Veterinary Practice Act Legislative Changes Sent to Governor for


Veterinary Practice Act Legislative Changes Sent to Governor for
• A Publication of the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association •
Veterinary Practice Act Legislative Changes
Sent to Governor for Signature
enate Bill 316 has passed through the Indiana General
Assembly and is currently on its way to Governor
Mitch Daniels for signature in the next 14 days. This
legislation the culmination of the year-long effors of the IVMA
Practice Act Task Force and the Legislative Committee.
If signed by the Governor, the bill would become law in
Indiana on July 1, 2008. Among the changes to the law would
include the following:
Look for more information in the months
ahead as these proposals become law. The
IVMA will keep you updated and informed
on the new laws that will help improve
delivery of veterinary services to, and provide
safeguards for, the animal-owning citizens
of Indiana.
• The bill defines direct and indirect supervision of veterinary
• It updates the definition of the practice of veterinary medicine
in Indiana.
• The language clarifies the veterinarian-client-patient
• The bill defines veterinary assistant.
• The legislation adds a registered veterinary technician to the
Indiana Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
• The bill establishes the veterinary investigative fund that
could be used by the licensing board to investigate the
non-licensed practice of veterinary medicine.
• The bill clarifies the role of veterinarians in writing 3rd party
requested prescriptions including providing the veterinarian
the right to refuse to write the prescription if the veterinarian
feels the prescription is inappropriate.
• Veterinary medical records laws were clarified and the new
law will also make veterinary medical records confidential.
• Veterinarians would receive immunity from retaliatory
litigation for reporting animal cruelty in Indiana.
• This bill would make practicing veterinary medicine without
a license or acting as a veterinary technician without proper
registration a Class A misdemeanor instead of a Class B
Volume 40 • No. 2 • March 2008
In This Issue of Your
Hoosier Veterinarian:
President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
IVMA Board of Directors Sets Direction for
2008 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
IVMA Board of Directors for 2008. . . . . . . . . . . 4
IVMA Annual Meeting Another Huge
Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–7
IVTA Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
IVMA Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Scholarships and Fundraising Keep Indiana
Animal Health Foundation Busy . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IVMA Committees and Committee Chairs
for 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
BOAH Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Did You Know? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Available for Relief Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–15
In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Names in the News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Auxiliary News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
201 South Capitol Avenue, Suite 405
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225
(317) 974-0888
(317) 974-0985 fax
(800) 270-0747
Executive Director
Lisa A. Perius
The Hoosier Veterinarian is the
official publication of the Indiana
Veterinary Medical Association and
is published six times a year.
IVMA Board of Directors
Dr. Tony Rumschlag
President Elect
Dr. Pete Bill
Vice President
Dr. Steve Sunbury
Immediate Past President
Dr. Bill Somerville
Dr. Ross Clayton
AVMA Delegate
Dr. John Schnarr
AVMA Alternate Delegate
Dr. Bill Humphrey
District I
Dr. Greg Keeker
District II
Dr. Mimi Arighi
District III
Dr. Lance Huffer
District IV
Dr. Paul Clemente
District V
Dr. Dan Quinlan
District VI
Jared Christensen, Purdue
District VII
Dr. Otis Patrick
District VIII
Dr. John Feutz
District IX
Dr. Paul Stahly
District X
Dr. Jeff Logue
District XI
Dr. Phil Borst (Board Chairman)
District XII
Dr. Jennifer Strasser
District XIII
Dr. Larry Stauffer
District XIV
Dr. Roger Beam
District XV
Dr. Amy Lanum
President’s Message
Power of “One”. This
was a phrase used by Dr.
Debbye Turner during
the Friday afternoon
General Session of the
124th IVMA Annual
Meeting. She was
referring to the need
for all veterinarians
in the state to be
Dr. Tony Rumschlag
communicating a similar
message to newspaper and TV reporters;
but the idea really caught my attention in
a broader sense.
Obviously, the IVMA is made up of many
members representing veterinary medicine in
many different facets. Whether you are a
retired practitioner, a new graduate, large
animal focused, companion animal focused, or
anywhere in between, we have one common
thread. We are all veterinarians with all of the
responsibilities that go along with that
designation. Upon graduating, we took an
oath that went something like this:
Being admitted to the profession of veterinary
medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific
knowledge and skills for the benefit of society
through the protection of animal health, the relief
of animal suffering, the conservation of animal
resources, the promotion of public health, and
the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously,
with dignity, and in keeping with the principles
of veterinary medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual
improvement of my professional knowledge and
competence. (Veterinarian’s Oath as reaffirmed
by the AVMA Executive Board during its
April 2004 meeting)
So what is my point with all of this? We
all have a common purpose that binds us and
connects us. There are a lot of issues and
changes in the world that are having an impact
on veterinarians. Some of these issues turn
out to be marvelous opportunities, while
others might inhibit our profession. It’s
important that as a profession we are aligned.
The many individual voices within the IVMA
have tremendously greater impact when
combined to form one voice; “the power of one”.
There are many examples of where this
power is occurring every day in functions of
the IVMA. It’s often repeated that an
Association is only as good as the people
involved. We are privileged to work with one
of the best Executive Directors (the best, if
you ask me) in the profession, as well as a
great staff and numerous volunteers. Our
Board of Directors is very committed to
managing the various issues we are faced with
and serving as a conduit of opinion and
feedback between the IVMA and the
members across the state.
