AVL services such as the
tracking and retrieval of stolen vehicles, fleet
management, and emergency and security applications. The basic platform can be enhanced
with expansion units utilizing a proprietary
one-wire communication protocol.
The MTS™ features the Telit GE863-QUAD modem. We have made abundant use of the
cooperation with Telit and their team of experts who we have consulted with extensively
to maximize the use of the modem, delivering
the unit’s features. The GE863-QUAD is a quad
band modem, which gives us a huge advantage over our competitors worldwide in Latin
America, Africa, Europe, and in our local
market – Israel. <<
The best strategy we adopted in terms of product development was to choose Telit's GSM module to make our
GPS trackers become rich featured products.
Frank Tang, CEO
>> ATrack Technology Inc. is engaged in design,
development and manufacturing of AVL tracking systems. It was founded by a group of professionals, with over 10 years of experience
in the AVL industry and has a proven record
with over 300k units sold in the European and
North American markets. ATrack’s state-of-art
manufacturing facility has over 10 SMT lines
as well as automated testing and assembly
equipment. ATrack’s goal is to provide the
most stable, cost effective and robust featured
AVL tracking systems through a worldwide
partner-based distribution network to the location-based telematics industry.
By January 2011, within one year of being established, ATrack has already launched several
models. Currently, both the AT3(E) and AT5(i)
are using the Telit GE865-QUAD module. Both
models have been successfully integrated with
many useful accessories and are equipped
with several unique functions. ATrack takes
much pride that its AT5i is the first 1-wire integrated GPS tracker in Taiwan. This proves that
the capabilities of the R&D team make ATrack pioneers in Taiwan’s AVL industry.
In the GPS tracking business, the stability of a
tracking device is the key to be successful.
ATrack understands the importance of this
factor when designing its GPS trackers and that
is the reason why ATrack selected Telit, the
leading m2m module provider, as its GSM
module supplier.
With Telit's excellent support and high quality
modules, ATrack has gained an excellent reputation and has built up a stable distribution
channel in a very short time. ATrack is devoted
to continually designing and developing tracking devices with the highest stability and quality in the market and plans on becoming the
leading company in the AVL industry across
the globe in the foreseeable future. <<
ATrack Technology Inc.
AT5(i)-Advance GPS tracker, AT3(E)-GPS
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
ATrack uses the Telit GE865-QUAD module
because it provides extended temperature
range, which is suitable for Fleet Management application.
Key features of AT5(i):
• 1-Wire connection (AT5i)
• Support to Garmin FMI
• CANBus support via OBDII
• GSM jamming detection & alarm
•Automotive 3-axis G-sensor rated at +-16G
•Fast OTA firmware update via GPRS
from FTP server at 50 seconds
•8V ~ 40V wide range operating supply voltage
With Telit hardware and software,
the product success is fully guaranteed.
Arik Gantal, VP of International Marketing and Sales
>> Car theft and fleet monitoring have become
a nightmare for more and more drivers and car
leasing companies around the globe. The need
to create a small enough unit has turned into a real headache for most of us. ERM R&D invested their efforts to create the smallest
standalone device incorporating high-tech an-
that can protect your car
as well as monitor its performance including OBD
for diagnostics. Using the
VIN, the unit alerts whenever the car ECU unit is removed or swapped with
another. The Zee PLC
Ready Transceiver can
communicate with several engine-kill concealed
relays achieving high level of theft protection.
The communication is
made over the power feed
lines and not through a physical wire, therefore
making tracing of the relays seem to be a very,
very difficult task.
The device also communicates with a range of optional external adapters
such as GARMIN, camera
(for snapshots), temperature, DriverID, Trip-Type
using a numeric keypad,
Dallas iButton, Analog,
and more. And for ease of
installation, a OBD T-cable harness can be provided, fitting the device straight into the car’s
OBD socket. GPRS/GPS LEDs indicate the
system diagnostics status. <<
ERM Telematics and Security
Systems Ltd.
TelematicZ or in short: the Zee; a reduced
size Telematics device.
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
GE865-QUAD is selected using the “less is
more” guideline: the smallest M2M
module that enables extremely compact
performance wrapped with Telit support.
• O
BD/CanBus Hi/Low support
• SIM LOCK by software and mechanical
• “ less is more”– reduced size with full
scale features: only 60x50x25mm
• Built in GPS module with RF designed
antenna and battery backup
• IGN, 2 I/O’s and LIN for 2 way communication with external accessories
• PLC Ready: Encrypted modulator
operating on the power lines to control
concealed Engine-Kill relays for
maximum anti-theft protection
• Temperature, Garmin, eCALL, BlackBox,
FMS (j1939/1708) support
• iButton/PIN code keypad
Fleet Management
We chose Telit modules for their advanced integrated
features and innovative solutions. We appreciated
Telit’s technical support efforts in supporting us with
the implementation of their modules into our products.
Giuseppe Meroni, President
>> KFT Spa is a company dedicated to research,
development, production, and marketing of
radio location systems based on GPS-GPRS
technologies since the eighties. We are now in a
leading position in the automotive anti-theft
satellite market, boasting a well prepared and
always available staff of expert technicians,
and offering:
• Complete GPS location system: reliable,
modular, and flexible, developed in response
to our customers’ specific needs and adopted
by monitoring service providers operating in
Italy, throughout Europe, the USA, South
America, and the Far East.
• Mobile location system units featuring architecture and functions developed from several
years of “in field” operation experience, and
able to be provisioned and work with the most
common communication links such as GSM,
GPRS, CDMA, thanks to co-operation with Telit
wireless solutions.
GPS-GPRS units
• Modular and expandable control base- stations based on popular and widely available
open platforms. A sophisticated function set
makes them easy to use and capable of optimizing operation time.
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
To completely satisfy customer’s needs we
not only provide advanced and continuously
updated radio location solutions capable of
meeting the most sophisticated requirements
from all market segments; design, manufacture, supply of anti-theft satellite and Fleet
Management systems, but also provide comprehensive technical support.
KFT products range from entry-point, low cost
units to very sophisticated systems including
fencing functions, video acquisition capability from a multiple camera system, and a wide range of accessories based on the most advanced technologies (CAN BUS interfaces,
dual mode communication systems, etc.). The common elements
in our products are a high performance-to-price ratio and extreme
flexibilty provided by a sophisticated – but interactive – configuration function which allows our
systems to meet virtually any
kind of need with the same hardware (economy of scale) and with
no redesign (time to market equal
to zero). An installed system can
even be reconfigured on-the-fly
without stopping the vehicle. <<
We use the GE864 QUAD V2 because of its size, low power consumption, high
performance and reliability.
• E
CE 97 directive approvals;
• R&TTE fully type approved;
• SMS, data, and GPRS communication
• Dynamic “anti-jamming” function
using near on-road devices as mobile
• Native “jamming” detection function
owed to the Telit module enabling
programming of local real-time reaction
• Location via GPS or GSM as a backup;
• Integrated CAN BUS and K-BUS
• Integrated transponder receiver;
• Built-in “Black box” functions with
programmable recording strategies;
• Wide 9-36V supply.
Leucotron selected Telit to develop its new Cellular
Gateway because it boasts a wide product range and
provides direct support for developers in the design
and testing phases.
José Francisco Cançado Braga, Operations Director
>> Both iCell Light and iCell Plus versions
boost savings on call tolls from landline to
mobile phones.
The high cost of calls between landline and cell
phones represents an obstacle for companies
looking to reduce telephony costs. Knowing
this, Leucotron Telecom, a Brazilian company
that develops integrated communications solutions for the enterprise market, has increased
its product portfolio by launching the new cellular gateway iCell. This cellular gateway is used to convert phone calls made between
landline and mobile into mobile-to-mobile
calls, reducing toll costs.
iCell is easy to install and offers various features that facilitate and ensure convenience
in placing such calls. Its main features include:
Carrier assignment – where it determines the
carrier to use when originating calls so as to
use best route promoting additional savings;
Blocking incoming calls by registering denied
phone numbers or area codes; Call back which allows the registration up to 300 (Light
version) or 600 (Plus version) frequently used
numbers, for which the device is configured to
hang up and return incoming calls.
The iCell Light is suitable for companies looking for solutions that guarantee toll savings in telephony usage. The Plus version adds features for enhanced ease of installation and use, such as monitoring the status of calls
via LCD display. Additionally, the Plus version
which is battery equipped also displays battery charge information. This feature allows
the device not to require constant connection
to power while in operation.
To use either version all that is required is a
SIM card from any GSM operator enabling it as
a cell phone. The product installation is fast
and simple and the configuration of the device
can be performed locally, via an analog phone
connected to it.
The company’s main goal is to consolidate its position as one of the most top players in
the market of cellular gateways in Brazil. “The
launch of the iCell product family allows us to meet new customer needs and market demand in terms of innovation and efficiency,
expanding our market share,” concludes the
company’s senior manager. <<
iCell Light
iCell Plus
Leucotron Equipamentos
iCell Light
iCell Plus
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We chose the GE864-PY module considering aspects like reliability, compliance to
Brazilian regulations and project feature
• C
all progress and battery charge
information via LCD Display
• Call back to up to 600 numbers
• Incoming and outgoing call filters
• Carrier assignment
• On call transmission and reception independent volume controls
• Comprehensive customer support
• NB: Some features are optional
The GE864 module is a perfect match for our
M2M products thanks to its small footprint and
low power consumption.
Hervé Bibollet, Sales Manager
>> Webdyn designs and customizes Internet
gateways that enable initially non-communicating industrial equipment to connect
and communicate with Remote monitoring
applications. To do this, Webdyn works on two different kinds of products: OEM solutions designed to meet specific needs
from individual clients and off-the-shelf
concentrators designed for given markets.
In both cases, Webdyn designs and manufactures the complete product (hardware,
embedded software and enclosure).
WebdynSun is a perfect example of the application of Webdyn’s core competencies
in designing multi-protocol bi-directional
concentrators. The gateway can simultaneously monitor inverters, meters, analog
sensors, and modbus equipments. Any
alarm event is immediately communicated
to the remote server while all collected data
is uploaded periodically.
Although an Ethernet connection is available, most deployments rely on the device’s
GPRS connectivity. Robustness and simplicity
of integration were therefore the main criteria in the selection of the GPRS module.
The Telit GE864 was easily selected and currently gives us complete satisfaction. In less than a year WebdynSun has made
Webdyn the leading provider of photovoltaic
monitoring gateways in France. WebdynSun is already compatible with many inverter protocols and new protocols can be added via software update. Moreover its wide range of interfaces makes it a versatile gateway for other energy monitoring
markets. <<
WebdynSun – photovoltaic monitoring
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
GE864-Quad: We chose this module for its excellent price/quality ratio. A key
point was also the ease of integration
into our mother board.
•Several inverter protocols (SMA, KACO, POWERONE, SUNEZY, LTI,
•RS485/232 Modbus
• 3-meter TIC
•4 relay outputs
• 2 pulse inputs
• 4 analog inputs (0-10V or 4-20mA)
•Ethernet and quad-band GPRS
•Embedded website
•RailDin format
We valued the Telit module’s ease of integration as well
as Telit’s professional team for supporting us during the
development and testing phases.
Laurent Seydoux, Director and Founder
>> Twitoo is the fruit of the collaboration
among 3 companies: H2AD for product definition, marketing and property, Locatis SA
for the manufacturing, and SDATAWAY SA for
product design and development.
SDATAWAY, a Swiss Engineering company
specialized in electronic system design and
industrialization is renowned for innovation
and promptness. Its mission is to make cutting edge technologies available to its customers. Thanks to a network of regional and
worldwide partnerships SDATAWAY is capable
of driving projects from concept elaboration
through to mass production, providing full
turnkey solutions to customers.
H2AD operates a 24/7 medical call center offering fully secured solutions which allow
remote monitoring of vital signs and alerts,
distant home care tele-assistance, and tele- diagnostics. These solutions are designed for
patients with chronic diseases, the elderly,
and for individuals in temporary vulnerable
conditions. H2AD’s 5-year operating infra-
structure is leveraged in ongoing development of secured solutions and reliable processes and is dedicated to secure and
personalized control. H2AD is certified by
the French health ministry for hosting
health personal data.
LOCATIS SA, a Swiss subcontractor, based in the Jura area, takes on the manufacturing
of electronics products in the partnership.
LOCATIS SA offers a comprehensive set of
benefits such as project support (prime contractor for development and industrialization), cutting edge production with tools and
controls of the most current technology and
a purchasing center. LOCATIS SA is ISO 9001
and ISO 13485 (Medical) Certified.
Twitoo’s aim is to be the link between in- dividuals needing health monitoring and their
physicians. It is the hub
for a whole family of
health care measuring
devices including blood
oxygen meters, blood
pressure meters and others. It is capable of
collecting data from
these measuring devices
through a Bluetooth connection and sending the
data to the physician.
The link between Twitoo
and the server is a GSM
connection established
by the Telit
module. For privacy and control
reasons, the data transmittal procedure must be initiated by the
user who just needs to touch a button on
Twitoo to start the process. A confirmation is
provided through a vibration, a visible feedback and a confirmation sound. <<
Twitoo, Tele-medicine mobile gateway
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We selected the GE863-PRO³ module for its
comprehensive feature set including its
ability to run the whole application on the
embedded OS.
Twitoo, Telemedicine Mobile Gateway
seamlessly detects and synchronizes with
Bluetooth medical devices. It securely
transmits personal medical data over a
GPRS connection thanks to the GE863PRO³.
Twitoo’s main features are:
•Low power consumption
•Reliable GPRS connection for data
•Connect up to 5 health measuring
Bluetooth devices
•Easy for automatic data transfer
•Tactile, sound and visible feed-back
when button is activated
We appreciated Telit’s experience and support which
has been helpful in enhancing Sonamba’s useability.
Ajit Pendse, CEO
loved ones living alone.
Caregivers and family
members receive periodic
wellbeing text message
alerts based on daily activity in the senior’s
home, as well as messages
composed by the seniors
themselves. Seniors continue to live independently –
connecting with their family
and caregivers through
Sonamba’s texting feature,
while benefitting from
Sonamba’s medication alerts,
calendar reminders, emergency response options,
games and photos.
>> Seniors will now be able to extend their independent living while their caregivers stay
informed and connected, thanks to a revolutionary wellbeing monitor, Sonamba. Sonamba is an in-home monitoring system featuring a 7-inch touchscreen LCD display, built-in motion and sound sensors, emergency button,
and cellular connectivity – packaged in a sleek
design which doubles as a digital photo frame
when not being actively used.
There are 11 million seniors currently living
alone in the US. They face loneliness, limited
social interaction, dementia, and fear that personal emergencies will lead to loss of independence. In addition, there are over 43 million
caregivers in the US who want the peace of
mind of knowing the condition of their loved
ones everyday – not just in emergencies.
Sonamba (which is a device placed in the senior’s home) helps today’s busy caregiver or
family member stay connected with their
Telit has been very helpful
in Sonamba’s development
process, in particular, working out technical challenges
and ensuring that our product worked – especially with carrier-specific changes made in
the software.
Sonamba was designed to be something that
becomes part of everyday life for both the independent senior and caregiver. The device
uses familiar technology that provides the
ability to communicate with one’s family
members and caregiving circle. It monitors
daily activity and requests emergency assistance if necessary – all within an aesthetically
pleasing digital photo frame that’s
an easy and attractive addition to
any home. Simply put, Sonamba
is a better way to live.
Sonamba retails for $549.99 with
a low monthly subscription of
$39.00. For more information,
please visit www.sonamba.com << FACTS
pomdevices, LLC
Sonamba – a Wellbeing Status Monitor for Seniors
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We used the GE864-QUAD for Voice, SMS, and GPRS.
Telit recommended design partners who
have experience in designing connectivity
cards and getting them certified.
• W
ellbeing Status Alerts to Caregivers via SMS
• 7-inch Touchscreen Interface
• Built-in Cellular Connectivity
• Emergency Response Button
• Social Communications
• Automated Medication & Calendar Reminders
• Digital Photo Frame
• Games
• Caregiver access through iPhone App and Web
Telit offered the right and timely support in important
phases of obtaining application level approvals in key
markets such as the USA.
Søren Vester, Senior R&D Engineer
>> Freedom and Mobility for patients! – Telehealth monitoring increases the quality of life
for patients offering them a convenient means
to comply with their daily health regimen
avoiding the need to visit a hospital. It also
helps monitored patients learn more about
their condition, which in turn leads to better
self management and handling of different
Even though the GE864-QUAD-V2 is globally
approved, in order to meet the stringent requirements of the CE Medical Device Directive as well as FDA registration, Telit teams in Europe and the US engaged us to support
our development efforts in hardware and
software while additionally providing relevant test & papers throughout the different
approval processes. This was, for sure, valued
as a very major complementary contribution
to the Tunstall R&D efforts.
The telehealth monitoring business model is often based on short-term usage by the patient which makes plug-and-play functionality and reliable installation via GSM/GPRS
critical factors in reducing the overall cost of
providing the service. Strong presence of
these factors can significantly improve the
overall cost-benefit of Tunstall’s telehealth
monitoring service.
Thanks to increased flexibility and growing
interest by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)
globally, the share of healthcare monitor installations using GSM/GPRS is growing dayby-day compared to land line connections.
The current installed base of approximately
15 thousand GSM/GPRS-based devices in the
field could very well multiply in numbers in
the years to come. <<
Tunstall Healthcare A/S
Tunstall RTX3371 GSM/GPRS Telehealth
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
Since this application volume required a globally approved module, the GE864QUAD-V2 was selected because it offered BGA mounting.
•Quad Band GSM/GPRS, approved
•Integrated antenna for increased
•Built-in Plug-and-Play features for quick and reliable installation
•Audio support using compressed audio files
•Reports from standard peripherals such
as blood pressure, blood glucose, weigh
scales and peak flow meters
•Besides collecting vital-signs data, it serves as communicator between care provider and patient
•HIPAA compliant – SSL-128 encrypted
•FDA registered, CE/Medical Device
Tunstall RTX3371
We appreciated Telit's support on the hardware
design, RF test, EMC test and field test.
JeongSoo Lim, Director
so on and report the emergency in a call to a
fire station triggering a rescue response for
that emergency. Also, by monitoring activity
level of the senior citizen inside a home, the
device helps the service center take appropriate action should the detected activity level so
Because of Hidea Solution’s high level of technical skills and rich experience in the field of ubiquitous sensor networks (USN) using Zigbee and thanks to the active support from
Telit in the CDMA part of the project, full system development was concluded successfully. Telit provided strong assistance in various phases of the project including CDMA module selection, hardware design, RF
testing, EMC and field testing.
>> The number of senior citizens is rising rapidly around the world and so is the number of
elderly persons living alone. Hidea Solutions
has developed a telecare service system using
m2m for these individuals based on a combination of a device plus online services that can
be classified as u-Health care. The product is a
personal emergency response system (PERS)
that can monitor users via a CDMA gateway
terminal, activity sensors, a fire alarm sensor,
and a gas detecting sensor. It is also capable of
contacting family and emergency centers when
an emergency or likely emergency is detected.
Data is gathered by sensors installed throughout the senior citizen’s home, transmitted to
the CDMA gateway terminal through a Zigbee
network, and then from there to the central
monitoring system through the CDMA cellular
network. By analyzing sensor data the system
can automatically detect a fire, a gas leak, and
Hidea Solutions’ telecare service provides certain voice features that set it apart from
the competition such as hot-key dialing which
allows the elderly to call family or neighbors according to pre-memorized numbers by
pressing shortcut keys on the phone.
The Korean government has been promoting
the telecare market since 2008 when it started a trial service for senior citizens living
alone. By 2010 the government had provided
telecare service to 28,000 households with
plans to expand those services to 120,000
households by 2012.
Because telecare services improve safety, promoting independent life for senior citizens
most of whom have chronic
ailments, it is expected that
the service will continue to expand including features for
the remote healthcare
field. Remote health care
management and telecare are service areas
that greatly complement each other. <<
Hidea Solutions
ZETgate9905 is a remote monitoring device
that senses risks or a decrease in activity
inside the home of the elderly or other
impaired individuals.
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
Hidea Solutions used the BCM-865.
• Z
igbee to CDMA Gateway Terminal
• Sensor Data collection, transmission,
storage and
• Emergency calling and regular voice telephony
• Built-in voice chip for user guidance via voice
• Clean LCD viewing and elderly friendly buttons
• Hearing aid algorithms for the hearing impaired
• Cancel function for alarms and fire and gas sensor malfunction warning
• Remote environmental control and
remote firmware upgrade
The GE863-PRO³ has the stability and flexibility
required in order to process millions of online
food orders every year all over Europe.
Erik Mellström, CTO
OnlinePizza Norden AB
OnlinePizza box: Online food ordering POS terminal
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE863-PRO³ was selected for its
combination of a powerful processor and a GSM/GPRS engine.
>> OnlinePizza Norden AB is a leading player
in online food ordering industry. The company
operates in Sweden, Finland, Poland and Austria. The business idea is simple: help restaurants increase revenue by receiving online
food orders. OnlinePizza gets a commission
from every order placed through its service – a win-win concept that has become a wellknown success story, particularly in Sweden
where it all started. In Sweden alone millions
of food orders are processed every year.
The first technique used to achieve communication between restaurants and the OnlinePizza
servers was to placing laptops, printers and modems (ADSL was popular in 2005) at the restaurants. This was just too complicated, even
though the three entrepreneurs acted as helpdesk and support to the restaurants 24/7. Other
techniques such as fax, SMS and mobile applications were evaluated, but none combined the
wireless internet connection with printing capabilities and a simple user interface.
OnlinePizza was founded in 2005 in Linköping,
Sweden, by three friends. They found it ridiculously hard to find good home delivery restaurants and their menus. On top of that, they
were usually low on cash to pay the person
upon delivery. Someone just had to solve these
annoying issues.
OnlinePizza then came up with the idea
to build their own device, with a built-in
GPRS modem, a thermal printer, LEDs, a speaker and a simple keyboard for bi-directional communication. After one
year of development, the first 200 handmade units were released. Eventually the
business started to grow at such speed that
mass production became a viable option.
The service needed to maintain the benefits of
a bidirectional telephone call while adding desirable conveniences of the digital era. The
goal was to give the customer the ability to (1)
create an order from the restaurant’s online
menu, (2) pay online, (3) submit the order to
the restaurant, (4) receive an immediate confirmation with estimated delivery time from
the restaurant and (5) have the food delivered.
Today, the third generation of OnlinePizza’s
unique solution is running on a GE863-PRO³
from Telit. Thanks to its combination of a powerful processor and a GSM/GPRS engine, the
GE863-PRO³ has the stability and flexibility required to process millions of online food orders every year all over Europe. << Features
• P
rinter for orders and messages
• Keyboard for bidirectional communication
• LEDs for visual notifications
• Speaker for audio notifications
• Easily accessible SIM card holder
• USB support
Our experience with Telit has been positive
with excellent support and follow through.
Dave Arringdale, CEO
and reputation as well as the fact that it performed the functions necessary to interface
with our technology as defined at the time.
Intoxalock engineers worked closely with
Telit administrative and technical personnel
through each phase of development. This
collaboration included the certification of
our device on the cellular network with
which we partnered. Telit’s engineers were
very cooperative always responding in a
timely and productive manner to our engineers’ requests at each turn.
>> Our company serves the breath alcohol ignition interlock (BAIID) market, more specifically those drivers who have been mandated
either by court or administrative directive to
install such a device in their vehicle to prevent
them from starting and operating their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol.
The Intoxalock Advanced functions as a fulltime and real-time monitor of the vehicle
and driver. It includes GPS tracking, realtime or near real-time reporting, advanced
anti-circumvention and tampering
features, photo imaging and 911- response. Our goal was to develop a
product that took BAIID technology
to a new level. We have successfully
done so and are now deploying the
product in the marketplace.
Our engineers researched various
combination radio and GPS modules
and evaluated each thoroughly. We
chose the Telit module because of cost
The deployment of this product provides our company with substantial competitive
advantages. Because we have combined the
functionalities described above under one
technology, we have a much more robust
BAIID solution than others available in that
market. And the advanced features will allow us to penetrate the voluntary market including fleets and individuals in search for
a solution to protect employees or loved
ones. Both the mandated and voluntary markets will benefit tremendously from the
ability to track vehicles and drivers, and to receive immediate reports on their activities.
Consumer Safety
Technology, Inc.
The Intoxalock – Ignition Interlock Device
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The CC864 Dual – It was one of the few
modules that contained both cellular radio
and GPS in the same product. Cost and
reputation were the primary reasons.
•Real-time reporting of vehicle start and driving events.
•Photo imaging of the vehicle cabin
including the driver.
•GPS location and tracking capabilities.
•911 notification of “violating” drivers.
•Advanced and real-time reporting of
tamper and circumvention attempts.
•Voice and video capabilities.
The outlook is bright for this product and we are already seeing a lot of interest in the
technology with many jurisdictions adopting it or even demanding it for all or certain
offense levels. <<
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We appreciate the high level of
performance of the Telit modules.
Jaroslav Hrabalek, Engineer, R&D department
>> JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. is a manufacturer
of intruder alarm systems, mainly wireless,
which combine security, automation and
communication solutions. The company has
been bringing new solutions (e.g. camera PIR
with flash) to the security market for 20 years.
Jablotron’s main product lines are wireless
alarm systems, home automation, GSM/GPRS
car alarms including tracing, baby respiration
monitors, and GSM cameras.
The JA-82Y GSM Communicator
The capabilities of the OASiS security system
can be extended by the optional JA-82Y GSM communicator. GSM communication
improves the security of the data transfer
from the control panel compared to a PSTN connection. The JA-82Y communicator allows remote access via GSM and the Internet. Alarm events can be reported to up to 8
telephone numbers via SMS or voice messages
and to up to 2 ARCs. For voice reporting up to
7 messages can be recorded for the different
events. The JA-82Y has a built-in module to
receive pictures from the JA-84P camera PIR
detector, which can then be transferred to a
secure server and optionally to a mobile
phone. The communicator also enables system programming and operation via phone
either by call-in using the communicator's
voice menu or via SMS commands. The system (or home appliances) may also be remote controlled from authorized numbers
for free. The most convenient remote access
via Internet is offered free of charge by the
Olink software (ver.2.0 and higher) which
provides operation and full program control
in a user friendly environment from your Internet connected computer. The Olink software also enables communicator firmware
Jablotron had used different modules for its
communicators, but was not satisfied with
their performance, so
for the new model
product the Telit module was selected. What
we also appreciate in
the Telit module is the four-band feature,
which allows us to
also use the communicator in the United
States, which is a big
help for us. We use
Telit because we it
met our mechanical
requirements (with
the BGA package) as
there is neither need
for connectors nor the
need for special shouldering technology. We
also appreciate the
service and technical
support provided by
Telit. <<
Jablotron Alarms a.s.
JA-82Y GSM communicator for security systems
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We use the GE864-QUAD V2 module. The
main reason for its selection was the price
and better performance of the module in
comparison to its competition.
New generation Communicator
• Data communication via IP communication, SMS or voice
• Voice message to a mobile phone
• Remote access via OLink software
• Reports events up to 2 ARC (CID
• Voice menu
JA-82Y GSM Communicator
We are satisfied and proud of
having Telit in our products.
Mariane G. Peres, Marketing Director
PPA - Portas e Portões
Infinit: Alarm panel with GPRS communication
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE865-QUAD for its high quality
>> PPA is a genuinely Brazilian company that
has been in the market since 1983. It was the
first company to produce gate openers in Brazil
but as years went by, PPA, with its innovative
philosophy, started entering the electronic security market, producing alarm systems.
PPA is currently the leading company in both
gate openers and monitored alarm system
segments, as well as in the area of digital alarm
communicators and transmitters. The main
function of these devices is to eliminate security failures in the communication between
the user (alarm) and the monitoring center.
Communication between clients and alarm
monitoring centers, which had been previously
accomplished through landline connections,
is now largely done with the use of GSM and
GPRS technology. That is where the Telit
modules have an essential role, since the stability and reliability of PPA communication systems depend on them.
The PPA products using this technology are
the digital alarm communicators Ello, Monip
and Monicel USB, which can be integrated into
alarm systems already in market, replacing or
adding to the existing landline communication functionality. Our devices are connected
to these alarm systems, allowing them to
communicate wirelessly via GPRS technology.
Infinit is another product developed around
the Telit technology; it is an alarm system
equipped with all the features of an alarm
monitoring center and because it is GPRS-data
enabled it is possible to send it commands
through SMS messages. The product can be remotely programmed with user access control and guard tour patrol parameters while
maintaining a high level of integration with
the alarm monitoring center.
The use of cell phone modules as the communication medium for electronic security is growing more and more. Every day a new
use of this versatile means of transmitting
and receiving data is uncovered. <<
4 programmable zones (16 on board)
257 user passwords
3000 event buffer
8 partitions and up to 64 virtual
Full access control to all users
Embedded Ethernet port
Ethernet / GPRS remote programming
Ethernet / GPRS firmware update
User-friendly 2-zone 1-PGM LCD keypad
16 guard tour patrol system checkpoints
32 PGMs (programmable switches)
Switching power supply unit
Optional GSM/SMS commands
Timely help has been available from Telit’s software
support team throughout our development of the V2
GSM – with support via phone, email and face to face
meetings when necessary.
Tris Young, Marketing Manager
>> Celebrating their 25th anniversary this
year Pyronix is a leading player within the security industry and is internationally renowned for award winning intruder alarm
equipment. Products are designed, manufactured and despatched from two factories in
the United Kingdom.
Control of the outputs and other functions
can be managed remotely simply by sending
SMS text commands to the V2GSM from a
mobile phone:
Continuing in their philosophy of listening to
their worldwide customer base Pyronix has
development the V2GSM, which maximizes
flexibility and provides the ability to control
third party equipment.
• T
elephone directory numbers can be
• The alarm system status (armed or
disarmed) can be requested
• Outputs can be operated.
The V2GSM works as a multi-function voice
and SMS message dialer with up to 14 trigger
inputs and can be programmed to remotely
control third party equipment with up to 54
A secure, voice-driven remote-control menu
system is available when calling the V2GSM.
Outputs can be turned on and turned off allowing remote operation of lights, heating
systems and gates.
The V2GSM is supplied in a keypad enclosure
that has an on-board speaker, microphone, 6
inputs, 4 outputs and easy to use menu driven
In addition, the onboard speaker and microphone in the V2GSM can be used as a 2-way
(full-duplex) speakerphone – allowing a remote user to talk and listen to the property.
programming. Only a SIM card is required for
operation (any network).
Furthermore, the AutomaticNumber-Recognition feature
allows an output to trigger as
soon as the V2GSM receives a call from a recognized
phone number. For instance;
a user can telephone their
V2GSM, hang up and the garage door will open immediately without the pressing of
numerous buttons. <<
Pyronix Limited
V2GSM: V2GSM Speech Dialer
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
Pyronix chose the GE864 quad based on
features, size & price, with special mention
given to the fact that no exp’ board
mounting connector was required
• E
ngineer and user friendly menu-driven
• Voice and SMS message signaling
• Full duplex (voice) communication
• Up to 9 telephone number directory
• 6 inputs (expandable to 14 using 1 x input expander)
• 4 outputs (expandable to 52 using 3 x output expanders)
• Dedicated keys to operate outputs “on demand”
• Remote control triggered outputs
• Automatic response caller ID output
• Used as a normal telephone for outgoing calls
• SMS text commands to change
telephone number directory, to trigger outputs, etc.
Insurance companies, fleets, and parents have no
tolerance for drained batteries, professional installations, and unnecessary cellular costs. They want
superior engineering in a plug-and-play solution.
Mike Carroll, VP Sales – Telematics
Danlaw Inc
OBD II Vehicle DataLogger
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
>> UBI, PAYD, fleet management, teen driving,
and driver distraction applications continue to
swell in the US and European markets. If you’re
behind the wheel, we have you covered. With
Telit’s GSM or CDMA modules under the hood,
the DataLogger provides unparalleled flexibility across a variety of cellular carriers.
As a Detroit based automotive electronics
and embedded software company, Danlaw’s
27 year history specializing in OEM in-vehicle communications allows our business
partners and customers to sleep easy, knowing they’ve selected the safest platform on
which to develop.
Telit’s range of solutions, superior technology,
and development tools are well known in the
industry; but technology is only part of the
equation. Their sales team helps with supply
chain issues, certifications, and even marketing with the integrity and professionalism our
joint customers require.
The expanding markets and derivative applications for easy to install, inexpensive, full
featured, OBD II modules are driving significant growth. We plan on continuing our development, partner support, innovation,
and application diversification for years to
come. <<
GE864-Quad (GSM)
CC864-Dual (CDMA)
User installable
Custom configurations
Optimized, high speed data uploads
Firmware over the Air (FOTA)
OBD II parameters
3-axis accelerometer
Rugged design
Stand-alone simplicity
Broad range of OEM support
Attractive price point
Automotive-grade engineering
OBD II Vehicle
Telit has been an excellent technology partner for
us. Telit modules fully meet our requirements with
numerous integrated features.
Sergejs Sofjins, Chairman of the Board
>> EcoTelematics has been designing and developing robust telematics products for application in trucks and trailers since its inception.
Cost pressures, more stringent controls over
driving times and rest periods, increasing customer expectations – shipping and transport
companies today have to compete in more
challenging conditions than ever before. To
avoid being left behind by the competition,
application of NaviFleet™ can assists companies in optimizing their entire fleet and transport chain, reducing fuel costs and ensuring
compliance to regulatory requirements with
respect to driver working hours.
NaviFleet™ provides real time monitoring for
fleet operations communicating vehicle and
driver activity information including GPS and
GPS/Glonass positioning through a GSM/GPRS
The basic NaviFleet™ features are:
•Real time tracking (with available event
monitoring in transmission, engine, and
•Fleet Management (distance driven, fuel
control, engine hours, speed, RPM, and etc.)
•Fuel Management
•Driver monitoring (start and end of workday, stops control, private activity time control, and digital tachograph information)
•Communication with driver through
“Garmin Navigator” and hands-free
•Vehicle diagnostics (fault-code reading, engine systems performance)
•Trailer management (temperature and door
•Automatic passenger counting using IRMA
EcoTelematics Group is a customer-oriented
company and is fully engaged with its customers in software engineering, application development, and technical support.
Telit's excellent development support also
played a major role in bringing these products
to market. <<
EcoTelematics Group Oy
NaviFleet™ ET100 Telematics Device
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We use the GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
module, because of its size, low power
consumption, performance, and
reliability in different environments.
•Real-time Tracking (time, distance
interval, special conditions)
•Fleet Management
•Truck and Driver Activities
•Integrated CAN interface
•Tachograph interface
•Interfaces: CAN, RS485, USB, 2 x RS232, 2 x analog inputs, 8 x inputs, and 4 x outputs
•Monitoring and control of peripheral
•Two-way communication with driver
•Temperature control
•Over-the-air upgradable
•Robust and Waterproof housing
•Contactless CAN connector
NaviFleetTM ET100
Telit provided the right solution with the
ZE61 100mW ZigBee modules and the powerful
GG863-SR gateway bridging to GSM/GPRS.
Alexander Ivaine, CEO & Founder
>> IGL-Technologies is a Finnish company specialized in wireless solutions and end-user
short-range network access products. For markets with harsh winter conditions, the
eTolppa.fi system can offer users maximum
comfort by providing them the ability to remote-manage pre-heating of their vehicles
at electric heating poles. Accurate and timely
heating of the car ultimately combines comfort with optimized energy consumption and
cost management, reducing the ecological
load as well as wear on the engine.
In another application, not necessarily for sub
freezing environments, the control system
can also be adapted to charging stations for
electric vehicles such as scooters. In a sub-metering application, it can also be configured to
remotely measure and control many different
The eTolppa.fi heating-pole system can be operated via Internet or mobile phones. Its
modular structure even allows it to be
IGL-Technologies Oy
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
installed as a retrofit into existing heating
poles already in use.
At each pole, the system exchanges data with
the server including time-slots of operation,
online modifications to the time-slots, controls for the charging/heating station, readings of electricity consumption, and
other information requested by the
server, all via the multiple ZigBee
ZE61 100mW Telit radio modules configured in Mesh/Router/end-point
through to the Telit GG863-SR Gateway
GSM/GPRS-ZigBee all-in-one solution.
The GG863-SR – a powerful gateway that
manages quite complex applications
providing seamless communication to the ZE61-2.4/SMD based ‘satellites’
• W
ireless communication to heating/charging stations
• Server-side platform which brings short-range modules to the web-browser
• Ecological solutions with heating pole integration
The system works on any ordinary webbrowser. It has a very simple user interface
from where it is possible to set heating/
charging times, monitor consumption of
electricity, and also collect various pieces
of statistical data. << eTolppa.fi
We appreciated Telit’s engineering support integrating
the module into the PND environment both on
hardware and software and also for verification of
antenna performance.
Thomas Engelhardt, Senior Project Manager, Devices
>> The NAVIGON 70 Premium Live is primarily
targeted at the consumer market however, it
is also offered as a hardware platform with
Windows CE 6.0 operating system for business
customers such as fleet management companies or other mobility services requiring an
internet connection via the GSM network. The
product is based on STM’s Cartesio Plus processor equipped with 128MB of DDR2 RAM
and 4GB of internally managed NAND flash.
Integrated peripherals comprise an µ-SD card
reader, a Silicon Labs SI4703 FM tuner for TMC
message reception, a 5-inch WQVGA display
with resistive touch screen, and a CSR BC05MM
Bluetooth system-on-a-chip (SoC) for handsfree operation and phonebook sync with mobile phones. The standard version is powered
The device was developed as a variant of the
NAVIGON 70 PND series in cooperation with
an Asian ODM. The first integration attempt
of the GPRS module created challenges on
power management, EMI and multi-band antenna design. It is hard to find Asian ODMs
with solid experience in these areas. Here,
the hardware design, antenna performance
verification, as well as software support from
Telit helped a great deal to make the development run reasonably smoothly, getting to a stable, well performing product and still
meeting time-to-market targets. The small
footprint and low height of the module substantially helped keeping the product dimensions very attractive.
NAVIGON 70 Premium Live
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE865-QUAD. We utilize class-8 data
transfer in the 900, 1800, and 1900MHz
bands. We selected the module due to its
price competitiveness and small size.
via the 10-pin Mini-USB socket which also includes a 3.3V UART data connection. A variant can be developed with an integrated electrical automotive interface that connects
power, two UARTs, audio, and TMC antenna
signal through a NAVIGON automotive-grade
car holder to external peripherals and the
Such “connected” personal
navigation devices, as they
are known, are expected to
gain more and more market
share as customers continue getting increasing, concrete value aggregation through realtime services such as “Clever Parking Live”,
“Traffic Live” or “Google Local Search”. <<
AVIGON Live Services Pro
Active Lane Assistant
Professional Voice Command 2.0
Bluetooth hands-free kit 2.0
City View3D 2.0
Reality View by NAVIGON
MyBest POI
POI Import and POI Click
Text-to-speech and spoken TMC
Premium Live
Thanks to Telit’s modules, SemaConnect is able to
advance in creating wireless networked electric
charging stations for the new generation of electric
and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Naly Yang, Marketing Specialist
on charging status
through text messages,
find a charging station,
and more.