Recently, we have wrestled with a sorely
needed update to our Indiana Veterinary
2 • March 2008
Practice Act. As mentioned in a letter sent out
to you in January, this Act hasn’t been
modified in over 25 years. A group of
veterinarians and registered veterinary
technicians from around the state invested
hours reviewing our current Practice Act,
researching examples from other states, and
the AVMA Model Practice Act. This active
group proposed changes to better exemplify
current veterinary medical practices. This was
not an easy task, and there were plenty of
bumps in the road, but in the end, this task
force developed a document which was
accepted by the IVMA Board of Directors
and is currently making its way through the
legislature. This would not have been
successful were it not for the willingness of
those involved to volunteer their time, energy,
expertise and willingness to focus on the need
to reach common ground for the benefit of all
Indiana veterinarians.
Yet another area of tremendous work and
effort by members of our Association was
another successful IVMA Annual Meeting,
once again held in downtown Indianapolis. A
number of years ago the challenge was
initiated to develop the “best little state
veterinary conference” in the nation. Our
meeting continues to improve year after year.
I had the opportunity to also attend the
North American Veterinary Conference and
the Western Veterinary Conference as well
this year. Our continuing education offering
was smaller but was every bit the same
quality as these large national conferences.
You should thank both our Annual Meeting
and Continuing Education Committees for
exceptional work.
Where do we go from here? There will be
many opportunities for involvement this year.
If you aren’t yet involved with the IVMA,
volunteer a bit of time or energy. Attend and
assist your local District meetings. If you have
ideas or see opportunities that may benefit
the association, talk with us about them. If
you know a veterinarian who isn’t a member
of the Association or your District, invite
them to attend; encourage them to join. We
are a grand profession and deserve to be
proud of what we offer the animals and
public of the state. We need to be a resource
for information regarding animal health and
welfare. We need to support each other. We
are many individuals, but we truly can
coalesce into the power of one!
I look forward to serving as your president
this year. Please contact me if you have
suggestions or thoughts about the IVMA,
or if you want to get involved!
My email is
Tony Rumschlag, D.V.M.
IVMA President
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
3 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
IVMA Board of Directors Sets Direction for 2008 Activities
The IVMA Board of Directors met on March 7–8,
2008, to establish goals for the Indiana Veterinary
Medical Association for the next 12 months. The twoday meeting led the Board of Directors to determine
four goals and two ongoing goals for the coming year.
Action items and timelines were established for each
goal. Progress for each goal will be monitored at board
meetings throughout the year. The four approved
goals of the Board of Directors, in order, are:
1. Improve/implement Communications Plan and
implement issues information delivery to IVMA
2. Assist IVMA members with veterinary staff issues
3. Assess and expand continuing education offerings
4. Develop industry partnership program
The two ongoing goals for the IVMA this year
include participating in government/legislative
activities and working to make the IVMA districts
stronger. An IVMA District Task Force has been
assembled to review these issues.
Look for more information on these items in future
issues of the newsletter and via email and fax blasts.
If you have any questions about these goals, or any
other important issues, don’t hesitate to contact your
board representative. Their contact information is
listed below.
Dr. Tony Rumschlag
Dr. Pete Bill
Vice President
Dr. Steve Sunbury
Dr. Ross Clayton
Immediate Past Pres.
Dr. Bill Somerville
District 1
Dr. Greg Keeker
District 2
Dr. Mimi Arighi
District 3
Dr. Lance Huffer
District 4
Dr. Paul Clemente
District 5
Dr. Dan Quinlan
District 6 -student
Jared Christensen
District 6 -student
Michael Mann
District 7
Dr. Otis Patrick
District 8
Dr John Feutz
District 9
Dr. Paul Stahly
District 10
Dr. Jeff Logue
District 11-Bd. Chair
Dr. Philip Borst
District 12-publichealth
Dr. Jennifer Strasser
District 13-swine
Dr. Larry Stauffer
District 14-equine
Dr. Roger Beam
District 15-bovine
Dr. Amy Lanum
4 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
opics ranging from clinical pharmacology to soft tissue surgery to public
health marked a small sample of the wide-ranging continuing education
offered at the 124th IVMA Annual Meeting, January 25–27, 2008, at the
Marriott Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Over 1300 veterinarians, registered
veterinary technicians, veterinary staff, exhibitors, auxiliary, veterinary and
veterinary technicians students, and speakers attended the annual meeting.
The IVMA Membership Luncheon was held on Saturday, January 26, 2008,
and was generously sponsored by Butler Animal Health Supply. Dr. Bill Somerville,
Clinton, IN, was honored as the outgoing president of the IVMA and Dr.Tony
Rumschlag, Noblesville, was installed as the IVMA president for 2008.
Dr. Larry Stauffer of Delphi, IN, was recognized as the Veterinarian of the Year.
The Veterinarian of the Year Award recognizes an Indiana veterinarian who has
worked tirelessly on behalf of organized veterinary medicine for many years, and
who has been an asset to their community. Dr. Stauffer is a 1967 graduate of the
Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. After spending one and a half
years in New York, he moved to Delphi where he has practiced veterinary
medicine for the last 40 years. He has been active in his local community in
church activities and the school board. In organized veterinary medicine, he has
served in every office at the local district level. He currently serves on the IVMA
Board of Directors representing the swine district.