>> SemaConnect is a leader in developing and
producing wireless networked electric charging
stations along with management and driver
software for the new generation of electric vehicles such as the Chevy Volt and the Nissan
Leaf. Founded in 2008 and based in Annapolis,
Maryland, we are the only company of this caliber to be located on the east coast.
Our advanced charging stations are ideally
suited for commercial charging applications.
Municipalities, fleet companies, hotels, parking garages and multi-family buildings will
find them most useful. We offer a complete
turnkey solution for deploying the ChargePro
Charging Station: installation, operation, and
maintenance services.
To use the system, simply wave a ChargePro
smart card at the station’s front panel. Through
the integrated Telit module, the charging station wirelessly authenticates your information and allows you to charge your electric
vehicle (EV). The SemaConnect back-office
software aggregates all information collected
through the use of the ChargePro smart card
allowing the EV driver to log into a web-based
tool to monitor electricity usage, pay bills online, request to receive push notifications
Station owners can log
into a web portal to comprehensively monitor and control station
operations. Flexible navigation features allowing review of revenue generation, running sustainability reports,
tracking energy usage, and billing end-customers for usage only briefly describe the array
of capabilities that station owners have at their
Customers who already have stations are increasingly satisfied with the product and the
amount of positive feedback received from
their local communities. Current deployments
are ongoing in the United States with international deployment plans coming in 2011-2012.
For more information, visit www.semaconnect.com and follow us on Twitter @Sema_
Connect. <<
ChargePro Charging Station
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The CC864-DUAL and GC864-QUAD V2
allow us to update software, configure the
station, perform account authentication,
and monitor the station remotely.
• W
ireless Networked Electric Charging
• Bright LED lights for easy recognition
• Remote monitoring, maintenance and
• Smart grid integration
• Smart card authentication
• Web-based network management & driver software
• Automated payment system
• Energy metering
Carging Station
"Telit understands the market needs: multiple standards one form factor; newest technologies; long term
avail-ability; excellent performance; best pricing; and
comprehensive technical, logistics and commercial
support. This convinced us to develop competitive
products for the future based on Telit module family.”
Guido Voigt, CTO Falcom Wireless Communication GmbH
System: ROCK (ASSET Tracking)
Falcom Wireless
Communications GmbH
>> German-based Falcom Wireless Communications, the leading supplier of wireless m2m
solutions has just introduced the ROCK, an innovative, adaptable and standalone tracking
device that can be used for both mobile and
fixed asset management. The device concept
combines the latest quad-band GSM/GPRS
technology (Telit GE865) for communication,
a high-sensitivity GPS receiver for positioning,
a waterproof compact case, and durable internal battery pack for long-life operation elimi-
nating the need for an external power source.
This is an ideal solution for managing and
tracking containers, trailers and high-value
assets where no power source is present. Many
features of the device and the new firmware
can be downloaded over-the-air helping you
manage your mobile and fixed assets, provide
better customer service, reduce costs and increase profits. An energy harvesting version
is currently under development and it will be
available 4Q2011. <<
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We use the GE864-QUAD and GE865-QUAD
because of their very compact form
factors, BGA mounting, reliable GSM/GPRS
protocol stack for voice, SMS, CSD and
GPRS communication, and excellent cost-to-benefit.
•State-of-the-art GSM/GPRS core (Telit
GE865) for two-way communication
•High-sensitivity GPS receiver for
•Stand-alone tracking device needing no external power supply
•5xLR20 internal battery pack for long-life operation
• Very-efficient power saving modes
• Highly durable IP69 waterproof case
•Embedded TCP/IP stack for client-server
•Provides exact reports about current asset location
•Minimal maintenance
• Easy installation
•Remote activation, configuration and administration
• Over-the-air firmware update
•Customized reports and sending intervals
System: FOX-LT-IP-GLONASS – the first dual mode (GPS+Glonass) telematic solution
•State-of-the-art GSM/GPRS core (Telit
GE864) for two-way communication
•Combined GPS/GLONASS receivers for
precise positioning
•Embedded TCP/IP stack for client-server
•Voice, SMS, Data, GPRS, TCP/IP/UDP/
•High-capacity Li-Polymer rechargeable
System: MAMBO – Personal Tracker
>> Falcom introduces the new MAMBO, an advanced personal tracker concept combining
a quad-band GSM/GPRS phone, a high-sensitivity GPS receiver, GSM and GPS antennas, a
three-axis motion sensor, full-color OLED display (128 x 128 px), a five-way navigation
button and a 1300mAh Li-Polymer battery
into a compact (97 x 48 x 23 mm) enclosure. At
first glance, MAMBO looks like a conventional
mobile phone. It incorporates a number of functions designed specifically for use by
logistics providers, cab companies, security
and fire services, police, technical emergency
service providers, and many others. MAMBO
can be used as a cell phone with the full complement of standard features including voice
calls and SMS, all through simple menu-guided
operation. This small robust device can be carried along in a pocket or affixed to a vehicle’s
interior. It is a true mobile all-rounder both for
commercial and private users. MAMBO also
supports a series of functions for GPS navigation and tracking via SMS, CSD and GPRS/TCP.
>> Falcom is currently providing several kinds
of GPS and telematics products responding to market demands. The company recently
launched a new vehicle tracking system; a special version of the Falcom AVL device portfolio
combining GPS and GLONASS positioning systems with a higher level of reliability for
complete telematics functionality. Using
quad-band GSM/GPRS technology (Telit GE864)
for two-way communication, high-capacity
Li-Polymer backup-battery, and housed in a
weatherproof plastic case, the device is suitable for a wide range of mixed indoor/outdoor
applications in the AVL, fleet management, asset tracking, vehicle security and recovery,
and transit segments. The device has an IP69K
protection class, which allows it to be permanently mounted on the roof of a vehicle, truck,
train, vessel, or other assets. <<
•Highly durable IP69K weatherproof
• Very-efficient power saving modes
•3D accelerometer for detection of asset motion
•Provides exact reports about current asset
•Remote activation, configuration and
• Local and over-the-air firmware updates
•Customized reports and sending intervals
• Data-logger functionality
•Territory and trip management with route verification and distance
This all-rounder’s true strength lies in
the multitude of its configuration
options: rolling GPS display,
geo-fencing capability with
alarm, and an ultra-precise mo-vement detector
are just some of the
MAMBO‘s core functions.
MAMBO can integrate up
to five communication options including GSM and TCP, system-wide IEEE
802.15.4 for communication
with a key fob, Bluetooth for
hands free communication,
ANT for heart-rate monitoring and ISM for short range applications. This first-of-its-kind
solution with sophisticated software
offers system integrators and developers the
ability to develop their own cost efficient and
flexible solutions. <<
• High-sensitivity GPS receiver
• Communication via quad-band GSM/GPRS
• Voice, SMS, Data, GPRS, TCP/IP
• Full-color OLED display
• Remote administration &
firmware update
• Online tracking, history,
• Fully customizable
• Autonomous operation
• Personal security and
• "Dead man" – motion
• Options: harsh environment
protection, Bluetooth, IEEE
802.15.4, ANT, Micro SD-Card Reader, ISM short range transceiver (868/433 MHz),
and RFID
The extensive on-site Quality Audit of Telit facilities
paved the way for a strong partnership with Grundfos.
Mads Kring, Telit Regional Sales Manager, Key Account Manager for Grundfos
>> Grundfos Communication Interface Modules (CIM) and Communication Interface Units
(CIU) enable data communication via open
and interoperable networks for complete control of water supply, waste water pumps,
and pump systems. The CIM 250 is a standard
interface module for remote wireless data
transmission via GSM/GPRS networks. The
GSM/GPRS module can function as a SCADAinterface enabling a SCADA system or other
PLC controller to establish a remote connection either via GSM call-up using the Modbus
RTU protocol or via a GPRS connection using
the system’s Modbus TCP protocol support.
The simple SMS interface enables users to control and monitor Grundfos pumps from a
mobile phone. The system makes it possible
for a programmed number to receive messages
whenever a warning or an alarm condition occurs while also allowing the user to request
status or execute simple control functions such as start, stop, and
set point adjusting.
Grundfos A/S
CIM / CIU 250 – GSM/GPRS Communication
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The CIM/CIO 250 GSM/GPRS Communication
module complements the extensive range of
industrial (wired) communications modules
which interface the millions of Grundfos
pumps installed each year. Thanks to strong
R&D team efforts by Grundfos and Telit, the
CIM 250 carries all major mobile GSM/GPRS
network approvals, thus aggregating uncomplicated wireless data transmission
and remote control capabilities for
Grundfos pump systems across
the global market place.
with CU361
Last year several thousand
Grundfos pumps worldwide were connected allowing
monitoring of data points to
optimize performance, yield,
and maintenance service intervals. And since demand
for reliable water supply and
efficient disposal of wastewater will only increase in the future the outlook for wirelessly
connected pump systems is
very bright.
All Grundfos CIM/CIU communication interfaces offer
ease of installation and provisioning are user-friendly and a
great value for money in the
long term. <<
Global approvals, robust BGA mounting
technology and long continuity of supply
were key factors in the selection of Telit
GE864-QUAD GSM/GPRS module.
ireless Data Transmission and Remote
Control of Grundfos Pump Systems :
• Global approvals, QUAD-band 850, 900,
1800, and 1900 MHz GSM/GPRSAdd-on
(built-in) and external version (DIN-rail)
• Simple configuration via SMS
• 24-240 VAC/VDC power supply in CIU
• Wireless remote control and monitoring
• Status request and control via SMS
• GSM call up & TCP over GPRS connection
• Optional built-in battery backup
CIM 250
Telit’s leading technology enabled us to create
the smallest tracking device of its kind.
Frank Heineck, Director
>> Telic’s focus is the development, production
and sales of flexible telemetry and telematics
products with the “Made in Germany” quality
standard. The first generation Picotrack was already the smallest tracking device of its kind.
The new generation Picotrack is even smaller
enabling use in a greater number of business
models. Although the new Picotrack is as small
as a match box, it is packed with high end functionality such as a complete set of telematics
software functions which can be easily configured over the air or via the Telic configuration
tool. Because of a new low-power architecture,
Telic customers can apply it to asset tracking
projects such as tracking of valuable goods. The
Picotrack Power variant incorporates a stacked
LiPo (Lithium-Polymer) battery with double
the capacity to fulfill even the longest batterylife requirements in this segment.
The Picotrack hardware platform is ideal for
container and trailer installations. In combination with solar panels, the Picotrack can be
used for years of maintenance free tracking
The configurable motion sensor and alarm
button combined with its small size allow for
use in nearly all security applications. The large
GPS-patch antenna ensures high accuracy of location information, even under bad reception conditions as for example, inside a
home. Unlike other leading tracking service
providers in Europe, Tracker.com offers the Picotrack together with its telematics services
which, through a unique and free-of-charge iPhone App, can provide end customers with
constant access to position information, available also to family members and friends at the
discretion of the customer.
Tracker.com offers the Picotrack together with tracking services for locating athletes in outdoor activities, children, the elderly, and impaired individuals requiring care. Picotrack
helps increase personal safety for these individuals by keeping the care provider constantly
informed of their whereabouts. Athletes can use Picotrack to chart their training and
competition routes online, keeping themselves
constantly updated on distance covered and
average speed. Personal trainers and coaches
can easily view the training modules completed by their athletes online. Pets can also be tracked with the Picotrack. <<
Telic GmbH
Picotrack GSM/GPS-tracker, new generation
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE865-QUAD enabled us to continue
our target strategy to further miniaturize
our GSM/GPS-tracking devices. Size,
reliability and low power were key deciding
• S
mallest size in all 3 dimensions
• Latest GSM/GPS technology with
in-house tracking
• LiPo battery (also available in power
• Alarm button and status LEDs
• Low power mode allows weeks of
• Integrated motion sensor for alarm and power save
• Full telematics features embedded
• Configurable over the air or via RS232 with config tool
• Made in Germany
• Wide range of tracking services available
through Telic’s partners who have
successfully integrated Picotrack into
their tracking platforms
Picotrack GSM/GPS-tracker
We appreciate the quality of Telit’s modules
which meet our requirements perfectly.
Lider Yasar, Technical Coordinator
>> Fideltus Advanced Technology Venture's
disciplined investment strategy focuses on emerging growth businesses across four
primary areas of interest: communications,
infrastructure, software and services, consumer technology, biopharmaceuticals,
medical devices and emerging technologies.
The vast majority of our portfolio companies are based in Turkey. Our target markets
are communications, infrastructure, software
& services, emerging technology, consumer
technology, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, and information technologies.
and efficiently store, protect, and manage
your information so that it can be made accessible, searchable, shareable, and, ultimately,
You can also use FIDELTUS information infrastructure as the foundation for implementing your information lifecycle management strategies, securing your critical information assets, leveraging your content for
competitive advantage, automating your
data center operations, reducing power and
cooling costs, and more.
We help a range of customers
FIDELTUS works with organizations around the EMEA, in every
industry, in the public and private
sectors, and of every size. Our customers include banks and
other financial services firms,
manufacturers, healthcare and
life sciences organizations, internet service and telecommunications providers, airlines and transportation companies, educational
institutions, and public-sector
Strong leadership record
FIDELTUS provides the technologies and tools
that can help you release the power of your
information. We can help you design, build,
and manage flexible, scalable, and secure information infrastructures. And with these
infrastructures, you'll be able to intelligently
Our differentiated value comes
from our sustained and substantial investment in R&D, our technical R&D employees around the
globe, the industry's broadest
portfolio of systems,
software, and services,
our ability to create
total integrated solutions – all
designed in-house from top to
bottom – and our commitment
to delivering the best total customer experience in this or any
industry. <<
Fideltus Ileri Teknoloji A.S.
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
GE865-Quad and GL865-DuaL – because of their small size and the good performance.
Pergo is a tracking and security system
with software and hardware developed by
Turkish engineers. Vehicles, persons, goods,
and animals can be tracked anywhere with
a strong set of features for determining
their location and providing communication to the control center.
The power of Pergo stems from:
•Instant location information and
reporting for tracked objects and
individuals; •Increased performance with lowered
costs in the activities of the workforce;
• Prevention of abuse in vehicle usage;
•Increased safety and security for people
and assets.
GTM Tecnología has nearly a decade of experience
in smart recovery tracking and is always looking to
be at the forefront of technology and maintaining
our customer’s full satisfaction.
Israel Negrete, CTO
>> GTM Tecnología is dedicated to the communication, location, and satellite tracking
of commercial vehicles. Services based on
tracking technology are a growing market
and that is why GMT created a new division
called Star911 (Smart Tracking for Automatic
Recovery), dedicated to research, design and
manufacture of satellite global positioning
systems. Star911 was created to help companies in Mexico manage, locate, track and
recover their assets utilizing GPS tracking
systems. Our application provides useful
information to assist with fleet management
and monitoring as well as route management through mobile cellular networks.
A couple of years ago the company sought to
eliminate the dependence on foreign AVL suppliers; this led GTM to design its own terminal
adapted to the needs of the Mexican market
and to achieve competitive pricing compared
to foreign offerings.
Different brands of cellular modules were
tested but none achieved the stability that we
found in Telit's product families. The development started with the GM862-GPS module
and now the newest version of the application,
HOPE1, takes advantage of the benefits offered
by both the GE865-QUAD and SE867-AGPS
modules. These modules performed above
expectations meeting the stringent requirements of customers in the vehicle tracking
industry. Key elements of optimization have
been achieved in the GTM product in the areas
of electromagnetic radiation, power consumption and integration scale. Our development
based on the Telit modules has made possible
the introduction of a new device which is
entirely reliable – and with the great contribution that they allow for a highly optimized
manufacturing process.
Together and in cooperation with Telit, GTM
is able to provide reliable competitive products
that serve as a base for different applications,
making m2m accessible for different application areas. At this time there are three segments GTM is focusing on: security products,
industrial telemetry and vehicle tracking.
But the broader market in Mexico is ripe for
receiving a versatile new device with competitive pricing. <<
GTM Tecnología S.A. de C.V.
Star911 Model HOPE1, AVL platform
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE865-QUAD for absence of connectors; the SE867-AGPS for its high sensitivity; and both for the ultra-compact design
and extended temperature range characteristics.
• G
SM/GPRS Quad-band 850, 900,
1800, and 1900 MHz
• Voice, data and SMS services
• TCP/IP data protocol
• GPS high sensitivity
• WGS-84 system reference
• Accuracy – position 1-5m, speed 0.05 m/s
• 3-axis motion sensors
• Internal flash memory for at least
2000 positions
• Internal antennas
• Two digital inputs
• One digital output
• 1200 mAh internal battery
• 30 µA sleep mode
• -40 to + 85ºC temperature range
• 7 to 40v supply voltage range
Star911 Model HOPE1
We selected the GE865-QUAD because of its small form
factor, low power consumption, quad-band range, and
suitability for the harsh automotive environment.
Guy Chevrette, CEO
based insurance, stolen
vehicle tracking and
fleet management.
>> Canada-based iMETRIK is a wireless solution provider for the m2m market, and claims
to be first to provide all three essential elements of any wireless m2m solution – the
device, network access and applications, to
monitor and control fixed and mobile assets
globally. The company’s products serve the
needs of auto finance companies, buy-herepay-here (BHPH) car dealers, insurance companies, car retailers, and fleet operators. The company’s complete product offering includes payment protection devices, usage-
The iMETRIK-collect is
the company’s principal offering to subprime lenders and
BHPH car dealers in the US and Canadian
auto finance markets.
By embedding the device in the borrowers’
vehicles, a lender can
prompt them for car
payments when they miss due dates, disable
the starter if delinquency escalates, and track
the collateral with the GPS if repossession of
the vehicle is required. The unit features an internal GSM antenna, an exterior GPS antenna,
accelerometer for tamper alerts, and an internal backup battery that lasts up to four days in
the event main power is disconnected.
A key requirement for lenders is a very discreet tracking device that can be hidden in the vehicle to reduce the temptation of removal or tampering by the borrower. The
extremely compact device design (3.37” x
2.37” x 0.87”) required a small module like
the GE865-QUAD. Its optimized power consumption and extended temperature range
rounded out the requirements from the ideal
module for the iMETRIK-collect. <<
iMETRIK Automotive
iMETRIK-collect, loans collection & asset
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
We use the GE865-QUAD because of its
small form factor, low power consumption,
quad-band range, and suitability for the
harsh automotive environment
• C
ompact size and encapsulated design for fast and discrete installation – Installs in less than 15 minutes
• Designed for the harsh automotive
• NiMH high-temperature integrated
back-up battery
• Sensor detector for tamper alerts
• Ultra-low power consumption with less than a 4mA draw
• Permanently soldered, heat-resistant
silicon SIM Chip for global connectivity
• Emergency by-pass code
Telit’s effective cost, local production and technical support, good documentation and useful SDK were definitely
the key features for our successful product design.
Rogério Camargo, CEO
>> Integrating sophisticated technology, OrbiSat makes available to the market a reliable,
easy to install and low cost GPS + GPRS vehicle
tracking system. It is a perfect choice for insurers, carriers and car dealers. Fleet management,
vehicle recovery, and monitoring of car routes
are some of its main possible applications.
The OrbiSat’s Vehicle Tracking System combines all the technical knowledge of OrbiSat’s
engineering teams from the development of telecommunication equipment, to radar
systems, to expertise in development and
production of high volume consumer electronics devices.
The main challenge in the development of
this system was finding the perfect balance
between quality and price to address the Brazilian after-market automotive requirements.
Investing in a reliable hardware design, finding strong suppliers such as Telit were the first
steps and with these choices made, securing a
sound combination of modules was to follow.