Dr. Otis Patrick of Cloverdale, IN, received the President’s Award from IVMA
President Dr. Bill Somerville. Dr. Patrick is a 1961 graduate of Michigan State
University and still practices full time in Cloverdale. Dr. Patrick has mentored
veterinary students over the years and has been a long time advocate of organized
veterinary medicine. He currently sits on the IVMA Board of Directors
representing the 7th district.
All attendees were treated to the keynote address of Dr. Debbye Turner,
Miss America 1990 and a veterinarian. Her address to attendees was engaging,
inspiring, interesting and motivating. She encouraged all in the room to make a
difference in promoting veterinary medicine. Her appearance was sponsored by
Lilly. The Mardi Gras evening, generously sponsored by Novartis Animal Health,
was again a very enjoyable evening for all attendees.
The Shelter Medicine Forum for the Public was held on Sunday and was
sponsored by Schering-Plough. During the Forum, the Animal Welfare Committee
presented the Guardian Award to Jane Bernard of LaPorte, IN for her work with
the LaPorte County Animal Care and Control. She was nominated by Dr. Lisa
Booth and the award was sponsored by Nestle-Purina. The Companion Animal
of the Year Award was presented to “Spirit”. Spirit was a ‘spokes dog’ for a
program called “Say Yes to Dreams and Gifts”. Spirit lost his battle with cancer
last fall, but his faithful owner, Cindy Schultz of New Albany, IN, was present
to accept the award for Spirit. Hill’s Pet Nutrition sponsored this award.
Continued on page 6
IN 2009!
6-8, 2009
Marriott East
7202 E. 21st Street
on the east side of
5 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Continued from page 5
The IVMA and the Indiana Animal Health Foundation
distributed $7000 in scholarship money to Indiana
residents who are veterinary school students at
Purdue. Those recognized included:
The IVMA Annual Meeting would not be a success
without the valued participation of our partnership
sponsors. Please be sure to thank these companies and
their representatives when you see them:
Novartis Animal Health
Schering Plough
Midwest Veterinary Supply
Butler Animal Health Supply
Hill’s Pet Nutrition
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Columbus Serum Company
Indiana Animal Health Foundation scholars:
Stacie Haak – 3rd year student from Zionsville, IN
Sara Rudwell – 3rd year student from Lafayette, IN
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association scholars:
Rachel Easton – 3rd year from Valparaiso, IN
Andrea Flanagan – 3rd year from West Lafayette, IN
Laurie Harris – 4th year from Greenfield, IN
Miguel Ortiz – 3rd year from West Lafayette, IN
Christa Paxson – 4th year from West Lafayette, IN
Next year’s meeting will be held from February 6–8,
2009, at a NEW LOCATION. The 125th IVMA
Annual Meeting will be held at the Indianapolis Marriott
on the east side of Indianapolis at I-70 and Shadeland
Avenue. It will be a great venue for our meeting and
will include easy access, a lot of meeting space and
complimentary parking. Plans are well under way for
this meeting. Mark you calendar and plan to attend!
Dr. Otis Patrick (right)
receives the President’s
Award from Dr. Somerville.
IVMA Officers for 2008
Dr. Bill Somerville
(left) is awarded
the President’s Plaque
for his service to the
IVMA in 2007.
Dr. Tony Rumschlag
made the presentation.
Dr. Larry Stauffer (right)
receives recognition as the
Veterinarian of the
Year from the IVMA
6 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Jane Bernard
(right) receives
the Guardian
Award from the
Animal Welfare
Kelley Ferguson
from Nestle
Purina (left)
Ms. Bernard.
Dr. Carol Ecker (center) presented the students’
scholarships on behalf of the IVMA and the
Indiana Animal Health Foundation.
Cindy Schultz (center) poses with Dr. Bill Hesse
of New Albany and Dr. Jodi Lovejoy of the
Animal Welfare Committee after “Spirit “ was
recognized as the Companion Animal of the Year.
Dr. Tony Rumschlag
with Lilly welcomes
Dr. Debbye Turner
to the IVMA Annual
luncheon was well
attended. Thanks
to Butler Animal
Health Supply for
sponsoring the
IVMA past presidents gather for
breakfast at the annual meeting and
visit with each other!
Novartis representatives distribute mardi gras
gifts to those attending the President’s Casino
Night at the IVMA Annual Meeting.
7 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
IVTA Update
It’s been a very busy past couple of months. The
Spring IVMA/IVTA meeting was a terrific success with
well over 200 veterinary technicians, veterinary technician
students and veterinary assistants in attendance this
year. Thanks to the IVMA, and especially Lisa Perius,
for all of your assistance in planning and organizing this
annual event.
Brenda Johnson, IVTA President, led the IVTA
Business Meeting and Luncheon. Topics of discussion
included an update on the Veterinary Practice Act
in the legislative process and announcement of the
regional CE meeting in Columbus, IN later this spring.
Brenda also announced the IVTA will be setting up
an account with Face Book or MySpace in an effort to
enhance membership involvement. Members should
stay tuned to the current discussion forum, for further information.
The highlight of the IVTA Business Luncheon was to
announce the recipient of the 2007 Indiana Veterinary
Technician of the Year, Susan Cutter-Pedigo. Susan is
currently residing and working in Madison, IN for
Dr. Ivan Rimstidt and well deserves this recognition.