Redundant internal systems, real time kernel,
a strong watch-dog function, ESD and EMI
protection, all SMT board assembly, intensive
testing cycles, and compliance to government
regulations and certifications were all part of
this project.
Considering that there are already a number
of companies in the market supplying vehicle
tracking services, and many with their own
tracking software, OrbiSat moved to offer, at
no charge, a software layer called “Collector”,
which can be easily integrated into products
already available in the market, allowing security companies to work with the OrbiSat’s
tracking device in a seamless way. The communication protocol developed by OrbiSat is
compact and light.
Another feature we introduced is the “confzero”, allowing the OrbiSat’s tracking device
to be configured at activation time, once it is installed in the car. Using configuration
parameters pre defined in the control software of the service provider, this information is transmitted over GPRS to the device,
preventing issues such as misconfiguration
and other errors or mistakes that can cause
the system to misbehave or perform poorly.
The GA-2010 Vehicle Tracking System is the
new security product offered by OrbiSat to the market in an approach
allowing either small or large vehicles location
and tracking companies
to have their needs addressed by a reliable, accurate, economic, and professional-grade device. <<
OrbiSat da Amazônia S.A.
GPS Vehicle Tracker OrbiSat GA-2010
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE864-QUAD Automotive. Local
support and manufacturing, cost effective,
easy to program and scalability were the
main features considered.
• R
• Easy to install
• Low cost GPS + GPRS vehicle tracking
• All SMT assembly
• All optically isolated inputs and outputs
• EMI and ESD protected
• GPS and GSM Internal antennas
• Compliant with Brazilian government
regulations for telecommunications
equipment (ANATEL)
OrbiSat GA-2010
Vehicle Asset Management
Telit supports REDTAIL’s strategic direction and has
enabled us to roll out a comprehensive and competitive
hardware platform.
Dr. Colin Smithers, Managing Director and CEO
quickly navigate through
the PTCRB and AT&T approval processes.
The REDTAIL Telematics
VAM is a best-in-class
GPS hardware solution
with an advanced feature set designed to exceed market demands.
Its features were identified by leading industry
professionals in multiple markets within the
telematics industry.
>> REDTAIL Telematics is a global hardware
manufacturer and distributor of GPS tracking
solutions for fleet management. Our products
are designed and developed by an experienced engineering team, globally recognized
as premier leaders in wireless technology. The
same engineering design team has delivered
more than 5 million tracking devices to markets worldwide.
The VAM (Vehicle Asset Management) features
a binary protocol available in TCP/IP and UDP
over GPRS and SMS. It is supported by a comprehensive software development kit (SDK),
has low overhead for efficient data communication, and is future-proof with a full overthe-air (OTA) firmware upgrade capability.
The product is based on the GE865-QUAD module, which continues to show outstanding reliability. Porting the firmware from a previous
Telit module was extremely easy, saving REDTAIL Telematics valuable development time.
The Telit support team also prepared us to
Our company offers high
quality, low cost hardware products directly to
GPS vehicle tracking providers. The evolution
of the REDTAIL Telematics roadmap happens
in lockstep with customer demand and accelerated joint development efforts with our customers are always considered if to achieve optimal win-win solutions.
REDTAIL Telematics brings full-featured fleet
management solutions to market based on
the most desired features from fleet managers. Our feature suite focuses on driver behavior, dashboards, enhanced mapping, vehicle monitoring and more. We expect 2011 to
be a very exciting year with more and more
companies developing their own solution or
looking to partner with a company having
proven track record in the marketplace.
Visit our site at www.redtailtelematics.com/VAM to learn
more about our products
and services or to request
free demo units. <<
REDTAIL Telematics
VAM is a global automotive GPS tracking
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE865-Quad is competitively priced,
full featured with a small footprint and
has been in large scale production
providing a stable, global platform.
rack and locate
Small form-factor
Over-the-air updates
Journey buffering
GPS jamming/tamper protection
Vehicle status engine detection
Motion sensor (3-axis accelerometer)
Internal GSM/GPS antenna (external optional)
• Comprehensive software development kit (SDK)
The invaluable partnership with Telit has provided us
with excellent opportunities for further development
and strong market position.
Andrey Bondarenko, CEO
It is based on state-of-the-industry technologies and helps optimize transportation processes, control location and fuel consumption,
prevent non-authorized vehicle usage, while
also improving safety for both driver and
>> TechnoKom is a company focused on research, design, development, and production
of electronic devices for various applications.
With over 17 years of experience, it is currently one of the leading vehicle tracking device
and software manufacturers in Russia. The
TechnoKom dealer network covers over 95%
of the regions in Russia with a number of representatives abroad.
designed to provide a professional-grade, safe
and flexible vehicle tracking solution for a wide
range of customers with different needs and
application opportunities.
The product is equipped with the Telit GE 864QUAD module which is a perfect platform for
medium-to-high-volume m2m devices and
Automatic vehicle location is a powerful
concept when managing fleets of vehicles
such as service, emergency, public
(buses and trains) and personal
transport, water and rail transport,
agricultural and building machinery,
aviation, etc. The AutoGRAPH-GSM+
can also be used to track mobile assets, such as non-wheeled construction equipment, non-motorized trailers, and mobile power generators. FACTS
TechnoKom Ltd.
TechnoKom has caused a great deal of impact
in navigation development so far and will continue working to leverage its relationship with
AutoGRAPH-GSM+ / Mobile: AVL and Personal Tracking
In 2010 TechnoKom introduced a new product line – the AutoGRAPH-Mobile – for personal monitoring. The core of this compact,
stylish and durable device is comprised of a
high-throughput ARM processor, a sensitive
GPS-receiver, and the exceptional Telit GE865QUAD GSM-modem.
TechnoKom selected Telit’s GE864-QUAD
and GE865-QUAD because of their high level of functionality, durability, excellent
performance, good technical support, and pricing.
The field of application is wide: for on-duty
employee tracking on large enterprise campuses, as an elderly and child control device
with an alarm button and 2-way voice-connection capability over GSM, for autonomous
asset tracking, and as a device for a variety of
security needs. Its built-in data logger records
up to 270,000 track-points and events. Set an
AutoGRAPH geofence function and you can
be alerted when your children arrive at or
leave school, or when they get into dangerous
areas. Geofencing is also an invaluable tool
for employers to control staff movements
monitoring effectiveness of the workforce
while they are on payroll clock. <<
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
• Real-time vehicle tracking and monitoring
• Alerting, collection and reporting of local external events
• Internal data logger with 270,000 records
• Easy configuration via SMS/GPRS/USB
• Full 2-way voice and text-messaging
communication interface
• CAN (SAE J1939 / FMS) / RS-485 / 1-Wire
• Programmable analog and digital inputs
• Fuel consumption and fuel tank level
• Monitoring and control of auxiliary vehicle equipment and sensors
We appreciated Telit’s technical support which significantly reduced our product development time.
Mark Hu, Vice President
Wonde Proud Technology
>> Wonde Proud Technology specializes in
designing the most advanced, integrated,
and user-friendly GPS devices. Our products have been widely used in commercial
and military markets, where reliability and
stability are top concerns. Over the past
years, we have registered a number of patents and intellectual property disclosures
giving us a competitive edge in this vigorous
Wonde Proud teamed up with Telit to develop
the most advanced portable GPS tracking device featuring ultra-low power consumption,
superior GPS/GSM reception, and an IP67- rated waterproof compact-size enclosure. This
portable tracking device can be easily attached
under any vehicle thanks to extra-strong magnets while a tamper-detection switch equipping it activates sending an alarm report should
the device be removed from the vehicle.
Thanks to Telit’s high sensitivity GSM/GPRS
modem, the GE864, this portable tracking
device is able to operate in any environment
especially under poor GSM
reception conditions. We received not only outstanding
hardware but also strong
and seamless technical support from Telit during the product development
period which significantly reduced our time-to-market,
maintaining our competitive advantage.
We strongly believe that this
portable tracking device will
soon become an industry leader as customers
begin to reap the benefits from its high performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness as a
GPS solution. <<
Device name: M7 (GPS Portable Magnetic
Tracker). The M7 is a portable GPS Tracking
device compact in size, easily mounted (or
hidden) through magnetic installation to
any metal part of a vehicle. With superior
GPS and GSM/GPRS modules on board,
ultra-low standby power consumption,
and IP67-rated water proof enclosure for
outdoor environment the M7 represents
the best choice for your GPS vehicle
tracking application for its reliability,
convenience, and flexibility.
Which Telit module
do you use and why?
The GE864-QUAD band, good cost-performance rating
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ata communication via SMS/GPRS/UDP/TCP
• Device detached tamper alert
• Motion report
• Roaming preference setting
• Low battery level alert
• Power management setting
• Tracking by voice call
• Installation in seconds
• Up to 3 years of standby time
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TELITExpert talk
Shaping Europe’s Digital Future
Interview with Robert Madelin, Director-General for the Information Society and Media, European Commission
telit2market: Research for Information
Communication Technologies takes up the
single largest portion (over € 9bn) of the EU’s
“Seventh Framework Programme for Research”
(2006-2013). What have been the main
research achievements in the area of m2m in
the past few years?
Madelin: More interaction requires innovative architectures, mechanisms, and protocols, all of which increase the number of
applications envisioned for m2m communication but also provide the opportunity for
the use of resources more efficiently.
In particular, great achievements have been
accomplished in interoperability. Sensors are
able to communicate with more devices on
wireless networks and we are aiming to connect some 70 billion machines to wireless
networks, whereas only 1% of these are connected today. These achievements will drive
the m2m market and will encourage the
development of smart systems.
t2m: Can you tell us something about current
research projects in the m2m space?
Madelin: Our current flagship projects in
m2m are SENSEI (€15 million of EU contribution), EXALTED (€7.4 million), and LOLA (€2.6
million). SENSEI provides the necessary network and information management services
to enable reliable and accurate context information retrieval and interaction with the
physical environment. EXALTED works on
TELITExpert talk
energy efficient means to convey information. Both should enable more accurate interactions with the physical environment
and embed m2m communications into the
Long Term Evolution (LTE) infrastructure. As
for LOLA, the project focuses on access-layer
technologies to develop low latency communications for a set of applications ranging
from m2m to gaming services.
t2m: Equally important to technology is the
legislative framework for ICT. What were the
most important regulations revolving around
m2m? Which important laws are currently being processed?
Madelin: Regulation must be as dynamic
as ICT innovation. For instance, in 2011, the
Commission will review its decision on shortrange devices for the fourth time since 2006 to
ensure that spectrum regulation can keep
pace with the technology developments in
this area. This is a necessary move to ensure
that access to the radio spectrum, which is so
important for many m2m applications, is
guaranteed throughout Europe’s single internal market.
We also need to ensure that industry works to
build equipment that can be operated everywhere in the EU. For example in 2006, the
Commission set common frequencies for
RFID applications. As a result, the global equipment manufacturing sector clearly oriented
itself towards European customers and standards developing an RFID transponder that
could be operated not only in the EU but also
in Asia and the United States.
t2m: One goal of your directorate is to promote
wider use of technology. Do you have further
means to achieve this goal besides regulations?
Madelin: The wider use of technology is a
key to a smarter way to live and work, so it is
indeed one of our main goals. We want to
make every European digital. This implies
having services and applications that better
suit the needs and expectations of users,
whether they be citizens or businesses, and
that those users feel safe and comfortable
with them. That is why in addition to our
legislative proposals and regulatory role, the
Commission is rolling out and fostering
investments in ICT research.
An essential element of the Digital Agenda for
Europe is that the strategic use of pre-commercial procurement should help leverage
more private investment. We are investing €1
billion of EU funds in six ICT-related publicprivate partnerships which we hope will attract about €2 billion of private spending. By
increasing the ICT R&D budget, we will create
more opportunities for European knowledge
institutions. We will also reduce paperwork to
help give young researchers and small and
medium-sized companies easier and quicker
information and access to EU research funds
in the ICT.
These are incentives and signals we want to
send to the market to help establish European
t2m: How do you rate the European m2m market compared to other regions in the world?
Where does Europe have a leading position,
where does it need to catch up?
Madelin: Europe certainly is leading the
m2m market. The orientation of m2m deployments towards consumers is a very important factor in this regard. m2m market
growth is mainly driven by large corporations and in order to remain globally competitive, these companies must seek creative
ways to cut costs and optimize productivity.
In addition, new regulations at EU level are
needed to seize the colossal opportunity generated by m2m technologies. In this respect, it
is worth mentioning the e-call regulation. It
requires all new vehicles to be equipped with
the m2m technology that will roll out an invehicle emergency call system across the EU.
We also have the Directive that encourages the
implementation of smart meters for energy
distributors. There are many other well-known
examples of projects in Europe like Germany’s
truck road charging system, London’s congestion charging system, and Italy’s car telematics solutions which allow insurance companies to match their offerings to the way
vehicles are actually being used.
t2m: One item of the mission of DG INFSO
is to represent the European Commission in
international dialogue and negotiations with
regards to ICT, and to promote international
cooperation in ICT research and development.
Which international organizations do you
Robert Madelin became DirectorGeneral for the Information Society and
Media at the European Commission in
April 2010. Born in 1957, a British civil
servant since 1979, Robert has served
in the Commission since 1993: as
Director General for Health and Consumer Policies from 2004 to 2010, as a
Director in DG Trade, and in the Cabinet
of Sir Leon (now Lord) Brittan, European
Commission Vice-President. Madelin
was educated in England at the Royal
Grammar School, High Wycombe and
at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he
graduated as Bachelor of Arts (Honours: First Class) in Modern History
and Modern languages, 1979. He has
also studied at the Ecole Nationale
d’Administration in Paris.
cooperate with and what are the main topics
in this area?
Madelin: We collaborate with the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) when
it comes to the availability and use of radio
spectrum, numbering resources or international standards. And in addition the ICANN,
and so many others are also very valuable
partners. The Commission was also strongly
involved in the World Summit on Information Society. We have very good bilateral
contacts with individual countries. We cooperate with the United States in many areas
including those of Cyber Security or Cloud
Computing, the Internet of Things with
China; Green IT, Energy Efficiency or Information Grand Voyage with Japan, etc.
When it comes to research and development,
organizations from countries outside Europe
can take part in the EU’s 7th R&D Framework
TELITExpert talk
Today Europeans have each more
da’s goal to harness
Programme, which
the potential of ICT
includes the ICT Pro- than 14 devices at home waiting
to boost prosperity
gramme and impor- to be connected.
and improve people’s
tant activities in the
quality of life.
area of eInfrastructures. International
organizations can also – and actually do – The Digital Agenda for Europe is really comparticipate in research projects. We cooper- mitted to help these technologies to work
ate closely with regional organizations (e.g. seamlessly across the EU for the benefit of
the African Union) and several non-Europe- all. This is a challenge, but a contribution to
an countries as well, in particular those the future of healthcare is definitely worthwhich have signed Science and Technology while. I therefore intend to capitalize on my
previous experience in SANCO and to foster
Agreements with the European Union.
innovation in the health domain.
t2m: eHealth has become a highly visible subject. Healthcare systems in Europe, however, t2m: m2m is often seen as the enabler of the
are very heterogeneous, as a result of national “Internet of Things”. What are, in your opinion,
structures that have evolved over time. How the main drivers and challenges for the Interstrong is the influence of the European Com- net of Things?
mission in this area? Can you create synergies
from experiences you gained during your Madelin: Today Europeans have each more
recent assignment at DG SANCO (Directorate than 14 devices at home waiting to be conGeneral for Health and Consumer Affairs)?
nected. If we assume that by 2020 around
half of the world population will have the
Madelin: I am awe struck by ICT and health same number of devices, we can imagine
synergies, which go well beyond IT use in around 50 billion devices with embedded
health care extending into areas like compu- connectivity! For me, there is no question
tational biotechnology, Virtual Reality as a that the revolution of the Internet of Things
tool for mental well being, smart phones as a is already well underway.
vehicle for health promotion and health
However, there are many challenges to overcome to make the Internet of Things a reality.
For instance, online medical consultations Firstly, today’s technical solutions are highly
and portable devices that monitor the health fragmented and usually dedicated to a single
of people suffering from chronic disease and application, such as fleet management or medisabilities have the potential to offer a free- ter reading. Second, the variety of different
dom of movement that patients have never technical solutions tends to slow the growth
enjoyed before. In practical terms, eHealth
can minimize the risk of medical errors and
help the early detection of health problems.
ePrescriptions can reduce errors in drugs
dosage by 15%.
Luckily the IT and Health parts of the Commission have already been cooperating for
years and will continue to do so. In particular, in 2011 we will launch the European
Innovation Partnership, which will seek to
meet three goals: to improve the health and
quality of life of older people, enabling them
to live active and independent lives; to contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of
health and social care systems; and to foster
competitiveness and business opportunities. This corresponds with the Digital Agen-
of the m2m market. Third, the lack of standardization is hampering the removal of
technical barriers as well as the interoperability of m2m services and networks. And
last but not least, security and privacy issues
need to be addressed properly.
t2m: Which privacy and security challenges do
you expect in a world of smart and connected
objects? What is DG INFSO doing to meet these
Madelin: Traditionally, we are used to deciding ourselves when we communicate or
disclose our personal data to someone else.
The Internet of Things will change that: When
smart connected objects communicate with
each other, they do that on behalf of humans,
but often without a human having initiating
the conversation. Some of the information
these objects exchange is personal data and
the increasingly “smart” environment will
considerably increase the possibility for
information about people to be collected, exchanged and processed. Furthermore, it will
multiply the possibilities for automated decisions, thus requiring careful design to ensure
that we maintain adequate ‘control’ for those
who are affected by these decisions.
We need to devise strategies to build trust
and acceptance in the public at the same time
as we develop the connected environment
itself. This approach is often referred to as
‘Privacy by Design’. As part of this strategy, I
believe that Privacy Impact Assessments
(PIAs) will become crucial tools, not only
about isolated applications but in the more
general context of the networks in which
these applications operate. Incidentally, the
Privacy Impact Assessment framework that
is currently developed by the European
industry for RFID could be used as a good
model for future PIAs. Another element
of the ‘Privacy by Design’ strategy is the use
of technologies which support privacy and
security of the new systems, privacy enhancing technologies or PETs. This may include
complex identity management systems, based
on interoperability identification and authentication, encryption systems to avoid unauthorized access or modification of data, etc.
TELITExpert talk
new trends
of the automotive
law in brazil
Antonio Calmon and Flavio Sakai
And with respect to security, besides the
current problems like SPAM, DoS attacks,
identity theft or viruses, it is likely that new
issues will gain importance as the Internet
of Things unfolds. We have recently set up
an expert group on the Internet of Things to
advise the Commission on the critical issues,
such as data confidentiality, availability of
services, accountability and legal liability.
t2m: What is your vision for a future in which
all things are connected via the Internet?
Madelin: This is a difficult question because
nobody today, I believe, can claim to have a
definitive answer to it. Each country or region
seems to have its own vision of the emerging
Internet of Things – whether they use that
phrase or neighbouring concepts such as
Ubiquitous Computing or Ambient Intelligence. The expert group that has been tasked
with advising the Commission on the Internet of Things will certainly provide useful
guidance to bring coherence and clarity.
I hope that the Internet of Things will develop
as an open and comprehensive network of
intelligent objects with the capacity to selforganize; to share information, data, and
resources; and to act and react in face of situations and changes in the environment. We
cannot be indifferent to such an evolution
where objects are endowed with the ability to
become subjects. <<
For over three years, the automotive sector
Brazil has waited for the implementation
of Resolution No. 245 of Contran (National
Transit Council), which requires the mandatory use of anti-theft devices in new cars.