Susan has been an active member of the IVTA since
graduating from the Purdue VT Program and has served
as Recorder, President-Elect, President, and Past President
and is currently serving as District Representative. She
has been instrumental in organizing a series of regional
CE meetings in Columbus and Evansville and was
recently a member of the Veterinary Practice Act Task
Force. Dr. Rimstidt nominated Susan, praising her
qualifications and value to his practice. Clients and
co-workers contributed letters of support as did several
members of the Purdue faculty. We are proud to
recognized Susan for all she has done for the IVTA
and the veterinary profession. We deeply appreciate
Dr. Rimstidt’s time and efforts to nominate this very
worthy award recipient.
The IVTA is planning one regional CE meeting,
“By Techs, for Techs” in Columbus, IN on April 5.
The program and registration materials can be found
on our website:
The IVTA is in the midst of its 2008 membership
drive and welcomes all veterinary technicians as well
as assistants to join our Association. Our membership
totaled nearly 250 in 2007 and we would like to see
continued growth. Members receive quarterly electronic
newsletters throughout the year as well as notification
of upcoming CE events such as the Purdue Fall
Conference which will be held Sept 17-19, 2008.
Veterinary employees who are not registered by the
state are invited to join the IVTA as Associate Members.
For a member application, contact the IVTA
Kay E. Knox, BS, RVT
IVTA Executive Secretary
IVMA Web Page
Do you want to log into the members’ only section of the IVMA web page? You can by using your
first and last name (with no space in between) as the user ID and IVMA as the password. It will
then prompt you to select your own password. Once you are logged in, you can edit your own
profile and find other important information. If you have difficulties logging in, e-mail
for more information.
8 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
You can advertise an image,
but you must earn a reputation…
Spring is upon us, and as nature once again begins its growing process,
we at Pet Rest want you to know that we will continue to grow the
same way we always have — by earning your ongoing trust each and
every day of the year.
9 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Indiana Animal Health Foundation Update
Scholarships and Fundraising Keep Indiana
Animal Health Foundation Busy
The Indiana Animal Health Foundation Board of
Directors has been busy with fundraising efforts for
the Foundation in recent months. The Board has
conducted a raffle to raise funds, a silent auction was
held at the annual meeting, and a golf outing is
scheduled for May. The Foundation has also submitted
a request for an animal health license plate to the
Bureau of Motor Vehicles. This will be reviewed by
the Bureau later this spring.
The Foundation board award 2 – $1000
scholarships to veterinary students at the Purdue
University School of Veterinary Medicine during the
IVMA Membership Luncheon on January 26, 2008.
The students are very grateful for this support. One
of them sent a thank you note, on behalf of all the
students, and she wrote, in part:
“We are deeply grateful for the participation of Indiana
veterinarians in making the scholarship program possible;
each scholarship helps to defray the cost of education,
both at school and in the various conferences we attend
as students. As the junior students are a couple of months
from beginning their chaotic senior year and I am nearly
bearing the title of licensed DVM, the success of the
IVMA/IAHF scholarships created by the compassion and
hard work of Indiana veterinarians is reflected in our
own success in the journey toward entering the profession.
Again, thank you to everybody who has worked so hard
over the past years in making this program a reality.”
To continue to raise these important funds, the
IAHF will hold its annual golf outing on Wednesday,
May 21, 2008, at the Chippendale Golf Course in
Kokomo, Indiana. A registration form is included with
this newsletter. Make plans to participate!
IVMA Committees and Committee Chairs for 2008
If you are interested in participating in one of the committees listed below, please contact the
IVMA office or the chairperson listed below. We would love to have your valued participation!
Animal Welfare – Dr. Ed Cummins
Annual Meeting – Dr. Jim Weisman
Audit and Budget – Dr. Bill Somerville
Bylaws, Policies & Procedures – Dr. Rob Jackman
Continuing Education – Dr. Kristi Graham
Disaster Preparedness and Public Health – Dr. Maryann Ash
Executive – Dr. Tony Rumschlag
Heath and Wellness – Dr. John Schnarr
Leadership Development – Dr. Jim Weisman
Legislative – Dr. Phil Borst
Membership – Dr. Matt Lemmons
Mentoring – Dr. Joy Ritz
Peer Review & Ethics – Dr. Glenn Pullen
Public Relations – Dr. Lorraine Corriveau
Strategic Planning- Dr. Pete Bill
10 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Ladies and Gentlemen…
Introducing Radiocat Indiana!
Located Within:
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Indianapolis, IN 46250
The Leader in the Treatment of Feline Hyperthyroidism
• A one shot deal…one injection of
Radioiodine (I-131) is all it takes!
• Over 23,000 cats treated
• Greater than 98% success rate
• Typically 3 days of hospitalization
11 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
BOARD OF ANIMAL HEALTH UPDATE by Dr. Bret Marsh, State Veterinarian
The recent events at at the Hallmark/Westland
Meat Packing Company of Chino, Calif. involving
inhumane treatment of cattle presented for slaughter
serve as a reminder to everyone associated with
animal agriculture that humane handling of animals
is a fundamental responsibility of the industry.