Currently on final implementation, the New
Automotive Law has mobilized major organizations related to Brazilian traffic regulations
– such as Denatran (National Transit Department) – monitoring companies, risk managers, automakers and telecommunications
operators. To get a better understanding
of this situation, telit2market spoke with Antonio Calmon, who coordinated the project
TELITExpert talk
within the National Traffic Department.
As an electronics engineer with extensive
experience in telecommunications and semiconductors, Calmon works as market consultant now. Included in this conversation is
Flavio Sakai, representative of SINDIPEÇAS for
this legislation specific project – an entity that
also has been active in the protocol model
m2m communication that should be adopted
with the new regulation. During the meeting,
both commented on the trajectory traveled
to meet the new standard, including the compliance of the automotive industry and the
participation of Telecommunications companies in the provision of services.
t2m: Mr. Calmon, what is the goal of the new
Brazilian automotive Resolution Law?
Antonio Calmon: The main objective is to
adopt an anti-theft device to prevent vehicle
theft. There are two important areas: Electronic Vehicle Identification, and another that
is capable of supporting the location and cars
t2m: How were the services for tracking of
vehicles before the new Resolution?
Antonio Calmon: Until then we only had the
aftermarket, where the vehicle owner have to
go to an accessory store to buy automotive
products such as car sound systems and
alarm, and buy a non certified tracking device
homologated by Anatel. Each equipment
manufacturer had its own specification. This
culminated in the creation of a new standard
for protocol communication between devices
called ACP245 (Application Communication
Protocol). After the introduction of the new
Resolution, the customer can select any other
communication protocol (tied to a specific
equipment manufacturer) that provide other
services, he will have total freedom, but the
original protocol – the ACP245 – will be on file
to provide total transparency and interoperability.
t2m: Mr. Sakai, what has had the greatest
impact from the new law with respect to
telemetry and telematics?
Flavio Sakai: With the publication of the new
Resolution, in August 2007, we immediately
evaluated the existing technologies. In September of that year, SINDIPEÇAS began the
discussions with automakers. Some acted
quickly, others took a little more time and
started from the middle of 2008 forward.
t2m: And what consequences are there for the
m2m market?
Antonio Calmon: I see four service areas. The
first involves the automakers and the monitoring companies regarding the security of
new cars. Another relates to the insurance
companies. Currently, the level of recovery of
the insurance companies is up to 90% on cars
equipped with a crawler, making the risk of
the insurer drop dramatically. Moreover, can
have access to profile of drivers and know how
their customers are driving.
A third area includes the financial statements.
With the new Resolution, the market of
tracking devices will include low cost vehicles
and a great change in the number of tracked
vehicles. With Resolution 245, the cost of
equipment for the financing and insurance
companies has disappeared and a whole new
model can be implemented. Therefore, tracking can happen in 100% of the fleet. There is
the great possibility of even motorcycles being
tracked and recovered. Finally, the fourth largest market, of course, is the car owner, who
would benefit from a new set of services that
goes from, what I like to call the Guardian
Angel, which could be used in the case of a flat
tire, a dead battery, and in other similar situations, up to remote diagnosis of the vehicle.
Locating the vehicle position and sending
assistance could occur at the same instant.
Those features could be easily achieved at a
fair price, costing around five dollars to ten
dollars each per month to the end user.
The main objective is to adopt
an anti-theft device standard to
reduce vehicle theft.
Flavio Sakai: The type of monitoring (how to
drive, where you drive) required by these
possible services has been questioned because some people are sometimes afraid of
such a discussion. However, in the long term,
I believe that all this will be beneficial and
may improve driver education and behavior.
As a consequence, when purchasing new
insurance, the driver can no longer declare a
profile type and continue driving in a totally
different way.
t2m: How was the issue related to the invasion
of privacy by the Wireless telephony operators
Antonio Calmon: Under the Anatel rules,
the user is the one who chooses the provider
of cellular telephone service. A committee
with all the module/SIM cards manufacturers and Wireless Carriers was created, where
we discussed the introduction of the SIM
245. It is a SIMCard configured to the National Traffic Department DENATRAN Telecom
service, preventing the person from being
screened. It has no Telecom Carrier configured and can remotely configure up to 30
Cellular operators. The leaders of the project
have decided to not include carriers’ functionalities in specification of the device.
Soon all cars will come out with the SIM245.
We have been able to get a unique and open
solution for acquiring services from local
Telecom Carriers, which has put an end
to the dependence on a specific Telecom
service provider.
TELITExpert talk
have been waiting for almost three years
for the viability of the new Resolution. Will the
legislation actually be implemented?
t2m: What were the main problems you faced
when designing this project?
Flavio Sakai: We do a detailed evaluation
of all the possible failures of a particular
product, along with the provider service. An
example of our thoroughness is that one risk
analysis of some pages, turned into one of
some hundred pages. The product/system
specification has some thousand pages. In the
beginning we had some concerns, but during
the development and discussions in which we
had some successes and some good ideas, we
were able to carry out a comprehensive and
thorough analysis as well. All this required an
investment of about $ 200 million on the part
t2m: How is the chain of risk through this new
Antonio Calmon: As required by the new
Resolution, the system must be robust enough
to trace all parts of communication and store
all pieces of the process. If something goes
wrong in the system, everything related to
that event will be recorded, such as location,
vehicle status, communication status, voice
messages, timestamp, etc. This reduces the
risk of system failure since all modules have
intelligence and autonomy. For example,
if somebody tries to steal a parked car, the
antitheft equipment will not depend on the
service provider to take control of that situation because there are other means for a car
to be automatically blocked.
t2m: How was the blocking function, defined
by DENATRAN, implemented by the equipment manufacturers?
Flavio Sakai: The format of this blocking
will occur according to the specification or
determination of each Vehicle Manufacturer.
However, in some risky conditions, the
“autonomous blocking” defined by Denatran
may also be used.
Antonio Calmon: We have created two different blocking methods. The “autonomous” one
is for vehicle theft. In this case, when someone try to invade and breaks the protection
strategy of a car, the antitheft equipment will
automatically block the vehicle. Only the car
owner is able to re activate it. In the case of
robbery, you can call the service provider
number and ask to block your vehicle. If the
thief tries to remove the antitheft equipment,
the vehicle will be automatically blocked. The
remote mode allows the service provider to
safely perform a vehicle blocking.
Flavio Sakai: SINDIPEÇAS works in a very
transparent way with their members. As we
follow the question closely, ANFAVEA (Vehicle
Manufacturers Association) also declares that
it cares about deploying the system in a
secure manner. Today the available system
has reached a feasible level of development
for it to be released. There was a slight delay
due to the presidential elections, but now,
with all the new governmental structures set,
everything indicates that the new law will go
into effect. There is a system almost ready,
needing only part of the infrastructure. All
the groups that participated in the project
and invested efforts during the last 3 years
are ready.
Antonio Calmon: In my opinion, the chance
that Resolution 245 does not happen is almost
zero mostly because of the huge investments
made by all segments of the industry.
t2m: What if the theft occurs with the usage of
a Jammer device (an illegal block that prevents
communication with the monitoring station)?
Flavio Henrique Sakai
Antonio Calmon: The car is blocked if
equipped with the anti jamming functionality. The moment the thief stops the car, the
vehicle will no longer start.
Flavio Sakai: In the American market, some
manufacturers have developed a command
that determines the reduction of speed and
the subsequent blocking of the vehicle in the
cases of theft or robbery.
t2m: Given the good prospects that the m2m
market will have a substantial growth in the
short and medium term, many companies
have made huge investments in the sector and
• Married, 2 kids, 46 years
• Graduate in Telecomunication
Engineer in USP/SP in 1986
• Worked in different roles at
Siemens (HW developer, Product
Engineer, Project Manager,
Business Developer) from 1987 e
2001 Joint Siemens VDO in 2004,
becoming Development Engineering
team manager.
• Nowadays he is responsible for the
Business Unit Infotainment and
Connectivity, at Continental Brazil.
TELITExpert talk
Possibly what can still be debated is the date
of the 100% adoption percentage, established
t2m: The Resolution helps to reduce the number of robberies and thefts, but apparently
there will be a great number of added services
to the device. How much benefit does this
represent to the user?
Antonio Sergio Calmon
• Consultant at Kaitech Consulting
• Electronic Engineer, Master in
International Management By
Thunderbird School of Global
Management, Glendale, AZ, USA.
• From May 2008 to May 2010, was
the General Coordinator for
Normative and Strategy Policies
at Denatran, being responsible for
2 important policies, SIMRAV (or
Automotive Law) and SINIAV
(electronic tag).
• Had experience for 15 year in the
telecommunications and semiconductor at Motorola and Freescale
as General Director for 8 years
Antonio Calmon: Services are going to be
just a consequence of the installation of the
antitheft device. If you think about protection devices for vehicle, the automakers
are already investing and installing a series of
new devices in vehicles targeting security, but
if we take a look into the average figures of
vehicle thefts and robberies from the past
five years, we will easily realize that there is
no big change in the curve trend. Almost four
hundred thousand vehicles are stolen every
year in Brazil. This is equivalent to the total
production of several automakers producing
vehicles in Brazil. The losses in this area easily
surpass five billion dollars. Therefore many
aspects of the country losses in the stolen
vehicles and cargo should be taken into
account for an appropriate solution.
t2m: Is there a similar Resolution in other
Antonio Calmon: In Mexico City there was a
similar Resolution which failed because it was
not managed appropriately. It was managed
by private companies including a Telecom
carrier. In Brazil, according to resolution, it
is forbidden for a telecom company to participate in the monitoring service. Russia is
implementing a similar program called ERAGlonass that will be mandatory for all cars
from 2012 on.
The antitheft device designed in Brazil is similar and in most cases superior to similar
devices produced around the world. They were
The system is almost ready,
needing only the infrastructure.
All the investors in the service
area are ready.
designed under the sever specification of the
auto industry and this fact makes the Brazilian device one of the most secure equipment
of the world. One big advantage that the Resolution brings is the ability of Brazil to be a
world leader in a very important technology.
t2m: Will this impact other countries?
Antonio Calmon: Absolutely, I think this
is the beginning of several new applications.
The European e-Call is a good example. The
implementation of this system has been successively postponed and I believe that Brazil
can contribute to this important application.
After the beginning of the massive installation of the antitheft device, the country will
be ready to quickly move into the safety
t2m: Will this project be a driver for other m2m
applications that are growing in Brazil?
Antonio Calmon: I see many m2m applications. What I would first see is that you have
an integration of antitheft device with navigation systems, which may impact the routing
algorithms and have several different routes
to the same place with online traffic feedback.
The usage of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and ZigBee as
a second technology to the device, in order
to implement an environment without wires
inside the car, we will enable Internet and
entertainment services in a car. The evolution
of those devices has no limit, and I see a great
opportunity for the m2m market. <<
TELITExpert talk
Teaching and Researching M2M
Interview with Prof. Axel Sikora, Head of the Information Technology Department,
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Germany
t2m: What areas in the domain of m2m are
currently being intensively researched; and
which promise particularly revealing findings?
Sikora: The various areas of application
touched by m2m are associated with a multitude of tasks and challenges. These range
from the ultra-energy-efficient or even selfsufficient connectivity of sensor nodes and
the autonomous management of scalable
and adaptive networks to issues of security
and safety.
There are a great number of ideas and solutions for these topics, but there are still many
questions to be answered to achieve simple,
inexpensive and autonomous m2m commu-
DHBW Loerrach
nication between systems with completely
open and interoperable interfaces.
t2m: Analysts forecast that the m2m industry
will experience tremendous growth over the
next years. Are universities prepared for this
Sikora: We believe this to be a rather ambivalent situation. Many of my colleagues at
universities throughout Europe focus on the
issue of m2m, looking at both its economic
and technical aspects. So from my point of
view, m2m has arrived at Europe’s universities. On the other hand, we are realizing that
acceptance among students isn’t as great as
we might wish it to be. Very often, consumer
TELITExpert talk
electronics with colorful multi-media technology appears much more exciting and
therefore more attractive to students.
t2m: Besides strong technical expertise, you
also have an in-depth knowledge in Economy
and Markets thanks in part to a degree you
hold in economics. How important is a basic
understanding of economics for researchers in
this field?
Sikora: Economic framework conditions are a
fundamental requirement for any technical
innovation that turns inventions into usable
technologies and products. This aspect is particularly true for m2m innovations, since in
most cases the task is to optimize work processes and work flows that are distributed
over a wide area. Since the optimization of
these processes is often very dependent on
the accompanying technical conditions, close
collaboration is needed between the technical and economic specialists.
t2m: What factors are crucial for making
m2m technology innovation economically
Sikora: The fundamental balance of effort
and benefit needs to be maintained. In other
words, communication between spatially discrete nodes must first and foremost deliver a
real benefit. Secondly, the outlay involved
must of course be smaller than the attainable
benefit. And this outlay is described as the
total cost of ownership including all cost
elements, i.e. not just hardware, software and
installation, but also costs associated with
maintenance, energy, battery changes and
communication fees.
t2m: At your Steinbeis Transfer Centre for
Embedded Design and Networking, you are
working on translating the results of your
research into practical solutions. Are there
any examples of particularly successful commercialization?
Sikora: With our team of 15 experienced
engineers, we have been working for almost
a decade with cooperation partners at our
Transfer Center to create solutions based on
embedded systems. We take care of the communication issues, so that our partners are
able to focus on their actual applications. We
already have a variety of successful projects
under our belt. Our own embedded Internet
stack, which we call emBetter, is particularly
important for us. It features tremendous scalability, simple operation and SSL/TLS security
modules. This stack is already in use in one of
the health-card readers certified by gematik.
In the context of other projects, we have
developed our own wireless M-Bus stack for
use in remote meter reading. This is currently
enjoying significant demand and is helping
us better understand the many day-to-day
Prof. Dr. Axel Sikora is head of the IT department at the
Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Lörrach (DHBW Lörrach). He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering with a thesis on SOI-technologies and a
diploma in Business Administration.
suites, including the generic
and extremely flexible emBetter TCP/IP-protocol stack
as well as a very up-to-date
Wireless M-Bus stack.
In 2002, he founded the Steinbeis-Transfer Centre for
Embedded Design and Networking (stzedn), which is
active as a design center, offering training, consulting,
project and product implementations. The center also
develops work on standard communication protocol
Dr. Sikora is author, co-author, editor and co-editor of
several textbooks and numerous papers in the field of
embedded design and wireless and wired networking. He
is reviewer to many journals and co-organizer of various
conferences and workshops.
TELITExpert talk
challenges of major m2m applications in
greater detail and develop customized solutions for them.
t2m: When it comes to road traffic safety, at
the moment everybody is talking about Europe’s automated emergency call system eCall.
You take the next step and that leads to the use
of m2m technology to make pedestrians’ lives
safer – with the key word being Car2VRU* communication. What is the principle behind this
technology and what is its status?
we want to counteract the lack of skilled newcomers to the MINT subjects (Mathematics,
Informatics, Natural sciences and Technology)
on a regional level. Far too many prospective
students are still under the impression that
engineers tinker about on their own in their
laboratories as portrayed by Walt Disney’s
Gyro Gearloose. We definitely need more of
Gyro Gearloose’s excellent ideas, but he would
have no present hope of success with his way
of working. <<
*VRU – vulnerable road user
Sikora: eCall is certainly on everyone’s lips,
but scarcely in anyone’s car yet. For me, eCall
is a perfect example of how the economic,
political and organizational conditions of
European diversity can hinder the use of an
architecture that is not all that complex from
a technical perspective. Our approach, involving communication between pedestrians and
cars, is however to be regarded more as an
addition to developments in car-to-car (C2C)
communication. These projects involve the
development of combined communication
and location systems that are intended to
improve mutual sensing between cars and
pedestrians. These systems allow the reliability
and accuracy of imaging systems already in
use to be increased markedly. We are working
in this regard within the initiative sponsored
by the German Ministry of Economics known
as the “Cooperative Driver Assistance Systems” (KoFAS) alongside other key partners
from the automotive industry and academia.
t2m: As part of the “phaenovum” initiative,
you are involved with students of tomorrow
and beyond. The pupil research network, cofinanced by the EU, is intended to inspire, motivate, and educate children and youth between
4 and 19 years of age with regard to science
and technology. What encouragement are you
able to offer these young people?
Sikora: The phaenovum initiative is part of a
fantastic project, a pupil research centre, that
has been created as a training and also interdisciplinary network in a fruitful symbiosis
of the public sector and private companies.
The aim is to inspire young people about
technology and science, and to show them
how much fun it is to work in a stimulating
environment with other open-minded people creating solutions together. By doing this,
The aim is to inspire young people
about technology and science
TELITExpert talk
Trend towards highly specific,
customized solutions
Interview with Dr. Roman Friedrich, Vice President Booz & Co. GmbH
can now be implemented at low cost and the
required m2m eco-system of service providers, software developers, network operators
and hardware manufacturers is up and
running. We predict that in around five years
the global market volume will be somewhere
in the region of US$ 19 billion. For network
operators in particular, m2m has once
again become a hot topic. This is primarily
a result of the operators’ new approach
of covering the m2m value-added
chain via partnerships rather than
doing everything themselves.
t2m: In the past, forecasts for the growth of
the m2m market have often been laden with
substantial amount of hype. How do you view
the current situation?
Friedrich: The situation has improved markedly. All of the requirements are now in place
for the market to develop at a rapid pace. The
strong trend towards digitization and the
demand for cost reduction are present in
virtually every industry. m2m applications
t2m: If you look at the entire m2m
value-added chain, in what areas do
you expect to see strongest growth?
Friedrich: We expect the strongest
growth to come from the services
sector, and here in particular in the
field of Business Service Providers.
Network providers have learned in
recent years that high margins can be
realized if intelligent partnerships are
forged instead of trying to cover the
entire value chain on their own. Collaboration with service providers such as
Jasper; hardware and software suppliers; and
systems integrators will be indispensable.
Network providers that are able to rely on
internal systems integrators are clearly at an
advantage because they are able to offer two
important components – project management and connectivity – themselves. However,
collaboration with other players in the m2m
eco-system will be unavoidable if they are to
be able to offer low-cost, efficient solutions to
industry and service providers.
t2m: And what sectors will experience the
greatest changes in the short term as a result
of the application of m2m?
Friedrich: We mainly see the biggest changes
occurring in four areas. Innovative telematics
and safety applications will make inroads
into the automotive industry. Healthcare will
TELITExpert talk
progress at speed, espebenefit greatly from In the short term, the m2m
cially via mobile means;
telediagnostics and landscape is not likely
and in the services secremote patient monto undergo consolidation.
tor: consumers will in
itoring technologies.
the future perceive the
Other industries are
smartphone as their
without doubt energy
supply (key theme: ‘smart metering’) and main communication device in the widest
sense of the definition. Since around 75
consumer electronics.
million smartphones were sold in Western
These are also areas towards which network Europe last year, we anticipate that the
operators in Europe and North America have volume will double over the next five years.
turned the most attention to. Although This will naturally lead to a considerable
operators try to implement their solutions growth in mobile data traffic – predicted to
across all industries, or in some cases follow a be around 60 per cent by 2015.
more horizontal strategy and – like Telenor
for example – have specialized in the devel- t2m: And what about the industrial sector?
opment of software components that have a What developments harbor the greatest potenconsiderably wider range of applications, the tial here for additional telecommunications
majority of providers rely on vertical spe- business?
cialization and ‘set their sights’ on certain
industries through suitable partnerships. Friedrich: Our industrial businesses are
All in all, we are seeing a trend towards high- merely at the start of the digitization process.