The inspectors of Indiana’s Meat and Poultry
Inspection program, a division of the Indiana State
Board of Animal Health (BOAH), are trained to
recognize, and report and act upon inhumane handling
techniques and practices. BOAH inspectors must take
immediate action and suspend inspection in any
facility where egregious violations are observed,
prohibiting the facility’s operations until the problem
is corrected.
Inspectors constantly assess slaughter facilities to
ensure the ante-mortem pens are in good condition
for accommodating incoming animals safely. Water
must be available at all times in the holding pens and
those animals housed longer than 24 hours must have
access to feed and have adequate room to lie down.
As animals are presented for slaughter, the inspector
visually evaluates each animal to make an ante-mortem
determination if it appears healthy and normal. The
inspector, who is present for the slaughter process,
then re-evaluates the animal post-mortem as an
internal check for normal appearance of the carcass.
Any condition that is out-of-the-ordinary warrants a
call to the central BOAH office to request a disposition
by a veterinarian on staff.
Animals that cannot stand or walk on their own
(also called “downers”) are considered non-ambulatory
and are not eligible for slaughter in an inspected plant.
Indiana law goes a step further to prohibit the
marketing of non-ambulatory livestock at any type of
licensed market or sale barn—even when not going
directly to slaughter. This has been in effect for more
than a decade—well before a permanent federal ban
on the practice was adopted. BOAH has worked to
communicate to producers that these animals must be
handled on the farm—slaughter at a state-inspected
facility is not an approved form of euthanasia.
Animals that become non-ambulatory once they
have been off-loaded at a slaughter facility must be
rendered unconscious by stunning before efforts are
made to move them in a suitable way. Moving animals
by mechanical means, such as forklifts, is not
considered humane.
Indiana’s Meat and Poultry Inspection program staff
strive to ensure all state-inspected facilities adhere to
state and federal requirements that contribute to a
safe and wholesome food supply.
The Hallmark/Westland recall situation is one that
we never want to experience here in Indiana. While
the meat involved in the record-setting recall is not
considered an eminent food safety threat to the
public, it does illustrate the importance of food
processors complying with state and federal laws that
minimize risk to our meat supply. That is why the
state meat and poultry inspection program is so
important. Our inspectors work daily in more than
130 facilities statewide to ensure that the supply of
locally produced meat and meat products here in
Indiana meets the highest standards.
Questions about humane handling of animals at
slaughter and market facilities may be directed to
BOAH at Anyone—farmer,
veterinarian, plant worker or otherwise—is encouraged
to report any inhumane handling in these facilities to
BOAH immediately.
Did You Know?
The US Citizenship and Immigration
Services has revised its Form I-9,
Employment Eligibility Verification.
Completing and keeping an I-9 Form
on file is required of all employers who
hire a new employee. The revised form
has eliminated some of the documents
which can be used to verify citizenship.
The new form and an I-9 employer
handbook can be downloaded at or you can call
12 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Available for Relief Practice
Dr. Kimberly A. Cline, PU ’89
618 E. Arch Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone 317/964-0065
Small Animal
Licensed: IN
Dr. Scott Emch, PU ’89
10654 Pine Bluff Dr.
Fishers, IN 46038
Phone: 317/913-9359
Small Animal
Dr. Nancy Shafer, PU ’85
3220 Old U.S. 20 West
Elkhart, IN 46514
Phone: 574/294-1274
Cell: 574/370-0574
Small Animal
Licensed: IN
Kim Lawson, BS,R.V.T.
227 Holiday Lane
Greentown, IN 46936
Phone: 765/628-7033
Relief Technologist
Licensed: IN
Dr. Lani L. Gilliam, PU ’83
445 Charlie Dr.
Noblesville, IN 46062
Phone: 317/770-1005
Small Animal
Licensed: IN
Dr. Shannon Kiley, PU ’91
8335 N. Central Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Phone: 317/479-1656
Small Animal
Licensed: IN
Dr. Mary A. Michalak, PU ’89
51638 Bowood Ct.
Granger, IN 46530
Phone: 574/277-8370
Small Animal/Avian
Dr. Harold M. Okone
Box 540 Ogden Dunes
Portage, IN 46368
Phone: 219/763-1702
Small Animal
Licensed: IN
Dr. Carolyn Vandewiele, PU ’87
732 Whitethorn Place
Bloomington, IN 47403
Phone: 812/320-9920
Small Animal
Licensed: IN, MI
Dr. Ward Phillips, UGA ‘96
6848 S. 310 E.
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
765/376-4808 or
Available after 12/31/05
Dr. Sarah Thompson Tieman, PU ‘91 Small Animal, Bovine,
881 Meadow Court
Small Ruminant
Mooresville, IN 46158
Phone: 317/834-4977
Dr. Nicholas Pappas
Small Animal
Nicholas Consulting and
Licensed: IN
Veterinary Relief, Inc.