A variety of procedures need to be migrated
ly specific, customized solutions.
from analogue to digital. This will result in a
t2m: The m2m landscape is characterized in massive increase in efficiency for the indusmost industries by relatively small companies. try, and with it significant business potential
Do you expect this trend to continue, or is the for the extended telecommunications indusindustry about to see more mergers and acqui- try. Here too, mobile data traffic will play
a very central role – with a revenue growth
rate of approx. 60% over the next five years
Friedrich: In the short term, the m2m land- we expect the Global data market volume to
scape is not likely to undergo consolidation. In reach US$ 400 billion in 2015.
the early phases of the market development,
the number of providers will ensure strong t2m: You commute between your offices in
innovation and market development, includ- Düsseldorf and Stockholm. Can you please tell
ing in niche segments. It is only when the us the differences you notice between the m2m
market matures properly that larger compa- markets in Central Europe (Germany) and
nies acquiring smaller ones will become Scandinavia (Sweden)? What do you attribute
commonplace. Then larger companies will these differences to?
do this because they want to obtain the skills
necessary for quick success on the m2m Friedrich: Northern Europe is already somewhat further ahead in terms of development.
The earlier maturity of the telecommunicat2m: The telecommunications industry is tions market coupled with greater openness
reaching the limits of its capabilities within its to technical innovations have led to greater
traditional business model. Do you see trends dynamism in Northern Europe, including in
in the private client sector that might open up the m2m sector. It is possible that the size of
this region has also helped to encourage a
new areas of business?
search for creative, i.e. m2m-based solutions
Friedrich: The telecommunications industry for bringing prosperity to isolated parts of
will certainly be unable to achieve any more the country. Countries such as Norway, that
growth in the field of voice services. On the have only a very sparse population over large
other hand, there are massive opportunities areas of their territories recognized the
for growth in the data sector – both through advantages of telemedicine very early on,
simple data transport, which will continue to encouraged these initiatives, and are now
pioneers with regard to the use of m2m solutions in remote patient monitoring and
remote diagnosis. The European Commission
has launched its own project that will test
and possibly introduce similar “competitive
healthcare services” in the countries of
Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the
United Kingdom. <<
Booz & Company Partner Roman
Friedrich specializes in strategic
transformation in fixed-line, convergent,
and mobile communications; sales
and marketing; new company buildup support; program management;
technology-based transformation; and
wargaming. Based in Düsseldorf and
Stockholm, Dr. Friedrich’s geographic
focus extends throughout northwest
and continental Europe, where he is
a recognized thought leader in telecommunications strategy, commercial
strategies, and operations and performance improvement for communications and technology clients. He is
leading the Communications, Media &
Technology Practice of Booz & Company
in Europe.
Prior to joining the firm, he worked as
a scientist in the field of theoretical
elementary particle physics at the
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
and the University of Tübingen. Dr.
Friedrich earned a PhD in physics from
University of Tübingen and a diploma
from Technical University of Darmstadt.
Magneti Marelli holistic vision
for Sustainable Mobility
Paola Carrea, Telematics Director
Lucia Locuratolo, Program Manager,
Sustainable Mobility Program,
Magneti Marelli S.p.A.
>> Magneti Marelli is an international
group, leader in design and production of
advanced systems and components for the
automotive industry, with headquarters
in Italy.
Inside its mission as automotive equipment
suppliers at the global level, Magneti Marelli
aims to conjugate quality and competitive
products, technology and flexibility, with
the objective of making key technologies
available at affordable prices for the end consumer. Magneti Marelli aims to enhance,
within a constant innovation process, its
expertise and electronics cross-competencies
in order to develop intelligent systems and
solutions that contribute to the mobility
evolution heeding criteria of environmental
sustainability, safety and quality of life
inside vehicles.
Magneti Marelli is working at international
level within the intelligent transportation
systems (ITS) space to help define a mobility
ecosystem. Starting from its core competencies in electronics and automotive information technology, Marelli is promoting
partnerships for an integrated development
with the aim of offering a complete solution
from hardware to services, and also developing competence in new business models that
have to be associated to this ecosystem.
Thanks to modern telematics and networking
technologies and to the integration of the
vehicle electronics systems with central infrastructures and service providers, the car
itself becomes an interconnected sensor,
part of an integrated and intelligent system
able to improve safety and experience
onboard and on the road while helping the
environment. Marelli is focusing on the development of devices and solutions to help
drivers with vehicle control and identification of best routes, to optimize commute
times hence minimizing consumption and
emissions (Eco and Green Navigation). That
includes providing drivers with important
information regarding traffic, parking and
limited access areas, toll payments, and
To this end work still needs
to be done on:
• Identifying ICT solutions
that enable “real time” communication among vehicles
and between vehicles and
infrastructure (road side and
central side);
vehicle behavior and remote diagnostics.
But these systems also give drivers access
to new insurance contract typologies, and
in case of accidents, they can summon
immediate assistance management thanks
to automatic emergency call activation.
Marelli is also working to develop specific
solutions for the logistics and fleet management space. In Italy alone, € 40 billion are
lost due to logistic inefficiencies.
On the subject of tolling systems, many
European governments are proposing regulatory legislation for toll collection based on
real kilometers driven: a solution based on
GSM, GPS and DSRC technologies has been
in use in Germany since 2005; this same
solution was launched in Slovakia at beginning 2010; France is working on an “EcoTaxe”
project for 2012 which targets heavy goods
vehicles, but in some applications it will also
target cars on the basis of km driven.
The objective for the near future is to develop
telematics platforms which are able to
transform the “connected” vehicle into the
“cooperative” vehicle extending its visual
and temporal horizons further taking
advantage of this vehicle-to-vehicle communication capability to implement advanced
solutions in the area of preventive safety.
Solutions developed by Magneti Marelli are
both for the OE and After markets. Strategic
objectives at Marelli include steering clear
of international active initiatives causing
fragmentation to Road Safety and Infomobility, and transforming competition into
competitiveness inside the ITS value chain.
• Sharing and promoting
widespread initiatives in the
various industries: from accident prevention that monitors
driving style for the most
risky subjects (young people
for example) to the dynamic
management of roads and
urban centers for tolling, from the rationalization of driver’s licenses to logistic and
traffic flow improvement;
• Collaborating and sharing communications standards for platforms, both on and
off board, with services vendors so that reliability and efficiency gains can help accelerate growth and adoption.
Magneti Marelli is also part of the Italian
TTS Board (Telematics, Transports and Safety),
active in working groups coordinated by the
Infrastructure and Transportation Ministry
on the ITS Italian Action Plan. Thanks to the
important experience in the sector acquired by collaborating with the main car
makers the company coordinates “The ITS
applications for road safety and transport
security (eCall, applications for preventive
safety, information and reservation services
for safe and secure parking places for trucks
and commercial vehicles)”. <<
The legislative scenario and
related opportunities
Telematics is becoming a native part of
the vehicle given the increase in driver
related legislation such as Rastreador in
South America, eCall in Europe, and 911
in USA. Regulations like these will lead to
a rationalization of on board systems
(both AM and OE) based on key telematics technologies (wireless modules and
tracking systems).
In the international legislative scenario
Brazil is the country currently with the
most advanced regulations. According to
these regulations, by the end of 2011 all
imported or domestically produced vehicles will have to be fitted before sale,
with a telematics device with GPS vehicle
tracking and engine disabling functions
in case of theft.
In Europe the acknowledgment of the ITS
Directive represents a key step in the
evolution of intelligent transportation
systems, as well as the first step to enable
the definition of a coordinated and
shared development strategy for this
sector. Considering the technological aspect, Europe has invested heavily in the
Galileo satellite system and most likely
will push for its usage to EU member
countries. For this reason eCall and Tolling systems could represent important
factors to be taken into account for Galileo’s final deployment.
Because of being actively involved in the
above mentioned opportunities and for
capitalizing on the expertise and experience
amassed over the years,
Magneti Marelli can be
now recognized as leading supplier in the Telematics market.
>> Since 2009 two hot topics in the field
of economics and information technology
(IT) have arisen, named low-carbon economics and the internet of things (IOT).
Although in two different fields, they are
closely related. IOT as a new informational
means facilitates the reduction of energy
consumption, conserving resources by improving efficiencies through smart control
and management systems.
Urgency in developing a low-carbon economy
Low-carbon economics is derived from the
idea of sustainable development. It pivots
on the reduction of high-carbon energy
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions,
through the application of technology
innovation, system innovation, industrial
restructuring, new energy development,
and other means achieving socioeconomic
development as well as ecological and environmental protection in a win-win economic
development pattern.
Embracing low-carbon economics is necessary
if China is to maintain the quality and efficiency of economic growth and sustainable
development. Last year, at the Copenhagen
China Telecom
Facilitates Low-carbon Economy
through the Internet of Things (IOT)
Jin DongBin
Vice Chief
Engineer at
China Telecom
You WuYang
Senior Engineer of
China Telecom
Corporation, Beijing
Research Institute
Conference, the Chinese government promised to reduce emissions of greenhouse
gases and to achieve this objective, new technologies and innovative management are
very important. As one of the representatives
of the telecommunications industry in China,
China Telecom has consistently explored the
role of IOT in low-carbon economics.
Intelligent management improves the efficiency and accuracy of decision-making. It
helps avoid resource waste and cost inefficiencies in the effort to achieve energy savings. For example, intelligent management
is applied to intelligent transportation to
predict traffic flow dynamics using that for
route planning.
IOT plays an important role
IOT promotes low-carbon economics in three
aspects: first by providing access to the digital
and informational material world; second
through the remote control of objects; and
third through intelligent management of the
material world.
Nine fields to achieve low-carbon economy
The main thrust of IOT is the ubiquitous application of IT. Any object at any time and
place can become, under human management, interconnected through internet connectivity and because of this ubiquity,
IOT strongly supports the development of
low-carbon economy.
Through sensors, RFID and other IOT technologies it is possible to gain access to information anytime and anywhere, which greatly
enriches the way people observe the world.
It helps save both manpower and investment
in equipment while improving efficiency.
In addition, with the wide utilization of the
internet and modern communication networks, it is possible to control objects without
geographical boundaries and to reach any
place where there is demand. This includes
the integration and application of interaction
between background computer systems and
front-end digital terminals, telecommunications, and automatic control technology.
Remote control is the subsequent measure
after data collection. Applications in the area
of remote control can be utilized for oil
extraction machines, power facilities, remote
mobile base stations, lighthouses, road infrastructure, agriculture, etc.
Higher application levels of IOT promote the
use of intelligent management wherein the
management process adopts decision support
methods, expert systems, simulations, identification technologies and other technologies
to achieve the features characterizing
intelligent management. Large amounts of
complex data get analyzed and simulated
through cloud computing or software technologies, resulting in intelligent solutions,
automatic control and implementation.
In the future, humanity will be able to effectively manage production while living more
dynamically to develop a low-carbon economy
by applying IOT technologies into fields of
intelligent transportation, smart grid, smart
building, smart home, intelligent environmental protection, intelligent agriculture and
mobile e-commerce.
Field 1
Intelligent transportation
achieving low-carbon traveling
In order to enhance urban transportation systems it is important to apply IOT technologies
in data collection, testing and other relevant
fields. Typical applications in this field include
traffic flow monitoring, electronic toll collection systems (ETC), vehicle monitoring, parking, and vehicle networking.
Traffic flow monitoring can regularly collect
and monitor vehicle speed, distance between
vehicles, and other information in a specific
region, so as to provide accurate real-time
data for controlling traffic signals. Use of an
ETC system can lead to reduction in exhaust
emissions and improves traffic capacity at
crossroads. Intelligent parking management
systems help drivers determine the location
of available parking spaces at their destination in real-time. Vehicle networking is the
information system concept that uses the
vehicle as a network node.
Field 2 Intelligent logistic system
energy saving control
China Telecom has developed a service platform called “Logistics e-Pass”. It utilizes wireless video monitoring, RFID and other IOT
technologies to deliver services including vehicle location, video monitoring, and other
functions which make logistics management
more effective and efficient.
Field 3 Intelligent building
new means of building energy savings
Integration of communication and sensor
control through IOT allow water usage, waste
and sewage discharge and other types of data
to be gathered and transferred to comprehensive application platforms for analysis and
pollution, and radioactive waste. Combined
with 3G, broadband and software technologies, massive data volumes can be transmitted and stored allowing for remote control
and intelligent management.
The “Environmental Protection e-Pass”, developed by China Telecom, has been adopted by
Chinese environmental protection agencies.
Its services include data collection and video
monitoring of sources of pollution, environmental quality, nuclear radiation, and others.
Data monitoring and video surveillance
applications are then integrated to extend
the government’s environmental regulatory
compliance verification capacity.
Field 7
Field 4
Intelligent grid
improving energy efficiency of electricity
China Telecom has launched an “Intelligent
Grid” system based on IOT. It is used for residential remote meter reading, load control at
large power customers, and monitoring of
distribution nodes.
Field 5
Intelligent agriculture
reducing energy consumption in
agricultural production
The application of IOT in agriculture is mainly
focused on greenhouse management, agricultural machinery management, grain storage,
irrigation and, source tracing of agricultural
products, with greenhouse management
being one of the most important applications.
As an important means of attaining highyield agriculture, greenhouse cultivation and
greenhouse farming have flourished unprecedentedly in China. In the process of managing production, greenhouse farmers must
adopt integrated environmental control strategies and understand the state of growth of
their agricultural products. Achieving these
requirements is essential for the creation of
a suitable environment for the industrial
production of highly efficient, high quality,
and low consumption crops.
Field 6
Intelligent environmental protection
improving efficiency of supervision
Intelligent environmental protection monitors
objects in the water, land, and air through
sensing facilities and satellites. Objects
monitored include water sources, air, noise,
isaster prevention and mitigation
reducing loss from disaster
China Telecom and its partners have developed
a geological and flood disaster monitoring and
warning system based on IOT. Remote rainfall
and live water levels at reservoirs and dams are
monitored through both wired and wireless
networks and sensor networks.
By combining meteorological, hydrological
and land information, this system can provide services including value forecasting for
warnings, pre-disaster warning, relief security, and research and analysis after a disaster.
The system is currently being used by the
professional geological hazard monitoring
department of the Ministry of Land and
Resources of China.
Field 8
Green networks
saving energy in the process
of communications
Sensor technologies and cloud computing play
important roles along with other general
methods in constructing of green networks.
Intelligent sensors are built into servers to
track their thermal behavior, optimizing system cooling and improving system efficiency.
Furthermore, cloud computing allows consolidation of computing and storage resources
to greatly reduce the energy consumed by
internet data center (IDC) rooms. For example,
HP has consolidated 85% of its data centers
into six worldwide data centers. With this
initiative, HP’s annual energy savings are
equivalent to the yearly electricity consumption of the entire city of San Francisco.
Field 9
Low-carbon life
energy saving in daily life
In daily life, the application of RFID and
sensor technologies based on IOT can foster
the development of a wide range of low-carbon applications, such as mobile payments,
mobile two-dimensional bar-codes and home
“Mobile m2m Solution” is based on the combination of an RFID chip and the SIM/UIM
card. It breaks the bottleneck where traditional cell phones can only be used for communications, greatly expanding the scope
of their utilization, and turning them into
real internet tools. The Mobile two-dimensional bar-code technology is that where an
electronically generated two-dimensional
bar-code is generated to be used by mobile
phones. Shooting the code with the phone
camera allows the code to be translated into
information, such as the owner, a website, a
price, a sales promotion etc.
The above mentioned are a few typical applications of IOT. As IOT technologies become
more mature and cost efficient, IOT usage
becomes more wide-spread in lives and industry, contributing to further development
of a low-carbon economy. <<
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Towards Internet
Robin Duke-Woolley, CEO Beecham Research Ltd (www.beechamresearch.com)
>> With over 70% of the earth’s surface
under water, and some 44% of the earth’s
land mass uninhabited, there is a lot of
places in the world with no – or very patchy
– cellular coverage. This does not mean
there are no m2m applications there
though – far from it. With our increasing
use of raw materials, need for new energy
sources, transportation to link places that
are inhabited, security needs and even
environmental concerns, there is a rapidly growing range of m2m applications
in such places needing to be
connected. This is the realm
of satellite m2m, which Beecham Research has recently
studied in-depth for the
European Space Agency.
There are two flavors of satellite systems – Fixed Service
Satellites (FSS) and Mobile
Satellite Services (MSS). Both
have m2m connections, but
for very different applica-
tions. Nevertheless, today the key m2m market sectors currently addressed by satellite
represent just a fraction of the terrestrial
(cellular) m2m markets. As of today, the marketing for satellite based m2m activities is
still not very intense among most satellite
operators because they currently put greater
emphasis on their core businesses of voice,
broadcast, data backhaul and Internet traffic.
This behavior results in a more limited market than that where all players were actively
competing in m2m. According to Beecham
Research figures, in total there was an installed base in the region of 2.5 Million m2m
connections linked via satellite worldwide
at end 2010. To put this in a wider context, satellite m2m communication services currently
make up just 0.5 % of the entire revenue for
satellite telecommunication services in 2010.
satellite operators. For example, Globalstar’s
SPOT product range has been very successful
in driving a low cost satellite solution into the
consumer market. On the other hand, Iridium’s recent launch of a smaller form factor
satellite modem has gained a substantial
order book in record time. As a result, growth
in Iridium’s m2m connections base has now
dramatically overtaken growth in its traditional voice connections base. Depending on
the satellite operator, current m2m connections growth rates vary from about 15% per
annum to more than double that. In addition,
all MSS operators are currently changing out
their constellations and as a result will be able
to support faster data rates more cost effectively. These growth rates compare well with
growth in current cellular m2m connections.
So why should this be of interest to the cellular m2m
Firstly, there are similarities
between where satellite m2m
is today and where cellular
m2m was a few years ago:
just entering a faster growth
phase. Due to mass production, global standardization,
intense competition and
broad service portfolios, suppliers of m2m solutions
based on cellular communication have rapidly reduced
costs and form factors for
many applications over the
last few years. Most of these require only
small amounts of data, emphasizing the use
of 2G. Additionally the growing terrestrial
global network coverage has extended the
addressable market. Satellite m2m is of course
potentially a direct competitor to cellular.
Indeed there are growing numbers of cases
where migration from cellular m2m to satellite m2m has occurred, particularly where roaming is involved
with cellular but not with satellite.
This also applies to applications
where only very small packages
of data are required to be transmitted. In most cases, though, the
two are normally considered to
be complementary based on geographic coverage.
At present, growth in satellite m2m
is being driven particularly by initiatives being taken by individual
Secondly, the applications addressed by satellite m2m are a subset of those addressed
by cellular: there is a commonality in the
application set. Satellite m2m connections
are generally focused geographically in areas
with no or poor terrestrial coverage. This is
particularly the case for the maritime sector
and areas with low population. As a consequence, satellite use is of major interest in the
Americas, Asia PAC, Middle East and Africa,
where often there is either no alternative technology available or where alternatives are
weak in coverage and quality of service. However even in Europe, with its dense terrestrial network coverage, there is increasing use
of satellite for m2m applications to infill
where cellular coverage is poor or variable.
In terms of the applications themselves,
satellite m2m is particularly effective in
the transportation and logistics sector, the
utilities, mining and raw material production, and the security sector. Applications
with the largest installed base are: Asset
Monitoring, Metering, Point of Sale,
SCADA, Security/Surveillance and Tracking/
Tracing. This includes an increasing use on
airplanes, for example for direct monitoring
of jet engines while in flight.
Thirdly – and arising from the first two points
– there is now an increasing prospect of cost
effective and practical “Internet Everywhere”
m2m solutions incorporating both cellular
and satellite coming to market over the next
few years. The opportunity is for a completely
integrated solution where an m2m platform
makes the choice of whether to use cellular or
satellite and where tariffs are transparent to
this. If this were to happen, satellite m2m
could truly become a growth opportunity for
cellular m2m as we see much greater use of
m2m overall for applications that need to incorporate the many less intensively inhabited
regions of the world. It offers a way forward
too for providing higher overall quality of
service for connectivity in areas where this is
currently problematic. In many ways this
would also complement the growing benefit
of integrated solutions incorporating both
cellular and short range radio: it completes
the wireless solution.