Primarily Northwest Indiana,
Dr. Herman Victor Felger, PU ‘78
Chicago and suburbs
Phone: 765/348-8531
(will consider other areas)
Small Animal and Equine
219/663-6260 or 219/508-0266
Licensed: IN
Dr. Gregory Magnusson, SK ‘00
Dr. Ed Barnett, PU ‘98
521 Burnett Court
420 S. Byerly Rd.
Carmel, IN 46032
Freedom, IN 47431
Small Animal/Equine
Small Animal
Within 75 mile radius of Spencer
Licensed: IN
Licensed: IN, KY, VA
Paul Rennekamp, PU ‘03
728 Linden Dr.
Seymour, IN 46274
Phone: 812/523-3280
Cell: 812/569-3424
Small and Mixed Practice
Licensed: IN
Dr. Alexis K. Wallace, AU CVM, ‘90
Lanesville, IN
Cell: 812/987-5661
Licensed: IN, KY
Small Animal, equine,
some ruminant experience
Dr. Ruth Landau, PU ‘00
613 Rahkewood Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46217
Phone: 317/440-9423
Fax: 317/786-8016
Small Animal
Licensed: IN
Dr. Susan Dixon
1438 Scots Lane
New Haven, IN 45774
Phone: 260/450-2546
Veterinary Relief Service
Dr. Bianca N. Zenor, PU ‘01
Center Grove Relief Veterinary
Service, P.C.
1794 Windward Dr.
Greenwood, IN 46143
Phone: 317/885-8427
Cell: 317/407-8707
Small Animal
Licensed: IN
Shelly Mullen, DVM, PU ‘01
11231 East Wolf Ln.
Indianapolis, IN 46229
Phone: 317/891-6429
Small Animal Practice
Licensed: IN
H. Melinda Poole, DVM,
P.O. Box 463
Greenfield, IN 46140
Phone: 317/292-1708
Licensed: IN
Dr. Lara Morey, TX ‘02
Shelbyville, KY 40065
Phone: 317/937-6567
Small Animal
Licensed: IN, KY
Frequently the IVMA office is asked for the names of veterinarians interested in relief work.
If you would like your name included on our list of relief veterinarians, please furnish the
following information below (please print clearly) and send to:
IVMA — (Fax) 317/974-0985 or (email)
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Vet School and year graduated: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ______________________
Phone Number(s): _______________________________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
State(s) where licensed: __________________________________________________________________________________
Type of practice preferred (SA, LA, Mixed, etc.): ______________________________________________________________
13 • March 2008
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Classified Ads
To submit a classified ad to be included in the
Hoosier Veterinarian, please fax, E-mail, or
mail your ad to the IVMA office by the
deadline date to be included in the next issue
of the newsletter. Ads are $55 each. A bill will
be sent to you after the ad is run.
Veterinarian needed for established small
animal practice in western Kentucky. This
practice has a lot of potential for growth with
the right person in the position. We have a
well-equipped practice in a nearly new
spacious facility. Our modern, computerized
practice offers general medicine, surgery,
radiography, blood machines, radio surgery,
boarding and grooming. There is an
emergency clinic just across the Ohio River in
Evansville, IN that can take calls after hours
and holidays. This would be a great
opportunity for an experienced veterinarian or
the new graduate! Very competitive
salary/benefits. Check out our website at: Contact Dr. Tim
Cottingham at the Animal Hospital,
Henderson, KY 46420, 270/826.5060 or
270/835.9115 (hm) or email at
Type of practice: The Animal Emergency Clinic
is a fast-paced after-hours emergency and
critical care practice for small animals.
Location: Mishawaka, Indiana. Mishawaka
offers big city benefits with a small town
atmosphere and boasts one of the best cost
of living ratios in the US.
Responsibilities: Emergency veterinarians are
responsible for handling incoming patients as
well as directing multiple technicians and
support personnel while following the
procedures and policies of the practice.
Equipment: The facility is fully equipped with
diagnostics including ultrasound with doppler,
high frequency x-ray machine, endoscopy,
EKG, and oximetry. The in-house laboratory
includes an Idexx chemistry analyzer, QBC
and electrolytes and snap tests. We train our
doctors to deliver the best in veterinary
medicine, and get paid for it!
Salary and Benefits: Competitive salary,
insurance, continuing education allowance,
dues for local and national associations.
Excellent schedule with 4 days per week off!
Responsibilities: You will be responsible for
triage, patient monitoring, surgical assisting,
computer invoicing, telephone answering,
laboratory tests, IV catheter placement,
administering treatments, and general patient
care. Full-time hours are preferred; however,
part-time will be considered.
Benefits: These include paid vacation time,
personal days, uniform allowance, simple IRA,
CE and discounted pet care.
Contact person: Dr. Carl Watters
Address: 2324 Grape Rd,
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Phone: 800/547-9099
Fax: 574/259-3290
Unique opportunity to break into industry.
Position offers competitive salary and excellent
benefits, as well as relocation assistance.
COMPANY PROFILE: Well established
contract research organization which provides
research and development resources to
leading pharmaceutical, medical device, and
biotechnology companies.
POSITION PROFILE: Manage facility’s animal
health program located in Southwest Indiana.
veterinary care for facility research animals •
Conduct animal model surgery • Train and
supervise technical personnel • Manage
USDA and USFDA records of animal use and
controlled substances • Perform
electrocardiogram recording and ophthalmic
examinations • Communicate with staff,
management, and clients
QUALIFICATIONS: • DVM degree from an
AVMA-accredited college of veterinary
medicine • License to practice veterinary
medicine • Institutional laboratory animal
experience a plus.
Please direct your resume in confidence to:
Sara M. Jull
Kelly Scientific Resources
Direct Hire Recruiter/M.S. Organic Chemistry
317/577-0979 ext. 211
Progressive small animal hospital on the
beautiful shores of Lake Michigan desires an
experienced pet care veterinarian who prefers
full or partial ownership within 1–2 years. 700 k
practice, with very low or no costs of
ownership. We are a resort community—1
hour from Chicago and 30 minutes from
South Bend, IN. We are surrounded by
vineyards, wineries, and multitude of beaches,
lakes and rivers. Please email or mail application to
P.O. Box 874, Saint Joseph, MI 49085
14 • March 2008
The Saint John Animal Clinic in Saint John, IN
is looking for a friendly and caring part time or
full time veterinarian. We are a 3.5–4
veterinarian practice in a growing community.
( We practice high quality
medicine and have a great rapport with our
clients and staff. We have two registered
technicians and three in-training through the
distance learning. A new graduate would be
given lots of mentoring and help. Everyone in
our clinic family works well together and we
have a lot of fun at work. We take lots of time
with client education and counseling.
Competitive salary, health insurance, pension
plan, CE, and year end profit sharing bonus.
On site lab, ultrasound, dental equipment,
isoflurane and new anesthetic monitoring
equipment. Emergency clinic used for after
hours. Please contact Dr. Lisa Preston
8661 Wicker Ave., Saint John, IN 46373,
Become a member of our busy, 2-doctor,
small animal hospital located on the east side
of Indianapolis. This established practice is
well-equipped including in-house lab, dental
radiography, pulse ox, ECG, MedRx Otic
Video system, and more. Well-developed
medical and surgical skills, as well as an
ability and willingness to work independently
preferred. Our unique hours and long-term
support staff make this an excellent working
experience. The position offers competitive
salary commensurate with experience,
benefits, CE allowance, vacation, and more.
Please send resume to Dr. Charles Schnepf,
East Side Animal Hospital; 5996
Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN
46218 or fax resume to 317/547-3542.
Contact name: Charles Schnepf.
Rockville Road Animal Hospital has a full-time
position available for RVT. We stress quality
care and compassion and promote a friendly,
positive work environment. We are located on
the west side of Indianapolis and see small
animals exclusively. Discounts for pet health
care and retirement benefits are available. For
further information, please call Mary Miazga,
DVM or Bryan Hilgert, DVM at 317/271-2200
or fax a resume to 317/271-3621.
Growing, South Bend, Indiana AAHA practice
seeks experienced DVM with strong interest in
internal medicine and advanced diagnostics;
color Doppler echo, endoscopy, slit lamp
microscopy, in house lab, cytology cultures,
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
etc. Production based pay with guaranteed
base; negotiable benefits could include
medical and dental insurance, SIMPLE IRA,
disability, CE allowance, malpractice
insurance, etc. 30–38 hours a week, no after
hours or weekend emergencies. We have a
stable, well-educated, enthusiastic support
team who work in our participatory
management structure, which has been in
place for over 20 years. Our facility was built in
2002 and won the Veterinary Economics
Design Competition Merit Award in 2003.
We respect your personal and family goals
and help you to achieve them along with
our practice goals. Email to, or fax us at
574/259-8755, attention Dr. Neuhoff. Visit us
on the web at
Full Time Associate needed for small animal
clinic on Indianapolis West side; established in
1982. Three doctors with 25+ combined years
in the practice. Busy practice, highly skilled
support staff (many long term of 7–10+
years), high quality medicine and surgery.
After-hours emergencies referred. Major
renovation and addition in 2004—seven total
exam rooms. Competitive salary and benefits,
commensurate with experience. Please send
resume to: Eagle Creek Animal Clinic, 7307
West 38th St., Indianapolis, IN 46254 Email: (preferred). Website: Fax: 317/291-5897.
Ft. Wayne, IN – St. Joe Center Veterinary
Hospital. Full-time associate veterinarian
needed (ideally, although part-time will also be
considered) for a 3-doctor AAHA accredited
small animal practice located in Fort Wayne,
IN. High-quality practice with an excellent
technical support staff in a new facility. We are
adjacent to a 24-hour emergency/referral
center. Please contact Dr. Bill Chastain, St. Joe
Center Veterinary Hospital, 6358 St. Joe
Center Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46835; phone
260/485-1602, fax 260/485-0116.
Busy eight veterinarian practice in Northwest
Indiana (close to Chicago) seeks an
associate. Full or part time availability.
Experienced or new graduate welcome. Brand
new 15,000 (+) square foot facility with great
staff (including 5 RVT’s), multiple ‘toys’
(including digital X-ray, ultrasound, etc.) and a
variety of benefits for full time employees
(401K, Profit Sharing, Insurance, etc.). Please
e-mail or
fax reply to 219/942-6933.
Wanted for AAHA certified veterinary hospital
in near southeast suburb of Chicago. We are
2 miles from the Indiana border, 8 miles from
I-57/94 intersection, 1.5 miles east off Sibley
Blvd. Exit I-94, 2 miles from I-294/94N
Chicago exit, or 5 miles north off I-294
Torrence Ave. exit. We are interested in
individuals with the following qualifications:
• Experience working in veterinary facility
preferred but willing to train the right
• Must have very good communication
skills—verbal and written, and proper
telephone etiquette
• Must enjoy working with people and animals
• Knowledge of basic medical terminology
and clinical skills
• Basic computer and typing skills a plus
• Must be a team player and work well with
• Duties include clinical and management
• 2-part-time positions or 1-full-time position
• Competitive salary and benefits based on
experience level and hire status—full vs
Contact or send resume to: Dr. Marva F.