The next few years promise to be interesting
for cellular and satellite m2m technologies
working together for the benefit of both. <<
What’s driving growth in M2M for 2011 and beyond?
>> When it’s your job to turn people’s
wireless ideas into reality, you get to see
a lot. Innovation in the wireless device
space is picking up as a much broader
community becomes increasingly aware
that connectivity can enable better business and better living. So what trends is
driving growth? I like to look at it from
two perspectives: technology and business trends.
On the technology side, one thing with which
we have been challenged several times as
designers is the miniaturization of finished
products. Thankfully, this has been supported
by the continued miniaturization of key
components including modules and even
SIMs. Nevertheless, it presents unique design
problems particularly when it comes to integrating antennas for mission-critical performance and reliability. For those seeking to
bring small connected products to market,
we highly recommend looking for expert support for antenna design, particularly in light
of the fact that antenna performance is a key
component of required device certifications.
The next trend creating an impact is the continued downward slope of component pricing
across major component categories including
modules, processors and memory. For years,
analysts blamed slower-than-expected growth
in the m2m industry on this very issue. Today,
with costs coming down, we are starting to hit
the sweet spot on bill of materials enabling
attractive pricing on finished products in both
traditional and emerging m2m verticals
including the connected consumer space.
Another trend on the technology side that
we expect to continue through 2011 is an
increased interest in standardization. Though
ABI Research recently stated “m2m markets
will NOT achieve significant standardization
in 2011” (1), they do note that a host of international standards organizations are working
on setting standards with many projects expected to conclude this year. While we agree
there will continue to be some road blocks, we
are seeing increased concern for standardsbased development from the innovators
bringing new m2m products to market and
believe customer-driven demand will press
the industry to overcome objections and
begin adopting these standards.
On the business side, we are seeing a maturing in m2m value propositions and business
models which is leading to improved return
on investment and, as a result, the emergence of new vertical market participation.
Stefan Lindvall,
Markets like healthcare, connected homes
and consumer products are now among the
fastest growing verticals. In turn, related
applications are shining a new light on the
internet of things and driving increased
visibility for m2m communications. Where
the average consumer five years ago was just
beginning to see the possibilities of cellular
data communications, today that connectivity extends beyond their computers and
phones into more and more aspects of their
Ron Westfall of Current Analysis recently
wrote, the potential growth in the m2m
market is now driving, “increased resource
investment and marketing attention of the
major mobile carriers.” (2) Having watched the
carriers take notice and look toward m2m as
a key element of their strategic plans, we
agree with Westfall, while there remains work
to be done, the growing focus from the carriers on m2m can only help drive adoption of
the technology going forward.
Regulatory and legislative concerns are
also driving interest and adoption of m2m
technology. Recent hot topics in the political
world include smart grid and energy management technology, environmental concerns, healthcare and highway safety – all of
which can be addressed to some extent by
implementing m2m technology. As a result,
government funds are becoming available
for m2m projects around the world.
their products and establishing the grounds
for ongoing customer relationships and for
recurring revenues. Healthcare companies
are enhancing patient quality of life. Car
makers and auto insurers are making the
highways safer. And, of course, major technology players are looking to complement
existing portfolios and leverage customer
relationships to expand into this hot new
In addition, the global economic downt urn of
the past few years is forcing even the strongest organizations to seek efficiency wherever
they can find it. What they’re finding is that
wireless technology can save them both time
and money, and in some cases, even open
doors to new service offerings and related
revenue streams.
With m2m technology featuring more prominently in the news and consumer-related
applications becoming more embedded in our
everyday experience, many of the Fortune
500 are standing up and taking notice. Retailers are streamlining their supply chains.
Equipment manufacturers are enhancing
Berg Insight projects the total number of
m2m connections to grow at a rate of 32
percent to reach nearly 300 million by 2015 (3).
iSuppli predicts even faster growth of 52 percent between 2009 and 2014 (4). Beecham
Research expects sales of embedded devices
to exceed $250 billion by next year (5). By any
measure, it’s clear that m2m is poised not
only to grow tremendously, but indeed to
change forever, for the better, the way we live
and work. <<
1) “What’s NOT Going to Happen in 2011,” ABI
Research, December 2010; 2) Westfall, Ron, “m2m
mobile: Will carriers rise to meet m2m ecosystems
challenges?”, Fierce Wireless, November 29, 2010,
http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/m2mmobile-will-carriers-rise-meet-m2m-ecosystemchallenges/2010-11-29; 3) The Global Wireless m2m
Market (3rd Edition), Berg Insight, December 2010;
4) Sideco, Francis, “WWAN m2m Modules: Catalyst
for an Industrial Revolution in the 21st Century,”
iSuppli, Q3 2010; 5) Carrozzo, Mike, “Get Yourself
Connected,” Connected World, July/August 2010.
Connected Development:
Telit Competence Center
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For detailed information about our distributors, please
> where to buy.
S. Croft
A. Fan
M. Wagner
H. Kim
A. Wrobel
G. Rogovsky
J. Gillan
M. Kring
P. Collins
A. Wang
Y. Ferhusoglu
A. Pronin
Telit Global
VP Global Sales
Felix Marchal, Felix.Marchal@ telit.com
Telit EMEA
Carlos Perez Negrete, Carlos.Perez @ telit.com
RSD Nordic and Baltic countries
Mads Kring, Mads.Kring @ telit.com
RSD Italy & Balkans
Nikola Balj, Nikola.Balj@ telit.com
J. Noh
Philip Collins, Philip.Collins @ telit.com
Account Manager
Steve Crofts, Steve.Crofts @ telit.com
Country Sales Manager France and North Africa
Emmanuel Maussion, Emmanuel.Maussion@ telit.com
RSD Russia & CIS
Alexander Pronin, Alexander.Pronin @ telit.com
RSD DACH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
Siegfried Grossmann, Siegfried.Grossmann @ telit.com
VP & GM, Telit North America
Mike Ueland, Mike.Ueland @ telit.com
North America
RSD Southeast
Mark Maresca, Mark.Maresca @ telit.com
RSD West & Canada
Mike Wagner, Mike.Wagner @ telit.com
RSD Midwest
David Barczak, David.Barczak@ telit.com
RSD Northeast & Business Development
John Gillan, John.Gillan @ telit.com
Channel Manager
Jacki Moore, Jacki.Moore @ telit.com
General Manager
Marcos Kinzkowski, Marcos.Kinzkowski@ telit.com
Latin America
Account Manager
Ricardo Simon, Ricardo.Simon @ telit.com
Account Manager
Artur Couto, Artur.Couto @ telit.com
Sales Manager Direct Channel
Anderson Benino, Anderson.Benino @ telit.com
CEO TWS Israel
Gideon Rogovsky, Gideon.Rogovsky @ telit.com
Country Sales Manager, Israel
Shuki Yulzari, Shuki.Yulzari @ telit.com
Account Management
Tomer Lavie, Tomer.Lavie @ telit.com
Account Manager Yinon Raviv, Yinon.Raviv @ telit.com
Telit APAC
T. Lavie
M. Ueland
Nieves Blanco, Nieves.Blanco @ telit.com
C. Perez
M. Kinzkowski
RSD United Kingdom
Pieter Lentz, Pieter.Lentz @ telit.com
Telit Israel
S. Liu
Yavuz Ferhusoglu, Yavuz.Ferhusoglu @ telit.com
Artur Wrobel, Artur.Wrobel@ telit.com
RSD Benelux and Iberia
A . Gulati
S. Yulzari
RSD Turkey, Arab Middle East
RSD Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania)
RSD Africa, Anz and NZ
A. Couto
C. Ming
N. Balj
J. Moore
P. Lentz
R. Bay
R e g ion
A. Benino
R. Simon
Director of Sales Asia
HoSang Kim, HoSang.Kim @ telit.com
Country Sales Manager, India
Ashish Gulati, Ashish.Gulati@ telit.com
Country Sales Manager, Taiwan
Allen Wang, Allen.Wang @ telit.com
Account Sales Manager, S. China (GSM/GPRS)
Sunman Liu, Sunman.Liu @ telit.com
Account Sales Manager, S. China (UMTS/CDMA)
Allan Fan, Allan.Fan @ telit.com
Account Sales Manager, Central China
Chen Ming, Chen.Ming @ telit.com Director of Sales, Korea
Dukjun Koh, Dukjun.Koh@ telit.com
Sr. Sales Manager, Korea
JK Noh, JKNoh@ telit.com
Sr. Sales Manager, Korea
Jihoon Kim, Jihoon.Kim @ telit.com
Key Accounts RSD SEA
Roger Bay, Roger.Bay @ telit.com
H. Kim
M. Maresca
S. Gross
m ann
F. Marchal
E. Maussio
N. Blanco
Y. Raviv
D. Koh
RSD = Regional Sales Director
RSM = Regional Sales Manager
GM = General Manager
VP = Vice President
D. Barczak
Two is better than one
when talking about Customer Focus
Felix Marchal, VP Global Sales
>> With the contribution from arriving
Motorola m2m business, the combined
new Telit will provide the best customer
experience in the m2m industry.
It is now well recognized that for Telit it is all
about the quality of customer satisfaction.
And by using, combining and enhancing the
strengths of both entities, the integration
of the Motorola m2m sales force and channelto-market will undoubtedly provide for the
best buying experience ever. The Motorola
team of greatly skilled and seasoned m2m
experts will not only expand the Telit organization as needed to support the rapid market
growth but will also complement well the
existing knowledge base with market and
product positioning expertise that was always
targeted to be best-in-class.
Another great benefit from this acquisition
is how it allows us to take advantage of the
combined indirect sales network which will
enhance our ability to tackle the high degree
of fragmentation in the m2m market which is
compounded by Telit’s desire to listen equally
to all its customers. Because of this fragmentation and diversified vertical markets,
the new, improved Telit sales channels, both
direct and indirect, become extremely valuable.
Our indirect sales network plays a major role
in Telit’s success with its members truly
regarded as partners. The new combined valueadded distributor network will provide
enhanced national geographic coverage to
maximize customer reach and add technical
expertise on Motorola products and services
that will be integrated to the existing product
portfolio. Since our goal of consistency and
long-term product availability is the keystone
of Telit’s strategy, the newly acquired Motorola
m2m product portfolio will be continued and
support improved from “demand creation”
and “demand fulfillment” perspectives with
the combination of all sales channels. Being
entitled to market the complete product
portfolio, these valuable partners will be able
to provide the right combination of technical
expertise on combined Telit products further
streamlining logistics, enhancing the operation of the supply chain. Now more than ever,
Telit’s indirect network amasses the right mix
of competencies to be a valuable competitive
With Telit’s network of distributors focused
on satisfying the needs of our small and
medium sized customers, our global sales
strategy would not be complete without a
clear focus on servicing our existing and
high-potential large direct accounts within
targeted vertical markets. Customers count
on Telit to provide key value through quality,
continuity of supply, flexibility, extended
support, total cost of ownership, customization, and scalability of m2m architecture.
Additionally, Telit routinely works to address
customers’ needs beyond just the module.
That because our ultimate goal is to be viewed
as a partner and trusted advisor and we do
that by focusing on three pillars of success:
customer satisfaction, innovation leadership,
and industrial greatness.
As a result of being the most focused m2m
player; understanding our customers’ business
models; being able to successfully support
our customers’ business cases; having our
core values in investment protection,
business scalability, ease of integration, and
quality, which are all key to our customers;
having best-in class marketing communications to support and raise our customers’
profiles in the market; and placing customer
satisfaction as our #1 priority; Telit can
provide you, our customer, with the competitive edge you need to succeed in your market
segment and business. <<
Telit Competence
SEVA Engenharia Eletronica SA
Geraldo A. Souza
Coordenador de Software
Phone: +55 31 32 11 10 00
Fax: +55 31 32 11 10 10
IonSign Oy
Kimmo Aho
Managing Director
Phone: +358 40 721 36 88
Fax: +358 2 822 00 98
Wireless Solutions –
Grupo iTech
Douglas Malvar Ribas
Phone: +55 11 33 500 200 R.224
Fax: +55 11 32 250 892
Argentina, Chile,
Paraguay, Uruguay
Electrocomponentes s.a.
Diego Miguel Zanazzo
Vice President
Phone: +54 11 43 75 33 66
Fax: +54 11 43 25 80 76
Connected Development
Spectrum Design Solutions
Stefan Lindvall
Phone: +1 919 349 30 47
Fax: + 1 919 678 14 88
Rod Landers
Phone: +1 612 435 07 96
Fax: +1 612 435 07 36
Delta Mobile Systems
The Morey Corporation
Shawn Cohee
Phone: +1 847 884 67 50 x230
Emad Isaac
Chief Technology Officer
Phone: +1 630 754 22 12
Fax: +1 630 754 23 00
Janus Remote Communication
Dave Jahr
Phone: +1 630 499 21 21
Fax: +1 630 851 50 40
Xirgo Technologies, LLC
Shawn Aleman
Vice President,
Business Development
Phone: +1 805 426 52 43
Fax: +1-805 389 10 23
Thierry Boulissiere
Phone: +33 2 41 83 13 00
Fax: +33 2 41 67 19 20
TES Electronic Solutions
Nick Walker
Sales & Marketing
Phone: +33 (0)1 64 53 14 01
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 32 22 95
Peter Güntzer
Managing Director
Phone: +49 89 67 34 60 61
Fax: +49 89 67 34 60 66
DEM S.r.l.
Ester Pescio
Sales Manager
Phone: +39 010 59 61 21
Fax: +39 010 59 61 234
Services for Electronic
Manufacturing srl
Roberto Zavatti
Senior Design Manager
Phone: +39 039 639 36 24
Fax: +39 039 63 95 015
Skytechnology srl
Ing. Giampaolo Figini
Business Developer
Phone: +39 02 37 05 11 or
+39 02 37 05 12 41
Fax: +39 02 41 56 786
Innovation Center | Faculty of
Electrical Engineering |
University of Belgrade – ICEF
Dejan Živkovic
Sales Manager
Phone: +381 11 33 70 123
Fax: +381 11 33 70 123
DRACO Systems
Meritxell Gimeno
Phone: +34 935 607 010
Fax: +34 935 607 029
Rubico Consulting AB
Nebojsa Matic
Sales Manager
Phone: + 381 11 366 0 600
Fax: + 381 11 366 0 601
Anders Larsson
Phone: +46 70 219 80 57
Fax: +46 920 750 10
A2E Limited
Carl Hudson
Business Development Manager
Phone: +44 15 06 592 359
Fax: +44 15 06 592 230
ConnectM Technology
Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Achutha Jois
Chief Evangelist
Phone: +91 80 41 70 053 1/2/3
Fax: +91 80 41 70 053 1/2/3
The Technology
Partnership plc
Mathew Palmer
Phone: +44 17 62 26 26 26
Fax: +44 17 63 26 15 82
David Ezer
Phone: +972 54 766 57 54
Fax: +972 9 745 45 49
Wireless System
Integration AB
University of Ljubljana
Andrej Stern
Mobile Project Manager
Phone: +386 31 625 892
Fax: +386 1 47 68 732
Jan-Åke Lindqvist
Phone: +46 70 55 54 917
Fax: +46 87 51 40 30
Competence center global
Kyryl Skyba
Managing Director
Phone: +380 50 44 37 456
Fax: +380 44 22 00 202
RFI Global Services Ltd.
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Krause
Phone: +49 20 54 95 19 248
Fax: +49 20 54 95 19 997
Ashish Sikka
Phone: +44 12 56 31 21 08
Fax: +44 12 56 31 20 01
For detailed information about Telit’s
Competence Centers, please visit
 Competence Centers
Technology Evolution
and the Challenges of
LTE Module Integration
Stuart Thomas, RFI Global Services Ltd
>> With the drive towards always-on connectivity and the launch of commercial
LTE networks starting to happen across
the globe, system integrators are now
looking towards LTE modems as the
method of providing wireless high speed
always-on connectivity. With the evolution
of a new technology comes new technological challenges which have always been
there with 2G and 3G technologies but
become more complex with LTE.
The four main areas of concern for system integrators of wireless devices are power supply,
antenna design, USIM interface performance,
and the application software driving the
modem. The most challenging area out of
these four is antenna design and with the
large number of commercial frequency bands
available globally this will present a major
challenge for products entering
the global market as there will
need to be hardware specific configurations for each region and/
or intended market. Figure 1 plots
the number of frequency bands
recognized by 3GPP that are commercially available or planned
networks across the different
# Frequency Bands / Technology Type
With the wide range of operational frequencies specified for
LTE, antenna hardware design
and performance are going to
be major challenges for system
integrators using LTE modules
and selling products in a global
market which is divided in frequency bands.
Figure 1: Graph - the number of frequency bands per technology (January 2011)
BS DL Freq
Commercial LTE Frequency Bands
Figure 2: Frequency Band Allocation (January 2011)
Radiated Spurious Emissions
Over the Air Antenna Performance
Specification (LTE Specific)
3 GPP T S36.124
3 GPP T S37.976
CTIA Over the Air Performance Test Specification
Table 1: Radiated Spurious Emissions and Over the Air Antenna Performance Specifications for LTE
Figure 2 below shows these frequency bands
(as of January 2011).
The two key measurements that are closely
related to the antenna design are Radiated
Spurious Emissions (RSE) and Over the Air
Antenna Performance (Commonly known as
OTA). Both of these characteristics are now
being fully defined by organizations such as
3GPP and CTIA Wireless for LTE. The specific
references are defined in Table 1.
In the area of OTA there are some special considerations to be taken into account with
respect to multiple antenna configurations
and these specifications detail all the requirements for configurations such as SISO, SIMO,
MISO and MIMO. The fact that multiple input
and/or output antenna configurations will be
implemented brings additional challenges in
their implementation such as achieving low
envelope correlation between antennas, while
within a small device, while achieving a large
individual antenna mean effective gain.
Measurement of multiple antenna configurations is going to be critical for successful
deployment of LTE connected devices as they
bring some major advantages, specifically
the increase in the data rate. RFI as a specialist test and consultancy business is rapidly
gearing up to provide these services and
needed assessments enabling successful LTE
device deployments. If you would like to discuss your requirements please contat us at:
contactus@rfi-global.com <<
Global Communication
for a Global Brand
Alexander Bufalino,
VP Global Marketing at
Telit Wireless Solutions
>> The core mission for the Telit Corporate
Communications department is to establish
a strong, reliable brand and implement
targeted communication in support of the
company’s strategy, products, and services.
Communication must create added value –
and this is the credo that Telit follows in
its dialogue with customers, colleagues,
share-holders and partners.
The m2m market is undergoing rapid change
and at the same time communication habits
Funkschau; Germany;
August 8, 2010;
Circulation 40,136;
The future of m2m
Wireless Week; USA;
March 25, 2010;
Circulation 40,000:
Presentation of new
mHealth solution
and structures are changing too. These developments have accelerated recently, especially
in the wake of the economic crisis of 2008 and
2009. Telit needs to take account of these
processes – corporate strategy and communications need to evolve hand in hand.
Strategy and communications hand in hand
Telit responded to the uncertainty in the markets with a cross-media campaign, at the
heart of which were video messages from
Oozi Cats, Telit’s CEO. The take-away from
these messages was that in these stormy
times we are taking personal responsibility
and have a solid strategy that protects the
interests of all our stakeholders. This message
was fully reflected in company actions that
have followed since: Telit has invested more
than ever, bucking the trend, becoming one
of the few technology companies to emerge
from the crisis stronger.
Telit also continued this path in 2010 – with
its strategy fully reflected in its communication. Using targeted campaigns in eight
languages, we have been able to establish
ourselves at the international level as a
strong brand and have successfully affirmed our role as a stable
anchor in the m2m market. After
the USA, Brazil, China, Korea,
Italy, Germany, France, and South
Africa, over the last year we
steadily and successfully expanded our communication reach into
the Eastern European and Russian
platforms. These channels offer us an ideal
opportunity to communicate directly with
consumers of m2m technology and to factor
their requirements and ideas more quickly
and effectively into the development of our
products. You’ll find Telit on all the major
platforms: on Twitter (www.telit.com/twitter),
Facebook (www.telit.com/facebook), XING,
LinkedIn, SlideShare, and YouTube.
Direct dialogue – our rule of
thumb for communication
Selezione di Elettronica; Italy; June 23, 2010;
Telit’s communication maxim is
Circulation 8,558 monthly; Telit modules
“direct dialogue with our stakeholders” – dialogue that is professional, and analysis of the current and future possitrusting and most importantly on an equal bilities of m2m.
footing. Just as with our products, we want
to create added value with our communica- Alongside the more classical measures such
tions: we want to provide an interpretation as articles, interviews and press releases,
framework that facilitates an understanding we are stepping up our use of social media
The value of our brand
In just a few years, Telit became one of the
world’s most well-respected strategic partners for companies that regard m2m as an
important lever for their growth strategy.
This development has been based on technological excellence; first-class service quality;
and a focus on close, trusting, and long-term
collaboration with customers and partners.
Telit and its brand are strong proponents of
these values. <<
Successful Communication
through All Channels
Alexander Bufalino, VP Global Marketing,
Telit Communication PLC and Christopher Intsiful,
Senior Account Manager, Maisberger GmbH
>> “Way to go Telit! Welcome to 2010” –
These were the words of a user who had
a hardware question and asked it via the
Telit_WS Twitter channel receiving an
answer in a proverbial instant. A growing
number of m2m players are using Twitter
to engage us in a direct dialogue. For
Telit, the micro-blogging service is a
central element of its social media strategy.
Therefore Telit not only provides a corporate Twitter channel in English but also
channels in Russian, Taiwanese, and
Twitter has over 175 million users worldwide,
making it increasingly more important
for the B2B sector. In its digital halls, not only
private individuals but also
companies, m2m experts,
researchers and scientists
can act as multipliers, helping
achieve widespread dissemination of messages.
The popularity of Twitter is but one
piece of evidence of the irrefutable
change in the communication landscape.
Until now organizations would disseminate
their news in a one-way direction – just
informing. Thanks to social media platforms
and their new approach the one-way communication has become bidirectional. Users
comment on topics, share their opinions, and
exchange experiences among each other and
the companies. Going forward, to communicate efficiently with potential clients and
partners it will not only be important to take
part in online platforms but also to maintain
the dialogue at eye level. This is a vital prerequisite for organizations to be viewed as
opinion leaders in their industries.
And because it is essential that social media
be fully integrated into the company’s overall
communication activities, Telit is not only
providing its followers on Twitter with the
latest news from the company, but is also
serving up a wealth of in-depth information
about m2m technology, infrastructure, and
industry-specific solutions. By sharing
messages, expertise, and actively getting
involved in discussions, companies can
position themselves as experts and thought
leaders in the m2m space being perceived as
partners by the community. This new way of
communicating has developed so much that
even support enquiries are now being sent
and answered via Twitter. This creates an
additional medium through which Telit
is able to process questions from clients
quickly, interactively, and in a straightforward manner – perfectly in tune with the
company’s philosophy: to provide clients
with first-class support and the best possible
level of assistance through innovative technologies.
Social media as an integral part of corporate communications
The second pillar of Telit’s social media communication strategy are its Facebook presences
in English, Russian, Taiwanese, and Korean.
With over 500 million users, Facebook is
the world’s largest social media community.
Since the majority of these users employ the
platform primarily for personal interests,
Telit is using this channel to explain the
possibilities of m2m in a simple and straightforward manner, from a user’s perspective, placing the
information in easy reach
for a wide range of people.
Telit is also launching surveys on Facebook looking
to detect trends, stimulate
debates, and foster new
idea creation. There are no
limits to the possibilities of
the imagination. The topics range from intelligent
washing machines that
communicate wirelessly to
the European eCall automated car emergency call
system and beyond.
Following suit are the business portals XING
and LinkedIn both of which are quickly
expanding into expressive branches of the
social media network world. LinkedIn especially; with its membership of 75 million
professionals represents a huge potential
for establishing new and highly relevant
business contacts. These business platforms
are top-rate showrooms for the Telit brand.
The aim in working these types of media is
to establish business contacts more easily
and quickly and to reach a pool of highly
skilled individuals inside potential customers who will perceive the Telit brand
in a positive light and be familiar with it
as Telit reaches out and touches them for
the first time through various marketing
and beyond. But in doing this, it is essential to
be aware of regional and cultural differences.
China, for example, is an important geography for Telit and Twitter is not a common
platform there. Instead, the Chinese microblogging service t.sina and t.sohu are the
channels of choice.
Networked channels allow individual users
to benefit from the expertise of the entire
community, even if they are only using one
information channel such as Twitter. The
comprehensive integration of social mediabased communication into the company’s
website is also crucial for its success. The
resulting network enables “fans” and “followers” to learn about the latest products, offers,
and services from Telit. And they are just
a click away from discussing their latest purchases on the social web with like-minded
peers, obtaining advice from m2m experts
or simply asking for support.
Telit has from the start and continues to show
that B2B companies can use social media
channels successfully as long as its use and
application are regarded as part of the overall
communication strategy and are fully integrated into it. Only then will the full gamut of
positive benefits contribute to the company’s
success. <<
Networking of channels is essential
To ensure that the various channels are
successful together, the different media
need to be networked effectively. Together, they form a social media
universe that helps bind
users to Telit and provides
them with specific information across all channels
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Deutsche Telekom launches
international M2M Partner Portal
>> Deutsche Telekom‘s international m2m
Competence Center bundles the activities
and expertise of divisions from many different countries. This allows the company
to work together with partners to offer
comprehensive, innovative solutions around
the world.
Jürgen Hase,
Vice President
M2M Competence Center
The forecasts are clear: Machine-to-Machine
communication (m2m) will boom in the
coming years posting double-digit growth.
In m2m communication, end-user devices
such as industrial robots, vehicles, pacemakers and containers automatically exchange
information with each other or with a central
monitoring office. m2m solutions lead to
new services in many areas of business or
make business processes more efficient. Companies can lower costs, increase
security, or even discover new
uses for their products. New
m2m applications will soon
establish themselves in many
different industries.
The consulting group Detecon estimates that as many as 35 billion
micro controllers are currently
in use throughout the world to
control machines. They are used
in everything from industrial
pumps to coffee machines. Every
year, the tally grows by as much
as 1 billion. And more than 300
million portable multimedia
devices such as game consoles
and digital picture frames are
also sold every year – every fifth
one is already networked using
Internet Protocol. According to
estimates from market research firm Harbor
Research, in 2010 about 500 million devices
will be connected to each other. In the next
five years, the experts expect annual growth
of about 27 percent with the market reaching
about €10.6 billion in 2011.
Telekom: active around the world
With more than 129 million cellular customers
as well as 37 million fixed-line and 16 million
broadband customers, Deutsche Telekom is
one of the leading integrated telecommunications companies in the world. The company
offers fixed-line, cellular, Internet, IPTV products and services for private customers,
as well as information and communications
technology (ICT) solutions for large and
corporate customers. The company has operations in about 50 countries and employs
more than 250,000 around the world. In 2009,
Telekom had revenue of €64.6 billion – and
over half of it came from outside Germany.
One of Telekom‘s goals is to develop and
market new m2m applications together with
partners for the B2B as well as the B2C
markets. In 2010 the company created the
international m2m Competence Center to
bundle and promote m2m activities with
focus on cooperating with internal and
external partners. Telekom m2m specialists
work internationally and support national
divisions in the different countries with the
development of solutions which are viable
internationally. They complement the domestic activities and also support them with
expertise from international projects. All
relevant information is gathered centrally,
processed and made available to all countries’
national divisions. This makes local solutions
and expertise available globally. Companies
working together with the international m2m
Competence Center of Deutsche Telekom also
benefit – on several levels. A central contact
is designated and made available with international responsibility for all coordination
and connections within Telekom. Partners
also gain access to new markets outside their
domestic market and companies that previously focused on a single country can rely
on the center‘s expertise and support for
international expansion projects.
Advantages our partners
Partners profit from Telekom‘s international
experience and can use our expertise to
quickly and successfully complete global
m2m projects. Also Partners have exclusive
access to Telekom’s m2m Partner and Sales
Development. And Telekom also ensures
these companies are in touch with each other.
A solution partner in Telematics can, for
instance, gain access to hardware manufacturers – to our partner Telit, for example.
Together with partners, Telekom‘s international m2m Competence Center can give the
global machine-to-machine business an
additional boost. Customers benefit from a
shorter time-to-market and a broader portfolio of innovative products and solutions.
If you’re interested in a partnership with
Deutsche Telekom’s m2m Competence
Center, please register on our m2m Partner
Portal: www.telekom.com/m2m
Jürgen Hase
Vice President m2m Competence Center
Internet: www.telekom.com/m2m
Wide range of application areas.
Entertainment Electronics
Transport und Logistic
Vehicle Telematic
Telekom‘s aim is to address all
Public Sector
vertical areas of m2m applications:
from logistics and telematics;
energy and commerce; to healthcare,
security, and consumer electronics.
Ind. Automation
M2M Solution
Factory – successful
networking with
Deutsche Telekom
Thomas Pöggel, Telekom Deutschland M2M Sales Development
2.3 million m2m SIM cards in use. In the next
two years, this figure should more than double
to 5 million.
Application-specific m2m solutions
m2m solutions are especially attractive because they create new income sources for
companies while making devices and systems
already in use more reliable and environmentally friendly. There are few standard m2m
solutions – most are developed to meet specific demands, making it vital for the various
components and modules not only to conform to each other but also function together
perfectly. In addition to connectivity through
cellular networks, selection and integration of
the most adequate m2m radio module(s) as
well as the performance of software used in
the devices and the target servers are crucial.
>> To quickly and efficiently develop m2m
solutions for companies with complex
needs, Deutsche Telekom created the
m2m Solution Factory to provide a network for horizontal solution providers.
Machine-to-Machine communication (m2m)
is a small technological revolution that
impacts our lives a little more each day. Intelligent and secure networking through cellular
networks allows machines of every type –
from individual devices to complete systems
– to communicate with each other, and be
monitored and maintained remotely worldwide. The advantages of m2m are becoming
clearer in many aspects of daily life: driving
will become safer, power consumption will
become more transparent and easier to keep
under control and monitoring our health will
be simplified.
Analysts see rapid growth in the m2m market
in the coming years. According to the m2m
Alliance, in Germany there are already
The development of solutions usually takes
several months from the initial idea to the
delivery of a complete application. To quickly
and efficiently develop solutions meeting
complex needs, Deutsche Telekom created
the m2m Solution Factory as a network
of specialized companies spanning a good
portion of the m2m value chain. The network
currently includes Telekom Deutschland
as a complete provider for connectivity,
MATERNA GmbH (software company), and
Telit; plus a number of integration partners.
The network is continuously expanded to
include more qualified partners.
Customer advantages
Companies benefit on a number of levels. Solution Factory m2m solutions can be quickly
and easily implemented since the partners
are experienced, work together and essentially
develop turnkey solutions. The applications
are also market-ready in little time, allowing
companies to quickly step up their optimization efforts. Telekom Deutschland supports
turnkey solutions with a number of highquality products such as the m2m Service
Platform which allows software companies
within the network to directly manage SIM
cards using a software interface. Users can
not only activate, monitor and suspend cards,
they can also view detailed cellular call histories in real-time. This is a special advantage
during service interruptions since the m2m
Service Platform allows customers to quickly
identify where the problem is, eventually
avoiding the costs of an on-site repair visit.
Network software companies can also develop
individual product attributes based on the
m2m Service Platform‘s new functionality, offering unique features for the entire solution
that can then be directly transformed into
benefits for the end-customer. For example: a
construction equipment rental company can
not only use m2m to gather operating information for improved maintenance planning,
it can also keep tabs on the location of its
equipment and temporarily disable it in case
of unauthorized use.
Access to all applications along the value
chain with comprehensive software solutions
The previous example illustrates how the
m2m Service Platform can provide quick and
easy access to all functions available on a cellular network. Customer-specific solutions
developed by the Solution Factory network
can not only monitor the devices themselves
(m2m radio module and the software applications), it can also keep an eye on the network
itself. Customers are no longer saddled with
the cost of building and maintaining individual IT infrastructures. <<
Thomas Pöggel
Internet: www.telekom.com/m2m
is the ONE trusted partner for M2M
Sprint Nextel
>> Open ecosystem, flexible Networks,
and proven Execution
According to ABI Research, over 79 million
m2m devices are expected to be connected in
North America by 2015.* That same year, the
North American cellular m2m connectivity
market is forecast to reach $6.6 billion.** To
help innovators capitalize on this explosive
market and move the m2m industry forward,
Sprint has implemented several very impressive initiatives.
Of greatest significance is Sprint‘s unique,
OPEN-ecosystem approach to helping companies rapidly develop and launch new
m2m devices and applications. Sprint firmly
believes that the key to m2m success hinges
upon open standards, open applications and
devices, and focusing on creative problem
solving. Sprint has launched a number of
innovative devices and m2m solutions, many
of which feature fine Telit modules.
In fact, Sprint is so passionate about this
open philosophy they created a cutting edge
m2m Collaboration Center to give innovators an optimal development environment.
This facility brings together all the players
necessary to launch innovative m2m ideas:
application developers, device manufacturers, distributors, designers, and integrators.
According to Danny Bowman, President of
Sprint‘s Integrated Solutions Group, the goal
is simple. “The Sprint Collaboration Center
is all about bringing the right community
members, and the right expertise to bear
in a roll-up-your-sleeves workshop that‘s
designed to get m2m ideas into market as
quickly as possible.”
companies to meet their individual data
Another major step that Sprint has taken
to advance the m2m industry is the Sprint
Command Center, an online portal that allows businesses to control m2m provisioning,
billing, device and service management – all
from one centralized and secure location.
With Sprint Command Center, businesses can
implement many automated or on-the-fly device management features for a single device
or thousands of devices. Command Center
also offers companies advanced m2m billing
solutions and a range of policy enforcement
tools designed to greatly enhance m2m management control.
Lastly, Sprint provides unrivaled EXECUTION
with more than 10 years’ experience bringing
m2m initiatives to market quickly and successfully. Sprint has a wide portfolio of solutions for a host of devices across a broad range
of industry verticals including healthcare and
wellness, public safety, sustainability, and
connected transportation.
When it comes to the NETWORK, Sprint’s 4G
technology delivers a fast, dependable experience even on a network with millions of users.
Sprint 4G is an asset when it comes to tackling
massive data usage and streaming video. In
addition to bringing the first and ever-expanding 4G network, Sprint offers customers
a dependable CDMA network, which enables
Sprint’s commitment to an open development philosophy, a wide portfolio of networks,
an ecosystem of partners and strength
in bringing m2m products and solutions to
market are just a portion of what makes the
company such an attractive m2m partner. To
learn more about Sprint and get details on
how Sprint is helping companies develop and
deploy tomorrow‘s technology today, visit
sprint.com/m2m. <<
* ABI Research, Dec/2010 ** ABI Research, 08/2010
*** First wireless 4G network from a national carrier.
Sprint 4G is available in over 70 markets and
counting. See sprint.com/4G for details.
Treat Communication
as a Core Product!
>> Most companies would confidently
claim to have their product portfolio
under control, regardless of whether
they provide products or services. We
believe, however, that most companies
don’t know their portfolio at all, which
probably sounds rather odd, but it’s true.
First of all, let’s think about what a product
actually is. People would usually consider
a product to be something a company manufactures, processes, or refines and then goes
on to sell for a profit, thereby contributing to
increase the corporate value. And in this
respect, companies do indeed know their
products quite well. After all, they have sales
teams, product and service management,
key account organizations, and they undertake market research, supply chain analysis,
direct costing and much more. The departments involved in the product portfolio –
research and development, purchasing, production, sales – make up a company’s core
functions. These departments also have the
most members sitting on the board. So, yes,
companies do take their product portfolio
seriously; in fact, there’s nothing a company
takes more seriously than its product portfolio. That is, if you’re looking at a product
from this traditional point of view.
But you can also take another perspective
and consider all that a company generates as
output to be its product. From this perspective, a mechanical engineering company’s
portfolio would include machines, the waste
water generated during the production process and even the apprentices under training.
And, of course, communication. Particularly
communication. It’s an output that no company can avoid.
From product to output
From an economic and sociopolitical perspective, this does indeed make sense and
is reflected in processes and structures – for
instance, when we talk about companies’
financial responsibilities for their CO 2
emissions or when we reward them for
contributing to apprenticeship programs.
And, of course, when communication crises
develop into company crises and pose real
threat to corporate value.
Nowadays, it is essential that companies
focus on their output. Long gone are the days
when customers, employees, partners, NGOs,
governments, the financial community and
the media were only interested in a company’s ‘products’ in the traditional sense. When
it comes to evaluating a company, even in
economic terms, greater importance is now
being attached to its entire output, especially
to its communication.
It is therefore high time that companies
move from product management to output
management. Essentially, this means that
they need to manage all elements of their
output portfolio proactively and professionally and view them as core functions that
drive corporate value.
Dr. Alexander Pschera, Managing
Director of communication consulting
firm Maisberger; Dimitrij Naumov,
Associate Director at Maisberger
A call for a new perspective on
In terms of communication, this has been
something of a rarity until now. This is demonstrated by the role given to communication
in the average organization. According to a
study by the University of Leipzig, Germany’s
leading institution for communication studies,
one in two companies treats communication
as a staff function, meaning that it is not
considered as important as core corporate
functions. As a result, communication is set
apart from the logic of product management.
Communication is mostly seen as support to
the core business, not as an area that directly
contributes to corporate value creation.
However, it is hardly surprising that, in largely
saturated and highly competitive markets
characterized by a high degree of service
complexity, a company has to sell stories
and interpretations along with traditional
products, if it is to convince stakeholders.
But that’s not to say that we can point the
finger at chief product officers or chief sales
officers. In fact, PR departments are equally
responsible for the situation companies find
themselves in presently – because even in
PR, people are only slowly realizing that communication has to be viewed as a product.
Communication markets become more
and more competitive
So what exactly do these insights mean
for corporate communication? First and
foremost, it is vital to subject the PR
department’s products – stories, messages,
patterns of interpretation – to a process
of professional product management. These
forms of communication have to be designed, engineered, checked for quality and
tested. They require target group-oriented
planning and robust budgeting. They need
a market price and their success has to be
measured. Is the product selling? Or is it
not doing so well? A company’s communication products also require effective and
efficient key account management. After
all, they are addressing a wide range of
large or strategically important ‘accounts’.
The competition that companies and organizations presently face is becoming increasingly more global and intense. And,
thanks to the Web 2.0, this competition is
now characterized by unique transparency
and mobility factors, present in markets for
goods, services, as well as communication.
So far, only a few companies have evolved
the traditional product orientation into this
next stage: companies that have gone on to
built a strong sociopolitical and therefore
economic position as a result of professionally managing their entire output and in
particular their communication. It would
be very negligent indeed not to follow their
example. So let’s start treating communication as a core product! <<
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