Davis, Sibley Animal Hospital, 1020 Sibley
Blvd., Calumet City, IL 708/862-2440 or
773/410-3447. Please do not fax your resume.
In Memoriam
Small animal practice in rural town, Walkerton,
Indiana, 30 minutes fro South Bend, 1 hour
from Chicago, North-West Indiana. Building on
two lots. Modern, up to date facility with recent
remods. Business is computerized. Loyal
client base. Facility includes, two exam rooms
(x-ray room), pharmacy, surgery room, large
waiting room, kennel room suitable for
boarding and meets hospital needs. Ample
room for groomer. Large animal potential.
Owner will aid if necessary, with financial
assistance. Call Dr. Christensen 574/586-3611.
Dr. Larry K. Davis, PU ’63
IVMA Member
Danville, IN
Died January 13, 2008
Dr. Art Neuenschwander, OSU ’62
IVMA Member
Ossian, IN
Died February 11, 2008
15 • March 2008
Names in the News
Dr. Richard A. Goebel,
PU ’68
Received the Distinguished
Alumnus Award at the
Purdue Fall Conference.
Dr. Eli K. Asem,
Budapest ’80
Received the 2007 Alumni Faculty
Award for Excellence.
This was awarded
at the Purdue Fall Conference.
Dr. William Blevins,
PU ’68
Received the Raymond E. Plue
Outstanding Teacher Award during
the Purdue Fall Conference.
Dr. Scott Thompson,
PU ’00
Of Sheridan, IN, received one of
six 2007 Distinguished Purdue
Animal Sciences Alumni Awards
given last fall at Purdue.
Dr. Sandy Amass,
PU ’93
Was the recipient of the
2008 AASV Meritorious Service
Award during the recent swine
veterinarians meeting
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
Auxiliary News
The IVMA Annual meeting has come and gone and spring is just around
the corner. The annual IVMA Auxiliary business meeting and brunch was
held on January 26th at the Indianapolis Marriott Hotel during the 2008
IVMA Convention. Suzy Jones installed the following officers for the
upcoming year:
• President–Debby Hildebrandt, New Palestine
• Vice-President–Amelia Flores, Indianapolis
• Secretary–Beth Meyer, Decatur
• Treasurer–Fred Norman, Indianapolis
• Membership–Mary Jane Scamahorn, Greencastle
• Parliamentarian–Linda Miller, Indianapolis
• Advisor–Elaine Somerville, Hillsdale
A review of the IVMA Auxiliary projects and accomplishments for
2007 are as follows:
• $500 Veterinary Technician Scholarship
• “Two” $200 Purdue Student Awards
• $100 Purdue RVT Award
• $50 Science Education Fund of Indiana-Science Fair Award
• $50 4-H Veterinary Award
The Auxiliary received a Silver Certificate of Achievement at the AVMA
National Convention. Many thanks to Barbara Schnarr for heading up
Market Place. Mary Jane Scamahorn, Elaine Somerville and Barbara
Schnarr were our Market Place of States Participants and our National
Convention Voting Delegates.
Since there was a tie for the Purdue Student Award, the Auxiliary
decided not to split the award but to go ahead and give the full award to
both recipients. Because the recipients were very grateful to receive these
awards the Auxiliary decided to continue giving two Purdue Student
Awards and to increase each award to $250. The Auxiliary also decided to
pledge $300 towards the “Boiler Vet. Camp”. This is the first year of the
camp and it is the only camp of its kind in Indiana. Boiler Vet. Camp gives
want-to-be vets the chance to live out their dreams. This camp is designed
for students who are serious about becoming veterinarians and provides a
preview into the real and vast fields of Veterinary Medicine. In the years to
come the IVMA Auxiliary would like to increase the number of awards
given to Veterinary and RVT students. This can only happen if you, a spouse,
child, or parent of an IVMA member join the Auxiliary. Joining our
organization does not necessarily require a time commitment on your part,
but it does give the Auxiliary the funds to increase awards to hard working
students in the veterinary field. It is not too late for you to send in your
$25 dues for 2008. Yes!! We are asking each and everyone of you to
support the organization that supports Veterinary Medicine. Dues can be
sent to IVMA Auxiliary, 201 S. Capital Avenue, Ste. 405, Indianapolis, IN
A special thank you goes out to Barbara Schnarr and Beth Meyer for all
the time and effort they put into the IVMA Auxiliary brunch. Our featured
speaker was Veronica Hirsch, Director of the Native American Cultural
Center at Purdue University. The brunch was delicious and we were all
content to take home the great table decorations for our own enjoyment.
In closing, I would like to remind you to support National Pet Week
during the week of May 4–10, 2008. The AVMA Auxiliary has a variety of
materials that can be used to reach out into your community and create
greater public awareness on behalf of veterinary medicine.
As your new president I am looking forward to representing the IVMA
Auxiliary during 2008. Thank you for your confidence and support.
Debby Hildebrandt
IVMA Auxiliary President
Published Bi-Monthly by
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 405
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225
Printed on Recycled Paper
16 • March 2008
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Noblesville, IN
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